Review Article A Review of Plant-Based Therapies for the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections in Traditional Southern African Medicine

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Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Volume 2021, Article ID 7341124, 20 pages

Review Article
A Review of Plant-Based Therapies for the Treatment of Urinary
Tract Infections in Traditional Southern African Medicine

          Ian Cock ,1,2 Nothando Mavuso,3 and Sandy Van Vuuren                                     3

            School of Environment and Science, Griffith University, Brisbane 4111, Australia
            Environmental Futures Research Institute, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
            Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,
            Gauteng 2193, South Africa

          Correspondence should be addressed to Sandy Van Vuuren;

          Received 30 April 2021; Accepted 9 July 2021; Published 30 July 2021

          Academic Editor: Olufunmiso Olusola Olajuyigbe

          Copyright © 2021 Ian Cock et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
          which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

          Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are amongst the most common bacterial infections globally, with ∼11% of the world’s population
          contracting at least one infection annually. Several South African plants are used in traditional healing systems to treat UTIs, yet
          the therapeutic potential of these plants against bacteria that cause UTI remains poorly explored. This study documents southern
          African plant species used traditionally to treat UTIs. An extensive literature review was undertaken to document the southern
          African plant species that are used in traditional South African medicine to treat UTIs, thereby highlighting gaps in the current
          research that require further study. One hundred and fifty-three southern African plant species that are used to treat UTIs were
          identified. Eighty-five southern African plants were identified as having noteworthy inhibitory activity against the major UTI-
          causing bacteria. Few of those studies screened against all of the bacterial causes of UTIs, and none of those studies examined the
          mechanism of action of the plant preparations. Furthermore, many of those studies did not test the toxicity of the plant extracts, so
          an evaluation of the safety for therapeutic usage was lacking. Substantial further research is to determine their potential for
          therapeutic use.

1. Introduction                                                          anatomical differences between the genders. As the urethra
                                                                         is located closer to the anus and is shorter in women than in
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are amongst the most                     men, women are substantially more susceptible to infections
common human infections globally. Indeed, it has been                    by uropathogens [5]. Additionally, individual health status
estimated that nearly 800 million people (equating to ap-                affects the incidence of UTIs. For example, immunocom-
proximately 11% of the global population) develop at least               promised individuals and sufferers of chronic uncontrolled
one UTI in any given year [1, 2]. They are substantially more            diabetes mellitus have substantially increased incidences of
common in women than in men, with the prevalence in                      UTIs as their weakened immune systems are unable to ef-
women estimated to be approximately five times higher than                fectively combat infections [3].
in males [3]. Indeed, it is expected that more than half of                   Lifestyle and environmental factors also contribute to
female population of the world will contract at least one UTI            the prevalence of UTIs. Older adults often accumulate
in their lifetime, with a substantial proportion experiencing            multiple medical conditions, and their treatment and
recurrent infections [1]. With the exception of a spike in UTI           management regimens may increase the risks of contracting
occurrence in women aged 14–24 years old, the prevalence                 UTIs. In particular, catheterisation substantially increases
of UTIs generally increases with age, with the highest in-               the incidence of UTIs, especially by Gram-negative bacterial
cidence in women over 65 years of age [4]. The difference in              pathogens [1]. Indeed, healthcare-associated UTIs have been
rates of UTIs between men and women is related to                        estimated to account for approximately 10% of UTI cases,
2                                                                   Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

with 75% of these being reported in female patients [6, 7].        occasionally also cause UTIs. For example, Staphylococcus
Additionally, prolonged antibiotic usage to treat other            aureus induces a low number of cases of UTIs, although
medical conditions weakens the immune response, thereby            these are generally considered a special case as they are
increasing the susceptibility to UTIs. In younger women,           usually secondary to blood S. aureus infections. UTIs can
increased sexual activity between the ages of 18 to 39 years of    also be caused by fungal and viral pathogens, albeit with a
age increases both the incidence of UTIs and the frequency         substantially lower prevalence than reported for bacterial
of recurrence [4]. Any region of the urinary tract may be-         UTIs. In this review, we focus on the major bacterial causes
come infected, including the kidneys, bladder, urethra, and        of UTIs. Therefore, whilst numerous studies have screened
ureter [8]. When the UTIs occur in the lower regions of the        traditional medicines for the ability to inhibit S. aureus,
urinary tract, the infection is known as a bladder infection       those studies generally focussed on other diseases (e.g., skin
(cystitis). Infections in the upper urinary tract (pyelone-        disorders), and we have not listed those studies herein due to
phritis) are commonly referred to as kidney infections.            the minor role of this bacterium in inducing UTIs. Likewise,
                                                                   Candida albicans infections are a common cause of urethra
                                                                   infections and are thus commonly classed as urethritis rather
1.1. Types of Urinary Tract Infections. Urinary tract infections
                                                                   than a UTI. Therefore, we do not include studies examining
are classified as either complicated or uncomplicated.
                                                                   the effects of southern African plants to inhibit C. albicans
Complicated infections occur in people with underlying
                                                                   growth in this review. Numerous other studies have ex-
conditions or abnormalities in any part of the genitourinary
                                                                   amined the effects of southern African plants against
tract, making the infection more serious and more chal-
                                                                   C. albicans, and the reader is directed to those studies
lenging to treat than uncomplicated infections. In contrast,
                                                                   [11–13]. Notably, those studies generally screened against
uncomplicated UTIs are classified as infections occurring in
                                                                   C. albicans for reasons not associated with UTIs.
the absence of comorbidities or other anatomical urinary
                                                                       The pathogens that cause UTIs usually enter the urinary
tract and renal abnormalities [9]. The incidence of com-
                                                                   tract via the urethra. Bacteria are transferred to the urethra
plicated UTIs is substantially lower than that of uncom-
                                                                   from the bowel. When they colonise the bladder, they attach
plicated UTIs, which occur in otherwise healthy people with
                                                                   to the bladder wall and form a biofilm, which helps the
normal genitourinary tract anatomy [10]. However, un-
                                                                   pathogens to evade the host’s immune response [14]. Im-
complicated infections are generally easier to manage, and
                                                                   proper urogenital area hygiene, sexual intercourse, and
treatment with a short course of antibiotics is usually ef-
                                                                   exposure to unfavourable hygiene products (e.g., scented
fective. Urinary tract infections in children and males are
                                                                   and chemical filled feminine products and contraceptives)
generally categorised as uncomplicated infections due to
                                                                   may aid in the introduction of pathogens to the urinary tract
their low probability of comorbidities [8]. Notably, com-
                                                                   and create suitable growth conditions for infections to de-
plicated UTI-causative pathogens are linked to increased
                                                                   velop [10]. Other risk factors for contracting an uncom-
rates of antimicrobial resistance. Therefore, the development
                                                                   plicated UTI include sexual intercourse with a new sexual
of effective therapies to treat these conditions is vital, not
                                                                   partner, use of contraceptives, and a history of previous
only to decrease the effects of these infections, but also to
                                                                   recurrent UTIs. Risk factors for complicated UTIs are un-
slow the development of further antibiotic-resistant bacterial
                                                                   derlying diseases, use of catheters, abnormal genitourinary
                                                                   anatomy and physiology, hospitalisation, and exposure to
                                                                   antibiotics [10].
1.2. Causes of Urinary Tract Infections. Interestingly, there
can be notable differences between the infectious agents
                                                                   1.3. Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections. Urinary tract
responsible for uncomplicated and complicated UTIs. The
                                                                   infections may present in several ways including increased
vast majority of these pathogens are normal components of
                                                                   and persistent urgency to urinate, painful burning sensations
the gastrointestinal or vaginal microflora, thereby increasing
                                                                   associated with urination, increased frequency of urination,
the chances that they cause UTIs. For both classes of UTI,
                                                                   lower volumes for each urinary event, and cloudy and foul
uropathogenic Escherichia coli are the leading infective
                                                                   smelling urine. Pain in the lower abdomen, back, and pelvic
agent, accounting for approximately 75 and 65% for un-
                                                                   area is also a relatively common symptom of UTIs, especially
complicated and complicated UTIs, respectively [1]. Kleb-
                                                                   in women [8]. Occasionally, UTIs may result in blood in the
siella pneumoniae accounts for a further 6% and 8% of
                                                                   urine, which may present as red-, pink-, or cola-coloured
uncomplicated and complicated UTIs. The bacterium
                                                                   urine. Infection in the kidney may present with symptoms
Staphylococcus saprophyticus causes about 6% of uncom-
                                                                   including nausea and vomiting, fever, and upper back pain
plicated UTIs yet does not significantly contribute to
                                                                   (most commonly on a single side) [10]. Many of these signs
complicated UTIs. In contrast, Enterococcus spp. contribute
                                                                   and symptoms are generic, and UTIs are frequently over-
substantially to complicated UTI cases (∼11%), yet con-
                                                                   looked or misdiagnosed as other conditions, particularly in
tribute less to uncomplicated UTIs (∼6%). Other bacteria
                                                                   older people.
also contribute significantly, albeit with substantially lower
rate, to the incidence of UTIs. In particular, Proteus spp.
(particularly Proteus mirabilis) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa        1.4. Current Treatments. In most cases, UTIs are relatively
each cause approximately 2% of both uncomplicated and              easy to treat with a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics,
complicated cases of UTIs. Other pathogens may                     although fluoroquinolones (including ciprofloxacin) are
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine                                                                         3

generally avoided as the side effects are often regarded as       documented, although many of the therapies are yet to be
outweighing the benefits. The most common treatments              extensively studied and verified, and substantially more
include      trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole,      fosfomycin,     work is needed in this field.
nitrofurantoin, cephalexin, and ceftriaxone. However, due to         It is estimated that approximately 700,000 tons of plant
overuse and misuse of commonly used clinical antibiotics,        materials are used each year in South Africa to produce
the emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens is increas-      herbal remedies worth 1.2 to 2.5 billion South African Rands
ingly common, resulting in the failure of the main antibiotic    annually [25–28]. Not only are these products widely used in
chemotherapy options [15]. Antibiotic resistance has been a      South Africa by practitioners of traditional medicine, but
driving force of new drug development initiatives, and           they are also becoming increasingly popular as comple-
implementation of alternative treatment identification and        mentary and alternative medicines in combination with
new antibiotic therapies are urgently required.                  allopathic pharmaceuticals. Indeed, some plant products
    The development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is in-      (e.g., Harpagophytum procumbens (Burch.) DC. Ex Meisn.,
creasingly resulting in antibiotic therapy failures, and         commonly known as devil‘s claw extracts) are commonly
chronic UTIs are becoming more frequent [1]. Additionally,       sold at pharmacies globally, and it is no longer necessary to
the relatively high rate of UTI recurrence poses a challenge     visit a traditional Muthi market to obtain products devel-
to the effective treatment of these infections [16]. Indeed,      oped from them. However, a substantial portion of tradi-
that study estimated that approximately 24% of people            tional plant use in South Africa does use plant materials
contracting a UTI will develop a recurrent infection within      obtained and prepared following traditional methods.
six months of the original infection. Of further concern,        Depending on the plant species used, a variety of different
approximately 5% of people who develop a UTI will ex-            parts including roots, flowers, leaves, bulbs, and stems may
perience more than three recurrences per year [17].              be used medicinally, and the individual parts may have
    Foxman and Buxton [18] suggest that empirical treat-         substantially different properties and uses [29]. Traditional
ments of UTIs should be reconsidered due to the following        beliefs have a deep influence within the majority of the
reasons:                                                         ethnic cultures in South Africa and are particularly prevalent
                                                                 in rural communities [30]. Even in urban communities, a
    (i) The frequency of antibiotic-resistant E. coli strains,
                                                                 large portion of the South African population is reliant on
        many of which have resistance to multiple antibiotics
                                                                 traditional medicine as their primary mode of healthcare
        including fluoroquinolones [15], is increasing. The
                                                                 [31]. Indeed, that study postulated that the demand for
        increasing incidence of extended spectrum β-lacta-
                                                                 traditional medicines in South Africa will increase in future
        mase (ESBL) UTI pathogens that are resistant to the
                                                                 years due to stress associated with urban lifestyles.
        commonly used β-lactam class of antibiotics is
                                                                     Despite their widespread use, there is a relative lack of
        particularly concerning [19, 20].
                                                                 information on the proper use and preservation of plant
   (ii) Even relatively short courses of currently used an-      medicines. Medicinal plants are considered (often errone-
        tibiotic therapies may significantly affect the gut        ously) to have fewer adverse effects [32] and are often more
        microflora, resulting in other health issues devel-       accessible and affordable than Western/allopathic medica-
        oping [21]. These therapies may also disrupt the         tions [33]. A substantial number of South Africans (espe-
        urogenital microbiome, resulting in other unfore-        cially rural populations) are dependent on self-medication
        seen issues. Thus, the benefits of empirical antibiotic   with plant-based medicines, and the involvement of the
        therapy may not outweigh the risks [22, 23]. New         community in managing the use and preservation of plant
        and innovative strategies to prevent UTI recurrences     species may result in successful strategies for sustainable use
        and alternative therapies for their treatment are        [34]. South African ethnobotanical literature has been rel-
        considered a high priority [18].                         atively well recorded, although the medicinal properties of
                                                                 many species used traditionally are yet to be rigorously
                                                                 verified. There has been a substantial increase in studies
1.5. The Use of Medicinal Plants in Urinary Tract Infection      screening and validating the use of South African traditional
Treatment. The launch and development of the WHO                 medicines in recent years, highlighting the potential of
Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014–2023 aimed to support         several species [35]. Of the therapeutic properties examined,
the development and implementation of proactive policies         the antibacterial activity of South African plants has received
and action plans to improve the role traditional medicine        the most attention, although many species remain relatively
plays in population health [24]. The strategy focuses on         neglected. Numerous plants have been reported to have
developing new health systems (including the use of com-         antimicrobial activity, with a substantial recent increase in
plementary and traditional medicinal products) as a high         interest in this field. However, very few of those studies have
priority. A re-examination of traditional medicines is an        specifically focussed on UTIs. Instead, screening against
attractive option for the development of new therapies to        bacterial pathogens that cause gastrointestinal diseases
treat pathogenic infections as plant-derived medicines have      [36, 37], skin disease [38, 39], or autoimmune diseases
often been used for hundreds (in some cases, thousands) of       [40, 41] have received far greater attention. Notably, many of
years. Furthermore, the traditional use by some cultures has     the same bacterial species screened in the other studies are
been relatively well documented. Asian, Middle Eastern, and      also amongst the pathogenic causes of UTIs. Whilst the
African traditional systems are perhaps the most extensively     focus of those studies is not UTIs, they are included in this
4                                                                   Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

study as they were screened against the same bacterial                 (v) Only studies screening against the common causes
species.                                                                   of UTIs were evaluated in this review, irrespective of
                                                                           their focus. For example, studies that screened
2. Materials and Methods                                                   southern African plants against E. coli were in-
                                                                           cluded in this study, even if their focus was on
This study aimed to record and document the southern                       gastrointestinal diseases rather than UTIs.
African medicinal plants that are used traditionally to treat
                                                                      (vi) Ethnobotanical studies on the flora of southern
UTIs. A variety of ethnobotanical books [42–46], as well as
                                                                           African region included South Africa and those
multiple peer reviewed journal articles, were consulted to
                                                                           countries immediately surrounding it.
compile this list. The online resources Google Scholar,
PubMed, Scopus, and ScienceDirect were used to identify
and access original scientific research studies. The following      2.3. Exclusion Criteria. The following criteria were used to
terms were used as filters and were searched for both alone         exclude some studies:
and as combination: “Southern Africa,” “South African,”
                                                                        (i) Where name changes and families of plant species
“Lesotho,” “Swaziland,” “Namibia,” “Botswana,” “Zim-
                                                                            were encountered, particularly in older publica-
babwe,” “Zambia,” “Mozambique,” “traditional medicinal
                                                                            tions, websites such as The Plant List (http://www.
plant,” “ethnobotany,” “urinary tract infection,” “UTI,”
                                                                   and South African National Bio-
“bladder,” and “uropathogens.” The initial search aimed to
                                                                            diversity Institute (SANBI) (
document all of the plant species used in southern Africa to
                                                                            were used to confirm species identification.
treat UTIs. Our study was nonbiased and did not favour the
traditional knowledge of one ethnic group over others.                 (ii) Plant species that were recorded to treat generic
Despite this, substantially more information was available                  symptoms of UTIs that are common to other ill-
about Zulu traditional medicine due to the prevalence of                    nesses, without specifically stating their use in
reports on that topic in the available literature. Whilst most              treating UTIs, were excluded from this study.
of these species are native South African plants, introduced          (iii) Studies that screened against bacteria that only
species were not excluded, where they had been incorpo-                     cause UTIs secondary to other diseases were ex-
rated into the traditional medicine systems of at least one                 cluded. Therefore, studies screening South African
South African ethnic group. Following the initial literature                plants for S. aureus, which only causes UTIs sec-
review, a further review was undertaken to identify the                     ondary to blood S. aureus infections, were not in-
species that have been screened for their ability to inhibit one            cluded in this study.
or more of the bacterial pathogens that cause UTIs.                   (iv) Only screening studies that tested against bacterial
                                                                            pathogens were included in this study. Publications
2.1. Eligibility Criteria. Ethnobotanical books and peer                    that screened South African plants for fungi, viruses,
reviewed journal articles were searched using the specific key               or protozoa were excluded.
words noted above. Published studies were identified and                (v) The use of introduced plant species were excluded
their abstracts were read to establish their relevance to this              from this study unless they are extensively used as
study. The full content of publications that were deemed                    part of southern African traditional medicine of at
relevant were then examined thoroughly to ensure that the                   least one South African ethnic group.
eligibility criteria were met.
                                                                   2.4. Data Collection. A thorough literature search for
2.2. Inclusion Criteria. The following inclusion criteria for      publications on southern African medicinal plants used
eligibility of the study were considered:                          traditionally to treat UTIs was undertaken and is sum-
      (i) Publications written in English and prior to April       marised in this study. Additionally, in vivo and in vitro
          2021 were used in this review.                           biological screening of South African medicinal plants for
                                                                   bacterial pathogens that cause UTIs are summarised, re-
     (ii) Our study was nonbiased and without any taxo-
                                                                   gardless of the origin of the study. The following data was
          nomic preference.
                                                                   collected for each species:
    (iii) For the ethnobotanical survey (Table 1), only plant
          species that are recorded to treat UTIs are included.         (i) Species name, family name, and common name for
          Any plants recorded to treat individual nonspecific                each species recorded in the individual publications
          symptoms were excluded unless it could be deter-                  were collected
          mined that they were specifically used to treat UTIs.         (ii) Common names and the names used by different
    (iv) For the biological activity studies presented in Ta-               ethnic groups (where appropriate) were collected
          ble 2, only studies that screened against the major               from individual publications and from the SANBI
          bacterial causes of UTIs were included, irrespective              red list website
          of whether the focus of the study was UTIs or the           (iii) The plant part used, method of preparation, and
          bacteria tested were selected because of their as-                mode of administration were recorded where that
          sociation with a different disease.                                information was provided
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine                                                                                    5

                          Table 1: Southern African plants traditionally used to treat urinary tract infections.
                                                                                       Part of plant
Plant species                         Family                Common name                                      Uses         References
Acacia sieberiana var. woodii                            Paperbark thorn (Eng);         Bark and         Urinary tract
                                   Leguminosae                                                                               [46]
(Burtt Davy) Keay & Brenan                                papierbasdoring (Afr)            roots           ailments
Acokanthera oppositifolia                                                                                Urinary tract
                                   Apocynaceae          Inhlungunyembe (Zulu)          Not specified                          [43]
(Lam.) Codd                                                                                               infection
Afroaster hispida (Thunb.)
                                    Asteraceae             Udlutshana (Zulu)           Not specified Urinary ailments         [47]
J.C.Manning & Goldblatt
Agathosma betulina                                Buchu (Eng); boegoe (Afr); bocho                       Bladder and
                                     Rutaceae                                         Leaves                              [45, 48, 49]
(P.J.Bergius) Pillans                                           (Sotho)                                kidney ailments
Agathosma capensis (L.)                           Spicy buchu (Eng); anysboegoe,
                                     Rutaceae                                         Leaves           Urinary ailments      [50]
Dummer                                                  steenbokboegoe (Afr)
Agathosma serratifolia                             Langblaarboegoe, kloofboegoe                          Bladder and
                                     Rutaceae                                         Leaves                                 [45]
(Curtis) Spreeth                                      (Afr); long buchu (Eng)                          kidney ailments
Albizia adianthifolia (Schum.)                            Isiyengelele, usolo,                           Urinary tract
                                   Leguminosae                                     Not specified                              [47]
W.Wight                                                umgadankawu (Zulu)                                  infection
                                                   Bitteraalwyn (Afr); bitter aloe Leaves, roots,         Kidney and
Aloe ferox Mill.                 Xanthorrhoeaceae                                                                            [51]
                                                                 (Eng)              and stems          bladder ailments
                                                   Sebra-aalwyn (Afr); zebra aloe                        Urinary and
Aloe zebrina Baker               Xanthorrhoeaceae                                     Leaves                                 [46]
                                                                 (Eng)                                 bladder ailments
Antiphiona pinnatisecta
                                   Compositae                  Unknown                     Roots       Bladder ailments      [46]
(S.Moore) Merxm.
Antizoma angustifolia                                                                                     Kidney and
                                 Menispermaceae          Maagbitterwortel (Afr)            Roots                             [52]
(Burch.) Miers ex Harv.                                                                                bladder ailments
Aptosimum procumbens
                                 Scrophulariaceae            Brandbos (Afr)                Leaves      Bladder ailments    [42–44]
(Lehm.) Burch. ex Steud
Arctopus echinatus L.                Apiaceae                Platdoring (Afr)            Roots     Bladder ailments       [42–44, 53]
                                                    Alsem (Afr); African wormwood Leaves, roots,     Bladder and
Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd.     Compositae                                                                               [49, 51]
                                                        (Eng); mhlonyana (Zulu)        and stems   kidney ailments
                                                         Bush asparagus, African
                                                                                                     Bladder and
Asparagus africanus Lam.           Asparagaceae     asparagus (Eng); katdoring (Afr); Not specified                           [46]
                                                                                                   kidney ailments
                                                              isigobo (Zulu)
Asparagus asparagoides (L.)                                                                          Urinary tract
                                   Asparagaceae             Makholela (Sotho)            Roots                               [48]
Druce                                                                                                  infection
Aster bakerianus Burtt Davy                                                                          Urinary tract
                                   Compositae         Idlutshane, uhloshana (Zulu)       Leaves                              [43]
ex C.A.Sm.                                                                                             infection
Baccharoides adoensis var.
                                                                                         Stems and       Urinary tract
kotschyana (Sch.Bip. ex            Compositae              Innyathelo (Zulu)                                                 [43]
                                                                                           leaves         infection
                                                                                                         Bladder and
Ballota africana (L.) Benth.        Lamiaceae               Kattekruid (Afr)               Leaves                            [50]
                                                                                                       kidney ailments
                                                Ikhakhasi, umalumvuba (Zulu);                            Urinary and
Berkheya Setifera DC.              Compositae                                        Root                                  [47, 54]
                                                   leleme-la-khomo (Sotho)                             kidney ailments
Bolusanthus speciosus (Bolus)                     Umholo (Zulu); tree wisteria   Barks, leaves,
                                 Leguminosae                                                           Kidney ailments       [55]
Harms                                              (Eng); vanwykshout (Afr)       and stems
Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb. Amaryllidaceae             Gifbol (Afr)               Bulb              Bladder ailments    [42–44]
                                                     Climbing onion (Eng);
Bowiea volubilis Harv.           Asparagaceae                                        Bulb              Bladder ailments    [43, 48]
                                                knolklimop (Afr); iguleni (Zulu)
Brachylaena discolor DC.         Compositae      Bosvaalbos (Afr); ipahla (Zulu)    Leaves             Urinary ailments      [43]
Bulbine abyssinica A.Rich      Xanthorrhoeaceae       Wildekopieva (Afr)            Leaves             Bladder ailments    [56, 57]
                                                                                                         Bladder and
Bulbine latifolia (L.f.) Spreng. Xanthorrhoeaceae Red carrot (Eng); rooiwortel (Afr)       Root                            [48, 57]
                                                                                                       kidney ailments
Cardiospermum halicacabum                           Balloon vine (Eng); blaasklimop Stems and
                                   Sapindaceae                                                    Bladder ailments        [43, 46, 58]
L.                                                                (Afr)                 leaves
Carica papaya L.                    Caricaceae           Papaya, pawpaw (Eng)        Not specified Bladder ailments           [42]
                                                    Buffalograss (Eng); bloubuffelgras                Urinary tract
Cenchrus ciliaris L.                 Poaceae                                            Roots                             [43, 59, 60]
                                                       (Afr); idungamuzi (Zulu)                       infection
                                                                                                    Urinary and
Centaurea benedicta (L.) L.        Compositae               Karmedik (Afr)           Not specified                            [50]
                                                                                                  kidney ailments
Chironia baccifera L.              Gentianaceae       Bitterbos, sarsaparilla (Afr)  Not specified Urinary ailments           [50]
6                                                                      Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

                                                         Table 1: Continued.
                                                                                       Part of plant
Plant species                         Family               Common name                                       Uses          References
Chrysanthemoides monilifera                                                                              Urinary and
                                    Compositae          Bietou, bessiebos (Afr)        Whole plant                            [50]
(L.) Norl.                                                                                             kidney ailments
                                                    David’s root (Eng); gifhondjie,     Roots and
Cissampelos capensis L.f.         Menispermaceae                                                       Bladder ailments    [42–44, 46]
                                                         dawidjieswortel (Afr)            leaves
                                                     African cabbage, spiderwisp
Cleome gynandra L.                  Cleomaceae                                         Not specified Bladder ailments          [42]
                                                     (Eng); snotterbelletjie (Afr)
                                                    Wildewingerd (Afr); wild vine
Cliffortia odorata L.f.               Rosaceae                                             Leaves       Bladder ailments       [48]
                                                    Benediction lily (Eng); boslelie
Clivia miniata (Lindl.) Bosse     Amaryllidaceae                                           Bulb        Urinary ailments       [43]
                                                        (Afr); umayime (Zulu)
Coix lacryma-jobi L.                 Poaceae            Job’s tears, adlay (Eng)       Not specified Bladder ailments          [42]
                                                    Umduba, umdubu omhlophe,                          Urinary and
Combretum kraussii Hochst.         Combretaceae                                        Not specified                           [47]
                                                       umdubo wamanzi (Zulu)                        bladder ailments
                                                      Idangabane (Zulu); khopo
Commelina africana L.             Commelinaceae                                            Root        Bladder ailments       [43]
Conostomium natalense                               Wild pentas (Eng); umbophe,
                                    Rubiaceae                                          Not specified Urinary ailments          [61]
(Hochst.) Bremek.                                          ungcolosi (Zulu)
Conyza scabrida DC.                Compositae      Oondbos, bakbos, paddabos (Afr)        Leaves       Bladder infection      [51]
Crinum macowanii Baker            Amaryllidaceae   River fly (Eng); umduze (Zulu)           Bulb        Urinary ailments       [43]
Crinum moorei Hook. f.            Amaryllidaceae            Umduze (Zulu)                  Bulb        Urinary ailments       [43]
Crossyne guttata (L.) D.Müll.-
                                  Amaryllidaceae             Gifbol (Afr)                  Bulb        Bladder ailments     [42–44]
Doblies & U.Müll.-Doblies
Cryptolepis oblongifolia                              Bokhoring, melkbos (Afr);
                                   Apocynaceae                                         Not specified Bladder ailments          [42]
(Meisn.) Schltr.                                         mukangaza (Sotho)
Cussonia paniculata Eckl. &                                                                              Kidney and
                                    Araliaceae             Motsetse (Sotho)            Not specified                         [54, 62]
Zeyh.                                                                                                  bladder ailment
Cyathula achyranthoides
                                  Amaranthaceae               Unknown                  Not specified Bladder ailments          [63]
(Kunth) Moq.
                                                    Dog’s tooth (Eng); krookgras
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.          Poaceae                                             Rhizome       Urinary ailments       [46]
                                                   Thornapple, jimsonweed, devil’s
Datura stramonium L.                Solanaceae                                            Leaves       Bladder ailments       [42]
                                                            snare (Eng)
                                                                                                         Bladder and
Dicoma capensis Less.               Compositae     Karmedik, wilde karmedik (Afr)         Leaves                       [44, 45, 56, 57]
                                                                                                       kidney ailments
                                                                                                         Bladder and
Diosma oppositifolia L.              Rutaceae         Buchu, Bitter buchu (Eng)           Leaves                             [48]
                                                                                                       kidney ailments
                                                                                                         Urinary and
Diosma prama I.Williams              Rutaceae           Steenbokkboegoe (Afr)          Not specified                          [50]
                                                                                                       kidney ailments
Diospyros mespiliformis                              Ikhambi lesduli, umazambezi
                                    Ebenaceae                                          Not specified Urinary ailments          [47]
Hochst. ex A.DC                                                  (Zulu)
Dipcadi gracillimum Baker          Asparagaceae         Oumasegroottoon (Afr)          Not specified Bladder ailments          [63]
                                                          Ugibizisila, uguleni,                       Urinary tract
Dipcadi viride (L.) Moench         Asparagaceae                                        Not specified                           [47]
                                                         umakhweyana (Zulu)                             infection
Dipcadi gracillimum Baker          Asparagaceae         Oumasegroottoon (Afr)          Not specified Urinary ailments          [64]
                                                    Basterolen, sandolien, ysterbos                   Bladder and
Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq.        Sapindaceae                                           Leaves                            [5, 50, 51]
                                                        (Afr); sand olive (Eng)                     kidney ailments
                                                      Satin squill (Eng); brandui,
Drimia elata Jacq.                 Asparagaceae                                        Not specified Urinary ailments          [44]
                                                   jeukbol (Afr); umqumbu (Zulu)
Dysphania ambrosioides (L.)                                Ikhambi leslumo,
                                  Amaranthaceae                                        Not specified Urinary ailments          [47]
Mosyakin & Clemants                                     uzansikwesibaya (Zulu)
Elytropappus rhinocerotis                                                                             Bladder and
                                    Asteraceae            Renosterbos (Afr)               Leaves                              [49]
(L.f.) Less.                                                                                        kidney disorders
Elymus repens (L.) Gould             Poaceae             Couch grass (Eng)             Not specified Bladder ailments          [42]
Empleurum unicapsulare                               Bergboegoe, langblaarboegoe                      Urinary and
                                     Rutaceae                                          Whole plant                            [50]
(L.f.) Skeels                                                   (Afr)                               kidney ailments
                                                                                                      Urinary and
Eriocephalus punctulatus DC.        Compositae             Kapokbos (Afr)              Whole plant                            [50]
                                                                                                    kidney ailments
Eriosema distinctum N.E.Br.        Leguminosae       Ubangalala omkhulu (Zulu)            Roots     Urinary ailments          [43]
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine                                                                                7

                                                       Table 1: Continued.
                                                                                    Part of plant
Plant species                      Family                Common name                                      Uses          References
                                                   Coral tree (Eng); kaffirboom
Erythrina caffra Thunb.           Leguminosae                                           Leaves       Urinary ailments       [43]
                                                      (Afr); umsinsi (Zulu)
Erythrina lysistemon Hutch.      Leguminosae             Umsinsi (Zulu)                Leaves   Bladder ailments           [47]
                                                                                                  Urinary tract
Euclea natalensis A.DC.           Ebenaceae      IsiZimane, umshekisane (Zulu)        Bark                               [47, 65]
                                                    Ghwarrie, ghwarrieboom,                       Urinary and
Euclea undulata Thunb.            Ebenaceae                                         Whole plant                          [43, 50]
                                                      ghwarriebos (Afr)                         kidney ailments
Eucomis autumnalis (Mill.)
                                 Asparagaceae         Mathethebane (Sotho)          Tubular roots Urinary ailments         [58]
Euphorbia milii Des Moul.       Euphorbiaceae        Crown of thorns (Eng)          Not specified Bladder ailments        [64, 66]
Euphorbia tithymaloides L.      Euphorbiaceae         Redbird flower (Eng)           Not specified Bladder ailments        [64, 66]
Exomis microphylla (Thunb.)
                                Amaranthaceae    Hondepisbos, hondebossie (Afr)     Whole plant Urinary ailments           [50]
Faidherbia albida (Delile)
                                 Leguminosae      Anatree (Eng); anaboom (Afr)          Bark        Bladder ailments       [46]
                                                  Vinkel, makuinkel, soetvinkel
Foeniculum vulgare Mill.           Apiaceae                                         Whole plant Urinary ailments           [50]
Galenia africana L.               Aizoaceae               Kraalbos (Afr)               Leaves       Bladder ailments     [42–44]
                                                   Red storm (Eng); rooistorm,
Galium tomentosum Thunb.          Rubiaceae                                             Root        Bladder ailments     [48, 56]
                                                          doodlief (Afr)
                                                 Carpet geranium (Eng); horlosie,
Geranium incanum Burm.f.         Geraniaceae      bergtee, vrouetee (Afr); tlako    Not specified Bladder ailments        [56, 64]
Grewia caffra Meisn.               Malvaceae           Upata, iphatha (Zulu)         Roots, bark     Bladder ailment        [67]
                                                    Cross berry (Eng); iklolo,
Grewia occidentalis L.            Malvaceae                                            Roots        Bladder ailments       [43]
                                                         imahlehle (Zulu)
Grewia robusta Burch.             Malvaceae                Bokbos (Afr)           Whole plant Urinary ailments             [50]
Gunnera perpensa L.              Gunneraceae          Ugobho, izibu (Zulu)        Not specified Bladder ailments            [47]
Helichrysum crispum (L.)                                                                           Bladder and
                                 Compositae               Kooigoed (Afr)              Leaf                                 [49]
D. Don                                                                                           kidney ailments
Helichrysum odoratissimum                        Phefo (Sotho); kooigoed, kooibos Leaves, roots,
                                 Compositae                                                      Bladder ailments        [50, 56]
(L.) Sweet                                                     (Afr)               and stems
Helichrysum patulum (L.)                             Honey everlasting (Eng);
                                 Compositae                                       Not specified Bladder ailments            [42]
D.Don                                            kooigoed (Afr); impepho (Zulu)
Hibiscus pusillus Thunb.          Malvaceae              Blaasbossie (Afr)        Whole plant Urinary ailments             [50]
                                                                                   Stems and
Hibiscus mastersianus Hiern       Malvaceae        Monarch rosemallow (Eng)                      Urinary ailments          [46]
                                                    Pink mallow (Eng); indola
Hibiscus pedunculatus L.f.        Malvaceae                                          Leaves      Urinary ailments          [43]
                                                          ebomvu (Zulu)
                                                      Bird gooseberry (Eng);
Hoslundia opposita Vahl           Lamiaceae                                       Not specified Urinary ailments            [46]
                                                        uyaweyawe (Zulu)
Hypoxis hemerocallidea
                                Hypoxidaceae     Inkanfe (Zulu); yellow star (Eng) Not specified Bladder ailments         [47, 50]
Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Avé-Lall.
                                                 Ilabatheka, inkomfe, umhungulo
Hypoxis rigidula Baker          Hypoxidaceae                                      Not specified Bladder ailments          [47, 50]
                                                    (Zulu); African potato (Eng)
Indigofera cassioides DC.        Leguminosae                 Unknown              Not specified Bladder ailments            [42]
                                                 Beach morning glory, goat’s foot
Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R.Br.   Convolvulaceae                                    Not specified Bladder ailments            [42]
                                                      (Eng); strandpatat (Afr)
Jasminum abyssinicum
                                   Oleaceae               Mthundangazi                 Roots        Bladder ailments       [68]
Hochst. ex DC.
                                                                                    Tubular roots     Urinary tract
Kedrostis capensis A. Meeuse    Cucurbitaceae        Sesepa sa linoha (Sotho)                                              [69]
                                                                                     and leaves        infection
Ledebouria marginata (Baker)                                                                          Urinary tract
                                Asparagaceae             Bokhoe (Sotho)              Root bulb                             [70]
Jessop                                                                                                 infection
                                                                                     Stems with
                                                                                                      Bladder and
Leonotis leonurus (L.) R.Br.      Lamiaceae        Klip dagga, wild dagga (Afr)      leaves and                            [49]
                                                                                                    kidney disorders,
Lessertia frutescens (L.)                                                                             Kidney and
                                 Leguminosae       Kalkoenblom, keurtjie (Afr)         Leaves                            [50, 56]
Goldblatt & J.C.Manning                                                                             urinary ailments
8                                                                        Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

                                                          Table 1: Continued.
                                                                                          Part of plant
Plant species                         Family                 Common name                                      Uses          References
Matricaria chamomilla L.            Compositae              Chamomile (Eng)               Not specified Bladder ailments        [42]
                                                                                                         Urinary tract
Melianthus pectinatus Harv.        Melianthaceae       Kriekiebos, lidjiebos (Afr)            Root                             [56]
                                                       Wild mint (Eng); ufuthana                          Bladder and
Mentha longifolia (L.) L.            Lamiaceae                                               Leaves                         [49, 52, 68]
                                                           lomhlanga (Zulu)                             kidney ailments
Merwilla plumbea (Lindl.)                           Inguduza, untabosizi, untangana
                                   Asparagaceae                                     Not specified Bladder ailments            [47, 50]
Speta                                                      zibomvana (Zulu)
                                     Aizoaceae              Ibohlololo (Zulu)                Leaves      Bladder ailment    [44, 47, 53]
cordifolium L.f.
                                                    Common ice plant, crystalline ice
                                     Aizoaceae            plant (Eng); soutslaai,         Not specified Bladder ailments        [42]
crystallinum L.
                                                            volstruisslaai (Afr)
Mikania capensis DC.               Compositae          Umdlonzo, umhlozo (Zulu)              Leaves    Urinary ailments      [42, 43]
Millettia oblata Dunn              Leguminosae                   Unknown                     Roots     Bladder ailments        [42]
Notobubon galbanum (L.)                              Blister bush (Eng); bergseldery                      Kidney and
                                     Apiaceae                                             Not specified                       [42, 52]
Magee                                                               (Afr)                              bladder ailment
                                                          Blue water lily (Eng);
                                                                                                          Urinary tract
Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f.          Nymphaeaceae     blouwaterlelie (Afr); izubu, iziba,      Leaves                         [46, 47, 49]
                                                              ugobho (Zulu)
                                                         Hoary basil (Eng); wilde                         Urinary tract
Ocimum americanum L.                 Lamiaceae                                            Not specified                         [46]
                                                             basielkruid (Afr)                             infection
Ocotea bullata (Burch.)                              Stinkwood, laurel wood (Eng);
                                     Lauraceae                                               Bark        Urinary ailments    [43, 58]
E. Meyer in Drege                                    umnukani, umhlungulu (Zulu)
                                                       Wild olive (Eng); olyfhout,
                                                                                           Roots and      Urinary tract
Olea europaea L.                     Oleaceae        olienhout (Afr); isadlulambezo                                          [43, 46]
                                                                                             bark          infection
                                                          Snuff-box tree (Eng);
Oncoba spinosa Forssk.               Salicaceae                                           Not specified Bladder ailments        [42]
                                                           snuifkalbassie (Afr)
                                                    Foie e kubedu (Sepedi); mudoro
Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.       Cactaceae                                               Roots       Urinary ailments      [63]
Pedalium murex L.                   Pedaliaceae            Large caltrops (Eng)             Leaves       Bladder ailments      [42]
                                                                                          Leaves and       Bladder and
Pegolettia baccharidifolia Less.    Compositae      Ghwarrieson, heuningdou (Afr)                                            [44, 45]
                                                                                             twigs       kidney ailments
Pelargonium grossularioides                           Rooirabas (Afr); gooseberry-        Leaves and       Urinary tract
                                    Geraniaceae                                                                              [51, 68]
(L.) L’Hér.                                           leaved Pelargonium (Eng)             stems            infection
Pelargonium hypoleucum                                                                                     Urinary tract
                                    Geraniaceae              Rooirabas (Afr)                 Roots                             [56]
Turcz.                                                                                                       infection
Pelargonium ramosissimum                                                                  Leaves and       Bladder and
                                    Geraniaceae      Dassieboegoe, dassiebos (Afr)                                           [51, 68]
Willd.                                                                                      stems        kidney ailments
Pentanisia prunelloides                                  Sooibrandbossie (Afr);                            Bladder and
                                     Rubiaceae                                               Roots                             [43]
(Klotzsch) Walp.                                           icimamlilo (Zulu)                             kidney ailments
Petroselinum crispum (Mill.)
                                     Apiaceae        Pietersielie (Afr); parsley (Eng)       Leaves      Bladder ailments    [49, 66]
Nyman ex A.W.Hill.
                                                     Inkbessie (Afr); ingubivumile
Phytolacca heptandra Retz.         Phytolaccaceae                                         Not specified Urinary ailments        [43]
                                                     Pigweed, wild purslane (Eng);                         Bladder and
Portulaca quadrifida L.             Portulacaceae                                          Not specified                       [42, 46]
                                                           kanniedood (Afr)                              kidney ailments
Prunus persica (L.) Batsch           Rosaceae                 Peach (Eng)                    Leaves      Bladder ailments      [42]
                                                     Botterblom, brandblare (Afr);
Ranunculus multifidus Forssk.       Ranunculaceae                                             Leaves      Urinary ailments      [43]
                                                           uxhaphozi (Zulu)
                                                                                                           Kidney and
Rhamnus prinoides L’Hér.           Rhamnaceae               Mofifi (Sotho)                    Root                              [54]
                                                                                                         bladder ailment
                                                       Wild/bitter grape (Eng);
Rhoicissus tridentata (L.f.)
                                      Vitaceae      bobbejaantou, wildedruif (Afr);          Stems       Urinary ailments    [43, 64]
Wild & R.B.Drumm.
                                                             isinwazi (Zulu)
Rhynchosia caribaea (Jacq.)                         Snoutbean (Eng); rankboontjie
                                   Leguminosae                                               Roots       Urinary ailments      [46]
DC.                                                 (Afr); isihlahlasenqomfi (Zulu)
                                                    Least snoutbean, burn-mouth-
Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC.         Leguminosae                                               Roots       Bladder ailments      [46]
                                                                vine (Eng)
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine                                                                                       9

                                                          Table 1: Continued.
                                                                                          Part of plant
Plant species                        Family                 Common name                                         Uses          References
Rhynchosia sublobata
                                  Leguminosae      Twiner of barren ground (Eng)             Roots        Bladder ailments       [46]
(Schum.) Meikle
                                                                                                            Urinary and
Ricinus communis L.              Euphorbiaceae        Olieboom, olieblaar (Afr)              Leaves                            [47, 50]
                                                                                                          kidney ailments
Rotheca hirsuta (Hochst.)                         Butterfly bush, wild violet (Eng);
                                   Lamiaceae                                         Not specified Urinary ailments               [64]
R.Fern                                             umathanjana, lusikisiki (Zulu)
                                                                                                    Urinary tract
Ruta graveolens L.                  Rutaceae                 Wynruit (Afr)              Leaves      infection and              [49, 56]
                                                                                                  bladder ailments
Salix woodii Seemen                Salicaceae              Wild willow (Eng)             Bark     Urinary ailments               [69]
                                                    Cape willow (Eng); vaalwilger
Salix mucronata Thunb.             Salicaceae                                            Bark     Bladder ailments               [46]
                                                   Toothbrush tree, real mustard                    Urinary tract
Salvadora persica L.             Salvadoraceae                                          Roots                                    [46]
                                                      tree (Eng); kerriebos (Afr)                     infection
                                                      Baby sage, Graham’s sage,
Salvia microphylla Kunth           Lamiaceae                                            Roots     Urinary ailments               [50]
                                                        blackcurrant sage (Eng)
Scadoxus puniceus (L.) Friis &                       Idumbe likahloyile, uhloyile,
                                 Amaryllidaceae                                      Not specified Urinary ailments               [47]
Nordal                                                     umphompo (Zulu)
                                                                                                    Urinary tract
                                                       Gifappel (Afr); umthuma,
Solanum aculeastrum Dunal          Solanaceae                                            Fruit      infection and              [47, 48]
                                                            untumane (Zulu)
                                                                                                  kidney ailments
Sutherlandia frutescens (L.)                                                          Leaves and     Bladder and
                                    Fabaceae        Keurtjies, kankerbossie (Afr)                                                [49]
R.Br.                                                                                   stems     kidney ailments
                                                     Camphor bush (Eng); wilde
Tarchonanthus camphoratus
                                  Compositae      kanferbos (Afr); igceba elimhlope Not specified Urinary ailments                [64]
Teucrium trifidum Retz.            Lamiaceae               Katjiedriebaar (Afr)          Leaves    Bladder ailments             [56, 57]
Thesium hystrix A.W.Hill          Santalaceae            Kleinswartstorm (Afr)          Roots     Bladder ailments               [42]
                                                  Stinging nettle (Eng); ubangalala,
Tragia meyeriana Müll.Arg.      Euphorbiaceae                                       Not specified Bladder ailments             [42, 43]
                                                           imbabazane (Zulu)
Tragia rupestris Sond.           Euphorbiaceae     Ubangalala, imbabazane (Zulu)        Roots     Bladder ailments               [43]
                                                  Red rash (Eng); basteressenhout
Trichilia emetica Vahl             Meliaceae                                             Bark     Kidney ailments                [43]
                                                   (Afr); ixolo, umkhuhlu (Zulu)
                                                      Erasmus clover, wild clover
Trifolium africanum Ser.          Leguminosae          (Eng); wildeklawer (Afr);     Not specified Bladder ailments               [63]
                                                   moqoiqoi, moqophi (Sesotho)
Typha capensis (Rohrb.)                                                                              Bladder and
                                   Typhaceae                  Papkuil (Afr)          Not specified                                [46]
N.E.Br.                                                                                           kidney ailments
                                                    Small nettle (Eng); dog nettle
Urtica urens L.                    Urticaceae                                            Bark      Bladder pains                 [58]
Warburgia salutaris
                                  Canellaceae                Isibaha (Zulu)                  Leaves       Urethral ailments      [67]
(G.Bertol.) Chiov.
Withania somnifera (L.)                           Winter cherry (Eng); geneesblaar
                                   Solanaceae                                         Roots     Bladder ailments                 [46]
Dunal                                                          (Afr)
Xanthium strumarium L.            Compositae             Kankerroos (Afr)          Not specified Bladder ailments                 [42]
Xysmalobium undulatum (L.)
                                  Apocynaceae     Wild cotton (Eng); melkbos (Afr) Not specified Bladder ailments                 [46]
                                                    Arum lilies, calla lilies, pig lily
Zantedeschia albomaculata
                                    Araceae            (Eng.); varkblom (Afr);            Not specified Urinary ailments       [54, 62–64]
(Hook.) Baill.
                                                         mohalalitoe (Sotho)
Zea mays L.                         Poaceae          Corn (Eng); umbila (Zulu)            Not specified Bladder ailments          [42]

    Microsoft Excel was used for statistical data analysis.             traditionally been passed down from generation to gener-
                                                                        ation by word of mouth, and some of this knowledge has
3. Results                                                              now been recorded in ethnobotanical publications, although
                                                                        it is likely that substantial information is not yet readily
3.1. Plants Used Traditionally to Treat Urinary Tract Infections.       available. A total of 153 plants from fifty-two families were
Numerous South African plant species have been recorded                 recorded in the literature for the treatment of UTIs (Table 1).
to treat pathogenic diseases. This knowledge has                        Out of the fifty-two families, Compositae had the greatest
10                                                                       Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

            Table 2: Plant species with noteworthy activity that have been tested against urinary tract bacterial pathogens.
                                Plant part     Pathogens
Plant species                                                            MIC values                  Toxicity evaluation       References
                                   used         screened
                                                                                                    Non-toxic in Artemia
Acacia karoo Hayne               Leaves         E. coli        (M) 414 μg/mL; (W) 458 μg/mL                                       [71]
                                                                                                       lethality assay
                                Root and                      Root and bark: (E) 780 μg/mL; (W)
Acacia nicolitica (L.) Delile                   E. coli                                                Not determined             [72]
                                  bark                                   6250 μg/mL
                                Root and                     Root and bark: (E) 92–780 μg/mL; (W)
Acacia sieberiana DC.                           E. coli                                                Not determined             [72]
                                  bark                                   1560 μg/mL
                                                                                                     Not toxic in human
                                                E. coli               (W) > 8000 μg/mL                                            [73]
Agathosma betulina (Berg.)                                                                          epithelial kidney cells
Pillans                                      K. pneumoniae     (M) 1876 μg/mL; (W) 2387 μg/mL       Non-toxic in Artemia          [41]
                                              P. mirabilis               (M) 878 μg/mL                  lethality assay           [40]
                                                              Leaves: (M) 63 μg/mL; (E) 63 μg/mL
                                                E. coli
                                                               Stem (M) 63 μg/mL; (E) 63 μg/mL
                                                             Leaves: (M) 125 μg/mL; (E) 125 μg/mL
Alchornea cordifolia                         K. pneumoniae
                                 Leaves,                      Stem (M) 125 μg/mL; (E) 125 μg/mL
(Schumach. And Thonn.)                                                                                Not determined              [74]
                                  stem                       Leaves: (M) 125 μg/mL; (E) 125 μg/mL
Müll. Arg.                                   P. mirabilis
                                                              Stem (M) 125 μg/mL; (E) 250 μg/mL
                                                  S.          Leaves: (M) 63 μg/mL; (E) 63 μg/mL
                                             saprophyticus     Stem (M) 63 μg/mL; (E) 63 μg/mL
                                                             Leaves: (M) 125 μg/mL; (E) 125 μg/mL
                                                E. coli      Roots: (M) 500 μg/mL; (E) 500 μg/mL
                                                             Stem: (M) 500 μg/mL; (E) 250 μg/mL
                                                              Leaves: (M) 63 μg/mL; (E) 63 μg/mL
                                             K. pneumoniae   Roots: (M) 125 μg/mL; (E) 125 μg/mL
                                 Leaves,                     Stem: (M) 500 μg/mL; (E) 500 μg/mL
Alchornea laxiflora (Benth.)                                                                       LC50 � 100–140 μg/mL in
                                  roots,                     Leaves: (M) 8000 μg/mL; (E) 2000 μg/                                 [74]
Pax & Hoffm.                                                                                              HeLa cells
                                  stem                                         mL
                                              P. mirabilis
                                                             Roots: (M) 250 μg/mL; (E) 250 μg/mL
                                                             Stem: (M) 4000 μg/mL; (E) 4000 μg/mL
                                                              Leaves: (M) 63 μg/mL; (E) 63 μg/mL
                                                              Roots: (M) 63 μg/mL; (E) 63 μg/mL
                                                               Stem: (M) 63 μg/mL; (E) 63 μg/mL
                                                                                                    Not toxic in human
Aloe ferox Mill.                 Leaves         E. coli                (W) > 8000 μg/mL                                           [73]
                                                                                                   epithelial kidney cells
                                                 E. coli                (M) 1250 μg/mL
Aloe marlothii A.Berger          Leaves                                                               Not determined              [75]
                                             P. aeruginosa              (M) 1250 μg/mL
Apodytes dimidiata E.Mey                         E. coli                (A) 2500 μg/mL
                                Not stated                                                            Not determined              [76]
ex am.                                       P. aeruginosa               (A) 310 μg/mL
Artemisia afra Jacq. Ex                                                                             Not toxic in human
                                 Leaves         E. coli                 (W) 3000 μg/mL                                            [74]
Willd.                                                                                             epithelial kidney cells
                                             K. pneumoniae       (M) 438 μg/mL; (W) 379 μg/mL      Non-toxic in Artemia           [41]
Ballota africana (L.) Benth.     Leaves
                                              P. mirabilis              (M) 4278 μg/mL                 lethality assay            [40]
Bolosanthus speciosis                                                                             LC50 � 53 μg/mL in Vero
                                 Leaves         E. coli                   (A) 80 μg/mL                                            [77]
(Bolus) Harms                                                                                               cells
                                                 E. coli                 (A) 630 μg/mL
Brachylaena discolor            Not stated                                                            Not determined              [76]
                                             P. aeruginosa               (A) 310 μg/mL
Calpurnia aurea (aiton)                                                                           LC50 � 57 μg/mL in Vero
                                 Leaves         E. coli                   (A) 40 μg/mL                                            [77]
Benth.                                                                                                      cells
                                              P. mirabilis       (M) 205 μg/mL; (W) 561 μg/mL
Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.                                                                       Non-toxic in Artemia
                                 Leaves         Proteus                                                                           [40]
Br.                                                             (M) 670 μg/mL; (W) 1246 μg/mL          lethality assay
Cissius quadrangularis                           E. coli               (M) 1259 μg/mL
                                  Stems                                                                Not determined             [75]
(Linn.)                                      P. aeruginosa             (M) 2500 μg/mL
Clausena anisata (Willd.)                        E. coli                (A) 310 μg/mL
                                Not stated                                                             Not determined             [76]
Hook ex Benth.                               P. aeruginosa              (A) 310 μg/mL
Clerodendron glabrum                             E. coli                (A) 310 μg/mL
                                Not stated                                                             Not determined             [76]
E.Mey                                        P. aeruginosa              (A) 630 μg/mL
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine                                                                                 11

                                                           Table 2: Continued.
                              Plant part    Pathogens
Plant species                                                          MIC values                   Toxicity evaluation     References
                                 used        screened
Combretum kraussii                                          Root and bark: (E) 1560 μg/mL; (W)
                               Leaves         E. coli                                                 Not determined           [72]
Hochst.                                                                3125 μg/mL
Cremaspora triflora                                                                                LC50 � 14 μg/mL in Vero
                               Leaves         E. coli                 (A) 50 μg/mL                                             [77]
(Thonn.) K.Schum.                                                                                            cells
                                                            (M) 4000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                              E. coli      (D) > 8000 μg/mL; (EA) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                                                     (H) > 8000 μg/mL
Cryptocarya latifolia Sond.     Bark                                                                  Not determined           [78]
                                                            (M) 4000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                           P. aeruginosa    (D) > 8000 μg/mL; (EA) 2000 μg/mL;
                                                                      (H) 4000 μg/mL
Curtisia dentata (Burm.f )                     E. coli                 (A) 600 μg/mL
                              Not stated                                                              Not determined           [79]
C.A. Sm.                                   P. aeruginosa               (A) 600 μg/mL
                                               E. coli                (M) 1250 μg/mL
Cussonia spicata Thunb.         Bark                                                                  Not determined           [75]
                                           P. aeruginosa              (M) 1250 μg/mL
                                               E. coli                 (A) 880 μg/mL
Cussonia zuluensis Strey.     Not stated                                                              Not determined           [79]
                                           P. aeruginosa               (A) 880 μg/mL
Cyathea dregei (Kunze.)                        E. coli                 (A) 310 μg/mL
                              Not stated                                                              Not determined           [76]
R.M.Tyron                                  P. aeruginosa               (A) 310 μg/mL
Dicerocaryum ericarpum                         E. coli                (M) 1250 μg/mL
                               Shoots                                                                 Not determined           [75]
(Decne.)                                   P. aeruginosa              (M) 1250 μg/mL
                                                            (M) 1000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;      Non-toxic in Artemia
Ekebergia capensi Sparrm.      Leaves         E. coli                                                                          [80]
                                                                      (D) 1000 μg/mL                  lethality assay
Ekebergia pterophylla                                       (M) 1000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;      Non-toxic in Artemia
                               Leaves         E. coli                                                                          [80]
(C.DC) Hofmeyr                                                        (D) 4000 μg/mL                  lethality assay
Elaeodendron croceum                                                                              LC50 � 5 μg/mL in Vero
                               Leaves         E. coli                 (A) 110 μg/mL                                            [77]
(Thunb.) DC.                                                                                                cells
                                                           (M) 1750 μg/mL; (D) 1750 μg/mL;
                                              E. coli
Euclea crispa (Thunb.)                                              (EA) 1280 μg/mL
                                Leaf                                                                  Not determined           [81]
Gürke                                                     (M) 2000 μg/mL; (D) 2000 μg/mL;
                                           P. aeruginosa
                                                                    (EA) 1500 μg/mL
                                                           (M) 1250 μg/mL; (D) 1750 μg/mL;
                                               E. coli
                                                                    (EA) 1380 μg/mL
Euclea natalensis A. DC.        Leaf                                                                  Not determined           [81]
                                                           (M) 1000 μg/mL; (D) 2000 μg/mL;
                                           P. aeruginosa
                                                                    (EA) 2000 μg/mL
                                                         (M) > 8000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                               E. coli   (D) > 8000 μg/mL; (EA) > 8000 μg/mL;
Eucomis autumnalis (Mill.)                                         (H) > 8000 μg/mL
                                Bulb                                                                  Not determined           [78]
Chitt.                                                   (M) > 8000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                           P. aeruginosa (D) > 8000 μg/mL; (EA) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                                                     (H) 2000 μg/mL
                              Root and                    Root and bark: (E) 1560 μg/mL; (W)
Ficus sur Forssk.                              E. coli                                                Not determined           [72]
                                bark                                   4600 μg/mL
Gymnosporia senegalensis                                  (M) 156 μg/mL; (W) 312 μg/mL; (E)
                                Roots          E. coli                                                Not determined           [82]
(Lam.) Loes.                                                   156 μg/mL; (A) 312 μg/mL
                                                         (M) > 8000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                               E. coli   (D) > 8000 μg/mL; (EA) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                                                   (H) > 8000 μg/mL
Hydnora africana Thunb.         Bark                                                                  Not determined           [78]
                                                          (M) 2000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                           P. aeruginosa (D) > 8000 μg/mL; (EA) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                                                   (H) > 8000 μg/mL
Heteromorpha arborescens                                                                          LC50 � 81 μg/mL in Vero
                               Leaves         E. coli                 (A) 180 μg/mL                                            [77]
(Spreng.) Cham & Schltdl.                                                                                    cells
Hetromorpha trifoliata                         E.coli                 (A) 630 μg/mL
                              Not stated                                                              Not determined           [76]
Wendl. Eckl. & Zeyh.                       P. aeruginosa              (A) 630 μg/mL
12                                                                      Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

                                                            Table 2: Continued.
                               Plant part    Pathogens
Plant species                                                           MIC values                   Toxicity evaluation      References
                                  used        screened
                                                                                                    Non-toxic in Artemia
Heteropyxis natalensis Harv.    Leaves         E. coli                 (M) 382 μg/mL                                             [71]
                                                                                                        lethality assay
Hypericim roeperianum                                                                              LC50 � 66 μg/mL in Vero
                                Leaves         E. coli                 (A) 130 μg/mL                                             [77]
G.W.Schimp. ex A. Rich.                                                                                      cells
                                                            (M) 4000 μg/mL; (W) 4000 μg/mL; (D)
                                               E. coli        > 8000 μg/mL; (EA) > 8000 μg/mL;
Hypoxis hemerocallidea                                                (H) > 8000 μg/mL
                                Leaves                                                                 Not determined            [78]
Fisch.Mey. & avé-Lall.                                     (M) > 8000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                            P. aeruginosa   (D) > 8000 μg/mL; (EA) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                                                      (H) > 8000 μg/mL
                                Whole                        (M) 78 μg/mL; (E) 146 μg/mL; (A)
Indigofera daleoides Harv.                     E. coli                                                Not dertermined            [82]
                                plant                                      78 μg/mL
                                               E. coli                  (A) 160 μg/mL
Indigofera frutescens Linn. f. Not stated                                                              Not determined            [76]
                                          P. aeruginosa                 (A) 310 μg/mL
                                               E. coli                  (M) 630 μg/mL
Jatropha zeheri Sond.            Root                                                                  Not determined            [75]
                                          P. aeruginosa                (M) 2500 μg/mL
                                               E. coli         (M) 827 μg/mL; (W) 681 μg/mL                                      [71]
Kigelia africana (Lam.)                                                                             Non-toxic in Artemia
                                Leaves    K. pneumoniae        (M) 965 μg/mL; (W) 663 μg/mL                                      [41]
Benth.                                                                                                 lethality assay
                                           P. mirabilis       (M) 2483 μg/mL; (W) 285 μg/mL                                      [40]
Leucosidea sericea Eckl. &                     E. coli                   (A) 80 μg/mL
                               Not stated                                                              Not determined            [76]
Zeyh.                                     P. aeruginosa                  (A) 20 μg/mL
                                               E. coli         (M) 439 μg/mL; (W) 192 μg/mL                                      [71]
                                          K. pneumoniae        (M) 538 μg/mL; (W) 654 μg/mL                                      [41]
Lippia javanica (Burm.f.)                                                                           Non-toxic in Artemia
                                Leaves     P. mirabilis       (M) 313 μg/mL; (W) 1873 μg/mL                                      [40]
Spreng.                                                                                                lethality assay
                                                              (M) 926 μg/mL; (W) 1728 μg/mL                                      [40]
                                               E. coli               (A) 40–310 μg/mL              LC50 � 2.4 μg/mL in Vero
Maesa lanceolata Forssk.        Leaves                                                                                         [76, 77]
                                          P. aeruginosa              (A) 20–310 μg/mL                         cells
Melletia grandis (E.Mey.)                      E. coli                 (A) 310 μg/mL
                               Not stated                                                              Not determined            [76]
Skeels                                    P. aeruginosa                (A) 310 μg/mL
                                               E. coli                 (A) 310 μg/mL
Melia azedarach L.             Not stated                                                              Not determined            [76]
                                          P. aeruginosa                (A) 630 μg/mL
                                                                                        LC50 � 41 μg/mL in Vero
Morus mesozygia Stapf.          Leaves         E. coli                 (A) 70 μg/mL                                              [77]
Nymania capensis (Thunb.)                           (M) > 8000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL; Non-toxic in Artemia
                              Leaves       E. coli                                                                               [80]
Lindb.                                                        (D) > 8000 μg/mL               lethality assay
                                                     (M) 156 μg/mL; (W) 156 μg/mL; (E)
Ozoroa insignis Delile      Stem bark      E. coli                                          Not determined                       [82]
                                                         156 μg/mL; (A) 156 μg/mL
                                                                                         Non-toxic in Artemia
Pelargonium sidoides DC.      Leaves       E. coli           (W) > 8000 μg/mL                                                    [73]
                                                                                             lethality assay
Pittosporum viridiflorum                                                                 LC50 � 55 μg/mL in Vero
                              Leaves       E. coli              (A) 110 μg/mL                                                    [74]
Sims                                                                                               cells
Pelargonium fasiculata (L.)           K. pneumoniae    (M) 374 μg/mL; (W) 432 μg/mL      Non-toxic in Artemia                    [41]
Alton                                  P. mirabilis   (M) 806 μg/mL; (W) 1843 μg/mL          lethality assay                     [40]
                                           E. coli              (M) 630 μg/mL
Ptaerocarpus angolensis DC.    Bark                                                         Not determined                       [75]
                                      P. aeruginosa            (M) 2500 μg/mL
                                      K. pneumoniae            (M) 1977 μg/mL                                                    [41]
Ptaeroxylon obliquim                   P. mirabilis    (M) 239 μg/mL; (W) 487 μg/mL      Non-toxic in Artemia
(Thunb.) Radlk.                           Proteus                                            lethality assay                     [40]
                                                       (M) 511 μg/mL; (W) 727 μg/mL
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine                                                                                13

                                                          Table 2: Continued.
                             Plant part    Pathogens
Plant species                                                         MIC values                  Toxicity evaluation      References
                                used        screened
                                                          (M) > 8000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                             E. coli      (D) > 8000 μg/mL; (EA) > 8000 μg/mL;
Prunus africana (Hook. f.)                                          (H) > 8000 μg/mL
                               Roots                                                               Not determined             [78]
Kalkman                                                   (M) > 8000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                          P. aeruginosa   (D) > 8000 μg/mL; (EA) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                                                    (H) > 8000 μg/mL
                                                            (M) 78 μg/mL; (W) 78 μg/mL; (E)
Punica granatum L.             Roots         E. coli                                               Not determined             [82]
                                                                 78 μg/mL; (A) 78 μg/mL
                              Leaves          E. coli                (M) 400 μg/mL
Rhicinus communis Linn.                                                                            Not determined             [75]
                             and stem     P. aeruginosa              (M) 780 μg/mL
Rhoicissus rhomboidea (E.                                                                        Non-toxic in Artemia
                              Leaves         E. coli         (M) 306 μg/mL; (W) 333 μg/mL                                     [71]
Mey ex Harv.) Planch.                                                                               lethality assay
                                                      (M) > 8000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                             E. coli  (D) > 8000 μg/mL; (EA) > 8000 μg/mL;
Rhoicissus tridentata (L.f.)                                     (H) > 8000 μg/mL
                              Roots                                                                Not determined             [78]
Wild & R.B.Drumm.                                      (M) 2000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                        P. aeruginosa (D) > 8000 μg/mL; (EA) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                                                 (H) > 8000 μg/mL
                                            E. coli               (A) 13130 μg/mL
Riccinus communis L.          Leaves    P. aeruginosa (M) 14670 μg/mL; (E) 16670 μg/mL             Not determined             [83]
                                        K. pneumoniae (M) 12670 μg/mL; (A) 11670 μg/mL
Sacrostemma viminale R.                     E. coli               (M) 1250 μg/mL
                               Stem                                                                Not determined             [75]
Br.                                     P. aeruginosa             (M) 1250 μg/mL
                                            E. coli                (M) 310 μg/mL
Schkuhria pinnata (Lam.)      Shoots                                                               Not determined             [75]
                                        P. aeruginosa             (M) 1250 μg/mL
                                                       (M) 505 μg/mL; (W) 312 μg/mL; (E)         Non-toxic in Artemia
Schotia bractopetalia Sond.   Leaves        E. coli                                                                           [71]
                                                             491 μg/mL; (A) 312 μg/mL               lethality assay
                                                       (M) 156 μg/mL; (W) 312 μg/mL; (E)
Spirostachys africana Sond. Stem bark       E. coli                                                Not determined             [82]
                                                             156 μg/mL; (A) 156 μg/mL
                                            E. coli       (M) 499 μg/mL; (W) 790 μg/mL                                        [71]
                                                        (M) 312 and 387 μg/mL (bark and
                                                         leaves respectively); (W) 387 and
                                        K. pneumoniae                                                                         [41]
                                                            335 μg/mL (bark and leaves
                                                        (M) 969 and 474 μg/mL (bark and
Syzygium cordatum             Leaves                                                             Non-toxic in Artemia
                                                         leaves respectively); (W) 932 and
(Hochst.)                    and bark    P. mirabilis                                               lethality assay           [40]
                                                             49 μg/mL (bark and leaves
                                                        (M) 751 and 641 μg/mL (bark and
                                                        leaves respectively); (W) 1325 and
                                          P. vulgaris                                                                         [40]
                                                            658 μg/mL (bark and leaves
Strychnos madagascariensis                                                                       Non-toxic in Artemia
                              Leaves        E. coli       (M) 580 μg/mL; (W) 593 μg/mL                                        [71]
Poir.                                                                                               lethality assay
                                            E. coli                 (A) 40 μg/mL
Strychnos mitis S.Moore      Not stated                                                            Not determined             [76]
                                        P. aeruginosa              (A) 160 μg/mL
Sutherlandia frutescens (L.)                                                                      Not toxic in human
                              Leaves        E. coli              (W) > 8000 μg/mL                                             [73]
R.Br.                                                                                            epithelial kidney cells
Terminalia phanerophlebia                   E. coli                 (A) 80 μg/mL
                             Not stated                                                            Not determined             [79]
Engl. & Diels,                          P. aeruginosa               (A) 80 μg/mL
                                            E. coli       (M) 278 μg/mL; (W) 624 μg/mL                                        [71]
Terminalia pruinoides M.A.              K. pneumoniae     (M) 432 μg/mL; (W) 531 μg/mL           Non-toxic in Artemia         [41]
Lawson                                   P. mirabilis     (M) 313 μg/mL; (W) 224 μg/mL              lethality assay
                                          P. vulgaris     (M) 926 μg/mL; (W) 379 μg/mL
Terminalia sambesiacia                      E. coli                 (A) 60 μg/mL
                             Not stated                                                            Not determined             [79]
Engl. & Diels.                          P. aeruginosa               (A) 60 μg/mL
14                                                                      Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

                                                            Table 2: Continued.
                               Plant part     Pathogens
Plant species                                                           MIC values                   Toxicity evaluation      References
                                  used         screened
                                                E. coli         (M) 396 μg/mL; (W) 276 μg/mL                                     [71]
Terminalia sericea Burch. ex                K. pneumoniae       (M) 254 μg/mL; (W) 318 μg/mL        Non-toxic in Artemia         [41]
DC.                                          P. mirabilis       (M) 417 μg/mL; (W) 103 μg/mL           lethality assay
                                              P. vulgaris       (M) 508 μg/mL; (W) 520 μg/mL
                                                              (M) 1000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;
                                                E. coli
                                                                        (D) 8000 μg/mL              Non-toxic in Artemia
Trichilia dregeana Sond.        Leaves                                                                                           [80]
                                                              (M) 1500 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;        lethality assay
                                              E. faecalis
                                                                        (D) 4000 μg/mL
                                                              (M) 1000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;     Non-toxic in Artemia
Trichilia emetica Vahl.         Leaves          E. coli                                                                        [80, 84]
                                                                        (D) 8000 μg/mL                 lethality assay
                                                               Roots: (M) 387 μg/mL; Leaves: (M)
                                                E. coli                                                                          [71]
                                                                            30 μg/mL                 LC50 � 772 μg/mL in
Tulbaghia violaceae Harv.       Leaves
                                            K. pneumoniae   Roots; (M) 526 μg/mL; (W) 613 μg/mL     Artemia lethality assay      [41]
                                             P. mirabilis            Leaves: (W) 125 μg/mL                                       [40]
                                                              (M) 4000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;     Non-toxic in Artemia
Turraea floribunda Hochst.       Leaves          E. coli                                                                          [80]
                                                                        (D) 4000 μg/mL                 lethality assay
                                                              (M) 2000 μg/mL; (W) > 8000 μg/mL;     Non-toxic in Artemia
Turraea obtusifolia Hochst.     Leaves          E. coli                                                                          [80]
                                                                        (D) 8000 μg/mL                 lethality assay
                                                E. coli                  (A) 600 μg/mL
Vepris reflexa I. Verd.         Not stated                                                              Not determined            [79]
                                            P. aeruginosa               (A) 1250 μg/mL
                                                             Leaves: (M) 239 μg/mL; (W) 304 μg/
                                                E. coli                                                                          [71]
                                                            (M) 624 μg/mL (bark); (W) 677 μg/mL
                                            K. pneumoniae                                                                        [41]
Warburgia salutaris             Leaves                         (M) 623 and 465 μg/mL (bark and      Non-toxic in Artemia
(Bertol.f.) Chiov.             and bark      P. mirabilis     leaves respectively); (W) 417 μg/mL      lethality assay           [40]
                                                               (M) 450 and 688 μg/mL (bark and
                                             P. vulgaris     leaves respectively); (W) 1203 μg/mL                                [40]
                                                              (M) 156 μg/mL; (W) 312 μg/mL; (E)
Ximenia caffra Sond.            Stem bark        E. coli                                                Not determined            [82]
                                                                   312 μg/mL; (A) 312 μg/mL
Zanthoxylem capensis                            E. coli                  (A) 310 μg/mL
                               Not stated                                                              Not determined            [76]
(Thunb.) Harv.                              P. aeruginosa                (A) 310 μg/mL
                                                E. coli                 (M) 2500 μg/mL
Ziziphus murconata Willd.        Bark                                                                  Not determined            [75]
                                            P. aeruginosa               (M) 1250 μg/mL

representation, with nineteen species reported as treatments           study were cited by multiple sources as traditional UTI
for UTIs (Figure 1). Leguminosae were also commonly used               therapies, indicating that screening and validation of those
as UTI therapies, with fourteen plant species reported                 species should be prioritised.
[42, 43]. Asparagaceae, Rutaceae, and Lamiaceae were also                   The main plant parts used to prepare therapies to treat
well represented, with eight, six, and six species used to treat       UTIs are leaves (27%), followed by roots, bulbs, and rhi-
UTIs, respectively. Five species each of Amaryllidaceae,               zomes (22%) (Figure 2). For 48 plant species (31%), the
Solanaceae, and Malvaceae, as well as four species of both             specific plant part used was not specified in the cited lit-
Euphorbiaceae and Poaceae, and three species of Ger-                   erature. For Solanum capense L. and Pelargonium ramo-
aniaceae and Xanthorrhoeaceae were also used for this                  sissimum Willd., both leaves and stems were used to treat
purpose. A further twenty-four plant families were repre-              UTIs, so both parts are recorded in Table 1 for that purpose
sented by two or fewer individual species. Of these, Apto-             [43, 58]. Fruits were found to be the least used parts as they
simum procumbens (Lehm.) Burch. ex Steud, Arctopus                     are only available for short periods seasonally and may not
echinatus L., Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb., Bowiea volubilis         be always readily available.
Harv., Cardiospermum halicacabum L., Cissampelos capensis
L.f., Galenia africana L., Helichrysum odoratissimum (L.)
Sweet, and Zantedeschia albomaculata (Hook.) Baill have                3.2. Dosage and Toxicity. Long term use of medicinal plants
been cited by several sources that also experimentally val-            to treat diseases has resulted in the assumption that me-
idated their use for the treatment of UTIs [47, 62, 64].               dicinal plants are nontoxic and safe for therapeutic use [39].
Approximately 47% of the plant species identified in our                Of the plants specified for traditional use for UTIs (Table 1),
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