Community rallies in response to coronavirus - North News

Page created by Roger Hamilton
Community rallies in response to coronavirus - North News
NORTH NEWS           March 27, 2020   Serving the neighborhoods of North Minneapolis

Community rallies in                                                                                         Jenna Porazzo, right,

response to coronavirus
                                                                                                             extends food to a boy
                                                                                                                 outside Jenny Lind
                                                                                                                Elementary School.
                                                                                                                    With classrooms
                                                                                                               closed, Minneapolis
                                                                                                                      Public Schools

Page 6
                                                                                                                       has continued
                                                                                                                  free breakfast and
                                                                                                              lunches for students.
                                                                                                                    Each combo bag
                                                                                                                     included cereal,
                                                                                                              yogurt, fruit, broccoli,
                                                                                                              milk and other items.
                                                                                                                    Photo by David

Census organizers go digital
Page 10
Remembering the Young
brothers' barbershops
Page 14
Pastor Edrin Williams puts his
faith to work for the Northside
Page 18
Community rallies in response to coronavirus - North News
2   NORTH NEWS                       March 27, 2020

                                                            hungry. Neighborhood organizations are        News in the coming months.                       named and in place.

                             Letter from
                                                            coordinating grocery runs, and the stores       I will remain in the community and               Additionally, Abdi Mohamed, our small
                                                            are working around the clock to keep          with Pillsbury United Communities, but           business and entrepreneurship-focused

                             the Editor
                                                            their shelves stocked and clean. Mental       I am taking on an entirely new role. I           staff reporter, has also transitioned out
                                                            health professionals, healers, religious      have been named the organization's               of his position at the paper. We wish him
                                                            leaders, and athletic trainers are offering   new director of policy and advoacy. I'll         nothing but the best as he tracks towards
                                                            their services virtually, and people are      be working from the grassroots to the            graduation at the University of Minnesota
  Where to even begin. It feels like the                    checking in with each other. We bring         government to collaboratively envision           and seeks full time employment thereafter.
whole world has changed since I wrote                       you just a snapshot of the love and care      and enact progressive policies that tackle         This means we have TWO positions open
my last letter to the editor a month ago.                   people are showing on another on Page         and dismantle the racial and economic            at North News: a full time editor and a part
  A global pandemic has made us sick,                       6. If you have a story you'd like to share    disparities that exist in our city, county,      time (20 hours per week) reporter. We're
closed our schools, socially distanced us                   about COVID-19, please reach out to us.       and state.                                       looking for North Minneapolis community
from each other, and radically changed                       You may have noticed that the                  Leaving North News isn't a decision I've       members with journalism training for
the way our businesses operate. As we                       coronavirus has caused a shift in our         come to quickly or lightly. I've been in my      both jobs. If you're passionate about this
work to "flatten the curve," people have                    operations as well. We've printed fewer       role here for more than four years. I know       community and want to eat, sleep and
lost jobs, senses of safety and peace,                      papers this month because of how many         how important a consistent news source           breathe its news, please apply for these
and the ability to envision a reasonably                    of our typical drop sites (schools, rec       is for this and all communities. I deeply        jobs via the posting at pillsburyunited.
predictable future.                                         and community centers, and businesses)        value the relationships that have come           org. The positions come with full benefits.
  This community is no stranger to feeling                  are closed. We're no less committed to        into my life through this work. But, I'm           As of press time, we are planning to print
like the rug has been pulled out from                       getting the word out to you though. We        convinced that it's time to create space         a May 1 edition of North News. As the
under it, so it comes as no surprise that                   will be doing a stronger-than-usual           for someone with new and different               coronavirus continues to spread, we will
leaders and neighbors have responded in                     digital push of the online version of this    perspectives to lead North News and              be evaluating this decision.
real time with creative, loving, and healing                paper, and if you'd like a stack of papers    that I will be able to be most impactful          Take care everyone,
responses to all the new challenges.                        to (safely, sanitarily) deliver to your       in my new role. I'm working with PUC
Minneapolis Public Schools, Emily's F&M                     neighbors, let us know.                       leadership to coordinate an effective            Kenzie O'Keefe
Cafe, Oak Park Center, churches, and many                    I have some personal news to share with      succession plan, and our goal is for you         Editor/Publisher, North News
more local organizations are providing                      you all. I will be transitioning out of my    to feel this transition as little as possible.
meals to those suddenly at risk of going                    role as editor and publisher of North         I will lead the paper until its next editor is   651-245-2647

                   NORTH NEWS                                                                               SUMMER PROGRAMS
                       2020 Issue #3
         Circulation: 10,000 in North Minneapolis.                   Write, Sing, Sew,                      AT JXTA
            Delivered free on a monthly basis to
                                                                                                            Enroll in Juxtaposition Arts’
       public places & some homes in Near North &
                          Camden.                                          Paint.                           FREE summer arts programs!
            125 West Broadway Ave. Suite 130,
                 Minneapolis, MN 55411                                Dance, Design,
                  Phone: 651-245-2647                                                                       VALT:

                      Kenzie O’Keefe
                                                                         Animate.                           Free, college-level visual art course for
                                                                                                            ages 12—21. Complete VALT and you’ll

      Abdi Mohamed                  David Pierini
                                                                       Sculpt, Rap,                         be eligible to interview for a paid job as
                                                                                                            an apprentice in one of our creative
                                                                                                            labs. Summer session:
       Staff Reporter
      Emily Ronning
      Graphic Designer
                                    Staff Reporter
                              Anya Johanna DeNiro
                                   Copy Editor
                                                                         Decorate.                          July 6—August 20, 2020.

    Howard Hadley, David
     Snoddy, Kyla Moore
                                    Lyle James
                                                                     Imagine, Dream,                        FREE WALL:
                                                                                                            Free intro to aerosol art camp for ages
     Additional support is provided by The Jay & Rose
     Phillips Family Foundation of Minnesota and the
                                                                          Create.                           8—21. 3-week sessions in June, July,
                                                                                                            and August, 2020.
                 Minneapolis Foundation.

    Story ideas and letters to the editor under 300 words
     are always welcome. Unsigned letters will not run.
                                                                      These times                           Session dates, applications,
                                                                                                            and more information at
      If you want North News on your doorstep NOW,
                 subscribe for $30 per year.
                                                                    call for more art.            

                                                                                                            Please note: JXTA is committed to ensuring
              or call 651-245-2647 to sign up.
                                                                                                            the health and wellbeing of our community;
             Next issue delivered: May 1, 2020                                                              we are monitoring the situation around
                                                                           ★★★Theater                       COVID-19 closely. Please visit
                                                                                                   for the most
                                                                               up-to-date information regarding our actions
                                                                                                            and response.                                    @jxta_arts   /juxtapositionarts
Community rallies in response to coronavirus - North News
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                             NORTH NEWS              3

                            North Minneapolis at a glance
         Resources available for
                                                  early March. “Our name, Urban League
                                                  Twin Cities, is new, but our relentless and       Emily's F&M Cafe offers free meals for elderly and vulnerable
         COVID-19 relief                          unapologetic advocacy for equity, justice
                                                  and power for African descendants remains
Visit page 8 for a full list of local medical,
                                                  the same,” he wrote.
financial, food, and other offerings during
the global pandemic.
                              Youth musicians receive
Juxtaposition Arts leader to prestigious scholarship
leave for McKnight Foundation Three young men who are active                            in the
Juxtaposition Arts CEO and cofounder              North Minneapolis music community have
DeAnna Cummings will leave the                    received scholarships to support their
organization to assume the role of Program        musical studies: J’Kwon Anderson of Folwell
Director of Arts at the McKnight Foundation       School-Performing Arts Magnet, Marley
effective June 1, according to a press release    Christian of Cristo Rey Jesuit High School,
sent by JXTA on March 20. A transition            and Dontevion Wilson of Ascension Catholic
committee will assist in the ongoing process      School. The scholarships from the Roderick
over the next several months. "We will feel       Cox Music Initiative provide up to $2,350
her absence at Broadway and Emerson. But          to support individual instruction and group
we are excited that the entire regional arts      lessons for students of color who have a
community will benefit from her leadership        high musical aptitude and the motivation
                                                                                                    Anna Donato-Ghani (second from left) and her team at Emily's F&M Cafe served breakfast to Roger
at McKnight Foundation," said JXTA's board        to pursue a music career on a standard            Forslund (center) on March 16 while strategizing how to get meals out to community members in need
of directors in the press release.                orchestral instrument. Cox is a German-           as the effects of the coronavirus pandemic worsened in Minnesota. More photos on Page 6
                                                  based American composer. Each of the
Home tour canceled                                scholarship recipients is a student of the
                                                  MacPhail Center for Music.
The Minneapolis & Saint Paul Home Tour,
scheduled for April 25-26, has been canceled
because of COVID-19. An online tour will be
                                                  Heavenly Cakes by Chee has closed
available in mid to late April, according to      Chee Stacy Hang closed "Heavenly Cakes by
organizer Margo Ashmore. Ashmore said the         Chee" her home bakery in North Minneapolis
tour will not be rescheduled but will resume      on Jan. 29. "After analyzing the time, cost
next year. Learn more at MSPHomeTour.             and profit,” she said, it didn’t make sense to
com.                                              stay open. She wasn’t making money and is
                                                  in debt. She announced on social media that
New food vendor at Trailhead                      she will no longer be taking any more orders.
                                                  Many of her customers were upset that such
Mill Valley Market was named the new              a fluffy sponge cake with the right amount of
food vendor for the Trailhead at Theodore         sweetness and density will never be available
Wirth Park, according to Loppet Foundation        anymore. One of them is Kelly Yang, who
director of sales and marketing Jon Friedell.     said, "with her closing, I now have to find
The Market replaces Cajun Twist, which left       another person who does sponge cake as
the Trailhead for its own brick and mortar        great as her and who is close to the suburbs
site last year. Given COVID-19, it's unclear      like she was." However, Yang understood
when the restaurant will open.                    and supported Hang throughout the entire
                                                  process. Hang may have lost some money
New name for the Urban League                     by closing her cake bakery, but she received
                                                  the experience and knowledge of baking
The Minneapolis Urban League has legally          and decorating the most delicious sponge
changed its name to Urban League Twin             cakes instead of buying an expensive one
Cities. The decision reflects its leaders’ work   for a relative or friend to celebrate. Now that
to expand their “outreach and service to the      she has ended her business, she is planning
growing population of African descendants         to invest some money with her family to see
in the seven-county metropolitan area,”           if the plan she currently has in mind will be
according to a press release emailed              successful before opening it to the public. By
by president and CEO Steven Belton in             Milwg Thao, Henry High
Community rallies in response to coronavirus - North News
4   NORTH NEWS              March 27, 2020

Millions in state revenue could
be secured for transformative
North Commons renovation
By Kenzie O'Keefe Editor                          says it is not a “foregone conclusion” that the
                                                  project will be in the final bill. “Bonding is very
  Local leaders seeking bonding dollars to
                                                  competitive. … Sometime It takes years for a
transform North Commons Park found
                                                  project to get through the entire process and
unexpected energy for the project during this
                                                  be in the final bonding bill,” he said.
year’s legislative session. Now, the COVID-19
                                                    “This would be a significant state investment
pandemic has thrown the whole session into
                                                  in the Northside, and it’s about time,” said
  The $11.25 million ask was made a “marquee
piece” of the governor’s bonding request, said     COVID-19 interruption
Adam Arvidson, director of strategic planning       As Minnesotans began testing positive for
for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation           COVID-19 in early March and the state’s
Board.                                            response efforts ramped up, legislators
  A senate hearing for the project in early       announced that state capitol operations               The neighborhoods around North Commons park are home to thousands of children. Advocates for a plan to
March “went really well,” said Senator Bobby                                                            renovate the park say it currently underserves its young people. Photo by David Pierini
                                                  would become mostly remote. The legislature
Joe Champion (D-59) who authored the bill.        will recess until April 14. During that time          are the largest in size and scope. “Those four        buffer with significantly greater parking [and]
  “It gained momentum in a way that I did not     committee meetings and floor sessions will            big moves exist in the plan. North Commons            access options.”
totally expect,” said Arvidson.                   be held on an on-call basis. Meetings with            is the biggest of the big moves,” said Arvidson.        Boe hopes the park board will “table the
  This is the park board’s first attempt at       constituents will mostly be held by phone,              Buckner, was a member of the NSAMP                  dome.” He says Champion could insert a
securing state funding for the project. It        email and text.                                       committee and convened the North Commons              condition into his bonding bill that reflects a
would cover 60% of a first phase of dramatic        House Speaker Melissa Hortman (DFL-                 sub-committee for the process.                        shared agreement not to spend state money
renovations for the park, including new larger    Brooklyn Park) told the Star Tribune that               “A project like this reimagines how a               or subsequently raised private funds on a
community center with a gym possibly large        the legislature’s work this session will now          community like this can create its own                dome.
enough for four courts, an updated aquatic        be focused in three categories: “the state's          opportunities,” he said. “This is going to be a         “More study, design and stakeholder
center, and parking, according to planning        COVID-19        response,       ‘mission  critical’   model for the metropolitan area.                      consensus would need to be reached for the
documents. A mix of park board dollars            measures such as a bonding bill and any                 He added: "This is about bringing the               dome to be placed back in scope for the park,”
and private funding is anticipated to cover       legislation that has bipartisan agreement.” By        community together, all parts, at a great             Boe said. “This agreement is meant to press
additional project costs.                         law, the legislature must adjourn by May 18.          destination. Especially in lieu of the reason         pause on the dome feature without holding up
  The state investment would “breathe a             What this all means for the North Commons           developments, our community will need a               the rest of the project.”
breath of life” into “an important jewel in our   project is unclear. “Nobody knows what’s going        place to come together and feel secure and              In part due to the controversy, the dome is not
community,” said Champion, who added that         to happen, even the legislators themselves. The       supported. This facility, in between the Y and        included in the bonding request. But Arvidson
it would also create a regionally significant     focus of course is how we respond completely          North must be a campus of development and             says the park board approved plan includes
athletic destination.                             to COVID,” said Buckner on March 18.                  excellence."                                          it. “We feel that this is an important trend, an
  After initial skepticism from state staff,        “Everything is up in the air,” said Champion on                                                           important need, and this is a really good spot
Arvidson says a bonding tour, where house                                                                Controversial dome
                                                  March 23. “It’s a lot going on. We’re not certain                                                           for it,” he said.
and governor’s staff members got to see the       of anything that’s going to happen with any of          Area residents and local lawmakers share              “Youth sports is a huge industry,” said
site, the synergies that could exist around it,   these projects.”                                      enthusiasm for the project, but one new               Buckner. “The talent is here, and guess what
and the great community support “changed a                                                              amenity—a seasonal sports dome not
                                                   Part of a larger plan                                                                                      happens: that talent is plucked out by other
lot of minds.”                                                                                          included in the bonding request—has caused            places.”
  “The opportunities are endless,” said             The North Commons project is part of a larger       some consternation.                                     “They recruit better because they have better
Brett Buckner, who lives a few blocks from        plan adopted by park board commissioners                Mike Boe, a member of North Commons                 facilities,” he added.
North Commons and has helped push the             in Feb. 2019. The North Service Area Master           East Block Club who lives near the park, says           Champion says articulating benefits for all
project forward for several years. He says an     Plan is “essentially a 20-30 year vision” for the     residents are “generally in favor of most of the      of Minnesota are critical to securing bonding
overhauled North Commons could “change            34 neighborhood parks and regional facilities         improvements planned for the park” but that           dollars. “Of course it has to be for us who are
the trajectory of West Broadway” by bringing      in North Minneapolis, according to Arvidson.          they have significant concerns about the dome,        here but it has to have statewide appeal to
people to the park and creating a new need for      “This is really our game plan for changes to        particularly the “lack of details” around its size,   justify state dollars.”
restaurants and other amenities nearby.           our Northside parks,” he said.                        access to sufficient parking, and timeframe.
  Despite the enthusiasm from house, senate,        The North Commons, Bryn Mawr, Cleveland,                                                                  View the plans for North Commons in the
                                                                                                          Comparable domes, he says, are “set in
and governor staff members, Champion              And Creekview/Shingle Creek park projects                                                                   digital version of this story at
                                                                                                        suburban parks with hundreds of acres of
Community rallies in response to coronavirus - North News
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                               NORTH NEWS              5

  catch up with our                                                                            Minneapolis City Council Members Phillipe Cunningham (Ward 4) and Jeremiah Ellison

  Council Members                                                                              (Ward 5) were inaugurated in January 2018. We have invited them to keep in touch with the
                                                                                               community through this monthly column in our newspaper.

                WARD 4:                                                                                         WARD 5:

                Phillipe                                                                                        Jeremiah
                Cunningham                                                                                      Ellison
   Happy Spring, Northsiders!                                                                       In the past few months, the threat of
   I hope everyone is as excited as I am                                                          COVID-19/coronavirus has loomed. And in
 about the coming season change!                                                                  the past few weeks that threat has become
 This month, I wanted to share some                                                               undeniable. The virus has spread across the
 updates and information with you based                                                           world, including right here in our city. The Mayor
 on a recent presentation the Public            funding opportunities for community-              and the City Council are doing everything we         resources and the latest information on the
 Health, Environment, Civil Rights and          based violence prevention projects.               can to ensure safety, while also planning to         impact of this virus in our community.
 Engagement Committee received from               The OVP has released two separate               support workers and businesses hardest hit by          • Reminding folks the best way to slow
 the Office of Violence Prevention (OVP) on     Requests for Applications (RFAs) for              the spread of this virus. The governor and his       COVID-19 is to stay home and limit in-person
 their Strategic Planning Update.               2020 Violence Prevention Fund Projects:           team are leading the way and equipping local         interactions.
   Your voice matters! We need to hear          a General Violence Prevention Fund RFA            governments all over the state with the best           • Encouraging community members to
 from you to guide the rollout of the City of   and; a Neighborhood/Community-Specific            possible information and tools available.            support local businesses. Restaurant and café
 Minneapolis Office of Violence Prevention      Violence Prevention Fund RFA.                       We do not know how long the spread of this         operations have been limited to take-out and
 (OVP).                                           Both options are intended to invest in          virus will last. From everything I’ve been told,     delivery service, but many are still open. In
   Take the Office of Violence Prevention       community-led strategies that address             that’ll depend on our response to it. Not only       addition, buying gift cards online for eateries,
 survey at by the end    violence in Minneapolis. Projects can be          local and state governments response, but our        bars, and retailers can help them weather this
 of April!                                      focused on prevention of one or more forms        response as a community. This virus can be           difficult time.
   Organizations and community groups,          of violence. Applicants are encouraged to         mild for some and extremely deadly for others.         • Sharing information about Minneapolis
 such as neighborhood associations,             propose activities that reflect their own         I want us to be able to work together to keep        Public Schools' meal pick-ups for students,
 parent associations, church groups, and        expertise, experience, and knowledge              one another safe.                                    which started at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 17.
 more are needed to host focus groups of        and that have the potential for tangible            To that end, I want to give you all the best       At 20 sites citywide – including Bethune, Hall
 7-12 people to discuss how violence is         violence prevention impact on the specific        resources and information, because things            Elementary, and the Hmong Academy – meals
 impacting our community.                       issues identified within the intended             have and will continue to change quickly when        will be offered to students on a pick-up basis
   In the next few months, I will be co-        project areas or communities.                     it comes to dealing with this virus.                 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday through
 hosting a Ward 4 community meeting               For questions about the OVP grant                 On March 16, I sent out a newsletter with          Friday, during school closures.
 with OVP staff for Northsiders to be           project, or more information about the            some initial information about COVID-19. You           • Ensuring community members are aware
 updated on information gathered from the       RFA process and criteria, please send an          can find it posted on my Facebook page, @            that the Minnesota Department of Health is
 survey and focus groups, as well as give       email to, and            jeremiahellisonformpls, and you can sign up          operating two hotlines from 7am-7pm daily.
 additional direction to OVP staff on the       be sure to include “OVP Fund 2020 RFA”            for future newsletters at         Folks can call 1-800-657-3903 with health
 biggest issues our community faces with        in the subject line.                              ward5/news/ward5-subscribe. I will continue          questions, and 1-800-657-3504 with school
 violence on which you would like them to         Applications are due for both no later          to be in touch via newsletter and social media       and childcare questions.
 focus in their work.                           than April 2 at 11:59 PM, and must be             on resources, measures to take, and important          • Spreading the word that Governor Walz has
   To keep up-to-date on community              submitted using the City’s eSupplier              updates. I can also always be reached at             expanded unemployment benefits to include
 meetings and other updates related to          Portal, which can be accessed at www.   , 612-673-2205.               virtually anyone affected by the COVID-19
 the Office of Violence Prevention, check              The Council is continuing its official business    pandemic and its impacts on employers.
 out our Facebook page:             eSupplier.                                        and the city continues to provide essential          This includes workers whose workplaces are
 MinneapolisWard4.                                For assistance with eSupplier, please           services.                                            disrupted by new restrictions on operations
   COMMUNITY OPPORTUNITY ALERT!                 send an email to eProcurement@                      I appreciate your help in using your platform      (like bars and restaurants) and those facing
   2020 will be the second year the    with “eSupplier help”           to share key messages that will keep us all          childcare challenges during this time. Anyone
 OVP will give grants through the               in the subject line, or call (612) 673-2311.      safer and healthier. These include:                  who may be eligible is encouraged to apply as
 Violence Prevention Fund to community                                                              • Sharing the Minnesota Department of              soon as possible at
 organizations leading violence prevention                                                        Health COVID-19 website (health.state.                 Let’s look out for each other, check-in on each
 efforts. The City of Minneapolis Health                                                , as well as the          other, and work together through this difficult
 Department’s       Office    of    Violence                                                      City's COVID-19 website (          time.
 Prevention (OVP) will be offering two                                                            coronavirus) – both of which contain helpful
Community rallies in response to coronavirus - North News
6     NORTH NEWS               March 27, 2020

    A shopper passes by empty toilet paper shelves at Cub
    Foods on West Broadway Avenue in mid-March.

     Look for the
     yellow icon
     for COVID-19
                                            CLEANING, FEEDING, AND CLOSING
                                        As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the state, the North
                                    Minneapolis community is rallying to do its part to slow the spread
                                       of the virus and take care of those who may be most at risk.

                                                            Photos by David Pierini Staff Reporter
Community rallies in response to coronavirus - North News
NOW                                                                                                                                       NORTH NEWS   7

Above: Emily's F&M Cafe has been distributing free meals to the elderly and
vulnerable since mid-March thanks in part to patrons who are donating dollars
for the meals. Each one arrives with a handwritten note from the Emily's team.
“Everyone just needs to relax and stay positive. It’s all precautionary, so that it
doesn’t get to where we have to decide who to save in a hospital,” said owner Anna
Donato-Ghani. Photo by Kenzie O'Keefe
Emily Fridolfson disinfects a produce scale at North Market, which has new
cleaning protocols because of the outbreak. Emily and her sister, Marbry, clean
surfaces around the store at the top of each hour. It takes about 30 minutes to

Above: Bus driver Steve Towle reaches for milk while brothers Durell and DeRoyal Perry, right, pick up food bags outside Jenny Lind
Elementary School. With classrooms closed, Minneapolis Public Schools continued free student meals.
Right, top: Like many religious institutions, Masjid An-Nur mosque on Lyndale Ave. N is closed to the public.
Right, bottom: Oak Park Community Center switched its free community meals to a take-out-only service. Staff marked the walkway leading
to the basement door to promote social distance. Meals are available 4-6pm, Tuesdays-Thursdays at 1701 Oak Park Ave. N.
Community rallies in response to coronavirus - North News
8   NORTH NEWS             March 27, 2020

                                            For the most up-to-date and comprehensive information from the city, state and federal government, visit:
                City:            State:               Federal:

EMPLOYMENT                                       FOOD                                           HEALTHCARE
If your employment has been affected by          Minneapolis Public Schools are offering        NorthPoint Health and Wellness offers a
COVID-19, you can apply for unemployment         free meals to school aged children from        variety of supports at this time. Stay up to
benefits. On March 16, Governor Tim Walz         10am-2pm every week day until schools          date at
issued an executive order to ensure workers      reopen. Northside pickup sites are: Bethune    updates. Main Campus Clinic hours at 1313
affected by the COVID-19 pandemic have           Elementary, Cityview Elementary, Elizabeth     Penn are 10am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Phones
full access to unemployment benefits. Visit      Hall International Elementary School, Hmong    are answered at 8am. MNsure and Snap for instructions. If you need to talk   International Academy, Jenny Lind Elementary   Enrollment are located at the Main Campus.
to someone, call 651-296-3644. You can be        School, Olson Middle School, and Patrick       The 800 W Broadway Ave. office is closed.
assisted in Spanish, Hmong, Somali, or any       Henry High School. Meals will be served from   Northside Teen Clinic is open regular hours
other language you prefer. Customer Service      school busses outside the school buildings.    3-6pm, Monday-Thursday. Cora McCorvey
representatives are available Monday-Friday,     Children must be present to receive a meal.    Center is open 10am-5pm Monday-Friday.
8am to 4:30pm.                                                                                  The Food Shelf is open regular hours 10-4pm
                                                 Northpoint Health and Wellness offers a
                                                                                                Monday-Thursday. Intake closes at 3:30pm.
                                                 community food shelf at 1835 Penn Ave.
                                                                                                Harm Reduction and Testing Services is open
BUSINESS                                         N from 10am-4pm, Monday-Thursday.
                                                                                                Tuesday-Wednesday 2-5 pm and Thursday-
The US Small Business Administration is
                                                 New intakes are taken over the phone: 612-
                                                 767-9500. The food shelf has suspended
                                                                                                Friday 11am-5pm. With questions, call the           Virtual fitness by Val
offering low-interest federal disaster loans                                                    clinic at 612-543-2500 or Human Services
                                                 choice shopping and is pre-packaging food                                                           Fitness instructor Val Turner is used to
for working capital to Minnesota small                                                          at 612-767-9500. Everyone entering a
                                                 according to family size                                                                           packing the community room at North
businesses suffering substantial economic                                                       NorthPoint location will be screened for
                                                 The NorthPoint food shelf has an increased                                                         Market for Zumba, cardio boxing and
injury as a result of te coronavirus. This                                                      COVID-19.
                                                 need for donations. Visit northpointhealth.                                                        strength training classes.
would allow businesses to apply for loans                                                       Immediate mental health support for people
                                                 org/donate for dropoff and pickup details.                                                          But with schools closed and orders by
to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts                                                           18+ from Hennepin County: 612-596-1223.             health officials to self-isolate, Turner
payable and other bills they can’t pay due       Free takeaway dinners for all are offered at   For people under 18: 612-348-2233.                  has made a quick pivot with the help of
to the disaster's impact. Visit:        Oak Park Center (1701 Oak Park Ave. N) on
                                                                                                The City of Minneapolis has created a               technology to keep kids active while at
disaster-assistance/coronavirus-covid-19.        Tuesdays-Thursdays from 4-6pm. One per
                                                                                                COVID-19 Emergency Mental Health Fund.              home.
Questions? Contact your business advisor         person.
                                                                                                The fund supports individuals who are going          Turner is holding virtual classes for kids
first and then call the SBA hotline at 1-800-    With one call, the Minnesota Food HelpLine     through a crisis and whose ability to receive       ages 4-11 Mondays and Wednesdays from
659-2955.                                        assesses the caller’s situation and provides   in-person-help is either limited or non-existent.   12:30-1 pm starting March 23 and running
TIPS FROM NEON:                                  solutions to food needs. 1-888-711-1151.       Providers may apply for $2,500 to $7,500 to         through Wednesday, April 29.
                                                 Visit:   meet these needs. Opportunities include virtual      “I thought it was really important because
- Check if your business income insurance
                                                 helpline.                                      therapy sessions, offering services through         we can’t see each other or hug each other
has a disaster relief program.
                                                 The Hunger Solutions website has an            crisis hotlines and instructional videos on how     as usual,” Turner said. “I just need to get my
- Contact your bank: ask for relief from large                                                                                                      community moving for our mental health
                                                 extensive list of food shelves, senior         to deal with stress. Interested providers can
payments NOW.                                                                                                                                       and for us to be able to see each other.
                                                 resources, free meals, discount groceries,     submit a brief application at minneapolismn.
- Avoid predatory lenders: always consult        and farmers' markets across the state of       gov.                                                 Turner will run the class via Zoom, a
with your business advisor BEFORE signing        Minnesota:                                                          video conferencing app. She is asking for
                                                                                                The insurance companies that sell private
a loan.                                                                                                                                             a minimum donation of $2, which can be
                                                 Interactive Food Shelf Map provided by         health insurance plans on MNsure are
                                                                                                                                                    transferred with the Cash App.
- Practice self-care: as entrepreneurs during    the City of Minneapolis:    waiving       co-pays,    co-insurance      and
                                                                                                                                                     The workouts will include a variety of
this scenario you may tend to simply work        sustainability/homegrown/WCMSP-185913.         deductibles related to COVID-19 diagnostic
                                                                                                                                                    activities, like a Zumba dance party, cardio
more and harder. You are an essential piece                                                     testing. Minnesotans who are enrolled in
                                                                                                                                                    kickboxing and strength training. Interested
of your business, take care of yourself.      employers to seek an alternative to layoffs –     these plans will have no costs associated with
                                                                                                                                                    parents should get their kids signed up by
- Seek alternatives to layoffs: employers retaining their trained employees by reducing         medically directed testing in compliance with
                                                                                                                                                    11 a.m. on each class day.
experiencing a slowdown in their businesses their hours and wages. These wages can              the Centers for Disease Control guidance.
                                                                                                                                                     For more information, reach out to Turner
or services as a result of the pandemic may then be partially offset with Unemployment          You should contact your insurance company
                                                                                                                                                    via her Facebook page. She can be found
apply for the Unemployment Insurance Insurance (UI) benefits. Apply at                directly for questions about plan benefit details
                                                                                                                                                    by searching the name Val “I am Zumba”
Shared Work Program. This program allows employers/alternative-layoff/index.jsp.                and how best to access care.
                                                                                                                                                    Turner. By David Pierini, Staff Reporter
Community rallies in response to coronavirus - North News
NOW                                                                                                                                                                     NORTH NEWS           9

INTERNET & TECHNOLOGY                              OTHER SERVICES                                  etc. Volunteers are also needed to help
                                                                                                   deliver donated goods. If you would like to
                                                                                                                                                  failure to pay. The energy company’s CEO
                                                                                                                                                  promised not to disconnect service to any
The City of Minneapolis is providing free          Free JPAY from Peace of Hope, Inc. is being     help contribute financially, you can donate    residential customers until further notice in
wifi via the USI Wireless network. Access          offered during the COVID-19 crisis while        through Paypal using       an email statement on March 16. If you are
it at        no prison social visits are permitted. Direct   If you are a Folwell resident who needs        having difficulty paying your bills, contact
This website also offers a link to the “Get        message your name, their name/OID# and          assistance, please fill out the request form   Xcel and they will arrange a payment plan
Connected Guide,” a list of organizations that     state location to the organization’s founder    at                                that works for you.
provide free or low price options for computers    Sharon Brooks Green (@SB Green) on
                                                                                                   Starting March 16, 2020, Minnesota courts      While the Minneapolis Park and
and connectivity.                                  Facebook. Include up to a three sentence
                                                                                                   have changed how they handle some              Recreation Boards's recreation centers
                                                   message you'd like to convey.
Comcast is offering free Internet while                                                            types of cases because of the COVID-19         and programming buildings are closed,
schools are closed to anyone who is eligible       Victory neighborhood residents in need          outbreak. The courts are open. But DO          there's still plenty to do outdoors. Parks
for FRPI, housing assistance, Medicaid, SNAP       of grocery shopping, medication pick            NOT come to court in person unless you         and trails are open for hiking, walking,
(food stamps), or SSL. No contract, no credit      ups, transportation, food support, and          have to. The courts split case types up into   biking, or just sitting and breathing fresh
check, no installation fee, 25 Mbps speed. Visit   household supplies can contact their            different groups. A “High Priority” group of   air during these stressful times. Be mindful                            neighborhood association for support at         cases will continue as normal. The rest of     of social distancing and maintain a safe,
                                          or 612-529-9558.        cases are suspended for 14 days. Examples      appropriate distance.
Minnesota After School Advance is offering
up to 75% off Chromebooks to eligible              Folwell Neighborhood Association is             of high priority cases are: orders for         The Minneapolis Public Housing Authority
families with school age children (K-12) to help   collecting items for home bound residents.      protection, restraining orders, and mental     says it will not (and cannot, because
with distance learning. Visit mnafterschool.       Donate items to the FNA Drop off location.      health commitments. For more information,      housing courts are shut down) file any
org/chromebooks. For questions, call 763-202-      Text 612-227-0410 to set up a time. Items       visit: or        unlawful detainers or move forward with
9012.                                              include: non perishable food, over the                                 any eviction hearings until further notice.
                                                   counter medicine, toiletries, bottled water,    Xcel Energy will not disconnect service for
                                                   laundry and dish supplies, toilet paper,

     Hand-Picked Wines                              Minnesota Craft Beer
     Private Barrel Bourbons                        Hard Seltzers
     Imports and Domestics

           2220 W Broadway Ave, Minneapolis | 612-522-4384 |
                           Mon-Sat 8a-10p, Sun 11a-6p
Community rallies in response to coronavirus - North News
10    NORTH NEWS             March 27, 2020

            Coronavirus forces census organizers to rethink outreach efforts
By Abdi Mohamed Staff Reporter                      a mailer by the end of March detailing how      foundation also launched their website            democratic shift with merely thousands
                                                    they can take the census online. The census, a site dedicated to              of people bring some to question how the
  Marsai Richardson grew up in a home full
                                                    will be observed on April 1 nationwide.         listing census locations and answering            incarcerated may impact the census count.
of advocates. Her mother and father were
                                                    Respondents will be asked to list where         questions. The foundation partnered               Those with felony convictions may not be
raised in Mississippi during the 1920s and
                                                    they reside as of that day. Census takers       with organizations like Pillsbury United          able to vote but are counted towards district
raised her during the Civil Rights era in
                                                    will circle back May through July to revisit    Communities, the owner of this publication,       mapping and federal funding.
Minnesota. At a young age, her mother
                                                    households that have yet to respond to the      Minneapolis Parks, and the Urban League            Having served time behind bars for the
instilled in her the importance of engaging
                                                    2020 census. Richardson has helped train        Twin Cities to assist residents.                  last two census counts, Darris shared his
in politics. She served as a block leader and
                                                    volunteers for canvassing. She has also           Despite the educational efforts, Robbins        view that the incarcerated are used to gain
her older sister was an election judge. “You
                                                    worked to correct misinformation about          says some in the North Minneapolis                resources. He says Minnesota needs to
have a voice and you should be heard,”
                                                    housing and immigration status that may         community are still hesitant to cooperate         rethink the way the incarcerated are counted.
Richardson’s mother would tell her.
                                                    have kept people from completing the            out of fear of discrimination.                    “The problem isn’t whether or not they’ll be
  Richardson has dedicated her time to
                                                    census. “I think that’s the biggest barrier,”                                                     counted. The problem is whether or not their
ensuring others take advantage of their
                                                    she said.                                                                                         being counted will go to the municipalities
right to vote and to include themselves in
                                                      An accurate census count is important            “, more than ever,                       where they’re being incarcerated,” Darris
this year’s census count. For the past few
years, Richardson has been working locally
                                                    to census organizers because the count              your voice needs to be                        said. Those serving time are counted as
                                                    determines future allocations of public                                                           residents of the municipality where their
with the Anika Foundation to advocate for
                                                    funding and proportional governmental                       heard.”                               prisons are located, not their last known
several civic causes including this year’s
                                                    representation. In the past, organizers say                                                       addresses in the free world.
census.                                                                                                            Elizer Darris
                                                    the Northside has been undercounted, so                                                            “It artificially increases the size of their
  Anika Robbins is the executive director
                                                    for the past year and a half. they’ve sought                                                      population,” he said of the often mostly
and founder of the Anika Foundation, a
                                                    to increase awareness about the census            Some of the fear stems from President           white, rural areas where prisons have been
nonprofit organization that focuses on
                                                    and why it is important.                        Donald Trump’s Secretary of Commerce              constructed. That happens at the expense
                                                      Already facing an uphill battle, the global   Wilbur Ross’ 2019 proposal that a                 of the more racially diverse metro areas
  “People still don't really                        COVID-19 pandemic has forced organizers         citizenship question should be included           where the imprisoned are often from.
                                                    to completely rethink their plans. A news       in the census. The suggestion received             Many census advocates point to the local
 know what the census is.”                          cycle dominated by coronavirus updates          widespread condemnation and pushback              political impact of the last census. Darris
                                                    doesn’t leave much room for stories about       from politicians and activists alike who          believes that an accurate count of the
               Anika Robbins
                                                    the census, and restrictions on events will     pointed to the undocumented and                   Northside would have given residents a
                                                    make on the ground awareness building           marginalized individuals in the United            third city council representative rather than
                                                    and support difficult.                          States who could face persecution if their        two seats that represent a large area. “That
civic engagement and is partnering with
                                                      A huge Northside door knocking effort         status were to be revealed. Eventually the        could be the difference between having
government officials to collect data and
                                                    was canceled on March 21, and organizers        Trump administration walked the idea back,        another city council member and not having
educate people about the census. Robbins
                                                    have taken to the internet to fill the gap.     but the fear remained, said Robbins.              one,” Darris said. “Now you have two
and Richardson are among a chorus of
                                                    Social media has been a critical tool, and        “Our main concern has been showing              council members representing a much wider
community organizers and city officials
                                                    fortunately, this is the first year in census   people how the census matters to them             territory.” The census data directly impacts
speaking out about the census.
                                                    history that the survey can be completed        and their families and that the U.S. Census       the democratic landscape for voters based
 Alberder Gillespie is the 2020 census
                                                    online at or over the phone      Bureau has said that the census is safe and       on the size of the population. It also has a
operations and outreach manager for the
                                                    with an operator.                               secure,” Robbins said.                            direct impact on some of those who have
City of Minneapolis. For over 20 years,
                                                      Gillespie says that the online and phone        At the city level, Gillespie is searching for   lost their right to vote.
Gillespie has been working in political
                                                    options for the census are even more crucial    systemic ways to ensure an accurate count,         Darris’s approach to organizing has
campaigns and government offices
                                                    now. Without census data, federal agencies      especially in “undercounted communities”          already shifted due to the coronavirus. He
engaging with the citizens on policy matters.
                                                    who respond to these crises are unable to       like North Minneapolis.                           had to cancel a concert that was planned
Gillespie was appointed by the City Council
                                                    adequately assist the populations impacted        “Federal money comes into our state and         for the end of March designed to promote
and Mayor Jacob Frey to head the City’s
                                                    by an issue like the virus. Her team has        is allocated based on census derived data,”       the importance of the census. He says his
census efforts.
                                                    leaned into the digital approach to get the     she said. Due to some undercounting in the        team plans to do more literature drops than
 Local officials like Gillespie work closely with
                                                    word out and even made a TikTok video.          last census, Gillespie believes the Northside     door knocks and may have a digital townhall
advocates such as Elizer Darris, an organizer
                                                      Despite beginning census organizing           has lost out on many resources. An accurate       take place in the coming weeks.
and founder of the Darris Consulting Group.
                                                    early, “people still don’t really know what     count on the Northside could provide more          Richardson says she remains undeterred in
Darris works at the American Civil Liberties
                                                    the census is, and we knew that they had        funding for Head Start programs, small            her advocacy despite the COVID-19-related
Union of Minnesota as an organizer for
                                                    to hear the message more than one time,”        business loans and care services for the          roadblocks. “I would hope that in the fact
their criminal justice efforts. He individually
                                                    said Robbins. Since late last year, Robbins     elderly. Additionally, Gillespie says the         that we’re facing a pandemic that more
contracts with county officials to help inform
                                                    and her team have distributed over 20,000       state of Minnesota was able to keep a             people would like to participate. Because
residents in the state about the impact the
                                                    pieces of literature in several languages       congressional seat by just over 8,000 people      now more than ever your voice needs to be
census has on their lives.
                                                    including Somali, Spanish and Oromo. The        during the last census count. This large          heard,” she said.
 Households are expected to have received
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                         NORTH NEWS               11

          Polar's shot at another state championship win snatched by coronavirus
By David Snoddy North High                      get to win a state championship for the
                                                seniors on the team,” said Jacob Butler.
 All was going according to plan for the
                                                 Butler said that at first the team tried to
decorated North High Polars basketball
                                                “stay in the gym” in case anything changed.
team until the coronavirus hit. They finished
                                                “Now we can’t even do that because they
their last game of their 2019-2020 season
                                                are closing the schools down,” he said.
against Minnehaha Academy on Feb. 17
                                                 Coach Larry McKenzie had high hopes
with an overall record of 19-8. They were
                                                for the postseason. “Our team has really
undefeated in their conference, exceeding
                                                grown up this season. …If we play the way
one of their early season goals of just
                                                we are capable of we should have a good
reaching the conference championship.
                                                chance of being state champions,” he said
They were ranked fifth in the Class 2A
                                                before the tournament was canceled. He
                                                described breaking the news to the team
 Just as they were gearing up for another
                                                as “heartbreaking.”
state championship run, the tournament
                                                 Now, reality has set in, but Butler says
was canceled because of the pandemic.
                                                his team will be back next year. “We have
 “I was kind of mad at first because I really
                                                unfinished business,” he said.                  The 2019-20 North High Polars hoped to bring home another state championship win for the community. Photo
didn’t know how bad the virus was. I didn’t
                                                                                                courtesy of Larry McKenzie

          The unfair effects of COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                      kind hearts have offered to send these
                                                                                                                                                      mothers money and whatever they need,
                                                                                                                                                      but the mothers refused. They simply
                                                                                                                                                      asked that people be more thoughtful
By Maliah Burns North High                      breath, and difficulty breathing. Recently      let this one go.                                      before going out and buying an entire
                                                there have been victims reporting that they       Soon to graduate high school senior,                shelf of goods. In other areas of stores
  “My birthday is ruined,” says Trayvionne
                                                could feel their respiratory system being       Eu’Nique Wren says “I already have my                 there have more commonly been no toilet
Mitchell. As just about everything closes
                                                attacked. There have also been many             prom dress, it can’t go to waste.” Young              paper. Someone on CNN news said “Stop
down, so does his birthday spirit. Trayvionne
                                                deaths caused by this worldwide virus. In       adults have waited 12 years for prom and              buying toilet paper, start thinking about
says he was waiting for his 17th birthday
                                                order to reduce the chance of catching such     graduation. To be told that there may not             what really matters.” The rapid purchasing
and now he’s stuck at home on his big day.
                                                a virus, safety tips have been posted by the    be either event is heartbreaking. Being               of toilet paper has sent the United States
Mitchell said he had plans with friends, but
                                                World Health Organization and the Center        a teenager at the time of such a panic is             into a great controversy. Some believe that
since there’s a virus roaming the world he
                                                for Disease Control. These tips state that      unfair. Hopefully all teens suffering will            buying toilet paper by the bulk is smart and
truly cannot do anything. Restaurants are
                                                one should wash their hands frequently,         find some form of redemption. As the                  others think, well, otherwise.
closed, and so are movie theaters, and even
                                                avoid physical contact with others, cover       coronavirus continues to sicken and take
shopping malls. Being a teenager at a time
                                                                          nose and mouth        the lives of many, day by day rumors
like this sucks.
                                                                          with tissue when      spread.
  There is more
than one type of          “Since      schools     have      been          coughing, and if        On social media platforms there have been
                                                                          sick stay home        hundreds worried about martial law being
coronavirus. They         shut down so close to the                       away from others.     put into place. Some have even confirmed
live in animals.
Recently, they’ve            end    of  the   school      year,            Students     have    themselves with no evidence that the
somehow spread               many may not have a                          been        largely   law will be put into place. Ignorance has                    Are you a North
                                                                          affected        by    sent the world into a panic just as much
into         humans                                                                                                                                        Minneapolis resident
and infected the        graduation         or  even     a  prom.”         this     pandemic.    as the virus has. Children have received
world. Since the
                                                                          Minnesota Schools     anonymous text messages saying that                       whose life has changed
large spread of
                                                                          closed on March       they absolutely under no circumstances                    because of coronavirus?
                                                17. Since schools have been shut down           have to stay in their homes for 14 days.
the current coronavirus, COVID-19, many
                                                so close to the end of the school year,         The national shutdown text messages are                   We want to publish your
cities, states and countries have asked their
populations to quarantine. Government
                                                many may not have a graduation or even          rumors scaring many. Although rumors are                           story.
                                                a prom. There have been volunteers over         being called out, people are still panicking.
officials in the United States suggest that
unless it’s an emergency, people should
                                                social media giving free photo shoots to          Mothers of babies and children have gone                   Contact North News at
                                                the suffering class of 2020. “I feel bad for    viral on multiple social media platforms
stay in their homes until further notice.                                                                                                                  651-245-2647 or kenzieo@
                                                them” says Mitchell, but “I’m glad it isn’t     crying out for help. Baby formula is being
  The symptoms of COVID-19 can take up
                                                me,” he proceeded to say. As the world          bought out in bulk. So are Pampers and               
to about 14 days to appear. Symptoms
                                                waits for updates, the class of 2020 won’t      wipes. Those with educated minds and
vary from fevers, coughs, shortness of
12   NORTH NEWS    March 27, 2020

                  Subscribe to home delivery today!                                 Controversial, close-to-final
             $30 for Northside residents | $50 for non-Northside residents          plan for neighborhood funding
                                                                                    is open for public comment
                  Email or visit

                                                                                    By Kenzie O'Keefe Editor
                                                                                     On paper, it looks like funding for some North Minneapolis
                                                                                    neighborhood organizations will drop dramatically and others
                                                                                    will increase marginally by 2023.
                                                                                     The city’s new Neighborhoods 2020 plan puts forth four new
                                                                                    paths for neighborhood organizations to receive city money
                                                                                    at funding levels set by a previous source, the Community
                                                                                    Participation Program. The CPP will wind down this year.
                                                                                     Beginning in 2021, the plan proposes reducing base funding
                                                                                    for the independent nonprofits from $25K to $10K by 2023.
                                                                                    The pool of base funding is being called the “Citywide
                                                                                    Neighborhood Network Fund.”
                                                                                     Less base funding is necessary in order to enhance racial
                                                                                    equity in the city without increasing the $4.1 million overall
                                                                                    budget for neighborhood organizations, according to city
                                                                                    officials and the U of M’s Center for Urban and Regional
                                                                                    Affairs (CURA), which has been contracted to assist with the
                                                                                     Last year, the city council directed their neighborhood and
                                                                                    community relations department (NCR) and CURA to come
                                                                                    up with a new structure for neighborhood engagement and
                                                                                    funding for neighborhood organizations that prioritizes
                                                                                    equity and an unchanged budget. The council also required
                                                                                    25% of Neighborhoods 2020 funding to be earmarked for
                                                                                    partnerships with community-based organizations "to
                                                                                    broaden the participation and improve outcomes for BIPOC
                                                                                    and renters in the city in the context of neighborhood level
                                                                                    work," said CURA's C. Terrence Anderson.
                                                                                     Many of the city’s 70 neighborhood organizations see the
                                                                                    funding drop as a threat to their survival.
                                                                                     Victoria Balko has been the executive director of Victory
                                                                                    Neighborhood since November 2019. Victory, along with
                                                                                    Cleveland and Shingle Creek, stand to see the largest
                                                                                    reductions in funding on the Northside. “It’s a drastic shift,
                                                                                    what they’re talking about. Our board is trying to take in what
                                                                                    this all means,” she said. “I’m worried for the future of the
                                                                                     The Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association (SCNA) will
                                                                                    see a drop from $48,166 in funding to $12,830 by 2023.
                                                                                     “Our board is made up of volunteers who lead full lives and
                                                                                    have other work and family commitments. We have–and
                                                                                    need–a paid part time staff to handle administrative work,
                                                                                    as well as, leasing office space to house the association's
                                                                                    business. The proposed base funding for neighborhood
                                                                                    associations will not cover this expense,” wrote the SCNA in
                                                                                    a prepared statement emailed to North News on March 13.
                                                                                     NCR Director David Rubedor is sympathetic to concerns but
                                                                                    says his department is in tricky position. “There’s not enough
                                                               money here to fully fund everybody. It’s just not going to
                                                                                    happen,” he said.
                                                                                     “The amount allocated to the overall program was decided
NEWS                                                                                                                                                      NORTH NEWS          13

by the city council and the city council are   grant funds, up to $150,000 per project,       Funding for Northside neighborhood organizations:
the only folks that can change that,” said     to neighborhood organization and CBO
Anderson.                                      groups who submit project ideas together.
                                                                                               Neighborhood             2017-20      2021         2022          2023 and on
 In addition to base funding, the               Arthur Himmelman, who attended
Neighborhoods 2020 plan outlines               a public informational meeting about            Cleveland                $47,916      $28,357      $23,893       $19,652
three     additional   funding      sources    the draft plan at UROC on March 9, is           Folwell                  $78,196      $58,490      $55,960       $54,459
neighborhoods will be able to access.          skeptical of this piece. “You’ve created
 The “Equitable Engagement Fund” will          a competitive grant program for                 Harrison                 $54,603      $49,629      $46,530       $44,223
support the engagement of “historically        neighborhoods to work together,” he said.       Hawthorne                $75,356      $70,007      $68,216       $67,762
underrepresented or under-engaged               Lastly,    the     “Collaboration      and
residents meaningfully and effectively in      Shared Resources Fund” encourages
                                                                                               Jordan                   $101,513 $96,281          $96,176       $98,111
decision making at the local level.” Those     neighborhood         organizations        to    Lind Bohanon             $61,903      $66,030      $63,984       $63,168
residents include black, indigenous, and       consolidate and share resources by
                                                                                               McKinley                 $54,910      $61,220      $58,865       $57,612
other people of color along with renters,      offering three years of funding at $15K
low income people, the elderly, folks with     for two neighborhoods who want to join          Shingle Creek            $48,166      $22,450      $17,607       $12,830
disabilities, and others the city says it      forces and $20K for three to do so.             Sumner-Glenwood          $32,553      $45,074      $41,683       $38,962
hopes to collaboratively identify with          As of March 24, NCR staff said that the
neighborhoods.                                 Neighborhoods 2020 project timeline had         Victory                  $43,736      $27,981      $23,493       $19,219
 Anderson says that for neighborhoods          not changed due to the coronavirus. A           Willard Hay              $90,833      $87,269      $86,586       $87,701
already doing this work: “it’s not going       public meeting about the plan will be held
                                                                                               Near North               $85,806      $95,102      $94,921       $96,748
to be a big change for them.” For those        via Skype in April 2. The city will send out
who are not, “this is the carrot for them”     notifications through its gov delivery,         Webber-Camden            $71,593      $78,130      $76,860       $77,145
to begin doing it.                             email, social media, and will have
 The “Partnership Engagement Fund”             information posted atminneapolismn.            Funds after 2020 do not include dollars that could be earned through the
incentivizes neighborhood organizations        gov/ncr.                                       partnership engagement fund and the collaboration and shared resources fund.
to collaborate with community-based             The city will accept public comments on
organizations by offering competitive          the proposal until midnight on April 17.

       Upper Harbor

      Learn more about the current phase of the                                                                  Tuesday and Friday, at 10am and 2pm.

      project and opportunities to give your feedback.
14    NORTH NEWS               March 27, 2020

Remembering the Young brothers' barbershops and that feeling of home
                                                                                                              nicknamed Chubby. He graduated from                 White was barbering in his basement when
                                                                                                              barber school in 1947 and his brothers soon       he was 12 and not long after graduating
                                                                                                              followed.                                         high school, he earned a barber’s license.
                                                                                                                The North Minneapolis shop was called           He would return to the Young Brothers
                                                                                                              Young Brothers but at various times had           for another haircut, but instead of a logo,
                                                                                                              different names, like Chubby’s or Charlie         he requested something more in their
                                                                                                              Brown’s. The shop moved around North              wheelhouse: the Quo Vadis, a close-cut
                                                                                                              a few times, displaced by development             style worn by Presiden Barack Obama
                                                                                                              projects in the name of urban renewal.              As fate would have it, White went into
                                                                                                              Under the name Young Brothers, Sylvester          business with his brother-in-law, David
                                                                                                              Young moved his shop to its final location        Johnson, in starting a barbershop on the
                                                                                                              Plymouth Ave. N, across from Plymouth             Satin Doll side, which had closed in 1991.
                                                                                                              Avenue Townhomes in the 1970s..                   Next door, Chubby remained to cut the hair
                                                                                                                The building was home to two businesses,        of longtime customers.
                                                                                                              the barbershop and a woman’s salon called           When business was slow, White would
                                                                                                              Satin Doll, run by their wives, who were          stop by to chat with the eldest Young
                                                                                                              sisters.                                          brother. Chubby was there until 1996 or
                                                                                                                In a 1997 interview with the Minnesota          1997.
                                                                                                              Historical Society, Pauline Young, Sylvester’s      Pauline Young donated more than 200
                                                                                                              wife, set the record straight on shop tittle-     artifacts to The Minnesota Historical Society
                                                                                                              tattle.                                           from the two shops, including combs,
                                                                                                                “I think the men’s shop was a lot more          clippers, straight razors, a lather machine,
                                                                                                              [gossipy] than the women,” she said. “I           vacuum, t-pins, curlers and a large hair
                                                                                                              could sit back in the office and hear what        dryer that may be used in future exhibits.
                                                                                                              was going on. The women just didn’t do like         “Our collection that holds significance to
                                                                                                              the men do. The men would be over there           African Americans, that documents African
                                                                                                              and you could just hear everything they           American history is very small,” said Hannah
                                                                                                              were saying. They say men don’t gossip,           Novillo Erickson, a 3D objects associate
                                                                                                              but they are the biggest gossipers in the         curator for the Historical Society. “This is
                                                                                                              barbershop.”                                      a huge part of our collection. Bringing this
Sylvester Young, nicknamed Chubby, stands outside his North Minneapolis barbershop in an undated photo.         In the days before social media,                in documents entrepreneurship, but also a
Young, one of six brothers who were all barbers, operated shops in four locations in North Minneapolis from   barbershops and salons were places                family, but also how they were affected by
the 1950s through the 1990s. Photo courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society                               where people talked politics, sports, about       urban renewal. This is a relatable story to a
                                                                                                              neighbors and share news from family              lot of people in Minnesota.”
This is the first story in an occasional series that reflects on the history of North
                                                                                                              events.                                             “I remember thinking these guys were
Minneapolis and the people and events that make it special today.
                                                                                                                The shops were busy on Thursdays and            pillars, they were regal,” White said. “They
                                                                                                              Fridays so that people could have fresh cuts      were just so precise.
By David Pierini Staff Reporter                         how this was going to go,” said White
                                                                                                              and styles for the weekend.                         “I remember him reiterating all the time to
 Bad haircuts are memorable. Houston                    during a break inside his own barbershop
                                                                                                                “I remember waiting in line,” White said.       respect the craft and honor the tradition.
White’s worst haircut as a kid in the 1980s             on 44th Ave. N. “It felt like a museum, like
                                                                                                              “They didn’t take appointments so it would        This is why he stayed so long. He might
may have also been one of his best because              time stood still. I’ll never forget it. For black
                                                                                                              be packed wall to wall. A lot of working          have cut one or two heads a day, but he just
of what the barber eventually taught him                kids, a haircut is everything and that was
                                                                                                              guys would be there talking, reading the          loved being in the barbershop.”
about the craft.                                        one of the worst experiences of my life.”
                                                                                                              paper or moms bringing in their kids. It was
 White wanted a logo shaved in the side of                White knew there was something special
                                                                                                              communal, it was all about the conversation
his head. He instantly knew he was in the               about the shop, even though the design in
                                                                                                              about whatever the hell was going on. I
wrong place when he stepped inside Young                his hair didn’t look like what he had hoped.
                                                                                                              hate a lot of barbershops today because
Brother’s barber shop on Plymouth Ave. N.                 The Young brothers were barbering
                                                                                                              everybody is just sitting there on their
 Inside were two older men, brothers,                   royalty from the early 1950s to the 1990s
                                                                                                              phones, nobody is interacting.”
in pressed white smocks. Light caught                   who treated their customers like kings.
                                                                                                                The barbershop “is so much deeper than
particles of talc suspended in the air as one           There were six Young brothers across
                                                                                                              cutting hair,” he said. “It’s like coming home.
barber brushed away cut hairs that had                  three barbershops: two brothers in North
                                                                                                              Guys can be themselves in ways maybe
landed on the neck of his customer. The                 Minneapolis, two at another shop on the
                                                                                                              they can’t in environments run by white
other had a way of removing the cape with               south side of the city, and two in St. Paul’s
                                                                                                              folks. When you go to the barbershop, it’s        The Minnesota Historical Society has more than
a little snap as men with fresh shaves and              Rondo neighborhood.
                                                                                                              like a club, a space where you can just be        200 artifacts from the Young Brothers barber shops,
cuts exited the chair.                                    Older Northsiders likely remember Fred and                                                            including this set of squeeze clippers. Photo by
                                                                                                              masculine for an hour.”
 “When I saw these old guys, I wondered                 Sylvester, the oldest brother affectionately                                                            David Pierini
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