Bio/Pharmaceutical - Eurofins

Page created by Lewis Phillips
Bio/Pharmaceutical - Eurofins
In this issue
                                                Celebrating 60 years 2
                                   New Qube Sterility Isolator delivers
                                        greater efficiency, increased
                                          throughput, and individual
                                                     customizations 3
                                           ddPCR quantifies without
                                      calibration curve & determines
                                       absolute DNA concentration 4
                           Wealth of cGMP experience testing
                                        RNA based drugs 5
                                     Ensuring Sterile Barrier System
                                        integrity for patient safety 6
                                           People are the Chemistry 7

                     Spring 2021

Bio/Pharmaceutical - Eurofins
delivering innovative,
                                                                                                                   timely and cost effective
                                                                                                                   scientific solutions to
                                                                                                                   help customers better
                                                                                                                   manage their testing
                                                                                                                   challenges and advance
                                                                                                                   drug development have
                                                                                                                   been the catalyst for our
                                                                                                                   sustained success. We
                                                                                                                   take a lot of pride in
Celebrating 60 years & 10 with Eurofins                                                                            what we do and enjoy
                                                                                                                   working with each
                                                                                               Decade after decade, with growth comes
                                               This year we also celebrate 10 years as part    exciting new technology and instrumenta-
                                               of Eurofins Scientific. In 2011 when we         tion to deliver the most comprehensive
                                               joined Eurofins, we couldn’t have imagined      service offering in the industry. Partnering
                                               a better parent company which held the          with our clients’ to meet their ever-expand-
                                               same standards in ethics and customer           ing needs allows us to be at the forefront
                                               service. With the help of Eurofins, our         of the industry. Just this past year, we’ve
                                               global growth trajectory sky-rocketed. Eu-      enhanced capabilities for mRNA COVID-19
                                               rofins Lancaster Laboratories became part       vaccine support, rapid mycoplasma testing,
                                               of Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing, the      rapid sterility, and surgical mask testing.
                                               largest network of harmonized biopharma-        We have added instrumentation like ddPCR,
                                               ceutical GMP product testing labs in the        AUC, and MALS for GMP product test-
                                               world with 36 facilities in 19 countries. Fu-   ing. We continue to invest in equipment
                                               eled by strong and steady business growth       like new sterility isolators and invest in our
                                               the group continued to hire talented staff      infrastructure like new lab expansions for
                                               and make strategic investments in capacity      Virus Safety, Cell Based Assay, Stability,
                                               and offerings. In 2017 Eurofins Lancaster       Product Testing, Category 5, Portage Micro-
                                               Laboratories grew 200 times its original        biology Lab, BSL2 labs in San Diego and
                                               size and constructed its 13th and largest       Columbia, and a Sterile Fill/Finish lab in
Neal Salerno, President, Eurofins Lancaster
Laboratories Inc., a Eurofins BioPharma        building expansion. In addition, the team       San Diego. Finally, we also have created a
Product Testing Company                        created a Medical Device testing business       state-of-the-art LIMs system and improved
In 1961, Lancaster Laboratories began its      at the site and became part of the Eurofins     LabAccess functionality. We’ve done all this
iconic success story in a 2,500 ft2 building   Medical Device Testing network which con-       to ensure that we may continue to service
on farmland owned by the family of com-        sists of over 20 laboratories worldwide. The    our customers for the foreseeable future.
pany founders Dr. Earl and Anita Hess.         company also realized outstanding growth
                                               and development for its unique client-site      Behind the science, equipment and facili-
Lancaster Labs’ seeds of success were                                                          ties are our scientists who are the most
firmly planted in the founding principle       laboratory management service model, PSS
                                               Insourcing Solutions, which has grown to 85     important element in our chemistry and
that providing personal quality testing ser-                                                   the reason for our satisfied clients and
vices in an ethical manner would not only      sites in 20 countries with more than 2,000
                                               employees since its inception in 2002.          historic success. We are humbled by the
delight clients, but also ensure continued                                                     hard work and dedication of each member
record growth and longevity. Six decades       Biopharmaceutical service offerings have        of our team. Our profound gratitude goes
of a strong work ethic, unrivaled data in-     grown exponentially over the last sev-          to our clients for choosing us to be part of
tegrity, and unparalleled customer service     eral decades as the world’s largest drug        their groundbreaking solutions that help
turned a small dream into 1/2 million ft2      developers and manufacturers continue to        make the world healthier and safer. Please
state-of-the-art laboratory testing campus,    trust our renowned reputation for regula-       join us in celebrating 60 years of remark-
employing more than 2,000 and serving          tory compliance, technical expertise, and       able partnerships and accomplishments.
clients across the globe.                      impeccable data integrity. Successfully

Bio/Pharmaceutical NEWS                                              2                                                    Spring 2021
Bio/Pharmaceutical - Eurofins
New Sterility Isolator delivers greater efficiency, increased
throughput, and individual customizations
Suzanne Williams, Manager,                   (QHPV). The external surfaces of client        • Maintains a cascading positive
Bio/Pharmaceutical Microbiology              samples and media containers as well           pressure from the test to the transfer
Experienced and high quality steril-         as supplies are decontaminated with            modules and then to the ambient
ity testing is in demand, and Eurofins       HPV in the QHPV module prior to trans-         environment
BioPharma Product Testing’s Micro-           fer into the QEXT modules for testing.         • Utilizes a touchscreen display user
biology Team responded to growing            Samples and supplies are then moved            interface
client needs by adding a new isolator,       into the QMTD prior to being placed into
                                             incubation.                                    • HPV technology allows for shorter
a Bioquell Qube to its comprehensive                                                        decontamination cycles which provides
laboratory suite of isolators. The Qube      Installation and Operational Qualifica-        the ability to turn around the system in
is an aseptic processing workstation with    tion has been performed on the system.         a timely manner and to execute more
an integrated Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor        In addition, decontamination cycles for        decontamination cycles daily
(HPV) decontamination system.                the entire empty system as well as the
                                             loaded middle module or QHPV have              • Integrated Steritest Symbio System
Performing sterility testing using soft-                                                    to perform membrane filtration sterility
walled isolators since 1997, the Micro       been qualified using biological indica-
                                             tors. Aeration data was acquired to con-       testing
Team chose the Qube because it en-
ables greater efficiency, productivity and   firm VHP levels inside the isolator were       • Glove Leak Tester which integrates
increased throughput. The team plans         acceptable. Studies were performed to          with the system to ensure glove integrity
to purchase an additional Qube System        ensure there is no ingress of hydrogen
                                             peroxide into representative sample con-       • Ability to purchase software to operate
in 2021.                                                                                    and control environmental monitoring of
                                             tainers at a level that could lead to false
The Qube is a modular system that is         negative sterility tests.                      the system
configurable and allows for individual                                                      The improved efficiency obtained from
customization as it can be purchased         Features of The Qube:
                                                                                            using the Qube System will allow the Mi-
as a 2-, 4- or 6-glove unit. The system      • Provides a GradeA/ISO 5 environment          cro Team to perform and report sterility
at Lancaster is made up of the follow-       • Uses 35% hydrogen peroxide to                test data to clients within their expected
ing main modules: two Qube Extension         produce Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide            timeframe.
Modules (QEXT), two Qube Material            (VHP) for surface decontamination
Transfer Devices (QMTD) and one Qube                                                        For information about sterility testing or
Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor Module               • Construction allows for quick installation   the Qube System, please contact your
                                                                                            Project Manager.

Bio/Pharmaceutical NEWS                                            3                                                  Spring 2021
Bio/Pharmaceutical - Eurofins
residuals testing, where assay
                                                                                                   sensitivity is of great impor-
                                                                                                   tance. The better tolerance of
                                                                                                   ddPCR to inhibitors allows test-
                                                                                                   ing of samples without extrac-
                                                                                                   tion, therefore greatly reducing
                                                                                                   the necessary volume of the
                                                                                                   drug substance and/or drug
                                                                                                   product allotted for testing. In
                                                                                                   the case of viral vector product
                                                                                                   testing, this can result in better
                                                                                                   preservation of products that
                                                                                                   are often produced in much
                                                                                                   smaller batch sizes compared to
                                                                                                   traditional biologics.
                                                                                                     With the advantages discussed
                                                                                                     above, ddPCR has gained rapid
                                                                                                     momentum in QC testing labo-
                                                                                                     ratories. Eurofins in Lancaster
                                                                                                     has installed and validated the
                                                                                                     BioRad QX-200 ddPCR system
                                                                                                     within our molecular biology
                                                                                                     laboratories. We have success-
                                                                                                     fully performed method devel-
                                                                                                     opment, transfer and validation
                                                                                                     projects, and a majority of them
                                                                                           supporting viral gene therapy products.
ddPCR in GMP product testing                                                               In addition to customized methods for
                                                                                           individual clients, we are also develop-
quantifies without calibration curve &                                                     ing generic ddPCR methods targeting
                                                                                           consensus sequences within various
determines absolute DNA concentration                                                      viral vector backbones, to support test-
                                                                                           ing, including viral genome and infec-
                                                                                           tious titer determination. Our in-house
Weihong Wang, Manager, BioPharma              Compared to quantitative real-time PCR
                                                                                           method validation, in conjunction with a
Biologics                                     (qPCR), which has become a standard
                                                                                           product specific qualification, will allow
                                              methodology in most molecular biology
In recent years, the number of biophar-                                                    quick implementation of GMP testing of
                                              laboratories, ddPCR has several advan-
maceutical products incorporating nu-                                                      many sample types.
                                              tages, especially in a GMP QC testing
cleic acids has been steadily increasing
                                              environment. First and foremost, sam-
in the drug development pipeline. Some
of these have made it to the market in
a very visible manner such as COVID
                                              ples can be quantified without the need
                                              for a calibration curve. In qPCR meth-       Check out EBPT’s
vaccines that deliver messenger RNA
to encode for spike protein and gene
                                              ods, a calibration curve is typically pre-
                                              pared from a DNA reference standard,         latest LinkedIn posts
                                              and used to interpolate sample results.
therapies for the unmet needs of those
                                              Therefore, the quality and concentration
with rare genetic disorders. Character-
                                              assignment of this reference standard
ization of the purity, efficacy and safety
                                              can greatly influence the accuracy and
of these products is highly dependent
                                              even the validity of the reported sample
on a technique known as Polymerase
                                              results. ddPCR however, determines
Chain Reaction (PCR). A relatively new
                                              absolute DNA concentration through
technique for the detection and quanti-
                                              the power of statistics, thanks to the
fication of nucleic acid is digital droplet
Polymerase Chain Reaction (ddPCR). In
                                              creation of tens of thousands of droplets    Visit our LinkedIn page, which
                                              that allow the generation of large num-      focuses on all four of the US Eu-
this technique, the PCR mix containing
                                              bers of data points from each sample.        rofins BioPharma Product Testing
the test sample is partitioned into a large
                                              This is particularly welcomed when a         locations, including Lancaster, PA;
number of water-oil emulsion droplets,
                                              well characterized reference standard        Portage, MI; Columbia, MO; and San
and PCR amplification of the target DNA
                                              truly representative of the test sample
sequence occurs in each individual                                                         Diego, CA.
                                              is not possible, such as in the case of
droplet. Following PCR amplification,
                                              viral vector genome copy determination.      We invite you to follow this new page
each droplet is assessed to determine
the fraction of positive droplets in the
                                              Another advantage of ddPCR is that it        and engage with meaningful content
                                              is generally considered less susceptible     to help gain awareness of our ca-
sample. These data are analyzed using
                                              than qPCR to PCR inhibitors that may         pabilities. See the latest news here:
Poisson statistics to determine the target
                                              be present in samples. This feature is
DNA template concentration in the
                                              especially important in the context of       biopharma-product-testing-usa
original sample.

Bio/Pharmaceutical NEWS                                            4                                                Spring 2021
Bio/Pharmaceutical - Eurofins
Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing brings a wealth
of cGMP experience testing RNA based drugs
Jon Kauffman, Ph.D.,
Vice President Biolog-
ics; Michael J. McDowell,
Executive Vice President,
Eurofins BioPharma Prod-
uct Testing
In December 2020, the
Food and Drug Administra-
tion granted emergency
authorization to the Pfizer/
BioNTech and Moderna
coronavirus vaccines. This
historic research sprint
has reduced the typical
seven-year vaccine de-
velopment process to an
unprecedented 10 months.
As the initial winners in
the coronavirus vaccine de-
velopment race, the Pfizer
and Moderna vaccines have
one thing in common, they
are both mRNA based,
resulting in a new focus
on RNA drug development
Messenger RNA (mRNA)
is a type of oligonucleotide that is       decade. Some of the methods em-           their complexity. Therefore, additional
critical to the translation of genetic     ployed include:                           analytical methodologies are employed
sequence information of DNA into           • Characterisation of Exons (5’ Cap)      to characterize the lipid and drug prod-
proteins manufactured in the cell. In         and Poly (A) Tails (3’End) by Or-      uct, including, % RNA encapsulation
the case of these new vaccines, this          thoginal Mass Spec                     by Ribogreen, Lipids by HPLC-CAD,
protein is the signature spike protein                                               Particle Size and Dispersity by Light
of the coronavirus. These mRNA             • Purity/Impurity of Starting Materials   Scattering.
products are considered to be their           by LC/MS
                                                                                     As with any biopharmaceutical prod-
own unique modality. Distinct from         • Purity/Impurity by Ion Exchange         uct, various other characteristics are
traditional small molecule drugs and          RP-HPLC and CE                         typically required to support stability
biologics such as monoclonal anti-
                                           • Identity by Reverse Transcription       and release testing as described in
bodies, they have their own unique                                                   USP/EP, including pH, osmolality, ap-
                                              (RT) Sanger Sequencing
analytical challenges. At Eurofins                                                   pearance, particulate matter, sterility,
BioPharma Product Testing, support-        • Total RNA by Spectroscopy               bacterial endotoxin, and bioburden.
ing RNA based drug development             • Potency - Cell Based Bioassays
candidates is nothing new. Eurofins’                                                 Finally, drug developers are constantly
laboratories in Lancaster, PA; San         • Residual Solvents and Metals by GC      employing novel delivery systems and
Diego, CA; and Dungarvan, IRE, have           and ICP                                formulations to increase the efficacy
supported both mRNA and RNAi               • Residual plasmid DNA by PCR             of their products, so additional assays
development candidates from lead-                                                    may be required to provide informa-
                                           The approved vaccines are carried into    tion to cover these aspects of the final
ing innovators with their broad cGMP       the body by lipid nanoparticles with
testing service portfolio for close to a                                             product. Contact us to learn more:
                                           polyethylene glycol (PEG), adding to

Bio/Pharmaceutical NEWS                                        5                                              Spring 2021
Bio/Pharmaceutical - Eurofins
Eurofins Medical
Device Testing helps
ensure Sterile Barrier
System integrity for
patient safety
Sunny J. Modi, Ph.D., Director of
Package Testing, Eurofins Medical
Device Testing
Medical device and pharmaceutical
companies across the globe are keenly
focused on developing their product
and often miss the critical require-
ments for creating a safe packaging
system that will protect the product
                                           Sterile Barrier System (SBS) should            manufacturing of the product. For
during manufacturing, transport, and
                                           be evaluated not only at final design          more information visit: www.Eurofins.
storage. One of the areas that should
                                           stage but also during the continuous           com/Medical-Device
be evaluated is how the sterile barrier
is maintained to protect the patient
and prevent the transmission of
diseases from the manufacturing line
to the surgical suite. The regulatory
                                           Regulators enforce ISO 18562
agencies across the globe recognize        Andrew Blakinger, Manager, Extract-            (VOCs) emitted from the gas pathway. As
the critical nature of a Sterile Bar-      ables & Leachables Testing, Eurofins           air passes through the device, the VOCs
rier System (SBS) by considering it        Medical Device Testing                         are collected on a thermal desorption
a component of a medical device or                                                        tube. These VOCs are then analyzed by
                                           All medical devices must be assessed for
pharmaceutical product. One key                                                           gas chromatography mass spectrometry
                                           biocompatibility. Medical devices contain-
function of an SBS is to maintain the                                                     (GC/MS) to identify and quantify them.
                                           ing breathing gas pathways (e.g., ventila-
safety of terminally sterilized products
                                           tors, breathing tubes, and anesthesia          Leachables in condensate are the final
until the point of use in a healthcare
                                           equipment) have traditionally been evalu-      hazard. During usage, water condenses
setting. The sterile integrity of the
                                           ated as external communicating devices         inside the gas pathway. Compounds may
final packaging design can be evalu-
                                           according to the ISO 10993 series of in-       then leach from the medical device into
ated through a series of seal integrity
                                           ternational standards. Unfortunately, this     the condensate. Per ISO 18562-4, an
and seal strength testing outlined in
                                           approach leads to testing that provides        aqueous extraction is first performed. In-
ISO 11607 - Packaging for Terminally
                                           questionable benefits and may result in        ductively coupled plasma optical emission
Sterilized Medical Devices.
                                           hazards being missed. Therefore, a new         spectroscopy (ICP-OES), direct injection
Seal integrity testing identifies any      set of standards – ISO 18562 – was             GC/MS, and liquid chromatography mass
leaks for the area around the perime-      released in March 2017 and is now              spectrometry (LC/MS) are used to identify
ter of your packaging system. Some of      starting to be enforced by regulators.         the leachables. Identification of these
the commonly used standards for seal       This four-part series is specifically geared   compounds is needed for a toxicologist to
integrity are ASTMs F1886, F2096,          towards the biocompatibility evaluation        provide an accurate safety assessment.
F1929, and others. Seal integrity          of breathing gas pathways in healthcare        To identify the leachables, our scientists
testing is followed by seal strength       applications. ISO 18562-1 outlines the         use the Eurofins Extractables Index,
testing to evaluate the mechanical         overall risk management process for the        our proprietary database of over 1500
strength of your packaging system and      biocompatibility evaluation, while parts two   compounds, in conjunction with the Wiley/
the force needed to separate and open      through four each address a specific type      NIST databases.
the seal. ASTMs F88 and F1140 are          of hazard.                                     Complete understanding of the require-
commonly used standards to measure
                                           To support our clients, we now offer the       ments of ISO-18562 – including regulatory
strength of the seal. A high force nu-
                                           full spectrum of testing required by the       expectations – is important in order to
merical value could indicate challeng-
                                           ISO 18562 series of standards to assess        save valuable resources when working to
es in opening your packaging system
                                           these three hazards. The first hazard is       get a medical device to market. Having
by hand. A low force numerical value
                                           the emission of particulate matter. To         successfully performed ISO 18562 for
could indicate poor bonding of materi-
                                           evaluate this hazard, a particle counter is    over a dozen medical devices, many of
als, which would result in a breach
                                           used to detect any particles in gas passing    which have already received regulatory
of sterile integrity. As Medical device
                                           through the device.                            approval, the analytical scientists and toxi-
and pharmaceutical companies con-
                                           ISO 18562-3 addresses the second               cologists here at Eurofins are in a unique
tinue to innovate across the globe, the
                                           hazard, that of volatile organic compounds     position to help medical device companies
                                                                                          meet this testing requirement.

Bio/Pharmaceutical NEWS                                          6                                                   Spring 2021
Bio/Pharmaceutical - Eurofins
People Are our Chemistry
At Eurofins Bio-                                                                                              You’ve been here
Pharma Product                                                                                                for many years
Testing, we                                                                                                   and seen count-
believe that our                                                                                              less changes. Is
people provide                                                                                                there anything that
our strength. Their                                                                                           hasn’t changed
dedication to qual-                                                                                           during your ten-
ity, professional                                                                                             ure?
competence and                                                                                                In the 26 years at
hard work are the                                                                                             Eurofins BioPhar-
key elements in                                                                                               ma Product Testing
the company’s                                                                                                 in Lancaster, PA,
success. In this                                                                                              the constant has
regular feature,                                                                                              been the focus on
we introduce you                                                                                              quality and ethics.
to some of the
people who have
helped make Eu-                                                                                               How does your
rofins an industry                                                                                            group’s work
leader.                                                                                                       impact/benefit
As a Research                                                                                                 Our work contrib-
Fellow for Euro-                                                                                              utes to the safety
fins’ Extractables                                                                                            of pharmaceuti-
& Leachables                                                                                                  cal products and
Team, Michelle                                                                                                medical devices.
Kolodziejski brings                                                                                           Everything from
                                           Michelle and her son, Zach, hike
36 years of analytical expertise to                                                      over-the-counter medications to vac-
safeguarding clients’ biopharmaceuti-      on the horseshoe trail behind their           cines are evaluated to ensure that they
cal products from potentially harmful      house.                                        are safe.
impurities and unknown compounds
migrating from pharmaceutical con-         What is the scope of your group?
tainer closure systems, medical and                                                      And when you’re not working?
delivery devices, and manufacturing        The extractables/leachables group per-        When I am not working, I enjoy audio-
components.                                forms testing to evaluate potential con-      books, Celtic music, hiking, canoeing,
                                           taminants that may be introduced into         and travel. My favorite trips have been
To remain compliant, deliver best-in-      pharmaceutical products from direct or
class service to clients, and ensure                                                     to Scotland and Iceland. Next year,
                                           indirect contact with polymeric materials     my husband and I are planning a cross
patients receive safe pharmaceuticals,     during storage or production. Medical
Michelle continually investigates new                                                    Canada trip to Alaska, assuming it is
                                           device testing for potential extractable or   open.
techniques for ever-changing ISO           leachable compounds is also performed.
regulations. “My team is awesome,”         This includes mass spectrometry
says Michelle. “There’s great collabora-   analyses for volatile, semi-volatile, non-
tion when it’s time to solve a problem     volatile compounds, and ICP analysis for
and help a client identify and quantify    multiple elements.
product adulteration.”
When Michelle isn’t uncovering potential                                                   Contact us
toxins in drugs or biological products,    What process improvements does your
                                           group initiate to serve clients better?         For information on services, litera-
she and her husband love to go camp-                                                       ture requests or address changes,
ing, hiking and canoeing near their        We are always striving to provide lower         please contact: Bio/Pharmaceutical
home in the PA State gamelands. Read       detection limits, widen our scope of test-      Business Development, 717-656-
more about Michelle:                       ing, and develop our analysts to improve        2300,, or visit
What does your current job entail?         skills in interpretation.             
As a Research Fellow in the Extract-                                                       Bio/Pharmaceutical NEWS is pub-
ables/Leachables Group, my job in-         Why should clients trust us with their          lished for clients, employees and as-
cludes leachables method development       projects?                                       sociates of Eurofins BioPharma Product
and validations, peak identification                                                       Testing US. Editor: Lisa Bamford,
investigations, and routine extractables   Eurofins E/L team has been performing 
testing. New techniques, such as ISO       extractables/leachables testing for nearly
18562 Part 4 gas pathways process          two decades. Our team includes highly
development are also part of my role.      skilled analysts.

Bio/Pharmaceutical NEWS                                         7                                                Spring 2021
Bio/Pharmaceutical - Eurofins
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                                              Standing together with our clients,
                                            and the global healthcare community,
                                             we are proud to be working nonstop
                                            to provide testing support for virtually
                                           every FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine
                                           and therapy available to patients today.
                                           In the race to eradicate this pandemic,
                                             we are humbled by the trust that our
                                            clients place in us to support their es-
                                           sential therapies, including messenger
                                            RNA, gene therapy, inactivated virus,
                                             and protein-based vaccines, as well
                                            as antibody cocktail therapeutics. Our
                                           gratitude goes to our clients for choos-
                                           ing us to be part of these groundbreak-
                                           ing solutions that are making the world
                                                      healthier and safer.
Bio/Pharmaceutical - Eurofins
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