2011 People's Choice Awards - NOVI NEWS

Page created by Jamie Moss
2011 People's Choice Awards - NOVI NEWS
 TIMES                                                                                               NOVI


                          Peo p le ’s
                          C ho ic e
                          Aw  ar  d  s
SOUTH LYON                                                                                   RECORD

   Supplement to the Milford Times, Northville Record, Novi News & South Lyon Herald • www.hometownlife.com
2011 People's Choice Awards - NOVI NEWS

                                    HIGHLAND TWP., MI (248) 887-9200


2011 People's Choice Awards - NOVI NEWS
Peoples Choice
                                     Awards 2011
                     Welcome to the 2011 Peoples Choice Awards.                                                                                                                                                     ®
                       We invite you to come on in and see how the people…
                     meaning you…voted.
                       Sit back and read about your local community now and
                     then go out and see for yourself. From the best burger to the
                     best hair salon, these are the favorite spots of your friends and
                       The votes came from our readers of the Milford Times,
                     Northville Record, Novi News and South Lyon Herald.
                     Readers were invited to write in their choices, in a number of
                     categories, the results were then tabulated and published in
                     this annual special section.
                       While you’re out and about… tell those business owners
                     “congratulations”, they are winners – just like you will be by
                     patronizing them. They are the backbone of your community.
                       Be sure to check back in August when we bring you the stories
                            behind the winners.

                          What's Inside...
                          4           The Best of Novi
                          7           Novi News • 2011 Awards
                          9           The Best of Northville
                          10          Northville Record • 2011 Awards
                          15          The Best of South Lyon & Lyon Township
                          18          South Lyon Herald • 2011 Awards
                          25          The Best of Huron Valley — Milford • Highland

                                                                                                                                                                                            59          00                          “Thank you
                          27          Milford Times • 2011 Awards                                                                                                                       $                                 to our clients and the readers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for voting us the best massage
                                                           Advertisers Index                                                                                                                                                       place in Novi.

                                                                                                                                                                                               u te
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           We appreciate your support,

                                                                                                                                                                                       - m i n
3-R Pools, Inc. ......................................16   Heinsight Optical...................................30       Pat's Field of Flowers............................20

                                                                                                                                                                                    55                                      and will continue to offer
After The Rain .......................................26   Hines Park Ford ....................................21       Perfect Floors .......................................16
Age With Grace .....................................30     Huron Valley State Bank........................30            Pet Supplies Plus ..................................29
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the very best in massage

Allstate Insurance .................................16     Kramer Inc. .............................................4   Phillips Funeral Home ...........................24
Allstate Insurance - Bruce Faber ............6             Lake Area Management..........................2              Pizza Cutter...........................................14
Ameriprise Financial ...............................5      Larson Jewerly Design............................5           Real Estate One - Kathy Solan ................8
Bifano Eyecare......................................23     Law Office of Jack W. Bolling ...............26              RE/MAX Dream Properties ...................12
Brenda W. Smith & Co PC CPA..............19                Le George Mediterranean Bistro ...........12                 South Lyon Cell City..............................19
Brown's Root Beer & Sandwich Shop ...19                    Lyon Veterinary Clinic ...........................24         South Lyon Collision..............................16
Building Blocks Pre School ...................27           Main Street Art .....................................31      South Lyon Cycle ..................................21
Carls Family YMCA................................26        Marketplace Pet Supplies .....................23             South Lyon Motors................................24
                                                                                                                                                                                                         nts only.
                                                                                                                                                                                          First time clie er promotion.
Carmack Appliance...............................18         Martins Hardware .................................23         South Lyon Orthodontics.......................20

                                                                                                                                                                                                  h any oth
Changing Image ....................................21      Mayfair Realty - Abe Ayob ....................24             South Lyon Resale Shoppe ...................18
Country Acres Market ...........................21         Meadowbrook Art Center........................4              South Lyon Village Bakery ....................24            Not valid wit for details.
Davis Auto Care ....................................11     Medical Clinic Northville .......................11          Spillane & Reynolds Orthodontics...........5                           Ask                                47220 Ten Mile Rd.
Diane M. Pitak, D.D.S. ..........................19        Milford Barbers .....................................31      Sunny Pointe Child Care Center ............14
Divine Yoga and Massage .....................20            Milford Dental Care...............................31         Telcom Credit Union................................6                                               (Located in the Briarpoint Plaza
Dr. Larry Kaplan....................................23
Driven Technology.................................20
                                                           Milford Pharmacy..................................26
                                                           Miner's Barbershop ..............................18
                                                                                                                        Tirami Su Ristorante Italiano.................11
                                                                                                                        Total Dimension ....................................27
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               next to CVS)
Elements Therapeutic Massage..............3                Norms Total Auto ..................................23        Total Health Chiropractic ......................26
Fountain Park..........................................6   Northville Collision ................................14      Tuffy Auto Service Centers ...................29
Health For Life Chiropractic ..................12          One Salon .............................................32    Wildwind Equestrian Center..................17
HealthStyles..........................................20   Orin Jewelers........................................13                                                                                NOW ACCEPTING PIP INSURANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         20 1 1 PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS •   3
2011 People's Choice Awards - NOVI NEWS
The Best of Novi
                                                                                 Advertising Feature

                      The City of Novi prides itself         Novi News readers have voted       chose Shiro for sushi, Ah Wok for       Crafters for best eye care and
                   on excellent schools, quality public    again this year in our annual        Asian cuisine, Border Cantina for       Spillane & Reynolds for best
                   services, safe neighborhoods, pres-     People’s Choice Awards.              Mexican and Athenian for Greek.         orthodontist.
                   ervation of natural features, solid                                             Bar Louie took three best of            Bally’s won best health club,
                   property values and continued           Where to dine                        titles, best martinis, best after       Elements for best massage and
                   development. More than 35 busi-            Readers recommend Panera          work meeting place and best beer        Elite Dance Academy for best
                   nesses based in Japan and at least      for best-baked goods, Maria’s        selection in a restaurant. M Bar        dance studio. Dick’s Sporting
                   14 businesses based in Germany          Bakery for best deli and best des-   Go won for best dance venue.            Goods won best sporting goods.
                   call Novi home in the United            serts, Biggby for best coffee and       Bento’s was voted best pizza,           Readers chose Telecom for
                   States.                                 Athenian tied with Breakfast         Leo’s Coney Island was voted best       best bank, Brenda W. Smith for
                      Novi and its surrounding com-        Club for best breakfast.             hot dogs/coneys, and Subway was         best accountant, while Smith &
                   munities have much to offer, with          Maisano’s won for best Italian    voted best subs. Best wine selec-       Associates won for best financial
                   several well known shopping cen-        restaurant. Wendy’s is this year’s   tion in a restaurant was a three        services, Real Estate One for
                   ters that draw in residents from all    best fast food restaurant, Panera    way tie with Andiamo’s, Chop            best real estate company, Jamey
                   over Michigan.                          is the best place for soup and Red   House and Olive Garden.                 Kramer for best real estate agent,
                      A robust business community is       Robin is the best place for salad       Novi Fine Wine and Vintage           Telcom for best mortgage and
                   a large part of what makes Novi         and best family restaurant.          Wine Shoppe will share the win-         Allstate for best insurance agent.
                   attractive to shoppers, new resi-          Library Pub also took two         ners’ best title for best wine selec-      There is no shortage of esteemed
                   dents and new businesses.               awards: best burgers and best        tion in a store, while Novi Party       auto sales and services in Novi.
                      Newer developments, including        sports bar. The Melting Pot was      Shop was voted best beer selection      Suburban Collection won best
                   Twelve Mile Crossing at Fountain        voted best place for a romantic      in a store.                             auto dealer and also won best auto
                   Walk, Suburban Collection               dinner, Outback Steak House                                                  service and Valvoline for best oil
                   Showplace and Twelve Oaks Mall          was the choice for best steaks.      Around town                             change, Harold’s won best col-
                   are major destinations for shop-           Several restaurants offering         With expansive boundaries, cul-      lision, Belle Tire won best tire
                   ping, dining and entertainment.         ethnic fare made the cut. Readers    tural diversity and loads of small      and $2.00 Car Wash won best car
                                                                                                business, Novi has lots to offer its    wash.
                                                                                                residents.                                 Expert home improving and
                Thank you for Voting me Novi’s                                                     Readers vote New 2 You best          décor businesses are located right
              Best Realtor for 3 Consecutive Years                                              consignment store, One Salon            in town. Readers recommend
                                                                                                for best salon and DMC for best         both Pellagata and Rock Shoppe
                                                                                                nail salon, Palms for best tanning      for best landscaping, Dinsers for
                  # 1 Agent RE/MAX Classic Novi                                                 salon, Larson Jewelry Design best       best flower shop and Glenda’s
                                                                                                jewelry and Novi Veterinary for         for best garden center, Singh for
                     Top 1% of ALL Home Sales                                                   best veterinary service. O’Brien        best custom homebuilder and
                        in Oakland County                                                       Sullivan won best funeral home.         Meadowbrook Art for best fram-
                                                                                                   Voted best in medical and            ing. Fountain Park was voted best
                                                                                                health care services were Dr.           apartment complex.
                                                                                                Lisa Elconin and Dr. Wehbe                 World of Travel was voted best
                                                                                                tied for best physician, Dr. Peter      travel services, and Blockbuster
                                                                                                Maly, DDS for best dentist, Lens        was voted best video rental.

                                      Specializing in ALL
                                    Residential Real E state
                                     Including Short Sales
     www.JameyKramer.com                                      Jamey Kramer
                                                                   Associate Broker
     RE / MAX Classic                                          Direct: 248.348.7200
     26870 Beck Road, N ovi MI 48374                      Jamey@ JameyKramer.com
                           Each Office Independently Owned & Operated              8738431

2011 People's Choice Awards - NOVI NEWS
“ T hank
    h a n k you
            y o u aga
                  a g a in
                        i n for
                            f o r vvoting
                                    o t i n g us
                                              us                                                        We
                                                                                                        W e are
                                                                                                             a r e grateful
                                                                                                                    g r a t e f u l tto
                                                                                                                                      o our
B e s t Jeweler
        J e w e l e r in
                      in Novi,
                         N o v i,
     our ccontinued
           ontinue d ssupport
                        u ppor t                                          Over
                                                                          O    ver                      n
                                                                                                          eighbors w     who h o nominated
isis greatly
     grea tly appreciated!”
              a p pr e c i a t e d ! ”                             3322 Years
                                                                        Ye a rs                         u
                                                                                                        uss for
                                                                                                            f o r this
                                                                                                                  t h i s honor
Brian Larson, G.G. GIA
Owner, Jeweler,
Graduate Gemologist
                                                                  Ex p e r i e n c e
    C u s t o m Design
                D e s i g n Pieces
                            Pieces                      PPandora
                                                           a n d o ra Jewelry
                                                                      Je w e l r y                                 Best
    Diamonds                                            FFresh
                                                           resh W
                                                                  a t e r & Cultured
                                                                            C u l t u r e d PPearls
                                                                                              ear ls
      n ga ge m e n t & W
                          e d d i n g Rings
                                      Rings             O
                                                           n s i t e JJewelry
                                                                       e w e l r y RRepair
    G e m Stones
          Stones                                        W
                                                           a t c h Repair
                                                                   R e p a i r & Replacement
                                                                                 Replacement                                                                                                                                                      Amy and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tom Smith
      ra c e l e t s , EEarrings
                         a r r i n g s & PPendants
                                           endants      RRing
                                                           i n g SSizing
                                                                                                       At Smith & Associates we work proactively to help you manage your
      a r ge W
               a t c h Selection
                       Selection                        FFree
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                                                                         Novi, MI 48375                         A financial advisory practice of
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                                                                       Larsonjewelry.com               *Brokerage, investment and financial advisory services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. Some
                                   248-347-4653                                                        products and services may not be available in all jurisdictions or to all clients. Ameriprise Financial cannot guarantee results. The initial consultation
                                                                                                       provides an overview of financial planning concepts. You will not receive written analysis and/or recommendations.

 Thank you for putting a smile on our faces! Once again, you have voted us Best Orthodontist!
As a token of our appreciation, any new patient starting treatment before June 15, 2011 is welcome to choose
Damon Clear braces--the first totally clear braces that never discolor--at no additional charge ($300 value).
Thank you!

                                                                                                                                         All models are wearing the amazingly
                                                                                                                                             beautiful Damon Clear breaces.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                         20 1 1 PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS •           5
2011 People's Choice Awards - NOVI NEWS
3 Time Winner
                                                           42101 Fountain Park Dr. N.
                                           2011                 Novi, MI 48375
                                    Thank you again for   FountainParkApartments.com
                                      voting us Best
                                    Apartment Complex

2011 People's Choice Awards - NOVI NEWS
Novi News • 2011 Awards
  Best Baked Goods                                                                                          Best Sports Bar
       Panera                                                                                                Library Pub

     Best Coffee                                                                                             Best Dancing
      Biggby                                                                                                  M Bar Go

 Best Breakfast (Tie)                                                                                       Best Physician
      Athenian                                                                                             Dr. Lisa Elconin
  Breakfast Club                                                                                              Dr. Wehbe

    Best Steaks                                                                                          Best Insurance Agency
Outback Steak House                                                                                             Allstate

     Best Deli                                                                                                Best Bank
   Maria’s Bakery                                                                                             Telecom
                         (From left) Lawrence M. Spillane, D.D.S., M.S. and James B. Reynolds,
                         D.D.S., M.S. They were voted Novi's Best Orthodontists.
   Best Fast Food                                                                                       Best Congsignment Store
     Wendy’s                                                                                                  New 2 You

Best Family Restaurant          Best Sushi Restaurant            Best Wine Selection in a Store (tie)       Best Eye Care
      Red Robin                        Shiro                             Novi Fine Wine                     Lens Crafters
                                                                      Vintage Wine Shoppe
      Best Soup                 Best Italian Restaurant                                                   Best Funeral Home
       Panera                         Maisano’s                 Best Wine Selection in a Restaurant        O’Brien Sullivan
                                                                           (3-way Tie)
     Best Salad                 Best Asian Restaurant                     Chop House                          Best Salon
     Red Robin                        Ah Wok                              Olive Garden                        One Salon

    Best Burgers               Best Mexican Restaurant             Best Beer Selection in a Store           Best Nail Salon
    Library Pub                    Border Cantina                        Novi Party Shop                         DMC

Best Hot Dogs/Coneys            Best Greek Restaurant            Best Beer Selection in a Restaurant      Best Tanning Salon
 Leo’s Coney Island                   Athenian                               Bar Louie                          Palms

      Best Subs                       Best Pizza                       Best Romantic Dinner                Best Jewelry Store
       Subway                          Benitos                           The Melting Pot                Larson Jewelry Design

    Best Desserts                    Best Martini                     Best After Work Meeting             Best Real Estate Co.
   Maria’s Bakery                     Bar Louie                              Bar Louie                     Real Estate One
                                                                                                                     Awards continue on page 8

                                                                                                                 20 1 1 PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS •   7
2011 People's Choice Awards - NOVI NEWS
Novi News     •  2011
        Continued from page 7
            Best Real Estate Agent                        Best Oil Change
               Jamie Kramer                                 Valvoline

                  Best Mortgage                            Best Collision
                     Telcom                                  Harold’s

          Best Apartment Complex                             Best Tire
               Fountain Park                                 Belle Tire

         Best Accountant                              Best Veterinary Service
Brenda W. Smith And Company P.C.                         Novi Veterinary

              Best Auto Dealer                             Best Travel
            Suburban Collection                           World of Travel

                Best Auto Service                           Best Video
               Surban Collection                           Blockbuster
                                                                                            Amy & Tom Smith of Smith & Associates won People's Choice Award in
                                                                                            the "Best Financial" category for the Novi area.

                                                                                                  Best Landscaping (Tie)                 Best Orthodontist
                                                                                                        Pellagata                      Spillane & Reynolds
      T he R ea lEs ta te One N ovioffice would like to tha nk                                        Rock Shoppe
      everyone foronce a ga in voting us yourfa vorite rea l              2009
                                                                          2010                                                              Best Dentist
      es ta te office.W e a re thrilled with this d is tinction.                                     Best Health Club                  Dr. Peter Maly, DDS
      W e s trid ently work to epitom ize the bes t in s ervice
      a nd perform a nce to both buyers a nd s ellers a like.It                                                                            Best Singh
      ha s been ourcons is tent goa la nd we a re extrem ely                                          Best Car Wash                   Custom Home Builder
      gra tefulto ha ve been recognized by the public a s ha ving lived up to                        $2.00 Car Wash
      tha t goa la nd prom is e.
                                                                                                                                          Best Framing
                                                                                                     Best Flower Shop                   Meadowbrook Art
      L ook forournews pa pera nnouncem ent - in the very nea rfuture - of                               Dinsers
      ournew a d d res s a nd loca tion.At tha t tim e,we’llbe inviting you to
      com e a nd s ee us a t ournew hom e.W e look forwa rd to vis iting with                                                          Best Financial Service
      you then.T ha nks a ga in forthis honora nd yourconfid ence in us !!                          Best Garden Center                 Smith & Associates
      W e willcontinue to work ha rd to keep it.                                                         Glenda’s
                                                                                                                                          Best Massage
                                                                                                    Best Dance Studio                       Elements
     Real Estate One, Inc.                                                                        Elite Dance Academy
         43155 Main Street, Suite 2300
           248-348-6430 Novi, MI 48375                                                                                                 Best Sporting Goods
                                                                                                                                      Dicks Sporting Goods
                               Kathy Solan, Manager


2011 People's Choice Awards - NOVI NEWS
Advertising Feature

      Best of Northville
   A walk through down-          Joseph’s Coney Island            Rusty Bucket for best bar-        services were also voted
town Northville boasts of        for best breakfast and Fox       becue ribs.                       upon. Planet Fitness
old fashioned street lamps,      Hills Country Club for best        Katie at Riffles won for        won best fitness center,
benches, specialty shops,        Sunday brunch.                   best waitress.                    Urban Optiques won
galleries, theaters, restau-       Riffles Homestyle                Good Time party store           best eye care, CVS won
rants, businesses and pre-       Restaurant won best family       was voted best party store        best pharmacy, Dr. Ross
served landmarks.                dining, Northville Sports        and best beer and wine            Summers- Medical
   The city retains a small-     Den won best sports bar.         selections in a store. Hiller’s   Clinic of Northville won
town atmosphere with state-      Wendy's for the best fast        was voted best grocery store.     best physician, Dr. Ryan
ly Victorian-era architecture    food.                                                              Cooper – Health for
in its Historic District and       Readers chose Subway           Local offerings                   Life Chiropractic won
well-kept older homes built      for best subs, Zoup for best       Readers voted in several        best chiropractor and Dr.
before the 1930s.                soup, Joseph’s Coney Island      categories on the area’s best     William Demray, DDS
   Throughout Northville         for best hot dogs/coneys and     financial services.               – Preservation Dental won
Township, signs of the           Rocky’s of Northville for          Comerica won best bank,         best dentist.
community’s rural heri-          best seafood. Busch’s Fresh      ReMax Dream Properties              Readers’ favorite clothing
tage still exist, including      Food Market was voted for        won best real estate com-         stores includes The Moon
rambling farmhouses on           the best salad bar.              pany, Cindy Sopko –               & Me for best children’s
unpaved roads, traditional         Guernsey Dairy Farm            Remerica Hometown One             wear, Alexander’s Custom
neighborhoods and an open        Restaurant was voted best        won best real estate agent,       Clothiers for men’s wear,
landscape.                       chicken and ice cream.           Farmer’s Insurance Group          Van Dams for women’s wear
   The Northville area is a      Tirami Su won best Italian       won best insurance agency         and Baby Baby Plus More
popular attraction for long-     restaurant, PF Chang won         and Jim Miller won best           for best resale shop.
term families, shoppers and      best Oriental restaurant,        accountant.                         Starring the Gallery won
event-goers throughout the       Border Cantina won best            Esteemed auto sales and         best art store, Uniquely
year.                            Tex-Mex and Pizza Cutter         service businesses were also      Yours won best floral shop
   Readers of the Northville     won best pizza.                  selected.                         and Knightsbridge Antique
Record are proud of their          Rocky’s of Northville            Davis Auto Care won             Mall won best antiques.
communities and have             was voted best steak. Poole’s    best auto service, Jim’s Oil        Readers chose Northville
voted again this year in our     Tavern for best beer selec-      Depot won best oil change         Yoga Center for best yoga
People’s Choice Awards to        tion in a restaurant.            and Northville Collision          studio, Miss Harriets
show support for their favor-      Table 5 took awards for        won best collision.               Dance Studio for best
ite businesses.                  best quality dining, best          Readers recommend               dance studio and Dick’s
                                 wine selection in a restau-      Utopia as the area’s best         Sporting Goods for best
Good eats                        rant and best place for a        hair salon, Meadowbrook           sporting goods.
  Northville has a slew of       romantic dinner.                 Veterinary Clinic for the           Favorite home services
restaurants that can satisfy       Le George                      best veterinary services,         include Vic’s Painting for
even the pickiest of palettes.   Mediterranean Bistro             AAA for best travel agency,       best house painter, Begonia
  Northville Record read-        won best Mediterranean           Sunny Pointe Child Care           Brothers for best landscap-
ers chose Edward’s Café          Restaurant.                      Center for best childcare,        ing and Home Depot for
and Catering for best              Poole’s Tavern for best        Orin Jewelers for best            best hardware and home
bakery/baked goods and           burgers and best after work      jewelry and Northville            improvement. While Bailey
best desserts, Starbucks         meeting place. Deadwood          Lumber for best lumber.           and Shamoun Interiors
for best specialty coffee,       Bar and Grille tied with           Health and medical              won for best home décor.

                                                                                                                    20 1 1 PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS •   9
2011 People's Choice Awards - NOVI NEWS
Northville Record • 2011 Awards
                    Best Specialty Coffee                                                                                             Best Veterinary Service
                         Starbucks                                                                                                Meadowbrook Veterinary Clinic

                     Best Breakfast                                                                                                     Best Travel Agency
                 Joseph’s Coney Island                                                                                                         AAA

                   Best Sunday Brunch                                                                                                 Best Child Care Center
                  Fox Hills County Club                                                                                           Sunny Pointe Child Care Center

                           Best Fast Food                                                                                               Best House Painter
                             Wendy’s                                                                                                      Vic’s Painting

             Best Family Restaurant                    The staff of RE/Max Dream Properties, from left to right; Jane DeJong,            Best Landscaping
        Riffles Homestyle Restaurant                   Olivia Kionja, Dawn Kasperski, Debbie Pike, Lisa Hall (Broker/Owner),             Begonia Brothers
                                                       Frank Spadafore and Cathy Elias, standing outside their S. Center Street
                                                       office in downtown Northville.
                                 Best Soup                                                                                                Best Health Club
                                   Zoup                                                                                                   Planet Fitness
                                                              Best Oriental Restaurant          Best Mediterranean Restaurant
                                                             PF Chang’s China Bistro           Le George Mediterranean Bistro
                Best Salad Bar                                                                                                             Best Waitress
          Busch’s Fresh Food Market                                                                                                       Katie at Riffles
                                                                  Best Tex-Mex                             Best Subs
                                                                 Border Cantina                             Subway
                           Best Burgers                                                                                                   Best Accountant
                          Poole’s Tavern                                                                                                    Jim Miller
                                                                    Best Pizza                          Best Hair Salon
                                                                   Pizza Cutter                      Utopia Salon and Spa
                  Best Hot Dogs/Coneys                                                                                                    Best Chiropractor
                 Joseph’s Coney Island                                                                                                   Dr Ryan Cooper –
                                                                  Best Steak                              Best Bank                 Health for Life Chiropractic
                                                              Rocky’s of Northville                       Comerica
            Best Ice Cream
    Guernsey Dairy Farm Restaurant                                                                                                        Best Physician
                                                             Best Barbeque Ribs (tie)              Best Real Estate Company           Dr Ross Summers –
                                                             Deadwood Bar & Grille                RE/MAX Dream Properties           Medical Clinic of Northville
             Best Chicken                                        Rusty Bucket
    Guernsey Dairy Farm Restaurant
                                                                                                     Best Real Estate Agent                  Best Dentist
                                                        Best Wine Selection in a Restaurant             Cindy Sopko –               Dr. William Demray, DDS –
                       Best Quality Dining                           Table 5                       Remerica Hometown One                Preservation Dental
                            Table 5

                                                        Best Beer Selection in a Restaurant            Best Auto Service                  Best Art Store
                            Best Desserts                        Poole’s Tavern                        Davis Auto Care                 Starring the Gallery

                                                               Best Romantic Dinner                     Best Oil Change                   Best Pharmacy
                   Best Italian Restaurant                           Table 5                            Jim’s Oil Depot                        CVS
                          Tirami Su

                                                            Best After Work Restaurant                   Best Collision                    Best Eye Care
                      Best Seafood                               Poole’s Tavern                       Northville Collision                Urban Optiques
                   Rocky’s of Northville

                                                                 Best Sports Bar                     Best Insurance Agency           Best Bakery/Baked Goods
                                                              Northville Sports Den                Farmers Insurance Group          Edward’s Café & Catering
                                                                                                                                                  Awards continue on page 13
10 • 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E ' S C H O I C E A W A R D S
Thank you for voting
    Dr. Summers                                                          Satisfy Your
 People's Choice for                                                     Craving for
   Best Physician                                                       Italian Food
                                                                            at the
Medical Clinic                                                         People’s Choice
of Northville                        Ross Summers,
                                          M.D.                            voted for
      Family Practice
                                                                        Best Italian
  Board Certified Family Practice and
     Internal Medicine Physicians

  Appointment & Walk-ins are always welcome!

                                                                        Ristorante Italiano
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  We offer x-ray, lab, ultrasound, & nuclear medicine        8738424

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   All 3 Businesses Located At:    Thank You Northville for Making us your choice for
                                        Best Oil Change & Auto Service Shop!
                                  As a token of our gratitude, bring in this ad and receive
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    Just North of the 7 Mile &    *Offer valid thru 6/30/11, cannot be combined with any other coupon, specials or promotions. BONV511
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                                                                                                                             20 1 1 PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS •   11
       #1 Real Estate Office
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                                                                                                     enjoy Middle Eastern
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                                                                                                     Daily lunch and
                                                       Lisa Hall, Broker/Owner                         dinner specials.
                                                                                                     Wednesdays - 1/2 off
           Our sales force has                                        NORTHVILLE                      any bottle of wine from
                doubled!                                                                            our menu valued at $50 or under.
      RE/MAX has more top                                            130 S. Center Street
      producing agents than
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       any other real estate                                                 LIVONIA
      company in the world.                                            (formerly RE/MAX Alliance)                             248.924.2016
                                                                       734-462-3600                                 Hours: Mon. 5-10 pm, Tues., Wed., Thur. 11 am-10 pm,
                                                                       37569 Five Mile Road.                             Fri. & Sat. 11 am-12 am, Sun. 12 pm-9 pm                OE08738386

                                                          Thank you for choosing Dr. Cooper as your #1 Choice for Chiropractic Care


         As a token of our appreciation, all new patients to our office will receive a no charge consultation,
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         Northville Civic Concern.*                                                                                                                Dr. Ryan Cooper

                                                                                                                       CALL TO SCHEDULE YOUR
                                                                                                                        APPOINTMENT TODAY
                                                                                                                               43059 Seven Mile Rd.
                                                                                                                               Northville, MI 48167
     Chiropractic ccare
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                          or tthe
                               he h
                                   ealth a
                                          nd w
                                              ell b
                                                   eing o
                                                        off tthe
                                                              he w
                                                                  hole ffamily!

                                                                                                                          *Offer good through June 30 2011. Excludes Medicare.

12 • 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E ' S C H O I C E A W A R D S
Northville Record • 2011 Awards
                      Continued from page 10

        Best Floral Shop                   Best Women’s Wear
        Uniquely Yours                         Van Dams

          Best Grocery                      Best Resale Shop
            Hiller’s                      Baby Baby Plus More

       Best Party Store                    Best Sporting Goods
    Good Time Party Store                 Dick’s Sporting Goods

          Best Jewelry                        Best Antiques
         Orin Jewelers                 Knightsbridge Antique Mall

          Best Lumber                Best Hardware/Home Improvement
       Northville Lumber                       Home Depot

  Best Beer Selection in a Store             Best Home Décor
    Good Time Party Store              Bailey & Shamoun Interiors

 Best Wine Selection in a Store             Best Dance Studio
   Good Time Party Store               Miss Harriets Dance Studio

      Best Children’s Wear                   Best Yoga Studio
       The Moon & Me                      Northville Yoga Center

       Best Men’s Wear
 Alexander’s Custom Clothiers

  Dr. Ryan Cooper consults with his patient, Katherine McKee,
  prior to her adjustment.

                                                                      20 1 1 PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS •   13
                                                                                                                         Sunny Pointe
                                                                                                                                CHILD CARE CENTER

                                                                                                                         See why we’re #1


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14 • 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E ' S C H O I C E A W A R D S
Advertising Feature

The Best of South Lyon • Lyon Township
      The South Lyon area — gen-       Sandwich Shop, open in South          Beauty services are also         best house painter, Lighting
    erally considered equivalent to    Lyon since 1960, wins again        abundant. Changing Image            Lawn Care & Landscape
    those within the South Lyon        this year for best hot dogs/       is the area’s best salon, Jeanne    for best landscaping com-
    Community School District          coneys.                            at Fantastic Sams is this           pany, Norris Favot for best
    boundaries — encompasses             Lyon Grill was voted best        year’s best hair stylist, Miner’s   home improvement contrac-
    four townships, a city and parts   burgers, best steak, best barbe-   Barber Shop is this year’s best     tor, Martin’s Hardware for
    of three counties in one of the    cue ribs; best wine selection in   barbershop, Sunseekers is this      best hardware, Perfect Floors
    fastest growing areas in south-    a restaurant, Big Boy was the      year’s best tanning salon and       for best carpeting/flooring,
    eastern Michigan.                  favorite for best family restau-   Bella Scappare is this year’s       Carmack Appliance for best
      Located near I-96, the com-      rant and best desserts. Sophia     best nail salon.                    appliance repair and 3R Pools
    munities offer commuters an        from Lucas won for best wait          Reader’s also recommended        for best swimming pool place.
    easy trip to Detroit, Ann Arbor    staff. Subway was voted best       several local business own-         Martin’s Hardware and Lowes
    and Lansing.                       subs, Dairy Queen was voted        ers for financial, legal and        tied for best home improvement
      The historic downtown area       best ice cream, Jet’s was voted    real estate services, includ-       store, and readers also recom-
    of South Lyon offers world-        best pizza and Fortuna Inn for     ing Mayfair for best real           mend Brookdale Apartments
    class dining and unique shop-      the best Oriental restaurant.      estate services, Abe Ayoub of       for best apartment complex.
    ping, as well as a movie theater     Lyon Cantina won best Tex-       Mayfair Realty for a real estate       South Lyon area residents
    and local entertainment in a       Mex restaurant, and Wendy’s        agent, Brenda W. Smith and          have access to several other
    quaint, comfortable setting.       won best fast food.                Company, P.C. for financial         day-to-day services provided by
      Lyon Township has also             Kroger is the favorite grocery   advising and for your account-      friendly small business owners
    exploded with new neighbor-        store. Readers also choose the     ing needs. Citizens Bank            right in their neighborhood.
    hoods, businesses, restaurants     South Lyon Hotel for best beer     for banking, Allstate – Lisa           Check out Parkside
    and schools, making it an          selection in a restaurant and      Vanderhoof for insurance,           Cleaners for dry cleaning,
    appealing location for new resi-   Alekos for best catering.          Philip Weipert for a lawyer.        Phillips Funeral Home for
    dents in recent years.                                                   Health and medical services      funeral services, South Lyon
      To pay tribute to those busi-    Convenience close                  are available for a variety of      Resale Shoppe for resale items,
    nesses most loved by area resi-    to home                            needs. Readers recommend            Lakeland Printing for printing
    dents, the South Lyon Herald                                          Divine Yoga and Massage             services, South Lyon Cell City
                                         The South Lyon and Lyon
    announces this year’s People’s                                        for the best massage therapy,       for cell phones, Lyons Book
                                       Township host a slew of busi-
    Choice Awards, chosen by resi-                                        HealthStyles Rehabilitation         Den for books, Auriel Jewelry
                                       nesses with a wide variety of
    dents of the South Lyon and                                           for the best physical therapy.      for jewelry.
                                       products and services within
    Lyon Township communities.                                            Dr. Patrick Brennan for a              The area’s best pet ser-
                                       short driving range.
                                                                          physician, Bifano Eye Care          vices and products are avail-
                                         Auto services are just
    Try the local fare                 moments away. Readers voted
                                                                          and Oakland Vision tied for         able at Lyon Veterinary and
      There is no shortage of excel-                                      best eye care, Larry Kaplan         Marketplace Pets. Wildwind
                                       South Lyon Motors this year’s
    lent local dining venues in the                                       for chiropractic, Dr. Diane         Equestrian offers the area’s
                                       best used care salesperson and
    South Lyon area.                                                      Pitak for a dentist and South       best stable.
                                       auto dealership, Auto Zone for
      South Lyon Herald reader’s                                          Lyon Orthodontics for an               Pat’s Field of Flowers is this
                                       best auto parts, South Lyon
    voted South Lyon Village                                              orthodontist. Powerhouse was        year’s best floral shop. Country
                                       Tire & Service for best oil
    Bakery for best coffee, bagels                                        voted for best health and fitness   Acres Market won best party
                                       change shop, Norms Total
    and donuts. Biggby Coffee                                             company. Hour Kidz was voted        store. Driven Technology was
                                       Automotive Service for best
    House offers the best specialty                                       best childcare services.            voted best computer repair and
                                       auto service, South Lyon
    coffee.                                                                                                   best computer store.
                                       Collision for best collision
      Visit Jimmy John’s for the       shop, Lyon Auto Wash for best
                                                                          Everything in                          American Dance Academy,
    best sandwiches, Alexander’s       car wash and South Lyon Tire       between                             The Creative Company and
    for the best soup and Alekos                                                                              The Studio share this year’s
                                       & Service for best tire shop         Several home related busi-
    for the best salads.                                                                                      best dance studio award, and
                                       and Hines Park Ford for best       nesses are local the South Lyon
      Brown’s Root Beer and                                                                                   South Lyon Cycle won best
                                       auto dealership.                   area. Readers voted Augies for
                                                                                                              specialty shop.

                                                                                                                             20 1 1 PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS •   15

       3 - R P O O LS
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16 • 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E ' S C H O I C E A W A R D S
Voted Best Riding Stable For 2010 & 2011
                         We Appreciate Your Patronage


 HORSE CAMP                          ENGLISH LESSONS                         SENIOR CITIZENS
 *   Regular Camp: ages 7-16         *   Hunt seat and                       *   For the 50 and older crowd
     beginner to intermediate            Hunter/Jumper lessons
                                                                             *   Great for medical conditions
 *   Jump camp: ages 7-16            *   Children 4 and up -
                                         Adults & Seniors                    *   Certified Therapeutic
 *   NEW! Junior & Senior                                                        Instructor and Horses
                                     *   Show Team
     High School Camp                                                        *   Exercise format currently
                                     *   Over 40 school horses
 *   Tiny Tot Camp: ages 4-6                                                     students from ages 50-87
                                     *   Boarding, leasing, lessons,
                                                                             *   For Beginners and Advanced riders
                                         training & sales

              U.S. B.B.B. Michigan 2007-2010                         Hometown Newspapers
              Highest Quality Stable of the year               2010 and 2011 Best Stables of the Year

                                                                                                             20 1 1 PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS •   17
South Lyon Herald
                                                                                                                  • 2011 Awards
                                                                                                                Best Coffee/Doughnut/Bagels                Best Pizza
                                                                                                                South Lyon Village Bakery                    Jet’s

                                                                                                                 Best Specialty Coffee House               Best Steak
                                                                                                                   Biggby Coffee House                     Lyon Grill

                                                                                                                      Best Sandwiches                 Best Barbeque Ribs
                       Thanks for voting us                                                                            Jimmy Johns                        Lyon Grill
                     #1 Appliance Repair Shop
   CARMACK APPLIANCE                                                                                             Best Fast Food Restaurant
                                                                                                                                               Best Wine Selection in a Restaurant
                                                                                                                                                           Lyon Grill
                                  PARTS • SERVICE
                       Parts for the Do-It-Yourselfer                                                              Best Family Restaurant      Best Beer Selection in a Restaurant
                              In-Home Service                                                                             Big Boy                      South Lyon Hotel

      MON-FRI 8-6 pm
         SAT 9-1
                                                (734) 425-1790                                                           Best Soup                       Best Catering
                                                       32431 FORD RD. • GARDEN CITY
                                                                                                                        Alexander’s                        Aleko’s
     For Rebuilt Appliances visit our Garden City location at 32431 Ford Rd., Garden City

                                                                                                                         Best Salad                     Best Hair Salon
                                                                                                                          Alekos                       Changing Image

        VOTED #1 BARBER SHOP                                                                                            Best Burgers
                                                                                                                         Lyon Grill
                                                                                                                                                       Best Hair Stylist
                                                                                                                                                   Jeanne-Fantastic Sams
            in South Lyon
                                                                                                                    Best Hot Dogs/Coney               Best Barber Shop
                                                                                                                     Brown’s Root Beer               Miner’s Barber Shop

                                            MINER’S                                                                 and Sandwich Shop
                                                                                                                                                    Best Financial Advisor

                                          BARBER SHOP                                                                    Best Subs
                                                                                                                                               Brenda W. Smith & Company P.C.

                                                         (At The Light In New Hudson)                                                                      Best Bank
                                                                                                                       Best Ice Cream                       Citizens
                                                                                                                        Dairy Queen
                                    The Miner Boys - Tim & Dennis                                                                                          Best Nails
                                             Your Licensed Master Barbers                                              Best Desserts                    Bella Scappare
                                                                                                                         Big Boy

                                      Hours:                                            2011                                                          Best Real Estate Co.
                           T, W, Thurs 9-7 • Friday 9-6                                                            Best Asian Restaurant                    Mayfair
                         Saturday 8-3 • Closed Mondays                                                                  Fortuna Inn
                                                                                                                                                     Best Real Estate Agent
                         56875 Grand River Ave., New Hudson, MI 48165                                             Best Tex-Mex Restaurant
                                                                                                                       Lyon Cantina
                                                                                                                                                     Abe Ayoub - Mayfair
                                                                                                                                                                Awards continue on page 22

                                                  (248) 486-3270

18 • 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E ' S C H O I C E A W A R D S
BRENDA W. SMITH & COMPANY, PC                                                                                                                                                    "WE CATER                                                                                EMERGENGIES
Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors                                                                                                                               TO COWARDS"                                                                                ACCEPTED

    Voted #1 Best Financial
  Advisor and Best Accountant                                                                                                          2011
         in South Lyon

                                                                                    Call tto
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                                                                                           New Hudson,
                                                                                           New Hudson, MI
                                                                                                       MI 48165
                                                                                                                                                                                 & ASSOCIATES, PC
                                                                                                                                                                                    Best Dentist                      FREE CONSULTATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                        CALL 248
                                                                                                 17 S.
                                                                                                     S. Lafayette

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                                                                                                                                                    High School                                   Browns Rootbeer and Sandwich Shop • 248-437-6376/248-437-8433

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        20 1 1 PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS •         19
# 1 in                                                                                   Pat’s Field of Flowers
                Vo t e d                                                    2011
                                                                                                                                        • Quality Roses • Fresh Cut Flowers • Funeral Flowers


                                                                                                                                            • Fruit Baskets • Blooming Plants • Willow Tree


                Sou   t                                                                                                                     • Silk & Fresh Arrangements • Wedding Flowers
                                                                                                                                       • Gifts • Plush • Colonial At Home Candles • Home Decor
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                                                                                                                                                                  Full Service Florist

                     SOUTH LYON                                                                                                                                       MON.-FRI. 9:00-5:00
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                                                                                                                                                                        Charge by Phone
                                                                                                                                                                        (248) 437-7997


                                                                                                                                                                 22331 Pontiac Trail • South Lyon

                                                                                                                                                                   “ Voted #1
                                                       22900 Pontiac Trail                                                                                         South Lyon”
                                                       (In King Plaza N. of Nine Mile)                                                    “Thank you to our clients for voting us
                                                                                                                                       People’s Choice for Best Massage Therapist
                                                       248.437.1620                                       2011                          three years in a row!” ~ Cheryl Wickham
                                                        SouthLyonOrthodontics.net                                                     105 N. Lafayette • Suite 100 • Downtown South Lyon
                                                                                                                                                                    (248) 437-9642
             Renee E. Geran
                DDS, MS                                                                                                                                                                                         OE08738294


                                                                                                                                                                          (248) 486-1110 (517) 586-0008
                                                                                                                                                                            301 S. Lafayette      4379 Grand River, Ste. 12
                                                                                                                                                                          South Lyon, MI 48178        Howell, MI 48843

                                 2011                                    2011                        PHYSICAL, OCCUPATIONAL AND SPEECH THERAPY                              Barbara Herzog, P.T.
                             Best Computer                             Best Computer                Mon. & Wed. 7-7, Tues & Thurs 7-8, Fri 7-6
                                 Repair                                    Repair                                 Specializing in:
                                                                                                     • Neck & Back Rehabilitation               • Breast Cancer/            Cofinity, Workers Compensation, Medicare,
                                                                                                          • Aquatic Therapy                   Lymphedema Clinic
                                                                                                                                                                             Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna, Aetna, BCN          Best
                                                                                                            • Orthopedic                  Individual Speech Programs
                                                                                                          • Sports Injuries                     • Hand Therapy                    HAP, Priority Health and others              Physical
                                                                                                      • Neurological Conditions                • Manual Therapy                                                                Therapy
                                                                                                       • General Rehabilitation         • LSVT for Parkinson’s disease    Ask Your Physician For A Referral

                                                                                                                            Goal Assessment • Personal Trainers
                                                                                                                       • Cybex Machines • 6,000+ Sq. Ft. • Exercise
                                                                                                       2011            Pool • Several Membership Options • Showers
                                                                                                                        • Indoor Walking Track • Massage Therapy
                                                                                                                                    Included with your membership:
                                                                                                                       • Body Fat Analysis • Goal Assessment
                                                                                                        Best           • Equipment Orientation • Exercise Prescription
                                                                                                     Fitness Co.       • Nutritional Health Assessment
                                                                                                                       We also offer Sports Specific Training
                                                                                                    Fitness Specialists ALWAYS on hand to answer your questions!

                                                                                                      * Come Check out our BELLY BUSTERS and our
                                                                                                          BUTT and THIGH BLASTER Classes!                                                             Hours:
                                                                                                      *Weight Loss Program Begin at anytime, 12 week                                       Monday - Friday 5am to 9 pm
                                                                                                              program. Please call for details.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Saturday & Sunday 7am to 3pm
20 • 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E ' S C H O I C E A W A R D S
nive   rsar y           Over
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                                                                                                                                                      500 Y Years
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                                                                                                                   Family Owned & Operated
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                                   Changing Image
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                                                                   Now offering                           2011                                     2011
                                                                  Hair Tinsel,                                                i
                                                                                                                          of Bik
                        South Hair Salon                         Feathers and                                             Accessoarrea.
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Wee AAre
      r e A Full
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                                          A n d Nail
                                                N a i l Salon.
                                                        Salon.                                                  209 S. Lafayette (Pontiac Trail)
                                                                                                            2 blocks. S. of 10 Mile • Downtown South Lyon

  a l l ffor
          o r aann aappointment
                        p p o i n t m e n t ttoday.
                                              o d ay .
    S a t i s f a c t i o n gguaranteed.
                                u a ra n t e e d .                                       .com
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We accept
     a c c e p t ccompetitor
                     o m p e t i t o r ccoupons.
                                          oupons.         248-437-0009
                                                          553 S. Lafayette (Pontiac Trail)
                                                                between 9 & 10 Mile
                                                                                                         Thank you for choosing us as the
                                                                                                        Best Bicycle Shop and Best Specialty
                                                                                                                Shop in South Lyon.
Stylists and Manicure Applications Available                                                           We Support Our Community and Appreciate Your Business

  ake iitt eeasy,
             asy, Make
                  Make iitt H
                              ines P
                                    ark!                                                                Country Acres Market
                                                                                                                                              Thank you
                                                                                                                 Store                       for voting us
                                                                                                                                      • Meat and Deli department
 Thanks for voting HinesPark Ford                                                                                                     • Fresh produce and grocery
   as the Best Dealership in the                                                 2011
         South Lyon area.                                                                                                             • Craft and Imported Beer
                                                                                                                                      • Large selection of liquor
                                            I-96 @ Milford Rd. (56558 Pontiac Trail)                                                    and fine wines
                                            www.HinesParkFord.com                                          12596 Ten Mile Rd. ~ South Lyon ~ (248) 437-4910
                                                                                                                                                            20 1 1 PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS •   21
South Lyon Herald • 2011 Awards
                                                       Continued from page 18

                   Best Funeral Home                                                                          Best Dentist                        Best Stable
                 Phillips Funeral Home                                                                       Dr. Diane Pitak                  Wildwind Equestrian

Best Used Car Salesperson/Dealership                                                                        Best Orthodontist                  Best Pets Supplies
        South Lyon Motors                                                                               South Lyon Orthodontics                Marketplace Pets

             Best Massage Therapist                                                                      Best Apartment Complex           Best Dance Studio (3-way Tie)
            Divine Yoga and Massage                                                                      Brookdale Apartments              American Dance Academy
                                                                                                                                            The Creative Company
                                                                                                                                                  The Studio
       Best Physical Therapist                                   Norm and Steve Fultz from Norm's            Best Accountant
HealthStyles Physical Rehabilitation                             Total Automotive in South Lyon.        Brenda W. Smith & Co, P.C.
                                                                                                                                        Best Home Improvement Store (Tie)
                                                                                                                                               Martin’s Hardware
                    Best Auto Dealership                                                                   Best Resale Shop                          Lowes
                                                                       Best Child Care Services        South Lyon Resale Shoppe
                     Hines Park Ford                                         Hour Kidz
                                                                                                                                                 Best Hardware
           Best Auto Service                                                                                  Best Printer                     Martin’s Hardware
                                                                              Best Doctor                  Lakeland Printing
    Norm’s Total Automotive Service                                      Dr. Patrick Brennan
                                                                                                                                               Best Grocery Store
                    Best Auto Parts Store                                                           Best Home Improvement Contractor                Kroger
                                                                          Best House Painter                 Norris Favot
                         Auto Zone                                             Augie’s
                                                                                                                                          Best Place for Carpet/Flooring
              Best Oil Change Shop                                                                        Best Cell Phone Store                  Perfect Floors
                                                                          Best Eye Care (Tie)             South Lyon Cell City
            South Lyon Tire & Service                                      Bifano Eye Care
                                                                           Oakland Vision                                                        Best Pool Place
                    Best Collision Shop                                                                   Best Computer Repair                     3-R Pools
                   South Lyon Collision                                                                    Driver Technology
                                                                        Best Landscaping Co.
                                                                        Lightning Lawn Care                                                   Best Appliance Repair
                                                                            & Landscape                   Best Computer Store                 Carmack Appliance
                  Best Tire Shop
            South Lyon Tire & Service                                                                     Driven Technology
                                                                       Best Health & Fitness Co.
                                                                             Powerhouse                  Best Place to Buy Books
              Best Insurance Agency
            Allstate- Lisa Vanderhoof                                                                       Lyons Book Den
                                                                            Best Wait Staff
                                                                           Sophia - Lucas                   Best Floral Shop
                      Best Dry Cleaner
                     Parkside Cleaners                                                                   Pat’s Field of Flowers
                                                                           Best Car Wash
                                                                          Lyon Auto Wash                    Best Party Store
                           Best Lawyer
                          Philip Weipert                                                                 Country Acres Market
                                                                         Best Tanning Salon
                                                                            Sunseekers                     Best Specialty Shop
                Best Veterinary Services
                   Lyon Veterinary                                                                         South Lyon Cycle
                                                                          Best Chiropractor                                            Vonnie Fragale from Country Acres
                                                                           Larry Kaplan                    Best Jewelry Store          Market. Voted best party store in
                                                                                                            Auriel Jewelry             South Lyon.

22 • 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E ' S C H O I C E A W A R D S
Martin’s Hardware
                                                                                                                                    T hank You South Lyon!
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         For added convenience, SHOP ONLINE at www.martins.doitbest.com

Thank You for Voting us #1! We Appreciate Your Business                                                               2010


          Thank you to all who voted me
   Best Chiropractor in South Lyon
It is an honor to be part of such a great community.

                  Dr. Larry Kaplan                                                                                   2006
                                                                                                                             115 W. Lake St., Downtown South Lyon
                                                                                                                             Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7-10 • Sat.: 8-9 • Sun.: 10-5               

   Complete line of dog, cat, bird & fish supplies

                                          Market Place Pet Supplies                                                  Dr. Christopher Bifano • Dr. Rhonda Bifano
                                            is happy to serve our
                                          community's pets needs.                                         •     Eyeglasses & Contact Lenses
                                             We appreciate your                                           •     Treatment & Management of Eye Diseases
                                           business and continued                                         •     Refractive Eye Surgery (Lasik & PRK)
                                             support. Thank You!
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                       O p e n 7 Days
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                  48-486-5400                                                                                           317 N. Lafayette • South Lyon

22179 P
        o n t i a c Trail,South
                    Tr a i l , S o u t h LLyon
                                           yon                                                                                (248) 446-1146
Nothin's Too Good For Your Pet!                                                                                                                                                    OE08738429

                                                                                                                                                            20 1 1 PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS •   23
South Lyon Village Bakery
                                                                                                222 S. Lafayette • South Lyon • 248-437-8469
                                                                                                     Best Place for Coffee/Donuts/Bagels
                                                                                               Offering a delicious variety of
                                                                              • Breads • Donuts • Muffins • Bagels • Pies • Pastries
                                                                               • Cookies • Birthday Cakes • Pasties • Pizza Breads
                                                                                       • Kowalski Deli Meats & Sausages

                                                                                                     Now serving coffee, espresso,
                                                                                     2011               lattes, chai and more                             We also
                                                                                                  Owned and operated by the same local
                                                                                                                                                        specialize in
                                                                                                  family since 1979...where everything is                 Wedding
                                                                            Best Coffee,          still made from scratch, by hand, early,
                                                                           Donuts/Bagels              every morning, on the premises!                     Cakes!

                                                                                             Thank You South Lyon for
                                                                                               Voting Us the Best!
                                                                          “Where the Customer is #1”

                                                                          South Lyon
                                                                          Motors, Inc.
                                                                                       215 S. Lafayette, South Lyon • 248-437-7444                                        8738305


                    201s1t                                                      People's Choice
                 Real Es t
                                                                                Award Winner

                                                                                                                               Rachael Phillips, Andrea Phillips,
                                                                                                                              Richard Phillips, Matthew Sheffler

                                                                                                      FUNERAL HOME
                                                                                            • Pre-Need Funeral & Estate Planning • Military Funerals
                                                                                         • Affordable Cremation • Free Grief Support • Crisis Assistance
                                                                                     • National Cemetery Burials • Monuments • Veteran, Social Security &
                                                                                           Medicaid Benefit Assistance • Donations to Medical Schools
                                                                                        • Assistance with Out-Of-Town Arrangements • Masonic Services

                                                                                            122 WEST LAKE (10 MILE) • SOUTH LYON                             2011
                                                                                      Downtown South Lyon • On 10 Mile Just W. of Pontiac Trail
                                                                                               S er ving S
                                                                                                           outh L
                                                                                                                  yon S
                                                                                                                        ince 1
                                                                                                                                                         W e Appreciate
                                                                                                                                                           our S

24 • 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E ' S C H O I C E A W A R D S
Advertising Feature

                   The Best of Huron Valley
                     Milford • Highland
   Charming downtowns, expan-          Burger Joint for the best burger       hair salon and best nail salon,       collision services. This year’s best
sive parks, excellent schools and      in town, McDonald’s and The            Hot Skinz Tanning Studio is           auto dealership is LaFontaine
friendly neighborhoods.                Burger Joint for a side of french      the best tanning salon. Essential     Automotive.
   Nestled inside Milford              fries, Americus Coney & Grill          Massage has this year’s best            Pet care is also important to
Township, the Village of Milford       for coney dogs and Dairy Queen         massage therapists. Contact Liz       the Huron Valley community.
shares the Huron Valley schools        for a summer treat. And if your        Deutch of Ameriprise for the          Veterinary Care Specialist,
district with Highland, White          looking for the best salad, try the    best financial advising or Lynk       Silver Bone pet groomer and Pet
Lake and Commerce Townships.           Highland House.                        Financial for the best mortgage       Supplies Plus were all voted the
   Downtown Milford is known              Gravity Bar & Grill was voted       offerings. Troy Cleaners hosts        area’s best.
for its unique shops and restau-       best dining and romantic atmo-         the best dry cleaning services,
rants, annual parades and events,      sphere and steak. The downtown         Jack Bolling is the area’s best       Local creativity
including the annual Shop, Rock        Milford restaurant boasts contem-      lawyer, Lynch & Sons Funeral          and style
and Stroll and Milford Memories        porary, eclectic offerings of steak,   Directors is the best funeral
                                                                                                                       Main Street Art took home
Summer Festival that attract           fresh fish, pastas, and signature      home and Heinsight Optical Co.
                                                                                                                    two awards for best picture fram-
thousands of visitors each year.       items such as the Lump Crab and        offers the best eye care.
                                                                                                                    ing and best art.
   Just north of Milford, Highland     Shrimp Cakes. Sweet and Savory            Insurance Advisors, Building
                                                                                                                       Unique clothing and home
Township offers a playground of        Bakery was voted for best des-         Blocks Preschool and Age with
                                                                                                                    decor stores are riddled through-
state recreation area, lakes, horse    serts.                                 Grace senior caregivers all took
                                                                                                                    out downtown Milford. After the
farms, downtown businesses and            Check out Cinco Lagos for the       home awards for their offerings
                                                                                                                    Rain has the best gifts and cards,
a slew of shops along the M-59         best Ethnic food, Village Pizza        this year.
                                                                                                                    Huron Valley Furniture has
corridor.                              and BBQ for the best pizza,               Esteemed health and medical
                                                                                                                    the best furniture, Rottermond
   With all there is to offer in the   Highland House for the best            offerings are always a short drive
                                                                                                                    Jewelers has the best jewelry, For
Huron Valley area, the hardwork-       barbecue ribs and Holden’s Party       away. Dr. Michael Sadowski of
                                                                                                                    Feet’s Sake has the best shoes,
ing business owners do not go          Store for the best chicken and         Total Health Care is the year’s
                                                                                                                    Our Blessing’s Consignment
ignored. Readers of the Milford        party store offerings.                 best chiropractor, Jill Seguin,
                                                                                                                    is voted best resale shop and
Times are proud of their commu-           Wendys was voted for best fast      D.D.S. of Milford Dental Care
                                                                                                                    Clothing Cove for women’s wear.
nities and have voted again this       food, and Subway was voted again       is this year’s best dentist, Neil
                                                                                                                       Check out the Village Florist
year in the annual People’s Choice     this year for best subs. Pomodoro      Belgiano, D.O. of Personal
                                                                                                                    for the best floral shop.
Awards to show support for their       for the best sandwiches,               Health Care is this year’s best
                                                                                                                       Amber Lights Photography is
favorite businesses.                   Highland House for best family         physician and William & Marie’s
                                                                                                                    the area’s best photography studio,
                                       restaurant.                            Carls Family YMCA is Huron
                                                                                                                    and Karen’s School of Dance is
Good eats                                 Colasanti’s Produce & Plants        Valley’s best health club.
                                                                                                                    the area’s favorite dance studio.
  Milford Times readers take           in Highland and the Gravity Bar           Milford Times readers get the
                                       and Grill share the vote for the       best health food at Health Mart
their local menus very seriously.
                                       best wine selection, and Hector        and boast Milford Sav-Mor
                                                                                                                    Quality home
  D’s Colonial Cafe is a yearly                                                                                     services
favorite stop for breakfast in         and Jimmy’s in Milford offers          Pharmacy as the local best.
Highland, Baker’s of Milford has       the best beer selection in the area.      Huron Valley State Bank,             MJ Whelen Construction
the best Sunday brunch.                The best waitress award goes to        with locations in Milford and         for best custom home builders.
  Readers voted Milford Baking         Kathryn McDiarmid – Dimitris           Highland, was voted this year’s       Readers choose ACO for home
Company the best baked goods,          Coney Island and the best              best bank, and Verizon Wireless       improvement and hardware,
featuring custom cakes, gourmet        waiter award goes to Dave at the       was voted best cell phone services.   Exclusive Floor Covering for
cookies and more.                      Highland House.                           There is no shortage of auto       carpet, Golden’s Landscaping
  Milford House Bar & Grill                                                   sales and services in Huron Valley.   & Lawn Service for landscap-
was voted best place for soup and      Local conveniences                     Bill Feudale of LaFontaine            ing and Pine Ridge Luxury for
best after work meeting spot. The         Highland and Milford’s small        Automotive is this year’s best car    apartments.
restaurant’s unique menu offers        businesses are loaded with exper-      salesperson. Tuffy Auto Service         Visit Real Estate One, voted
unique fare such as grinders and       tise and friendly personalities.       Center has the best oil change        best real estate company, or Deb
original pizzas and the locally           Reader’s voted Milford              and auto services, Forster’s Auto     Falzon – Real Estate One, best
named, “Proving Ground Burger.”        Barbershop the area’s best barber,     Wash has the best car wash and        real estate agent.
  Readers recommend The                Total Dimension the area’s best        Szott Auto Group offers the best

                                                                                                                                20 1 1 PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS •   25
Thank you for
       Service Is Our Specialty                                          Voting Us #1

                                                                   MILFORD SAV-MOR
                    Available                                         PHARMACY
                                                                       Phone: (248) 685-8363
                                                                            1191 N. Milford Rd.
                                                  filled in 10 minutes       Milford, MI 48381
                                                          or less


                                         The Carls Family YMCA would like to thank Milford, the                                   Thank you for voting Dr. Mike the #1 Chiropractor in Huron Valley!
                                         surrounding communities, and all readers of the Milford
                                         Times for voting us the best in the People's Choice                                          DR. MICHAEL SADOWSKI                                                     Huron Valley
                                         Awards 2011. We will continue our dedication and                                                                                                                     People’s Choice
                                                                                                                                      CHIROPRACTOR                                                             Award Winner
                                         commitment to providing great programs, classes, and
               2011                      customer service as we have been known to do in the past.
                                         We would like to encourage everyone to come and see                                                                                                                       2011
                                         what we have to offer here at the YMCA and experience
                                         what makes us the best. Please be sure to register now for
                                         Summer Day Camp to reserve your spot today!
                                                                                                                                                                Massage Therapy Available                     Chiropractor
                                                       Carls Family YMCA
             300 Family Drive, Milford, MI 48381 • Phone: (248) 685-3020
                                                       Email: CarlsYMCA@ymcametodetroit.org                                           2624 S. MILFORD RD.                                              248-684-4449
                                                         Website: www.ymcadetroit.org/carls                                           HIGHLAND, MI 48357                                                FAX: 248-684-4413

                                                                                                             O E 08738360

                  Thanks! Best Lawyer Second Year in a Row
                                                                                             An avid history buff, Milford                 all the more reason that Bolling has      organizations.
                                                                                          attorney Jack W. Bolling is passionate           expanded his practice to include             With a deep respect and passion for
                                                                                          about keeping the past alive for future          Medicaid planning.                        history, Bolling is pleased that his
                                                                                          generations.                                        He believes that estate planning and   practice is now housed in a 130-year
                                                                                             He is just as interested in preserving        Medicaid planning go hand in hand.        old Victorian home at 334 Union St. in
                                                                                          your family’s legacy by helping you                 “Through proper planning, it is        downtown Milford, which has been
                                                                                          make decisions that will keep your               possible to provide for your long-term    renovated to the period of time in
                                                                                          memory alive through your children               care while preserving assets for you      which it was built.
                                                                                          and grandchildren.                               and your loved ones,” Bolling said.          Original pine wood planked floors, a
                                                                                             As an estate/legacy planner, Bolling          “Why should you give up something         cupalo, winding staircases, tall ceilings
                                                                                          has trademarked his approach to the              that you’ve worked your whole life for    and etched glass front doors are just a
                                                                                          estate planning process and                      when your spouse becomes ill?”            few of the features that drew Bolling to
                                                                                          accompanying legal services as Legacy               Bolling is also an accredited VA       this location in November 2008.
                                                                                          LifeLines™. This process includes                attorney and can help people who have        “History comes alive to me while
                                                                                          three steps: 1) counseling and plan              either served or whose family member      conducting my practice in this historic
                                                                                          design; 2) funding of the revocable              has served in the U.S. military. “There   home,” Bolling said.
                                                                                          living trust; and 3) an on-going                 are many veterans’ programs available,    “It gives me a
                                                                                          maintenance plan that is unique to               but you need to know who to ask and       sense of the past
        Law Office of                                                                     Bolling’s practice.
                                                                                             Bolling encourages his clients to
                                                                                          think beyond their financial matters
                                                                                                                                           what to ask,” Bolling said. “I am the
                                                                                                                                           person who can help you sort through
                                                                                                                                           these issues.”
                                                                                                                                                                                     and a vision
                                                                                                                                                                                     for the future
                                                                                                                                                                                     — exactly                  BEST
     Jack W. Bolling, P.C.                                                                and look into their own life’s
                                                                                          fulfillment by asking themselves
                                                                                          questions like: What really matters
                                                                                                                                              While helping people on a one-to-
                                                                                                                                           one basis with their legacy planning,
                                                                                                                                           Bolling reaches an even broader
                                                                                                                                                                                     I want to
                                                                                                                                                                                     bring to my

                     248-684-9742                                                         most to me? What would I really like
                                                                                          to accomplish? What legacy do I really
                                                                                                                                           audience as a guest columnist for
                                                                                                                                           Gannett Newspapers, including The
                                                                                                                                                                                      — By
                 www.jackbollinglaw.com                                                   want to leave behind?
                                                                                             These important life questions are
                                                                                                                                           Milford Times. He is also a guest
                                                                                                                                           speaker for many local groups and          Sally Rummel

             “Through proper planning, it is possible to provide for your long-term care while preserving
             assets for you and your loved ones. Why should you give up som ething that you’ve worked your
             whole life for when your spouse becomes ill?”

                                                                                                                                                                                                  — J ack W. Boll i ng
26 • 2 0 1 1 P E O P L E ' S C H O I C E A W A R D S
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