Going viral - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE - The University of Sydney

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Going viral - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE - The University of Sydney
SY D N E Y A LU M N I M AG A Z I N E                        ISSUE 13 — SEMESTER ONE 2021

                                       Going viral
                                       S TR ATEG I ES FO R VACCI N ATI O N
Going viral - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE - The University of Sydney
Women’s cricket and tennis teams, 1890.
Archive photo G3_224_0005.
Going viral - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE - The University of Sydney

04                                           07                                                18
Heart failure research                       Creating the next                                 Uncovering the dark side
goes molecular                               generation solar cells                            of supply chains

University update                                                                              Welcome                                 02

Newsbites                                                                                      Information                             03

On my desk – Jude Philp                                                                        Perspectives                            10

Taking your best shot – Julie Leask                                                            Health                                  12

Thereby hangs a tail – Peter Banks                                                             Environment                             15

Nothing by chance – Rebecca Peters                                                             Legislation                             21

Timelines – the SILLIAC computer                                                               Historical profile                      24

Classnotes                                                                                     Community                               26

Just the facts                                                                                 Knowledge                               28

Managing Editor: Alicia Simes    Produced by Marketing and            Distributed to more than 155,000          SAM AS A PDF
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 As I was delighted to announce in            so far. Had they felt part of a learning
March, the University has appointed            community? Did they have access
Mr Mark Scott as our 27th Vice-                to the resources they needed? And
Chancellor and Principal. Mr Scott             had they developed the critical and
will take up the role in July, and I           analytical skills that are so important in
look forward to working with him to            a university education?
help shape the future of Australia’s              I am proud to report the survey
first university.                              responses gave the most positive
   I also wish to express my sincere           indication of student satisfaction that
thanks to Professor Stephen Garton             we have had since 2015, reaffirming
for his steady leadership as Vice-             that the University continues to achieve
Chancellor since the departure of Dr           one of our key goals: educating the most
Michael Spence in December 2020.               promising young minds of today to
Professor Garton returns to his role           become the leaders of tomorrow.
as Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor                  Of course, not all change has been
with the gratitude of the whole                in response to the virus. During 2020
University community.                          we opened the Chau Chak Wing
   Mr Scott arrives at a time                  Museum, which has already been hailed
of tremendous change for the                   as a tremendous addition to Sydney’s
University, and indeed the world.              cultural life. As well, colleagues
The circumstances of the COVID-19              moved into the new Susan Wakil
pandemic over the past year have seen          Health Building.
us adapt to an unpredictable global               Made possible by the largest-ever gift
environment; we have had to find ways          to the University of $35 million from
not only to survive, but to innovate           the Susan and Isaac Wakil Foundation,
and to thrive.                                 this innovative building has put the
   For example, even though our                University’s health and medical
institution has a long history of face-to-     disciplines under one roof, enhancing
face teaching, we were able to transition      multi-disciplinary research and
quickly to an online learning model, a         learning and readying our graduates for
feat that may have seemed improbable           the 21st century health workforce.
to some at the outset. But through the            The ancient Greek philosopher,
incredible resourcefulness of our staff         Heraclitus, once said “change is the only
and the determination of our students,         constant”, and it has never been more
we made this massive change while also         true. But we are certain of this: a central
continuing to provide our students with        aspiration of the University of Sydney
an excellent education.                        community will always be to improve
   This continuation of our high               the lives of others, around the world and
standards was borne out by a student           in the communities we serve. 
satisfaction survey carried out last
year. At the height of the COVID-19
lockdown that had made online
teaching necessary, we asked students          Belinda Hutchinson AC
to reflect on their learning experiences       (BEc ’76), Chancellor

Going viral - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE - The University of Sydney


We need to talk about cement

It’s the second most used commodity after water
but cement sucks in massive amounts of sand
and water and spews out enough CO2 to make it
the third largest carbon emitter after China and
the US. But the Waste Transformation Research
Hub might have a solution. Using fly ash and other
waste materials to create cement, the Hub team
have laid a test eco-pavement. It will be monitored
for 12 months, but laying it saved 752kg of dredged
sand and 327kg of emitted carbon dioxide.

SCIENCE                                                MEDICINE

Earth to Mars                                          Giving a sucker an even break

To examine the surface of Mars, the                    To see the positives in a blood-hungry tick, you’d
Perseverance rover has an aptly named                  really have to be a medicinal chemist like Professor
SuperCam, which itself is equipped with a              Richard Payne, who just opened the ARC Centre
fragment of Australian sedimentary rock. Called        for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science.
a chert, it’s from the Pilbara in Western Australia,   Ticks have won him over with their impressive
which is geologically similar to the exploration       arsenal of biologically active salivary proteins,
area. To maintain its accuracy, the SuperCam           pumped into their hosts as painkillers along
recalibrates itself using 22 calibration points        with some of the best blood-thinning
of which the chert fragment is one. University         molecules known. They also produce
geoscientist, Associate Professor Patrice Rey,         powerful anti-inflammatory
excavated the rock five years                          proteins called evasins which
ago and forgot about it,                               Professor Payne hopes
only hearing last year                                 can treat respiratory
that it was off to Mars.                               illnesses that
                                                       feature lung
                                                       like COVID-19.

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The effects are profound, yet surprisingly, heart failure isn’t well understood.
Now Dr Sean Lal is finding new knowledge with help from the world’s largest
      bank of heart tissue samples right here on the University campus.

               MATTERS OF
               THE HEART
                                Written by Elise Webster
                            Photography by Louise M Cooper

Going viral - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE - The University of Sydney
 When Dr Sean Lal was 10 years old, his dad developed acute               While treatments have come a long way
heart failure from a viral infection. A heart transplant, performed     in the past 30 years, advances lag behind
by renowned cardiac surgeon Dr Victor Chang (BSc(MedSci) ’61,           cancer research. Today, heart transplant is
MBBS ’63), gave his dad a few more years, but it wasn’t enough          still the only treatment for end stage heart
to save him from a condition some medical experts have called           failure, but with 60,000 new heart failure
‘more malignant than cancer’.                                           cases diagnosed in Australia each year, only
   Today, Lal is a consultant cardiologist at Royal Prince Alfred       about 100 to 200 transplants are performed.
(RPA) Hospital and the Director of Acute Heart Failure Services.           “We urgently need new treatments. I
He’s also an academic in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at          hate seeing families go through what my
Sydney, where his lab studies the mechanisms of heart failure           family went through,” says Lal, who has just
at the molecular level.                                                 recommended his latest patient at RPA be
   This means he’s looking beyond the usual named causes of             considered for the heart transplant waiting
heart failure, such as a heart attack, high blood pressure or           list: a 41-year-old with a young family.
diabetes, to find its more fundamental drivers.                            As they work to slow the progression of
   The most common cause of heart failure is blocked arteries           heart failure, Lal’s team has access to an
which creates a particular problem for women. Only one in               extraordinary resource: the largest bank
three women has the classic heart attack chest pain, instead            of heart tissue in the world. Located on
most experience shortness of breath, nausea, and pain in one            campus, it has helped give new insights into
or both arms. This means women are often misdiagnosed, with             why heart failure occurs and how it differs
a recent Sydney study finding they are twice as likely to not           in men and women.
receive the most appropriate treatment. This could delay their             The hearts have been donated by
heart failure diagnosis.                                                patients from St. Vincent’s Hospital who
   “My patients ask me all the time why heart failure happened to       have suffered from all kinds of heart failure
them. I can’t give them an answer right now, but I’m doing my best      that necessitated a heart transplant.
to find out,” Lal says.                                                 Now, for the first time, heart failure
   Full of energy, with a wide smile, Lal’s youthful demeanour          samples are being collected from patients
belies his impressive resume, which includes fellowships                undergoing all forms of heart surgery at
at world-renowned research facilities, the Massachusetts                Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.
Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University, where he
showed that the human heart has the potential to regenerate
following a heart attack.
   “This goes against all the textbooks,” says Lal, whose work is
supported by donors to the University. “We had no idea that
the human heart had this potential and we think this drive to
regenerate could be the key to reversing heart failure.”
                                                                         “We had no idea that
   The term ‘heart failure’ conjures images of the heart suddenly
stopping. However, it actually refers to a failure of the heart to
                                                                          the human heart had
pump enough blood around the body. In essence, the heart is still         this potential… this
beating, but not well enough, causing shortness of breath, chest
pain, palpitations and many other effects that limit quality of life.     drive to regenerate
                                                                          could be the key to
   The condition is incurable, with death a possibility. If you were
diagnosed with heart failure in the 1970s, your chance of surviving
beyond five years was 30%. Today, with new treatments and
faster diagnosis, the five-year survival rate is around 60% for the       reversing heart failure.”
30 million people worldwide, including half a million Australians,
who currently have heart failure.                                         — Dr Sean Lal

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Liquid nitrogen vapour
                                                 pours off one of the
                                                 heart bank racks. Each
                                                 rack contains about
                                                 1000 cryopreserved
                                                 heart samples, with
                                                 the bank having about
                                                 20,000 samples in
                                                 all. Photography by
                                                 Stefanie Zingsheim

   There are also healthy hearts of various
ages which were not used for heart
transplantation for logistical reasons. These
healthy hearts allow researchers to compare
diseased with non-diseased tissue.
   The Heart Bank, of which Lal is now
Director, was created in 1989 by Sydney
Emeritus Professor Cristobal dos Remedios
and the aforementioned, Dr Victor Chang.
Their visionary idea was to snap freeze
hearts at -196°C using liquid nitrogen,
preserving the DNA, proteins and enzymes
within the heart tissue for future analysis,         “When my dad died, it was difficult
when advancing technology might make             for my mum to put me through uni. But I
more possible, as it has.                        knew from the age of 10, when my dad got
   Today, the Sydney Heart Bank, which is        sick, that I wanted to be a ‘heart doctor’.
completely not-for-profit, shares tissue             “So I applied for an academic
samples and data with some of the best           scholarship at Sydney and got it. I
heart researchers in the world, including        completed my four degrees here, met
those at Harvard, Oxford, Imperial College       my wife here and now I work here. I don’t
London and Johns Hopkins.                        think I can ever leave,” laughs Lal. Which    Dr Sean Lal
   Lal’s team recently drew on the heart         is just as well because there is still so
bank to analyse what makes the heart tick        much for him to do.                                D EG R E E
at the molecular level. They found changes           Lal and his team are now hoping           BMedSc (Hons) ‘03
in many important processes in the heart,        to embark on the Heart Bank’s most            MBBS ‘07 MPhil ‘09
including mechanisms that generate energy        ambitious project to date – analysing the         PhD ‘17
for the heart, pathways that deal with injury,   genome and protein profile (proteome) of
clotting mechanisms, and processes that          all 20,000 heart samples. This equates to        W H AT E L S E
maintain structural integrity.                   more than 260 million pieces of data.            YO U M I G H T
   The team were also surprised to discover          It would be the most comprehensive           H AV E B E E N
that the thyroid hormone, which is present       study of human heart failure ever               A tennis player
in every organ and is crucial for metabolism,    undertaken and will almost certainly            but that would
was ‘switched off’ in the hearts of heart        lead to world-first discoveries of what       have meant having
failure patients.                                causes heart failure and new therapies          enough talent!
   All this has resulted in a much more          to treat and cure it.
layered and sophisticated view of how the                                                        FAVO U R I T E
heart maintains itself.                                                                          CHILDHOOD
   “We’re really excited about these                                                              T V SHOW
discoveries. Now we know more about the                                                             Blinky Bill
basic science underlying some of these           KEEPING H E ARTS
processes, we can use them to design new
therapies that could treat or even prevent
                                                 STRONG                                         YO U R L E A S T
                                                                                               FAVO U R I T E B I T
heart failure in the future,” Lal said.          For more information or to help Dr Lal        OF HOUSEWORK
   Born in Brisbane to Fijian immigrants, Lal    advance his ideas, please contact the          That would imply
is bursting with drive, and single-minded        alumni team on +61 2 9036 9222.                 that there is a
about curing heart failure.                      Email: alumni.office@sydney.edu.au                favourite!

Going viral - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE - The University of Sydney

                        Photography by
                       Stefanie Zingsheim

                          Written by
                         George Dodd


                        The fight against
                     climate change might
                         be gaining pace,
                       but it seems green
                      energy silicon solar
                     cells are running out
                        of puff. The good
                         news? Professor
                        Anita Ho‑Baillie
                         is researching a
                     substance that might
                        be cheaper, easier
                       to handle and even
                          more efficient.

Going viral - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE - The University of Sydney
 There is an enormous fission reactor
in our planet’s sky. In just one hour, this
                                                        “It used to take me four weeks to
reactor bathes the Earth’s surface in
enough energy to supply all humanity’s
                                                         make a silicon cell in the lab. With
electricity needs for a whole year. The                  perovskite, it takes only two days.”
problem is, the Sun’s energy arrives as
solar radiation but we need to turn it
                                                         — Professor Anita ho-Baillie
into electricity.
   The most direct way to make the
conversion right now is with solar panels,
but there are other reasons why they’re
the great hope of renewable energy.
   Their key component, silicon, is the          “Solar panels need silicon that’s          their natural characteristics, a laborious
second most abundant substance on             99.9999% pure, but you start with             process. For her undergraduate thesis,
Earth after oxygen; since panels can be       an impure rock called quartzite. The          Ho-Baillie created an algorithm that
put where the power is needed – on            purifying has to be done in four steps        allowed mixed cells to be connected and
homes, factories, commercial buildings,       and each step involves heating to 1000        still achieve maximum output.
road vehicles – there’s less need to          degrees Celsius. When I realised that I          “Imagine a factory that produces
transmit power across landscapes; and         went ‘wow. That’s a lot of energy’.”          hundreds of cells a minute, and
mass production means solar panels are           Still, a solar panel will produce many     my goodness, that’s a lot of sorting
now so cheap the economics of using           times more emissions-free energy in its       they don’t have to do anymore,”
them are becoming inarguable.                 lifetime than was used in its manufacture.    Ho-Baillie says.
   If you’re expecting a but, here it is:        You might not expect a world expert in        Now Ho-Baillie has turned her mind to
but silicon solar panels are reaching         materials engineering, semi-conductor         creating the next renewable evolution.
the practical limits of their efficiency      physics, applied physics and chemistry        The substance that has become the
because of some quite inconvenient laws       to be playful and outgoing, but that’s        focus of her research, and research
of physics. Commercial silicon solar cells    how Ho-Baillie is. Hearing her talk about     around the world, is part of a class of
are now only about 20% efficient (though      her career (including stints at British       crystalline compounds called perovskite;
up to 28% in lab environments. Their          Aerospace, the telco Alcatel Australia        specifically, metal halide perovskite.
practical limit being 30%).                   and various solar-related organisations),        Like silicon, this crystalline substance
   This means that solar panel technology     you get the sense of someone who is           is photoactive, meaning that when it’s
must soon evolve. A world leader in           quickly recognised by industry people as      hit by light, electrons in its structure
helping that evolution take place is          an asset worth having.                        become excited enough to break
Professor Anita Ho-Baillie who was               One of her early solar contributions       away from their atoms (this freeing of
recently appointed the inaugural John         concerned another little-known aspect         electrons is the basis of all electricity
Hooke Chair of Nanoscience — a position       of using solar panels; not all solar panels   generation, from batteries to nuclear
supported by a $5 million donation            are compatible.                               power plants). Allowing that electricity
to the University. Talking to her at the         To get maximum output from a solar         is in effect, a conga line of electrons,
University’s Sydney Nano labs, she points     panel array, all the solar cells must be      when the loose electrons from silicon
out another problem with using silicon.       connected to other cells that match           or perovskite are channelled into a wire,
                                                                                            electricity is the result.
                                                                                               An immediate benefit of perovskite for
                                                                                            Ho-Baillie is that it saves time. “It’s just
                                                                                            easier to handle than silicon,” she says.
                                                                                            “It used to take me four weeks to make a
                                                            Removing a
                                                            perovskite cell                 silicon cell in the lab. With perovskite, it
                                                            from a ‘inert box’,
                                                                                            takes only two days.”
                                                            which protects
                                                            the cell from                      That’s because perovskite is a
                                                            moisture and other
                                                                                            simple mixture of salt solutions that
                                                                                            is heated to 100-200C to establish its
                                                                                            photoactive properties. But the real
                                                                                            excitement is around perovskite’s energy
                                                                                            production potential.

Down to
     the wire                                       The first perovskite devices in 2009,                                              industry-critical heat and humidity test
                                                converted just 3.8% of sunlight into                                                   set for solar panels by the International
     All the methods                            electricity. By 2020, efficiency was                                                   Electrotechnical Commission. The
     of electricity                             25.5%, close to silicon’s lab record of                                                Ho-Baillie device was the first to pass,
     generation are                             27.6%. There is a sense that its efficiency                                            and it passed comfortably.
     about freeing                              could soon reach 30%. “It took people                                                     The innovation that made it possible
     electrons from                             40 years to double the efficiency of                                                   was to laminate the perovskite cell with
     their atoms.                               silicon,” say Ho-Baillie. “Perovskite                                                  glass and the sort of polymers used in
                                                caught up with silicon in just ten years.”                                             double-glazing windows. It was cheap and
     Solar cells do this                            If you’re expecting a ‘but’ about                                                  easy to do and, as it turned out, effective.
     with the energy                            perovskite, well, there are a couple. A                                                   This has given a huge boost to the
     in sunlight.                               component of the perovskite crystalline                                                prospects of perovskite and seen
                                                lattice is lead. The quantity is tiny, but                                             Ho-Baillie become highly cited by
     Sunlight hitting                           the potential toxicity of lead means it is                                             researchers internationally. The timing is
     layers of silicon or                       a consideration. The real problem is that                                              good too because the last few years have
     perovskite knocks                          unprotected perovskite easily degrades                                                 offered something that could produce
     electrons loose.                           through heat, moisture and humidity,                                                   the best solar cell efficiency ever seen.
                                                unlike silicon panels which are routinely                                              It’s called silicon perovskite tandeming
     The electrons are                          sold with 25-year guarantees.                                                          where the two substances are layered
     channeled away                                 It’s the work Ho-Baillie and her team                                              into the same cell to give a higher voltage
     to the external                            are doing in this area that has recently                                               than either could give on its own.
     circuit.                                   captured world attention. The goal                                                        This works because silicon is better
                                                was for a perovskite cell to pass the                                                  at dealing low energy light waves, and
                                                                                                                                       perovskite works well with higher energy
                                  EN GH                                                                                                visible light. Perovskite can also be
It’s tricky:                        ER
                                       GY                                             PEROVSKITE
                                                                                      Responds to high energy photons
                                                                                                                                       tuned to absorb different wavelengths
a silicon/                                                                            (ultraviolet to visible light).
                                                                                      Absorption threshold can be tuned
                                                                                                                                       of light – red, green, blue. With careful

perovskite                                                                            to red, green or blue wavelengths                aligning of silicon and perovskite, this
                                      EN W                                                                                             means each cell will turn more of the light
solar cell
                                           GY                                         SILICON                                          spectrum into energy.
                                                                                      Responds to low energy,
                                                                                      invisible photons like infrared.                    The numbers are impressive: a single
1. Sunlight strikes
   the solar cell.                                                                                                                     layer could give 33% efficiency; stack two
                                                                                                                                       cells, it’s 45%; three layers would give
                                                                                                                                       51% efficiency. These sorts of figures, if
                                                                                    l ay                                               they can be realised commercially, would
                                                                      ti     on
                                                              e   flec                                        6. Electrons are          revolutionise renewable energy.
                                                     t i- r
                                                An                               d   e                       channeled up to an
                                                                        c   t ro                             electron-specifi c            Asked about the most fun part of her
2. A textured surface                                         El e
reduces reflection and                                                                            ye r
                                                                                                             electrode then            job, Ho-Baillie doesn’t hesitate, “The
                                                                                          g la
                                                                                                             sent to the
traps light inside the cell.                                                     in                                                    students,” she says. “I love working with
                                                                        el   ect                             external circuit.
3. Light energy hits                                     ro       ns                                                                   such bright young people. They’ll be able
the perovskite and slicons                      El   ect
layers causing electrons (e-)                                                                                                          to go out and change the world.”
and holes (h+) to break away
from their atoms.                                                                  i te
                                                                 ro         vs k
4. Freed electrons (e-)                                       Pe
                                                                                           ye r
                                                                                    g la
in the perovskite and silicon
are negatively charged.
An electric fi eld within the
                                                          le s                                   ye r
                                                     Ho                                   g la
                                                                                                                                       H ELP G REEN - P OW ER
solar cell attracts them
to the electron selecting
                                                                        el   ect
layer and repels them from                                       s
                                                            ro n
hole selecting layer.
                                                El e
                                                       ct                                                                              TH E FUTU RE
5. Holes (h+) in the perovskite                                                                              7. Rear surfaces
and silicon are positively                                                                                   textured to               For more information or to help
charged entities – left                                                 c     on                             reflect light back
                                                                   Sili                                      into the cell.
                                                                                                                                       Professor Ho-Baillie take solar energy
behind by freed perovskite
electrons. They are attracted                                                                                                          to the next level, please contact the
to the hole selecting layer                                                              l ay                8. Holes recombine
                                                                                                                                       alumni team on +61 2 9036 9222.
and repelled from the                                                      ti   ng                           with electrons
                                                                   e   lec
electron selecting layer.                                 le s                                               completing the circuit.   Email: alumni.office@sydney.edu.au
                                                     Ho                              e
                                                                        c tr
                                                              El e


DR JUDE PHILP                                                                          Photography by
                                                                                      Louise M Cooper

MACLEAY COLLECTIONS AT THE         Jude Philp’s actual desk
                                   has the usual computer
CHAU CHAK WING MUSEUM              and notebooks. If there’s
                                   the occasional set of
                                   Papilio butterflies or
                                   cyclopic horse skull,
                                   they’re only in digital form.

“When I studied art
history and anthropology
in the 80s, there wasn’t a
huge exploration of other
cultures,” says Dr Jude
Philp who always wanted
to be a curator. “But I was
curious about what was
art in societies outside the
European tradition.” With
the Macleay Collection
now housed in the Chau
Chak Wing Museum, a
space made possible by
benefactors, including Dr
Chau Chak Wing, Philp
can fully indulge all her art
and history impulses. In her
warm but precise way, Philp
notes that to be a curator
you need a good visual
sense and to be a magpie for    E V I D E N C E O F TH E B U N Y I P ?
knowledge, which is why a       For eons, Aboriginal peoples have spoken of the
                                bunyip, which lived in watery places bellowing
favourite part of her job is
                                out its call. In 1847, the press reported a strange
the visitors. “They bring       one-eyed skull found in a river as evidence
their own knowledge of          of the bunyip. William Sharp Macleay refuted
                                this by using this very skull. He said both were
butterflies or 19th century
                                European animals born with a skeletal variation,
taxidermy,” she says. “It’s     our skull being a one-eyed horse: in effect, a
valuable information.”          cyclopic horse. The river skull is now lost.

                                                                            CA N A L O F A N
                                                                            EC H I D N A
                                                                            If I had to choose a
                                                                            favourite this would be it
                                                                            (today anyway!). It looks like
                                                                            lace but it’s a meticulously
                                                                            presented alimentary canal
                                                                            of an echidna. In 1860s
                                                                            Germany, a zoologist,
                                                                            philosopher, physician, and
                                                                            artist called Ernst Haeckel
                                                                            (and others) changed how
                                                                            science was presented to
                                                                            the public. His work, (and
                                                                            specimens like this) was
                                                                            graphically powerful, and
                                                                            inspirational for the art
                                                                            nouveau movement. For
                                                                            me this is where science
                                                                            crosses over into art in
                                                                            the creation of intriguing             PA R RY I N G S H I E LD
                                                                            aesthetic forms.                         AT T R I B U T E D TO
                                                                                                                    TH E BA N G E R A N G
                                                                                                                     PEO PLE O F TH E
                E A R LY S T U D I O                                                                                 M U R R AY R I V E R
                 PH OTO G R A PH                                                                                    All we have in writing
  Photography was volatile and                                                                                       about this is a label
      complex technology in the                                                                                    from 1851 that says ‘N.
 early days and mostly carried                                                                                   S. Wales’, which is more
  out indoors by photographic                                                                                       than we know about
    businesses. It meant a lot of                                                                                 some other Indigenous
 sitting still for a long time and                                                                                  pieces we have. They
   sometimes babies were tied                                                                                    were just taken with no
     in place. The Macleay has a                                                                                record kept. It’s a terrible
     big photography collection                                                                                   shame that Indigenous
      representing the evolution                                                                                 people looking for their
          of the technology. This                                                                                   heritage objects can
     glass plate positive image is                                                                                be disappointed, even
   incredible in its detail. Every                                                                               angry, because we know
bead on the magnificent gown                                                                                      so little about what we
    is in sharp focus. In modern                                                                                   have. But today we’re
terms it’s about 110 megabytes                                                                                   working with Aboriginal
     of visual information, but it                                                                                  peoples to know and
          was taken in the 1890s.                                                                                    understand more.

                                       TH E W H I S TLE C R I C K E T
                                       The Macleay has everything from scientific instruments to fossils. But it was started as an insect
                                       collection by Alexander Macleay in 18th century London. It became one the most celebrated
                                       insect collections in Europe, and Macleay brought it with him to Australia in 1826. His descendants
                                       in NSW kept collecting before donating everything to the University in 1874. This is a Gryllus
                                       spinulosus, or the whistle cricket and the oldest dated specimen in the collection. Its label says
                                       “A curious insect from Barbary, the only one known of its kind in England. Geo Edwards, 1756”.


             COVID-19 is now one of the super-villain diseases,
        like smallpox and whooping cough, tackled by vaccination.
            Though some people still won’t be vaccinated, their
                   reasons might not be what you think.

                            Taking your
                             best shot
                                Written by                 Illustration by               Photography by
                               George Dodd                    Sam Bailey                Stefanie Zingsheim

 Know your enemy and know yourself. This piece of advice,                behavioural and social drivers of vaccination, she influences
written 2500 years ago by military strategist and philosopher,            global strategies. She also co-wrote the WHO’s COVID-19
Sun Tzu, now applies to the global battle being waged                     vaccine safety communication plan. As COVID-19 vaccines roll
against COVID-19.                                                         out, the plan is shaping how countries maximise uptake.
   On the ‘know your enemy’ side of the equation, is one of                  “For some time, my team has been interviewing people
the most concentrated and goal-driven medical endeavours                  about COVID-19,” she says. “People from culturally and
ever undertaken, with thousands of researchers working                    linguistically diverse groups; people living in less wealthy
to understand a virus that before January 2020, was                       areas of Sydney; people in other parts of New South Wales
unknown to science.                                                       and in Melbourne’s hot spots. We’ve asked how COVID-19 has
   As a range of vaccines are produced and rolled out,                    affected their lives.
the ‘know yourself’ element comes into play. That’s where                    “We’ve also looked at why some people who get symptoms
Professor Julie Leask works. She is a social scientist and                don’t get tested and why some might not accept the vaccine.”
world authority on why people are and are not willing to be                  Once the information is assessed, the findings are
vaccinated. Currently she is applying her expertise to the                fed through to state health departments to assist them
emerging data on COVID-19 to find new and useful insights.                with planning and producing information in a way that’s
   “It’s an area of huge complexity,” says Leask. “It incorporates        most likely to be effective.
sociology, psychology, cultural studies, implementation                      It’s important work and Leask’s 23-year public health
science, public health, ethics, and other disciplines.”                   contribution hasn’t gone unnoticed. In 2019, at the Australian
   Leask doesn’t do this thinking just for Australians. As chair          Financial Review 100 Women of Influence awards, she won the
of a World Health Organisation (WHO) working group on the                 Global category then went on to become the overall winner.



                                                                Whooping cough




  Antivaxxers aren’t the problem.
    Professor Julie Leask takes
extensive research data and uses it
 to understand the actual reasons
  people might not be vaccinated.

And the work continues. Leask has                   “Because my grandmother refused           With the limited resources she
a small team at the University and                   vaccination, I went into the topic        has, Leask doesn’t waste too many of
also works closely with former PhD                   seeing it as just an issue of personal    them trying to convert the refusing
students now at the National Centre for           belief,” she says, “So, when I started my    groups. Instead, she focusses on
Immunisation Research and Surveillance.        PhD, I made the assumptions most people         what are called ‘the hesitant’. Still a
Together, they recently came up with           make about why people don’t immunise.           relatively small number of people, they
possible negative scenarios around the            “Problem was, the research didn’t            are the largest group of people not
COVID-19 vaccine rollout and how to            support my preconceived ideas. It just          vaccinating, though it would be unfair,
deal with them. Scenarios like: what if        didn’t. There were other forces at play.        and even counterproductive, to label
a stress-related fainting spell among a        This was a slightly inconvenient fact for       them anti-vaxxers.
group of people in a clinic is blamed on       me and I had to reframe my PhD.”                  So, what will be the post-vaccination
the vaccine? What if people feel unwell           Leask now calls this moment an               future of COVID-19 in Australia? There is
after the jab and start putting their          epiphany where she started seeing               no predicting how a virus will behave
friends off having it? And what if reports     people who weren’t vaccinating as a             or how a vaccination program will
emerge linking the vaccine to a medical        much broader group.                             play out; Leask certainly won’t
syndrome? That scenario has since                 In reality, most are people faced with       commit to an outcome, instead
become real with reports of a very small       day-to-day logistical barriers. They            she emphasises the need for more
number of vaccinated people affected           might be single parents or families with        knowledge and education, which is
by blood clots from a condition called         multiple children where vaccination             another element of her work.
cerebral venous sinus thromboses (CVST).       drops down the to-do list, or people with         Originally studying to be a nurse (“I
   “There are some key things in               questions about vaccination who don’t           found it too chaotic and I’m not a very
dealing effectively with anything              have easy access to health professionals        practical kind of person in that way”),
around vaccination uptake,” says Leask.        they can talk to.                               Leask is glad that her road away from
“You must communicate honestly                    For Leask, the answer is developing          nursing eventually led her back to it.
and transparently and communicate              systems that address these obstacles.             She now shares her knowledge about
uncertainty where it exists.                   “Where this is done, there is                      vaccination and evidence-based
   “Choosing the right messengers is           success,” says Leask. “With                               practice with nursing students
also critical, because people will usually     busy parents, a simple                                       at the University’s Susan
ask, ‘who is telling me this and can I trust   reminder or a home                                               Wakil School of Nursing
them and their motivations?’ before they       visit can do the trick.                                           and Midwifery. She is
even begin to listen.”                         And for people with                                               also a member of the
   A great advantage for Leask in              questions, well-                                                 Marie Bashir Institute for
understanding those who refuse                 trained health                                                   Infectious Diseases and
vaccination is that her own grandmother        professionals can                                                Biosecurity and she has a
was against it, believing instead that         encourage them                                                 connection to the School
healthy living would prevent and cure          to be vaccinated with                                       of Public Health through an
diseases. “She said it was the worst           empathic questions and                                    affiliate appointment.
day of her life when her grandchildren         a recommendation.”                                      “There’s a shared value of working
were vaccinated,” remembers Leask. “I             Based on Leask’s research, she               for the benefit of communities and
know those perspectives. They’re not           anticipates the majority of Australians will    society,” she says. “Public health is a
shocking to me.”                                         welcome the COVID-19 vaccines,        really constructive world to be in.” 
   In a world where so-called anti-                             as long as there aren’t any
vaxxers get a disproportionate                                     major safety or other
amount of media attention                                          hurdles. Some people will
considering their small                                          be unsure because they        E VEN STRONG ER
influence (vaccination                                    don’t believe such a new vaccine     PROTECTI O NS
rates in Australia have held                              can be safe. A smaller number will
between 91% and 93% since                                 refuse it outright for any number    To learn more about this story or to
2003), Leask admits that                                of reasons. An even smaller group      support the work, please contact the
early in her studies, she also                 still will grab their keyboards to loudly       alumni team on +61 2 9036 9222.
started down the wrong path.                   campaign against its use.                       Email: alumni.office@sydney.edu.au


  As the first Europeans set foot on Australian soil, the first European rats
weren’t far behind. These rats were the start of a tsunami of feral animals that
 has engulfed many native species. Professor Peter Banks has an ingenious
          idea that could bring the odds back in favour of the natives.

 As COVID-19 closed down New York’s
restaurants and fast food joints, food waste quickly
disappeared from gutters, dumpsters and garbage
bins. Within days, there were stories of rat gangs
fighting in alley ways for scraps. There were stories of
rat cannibalism.
   Though New York has the Norway or brown rat,
similar scenes possibly played out with Sydney’s
black rats which have the rakish scientific name of
Rattus rattus (brown rats are Rattus norvegicus).
   While rat populations are less dense here, the
recent spike in rat-control callouts to suburban
homes can probably be explained by people spending
more time at home, post-COVID-19, and seeing the
rats they’ve always lived near.
   An interested and informed observer of all this has
been Professor Peter Banks. He leads the Behavioural
Ecology and Conservation Lab in the School of Life
and Environmental Sciences. Rats are one of his
things. Though considering the bad-guy reputation
of Rattus rattus, he offers a more nuanced insight.
   “They’re not very good competitors. Normally,                                He doesn’t want his work to be about documenting the
                                                                                 decline of the natural world. Professor Peter Banks
they’ll shy away from a fight,” he says.                                       (above) wants to be a voice for plants and animals and do
   Banks remembers as a youngster, standing in                                  something positive. Photography Stefanie Zingsheim

front of his high school and talking about conserving
forests. An interest in science soon emerged; first
physics and chemistry, then biology came into focus.
His honours research was on the biology of native             This is clearly demonstrated in the interaction of Australia’s
small mammals. His PhD was on the impact foxes             feral rats and its native birds. The story starts with the arrival
had on native wildlife.                                    of the First Fleet in 1788.
   A key question for Banks, that frames much of              As the first European foot touched Australian ground, the
his work, is this: why don’t native animals in their       foot of the first European black rat wasn’t far behind. In fact,
own environments actually have an advantage                they entrenched themselves so quickly, some settlers thought
over new arrivals? The main answer is often                they were natives. Rats have since damaged agriculture, infested
habitat destruction but there’s more to it. One            buildings and spread disease, bringing little of value to these
element is naivety.                                        shores, except perhaps the inspiration for that quintessentially
   “Naivety has many aspects but it can be as simple       Australian remark, flash as a rat with a gold tooth.
as a native not recognising an introduced animal              Those first rats soon realised they had family in their
as a predator,” says Banks, who travels Australia          new home. Australia already had numerous species of local
observing animal interactions in the wild. “It’s an        rodents, evolved from two previous rodent arrivals; one four
element of animal behaviour that shapes outcomes.          million years ago (perhaps a single rat family clinging to a
But with the right knowledge, it can be manipulated        palm frond), the other one million years ago, both facilitated
in favour of the natives.”                                 by land bridges created as oceans rose and fell.

“We put out a fake nest with a tiny amount of
 bird nesting odour. Within a day, rats had
 found the nest and eaten the egg.”
— Professor Peter Banks
                                                                                                                 Peter Banks
   The key difference between most native Rattus            “I’ve done a lot of work in feral pest                    D EG R E E
and the 18th century arrivals was that the newly         management,” Banks says. “But to conserve                BSc ‘92, PhD ‘97
arrived black rats were good climbers. This meant        some things the ideal would be to not necessarily
the nests of Australian native birds were now up         kill other things.”                                        FAVO U R I T E
for pillaging by a new, egg-eating marauder. There          Allowing that the phrase ‘eradication program’           P I EC E O F
haven’t been any definitive studies on what effect       is often used in pest control circles, a reticence to    T EC H N O LO GY
introduced rats have had on native bird populations      eradicate seems perhaps anti-intuitive. Certainly,       Wildlife cameras.
so, as a scientist, Banks can’t commit.                  there is a long list of animals most Australians         They’ve opened
   That said, he does note that rat-populated urban      would happily see pushing up the native daisies:          up the unseen
areas have very few small, native birds. He has also     cane toads, feral pigs, feral carp.                     world of nocturnal
tested the proposition.                                     Things get a bit more emotional with the cute            wildlife. We
   “We put out a fake nest with a tiny amount of         ones, like the brumbies of Kosciusko. Sure, they’re         couldn’t do
bird nesting odour,” he says. “Within a day, rats        a numerous and destructive pest in a fragile             anything without
had found the nest and eaten the egg.”                   environment, but no-one really wants to see them        these little devices
   A saving grace for native birds in the regions is     being shot from helicopters.
that black rats tend to prefer disturbed landscapes         “We haven’t killed anything in the New Zealand       O C C U PAT I O N A L
near urban areas. Also, as mentioned earlier,            bird experiment at all, but we reduced the impact            HAZARD
black rats aren’t really up for a fight, “We did an      of the invading species so the native species could        Being bitten.
experiment that showed if you remove the black           return. It’s understanding the ecology that makes       The worst was the
rats and bring back the native rats, the black rats      that possible. It can be applied in other places.”       cutest - a sugar
find it harder to get back in,” says Banks.                 Places like Sydney itself. In a reversal of usual     glider. Or when I
   With the insight into nesting odour and rat           outcomes, one native animal has made something          had 120 ticks down
behaviour, came a perhaps game-changing idea:            of a comeback; the bandicoot, which is a small           my pants. Or the
what if you sprayed bird nesting odour all over an       marsupial sometimes mistaken for a rat, and often       mosquito that gave
area where birds like to nest so rats aren’t able to     mistaken for a dinner by foxes and cats.                me ross river fever.
actually pinpoint the nests at all?                         Banks has had a long-time interest in helping
   “We tested that idea round Sydney, then took          bandicoots hang on and he’s worked with local land      H I D D E N TA L E N T
it to New Zealand, working with people from the          managers at Sydney’s North Head to nurture the            I like to cook.
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research facility.             natural population and protect it.                      I wanted to be a
The paper has just been published and notes that            “Again, it’s about understanding biology so           chef in year 10.
the method saw a doubling of breeding success for        you can look after bandicoots better,” says Banks.      My mum changed
endangered shore birds in the areas where it wasn’t      “National Parks has had really encouraging success            my mind.
possible to actually remove the predators.               with it. The numbers have grown, the population is
   “I didn’t believe it really,” says Banks still        stable and slowly moving back into the suburbs. It’s
excited by the idea. “But it was there in the results.   a good news story.”
It was amazing.”
   In effect, this is a form of disruptive thinking.
Identify how invading species find their food
or prey, know where they like to take shelter,
                                                              DEFEN D OU R NATIVE S PECIES
understand why the native species don’t cope, then
come up with ideas to disrupt all that and tilt the           To learn more about this story or to support the work of Professor
game back in favour of the natives. This game plan            Banks, please contact the alumni team on +61 2 9036 9222.
plays to one of Banks’ key goals.                             Email: alumni.office@sydney.edu.au




5                         2                       7

8                     3

Chain                                                 9

    Written by
    George Dodd
    Photography by
    Louise M Cooper

They bring us the goods we want and                                            The rise of green investments has
                                                                            made these insights important to more
need but hidden in the world’s supply                                       people with financial advisors now

chains can be unethical or destructive                                      competing to offer the greenest possible
                                                                            investment portfolios to their clients.
practices. Dr Arne Geschke uses data                                        At the same time, companies want to
                                                                            find any dark dealings in their supply
to illuminate supply chains because                                         chains before someone else drags them

you can’t fix what you can’t see.
                                                                            into the light.
                                                                               There are two main ways of gathering
                                                                            supply chain information. The first
                                                                            is called lifecycle assessment which
                                                                            uses a bottom‑up approach. You start
              Over the past few years, there has been an aggressive        gathering information about a company
             and sometimes corrupt agricultural push into the               then move to its suppliers. “This is
             Cerrado region of Brazil.                                      labour‑intensive. What happens is
                Since 2001, nearly 300,000 sq km of biodiverse forest,      you quickly run out of puff or funds,”
             grassland and scrub has been cut down or burned, with          says Geschke, noting that supply
             some of the land being used for the lucrative production of    chains can have millions of data points
             soybeans that are exported for animal feed.                    to interrogate.
                A recent investigation in the UK found that chicken sold       The other method, and the one              11
             in major supermarkets were fed using these destructive         mostly used at the University, is a top‑
             soybeans. The question was asked, should consumers be          down approach called input‑output
             made aware of this, especially since some of the chicken       analysis and it’s based on the fact
             would have been labelled as sustainably produced, based        that governments and organisations
             only on how the chicken was raised in the UK?                  all around the world publish their
                It’s up to regulators, producers and retailers to answer    economic data. That is certainly the
             that question, but scrutinising supply chains so there are     case in Australia where businesses are
             facts to inform the discussions is the task of researchers     obliged to report in great detail to the
             like Dr Arne Geschke.                                     12   Australian Bureau of Statistics which
                “We essentially look at and assess the elements in the      then publishes the information in about
             supply chains operating in countries and industries. We        120 categories.
             look at all relevant details,” Geschke says.                      One challenge is ensuring that the
                Companies are often unaware of the complexity and           information has integrity. For example,
             implications of their own supply chains, but they may          the laws of some countries might allow
             well assess the larger elements that might allow them to       products to be called sustainably
             maximise profits by say, consolidating factories, reining      produced that would never be allowed
             in energy use or moving production to a country where          that label here. Other countries simply
             labour costs are lower.                                        manipulate their figures. The ISA team,
                The analysis done by Geschke has other goals.               working out of the School of Physics,
             Working with the University’s Integrated Sustainability        puts a lot of effort into finding the most
             Analysis (ISA) team, Greschke crunches huge supply             reliable sources.
             chain numbers that can reveal hidden environmental                “You can ask a commercial data
             devastation, worker exploitation, child labour                 provider for the carbon footprint of a big
             and corruption.                                                company, but different providers will
                “It’s so easy to open a can of worms with this,” says       have different numbers because there
             Geschke who now, thanks to COVID‑19, mostly works              isn’t a universally‑agreed way to compile
             from his home in the Sydney beachside suburb of                the information,” says Geschke.
             Coogee. “Australia imports of a lot of carbon‑heavy tech          “Here at the ISA, we’re working
             goods. We might want to reduce our carbon load but             on a system that would allow for a
             we don’t always have control over it. There are hidden         unified global approach that compares
             interdependencies with other economies.”                       apples with apples.”

“If you look at data on corruption, you
      start to understand inequality and how                                                                               17
      much our western bubble relies on
      cheap labour from elsewhere.”
     — Dr Arne Geschke


                                        Helping with the mathematical and hardware                 Take the rare earth metals used in
                                     design legwork is Geschke’s long‑time colleague,           mobile phones. They might be mined in
                                     Manfred Lenzen, who is Professor of Sustainability         Uganda or Mongolia, taken to another
                               16    Research in the School of Physics. Any other names         country for processing, sent on again
                                     on the many papers they produce together are usually       to become components, and again to
                                     experts from the fields they are analysing; for a study    wherever the phones are assembled.
                                     on the impact of fishing, a fisheries expert would         Then there are the phones’ other
                                     join the team.                                             metals, plastics, glass and constructed
                                        Using the right information and mathematical            components to consider.
                                     modelling, you can stitch together the information            Geschke has recently become one
                                     of two or more countries to get a sense of how             of the most internationally cited
                                     they feed into supply chains for various products          researchers in his field, especially
         Dr Arne                     and commodities. This, and dealing with the
                                                                                                through a study that investigated
         Geschke                     hugely powerful computers they use, is the                 the effect of COVID‑19 on the
                                     fun part for Geschke.                                      international economy.
                                        He is also passionate about developing ways to see         “That was massive,” he says. “A lot of
           D EG R E E                environmental and social problems that are hidden by       news outlets ran it as a story.”
       PhD ‘13, MEd ‘20              complexity, distance or outright deception.                   Drawing on the findings of another of
                                        Still, seeing can be difficult, and sometimes people    their studies that looked at the carbon
      H I D D E N TA L E N T         don’t want to see at all.                                  footprint of international tourism,
      I’m an avid remote        14      “Carbon footprint should be the star of full supply     the ISA was able calculate that pre‑
       control car driver            chain studies and we’ve been raising the alarm for         COVID‑19, international tourism was
       of average talent             maybe 25 years,” says Geschke. “But people are still       responsible for between 7% and 10%
        who likes setting            umming and erring about it. There are times when I         of carbon impacts around the world,
         speed records               think, ‘Why am I doing this?’                              either directly or indirectly. That’s a
            in parks.                   “But there are other important issues to pursue.        sizeable proportion.
                                     Like if you look at data on corruption, you start to          “These effects are certainly
         FAVO U R I T E              understand inequality and how much our western             interesting to look at scientifically,”
           BAND                      bubble relies on cheap labour from elsewhere.”             Geschke says. “But really, it all comes
         Foo Fighters                   Without doubt, the modern world is held together        down to how can we actually survive
         forever. We                 by supply chains, but the ISA also looks at other areas.   on this planet?”
        are getting old                 “We’re currently running simulations for the
           together.                 United Nations’ (UN) sustainable development
                                     goals,” says Geschke. “There are seventeen and we
        T H I N G YO U               are officially tracking the global progress for a few      FIN D W HAT
       N E V E R WA N T              of them. We use pretty serious computers to run            N EEDS FIXING
       TO D O AG A I N :             programs but for each year they have to run non‑stop
         Migrate to a                for 48 to 50 hours.”                                       For more information or to help
      different country.                Obviously, a sustainable development goal is a          Dr Geschke dig even deeper,
       Once is enough                large enterprise to map. But even the supply chain of      please contact the alumni team
      and Australia is a             a single consumer product can quickly reveal a vast        on +61 2 9036 9222.
          great place.               landscape of inputs.                                       Email: alumni.office@sydney.edu.au


                    Written by George Dodd
                Photography by Louise M Cooper

As Australians grappled with the horror of Tasmania’s
 Port Arthur massacre in 1996, Rebecca Peters was at
 the epicentre of the push for tougher gun laws. With
the 25th anniversary of the shooting, Peters still can’t
        quite believe how it all came together.

 In the immediate aftermath of the                    PAS SION
Port Arthur massacre, Rebecca Peters
(MAppSci(Res) ’20) spent long, frustrating
hours in her kitchen sending out faxes
on the same phone line she was telling                 Of the many who
journalists to call her back on (this was              helped, four in
before the internet or mobile phones).
                                                       particular stood
    The other volunteer members of
Australia’s Coalition for Gun Control (now             strongly with
Gun Control Australia), mostly had full                Rebecca Peters AO.
                                                                                             Julia Tsalis
time jobs making it hard for them to be                Nearly 25 years
fully on the front line to help, and where
                                                                                             Program Manager,
                                                                                               Writing NSW.             Stephen Leeder AO
could they all work together anyway?                   later, they are                                                      BSc(MedSci) ’64, MBBS ’66,
                                                                                                                                 PhD ’75, MD ’06
     As Peters was swamped by media                    photographed in                    Various arts jobs after
                                                                                         returning from the US.
demands, she knew there would only                     the Edward Ford                  Long hours in the Edward
                                                                                                                        Emeritus Professor in the Men
be a brief window when the horror of                                                         Ford Building.
                                                                                                                           Cent re for Health Polic y
Port Arthur might be used to enact real
                                                       Building where
                                                                                           STRONGEST MEMORY:
change. Then an offer of space came                    Peters (centre),                   Standing at the front of        Dean, Facu lty of Med icine.
                                                                                           the Domain rally with          National President Publ ic
from the University. Peters and two team               Tsalis and Giles                 people arriving in the rain     Health Association of Aust ralia
                                                                                          to support gun control.                                        .
members moved to a basement room                                                                                           Prov ided the room at the
                                                       put in long hours.                After six years in the US,        Edward Ford Building.
in the Edward Ford Building, which was                                                    I didn’t want to live in a
                                                                                        place where kids had to go
walking distance from the share house                                                    through a metal detector
                                                                                                                              STRONGEST MEMORY:
                                                                                                                          Colleagues argu ing that gun
where Peters was living.                                                                       to go to school.        cont rol was not a matter of publ
    There the small team worked round                                                                                  healt h. The courageous advocacy
                                                                                                                        of Rebecca, her team and Simo
the clock with meagre resources to help a                                                                              Chapman . (Prime Min ister) John
                                                                                                                       Howard’s extraordinary strength
shocked and distraught nation understand
                                                                                                                         and courage. (Nat iona l Part y
the legislative failings that had led to such   children and their teacher were killed                                     leader) Tim Fisher’s guts.
a catastrophe and to know that there were       in Scotland’s Dunblane massacre. With
clear steps to be taken that would make         so many British-connected people in
Australia a safer place.                        Australia, the horror of it felt closer to
     In the following weeks, Peters had to be   home than massacres in the US; and very
reminded to eat, to sleep; one colleague        significantly, John Howard OM AC (LLB ’61         In her early career as a journalist and
noted that at times she was so tired she        DLitt ’16) had just won an election.           radio producer, Peters had a strong
could barely walk. Unflinching, Peters             “If an election had been coming up,         social justice bent. She soon decided
became the face, voice and driving force        Howard might have worried about a pro-         to study law with a view to helping
for the vast majority of Australians who        gun backlash that could cost him seats,”       shape the issues that were important
wanted tougher gun laws.                        says Peters. “But an election was a long       to her. This she did while still working
     Despite the horrifying numbers – 35        way off so he could do more.”                  in the media (Peters is an audacious
dead, 18 injured - it would have been              There was another factor. As                multi-tasker).
easy for Port Arthur, like the many mass        Australians confronted the shock of Port          During her first year at law school, in
shootings before it, to have had no effect      Arthur, the Coalition for Gun Control was      1991, there was a mass shooting in the
on gun laws at all. It only led to change       already primed and ready for the fight         inner west Sydney suburb of Strathfield.
because of the specific chemistry of            to toughen gun laws. To a large extent,        Seven people were killed. Though not part
Port Arthur. Peters can easily list off the     this was because when Peters had first         of the gun control movement at this time,
interactive elements.                           volunteered for the organisation five          the furious community response to the
    “Being a tourist spot, people from          years previously, her first project was to     Strathfield massacre made Peters curious
every state in Australia were killed and        assess its resources and priorities.           about the New South Wales gun laws.
injured in the shooting. It wasn’t personal        Savvy, strategic, tireless and                 She found they were, at best, vague
for just one state. The whole country felt      determined, Peters’ influence                  and patchy, “You want to believe that
it; six weeks before Port Arthur, 16 small      was transformative.                            laws have been thought through so

“Being a tourist spot,
                                                                                                      people from every
                                                                                                      state in Australia
                                                                                                      were killed and
                 Jennifer Giles                                                                       injured in the
                        LLB ’85, BA ’94

                                                           Simon Chapman                              shooting. It wasn’t
                                                                       PhD ’86
                      NSW Mag istrate.

                             THEN:                                     NOW:
                                                                                                      personal for just one
                                                          Emeritus Professor
              Law yer loaned to the Edward Ford
                                                                                                      state. The whole
                                                                                , School of
                                                        Public Healt h, plu
               team from The Women’s Lega l                                 s other projec ts
               Cent re, so the only person bein
                              paid .                                  THEN:

                    STRONGEST MEMORY:
                                                         Associate Professor
                                                        Public Healt h. Co
                                                                               , School of
                                                                             -convenor of
                                                                                                      country felt it.”
                                                         the Coalition for Gu
                Ever yone across the nation was         (19 94-19 96). Wrote
                                                                               n Control
                 desperate for something to be                                 “O ver ou r           — Rebecca Peters
                                                a        dead bodies: Port
                done about guns. Rebecca was           Australia’s fight for
                                                                             Ar thu r and
                focus to pour out their grief and                            gu n control.”
               energy. I’ve overheard Aust ralia
                                                             STRONGEST MEMO
                 overseas skiti ng about our gun                                 RY:
                                                           Doing lots of media
                  laws. But it was touch and go                                 work;
                      there for a long time.
                                                        the overwhel mi ng
                                                                            com mu nit y             importation. Each State had its own laws
                                                           support; political
                                                          and relent less adv
                                                                               un ity;               around the purchase and use of guns.
                                                                              ocacy to
                                                           safeguard the reform
                                                                                   s.                Luckily, most state governments at the
                                                                                                     time were of John Howard’s Liberal party,
they at least have the basic things,” says                                                           so his election victory gave him great
Peters. “But reading the gun statutes,                                                               powers of persuasion, and to his eternal
I actually thought a page was missing.”                                                              credit, he used them.
She laughs at this remark but the                                                                       Once established, those uniform laws
expression in her eyes is still disbelieving.                                                        needed to ban all semi-automatic rifles,
   Significantly, her investigations gave             The problem was, the NSW gun laws              shotguns and assault weapons. The guns
Peters her first contact with Australia’s             at the time didn’t require that guns be        that were allowed had to be registered
small gun control movement. But it was                registered, so the police didn’t know how      by their owners. And those owners, be
the Central Coast massacre in 1992, at                many the gunman had. They confiscated          they farmers, hunters, collectors or
Terrigal, that first introduced her to the            the five they found. He owned six.             sportspeople, had to provide proof of
news-watching public. Peters could speak                 In the years after the Central Coast        their reasons to have a gun.
knowledgably to the media about the                   massacre, Peters and her colleagues at            As Australia was deciding what to do
gun laws because she was writing her law              the Coalition for Gun Control, laid out a      after Port Arthur, the Coalition for Gun
thesis on the New South Wales gun laws                game plan for the next mass shooting. As       Control had already looked at every
after Strathfield. Terrigal demonstrated              part of Peter’s review of the organisation’s   state’s gun laws, saw what worked and
one of the laws’ greatest failings.                   strategies, she put together a shopping list   didn’t work, and fashioned a proposal for
   In the beach town of Terrigal, about               of essential tasks. The trickiest part was     broadly acceptable national standards.
95 kms north of Sydney, a man went on a               the specifics of the changes they were            On May 10 1996, just 12 days after the
shooting spree, killing six people.                   asking for. The list had to be short so the    Port Arthur outrage, Australia’s state and
   The murderer, now serving life in                  media could easily report it and politicians   federal governments agreed to make their
prison, was known to police as a violent              could more easily say yes to it.               gun laws uniform. Over the following year,
man who owned guns. After a domestic                     First and foremost: uniform gun laws        each parliament enacted the laws that are
dispute, the police raided his home                   across the country. But the Federal            now a source of some international envy
to pre-emptively confiscate his guns.                 government could only regulate gun             and true national pride. 

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