BALLS RACQUET - Glen Waverley Tennis Club

Page created by Terry Richardson
BALLS RACQUET - Glen Waverley Tennis Club
                            & BALLS
Newsletter of Glen Waverley Tennis Club Inc.                                   July 2021

                Notice is hereby given that the
       Will be held at the Club at 1.30pm on
                  SUNDAY 1 AUGUST 2021
           Senior, Student and Non-playing members are entitled to vote.
Please make every effort to attend as we must have a quorum for the meeting to proceed.

 AGENDA                                                8. Junior/Coaching Report
 1. Opening of meeting                                 9. General business -
 2. Apologies                                          		 9.1     Election of Office Bearers &
                                                       			        Ordinary Members of C’tee
 3. Minutes of previous AGM
                                                       		 9.2 Appointment of Auditor
 4. Business arising (not covered in later business)
                                                       		9.3 Affiliations
 5. President’s Report
                                                       10. Close of meeting.
 6. Treasurer’s Report
 7. Mid-Week Ladies Report


RACQUET & BALLS                                                                    July 2021        1
BALLS RACQUET - Glen Waverley Tennis Club
    Glen Waverley
    Tennis Club details
    President               Paul Bowman                0419 553 827
    Vice President          Deirdre Evans              9803 2523
                            Judy Dries                 9560 9495
    Secretary               75 Strickland Drive
                            Wheelers Hill 3150
    Treasurer               Craig Vernon               0412 389 259
                            Christine Battersby, Clive Edmonds, Brad
    Ordinary Committee
                            Hasler, Karen Outram, Julie Rowell, Vince
                            Phelan & Chris Young
    Membership Officer      Vince Phelan               0472 754 870
    Senior Competition      Deirdre Evans              0400 889 041
    Night Competition       Deirdre Evans              0400 889 041
    Mid-Week Ladies         Barbara Bowman             9511 4430
    Mid-Week Men’s          Paul Bowman                0419 553 827
                                                                        Judy Dries having a social hit with one of our newest
    Convenor                                                            members, Jessie.
                            Chris Logan                0430 344 884
    Club Coaches            Brad Hasler                0417 327 880
                            Jake Harvey                0401 974 077
                            Sat - Brad                 0417 327 880
    Junior Convenor
                            Sun - Jake                 0401 974 077
                            Maggie Cooper              0410 403 843
    Newsletter Editor

                                                                        Another successful Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea.
    GWTC introduced “shoetags” seven years ago and they MUST be
    worn on the shoes of all Club members when playing tennis at
    the Club.

    This became necessary because of the incidence of visiting
    players who fail to pay the required Visitors Fee.
    Players without a visible “shoetag” will be asked to leave the
    courts if they have not already paid the Visitors Fee.
                                                                                      & BALLS
                                                                                     Next issue of Racquet & Balls
    Shoetags for 2021/22 are “GREEN”.                                                  will be September 2021.
                                                                                       Items to be emailed to
    Once you have paid your membership fees, please ensure                                  Maggie Cooper
    that you receive the new GREEN shoetag from Vince on 0472                
    754 870 or Paul on 0419 553 827.                                                        two weeks prior

2        RACQUET & BALLS                                                                                           July 2021
BALLS RACQUET - Glen Waverley Tennis Club
As I write this report, we are coming to the end of the
2020/21 financial year at GWTC. This has been another
year of disruption to tennis activities due to COVID-19/
lockdowns. Let’s hope for better times ahead as we all get
our vaccinations done.
We have gained several new members over the last 3
months so a big welcome to all of you. I hope that you
enjoy your time at our club. Our Total Membership
currently stands at 315 which is an excellent number.
Back on Sunday 23rd May (just prior to the last lockdown),
GWTC hosted members of Tennis Seniors Victoria
for an afternoon of social tennis followed by afternoon
tea. We had 31 players, the weather was great as was
the tennis and afternoon tea. The photo on the right           TSV Glen Waverley Sunday Social.
shows organiser Ron Milledge (thank you Ron) along with
the winners from each court. Can you pick the GWTC             be presented to club members at the Annual General
members? A big thank you to all those GWTC members             Meeting on Sunday afternoon 1st August at 1.30 pm.
who participated in this event and also brought along a        PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE CLUB BY
plate of afternoon tea to share.                               ATTENDING THE AGM. Sunday Afternoon Social tennis
GWTC has recently had great success with our teams             will be played following the completion of the AGM.
in Night Tennis, Midweek Ladies and Midweek                    Membership Fee Invoices for 2021/22 have recently been
Men’s inter club competitions. Congratulations to all          sent to members. A big thank-you to our Membership
teams who made Grand Finals – see reports and photos           Officer Vince Phelan for all the work he has done on
elsewhere in this newsletter.                                  getting the various Invoices sent out. The Committee
GWTC’s financial year is ending on 30th June 2021 and I        decided that due to the long COVID-19 lockdown
am pleased to report that your club remains in a very          last year (August to October), then Senior, Junior,
healthy financial position, despite not undertaking            Student, Family and Night Comp members would
any fundraising activities this year. GWTC has been doing      be offered a fee reduction for 2021/22. While this will
regular fundraising (eg Bunnings Sausage Sizzles) for the      reduce our Revenue for 2021/22, the club will be fine due
past 13 years so the Committee decided that the club           to our very healthy financial position.
would cease fundraising for now. So, although our Net          Membership Fees for 2021/22 are due on 1st July 2021 and
Surplus for the year will be lower that previous years (plus   I would like to thank those members who have already
we spent nearly $9,000 on court repairs), GWTC continues       paid their fees.
to be in a very healthy position.
                                                               I would like to say a big thank-you to all members of
Revenue continues to be bolstered by:                          the Committee of Management for their assistance
• Solid membership numbers                                     and support during the past year. Nominations for all
                                                               Committee positions will be taken at the AGM. New
• Competition night tennis fees                                committee members are always welcome, so please
• Sponsorship from Pinewood Community Bank Branch              contact me if you are interested in serving on the
  Bendigo Bank                                                 Committee of Management.
• Bank Interest on our Term Deposits (much lower than          If any club members have any suggestions for
  previous years!)                                             improvements at GWTC then feel free to contact me.
• Donations from club members
                                                                                     l Paul Bowman
• Midweek Men’s social events and activities                                         President
Many thanks to all the club members who have assisted                                Ph: 0419 553 827
with all of the various events and activities during the                             Email
The Club’s audited financial statements for the 12
months to 30th June 2021 along with other reports, will

RACQUET & BALLS                                                                                        July 2021           3
BALLS RACQUET - Glen Waverley Tennis Club
COAC H E S S AY                        JUNIORS

Amazingly, we are already up to round 8 and our                    AARAL
teams have performed very consistently so far.
On Saturday, our 4 teams sit either 4th or 5th.
New Rubbers (B grade) players Lucas, Amelie and
Rohit have all risen to the standard required and
I’m confident they will make the finals.
Our C1 team of Nici, Christian, Kayla, Chris and
Vedang have never missed finals in all their
seasons at Glen Waverley and I expect their great
run to continue.
What has been very pleasing from a coach’s
perspective is our team of mostly new players
(Anu, Advay, Saseni, Patrick and Jamie) and the
improvements they have made since the start of
the season- finals await , great work kids!
On Sunday, Nihal and Zac have been joined by
very good new players Derek and Lucas in D2
and are aiming for their 3rd successive flag. To my
delight, they are top of the ladder and will be
promoted to D Special next season im sure!                  NICI

In D4, we have 2 teams of mostly new players
who have performed exceptionally well and were
separated by 1 game in their match 2 weeks
ago. Ishan is undefeated in singles and other first
season players Ella, Pratiti, Edward and Aarav have
also had some fantastic singles wins.
After earning a big promotion to C Special 2,
Herambh, Joypurbo, Amrish and Josh look set to
play finals and will also be aiming for their third
consecutive premiership.
Our D Special 2 team of Keeley, Jacob and Akshay
sit on top of the ladder in the first season of Yellow
Ball tennis whist our B1 side of Kerry , Grace ,
Ashleigh and Jason are 2nd on the ladder.
        l Brad Hasler, Saturday Junior Convenor

4      RACQUET & BALLS                                             July 2021
BALLS RACQUET - Glen Waverley Tennis Club
COAC H E S S AY              JUNIORS

 Since lockdown, coaching numbers
 have gone from strength to strength
 and reached a peak in Term 2. As per
 every year in the history of tennis
 coaching in Melbourne, numbers
 will definitely decrease in Term 3. l’m
 hoping not as much as our pandemic
 winter of 2020!
 Looking ahead , we will run the
 Junior Club Championships in the
 September school holidays and
 I expect the event to be as well
 supported as ever.
 Happy hitting everyone!
 For any enquiries please call Brad
 on 0417 327 880.

                                                    RYAN &

                                            JOY &

RACQUET & BALLS                                       July 2021   5
BALLS RACQUET - Glen Waverley Tennis Club
SENIORS                   l     NIGHT

SENIOR SATURDAY REPORT                                                          NIGHT TENNIS
Saturday tennis resumed on 19th June, after the latest lockdown.
    Open S/D A2 Res          2/8 Open S/D CSp1            2/6
                                                                   Unfortunately, none of our teams reached the
    Open S/D A5 Res - Green 4/8 BSp1 Men’s Rubbers        2/7      grand final this season, although due to the
    Open S/D A5 Res - Gold   3/8 BSp2 Men’s Rubbers       2/6      lock downs only the top two teams could play
    Open S/D BSp1            4/8 Open A1 Rubbers          2/4
                                                                   The spring season starts week of 26th July with 3
If any GWTC members are currently not playing Saturday             teams entered.
competition, but are interested in playing in a team, please       WAVERLEY
contact me. Thanks, Deirdre.
                                                                   Night Stalkers (Captain Craig plus Rod, Kasturi,
l Deirdre Evans, (For the Senior Selection Committee)              Joanna, and Claire) and Beetle Juice (Captain
  Ph: 0400 889 041      Email:                  James plus Jake, Austin and Dylan) both finished
                                                                   top and won their grand finals! Congratulations
                                                                   to all. See photos attached.
                                                                   The spring season starts week of 26th July with 2
                                                                   teams entered. Unfortunately, there is not going
                                                                   to be an A1 Open S/D section so Beetle Juice is
                                                                   unable to play.
                                                                   If any GWTC members are interested in playing
                                                                   in a team or forming your own, please contact
                                                                                                    l Deirdre Evans
                                                                                             Night Tennis Convenor
                                                                                                  Ph: 0400 889 041

(ABOVE): Beetle Juice

(RIGHT): Night Stalkers

6        RACQUET & BALLS                                                                                July 2021
BALLS RACQUET - Glen Waverley Tennis Club
MID-WEEK LADIES REPORT                                          MIDWEEK LADIES WORKING BEE
The Midweek Ladies are very happy to be out of                  The Midweek Ladies held a working bee in May where
“lockdown” and back enjoying playing tennis again!              a thorough cleaning was carried out in the kitchen area,
                                                                along with washing of the windows inside/out.
CONGRATULATIONS to our Section 1 Ladies who
very convincingly WON the Thursday Bayside RTA                  Many thanks to those ladies who gave of their time, it was
GRAND FINAL recently. ‘Well done’ to Kathy Kempson              greatly appreciated.
(Captain), Julie Murphy, Libby Harris & Tania Neale
(see photos).
“WELL DONE” also to our Section 4 Ladies who were
                                                                MIDWEEK LADIES AGM
Runners-Up in the Thursday WDTA Grand Final recently.           Due to COVID last year, the Midweek Ladies did not hold
Captained by Deirdre Evans, Di Hawkins, Margaret                an AGM, apart from passing on an Annual Midweek
Knowles & Meemee Leong (Emergency). See photo.                  Ladies Report which was tabled at the Club’s Main
(Susy Grande is a member of this team however was               Committee AGM. After due consideration, the Midweek
unable to play due to injury.)                                  Ladies Committee has decided to do the same this year.
WELL WISHES                                                     I would like to take this opportunity to THANK all of our
                                                                ‘special’ Midweek Ladies Committee in the way they have
Our ‘thoughts’ continue to be with Wendy Loveridge
                                                                given of their ‘time’ to our wonderful club this past year
as she makes a steady recovery after heart surgery. We
                                                                (Vicki Brownlee (Secretary) Julie Rowell (Treasurer),
are looking forward to the time when Wendy feels up to
                                                                Laurice Matheson, Anna Ammala, Alison Copley,
visiting us at the tennis club and sharing a ‘cuppa’ with the
                                                                Cheryl-Ann Mitchell & Barbara Bowman).
tennis ladies.
                                                                All of these ladies – with the exception of Vicki Brownlee
                                                                - have agreed to remain on the Committee for another
Many thanks to Annette Lawrence who has decided to              year. This is greatly appreciated. We say a BIG ‘thank
step down from the Midweek Ladies Committee after               you’ to VICKI for her ‘great’ work over the years as our
many, many years of service. Annette also took on the job       Secretary.
of keeping the club’s cupboard stocked with tea, coffee
                                                                Many thanks also to Jan Chivers & Marieta Jones in the
etc. We thank you so very much Annette for being such a
                                                                ‘wonderful’ way they support our club, not to mention
loyal, hardworking committee member for so many years
                                                                their hard-work and dedication they put into the garden
(see photo).
                                       l Barbara Bowman
                                                                                   Section 1
Thank you Annette

                                                                                                Section 4

RACQUET & BALLS                                                                                          July 2021           7
BALLS RACQUET - Glen Waverley Tennis Club

    MONDAY MIDWEEK                                           COMPETITION TENNIS
    LADIES “MOVIE CLUB” -                                    MEMRLTA - WINTER SEASON 2021
    Movie News...                                            After 7 rounds, our Section 1 team (captained by
                                                             Glenys Bryce) is in 5th position on the ladder and our
Many thanks to Karen Connolly for organising the             Section 5 team (captained by Julie Rowell) is in 9th
monthly Monday movies at Waverley Cinema. Karen              position.
emails details of the movie each month – one week            WDTA
before the movie is to be held.
                                                             “Well Done” to Deirdre and her team (Section 4) on
If you wish to have your name added to Karen’s email list    being Runners-Up in the recent Grand Final. This team
then please contact her at              ‘welcomes’ Meemee Leong & Rena Rouda as new team
                                          l Karen Connolly   members for the next season.
                                                             We also WELCOME a new GWTC team for the next
                                                             WDTA season commencing on 15th July. Team
    CANCER COUNCIL BIGGEST                                   members are Kim Horton (Captain), Alison Copley,
                                                             Helen Felder, Nola Williams & Bernadette Hassett.
                                                             “GOOD LUCK” to both teams for a very enjoyable
    In May, the Midweek Ladies held a very successful and
    enjoyable Morning Tea raising funds for the Cancer
    Foundation. Approximately 16 ladies attended and it      BAYSIDE
    was so ‘lovely’ being together and being able to enjoy   “Congratulations” to Kathy Kempson and her team
    each other’s company again.                              (Section 1) on winning the recent Grand Final. What a
    JAN ELFORD won the prize for the prettiest mug, it       GREAT effort.
    was beautiful, hand painted by Jan herself. What a       GOOD LUCK ladies for the new season.
    very talented lady she is.
                                                                                                l Barbara Bowman
    Thank you to everyone for your generous
    donations that totalled $393.00.
    SPECIAL THANKS to LAURICE for being our great
    host for the morning (see photos).

                                                                                              WELL DONE
                                                                                              Jan Elford

8        RACQUET & BALLS                                                                                  July 2021
BALLS RACQUET - Glen Waverley Tennis Club
GWTC has 9 teams playing in Midweek Men’s interclub competitions – 6 on Wednesday mornings in WDTA and 3 on
Thursday afternoons in Metro Masters. The Autumn Season for both comps has just finished and I am very pleased to
report that in WDTA, we won 3 flags and 2 teams were runners-up (see photos) while in MM, we had 1 runner-up team.
WDTA – Grand Finals Matches:                                MM
Section 1 GWTC ACES (Captain Ron Milledge)                  Due to the COVID-19 lockdown, no finals matches were
defeated GWTC STARS (Captain Roy Brown)                     played so consequently our Section 1 team GWTC
Section 2 GWTC ORIGINALS (Captain Doug Sowden)              FORZE (Captain Tim Chrisfield) finished in 2nd spot. Our
defeated GWTC CLUBS (Captain Paul Bowman)                   Section 3 teams GWTC WUNZ (Captain Chris Young)
                                                            finished 6th and GWTC TOOZE (Captain Doug Sowden)
Section 5 GWTC (Captain Tony Goslar) defeated Doveton       finished 7th.
(Our Section 3 team (Captain Bob Gibbins) finished in       Social tennis will now be held at GWTC on Wednesday
3rd spot on the ladder. However, they did not get the       mornings from 9.00 am onwards until the Spring
opportunity to play in the finals due to the COVID-19       Seasons start later in July.
lockdown. Only the Grand Final match between 1 & 2 was
played.)                                                                                          l Paul Bowman
                                                                                  Mid Week Men’s Convenor – GWTC
                                                                                                    0419 553 827
          Section 1                                                               Email:

                                                                     Section 2

Section 1 GWTC ACES
                                                                                 Section 2 GWTC ORIGINALS & GWTC CLUBS

                                      Section 1                      Section 5

Section 1 GWTC STARS                                                  Section 5 GWTC

RACQUET & BALLS                                                                                    July 2021           9
BALLS RACQUET - Glen Waverley Tennis Club

                                                                   GWTC Major Sponsor -
                                                                   Pinewood Community
                                                                   Bank Branch, Bendigo
                                                                       Bank (PCBB)
                                                                  GWTC is very proud to be
                                                                  associated with PCBB and the more
                                                                  members that we have banking
                                                                  with PCBB then the member/s and
                                                                  GWTC will be better off.
                                                                  If you would like to have a personal
                                                                  introduction to PCBB from the
                                                                  club then please do not hesitate to
                                                                  contact me.
                                                                              l Paul Bowman, President
                                                                                        Ph 0419 553 827

Take out an eligible insurance policy and you could win a brand
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Many thanks and good luck everyone!

10                 RACQUET & BALLS                                                       July 2021
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