PRE-DEPARTURE GUIDE 2019 - For Australia Awards Scholarship students Make tomorrow better - Curtin University

Page created by Tyler Mullins
PRE-DEPARTURE GUIDE 2019 - For Australia Awards Scholarship students Make tomorrow better - Curtin University
GUIDE 2019
For Australia Awards
Scholarship students

Make tomorrow better.
PRE-DEPARTURE GUIDE 2019 - For Australia Awards Scholarship students Make tomorrow better - Curtin University

                              Congratulations on
                              receiving an Australia
                              Awards Scholarship (AAS).
                              We hope you enjoy your
                                                             Academic calendar.............................................…..2                    What you need to know........................................10
                              time in Perth and wish you
                                                             International Sponsored Student Unit...................3                              AAS contract.................................................................10
                              success with your study        Contact the ISSU............................................................3         Living expenses.............................................................10
                              at Curtin University. This     Before you leave your home country.....................4                              Suggested weekly budget............................................10
                              guide aims to make it          What to bring .................................................................4      Medicines.......................................................................10
                              easier for you to prepare      On your flight to Perth...................................................4           Parking fees...................................................................10
                              for your journey to Western    Excess baggage ..............................................................5        Text and reference books.............................................10
                              Australia and your life as a   Quarantine guide ...........................................................5         Vehicle expenses...........................................................10

                              Curtin student. Please read    Your arrival...............................................................6          Transferring money to Perth......................................10
                                                             Immigration....................................................................6      Overseas Student Health Cover .................................12
                              it carefully. You can access
                                                             Airport reception.............................................................6       Returning home during studies..................................12
                              further information from
                                                             What happens when I arrive at the airport? ..............6                            Returning home during semester break....................12
                              the government’s               What happens if my airport host is not there? .........6                              Private travel to another country..............................12
                              AAS website:                   What happens when I leave the airport? ....................6                          Work and study............................................................12
                             What happens if my flight details change? ...............6                            Tax file number.............................................................12
                                                             Family members.............................................................6          Public transport............................................................13
                              Important information:
                                                             Temporary accommodation.........................................6                     Driving in Perth.............................................................13
                              You must bring the
                                                             Safety on campus...........................................................6          Your family.............................................................14
                              following documents with       Housing services.............................................................7        Family health cover......................................................14
                              you to the University when     Your finances..................................................................7      Family reunion..............................................................15
                              you arrive:                    Getting started.........................................................8             Dependant schooling...................................................15
                              • your driver’s licence        Introductory Academic Program ................................8                       Childcare........................................................................15

                                (if any)                     Orientation week.............................................................8        What to bring................................................................15
                                                             Enrolments......................................................................8     Guidelines and support.........................................16
                              • your passport                The Learning Centre ......................................................9           Students with disability...............................................16
                                                             UniEnglish........................................................................9   Policies and procedures...............................................16
                              • a copy of your e-visa
                                                                                                                                                   Privacy Act…………………..................................... ………17
                                if your visa is not in                                                                                             Student responsibilities…………………............... ………17
                                your passport.
PRE-DEPARTURE GUIDE 2019 - For Australia Awards Scholarship students Make tomorrow better - Curtin University

ACADEMIC                                                                                                        INTERNATIONAL SPONSORED
CALENDAR                                                                                                        STUDENTS UNIT
Please read the academic calendar carefully and           Please note: there are also courses that operate on   The International Sponsored Students Unit (ISSU) is      CONTACT THE ISSU:
familiarise yourself with the key dates and activities.   a trimester timetable (an accelerated study program   a team of dedicated staff who support and manage
                                                                                                                                                                         ISSU mobile: +61 423 026 262
Most courses at Curtin operate on a two-semester          with three trimesters per year).                      AAS students and act as intermediaries between the
                                                                                                                Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), AAS      Email:
timetable. The first semester commences in February       AAS students enrolled in trimester study mode will
and ends in June, and the second semester starts in       have a different academic calendar.                   students and Curtin.                                     Web:
July and ends in November.                                                                                      As AAS student contact officers (SCO), the ISSU
                                                                                                                staff have specialised roles to ensure students are      Ms Julie Craig (AAS SCO) Manager, ISSU
While the majority of Curtin courses commence in the
first semester, there are some courses that can start                                                           provided with quality support during their course        Tel: +61 8 9266 2437
in second semester.                                                                                             and complete their studies within the specified time
                                                                                                                frame stated in their scholarship placement offer.
                                                                                                                The ISSU is also responsible for DFAT reporting and
 SEMESTER ONE 2019                                         SEMESTER TWO 2019                                                                                             Ms Raquel Iliano (AAS SCO)
                                                                                                                academic monitoring for Curtin students.
 14-18 Jan            Arrive in Perth                      17-21 Jun           Arrive in Perth                  The ISSU can assist you with any queries you may         Sponsored Students Coordinator
 21 Jan               Introductory Academic                24 Jun              Introductory Academic            have before you arrive in Australia. These could         Tel: +61 8 9266 1941
                      Program commences*                                       Program commences*               include questions about accommodation, specific          Email:
 18-22 Feb            Orientation week                     22-26 Jul           Orientation week                 course information, living in Perth, visa requirements
                                                                                                                for you and your family, dependant schooling and         Mr Ian Tsen (AAS SCO)
 25 Feb               Classes commence                     29 Jul              Classes commence                 the cost and availability of childcare. When you
 25 Feb – 22 Mar      Four teaching weeks                  29 Jul – 23 Aug     Four teaching weeks              arrive, the ISSU will provide you with documents and     Sponsored Students Coordinator
                                                                                                                brochures to help you familiarise yourself with Perth    Tel: +61 8 9266 1192
 25 -29 Apr           Tuition-free week                    26–30 Aug           Tuition-free week
                                                                                                                and Curtin.                                              Email:
 1-18 Apr             Three teaching weeks                 2–27 Sep            Four teaching weeks
 22-26 Apr            Tuition-free week                    30 Sep - 4 Oct      Tuition-free week                                                                         FIND US ON CAMPUS:
 29 Apr – 31 May      Five teaching weeks                  1 Oct - 2 Nov       Four teaching weeks                                                                       Curtin International, Building 101
                                                                                                                                                                         Curtin University
 3-7 Jun              Study week                           4-8 Nov             Study week                                                                                Kent Street Bentley WA 6102
 10-21 Jun            Examinations                         4-8 Nov             Examinations
 10 July              Results released                     11 Dec              Results released                                                                          CONTACT SECURITY
                                                                                                                                                                         Curtin Security: +61 8 9266 4444
Please note: the above dates are correct at time of printing but may be subject to change.
*Attendance is compulsory for AAS students.
PRE-DEPARTURE GUIDE 2019 - For Australia Awards Scholarship students Make tomorrow better - Curtin University

                                                                                                                   EXCESS BAGGAGE                                            Drugs and medicines
BEFORE YOU LEAVE                                                                                                   Many economy class passengers have a baggage
                                                                                                                   limit of 20 kilograms. We recommend you ask a travel
                                                                                                                                                                             All drugs and medicines should be declared for
                                                                                                                                                                             inspection, especially products that:

YOUR HOME COUNTRY                                                                                                  agent or your airline for more information on
                                                                                                                   baggage regulations.
                                                                                                                                                                             • contain substances that are prohibited without
                                                                                                                                                                               a permit (including narcotics, amphetamines,
                                                                                                                                                                               hallucinogens, barbiturates, vaccines, anabolic
WHAT TO BRING                                            Copies of important documents: we recommend               QUARANTINE GUIDE                                            and androgenic steroids, growth hormones, and
Medical history and prescriptions: required for          photocopying documents such as your passport. You         Australia has a unique environment, free from many          erythropoietin (EPO))
ongoing medication.                                      can give copies to your family for safekeeping or pack    of the pests and diseases found elsewhere in the
                                                         one in your luggage as a standby.                                                                                   • are regarded as performance enhancers in sport.
                                                                                                                   world. If you are visiting Australia, you must be aware
Funds: we recommend you arrive in Australia with at                                                                                                                          Medicines that should be declared include prescribed
                                                         Laptop (optional): you may want to bring your             of Australian quarantine laws.
least AUD$800 in cash.                                                                                                                                                       medications; non-prescription, complementary,
                                                         laptop, along with any webcam attachments, so you         When you arrive in Australia, you will need to
Clothing: students generally wear comfortable,           can contact home via Skype.                                                                                         alternative, herbal and traditional medicines;
                                                                                                                   complete an Incoming Passenger Card. This card            vitamins and mineral preparations; and nutritional
casual clothes such as jeans, t-shirts and skirts.
                                                         Other: it would be helpful to bring some of the           must be read carefully and completed truthfully. It       and dietary supplements. Do not carry illicit
Everyday wear is acceptable clothing for classes at
                                                         following items, which will be useful for group work      is important to remember the Incoming Passenger           substances into or out of Australia. Penalties for drug
Curtin. September to March are the warmer months,
                                                         during your Introductory Academic Program:                Card is a legal document and any false declaration        offences in Australia are severe and could result in a
with average temperatures ranging from 12 degrees
                                                                                                                   can lead to prosecution resulting in a heavy fine or      jail term.
Celsius to 30 degrees Celsius. In summer months,         • postcards/DVDs of your country
                                                                                                                   imprisonment, or both.
most people wear lightweight t-shirts and shorts.        • a map of your country                                                                                             Learn more
April to August are generally colder months with                                                                   Food, plant and animal material
                                                         • a t-shirt featuring a map of your country                                                                         For more information about Australian quarantine
average temperatures ranging from 8 degrees Celsius                                                                All animal and plant products, including food items,      laws, please contact the Australian High Commission
to 26 degrees Celsius. A warm, waterproof jacket is      • music from your country in any format                   must be declared for inspection and will be returned      or embassy in your country or visit the Biosecurity in
necessary during these months. Visit the Australian      • an example of your national dress, or small piece of    in most cases. No matter how small or trivial your        Australia website at
Bureau of Meteorology website at for            traditional weaving/craft as a conversation starter,    items may seem, they are potentially harmful to
more information.                                          a song or dance to perform, or one that others can      Australian flora and fauna.                               Please note: this information is intended as a guide
                                                           perform with you                                                                                                  only.
Equipment: most accommodation, except                                                                              Currency
homestay, will not include equipment such as             • the knowledge of how to cook a few recipes unique
                                                                                                                   There is no limit to the amount of currency you
cooking utensils, sheets and blankets. You may             to your country.
                                                                                                                   can bring into Australia, however you must declare
choose to bring some of these items with you.
Alternatively, products can be purchased from a wide     ON YOUR FLIGHT TO PERTH                                   amounts of AUD$10,000 or more in Australian
                                                                                                                   currency or foreign equivalent.
variety of stores. Secondhand household items are        If you have special dietary needs (for example, Halal),
also available at cheap prices.                          please remember to contact your airline before you
Please note: electricity in Perth is 240V 50Hz.          leave your home country to order your special meals.
Adaptors are readily available in Perth.
References: work references, housing references
(from previous landlords if you have rented a property
before) and personal references will be useful.
PRE-DEPARTURE GUIDE 2019 - For Australia Awards Scholarship students Make tomorrow better - Curtin University

If you have any doubts about quarantine laws when         The following working day, a Curtin representative
you arrive in Australia, ask to speak to a quarantine     will meet you in the hotel lobby and take you to
officer after you have collected your baggage. You will   Curtin’s main campus at Bentley (free of charge),
most likely find them helpful and understanding.          where you will meet the ISSU/SCO. Please bring your
                                                          passport and a copy of your e-visa letter.
IMMIGRATION                                               Please note: if you are staying at a private, off-
When you land in Perth, you will be asked to              campus location (with family and friends, for
complete an immigration form that asks you to give        example) you must make your own way to Curtin
your contact address. If you do not know the address      International on the first business day after you
of your temporary accommodation, you can give             arrive.
the University’s contact details (refer to the ISSU
contacts on page 3).                                      What happens if my flight details change?
                                                          If you change your flight details prior to your
AIRPORT RECEPTION                                         scheduled departure, or you miss your flight, please
The AAS post in your country will inform the ISSU         contact the ISSU (refer to page 3 for contact details).
if you need airport reception, so we can arrange for
someone to meet you at the airport. Please contact        FAMILY MEMBERS
one of the Curtin ISSU staff members directly if you      Please contact the ISSU as soon as possible if any of     HOUSING SERVICES                                          For more information, consult the housing services
have any questions about your airport reception.          your family members will be travelling with you.          The Housing Services Office is located in Building        brochure in your welcome pack or contact:
                                                                                                                    102, Curtin Connect. It is available to help you          For more information, visit
What happens when I arrive at the airport?                TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION                                   find housing, and provides students with impartial
A Curtin host carrying a Curtin sign will meet you at     Curtin will choose affordable temporary                   information about on- and off-campus housing              YOUR FINANCES
the airport. The airport can be very busy so finding      accommodation for you based on value for money,           alternatives. New-to-Perth students get priority to       All AAS students are provided with AUD$5,000
your host may take some time. Your airport host           location and service. On your request, the ISSU will      live on campus. We advise you to apply immediately        to establish themselves in Perth. This money can
will provide you with a welcome pack that contains        book you a room for two nights if you arrive on           as housing is always in high demand. We recommend         be used to pay for your rental bond, a computer,
information about Perth, Curtin and the ISSU.             a weeknight, or for three nights if you arrive on a       you stay on campus for one semester before bringing       textbooks, living requirements and general expenses.
You may wish to purchase a mobile phone at the            Friday or Saturday. Temporary accommodation               your family to Perth.
                                                                                                                                                                              The ISSU will help you open an Australian bank
airport on arrival, once you clear immigration. There     costs approximately AUD$95–135 per room, per              To secure your on-campus accommodation, please            account on your first day at Curtin. You can place
is a 24-hour phone purchase service at the airport.       night. You will be responsible for paying for your        contact the ISSU so we can help you to make               your allowance into the account and the funds should
                                                          own accommodation.                                        arrangements for payment.
What happens if my airport host is not there?                                                                                                                                 be available the same day. Even though AUD$5,000
If your host has not arrived, please phone the ISSU                                                                 Students without on-campus accommodation                  may seem like a lot of money – especially if you
mobile or the Curtin Safer Community Team. If you                                                                   generally find permanent off-campus accommodation         mentally convert it into your country’s currency –
are then advised to catch a taxi from the airport, the                                                              within two or three days. The Housing Services Office     you will need most of it to establish yourself in Perth.
taxi fare will cost approximately AUD$60. You must                                                                  staff will brief you on housing options when you arrive   The ISSU will organise for all AAS students’
obtain a receipt from the taxi driver to have that fee                                                              and then take you to look at accommodation options.       Contribution to Living Expenses allowance (CLE)
reimbursed later.                                                                                                   The sooner you find permanent accommodation, the          to commence from the date you arrive. The CLE is
ISSU SCO mobile
                                                            SAFETY ON CAMPUS                                        less money you need to spend on temporary                 deposited electronically into your bank account at the
Tel: +61 423 026 262                                                                                                accommodation.                                            end of each fortnight and will cover your basic living
                                                                                                                                                                              costs while you are studying at Curtin.
Curtin Safer Community Team                                                                                         When choosing permanent accommodation, we
                                                            Your safety is our priority. The Curtin Safer
Tel: +61 8 9266 4444                                                                                                advise you to consider:
                                                            Community Team conducts regular patrols of the
                                                            campus 24 hours a day, every day of the week.           • access – public transport availability, walking
What happens when I leave the airport?
                                                            They also provide a security escort service in the        distance to the University campus
If you arrive between 8.30am and 3pm Monday
                                                            evenings that can take you to your car, other parts     • cost – please refer to page 10 for a suggested
to Friday, and you have arranged on-campus
                                                            of campus or student housing.                             weekly accommodation budget
permanent accommodation, you will be taken
directly to your accommodation. If you arrive outside       We also encourage you to download the free              • type and size – living alone or sharing, family
these hours, or if you have not arranged on-campus          SafeZone app. SafeZone connects you directly to           members and their needs (such as schooling and
accommodation, you will be taken to temporary               our security team when you need help or first aid,        childcare)
accommodation arranged by Curtin (booked for 2 or           at any time. The app is currently available for use
                                                                                                                    • security – look for housing that has deadlocks and
3 nights).                                                  within the grounds of our main campus.
                                                                                                                      security screens.
PRE-DEPARTURE GUIDE 2019 - For Australia Awards Scholarship students Make tomorrow better - Curtin University

                                                                                                                   THE LEARNING CENTRE                                     UNIENGLISH
GETTING STARTED                                                                                                    The Learning Centre (TLC) is located in Building
                                                                                                                   105 – the University library, offering learning
                                                                                                                                                                           UniEnglish is a confidential online English language
                                                                                                                                                                           analysis tool that will help you identify your
                                                                                                                   support programs that enhance students’ academic        strengths and weaknesses, draw up a language
INTRODUCTORY ACADEMIC                                     ORIENTATION WEEK                                         performance at all levels. These programs cover areas   development plan and find out how to obtain English
PROGRAM                                                   Curtin’s international student orientation starts one    including preparing research papers, general grammar    language support at Curtin.
The Introductory Academic Program (IAP) is designed       week before classes commence and attendance is           and punctuation, writing for various academic areas,    UniEnglish is quick to complete online and is
to introduce you to Curtin and prepare you for your       compulsory. It provides you with the opportunity         note-taking and critical reading skills.                available to all Curtin students. There are four
academic studies. The ISSU will give you a program        to settle into the Curtin community: meet current        All seminars are conducted by expert lecturers in a     sections – reading, listening, writing and speaking –
outline when you arrive on campus. In most cases,         students, form new friendships, take a campus tour,      relaxed and supportive environment.                     and you can do them separately or together. Results
you will have seven days to settle your housing needs     attend course information sessions and find out                                                                  for the reading and listening sections are available
                                                          about the clubs and services that are available to       For more information, contact TLC:
before the IAP begins.                                                                                                                                                     instantly online. The writing and speaking sections
                                                          assist you.                                              Tel: +61 8 9266 7166                                    are assessed individually by qualified English
The IAP is conducted over four weeks and addresses
issues such as cultural transition, the use of library    Visit for more information.    Email:                                language professionals. UniEnglish is a tool for you to
services, plagiarism, referencing, student and lecturer                                                            Web:                       use as part of your personal language development
relations, group work, academic writing, study skills,    ENROLMENTS                                                                                                       strategy. It is voluntary, free of charge and accessible
English language skills and an assessment of your                                                                                                                          from any computer with internet access.
                                                          Your Curtin Letter of Offer is your authority to enrol
individual study needs. Within these four weeks           into your course. ISSU staff will provide you with the                                                           Web:
you will also attend a one-day AAS briefing session       information you need to enrol.
covering your responsibilities as a student, as well      You must enrol in full-time study (normally 100
as presenting information on the AAS scholarships,        credits per semester for coursework).
Overseas Student Health Cover, resources available
on and off campus, bringing your family to Australia      If you need to reduce your study load, you will have
and the Student Guild.                                    to seek approval from both the ISSU and your school
                                                          of study.
                                                          Please note: if you need to change course, you will
                                                          need to advise the ISSU who will seek approval from
                                                          AAS in your home country.
PRE-DEPARTURE GUIDE 2019 - For Australia Awards Scholarship students Make tomorrow better - Curtin University

AAS CONTRACT                                            PARKING FEES
All participants in the AAS program must fulfil their   Curtin charges pay-as-you-go parking fees for
contractual obligations. This includes completing       students who plan to park on campus. There are
your scholarship within the allocated time period.      different fees for long-term and short-term parking.
                                                        Visit for the most up-to-date
LIVING EXPENSES                                         information.
Knowing the average living costs in Australia is
an important part of your financial preparation.        TEXT AND REFERENCE BOOKS
You should budget AUD$480 a week (single) and           We recommend you budget around AUD$150–400
AUD$820 a week (family). Of course, this will change    per semester for text and reference books. Some
depending on your situation and interests.              books are available for a lower price from the Curtin
For your reference, here are some of the costs          Student Guild’s Secondhand Bookshop, or from
associated with living and studying in Australia.       students who advertise on noticeboards around
All costs are in Australian dollars and linked to the   campus.
consumer price index.
                                                        VEHICLE EXPENSES
ACCOMMODATION                                           Students intending to purchase a motor vehicle
                                                        will incur additional expenses such as petrol,
 On campus                     $155 to $280 per week    insurance and licence costs. It is also advisable
 Homestay                      $235 to $325 per week    to purchase motor vehicle insurance in case of an
                                                        accident or theft.
 Rental                        $165 to $440 per week
                                                        TRANSFERRING MONEY TO PERTH
 Shared rental                  $85 to $215 per week
                                                        Students wishing to transfer money from overseas
OTHER LIVING EXPENSES                                   will need to:
                                                        • complete either a telegraphic transfer or bank draft
 Groceries and eating out       $80 to $280 per week
                                                        • include the SWIFT code, account number and BSB
 Gas, electricity               $35 to $140 per week      number of the account into which they wish to
 Phone and internet              $20 to $55 per week      deposit funds.
                                                        Please note: bank drafts take six to eight weeks to
 Public transport                $15 to $55 per week    process unless the draft is in Australian dollars and
 Car (after purchase)          $150 to $260 per week    drawn on an Australian bank. There may be fees
                                                        involved with both transactions.
 Entertainment                  $80 to $150 per week
This is intended as a guide only. Source:

Pharmaceutical products in Perth can be quite
expensive compared with other countries.
Medications such as antibiotics and some
antihistamines will require a doctor’s prescription
and may cost approximately AUD$20 for a course
(a course of antibiotics usually runs for five days).
Some milder antihistamines may be bought over the
counter and cost around AUD$12.
You can purchase pain relief tablets such as
paracetamol or aspirin from supermarkets without
a perscription.
PRE-DEPARTURE GUIDE 2019 - For Australia Awards Scholarship students Make tomorrow better - Curtin University

TO KNOW (continued)
The Australian Government requires all international         BREAK
students to have Overseas Student Health Cover               If you return home during semester break, we would
(OSHC) for the length of their student visa. AAS pays        recommend that you retain local health cover in your
for health insurance for the scholarship holder only (not    home country during your studies as you will not be
for dependants), which will cover you from the day you       covered by OSHC while you are outside of Australia.
arrive in Perth until the day you depart. The nominated
health insurance provider for Curtin students is Allianz     PRIVATE TRAVEL TO ANOTHER COUNTRY
Global Assistance (formerly OSHC Worldcare). The ISSU
will organise your single OSHC Allianz membership            DURING SEMESTER BREAK
(Essentials cover) before you arrive in Australia.           If you travel to another country during semester
                                                             break, we recommend that you arrange private travel
Your health insurance covers 100 per cent of the
                                                             insurance before travelling as you will not be covered
Medicare Benefits Schedule fee for standard medical
                                                             by OSHC while you are outside of Australia.
consultations and 100 per cent of the government
set fees for an in-patient service in a public hospital
                                                             WORK AND STUDY                                            PUBLIC TRANSPORT                                         Getting to and from Curtin
(unless it is a pre-existing condition). If you attend the                                                                                                                      A range of bus and train services are available
health service on campus, you will receive a 100 per         Your international student visa allows you to work        Buses, trains and some ferries in Perth are operated
                                                             part-time (up to 40 hours every 2 weeks) during           by Transperth, the Western Australian Government’s       between Curtin, the Perth city centre and surrounding
cent rebate for standard medical consultations and                                                                                                                              areas.
pathology services. On-campus counselling services are       semester and full-time during semester breaks.            transport system. Full-time students are eligible
free of charge.                                              Part-time work in Australia is well paid but              for significant concessions on fares. Tickets are        Key bus routes
                                                             competition for jobs is high. You can often fit a part-   interchangeable on all types of public transport and     Curtin to Perth city centre: 72 and 75
The fees for health services are set by the Australian                                                                 are valid for 2 hours from the time of purchase.
Government and are covered by your health insurance;         time work schedule around your studies, but because                                                                Curtin to Cannington Train Station: 34 and 72
however, some healthcare providers can charge                it can’t be guaranteed, you shouldn’t rely on it to pay   For more information, see          Curtin to Canning Bridge Train Station: 100 and 101
their own fees for the services they provide. It is very     for your tuition and living expenses.
                                                                                                                       SmartRider cards                                         Timetables are available at or
important to clarify fees before requesting services.        Your dependant family members are also allowed to         The Transperth SmartRider card is a multiple-use         at Guild reception (Building 106F).
Your health cover does not cover dental treatment,           work up to 40 hours every two weeks, unless you’re        electronic ticket you can use on all forms of public
optical treatment or physiotherapy. We recommend             studying a master or doctoral degree, in which case       transport in Perth. As a full-time Curtin student, you   DRIVING IN PERTH
you take out additional extras cover at your own             there is no limit to the number of hours they can         are entitled to Transperth concession fares.
expense. The product offered by Allianz to cover these       work.                                                                                                              You may be able to drive in Western Australia with
                                                                                                                       The ISSU/SCO will provide more information when          an overseas driver’s licence for a short period of time,
additional expenses is known as StudentPlus.                 For more information see              you arrive to Curtin. For more information about the     however you must fully understand the policy and
Please note: dental services in Australia are                                                                          Transperth SmartRiders, see      rules before driving in Perth.
very expensive, so we encourage students to                  TAX FILE NUMBER                                           campus/travel/travel-concession
have all major dental work done before leaving               The Australian Federal Government requires anyone                                                                  See
home. For more information, speak to the OSHC                working in Australia or with an Australian bank                                                                    to-wa.asp
Allianz representative on campus or visit curtin’s           account to have a tax file number. Banks must be
international student website: international.                provided with a tax file number to ensure the correct                 tax is charged on any interest earned on an account.
For family health cover costs and information, see           Tax file number application forms are available
page 14.                                                     online from the Australian Tax Office. Forms must
                                                             be lodged at the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
RETURNING HOME DURING YOUR                                   and you must take your passport and student ID
STUDIES ON UNIVERSITY BUSINESS                               card with you. You can also apply online via the ATO
If you return to your home country for Curtin-affiliated     website at
business purposes such as fieldwork, we recommend
that you retain local health cover in your home country
during your studies. The maximum travel period
covered for an approved business trip under University
Travel Insurance is six months with a medical expense
limit of AUD$25,000. Retaining local health cover will
ensure that you are still able to obtain compensation
should any medical expenses exceed these limits.
PRE-DEPARTURE GUIDE 2019 - For Australia Awards Scholarship students Make tomorrow better - Curtin University

                                                                                                                     FAMILY REUNION                                              CHILDCARE
                                                                                                                     All AAS scholarship students who arrive unaccompanied       The childcare centre on campus can assess the
                                                                                                                     and have a scholarship duration of two or more years        support needs of children from different or non-
                                                                                                                     will be eligible for the scholarship reunion airfare        English speaking cultures. However, we advise
                                                                                                                     entitlement to return to their home country once a          you to make a childcare booking before arriving in
                                                                                                                     year. The first flight can be taken after the successful    Perth as there can be a 12-month waiting period.
                                                                                                                     completion of one year of study. Eligibility will be
                                                                                                                                                                                 For more information, contact:
                                                                                                                     assessed on a case-by-case basis.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Curtin Early Childhood Centre
                                                                                                                     DEPENDANT SCHOOLING                                         Tel: + 61 8 9266 7459
                                                                                                                     School-aged dependants of all AAS scholarship               Email:
                                                                                                                     students are eligible to attend the government
                                                                                                                     (public) school system through the Department               Web:
                                                                                                                     of Education of Western Australia under the same            When you arrive, the ISSU will provide a list of other
                                                                                                                     conditions as local students, provided the school has       childcare centres close to Curtin’s main campus
                                                                                                                     been registered and has the capacity to accept them.        in Bentley.
                                                                                                                     Minimum school charges apply to all government              A childcare assistance rebate is available from the
                                                                                                                     primary and secondary schools. Some are voluntary           Australian Government to reduce childcare costs for
                                                                                                                     (approximately AUD$60 for primary and AUD$235               AAS students. The process for claiming this rebate
                                                                                                                     for lower secondary per child, per year), while             will be explained at the AAS briefing session.
                                                                                                                     secondary school fees vary according to individual
                                                                                                                     subject selection (ranging between AUD$200–500,             WHAT TO BRING
                                                                                                                     per child, per year). Optional courses of study and         • Family members’ birth certificates
YOUR FAMILY                                                                                                          excursions will have additional costs and students will
                                                                                                                     be required to purchase school uniforms.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • Marriage certificate
                                                                                                                                                                                 • Children’s immunisation records
                                                                                                                     The ISSU will assist you with Confirmation of
There are many schools and services close to campus         2018 OSHC ALLIANZ ESSENTIALS COVER                       Placement letters that are needed to issue a                • Children’s original school reports (and copies
that will allow your family to enjoy a happy, healthy                                                                school-aged dependant visa. They will also assist             translated into English by a professional translator)
lifestyle.                                                  Length                          Dual         Multi       with school enrolments when your family arrives.
                                                                              Single                                                                                             • Spouse’s qualification certificates and transcripts
                                                            of cover                       family       family
Your Introductory Academic Program (IAP) will                                                                        Please note: if your child is enrolled in a public school     (may assist in obtaining employment or training)
include a detailed information session on bringing          12 months       $609         $2,138        $3,300        and requires English as a second language tuition           • Spouse’s work references and personal references
your family and helping to support them during your                                                                  (usually not relevant for children six years of age and
                                                            24 months       $1,260       $4,196        $6,260                                                                      (may assist in obtaining employment or training).
time in Perth.                                                                                                       under), you will be responsible for meeting the local
                                                            36 months       $1,890       $5,954        $9,216        contributions and charges of the program for your
FAMILY HEALTH COVER                                                                                                  child. The program can cost approximately AUD$80–
You are responsible for arranging your family’s             48 months       $2,880       $9,302        $14,400
                                                                                                                     150 per child per year, depending on the child’s level
health cover, which is compulsory in order to obtain       Dual family: covers one valid student visa holder plus    of English. It is recommended your child begins
visas for your family. We strongly advise you to           either one adult spouse or recognised de facto partner    English language training before they arrive in Perth.
arrive in Australia initially on your own and once you     or one or more dependant children.
                                                                                                                     You are also responsible for meeting the local costs of
have arrived, the ISSU can assist you to organise          Multi family: covers one student visa holder plus         any disability or special learning support programs for
your family’s health cover. You may add your family        more than one dependant which can only include one        your children, if required. Costs can vary between a few
members onto your membership before or after your          adult spouse or recognised de facto partner and one       thousand dollars and AUD$25,000. You may be required
arrival. To add your family members to your single         or more dependant children.                               to move your child to a school specifically designed to
OSHC membership, you will need to contact the ISSU
                                                           Fees are correct at time of printing but may be subject   provide the required support. According to Department
(contacts on page 3) to obtain your OSHC Allianz
                                                           to change. Visit for         of Education policy, students will not be enrolled where
membership number.
                                                           up-to-date prices.                                        the costs of providing an appropriate education program
The ISSU will organise and pay for your single OSHC                                                                  exceed the AUD$25,000 maximum annual tuition charge.
Allianz membership (Essentials cover) before you           Please note: OSHC Allianz Essentials cover has no
arrive in Australia. You are responsible for the cost of   waiting periods for pregnancy or mental health
adding your family onto your existing student OSHC         related services.
Allianz Essentials cover. Please see the prices in the
following table, or visit the international student
website for more information.
PRE-DEPARTURE GUIDE 2019 - For Australia Awards Scholarship students Make tomorrow better - Curtin University

                                                                                                                  Grievance procedures                                       STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES
                                                                                                                  Curtin has official procedures in place to assist
                                                                                                                                                                             It is your responsibility to:
                                                                                                                  students in resolving concerns about academic and
                                                                                                                  other matters. Complaints can relate to academic           • understand and comply with all relevant laws,
                                                                                                                  disputes, the behaviour of staff and other students,         statutes, rules, by-laws, guiding ethical principals,
                                                                                                                  or anything else you feel has breached Curtin’s              policies and procedures relating to your rights and
                                                                                                                  Code of Conduct. Any person is entitled to lodge a           responsibilities as a student. For more information,
                                                                                                                  complaint with the Curtin University Integrity and           visit
                                                                                                                  Standards Unit (the ISU), through a form available at      • participate constructively in your learning
                                                                                                                  Once you have completed the complaints form, you           • be aware of information on course requirements,
                                                                                                                  will receive a complaint ID number and a copy of your        unit requirements and academic progress
                                                                                                                  notification via email, after which your complaint will
                                                                                                                  be assessed and progressed accordingly.                    • behave in an appropriate manner in classes,
                                                                                                                                                                               showing respect for both staff and fellow students
                                                                                                                  International student conciliator
                                                                                                                  The Department of Education Services of Western            • act honestly and responsibly in relation to
                                                                                                                  Australia has appointed a conciliator for international      academic matters and the use of University
                                                                                                                  students studying in Western Australia. The                  facilities at all times
                                                                                                                  conciliator has an independent grievance handling          • recognise that cheating, plagiarism and fabrication
                                                                                                                  and dispute resolution role, and can be contacted on:        or falsification of data are not acceptable
                                                                                                                  Tel: +61 8 9441 1900                                       • adhere to the proper use of copyright material
                                                                                                                  Email:                          • act at all times with respect for the rights of others,

GUIDELINES AND SUPPORT                                                                                            Web:
                                                                                                                                                                               and to accept and embrace diversity
                                                                                                                                                                             • be available during the examination period (you
                                                                                                                  If a complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of an     should schedule any travel arrangements for after
                                                                                                                  international student, the matter should be discussed        the examination period)
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITY                                  POLICIES AND PROCEDURES                                 with a student advisor or the deputy vice-chancellor,      • switch off your mobile phone during lectures,
The University has dedicated confidential support         Diversity and Inclusion                                 international.                                               tutorials and when in the library
services for students with disability. The definition     Supporting Curtin’s values and signature behaviours,
of ‘disability’ includes mental health or medical                                                                 Ombudsman Western Australia                                • access OASIS (the online student portal) and
                                                          we recognise that fostering diversity benefits
conditions that are permanent or temporary. If you                                                                Students can also ask for an internal and external           check the Official Communications Channel (OCC)
                                                          the University community and results in a safe,
have a disability that may impact on your studies,                                                                review of their complaint from the ombudsman,                regularly
                                                          innovative and prosperous environment. Our
the Australia Awards post will contact the Curtin         Diversity and Inclusion Policy acknowledges this        Western Australia. For an outline of the process, visit    • pay tuition fees by the due date (if you fail to do so,
student contact officers (SCO) to begin discussions       and explains the principles of right, opportunity,                     you will incur an enrolment sanction)
about what disability support is offered and your         recognition and inclusion, to be upheld by all          Student_Complaints.htm
                                                                                                                                                                             • ensure all enrolment details are correct
potential requirements. The post will also contact        members of the University community.
the Department of Home Affairs to discuss your visa                                                               PRIVACY ACT – RELEASE OF ACADEMIC                          • ensure your student visa remains current and
application. Visa conditions also require international   If you feel disadvantaged on the basis of difference,                                                                reflects the specified length of the course you are
                                                          you can discuss your concerns confidentially with       RESULTS AND STUDENT INFORMATION
students to have Overseas Student Health Cover                                                                                                                                 enrolled in.
                                                          staff in our Ethics, Equity and Social Justice team.    Under government law, Curtin is not able to
(OSHC). Most standard OSHC premiums do not cover
                                                                                                                  disclose academic performance details, enrolment           It is a condition of your student visa that you:
treatment for pre-existing disability during the first    Curtin Ethics, Equity and Social Justice
                                                                                                                  information or personal details to any unauthorised
18 months of membership. Students with disability                                                                                                                            • maintain up-to-date contact details with the
                                                          Email:                               persons, including family members, unless the
who are granted student visas may therefore have                                                                                                                               University, including Australian residential address
                                                          Web:                                 student has given written consent. Academic results
to obtain additional health insurance, or have extra                                                                                                                           and phone number
                                                                                                                  cannot be released to students until the official
funds available to cover medical requirements. If you     Code of conduct                                                                                                    • notify the University within seven days of changing
                                                                                                                  release date.
have been issued with an AAS DFAT visa, or have           Understand the rights you have as a student and the                                                                  your residential address while you are a student at
become disabled while studying at Curtin, you will be     expectations the University has of you. The Student                                                                  Curtin
provided with support from the University.                conduct at Curtin webpage explains your rights and                                                                 • satisfy your course requirements and maintain a
For more information on disability services at Curtin     responsibilities and is available at students.curtin.                                                                valid enrolment
                                                                                                                                                                             • maintain your Overseas Student Health Cover (if
Curtin’s Disability Services                                                                                                                                                   your health cover expires, your benefits payable
Email:                                                                                                                                        will be suspended).
The Australian Technology Network is an
                                                                                    influential alliance of five prominent Australian
                                                                                    universities of technology located in each
                                                                                    mainland state. They share a history of
                                                                                    collaboration, a commitment to partnerships
                                                                                    with industry and the community, a focus
                                                                                    on educating graduates who are innovative,
                                                                                    entrepreneurial and highly employable, a
                                                                                    dedication to the advancement of knowledge
                                                                                    and a desire to make a difference to the
                                                                                    wellbeing of the nation through education,
                                                                                    research and motivation.

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be subject to change. This material does not purport to constitute legal
or professional advice. Curtin accepts no responsibility for and makes       Curtin University
no representations, whether express or implied, as to the accuracy or        GPO Box S1512
reliability in any respect of any material in this publication.              Perth, Western Australia 6845
Except to the extent mandated otherwise by legislation, Curtin University
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