"Be Careful What You Wish for - Five Reasons to Be Concerned About the Assignment of IndividualParaprofessionals

"Be Careful What You Wish for - Five Reasons to Be Concerned About the Assignment of IndividualParaprofessionals
Building Strong School Communities

                                                                                 “Be Careful What You Wish for ...”:
                                                                                 Five Reasons to Be Concerned About the
                                                                                 Assignment of Individual Paraprofessionals
                                                                                           Michael F. Giangreco • Susan Yuan • Barbara McKenzie • Patricia Cameron • Janice Fialka

                                                                                You have heard the saying “Be careful
                                                                                what you wish for; you just might get
                                                                                it.” It is a wise adage both school per-
                                                                                sonnel and families might want to keep
                                                                                in mind when considering whether stu-
                                                                                dents with disabilities who are placed in
                                                                                general education classes should be pro-
                                                                                vided with individual paraprofessional
                                                                                support. Virtually everyone having any
                                                                                connection with special education can
                                                                                tell you about dedicated paraprofession-
                                                                                als who are worth their weight in gold,
                                                                                so one might ask where the problem
                                                                                lies. In reality, the story of paraprofes-
TEACHING Exceptional Children, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 28-34. Copyright 2005 CEC.

                                                                                sional supports has many facets.
                                                                                    Some      parents     understandably
                                                                                request individual paraprofessional sup-
                                                                                port for their child with disabilities
                                                                                because of their concerns or fears about
                                                                                how their child will be accepted, treat-
                                                                                ed, supported, and instructed in general
                                                                                education classes. Yet parents seeking
                                                                                                                                required admission ticket for their         by issues such as class size and ever-
                                                                                inclusive education through the assign-
                                                                                                                                child’s entry into the general education    expanding requirements wonder how
                                                                                ment of an individual, full-time para-
                                                                                                                                classroom. A school’s request for an        they will find the time to meet the vari-
                                                                                professional may be working at cross-
                                                                                                                                individual paraprofessional as a condi-     ous needs of students with disabilities
                                                                                purposes with themselves. Having an
                                                                                                                                tion of placement is often rooted in the    and special needs other than disability.
                                                                                adult by a student’s side for all or most
                                                                                of the school day can actually interfere        concerns of classroom teachers. Even           Meanwhile, principals often experi-
                                                                                with a student’s inclusion as a partici-        highly competent and willing teachers       ence ambivalence about hiring more
                                                                                pating member of the classroom com-             may experience some anxiety when            paraprofessionals. Although they may
                                                                                munity.                                         they are unclear about the expectations     want to be supportive of parent and
                                                                                    In other situations, parents have           people have of them in relation to a stu-   teacher requests for paraprofessional
                                                                                been told that the assignment of a full-        dent with a disability placed in their      supports, simultaneously they may be
                                                                                time, individual paraprofessional is the        class. Teachers who feel stretched thin     compelled by their central administra-

                                                                                28   ■   COUNCIL   FOR   EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN
"Be Careful What You Wish for - Five Reasons to Be Concerned About the Assignment of IndividualParaprofessionals
may provide cultural perspectives or
                    Beth’s Story: “I don’t want an aide!”
                                                                                            speak the primary language of non-
 When my daughter, Beth, started high school, the school personnel insisted she             English-speaking students (Ashbaker,
 have a full-time paraprofessional, presumably because she has Down syndrome. It            2000). Many paraprofessionals provide
 was a battle I wasn’t willing to fight, so I agreed to it even though I felt it wasn’t     thoughtful, creative input as valued
 needed. Freshman year this arrangement worked out reasonably well. The para-               educational team members.
 professional was a young woman, not much older than Beth. She was skilled at giv-
                                                                                            Five Reasons to Be Concerned
 ing her room and knowing when to back off.
                                                                                            About Individual
     During Beth’s sophomore year, this paraprofessional was replaced by one who
                                                                                            Paraprofessional Supports
 was on her like Velcro®! She was always telling Beth what to do, insisting she
 leave class early, and generally making a spectacle of their interactions. It wasn’t       In self-contained special education
 long before Beth reacted uncharacteristically. She ran away from the paraprofes-           classes, special education teachers and
 sional, called her names, even left school and went home.                                  paraprofessionals work together in the
     Though Beth’s communication wasn’t socially desirable, her intent was clear; but       same classrooms throughout the school
 no one seemed to be listening. A month or so into the year, after this second para-        day. This arrangement provides natural
 professional quit, Beth’s team met to decide what would happen next. Beth said she         and ongoing opportunities for special
 “...didn’t like being bossed” and “... didn’t want an aide.” Her request was hon-          educators to train, supervise, and men-
 ored; Beth didn’t have an individual paraprofessional for the rest of high school.         tor paraprofessionals. With the advent
 The problem behaviors disappeared, and with no intermediary between her and                of more inclusive models of delivery of
 the teachers, Beth was more academically connected. It made me feel even more              special education services, new issues
 strongly that we need to involve students in determining their own [need for] sup-         are emerging regarding the training, uti-
 ports.                                                                                     lization, and supervision of paraprofes-
                                                                                            sionals, in part because special educa-
                                                                                            tors and paraprofessionals often spend
                                                                                            much of their day in locations separated
                                              Potential Benefits of                         from one another. Listed below are five
tion or school board to closely scruti-
                                              Paraprofessional Supports                     reasons, based on recent research
nize services, given the dramatic                                                           regarding paraprofessionals in inclusive
                                              The benefits of paraprofessional support
increase in the numbers of special edu-                                                     schools, that professionals and parents
                                              have long been considered common
cation paraprofessionals and associated                                                     alike should be concerned about the
                                              sense. Busy teachers and concerned
costs.                                        parents often appreciate the availability     assignment of individual paraprofes-
   This article attempts to illuminate        of a second adult to provide an extra set     sionals.
paraprofessional issues by pursuing           of helping hands, eyes, and ears in the
three primary purposes. First, we briefly     classroom (Daniels & McBride, 2001;
summarize the potential benefits of pro-      French & Chopra, 1999. Under the direc-        Parents seeking inclusive
viding paraprofessional supports.             tion of qualified professionals, trained        education through the
Second, we discuss five research-based        paraprofessionals can serve a variety of
                                              valued roles:                                      assignment of an
reasons why school personnel and par-
                                              • Doing clerical tasks that free teachers        individual, full-time
ents should be concerned about the
                                                 to spend more time instructing stu-
assignment of individual paraprofes-
                                                 dents.                                      paraprofessional may be
sionals and illustrate them with three        • Engaging in follow-up instruction,
real-life vignettes (see Beth’s Story,
                                                                                             working at cross-purposes
                                                 tutoring, or homework help.
Erin’s Story, Micah’s Story). Third, we       • Providing supervision in group set-              with themselves.
offer a set of considerations for educa-         tings (e.g., cafeteria, playground, bus
tional teams as they attempt to link             boarding).
paraprofessional research with effective      • Assisting students with personal care
                                                 needs (e.g., bathroom use, eating,         Reason 1: The least qualified staff
practice. We hope this article spurs con-
                                                 dressing).                                 members are teaching students
structive dialogue between parents and                                                      with the most complex learning
                                              • Facilitating social skills, peer interac-
school personnel about the carefully                                                        characteristics.
                                                 tions, and positive behavior support
crafted utilization of paraprofessionals,                                                   No strong conceptual basis can be cited
as well as about alternatives designed to                                                   for assigning the least qualified staff,
                                              For decades special educators have
reduce overreliance on individual para-       relied on paraprofessionals to help them      namely, paraprofessionals, to provide
professionals as a primary mechanism          teach their students with disabilities.       the bulk of instruction for students with
for supporting students with disabilities     Since paraprofessionals often live in the     the most complex learning characteris-
in general education classes.                 communities where they work, they             tics, nor does a research base suggest

                                                                            TEACHING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN     ■   MAY/JUNE 2005   ■   29
Table 1. Inadvertent Detrimental Effects of Excessive or Unnecessary Paraprofessional Proximity

Category of Effect                         Description
Separation from Classmates                 Student with a disability and paraprofessional are seated together in the back or side of the
                                           room, physically separated from the class.
Unnecessary Dependence                     Student with a disability is hesitant to participate without paraprofessional direction,
                                           prompting, or cueing.
Interference with Peer Interactions        Paraprofessional can create physical or symbolic barriers that interfere with interactions
                                           between a student with disabilities and classmates.
Insular Relationships                      Student with a disability and paraprofessional do most everything together, to the exclusion
                                           of others (i.e., teachers and peers).
Feeling Stigmatized                        Student with a disability expresses embarrassment/discomfort about having a paraprofes-
                                           sional; makes him or her stand out in negative ways.
Limited Access to Competent                Paraprofessionals are not necessarily skilled in providing competent instruction; some do the
Instruction                                work for the students they support.
Interference with Teacher                  Teachers tend to be less involved when a student with a disability has a paraprofessional
Engagement                                 because individual attention is already available.
Loss of Personal Control                   Paraprofessionals do so much for the students with disabilities that they do not exercise
                                           choices that are typical for other students.
Loss of Gender Identity                    Student with a disability is treated as the gender of the paraprofessional (e.g., male student
                                           taken into the female bathroom).
May Provoke Problem Behaviors              Some students with disabilities express their dislike of paraprofessional support by display-
                                           ing inappropriate behaviors.

that students with disabilities learn             intentions, recent studies have linked        sional proximity with inadvertent detri-
more or better with paraprofessional              excessive or unnecessary paraprofes-          mental effects, such as unnecessary
support (Giangreco, Edelman, Broer, &
Doyle, 2001). Recent research indicates
that not only are special education
paraprofessionals playing a prominent                                     Erin’s Story: Coming Full Circle
role instructing students with disabili-
                                                    Erin began kindergarten fully included without an aide. By the end of first grade,
ties, they are engaging in roles for
                                                    the school decided to provide part-time paraprofessional support, which contin-
which they are questionably prepared
                                                    ued through grade school. As if the transition to middle school wasn’t traumatic
(French, 1998; Minondo, Meyer & Xin,
                                                    enough, the new teachers decided the best way to support Erin was to place her
2001; Riggs & Mueller, 2001). In some
                                                    in a class for students with developmental disabilities. Though Erin stayed in the
cases, individual paraprofessionals are
                                                    general education class, to appease the teachers, a full-time aide was assigned.
left to fend for themselves, functioning
                                                    Again, this wasn’t an IEP team decision based on Erin’s needs; it was school pol-
as the primary teachers for students
                                                    itics. After receiving reasonably unobtrusive support in sixth grade, seventh was
with disabilities and making the majori-
                                                    a different story. The new aide had the attitude that she could teach better than
ty of day-to-day instructional and cur-
                                                    any general or special educator. Ironically, it was this aide’s success in alienating
ricular decisions (Downing, Ryndak &
                                                    the teachers that opened the door to discussions about using less paraprofession-
Clark, 2000; Giangreco, Edelman,
                                                    al support, in just three classes. That was Erin’s best year in middle school; final-
Luiselli, & MacFarland, 1997; Marks,
                                                    ly we were going in the right direction!
Schrader & Levine, 1999). Having para-
                                                        High school arrived, and again the school wanted Erin to have a full-time aide
professionals assume such high levels of
                                                    attend general education classes with her. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately,
responsibility presents a double stan-
                                                    they hired the “best aide ever!” All of us depended on her, as it turned out, a bit
dard that likely would be considered
                                                    too much. When the “best aide ever” left, as they often do, our [over]dependence
unacceptable if it was applied to stu-
                                                    on her became all too clear. Finally we began to explore natural and alternative
dents without disabilities.
                                                    supports that reduced the need for paraprofessional time in several classes.
Reason 2: Paraprofessional sup-                     Almost immediately, the teachers commented that Erin was interacting more with
ports are linked with inadvertent                   her classmates and taking responsibility for her own learning; they were surprised
detrimental effects.                                at how much she could do. This year Erin has her best grades ever and loves
Although paraprofessional supports are              being a “cool senior”!
undoubtedly offered with benevolent

dependence and interference with peer
                                                                 Micah’s Story: The Power of Peers
interactions (see Table 1; Giangreco,
Broer & Edelman, 2001; Giangreco et al.,     Over the years, our son Micah has benefited from the support of several talented
1997;     Hemmingsson,      Borell,    &     paraprofessionals. Yet as he moved through school, we felt ambivalent. We knew
Gustavsson, 2003; Skar & Tamm, 2001).        Micah needed some extra help in the classroom, but we also knew the more he
Even studies that have reported positive     was surrounded by adults, even well-meaning ones, the harder it would be for
aspects of close proximity (Werts,           peers to connect with him. Adults encircled him and often, though unintentionally,
Zigmond, & Leeper, 2001) or mixed data       became a wall separating him from his peers—a wall most teenagers would not
on the effects of proximity (Young,          easily climb over.
Simpson, Myles, & Kamps, 1997) have              We were fortunate to learn about a program where peers without disabilities
raised concerns about whether students       received credit to serve as mentors to support some of the learning needs of their
                                             classmates with disabilities. Under the direction of a special educator, a skilled
are unnecessarily dependent on individ-
                                             paraprofessional provided coaching to peer mentors. This coaching allowed the
ual paraprofessionals.
                                             paraprofessional to step back, which resulted in several of Micah’s classmates mov-
                                             ing closer and interacting with him in new and unexpected ways. During a team
                                             meeting, Beth, one of Micah’s peers, mentioned she sometimes had a hard time
   The least qualified staff                 helping him focus on a particular teacher’s lectures. She blurted out, “You know
                                             what! Sometimes this teacher can be boring—a lot of us have a hard time paying
    members are teaching                     attention in her class. The real difference is that Micah doesn’t know how to act
    students with the most                   as if he’s paying attention.” Laughter filled the air. Beth blushed and quickly apol-
                                             ogized for revealing something negative about this well-liked teacher. The next step
       complex learning                      for Micah was practicing “paying attention” behaviors,and who better to teach
        characteristics.                     him than genuine inhabitants of the teen world—his peers? Working together
                                             strengthened the new bonds they were developing. It also gave the teachers some
                                             food for thought.
                                                 A real turning point was the day an insensitive substitute teacher mimicked the
Reason 3: Individual paraprofes-             way Micah said his name in front of the class. Oliver, Micah’s peer tutor, leapt out
sional supports are linked with              of his seat, rushed to the teacher’s desk, and demanded that he stop! This call for
lower levels of teacher involve-             respect was much more powerful coming spontaneously from a friend than it would
ment.                                        have been coming as feedback from an adult. This incident helped Oliver realize,
The attitude of a classroom teacher          somewhat to his own surprise, just how much Micah’s friendship meant to him.
toward, and level of involvement with,       Equally as important was the impact that Oliver’s actions had on others. Afterward,
his or her students who have disabilities    several students began approaching Micah in more engaging ways. Oliver nur-
is arguably one of the single most cru-      tured these interactions and demonstrated how to keep a dialogue going with
cial variables affecting the success of      Micah beyond “Hey, what’s up?” Oliver was truly a link between Micah and his
inclusive placements. An observational       other classmates.
study of three primary grade children
with autism in inclusive classrooms
reported teacher initiations with those     Reason 4: Teachers, parents, and
students were more frequent when their      students may not be getting what             2002). In French’s (2001) study of 321
individually assigned paraprofessionals     they deserve and expect.                     special educators, 81% of them reported
were not in close proximity to them                                                      that they do not plan for their parapro-
(Young et al., 1997).                       Are classroom teachers, parents, and         fessionals; among the 19% that did so,
    Understandably, busy teachers tend      students getting what they deserve and       the planning was primarily through oral
to work with other students when they       expect? Do they have access to parapro-      instruction rather than written plans.
know the student with a disability          fessionals who are appropriately             This study also reported that teachers
already has individual attention. Recent    trained, supervised, and operating           who typically were not trained in super-
research has documented that the            under the direction of a qualified special   vision of adults were reluctant to super-
assignment of an individual paraprofes-     educator or teacher? Too often the           vise paraprofessionals. This finding was
sional to a student with a disability       answer is “No.” Data indicate that too       extended in a more recent study on the
often co-occurs with lower levels of        many paraprofessionals are inadequate-       competence of teachers to direct the
teacher engagement, whereas the use of      ly trained and supervised (Downing et        work of paraprofessionals (Wallace,
a classroom paraprofessional, under the     al., 2000; French, 1998; Riggs & Mueller,    Shin, Bartholomay, & Stahl, 2001).
direction of the teacher, more often co-    2001). Some are unskilled or under-          Although participants agreed that the
occurs with higher levels of teacher        skilled in the academic subjects in          extensive set of supervisory abilities
engagement (Giangreco, Broer, &             which they are asked to support stu-         presented in the study were important,
Edelman, 2001).                             dents (Giangreco, Broer, & Edelman,          “the competencies were not observed as

                                                                          TEACHING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN     ■   MAY/JUNE 2005   ■   31
curricular modifications, sometimes
                                                                                               “on-the-spot” with little or no support
                                                                                               from teachers; and (d) sensed being
                                                                                               solely responsible for inclusion of the
                                                                                               students with disabilities. Will more
                                                                                               teachers have opportunities to shift their
                                                                                               roles from gracious host to engaged
                                                                                               teacher if paraprofessionals continue to
                                                                                               function as primary instructors? Will
                                                                                               schools be as motivated to address the
                                                                                               capacity of classroom teachers to differ-
                                                                                               entiate instruction for mixed-ability
                                                                                               groups if paraprofessionals continue to
                                                                                               make many day-to-day curricular deci-
                                                                                               sions? Will the working conditions of
                                                                                               teachers and special educators be
                                                                                               addressed soon enough or sufficiently if
                                                                                               the pressure on them is kept just below
                                                                                               the boiling point by shifting more
                                                                                               responsibilities to paraprofessionals?
                                                                                               Too often the ways we currently use
                                                                                               paraprofessionals make too easy the
                                                                                               tendency to delay important actions and
                                                                                               changes that could benefit students
                                                                                               with disabilities as well as their peers
                                                                                               without disabilities.
                                                 Reason 5. Providing paraprofes-
frequently as their perceived impor-
                                                 sional supports may delay atten-              Considerations for Educational
tance” (p. 520) because of lack of pre-          tion to needed changes in schools.            Teams
service preparation or professional              Although shifting more responsibilities       As schools continue their positive and
development of teachers on supervisory           to paraprofessionals may seem advanta-        appropriate efforts to improve the train-
practices.                                       geous because it relieves certain pres-       ing, support, and supervision of para-
                                                 sures on teachers and special educators,      professionals, we think it would be a
     Although the expectation that stu-
                                                 in and of itself, this relief should not be   mistake to believe that such changes
dents with individual paraprofessional
                                                 confused with effective education for         alone will address the fundamental con-
support would receive more intensive             students. Having paraprofessionals            cerns that have led to their burgeoning
instruction than peers may seem logical,         assume ever-increasing levels of respon-      and sometimes inappropriate utiliza-
a recent study (Giangreco & Broer, in            sibility for student learning may actual-     tion. Additionally, we think that to sim-
                                                 ly delay attention to needed changes in       ply change from advocating for more
press) presents contrary findings. In this
                                                 general and special education.                paraprofessionals to advocating for
study       individual       paraprofessionals
                                                     The findings of Marks et al. (1999)       fewer of them would be a mistake.
reported spending less time in instruc-          highlight these concerns by indicating        Rather, we need a shift to advocate for
tion (37%) than did group paraprofes-            that paraprofessionals (a) bore the “pri-     exploring different supports that focus
sionals (50%). These same individual             mary burden of success” (p. 318) for          on strengthening collaboration between
                                                 included students with disabilities; (b)      general and special education, building
paraprofessionals reported spending
                                                 felt part of their role was not being a       capacity in general education, and plac-
24% of their time self-directed, without
                                                 “bother” to teachers; (c) provided daily      ing more reliance on natural supports.
professional guidance. In part, this
                                                                                               Listed below are five initial ideas for
study suggests that this situation exists                                                      educational teams to consider.
because many special education teach-            Recent studies have linked                    1. Extend the conversation in your
ers who are responsible for supervising           excessive or unnecessary                        school community about the support
paraprofessionals have less than opti-                                                            of students with disabilities in gener-
                                                 paraprofessional proximity                       al education. Ask teachers what they
mal working conditions (e.g., large
caseloads, extensive paperwork, several
                                                      with inadvertent                            need to shift from primarily hosting
                                                                                                  students with disabilities to being
paraprofessionals to supervise across               detrimental effects.                          engaged teachers of those students.
multiple classrooms and grade levels).                                                            Ask special educators what they

need to better support students in            school personnel or on an individual        sional educators to support students
   general education classrooms (e.g.,           basis, one family at a time. When a         with disabilities) in ways that benefit
   narrowing the range of grades sup-            family has requested individual para-       a wider range of students with and
   ported, attention to caseload issues,         professional support, be direct in          without disabilities (Giangreco,
   assistance with paperwork). Ask               asking parents why they believe this        Halvorsen, Doyle, & Broer, 2004).
   both constituencies who should be             level of support is needed. Their           One way to accomplish this outcome
   supervising paraprofessionals and             responses will allow the school to
   how. This conversation can occur              tailor supports in an effort to meet a
   informally among colleagues or more           student’s needs. For example, if a        The ways we currently use
   formally at faculty or community              parent is concerned that the class-
   meetings, through teacher study               room instruction will be too difficult
                                                                                          paraprofessionals make too
   groups, or by establishing a cross-           for their child to comprehend, then      easy the tendency to delay
   constituent schoolwide task force.            merely assigning a paraprofessional
2. Scrutinize current roles and practices        may not address that concern. A
                                                                                             important actions and
   of paraprofessionals, and consider            forum for parental input will give the    changes that could benefit
   whether they are truly appropriate.           teacher and special educator an
                                                                                           students with disabilities.
   This examination can be accom-                opportunity to explain how they
   plished by having teachers, special           intend to collaborate on curricular
   educators, and paraprofessionals (a)          and instructional accommodations.
   analyze the tasks they engage in, (b)         Sharing written information with            is using a schoolwide planning tool
   determine whether their respective            parents about the pros and cons of          that guides school teams to examine
   training and/or skills match the              paraprofessional supports can be            their own status in regard to para-
   tasks, and (c) make a plan for                helpful, as can working with them as        professional issues, self-assess on a
   addressing      any      discrepancies        full team members in an effort to           set of schoolwide practices, and
   between their skills and the tasks. In        reach consensus on the array of             select individualized priorities for
   some instances this scrutiny may              options for supporting their child’s        action (Giangreco & Broer, 2003).
   result in additional training for any         education in the general education
                                                                                          Final Thoughts
   of the team members or may lead to            classroom.
   a shifting of responsibilities. In con-    4. Explore ways to involve students         Collectively, the five aforementioned
   sidering any shifts in responsibilities,      with disabilities in contributing to,    actions are meant to affirm the expecta-
   teams are encouraged to limit the uti-        and making decisions about, their        tion that all students deserve access to
   lization of paraprofessional supports         own supports. In instances in which      highly qualified teachers and that col-
   to only those specific situations in          students have limited language           laboration among professionals and
   which, after exhausting more natural          skills, the involved adults and peers    families is essential. The stories of Beth,
   possibilities, it makes the most              need to pay close attention to what-     Erin, and Micah serve as additional
   sense. For example, if providing              ever forms of communication the          reminders of the importance of (a) lis-
   homework support or being accom-              students use in an effort to under-      tening to our students’ verbal and non-
   panied between classes can be                 stand their meaning. We should not       verbal communication, (b) providing
   appropriately accomplished with               assume certain students need para-       opportunities for self-determination, (c)
   peer supports, it should not be dele-         professional      supports      merely   encouraging normalized experiences,
   gated to a paraprofessional.                  because of their looks or labels; this   and (d) exploring natural supports (e.g.,
   Individualization and accounting for          assumption presumes that the need        peers). Working together, school per-
   unpredictable events will require             for paraprofessional support is          sonnel and families hold the keys to
   ongoing teamwork. In reference to             embedded in the characteristics of       finding the individualized balance
   existing practices, ask the following         the student. A more appropriate          between judiciously determined para-
   question to help identify double              approach might be to first consider      professional supports and emerging
   standards: Would the practice be              modifying the characteristics of the     alternatives.
   acceptable if the students did not            school, classroom, and staff (e.g.,
   have disabilities?                            attitudes, teaching formats, student     References
3. Collaborate with families by seeking          groupings, resource distribution) in     Ashbaker, B. (2000). Bilingual paraeducators:
                                                                                            What we can learn from Rosa. NASSP
   to understand their concerns that             an effort to build a stronger class-       Bulletin, 84(612), 53-56.
   lead to their requests for paraprofes-        room community for all types of stu-     Daniels, V. I. & McBride, A. (2001).
   sional supports. This collaboration           dents.                                     Paraeducators as critical team members:
   can be accomplished through group          5. Consider alternatives to paraprofes-       Redefining roles and responsibilities.
                                                                                            NASSP Bulletin, 85(623), 66-74.
   meetings at which parents are invit-          sional supports (e.g., peer supports,
                                                                                          Downing, J., Ryndak, D., & Clark, D. (2000).
   ed to participate in conversations            resource reallocation, building            Paraeducators in inclusive classrooms.
   about paraprofessional issues with            capacity, and ownership of profes-

                                                                           TEACHING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN      ■   MAY/JUNE 2005   ■   33
Remedial and Special Education, 21, 171-           appropriate? Journal of the Association for      cies of the authors; therefore, no official
   181.                                               Persons With Severe Handicaps, 26, 114-          endorsement should be inferred.
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   368.                                               tors in inclusive settings. Journal of
                                                                                                       Copyright 2005 CEC.
French, N. K. (2001). Supervising paraprofes-         Special Education 35, 54-62.
   sionals: A survey of teacher practices.         Skar, L., & Tamm, M. (2001). My assistant
   Journal of Special Education, 35, 41-53.           and I: Disabled children’s and adoles-
French, N. K., & Chopra, R. (1999). Parent            cents’ roles and relationships to their
   perspectives on the roles of paraprofes-           assistants. Disability and Society, 16, 917-
   sionals. Journal of the Association for            931.
   Persons With Severe Handicaps, 24, 259-         Wallace, T., Shin, J., Bartholomay, T., &
   272.                                               Stahl, B. (2001). Knowledge and skills for
Giangreco, M. F., & Broer, S. M. (2003).              teachers supervising the work of parapro-                Placement
   Guidelines for selecting alternatives to           fessionals. Exceptional Children, 67, 520-              Information
   overreliance      on     paraprofessionals.        533.
   Retrieved February 11, 2005, from               Werts, M. G., Zigmond, N., & Leeper, D. C.            Rates: $12.00 per line
   University of Vermont, Center on                   (2001). Paraprofessional proximity and                     $72.00 minimum
   Disability and Community Inclusion Web             academic engagement: Students with dis-            Issues/Deadlines:
   site:       http://www.uvm.edu/~cdci/              abilities in primary aged classrooms.
   evolve/gsa.html                                    Education and Training in Mental                   Sept/Oct            July 16, 04
Giangreco, M. F., & Broer, S. M. (in press)           Retardation        and      Developmental          Nov/Dec             Sept 6, 04
   Questionable utilization of paraprofes-            Disabilities, 36, 424-440.                         March/April         Jan 7, 05
   sionals in inclusive schools: Are we            Young, B., Simpson, R., Myles, B. S., &
   addressing symptoms or root causes?                Kamps, D. M. (1997). An examination of
                                                                                                         May/June            Mar 3, 05
   Focus on Autism and Other Developmental            paraprofessional involvement in support-           July/Aug            April 29, 05
   Disabilities.                                      ing students with autism. Focus on Autism           For more information contact:
Giangreco, M. F., Broer, S. M., & Edelman, S.         and Other Developmental Disabilities,                      CEC Advertising
   W. (2001). Teacher engagement with stu-            12(1), 31-38, 48.
                                                                                                              1110 North Glebe Road
   dents with disabilities: Differences
   between paraprofessional service delivery       Michael F. Giangreco (CEC VT Federation),                         Suite 300
   models. Journal of the Association for          Research Professor; and Susan Yuan,                      Arlington, VA 22201-5704
   Persons With Severe Handicaps, 26, 75-86.       Research Assistant Professor, University of
                                                                                                                 TEL: 703/264-9454
Giangreco, M. F., Broer, S. M., & Edelman, S.      Vermont, Burlington. Barbara McKenzie
                                                   (CEC VT Federation), President, OHIO                          FAX: 703/264-1637
   W. (2002). “That was then, this is now!”
   Paraprofessional supports for students          S.A.F.E. (Schools Are For Everyone),
   with disabilities in general education          Westerville. Patricia Cameron (CEC Chapter
   classrooms. Exceptionality, 10(1), 47-64.       #143), Educational Specialist, Early Learning
Giangreco, M. F., Edelman, S. W., Broer, S.        Services, Massachusetts Department of
   M.,     &     Doyle,    M.      B.   (2001).    Education, Malden. Janice Fialka (CEC
   Paraprofessional support of students with       Chapter #1), Special Projects Trainer, CCRE-                    Ad Index
   disabilities: Literature from the past          SA–Early On® Training and Technical
   decade. Exceptional Children, 68, 45-63.        Assistance (Part C of IDEA), DeWitt,                  AGS, p 27
Giangreco, M. F., Edelman, S., Luiselli, T. E.,    Michigan.
                                                                                                         Captioned Media Program, p 48
   & MacFarland, S. Z. C. (1997). Helping or
   hovering? Effects of instructional assistant    Address correspondence to Michael F.                  Council for Exceptional Children,
                                                   Giangreco, University of Vermont, Center on           pp. 7, 19, 34, 35, 41, 49, 62, 68
   proximity on students with disabilities.
                                                   Disability and Community Inclusion, 208
   Exceptional Children, 64, 7-18.                                                                       Crisis Intervention Institute, cover 4
                                                   Colchester Ave,, 301A Mann Hall, Burlington,
Giangreco, M. F., Halvorsen, A., Doyle, M.                                                               Curriculum Associates, p 1
                                                   VT 05405 (e-mail: mgiangre@uvm.edu).
   B., & Broer, S. M. (2004). Alternatives to
   overreliance on paraprofessionals in inclu-
                                                                                                         Hunter College, p 66
                                                   Note: In loving memory of the vibrant life of
   sive schools. Journal of Special Education                                                            Melmark, p 27
                                                   Erin McKenzie: August 9, 1984 to August 24,
   Leadership, 17, 82-90.                                                                                Penn State University, p 4
Hemmingsson, H., Borell, L., & Gustavsson,
                                                                                                         Riverside Publishing, cover 2
   A. (2003). Participation in school: School      Partial support for the preparation of this arti-
   assistants creating opportunities and                                                                 Riverside Publishing, p 67
                                                   cle was provided by the United States
   obstacles for pupils with disabilities.         Department of Education, Office of Special            SRA/McGraw Hill, cover 3
   Occupational Therapy Journal of Research,       Education Programs, under the funding cate-           St. John University, p 40
   23(3), 88-98.                                   gory Model Demonstration Projects for                 Seattle University, p 63
Marks, S. U., Schrader, C., & Levine, M.           Children and Youth with Disabilities, CFDA
   (1999). Paraeducator experiences in inclu-      84.324M (H324M020007), awarded to the                 The Summit School, p 55
   sive settings: Helping, hovering, or hold-      Center on Disability and Community                    University of Nebraska, p 55
   ing their own? Exceptional Children, 65,        Inclusion at the University of Vermont. The           University of Northern Colorado,
   315-328.                                        contents of this paper reflect the ideas and          p 19
Minondo, S., Meyer, L., & Xin, J. (2001). The      positions of the authors and do not necessar-
   roles and responsibilities of teaching assis-   ily reflect the ideas or positions of the U.S.
   tants in inclusive education: What’s            Department of Education or any of the agen-

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