An Internet of Things Service Roadmap

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An Internet of Things Service Roadmap
An Internet of Things Service Roadmap

                                                    Athman Bouguettaya, Quan Z. Sheng, Boualem Benatallah, Azadeh Ghari Neiat,
                                                                Sajib Mistry, Aditya Ghose, Surya Nepal, Lina Yao

                                        ABSTRACT                                                                             or understanding to craft a successful IoT strategy. As a re-
                                                                                                                             sult, we do not have an adequate understanding of the ways
arXiv:2103.03043v1 [cs.NI] 1 Feb 2021

                                        We propose a roadmap for leveraging the tremendous oppor-
                                        tunities the Internet of Things (IoT) has to offer. We argue                         by which we might leverage IoT opportunities.
                                        that the combination of the recent advances in service com-                             From a service engineering perspective, IoT services may
                                        puting and IoT technology provide a unique framework for                             present difficult challenges, with many unsolved theoreti-
                                        innovations not yet envisaged, as well as the emergence of                           cal and technical questions [6]. Such challenges stem from
                                        yet-to-be-developed IoT applications. This roadmap covers:                           the scale of the systems contemplated, changes in service
                                        emerging novel IoT services, articulation of major research                          environments, quality of generated data and enabled ser-
                                        directions, and suggestion of a roadmap to guide the IoT                             vices, the inherent heterogeneity and uncertainty of ubiqui-
                                        and service computing community to address key IoT ser-                              tous environments including connectivity, and growing con-
                                        vice challenges.                                                                     cerns about the unintended consequences of the digital age:
                                                                                                                             security and privacy breaches [45]. For example, IoT de-
                                                                                                                             vices can crowdsource a wide range of service types such
                                        1.     INTRODUCTION                                                                  as computing services, wireless energy sharing services, and
                                           The Internet of Things (IoT) is taking the world by storm,                        environmental sensing services to other IoT devices in close
                                        thanks to the proliferation of sensors and actuators embed-                          proximity. In energy sharing services [18], IoT devices can
                                        ded in everyday things, coupled with the wide availability                           wirelessly send energy to other nearby devices. However,
                                        of high-speed Internet [46] and evolution of the fifth gener-                        because IoT services are crowdsourced, they are highly sus-
                                        ation (5G) networks [30]. IoT devices are increasingly sup-                          ceptible to improper and malicious usage. Stealing credit
                                        plying information about the physical environment (e.g., in-                         card information and sensitive medical histories, cyber at-
                                        frastructure, assets, homes, and cars). The advent of IoT is                         tacks, denial of service attacks, and privacy violations are
                                        enabling not only the connection and integration of devices                          examples of improper and malicious usages of IoT services
                                        that monitor physical world phenomena (e.g., temperature,                            [5].
                                        pollution, energy consumption, human activities, and move-                              We see the evolution of the work in IoT services as mir-
                                        ment), but also data-driven and AI-augmented intelligence.                           roring in a way, at least conceptually, the work done in the
                                        At all levels, synergies from advances in IoT, data analytics                        World Wide Web. These efforts over the last thirty years led
                                        and AI are firmly recognized as strategic priorities for digital                     to generic abstractions and computation techniques that en-
                                        transformation [37, 7, 46].                                                          abled a holistic computing environment in which users, infor-
                                           IoT poses two key challenges [32]: (1) communication                              mation, and applications establish on-demand interactions,
                                        with things and (2) management of things [37]. The service                           to realize useful experiences and to obtain services. The ben-
                                        paradigm is a key mechanism to overcome these challenges                             efit of such an environment originates from the added value
                                        by transforming IoT devices into IoT services, where they                            generated by the possible interactions. We believe that IoT
                                        will be treated as first-class objects through the prism of                          services will require similar building blocks in terms of use-
                                        services [6]. In a nutshell, services are at a higher level of                       ful models and techniques to build the added-value promised
                                        abstraction than data. Services descriptions consist of two                          by the ubiquity as well as the serendipity of IoT services.
                                        parts: functional and non-functional, i.e., Quality of Service                       We also believe that providing enhanced simplicity, agility,
                                        (QoS) attributes [23]. Services often transform data into                            efficiency, and robustness in engineering and provisioning
                                        an actionable knowledge or achieve physical state changes in                         of IoT services will unlock the IoT service paradigm at a
                                        the operating context [6]. As a result, the service paradigm                         global scale. The realization of this vision, however, poses
                                        is the perfect basis for understanding the transformation of                         formidable computing challenges to bring IoT services to the
                                        data into actionable knowledge, i.e., making it useful. De-                          masses. While initial research outcomes exist which could
                                        spite the increasing uptake of IoT services, most organiza-                          be leveraged, significant progress is needed to make IoT ser-
                                        tions have not yet mastered the requisite knowledge, skills,                         vices a tangible reality.
                                        Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for               The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec-
                                        personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are            tion 2, we identify key criteria of IoT services via an analogy
                                        not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies           analysis of the Internet and the Web. In Section 3, we dis-
                                        bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to
                                        republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
                                                                                                                             cuss the emerging technologies for the IoT environment. In
                                        permission and/or a fee.                                                             Section 4, we describe the major challenges in IoT services
                                        Copyright 2008 ACM 0001-0782/08/0X00 ...$5.00.
and present a research roadmap for the identified challenges.
In Section 5, we conclude and provide our assessments of the
prospects for success.

   We argue that for IoT to reach its full-potential (from
“technology” to “services”), there is a need to analyze sim-
ilar trajectories of other recent technological trends. We
propose that there is such an analogy with the Internet and
the Web (see Figure 1). While the Internet was created as a
“technology” for worldwide digital communication, the Web
has transformed the Internet into meaningful services [4].
We identify three key impacts of Web over the Internet:
                                                                   Figure 1: Analogy between the Internet vs. the Web and IoT
     • Democratization: The term “democratization” has its         vs. IoT service
       roots in political science and refers to the process of
       transitioning to a democratic form of government. More           taxi industry. Established brick and mortar companies
       generally, it can be thought of as the process of re-            are competing to get a share of online customers. For
       moving the barriers of privilege and of offering equal           example, big hotel chains are competing with Airbnb
       rights, access, and authority. The World Wide Web                that does not own a single house. Every sector from
       (WWW) achieved the democratization of access to in-              IT to retails are affected by this phenomenon.
       formation. Before the advent of the WWW, informa-
       tion often resided in repositories with privileged access      • Digitization: Digitization is the process of converting
       or in places where the barriers to access were onerous.          information into digital formats. The Web is the single
       The Web “democratized” access to information by re-              most important enabler for digitizing the information
       moving (for the most part) barriers to access. In addi-          [4]. The Web played a key role in moving the world
       tion to democratizing access to information, the Web             from analog to digital form due to the increasing access
       has also democratized the ability to publish informa-            to digital information. The advantages offered by dig-
       tion. Almost anyone can create a website and post                itization are the increasing access and preservation of
       information on it - those simple steps making that in-           information. Moreover, digitization enables enhanced
       formation accessible to everyone. In the early Internet,         services. Innovative services can be created using ex-
       the information flow was in only one direction, which            isting digital information in response to user demands.
       was static, with no way for users to add to or interact          Such services have a direct impact on several indus-
       with the information. However, the Web emphasizes                tries. Libraries have been closing down; traditional
       the importance of people’s interactions with the In-             print media companies are struggling to survive in the
       ternet. Everyone has an opportunity to contribute to             face of social media, and online blogs and forums; more
       the Web. And, by paying attention to what users are              people consume news from Twitter and Facebook than
       looking for and doing online, better services (e.g., rec-        newspapers and television. Policies are debated and
       ommender systems) are designed over the years [36].              elections are fought on social media. A huge amount
                                                                        of information is being created and consumed in digital
     • Commoditization: The Web redefines the way busi-                 form directly. State libraries are collecting social me-
       nesses were performed. The Web enables e-Commerce                dia data for information preservation. Our daily life
       platform technology using the Internet as a backbone             activities are stored and shared in real time. Every
       and gives birth to today’s platform economy. The                 individual, organization, industry, and government is
       platform technology has profoundly affected everyday             impacted by this transformation.
       life and how business and governments operate. Com-
       mercial transactions are conducted in electronic mar-         There is a striking analogy of the IoT/services with the
       ketplaces that are supported by the platform technol-       Internet/Web as services are the technology that transforms
       ogy. Transaction-oriented marketplaces include large        the IoT into a meaningful and useful framework. We outline
       e-malls, consumer-to-consumer auction platforms, mul-       three key criteria for defining novel IoT services, as shown
       tichannel retailers, and many millions of e-retailers.      in the right part of Figure 1.
       Examples of popular such transaction platform include
       Amazon, Airbnb, Uber, and Baidu. Massive business-             • Smartization: Smartization refers to the process of in-
       to-business marketplaces have been created on the Web            troducing intelligence to traditional systems to achieve
       [22]. Moreover, the platform economy enables more ef-            sustainable, efficient, and convenient services. IoT ser-
       ficient use of resources. Almost instantaneous access            vices are instrumental in achieving this goal by working
       to services is made available by on-demand platforms             collaboratively to enable smart services for the peo-
       using the Web. Such service orientation is not possi-            ple [5]. Examples of such systems are smart cities,
       ble using only the concept of the Internet. Consumers            smart homes, and smart health. Consider an exam-
       have access to services and products from anywhere,              ple of a smart city. The rapid industrialization has
       and the price becomes a core factor in decision making.          built global mega cities. These cities are now going
       The bookstores are closing down; big retails are com-            through the post-industrialization development phase,
       plaining about the penetration of online services such           where efficiency, sustainability, and livability become
       as Amazon; the emergence of Uber is disturbing the               important factors for economic growth. These fac-
tors are largely addressed through smart city initia-             stantiating appropriate actuators. Giving contexts to
  tives. For example, Virtual Singapore application en-             IoT services through sensor data and actuator actions
  ables city planners in Singapore to simulate various              becomes an important criterion to build personalized
  scenarios including emergency evacuation. Similarly,              services [5, 37, 38].
  smart transportation systems will automate our road-              Data is the present whilst context is the future! Con-
  ways, railways, and airways, transform passenger ex-              text will be the key to all industries. For example, a
  periences, and reshape the way cargo and merchandise              service will be created on demand to help a customer to
  are tracked and delivered.                                        buy milk to fit with his dietary requirement and health
  We believe the IoT service is the foundation to build             conditions. Similarly, a personalized service will help
  next-generation intelligent systems and to transform              people to pack their luggage while going on holidays
  all aspects of our life. In the process of “smartiza-             - that is, one’s suitcase, clothes and weather forecast
  tion”, IoT services bring together data, analytics, and           can interact with each other as IoT services and cre-
  decision-making services within a single platform and             ate a new advisory service on demand. A personalized
  ensure that they can work seamlessly and ubiquitously             temperature service is created on-demand for an in-
  to provide an enhanced user experience. Hence, the                dividual to maintain the room temperature at home
  smartization plays a significant role in making intelli-          depending on individual’s preferences, meaning that
  gent cyber-physical systems.                                      an air-conditioning unit in the wall can interact with
                                                                    wearable sensors and create a personalized service.
• Augmentation: Augmentation refers to the process of
  creating new services on demand by analyzing inter-               A large number of start-up companies have emerged
  actions among the devices and human to enhance the                in recent times which are driven by contextualization.
  human experience. The self-driving vehicles, robots in            This indicates that contextualization will grow expo-
  aged care, and home automation are some examples of               nentially in the coming years and most of our current
  augmentation using IoT services. Augmentation has                 products and services will be personalized. Hence, we
  become a reality due to the availability of Artificial In-        believe that contextualization plays a significant role
  telligence (AI) assisted Intelligent Assistance (IA) [11,         in enhancing the user experience by creating personal-
  38]. We believe that the future IA learns human behav-            ized services on demand in real-time [37, 38, 14].
  iors, attitudes, and emotions, and creates new services
                                                                  The service computing research community has been con-
  on-demand to meet individual’s needs.
                                                               tinuing to design and develop IoT services for the last decade.
  One emerging application area that will be enhanced          Although there are incremental advancements, we argue that
  by IoT services is Augmented Reality (AR). IoT ser-          service computing has not fully explored to its potential in
  vices enabled AR can be used to visualize and interact       designing IoT services. This roadmap aims at outlining the
  with data from thousands of sensors simultaneously in        vision and the underlying IoT service research challenges.
  real-time. With such services, for example, a farmer
  can walk through his farms and get all information
  about soil, crops, water, moisture, temperature, and
                                                               3.   EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND IOT
  pest in real time with precise location. The farmer               SERVICES
  can interact with such services and get even better in-         The advancements of existing computing paradigms such
  sights on demand in real-time.                               as data science, deep learning, and cloud computing and
  We believe the IoT service is the key enabler to build       emerging technologies such as Edge computing, 5G networks,
  intelligent systems on-demand [14]. IoT services move        and blockchain are creating opportunities for innovative IoT
  the process of digitization from the artefacts in the        services. These different paradigms or technologies have
  Internet era to “everything” in the IoT world - our          been explored in the context of IoT applications and plat-
  cities, hospitals, transport systems as well as human        forms and are equally important for IoT services. They need
  beings. The IoT is a key enabling pillar of digitizing       to be coordinated to develop a distributed and dynamic
  “everything” since “things” in the systems have em-          IoT service [34]. However, coordinating different comput-
  bedded capability to collect data, which captures the        ing paradigm with IoT services poses several research chal-
  holistic view of the systems. The digitization process       lenges. For example, the integration of data science with
  goes beyond the physical systems. For example, the           IoT needs to solve several research issues including the het-
  “brain wearables” help to digitize people’s thoughts,        erogeneity of IoT data formats, the real-time analytics, the
  feelings, and emotion and understand the neuroplas-          data provenance, the dynamic data management and the
  ticity of our brain. These IoT services are very helpful     IoT application orchestration [34]. Several research direc-
  to develop advance augmented tools for people suf-           tions are proposed to address these challenges from the data
  fering from many physical and mental sickness (e.g.,         science perspective [34]. Enhanced software abstraction of
  anxiety, depression, paralysis). Hence, the augmenta-        the IoT computation units such as MicroELement (MEL)
  tion plays a significant role in enhancing interactions      and standard data integration protocols have the potential
  between human and physical systems.                          to resolve the IoT data heterogeneity issue [43]. A MEL
                                                               consists of microelements such as data, computing, and ac-
• Contextualization: Contextualization refers to IoT ser-      tuators to deploy integration and computing solutions.
  vices being aware of the situation and quickly adapting         The IoT service development platform should have the
  to the environment. The adaptation is not only limited       ability to efficiently store and analyze real-time large IoT
  to transforming or filtering sensor data in a meaning-       data streams from different types of physical and social sen-
  ful and useful way to fit for the purpose, but also in-      sors. The Edge computing is the potential research plat-
form where IoT data are stored and analyzed at the edge           4.    CHALLENGES IN IOT SERVICE
of the IoT network instead of cloud services [39]. However,             RESEARCH: A ROADMAP
integrating Edge computing in the IoT service has several
key research issues: a) programmability, b) naming, c) net-         In this section, we develop a deeper understanding of the
work and resource constraints management, d) QoS relia-           key research challenges in the IoT service space by exploring
bility, and e) security [9]. Programmability refers to the        novel classes of functionality in future IoT innovations.
development of service on heterogeneous edge nodes. Sev-          4.1    Actuation
eral novel approaches such as the development of comput-
                                                                     The IoT will achieve the democratization of actuation, i.e.,
ing streams are proposed to address the programmability in
                                                                  invoking Internet-addressable things to take state-altering
Edge computing [13]. Naming refers to the standard way to
                                                                  actions. Actuation has not received much attention in the
discover and to communicate with a large amount of IoT ser-
                                                                  current discourse on IoT but is likely to become a major
vices. Traditional naming approaches such as Domain Name
                                                                  focus of attention in the near future. Accessible actuation
Search (DNS) or Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) are not
                                                                  entails that the ability to use IoT devices to take action can,
capable to serve the dynamic and large number of IoT ser-
                                                                  in principle, be made available to all. The ability to oper-
vices. Hence, novel naming approaches are required for dy-
                                                                  ate IoT-enabled home devices remotely is already a well-
namic IoT services. Another key challenge in integrating
                                                                  recognized use case. Actuation over the Internet (we might
IoT service with Edge computing is to enabling large com-
                                                                  refer to this as open actuation) will have far-reaching and
puting task with the resource-constrained edge nodes. The
                                                                  game-changing consequences that we have not yet started
computation tasks are not preferred to migrate to the cloud
                                                                  to fathom [38, 46]. We have seen a simpler version of this
as it may increase the network latency and hinder real-time
                                                                  phenomenon in tele-operation, but the impact of open actua-
decision makings. The research community is addressing
                                                                  tion will be orders of magnitude greater. The tele-operation
this research issue by proposing different edge architectures
                                                                  is typically point-to-point, i.e., an operator invokes opera-
and distributed task scheduling models [44]. The application
                                                                  tions on a single device. The open actuation can be point-
programmers have difficulties in ensuring the QoS of the IoT
                                                                  to-multipoint, where a single operator invokes multiple ac-
services due to diverse Edge infrastructures and fault events.
                                                                  tuators over the IoT. The tele-operation is typically pre-
Hence, the application QoS requirements and the underlying
                                                                  configured, i.e., a tele-operation link is set up between an
edge and fog infrastructures should be considered in building
                                                                  operator and a device by prior design (and often with in-
a QoS-aware IoT services [44].
                                                                  vestments in the physical infrastructure to make the tele-
   The IoT service infrastructure produces a large amount
                                                                  operation possible). The open actuation can be emergent.
of sensor data that need to be analyzed to bring smartiza-
                                                                  An operator might identify devices on the fly whose opera-
tion in different applications such as smart homes and smart
                                                                  tion would help to achieve the operator’s goals. A bespoke
cities. The deep learning is a powerful analytic tool to ex-
                                                                  infrastructure for tele-operation is not necessary.
tract new features and to bring intelligence in real-world
                                                                     A combination of sensing and actuation gives us the abil-
applications [19]. However, integrating deep learning into
                                                                  ity to monitor and manage physical systems. Remote man-
IoT services has several key research issues: a) learning from
                                                                  agement of physical systems over the IoT can lead to the
noisy sensor data, and b) enabling resource-constrained edge
                                                                  crowdsourced models of managing physical infrastructures.
computing for deep learning algorithms. Data preprocessing
                                                                  For instance, citizen groups might volunteer to manage spe-
is an important step for deep learning approaches. As IoT
                                                                  cific civic spaces, such as a park or a community hall. For a
data is heterogeneous and generated from different sources,
                                                                  park, they might be able to monitor turf health through sen-
the accurate preprocessing or data curation is complex for
                                                                  sors, while using remotely operated actuators such as sprin-
real-time services. To the best our knowledge, existing ap-
                                                                  klers to water the turf when required. Citizen groups could
proaches propose to use layered based learning frameworks
                                                                  manage neighbourhood safety through similar means.
where intermediate features are learned in edge servers and
                                                                     We have witnessed an exponential growth of autonomous
the final output layer is processed in the cloud [25]. New
                                                                  systems in the last decade leading to the industrial revo-
learning acceleration engines are proposed for edge servers
                                                                  lution to realize the vision of Industry 4.0 [35]. These au-
[15]. These approaches are yet to adopt the full potential of
                                                                  tonomous systems are equipped with sensors and actuators,
deep learning for IoT services.
                                                                  and support its self-operation. Self-driving car is a good
   Security, privacy and data trust is another key research
                                                                  example of such system. Autonomous vehicles are also in
issue for integrating the data science into the IoT service.
                                                                  operations in many research and commercial activities [12].
It is proposed to adapt the Blockchain technology to bring
                                                                  Examples include autonomous vehicles in mining, robots
data provenance in the IoT service [34]. The Blockchain
                                                                  in healthcare, an underwater vehicle in climate study, etc.
technology has the ability to create a trusted, decentralized
                                                                  These autonomous systems are expected to interact with
and autonomous system. Several Blockchain based IoT ap-
                                                                  each other as well as their physical environments, building
plication framework is proposed in the existing literature
                                                                  an autonomous Cyber Physical System (CPS) [33].
[29]. However, integrating Blockchain in an IoT service has
                                                                     The fine-grained IoT-enabled device-level levers for sens-
several challenges such as resource limitations, interoperabil-
                                                                  ing and actuation will make automation far more ubiquitous.
ity of security protocols and the dynamic trust management
                                                                  The democratization of the management of physical infras-
                                                                  tructures will also enable greater delegation and autonomy.
   Existing research roadmaps on IoT services mainly focus
                                                                  The services of physical devices could be globally shared.
on utilizing emerging technologies from the data science per-
spective [34, 39, 25, 29]. We focus on integrating emerging       4.2    Servitization
technologies from the service computing perspective.
                                                                    Servitization involves the wrapping of an existing product
                                                                  or system in a service-oriented model. The IoT service will
lead to a greater, and potentially ubiquitous servitization.     may be relevant to a query, natural order ranking mech-
The IoT service can transform existing devices into ones         anisms become crucial to deliver the most relevant results.
that offer value-added services. In this regard, IoT devices     PageRank is a well-known natural order ranking mechanism,
can harness service-oriented notions of publication, discov-     which orders Web pages based on their importance via link
ery, and composition[6, 46, 14]. For example, servitization      analysis. Due to the size of IoT, another promising direction
can enable IoT devices to publish their functionalities and      is to develop new natural order ranking mechanisms for the
QoS guarantees in device registries which can be searched        IoT contents to provide an effective and efficient IoT service
to discover new devices and their associated services. In        discovery [42]. It is important to define the natural order
the case of composition, servitized IoT devices can be com-      that is applicable across heterogeneous IoT contents and has
posed using new service composition techniques to obtain         scalability. One potential solution could rely on the quality
desired functionalities that meet the QoS constraints. The       of service (QoS) metrics of IoT services. Another possible so-
servitization can also lead to new conceptions of markets        lution is to construct a network of hidden links between IoT
which regulate the usage of devices. For instance, servitized    services and apply link analysis algorithms which are similar
IoT devices may form a market for carbon credits that in-        to PageRank. Discovering implicit relationships among IoT
centivizes the use of more carbon-friendly devices in more       devices has been reported in recent research work [47]. Con-
eco-friendly ways.                                               sidering the aforementioned techniques, the further work is
   Governments around the world are struggling to deal with      to develop scalable approaches for the IoT service discovery.
legal and social policies arising from the tremendous growth
in the use of IoT devices in citizens’ daily life. Though many   4.4    Security, Privacy and Trust
of the policies from Internet governance could be applicable
                                                                    IoT services become key pillars of automation and aug-
to IoT devices, it requires a new thinking due to the com-
                                                                 mentation. Building trust in IoT services is the key to their
plexity, scale and heterogeneity they bring. Servitization of
                                                                 success. Building trusted ecosystems among IoT services
IoT devices plays an important role to fill the gap and build
                                                                 needs appropriate security, privacy and trust measures be-
policy, regulation and governance for them [3].
                                                                 tween IoT services which are enabled by sensors and actua-
                                                                 tors, and their interactions with human being [5, 45]. Like
4.3      IoT Services Discovery                                  all other Internet-based services in the past, IoT-based ser-
   Future Internet of Things is expected to be 50 to 100 times   vices are also being developed and deployed without security
bigger than the current Internet, and the environments in-       consideration. IoT devices are inherently vulnerable to mali-
teracted by dynamic IoT services also evolve constantly [28,     cious cyber threats because of the following reasons: (1) they
42]. We identify a new set of challenges for IoT service dis-    do not have well-defined perimeters, (2) they are highly dy-
covery to enable the querying of billions of IoT resources to    namic and heterogeneous, (3) they are continuously chang-
find the right service at the right time and location. We        ing because of mobility; and (4) they cannot be given the
identify two different techniques that an IoT service discov-    same protection that is received by enterprise services. In
ery approach can adopt. The first technique is semantic          addition, due to “billions” of such IoT services, traditional
annotations for IoT service descriptions and their associ-       human interaction driven security solutions do not scale for
ated sensory data. For instance, the OpenIoT project1 ex-        security analysts or IoT service end-users to carry out secu-
ploits a semantic sensor network (SSN) ontology from W3C         rity activities. Those activities may include approving the
for the sensor discovery and dynamic integration. The Hy-        granting of permissions to IoT devices and setting up access
dra project2 adopts OWL (i.e., an ontology language for          control policies and configurations. The IoT enabled aug-
Semantic Web) and SAWSDL (i.e., a semantic annotation            mented and automated decision-making systems will also
of WSDL) to semantically annotate IoT services. A number         “encourage” malicious cyber threats due to the high value of
of ontologies have been proposed to represent IoT resources      such systems. Hence, coordinated efforts are required from
and services including Ontology Web Language for Things          the research community to address resulting concerns [5].
(OWL-T) [20], IoT-Lite Ontology [1], Comprehensive Ontol-           Is there such a thing as privacy in IoT services? With
ogy for IoT (COIoT) [41] and IoT-Stream [10]. The Sensor         the prevalence of smart phones, social media and people
Modeling Language SensorML which is a part of the OGC            who tend to share so much information directly or indirectly,
sensor Web enablement suite of standards, supports seman-        some researchers are starting to assert that there is no such
tic descriptions of IoT services based on standardized XML       thing as true privacy in the digital world. The impact of
tags. However, given the diversity and rapid IoT technolog-      a data breach in an individual’s life and regular targeted
ical advances, it is challenging to reach an agreement on a      e-Commerce activities by the corporates have strengthened
single ontological standard for describing IoT services, and     the view that privacy is more important than ever in the
to maintain it. Regarding IoT semantic reasoning, simi-          presence of IoT. In the beginning, the privacy concerns were
lar approaches to those described in [21, 8] may be used.        limited to data, i.e., personal records, images, video, etc.
The second technique uses the textual descriptions associ-       With the adoption of smart phones, the privacy concern is
ated with IoT devices to locate the IoT services. Examples       moved from data to physical location as the location-based
of IoT service discovery approaches based on the textual de-     services are collecting an individual’s location in real time.
scription are MAX [48], and Microsearch [40]. A research         With the emergence of “brain wearable” technology, one
challenge is the natural order ranking of IoT contents.          would be able to read people’s mind and capture thoughts,
   The natural order ranking sorts contents by their intrinsic   feelings, hence raising the concern of mental privacy.
characteristics, rather than their relevance to a given query.      The technology trends in security are moving in two con-
In large data collections where a massive number of entities     flicting directions in terms of IoT services. On the one hand,
1                                               the advancement of quantum computing makes the current
2                                       security technologies obsolete, as they can be broken within
seconds. Consequently, we need to develop quantum resis-          computing by creating an experiential environment through
tance schemes. On the other hand, current security tech-          the mediation of four dimensions of human experiences (i.e.,
nologies cannot be applied to many IoT systems, as they           time, space, actors, and things). In this environment, users
cannot operate on power constraints environment. As a re-         are able to explore and experience everyday events from mul-
sult, the IoT services demand lightweight quantum resis-          tiple perspectives and revisit these events as many times as
tance security schemes.                                           they wish to obtain the desired results [16]. The computa-
                                                                  tion paradigm in such environments moves from the current
4.5    Crowdsourcing IoT Services                                 data analytics to experience analytics, where the computa-
   IoT devices are typically set up in fixed facilities or car-   tion will be performed on digitally represented user experi-
ried by humans. IoT users may crowdsource the functions of        ences. This brings a number of new research challenges:
nearby IoT devices to suit their needs, such as WiFi hotspot
                                                                     • Can my autonomous vehicle give me the same experi-
sharing and wireless charging. The service paradigm can be
                                                                       ence that was felt by someone else?
applied as a key mechanism to abstract IoT devices and
their functions along with their non-functional attributes           • How can one generate an experience from a massive
(i.e., Quality of Service (QoS)) as crowdsourced IoT ser-              amount of data collected from IoT devices?
vices from IoT users’ perspectives. These services will run
as proxies of IoT devices. Crowdsourcing IoT services is             • Can one transfer his/her experience from one environ-
a new and promising direction for the IoT service platform             ment (e.g., home) to another environment (e.g., of-
[6]. Since crowdsourcing is more likely to be used if there are        fice)?
financial rewards and other incentives, an appropriate incen-
tive model is required to motivate IoT service providers to       4.7    Requirements-driven IoT Service Design
form various types of crowdsourced IoT service [26].                 The challenge of designing a device infrastructure, com-
   The interactions among crowdsourced IoT services has a         posed of both sensors and actuators, is difficult. Although
greater complexity than traditional service-oriented appli-       the designing problem has some similarities with the prob-
cations due to a large number of the expected IoT applica-        lem of requirements-driven service composition, there are
tions in the crowdsourced environment. This induces some          significant differences [14]. In the service composition prob-
unique challenges on trust management for crowdsourced            lem, a catalog of services is available a priori. In requirements-
IoT services. Firstly, the expected large number of newly         driven IoT service design, there are challenging questions
deployed IoT services will likely have historical records to      that need to be addressed as follows:
show any initial trustworthiness credentials. Therefore, tra-
ditional feedback-driven trust management would not be a             • What are the data requirements of the problem? What
realistic approach for crowdsourced IoT environments. In               data would the decision modules and actuators need
this regard, trust management of crowdsourced IoT ser-                 to be able to deliver on the required functionality?
vices requires an alternative trust anchor instead of histori-         In the era of data analytics and the deployment of
cal records. It can be IoT services’ inherent characteristics,         sophisticated AI systems, these are non-trivial prob-
which can generally reflect their trustworthiness. For exam-           lems, e.g., the challenges associated with feature engi-
ple, IoT devices that are manufactured under a high-level              neering. The many-to-many mapping between require-
security standard by a reputable manufacturer, are likely to           ments and data items can be complex and requires
be safely employed. The manufacturer’s reputation can be               equally complex reasoning to compute.
the trust anchor of IoT devices. There may exist multiple
                                                                     • What collections of sensors will be necessary to meet
trust anchors (e.g., the reputations of the manufacturers or
                                                                       the data requirements of the problem? What hard-
owners of IoT devices), the aggregation of which would re-
                                                                       ware configurations would support the relevant non-
flect the overall trustworthiness of IoT services. Secondly,
                                                                       functional requirements? Where should sensors be lo-
the sheer diversity coupled with the expected large number
                                                                       cated? What hardware performance guarantees would
of IoT application scenarios will redefine dynamism in ser-
                                                                       be necessary to ensure that overall system-level per-
vice trustworthiness. The trustworthiness of an IoT service
                                                                       formance guarantees are met?
is greatly influenced by its application contexts and service
users’ trust preferences and requirements. As a result, the          • In a similar spirit, what actuators would the system
trust management in IoT environments should address the                require? What locations would be appropriate, what
dynamic and fluid nature of IoT services. Thirdly, the tra-            hardware configurations would be necessary and what
ditional centralized trust management would be quite costly            hardware performance guarantees would satisfy the
and inefficient for crowdsourced IoT services because of the           overall non-functional requirements?
expected large number of IoT devices. The distribution of
trust-related information on IoT services is expected to be          • What kinds of coordination models would be neces-
decentralized. A key challenge for IoT service consumers is,           sary to orchestrate the behaviors of sensors and actu-
therefore, the trustworthy access to reliable trust informa-           ators to meet the stated requirements? Will existing
tion for the IoT trust evaluation in a decentralized way.              schemes for specifying coordination models (such as
                                                                       process modeling notations) suffice?
4.6    Experiential IoT Services
  Experiential computing deals with digitally represented         4.8    Computing Complex Compositions of Sen-
human experiences in everyday activities through every day               sors and Actuators
“things” that have embedded computing capabilities. IoT             As discussed above, the problem of the IoT system design
services enable the realization of the vision of experiential     takes us into uncharted territory. The hardware dimensions
of the problem, i.e., finding the appropriate hardware config-     at establishing a nation-wide IoT testbed across seven sites
urations for sensors and actuators and the spatio-temporal         in major Australian cities. Digital Twins is a recent tech-
dimensions need to be integrated and addressed [14, 27].           nology development that have attracted both industry and
Furthermore, the Internet-of-Everything (IoE) aspects [24]         academia, and can be exploited to build large-scale IoT ex-
add greater complexity. The autonomous human elements              perimental facilities4 .
of the system and the AI-enabled computation components
whose behavior would be emergent and not entirely pre-             4.10        IoT Data Analytical Services
dictable at design time need to be considered. In this regard,        The IoT analytics aims at delivering domain-specific solu-
we identify the following challenges:                              tions by aggregating and distilling heterogeneous IoT data to
                                                                   obtain information and actionable knowledge of appropriate
      • Managing resource-constrained sensing and actuation:       quality and integrity. There is a need for a new paradigm
        IoT systems often need to operate under significant        of advanced IoT analytical services, which effectively and
        resource constraints. This necessitates a significant      efficiently provide the underlying intelligence via harnessing
        re-working of standard approaches to system design,        the combination of physical and cyber worlds to turn IoT
        which leads to a novel conception of resource-aware        data into IoT intelligence. The following are some of the key
        design. In the spirit of earlier thinking on sensor net-   identified challenges:
        works, we need to design sensing behaviors that take
        into account finite energy reserves on sensor batteries.         • Dynamic contextual changes: IoT data are tightly as-
        Similarly, actuator behavior would need to account for             sociated with multi-faceted dynamic contexts, includ-
        the finite capacity of actuator power sources.                     ing user’s internal contexts (e.g., users’ activities), ex-
                                                                           ternal contexts (e.g., location and time), and things’
      • Managing sensors and actuators at scale: The IoT will              contexts (e.g., expiration, usage status, and locations).
        enable us to address individually (e.g., resource loca-            Therefore, the effective IoT data analytical services are
        tors) devices at a very fine-grained level, and conse-             required to be capable of capturing both the salient
        quently on a very large scale [42, 7, 31]. However,                changes and subtle ones of real-time contexts.
        system design and management might not be very ef-
                                                                         • Tangled complex relationships: IoT data exhibits highly
        fective at these levels of granularity. In some cases,
                                                                           heterogeneous and multi-dimensional correlations. For
        assigning individual addresses or resource locators at
                                                                           instance, user behaviors on things are intrinsically cor-
        these low levels of granularity might also be challeng-
                                                                           related both spatially and temporally [47]. The new
        ing. We will, therefore, require novel abstractions that
                                                                           paradigm of IoT data analytical services needs to de-
        allow us to aggregate (and dis-aggregate) groups of
                                                                           code and leverage the heterogeneous nature of complex
        sensors and actuators. An example is abstractions for
        classes of mutually interchangeable sensors and actua-
        tors. Interchangeability could be parametric. A set of           • Real-time distributed analytics: IoT data are gener-
        sensors could be swapped for each other under a given              ated with high volume from scattered sources on a
        set of functional requirements but not for a different             continuous basis, and the value of data might expo-
        set of functional requirements. Protocols for invoking             nentially decay over timestamps for many IoT appli-
        sensor or actuator behavior will also need to exploit              cations. This requires the analytical models to derive
        these abstractions. A range of similar issues also needs           useful patterns and actionable knowledge with qual-
        to be addressed for managing IoT devices at scale.                 ity summarizations and then use these for provisioning
                                                                           streaming IoT analytics.
4.9       Large-Scale IoT Experimental Facilities
   While IoT-based digital strategies and innovations provide            • Reducing bias and ensuring fairness in IoT data ana-
industries across the spectrum with exciting capabilities to               lytics: IoT data analytics would heavily rely on ad-
create a competitive edge and build more value into their                  vanced machine learning techniques. The fairness in
services, as what the Internet has done in the past 25 years,              AI/ML technologies is an active research in itself and
there are still significant gaps in making IoT a reality. One              several techniques have been developed [2]. However,
such gap lies on the missing of a large-scale, real-world ex-              we need to understand what it means to IoT services,
perimental testbed for research and experimentation of new                 and should apply the same rigorous scrutiny to IoT
IoT service technologies [37, 7].                                          data and services.
   The current IoT research infrastructures are largely in
small scale, fragmented. There are not, therefore, suitable        5.      CONCLUSION
for IoT research and development. There is an urgent need             The IoT is widely considered as a new revolution of the
to create such a unique research facility to stimulate ad-         Internet where billions of everyday objects are connected to
vanced experimental research and realistic assessment of IoT       empower human interactions with both virtual and physi-
technologies. Fueling the use of such a facility among the         cal worlds unprecedentedly. We believe that advancements
scientific community, end users, and service providers would       made in the service computing over the past decades have
increase the understanding of the technical and societal bar-      not fully explored its potential in the designing of IoT ser-
riers in IoT adoption. The IoT-Lab3 is a recent effort in          vices. We have identified three key criteria that define IoT
this trend. IoT-Lab test beds are located at six different         services, namely smartization, augmentation, and contextu-
sites across France, which are publicly accessible. A sim-         alization. We outlined ten main challenges in developing an
ilar effort is also currently happening in Australia, aiming       IoT service. Designing and engineering scalable and robust
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