Rotary Club of Lake Shore-Severna Park - Peace Through Service - October 2015

Page created by Tammy Bates
Rotary Club of Lake Shore-Severna Park - Peace Through Service - October 2015
October 2015                           1

                    October 2015

                Rotary Club
       Lake Shore-Severna Park
               Peace Through Service
Rotary Club of Lake Shore-Severna Park - Peace Through Service - October 2015
October 2015                                                                                                             2

                                               Reach Within to Embrace Humanity

                                     Rotary Club of LS _ SP Officers and Staff
President                                          Bob Sartwell
Vice President                                               Don Keils
Treasurer                                                    Bunnie Clark
Secretary                                                    Gloria Manges
Executive Secretary                                          Don Walter
Sergeant at Arms                                             Lee Stallings
Program Chairman                                             John Clark
Bulletin Editor/Web Master                                   Michael Naghdi

                                                    Rotary International
President Rotary International                          KR “Ravi” Ravindran
                                                        Rotary Club of Colombo
                                                        SRI LANKA
District Governor                                            Ken Solow

                                                        Useful Web Sites
Rotary International                               
RCLS Website                                       
District Website                                   
Facebook Page                                      
Rotary Stories                                     
Online Make-ups                                    
Rotary Stuff                                       

                                            Area Clubs Available For Make Up
Club              Day/Time            Meeting Location             Club           Day/Time           Meeting Location
Annapolis         Thursday 12:15 pm   Annapolis Yacht Club         South AACo     Thursday 7:30 am   Killarney's
Glen Burnie       Thursday 6:15p.m    Fountaine Bleue              Baltimore      Tuesday 12.15 pm   Hyatt Regency
Greater Crofton   Tuesday 7:30 am     Nautilus Dinner              Parole         Tuesday 7:30 am    Double Tree Hotel
Annapolis         Tuesday 6:00 pm     Double Tree Hotel            West AA Co     Thursday 7:30 am   Odenton Heritage Museum
Online            Anytime          BWI Airport    Thursday 7:30 am   Embassy Suites Hotel
Lake Shore-       Wednesday 6:15      Mt. Carmel Church            Lake Shore-    2nd/4th Thursday   Breakfast Shoppe
Severna Park      PM                  Hall                         Severna Park   7:30 am            552 Ritchie HWY.
                                                                                                     Severna Park MD
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                               President’s Message
October 2015

                   Economic and Community Development Month

It is fitting that we support the PBA Trade Show in October and that our Family Fun Day
is in October. Both of these efforts are intended to increase our visibility with the area
businesses and show our support to a strong economy and community.

Economic and Community Development is the Rotary theme for October. Whether we
know it or not we do a lot to foster the economics of our community. We consciously
support our local businesses. We joined the chambers of commerce to increase our
outreach to the business community but this also shows our support for the larger
community. Many of our members are leaders of business and the connections and
relationships we foster support the development and growth of strong economies.

In our Strategic Plan we have a requirement to increase our outreach efforts. This is
intended to make sure the businesses and other service organizations are aware of what
we do and see where we can join together in coordination to multiply the effect our projects
can have. Myself, the President Elect, and the President Elect Elect have discussed the
establishment of an Outreach Committee chaired by the immediate past president. This
position would further the contact and outreach effort of the president after they leave
office. This is in line with the current structure where the President Elect is the chair of
membership that gives the club leadership a direct stake in developing a membership
plan, executing the plan and club growth, and, if we establish this new position and
sequence, supporting outreach goals with business and the community. We think this will
provide continuity over a rolling 3 year period and should help us to both be more visible
in the community and to increase our membership.

Our club nights will have a portion of the agenda set aside to discuss the strategic plan
and how we execute the goals we have set. This topic is first up, this coming week. Please
give it some thought and other ideas to help increase our visibility in the community.

Yours in Rotary,
Bob Sartwell
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October                                                                                2015
  Sunday        Monday       Tuesday       Wednesday              Thursday           Friday         Saturday

           27        28            29                   30                       1             2                 3

            4            5             6                     7                   8             9                10

                                           Club Night            Morning                           Family Fun Day
                                                                 Meeting 7:30                      11:00 - 4:00
                                                                 AM                                Pasadena Golf

           11        12            13                   14                      15            16                17
                                           DG Ken Solo visit     PBA Trade

           18        19            20                   21                      22            23                24
                                           Bill Fine, PDG,       Morning
                                           Rotary                Meeting 7:30
                                           Exchange              AM
                                           Students              Social Hour
                                                                 5:00 PM

           25        26            27                   28                      29            30                31
                                           Halloween Party

            1            2             3                  4                      5             6                 7

                                           Club Night

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RCLS Monthly Highlights
2 September - Club Night

AAC School Chrome Books Projects
   Our guests for tonight were two visiting Rotarians from Glen Burnie Rotary club, Ray
   Streib and Charles McCurdy. Charles McCurdy spoke of the history of the digital
   classroom projects, and opportunities for our club to get involve in providing Chrome
   books to the class rooms in Anne Arundel county schools.

   (LR) Ray Streib. Charles McCurdy              Charles McCurdy

   Donald Walter presented Lee Martin with a 28 year Rotary Pin for a perfect
   attendance for 28 years with the Rotary club.

       (LR) Lee Martin, Donald Walter   (LR) Lee Martin, Donald Walter

      Budget Review – The budget was reviewed and there were no problems.
      Crab Feast – Great job everyone we had a successful Crab Feast fund raiser. We made
       approximately between 4000 to 5000 dollars.
       Operating Funds – The club voted to put ten percent of the net fundraising money
       aside to be invested in the operation funds such as advertisement etc.
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        Foundation Relation – The club voted to transfer twice a year the fund raisers
         money from the club account into the Foundation account, and all checks to be
         written from the Foundation account.
        Rotary Flags – The club agreed to create a banner with all the rotary flags to be
         penned to the banner for display.

Fund Raiser
   Family Fun Day – Family Fun Day fund raiser is moving along, and we should be ready
     by October 3rd.

    Club Events
     September 9th – Bella Napoli bring a friend.
     September 10th – Back to school at Chesapeake High School to reach out to the
     September 21 – Murder Mystery at Sunset Lounge.
     September 22 – End Polio Now Annual Training Fundraiser (District 7620).
     September 24th – Happy Hour at Founders Tavern & Grill
     October 10th – Family Fun Day at Pasadena Golf Center Rain Date October 10th.
     October 14th – District Governor Ken Solow’s visit at Bella Napoli.
     October 15th – PBA trade show at Pasadena Fire Hall.
     October 28th – Halloween Night at Camp Whippoorwill at 5:00 pm.

9 September - Salvation Army
We had a good day at the Salvation Army: Feed the homeless. Bunnie Clark
prepared the meals for today, Beth Smith prepared the goody bags and Don Walters, Bunnie
Clark, Michael Naghdi, Jack Whisthoff helped setup and serve over 30 plates of food today.

Rotary Club of Lake Shore – Severna Park Provides meals on the second Wednsday of every month at the Salvation Army
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9 September at Bella Napoli Restaurant – Larry Sanders

Our guest speaker for tonight was Larry Sanders, from Rotary club of Lake Shore – Severna
Park. Larry spoke of the Diamond mines in South Africa, and put on a slide show of his
experience with the wild life in South Africa.

               Larry Sanders

16 September – Mickey Kramer
Our guest speaker for tonight was Mickey Kramer from Opportunity Ministries. Opportunity
Ministries, Inc. is a none profit organization operating in Maryland and providing safe homes,
drug free and affordable living to men and women to grow in their recovery from addictions
and strengthen their spiritual conditioning.

21 September – End Polio Now Annual Training Fundraiser

 The Charlestown Retirement Community hosted Rotarians from around Maryland area for a
Conflict Transformation Seminar. The event was a major fund raiser to assist with supporting
the eradication of Polio around the world. Thanks to the generous support of Erickson Living,
Rotarians and their friends a substantial contribution will be made to the Rotary
International End Polio Now Program.
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22 September – Murder Mystery Theater

Bob Sartwell, Michael Naghdi, Don Keils, Doug DeVaughn and Wayne Waskey attended the
Murder Mystery Theater at Sunset Lounge. We had an excellent dinner and good company
and a very good show.

30 September – Becky Feldman

Our guest speaker for tonight was Becky Feldman from Public Defenders Office. Becky spoke
of the Office of Public Defenders. The Office of the Public Defender was created on July 1,
1971, by the Maryland Legislature. OPD is an independent State Agency.
With over 900 employees (570 attorneys), OPD is the largest legal services organization in the
state. The Office of the Public Defender provides legal services to eligible individuals
through twelve district offices and seven specialized divisions.

Becky Feldman from Public Defenders Office.

With Deepest Sympathy to the Family of Katherine D. Hyde Charter Honorary
Member of Lake Shore – Severna Park Rotary Club

Katherine D. Hyde, 89, a lifelong resident of Pasadena died at her residence on September 30,
She was born on June 21, 1926 in Pasadena to the late John and Katherine Ellison.
Mrs. Hyde graduated from Glen Burnie High School in the early 1940’s. She began her career
in the 1960’s as an Instructional Aid at Jacobsville Elementary School. Later she worked in
the library at Glen Burnie High School and then in the guidance office and the library at
Chesapeake High School. Mrs. Hyde retired in the late 1980’s with over 20 years of service.
She was an avid reader.
She was a life member of the Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church where she served on many
committees. She delivered for Meals on Wheels in the late 80’s until the mid 1990’s. Mrs.
Hyde was the last honorary charter member and Paul Harris Fellow of the Lake Shore Rotary
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where she continued to serve meals in our rotary club from 1948 - 2014. She will be greatly
missed from our Rotary Club.



The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on 25 September that Nigeria is now polio-free and has
been officially removed from the list of countries where polio is endemic. It’s been 14 months since any cases
of polio caused by the wild virus have been detected there.

With Nigeria’s historic achievement, polio remains endemic in only two countries: Afghanistan and Pakistan.
That means transmission of the virus has never been stopped there.

Nigeria was the last country in Africa where polio was endemic. The continent celebrated its own first full
year without the disease on 11 August. Once three years have passed without a case in WHO’s entire African
region, officials will certify polio eradicated there.

“Rotary congratulates Nigeria on its tremendous accomplishment in stopping polio,” says RI President K.R.
Ravindran. “On behalf of the entire Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), we thank volunteers, health
workers, and parents in communities across Nigeria for their tireless commitment to ensuring every last
child is protected against this devastating disease. In the months ahead, their dedication will remain as
important as ever, as we work to keep Nigeria polio-free and to eliminate polio from its final strongholds in
Pakistan and Afghanistan.”

Nigeria’s success is the result of several sustained efforts, including domestic and international financing, the
commitment of thousands of health workers, and new strategies that reached children who had not
previously been immunized because of a lack of security in the country’s northern states.


In other encouraging news, an independent global health commission officially verified on 21 September that
wild poliovirus type 2, one of three strains of the wild virus, has been eradicated worldwide. Although the
last type 2 case was detected back in 1999, the confirmation is an important milestone, as Rotary and its
partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative prepare to switch from a form of the vaccine that targets
all polio types to one that does not protect against type 2.

The announcement by the Global Commission for the Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication confirms
that only two strains of the wild poliovirus remain. Of those, type 3 wild poliovirus hasn’t been detected in
almost three years, and wild poliovirus type 1 is endemic only in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
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On 25 September, the GPEI's Polio Oversight Board met to determine the next steps needed to eradicate
polio. The group concluded that $1.5 billion in new funding is needed to help Rotary and its partners end
polio in the next few years. With Nigeria now polio-free, spending will focus on the most vulnerable children
in Afghanistan and Pakistan, while continuing to shield millions of children already living in polio-free

“With a fully funded program and global commitment to ending this disease, we have the opportunity to
interrupt transmission of the wild poliovirus in Pakistan and Afghanistan in 2016, opening the door for
certification of a global eradication in 2019,” says Michael K. McGovern, chair of Rotary’s International
PolioPlus Committee. “With [Rotary members’] continued support, we will soon see our dream of a polio-
free world realized.”

Doante to the Miles to End Polio campagin
Contribute to End Polio Now
Help Rotary advocate for a polio-free world
Download a toolkit of ways you can help

By Ryan Hyland
Rotary News

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