Page created by Angela Washington
BACHELOR OF                                              GRADUATE
              SCIENCE (HONOURS)                                        DIPLOMAS
                 Banking                                               CERTIFICATE
                 Business Analytics
                 Business & Management                                    Higher Education in
                 Data Science                                             Social Sciences
                 Digital Innovation
                 International Relations

The programmes are awarded by University of London, UK and developed by
the member institution, The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
     Welcome             Why Study at

01   Messages
                    02   SIM GE?

03                  04
     Student Life        University of
     & Student           London

06                  07
     LSE Summer          List of
     School              Programmes

08                  09
     Certificate         Undergraduate
     of Higher           Programmes
     in Social

20                  22
     Graduate            Selection
     Diplomas            Groups

26                  30
     Programme           Application &
     Information         Admission

                                               ‘‘      SIM Global
                                                     warmly invites you to
                                               quality education, in our
                                               willempower             ‘‘
                                               learning environment that
                                                                  you with
                                               knowledge and skills for
                                               the global workplace of the

       Seah Chin Siong
       President and Chief Executive Officer
       SIM Group

 We’ve transformed the higher
 education landscape over the
 last 30 years, with more than
 35,000          graduates.

 Equipped with a UOL
   qualification and valuable
 career guidance from SIM GE,
       our graduates are    ‘‘
     highly sought after both
   locally and
                                                Professor Wendy Thomson CBE
                                                University of London

Why                                                         SIM GE
                                                            is the global education arm of the
   Study at                                                 Singapore Institute of Management
                                                            (SIM Group) founded in 1964.
 SIM GE?                                                    SIM GE’s approach towards lifelong learning is
                                                            to empower you with ability and adaptability for
                                                            employability in the global workplace.
        Annual enrolment
            of about                                                                                         Over
         17,000               students

                                                   Pathway                                  Bond-Free
                                               Over 80 full-time and                        Scholarship &
                                                part-time academic
                                               programmes through                              Bursary
                                                  over 10 partner                              Scholarships are
                                                    universities.                                available to
              Globally-                                                                      students who excel
             Recognised                                                                         in academics,
                                                                                                sports or arts.
            Degrees offered at SIM
            have the same curricula
             & academic standards
               as those awarded
                                                    Employability                                       Global
                                                     Overall Employment                           Perspectives &
                                                         Rate (SIM)                                  Insights
                                                         82.8%*                                     Exposure to diverse
                                                                                                      cultures and a
                                                                                                      global network.

* Based on the SIM Graduate Employment Survey 2018/19 conducted by Media Research Consultants on the 2018 cohort of graduates
  from the full-time Bachelor degree programmes, approximately 6 months after completing their studies. The overall employment rate
  includes graduates in both full-time and part-time employment.
                                                                                  Seize the
                                                                                 Make the most of
                                                                                your time in SIM GE

A CAREER                      STUDENT CLUBS &               OVERSEAS EXPERIENCE           STUDENT CARE
HEAD START                    COMMUNITIES                   Gain international            Boost your overall well-
Raise your employability      Sharpen your leadership       exposure through              being through healthy
through career-readiness      and social skills or pursue   overseas academic             living and wellness
initiatives like the Talent   your passion with more        exchange programmes,          programmes or seek the
Development Programme,        than 70 student councils      study trips and workshops.    guidance you need from
Career Chapters and           and clubs available.                                        our SIM peer mentors.
Mentorship Programme.

A one-stop centre for
student academic support

LEARNING (PAL)                Attend complimentary          Develop professional skills   SERVICES
Benefit from a student-       workshops on academic         that are highly valued by     Work with our advisors
to-student support            writing, study skills and     employers through well-       to improve your skills in
network providing             personal effectiveness        structured training           written and
academic assistance for       to hone effective             programmes.                   oral presentation.
selected modules.             learning skills.

     of London

                                                            Alumni includes
                                                       seven Nobel Prize
                         member                         winners, leaders
                       institutions,                   of Commonwealth
                       including the London            countries, business
                        School of Economics               leaders and etc.
                       and Political Science,
                        UCL and Goldsmiths

    Accessible to
  students from all         The University of London is one of the                   50,000
over the world since                 world’s leading                                  students in
                                                                                      more than
   1858                          respected by employers and
                               internationally recognised for its
                                   high academic standards.

                                  The London School of
                                    Economics and
                                       Political Science
                                            (LSE) is a world-leading university that
                                            pioneered the study of economics and
                                            social sciences.

                                                LSE in the
                                                     QS World University
                                                subject rankings 2019

                                                  2nd                4th                 5th
                                                globally         globally              globally
                                                for Management    for Politics and     for Accounting
                                                   and Social      International         and Finance
                                                    Sciences          Studies
SIM and
       University of London
  First intake of 40 students
        for the BSc (Economics) in   1986
      Management Studies degree.

                                            1988   31 students graduate,
                                                   becoming the
                                                   first batch of graduates.
 SIM sees its first graduate with
      First Class Honours who went   1990
   on to obtain a Master’s from
    Imperial College, London.                      First intake of the BSc
                                            1992   Computing & Information
                                                   Systems degree awarded by UOL,
    The only two First Class                       examined by Goldsmiths.
   Honours winners worldwide         1994
          were both SIM graduates.

                                            2004   Diploma for Graduates programme and
                                                   Graduate Entry Route by LSE made
                                                   available for those who have a degree
                                                   and wish to pursue a University of
First SIM-UOL BSc Banking
& Finance graduate to enrol for      2006          London qualification.

a Master’s at Cambridge, UK.

                                            2009   SIM awarded Affiliate   Centre
                                                   status by UOL.

   For the first time, First Class
degree graduates exceeded
     100 when 117 were awarded.
                                                   Launch of the Master of Science in
                                            2016   Professional Accountancy, awarded by
                                                   UOL and led by UCL.

Two alumni pursued Master’s at
 Cambridge and at Oxford.

                                                   Opening of the University
                                            2018   of London - SIM Global
                                                   Education Regional Centre
                                                   at SIM Headquarters.
   New record of 245 graduates
    with First Class Honours.

BSc = Bachelor of Science
MSc = Master of Science

Summer                                   Study at one of the world’s most recognised
                                         universities whilst enhancing your career prospects,

  School                                 experiencing London and meeting students from
                                         around the world.

        Over                                                                   %
                                 Intake of more than                      15
 three-week courses
                                                                  exclusively for Economics,
                                                                  Management, Finance and
taught by LSE’s world-
  renowned faculty.                 undergraduates.                Social Sciences (EMFSS)
                                                                      students from SIM.

 Three scholarships,                    Successful completion of
                                   two LSE Summer School courses
  each, are awarded
                                       qualifies a student for
 to SIM-UOL students                           (Recognition of Prior Learning)
      each year.                         from one unnamed level 100 UOL course.

 Courses being offered:
 Accounting       Finance       Economics       International       Law        Media and
                                                  Relations                    Business

 Learn more at

General                                  Experience a fully integrated year of study

  Course                                 in one of the most vibrant, diverse and
                                         historical cities in the world.

                                                         Earn a
              Choose from the
                                                     LSE transcript
                                                       from studying
              courses available.                         in London.

 Join seniors who spent two years at SIM in Singapore and the third/final year at
 LSE in London via the LSE General Course.

 Learn more at
List of
                                        Standard Entry Route     Graduate      Part-time     Full-time
             Programme                                                                                    Duration         Intake
                                          (As a First Degree)   Entry Route    & Full-time     only

 Certificate of Higher Education in                                                                        1 year           Sep
 Social Sciences

 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in                                                                          3 years     Aug/Sep
 Accounting and Finance

 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in                                                                          3 years     Aug/Sep
 Banking and Finance

 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in                                                                          3 years     Aug/Sep
 Business and Management

 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
 Data Science and Business                                                                                 3 years     Aug/Sep

 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in                                                                          3 years     Aug/Sep

 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in                                                                          3 years     Aug/Sep
 Economics and Finance

 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in                                                                          3 years     Aug/Sep
 Economics and Management

 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in                                                                          3 years     Aug/Sep
 Economics and Politics

 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in                                                                          3 years     Aug/Sep
 International Relations

 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
 Management and Digital                                                                                    3 years     Aug/Sep

 Graduate Diploma in                                                                                       1 year           Sep
 Business Analytics

 Graduate Diploma in Data Science                                                                          1 year           Sep

 Graduate Diploma in                                                                                       1 year           Sep
 Digital Innovation

 Graduate Diploma in                                                                                       1 year           Sep
 E-Business and Social Media

 Graduate Diploma in Economics                                                                             1 year           Sep

 Graduate Diploma in Finance                                                                               1 year           Sep

 Graduate Diploma in Management                                                                            1 year           Sep

 International Foundation
 Programme                                                                                                 1 year      May/Aug
 (refer to separate brochure)

Note: Full-time students will be assigned to start in either August or September based on their date of application. All
international students and those in the part-time programme commence classes in September each year.

Certificate of
   Higher Education in
        Social Sciences
Objectives                                 Qualification                               Additional tutorials are organised
                                                                                       for CHESS students*. In selecting
The Certificate of Higher Education        Students have to pass all                   units, care should be exercised.
in Social Sciences (CHESS) provides        examinations to attain the CHESS
an entry route to the Economics,           qualification. Those who pass 3 full        Candidates are to indicate their
Management, Finance and Social             units are also permitted to transfer        preferred subject combination by
Sciences (EMFSS) degrees where             to the BSc degree with credit for           selecting one of the Options listed
the academic direction is from the         whatever they have gained.                  in the table below. Once selected,
LSE. By successfully completing                                                        there may be a fee imposed for
the one-year programme, you will                                                       changes.
develop analytical competence
allowing you to undertake a further        Course Units                                Note:
two years of undergraduate study.                                                      *
                                                                                         Tutorial classes will be organised only
                                           The programme consists of                   if there is a minimum of ten students
                                           four Level 100 units (or                    enrolled for the same subject.
                                           the equivalent). Classes will be
                                           combined with undergraduate
                                           students pursuing a BSc degree.

Progression Chart for CHESS

 Options                           Subject Combination                                        Recommended Degree

           • Introduction to economics           • Principles of accounting            BSc (Hons) in Accounting and Finance
           • Mathematics 1 (half unit)           • Principles of banking & finance     BSc (Hons) in Banking and Finance
           • Statistics 1 (half unit)                                                  BSc (Hons) in Business and
    C                                                                                  Management
                                                                                       BSc (Hons) in Economics
                                                                                       BSc (Hons) in Economics and

           • Introduction to economics           • Business and management in a        BSc (Hons) in Data Science and
    D      • Statistics 1 (half unit)              global context                      Business Analytics
           • Statistics 2 (half unit)            • Mathematical methods

           • Introduction to international       • Introduction to political science   BSc (Hons) in International Relations
             relations                           • Business & management in a
           • Introduction to modern political      global context

           • Introduction to information         • Business & management in a          BSc (Hons) in Management and Digital
             systems                               global context                      Innovation
           • Digital infrastructures for         • Mathematics 1 (half unit)
             business                            • Statistics 1 (half unit)
      Accounting and Finance
Objectives                              Standard Route (12 full units)             Graduate Entry Route (9 full units)

This degree aims to equip you with      Course Units: 100
a strong foundation in accountancy
and financial practices, and helps      1.  EC1002 Introduction to                 1.  EC1002 Introduction to
you develop critical skills.               economics                                  economics
                                        2. ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) and     2. ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) and
                                           MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)           MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)
                                        3. FN1024 Principles of banking and        3. AC1025 Principles of accounting
Career Prospects                        4. AC1025 Principles of accounting

Graduates have gained                   Course Units: 200 and 300
employment working for the Big
Four accounting firms –                 5. MN2028 Managerial economics             4. MN2028 Managerial economics
Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG and           (EC1002) + (MT105A or MT1174) or          (EC1002) + (MT105A or MT1174 or
PricewaterhouseCoopers.                     EC2066 Microeconomics (EC1002)            MT1186) or
                                            + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)            EC2066 Microeconomics (EC1002)
In addition, graduates are
                                        6. AC2091 Financial reporting                 + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
also serving in many local                  (AC1025)                               5. AC2091 Financial reporting
and international accounting/           7. AC2097 Management accounting               (AC1025)
consultancy firms, as                       (AC1025)                               6. AC2097 Management accounting
well as financial institutions which    8. AC3059 Financial management                (AC1025)
include Barclays Bank PLC, BNP              (AC1025) or                            7. AC3059 Financial management
Paribas Wealth Management,                  FN2190 Asset pricing and financial        (AC1025) or
                                            markets (EC1002) + (MT105A or             FN2190 Asset pricing and financial
DBS, HSBC, OCBC and Standard
                                            MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)               markets (EC1002) + (MT105A or
Chartered Bank.                         9. AC3093 Auditing and assurance              MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)
                                            (AC1025)                               8. AC3093 Auditing and assurance
Graduates have also been                10. AC3193 Accounting theory                  (AC1025)
offered accounting and finance              (AC2091 or AC2097)                     9. AC3193 Accounting theory
jobs in various industries such         11. One 200 or 300 unit (or two half          (AC2091 or AC2097)
as energy, marine engineering,              units) from any Selection group
                                        12. One 100, 200 or 300 unit (or two
manufacturing, medical, oil & gas,
                                            half units) from any Selection
real estate, shipping, government           group
and IT.

                                       Please refer to pages 22-23 or SIM GE website for pre-requisite and
                                       co-requisite requirements.
Graduates who wish to continue                                                     Refer to the page on Recognition
to professional accreditation                                                      of Prior Learning to enhance this
may obtain exemptions from the                                                     degree with local knowledge of
professional bodies below:             Students who excel in both                  law and taxation.
• Association of Chartered             academia and leadership can apply
  Certified Accountants (ACCA)         for the Singapore Accountancy                   Commission Young Outstanding
• Chartered Institute of               Achiever Award. Valued at $1,500
  Management Accountants (CIMA)        each, four SIM graduates stand                   to benefit. SAC provides for the
• Institute of Chartered Accountants   registration of the Chartered
  in England and Wales (ICAEW)         Accountant of Singapore as part of                        its plan to transform Singapore into
• CPA Australia                        a global accountancy hub.    

       Banking and Finance
Objectives                                Standard Route (12 full units)             Graduate Entry Route (9 full units)

The BSc (Honours) in Banking and          Course Units: 100
Finance will give you an insight
into the pivotal role of finance in an    1.  EC1002 Introduction to                 1.  EC1002 Introduction to
industrial economy. It will provide          economics                                  economics
you with a thorough understanding         2. ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) and     2. ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) and
                                             MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)           MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)
of the ways in which financial
                                          3. FN1024 Principles of banking and        3. FN1024 Principles of banking and
intermediaries and institutions              finance                                    finance
operate, and the structure and            4. AC1025 Principles of accounting
functioning of financial markets,
as well as help you develop critical      Course Units: 200 and 300
                                          5. FN2190 Asset pricing and financial      4. FN2190 Asset pricing and financial
                                              markets (EC1002) + (MT105A or             markets (EC1002) + (MT105A or
                                              MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)               MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)
Career Prospects                          6. FN2191 Principles of corporate
                                              finance (EC1002) + (MT105A or
                                                                                     5. FN2191 Principles of corporate
                                                                                        finance (EC1002) + (MT105A or
                                              MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)               MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)
Many of our past graduates
                                          7.    EC2020 Elements of econometrics      6. EC2065 Macroeconomics (EC1002)
have gone on to carve out                     (EC1002) + (ST104A) + (MT105A             + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186) or
successful careers in financial               or MT1174 or MT1186) or EC2065            EC2066 Microeconomics (EC1002)
institutions, including American              Macroeconomics (EC1002) +                 + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
Express Bank, ANZ Bank, Bank of               (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186) or        7. FN2029 Financial intermediation
China (Shanghai), BNP Paribas,                EC2066 Microeconomics (EC1002)            (FN1024)
Bank of Singapore, Coutts Private             + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)         8. FN3023 Investment management
                                          8. FN2029 Financial intermediation            (FN1024)
Bank, CIMB Bank, Citibank, Credit
                                              (FN1024)                               9. One 300 unit (or two half units)
Suisse, DBS Bank, Great Eastern           9.    FN3023 Investment management            from any Selection group
Life, HSBC, ING Bank, Merrill                 (FN1024)
Lynch, Maybank, OCBC, Standard            10. One 300 unit from Selection
Chartered Bank, UBS and UOB.                  groups AB
                                          11. One 300 unit from any Selection
                                          12. One 100, 200 or 300 unit (or two
                                              half units) from any Selection

                                         Please refer to pages 22-23 or SIM GE website for pre-requisite and
                                         co-requisite requirements.
      Business and Management
Objectives                             Standard Route (12 full units)             Graduate Entry Route (9 full units)

The BSc (Honours) in Business          Course Units: 100
and Management provides a solid
understanding of the different         1.  EC1002 Introduction to                 1.  EC1002 Introduction to
functional areas of business to           economics                                  economics
develop excellent analytical skills    2. MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)        2. MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)
                                          and ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit)        and ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit)
for management.
                                       3. AC1025 Principles of accounting         3. AC1025 Principles of accounting
                                       4. MN1178 Business and                     4. MN1178 Business and
                                          management in a global context             management in a global context

Career Prospects                       Course Units: 200 and 300

Some of our Business graduates         5. MN2177 Core management                  5. MN2177 Core management
have secured positions such                concepts (MN1178)                         concepts (MN1178)
as Account Executives, Bank            6-9. Four units from the following:        6-8. Three units from the following (at
                                            - AC3059 Financial management              least two 300 units):
Executives, Business Development
                                              (AC1025) or                              - AC3059 Financial management
Associates, Consultants, Corporate            FN2190 Asset pricing and                   (AC1025) or
Relations Executives, HR Executives           financial markets (EC1002) +               FN2190 Asset pricing and
or Managers, Marketing Executives,            (MT105A or MT105B or MT1174                financial markets (EC1002) +
Relationship Managers and Trading             or MT1186)                                 (MT105A or MT105B or MT1174
Assistants. They work in leading            - FN2191 Principles of corporate             or MT1186)
multinational companies                       finance (EC1002) + (MT105A or            - FN2191 Principles of corporate
                                              MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)                finance (EC1002) + (MT105A or
and local organisations, such
                                            - MN2028 Managerial economics                MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)
as Accenture, Citibank, Fragomen,             (EC1002) + (MT105A or MT1174             - MN2028 Managerial economics
Google, Grab, LG Electronics,                 or MT1186)                                 (EC1002) + (MT105A or MT1174
FintechSG, MOH, SUTD, The                   - MN2032 Management science                  or MT1186)
Fullerton Hotel, Tuas Power Supply            methods (ST104A) + (MT105A or            - MN2032 Management science
and UOB.                                      MT1174 or MT1186)                          methods (ST104A) + (MT105A or
                                            - MN3075 Human resource                      MT1174 or MT1186)
                                              management (MN1178)                      - MN3075 Human resource
                                            - MN3119 Strategy (EC1002) +                 management (MN1178)
                                              (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)             - MN3119 Strategy (EC1002) +
                                            - MN3127 Organisation theory:                (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
                                              an interdisciplinary approach            - MN3127 Organisation theory:
                                              (MN1178)                                   an interdisciplinary approach
                                            - MN3141 Principles of Marketing             (MN1178)
                                              (MN1178)                                 - MN3141 Principles of Marketing
                                       10. One 200 or 300 unit from Selection            (MN1178)
                                           group M                                9. One 200 or 300 unit from Selection
                                       11. One 300 unit from Selection group         group M
                                       12. One 100, 200, or 300 unit (or two
                                           half units) from any Selection

                                      Assessment for IS2184, ST2187, ST3188 and ST3189 includes coursework.
                                      Please refer to pages 22-23 or SIM GE website for pre-requisite and co-requisite

       Data Science and
         Business Analytics
Objectives                               Standard Route (12 full units)                Graduate Entry Route (9 full units)

The BSc (Honours) in Data Science        Course Units: 100
and Business Analytics studies the
techniques and subject matter            1.  EC1002 Introduction to                    1.  EC1002 Introduction to
of applied statistics and machine           economics                                     economics
learning to perform independent          2. ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) and        2. MT1186 Mathematical methods
                                             ST104B Statistics 2 (half unit)           3. ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) and
data analysis. Students will be
                                         3. MN1178 Business and                            ST104B Statistics 2 (half unit)
taught to demonstrate statistical           management in a global context
software to analyse datasets and         4. MT1186 Mathematical methods
interpret the output, using a variety
of algorithmic and model-based           Course Units: 200 and 300
methods. Students will have
exposure to a mixture of Excel,          5. IS2184 Information systems                 4. IS2184 Information systems
Tableau, SPSS and R.                         management                                   management
                                         6. ST2187 Business analytics, applied         5. ST2187 Business analytics, applied
                                             modelling and prediction (ST104A)            modelling and prediction (ST104A)
                                             + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)               + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
Career Prospects                         7. ST2133 Advanced statistics:
                                             distribution theory (half unit)
                                                                                       6. ST2133 Advanced statistics:
                                                                                          distribution theory (half unit)
                                             (ST104A + ST104B)                            (ST104A + ST104B) + (MT105A +
Equipped with comprehensive                  + (MT105A+ MT105B or MT1174 or               MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)
skills, graduates of the programme           MT1186) and ST2134 Advanced                  and ST2134 Advanced statistics:
can look forward to careers in Data          statistics: statistical inference (half      statistical inference (half unit)
Science, Data Analysis, Business             unit) (ST104A + ST104B) + (MT105A            (ST104A + ST104B) + (MT105A +
Analysis, Data Engineering in a              + MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)                MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)
wide array of industries from asset      8. EC2020 Elements of                         7. Or:
                                             econometrics (EC1002) + (ST104A)               EC2020 Elements of
management, pharmaceuticals,                 + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)               econometrics (EC1002) + (ST104A)
insurance and retail. Graduates can          or MT2116 Abstract mathematics               + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
look forward to work in prominent            (MT105A + MT105B or MT1174 or                or MT2116 Abstract mathematics
companies such as SAP, DBS,                  MT1186)                                      (MT105A + MT105B or MT1174 or
Standard Chartered, AXA, Siemens,        9. ST3188 Statistical methods for                MT1186)
Dyson, Dentsu Aegis Network,                 market research (ST104A)                  8. ST3188 Statistical methods for
MOH, Singtel and Starhub.                10. ST3189 Machine learning (ST104A              market research (ST104A)
                                             + ST104B) + (MT105A + MT105B or           9. ST3189 Machine learning (ST104A
                                             MT1174 or MT1186)                            + ST104B) + (MT105A + MT105B or
                                         11. One 300 unit from Selection                  MT1174 or MT1186)
                                             Groups E, M or N
                                         12. One 100, 200, 300 unit (or two half
                                             units) from any Selection Group
                  Scan to
                  learn more!
                                        Assessment for IS2184, ST2187, ST3188 and ST3189 includes coursework.
                                        Please refer to pages 22-23 or SIM GE website for pre-requisite and co-requisite

                                        Note: Applicants are required to have passed mathematics at GCE ‘A’ level or
                                        its equivalent (e.g. Bridging Course for Mathematics). Refer to pages 26-27 for
                                        more information.

Objectives                              Standard Route (12 full units)             Graduate Entry Route (9 full units)

The BSc (Honours) in Economics is       Course Units: 100
centred on the core of economic
theory and its tools. Essential         1.  EC1002 Introduction to                 1.  EC1002 Introduction to
Mathematical techniques such as            economics                                  economics
calculus and statistics are covered     2. ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) and     2. ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) and
                                            ST104B Statistics 2 (half unit)            ST104B Statistics 2 (half unit)
in the programme. Graduates
                                        3. MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)        3. MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)
of this programme will learn an            and MT105B Mathematics 2 (half             and MT105B Mathematics 2 (half
approach to a logical analysis of          unit)                                      unit)
social and individual decision          4. One unit (or two half units) from
making. This degree is not                 Selection group F1
recommended for students who
are exempted from the first year        Course Units: 200 and 300
of the degree unless they have
completed the Certificate of Higher     5.    EC2020 Elements of                   4.    EC2020 Elements of
                                            econometrics (EC1002) + (ST104A)           econometrics (EC1002) + (ST104A)
Education in Social Sciences from
                                            + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)             + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
the University of London.               6. EC2065 Macroeconomics (EC1002)          5. EC2065 Macroeconomics (EC1002)
                                            + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)             + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
                                        7. EC2066 Microeconomics (EC1002)          6. EC2066 Microeconomics (EC1002)
                                            + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)             + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
Career Prospects                        8-10. Three units from the following:      7-8. Two units from the following:
                                              - EC3016 International                   - EC3016 International economics
This programme is a useful                      economics (EC2065) + (EC2066              (EC2065) + (EC2066 or MN2028)
preparation for a range of careers              or MN2028)                              - EC3096 Economic history since
in academia, industry, finance                - EC3096 Economic history since             1900
                                                1900                                   - EC3099 Industrial economics
or government. Some of our
                                              - EC3099 Industrial economics               (MN2028 or EC2066)
graduates have gone on to work                  (MN2028 or EC2066)                     - EC3115 Monetary economics
as data analyst, research assistant,          - EC3115 Monetary economics                 (EC2065)
IMO specialist and operations                   (EC2065)                               - EC3120 Mathematical economics
analyst. Recent graduates work at             - EC3120 Mathematical                       (EC2066) + (MT105A + MT105B or
Dun & Bradstreet, MAS, Cognizant                economics (EC2066) + (MT105A              MT1174)
Technology, Citco Fund Services,                + MT105B or MT1174)                9. One 200 or 300 unit from any
                                        11. One 200 or 300 unit from any               Selection group
KPMG, Google Asia Pacific and
                                            Selection group
Citibank.                               12. One 100, 200 or 300 unit (or two
                                            half units) from any Selection

                   Scan to             Please refer to pages 22-23 or SIM GE website for pre-requisite and
                                       co-requisite requirements.
                   learn more!

       Economics and Finance

Objectives                               Standard Route (12 full units)             Graduate Entry Route (9 full units)

The BSc (Honours) in Economics           Course Units: 100
and Finance helps you appreciate
the close linkages between               1.  EC1002 Introduction to                 1.  EC1002 Introduction to
economics and finance in a wide             economics                                  economics
range of issues. This degree fares       2. ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) and     2. ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit) and
                                             ST104B Statistics 2 (half unit)            ST104B Statistics 2 (half unit)
well with those keen on analytics
                                         3. MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)        3. MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)
and economics and the units                 and MT105B Mathematics 2 (half             and MT105B Mathematics 2 (half
generally require rigorous attention.       unit)                                      unit)
This degree is not recommended to        4. One unit (or two half units) from
students who are exempted from              Selection group F1
the first year of the degree.
                                         Course Units: 200 and 300
In 2018, the graduating batch saw
20% earn a degree with First Class       5. EC2065 Macroeconomics (EC1002)          4. EC2065 Macroeconomics (EC1002)
                                              + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)           + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
Honours when the overall average
                                         6. EC2066 Microeconomics (EC1002)          5. EC2066 Microeconomics (EC1002)
was 12%.                                      + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)           + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
                                         7.     EC2020 Elements of                  6. EC2020 Elements of
Articulation from Certificate of              econometrics (EC1002) + (ST104A)         econometrics (EC1002) + (ST104A)
Higher Education in Social Sciences           + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)           + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
(CHESS). Candidates should note          8. FN2190 Asset pricing and financial      7. FN2190 Asset pricing and financial
that we do not offer articulation             markets (EC1002) + (MT105A or            markets (EC1002) + (MT105A or
                                              MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)              MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)
from CHESS for the BSc Economics
                                         9. FN2191 Principles of corporate          8. FN2191 Principles of corporate
and Finance.                                  finance (EC1002) + (MT105A or            finance (EC1002) + (MT105A or
                                              MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)              MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)
                                         10. EC3099 Industrial economics            9.   FN3142 Quantitative finance
Career Prospects                             (EC2066 or MN2028) or                     (EC2020 + EC2066)
                                              EC3115 Monetary economics
Some of the graduates have                   (EC2065)
worked in junior to middle               11. FN3142 Quantitative finance
management at organisations                   (EC2020 + EC2066)
                                         12. One 200 or 300 unit from any
including DBS, OCBC, Schroders,
                                              Selection group
Standard Chartered Bank, UBS
and UOB. Within the finance and
accounting-related positions, a few
were specifically in treasury and       Please refer to pages 22-23 or SIM GE website for pre-requisite and
management consulting.                  co-requisite requirements.
      Economics and
Objectives                             Standard Route (12 full units)             Graduate Entry Route (9 full units)

The BSc (Honours) in Economics         Course Units: 100
and Management enables you
to combine an in-depth study of        1.  EC1002 Introduction to                 1   EC1002 Introduction to
economics with management                 economics                                  economics
options. It will equip you with        2. MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)        2. MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)
                                          and ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit)        and ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit)
logical and quantitative reasoning
                                       3. AC1025 Principles of accounting         3. MN1178 Business and
skills as well as general              4. MN1178 Business and                        management in a global context
management competencies.                  management in a global context

                                       Course Units: 200 and 300

Career Prospects                       5. MN2177 Core management                  4. MN2177 Core management
                                           concepts (MN1178)                         concepts (MN1178)
Some of our past graduates             6. MN2028 Managerial economics             5. MN2028 Managerial economics
have secured positions such                (EC1002) + (MT105A or                     (EC1002) + (MT105A or
as assistant managers, bank                MT1174 or MT1186) or EC2066               MT1174 or MT1186) or EC2066
executives, business analysts,             Microeconomics (EC1002) +                 Microeconomics (EC1002) +
                                           (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)              (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
finance executives and operations
                                       7. EC2065 Macroeconomics (EC1002)          6. EC2065 Macroeconomics (EC1002)
executives. Recent graduates have          + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)            + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
been gainfully employed by ABN         8. One unit from the following:            7. One unit from the following:
AMRO, British American Tobacco,            - AC3059 Financial management             - AC3059 Financial management
Cloudfare, Ernst & Young Advisory,           (AC1025) or FN2190 Asset pricing          (AC1025) or FN2190 Asset pricing
Global Microelectronics, Infectious          and financial markets (EC1002)            and financial markets (EC1002) +
Media, Stuttgart Auto, etc.                  + (MT105A or MT105B or MT1174             (MT105A or MT105B or MT1174 or
                                             or MT1186)                                MT1186)
                                           - FN2191 Principles of corporate          - FN2191 Principles of corporate
                                             finance (EC1002) + (MT105A or             finance (EC1002) + (MT105A or
                                             MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)               MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)
                                           - MN2032 Management science               - MN2032 Management science
                                             methods (ST104A) + (MT105A or             methods (ST104A) + (MT105A or
                                             MT1174 or MT1186)                         MT1174 or MT1186)
                                           - MN3075 Human resource                   - MN3075 Human resource
                                             management (MN1178)                       management (MN1178)
                                           - MN3119 Strategy (EC1002) +              - MN3119 Strategy (EC1002) +
                                             (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)              (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
                                           - MN3127 Organisation theory:             - MN3127 Organisation theory: an
                                             an interdisciplinary approach             interdisciplinary approach
                                             (MN1178)                                  (MN1178)
                                           - MN3141 Principles of marketing          - MN3141 Principles of marketing
                                             (MN1178)                                  (MN1178)
                                       9. One 300 unit from Selection group E     8. One 200 or 300 unit from Selection
                                       10. One 300 unit from Selection group         group M
                                           M                                      9. One 300 unit from Selection group E
                                       11. One 200 or 300 unit from Selection
                                           groups E or M
                                       12. One 100, 200, 300 unit from any
                                           Selection group

                                      Please refer to pages 22-23 or SIM GE website for pre-requisite and
                                      co-requisite requirements.

       Economics and Politics

Objectives                               Standard Route (12 full units)             Graduate Entry Route (9 full units)

The BSc (Honours) in Economics           Course Units: 100
and Politics will prepare students
for a more globalised world              1.   EC1002 Introduction to                1.  EC1002 Introduction to economics
where politics and economics are            economics                               2. MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)
interconnected with emphasis on          2. MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)           and ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit)
                                            and ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit)     3. PS1130 Introduction to modern
microeconomics, macroeconomics,
                                         3. PS1130 Introduction to modern              political thought or
understanding the present                   political thought                          PS1172 Introduction to political
state of democracy and the               4. PS1172 Introduction to political           science
democratisation processes as                science
well as different levels of political
analysis and public choice.              Course Units: 200 and 300

Articulation from Certificate            5. EC2065 Macroeconomics (EC1002)          4. EC2065 Macroeconomics (EC1002)
of Higher Education in Social                + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT118)              + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
                                         6. EC2066 Microeconomics (EC1002)          5. EC2066 Microeconomics (EC1002)
Sciences (CHESS). Candidates
                                             + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)             + (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
should note that we do not offer         7. PS2082 Comparative politics             6. PS2082 Comparative politics
articulation from CHESS for the              (PS1172 or PS1130)                         (PS1172 or PS1130)
BSc Economics and Politics.              8. One unit from the following:            7. One unit from the following:
                                             - EC3016 International economics           - EC3016 International economics
                                               (EC2065) + (EC2066 or MN2028)              (EC2065) + (EC2066 or MN2028)
                                             - EC3099 Industrial economics              - EC3099 Industrial economics
Career Prospects                               (EC2066 or MN2028)                         (EC2066 or MN2028)
                                             - EC3115 Monetary economics                - EC3115 Monetary economics
Graduates of this programme will               (EC2065)                                   (EC2065)
be better prepared for a career in       9. PS3086 Democracy and                    8. PS3086 Democracy and
                                             democratisation (PS1172 or                 democratisation (PS1172 or
relevant ministries, international
                                             PS1130)                                    PS1130)
organisations, and business.             10. One 300 unit from Selection group E    9. One 300 unit from Selection group E
Graduates can become a journalist,       11. One 300 unit from Selection            10. One 300 unit from Selection
media practitioner, media research           groups IR or P                             groups IR or P
analyst/consultant, risk & security
analyst/consultant, corporate
strategy & planning executive/
                                        Please refer to pages 22-23 or SIM GE website for pre-requisite and
consultant, or have an overseas         co-requisite requirements.
posting as country manager.
Recent graduates have worked at
Competitiveness Institute, etc.
       International Relations

Objectives                              Standard Route (12 full units)             Graduate Entry Route (9 full units)

The BSc (Honours) in International      Course Units: 100
Relations aims to engage you
critically about the core literature    1. IR1011 Introduction to international    1. IR1011 Introduction to international
and main theoretical issues in the         relations                                  relations
field of international relations.       2. PS1172 Introduction to political        2. PS1172 Introduction to political
                                           science or PS1130 Introduction to          science or PS1130 Introduction to
                                           modern political thought                   modern political thought
                                        3. One 100 unit (or two half units)        3. One 100 unit (or two half units)
Career Prospects                           from Selection group F1
                                        4. One 100 unit (or two half units)
                                                                                      from Selection group F1
                                                                                   4. One 100 unit (or two half units)
                                           from Selection group F1                    from Selection group F1
Graduates may secure positions
such as business analysts,              Course Units: 200 and 300
journalists, and research analysts
in international organisations,         5. IR3026 International political          5. IR3026 International political
NGOs and think-tanks. Other                 economy (EC1002 or IR1011)                 economy (EC1002 or IR1011)
positions include marketing             6. IR2083 International political          6. IR2083 International political
communications in the business              theory (IR1011)                            theory (IR1011)
and media sectors, such as              7. IR2085 International organisations      7. IR2085 International organisations
                                            (IR1011)                                   (IR1011)
The Edge Singapore, Prospr
                                        8. IR2137 Foreign policy analysis          8. IR2137 Foreign policy analysis
Communications, Grab and more.              (IR1011)                                   (IR1011)
Graduates keen on postgraduate          9. IR3140 Security in international        9. IR3140 Security in international
studies have been offered places            relations (IR1011)                         relations (IR1011)
at SMU, NTU, LSE, LSE-PKU,              10. One 300 unit from Selection group
Edinburgh and Glasgow.                      IR or P
                                        11. One unit from Selection groups, E,
                                            IR, or P
                                        12. One 100, 200, or 300 unit (or two
                                            half units) from any Selection

                                       Please refer to pages 22-23 or SIM GE website for pre-requisite and
                                       co-requisite requirements.

      Management and
        Digital Innovation
Objectives                            Standard Route (12 full units)              Graduate Entry Route (9 full units)

The BSc (Honours) in                  Course Units: 100
Management and Digital
Innovation is a highly                1.  IS1060 Introduction to information      1.  IS1060 Introduction to information
contemporary and forward-                 systems                                     systems
                                      2. MN1178 Business and                      2. MN1178 Business and
looking management
                                          management in a global context              management in a global context
programme that offers students                                                    3. IS1181 Digital infrastructures for
                                      3. IS1181 Digital infrastructures for
the knowledge needed to take              business                                    business
advantage of the fast-changing        4. One unit from the following:
technologies at the centre of             - MT105A Mathematics 1 (half unit)
every business and management               and ST104A Statistics 1 (half unit)
activity. The MDI builds on               - AC1025 Principles of accounting
the successful internal MSc               - FN1024 Principles of banking
                                            and finance
Programme at the LSE. Managers
                                          - SC1179 Contemporary sociology
will learn to solve organisational          in a global age
and business problems using new
information and communication         Course Units: 200 and 300
technologies (ICT).
                                      5. MN2177 Core management                   4. MN2177 Core management
                                          concepts (MN1178)                           concepts (MN1178)
                                      6. IS2184 Information systems               5. IS2184 Information systems
Career Prospects                          management                                  management
                                      7. One unit from the following:             6. IS2182 Innovating digital systems
Graduates will be hybrid managers         - IS2182 Innovating digital systems         and services (IS1060 + IS1181)
well-versed in tools, techniques,           and services (IS1060 + IS1181)        7. IS3183 Management and social
approaches and philosophies               - AC2091 Financial reporting                media (MN1178) or IS3167
                                            (AC1025)                                  Management and innovation of
necessary for IT services roles in
                                          - MN2032 Management science                 e-business
accounting, banking, consultancy,           methods                               8. IS3159 Research project in digital
government, research, etc. It will          (ST104A) + (MT105A or MT1174)             innovation (IS2182 or IS2184)
enable entrepreneurs to start up      8. IS3183 Management and social             9. One 300 unit from Selection group M
their own technology-focused              media (MN1178)
businesses.                           9. IS3159 Research project in digital
                                          innovation (IS2182 or IS2184)
                                      10. IS3167 Management and
                                          innovation of e-business
                                      11. One 300 unit from Selection group
                                      12. One 100, 200, 300 unit from any
                  Scan to                 Selection group
                  learn more!

                                     Assessment for IS1060, IS2182, IS2184 and IS3159 includes coursework. Please
                                     refer to pages 22-23 or SIM GE website for pre-requisite and co-requisite
Be part of the
          SIM-UOL Family

                                                         The UOL degree has instilled
                                                         in me a strong technical
                                                         background which is
                                                         essential in transitioning to a
                                                         conscientious professional.
                                                         I have learned to set realistic

                                                         undertakings while staying
                                                         independent, focused and
                                                         motivated. (2019)
                                                         targets relevant to my future

 Erica Lau
 Graduate, Class of 2019
 BSc (Hons) in Banking and Finance
 Compliance AML Analyst, Citibank Malaysia

 UOL’s academically rigorous
 coursework encouraged us
 to challenge conventional
 wisdom and provided
 a robust academic
 foundation for my further
 studies. (2019)

                                             Lien Zhou Han
                                             Second Upper Class Honours Graduate,
                                             Class of 2018
                                             BSc (Hons) in Business and Management

                                             Graduate, Class of 2019
                                             MSc International Business with Distinction,
                                             The University of Warwick, UK
                                             Recipient of the SIM-LSE Summer School
                                             Scholarship 2016
                                             Management Consulting Analyst, Accenture

The EMFSS Graduate Diplomas are          Career Prospects                            Course Selection
specifically designed for Bachelor’s     Graduates of these Diplomas                 All pre-requisites are waived for
degree graduates who would like          have been promoted in their                 the Graduate Diploma. Selection
to have an additional qualification      jobs or expanded their job scope.           groups can be found on Page 22.
but do not want to commit to a full      Engineers have also used the                Candidates choose their units
second degree. Upon successful           Graduate Diploma in Finance as a            based on the timetable. Some
completion of the programme,             stepping stone to pursue master’s           units may not be taken together
they will be awarded a Graduate          degrees in related finance areas.           if the classes fall on the same day/
Diploma certificate.                                                                 time (part-time programme).

      Programme                        Objectives                                         Course Units

 Graduate             This programme discusses statistical           Two compulsory units:
 Diploma in           software and methods, their merits and         ST2187 Business analytics, applied modelling and
 Business             limitations. It trains students to perform     prediction
 Analytics            independent data analysis for managerial       ST3188 Statistical methods for market research
                      decision-making. The focus is on empirical     +
                      analysis.                                      Two full units from Selection groups M or N, one of
                                                                     which MUST be from Selection group M
                      There is 30% coursework for the modules
                      ST2187 and ST3188.

 Graduate             This programme equips students with the        Two compulsory units:
 Diploma in Data      analytical and commercial know-how to          IS2184 Information systems management
 Science              turn data into actionable solutions to real-   ST3189 Machine learning
                      world problems.                                +
                                                                     Two units from the following:
                      There is coursework for these modules:         EC2020 Elements of econometrics
                      IS2182 (40%), ST2187 (30%), IS2184 (40%),      MT2116 Abstract mathematics
                      IS3159 (100%), ST3188 (30%), ST3189            MT2175 Further linear algebra
                      (30%).                                         MT2176 Further calculus
                                                                     MT3040 Game theory
                                                                     MT3042 Optimisation theory
                                                                     ST2187 Business analytics, applied modelling and
                                                                     ST2133 Advanced statistics: distribution theory
                                                                     ST2134 Advanced statistics: statistical inference
                                                                     ST3188 Statistical methods for market research
                                                                     IS2182 Innovating digital systems and services
                                                                     IS3159 Research project in digital innovation
                                                                     IS3167 Management and innovation of e-Business
                                                                     IS3183 Management and social media

 Graduate             This programme provides the                    Three compulsory units:
 Diploma in Digital   understanding and skills necessary for         IS2182 Innovating digital systems and services
 Innovation           modern managers to utilise the power           IS2184 Information systems management
                      of information and communication               IS3159 Research project in digital innovation
                      technologies (ICT) for innovation and          +
                      performance improvement in their               One unit from the following:
                      organisations. It discusses the theories       IS1181 Digital infrastructures for business
                      underlying the development, use and            IS3167 Management and innovation of e-Business
                      evolution of digital technology, services      IS3183 Management and social media
                      and organisational infrastructures.

                      There is coursework for these modules:
                      IS2182 (40%), IS2184 (40%), IS3159 (100%).
Programme                     Objectives                                          Course Units

Graduate         This programme will equip you with skills      Three compulsory units:
Diploma in       and knowledge to utilise the power of          IS1181 Digital infrastructures for business
E-Business and   e-business and social media; to improve        IS3167 Management and innovation of e-Business
Social Media     the performance of your organisation           IS3183 Management and social media
                 while avoiding the risks inherent in the       +
                 misapplication of technology.                  One unit from the following:
                                                                IS2184 Information systems management (offered FT
                 There is coursework for these modules:         only)
                 IS2184 (40%) and IS3159 (100%).                IS3159 Research project in digital innovation (offered
                                                                FT only)
                                                                MN3119 Strategy
                                                                MN3141 Principles of marketing

Graduate         It offers a broad perspective to the field     Three compulsory units:
Diploma in       of economics, which is essential in the        EC2020 Elements of econometrics
Economics        banking and financial arena. Business          EC2065 Macroeconomics
                 analysts, researchers and economists alike     EC2066 Microeconomics
                 will find this course useful.                  +
                                                                One 300 unit with the prefix EC from Selection group E
                 Graduates will be able to choose careers
                 in brokerage and investment firms, or in
                 human resource management,
                 establishing appropriate incentive
                 structures, benefits packages and
                 processes for hiring and promotion.

Graduate         It is invaluable for those currently working   Two compulsory units:
Diploma in       in financial planning, investment or           FN2190 Asset pricing and financial markets
Finance          commercial banking, corporate finance, or      FN2191 Principles of corporate finance
                 real estate, and looking to upgrade their      +
                 skills.                                        Two units from the following:
                                                                AC2091 Financial reporting
                                                                AC3093 Auditing and assurance
                                                                AC3143 Valuation and securities analysis
                                                                FN2029 Financial intermediation
                                                                FN3023 Investment management
                                                                FN3142 Quantitative finance

Graduate         It offers a broad overview of management       Two compulsory units:
Diploma in       theory and practice, making it an              MN1178 Business and management in a global context
Management       attractive course for those with non-          MN2177 Core management concepts
                 business backgrounds who wish to               +
                 understand more about the rudiments of         Two units from the following:
                 management.                                    MN2028 Managerial economics
                                                                MN2032 Management science methods
                                                                MN3075 Human resource management
                                                                MN3119 Strategy
                                                                MN3127 Organisation theory: an interdisciplinary
                                                                MN3141 Principles of marketing

A degree or diploma is made up of units drawn from the Selection Groups. These groups are
categorised by level or by discipline. All units and structures follow the University of London
Programme Regulations which contain full details on the rules that govern the choice of any unit.
For level 200 and 300 units in the UOL programmes, pre-requisites or co-requisites may be required.

Level 100 units
Selection   AC1025        Principles of accounting                            MT105B   Mathematics 2 (half unit) *
group F1    EC1002        Introduction to economics                           MT1186   Mathematical methods
            FN1024        Principles of banking and finance                   PS1130   Introduction to modern political thought*
            IR1011        Introduction to international relations*            PS1172   Introduction to political science*
            IS1060        Introduction to information systems*                SC1179   Contemporary sociology in a global age*
            IS1181        Digital infrastructures for business                ST104A   Statistics 1 (half unit)
            MN1178        Business and management in a global context         ST104B   Statistics 2 (half unit) *
            MT105A        Mathematics 1 (half unit)

Level 200 and 300 units
Selection   AC2091        Financial reporting (AC1025)                        FN2029   Financial intermediation (FN1024)
group AB    AC2097        Management accounting (AC1025)                      FN2190   Asset pricing and financial markets
            AC3059        Financial management (AC1025) or                             (EC1002) + (MT105A or MT105B or
            AC3093        Auditing and assurance (AC1025)                              MT1174 or MT1186)
            AC3143        Valuation and securities analysis (FN1024 +         FN2191   Principles of corporate finance (EC1002) +
                          AC1025)                                                      (MT105A or MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)
            AC3193        Accounting theory (AC2091 or AC2097)^               FN3023   Investment management (FN1024)
                                                                              FN3142   Quantitative finance (EC2020 + EC2066) *
Selection   EC2020        Elements of econometrics (EC1002) + (ST104A) +      EC3099   Industrial economics (MN2028 or EC2066)*
group E                   (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186) *                      EC3115   Monetary economics (EC2065)*
            EC2065        Macroeconomics (EC1002) + (MT105A or MT1174         EC3120   Mathematical economics (EC2066) +
                          or MT1186) *                                                 (MT105A + MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)*
            EC2066        Microeconomics (EC1002) + (MT105A or MT1174         FN2190   Asset pricing and financial markets
                          or MT1186) or                                                (EC1002) + (MT105A or MT105B or MT1174
            MN2028        Managerial economics (EC1002) + (MT105A or                   or MT1186)
                          MT1174 or MT1186)                                   FN2191   Principles of corporate finance (EC1002)
            EC3016        International economics (EC2065) + (EC2066 or                + (MT105A or MT105B or MT1174 or
                          MN2028)*^                                                    MT1186)
            EC3096        Economic history since 1900*                        IR3026   International political economy (EC1002
                                                                                       or IR1011)
Selection   DV3162        Complex emergencies and humanitarian                IR2083   International political theory (IR1011)
group IR*                 responses                                           IR3026   International political economy (EC1002
            IR2085        International organisations (IR1011)                         or IR1011)
            IR2137        Foreign policy analysis (IR1011)                    IR3140   Security in international relations (IR1011)

Selection   IS2182        Innovating digital systems and services (IS1060 +   IS3159   Research project in digital innovation
group IS                  IS1181)*                                                     (IS2182 or IS2184)*
            IS2184        Information systems management*                     IS3167   Management and innovation of
                                                                              IS3183   Management and social media (MN1178)*
Level 200 and 300 units

 Selection   AC3059        Financial management (AC1025) or                       MN3075   Human resource management (MN1178)
 group M     FN2190        Asset pricing and financial markets (EC1002) +         MN3119   Strategy (EC1002) + (MT105A or MT1174
                           (MT105A or MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)                          or MT1186)
             AC2097        Management accounting (AC1025)                         MN3127   Organisation theory: an interdisciplinary
             FN2191        Principles of corporate finance (EC1002) +                      approach (MN1178)
                           (MT105A or MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)                 MN3141   Principles of marketing (MN1178)
             IS2184        Information systems management*                        MT2076   Management mathematics (ST104A) +
             IS3167        Management and innovation of e-Business                         (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)
             IS3183        Management and social media (MN1178)                   SP2079   Elements of social and applied psychology
             MN2177        Core management concepts (MN1178)                      ST3188   Statistical methods for market research
             MN3027        The law of business organisations                               (ST104A)
             MN2028        Managerial economics (EC1002) + (MT105A or
                           MT1174 or MT1186)*
             MN2032        Management science methods (ST104A) +
                           (MT105A or MT1174 or MT1186)

 Selection   MT2116        Abstract mathematics (MT1174 or MT1186) or             ST2187   Business analytics, applied modelling
 group N*                  (MT105A + MT105B)                                               and prediction (ST104A) + (MT105A or
             ST2133        Advanced statistics: distribution theory (half unit)            MT1174 or MT1186)
                           (ST104A + ST104B) + (MT105A + MT105B or                ST3188   Statistical methods for market research
                           MT1174 or MT1186)                                               (ST104A)
             ST2134        Advanced statistics: statistical inference (half       ST3189   Machine learning (ST104A + ST104B) +
                           unit) (ST104A + ST104B) + (MT105A + MT105B or                   (MT105A+MT105B or MT1174 or MT1186)
                           MT1174 or MT1186)

 Selection   PS2082        Comparative politics (PS1172 or PS1130)                PS3086   Democracy and democratisation (PS1172
 group P*                                                                                  or PS1130)

Note:                                             FN3023 must be taken after or at the      ^ AC3193 is not applicable for Graduate
* Course is offered full-time only.               same time as FN2190                         Diploma in Management.
  You can only take EC1002 at the same            FN3142 must be taken after or at the      ^ EC3016 is not applicable for BSc
  time as or after ST104A and either              same time as FN2190.                        (Honours) Data Science and Business
  MT105A or MT1186, not before.                   You can only take EC2020 at the same        Analytics & BSc (Honours)
  ST104B must be taken after or at the            time as or after ST104B and MT105B,         Management and Digital Innovation.
  same time as ST104A.                            not before. You will also need to have
  MT105B must be taken after or at the            passed the pre-requisites of EC1002,      Remarks: There are exclusion subjects /
  same time as ST104A and either                  MT105A and ST104A. If you have passed     groups that cannot be taken together.
  MT105A or MT1174 or MT118.                      MT1186, you do not need to take           If you are registered for one of these
  This can only be found in specific              MT105A or MT105B, but must still meet     subjects / groups, you cannot also
  degree structure. Recognition                   the other pre-requisites and              register for the other. For more
  of Prior Learning awarded from one              co-requisites.                            information, please refer to SIM GE
  named or unnamed 100 unit can be                                                          website.
  placed here.

  of Prior Learning (RPL)

RPL is the recognition of previously   If discretionary RPL is granted,      Bridging Courses
acquired learning which can be         please inform SIM immediately         The following bridging courses
mapped against particular              so that a pro-rated refund of         are developed and awarded by
learning outcomes of modules           unattended classes for that course    Singapore Institute of
within a programme. RPL may be         may be given to you.                  Management, Singapore. They are
awarded if you have previously                                               organised annually to help
studied a similar subject in the       Automatic Recognition of Prior        applicants attain RPL.
same depth, at degree level, and       Learning (RPL)                        l Bridging Course for Economics,
you achieved good marks in the         RPL can be awarded automatically        Mathematics and Accounting
corresponding examination. A           based on certain polytechnic            (EMA)
student who is awarded RPL for         qualifications and Business           l Bridging Course for Economics,
a specific module is considered to     diplomas from SIM. The RPL              Management, Finance and the
be exempted from this module.          application fee is not required for     Social Sciences (EMFSS)
                                       RPL awarded in this category.
The qualification on which your                                              Applicants must have completed
RPL is based must have been            Applicants for the following          all coursework and assessment
obtained within the five years         degrees are not recommended to        for their Diploma course before
preceding the application.             apply for RPL as completing the       they may embark on the bridging
                                       EC1002 Introduction to Economics      programme.
Discretionary Recognition of           and MT105A Mathematics 1
Prior Learning (RPL)                   modules will help prepare students    An application fee is payable if
A fee of £103 (per full course) is     for the rigour of advanced            you apply separately from your
charged by the University of           economics, where appropriate.         application for the degree. Do
London for processing                                                        complete the bridging course
discretionary RPL.                     Bachelor of Science (Honours) in:     section when applying to SIM GE.
In order for an application to be      lEconomics and Finance
considered, a student must             lEconomics and Politics
normally have successfully             lInternational Relations
                                                                                 These courses qualify EMFSS
completed the whole of the
                                                                                 students for RPL
qualification on the basis of which    Please refer to SIM GE or UOL
he or she is claiming RPL and          website for a list of automatic RPL       l Bridging Course for
have already received the final        for Diploma holders.
                                                                                   Economics, Mathematics
award for that qualification. An
                                                                                   and Accounting
application from a student who                                                   l Bridging Course for
has not yet received his or her
                                                                                   Economics, Management,
award will be considered under
                                                                                   Finance and the
the rules governing RPL at the
                                                                                   Social Sciences (EMFSS)
time that the award is finally                                                   l Pass two short courses,
made and not at the time that
                                                                                   Elements of Singapore Law
the application for RPL was
                                                                                   and Elements of Singapore
                                                                                 l Pass two courses at the LSE
                                                                                   Summer School, UK
Bridging Course for Economics,          Bridging Course for Economics,        Modules
Mathematics and Accounting              Management, Finance and the           lMathematics for Economics
(EMA)                                   Social Sciences (EMFSS)                and Business (half module)
                                                                              lBusiness Statistics (half module)
For Business Diploma Holders            For Non-Business Diploma Holders      lElements of Financial and
from SIM or the Polytechnics            from the Polytechnics only             Management Accounting
This bridging course is targeted at     This bridging course is targeted       (full module)
business related diploma graduates      at non-business polytechnic
intending to study for a UOL            diploma graduates who have            Students are required to enrol for
degree in an accelerated mode.          achieved a cumulative GPA of          all the modules (maximum of two
                                        2.8 or better, intend to study for    full modules).
Modules                                 a UOL degree, and who do not
lEconomics (full module)                qualify for the Bridging Course       Assessment
lMathematics (half module)              for EMA.                              l 80% examination
lAccounting (full module)                                                     l 20% coursework (in-class tests)
                                        The three-month intensive
Depending on the applicant’s prior      bridging EMFSS course aims to         Progression
academic background and the             build a strong academic               Upon passing and completion
UOL RPL that is awarded,                foundation that is essential to the   of the course with a score of
candidates are allowed to study up      students’ subsequent                  40%, students can apply to
to two modules. The four-month          undergraduate studies with UOL in     receive credit exemption for the
intensive bridging EMA course           three specific degrees:               corresponding EMFSS units. UOL
allows students to choose                                                     will also award an RPL for one
Mathematics with Economics or           Bachelor of Science (Honours) in:     unnamed level 100 course.
Accounting.                             lAccounting and Finance
                                        lBanking and Finance
Assessment                              lBusiness and Management                  Intake   May - August (Full-time)
l All modules: Score 40% to pass                                                  Fees     S$3,852
  and 50% to qualify for RPL            Upon completion of the bridging
l Accounting module: 90% exam;          course, students will be awarded      Fees are inclusive of prevailing GST.
  10% test                              sufficient exemptions to accelerate   Fees do not include textbooks and
                                                                              application charges. Please refer to
l Economics and Mathematics             the completion of the UOL degree.
                                                                              SIM GE website for the latest fees.
  modules: 100% exam-based
                                        This course will give non-business
                                        diploma graduates a similar
    Intake   June - August
                                        opportunity as those with
                                        a business diploma to complete
    Fees     S$695.50 per course        a UOL BSc degree within a
                                        minimum of two years.
Fees are inclusive of prevailing GST.
Fees do not include textbooks and
application charges. Please refer to
SIM GE website for the latest fee.

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