Far North REAP | Term Three 2021

Page created by Shirley Morrison
Far North REAP | Term Three 2021
Far North REAP | Term Three 2021
Far North REAP | Term Three 2021
A message from Simone Edwards -
Adult Community & Parenting Education Manager......................................... 3
Alternative Education - Amazing Engagers....................................................... 5
From our Patron..................................................................................................... 6
Adult Community Education (ACE) Conference by Richard Hape............... 7
Early Childhood & Kōhanga Reo Support......................................................... 10
Te Hiku Manukorero | Far North Speech Competition 2021........................ 11
Parenting Support................................................................................................... 14
ACE Programmes and Workshops...................................................................... 15
Road Safety Education Courses............................................................................ 18
Conference Room Hire.......................................................................................... 19
Contact Details........................................................................................................ 20
             →Registration Link for all ACE programmes and workshops←

                   D IL DAY
              F            FRIDAY 27 AUGUST 2021

                                       with your help there is hope

  Please contact
Far North REAP if
 you would like to

                                         Front cover: Judge Lynsday Elliot and overall winner Pua Rapihana
Far North REAP | Term Three 2021
A message from Simone
Mr Daun wins:
‘Educator of the year
Tangata Tiriti’
This award recognises an individual for      some students 10 days of trekking
outstanding service in, and contribution     through the jungle on foot to reach the
to, the development and delivery             school from their bamboo-built homes.
of adult and community education.            For Allan it was a real privilege to be
It is intended to be a tribute for           able to return there in 2018, almost 50
outstanding work in teaching, training,      years later, to visit and to meet up with
administration, or a combination of          many former students. From Borneo
these.                                       he returned to Aotearoa and taught
The Far North REAP ACE and                   for many years in the secondary school
Leadership Teams nominated Allan             system in various high schools around
Daun for this award earlier this year. We    Aotearoa. In 2000 he moved to Japan
are extremely excited to announce that       for eight years to teach English to
Allan took out the award at the recent       business employees who needed to be
ACE Aotearoa Conference Awards               able to converse in English in overseas
held in Wellington on Tuesday 15th           settings. On his return, he continued to
June 2021. The Far North REAP ACE            teach, and eventually settled in at Kaitaia
Team were at the awards to tautoko           College, where he was very popular
his achievement with Richard Hape            with the students, who to this day hold
honouring Allan with a rousing haka          him in high esteem. They appreciated
that was both poignant and well received     his method of teaching and his ability
by all in attendance and by Allan.           to make long math questions seem
Allan is a lifelong educator with over       like fun. Allan has also worked in the
50 years of teaching under his belt; the     farming industry as a shearer and on
true epitome of a lifelong learner and       building sites in England and Australia,
teacher. He originally started his journey   and continues to this day making the
in primary teaching and then went            good old fashioned wooden children’s
onto secondary teaching in a variety of      toys, such as blocks, trucks and rocking
curriculum areas such as English, Maths,     horses.
History, Social Studies, Geography,          Allan began his journey with Far North
Woodwork and Te Reo, as he wanted            REAP seven years ago. Allan replied
to keep his teaching curriculum areas        to a Far North REAP advertisement
as broad as possible. Not long after         looking for a tutor to provide literacy
completing his teacher training, he          and numeracy support for school
taught in the jungles of Borneo at a         students completing NCEA Level 1 & 2
newly built secondary school. It took        English and Math …. and as the saying
Far North REAP | Term Three 2021
goes, the rest is history. Allan began                    the availability and work commitments
tutoring sessions after school on a daily                 of the learners, to help prepare them
basis for us and continues this mahi to                   to sit the NZ Police Entrance exams.
this day providing our tamariki with the This support has also extended to those
skills and knowledge to support them                      wanting to enter other services like the
on their NCEA journeys.                                   Royal NZ Navy and NZ Army. We
In the last three years, the Far North                    have since had a young woman complete
REAP ACE Team has contracted                              her entrance exam and complete her
Allan to support our adult learners                       basic training and graduated in June
as a need was identified for trade                        2020 from the Royal NZ Navy, and
apprentices requiring help completing                     another young woman is a constable in
their bookwork. Weekly study support                      the NZ Police Force based in Kaitaia.
sessions were organised that brought                      Our most recent learner was sworn into
a group of learners together from                         the NZ Police Force on 19th March
different trades to tautoko their mahi                    2021 and is also based at the Kaitaia
and help them translate their practical                   Police. Other recruits are in the pipeline,
daily learnings on the job into the theory having passed their entry tests due to
side of their relevant trade bookwork                     their work at Far North REAP. We
modules. One of those students is now are so very thankful that we are able
a NZ Certificated Builder adding much                     to provide this necessary and much
needed wahine to this sector.                             needed support to our community, thus
In 2018 there was a recruitment drive in creating opportunities for success for
Kaitaia by the NZ Police Force looking                    our tangata.
for new recruits. This brought about a                    Allan has unique teaching qualities.
need for further                                                                         He is gentle
support for the                                                                          but firm in
applicants, so                                                                           his approach
the Far North                                                                            and is able to
REAP ACE                                                                                 build rapport
Team sprang into                                                                         and trusting
action and utilised                                                                      relationships
Allan’s teaching                                                                         with students
skills. Literacy                                                                         of all ages.
and numeracy                                                                             This is pivotal
support sessions                                                                         to creating
were organised                                                                           and fostering
for individuals      From left to right - Kathryn Hazlewood - ACE Aotearoa Board member,
                                                                                         safe learning
and groups,          Hauiti Hakopa - ACE Aotearoa Board member, Allan Daun - Far North spaces to
depending on         REAP Tutor, Helen Lomax – Ako Aotearoa Tumuaki                      assist the
Far North REAP | Term Three 2021
students to overcome learning barriers        Far North REAP and our communities
so that the learner is open and able to       in the Far North.
accept help. These qualities, added to
                                              Simone Edmonds
Allan’s extensive knowledge and life
                                              Adult Community and
experience, make him a true taonga to
                                              Parenting Education

Alternative Education /                       Kaitaia Strength and Fitness and they
Amazing Engagers                              also have cooking lessons once a week
                                              so they can cook for their whanau.
Our amazing engager space has had a
                                              Some new sports equipment keeps our
great influx of students this term. We
                                              students’ fitness up as well as going for
now have twelve students enrolled with
                                              walks twice daily.
                                              The students also want to participate in
As some are newly enrolled, we are
                                              a hunting and fishing competition which
all getting to know each other, what
                                              is coming up shortly so that is an activity
interests the students, and their goals
                                              to look forward to.
for the future. As well as having new
                                              We have a great team working with our
students we were fortunate to have a
                                              students - Zac Stout, Denise Proctor,
new facilitator join our team in March.
                                              Vince Rudolph, Craig Hobson and Kiri
Denise Proctor hails from Pawarenga
                                              Sloane-Hobson, all working together for
and has come to us sharing her expertise
                                              the betterment of our students.
from being involved with Broadwood
Area School for the last 15 years.
Our students experienced the
Manukorero competition which was a
first for many. They have learnt how to
process a beef and where the different
cuts come from. Participated in a tree
planting day as well as continuing to
do school work through the education
programme - Education Perfect. This
programme seems to work well with our
students and they can engage with their
tutors, share their progess and indicate
where help is needed. They attend
a gym programme once a week with

Far North REAP | Term Three 2021
From our Patron                                 inward travellers did not happen. The
There is absolutely no doubt that               result was that the virus was let loose on
COVID-19 has changed the way we live.           our shores. There were some families
We have each been made to change                in remote communities where every
our behaviours and attitudes in one             member became sick and some died
way or another. That situation has had          and there was no medical help available.
me thinking about how our ancestors             Children were left in homes with dead
handled previous pandemics.                     and dying parents. On the other hand
My parents lived through the Spanish            emergency hospitals were set up in
Flu pandemic which hit New Zealand              many towns and systems were often
in 1918. Their families suffered no             set up locally to support the sick in
deaths although some were sick for a            their homes but thousands became ill.
while. They were among the fortunate.           Many schools were closed and public
In New Zealand there were 3,000                 gatherings were limited but in many
recorded deaths and probably a lot              cases it was all too late. The virus had
more which were unrecorded. Some                spread rapidly. Remember, many families
communities were hit badly. The small,          had no telephones. Radios were not
isolated community of Omaio in the              in homes, there was no internet and
Bay of Plenty was an example of how             no TV. Communication in many cases
one seemingly innocent action resulted          depended on newspapers and many
in a whole community being affected.            families did not buy papers.
Two men were sent off on a shopping
trip to Opotoki where they picked up
supplies for a dance but also picked up
the virus and carried it home with the
result of it affecting all local families and
some deaths. The school was closed and
medical help was sent but all too late. In
Northland there were similar situations.
Today we have information systems
which can give us instant information;
We have access to vaccinations, we
have sophisticated tracking systems and
modern medical treatments. In 1918
some of the recommended treatments
are now recognised as being useless
or even dangerous. In 1918 border
protection or enforced isolation of
Far North REAP | Term Three 2021
to keep the worst of COVID-19 at bay
                                                  and that we all should continue to take
                                                  care to ensure that we keep it that way.
                                                  I had no hesitation about being
                                                  vaccinated as science and current
                                                  observations tell me that my chances
                                                  of then being infected are now
                                                  hugely reduced. I am grateful that the
                                                  vaccination in New Zealand is free.
 Only yesterday I was told of a recently          History can be a great teacher if we care
 discovered mass burial which in all              to listen.
 probabilities were the victims of the
 1918 flu and there seems to be no
 official record of those deaths.
 I believe that in New Zealand we should                                  Robin Shepherd
 be grateful that we have so far managed                          Far North REAP Patron

 ACE Conference 2021 –                            team went to explore potential places
 Te Wharewaka o Pōneke                            to eat. Found the perfect spot for a late
     Theme - “Re-imagining ACE”                   afternooon kai, we were able to sit at our
The Far North REAP Adult Community                table and order everything by using a QR
Education (ACE) team left for                     code on the menu. People watching and
Kerikeri early on the Monday morning.             checking out other places to buy snacks
Arrived at Pēwhairangi (Kerikeri) Airport         from for the night. I had the best kai of
with the rain but what a real cruisy flight       Mash ‘n bangers. After our late afternoon
we had to Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland)              brunch Simone and Ra went shopping
despite the wet tarmac we arrived safely          while I went and found the fastest route
and had a bit of time to chill before our         to Te Wharewaka where the conference
flight to Te Whanganui-a-Tara                     was to be held. Such an awesome city
(Wellington). Going through customs               to explore, I always enjoy my time in the
and as usual our mate Rawinia gets her            Windy City.
bags searched lol, I think security just          Tuesday morning 7am the alarm went off,
loves picking on her. Boarded the plane           had some brekkie preparing for the day
and we are off to Te Whanganui-a-Tara             ahead. Simone and Rawinia had faith in
(Wellington), we had a mint tail wind             my directions, so off we went. We had
110kph I believe the Captian said, so it          to visit the statue of Kupe before we
was a fast flight.                                entered the conference venue. Quick
All checked into our accommodation the            whakatau followed by kōrero from the
Far North REAP | Term Three 2021
new director of ACE Aotearoa                          have three generations of whānau in at
Analiese Robertson which was heart-                   one time ‘baby, young parent and Mum’.
felt, exciting and set the scene for what             When we returned to our conference
lay ahead. Our first keynote speaker                  venue each group presented back and
was Judge Andrew Becroft, Children’s                  shared to the rest of the group. End of
Commissioner. His kōrero was about                    day one, off to our hotel to have a quick
‘Innovation in a post-COVID Environ-                  rest and prepare for the ACE Aotearoa
ment’. Always an awesome speaker, he                  Awards dinner.
spoke highly of the ACE sector across                 The team arrived at the awards venue
Aotearoa and how important our role                   for mix and mingle. We were still
was within all communities during and                 awaiting Allan Daun’s arrival after
post COVID-19. He finished his kōrero                 he had been held up for 5 hours in
with a quote from Desmond Tutu                        Kerikeri. The night began, we sat at
  “If you are neutral in situations of injustice,     our tables anxiously waiting for Allan.
  you have chosen the side of the oppressor”.         We got our dinner and Simone gathered
                                                      a plate for Allan. Just as we started to
He wore different t-shirts during his talk
                                                      eat he arrived. He had texted Simone
that related to his mahi, Dame Whina
                                                      that he was on his way. Simone went
Cooper was on one of them, with her
                                                      out one door to meet him and he come
                                                      in the other. The awards began by
  “Take care of our children. Take care               acknowledging the award winners from
  of what they hear, take care of what they           2020 including our own Rawinia Everitt
  see, take care of what they feel. For how           who received the 2020 Tangata Whenua
  the children grow, so will be the shape of          Educator of the Year. Then they
  Aotearoa”.                                          started announcing the award winners
Never a more fitting quote to leave the               for 2021. Before all this, as a roopu
conference attendees to mull over.                    we were talking about a waiata tautoko,
Offsite visit we travelled in our groups,             I knew that Allan needed something
with Rawinia and I visting a Community                else so I said I would do a haka for
organisation in Porirua, called “WELL-                him. The anticipation and build up of
fed”. This group turned an old                        a haka can be pretty
bowling club into a community maara                   overwhelming. I was
and refitted the building into a class-               sitting at our table
room. They have cooking classes for                   just waiting, I was
Mums who learn how to cook a whānau                   preparing myself,
kai on $10.00. These classes are offered              getting in the zone
three times a week and they also have a               as you would say.
space if individuals have young children.             In my peripheral
The organisers say that they sometimes                vision I could see
Far North REAP | Term Three 2021
Simone looking at me making me                  compared it to the ones he makes with
feel a little nervous but I just kept my        youth from big pieces of bamboo. He
concentration.                                  played a couple of pieces and it was an
The haka. I know when I do haka it              awesome wrap up to his presentation.
is something that I feel passionate             The group held a feedback kōrero and
about, in some cases I feel like there          spoke about the change in thinking
are always others who are doing it with         among people. Someone stated that
me, no matter what haka tautoko I do.           the kōrero has also changed from he
I feel connected to my peers and at             tangata, he tangata, he tangata to ”he
times my tūpuna. It also feels like the         taiao, he taiao, he taiao”, the kōrero was
greatest rush doing a haka and I feel the       about the impact of change on the taiao
adrenaline within my puku afterwards            that COVID-19 made communities
for awhile.                                     more aware off.
We celebrated the rest of the night with        Our last key note speaker was the
Mr Daun.                                        Honourable Chris Hipkins – Minister
Day two we had workshops. I went                of Education and of Public Services,
along to the Kaipātiki project workshop         Leader of the House and COVID-19
– A community response to climate
change and disaster captilism, presented
by Sam Tu’itahi. Kaipātiki Project is an
environmental hub which runs a thriving
native plant nursery facilitating forest
and stream restoration and promoting
local food and zero waste initiatives -
this is based in North Auckland. The
Facilitator, Sam introduced us to a
network activity using a piece of rope.
He finished off his kōrero by showing           Richard Hape performing a Haka for Allan Daun
us a traditional Tongan nose flute and
  Take care of                                  Response Minster, his korero is always
  our children.
                                                informative and very support of the
  Take care of
  what they                                     adult community education sector and
  hear, take care                               those that work in this space, thanking
  of what they                                  us for our mahi over the previous year
  feel. For how
  the children                                  during a world wide pandemic.
  grow, so will be
  the shape of                                                                    Richard Hape
  Aotearoa.                                                         Kaitautoko Mātauranga
  Dame Whina Cooper                                            Adult Community Education
  Photography Michael
Far North REAP | Term Three 2021
Early Childhood &                               stories is a narrative approach to
Kōhanga Reo Support                             documenting children’s learning that may
                                                also include contributions from the child
Learning stories workshops                      and the child’s whanau. Learning stories
Wendy Lee from Education Learning               are an important part of the planning
Project presented three evening                 cycle in early childhood education. These
workshops. Three workshops in Kerikeri          workshops were well attended in both
for Kaikohe, Kerikeri and Kawakawa              locations. Wendy Lee is well known
early childhood Kaiako and three                in early childhood both nationally and
workshops in Kaitaia. The workshops             internationally for her work in supporting
focused on using Learning Stories -             teachers around Learning Stories.
the assessment tool used by early
childhood education Kaiako. Learning

    Kanikani Kids Dance is a            Under 6 year olds Dance Class
  creative movement class for        $5.00 per child (under 1 yr free). First class is free.
    boys + girls aged 0 - 5yrs.                           Tuesdays
                             Under 6 years Dance
 Our classes are in a fun, social                                     Classes
                                        9.30 - 11.00am Kanikani Kids Club
   setting and include props,
                                  30 minute dance class for under 6 year olds, followed by
  action, songs, creative gross     art/craft activities. Tea, coffee and snacks provided.
       motor movement.
                                                         $6.00 per class
                                                 3.15pm (1 hour class)
                                                 4.15pm (30 min class)
                                                      Venue: Far North REAP

Contact Bailey via email: kanikanidance@gmail.com
or Facebook: Kanikani Kids Dance and Parties

Schools and Kura Kaupapa
                                                         Māori Support
Te Hiku Manu Korero / Far
North Speech Competition
                                                                  confidence when
                                                                  addressing the
                                                                  audience with their
                                                                  speeches. There was
                                                                  a range of topics
                                                                  in both sections. In
                                                                  the English Section
                                                                  - COVID-19
                                                                  vaccines, Tik
                                                                  Tok, Pets, The
Over sixty speakers participated in our                           Environment and
two-day Te Hiku Manu Korero Far North       Leadership within Parliament. In Te Reo
Speech Competition for Year 5 to Year 8     Māori section - Tiakina te Taiao, Tiakina
tamariki. There was a Te Reo Maori and      te iwi, Ko toku oranga ko…, Te Koha
English Section for each year group with    ki te Ao me Ko wai nga tauira o te mana
sixteen schools participating.              wahine i enei ra?
For the past six years, Far North REAP      “Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he
has organised the two-day competition,      toa takitini”
which was originally hosted by Pompallier   “My strength is not that of a single
Catholic School.                            warrior but that of many”.
Far North REAP introduced a Te                Far North REAP would like to thank
Reo Maori section in our second year          our Judges, volunteers and everyone that
of hosting with the aim to include all        came over the two days to help make our
schools and Kura Kaupapa Maori in Te          Speech Competition another successful,
Hiku. The intention of this competition winning event.
is to assist students to gain confidence in
public speaking, grow skills in persuasive Judges:
writing, build a platform to express their    • Lynsday Elliot
opinions on various topics and to prepare • Hinewai Pomare
our students for debates, presentations,      • Christina Looker
and public speaking in secondary school       • Mike Te Wake
level education.                              • Margaret Taurere
Every year the calibre of speakers            • Richard Hape
proves to be stronger and with increased • Wiremu Britton-Rua
Te Kura Taumata o Panguru
Scrutineers / Timekeepers / Volunteers:     3rd     Rewi Abraham
• Jenna Waipouri                                    Ngataki School
• Denise Proctor                            Tau 5 – Te Reo Maori
• Shakayla Sheddon                          1st     Te Pua Tawhiwhi Teira Tawhara
• Matira Kata                                       Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te
• Tuamelie Kata                                     Rangi Aniwaniwa
                                                    Ria Slade
Far North REAP would like to thank                  Te Kura o Te Kao
teachers, principals and whanau that        3rd
                                                    Mohi Kara
contributed to these speakers competing             Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o
at the competition. Such amazing talented           Pukemiro
speakers, our up-and-coming leaders in      Year 6 – English
Te Hiku o Te Ika!                           1st		 Lennox Dugmore
Schools that participated:                       		 Pukenui School
• Pompallier Catholic School                2nd
                                                    Liv Clement-Beaton
• Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Pukemiro               		 Paparore School
• Paparore School                           3rd 		 Hannah Jackson
• Mangonui School                                   Pompallier Catholic School
• Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Rangi          Tau 6 – Te Reo Maori
   Aniwaniwa                                1st     Halo Bellass –
• Oruaiti School                                    Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te
• Te Kura Taumata o Panguru                         Rangi Aniwaniwa
• Ngataki School                            2nd     Phoebe Kopa – Te Kura Kaupapa
• Pukenui School                                    Maori o Pukemiro
• Peria School                              3rd
                                                    Jaden Pairama
• Kaitaia Intermediate                              Te Kura o Te Kao
• Te Kura o Matihetihe                      Year 7 – English
• Pamapuria School                          1st     Isabella Herdman
• Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o                           Kaitaia Intermediate School
   Tututarakihi                             2nd
                                                    Lucy Mulholland
• Te Kura o Te Kao                                  Pompallier Catholic School
• Kaitaia Abundant Life                     3rd
                                                    Sharron Tepania
                                                    Kaitaia Intermediate School
                                            Tau 7 – Te Reo Maori
Year 5 – English
                                            1st     Shelby Baker
1st    Amira Sawers
                                                    Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te
       Oruaiti School
                                                    Rangi Aniwaniwa
       Daniel Senaki
                                            2nd     Damon Toka
Te Kura o Te Kao
3rd    Maia Latimer - Hauiti                Overall Year 8 Winner
       Te Kura Taumata o Panguru            Pua Rapihana (front cover)
Year 8 – English                            Kaitaia Intermediate School
1st    Pua Rapihana                         Faye Irwin-Erceg Trophy
       Kaitaia Intermediate
2nd    Ebes Arun
       Pompallier Catholic School
3rd    Chelsea Reti
       Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te
       Rangi Aniwaniwa
Tau 8 - Te Reo Maori
1st    Rangimarie Slade
       Te Kura o Te Kao
2nd    Hineteaio Chapman
                                            Year 8 Te Reo Māori Contestants and
       Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te 		        Judge Mike Te Wake from Te Rarawa
       Rangi Aniwaniwa
       Te Manawa Wijohn
       Te Kura Taumata o Panguru

                                            Year 5 Te Reo Māori Contestants and
                                            Judges Christina Looker and Lynsday Elliot

                                            Year 8 English Contestants and Judge Lynsday Elliot

      Mike Te Wake and Shelby Baker
Parenting Support
  Te Korowai Whakahaumaru                    •   Whakapapa: knowing who you are
  Parenting Programme                            and where you come from
 Te Korowai Whakahaumaru (The Cloak          •   Pepeha: identifying your physical
 of Safety & Protection) is a Parenting          environment
 Programme delivered at Far North
 REAP. The Programme is in two parts,
 the first is based on connection to
 Whenua, Whānau and Whakapapa.
 We cover:
 • Self-care planning: triggers, burnout
     and resolution
 • Whānau care planning: recognising
     triggers, burnout and resolution in
     your whānau

                   ow a i Whakaha
                  r               um

              K o
            e                       a

            Parenting Programme

 Wednesday 28 July 2021
   9.30am - 12.30pm
This Parenting Programme is unique in
that it is tailored to the needs of parents.
Let us know if you need help with transport.
Participants receive a certificate
on completion of the programme.

To register, contact: Maree Dickens - (see page 20)
The second part is based on S.K.I.P        •  Limits and Boundaries – Te tūāpapa
(Strategies for Kids, Information for         mō te tika me te hē
Parents), consisting of the 6 principles   • Consistency and Consequences – Te
of Parenting & Conscious Parenting –          mahi pono – ngā hua me ngā hapa
Developmental stages.                      • Structure and Security – Te hanga ao
Here we cover:                                tōtika, ao haumaru
S.K.I.P – 6 Principles of Parenting:       Conscious Parenting:
• Warmth and Love – Te aroha me te         • The 5 stages of conscious parenting
    mahana                                 • Stage 1 – Unaware
• Talking and Listening – Te korero        • Stage 2 – Becoming aware
    me te whakarongo                       • Stage 3 – Ready to change
• Guidance and Understanding – Te          • Stage 4 – Taking action
    ārahi me te māramatanga                • Stage 5 – Maintaining change

Adult Community Education Programmes

             Trade Apprenticeship
                   Support        REE!!


                                   Are you currently a trades apprentice
                                     struggling with your bookwork?
                                        Do you need extra support?
                                      Or just a quiet space to study?

                                   Mondays & Tuesdays
                                       5pm - 7.30pm
                               starting Monday 26 July 2021
                                   Venue: Kukupa Room
                             Far North REAP can provide this space for you!
                        So you can do your work without those home distractions.
                          You probably just need to be with like minded people
                                         on the same journey?
                          Our venue is warm and spacious with fibre optic WiFi.
                                    Tea & coffee available at no cost.

Practices in ACE
                        Weaving Cultural
            When: Wednesday 21 July 2021 | Venue: Far North REAP
                                 Registration Link
Workshop 1: 9.30am - 11.30am              Workshop 2: 9.30am - 11.30am
This workshop is an opportunity to        This workshop is an opportunity to
learn around the ‘kava bowl’. Through     learn the concept of vā (relationships/
the Tongan cultural practice of faikava   relational space). We will explore vā
(kava drinking) and using the kakala      through a community perspective from
research method, we will discuss what     a Sāmoan and Tongan lens and critically
this looks like in a community context.   reflect on how this could be applied in
This workshop will be facilitated by Dr   our work situations. This workshop is
Edmond Fehoko.Tēnā koutou Katoa,          presented by Aiono Manu Faaea who is
Talofa lave, kia orana,                   currently a practicing
Mālo e lelei, Fakaalofa                   ethnomusinologist,
atu, Halo ola keta,                       educator and current
Mauri and warm                            Senior Pasifika Manager
Pasifika greetings                        at Manukau Institute of
to you.                                   Technology.

                       Dr Edmond Fehoko                             Aiono Manu Faaea

    ig i B a si cs
   Each Tuesday, starting           What this course covers:

 27 July 2021                       → setting up an email account
                                    → updating or creating a professional looking C..V.
                                    → navigating the internet
 10am - 12pm                        → small business support
                                    → REAL ME
      runs for 10 weeks
          Free Course               → job search
                                    → online forms

      Please Note: you must be 16 years or older and not in school to
                          enrol on ACE courses
Pa          e         Tutor: Rawinia Everitt

                              ke H rakek
for the whole                                           Tues
    course                                                  days starti ng:

                                                         27 July 2021
                                                        5.30 - 7.30pm
                                                          10 week course
                                                        at Far North REAP

      A R E YO U S T
                                       T TE

                                                            Far North REAP is offering:
                                      R T I A RY L

                                                           TERTIARY SUPPORT
                  WE AR
                                                           We have an academic mentor and


                                                            pastoral support person based at


                                               Far North REAP for students studying at tertiary level
      U ON YO


Road Safety Education
Drivers Licence Courses Term 1 2021
Restricted Licence                                                      Learners Licence
This is a free two hour course where you
                                       This is a three day course with testing
will revisit the road rules. Your tutor will
                                       held on the third day. The first two days
take you for an assessment drive and give
                                       your tutor will take you through the
you feedback on your driving ability. You
                                       road code and help you prepare for the
will need to bring your Learners Licence
                                       Learners Licence test. To register for this
card to register for this course.      course you must be 16 years or older and
Dates and Times:                       pay the test fee and complete your DL1
                                       application form at the Far North REAP
Wednesday 18 August | 9.30 - 12.30pm
                                       AA Drivers Licence counter.
Wednesday 8 September | 9.30 - 12.30pm The test costs $93.90.
Wednesday 13 October | 9:30 – 12.30pm
                                        Dates and Times:
                                        Monday 16 & Tuesday 17 August
                                        9.30am – 12:30pm
                                        Testing day: Wednesday 18 August
                                                    Monday 21 & Tuesday 22 September
                                                    9.30am - 12.30pm
                                                    Testing day: Wednesday 23 April
                                                       Monday 19 & Tuesday 20 October
                                                       9.30am - 12.30pm
                                                       Testing day: Wednesday 21 October
Please note: there are strict rules around I.D. requirements that we must adhere to.
Click here for information about I.D.

 Office hours:
 Monday to Friday from 9am - 4.15pm
 For driver licence queries phone: 0800 822 422
 For vehicle licence queries phone: 0800 108 809
Conference Room Hire
We offer Conference | Interview | Rooms for hire. Our rooms range from small
spaces ideal for interviews to larger spaces for events, meetings (hui) and workshops.
Both the Kauri and Kukupa Rooms have wall mounted datashow projectors included
in the room hire fee and all rooms have access to wifi and white boards. The Kauri
and Totara Rooms have large screen smart TV’s. There are shared kitchens available
for use where you will find tea, coffee and sugar (however you will need to provide
milk). We do not cater but we can recommend some local caterers.
             Conference Room Hire prices range from $60.00 - $150.00
Extra services we provide for a small fee, for your convenience are:
● Printing and photocopying ● Scanning to email or storage device
● We can in some cases promote your event via our networks

               Totara Room                                 Kauri Room

               Nikau Room                                 Kukupa Room

              Shared Kitchen                               Rata Room
Contact Details                                      Adult Community Education:
Phone:     09 408 1380                               Manager - Simone Edwards, ext: 718
Email:     reception@farnorthreap.org.nz
                                                     Richard Hape, ext: 713
Chief Executive:                                     richardh@farnorthreap.org.nz
Kiri Sloane-Hobson, ext: 704                         Rawinia Everitt, ext: 712
kiris@farnorthreap.org.nz                            rawiniae@farnorthreap.org.nz
Alternative Education:                               Parenting Support
Manager: Kiri Sloane-Hobson                          Manager - Simone Edwards, ext: 718
Alternative Education Facilitators                   Engaging Priority Families:
Denise Proctor - denisep.alted@farnorthreap.org.nz   Teen Parenting
Zac Stout - zacs.alted@farnorthreap.org.nz           Maree Dickens, ext: 714
Te Ao Maori Learning focus support                   mareed@farnorthreap.org.nz
Vince Rudolph - vincer.alted@farnorthreap.org.nz     Education
High Level Support                                   Manager - Brenda Tepania, ext: 716
Craig Hobson - craig@koruservices.co.nz              brendat@farnorthreap.org.nz
Community Support / Conference Room Hire:
Community Support and HR Manager                     Schools & Kura Kaupapa Māori:
Lisa Jones, ext: 706                                 Selena Bercic, ext: 724
lisaj@farnorthreap.org.nz                            selenab@farnorthreap.org.nz
Hinemoa Tipene, ext: 707                             Early Childhood & Kōhanga Reo:
hinemoat@farnorthreap.org.nz                         Peter Visser, ext: 705
Sonia Payne, ext: 700                                peterv@farnorthreap.org.nz
soniap@farnorthreap.org.nz                           Early Childhood & Kōhanga Reo:
Jenny May, ext 700                                   Tui Baker, ext: 701
jennym@farnorthreap.org.nz                           tuib@farnorthreap.org.nz
Marketing & Sustainability                           Road Safety:
Tonya Pene, ext: 735                                 Manager - Angelene Waitohi, ext: 720
tonyap@farnorthreap.org.nz                           angelenew@farnorthreap.org.nz
AA Driver & Vehicle Licensing                        Jodi Betts, ext: 709
Kiri Matiu, ext: 719                                 jodib@farnorthreap.org.nz
kirim@farnorthreap.org.nz                            Wiremu Britton-Rua, ext: 710
                                                     Jodie Adams, ext: 702
                                                     Janelle Laurence, ext: 708
                                                     Finance Administration:
                                                     Carrie Cross, ext: 722
                                                     Lynda Tracey, ext: 723
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