Doctor of Education - Higher Education

Page created by Jimmie Johnston
Doctor of Education - Higher Education
Doctor of Education - Higher Education                                                     1

                                         Doctor of Education
                                         - Higher Education
                                         The University of Liverpool’s Doc-
                                         tor of Education - Higher Educa-
                                         tion (EdD) is a professional doctor-
                                         al programme focused on the latest
                                         practice, research, and leadership
                                         thinking within Higher Education

                                         The programme places great emphasis on the de-
                                         velopment of a deep understanding of universities,
                                         operating in a global context, as places of learning
                                         and as learning institutions.

                                         The focus is on the use of professional knowledge,
                                         academic and policy literature, and published and
                                         personal research to promote the leader at the
                                         heart of institutional development.

Doctor of Education - Higher Education
Online Programme
Doctor of Education - Higher Education
Doctor of Education - Higher Education                                                                                                                                     2

This professional doctoral programme in Higher Ed-       This learning experience, in combination with a class-      Career destinations may include roles such as con-
ucation produces a qualification which, whilst being     room of international educators, offers exciting op-        sultants, middle/senior managers, or administrators
equivalent in status and challenge to a PhD, may be      portunities for students to network with professionals      working in contexts such as educational development,
more appropriate for those pursuing leadership and       from all over the world. This EdD programme aims            learning development, planning and policy develop-
professional roles within Higher Education, or those     to deliver a professional practitioner who is insightful,   ment, and Departmental or Faculty leadership where
who wish to focus their research on learning and         reflective, and capable of creating exceptional practi-     learning and teaching are the principal focus.
teaching and other aspects of Higher Education.          cal, research informed knowledge as a leader in higher
The practically oriented approach of the programme       education environments.                                      ›› With an emphasis on Higher Education and lead-
allows working professionals to develop and apply                                                                        ership in environments open to international influ-
actionable, research based, knowledge, and critical      The University of Liverpool EdD – Higher Education              ences, the University of Liverpool’s EdD can serve a
thinking skills, with immediate effect into their pro-   is ideal for those pursuing professional routes within          variety of professional audiences. The programme
fessional practice.                                      an academic career, or those wanting a professional             will be particularly appealing to:
                                                         services career. EdD graduates should be well placed         ›› Senior professionals in Higher Education seeking
Delivered 100% online in an international learning en-   to compete for promotion and leadership responsibil-             to extend their knowledge of Higher Education and
vironment, and supported by rich media to enhance        ities in high-level professional positions in the broad          skills in educational leadership and management
the students’ educational experience, the programme      field of education.                                          ›› Education practitioners seeking advancement into
adopts an integrated, holistic approach to learning.                                                                      international education environments
                                                                                                                      ›› Education professionals who are seeking a career
                                                                                                                          shift from an academic focus to an administration
                                                                                                                          and leadership focus
                                                                                                                      ›› Academics who want to extend their knowledge and
                                                                                                                          understanding of Higher Education and leadership
                                                                                                                          within their discipline and beyond
                                                                                                                      ›› Academic professionals who wish to focus their de-
                                                                                                                          velopment as teachers and pursue the scholarship
                                                                                                                          of teaching and pedagogic research
Doctor of Education - Higher Education                                                                                                                                      3

Programme Outline
The online EdD programme is offered by the University of Liverpool’s innovative Centre for Lifelong Learning. The Centre has
a strong reputation for educational development - delivering accredited and externally recognised programmes, and contin-
uous professional development (CPD) for University of Liverpool staff, and the staff of international partner universities, in-
volved in teaching and learning.

The Centre sits within the Faculty of Humanities and       The programme employs a pedagogy that is based            A key feature of the EdD in facilitating transformative
Social Sciences, but is also unique in that it acts as a   around forms of collaborative inquiry. In collaborative   personal impact for the student is the Doctoral De-
professional service for the University. Institutional-    inquiry, a group of educators study their own practice,   velopment Plan (DDP) which provides continuity and
ly it engages in policy development, consultancy and       develop their capacity to engage in research, and share   support throughout the whole programme. The DDP
professional development, offering academic pro-           results of their studies to deepen the understanding of   is a unique module incorporated into the EdD pro-
grammes in Higher Education.                               every individual in the class. The programme aims to      gramme designed to facilitate students’ understanding
                                                           extend students’ capacity for educational leadership      and experience of the personal transformation pro-
The EdD offers students an international programme         within the setting of Higher Education to supports vis-   cess. It captures the student’s reflections in their per-
focusing not on UK higher education, but on Higher         ible and transformative personal impact. Students will    sonal transformation to becoming a doctoral scholar
Education as a global enterprise. Typically each cohort    conduct investigations within the workplace setting       and practitioner, supports the creation of a doctoral
will consist of students from diverse backgrounds,         that support evidence-based problem solving of direct     level professional knowledge portfolio, and further de-
bringing unique, individual insights and perspectives      relevance to their work and career development.           velops critical thinking skills.
of Higher Education into the classroom. The curric-
ulum of the EdD is constructed from an international
perspective – using research, case studies, policy and
academic literature from international sources – to
complete the international experience.
Doctor of Education - Higher Education                                                                                                                                        4

Integrated Holistic Approach                                Leadership and Personal Impact                              Personal and Professional Values
The concept of an integrated, holistic approach refers      Throughout the programme, students will learn to            It is fundamental that individuals in leadership roles
to the idea that all the properties of a given system, in   understand who they are as a leader and how they            within Higher Education are guided by their personal
any field of study, cannot be determined or explained       relate their role to their organisation. Via this thread,   and professional values. Throughout the programme,
by the sum of its component parts. Instead, the system      students are encouraged to develop an integrated view       students will explore the embedded values within dif-
as a whole determines how its parts behave. There-          of the leadership role in educational organisations and     ferent educational philosophies, learning to better ar-
fore as students progress through the increased levels      environmental contexts. Therefore the focus of this         ticulate their own values, and actively translate those
of analytical complexities in the modules, they will re-    thread is not only on the theories of leadership, but       into their professional life and activities.
flect upon key thematic threads which bind the com-         also on how leadership is enacted.
plete educational experience together.                                                                                  Collaborative Learning
                                                            Globalisation and International
                                                                                                                        Effective collaboration amongst colleagues is a req-
Woven throughout the programme’s curriculum, these          Networking
                                                                                                                        uisite for successful navigation of the challenges fac-
thematic threads are consistent with international ed-
                                                            Modern education needs to take into account glob-           ing Higher Education professionals. Across all taught
ucation, global leadership, and organisational trends.
                                                            al realities while preparing individuals to act locally.    modules, students participate in small, collaborative
Rather than teach these themes in isolation, this pro-
                                                            Additionally, many Higher Education institutions al-        teams where they learn to effectively operate across
gramme recognises the importance these topics play
                                                            ready operate in a fully globalised environment. To be      professional disciplines and intercultural dimen-
in today’s educational leadership environments. With
                                                            effective, educators must be able to critically evalu-      sions. This ongoing, intensive interaction reflects the
this in mind, the University of Liverpool’s online EdD
                                                            ate the opportunities and challenges of globalisation       integrated and international philosophy of the pro-
introduces key thematic threads which cut across all
                                                            and prepare students and their organisations for this       gramme.
the modules offered:
                                                            changing reality. With this thread running throughout
                                                            the programme, students gain an understanding of the        Practitioner Research
                                                            importance of intercultural dynamics and learn to lev-
                                                                                                                        The development of research skills is an essential com-
                                                            erage that understanding into networking opportuni-
                                                                                                                        ponent of any doctoral programme. To help students
                                                            ties with their colleagues.
                                                                                                                        become effective change-agents, they undertake in-
                                                                                                                        creasingly complex, practitioner-oriented research
                                                                                                                        tasks throughout the programme. Students graduate
                                                                                                                        as doctoral practitioners with the research skills need-
                                                                                                                        ed to support them on their path to professional ad-
Doctor of Education - Higher Education                                                                                                                        5

Programme Structure
The programme begins with an initial orientation of the online classroom,
followed by nine core modules (30 credits per module), the Doctoral Devel-
opment Plan (90 credits) and a thesis (180 credits).                                                               Thesis
                                                                                                  elopment Pla
                                                                                              De v            n
The first module is eleven weeks in length and each subsequent module is ten          tor
                                                                                    c                  Module 7/8/9                Collaborative Learning
weeks. Modules are sequenced in an order that is best suited to the students’

development on the programme. Student support services are available from                          Module 4/5/6                    Leadership & personal
the Centre for Student Success. The Doctoral Development Plan (DPP) pro-                         Module 2/3
                                                                                                                                   Personal & Proffessional
gresses in parallel with the nine core modules
                                                                                               Module 1                            Values

                                                                                                                                   Practitioner Research
Preparatory Modules
                                                                                                                                   Globalisation & Interna-
 › Student Readiness Orientation (0 credits)e D                                                                                    tional Networking

Core Modules
 › Doctoral Development Plan (90 credits–10 cred-
   its accumulated per module)
 ›   Becoming a Doctoral Practitioner (30 credits)
 ›   Learners and Learning (30 credits)
 ›   Learning: Environments, Infrastructures and Organisations (30 credits)
 ›   Ways of Knowing: Perspectives on Education-
                                                                                The programme takes on average 4½ years to complete with a few
     al Research and Practice (30 credits)
                                                                                weeks’ break in between modules. Should students need to alter
 ›   Values in Educational Research and Practice (30 credits)
                                                                                their study path due to work or family commitments they can do
 ›   Leadership, Policy and Institutional Change (30 credits)
                                                                                so in consultation with a Student Support Manager.
 ›   Educational Research Methods (30 credits)
 ›   Action Research for Educational Leadership (30 credits)
                                                                                Course work: 2.5 years. Thesis: 1 – 2 years.
 ›   Internationalisation and the Impact of Global Trends (30 credits)
 ›   Thesis (180 research credits)
Doctor of Education - Higher Education                                                                                                                                              6

Modules                                                      Core Modules
Student Readiness Orientation                                Doctoral Development Plan (DDP)                                ›› Reflect on personal and professional transforma-
                                                                                                                               tions arising from the programme and recognise the
Aim: To equip students with the technical skills neces-      Aims: The DDP module forms the backbone of the Doc-
                                                                                                                               skills and dispositions developed on their journey
sary to successfully study online, aided by inspirational    tor of Education - Higher Education programme, giving
                                                                                                                            ›› Identify areas for development and consolidation in
testimonials from current students and alumni, in a          it coherence and continuity, both intellectually and in
                                                                                                                                their professional and research context
rich multimedia environment.                                 relation to the student’s engagement in the programme.
                                                                                                                            ›› Draft a framing document for their doctoral thesis
                                                             The DDP runs in parallel to the other nine core mod-
                                                                                                                                that is well argued, relevant, ethical, and realistic,
In this module, students will grasp the basic techni-       ules. It is intended to support critical reflection on the
                                                                                                                                as well as demonstrating the potential to lead to
 cal information and knowledge needed to successfully        part of the student at the level of personal, practice re-         the development of new professional knowledge or
 participate in an online curriculum. They will learn        lated career progression, and the capacity to act as a             insights.
 how to use the online classroom to get assignments,         doctoral practitioner.
 interact with instructors and other students, and sub-                                                                    Becoming a Doctoral Practitioner
 mit work. In this introduction students will gain a clear   A DDP Mentor supports students as they progress
                                                                                                                           Aim: To introduce students to the ethos and ways of
 idea of what is expected from them as they participate      from the development of doctoral level skills to the
                                                                                                                           working on the EdD programme, and set the expecta-
 in an online classroom. Finally the orientation pro-        application and exploitation of those skills. Through
                                                                                                                           tions for the subsequent modules as they engage with
 vides students with an overview of the rules regarding      interaction with the DDP Mentor and completion of
                                                                                                                           the basic skills and attributes of doctoral level work.
 quotation and citation – essential to any postgraduate      reflective writings, the DDP will build students’ confi-
 study, whether online or campus-based.                      dence and capacity to act as a critically reflective doc-
                                                                                                                           This module will introduce students to the ethos and
                                                             toral practitioner within their own professional and
                                                                                                                           ways of working on the EdD, setting the pattern for
                                                             leadership practice. This module, and the DDP Men-
                                                                                                                           future modules as they engage with the basic skills
                                                             tor, will also support the students’ planning of their
                                                                                                                           and attributes of doctoral level work. The module pro-
                                                             research thesis.
                                                                                                                           vides students with the opportunity to articulate their
                                                                                                                           own motivations for entering the programme. This
                                                             By the end of this module, students will be able to:
                                                                                                                           is achieved through collaborative discussion on the
                                                                                                                           origins of, and variations in, higher education in the
                                                              ›› Apply well developed critical thinking skills to their
                                                                                                                           home countries of the students. Students will gain in-
                                                                  reading and writing capabilities
                                                                                                                           sights into the potential for learning by working with a
                                                                                                                           diverse cohort of international learning collaborators
Doctor of Education - Higher Education                                                                                                                                              7

Core Modules (continued)
in the online classroom. Students will begin to consid-     and research findings; consolidate their understanding         In this module students will develop a systematic un-
er how their own and others’ approach to leadership         of a range of models of learning, both generic models          derstanding of the social and organisational context
is influenced by contextual and cultural factors, and       and those which focus on individual differences; and           within which learning unfolds. This understanding
how research might play a part in promoting the de-         in so doing develop the students’ ability to select and        will help inform subsequent practitioner research, and
velopment of their professional practice. By encourag-      apply different models to the interpretations of differ-       the scoping, evaluation, and leadership of transforma-
ing students to get to know one another the module          ent learning goals and the design of different learning        tive change in educational environments.
begins the process of forming an international coop-        tasks.
erative academic community.                                                                                                By the end of this module, students will be able to:
                                                            By the end of this module, students will be able to:
By the end of this module, students will be able to:                                                                        ›› Describe and justify what constitutes an environ-
                                                             ›› Take part in informed debates about the merits of              ment that promotes high-quality learning suited to
 ›› Understand and manage the requirements of the               different models of learning in a range of contexts            the diversity of learners present in given social, or-
     EdD academic environment                                ›› Analyse the learning behaviour of themselves and               ganisational, and cultural contexts
 ›› Articulate their motivations for pursuing an EdD            their students, in terms of its likely effectiveness in    ›› Analyse ways in which specific factors influence
 ›› Understand the value of learning in an internation-         reaching learning goals, and recognise ways in which           any given environment for learning across a range
     al online team                                              to improve learning behaviour                                  of macro-level factors - whether underlying infra-
 ›› Understand the contextual and cultural factors that     ›› Read and critically assess a range of theories and            structures, technologies, organisational, profession-
     impact on Higher Education leadership                       research findings in the area of learning, in particu-        al, cultural, national or global factors
 ›› Begin the process of forming an international coop-        lar the relevance and generic nature of such theories       ›› Articulate the implications of the above analysis for
     erative academic community                                 and findings within their own contexts and expe-                learning that promotes either social transformation
                                                                riences                                                         or social reproduction
Learners and Learning
                                                            Learning: Environments,                                        Ways of Knowing: Perspectives on
Aim: To explore the nature of the learner, and learner/
                                                            Infrastructures and Organisations                              Educational Research and Practice
facilitator relationships, learning theories, and the re-
lationship between research and learning.                   Aim: To explore the nature of learning environments,           Aim: To provide students with a philosophical and
                                                            and the plans, creating, and structuring of those envi-        methodological underpinning of knowledge creation in
This module will build the students’ understanding in       ronments.                                                      education research.
reading and critiquing literature on learning theories
Doctor of Education - Higher Education                                                                                                                                          8

Core Modules (continued)
In this module, students will develop an ability to crit-   This module will develop the students’ ability to ana-
                                                                                                                        Leadership, Policy and
ically evaluate the ways in which different views of        lyse, articulate and make a commitment to the reali-
                                                                                                                        Institutional Change
knowledge, theory, and inquiry impact approaches to         sation of their own educational values. Students will
educational issues and problems. Students will learn        be able to recognise the nature of educational values       Aim: To explore theories of change and models for facil-
to recognise the value of clarifying ways of knowing        and how they are manifested in policy and practice,         itating continuous improvement, leadership and per-
in various educational and cultural contexts, with an       whether or not they are stated explicitly. With the abil-   sonal impact to act as a change agent, as well as the
aim to inform practitioner research and leadership of       ity to recognise these values, students will be able to     context for institutional change.
transformative change in educational organisations.         better inform their own decision-making skills, par-
                                                            ticularly when faced with conflicts in value.               This module will develop the students’ capacity to
By the end of this module, students will be able to:                                                                    drive transformative change within an organisation or
                                                            By the end of this module, students will be able to:        other social setting, ensuring that one’s focus extends
 ›› Recognise individual, social and cultural influences                                                               beyond acting as a collaborator to acting as a leader.
     on ways of knowing                                      ›› Articulate and provide a reasoned basis for their      The module also paves the way for extended forms of
 ›› Articulate the value of different ways of knowing in        personal educational values                            practitioner research within the practice setting.
     studying and solving real-life educational problems     ›› Recognise and express correspondences and con-
 ›› Analyse educational issues using theories generated         flicts between personal and cultural values in dif-    By the end of this module, students will be able to:
     and tested from different epistemological perspec-          ferent contexts
     tives                                                   ›› Analyse educational policies and practice in terms      ›› Display a clear understanding of theories of change,
 ›› Critically evaluate the ways in which approaches            of the cultural and educational values manifested,          organisational learning, and models for facilitat-
     to inquiry can impact on actions in an educational          whether explicitly or implicitly                            ing continuous improvement, linked to given insti-
     environment                                             ›› Assess the interests and values of different stake-         tutional and professional contexts
                                                                 holders, and relate these to the power relationships    ›› Analyse ways in which change initiatives and pol-
Values in Educational                                            which pertain within each context, in relation to a         icies play out for a diverse set of stakeholders, and
Research and Practice                                            range of educational projects                               affect one’s capacity to enact values fundamental to
Aim: To encourage students to explore their personal         ›› Develop personal and institutional strategies for           the educational enterprise
values and educational philosophy, understand the                bringing about educational policies and practices       ›› Develop strategies for exercising leadership amongst
role of education in society and policy, and the rela-           which are more consonant with their personal ed-            the students’ professional colleagues, establishing
tionship between research and policy.                            ucational values                                            shared commitments and building on a personal
Doctor of Education - Higher Education                                                                                                                                           9

Core Modules (continued)
   network of peers that crosses organisational and           ›› Critically evaluate a wide variety of educational re-   By the end of this module, students will be able to:
   geographical boundaries                                       search literature bringing both academic and pro-
 ›› Articulate inter-relationships between strategies for       fessional knowledge to bear                               ›› Critique the various approaches to action research
     change, and the policy, organisational and resourc-      ›› Assess the appropriateness of a research design and          in light of their understanding of research para-
     ing context within which change occurs                       the suitability of a variety of methods                      digms, methods and tools
                                                              ›› Identify productive problems in their own contexts       ›› Articulate and defend their value base in using ac-
Educational Research Methods
                                                                  and present a cogent argument for adopting particu-         tion research
Aim: To introduce the student to a range of inquiry               lar approaches to addressing these problems              ›› Apply an action research approach in their profes-
frameworks, including those predicated on the behav-          ›› 
                                                                 Design a small scale research project including              sional setting and leadership role
ioural theories of naturalistic and positivistic assump-         methodology and application for ethical approval
                                                                                                                          Internationalisation and the Impact
                                                             Action Research for                                          of Global Trends
                                                             Educational Leadership
This module will support students in understanding                                                                        Aim: To explore globalisation in education and nation-
the complexities underlying research production, dis-        Aim: To explore the notion of action research in its         al policy issues, as well as their relationship to global
semination and application. Students will be able to         many varied forms, and gain an in-depth understand-          trends.
develop a well articulated understanding of the nature       ing of the approach and application of action research
of educational research and the features that consti-        within a practical context.                                  This module will enable students to develop a critical
tute good education research. Throughout the mod-                                                                         understanding of the relationships between the inter-
ule, students will come to recognise the factors that        This module will enable students to critically exam-         national and national factors that enable and constrain
drive the questions we ask and the methods we use to         ine action research - a form of practitioner research        effective practice in particular contexts. Students will
seek answers. Students will understand the tools that        of significant value to leaders in educational organisa-     consider the ways in which interactions between dif-
can be used in educational research and apply rigor-         tions. Students will explore the underlying values and       ferent levels, from personal through to global, affect
ous practitioner research in their own professional          diversity of approaches of action research, and learn        practice settings and the scope for change. Students
context.                                                     to apply action research to an existing concern in           will also examine policy setting and policy enactment
                                                             their practice. Students will critically evaluate action     in light of global trends relevant to Higher Education.
By the end of this module, students will be able to:         research as a powerful tool for use in their wider lead-     This module will help students to develop and sustain
                                                             ership roles as well as their own personal professional      a personal and professional network to underpin their
 ›› Critically analyse the relationship between theory,     practice. Students will also be in a position to apply       practice.
     policy and practice in research                         action research as an approach to their thesis.
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Core Modules (continued)
By the end of this module, students will be able to:         with other students while building a rapport with their
                                                             DDP Mentor. The DDP Mentor then provides the con-
                                                                                                                        Please note all modules are not guaranteed
 ›› Analyse policies relevant to Higher Education and       tinuity and insight to support the students’ progress as
                                                                                                                        to be offered in any calendar year and cur-
     evaluate their impact on practice                       they enter this final stage of the programme.
                                                                                                                        rent scheduling may be subject to change.
 ›› Relate changes in the local educational context to
     international and national trends                       Thesis development will last between one and two
 ›› Evaluate the relationship between personal agency       years and will consist of four stages. These stages are:
     and evolving structures in light of international and   developing your thesis proposal, faculty review and
     national trends                                         approval of your proposal, writing the thesis itself,
 ›› Assess theoretical positions on globalisation           and the oral examination (known as the “viva voce”)
 ›› Plan for ongoing professional collaborative network-    of your thesis.
                                                             The University of Liverpool meets or exceeds all aca-
The thesis is the cornerstone of any doctoral pro-
                                                             demic quality standards for UK higher education, as
gramme. It is an original, scholarly work that embod-
                                                             defined by The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher
ies the students’ advanced knowledge and experience
                                                             Education (QAA), the independent body that is re-
and allows them to prove their mastery of the tech-
                                                             sponsible for standards in higher education in the UK.
niques they have studied in applied practice. Within
                                                             For details, see
the context of the EdD, the thesis leads to refinements
of practice which can reveal differential outcomes
rather than refinements of theory.

All elements of the programme contrive to provide effi-
cacy in completing the thesis, including research com-
petencies developed within and across the modules.
Students will begin “scaffolding” thesis writing skills
during the programme, allowing them to share ideas
You can also read