Better Together 10TH ANNUAL PALLIATIVE CARE SUMMIT - APRIL 10-11, 2018 ANAHEIM, CA - CCCC Annual Palliative Care Summit

Better Together 10TH ANNUAL PALLIATIVE CARE SUMMIT - APRIL 10-11, 2018 ANAHEIM, CA - CCCC Annual Palliative Care Summit
Better Together
Forging a New Path to Palliative Care

            10TH ANNUAL
            CARE SUMMIT
                     APRIL 10-11, 2018
                       ANAHEIM, CA

Better Together 10TH ANNUAL PALLIATIVE CARE SUMMIT - APRIL 10-11, 2018 ANAHEIM, CA - CCCC Annual Palliative Care Summit
                                                                                                                                 SAVE UP TO 22%!
For the past decade, the Coalition for Compassionate Care of Califor-                                                     Early Registration available through
                                                                                                                                  January 28, 2018
nia has provided leadership and a place for members of California’s
palliative care community to learn, collaborate, and grow. We proudly                                                    Special room rates available through
                                                                                                                                   March 15, 2018
invite you and your colleagues to join us in Anaheim this April as we
celebrate our 10th Annual Summit and explore exciting new frontiers in                                                           CCCCSUMMIT.ORG
palliative care.
                                                                                                                      INTENDED AUDIENCE
Now is the time—prominent healthcare leaders and policy makers are                                                    The 2018 Summit is designed for EVERYONE
calling for increased access to palliative care as part of healthcare re-                                             who wants to learn more about palliative
                                                                                                                      care, share innovative practices, and be
form. The media and the public are increasingly asking for information                                                a part of a growing movement to improve
about death, dying, and serious illness. Never before has there been so                                               the care of seriously ill people of all ages,
much interest in palliative care.                                                                                     including pediatrics, adolescents, young
                                                                                                                      adults, adults, and geriatrics. In particular, the
                                                                                                                      Summit brings together people from a variety
Our Summit purposefully brings together a variety of individuals with a                                               of backgrounds who want to work together to
vested interest in palliative care, including patients, professionals, and                                            advance palliative care, including:
policy makers. We create a space for anyone interested in palliative                              •                    Physicians
care at any level to collaborate with us, share ideas, and work in tan-                           •                    Nurses
dem to develop strategies, tools, and resources to ensure that all people                         •                    Social workers
have access to the care they need and no less, and the care they want                             •                    Chaplains
and no more. Register today!                                                                      •                    Administrators
                                                                                                  •                    Long-term supports and services providers
OBJECTIVES                                                                                        •                    Healthcare leaders
                                                                                                  •                    Faith leaders
The participant will be able to:
                                                                                                  •                    Educators
• Describe how palliative care can improve quality and reduce the cost of care for people
                                                                                                  •                    Academics
   with advanced illness.
• Discuss ways that hospice has been demonstrated to be one of the best ways to care for          •                    Caregivers
   people at the end of life.                                                                     •                    Patients
• Identify successes over the past 50 years to integrate palliative care into mainstream health   •                    Consumers
   care.                                                                                          •                    Policymakers
• Define the stages of the geriatric life cycle.
                                                                                                  •                    Government employees or staff
• Develop skills to prognosticate risk of patient-centered quality metrics.
• Identify risks for hospital induced delirium.                                                   •                    Media
• Describe California’s experience legalizing physician aid-in-dying – highlighting best practic- •                    Entrepreneurs
   es and areas for improvement.                                                                  •                    Innovators
• Reflect on the role of hospice and palliative care in responding to the End of Life Option Act. •                    Businesses and investors
• Discuss areas for further research or policy development to improve care for patients at the    •                    Technologists
   end of life.
                                                                                                  •                    Designers
                                                                                                  •                    And more!
   ≈12 CMEs/CEs
   Application for CME credit has been filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians.
   Determination of credit is pending.

   Applications for CE credit have been filed with the California Board of Registered Nursing, the California Board
   of Behavioral Sciences, California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, and the California Nursing
   Home Administration. This program may be used for continuing education credit for chaplains certified with the
   Board of Chaplaincy Certification, Inc.

     Coalition for Compassionate Care of California                                                                   Children’s Hospice & Palliative Care Coalition,
     promotes high-quality, compassionate care for all who                                                            a division of the Coalition for Compassionate Care of
     are seriously ill or nearing the end of life. Our goal is to                                                     California, is dedicated to improving children’s access
     transform healthcare so that medical care is aligned with                                                        to community-based palliative and hospice care services
     individual patient preferences—that people get the care                                                          through advocacy, program development and education.
     they need and no less, and the care they want and no                                                             COALITIONCCC.ORG/CHPCC

Tell us how you are forging a new path! Tweet using #CCCC18                                                             Fo r g i n g a n ew p a t h f o r p a l l i a t i ve c a r e.
Better Together 10TH ANNUAL PALLIATIVE CARE SUMMIT - APRIL 10-11, 2018 ANAHEIM, CA - CCCC Annual Palliative Care Summit

TUESDAY,                                                                   WEDNESDAY,
APRIL 10                                                                   APRIL 11
Charles F. von Gunten,                                                      Dianne Gray
MD, PhD                                                                     Hospice and Healthcare Communications,
OhioHealth Kobacker House,                                                  Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation
                                                                            Dianne Gray is an author, advocate, and force of nature as a grief
Journal of Palliative Medicine                                              and end-of-life care expert with a degree
Dr. Charles von Gunten is widely known
                                                                            that focused on sports management/
as a pioneer in hospice and palliative
                                                                            sports medicine in college and the
medicine. He is the Founding Chairman,
                                                                            school of life afterward. She’s a global
Test Committee, Hospice and Palliative
                                                                            keynote speaker, author of hundreds of
Medicine, American Board of Medical
                                                                            articles and textbook chapters, TV/radio
Specialties. He is Editor-in-Chief of the
                                                                            host and guest, and President of the
Journal of Palliative Medicine. Dr. von
                                                                            Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation. She’s
Gunten has received numerous awards
                                                                            also been the single parent/caregiver
including a lifetime achievement award
                                                                            for a child diagnosed at age 5 with a
from the American Academy for Hospice
                                                                            neurodegenerative disorder and parent of a healthy young daughter.
and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM) and the American Cancer Soci-
                                                                            Since her son died she has dedicated her life to improving care for
ety’s prestigious Pathfinder in Palliative Care Award. He has been
                                                                            all adults and children facing serious illness. Most recently, Dianne
recognized by AAHPM as one of 30 pioneers in palliative medicine
                                                                            worked with Olivia Newton-John, Beth Neilsen Chapman and Amy
and was named a top cancer doctor in Newsweek Health. He has
                                                                            Sky as a writer/partner “builder for good” for the LIV On project.
published and spoken widely on the subjects of hospice, palliative
medicine, and pain and symptom control. Dr. von Gunten earned
a PhD in Biochemistry and an MD with honors from the University             Ira Byock, MD, FAAHPM
of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver, Colorado in 1988.
Prior to joining OhioHealth, he led the development of education
                                                                            Institute for Human Caring
and research programs in the Institute for Palliative Medicine at San       Providence Health and Services
Diego Hospice as Provost and the University of California, San             Ira Byock is a leading palliative care physician, author and public
Diego as Clinical Professor of Medicine.                                   advocate for improving care through
                                                                           the end of life. He is founder and chief
Daniel R. Hoefer, MD                                                       medical officer of the Institute for Human
                                                                           Caring of Providence Health and
Sharp HospiceCare                                                          Services based in Torrance, California.
Dr. Daniel Hoefer is a board-certified                                     Dr. Byock is Active Emeritus Professor of
family practice physician, board certified                                 Medicine and Community and Family
in palliative medicine and is part of                                      Medicine at the Geisel School of Medi-
Sharp Rees Stealy Medical Group                                            cine at Dartmouth. He has been involved
in San Diego. He has spent over 25                                         in hospice and palliative care since
years working in nursing homes and                                         1978, and is a past president of the American Academy of Hospice
with geriatric patients. Dr. Hoefer is an                                  and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM). Dr. Byock has written extensively
EPEC-trained physician who has been                                        about the ethics and practice of care. He has received numerous
the visionary for the development of an                                    awards for academic achievement and community services and was
evidence-based disease management care model for late-stage                recognized as a Visionary by AAHPM in 2014. Dr. Byock has been
illness. He frequently presents to physicians and other healthcare         a featured guest on national television and radio programs.
providers on local, state and national levels including the World
Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology in Kaohsuing, Taiwan. Dr.
Hoefer received his undergraduate degree from UCLA and his MD               See bios for all 35+ presenters at
from Eastern Virginia Medical School, and completed his residency
at Northridge Family Practice.                                    

BETTER TOGETHER.                                                        Register online: CCCCSUMMIT.ORG/REGISTRATION                           3
Better Together 10TH ANNUAL PALLIATIVE CARE SUMMIT - APRIL 10-11, 2018 ANAHEIM, CA - CCCC Annual Palliative Care Summit

keynote                        general session                                                        Patient Stories: Are We Really
Taking Palliative Care         What the Heck Happened                                                “Hearing” What Our Patients
Mainstream: A Glimpse of the in 2017? The New “Normal”                                               Say?
Future                         and What It Means for                                                 Better maternity care, seat belt laws, AIDS
                               Palliative Care                                                       care, organ donation…. Every major improve-
                                                                                                     ment in public health has been advanced
VP, Medical Affairs, Hospice and Palliative
                                                   JUDY THOMAS, JD, Coalition for                    by an accompanying social movement.
Medicine OhioHealth Kobacker House; Edi-
                                                   Compassionate Care of California                  How can we work with patients to create a
tor-in-Chief, Journal of Palliative Medicine
                                                   2017 was marked by natural disasters, mass        successful social movement around palliative
Dr. von Gunten describes the path that other
                                                   shootings and political turmoil. What does        care? We can start by listening. In these short,
health care systems will follow by illustrating
                                                   that mean for palliative care? How do we          MedX style presentations, engaged patients
the path of a typical, Midwestern health care
                                                   take the high level of stress, chaos and trauma   and caregivers will share their personal stories
system in response to two facts. First, hospice
                                                   that seems to be our “new normal” and turn it     and perspectives on life and serious illness.
care has been proven to be the best way
                                                   into an asset for the palliative care movement?
to care for people in the last months of life.
                                                   Find out what the Coalition for Compassion-
Second, palliative care has been proven
                                                   ate Care is working on, has in store, and
to improve quality and reduce cost for the
                                                   how you can participate in this great societal
care of people with advanced illness. This
represents success of the efforts of the past
50 years to change mainstream health care.
However, success requires us to change, too.

breakouts                                          Cultivating Our Capacity for                      Starting From Scratch:
The Road Ahead in San                              Compassion                                        Engaging Communities Using
Diego: Application of the                          ANN ALLEGRE, MD, FACP, FAAHPM,
                                                                                                     a Strengths-Based Approach
CCCC Model                                         Spiritual Care Programme
                                                                                                     MARY MATTHIESON AND LISA DEAL,
                                                   Caring for those who are suffering or dying
                                                                                                     Mission Hospice and Home Care
KARL STEINBERG, MD AND JOHN TASTAD,                can lead caregivers to feel depleted, a
                                                                                                     Hospices have significant experience around
SCC, San Diego Coalition for Compassion-           problem which is exacerbated by the stresses
                                                                                                     end-of-life issues, yet can find themselves
ate Care                                           of working in the current health care envi-
                                                                                                     isolated as “just” end-of-life care providers in
In 2016, CCCC hosted a statewide conven-           ronment. Empathy, or feeling the suffering
                                                                                                     a community. Using an asset-based approach
ing of palliative care leaders and represen-       of others, is essential to providing compas-
                                                                                                     to community engagement around end-of-life
tatives of diverse communities serving the         sionate patient-centered care, but empathy
                                                                                                     issues delivered first in the UK and published
needs of people challenged by serious illness.     alone leads to risk of burnout. Compassion
                                                                                                     in the BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care
The goal was to provide an opportunity for         is a way of being, a feeling that arises when
                                                                                                     Journal, Mission Hospice launched a pilot
participants to discuss progress, gaps and         witnessing the suffering of others and a desire
                                                                                                     in two communities to learn how and if we
opportunities related to serious illness care in   to help. This session will help participants to
                                                                                                     could begin a partnership and participatory
California, and from that discussion develop       understand the differences between empathy
                                                                                                     approach to wider awareness, education and
an agenda for progress toward a shared             and compassion, consider the impact of
                                                                                                     compassionate community initiatives in our
vision. CCCC has since made a toolkit for          these practices in their work and to learn a
                                                                                                     region. This session will engage participants
The Road Ahead events available to local           compassion practice that they can use in their
                                                                                                     in the background, process and steps used,
coalitions. In November 2017, the San Diego        own lives and work setting.
                                                                                                     and share the key themes identified by each
Coalition for Compassionate Care hosted The
                                                                                                     as essential to reach a wider community.
Road Ahead to engage community leaders,
identify local progress, gaps and opportuni-
ties, and respond to local needs. This session
will report on the event, share lessons learned
and the final results.

4     Tell us how you are forging a new path! Tweet using #CCCC18                                     Fo r g i n g a n ew p a t h f o r p a l l i a t i ve c a r e.
Better Together 10TH ANNUAL PALLIATIVE CARE SUMMIT - APRIL 10-11, 2018 ANAHEIM, CA - CCCC Annual Palliative Care Summit

Oil Blending for Pain and                            about their child’s medical care. Thinking
                                                     about a child’s mortality is something most
Symptom Management: The                              parents – and many healthcare professionals        networking events*
                                                    – do not feel prepared to do. This workshop         This year, you’ll have multiple opportunities
Use of Medical Cannabis in                           will explore the role and impact of parental       to get into smaller groups and explore game
Palliative Care                                      perceptions, beliefs and emotions in pediatric     demonstrations, Q&As, and other fun stuff.
                                                     palliative care, and identify ways that the
DAVID SINE, MD, Trilliam Kids/Bio-Life;              palliative care team can better understand
Bio-Life; LEE THAI, Bio-Life
                                                     and respond to parents’ ways of thinking. We
                                                     will identify the powerful role of hope, belief
                                                                                                             *Get Interactive
In 2016, Dr. Sine presented a session examin-        and expectation, and identify ways to com-
ing recent clinical data and family testaments       municate honestly and effectively with parents,     Among the hallmarks of CCCC’s
regarding the use of various alternative             patients and families, while supporting their       annual Summit are the variety of
treatments and their increasing potential in pe-     emotional, spiritual and cultural needs. We         opportunities for participants to
diatric palliative care. This session will update    will also explore opportunities to maintain
the progress made in the last two years on the       and/or transition the hopes of parents and
                                                                                                         be interactive with the speakers,
project which has increased from about 40-           providers throughout the continuum of care.         sessions and activities. We want
50 patients to now over 450 patients – adults                                                            you to get up, speak out and take
and children utilizing medical Cannabis for
                                                    general session                                      advantage of all the Summit has
pain and symptom management. The session                                                                 to offer. You’ll find even more
will present from the perspectives of physician,    If Only Someone Had                                  opportunities to become fully
nurse practitioner and compound pharmacist.
                                                    Warned Us                                            engaged in this year’s Summit
Holding Onto Hope: Parental                                                                              through:
                                                    DANIEL R. HOEFER, MD, Sharp HospiceCare
                                                    Using a variety of patient scenarios, Dr.
Beliefs and Emotions in                             Hoefer will highlight the unintended conse-          •    Small group discussions
Pediatric Palliative Care                           quences of continuing traditional interventions      •    Large group discussions
                                                    for pre-terminal geriatric patients. Honing our      •    Meet-ups with speakers
REV. SUSAN A COSIO, Sutter Medical                  palliative prognostication skills is necessary if
Center                                              we are to provide interventions that support
                                                                                                         •    Q&As with presenters
Parents of children with advanced, life-threat-     patient-centered outcomes.                           •    Game demonstrations
ening illness may face excruciating decisions                                                            •    And more!

reception &                                                                    Explore Anaheim!
poster session
Join us for cocktails, hors d’oeuvres,
and a poster session featuring a
showcase of the best community-
based palliative care programs
and projects from around the state.

                                                       Our first day at the Summit will end with the reception and poster session
                                                       to allow you a night of fun and exploration in Anaheim. From restaurants
                                                         near the conference location, to Downtown Disney® and more, you’ll
                                                        have plenty of time Tuesday night to get out of the hotel and enjoy what
                                                                      Anaheim and Orange County have to offer.

BETTER TOGETHER.                                                         Register online: CCCCSUMMIT.ORG/REGISTRATION                               5
Better Together 10TH ANNUAL PALLIATIVE CARE SUMMIT - APRIL 10-11, 2018 ANAHEIM, CA - CCCC Annual Palliative Care Summit

local coalitions                                     panel                       awards luncheon
breakfast                                            Upping our Game:            Compassionate Care
Watch your email for an invitation to the
special networking opportunity for our local
                                                     Understanding the Needs and Leadership Awards
coalitions. This chance to meet with other           Concerns of Those with
coalition leaders and CCCC staff is a great                                      Celebrate the accomplishments
place to see what other coalitions are doing         Disabilities
and learn from each other.                                                                              of California’s leaders in
                                                     GRETCHEN ALKEMA, SCAN Foundation                   palliative and end-of-life care
                                                     (Invited Moderator)
panel                                                Just as cancer used to be a topic we avoid,        during the Compassionate Care
The Healing Power of Now:                            so is disability. How does that avoidance          Leadership Award luncheon.
                                                     impact the care we provide and the conver-
Using Presence as a                                  sations we have? Is it possible that by being
                                                     more inclusive in our thinking that we can         See Page 11 to learn how you
Therapeutic Tool                                     improve care for everyone?                         can nominate an individual and
Moderated by:                                                                                           organization for a Compassionate
JIM MCGREGOR, MD, Sutter Care at Home                morning                                            Care Leadership Award.
This panel session will explore what it means
to be truly present with a seriously-ill person.
                                                     networking events*
                                                     This year, you’ll have multiple opportunities
Using a case-based approach, this inter-
                                                     to get into smaller groups and explore game
disciplinary panel will explore the practical
                                                     demonstrations, Q&As, and other events. See
application of Eckhart Tolle’s teachings on
                                                     page 5 for more information.
presence to the practice of palliative care.

breakout sessions
Taking Psychedelics Seriously:                       the socio-political, legal and regulatory chal-
                                                     lenges of prescribing and using psychedelics
                                                                                                        progressive medical conditions, and people
                                                                                                        with disabilities. It will review best practices
Responding to Persistent                             in carefully monitored ways.                       for goals of care conversations and discharge
                                                                                                        planning to ensure that people can continue
Suffering                                                                                               to participate and live well in their own
                                                     Patients with Disabilities:                        homes and communities regardless of their
IRA BYOCK, MD, Providence Institute for
Human Caring; CHARLES GROB, MD, Har-                 Avoiding Unconscious Bias                          functional limitations and support needs.
bor-UCLA Medical Center                              When Discussing Goals of
Severe psychological and existential suffering                                                          Bridging the Gap: An
robs people of meaningful quality of life            Care
and brings some to desire to end their lives.                                                           Advanced Illness Program to
                                                     CLARISSA KRIPKE, MD, UCSF Medical
Currently available treatments for depression,
                                                                                                        Connect the Community with
anxiety, and spiritual distress often fail to
alleviate suffering among people who are             People with terminal diagnoses sometimes           Health Services
seriously ill. Renewed research involving            fear loss of function, dependence on others
psilocybin, MDMA and similar psychedel-              for help, and loss of autonomy more than they      CYNTHIA CARTER PERRILLIAT, MPA,
ic compounds suggests that this class of             fear death. Also, people with complex disabil-     Alameda County Care Alliance; VALERIA
drugs has important therapeutic potential in         ities, cognitive or communication challenges,      STEINMETZ, Alameda County Care Alliance;
treatments for persistent, non-physical suffering.   or who use personal support are frequently         JANICE BELL, MN, MPH, PHD, Betty Irene
Psychedelic properties of specific plants have       presumed to be terminally ill, or to have a        Moore School of Nursing; JILL JOSEPH, MD,
been used for centuries by indigenous cultures       low quality of life. These fears and beliefs can   PHD, Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
to induce expanded states of consciousness           lead to premature withdrawal of life-sustaining    The Alameda County Care Alliance (ACCA)
and spiritual experiences. In this session, we       care, poor advanced care planning, and             Advanced Illness Care Program™ (AICP)
will review the pharmacology, clinical trials,       unnecessary existential distress. This session     is a faith-based, person-centered program
and neurobiology of psychedelics, including          will examine the ways in which healthcare          operated through a consortium of 12 churches
evidence from functional imaging and discuss         providers can recognize and re-frame false         in Alameda and Contra Costa counties that
the clinical indications, contraindications, and     narratives about disability and terminal illness   provides navigation support to persons need-
side-effects of these medications as well as         to improve the lives of elders, people with        ing advanced illness care and their families/

6      Tell us how you are forging a new path! Tweet using #CCCC18                                       Fo r g i n g a n ew p a t h f o r p a l l i a t i ve c a r e.
Better Together 10TH ANNUAL PALLIATIVE CARE SUMMIT - APRIL 10-11, 2018 ANAHEIM, CA - CCCC Annual Palliative Care Summit

caregivers to meet spiritual, advanced care
planning, health (physical and psychosocial),
                                                    It’s Different with Kids: A                           panel
social and caregiving needs. This session will      Conversation About Ethics                             After the Act: Lessons Learned
explore how to reach vulnerable populations
with advanced illness care needs beyond the
                                                    and Emotions                                          and Benefits for the Broader
healthcare delivery system through the training
                                                    MARTA FIEDMAN, LCSW, AHSW, JD and
                                                                                                          Population after the End of Life
and deployment of community care naviga-
tors in the faith-based community.
                                                    CHRISTY TORKILDSON, UCSF Benioff Chil-                Option Act Implementation
                                                    dren’s Hospital
                                                    In this session, we will look at the challenging      Moderated by:
Targeting Strategies to                             situations faced in working with seriously-ill        LAEL DUNCAN, MD, Coalition for Compas-
                                                    children in light of our own histories, narratives,   sionate Care of California
Improve Advance Directives in                       feelings and judgments which often involve            Has implementation of the End of Life Option
Major Cancer Hospitals                              loss, cumulative grief, trauma, family dysfunc-       act moved the dial on how we die? What
                                                    tion and fracture, cultural/spiritual/religious       did we learn from the development of policy
FINLY ZACHARIAH, MD and LINDSAY                     differences, and so much more that we all             and processes for the End of Life Option Act
EMANUAL, City of Hope National Medical              bring. Working with children often leads to           that we can use to better inform the care and
Center                                              additional loss, grief, and trauma for providers      conversations we offer everyone with terminal
This session will present the efforts at City of    as well as families. One of the hallmarks of          illness? Does the work we’ve done around
Hope National Medical Center to increase            palliative care is to gain an understanding of        the Act affect how we think about creating a
completed advance directives through the            our patients and families, and how they make          better end-of-life experience for all patients?
development of a culturally sensitive ACP           the difficult decisions we so often ask them to       Have we learned what it might take to ensure
campaign; the successful integration of ACP         make. The goal of this session is to build upon       universal patient access to informed deci-
patient navigators; and successful collabora-       intermediate and advanced ethical principles,         sion-making in the last phase of life?
tive strategies to work with the hematology         and clinical skills and practice. As a group,
                                                    we will look at case studies and share strate-
transplant population. We will share how a
series of targeted interventions allowed for the    gies that can be implemented in the very real         closing session
increase of advance directive rates from 29         situations that we often face.                        Together We Can Do Any-
percent to 70 percent in just two years.
                                                                                                          thing: Leveraging Communities
                                                    Who Decides When Adoles-
Care Concordance and the                                                                                  of Care to Spread Palliative
                                                    cents and Adults Don’t Agree
Evolution of End-of-Life                                                                                  Care
                                                    ILANIT BROOK, MD, LINDA RADBILL, PHD,
Wishes                                              and MARI RADZIK, MA, PHD, Children’s                  DIANNE GRAY,
                                                    Hospital of Los Angeles                               Hospice and Healthcare Communications
JENNIFER HOPPING-WINN, LCSW and                     One of the more difficult scenarios in                and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation
MELISSA STERN, Kaiser Permanente North-             medicine is navigating a medical plan when            Dianne Gray would like you to think differ-
ern California                                      the patient and family do not agree. This             ently about your tribe — those who make up
Health systems across the United States are         becomes even more complex when the                    your overall palliative care community. Why?
engaging in efforts to elicit, document and         patient is not of legal age but seemingly has         Because as she puts it, “the need for palli-
honor the care preferences of patients as they      capacity to make medical decisions. We                ative care will soon out-pace the resources
near the end of life. However, little is known      will explore how the palliative care team can         available. Simply put, we don’t need to ask
about how the wishes of patients evolve and         help to navigate to a unified, agreed-upon            palliative care teams to work harder. We
whether those wishes are respected. To better       medical plan when there is dissent between            need to help them work smarter… and one
understand the issue, Kaiser Permanente             an adolescent patient and their family. Using         way to do this is through creating enhanced
conducted a comprehensive review of care            current understanding of both the legal and           communities of care.” Listen in as Dianne, a
concordance between patients’ documented            neuro-developmental aspects of capacity and           former 12-year caregiver who now is a 25-
wishes and their final care encounter. In this      cases we’ll highlight a potential path to com-        year hospice and palliative care journalist,
session, we will share how this method can          promise and discuss tools that are available to       researcher and global advocate, shares the
be replicated in other health systems and           support the case that an adolescent may have          most up-to-date outside the box resources,
implications for any organization using POLST       capacity to make their own decisions.                 research and technology that will help not
forms. While advance care planning and                                                                    only patients and family members but you too,
the POLST form provide invaluable tools for                                                               as you strive to meet the needs inherent in the
recording patients’ wishes, this study highlights                                                         provision of quality palliative care. Together
the challenge in tracking patients’ wishes as                                                             we do anything, especially if we expand our
they evolve over time and the need for ongo-                                                              scope of vision as to what constitutes our inter-
ing conversations about goals of care.                                                                    nal and external tribe, as well as our palliative
                                                                                                          care community.

BETTER TOGETHER.                                                          Register online: CCCCSUMMIT.ORG/REGISTRATION                                  7
Better Together 10TH ANNUAL PALLIATIVE CARE SUMMIT - APRIL 10-11, 2018 ANAHEIM, CA - CCCC Annual Palliative Care Summit

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                                                                               here – and leave ordinary behind.
Additionally, the hotel offers a courtesy shuttle to and from Disney-
land® as well as a Disneyland® Resort Desk for admission purchases.            Southern California is home to many of the world’s best theme parks,
                                                                               from the original Disneyland® Park in Anaheim to SeaWorld® in San
                                                                               Diego to Universal Studios Hollywood. You’ll also find Aquarium of
                                                                               the Pacific, the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, as
                                                                               well as a number of history and art museums and golf courses nearby.

                                                                               Make the best of your visit to Anaheim.
                                                                               Check out

8      Tell us how you are forging a new path! Tweet using #CCCC18                                       Fo r g i n g a n ew p a t h f o r p a l l i a t i ve c a r e.
Better Together 10TH ANNUAL PALLIATIVE CARE SUMMIT - APRIL 10-11, 2018 ANAHEIM, CA - CCCC Annual Palliative Care Summit

Summit Registration Rates                                                 SCHOLARSHIPS
                                                                          A limited number of scholarships are available for students and pallia-
 Pricing Deadline          Member                  Non-Member             tive care patient advocates. All scholarship recipients are expected to
                                                                          attend the Summit in full. Visit the scholarships page to learn more and
 January 28, 2018          $399                    $599
                                                                          apply at
 February 28, 2018         $499                    $699
 Late & Onsite             $599                    $799                   SUMMIT CANCELLATION POLICY
                                                                          Registration substitutions are allowed and encouraged. If you must
Online Registration
                                                                          cancel your registration, send written cancellation requests via fax to
Pay online at
                                                                          (888) 789-9475 or via email to Cancellations
                                                                          received prior to February 27, 2018, are subject to a $25 adminis-
Register by Mail
                                                                          trative fee. Cancellations received on or after February 27, but prior
To register by mail, complete the form on Page 10 and mail it along
                                                                          to March 20, 2018, are subject to a $100 administrative fee. No
with payment (credit card or check) to:
                                                                          refunds will be issued for cancellations received on or after March
                                                                          20, 2018.
    Coalition for Compassionate Care of California
    Attn: Keeta Scholl
    1331 Garden Highway, Suite 100
    Sacramento, CA 95833
                                                                             A CONFIRMATION EMAIL WILL BE SENT TO ALL
                                                                             REGISTRANTS AT LEAST ONE WEEK BEFORE THE SUMMIT.
To address a grievance or request special accommodations pursuant
to the Americans with Disabilities Act, call (916) 489-2222.

Full attendance, in its entirety, is required at all education sessions in order to receive professional continuing education credits (CMEs/CEs).
Continuing education is provided for full-day attendance. Partial day credit is not available. All attendees must sign in with their professional
license numbers in the morning of each day of the Summit. In order to receive credit, participants must complete an online survey within 30
days following the Summit in order to receive a CME/CE certificate. Continuing education certificates will be sent via email. Certificates of at-
tendance will be available at the end of the Summit in the afternoon of Wednesday, April 11, 2018. Note: A 50-minute minimum of uninterrupted
time is required to qualify for one hour of CME/CE credit. Continuing education excludes lunch and break periods.

                                     Application for CME credit has been filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians. Determina-
  ASSISTANTS                         tion of credit is pending. CME credits are sponsored by Partnership HealthPlan of California.

                                     This course meets the qualifications for approximately 12 contact hours. This provider is approved by the
                                     California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #CEP 15403.

                                     This course meets the qualifications for an estimated 12 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs,
                                     LCSWs, LPCCs and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. CCCC is ap-
                                     proved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education
                                     for LCSWs and LMFTs, Provider #91987.

  NURSING HOME                       An application has been made to the California Nursing Home Administration program (NHAP# CEP
  ADMINISTRATORS                     1735) for an estimated 12 NHAP/P credits. Determination is pending.

                                     This program may be used for continuing education credit for chaplains certified with the Board of Chap-
                                     laincy Certification, Inc.

BETTER TOGETHER.                                                      Register online: CCCCSUMMIT.ORG/REGISTRATION                               9
Better Together 10TH ANNUAL PALLIATIVE CARE SUMMIT - APRIL 10-11, 2018 ANAHEIM, CA - CCCC Annual Palliative Care Summit
SUMMIT                                                                           ONLINE @

                                                                                                   FAX (888) 789-9475 / PHONE (916) 489-2222

                                                                                                   CCCC SUMMIT, 1331 GARDEN HIGHWAY,
                                                                                                   SUITE 100, SACRAMENTO, CA 95833
                                                                                                   MORE INFORMATION: INFO@COALITIONCCC.ORG

 NAME                                                                                                                                       SUFFIX

 TITLE                                                                                             ORGANIZATION


 EMAIL                                                                                             PHONE                                    TWITTER HANDLE

 CONTINUING EDUCATION                                                                              ARE YOU INTERESTED IN ATTENDING PEDIATRIC BREAKOUT SESSIONS?
 {{ Physician             {{ Nursing                {{ Social Work            {{ Nursing Home
                                                                                                            {{ Yes                  {{ No                          {{ Maybe

 {{ Certificate of Completion                       License No. (required):

CCCC ANNUAL SUMMIT REGISTRATION                                                                     PAYMENT METHOD
Registration includes summit materials, and continental breakfast and lunch on                      All registrations must be pre-paid:
both days. Limited partial scholarships are available. Contact CCCC for more                         {{ Check enclosed payable to Coalition for Compassionate Care of California
information at (916) 489-2222 or
                                                                                                     {{ Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover)

    EARLY (Postmarked by January 28, 2018)
       {{ CCCC Member................................................................ $399
                                                                                                     Name (as it appears on card)
       {{ Non-Member.................................................................. $599

    ADVANCE (Postmarked between January 28 and February 28, 2018)
       {{ CCCC Member................................................................ $499           Billing Address
       {{ Non-Member.................................................................. $699

    LATE (Postmarked on or after February 28, 2018)
       {{ CCCC Member................................................................ $599           City                                       State                 Zip
       {{ Non-Member.................................................................. $799
                                                                                                                       -                    -                     -
    CCCC MEMBERSHIP / I would like to become a member of CCCC                                        Credit Card Number
       {{ Individual........................................................................ $50

All staff of organizational members can attend at the member rate.
For more information, visit                                              Expiration Date (dd/yy)                    3 or 4 digit security code

You must have paid CCCC dues for the current year to qualify for the membership
rate. To verify, contact CCCC at (916) 489-2222 or

If registering as a member, specify membership type:                                                 Signature
          {{ Organization
          {{ Community Coalition                                                                    Faxed registration with signed purchase order is also accepted.
                                                                                                    Fax to (888) 789-9475.
          {{ Individual

Indicate the name of the organization or coalition that is a current CCCC                           Indicate below if you wish to receive one of the following meals:
member: _____________________________________________________                                        {{Vegetarian                               {{Vegan

CCCC DONATION Keep up the good work!                                                                Indicate below if you require special accommodations pursuant to the ADA:
AMOUNT $___________________________________________________

TOTAL $_____________________________________________________

I give CCCC my permission to include my contact information in the roster of
        {{ Yes
        {{ No

 Sponsor the Summit
 Your gift of sponsorship will help us bring together more than 400 health
 care professionals—including healthcare administrators, doctors, nurses, phy-
 sician assistants, social workers, educators, chaplains, and thought leaders
 from around the state—who are dedicated to taking palliative care main-
 stream and making it a standard in care for people with serious illness or
 life-threatening conditions.

 Join us as a sponsor and make possible the discussion, learning, and inno-
                                                                                        Susan Keller, MA, MLIS
 vation in how we can improve care for the seriously ill—from helping families        2017 Compassionate Care
 make informed decisions to providing quality end-of-life and palliative care         Leadership Award recipient
 for under-served populations.

 Sponsorships start at $1,500 and include your logo printed on Summit mate-          Nominate a
 rials and promotion before and during the event. Contact us today to learn
 more!                                                                                 Leader
                                                                                    & HONOR THE
 Purchase your sponsorship at, and contact us
 at (916) 993-7712 or                              EXTRAORDINARY
                                                                                     Do you know of a leader,
                                                                                     researcher, practitioner or
                                                                                  organization making a positive
MONDAY,                                  WEDNESDAY,                               impact on the way Californians
                                                                                   are cared for during serious ill-
APRIL 9                                  APRIL 11                                    ness or at the end of life?

4:00pm–7:00pm                                                                          Nominate them for a
Early Registration Open                  7:30–8:30am                                   Compassionate Care
                                         Registration                                   Leadership Award!

TUESDAY,                                 8:30am-4:00pm                            Categories include individuals
                                         Sessions                                 and organizations, companies
APRIL 10                                                                           or facilities. Honorees are cel-
                                                                                 ebrated at a Summit luncheon on
                                                                                       Wednesday, April 11.
7:30am–6:00pm                              Early Registration
Exhibitor Tables Open                                                               Deadline for nominations:
                                           Our registration desk will be           5pm PT, Wednesday, Feb. 7,
7:30am–4:30pm                              open on Monday evening from                        2018
Registration                               4:00 - 7:00pm. Swing by, grab
                                           your badge and program, and                     Learn more at:
8:30am–4:30pm                              be ready to hit the Summit run-
                                           ning on Tuesday morning.
Reception & Poster Session

BETTER TOGETHER.                                         Register online: CCCCSUMMIT.ORG/REGISTRATION              11
                                                           FIRST CLASS
                                                          U.S. POSTAGE
                                                         PERMIT NO. 1841
                                                         SACRAMENTO, CA
     1331 Garden Highway, Suite 100
     Sacramento, California 95833


     Register by January 28, 2018 and save!

 REGISTER       Forging a New Path to Palliative Care
                  10th Annual Palliative Care Summit

                                              APRIL 10-11, 2018
                                                ANAHEIM, CA
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