2021 Program Guide - City of Evanston

2021 Program Guide - City of Evanston

         Program Guide
2021 Program Guide - City of Evanston
2021 Program Guide - City of Evanston
Table of Contents

  Special Events                                        School Programs
Special Events                                  4-5   After-School Programs                         26         Lorraine H. Morton Civic Center
                                                      Robert Crown DCFS Licensed Preschool          26         2100 Ridge Ave.
                                                      Toddler and Preschool Enrichment Programs                847-448-8237
 Arts                                                 at Chandler-Newberger                         27         cityofevanston.org
                                                      E-Learning Camps                              28
Art and Visual Programs                           6                                                            Chandler-Newberger Community Center
Dance Programs                                    7                                                            1028 Central St.
Preschool Arts Programs                           6     Special Recreation                                     847-448-8252
                                                      Sports                                        23
 Athletics                                                                                                     Clark St. Beach Office
Assorted Sports			                   11                                                                        Clark St. at the lake (seasonal)
Archery                               9
Baseball                             11                                                                        Dempster St. Beach Office
Basketball				                       11                 Spring Break Camps                                     Dempster St. at the lake (seasonal)
Fencing                               8                                                                        847-866-4167
Figure Skating Classes            15-17               Spring Break Camps                            29         cityofevanston.org/beaches
Fitness                               9
Fitness Rooms                         9                                                                        Evanston Ecology Center
Floor Hockey                         11                Age
                                                                    Camps                                      2024 McCormick Blvd.
Football                             10
Gymnastics                           12               Special Events                                30
Hockey                               14                                                                        cityofevanston.org/ecology
Ice Skating                          13                                                                        evanstonenvironment.org
Martial Arts
Open Gym
                                                       Age 55+ Services                                        Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center
Personal Training                     9                                                                        1655 Foster St.
                                                      Services                                       31        847-448-8254
Pickleball                           11
Preschool and Kindergarten Sports     8                                                                        cityofevanston.org/fleetwood
Public Skating                       14
Soccer                                8
                                                       Age 55+ Activities                                      Fleetwood-Jourdain Theatre
Tai Chi		                            18                                                                        927 Noyes St.
Tennis                               10               Art Classes                                   32
                                                      Clubs and Groups                              36         847-866-5915
Volleyball                           10
                                                      Dance Classes                                 32         cityofevanston.org/fjt
Yoga                                 18
                                                      Fitness                                       34
                                                      Leisure and Enrichment                        33         Gibbs-Morrison Cultural Center
  Ecology                                             Sports                                        33         1823 Church St.
                                                      Tai Chi                                       35         847-448-8040
Ecology Classes                                 22    Yoga                                          35         cityofevanston.org/gibbsmorrison
Ecology Information                             20
Family Programs                                 21                                                             Levy Senior Center
Parent and Child Programs                       20
                                                                                                               300 Dodge Ave.
Scouts Programs                                 20
                                                        Lakefront Activities
                                                                                                               Mason Park Fieldhouse
                                                      Beach Information and Hours                    38        Church St. at Florence Ave.
  Leisure & Enrichment                                Lakefront Activities                           38
                                                      Pooch Park and Dog Beach                       39
Arts Camp Parties                               24
                                                                                                               Noyes Cultural Arts Center
Chandler-Newberger Party Packages and Rentals   24
Ecology Center Packages                         25                                                             927 Noyes St.
Robert Crown Rentals                            25
                                                        Information                                            847-448-4311
Events and Meeting Facility Rentals             25
                                                      Call 311 for Facility hours
                                                      Contact us                                     43        Robert Crown Community Center
                                                      General Information                            40
                                                      Public Parks and Beaches Map                   42
                                                                                                               1801 Main St.
                                                      Registration Information                       40        847-448-8258
                                                      Registration Form                              41        cityofevanston.org/crown
                                                      Sports and Leisure Organizations               43

                                                                                                  To register, call 847-448-4311 or visit cityofevanston.org 3
2021 Program Guide - City of Evanston
Special Events

4 Evanston Parks and Recreation Spring Program Guide 2021
2021 Program Guide - City of Evanston
To register, call 847-448-4311 or visit cityofevanston.org 5
2021 Program Guide - City of Evanston
Preschool Arts                                         POTTERY FOR ADULT BEGINNERS                              ART & WELLNESS
                                                                                                                Discover your creativity in the new art room! In
                                                       You will make sculptures, pots, plates and other
Programs                                               items by hand-building and using the wheel. Make         this multi-week class, explore a method that
                                                       delightful gifts or create something for yourself.       combines pleasurable art-making with thoughtful
MOM AND TOT ARTS                                       Fee includes materials, firings and 1 hr of studio       reflection. Open studio project offers a safe space,
A full contact exploratory arts class with an artist   time. No class on May 5 and 31.                          free of critique. Use drawing, painting and simple
educator leading caregiver and child pairs through     Location: Robert Crown Center                            sculpture materials. No experience necessary. No
a weekly themes , exploring the visual arts. Class     Age: 17 yrs. and up                                      class 5/5 and 5/6.
meets outside weather permitting.                      Fee, 7 sessions: $70 R/$90 NR                            Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Location: Noyes Cultural Arts Center                   Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR                            Age: 18 yrs. and up
Age: 18 months-3.5 yrs.                                                                                         Fee, 7 sessions: $280 R/$300 NR
                                                       Class #    Dates             Days    Time
Fee, 6 sessions: $72 R/$75 NR                                                                                   Fee, 6 sessions: $240 R/$260 NR
                                                       213619A1   Mar 1-April 12    M       7:15-9:15pm
Class #    Dates              Days    Time             213619B1   Mar 3-April 14    W       7:15-9:15pm         Class #    Dates             Days     Time
911601A1   April 6-May 11     Tu      10-11am          213619C1   April 19-May 24   M       7:15-9:15pm         213650A1   Mar 3-April 14    W        10:30am-12:30pm
911601B1   April 7-May 12     W       10-11am          213619D1   April 21-June 2   W       7:15-9:15pm         213650B1   Mar 4-April 15    Th       10:30am-12:30pm
                                                                                                                213650C1   April 21-June 2   W        10:30am-12:30pm
Art and Visual                                         DROP-IN POTTERY                                          213650D1   April 22-June 3   Th       10:30am-12:30pm

Programs                                               Use this time specifically to hone your pottery skills
                                                       at your own pace. Instruction is not provided and        MIDDLE SCHOOL ART CLASS
MAGIC CLASS                                            finished pottery pieces will be fired in the regular     Intuitive art making with intentions and witnessing.
                                                       fire rotation.                                           Get a break from social media and create art for
You will have fun as they learn fascinating tricks
                                                                                                                personal growth and stress management. Explore
from the Magic Team of Gary Kantor. Some tricks        Instructors: Kathy Gemperle or Carol Beaver
                                                                                                                a variety of art materials and techniques. Get
may appear difficult but they are quick to learn and   Location: Robert Crown Community Center (room C)
                                                                                                                inspired by other artists, well known and new.
easy to perform. Tricks could involve cards, ropes,    Age: 17 yrs. and up
                                                                                                                Relax without process based art making, there
coins, or mind reading. All materials are provided     Drop-in fee: $14 R/NR
                                                                                                                isn’t any right or wrong way to create. Each week is
and each child receives a magic kit. Sign up again     Dates 			                    Time                        different. No class May 7, 8, and 29.
and again , new tricks are taught at each session.
                                                       March 7, 14, 21, 28          1-3pm                       Location: Robert Crown Center
Location: Robert Crown Center                          April 11, 18, 25             1-3pm                       Age: 11-13 yrs.
Age: 5-12 yrs.                                         May 7, 14, 21, 28            1-3pm                       Fee, 7 sessions: $175 R/$195 NR
Fee, 1 session: $20 R/$20 NR
                                                                                                                Fee, 5 sessions: $150 R/$170 NR
Class #    Dates     Days     Time
                                                       ART & STORY                                              Class #    Dates Days          Time
212101A1   May 13    Th       6:45-7:40pm
                                                       Support your kids as artists in our highly engaging      212661A1   Mar 5-April 16    F        4-5:30pm
                                                       visual arts program in an open, playful, non-            212661B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa       4-5:30pm
YOUTH POTTERY                                          critical atmosphere. Kids exercise and harness           212661C1   April 23-June 4   F        4-5:30pm
Have you ever squeezed wet clay through your           their imaginations. They will experience drawing,        212661D1   April 24-June 5   Sa       4-5:30pm
fingers? Do you want to turn your idea for a           painting, sculpture, creative writing, as well as art-
sculpture into a real piece or art? Students expand    themed books. Includes a wide variety of 2D and          HIGH SCHOOL ART CLASS
their imagination as they create clay sculptures,      3D projects. No class on May 4,8, and 29.                Discover your creativity in the new art room! In
elbow pots, coils and more. No class May 5.            Location: Robert Crown Community Center                  this multi-week class, explore a method that
Location: Robert Crown Center                          Age: 6-12 yrs.                                           combines pleasurable art-making with thoughtful
Age: 6-14 yrs.                                         Fee, 7 sessions: $175 R/$195 NR                          reflection. Open studio project offers a safe space,
Fee, 7 sessions: $70 R/$90 NR                          Fee, 5 sessions: $150 R/$170 NR                          free of critique. Use drawing, painting and simple
Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR                                                                                   sculpture materials. No experience necessary.
                                                       Class #    Dates             Days    Time
Class #    Dates           Days      Time                                                                       No class May 6.
                                                       212660A1   Mar 2-April 13    Tu      4-5:30pm
212602A1   Mar 3-April 14 W          4:30-5:30pm       212660B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa      4-5:30pm            Location: Robert Crown Center
212602B1   April 21-June 2 W         4:30-5:30pm       212660C1   April 20-June 1   Tu      4-5:30pm            Age: 14-18yrs.
                                                       212660D1   April 24-June 5   Sa      4-5:30pm            Fee, 7 sessions: $280R/$300 NR
FAMILY CLAY SCULPTURE                                                                                           Fee, 6 sessions: $240 R/$260 NR
A child and parent work as a team to create clay                                                                Class #    Dates           Days       Time
pieces that they’ll always treasure. Registration                                                               212659A1   March 4-April 15 Th        6:30-8:30pm
will be put under the child’s name. No class May 5                                                              212659B1   April 22-June 3 Th         6:30-8:30pm
and May 31.
Location: Robert Crown Center
Age: 5 yrs. and up
Fee, 7 sessions: $70 R/$90 NR
Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR
Class #    Dates             Days    Time
212604A1   Mar 1-April 12    M       6-7pm
212604B1   Mar 3-April 14    W       6-7pm
212604C1   April 19-May 24   M       6-7pm
212604D1   April 21-June 2   W       6-7pm

6 Evanston Parks and Recreation Spring Program Guide 2021
2021 Program Guide - City of Evanston
Champion your child’s artistic path and nurture
                                                      Dance Programs                                            BROADWAY JAZZ
                                                                                                                Class covering beginning- to intermediate-level
                                                      Location: Robert Crown Center
creativity through curiosity and discovery, while                                                               technique in Broadway-style jazz dance. Students
                                                      All dance classes socially distanced
bringing yourself along for the fun. This original                                                              will learn about jazz aesthetics, movement
Open Studio Project class encourages creative         CREATIVE MOVEMENT                                         vocabulary, rhythm, and stage presence while
exploration in an open, playful atmosphere with                                                                 developing their own, unique jazz style. Prior dance
                                                      A class for little ones emphasizing movement,
traditional, new and unexpected materials. Adults                                                               experience welcome but not required. Clothing
                                                      games, music, and imagination. Students will
and kids alike have a blast as they create together                                                             should be comfortable and non-obstructive. Soft-
                                                      learn improvisational and set dance phrases and
in this art programming for children and their                                                                  sole jazz shoes are required. No class April 4, May 9
                                                      movement games that help build coordination
parents. No class May 7, 8, 29 and 31.                                                                          and 30.
                                                      and spatial awareness. No prior dance experience
Location: Robert Crown Community Center               needed. Clothing should be comfortable and non-           Age: 7-12 yrs.
Age: 3-6 yrs.                                         obstructive. No class 5/ 8 &29.                           Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR
Fee, 7 sessions: $154 R/$174 NR                                                                                 Fee, 5 sessions: $50 R/$70 NR
                                                      Age: 2.5-5 yrs.
Fee, 5 sessions: $132 R/$152 NR                       Fee, 7 sessions: $70 R/$90 NR                             Class #    Dates           Days   Time
Class #    Dates             Days   Time              Fee, 5 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR                             212664A1   Mar 7-April 18 Su      12-1pm
212662A1   Mar 5-April 16    F      10-11:15am        Class #    Dates           Days   Time                    212664B1   April 25-June 6 Su     12-1pm
212662B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     10-11:15am        211108A1   Mar 6-April 17 Sa      9-9:45am
212662C1   Mar 1-April 12    M      10-11:15am        211108B1   April 24-June 5 Sa     9-9:45am                BEYONCE, RIHANNA & ARIANA
212662D1   April 23-June 4   F      10-11:15am                                                                  A high-energy dance class celebrating contemporary
212662E1   April 24-June 5   Sa     10-11:15am
212662F1   April 19-May 24   M      10-11:15am
                                                      DANCES FOR PRINCESSES & PRINCES                           icons of pop. Expect heavy rotations of Beyonce©,
                                                      This class celebrates iconic Disney music, movies,        Rihanna©, and Ariana Grande© with some
                                                      and characters through imaginative, joyful                Lizzo©, Dua Lipa©, and Drake© in the mix. This
CHINESE BRUSHWORK                                     movement and games. Students will build body and          class emphasizes rhythm and musicality and will
Learn the basics of Chinese ink painting in this                                                                touch on foundational concepts in street and club
                                                      spatial awareness while engaging their imaginations
multi-generational class. Participants will be                                                                  dances. Prior dance experience welcome but not
                                                      through dance exercises set to iconic Disney songs.
shown how to brush and create simple pictures of                                                                required. Clothing should be comfortable and non-
                                                      Dressing up is highly encouraged (but not required).
grass, bamboo and fruit. You will find your inner                                                               obstructive. No class May 8 and 29.
                                                      Clothing should be comfortable.
artist in this workshop. Supplies included.                                                                     Age: 13-18 yrs.
                                                      Age: 3-5 yrs.
Location: Robert Crown Center                                                                                   Fee, 7 sessions: $70 R/$90 NR
                                                      Fee, 7 sessions: $70 R/$90 NR
Age: 10 yrs. and up                                                                                             Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR
                                                      Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR
Fee, 1 session: $14 R/$14 NR                                                                                    Class #    Dates           Days   Time
Class #    Dates    Days      Time                    Class #    Dates           Days   Time
                                                                                                                213653A1   Mar 6-April 17 Sa      1-2pm
213625A1   Mar 14   Su        3-4:30pm                212666A1   Mar 2-April 13 Tu      11-11:45am
                                                                                                                213653B1   April 24-June 5 Sa     1-2pm
213625B1   Mar 7    Su        3-4:30pm                212666B1   April 20-June 1 Tu     11-11:45am

                                                      SALSA DANCING                                             POPPING, HOUSE & DUBSTEP
                                                                                                                This class covers core movement concepts in
IMAGINARY ANIMALS IN PAPIER-MACHE                     This introductory class to salsa dance will focus
                                                                                                                contemporary street and club dances. Students
A child and parent work together in a 3 step          on the foundations of salsa movement. We will
                                                                                                                will learn technique for hitting, jacking, strobing,
workshop exploring the fun of making exotic           focus on individual technique. This session will
                                                                                                                botting, and gliding as well as concepts in free
and imaginary animals based on the creatures of       cover foundational principles in salsa rhythms,
                                                                                                                styling. Prior hip hop and club dance experience
Oaxaca, Mexico in Papier-Mache. Registration will     footwork, rolls, and shines. No prior experience
                                                                                                                welcome but not required. Clothing should be
be under the child’s name; enrollment is limited to   needed. Clothing should be comfortable and non-
                                                                                                                comfortable and non-obstructive. Clean-soled, non-
6 registrants to ensure individualized instruction.   obstructive. Non-marking, clean-soled shoes are
                                                                                                                marking shoes are required. No class 4/4 and 5/9
All supplies are included except for newspaper.       required. No class May 4.
                                                                                                                and 5/30.
Instructor: Kathy Gemperle                            Age: 18 yrs. and up
                                                                                                                Age: 18 yrs. and up
Location: Robert Crown Center                         Fee, 7 sessions: $70 R/$90 NR
                                                                                                                Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR
Age: 7 yrs. and up                                    Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR
                                                                                                                Fee, 5 sessions: $50 R/$70 NR
Fee, 3 sessions: $45 R/$65 NR                         Class #    Dates           Days   Time
                                                                                                                Class #    Dates           Days   Time
Class #    Dates          Days      Time              213604A1   Mar 2-April 13 Tu      7-8pm
                                                                                                                213654A1   Mar 7-April 18 Su      10:30-11:30am
212601A1   April 18-May 2 Su        3-5pm             213604B1   April 20-June 1 Tu     7-8pm
                                                                                                                213654B1   April 25-June 6 Su     10:30-11:30am

                                                      BALLET, TAP AND HIP-HOP
                                                      Introduction to dance technique covering the
                                                      fundamentals of ballet, tap, and hip hop. Prior
                                                      dance experience welcome but not required.
                                                      Clothing should be non-obstructive. Tap shoes
                                                      required. No class5/8 &5/29.
                                                      Age: 4-7 yrs.
                                                      Fee, 7 sessions: $80 R/$100 NR
                                                      Fee, 5 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR
                                                      Class #    Dates           Days   Time
                                                      211121A1   Mar 6-April 17 Sa      11am-12:15pm
                                                      211121B1   April 24-June 5 Sa     11am-12:15pm

                                                                                                       To register, call 847-448-4311 or visit cityofevanston.org 7
2021 Program Guide - City of Evanston
Preschool and                                           Soccer                                                  Fencing
Kindergarten Sports                                     MICRO LEAGUE SOCCER                                     FENCING
                                                        Micro League Soccer introduces players to soccer        Are you looking for a new and exciting activity?
TEE BALL SKILLS                                         through fun soccer specific activities that engage      Diana Unger will teach you the basics of fencing.
This program will feature structured learning                                                                   Fencing requires patience, concentration,
                                                        each player’s imagination under the guidance
and children will have the opportunity to engage                                                                discipline, and self-awareness. Its rewards are self-
                                                        of our professionally licensed coaching staff.
in a series of tee-ball drills, skills, and plenty of                                                           confidence, self-control and emotional strength
                                                        During the course of our training, players will learn
physical activity! No class 5/8 and 5/29.                                                                       for a healthier lifestyle. Private fencing lessons
                                                        different ball mastery skills to control the ball,
Location: Robert Crown Community Center                 evade defenders, and score goals! The training          are also available, for more information contact
Age: 3-6 yrs.                                           sessions at 1 hour long but broken into 15 minute       Michelle at 847-448-8681.
Fee, 7 sessions: $70 R/$90 NR                           blocks. These blocks will include a fun, skill-of-      Equipment: Weapons, jackets and masks
Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR                           the-day warm-up activity, imaginative skill training    are provided. In response to COVID-19, each
Class #    Dates           Days   Time                  activity, and two conditioned games for skill           participant will receive a mask and a fencing jacket
212830A1   Mar 6-April 17 Sa      10-11am               development. Players are grouped into “teams”           to keep throughout the 8-week period. The masks
212830B1   April 24-June 5 Sa     10-11am               each week for the conditioned games and records         and jackets will be pre-cleaned and disinfected.
                                                        are not kept week to week. The concentration is on      Masks and jackets should be returned at the end
TINY TOT SPORTS                                         the player’s skill acquisition and enjoyment of the     of the class. Weapons will be kept at the facility
Children will have the opportunity to build             sport, rather than team records and rankings. This      and disinfected prior to each use. Participants in
confidence, work together, and acquire new skills       program will prepare players for Team Evanston’s        Intermediate and Advanced classes are strongly
in track & field, basketball, and soccer! No class      pre-travel program, and is a great introduction         encouraged to purchase their own equipment. Each
5/4 and 5/6.                                            to learning soccer in a fun, developmentally            participant is expected to purchase an underarm
                                                        appropriate environment. Rainout day is May 25th        protector and glove, as these are personal items,
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
                                                        Location: Leahy Park                                    as well as register for a $10 membership with
Age: 3-5 yrs.
                                                        Age: 4-5 yrs. Co-ed                                     USFA. Please purchase before the first class, visit
Fee, 14 sessions: $96R/$116NR
                                                        Fee: $90 R/$113NR                                       www.cityofevanston.org/fencing for information
Fee, 12 sessions: $83R/$103NR
                                                                                                                on purchasing the personal items, as well as the
Class #    Dates           Days Time                    Class #   Dates           Days Time        Location
212827A1   Mar 2-April 15 Tu/Th. 4:15- 5pm              611105A1 Apr 13-May 18    Tu 4:30-5:30pm Leahy Park     Information: Michelle, 847-448-8681
212827B1   April 20-June 3 Tu/Th. 4:15- 5pm                                                                     Instructor: Diana Unger
                                                        INDOOR SOCCER                                           Location: Chandler-Newberger Community Center
KINDERGARTEN BASKETBALL HUDDLE                          Young children will gain a solid foundation and         Age: Varies; see below
This three week session is open to any boy or girl      understanding of soccer fundamentals in a fun and       Fee, Beginner: $136 R/$170 NR
in Kindergarten. The huddle will meet for one 45        relaxed environment. No class 5/4.                      Fee, Intermediate:$153 R/$191 NR
minutes on three separate dates. Focus will be          Location: Robert Crown Community Center                 Class #    Date            Day   Time            Level   Age
on development of skills and drills with periods        Age: 8-10 yrs.
                                                                                                                612807A1   Mar 27-May 15   Sa    9:30-10:30am    Beg.    7-14
of scrimmaging. Coaches will place a strong             Fee, 7 sessions: $70 R 90 NR
                                                                                                                612807B1   Mar 27-May 15   Sa    10:45-11:45am   Beg.    15-Adult
emphasis on character development while helping         Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R$80 NR                            612807C1   Mar 27-May 15   Sa    12:30-1:30pm    Int.    12-Adult
players develop their basketball fundamentals.          Class #    Dates           Days   Time
Location: Chandler-Newberger Center                     212828A1   Mar 2-April 13 Tu      5:30- 6:30pm
Age: 3-5 yrs.                                           212828B1   April 20-June 1 Tu     5:30- 6:30pm          ADVANCED FENCING-TOURNAMENT
Fee, 3 sessions: $45R/$56NR                                                                                     TRAINING
Class #    Dates         Days     Time
                                                        SCHOOL OF SOCCER
                                                                                                                Sharpen your skills in this advanced fencing class
                                                        This program is designed to educate young
612804A1   Apr 7-21      W        3:45-4:30pm                                                                   where Coach Unger will work with you on preparing
                                                        soccer players on how to play while developing
612804B1   Apr 28-May 12 W        3:45-4:30pm                                                                   for tournaments, working with different weapons
                                                        their appreciation for the game. The coaches are
                                                                                                                and teaching you meditation skills to give you the
                                                        professionally licensed and sport safe trained,
                                                                                                                edge over your opponent. At this level participants
                                                        and ready to pass on their knowledge to the next
                                                                                                                are expected to have their own glove and underarm
                                                        generation of players. Players will be grouped by
                                                                                                                protector, if you own your own equipment please
                                                        age and focus on their technique with the soccer
                                                                                                                bring it to class. Each participant should be a
                                                        ball. Not only will participants learn cool soccer
                                                                                                                member of the United States Fencing Association.
                                                        tricks they will develop their physical health and
                                                                                                                Register before the first class. Can’t make all of the
                                                        emotional well-being in our inclusive environment.
                                                                                                                classes? Purchase a four-count attendance pass
                                                        Location: Fleetwood-Jourdain Center                     and attend the classes you can. This class will not
                                                        Age: 5-9 yrs.                                           be prorated. To purchase the attendance pass
                                                        Fee, 8 sessions: $75 R/$85 NR                           please call 847-448-8681 and speak with Michelle.
                                                        Class #  Dates         Days       Time                  Instructor: Diana Unger
                                                        442825B1 Mar 26-May 14 F          4-5pm                 Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
                                                                                                                Age: Varies, see below.
                                                                                                                Fee, 8 sessions: $82 R /103NR
                                                                                                                Class #     Dates           Days Time
                                                                                                                612807D1    Mar 30- May 18 Tu       6:30-7:30pm      11-Adult
                                                                                                                612807E1    Four-Count Punch Pass Class Number

8 Evanston Parks and Recreation Spring Program Guide 2021
2021 Program Guide - City of Evanston
Archery                                                        ZUMBA ROBERT CROWN
                                                               Zumba® is a fusion of Latin and International
                                                                                                                               Personal Training
ARCHERY                                                        music with dance themes creating a dynamic,                     PERSONAL TRAINING AT LEVY CENTER
Participants in this class will learn the proper               exciting, effective fitness system! Routines feature            (AGES 18+)
fundamentals of archery from experienced                       aerobic/fitness interval training, resistance
                                                                                                                               Take the road to a healthier tomorrow and find a
coach Brent Harmon, Director of Chicago Archery                training and a combination of fast and slow
                                                                                                                               personal trainer who is right for you. You don’t have
Coaches, a USA Archery Level 4-NTS and Regional                rhythms that tone and sculpt the body. Easy-to-
                                                                                                                               to be a Levy Senior Center or Fitness Room member
Elite Development Program Coach. Throughout the                follow dance steps and body-sculpting movements
                                                                                                                               to purchase a personal training package. Choose
4 weeks, participants will use these fundamentals              maximize caloric output, fat burning and total body
                                                                                                                               between 5 or 10 sessions in either 30 or 60 minutes
to progress to more advanced distances and                     toning. This Class will be in-person & virtual.
targets. Skills will be honed by playing games and             Instructor: Tania Morgonza
                                                                                                                               To receive the discount, you must pre-purchase
other fun archery activities.                                  Location: Robert Crown Community Center
                                                                                                                               a package (i.e., no discount if you buy sessions
Location: Chandler-Newberger Community Center                  Age: 18 yrs. and up
                                                                                                                               one at a time) and must use the same trainer for all
Age: varies, see below                                         Fee, 7sessions: $70 R/ $90 NR
                                                                                                                               sessions. Personal training passes expire 6 months
Fee, 4 sessions: $100 R/$125 NR                                Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R /$80 NR                                  from the date of issue.
Class #    Dates              Days   Time          Age         Class #    Dates             Days   Time                        Registration: Levy Center’s office, 847-448-8250
612820A1   April 7-April 28   W      4-5pm         7-12        213318A1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     9-10am                      Fee for 30-minute sessions:
612820B1   April 7-April 28   W      5:15-6:15pm   12-15       213318B1   Mar 7-April 18    Su     9-10am                      1 session, $30; 5-session package, $135;
612820C1   April 7-April 28   W      6:30-7:30pm   16+         213318C1   April 24-June 5   Sa     9-10am                      10-session package, $270
612820D1   May 5-May 26       W      4-5pm         7-12        213318D1   April 25-June 6   Su     9-10am         l            Fee for 60-minute sessions:
612820E1   May 5-May 26       W      5:15-6:15pm   12-15                                                                       1 session, $43; 5-session package, $194;
612820F1   May 5-May 26       W      6:30-7:30pm   16+         HIGH-ENERGY DANCE FITNESS                                       10-session package, $387.
                                                               A socially-distanced, high-energy aerobic
                                                               dance class emphasizing dynamic movement,
Fitness                                                        endurance development, rhythm, and mind-                        Fitness Rooms
                                                               body coordination. Energetic music and a highly
                                                               encouraging, come-as-you-are approach seeks                     FITNESS ROOM AT LEVY CENTER
LOW IMPACT AEROBICS                                                                                                            * The Fitness Center is currently closed due to
                                                               to uplift students as we honor and challenge our
Spend 30 minutes doing good-time, low-impact                                                                                   COVID-19. An announcement will be made when
                                                               bodies. Prior dance experience not required.
aerobics and 30 minutes on strength exercises and                                                                              reopening along with procedures for usage.
                                                               Clothing should be comfortable and non-
stretching. This complete workout is over before                                                                               Location: Levy Senior Center
                                                               obstructive. No class 4/4,5/9,5/30.
you know it! This class will be virtual & In-person.                                                                           Fees:
                                                               Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Instructor: Rosa Velazquez                                                                                                     Levy Center Member: $115 Y/$10 M
                                                               Age: 7-12 yrs.
Location: Levy Senior Center                                                                                                   Non-member Resident: $300 Y/$26 M
                                                               Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR
Age: 18 yrs. and up                                                                                                            Non-member Non-Resident: $350 Y/$32 M
                                                               Fee, 5 sessions: $50 R/$70NR
Fee, 10 sessions: $60 LM/$75 NM                                                                                                Daily Fee, all adults: $5
                                                               Class #    Dates           Days     Time
Class #    Dates          Days       Time                                                                                      Days      Age        Time
                                                               212665A1   Mar 7-April 18 Su        1:30- 2:30pm
513323A1   Mar 22- May 24 Mon        5-6pm         In-Person                                                                   M-F       18-54      7-9am/5-9pm
                                                               212665B1   April 25-June 6 Su       1:30- 2:30pm
513323B1   Mar 22- May 24 Mon        5-6pm         Virtua                                                                      M-F       55+        7am-9pm
                                                                                                                               Sa-Su     All Ages   9am-3pm

ZUMBA LEVY CENTER                                                                                                              FITNESS ROOM AT FLEETWOOD-
Zumba® is a fusion of Latin and International                                                                                  JOURDAIN CENTER (AGES 18+)
music with dance themes creating a dynamic,
                                                                                                                               Our Fitness room is a bright beautiful place to
exciting, effective fitness system! Routines feature
                                                                                                                               work out. Includes all you need to get or stay in
aerobic/fitness interval training, resistance
                                                                                                                               shape. The Fitness room has Ellipticals, weights,
training and a combination of fast and slow
                                                                                                                               Treadmills and other options available for your
rhythms that tone and sculpt the body. Easy-to-
                                                                                                                               workout needs.
follow dance steps and body-sculpting movements
                                                                                                                               Location: Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center
maximize caloric output, fat burning and total body
                                                                                                                               Age: 18 yrs. and up
toning. This Class will be in-person & virtual.
Instructor: Rosa Velazquez
                                                                                                                               Yearly Fee: $120
Location: Levy Senior Center
                                                                                                                               Monthly Fee: $50
Age: 18 yrs. and up
                                                                                                                               Daily fee: $5
Fee, 10 sessions: $$60 LM/ $75 NM
                                                                                                                               Dates     Day        Time
Class #    Dates          Days       Time
                                                                                                                               Ongoing   M-F        6am-8:30pm
513306A1   Mar 22- May 24 Mon        6:30-7:30pm   In-Person
                                                                                                                                         Sa         9am-4pm
513306B1   Mar 22- May 24 Mon        6:30-7:30pm   Virtual

                                                                                                                      To register, call 847-448-4311 or visit cityofevanston.org 9
2021 Program Guide - City of Evanston
Tennis                                                 ADULT INTERMEDIATE TENNIS
                                                       This player has had some formal instruction, is able
                                                       to perform basic strokes and executes serve with
PEE WEE TENNIS                                         proper motion. Consistency will be emphasized
                                                                                                              VOLLEYBALL SKILLS
These kids are just learning to play! Lesson                                                                  This program will include instruction in the basic
                                                       along with a more focused sense of footwork and
plans will focus on basic ball skills, movement,                                                              skills of serving, passing, setting, attacking and
                                                       ball placement. Both feeding drills and point play
age-appropriate technique, and making sure                                                                    blocking. The class will also cover the tactical
                                                       will be used. This class is geared toward players
your child has fun and loves tennis. This is the                                                              skills of volleyball, which includes offensive and
                                                       who hit with medium power.
perfect opportunity for your child to learn the                                                               defensive play, as well as the rules and scoring.
                                                       Location: Lovelace Park
fundamentals of the sport.                                                                                    Participants will learn how to compete in a positive
                                                       Age: 18 yrs. and up
                                                                                                              environment, while also working together and
Location: Lovelace Park                                Fee, 4 sessions: $100 R/$125 NR
                                                                                                              encouraging each other along the way! No class
Age: 4-5 yrs.                                          Class #  Dates    Days Time                            5/7.
Fee, 4 sessions: $70 R/$88 NR
                                                       612755A1 May 8-29 Sa 10:30am-12pm                      Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Class #  Dates    Days Time                                                                                   Age: 12-16 yrs.
612710A1 May 8-29 Sa   3:30-4:15pm		                   TABLE TENNIS                                           Fee, 7 sessions: $70R/$90NR
                                                       In this program the instructor will teach all          Fee, 6 sessions: $60R/$80 NR
YOUTH BEGINNER TENNIS                                  aspects and fundamentals of table tennis, which
                                                                                                              Class #    Dates           Days    Time
For tennis players who can rally from the baseline.    will include covering, serving, strokes, and the
                                                                                                              212833A1   Mar 5-April 16 F        7- 8pm
Live-ball drills and point play help develop shot      official rules in order to prepare participants for
                                                                                                              212833B1   April 23-June 4 F        7- 8pm
selection and movement while players continue          competition. No class on 5/5.
stroke development. Players have proven skills in      Location: Robert Crown Community Center
mechanics, control, consistency and movement.          Age: 8-12 yrs.
                                                                                                              INDOOR VOLLEYBALL SKILLS & DRILLS
Location: Lovelace Park                                Fee, 7 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR                          (CO-ED)
Age: varies                                            Fee, 6 sessions: $50R/$70NR                            Reach the next level of the game with 90 minutes
Fee, 4 sessions: $80 R/$100 NR                                                                                of drills in setting, passing, overhand serving
                                                       Class #  Dates            Days   Time
                                                                                                              and spiking. You will learn to overhand serve and
Class #    Dates      Days   Time		         Age        212829A1 March 3-April 14 Wed    6:30-7:30pm           develop a good understanding of each position on
612750A1   May 8-29   Sa     12-1pm.        6-8 yrs    212829B1 April 21-June 2 Wed     6:30-7:30pm           offense and defense. The lesson plan directs the
612750B1   May 8-29   Sa     1-2pm          9-11 yrs
                                                                                                              use of individual training; pairing drills and game
                                                                                                              situation development that help each player reach
YOUTH INTERMEDIATE TENNIS                              BADMINTON                                              a new level. Coaches will organize games at the
For tennis players who can rally from the baseline.    In this program the participants will practice and     end of each class. Lesson plans also incorporate
Live-ball drills and point play help develop shot      engage in a series of badminton lessons, skills and    leadership and educational components.
selection and movement while players continue          drills. The class will learn how to properly serve,    Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
stroke development. Players have proven skills in      forehand, backhand, volley and demonstrate their       Age: 10-16 yrs.
mechanics, control, consistency and movement.          skills in competitive matches against their peers in   Fee, 4 sessions: $70R/$88 NR
Location: Lovelace Park                                practice! No class on 5/6.
                                                                                                              Class #  Dates    Days            Time
Age:9-14                                               Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Fee, 4 sessions: $100R/$125 NR                         Age: 8-12 yrs.                                         642843E1 Apr 6-27 Th              5:15-6:45pm
                                                                                                              642843F1 Apr 6-27  Th             6:45-8:15pm
Class #    Dates      Days   Time                      Fee, 7 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR

612752A1   May 8-29   Sa     2-3:30pm.                 Fee, 6 sessions: $50R/$70NR
                                                       Class #  Dates           Days    Time                  NEW! YOUTH OUTDOOR GRASS
ADULT BEGINNER/                                        212834A1 March 4-April 15 Th     5:30-6:30pm           VOLLEYBALL SKILLS & DRILLS PROGRAM
ADVANCED BEGINNER TENNIS                               212834B1 April 22-June 3 Th      5:30-6:30pm
                                                                                                              Reach the next level of volleyball with drills in
Beginner Adult Lessons are geared toward the                                                                  setting, passing, overhand serving and spiking.
player with no prior tennis experience. We’ll learn                                                           You will learn to overhand serve and develop a
basic strokes, rules and etiquette.                                                                           good understanding of each position on offense
Location: Lovelace Park                                                                                       and defense. The lesson plan directs the use
Age: 18 yrs. and up                                                                                           of individual training; pairing drills and game
Fee, 4 sessions: $80 R/$100 NR                                                                                situation development that help each student
Class #  Dates    Days Time                                                                                   reach a new level. Instructors will organize
612754A1 May 8-29 Sa   9:30-10:30am                                                                           games at the end of each class. The lesson plan

                                                        Drop In Table Tennis                                  also incorporates leadership and educational
                                                                                                              Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
                                                                                                              Age: 10-16 yrs.
                                                         Robert Crown Community Center                        Fee: $70 R/$88 NR
                                                         4-5pm Grade School and High School                   Class #  Dates            Days     Time
                                                         (March 14-Aug 30)                                    612847A1 May 4-25         Tu      5-7pm
                                                         5-6pm 18 yrs. and Up (March 14-Aug 30)               612847B1 May 6-27         Th      5-7pm

                                                         $3 per session
                                                         Questions: Call 847-448-8258

10 Evanston Parks and Recreation Spring Program Guide 2021
Baseball                                               NEW! MARCH MADNESS SHOOTOUT                                 GAME ON! MULTI-SPORT CLASS
                                                       Let the games begin, March Madness is here!                 (GIRLS ONLY)
BASEBALL SKILLS                                        Register your team to win the GRAND PRIZE! Teams            Join Game On! Sports 4 Girls for our signature
This program features structured learning,             will be made up of one parent and one child. Teams          Multi-Sport Class! This program is a great way to
highlighted by practice and one game each              will be grouped by the child’s age. Parent may              expose your daughter to team sports! Explore and
week! Over the course of the program, children         compete with more than one child. Each team                 learn a different sport every 1-3 weeks. We may
will practice and engage in multiple lessons that      member will shoot 10 free throws and the team               cover basketball, soccer, tennis, softball, lacrosse,
include skills, drills, and organized play. No class   that makes the most shots within their division             volleyball, and more in a FUN, nurturing and
5/8 and 5/29.                                          wins. Children will receive two raffle tickets for          positive environment! From our years dedicated to
Location: Robert Crown Community Center                participating and can enter in the raffle of their          working with girls, we have the unique games and
Age: 7-10 yrs                                          choice. Pre-registration is required for both               expertise to help each of your daughters grow as
Fee, 7 sessions: $70 R/$90 NR                          child and parent. The younger divisions will use            a person and an athlete. Attention to teamwork,
                                                       mini-basketballs and hoops. Event time will vary            sportsmanship, self-esteem, respect, giving, and
Fee, 5 sessions: $50 R/$70 NR
                                                       depending on registration. For more information             goal setting are incorporated into our program as
Class #    Dates           Days Time                   please contact Michelle Bush at                             well. Please come dressed ready to play!
212831A1   Mar 6-April 17 Sa    11:30am-12:30pm        mbush@cityofevanston.org.                                   Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
212831B1   April 24-June 5 Sa   11:30am-12:30pm        Location: Chandler-Newberger Community Center               Age: 5-10 yrs
                                                       Age: 5-15 yrs.                                              Fee: $95R/$100 NR
Basketball                                             Fee: $5 R/$5 NR
                                                                                                                   Class #   Dates              Days Time
                                                       Class #    Dates           Days   Time Range                642874B1 Apr 8-May 13        Th 4-5pm
BASKETBALL SKILLS & DRILLS (CO-ED)                     612829A1   Mar 21          Su     11am-5pm
                                                       612829B1   Mar 21          Su     11am-5pm                  TRIPLE PLAY SPORTS
This class will break skills down to their most
basic and fundamental levels for players new to                                                                    Players will have the opportunity to work together
the game. Players will be introduced to a variety      BASKETBALL SKILLS AND DRILLS                                and learn multiple strategies through competition
of drills to establish familiarity with dribbling,     Interested in taking your game to the next level by         in three different sports, which will include
passing, receiving, rebounding, shooting, and          mastering the basic fundamentals of basketball.             basketball, soccer and dodge-ball! No class 5/5.
basic footwork.                                        Participants will work on ball handling, shooting,          Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Location: Chandler-Newberger Community Center          layups. agility, footwork, defense, etc. The clinic         Age: 7-9 yrs.
Fee: $95 R/$119 NR                                     will be lead by certified basketball trainers who           Fee, 7 sessions: $70 R /$90 NR
                                                       have proven track records across the world for
Class #    Dates          Days   Time          Grade                                                               Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R /$80 NR
                                                       helping developing basketball players reach their
612805A1   Apr 5-May 10   M      4-5pm          1-2    full potential. Please call for more details.               Class #    Dates           Days      Time
612805B1   Apr 5-May 10   M      5-6pm          3      Location: Fleetwood Jourdain Community Center               212825A1   Mar 3-April 14 W          5- 6pm
                                                       Age: varies                                                 212825B1   April 21-June 2 W         5- 6pm
                                                       Fee: $200 R/$250 NR
(GIRLS ONLY)                                                                                                       FLAG FOOTBALL
This course is for beginner to intermediate level      Class #    Dates           Days Time           Age
                                                                                                                   This is a great introduction to flag football, where
female basketball players. Our experienced             443802A1   Mar 16-May 27   Tu/Th 5-6pm         8-9
                                                                                                                   footwork and quick reflexes, are the bell-weathers
coaches will introduce players to the fundamentals     443802B1   Mar 16-May 27   Tu/Th 6-7pm         10-11
                                                       443802C1   Mar 16-May 27   Tu/Th 7-8pm         12-13        of success. Coaches work on offense and defense,
of the game such as shooting, dribbling, passing                                                                   with a bit of age-appropriate strategy thrown in for
and defense. Players will have fun taking part in      443802D1   Mar 16-May 27   Tu/Th 8-9pm         13-14
                                                                                                                   good measure. No class May 7
various drills and competitions while learning the
                                                                                                                   Location: Robert Crown Community Center
rules of the games and basic basketball concepts.
                                                                                                                   Age: 7-9 yrs
Location: Chandler-Newberger Community Center                                                                      Fee, 7 sessions: $70 R/$90 NR
Age: 9-11 yrs
Fee: $95 R/$119 NR
                                                       Assorted Sports                                             Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR

Class #    Dates          Days   Time
                                                       INDOOR TRACK & FIELD		                                      Class #    Dates		            Days    Time
                                                       Track & Field is a demanding sport requiring                212826A1   Mar 5-April 16     F        5-6pm
612831A1   Apr 7-May 12   W      4:30-5:30pm                                                                       212826B1   April 23-June 4    F        5-6pm
                                                       fitness, endurance and desire to compete. In this
                                                       program you will learn to develop a training plan,
BASKETBALL SKILLS & DRILLS                             delve into the psychology and mental toughness
(BOYS ONLY)                                            of becoming a short and long distance runner, as
This course is for beginner to intermediate level      well as learning how to identify, treat and prevent
female basketball players. Our experienced             common injuries and much more! No class 5/31.
coaches will introduce players to the fundamentals     Location: Robert Crown Community Center
of the game such as shooting, dribbling, passing       Age: 10-13 yrs.
and defense. Players will have fun taking part in      Fee, 7 sessions: $60 R/$80 NR
various drills and competitions while learning the     Fee, 6 sessions: $50 R/$70 NR
rules of the games and basic basketball concepts.
                                                       Class #    Dates           Days   Time
Location: Chandler-Newberger Community Center
Age: 9-11 yrs.                                         212832A1   Mar 1-April 12 M       5- 6pm
                                                       212832B1   April 19-May 24 M      5- 6pm
Fee: $95 R/$119NR
Class #    Dates          Days   Time
612832A1   Apr 7-May 12   W      5:30-6:30pm

                                                                                                        To register, call 847-448-4311 or visit cityofevanston.org 11
Gymnastics                                               BEGINNING GYMNASTICS
                                                         Beginning gymnastics introduces skills and
                                                                                                                  INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED GYMNASTICS
                                                                                                                  Intermediate/Advanced classes train a variety of
GYMNASTICS GENERAL INFO                                  drills that are fun, safe, and understandable            advanced skills on bars, beam, floor, and vault,
Gymnastics is a fun and exciting way to improve          for gymnasts of varying backgrounds, while               while continuing to practice new drills, progressions,
strength, balance, and coordination. Gymnasts            providing the structure needed to start training and     and conditioning that will increase their skill set. At
will learn skills on the bars, beam, vault, and floor,   perfecting basic skills on bars, beam, floor, and        this level, gymnasts are involved in setting goals,
and will get lots of practice jumping and flipping on    vault. No experience necessary.                          self-correcting, and tracking their own progress.
our inflatable air trak! Whether this is your child’s    Location: Chandler-Newberger Center                      Participants must receive approval from their coach
first gymnastics class or they’re an experienced         Age: 5-10 yrs.                                           before enrolling in this class. It is recommended to
gymnast looking for a challenge, our coaches will        Fee, 8 sessions: $117 R/ $146 NR                         register for 2 classes per week at this level.
work with them to perfect their skills and safely and                                                             Class placement questions: 847-448-8252
                                                         Class #    Dates           Days   Time
progressively work towards new goals. All of our                                                                  Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
                                                         612810A1   Apr 5-May 24    M      4-5pm
gymnastics classes focus on positivity, supporting                                                                Age: 6-11 yrs.
                                                         612810B1   Apr 8-May 27    Th      4-5pm
our classmates, and reflection and self-confidence.                                                               Fee, 8 sessions: $192 R/ $240 NR
                                                         612810C1   Apr 8-May 27    Th      5-6pm
From Tots exploring an obstacle course to Advanced       612810D1   Apr 8-May 27    Th      6-7pm                 Class #    Dates           Day   Time
gymnasts setting long-term goals, we encourage           612810E1   Apr 3-May 22    Sa     11am-12pm              612825A1   Apr 5- May 24   M     5:30-7pm
all our gymnasts to take an active role in their                                                                  612825C1   Apr 3 -May 22   Sa    12:30-2pm
gymnastics education. Please see our list of classes     BEGINNING II GYMNASTICS
below and a brief description explaining each level.     Beginning II Gymnastics focuses on mastering
If you have any questions, please contact Michelle       the skills necessary to move up to Advanced
Tompkins at 847-446-8681.                                Beginning Gymnastics, while working to improve
                                                         conditioning, flexibility, and balance. This class
Class placement questions: If your child has taken       is for those who have taken one year or more of
one year or more of gymnastics lessons, please call      gymnastics classes, or who have received approval
Michelle at 847-448-8681 for proper placement.           from their coach.
Private or group lessons are available for those         Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
interested in individualized attention or for those      Age: 5-10 yrs.
who are aged-out of certain levels, call Chandler-       Fee, 8 sessions: $117 R/ $146 NR
Newberger at 847-448-8252.
                                                         Class #    Dates           Days   Time
                                                         612809A1   Apr 5-May 24    M       4-5pm
GYMNASTICS WITH A GROWN UP                               612809B1   Apr 8-May 27    Th      4-5pm
Develop motor skills and have fun with your child
                                                         612809C1   Apr 8-May 27    Th      5-6pm
in the gym. Parents/gaurdians are expected to            612809D1   Apr 8-May 27    Th      6-7pm
participate with their child. .                          612809E1   Apr 3-May 22    Sa     11am-12pm
Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
Age: 2-4 yrs. with parent/caregiver                      ADVANCED BEGINNING GYMNASTICS
Fee, 7 week session: $72R/ $90 NR
                                                         Advanced Beginning Gymnastics introduces the
Class #    Dates           Days   Time                   more difficult progressions that gymnasts are
611157A1   Apr 5-May 24    M      1:30-2:15pm            ready to learn after mastering the basics. This class
611157B1   Apr 3-May 22    Sa     9-9:45am               allows gymnasts to continue to develop skills and
611121A1   Apr 5-May 24    M      9:30-10:15am           increase self-esteem, while preparing them for the
611121B1   Apr 8- May 27   Th     9:30-10:15am           Intermediate/Advanced level. Participants must
                                                         receive approval from their coach before enrolling
                                                         in this class. No classes the week of Mar. 28-April 3.
PRESCHOOL GYMNASTICS                                     Class placement questions: Michelle, 847-448-8681
Our instructors work with your child to improve          Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
their coordination, balance, flexibility and general     Age: 6-10 yrs.
motor skills in a fun, safe environment. Gymnasts        Fee, 8 sessions: $192 R/ $240NR
will have the opportunity to explore a wide variety
of new movements and activities at their own             Class #    Dates           Days   Time
pace, and will be gently introduced to the more          612811A1   Apr 5-May 24    M      5:30-7pm
structured schedule and rules of a school-age            612811B1   Apr 3 -May 22   Sa     12:30-2pm
gymnastics class.
Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
Age: 3-5 yrs.
Fee, 8 week session: $82 R/ $103 NR
Class #    Dates           Day    Time
611158A1   Apr 5-May 24    M      10:30-11:15am
611158B1   Apr 5-May 24    M      3-3:45pm
611158C1   Apr 8-May 27    Th     10:30-11:15am
611158D1   Apr 8-May 27    Th     3-3:45pm
611158E1   Apr 13-May 22   Sa     10-10:45am

12 Evanston Parks and Recreation Spring Program Guide 2021
To register, call 847-448-4311 or visit cityofevanston.org 13
Hockey                                                           RC EDGE LEARN TO SKATE HOCKEY
                                                                 AGES 7-10                                                      Public Skating
YOUTH STICK AND PUCK                                             The curriculum is designed to teach the
                                                                 fundamentals of hockey skating through Learn                     Schedule
Get in some extra stick and puck time on a full sheet
                                                                 to Skate USA. Consisting of four levels, skaters
of ice. Supervision is provided while participants
                                                                 will learn to maneuver faster and be more agile on
are on the ice. Private coaching, scrimmaging and
organized practices are prohibited. This program is
                                                                 the ice. As skaters increase their skills they have     MARCH 1–JUNE 6
                                                                 the opportunity to transition through and earn
designed for participants that know how to skate;
                                                                 badges for each different level. Skaters will learn     Check website or contact center for cancellations
supervision on the ice is not expected to be able to
                                                                 the necessary fundamentals of being successful in       cityofevanston.org; 847-448-8258
assist true beginners to hockey.
                                                                 game situations. Instruction does not include the
Age: 5-14 yrs.
                                                                 use of a stick or puck as proper skating techniques     SPRING (March 1– June 6)
Day of per session fee: $14 R
                                                                 are the primary focus. Included with registration
Dates		               Days Time                                  is a RC Edge Hockey jersey on which completed           Day        Time
March 1-June 4        M-F 1:00-2:30pm                            badges may be attached. A membership with Learn         M-F        11am-12:30pm
*Check RCCC website for cancellations, or call the Rink Office   to Skate USA is required at the time of registration.   Tu         6-7:30pm
847-448-8258                                                     The calendar year for the LTS membership is July        F          7-8:30pm
                                                                                                                         Sa         4-5:30pm
                                                                 1-June 30.
RC EDGE LEARN TO SKATE HOCKEY                                                                                            Su         1-2:30pm
                                                                 Location: Robert Crown Community Center
AGES 3-6                                                         Age: 7-10 yrs.
The curriculum is designed to teach the                          Fee, 7 sessions: $64 R/$84 NR                           PUBLIC SKATING ADMISSION
fundamentals of hockey skating through Learn                     Fee, 6 sessions: $55 R/$75 NR                                                  General     Special Event
to Skate USA. Consisting of four levels, skaters                 Class #       Dates             Days   Time             Adult                  $9          $10
will learn to maneuver faster and be more agile on                                                                       Student/with ID        $9          $10
                                                                 312505A1      Mar 1-April 12    M      5:15-6pm
the ice. As skaters increase their skills they have              312505B1      Mar 3-April 14    W      4:45-5:30pm      Children 5 and under   $9          $10
the opportunity to transition through and earn                   312505C1      April 19-May 24   M      5:15-6pm
badges for each different level. Skaters will learn              312505D1      April 21-June 2   W      4:45-5:30pm      Annual Pass for Public Skating
the necessary fundamentals of being successful in                                                                        12 Months (Student & Adult)          $105
game situations. Instruction does not include the                ADULT BEGINNER HOCKEY
use of a stick or puck as proper skating techniques
                                                                 This is an introduction class to skating and stick/     Public Skating Group Rate
are the primary focus. Included with registration
                                                                 puck handling. Participants should have some            10-19 persons		                 $70
is a RC Edge Hockey jersey on which completed
                                                                 basic skating skills before the beginning of the        20-30 persons 		                $140
badges may be attached. A membership with Learn
                                                                 class. A helmet, stick, elbow and knee pads are         To receive the group rate you must schedule
to Skate USA is required at the time of registration.
                                                                 required. Equipment is not available to borrow.         24 hours in advance.
The calendar year for the LTS membership is July 1 -
                                                                 Location: Robert Crown Community Center                 *Does not include skate rental
June 30. No class May 5.
                                                                 Age: 16 yrs. and up
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
                                                                 Fee, 7 sessions: $87 R/$107 NR
Age: 3-5 yrs.
Fee, 7 sessions: $64 R/$84 NR
                                                                 Fee, 6 sessions: $75 R/$95 NR                           Skate Rentals
                                                                 Fee, 5 sessions: $62 R/$82 NR                           Fee: $3 per public skate session.
Fee, 6 sessions: $55 R/$75 NR
                                                                 Class #       Dates             Days   Time             Figure Skate sizes: Child Size 7–Adult 14
Class #      Dates             Days    Time                                                                              Hockey Skates sizes: Child Size 7–Adult 16
                                                                 312506A1      Mar 2-April 13    Tu     10:15-11:15pm
312503A1     Mar 1-April 12    M       4:45-5:30pm
312503B1     Mar 3-April 14    W       4:15-5pm
                                                                 312506B1      Mar 7-April 18    Su     10-11pm          Skate More and Save
                                                                 312506C1      April 20-June 1   Tu     10:15-11:15pm    Contact the Robert Crown office for details.
312503C1     April 19-May 24   M       4:45-5:30pm
                                                                 312506D1      April 25-June 6   Su     10-11pm          This does not include Special Event and
312503D1     April 21-June 2   W       4:15-5pm
                                                                                                                         DJ Skate Nights.
                                                                 ADULT DROP-IN HOCKEY
                                                                 If you are looking for good games and great
                                                                 competition come and check out our weekday              Plan Ahead
                                                                 sessions in the spring and weekend sessions in the      Secure your spot for public skate up to a week
                                                                 summer. Full equipment is required. No checking         in advance. Purchase your ticket online or call
                                                                 is allowed.                                             the center at 847-448-8258.
                                                                 Cancellations: cityofevanston.org                       *50 skaters maximum allowed for each public
                                                                 or 847-448-8258                                         skate session.
                                                                 Location: Robert Crown Community Center
                                                                 Age: 18 yrs. and up
                                                                                                                         Hungry After Skating?
                                                                 Fee: $12 per session or 10 punch pass for $95
                                                                                                                         Mark Vend offers a variety of snacks and
                                                                 Spring Date Range                                       beverages out of their vending machines in
                                                                 Dates              Days     Time                        the community centers main lobby.
                                                                 Mar 1–Jun 4        M-F      12:45-2:15pm

14 Evanston Parks and Recreation Spring Program Guide 2021
Figure Skating Information
                                                     Figure Skating                                               BASIC 1–6 (AGE 6–17)
                                                                                                                  The Learn to Skate basic skills are the
                                                     Classes                                                      fundamentals and basic knowledge of the sport.
                                                                                                                  The six levels introduce the fundamental moves:
Robert Crown Community Center                        PARENT-TOT INTRO TO SKATING                                  forward skating, backward skating, stops,
1801 Main St., 847-448-8258                          For the true beginner who has no prior experience,           edges, crossovers, turns and mohawks while
Non-meeting dates:                                   and would like an introduction to the world of figure        progressing at their own rate. Upon completion
April 4. May 4-9, 29-31                              skating or hockey. One family may accompany each             of the Basic 1–6 levels and after skill mastery
                                                     participant on the ice. Adults must be able to skate.        is demonstrated, skaters will advance to more
Need to rent skates during class?                                                                                 specialized areas of skating. Basic 1 is for
                                                     Location: Robert Crown Center
Figure Skates rental fee: $2 per class
                                                     Age: 3-5 yrs.                                                children with no prior skating experience.
Refunds, Pro-rating and Make Ups                     Fee, 7 sessions: $73 R/$93 NR                                Fee, 7 sessions: $77 R/$97 NR
The figure skating program follows the               Fee, 6 sessions: $63 R/$83 NR                                Fee, 6 sessions: $66 R/$86 NR
department’s refund policy. Classes are not          Fee, 5 sessions: $52 R/$72 NR                                Fee, 5 sessions: $55 R/$75 NR
pro-rated if registering after class begins. There
are no make up classes.
                                                     Class #    Dates             Days   Time                     Basic 1 Skating
                                                     312501A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th     5-5:30pm                 Class #    Dates             Days   Time
Progression and Testing                              312501B1   Mar 7-April 18    Su     1:15-1:45pm              312526A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th     5-5:45pm
Classes should be completed and passed in            312501C1   April 22-June 3   Th     5-5:45pm                 312526B1   Mar 5-April 16    F      4:30-5:15pm
sequential order. Each child’s progress will be      312501D1   April 25-June 6    Su    1:15-1:45pm              312526C1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     10-10:45am
monitored weekly and at the end of the session                                                                    312526D1   Mar 7-April 18    Su     1:15-2pm
an instructor will evaluate their skills. After      SNOWPLOW SAM (AGE 3–5)                                       312526E1   April 22-June 3   Th     5-5:45pm
passing the evaluation, the skater should enroll     Introductory classes are divided into four                   312526F1   April 23-June 4   F      4:30-5:15pm
in the next level.                                   progressive levels. Children with no prior skating           312526G1   April 24-June 5   Sa     10-10:45am
                                                     experience build confidence, develop agility,                312526H1   April 25-June 6   Su     1:15-2pm
Which class is right for me or my child?
Parent Tot class is for parents who wish to          balance , coordination, speed and learn basic                Basic 2 Skating
skate with their children.                           skating skills.                                              Class #    Dates             Days   Time
Snowplow Sam 1–4 levels are designed to help         Fee, 7 sessions: $73 R/$93 NR                                312527A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th     5-5:45pm
the skater develop preliminary coordination          Fee, 6 sessions: $63 R/$83 NR                                312527B1   Mar 5-April 16    F      4:30-5:15pm
and strength to maneuver on the ice.                 Fee, 5 sessions: $52 R/$72 NR                                312527C1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     10-10:45am
                                                                                                                  312527D1   Mar 7-April 18    Su     1:15-2pm
Basic Skills 1–6 are the fundamentals of the         Snowplow 1 Skating
                                                                                                                  312527E1   April 22-June 3   Th     5 5:45pm
sport. See class listing for more details.           Class #    Dates             Days   Time
                                                                                                                  312527F1   April 23-June 4   F      4:30-5:15pm
Pre-Free Skate and Free Skate 1–6 is comprised       312522A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th     5-5:30pm                 312527G1   April 24-June 5   Sa     10-10:45am
of a variety of progressive skating skills,          312522B1   Mar 5-April 16    F      4-4:30pm
                                                                                                                  312527H1   April 25-June 6   Su     1:15-2pm
transitions, spins and jumps—all of which build      312522C1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     10-10:30am
on the previous skill, providing skaters a strong    312522D1   Mar 7-April 18    Su     1:15-1:45m               Basic 3 Skating
foundation of all elements.                          312522E1   April 22-June 3   Th     5-5:30pm                 Class #    Dates             Days   Time
Adults: Skaters 18 years and up who have             312522F1   April 23-June 4   F      4-4:30pm                 312528A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th     5-5:45pm
never skated before begin at Adult 1.                312522G1   April 24-June 5   Sa     10-10:30am               312528B1   Mar 5-April 16    F      4:30-5:15pm
                                                     312522H1   April 25-June 6   Su     1:15-1:45pm              312528C1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     10-10:45am
Learn to Skate USA Membership                                                                                     312528D1   April 22-June 3   Th     5-5:45pm
                                                     Snowplow 2 Skating
The figure skating program follows the                                                                            312528E1   April 23-June 4   F      4:30-5:15pm
                                                     Class #    Dates             Days   Time
curriculum of Learn to Skate USA, which is                                                                        312528F1   April 24-June 5   Sa     10-10:45am
supported by U.S. Figure Skating, USA Hockey,        312523A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th     5-5:30pm
                                                     312523B1   Mar 5-April 16    F      4-4:30pm                 Basic 4 Skating
US Speed skating and Special Olympics. LTS                                                                        Class #    Dates             Days   Time
                                                     312523C1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     10-10:30am
USA requires a yearly membership fee of $17
                                                     312523D1   April 22-June 3   Th     5-5:30pm                 312529A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th     5-5:45pm
per child which is valid July 1–June 30 annually.
                                                     312523E1   April 23-June 4   F      4-4:30pm                 312529B1   Mar 5-April 16    F      4:30-5:15pm
Payment for your membership will be required                                                                      312529C1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     10-10:45am
                                                     312523F1   April 24-June 5   Sa     10-10:30am
when registering for your first skating class.                                                                    312529D1   April 22-June 3   Th     5-5:45pm
Membership fees are not pro-rated regardless         Snowplow 3 Skating
                                                                                                                  312529E1   April 23-June 4   F      4:30-5:15pm
of when registering for your first skating           Class #    Dates             Days   Time
                                                                                                                  312529F1   April 24-June 5   Sa     10-10:45am
class. All figure skating programs require the       312524A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th     5-5:30pm
membership. To learn more about the benefits         312524B1   Mar 5-April 16    F      4-4:30pm                 Basic 5 Skating
                                                     312524C1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     10-10:30am               Class #    Dates             Days   Time
of LTS USA visit learntoskateusa.com.
                                                     312524D1   April 22-June 3   Th     5-5:30pm                 312530A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th      5:45-6:30pm
Figure Skating Class Discount                        312524E1   April 23-June 4   F      4-4:30pm                 312530B1   Mar 5-April 16    F       4:30-5:15pm
If the same individual registers for more than       312524F1   April 24-June 5   Sa     10-10:30am               312530C1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     11-11:45am
one class a week, the second class is 50% off.                                                                    312530D1   April 22-June 3   Th      5:45-6:30pm
                                                     Snowplow 4 Skating
The discount is deducted from the lower price                                                                     312530E1   April 23-June 4   F       4:30-5:15pm
                                                     Class #    Dates             Days   Time
class and does not apply to off-ice classes.                                                                      312530F1   April 24-June 5   Sa     11-11:45am
                                                     312525A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th     5-5:30pm
Register at the office to receive discount. Must
                                                     312525B1   Mar 5-April 16    F      4-4:30pm
be applied before classes begin.
                                                     312525C1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     10-10:30am
                                                     312525D1   April 22-June 3   Th     5-5:30pm
                                                     312525E1   April 23-June 4   F      4-4:30pm
                                                     312525F1   April 24-June 5   Sa     10-10:30am               Figure Skating continues on next pg.16

                                                                                                       To register, call 847-448-4311 or visit cityofevanston.org 15

 Figure Skating continued from previous pg.
                                                       ADULT (AGE 18 YRS. AND UP)                               ADULT FREE SKATE
                                                       The Adult curriculum is designed for both                Each Free Skate level is divided into four sections:
Basic 6 Skating                                        beginning and experienced adult skaters who wish         moves in the field, spins, dance/footwork sequence
Class #    Dates             Days   Time               to improve their skating skills. Participation in the    and jumps. The levels are designed to give skaters
312531A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th      5:45-6:30pm       program will help promote physical fitness and           a strong foundation on which to build their skills.
312531B1   Mar 5-April 16    F       4:30-5:15pm       improve balance and coordination while teaching          The skater can then choose a recreational or
312531C1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     11-11:45am         proper skating techniques. This is an exciting           competitive approach to figure skating.
312531D1   April 22-June 3   Th      5:45-6:30pm       program for people who look to skating as an             Fee, 6 sessions: $89R/$109 NR
312531E1   April 23-June 4   F       4:30-5:15pm       enjoyable part of a fit and healthy lifestyle. Divided   Fee, 5 sessions: $74 R/$94 NR
312531F1   April 24-June 5   Sa     11-11:45am         into six levels from basic skating to more advanced      Class #    Dates         Days Time
Pre Free Skate                                         skills, adult skaters will progress at an individual     313568A1 Mar 7-April 18 Su      7:45-8:45pm
Class #    Dates             Days   Time               rate while being challenged and motivated.               313568B1 Apr 25-Jun 6    Su     7:45-8:45pm
312532A1   Mar 2-April 13    Tu      5-5:45pm          Fee, 7 sessions: $91 R/$111 NR
312532B1   Mar 4-April 15    Th      5:45-6:30pm       Fee, 6 sessions: $78 R/$98 N                             SPECIALIZED AND ADVANCED (AGE 6–18)
312532C1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     11-11:45am         Fee, 5 sessions: $65 R/$85 NR
                                                                                                                Ballet For Skaters
312532D1   April 20-June 1   Tu      5-5:45pm          Adult 1 Skating                                          Ballet fundamentals specifically designed for
312532E1   April 22-June 3   Th      5:45-6:30pm       Class #    Dates             Days   Time                 skaters, focusing on strength and flexibility.
312532F1   April 24-June 5   Sa     11-11:45am
                                                       313547A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th      5:45-6:30pm
                                                       313547B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     11-11:45am
FREE SKATE 1-6 (AGE 6–17)                              313547C1   April 22-June 3   Th      5:45-6:30pm
                                                                                                                Fee, 7 sessions: $63R/$83 NR
Each progressive skill level is comprised of various   313547D1   April 24-June 5   Sa     11-11:45am           Fee, 6 sessions: $54R/$74 NR
transitions, spins and jumps, building on the                                                                   Class #    Dates         Days Time
                                                       Adult 2 Skating                                          313576A1 Mar 2-April 13 Tu    5-5:45pm
previous skill and providing a strong foundation.
                                                       Class #    Dates             Days   Time
Fee, 7 sessions: $91 R/$111 NR                                                                                  313576B1 April 20-June 1 Tu   5-5:45pm
                                                       313548A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th      5:45-6:30pm
Fee, 6 sessions: $78 R/$98 NR                                                                                   Advanced
                                                       313548B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     11-11:45am
Fee, 5 sessions: $65 R/$85 NR                          313548C1   April 22-June 3   Th      5:45-6:30pm         Fee, 7 sessions: $65 R/$85 NR
Free Skate 1                                           313548D1   April 24-June 5   Sa     11-11:45am           Fee, 6 sessions: $56 R/$76 NR
Class #    Dates             Days   Time                                                                        Class #    Dates         Days Time
                                                       Adult 3 Skating
313554A1   Mar 2-April 13    Tu     5- 5:45pm          Class #    Dates             Days   Time                 313576C1 Mar 1-April 12 M     6-7pm
313554B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     9:15-10am          313549A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th      5:45-6:30pm         313576D1 April 19-May 24 M    6-7pm
313554C1   April 20-June 1   Tu     5- 5:45pm          313549B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     11-11:45am
313554D1   April 24-June 5   Sa     9:15-10am          313549C1   April 22-June 3   Th     5:45-6:30pm          AXEL AND DOUBLE JUMP
Free Skate 2                                           313549D1   April 24-June 5   Sa     11-11:45am           This class will include 30 minutes of off-ice
Class #    Dates             Days   Time               Adult 4 Skating                                          jump training followed by 30 minutes of on-ice
313555A1   Mar 2-April 13    Tu     5- 5:45pm          Class #    Dates             Days   Time                 instruction focusing on the development and
313555B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     9:15-10am                                                                   proper execution of the axel and double-rotation
                                                       313550A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th      5:45-6:30pm
313555C1   April 20-June 1   Tu     5- 5:45pm          313550B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     11-11:45am           jumps. Skaters must have passed the Freeskate 6
313555D1   April 24-June 5   Sa     9:15-10am          313550C1   April 22-June 3   Th      5:45-6:30pm         level to participate.
Free Skate 3                                           313550D1   April 24-June 5   Sa     11-11:45am           Fee, 7 sessions: $77 R/$97 NR
Class #    Dates             Days   Time                                                                        Fee, 6 sessions: $66 R/$86 NR
                                                       Adult 5 Skating                                          Length: 7 sessions
313556A1   Mar 2-April 13    Tu     5-5:45pm           Class #    Dates             Days   Time
313556B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     9:15-10am                                                                   Class #    Dates         Days Time
                                                       313551A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th      5:45-6:30pm
313556C1   April 20-June 1   Tu     5-5:45pm                                                                    313573A1 Mar 5-April 16 F       4:45-5:45pm
                                                       313551B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     11-11:45am
313556D1   April 24-June 5   Sa     9:15-10am                                                                   313573B1 April 23-June 4 F      4:45-5:45pm
                                                       313551C1   April 22-June 3   Th      5:45-6:30pm
Free Skate 4                                           313551D1   April 24-June 5   Sa     11-11:45am
Class #    Dates             Days   Time                                                                        ICE DANCING
                                                                                                                The ice dance program focuses on the components
313557A1   Mar 2-April 13    Tu     5-5:45pm           Adult 6 Skating
313557B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     9:15-10am                                                                   of ice dancing and reviews the basic edges and
                                                       Class #    Dates             Days   Time
313557C1   April 20-June 1   Tu     5-5:45pm                                                                    turns while skating to music. Skaters will learn
                                                       313552A1   Mar 4-April 15    Th      5:45-6:30pm         the first six dance patterns in the U. S. Figure
313557D1   April 24-June 5   Sa     9:15-10am          313552B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     11-11:45am
                                                                                                                Skating test structure and Learn to Skate USA
Free Skate 5                                           313552C1   April 22-June 3   Th      5:45-6:30pm
                                                                                                                badge program. Dances may be skated solo or with
Class #    Dates             Days   Time               313552D1   April 24-June 5   Sa     11-11:45am
                                                                                                                a partner. An ideal class for skaters involved in
313558A1   Mar 2-April 13    Tu     5- 5:45pm                                                                   Theatre on Ice and Synchronized Skating. Skaters
313558B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     9:15-10am                                                                   must be passed the Freeskate 1 level.
313558C1   April 20-June 1   Tu     5-5:45pm
                                                                                                                Fee, 7 sessions: $74 R/$94 NR
313558D1   April 24-June 5   Sa     9:15-10am
                                                                                                                Fee, 5 sessions: $53 R/$73 NR
Free Skate 6                                                                                                    Class #      Dates        Days Time              Level
Class #    Dates             Days   Time
                                                                                                                313565A1 Mar 6-April 17 Sa        1-1:45pm       Beg.
313559A1   Mar 2-April 13    Tu     5-5:45pm                                                                    313565B1 April 24-June 5 Sa       1-1:45pm       Beg.
313559B1   Mar 6-April 17    Sa     9:15-10am                                                                   313565C1 Mar 6-April 17 Sa        1:45-2:30pm Adv.
313559C1   April 20-June 1   Tu     5-5:45pm                                                                    313565D1 April 24-June 5 Sa       1:45-2:30pm Adv.
313559D1   April 24-June 5   Sa     9:15-10am

16 Evanston Parks and Recreation Spring Program Guide 2021
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