Page created by Jill Wood
Doctor of Business Administration


         Studienbeginn Juli 2014
Doctor of Business Administration


Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)                      2

Maastricht School of Management (MSM)                        3

Kooperation mit der IBS International Business School        3

Expertise Clusters (ECs) der MSM                             4

Kurse zum DBA                                                5

Studienverlauf des DBA Programms                             6

Übersicht über die Kursinhalte des DBA                       7

Einschreibung / Studiengebühren                              13

Anmeldung zum DBA der MSM an der IBS Lippstadt               14

Änderungen vorbehalten                 -1-
Doctor of Business Administration

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
der Maastricht School of Managment (MSM)

Der Bedarf an hochqualifizierten und praxisnah ausgebildeten Mitarbeitern, die
funktionsübergreifend und in strategischen Zusammenhängen denken können
und für einen Auslandseinsatz geeignet sind, ist hoch.

Der Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) dient der wissenschaftlichen Wei-
terentwicklung der des Managements. Dieser Abschluss eröffnet Karrierechan-
cen im gehobenen und höheren internationalen Management, besonders in Un-
ternehmensberatungen, Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen und bei multinatio-
nalen Firmen.

Der Doctor of Business Administration soll einen wissenschaftlichen Beitrag zur
Professionalisierung des Managements leisten. Die Forschungsarbeit des Doc-
tors of Business Administration trägt direkt zur Weiterentwicklung der aktuellen
Managementtheorien bei. Forschungsthemen sind vorzugsweise aus den Ar-
beitsgebieten der Professoren der Maastricht School of Management (MSM) zu
Sie studieren das Doctoral Programme der Maastricht School of Management
(MSM) an der IBS International Business School Lippstadt im berufsbegleiten-
den Studium mit Workshops. Fünf Workshops finden im ersten Doktorandenjahr
in den Räumlichkeiten der IBS International Business School statt.

Weitere Kontakte und Reports schließen sich in den Folgejahren an. Der zeitli-
che Rahmen, den Sie für den Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) insge-
samt einplanen müssen, beläuft sich auf regulär vier Jahre bis maximal sechs

Änderungen vorbehalten                 -2-
Doctor of Business Administration

Maastricht School of Management (MSM)
Die Maastricht School of Management (MSM) ist eine der ältesten Business
Schools in den Niederlanden und das erste, die ein DBA Programm durchge-
führt hat. Zurzeit ist das MsM-DBA-Programm mit mehr als 200 Doktoranden
aus aller Welt, das größte DBA Programm in Europa, mit vielseitigen Möglich-
keiten für Cross-Cultural Networking und Wissensaustausch.

Die Mission des MsM-DBA-Programms ist es, ihre DBA Absolventen zu aner-
kannten Leadern, Managern und Innovatoren in der professionellen Praxis zu
machen. Ein Schwerpunkt der MSM liegt auf den Herausforderungen und
Chancen für Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer in einer sich globalisierenden

Das Studium zum Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) der Maastricht
School of Management, das an der IBS International Business School Lippstadt
durchgeführt wird, ist vom Ministerium für Innovation, Wissenschaft und For-
schung nach Hochschulgesetz staatlich bestätigt.

Nach Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz vom 21.09.2001 in der Fassung
vom 15.05.2008 ist der DBA als Dr. vor dem Namen führbar. Die Führung der
deutschen Abkürzung „Dr.“ ist für Inhaber von in einem wissenschaftlichen
Promotionsverfahren erworbenen Doktorgraden aus Mitgliedstaaten der EU
bzw. des EWR ohne Herkunftszusatz möglich.

Die Maastricht School of Management wurde 1952 als Institute for Management
Science gegründet. 1993 erhielt sie Ihren heutigen Namen. Seit 1995 wird ein
Doktorprogramm angeboten.

Die Maastricht School of Management (MSM) ist durch die Association of
MBAs (AMBA), durch die International Assembly for Business Education
(IACBE) und durch das Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Pro-
grams (ACBSP) international akkreditiert.

Kooperation mit der IBS International Business School

Sie haben die Möglichkeit, an der renommierten Maastricht School of Manage-
ment (MSM) in Kooperation mit der IBS International Business School Lippstadt
den Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) berufsbegleitend zu erwerben.

                         IBS International Business School Lippstadt

                                        Im Eichholz 10
                                       59556 Lippstadt
                                   Tel.: +49 2941 9444-44
                                   Fax: +49 2941 9444-99

Änderungen vorbehalten                      -3-
Doctor of Business Administration

Expertise Clusters (ECs) der
Maastricht School of Management (MSM)

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The MsM Entrepreneurship and Innovation EC has a deep knowledge and under-
standing of all the facets of the field of entrepreneurship, including innovation. It is
particularly concerned to study the relationship between entrepreneurship and eco-
nomic development, recognizing that not all entrepreneurship is good for economic
development. Some entrepreneurs are unproductive, and some outright destructive.
How the reward structure of society (incentives) can be shaped through institutions,
and how public policies can affect productive, innovative entrepreneurship is a cen-
tral objective of this ECs work.

Global Value Chains and Partnerships
The Global Value Chain and Partnerships EC follows two approaches in value chain
analysis. The first is bottom-up, where the EC examines initiatives to private sector
development as a means to include small farms and firms in commercial markets
with the aim to reduce poverty in developing countries.

High Performance Organization
A High Performance Organization (HPO) is defined as an organization that achieves
financial and non-financial results that are exceedingly better than those of its peer
group over a period of time of five years or more, by focusing in a disciplined way on
that what really matters to the organization.

Änderungen vorbehalten                     -4-
Doctor of Business Administration

Kurse zum DBA

Der DBA setzt sich aus vier Modulen, Hausarbeiten (Coursework), dem Rese-
arch Proposal Seminar, Reports zum Fortschritt der Dissertation und der Dis-
sertation als der Doktorarbeit des DBA Studiums zusammen.

Reihenfolge der vier Module

    1. Quantitative Methods I

    2. Research Methods I

    3. Quantitative Methods II

    4. Research Methods II

Research Proposal Seminar mit MPhil Thesis

Contacts and Reports to Supervisor

DBA Thesis Review and Defense Phase

DBA Thesis

MSM announces top ranking in May 2013

In the most recent ranking of Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) programs
worldwide, ranked the Maastricht School of Management’s DBA pro-
gram at second place in the world. The criteria used for the ranking consisted of:

* Academic accreditation such as AMBA and AACSB.
* Student support, i.e. how are students supported by the university, professor, and
academic office.
* International mindset, e.g. does the school promotes international exchange or study
opportunities abroad for doctoral students.
* Reputation of the DBA course assessed by its current and former students.
* Seniority and management experience of student body.

Änderungen vorbehalten                   -5-
Doctor of Business Administration

Studienverlauf des DBA Programms

Voraussetzungen für die Aufnahme in das DBA Programm

     MBA oder Master (auch FH) oder vergleichbarer Diplomabschluss
     Berufserfahrung
     Nachweis der Englischkenntnisse z. B. durch TOEFL 600 paper-based
      oder einen äquivalenten Test

Studienform und Studiendauer

Der DBA wird regulär berufsbegleitend in einem Zeitraum von vier Jahren er-
reicht. Die Workshops werden an der IBS International Business School Lip-
pstadt durchgeführt.
Am Ende des ersten Studienabschnitts steht nach maximal zwei Jahren das
Research Proposal Seminar mit der Verteidigung Ihrer Arbeit. Bei Erfolg wird
der MPhil Degree verliehen.
Danach dokumentieren halbjährliche Reports in Zusammenarbeit mit den Su-
pervisoren der Doktorarbeit den Fortschritt der Dissertation. Jährlich erhalten
die Doktoranden zudem Gelegenheit, an einer Research Conference in Maas-
tricht teilzunehmen und Ihr Dissertations – Projekt zu präsentieren.
Das Thema der Dissertation sollte im Zusammenhang mit dem beruflichen Um-
feld des Studierenden und im Kontext der Forschungsthemen der Maastricht
School of Management (MSM) stehen.
Die Workshops des berufsbegleitenden DBA Studiums werden von den Profes-
soren und Dozenten der Maastricht School of Management (MSM), Niederlan-
de, geleitet. Sie finden in den Räumlichkeiten der IBS International Business
School Lippstadt in Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW statt.


Der Zeitaufwand ist individuell sehr verschieden. Er hängt von der Themenstel-
lung und den Vorkenntnissen des Kandidaten ab.


Das Parkhotel Ortkemper in Lippstadt z. B. bietet
mit drei Minuten Fußweg zur IBS International Business School Lippstadt güns-
tige Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten für DBA Studenten an.

Studium in Kohorten

Die fordert, dass dieses Programm in einem Verband mit einer Mindestzahl an
Teilnehmern (Kohorte) zu absolvieren ist. Die Maximalzahl beträgt 20.

Änderungen vorbehalten                 -6-
Doctor of Business Administration

Übersicht über die Kursinhalte des DBA

MODULE TITLE: Quantitative Methods I

Quantitative Methods 1 is the first of four courses in the doctoral (M Phil/DBA)
program at MSM. Once students complete these four courses, they generally
present a research proposal to a Reader and then a presentation to Examiners
resulting, when successful, in the awarding of the MPhil degree. Students then
transition to writing their dissertation either in the DBA program at MSM or a PhD
program at a participating Dutch university. The objective of QM1 is to give stu-
dents a practical introduction to quantitative methods (primarily statistical), includ-
ing such analysis tools as SPSS, AMOS, LISREL, R, EVIEWS, online testing
sites, Excel Solver (optimization), etc., and to become creative analysts and prob-
lem solvers.

Position in Curriculum

This is the first course students take in their doctoral programme at MsM. It is
followed by Research Methods 1, then Quantitative Methods 2, and finally Re-
search Methods 2. Upon completion of QM1, students should be able to under-
stand which statistical methods are applicable to what problem, they should be
able to search for new methods when the situation calls for it, and they should be
able to extend their world view.

Learning Goals

After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to:

[- know and understand …… analyze and interpret research data using a variety
of parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures.
- apply this knowledge to the student’s primary interest area as well as
- critically assess or judge ….the correct questions to ask in a research query,
and be able to answer these research questions in a formal way (statistical hy-
pothesis testing). Students should also be able to use and interpret exploratory
data analysis procedures in those instances in which they are presented with an
existing data set.
- communicate …. their results in a meaningful way. Students must internalize
that we are a very visual society, and learn to present results of a statistical ex-
periment in a way that communicates the essence of their ideas and conclusions.
- learn ... to accept the challenge to identify a problem in an ambiguous situation,
recommend an approach for problem solution, and then follow through with that
approach until a decision is made.

Änderungen vorbehalten                      -7-
Doctor of Business Administration

Feedback, tests, evaluation and grading

As a doctoral level course, students are required to design their own experiment
in which they are presented with a data set, and must identify components of that
data set as well as procedures to be used for analysis and extrapolation of that

While some structure is obviously provided, students have a variety of solution as
well as analysis approaches and must pick from among them and make a final

Conjecturing about a relationship is always required, and students learn to do this
in the context of a formal test of a hypothesis.

Grading at the Doctoral level is pass/fail. Students are evaluated on their base
knowledge, creativity, and ability to present their results.

MODULE TITLE: Research Methods I

Research Methodology (RM) is one of the required coursework workshop series
in the MSM Doctoral program. It is delivered in two courses. This is the first
course, Research Methods 1, which discusses, firstly, the issues of research
strategy, design and methods in general. Later on, this course shows a special
emphasis on the qualitative paradigm type of research. In particular, we look
at the way it differs and contrasts with the quantitative paradigm type of re-
search, which is the focus of the second course in this series, Research Meth-
ods 2.

The first objective of this type of coursework is to prepare the candidate concep-
tually and practically, so that he or she is able to structure and design as well as
conduct a research study. In this context, a number of philosophical issues relat-
ed to the essence of new knowledge as well as scientific evidence in social sci-
ences, including management, will be discussed.

The second objective is to survey various approaches and methods of data anal-
ysis likely to be needed during the doctoral program, and after the program in the
graduate’s research career. This wide-ranging survey is supplemented with com-
puter laboratory workshops which will evolve around problem-based case-studies
in business and management research. The focus will be less on computational
aspects and more on the goals of the methods, the assumptions underlying the
techniques of data analysis, and the method of data analysis required, according
to the type of research design. How should the student interpret and validate the

The third and final objective of this series of workshops is to tackle the issues of
research findings, including oral and written presentation, as well as publication
for different audiences including doctoral dissertation writing and defense. In this
context, the critical analysis of published works will also be discussed.
Änderungen vorbehalten                     -8-
Doctor of Business Administration

Position in Curriculum

The course is to be completed after the first of the two courses in Quantitative
Methods. The program has four major courses. They are sequenced as QM1-

Learning Goals

After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to:
    1. Know and understand in a systematic way the philosophical premises of
       various research and investigative approaches, and thus be in a better
       position to defend his or her methodological choices in his or her chosen
       field of study.
    2. Appreciate the difference between the three major research paradigms
       (qualitative, quantitative and mixed).
    3. Know and understand how to use specific methods of research, in the
       qualitative paradigm research in particular.
    4. Apply all this knowledge in drawing up a research proposal (in the
       qualitative paradigm).
    5. Ultimately, conceive, design, draw up and defend his or her research (as a
       doctoral) proposal, synthesizing new and complex ideas worthy of
       doctoral-level investigation.
    6. Ultimately, write scholarly papers and publish in refereed journals.
    7. Critically review, evaluate and assess scholarly literature to prepare an
       acceptable literature review, and the position of his or her research area
       within the literature.
Feedback, tests, evaluation and grading

1.    There will be continuous assessment and feedback to the students
throughout the course presentations and discussions .

2.   This is a “pass/fail” course. Passing the course requires performance on all
the above items, at a level of quality that suggests success in the subsequent
doctoral process.

Änderungen vorbehalten                     -9-
Doctor of Business Administration

MODULE TITLE: Quantitative Methods II


Quantitative Methods 2 is the third of four courses in the doctoral (DBA/PhD) pro-
gram at MSM. The objective of QM2 is to deepen students’ knowledge about
quantitative techniques beyond material covered in QM1 using computer software
like Excel, SPSS (especially), EVIEWS, AMOS, online testing sites and so forth.
Based on experience in their first research methods course (RM1), students will
make an informal presentation to the class of a topic that interests them, and as a
group, we will discuss appropriate statistical analysis procedures for each.

Position in Curriculum

This is the third course students take in their doctoral programme at MSM. Quan-
titative Methods 2 is preceded by Quantitative Methods 1 and Research Methods
1 (Qualitative Research Analysis), and is succeeded by Research Methods 2
(Quantitative Research Analysis), in which students are required to present a full
literature review of their proposed dissertation research topical area, as well as
discuss appropriate analysis procedures. Upon completion of QM2, students
should be able to understand which statistical methods are applicable to what
problem at a level which has advanced beyond the level covered in QM 1. They
should be very familiar with statistical analysis software now, and should be fur-
ther able to recommend new methods based on additional statistical procedures
discussed in this seminar (when required for their dissertation research, especial-
ly). Additional analysis procedures beyond QM1 are indicated below in Topics or
Tasks and Schedule).

Learning Goals

After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to:

- know and understand …… analyze and interpret research data using a variety
of parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures at an advanced level be-
yond the level covered in Quantitative Methods 1.

- apply this knowledge to the student’s primary interest area as well as elsewhere
with ease and familiarity.

- critically evaluate, assess or judge ….the correct questions to ask in a research
experiment, and be able to answer these research questions in a formal way (sta-
tistical hypothesis testing). Students should also be able to use and interpret ex-
ploratory data procedures in those instances in which they are presented with an
existing data set.

- communicate …. Their results in a meaningful way. Students must internalize
that we are a very visual society, and learn to present results of a statistical ex-
periment in a way that communicates the essence of their ideas and conclusions.
This is emphasized in both QM courses in the Doctoral program. The expecta-
Änderungen vorbehalten                    - 10 -
Doctor of Business Administration

tions are much higher in QM2.

- learn ... to accept the challenge to identify a problem in an ambiguous situation,
recommend an approach for problem solution, and then follow through with that
approach until a decision or recommendation is made.

Feedback, tests, evaluation and grading

As a doctoral level course, students are required to design their own experiment
in which they are presented with a data set, and must identify components of that
data set as well as procedures to be used for analysis and extrapolation of that
data. In the instance of QM2, we most often provide the students with the data
set, and then request that they make meaningful conclusions (statements) based
on an analysis of that data.

While some assistance and structure is provided, students have a variety of solu-
tion as well as analysis approaches and must pick from among them and make a
final recommendation.

Conjecturing about a relationship is always required in the two Quantitative Meth-
ods courses, and students learn to do this in the context of a formal test of a hy-
pothesis once again in QM2.

Grading at the Doctoral level is pass/fail. Students are evaluated on their base
knowledge, creativity, and ability to present their results. We again stress the im-
portance of being able to communicate effectively the results of their analysis.

MODULE TITLE: Research Methods II

This is the second course in Research Methods, this time focusing on the quanti-
tative/ “scientific” paradigm type of research. It explores the philosophy, various
quantitative techniques as well as their applications in social science and busi-
ness research. See Course Objectives for Research Methods 1 for more details.

Position in Curriculum

The Research Methods 2 course should be completed at the end of the series of
coursework subjects taken in the program. It should be completed after the sec-
ond Quantitative Methods (2) course. Thus the sequence is QM1, RM1,QM2 end-
ing with RM2.

Learning Goals
After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to:

1. Understand the steps that take the student to a successful dissertation – con-
ception, design, implementation, adaptation - with the chance to ask questions
and address anxieties. The student will learn the parallel nature of these three
Änderungen vorbehalten                    - 11 -
Doctor of Business Administration

processes - the research process, the dissertation-writing process, and the man-
agement decision process.
2. Understand the primacy of logic and evidence in the research process.
3. Categorize and discuss the ways research aids management strategy and de-
4. Appreciate the variety of published and publicly/commercially available data,
and gain expertise and critical insights into finding research tools and sources.
The student will become familiar with MSM’s plagiarism policy and with what is
proper and improper in using other peoples’ words and ideas. The student will
learn the basics of designing and executing surveys, and generating usable re-
5. Understand the considerations to take when matching a research objective to
the specification of data and the choice of analytical technique(s). Appreciate the
value of planning these things “up front,” before delving into research tasks.
6. Learn new aspects of sampling, and the relative importance of sampling and
non-sampling errors. Revisit “validity” as it applies to scales.
7. Be able to distinguish good data from bad, and know the steps needed to gen-
erate good data, and to sort and clean data before analysis, using critical analy-
sis, and techniques of evaluation and synthesis.
8. Gain an appreciation of the variety of analytical tools available. The student will
become able to choose among them for the purposes of his or her thesis re-
9. Work with target businesses during the academic research phase in an effec-
tive manner.
10. Learn how much information to hit the audience with at one time. By seeing
how data can be presented intentionally to mislead, the student will learn how to
present data in a neutral manner. Exercises will be provided to help the student to
write clearly and concisely, and avoid common errors. Helpful hints will be pro-
vided improve student presentations. The student will be helped to understand
what it takes to bring a research paper or dissertation to press.
11. Understand the responsibility involved in researching subjects and sponsors
as well as to society as a whole, and have an opportunity to debate these matters
with peers in the scholarly community. Ultimately, extending the frontiers of
knowledge and publishing in scholarly, refereed journals, promoting technologi-
cal, social and cultural advancement.
12. Understand the responsibilities involved in a career in industry, government or
academe for a doctoral degree holder.

Feedback, tests, evaluation and grading

The student performance is monitored and tracked through continuous assess-
ment and feedback on exercises, case analyses and class presentations.

Änderungen vorbehalten                     - 12 -
Doctor of Business Administration

Einschreibung / Studiengebühren

Anmeldungen zum DBA sind jederzeit möglich. Bitte nutzen Sie für eine Bewer-
bung den Link zur Bewerbung auf der DBA Webseite bzw. senden Sie der IBS
Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen zu.

Studiengebühren * (vgl. MSM DBA Webseite)

Master of Philosophy program (1st year)
Tuition fee
1st instalment of 25%                                                             € 4,000
2nd instalment of 25%                                                             € 4,000
3rd instalment of 25%                                                             € 4,000
4th instalment of 25%                                                             € 4,000
Total                                                                             € 16,000

Doctoral Program
Tuition Fee 2nd year
1st instalment of 50% to be paid in March                                         € 3,500
2nd instalment of 50% to be paid in September                                     € 3,500
Total                                                                             € 7,000

Tuition Fee 3rd year
1st instalment of 50% to be paid in March                                         € 3,500
2nd instalment of 50% to be paid in September                                     € 3,500
Total                                                                             € 7,000

Tuition Fee 4th year1
1st instalment of 50% to be paid in March                                         € 3,000
2nd instalment of 50% to be paid in September                                     € 3,000
Total                                                                             € 6,000

Total Fees for the Doctoral Program (4 years)                                     € 36,000


Dr. Matthias Zünkler, IBS International Business School Lippstadt, koordiniert
dieses Programm und ist unter der Telefonnummer +49 2941 9444-44 zu errei-

* Eine Anpassung der Gebühr durch die Maastricht School of Management (MSM) ist möglich.

Änderungen vorbehalten                       - 13 -
Doctor of Business Administration

Anmeldung zum DBA der MSM an der IBS Lippstadt

Ich melde mich für das Studium „Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)“
der Maastricht School of Management, Niederlande, an.

Name:            _________________________________________________________

Vorname:         ______________________ Staatsangehörigkeit: _________________

Geburtsort: ______________________ Geburtsdatum: ______________________

Anschrift:       _________________________________________________________


Telefon:         _______________ Fax: ____________ E -Mail: __________________

Folgende Unterlagen habe ich beigefügt:

       Curriculum Vitae (Lebenslauf) in Englisch

       Englischsprachiger Nachweis eines abgeschlossenen MBA- oder Master-Studiums
       (Zeugnis und Urkunde)

       Nachweis der Englischkenntnisse
              TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) oder
              IELTS (International English Language Testing System) oder

       Preliminary DBA Research Proposal (Details erhalten Sie auf Anfrage)

       2 Passbilder (bzw. 1 digitales Passbild)

       Kopie des Personalausweises

_____________________________                               ___________________________
         Ort / Datum                                                 Unterschrift

Fax an: +49 2941 9444-99
E-Mail an:

Änderungen vorbehalten                             - 14 -
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