Banff Pork Seminar Inside: High grain prices drive feed costs Foreign feed can be a dangerous gamble Finding a light in the mental health ...

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Banff Pork Seminar Inside: High grain prices drive feed costs Foreign feed can be a dangerous gamble Finding a light in the mental health ...
Canadian Publication Mail No. 40062769

                              BANFF 2021

Banff Pork Seminar

  High grain prices drive
               feed costs
    Foreign feed can be a
       dangerous gamble
   Finding a light in the
  mental health labyrinth
Banff Pork Seminar Inside: High grain prices drive feed costs Foreign feed can be a dangerous gamble Finding a light in the mental health ...
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Banff Pork Seminar Inside: High grain prices drive feed costs Foreign feed can be a dangerous gamble Finding a light in the mental health ...
Canada’s pork producers’ technical
and business information resource.
4828 - 89 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 5K1

Volume 42 | Number 4

Banff 2021
Date of Issue: March 2021

Published by Alberta Pork with cooperation
from producers and partners across Canada.

Subscriptions                                     Foreign feed can be
                                                  a dangerous gamble
For new subscriptions, change of address or
other subscription inquiries, please contact:
Charlotte Shipp, c/o Alberta Pork
4828 - 89 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5K1
                                                  Page 10
Phone: 780-491-3528
Fax: 780-479-5128
Publications Mail Agreement                     Message from the editor........................................................................................4
No. 40062769
Return Undeliverable                            Banff Pork Seminar
Canadian Addresses to:                                  High grain prices drive feed costs..........................................................................8
Circulation Department
4828 - 89 Street NW                                     Foreign feed can be a dangerous gamble..........................................................10
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5K1
                                                        E. coli cross-contamination affects pigs and pork.........................................17

Advertising                                             Finding a light in the mental health labyrinth................................................ 22
Please direct advertising and marketing
inquiries to WTR Media.                                 Strengthening ASF detection in Canada............................................................26
Phone: 403-296-1346                                     Assessing piglet physiological changes in transport.................................... 30
                                                        Prevalence of pig coronaviruses in manure pits............................................. 34
Darcy Fitzgerald, Alberta Pork                          Accelerating genetic gain to advance the swine industry.......................... 38

                                                        Meet the 2021 Banff Pork Seminar award winners.......................................42
Andrew Heck                                     Ad Index............................................................................................................................ 46
Phone: 780-491-3527

Cover Photo
Bow River Bridge in Banff, Alberta.
© Jack Borno, 2012

                                                                                                                     Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021 | 3
Banff Pork Seminar Inside: High grain prices drive feed costs Foreign feed can be a dangerous gamble Finding a light in the mental health ...
Message from the editor
The Banff 2021 edition of the Canadian        organized by the University of Alberta,      Over the years, our industry, country
Hog Journal is here!                          Alberta Pork and the Government of Al-       and the entire world have changed in
                                              berta. The partnership remains unbroken      so many dramatic ways. COVID-19’s
This year’s Banff Pork Seminar adopted
                                              to this day. Prior to COVID, the seminar’s   impact and the Banff Pork Seminar’s
the theme, “Resiliency in a New World.”
                                              advisory committee had planned to mark       virtual format this year are a contem-
In this edition, you will notice that         the 50th anniversary this year with spe-     porary reminder of how the passage of
theme woven into the various pieces of        cial in-person festivities. Sadly, we will   time can impact choices and alter per-
coverage and commentary on the pre-           have to wait for that celebration, but       spectives. The Canadian pork industry
sentations delivered during seminar,          hopefully not too long.                      has no shortage of issues that still re-
including topics on economics, disease                                                     quire mending, but if we can continue
management, mental health, awards,            The cover of this edition of the Ca-
                                                                                           establishing honest connections, rather
research and more.                            nadian Hog Journal features Banff’s
                                                                                           than making excuses for dysfunction,
                                              bridge over the Bow River, constructed
The first-ever Banff Pork Seminar took                                                     our future looks bright, despite any ex-
                                              in 1923. Adorned with First Nations re-
place in 1972, following an earlier pro-                                                   isting grievances.
                                              liefs and located in the historical lands
totypical event held at Olds College, a re-   of the Stoney-Nakoda people, the bridge      The image included in this ‘Message
nowned agricultural institution located       connects us through time, distance and       from the editor’ was captured at the
about 100 kilometres north of Calgary.        relationships. The same bridge today         2019 Banff Pork Seminar – my first
Since then, the event has taken place at a    connects the seminar’s usual location –      since entering this industry in June
handful of venues in the Banff area. From     the Banff Springs Hotel – with the main      2018. From left to right, the photo in-
the beginning, the seminar was jointly        townsite to the north.                       cludes Michael Young (former Vice
                                                                                                                CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

4 | Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021
Banff Pork Seminar Inside: High grain prices drive feed costs Foreign feed can be a dangerous gamble Finding a light in the mental health ...
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                                                   Sows not fed         125

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          Jeff Mah                    |    1-800-233-6913                     |      1-204-781-2377   |
Banff Pork Seminar Inside: High grain prices drive feed costs Foreign feed can be a dangerous gamble Finding a light in the mental health ...
Message from the editor
President, Canada Pork), me, Marvin
Salomons (farm labour consultant,
Salomons Group Solutions) and Ron
Gietz (former extension economist, Al-
berta Agriculture and Forestry) – all
gentlemen whose depth of knowledge
                                                             The Next
and experience eclipses mine, but cer-
tainly positive role models and remind-
ers of the long-term commitments that
so many in this industry have made.
It is invaluable encounters like these
that we lose with a virtual conference,
which is unfortunate, but as this year’s

                                                        is May 2021
seminar theme confirms, resiliency has
long been a hallmark of agriculture.
We will return.
What are some of your favourite mem-            For advertising, contact WTR Media
ories from the Banff Pork Seminar? I
would love to read those stories and         at 403-296-1346 or
share them in the next ‘Letters to the ed-
itor’ section. Reach out to me by email-
ing n

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6 | Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021
Banff Pork Seminar Inside: High grain prices drive feed costs Foreign feed can be a dangerous gamble Finding a light in the mental health ...
Banff Pork Seminar Inside: High grain prices drive feed costs Foreign feed can be a dangerous gamble Finding a light in the mental health ...
Banff Pork Seminar

High grain prices drive feed costs
Bijon Brown
Editor’s note: Bijon Brown is the Production Economist for                 Looking forward into this upcoming crop year, as dry
Alberta Pork. He is currently collecting and analyzing cost and            conditions remain in the major grain-producing regions of the
pricing data to improve producer success. He can be contacted              U.S., and with expected fulfilled sale commitments to China,
at                                            supplies are predicted to remain tight. A mitigating factor is
                                                                           that ethanol stocks were extremely high in 2020 due to a fall
“Listen to the whispers, not the big headlines, in the market,”
                                                                           in demand for gasoline, driven by COVID-19. As such, it is
said Joseph Kerns, as he opened his keynote presentation
                                                                           expected that corn demand for ethanol will remain subdued,
during the 2021 Banff Pork Seminar. Kerns is the President
                                                                           as the market adjusts its inventory. Kerns highlighted that,
of Iowa-based Kerns & Associates, with 30 years’ experience
                                                                           even with a bumper crop in 2021, ending stocks should remain
working with producers, suppliers and feed mills to support
                                                                           average at best, meaning prices should stay high.
agricultural operations.
                                                                           And it is the same story with soybeans, which are benefiting
In his presentation, Kerns provided an overview of three eco-
                                                                           from strong demand in Asia. This is coupled with drier condi-
nomic topics of interest for 2021: the U.S. grains market, the
                                                                           tions due to La Niña, the colder counterpart of El Niño, both
U.S. livestock market and the actions that can be done to safe-
                                                                           of which are oceanic-atmospheric phenomena that impact
guard producers’ financial well-being.
                                                                           weather in South America. These factors have strained global
Current grain price surge reflects tight U.S.                              supplies and resulted in higher soybean prices.
supplies                                                                   Outlook stable for U.S. packers, grim for
“The grain market has awakened from its slumber… For the                   producers
last five years, I have been saying, ‘The grain market is boring,
                                                                           The USDA hogs and pigs report indicated a massive number of
guys – don’t worry.’ Now I am changing my song,” said Kerns.
                                                                           pigs would have been due to show up for slaughter toward the
U.S. supplies of both corn and grain are limited, based on                 end of 2020 and in the new year, but this has not materialized
last harvest and the outlook for supplies. With the downward               so far. Nevertheless, the U.S. market is awash with hogs, and
revision to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) numbers,                 packers, therefore, are able to buy cash hogs cheaply and
wind damage and drought-like conditions in the late summer                 make a decent return on sales.
to fall, corn harvest numbers in the U.S. fell to almost half of
                                                                           Kerns indicates that packer margins are expected to remain
initial expectations.
                                                                           healthy at the expense of producer profits. While revenues are

Joseph Kerns believes the grain market could potentially have a significant impact on hog margins in the coming year.

8 | Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021
Banff Pork Seminar Inside: High grain prices drive feed costs Foreign feed can be a dangerous gamble Finding a light in the mental health ...
Banff Pork Seminar

                     Increased wheat and barley exports from Canada to China have driven domestic feed prices upward.

expected to be higher this year, rising feed costs are expected        Based on his economic projections, Kerns expects some cost-
to erode profits, and producers are expected to break even, at         push inflationary pressure, and with it, higher interest rates.
best. Despite another year of mediocre profits for producers,          He recommends that producers who have the ability to lock-in
Kerns projects a slight increase in production numbers,                at low interest rates or exercise an interest rate swap should
mainly due to productivity gains. If feed costs remain high,           do so now.
he expects weights to decline.
                                                                       What does this all mean for Canada?
Likewise, cattle producers could be looking at a bad year, as
                                                                       In Canada, there has been a similar trend with crop year-to-
there are too many animals on feed, facing the same cost
                                                                       date exports for wheat, canola and barley at 10-year highs at
problems as hog producers. In the dairy sector, the milk futures
                                                                       the end of 2020. Barley exports to China have doubled, and
price is below cost of production. While there were some
                                                                       wheat exports have jumped almost five-fold. These significant
downward adjustments to U.S. broiler chicken production in
                                                                       drawdowns have tightened supplies and lifted domestic
the spring of 2020, production bounced back toward the five-
                                                                       grain prices. With U.S. supplies being tight, there is always
year high by the fall of 2020. As such, broiler prices remained
                                                                       the possibility of Canadian grain being pushed south of the
below the five-year average.
                                                                       border. Nevertheless, there was no significant movement in
China still exerts major influence on hog markets                      this regard based on the data for the crop year-to-date in
                                                                       December 2020.
Ever since the African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreak that
decimated half of its herd, China has transitioned more of             If strong demand out of China persists and U.S. supplies
its domestic production from backyard farms to American-               continue to be tight, then this could mean grain prices remain
style mega farms. Along with the ban on feeding human food             elevated for the foreseeable future. Like U.S. hog producers,
scraps, there is now and will continue to be increased demand          it is expected that Canadian hog producers’ revenues could
for feed grains.                                                       be eroded by the higher cost of feed, despite the possibility of
                                                                       higher hog prices.
Inclement weather experienced during China’s growing season
did not boost supplies and has resulted in significant draws on        While publicly available hog and pork pricing data from
world grain supplies. While China’s activity in the U.S. pork          Canadian packers is limited, Canadian pork export data
market has had a muted effect on U.S. prices, global events            indicates that revenues have jumped by almost 18 per cent.
have exacerbated activity in grain markets. U.S. exports of            While, historically, the U.S. was once the largest export market
soybean meal and corn continue to surpass previous highs               for Canadian pork, 2020 bucked the trend, as most Canadian
and continue to drive grain shortages.                                 pork was diverted to the meat-deprived Chinese market. In
                                                                       2020, nearly 40 per cent of Canadian pork exports went to
Locking-in could help producers prevent losses                         China, more than double the volume in 2019. The growth in
Kerns recommends that producers use the economic tools                 2020 resulted in marginal declines in exports to both the U.S.
available to hedge or lock-in some value. He highlighted that          and Japan.
the pork cut-out futures contract provides either a one-to-one
                                                                       Overall, the previous two years of Canadian pork export
hedge if a producer’s current contract is based on the pork
                                                                       values and volumes, along with projections for 2021, indicate
cut-out, or a basis hedge on the difference between cash and
                                                                       significant boosts to packer revenues, while producers have
cut-out values.
                                                                       struggled to recover cost, let alone earn a profit. n

                                                                                                      Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021 | 9
Banff Pork Seminar Inside: High grain prices drive feed costs Foreign feed can be a dangerous gamble Finding a light in the mental health ...
Banff Pork Seminar

Foreign feed can be a dangerous gamble
Andrew Heck

Disease spreads fast; news, even                  After receiving the basic details of the
faster                                            incident, I hammered out a news re-
                                                  lease, posted it to the Alberta Pork web-
January 8, 2019: as Alberta Pork’s com-
                                                  site, and made my way to Banff alone,
munications coordinator (but not yet
                                                  as our Quality Assurance and Produc-
editor of the Canadian Hog Journal), I
                                                  tion Team (Javier Bahamon and Cris
showed up to the Alberta Pork office in
                                                  Neva) stayed behind to assist incident
Edmonton in the morning, overnight
                                                  command efforts alongside government
bag in-hand, ready to gather with two
                                                  officials, including visiting the affected
colleagues, load up the vehicle, and
                                                  farm to support the producer during
head to the Banff Pork Seminar. There
                                                  that time of extreme difficulty.
was just one problem: Alberta had dis-
covered its first-ever case of porcine            By the time I had arrived in Banff, the
epidemic diarrhea (PED) at a 400-head             PED case was already the talk of the
farrow-to-finish operation.                       seminar. Social media has a way of           Scott Dee delivered an eye-opening
                                                                                               presentation on feed biosecurity at the 2021
                                                  moving quicker than a truck on the           Banff Pork Seminar.
Immediately, the focus quickly turned
                                                  highway. And while PED first entered
from a relaxing four-hour drive to a
                                                  Canada from the U.S. in 2014, it was         Alberta Pork’s environmental dis-
pressing need for communicating what                                                           ease surveillance program is always
                                                  unclear exactly how PED made it to Al-
we knew about the outbreak, which was                                                          on guard to protect the industry, per-
                                                  berta from eastern Canada in 2019. And
little, other than a confirmation of the                                                       forming thousands of routine tests an-
                                                  now, two years and three more PED-
virus’s presence. PED is a provincially                                                        nually with the cooperation of farms,
                                                  positive cases later, ‘presumptive nega-
reportable disease, meaning it would not                                                       assembly yards, processing facilities
                                                  tive’ status has been granted to all four
have been long before the public caught                                                        and truck washes. While theories ex-
                                                  previously affected farms, thanks to the
wind of the news through one channel                                                           ist, Alberta’s 2019 PED cases still have
                                                  hard work of so many people in the in-
or another. In the interest of prudence                                                        uncertain origins, despite intense in-
                                                  dustry to stem the spread.
and transparency, Alberta Pork wanted                                                          vestigation – such is the nature of this
to get ahead of any potential rumours or          But a bigger question still remains: how     incredibly complex problem. Many have
misinformation.                                   did it happen?                               speculated that porcine plasma is likeli-
                                                                                               est culprit, though this has never been

                                                                                               Viruses move through
                                                                                               contaminated feed
                                                                                               At the 2021 Banff Pork Seminar, Scott
                                                                                               Dee of Minnesota-based Pipestone Vet-
                                                                                               erinary Services presented, “Feed bi-
                                                                                               osecurity: the new normal for North
                                                                                               American agriculture.” Prior to May
                                                                                               2013, when PED first entered the U.S.,
                                                                                               feed ingredients were largely over-
                                                                                               looked as potential vectors for patho-
                                                                                               gens to spread. The link between swine
                                                                                               diets and disease has been further in-
                                                                                               vestigated over time to take a specific
                                                                                               look at PED and African Swine Fever
Feed ingredients from disease-positive countries are known to contribute to viral spread in    Experimental data collected by Pipe-
countries where those ingredients are imported without any legal restrictions.                 stone’s researchers, led by Dee, has dem-
                                                                                                                      CONTINUED ON PAGE 12
10 | Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021
Banff Pork Seminar

onstrated that some feed ingredients can           products, choline chloride, three pet               bucks,” said Dee. “About the feed risk,
support the viability of pathogens. After          diets, pork sausage casing and complete             the Chinese are very concerned. Every-
PED started to spread in the U.S., three           feed exported from China to the U.S.                thing’s pelleted in China. They put feed
separate farms in the states of Minne-                                                                 through an extensive heating process by
                                                   When ASF was discovered in China in
sota, South Dakota and Iowa – clients of                                                               cooking it at 85 degrees Celsius for three
                                                   2018, contaminated food scraps imported             minutes before the pellets are used.”
Pipestone – experienced simultaneous
                                                   from Russia were to blame, as this
outbreaks. It was determined that feed
bins on all three farms had been refilled          waste was bought cheaply by Chinese                 Not all feed ingredients are
at the same time, using the same sup-              producers and fed to pigs. The issues               equal
plier, and by the time that refilled feed          inherent to feeding food scraps to pigs
                                                                                                       Turning their attention to specific feed
was consumed by the respective farms’              were covered in the Winter 2021 edition
                                                                                                       ingredients,   Pipestone    researchers
sows, PED was quick to follow. It was              of the Canadian Hog Journal: “Feeding
                                                                                                       decided to measure ingredient survival
this finding that prompted a deeper dive           scraps is no solution to food waste.” From
                                                                                                       times and noted a stark difference
– for real.                                        contaminated food scraps, farm-to-farm
                                                                                                       between most ingredients tested and
                                                   transmission of ASF was swift.                      one which stood out: soybean meal.
“I was literally leaning over the feed bin
with a long pole and a paint roller, and I         As a result of ASF, based on varying                “We held the ingredients outside in
was scraping the inside, collecting that           reports, China’s sow herd was reduced               January, in Minnesota, so it was very
feed material,” Dee recalled. “We brought          by nearly one-half between late 2018                cold,” said Dee. “We sampled them
it over to South Dakota State University           and early 2020, but the Chinese hog                 monthly, and in a handful of ingredients,
and fed it to pigs. They consumed it,              industry has been bouncing back, with               we found live virus over time.”
and within three or four days, they had            special considerations given to feed.
                                                   In response, the Chinese government                 According to the test results, live PED
clinical signs of PED virus.”
                                                   has since banned feeding human food                 virus was detected in soybean meal more
Dee’s test resulted in the first known                                                                 than 180 days later, whereas the virus
                                                   scraps to pigs, and conventional feed
demonstration of how PED could be                                                                      had disappeared in most other tested in-
                                                   ingredients are now being handled with
transmitted to pigs through feed.                                                                      gredients within only 40 days. The soy-
                                                   greater caution.
More recently, in the case of ASF,                                                                     bean meal results suggest that surviving
virus survival has been successfully               “Nobody really knows how many sows                  a hypothetical transcontinental journey
confirmed in nine distinct animal                  there are in China, but clearly there’s a           from China is more than possible – in
and human foods, including three soy               rapid growth of the national herd. It’s big         fact, quite likely.
                                                                                                                                CONTINUED ON PAGE 14

Pipestone’s test results of survival rates by type of virus and contaminated feed ingredient. Soy appears disproportionately risky.

12 | Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021
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Banff Pork Seminar
This discovery led the researchers to            things work these days in global trade.          According to Nielsen – the Canadian-
think harder about how grain-drying              So that’s crazy, when you think about            based global measurement and data an-
practices in Asia could contribute to            it.”                                             alytics company – the meat and dairy
the contamination of feed. Much of that                                                           alternative market in Canada was up
grain-drying, prior to ASF, was being            Soy it ain’t so                                  by 31 per cent in value in 2020, worth
performed in the open air, using traf-           From human food scraps as pig feed               nearly $300 million. The largest single
fic from people and motor vehicles to            to soy-based goods for human con-                player in that space, Yves Veggie Cui-
crush the grain and encourage moisture           sumption, products containing phy-               sine, was founded in 1985 to satisfy a
evaporation, along with the unintended           toestrogens, including soy products,             “growing demand for healthy, ethical
consequence of disease transmission.             are suspected of potentially leading to          plant-based products.” Yves’ lineup of
Recognizing that this practice may have          gradual hormonal imbalance in those              nearly 50 separate offerings includes
been responsible for helping spread              who eat them in excess. As such, the             mostly simulated meat products using
ASF, Chinese officials have since tried          reputation of soy used in human food             textured soy protein as the dominant
to streamline and sanitize the process           has taken a hit over time, as consum-            ingredient. Yves’ website does not dis-
using modern facilities with strict bi-          ers become more discerning with their            close ingredient sourcing, apart from
osecurity protocols, including Danish-           choices.                                         indicating that products are manufac-
entry-style precautions.                         Could soy imported for human food pos-           tured in Canada using domestic and im-
                                                 sess the same risks as soy imported for          ported ingredients.
In 2018 and 2019, three-quarters of
U.S. soymeal imports came from China,            pig feed? Dee draws no distinction be-           “Although ingredients are predominant-
Ukraine and Russia – all three of which          tween the soy format – only its origin.          ly sourced domestically, it is sometimes
are ASF-positive countries. By 2020,             “The risk of soy is independent of               necessary to source globally,” an Yves
that number had declined, but the                whether it comes in for animal feed or           product specialist wrote in an emailed
U.S. imports close to 500,000 tonnes             human food,” said Dee. “The product is           response. “This is due to the fact that
of soymeal annually, while exporting             a vehicle to bring the virus into a coun-        some ingredients are not available do-
a staggering 50 million tonnes of its            try.”                                            mestically or the domestic sources are
own. Though the massive discrepancy                                                               limited based on market demand.”
                                                 According to the Good Food Institute
is not necessarily surprising to market
                                                 – a U.S.-based non-profit that supports          Could the import of foreign soy for hu-
analysts, it might alarm producers and
                                                 plant-based businesses – upwards of 79           man food similarly risk the Canadian
other industry partners to know.
                                                 per cent of soy protein isolate, 50 per          livestock industry simply by its pres-
“It’s like a teeny, little needle in the         cent of textured soy protein and 23 per          ence in the country? Canadian soybean
haystack. It’s silly we even have to deal        cent of soy protein concentrate used             meal imports have hovered around one
with that,” said Dee. “But that’s the way        worldwide is sourced from China.                 million tonnes annually in recent years
                                                                                                                         CONTINUED ON PAGE 16

Could soy-based human food products using imported ingredients present a similar disease risk to imported animal feed?

14 | Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021
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Banff Pork Seminar

and peaked at more than 1.5 million              Corn and soy may be more widely avail-
tonnes in 2007, while the use of soy in          able and less expensive in some regions,
human food products has steadily risen           but when soy especially has its origins
since then. Understanding what is driv-          in ASF-affected countries like China,
ing this demand in either the animal or
human food sectors is important.
                                                 this should be a red flag for producers to
                                                 pay closer attention.                                       The Next
Buyer beware – biosecurity                       Even the strictest biosecurity can still
                                                 result in disease incursions within a
                                                 herd, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
Can biosecurity guarantee a disease-             Feed tops the lists of costs for producers
free farm? No, but it can help reduce
the risk. Biosecurity, together with un-
                                                 today, and saving money in that area                    is May 2021
                                                 may appear compelling. An increas-
derstanding where feed ingredients are           ing cost of production, together with               For advertising contact
sourced, can help producers protect
                                                 reduced revenue, has been a crippling             WTR Media at 403-296-1346
themselves against what looks to be a
                                                 barrier for many Canadian producers in
growing threat to animal health around                                                              or
                                                 recent years, and industry stakeholders
the world.
                                                 must work together to ensure the long-
Across Canada, feed ingredient compo-            term sustainability of the sector, which
sition varies, but Canadian pork is noted        includes protection against disease.
in lucrative markets globally for having         Recognizing the cost of that work will
a distinctive profile that comes from the        be important for everyone to consider
inclusion of barley and wheat in diets.          and act upon. n

The Canadian Pork Council (CPC) recommends holding any imported feed at 20 degrees Celsius for 20 days or 10 degrees Celsius for 100 days.

16 | Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021
Banff Pork Seminar

E. coli cross-contamination affects pigs and pork
Andrew Heck
Foodborne illness has long been the bane of the agri-food              In response to the 2018 outbreak, the Canadian Food Inspec-
industry. A first-hand encounter with the gut-churning,                tion Agency (CFIA) issued a recall of all products from the af-
mind-altering discomfort and fatigue of sickness caused by             fected on-farm processor that supplied the restaurant and sold
contaminated food is something no-one wants to experience.             products to other consumers. While the recall was a necessary
While a brutal time sitting on the toilet, laid out on the couch       precaution, it resulted in some negative attention toward the
or delirious in bed is bad enough, it can, in fact, be much            farm – a regrettable reputational hit for the entire pork indus-
worse.                                                                 try. But, as such, it became imperative for research to address
                                                                       the many questions being asked.
Such was the case for one poor woman in March 2018, who
died after eating at a restaurant in southeast Edmonton. The           Now, a team of scientists in Alberta is coming out with an-
culprit: Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7, which was con-            swers. At the 2021 Banff Pork Seminar, postdoctoral re-
sumed in a pork-based dish that was improperly cooked prior            searcher Peipei Zhang, with Xianqin Yang’s research group
to serving. Even when bacteria like E. coli and other related          at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) Lacombe Re-
pathogens are present, they can be eliminated when food                search and Development Centre, presented a poster exploring
is cooked thoroughly to a safe internal temperature. This is           one aspect of the issue, prompting a closer look at the bigger
sometimes difficult when food is consumed raw, like in salad,          picture.
but the problem is largely avoidable in meat, if proper han-
dling and cooking practices are used.                                  E. coli in pork?
                                                                       Until the 2018 incident, pork had never been implicated in any
                                                                       deaths in Canada due to E. coli. This realization caused confu-
                                                                       sion among industry observers, even to the point that some
                                                                       initially doubted it was possible.
                                                                       “When I first heard that someone had died from eating pork
                                                                       contaminated with E. coli O157:H7, I didn’t believe it,” said
                                                                       Saida Essendoubi, a surveillance scientist with Alberta Ag-
                                                                       riculture and Forestry, and the leader of the E. coli research
                                                                       group. “How can this be? We had only seen this in beef be-
                                                                       fore, but it turns out pigs are vulnerable too, even at the farm
                                                                       where this pork came from, which has very good biosecurity.”
                                                                       What makes E. coli O157:H7 potentially lethal? ‘Shiga tox-
                                                                       ins,’ named after Kiyoshi Shiga, a Japanese researcher who
                                                                       discovered Shigella dysenteriae, in 1897. Eight decades later,
                                                                       in 1977, researchers in Ottawa with the Bureau of Microbial
In 2018, pork contaminated with E. coli O157:H7 was served at a
restaurant in Edmonton, causing more than 42 human cases of illness,   Hazards, Health Protection Branch, Health and Welfare Cana-

             USE THE BEST
including one death.

                                                                       da discovered the Shiga toxin normally produced by Shigella
                                                                                                                   CONTINUED ON PAGE 18

        USE GENES
            THE BEST
        SPRING       — ONE GOAL


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                                                                                                  Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021 | 17
Banff Pork Seminar

dysenteriae in a line of E. coli, which includes the O157:H7           To evaluate the southern Alberta assembly yards and mixed farms’
strain. Ingestion of Shiga toxins can result in abdominal pain         connection to the meat processing sector, Essendoubi, Bahamon,
and watery diarrhea. In serious instances, these symptoms              Yang and other researchers began collecting carcass and colon
can be life-threatening, as was the 2018 case in Edmonton.             samples at provincially inspected abattoirs across the province.
Cattle are a natural reservoir of E. coli O157:H7. In contrast,        More than 500 carcass samples were also analyzed for ge-
studies have found very low prevalence of the organism in              neric E. coli and aerobic colony count, which refers to the
pigs and, consequently, very few pork-related E. coli O157:H7          total number of bacteria able to grow in an oxygenated en-
outbreaks have ever occurred. However, in addition to the              vironment – an indicator of microbial quality of food. Of all
2018 case, two more previous non-lethal outbreaks were dis-            the carcass samples collected, nine were confirmed positive
covered in Alberta in 2014 and 2016, attributed to the con-            for E. coli O157:H7, representing nearly two per cent of the
sumption of contaminated pork at the food service level.               total, which is consistent with existing literature worldwide.
                                                                       Similarly, seven of the colon samples tested positive. These
Finding the source of E. coli O157:H7 in Alberta                       positives were found across five of 39 abattoirs visited, from
meat                                                                   hogs originating at eight different farms.
With the consideration that E. coli O157:H7 is known to in-
habit cattle feedlots in southern Alberta, an obvious red flag         Understanding the E. coli O157:H7 genome
was raised regarding premises that keep both cattle and pigs           To explore the potential source of E. coli O157:H7 contaminat-
on-site, with assembly yards and mixed farms being places              ing pork, Zhang undertook an investigation into the phyloge-
of interest.                                                           netic relatedness of the bacteria in pigs and cattle on-farm,
                                                                       along with pork processing facilities. This work was led by
“When people move from one part of a site to another without           Yang in collaboration with other researchers, with funding
changing their boots, for example, there is potential for patho-       from Alberta Innovates.
gen transmission,” said Javier Bahamon, Quality Assurance
and Production Manager, Alberta Pork. “Back when porcine               Whole genome sequencing is a promising technology for trac-
epidemic diarrhea (PED) first spread in Alberta, the question          ing the origin of bacteria. This technique was the first choice
was whether the four cases were directly connected. Three              for discovering the relationships between E. coli O157:H7 in
of the four impacted sites were within a 20-kilometre radius           pigs and cattle on-farm and within packing plants. Because
of each other, suggesting farm-to-farm spread. But while no            E. coli O157:H7 genome sequences originating from pigs are
individuals or vehicles were found to have travelled directly          limited in public databases, Yang and Essendoubi, in collabo-
between those farms, there is a possibility that individuals or        ration with Kim Stanford and Tim Reuter from the Univer-
vehicles from those farms crossed paths with each other at a           sity of Lethbridge, decided to sequence E. coli O157:H7 strains
neutral site. The possibility for this kind of transmission is         gathered from pig and cattle feces, for comparison.
alarming not only for spreading PED but also E. coli O157:H7,          The study relied on whole genomes obtained first-hand by the
considering how many cattle premises are in proximity to hog           researchers, in addition to data sourced from the U.S. National
premises in Alberta.”                                                  Center for Biotechnology Information – known as ‘GenBank’
                                                                       – which was the best source of existing data at the time. Gene
                                                                       subtyping based on whole genome sequencing data revealed
                                                                       that nearly 95 per cent of the samples were closely related
                                                                       strains, with further analysis indicating that these strains all
                                                                       had a common and recent ancestor.
                                                                       The researchers decided to dig deeper into the genetic char-
                                                                       acteristics of E. coli O157:H7. Nearly 61 per cent of pig iso-
                                                                       lates harboured one Shiga toxin variant, while 70 per cent of
                                                                       the cattle isolates carried two variants. The variant harboured
                                                                       by most of the pig isolates is associated with more severe out-
                                                                       comes. Analysis also shows that similar strains can be repeat-
                                                                       edly isolated from pig gut contents over a period of up to two
                                                                       years, strongly suggesting pigs can, in fact, be a source of E.
                                                                       coli O157:H7 – the definitive finding that confirmed suspicions.
                                                                       Never before could it be proven that sites common to cat-
E. coli O157:H7 is known to exist in cattle, often being transmitted
at feedlots. But for a long time, no-one suspected pigs too could be   tle and pigs were able to support the transmission of E. coli
affected.                                                              O157:H7, uncloaking the mystery of the contaminated, under-

18 | Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021
Banff Pork Seminar

              USE THE BEST
Matrix of test results categorized by various isolates, animal species (pigs or cattle) and location (farm or plant).
                                                                                                                                CONTINUED ON PAGE 20

         USE  WE
         SPRING    WILL
                 INTO     SUCCEED


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                                                                                                               Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021 | 19
Banff Pork Seminar

  cooked restaurant pork and setting the             “Adapting and performing biosecu-                   “We have to get producers to take this
  research team on the path to supporting            rity assessments to account for E. coli             seriously,” said Bahamon. “Foodborne
  an enhanced approach to managing the               O157:H7 will be an important next                   illness is a human health matter. Con-
  disease risk.                                      step,” said Essendoubi. “Alberta Agri-              sumers care. As much as producers are
                                                     culture and Forestry, working with Al-              rightly concerned with swine diseases
  Preparing the industry for the                     berta Pork and other organizations, will            and their impact on production, our so-
  future                                             begin to focus its attention on helping             cial licence to operate as an industry de-
  Food safety is everyone’s responsibil-             industry partners manage risks.”                    pends on public trust in our food safety
  ity, from producers and processors, to                                                                 systems.”
                                                     Observable clinical signs of illness relat-
  food service and retail, and consumers             ed to E. coli O157:H7 are non-existent,             When and where will the next E. coli
  at home. Regardless of the reasons sur-            meaning efforts to educate producers                O157:H7 outbreak connected to pigs oc-
  rounding the 2018 death connected to E.            will have to be very proactive. From                cur? Hopefully, never and nowhere, but
  coli O157:H7, the entire Canadian pork             clothing and visitor biosecurity pro-               even with due attention to the matter,
  industry is doing its part to prevent any          tocols to better rodent management in               the industry may have to expect that
  further harm by better understanding               barns, vulnerabilities within production            future outbreaks are, unfortunately, not
  the issue and preparing stakeholders to            remain an ongoing threat.                           out of the question. Producers can and
  manage risks.                                                                                          should protect themselves by reviewing
                                                                                                         their on-farm biosecurity.
                                                                                                         Organizations like Alberta Pork, Alberta
                                                                                                         Agriculture and Forestry, Alberta Inno-
                                                                                                         vates, AAFC, CFIA and other industry
                                                                                                         partners are currently working to en-
                                                                                                         sure all stakeholders have the knowl-
                                                                                                         edge and tools they need to reinforce
                                                                                                         food safety and consumer confidence. n

                                                                                                             Follow @HogJournal
                                                                                                                 on Facebook
                                                                                                                  and Twitter
                                                                                                              for the latest news
                                                                                                               and commentary
  Biosecurity protocols, including rodent control, will be crucial for producers to stem the spread of

  E. coli O157:H7.

       USE   ABEST
               INTO     PIG


  20 | Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021
Banff Pork Seminar

Finding a light in the mental health labyrinth
Gerry Friesen
Editor’s note: Gerry Friesen is a former          Growing up, I had never envisioned my-          mind, there were different ways of look-
hog farmer from southwestern Manitoba.            self being a hog producer, but because          ing at this. Either I was a farmer but had
Today, he shares his lived mental health          turkey quota was not readily available,         failed miserably, or perhaps my natural
experiences for the benefit of farmers            we had to diversify into something else         aptitude was for other work. Clearly, for
and organizations across Canada.                  to support two families – so hogs it was.       the sake of my dignity, I am going with
                                                                                                  the latter.
When I hear presentations on mental               In the 1980s, my focus and priority was
health in agriculture, such as the ones           the farm. In the 1990s, I was involved
                                                                                                  Industry issues generate
delivered by Andria Jones-Bitton and              in agricultural politics, serving on the
Robyne Hanley-Dafoe at the 2021 Banff             boards of Manitoba Pork, the Canadian
                                                                                                  widespread stress
Pork Seminar, I am compelled to reflect           Pork Council (CPC) and Keystone Agri-           As evidenced by the national survey
on my journey in the labyrinth of stress,         cultural Producers. In the 2000s, I be-         of farmers headed by Andria Jones-
anxiety and depression.                           came immersed in farm debt mediation            Bitton, agriculture comes with a host of
                                                  – something that became life-changing,          stressors – some that are obvious and
I call myself ‘The Recovering Farmer’
                                                  as I saw a new career path unfold in            some that are not. And not only at the
for two reasons: number one, because
                                                  front of me. And then, since the start of       Banff Pork Seminar, but going forward,
we sold our family farm some years ago
                                                  the 2010s, I have been passionate about         I would encourage you to explore the
to pursue other interests, and number
                                                  mental health, particularly in agricul-         many resources available for managing
two, due to my struggles with mental
                                                  ture.                                           stress, including the ‘In the Know’ pro-
                                                                                                  gram developed by Jones-Bitton’s team,
I am often asked what it means to re-             Given how many times I reinvented               which is freely accessible.
cover. The dictionary defines it as, “re-         myself and my career, I often wondered
turning to a previous state of health,            whether I truly was a farmer at heart. In       Although certain stressors are general
prosperity and equanimity.” ‘Equanim-             2007, as I was winding down the farm,           to any farmers, livestock production in-
ity’ is a big word, so I checked that as          I met a feed salesman whom I had got-           herently come with some unique ones.
well. It means to, “have an evenness of           ten to know through my involvement in           Many farmers are able to rise to the
temper even when under stress.” That,             the hog industry. He asked how I was            occasion – meeting stress head-on and
in a nutshell, has been and remains part          doing. I told him about winding down            managing it. For me, it was never that
of my journey.                                    and selling our farm, and I suggested to        simple.
                                                  him that I did not think I was a farmer         When we started with hogs, our feed
I grew up on a turkey and grain farm.
                                                  anymore. He looked me in the eye and            company partner convinced us to try a
After graduating from high school in
                                                  said that perhaps I never had been.             recently developed nutrition program.
1978, I joined the workforce for a few
years, found a life partner, and was              That statement that night gave me rea-          It sounded great. We bought our first
drawn back to the family farm in 1983.            son for pause and reflection. In my             batch of pigs, and off we were! It did
                                                                                                  not take long to realize we were hav-
                                                                                                  ing issues. Long story short, our mortal-
                                                                                                  ity that first year was 33 per cent. Due
                                                                                                  to a high-density, finely-ground feed,
                                                                                                  our pigs were getting gastric ulcers. As
                                                                                                  much as insurance finally kicked in, it
                                                                                                  was a tough start.
                                                                                                  Hog markets have always been cyclical,
                                                                                                  and certain events during my time as
                                                                                                  a farmer stand out to me. In the 1980s,
                                                                                                  U.S. countervail duties impacted our
                                                                                                  prices. In the 1990s, as the industry ad-
                                                                                                  opted pricing formulas based on a North
                                                                                                  American marketplace, our currency
Friesen’s first-hand encounters with farm life, family and finances have afforded him a genuine   played a major role in establishing val-
perspective on mental health in agriculture.                                                      ue. A low Canadian dollar exchange rate

22 | Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021
Banff Pork Seminar

Andria Jones-Bitton’s survey highlighted the many sources of stress affecting Canadian farmers. Some, like finance, are obvious enough, but others,
like social pressure, are more contemporary concerns, fuelled by social media.

benefited live hog exports to the U.S.            pressure and scrutiny regarding envi-              some interesting palpitations. I felt a
for a few years. We were seeing a lot of          ronmental issues and animal welfare.               shortness of breath and thought I would
promise for growth, until the Canadian            We experienced trade disputes. Today,              pass out. It came and went relatively
dollar began to rise, and profits declined        various disease issues such as porcine             quickly, but it started happening on a
significantly. Add to that issues such as         epidemic diarrhea (PED) and African                more frequent basis to the point where,
mandatory country-of-origin labelling             Swine Fever (ASF) are ongoing threats              in early 2004, I sought help from a phy-
(mCOOL), and you get a picture of how             to the hog industry. Whenever and                  sician. He explained that I was experi-
volatile markets can be.                          wherever you look, there is always some            encing anxiety and depression, and that
                                                  kind of issue threatening hog farmers.             I needed to go on medication. With little
In early 1998, we expanded our hog
                                                  At least that much of the experience we            to no thought about the intricacies of
operation. Just as the production from
                                                  all share!                                         mental illness, I took the meds. That was
that expansion was ready for market,
                                                                                                     the beginning of my recovery – discov-
the prices plunged to $0.42 per kilo-             From the political to the                          ery, not so much.
gram. That meant that we were market-
ing hogs at a $140 cost of production,
                                                  personal                                           Combined with my ongoing mental
with a market return of just under $40.           Operating a farm comes with many                   health issues and increasing stress, my
Anecdotally, it was suggested that hog            stressors not only from an external                behaviours started changing. Most no-
producers lost 15 years of equity during          point-of-view but also from an internal            table was an increase in expectations
that time.                                        point-of-view. Maintaining a work-life             for myself and for others. I could do
                                                  balance while trying to manage the                 nothing right and neither could anyone
Then it became a constant struggle                barn around the clock is a different kind          else in my life. My self-esteem reached
to stay on the right side of the ledger.          of stress altogether.                              new lows, which created tension in my
There was the ongoing attempt to bal-
                                                  In 2003, I was president of Manitoba               relationships with those closest to me.
ance business risk management pro-
grams with the variabilities of markets.          Pork Marketing, chair of Dynamic Pork              My coping mechanisms were not par-
And when that did not work, we re-                and an active mediator with the Mani-              ticularly helpful. I found out that alcohol
structured. But it never seemed to be a           toba Farm Mediation Board. The hog in-             does an amazing job of easing anxiety.
lasting solution. I was often reminded of         dustry was in a continuous downward                Unfortunately, as alcohol leaves the body,
how my production was enough to feed              spiral, and likewise, so was my farm, as           it increases anxiety. So, the only way to
a small city, but I was having trouble            many others in the industry were also              combat that is to drink more, which I did.
feeding my family.                                experiencing significant challenges.               When I was not in a self-medicated fog,
                                                  During a mediation meeting in the fall             I was finding other means of escaping. I
Government policies were a constantly
                                                  of that year, I suddenly felt my heart do          found the hog barn to be a sanctuary –
moving target. There was continued
                                                                                                                             CONTINUED ON PAGE 24

                                                                                                          Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021 | 23
Banff Pork Seminar

                                                                           were nearing home, I witnessed him crash his bike. That very
                                                                           morning, before we hit the road, we had made the decision
                                                                           to sell the farm. Unfortunately, the relief brought on by that
                                                                           decision was short-lived. After he had his accident, he fell into
                                                                           a coma, and I needed to take over his portion of the work. Life
                                                                           began to overwhelm me.
                                                                           Shortly following my brother’s accident, and shortly before
                                                                           selling the farm, my wife and I decided I should try talk
                                                                           therapy. I had a session with a psychologist who was not im-
                                                                           pressed that I was planning to sell the family farm, and at the
                                                                           end of the appointment, he said I needed to go back on meds,
                                                                           because I would not be able to afford his services. After that, I
                                                                           visited a community mental health worker who really tried to
                                                                           assist, but after two sessions, she felt incapable of helping me.
                                                                           So, I went back on meds.
                                                                           I was always convinced that, should we be able to sell the
                                                                           farm, my depression and anxiety would also end. In 2007,
                                                                           when we were able to sell the farm and move on, it dawned on
Friesen has shared his story in-person with attendees at many
conferences over the years, including Manitoba Ag Days, in 2010.           me that was not the case.
More recently, he has addressed other farm-based events and groups
virtually.                                                                 To change your life, change your approach
                                                                           As part of the farm wind down and as an opportunity to
away from people, away from my phone, away from my family,                 enhance my conflict management work, I applied to the
and, perhaps, even an attempt to escape from myself.                       Manitoba Farm, Rural & Northern Support Services line as
In mid-2005, I was on a motorcycle trip with my brother. I had             a volunteer. In retrospect, and entirely unintentionally, that
been medication-free for a few months and was functioning                  was when the discovery process truly began, and I started to
quite well, or so I thought. On the last day of the trip, as we            understand how best to manage by mental health.

Help may arrive when and where you least expect it. For Friesen, counselling others became an outlet to explore his own issues.

24 | Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021
Banff Pork Seminar

First and foremost, through the train-        to the dictionary, ‘labyrinth’ is defined          Some time ago, my family noticed that I
ing, I learned so much about mental           as, “a place with a lot of crisscrossing or        was headed off the rails again and made
health and how that related to my situ-       complicated passages, tunnels or paths in          it clear that I needed to seek additional
ation. Second, I was contracted to fa-        which it would be easy to become lost.”            help. I found myself going to a natu-
cilitate depression workshops for men,        I still live in that labyrinth. But because        ropath appointment, which turned out
which added to my knowledge through           of a deeper understanding and utilizing            to be pleasantly surprising, despite my
research and through meeting and talk-        what I have learned, it is much easier to          initial cynicism. For the first time ever,
ing to others.                                navigate without becoming totally lost.            someone was able to connect the dots for
                                                                                                 me. There was no instant fix that day.
In preparing for my new role, I felt the
need to talk to my wife and kids about
                                              Managing stress is a good first                    Rather, it was just the clear understand-
my depression. I had always thought           step                                               ing of the nuances of my mental health
that I was doing a good job of hiding         In her presentation, Robyne Hanley-                that gave me the extra push I needed to
it but found out rather differently. My       Dafoe touched on the symptoms of                   continue my journey in a new way.
wife expressed how I had changed into         burn-out, including feelings of energy             Through awareness, acceptance and an
a different person over time – no lon-        depletion and exhaustion, increased                effort to be more intentional about my
ger the person she had married. My kids       mental distance from one’s job, feelings           recovery, I can now weather fluctua-
talked about crying themselves to sleep       of negativity and reduced professional             tions better by sticking with the things
because of their concern for me and our       efficacy. She also provided some good              that help when I experience a bad spell.
family’s financial issues. I had no idea,     techniques for managing these condi-               While I still have bouts of anxiety, or
and perhaps it was better at the time. I      tions, including letting go of guilt, ac-          times when my mood is subdued, I can
suspect that, if I had known earlier, the     knowledging your fears and working                 rest assured that the moment will not
guilt might well have pushed me over          toward total mental and physical well-             last forever, and that gives me the abil-
the edge.                                     ness – whatever that means for you.                ity to experience life as best as possible.
Was I suicidal at any time? No, but I cer-    And I can tell you from experience that
                                                                                                 As you become more cognizant of
tainly had thoughts of dying, because in      taking this seriously is key not only for
                                                                                                 your own mental health and the men-
my twisted way of thinking, there would       your own well-being but also for the
                                                                                                 tal health of those around you – your
be some benefit. I could relieve my men-      management of your farm.
                                                                                                 family, colleagues and others – remem-
tal anguish, my wife and kids would           Stress impacts us in various ways. It              ber that my experience is not unique in
benefit financially, and the world would      can be quite insidious and can affect              principle. You may be going through
be better off without me. I was not afraid    us physically, emotionally, mentally               something similar. And if you are, there
of dying; I was afraid of living.             and socially. Over time, we may notice             is no better time than right now to nip
In 2015, I received a call that shook me      subtle changes occurring and tend to               it in the bud. It may save your life or
to the core: the wife of my long-time         ignore these hints. As stress builds or            someone else’s. Having the courage
friend, and mother of their children, had     continues over an extended period, the             to address my own issues likely saved
died by suicide. At her funeral, the fam-     impacts on us increase, and our behav-             mine, and because of that, my wife still
ily shared how they had gained a much         iours change. It is important not to ig-           has a husband, and my kids still have a
better understanding of mental illness.       nore these signs.                                  father today. n
The family was very clear that she had
put up a strong fight and had lost, simi-
lar to someone who battles cancer but
ultimately succumbs to the disease. I
had many emotions running through
me. I felt encouraged knowing that I and
many others had nothing to be ashamed
or embarrassed about. And I felt a tinge
of envy that she had escaped her pain.
But I also felt an incredible fear – afraid
that some morning I might wake up and
just not be able to face another day.
My recovery has been far from linear.
At the outset of sharing this experience,     Robyne Hanley-Dafoe’s five core traits of resiliency are: belonging, perspective, acceptance, hope
I used the word ‘labyrinth.’ Going back       and humour. For Friesen, these are essential to managing stress.

                                                                                                      Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021 | 25
Banff Pork Seminar

Strengthening ASF detection in Canada
Geoff Geddes
Editor’s note: The following piece was          and prepare for an outbreak of ASF in           for ASF in Canada and the U.S.,” said
written for Swine Innovation Porc. For          Canada. Moderated by Stewart Cress-             Ambagala. “We have state-of-the-art
more information, contact Leslie Walsh          man, Chair, SIP, the session included           diagnostics, but we continue to work on
at               information on ASF research priorities          improving them as we go.”
                                                in Canada, risk mitigation, emergency
If we diagnosed African Swine Fever             depopulation preparedness, research ac-         How ASF is detected in
(ASF) like we do the common cold, you           tivities in the U.S. and Canada’s efforts
could just look for pigs that are sneez-                                                        carcasses
                                                to face the threat of ASF.
ing or blowing their nose. Unfortunate-                                                         In regard to ASF diagnosis, there are
ly, ASF is much harder to detect and far        “My objective is to provide a brief over-       two approaches: detecting the agent,
more lethal for the hog industry.               view of our efforts to evaluate alterna-        which is the virus, and looking at the
                                                tive sample types for ASF diagnosis,”           antibodies to the virus.
In light of that reality, the timing was        said Aruna Ambagala, a research sci-
perfect for a presentation on ASF di-           entist with the Canadian Food Inspec-           “With the agent, we are examining the
agnosis during the 2021 Banff Pork              tion Agency’s (CFIA) National Centre            genomic material of ASF, which you
Seminar. The talk was one of six that           for Foreign Animal Disease (NCFAD)              can do using a real-time PCR screening
comprised an ASF webinar presented by           in Winnipeg. Ambagala is head of the            test available at NCFAD and at labs that
Swine Innovation Porc (SIP) called, “Af-        Mammalian Disease Unit and the World            are part of the Canadian Animal Health
rican Swine Fever: How is Canada Get-           Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)            Surveillance Network,” said Ambagala.
ting Prepared?”                                 Reference Lab for Classical Swine Fever         The Canadian Animal Health Surveil-
                                                (CSF) at the NCFAD.                             lance Network (CAHSN) is a network of
Using their virtual platform, swine sec-
tor experts offered a glimpse of what           “Because of the non-specific clinical           federal, provincial and university ani-
the pork industry is doing to prevent           signs, laboratory diagnosis is essential        mal health laboratories across Canada.

Stewart Cressman opened the presentation, featuring Aruna Ambagala and other SIP-supported researchers.

26 | Canadian Hog Journal | Banff 2021
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