Benchmark 5G in Japan - November 2019 - Global5g

Page created by Richard Guzman
Benchmark 5G in Japan - November 2019 - Global5g
5G in Japan

November 2019
Benchmark 5G in Japan - November 2019 - Global5g
Fabrice Clari, INNO and
Lisa Poucher, INNO and

John Favaro, Trust-IT Services and Deputy coordinator
Stephanie Parker, Trust-IT Services and coordinator

Graphic Design
Gianluca Savini, Trust-IT Services
Benchmark 5G in Japan - November 2019 - Global5g

      his report aims at analysing 5G            in stadiums, in trains or in cars. The next
      deployment in Japan. As it was the         step will be to focus on the security of
      case for 3G, the ambition of Japan         Japanese     citizens’  telecommunication
is to be a leading country in 5G networks        system. By 2020, after the Tokyo Olympics
deployment. The country wishes to once           and Paralympics Games, the goal will be to
again become a global leader as it was until     turn those tests into commercial offerings.
the dawn of China and the US. In Japan, the      5G in Japan focuses on areas where there is
research and development of 5G is highly         potential for creating new applications and

                                                                                                   BENCHMARK – 5G IN JAPAN
driven by the historical culture of innovative   markets: automotive and public transport,
technology in the country. This innovative       smart manufacturing and cybersecurity,
culture first developed in the 1970s when        wireless cloud-based office and healthcare.
the Japanese government activated the            The Japanese strategy of relying on the
specialization of the country towards            know-how of its main operators to carry
telecommunication and more generally,            out a large-scale deployment of 5G across
with cutting edge technologies. Ever since,      the country is enabling an evolution of the
the country put efforts into remaining a         already dense 4G infrastructures towards
global leader in technology advancement.         5G. Japan is advancing on its objective to
Today, Japan occupies the fourth position        deploy 5G for the Olympic Games 2020, and
in the global 5G race. Tests in several cities   on a large scale afterwards. However, this
have already been implemented, but               deployment can be jeopardized by several
mainly with other telecommunication              issues (environmental, political, etc.).
actors or in specific conditions such as

Benchmark 5G in Japan - November 2019 - Global5g
Table of contents

                              Overview...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
                              Glossary of Terms...................................................................................................................................................................3
                              Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................................................5
                              Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
                               5G market in Japan........................................................................................................................................................... 9
                                 Telecommunication market overview............................................................................................................. 9
                                 5G in Japan..........................................................................................................................................................................11
                                 5G implementation .....................................................................................................................................................13

                                 Market Size & Growth..................................................................................................................................................15
                              Pestel Analysis........................................................................................................................................................................17
                               Economic............................................................................................................................................................................... 18
                               Societal................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
                              Key market trends impacting 5G.............................................................................................................................24
                               Ageing of population.....................................................................................................................................................24
                               Connectivity ........................................................................................................................................................................26
                               High Tech and Manufactural Industry...............................................................................................................27
                              Applications of 5G : Verticals......................................................................................................................................28
                                 Automotive ......................................................................................................................................................................28
                                 Autonomous vehicles................................................................................................................................................29
                                 Connected cars...............................................................................................................................................................29
                                 Infrastructural Security.............................................................................................................................................29
                                 Cyber-security................................................................................................................................................................ 30
                                 Wireless cloud-based office.................................................................................................................................. 30
                                 Robotics ...............................................................................................................................................................................31
                              Implementation Strategy: Key vendors .............................................................................................................33
                               NTT DOCOMO.................................................................................................................................................................... 34
                              Challenges for the 5G Market in Japan................................................................................................................37
                               Efficient coverage of the territory.........................................................................................................................37
                               The Cyber-security ..........................................................................................................................................................38

Benchmark 5G in Japan - November 2019 - Global5g
Glossary of Terms

3GPP     3rd Generation Partnership Project
4G       Fourth Generation of mobile network technology
5G       Fifth Generation of mobile network technology
AI       Artificial Intelligence
AR       Augmented Reality

                                                              BENCHMARK – 5G IN JAPAN
ASIC     Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
CAGR     Compound Annual Growth Rate
CEO      Chief Executive Officer
C-RAN    Centralized Radio Access Network
CU       University of Colorado Boulder
EPB      Electronic Parking Brake
FC       Fiber Channel
FCC      Federal Communications Commission
GBps     Gigabits per second
GDP      Gross Domestic Product
GHz      Gigahertz
IoT      Internet of Things
ITS      Institute for Telecommunication Sciences
LTE      Long-Term Evolution
M2M      Machine-to-Machine
MEC      Multi-access Edge Computing
MHz      MegaHertz
MIMO     Multiple Input, Multiple Output
mmWave   Millimetre Wave
MSOD     Measured Spectrum Occupancy Database
NFV      Network Functions Virtualization
NIST     National Institute of Standards and Technology
NL       Nonlinear
NSF      National Science Foundation

Benchmark 5G in Japan - November 2019 - Global5g
NTIA    National Telecommunications and Information Administration
                              ONF     Open Networking Foundation
                              ONRC    Open Networking Research Center
                              QAM     Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
                              RAN     Radio Access Network
                              RFIC    Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit
                              SASAC   State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission
                              SDN     Software-Defined Networking
                              TMT     Technology, media and telecoms

                              URLLC   Ultra-reliable low latency communications
                              USCIB   United States Council for International Business
                              VR      Virtual Reality
                              WTO     World Trade Organisation

Benchmark 5G in Japan - November 2019 - Global5g
Executive Summary

5G is the next telecommunication                     cellular sites must be implemented.1
generation, the fifth generation. It                 Today, 5G is in the development phase:
succeeds the 4G systems and should meet              no country has yet implemented 5G at a
the needs of society for increasing data             national scale except Switzerland. Yet, some
and connectivity. 5G should be faster (10            countries like South Korea, USA, Germany,
times more than 4G), enable low latency              Spain, Italie, Bahrein, the Lesotho, Finland
and high reliability, allow to connect more          and Estonia, have launched it in some areas.
people and more devices, able to use more            All major world economies are aiming at

                                                                                                        BENCHMARK – 5G IN JAPAN
connected objects (such as IoT devices),             an early and strong implementation of 5G
and it should be more cost-effective. Major          in their country, they are either competing
innovations are expected to come from                or collaborating on this topic. Multiple
vertical industries, from automotive and             countries     are   implementing     diverse
transport to health and energy. The key              strategies for the 5G development and
element of the 5G technology is the use of           launch – whilst some focus on acquiring the
high frequencies in the spectrum, which              largest amount of licences and spectrum,
are more powerful but have less reach then           others aim at a wide-spread integration in
previous telecommunication generations               different applications.
(4G, 3G). Therefore, a significant number of

                           Figure 1: 5G characteristics (Source:

1   The 5G era in the US (2018) GSM Association.

Benchmark 5G in Japan - November 2019 - Global5g
The project is dedicated to          › Understand how the development
                              international technology advances in 5G,            process of this technology is defined in a
                              with a focus on standardization, regulations,       country, such as Japan;
                              market verticals and identification of existing   › Have an overview of the 5G’s driving forces
                              gaps in technology. Whilst the project              (trends, public authorities, industrial
                              particularly supports the implementation            players and Universities) in Japan;
                              of EU-supported 5G projects and their
                                                                                › Identify the verticals prioritized by
                              collaboration and outreach, it also looks at
                                                                                  the Japanese government and which
                              international initiatives: as seen above, the
                                                                                  applications of the 5G are foreseen;
                              5G development is a global one. In addition
                              to the Global5G Mapping Tool released             › Understand the link between vertical
                              on the project’s website, benchmarks are            industries, standardisation and research
                              undertaken on the 5G Network in selected            in an important country as Japan;
                              countries in order to compare their strategies    › Understand how the implementation of

                              and implementation modes to those in the            5G is enabled, which are the key actors of
                              EU. In this context, the information gathered       this implementations and what is their
                              in this benchmark is relevant for the project       strategy;
                              because it allows the identification of some      › Understand the potential challenges
                              good practices and important information            of this technology’s development and
                              related to the 5G implementation in China.          implementation;
                              More specifically, this analysis allows you to:   › Identify which aspects could potentially
                              › Identify the potential benefits and               be applicable in Europe.
                                advantages the 5G’s implementation will
                                enable in the next years;

Benchmark 5G in Japan - November 2019 - Global5g

      rom the 1G to the now widely used 4G                  and play. The following figure gives an
      and the debut of 5G, a lot has changed,               overview of the shifts and changes across
      notably in the way people work, live                  the various generations.

                                                                                                                 BENCHMARK – 5G IN JAPAN
        Figure 2: Evolution and key development in cellular technology from 1G to 5G
                                    (Source: 5G Americas)

With the arrival of 3G came the possibility                 and services of telecommunication whilst
to use basic mobile Internet service.                       reducing energy consumption. 5G should
Further mobile equipment improvements                       allow:
capitalized this Internet service and text                  › 1,000 times more capacities
messages (through phone displays of
                                                            › 10 to 100 times more connected objects
higher quality, advanced chipsets, digital
cameras integration). 4G has capitalized on                 › 5 times more responsiveness
smartphones and increased consequently                      › 90% energy savings
the data speeds. Moreover, it enabled the                   › Everywhere the same efficiency2
development of a mobile broadband service                   The various countries are at different levels
which is capable of delivering streaming                    of 5G development. The ambition of Japan
video and multimedia experiences.                           is to be a leading country in 5G commercial
Post 4G, a new area is about to arrive: the                 services, like it was until 3G. The country is
5G Network. The ambition of the future                      currently well positioned as showed by the
5G Networks is to increase usage, speed                     table hereafter.

2   5G PPP Video: (accessed 19/08/2019)

Benchmark 5G in Japan - November 2019 - Global5g

                                        Figure 3: Winning countries in the race for 5G (Source: Analysys Mason)

                              NTT Docomo, KDDI and Softbank, the three         describe the Japanese market trends using
                              main mobile operators in Japan, some of the      5G and the projected increase through the
                              main telecommunication operators in the          nationalisation usage of 5G. The driving
                              world, already committed completely in the       forces of 5G in Japan will be explained in a
                              race launched by the Japanese government         fourth part, including the initiatives from
                              and have undertook actions to implement          the public authorities and the industry that
                              5G by 2020. Indeed, the Olympics 2020 in         offers to 5G a favourable environment for
                              Japan should be the official launch of 5G in     development. The fifth part will focus on 5G
                              Japan. The commercialisation of 5G phones        implementation strategy of the Japanese
                              will be ready in 2020 and by then – NTT          key telecom providers. The challenges
                              Docomo, KDDI and Softbank will provide           that will have to be faced regarding 5G
                              mobile 5G services.                              implementation will be discussed in a
                              In the first part, this document will describe   sixth part. Finally, a conclusion will allow
                              the 5G market in Japan followed by an            to identify the differences regarding 5G
                              analysis of the Japanese market environment      between Japan and other countries. Good
                              through a PESTEL analysis. A third part will     practices will be presented throughout the
                                                                               whole document.

5G market in Japan

The Japanese telecommunication industry                          › Increasingly serve as an alternative for
is at a crossroad. While sectors of telecom are                    fixed broadband connectivity.
increasingly converging, new technology                          The Japanese environment provides good
domain like Internet of Things (IoT) and                         assets for the development of the 5G:
Artificial intelligence (AI) are moving towards
                                                                 › The Japanese government continuously
mainstream adoption. This convergence is
                                                                   supports the 5G progress through
coupled with technological progress that
                                                                   allocation of new spectrum, infrastructure
offers opportunities for innovation, growth
                                                                   and employment;
and productivity improvements. Over the
next decade, 5G will be the instrument of                        › World-class events are planned in the
these major trends’ development. 5G is                             years to come like the Rugby World

                                                                                                                               BENCHMARK – 5G IN JAPAN
expected to:                                                       Cup 2019 and the Olympics 2020, which
                                                                   are good opportunities to display 5G
› Deliver increasingly integrated video on
                                                                 › Existing infrastructures which density
› Spur further developments and scale in IoT;
                                                                   favouring new types of technologies.
› Support growth in augmented reality, virtual
  reality (VR), industrial automation and AI;

Telecommunication market overview
Japan has been a leader in the information                       This loss in leadership was initially due to
and communication technology (ICT) sector                        incentives from the Japanese government,
for many years. Until the mid-1990s, the                         which developed strong Research and
country was behind on the wireless market                        Development resources and capabilities since
but implemented high-speed networks’ in                          the 1970’s. The monopoly of the Japanese
the late 1990s. The rapid deployment of the                      government over infrastructures and R&D
second and the third telecommunication                           vanished with the Japan telecommunication
generation, supported by the Japanese                            laws in the mid 1980’s, which opened
government gave the country a central place                      the telecommunication sector to the
in the global telecommunication market.                          international market3. It also marked the
Japan was even one of the first country in                       arrival of new equipment and services, and
the world to implement 3G at a large scale.                      the beginning of Japanese specialisation in
However, the country lost its leading position                   telecommunication technologies. Japanese
in the mid 2000s, due to two main factors:                       telecommunication        carriers  developed
the choice of their cellular standards, and                      rapidly and became leaders on the global
their domestic market dynamic. These two                         telecommunication market within twenty
specific reasons caused the country’s loss of                    years. They lost their leading position when
competitiveness since Japan failed:                              came the third and the fourth generation,
› On one hand, to follow the general                             because they failed to overcome the
  dynamic of the digital cellular standards,                     challenge posed by global major players in
  by the creation of a single and specific                       terms of network equipment. Japan notably
  cellular standard for the 3G deployment;                       deployed the Freedom of Mobile Multimedia
                                                                 Access (FOMA) standard, which was not fully
› On the other hand, to have the means to
                                                                 compatible with the widely used Universal
  get the manufacturing access to develop
                                                                 Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS)
  sophisticated devices as was doing the
  rest of the world.
3   Reform of Japanese Telecommunications Law: Panacea or Placebo, D.W.Colber, 1987.
4   Jo Best, “The race to 5G: Inside the fight for the future of mobile as we know it,” TechRepublic, December 14, 2014,

The Figure below highlights the chronology
                               of the new technology deployment in

                                                       Figure 4: Deployment of new technology in Japan
                                             (Source: Expert interviews, Ovum, World Cellular Information Service)

                               As showed in the figure, the Japanese market                financial health, high know-how in innovation
                               has grown quickly over the years and was                    technologies, number of subscriptions)
                               large enough to sustain companies without                   according to sources such as OECD or
                               the need to expand abroad. The domestic                     Statista, but it falls behind in the global race
                               mobile penetration was higher than in the                   to telecommunication leadership. One of
                               rest of the world and Japan was ahead of                    the main causes is because the domestic
                               the global telecommunication market until                   telecommunication policy has become
                               the arrival of the iPhone. With the iPhone,                 a constraint: the density of the Japanese
                               Apple came with a brand-new concept of                      network is leading now to serious connexion
                               telephone, capable of displaying videos,                    speed issues notably during peak hours,
                               maps and act like an iPod music player. Its                 and Japan’s lack of technical means to
                               touchscreen and its power, enabled by a                     adapt to the new global telecommunication
                               new range of standards, contributed to the                  framework6 (not because of a technological
                               substitution of computers through iPhones.                  delay, but because of the specificities of its
                               This technological revolution had a massive                 telecommunication infrastructures). Data
                               impact on the global market, to which the                   traffic growth is one of the main drivers
                               Japan didn’t not successfully adapt to.5                    for the implementation of 5G. Moreover,
                               Moreover, the country has some of the best                  if Japan wants to stay competitive in the
                               indicators regarding telecommunication                      telecommunication industry, it will have to
                               (system viability, network density, carriers’               follow its evolution.

Nevertheless, the situation can be reversed                    are economically stable and willing to invest
as the Japanese telecommunication giants                       in the next telecommunication generations.

5G in Japan
As technology is evolving in domains like                      new technologies (augmented reality or
the Internet of Things (IoT) or Artificial                     artificial intelligence for instance) to break
Intelligence (AI), it offers opportunities                     through and to become mainstream. These
for innovation, growth and productivity                        new technologies represent development
improvements. As Japan has been behind                         opportunities for Japanese companies:
regarding    the    5G’s   implementation                      through the development of innovative
(compared to the US and China) in the                          and competitive technologies and services
past years, the Japanese government                            which could have significant outcomes for
has decided to create incentives with                          the Japanese economy.

                                                                                                                                  BENCHMARK – 5G IN JAPAN
the aim to reposition Japan as one of the                      Nevertheless, the following indicators show
telecommunication leaders.                                     that Japan remains competitive on the
As 5G is expected to support growth in                         telecommunication market:
the mobile video, the IoT, the AR, the VR,                     › Japan is the third country with the largest
the automation and the AI markets, the                           R&D expenditures (behind the US and
Japanese government wants to make the                            China): USD169,554 M R&D spending per
necessary efforts to reach excellence in                         year. It accounts for 3.4% of Japan’s GDP.
these areas. On the one hand, because the
                                                               › Japan is one of the world leaders in new
economic impact of 5G is expected to be
                                                                 technologies, it is the world reference in
significant. Indeed, according to a recent
                                                                 industrial robotics.8
estimate, the global economic impact
of 5G will be USD12.3 trillion generated                       › Japan has an existing dense network which
by 2035 (similar to China’s GDP in 2017,                         will be upgraded through investments of
and 4.6 percent of estimated global real                         USD14 billion in new telecommunication
output in 2035)7. Such financial stakes                          networks (forecasted by Japanese carriers).
justify the race to a strategic position in the                  Already, it represents the densest network
global market share of 5G. On the other                          in the world as illustrated in the following
hand, the planned capabilities of 5G will                        figure (even though the country would
provide the infrastructure necessary for the                     need a greater infrastructure according
                                                                 to the market’s needs).

7   Results based on IHS Markit, The 5G economy: How 5G technology will contribute to the global economy whitepaper.
    Information is not an endorsement of McKinsey & Company. Any reliance on these results is at the third party’s own
    risk. Visit for more details
8   Estimated from a report of the International Federation of Robotics which states that Japan provides 52% of the global
    robotic supply.


                               Figure 5: 5G network density (Source: Deloitte)

5G implementation
Japanese telecom providers intend to        Forum (BBWF) 2013 by NTT Docomo. In
implement 5G by the end of 2019. The        2014, the 5GMF (Fifth Generation Mobile
Japanese government expects the fifth       Communications Promotion Forum) issued
generation to be available for the 2020     a roadmap for the 5G implementation in
Summer Olympics in Tokyo. This idea has     Japan (illustrated in the following figure).
been submitted at the Broadband World

                                                                                                BENCHMARK – 5G IN JAPAN
            Figure 6: 5G development roadmap towards 2021 (Source: MIC)

The plan established by Japanese carriers   relation to the 5G development is divided
(on behalf of the Japanese government) in   into several phases:

Until 2020: Implementation
                               Research and development, new build sites (complementing the densified small
                               cells sites) and cooperation

                               Internal: Promotion of         External: International      Technical:
                               R&D projects                   collaboration and            Identification
                                                              cooperation                  of the spectrum
                                                                                           and developing

                               Since 2016, the main           Japan and European           Trials carried out

                               Japanese mobile operators      authorities have signed a    on specific fields
                               have carried out several       collaboration agreement:     (automotive,
                               5G system trials with          they will collaborate with   robotics)
                               other telecommunication        European carriers as
                               operators such as Huawei       Ericsson and Nokia for 5G
                               or Nokia.                      trials.
                               Around 300 million USD
                               have been dedicated by
                               the Japanese authorities to
                               promote the industrial IoT
                               and related technologies
                               such as big data, artificial
                               intelligence and robotics.

                               Beyond 2020: Commercialisation

                               The Tokyo Olympic Games are expected to showcase the Japanese 5G
                               advancement and the launch of 5G at a large scale.

Market Size & Growth
Worldwide, 5G is expected to yield a rapidly              and 2G of 4%.9
growing market share. According to                        The following figure illustrates the fast
Statista, the worldwide market share of 5G                evolution of the mobile telecommunication
is expected to be of 14% in 2025, whereas 4G              technologies worldwide.
will have a market share of 53%, 3G of 29%

                                                                                                               BENCHMARK – 5G IN JAPAN
Figure 7: Market share of mobile telecommunication technologies worldwide from 2016 to
                           2025 by generation (Source: Statista)

Japan is expected to follow the worldwide                 that in Japan, 5G connections will reach 88
trend. The share of mobile connections                    billion of all national mobile connections
from all other generations are expected                   by 2025 which represents 7.2% of all 5G
to decrease, whereas the share of 5G is                   connections worldwide, as shown in the
expected to increase rapidly. It is predicted             graph below.



                               Figure 8: Forecast of 5G connections in 2025 (Source:

Pestel Analysis

      PESTEL analysis allows you to                   the description of the political, economic,
      identify the environment in which               social, technological, environmental and
      5G research and deployment in                   legal aspects in Japan.
Japan are evolving. The analysis includes


                                                                                                               BENCHMARK – 5G IN JAPAN
The political environment is full of risks            delay stresses multiple political issues:
for the telecommunication sector. The                 › Within        the      country:         Japan’s
traditional political risks are those related           telecommunication             infrastructure’s
to regulations, network licensing, national             specificities led the country to a dominant
radio spectrums.                                        position but became a burden several
In the case of Japan, a key aspect is the               years later as the country failed to follow the
strong involvement of the Japanese                      evolution of the global telecommunication
government in the development strategy                  framework. Now, Japan have to negotiate
of the country’s telecommunication sector.              with strategic partners (i.e. India and
The Japanese government has quickly                     Europe) to develop a strategy for the next
established tight links with the main                   generation of cellular telecommunication.
Japanese telecommunication carriers.                    This strategy already relies on a high
Japan has seen significant developments                 standard organizational structure of the
during the second half of the 20th century and          Japanese market, led by NTT Docomo
has become a leader in some cutting-edge                which fosters the catching up process
technologies. It was the first non-Western              initiated with western economies, leading
country to include western technological                the country towards more openness and
and scientific traditions. Therefore, the               more standardization, notably regarding
country developed into a super-power in                 5G telecommunication implementation.
advanced technologies. The government’s               › The economic clash between US and China
incentives and policies regarding science               puts Japan in a difficult situation because
and technology have played an important                 of the importance that both giants have
role in this industrial development10.                  in the Japanese economy. Japan has
Japan’s specialisation in science and                   always had tense relations with China
technology      was   focused     specifically          (due to historical rivalry) and that rivalry
on the information technology sector,                   has become even more intense lately as
which played a key role in the Japanese                 China replaced Japan as the political and
industrial development in the 1970s. The                economic leader in Asia. Nevertheless,
country is now one of the leaders of the                maintaining close relations with Beijing is
telecommunication industry, and notably                 important for Tokyo for two reasons:
of the wireless telecommunication industry,            › China remains Japan’s main trading
thanks to massive investments in R&D. But                partner;
still, compared to the significant expansion           › Neither China nor Japan wish to start a
of China as well as the advancement of the               political conflict.
USA in R&D, Japan is lagging behind in
                                                      Nevertheless, Japan has decided to seize
terms of technological advancement. This
                                                      the opportunity represented by 5G to

reimpose itself as the leading country in the              Abe held a speech during the G-20 summit,
                               telecommunication sector. The Japanese                     highlighting the importance of data for
                               government puts a lot of efforts in Science                the future of Japanese economy and
                               & Technology investments with the aim to                   the necessity to enhance the quality and
                               lead the 5G market in the next few years,                  intensity of data regulation, particularly
                               making telecom industry one of its main                    in the frame of a significative raise in the
                               levers for economic development. The data                  data flow. Abe also showed his support for a
                               traffic growth and the global competitive                  model called Data Free Flow with Trust: the
                               environment may also explain this initiative.              governance of data should be a “great gap
                               On February 2019, Japanese Prime Minister                  buster’’ 11.


                               The Japanese GDP oscillates between 0%                     economic health represents a favourable
                               and 2% since the end of the 2008 economic                  environment for the consumer spending on
                               crisis. It has been increasing constantly over             telecommunication products and services
                               the past few years and reached 2.4% in the                 as in general the stronger the economy
                               second semester of 2018 (as illustrated in the             of one’s country is, the higher will be the
                               figure below), a rate which is still below the             consumer spending on telecommunication
                               US and the Chinese GDPs. Nevertheless, this                products or services.

                                        Figure 9: GDP Annual Growth Rate in Japan (Source:

                               Moreover, the number of smartphone users                   increase can also be observed. Indeed,
                               increased from 2017 with 68.7 million to                   in 2017 the percentage of the population
                               70.8 million in 2018 and is expected to grow               which were smartphone users was of 54.4%
                               to 76.3% in 2022 (as shown by the figure                   and in 2022 it was expected to reach 61.2%,
                               below). These figures represent a growth                   which represents a growth of 12,98%. In 2018,
                               from 2017 to 2022 of 11.8%. Regarding the                  the smartphone users and penetration rate
                               penetration rate of smartphone users, an                   in Japan was the 7th highest worldwide12.


     Figure 10: Smartphone users and penetration rate in Japan (Source: eMarketer)

In addition, some other indicators show a    traffic is expected to more than triple in
profitable environment for the development   Japan between 2016 and 2021 as illustrated
of telecommunication technologies in         in the following figure.
Japan. Indeed, the mobile device data

   Figure 11: Mobile device data traffic in Japan between 2016 and 2021 (Source: GSMA)


                               Globally, the use of internet-based services                     opportunity to people to connect each
                               has grown. People are now using them to                          other. The phenomenon accelerated as
                               various purposes:                                                technological devices gained in efficiency
                               › Entertainment. The enhancement of the                          and sophistication. Today, social medias
                                 quality of telecommunication devices                           are important in people’s everyday life
                                 coupled with the 4G expansion enabled a                        and are also used as political tools14.
                                 significant raise in the use of smartphones                  Overall, these trends show the key role played
                                 to access television or entertainment via                    by internet-based services which could be
                                 platforms like YouTube or Netflix;                           enhanced through the implementation of
                               › Business.      Internet-based    services                    5G.

                                 lead to new opportunities of business                        Japan is one of the countries with the most
                                 development. The use of a new panel                          of mobile internet users with 66.6million in
                                 of services like streaming, videos                           2018.15 This figure is projected to rise to 71.9
                                 broadcasting or mobile computing was                         million in 2023. Regarding the use of social
                                 eased by technological enhancement and                       medias, in Japan social media has become
                                 created new ranges of work methods and                       an important part in people’s everyday
                                 jobs (i.e. the ‘’Youtubers’’ phenomenon                      life: in 2018, approximately 51.3 million
                                 allowing some of them to earn a good                         people actively used social media16 which
                                 wage13);                                                     represent a 40% social media infiltration
                               › Social. The  advent  of                    Facebook          rate (as shown by the graph below). In 2023,
                                 and other social medias                    gave the          this figure is projected to reach about 61.8
                                                                                              million social network users.

                               14 Facebook Use in the 2012 USA presidential campaign, Social Media in Politics: Case Studies on the Political Power of
                                  Social Media, Bogdan Patrut & Monica Patrut, 2014.

     Figure 12: Social network user penetration in Japan from 2017 to 2023 (Source: Statista)

In 2017, 92.08%17 of the Japanese population                 In contrast, the share of smartphone users
had a daily internet access. It is the second                in the overall population, is lower in Japan
highest rate of the Asian area after South                   than in Western countries. As showed by
Korea, and one of the highest rates in the                   the graph below, the overall number of
world. This high figure can be explained by                  smartphone users accounts for 57.6% of the
the quality and the density of the Japanese                  population in 2019 (see figure 10). In the US
telecommunication infrastructure, and                        for instance, smartphone users account for
it shows the excellence of Japan on                          77% of the population18.
technological advancement.


Japan has been specialized in science and                    aspects of technological sectors like
technology since the second half of the                      autonomous driving, IoT, connected cars,
20th century. The arrival of the Japanese                    smart homes and businesses and smart
telecommunication      industry   enabled                    cities, which will rely on the next generation
major    technological     advancements,                     telecommunication         system     to  work
making Japan a world leader in several                       efficiently.
sectors such as automotive or robotics.                      Regarding advancement expected on the
But Japan’s excellence addresses other                       telecommunication aspect, 5G will play a


key role in the smartphone sector. The trend                 Japanese sales are still expected to grow
                               of smartphone sales in Japan is increasing,                  in the next years, with the wide-scale
                               notably with Apple dominating the market,                    implementation of 5G network and devices.
                               with more than 50% of the market share19.


                               As time goes on, environmental consciousness                 climate disaster. He also positioned Japan as
                               progresses. European countries seem to                       a potential leader for climate change and
                               be the keenest to tackle environmental                       repeatedly highlighted the need to abandon
                               issues but Japan also considers seriously the                the massive production of greenhouse gases.
                               question, notably regarding the recent history               Indeed, as shown in the figure below, the

                               of the country (Fukushima nuclear reactor                    concentration of greenhouse gases in Japan
                               explosion, tsunami in 2011), and its tricky                  is high20 – although not as much as the US
                               relation with nature in general (a country                   and China. Moreover, the country suffers from
                               familiar with earthquakes). The growing cost                 an important waste management problem.
                               of extreme weather hazard forces politicians                 With the economic and demographic growth
                               to reflect better on solutions regarding the                 of the 20th century came an increase of waste
                               environment.                                                 in Japanese modern society and the growing
                               In 2018, the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo                  shortage of lands rapidly posed a challenge
                               Abe during a UN General Assembly urged                       regarding waste management in Japan.
                               nations to put ‘promises into practice’ to avoid

                                                  Figure 13: Annual CO2 emissions in 2016 (Source: fortune.com21)

                               19   According to a Canalys study issued on February 2019.

To tackle these environmental issues, Japan                  implemented in Japan24. These new kinds
has chosen the path of technology. Whether                   of factories will integrate more and more
through the innovation of its automotive                     the environmental management aspect
industry22 or of its recycling technologies23,               at every stage of products’ life cycle. It
5G combined with IoT is expected to bring                    will notably contribute to the decrease
a substantial help in implementing more                      of factories’ footprint. Moreover, through
efficient facilities to deal with environmental              their expected rationalisation, connected
problems Japan is facing, such as highly                     factories will help to accelerate the cycle of
connected factory which should be widely                     recycling.


                                                                                                                            BENCHMARK – 5G IN JAPAN
The Telecommunication Business25 Laws                        coverage required, the following conditions
and the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone                       have been mentioned:
Corporation Act in 1985 marked the opening                   › The expansion of optical fibre networks;
of the Japanese telecommunications
                                                             › The improvement of safety measures
system to the global market, and the arrival
                                                               to reduce outage risks during natural
of supergiant telecommunication actors
like NTT Docomo.
                                                             › The improvement of prevention measures
Nonetheless, on the eve of 5G wide-scale
                                                               against interferences between existing
implementation, Japan has established
                                                               radio licensees;
a legal framework in which 5G would be
implemented and developed. Operators are                     › The improvement                of     cybersecurity
free to deploy 5G throughout the country,                      measures.
but the Japanese government ask for                          These conditions established by the
some minimum requirements regarding                          Japanese government, gave a framework to
regulation.                                                  the three main telecommunication carriers
Regarding network coverage, the Ministry                     – NTT Docomo, KDDI and Softbank - and to
of Telecommunications has divided the                        Rakuten to deploy 5G networks in 2020. In
country into 4,500 parcels, and operators                    practice, each carrier is awarded 400MHz
are asked to cover at least 50% with base                    spectrum on the 28GHz frequency. The
transceiver stations (BTS) by 2025.                          three main carriers are awarded 200MHz
                                                             on 3.7GHz, except Rakuten, which has
The Ministry also incorporated some
                                                             requested 100MHz.
conditions in the deployment framework
of 5G on the territory. In addition to the 50%

22 Japan at a crossroads – The 4G to 5G (r)evolution - How Japan can leverage next-generation networks to boost
   industries, spur innovation, and regain technology leadership for a prosperous telecommunications sector Research
   report January 2018, McKinsey&Company.

Key market trends impacting 5G

                               Ageing of population

                                     apan is one of the world’s countries                   only a high ratio of seniors but also a sharp
                                     with the highest rate of elderly people.               downturn in its total population as showed
                                     Indeed, 25 percent of its population                   by the graph hereafter. From roughly
                               is aged 65 or more. By 2040, this ratio is                   126 900 000 citizens in 2019, this figure is

                               estimated to rise to an unprecedented level                  expected to decrease to 110 000 000 by
                               of 36 percent. The Japanese population                       2050. An accumulation of reasons may put
                               has nearly tripled in the 20th century,                      increasing pressure on Japan’s ability to
                               peaking at 128 million in 2010. But with a                   manage its rising debt and social security
                               falling birth rate, one of the world’s longest               obligations, and could trigger a growing
                               life expectancies, and a close to zero net                   shortages of skills26 .
                               immigration, the country is heading for not

                                        Figure 14: Projection of the Japanese population (Source: United Nations WPP)


The Abe administration has vowed to address                     seize. The country is already implementing
this national issue by launching initiatives to                 several devices relying on IoT in order to face
support young couples in having children,                       this demographic challenge. Mitsufuji for
as for example making preschool education                       instance, a Tokyo based company, developed
free. The Abe administration has also set a                     a wearable clothing brand which products
target of raising the fertility rate back to 1.8                are made of silver-metalized conductive
by 2025 and anticipates welcoming up to                         fibres and filled with sensors. Aimed
345,000 foreign workers in five years under                     primarily at elderly persons, these products
the fertility programme that started in April                   have been on the market since 2016 and are
2019.                                                           used to monitor health information (such
The ageing population and declining birth                       as breathing and heart rate, temperature,
rate are fundamental aspects to consider                        humidity) through sensors28.
when addressing the future of 5G in Japan.                      Considering that more efficient healthcare
The ‘’silver market’’27will be significant in                   will be the key for Japan to reduce the

                                                                                                                                 BENCHMARK – 5G IN JAPAN
Japan within the next few years and will                        economic impact of ageing population
influence the 5G’s development in the                           and to maintain the quality of life for its
country. Indeed, experts in economics and                       citizens, Japan seeks to be a frontrunner
social sectors consider ageing population                       who can provide solutions answering to the
in Japan as an economic opportunity to                          challenges presented by ageing population.

27 Referring to the recent concept of ‘’silver economy’’. The Silver Economy refers to the economical markets, activities
   and stakes related to people aged 60 or more.


                               In recent years, Japanese networks are                       everyday life: the capacity constraints and
                               starting to show signs of capacity constraints.              exponential growth in data traffic and
                               Moreover, the domestic vendors’ landscape                    connections have considerably slowed the
                               has been disrupted by global innovations                     speed capacity of telecommunications in
                               and they have difficulties to fully adapt                    highly dense Japanese areas and especially
                               and benefit from new features such as the                    at peak hours, as illustrated in the graph
                               Internet of Things. It materialises in people’s              below.29

                                Figure 15: Japan 4G ability and speed: the country has a very high 4G availability but lags
                                                      in speed (Source: Japan at crossroads, p930)

                               Softening the data traffic congestion in                     technological experience through a more
                               Japanese major cities will be a key driver                   efficient telecommunication network is the
                               of 5G development in Japan. Congested                        challenge they want to tackle – in order to
                               networks, especially during peak hours                       get a return on the important investments
                               affects end-users’ experience and for the                    made for the deployment of 5G.
                               main Japanese carriers, providing the best

                               29 Japan at a crossroads – The 4G to 5G (r)evolution How Japan can leverage next-generation networks to boost
                                  industries, spur innovation, and regain technology leadership for a prosperous telecommunications sector Research
                                  report January 2018.

High Tech and Manufactural Industry

5G will be important for the telecom sector              the manufacturing industry. For example,
but it will also have an impact on the entire            Toyota, an important manufacturing
Japanese industry. For decades, Japan has                company is the largest Japanese company
focused on high precision manufacturing                  in terms of turnover, and the 12th largest in
and high-tech items such as hybrid vehicles,             the world, with an annual profit of USD22.5
robotics, and optical instruments. These                 billion in 2018. Sony, an important player in
sectors are strategic for Japan and 5G is                the electronics and robotic sector made an
expected to help the country maintain its                annual USD 4.4 billion profit in 2018 and is
vigour.                                                  the 7th largest Japanese company.
Of the ten Japan’s largest companies,                    The table below highlights the importance
seven are either related to electronics or to            of these sectors in the Japanese economy.

                                                                                                              BENCHMARK – 5G IN JAPAN
              Figure 16: Japan export by category (Source:

Japan is currently in second position in the             the leading edge of innovation, they will
world in terms of automation according                   need a globally competitive infrastructure
to the Automation Readiness Index31.                     on which to build their future products and
But according to the same index, it is                   competitiveness. Connectivity becoming
the first in the potential of its favourable             even more implemented in society,
environment for Research & Innovation32,                 mobile networks may be one of the core
meaning that it has the tools necessary to               infrastructures on which industries will base
deploy innovations and in consequence                    their new products and services. Therefore,
is one of the front runners to for example               the success of many industries outside the
take the lead in Automation in the future.               telecommunication sector will depend on
Nevertheless, for companies to remain in                 the mobile network infrastructure.


Applications of 5G : Verticals

                                     he implementation of 5G will result                       of risk but also low latency which should
                                     in a lot of transformation. 3G and                        enable people to control objects remotely,
                                     particularly 4G increased the use                         ensure the ultra-rapid responsiveness of
                               of mobile devices and brought an all new                        objects and a lot more. The following figure
                               range of possibilities. 5G will allow the                       show what the 5G is expected to enable and
                               transformation of several vertical industries.                  which verticals will emerge through these
                               Moreover, 5G will offer ultra-reliability which                 opportunities.
                               aims at effectively eliminating any element

                                                           Figure 17: Future use of 5G (Source: Stratfor 2018)

                               For years now, Japan has been focusing                          to boost these figures. Internet connectivity
                               on the advanced automotive industry                             should become integrated to the car of
                               and hosted some of the most cutting-                            the future and should bring technological
                               edge automobile technologies (notably,                          advancements in GPS, automated driving,
                               at Toyota). For the Japanese economy, the                       and other features. New manufactural and
                               automotive industry is a crucial asset. It                      business models are expected and coming
                               accounts for 16 percent of exports33 and                        with it, as are new jobs and business
                               employs more than 800,000 people in                             opportunities.    Japanese       automakers’
                               production alone34. 5G and IoT are expected                     significant presence on the global market
                               33 Japan’s International Trade in Goods, Japan External Trade Organization, 2016,
                               34 The motor industry of Japan 2016, Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, 2016,

(exporting nearly four million cars in 2015),               Two main use cases of 5G have been
puts them in a strategic position to capture                identified among automotive industry35:
these opportunities.

Autonomous vehicles
Although the development of self-                           more efficient and safer use of existing road
driving cars is still in the early stages, car              infrastructure. If all the vehicles on a road
manufacturers are making significant                        were connected to a network incorporating
progress: creating cars able to drive                       a traffic management system, they could
themselves for extensive periods without                    potentially travel at much higher speeds
human intervention. Considered as the                       and within greater proximity of each other
future of driving, autonomous vehicles                      without risk of accident36. Autonomous cars
present a significant expectation in Japan:                 are expected to reduce the potential for

                                                                                                                  BENCHMARK – 5G IN JAPAN
enabling vehicles to communicate with the                   human error.
outside world could result in considerably

Connected cars
Connected vehicles are expected to                          is a service which provides drivers in Japan
enhance significantly functionalities of                    with real-time traffic information and
vehicles, notably for the remote-control                    lets them book a restaurant via a human
key aspects of everyday life (i.e. control of               concierge. Nissan announced in 2018 that
household functionalities). Besides, some                   the company would offer connectivity for
concrete initiatives have been launched                     all new Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun cars sold
in the sector of connected cars. Toyota for                 in key markets by 2022.
instance launched Toyota T-Connect, which

Infrastructural Security
All over the world, governments have taken                    significant number of problems37(in terms
infrastructural security into consideration                   of environmental issues).
and 5G is expected to bring more security                   › Seismic risk: This use case is particularly
for infrastructures at the cyber-level, but                   important for Japan as earthquakes
also at physical level (i.e.: better control over             are very frequent. The country being
seismic risk) levels which is crucial for Japan.              located at the intersection of four tectonic
For Japan, such an implication is crucial                     plaques, Japanese authorities have to
considered two aspects:                                       take into consideration this factor. 5G
› The country nuclear reliability: 5G would                   should provide better means to address
  bring more security in nuclear installations                such issues in the future.
  thanks to an enhanced control enabled                     Japan is unfortunately well known for
  by connected factories, able to rapidly                   disasters, whether they have natural
  communicate      information.      In    the              origins   (earthquakes,    typhoons…)     or
  frame of the “Society 5.0”, the Japanese                  human origins (the nuclear explosion
  Government have already announced the                     of Fukushima for example), Japan is not
  development of “Connected Industries”.                    spared by catastrophes. The country’s
  This new industrial concept combined                      population is already familiar with extreme
  with global evolution toward ‘’industries                 conditions, and the country has developed
  of the future’’ is expected to solve a                    infrastructures adapted to face natural

36 Understanding 5G: Perspectives on future technological advancements in mobile, GSMA Intelligence, 2014.

disasters. The Japanese society will benefit                 disaster management: they have deployed
                               from possibilities brought by 5G in security                 across Japan mobile power supply vehicles
                               management, like the dramatic reduction                      to provide power to base stations in case
                               of the latency period for an information                     of power shutdown after a disaster38 and
                               transmission from a place to another. The                    systems for warning people just before the
                               Japanese government already provides                         arrival of seismic waves are already used.
                               its citizens with alerts across TV, radio and                But these existing systems are often not
                               mobile phones. These alerts are managed                      fast enough. 5G should mitigate this issue,
                               by the main telecommunication carriers                       through the significant increase in the
                               (NTT Docomo, KDDI and Softbank).                             telecommunication speed.39
                               Softbank for instance is well advanced on


                               The strengthening of cybersecurity has                       (MIC) launched the Cybersecurity Action
                               become a real priority as the growing                        Program, aiming to accelerate the
                               amount of data is becoming more difficult                    reinforcement of national cyber-security.
                               to manage for companies and industries.                      A National Cyber Training Centre was also
                               The rising number of cyberattacks proves                     established, to train new skilled and young
                               that the digitality can also be used as a                    professionals specialized in cyber-security
                               weapon.                                                      and national defence40.
                               Japan has been falling behind in terms of                    The significant raise in data brought by
                               cyber-security for decades due to cultural,                  5G triggers an enhancement of need for
                               governmental and organizational reasons.                     cybersecurity policies, in order to prevent
                               Famous for its public-safety and its                         any hypothetical threat for National
                               preference to avoid risk, Japan missed the                   security or individuals. Considered the
                               opportunity to foster home cyber-security                    delay accumulated by Japan over the years,
                               policies. Nonetheless, in 2017, the Ministry                 catching up with most advanced countries
                               of Internal Affairs and Communications                       is a genuine challenge.

                               Wireless cloud-based office
                               As technological development comes with                      have a significant impact on the Japanese
                               new means to increase the efficiency of                      economy when considering the cost-
                               companies’ working process, a wide range                     efficiency this change in working habits
                               of opportunities are appearing.      Cloud                   should bring.
                               computing introduces a significant shift                     Japan is already ranked as the second
                               in how technology is obtained, used, and                     largest cloud computing market amongst
                               managed. It also shifts how organizations                    the top markets41, and it will seek to maintain
                               budget and pay for technology services. The                  its position thanks to 5G. Indeed, 5G will
                               advantages of using the cloud includes: the                  increase the possibilities of the cloud to
                               growth of data storage and of computing                      carry out business tasks and for the storage
                               power it offers, coupled with a decline                      and the use of data.
                               of servicing costs. Cloud networking will

                               41 2016 Top Markets Cloud Computing Report, US Department of Commerce

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