Page created by Francisco Holmes

                                     RICHARD VALLE
                                     Supervisor, District 2


May 17, 2021

Subject:       Covid Relief Grants for District 2 Community Based Organizations

Alameda County relies on our partner community-based organizations (CBO) to deliver essential
services to our residents. Many CBOs in District 2 have been significantly impacted by COVID-
19 and are simultaneously experiencing increased utilization of their services and limitations to
their service delivery set by the County’s shelter in place orders. As a result of this pandemic, the
District 2 Office has held biweekly conference calls with CBOs providers in the District to
determine areas of collaboration, needs, and gaps. Through these calls, it has become evident that
access to financial aid to meet the increased demand for CBO services/supplies is an ongoing
and growing need.

In response, Supervisor Valle is announcing another round of Covid Relief Grants for District 2
CBOs. The Covid Relief Grants for District 2 CBO’s will assist organizations with financial
relief due to the impacts of COVID-19, including, but are not limited to: potential program
closure, inability to see clients, difficulty meeting capacity for increased service needs, purchase
of food and food delivery for clients, purchase of protective equipment and disinfectants. It is the
intent of this grant program to support the sustainability of District 2 CBOs and assist in
mitigating the impacts of the County’s reopening.

In April 2020, the District 2 Office announced an Emergency Support Grant to bring emergency
relief to families and communities impacted by COVID-19. A second round of funding was
awarded in November 2020. This new round of funding for Summer of 2021 will consist of one-
time funding ranging from $5,000 to $10,000, awarded to non-profit organizations located or
doing work in Supervisorial District 2, which includes the cities of Union City, Hayward,
Newark, and parts of Fremont and Sunol (click here for a map of District 2). Total grant program
funding for this Summer 2021 round of Covid Relief Grants is $150,000.

Applications will be reviewed and funding priority will be awarded based on the organizations’
services and impact they have in the District 2 communities.

All funds granted shall be used to cover direct services; administrative fees will not be
covered. All applications are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 21, 2021 to be considered for

Qualified applicants shall meet the following criteria:
   • Be an IRS recognized 501(c)3 organization
   • Located in or providing direct services in Alameda County Supervisorial District 2
•   Submit a signed Letter of Need by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 21, 2021 to:, with the subject line: Summer 2021 Covid Relief Grant
       Application. (See How to Apply for addition information on the letter of need.)
   •   Adhere to the procedures outlined in the How to Apply section
   •   Are responsive to the Results Based Accountability section

Alameda County is committed to performance-based monitoring and accountability for all of its
contracted services. The District 2 Office will be using the Results-Based Accountability (RBA)
approach in this grant processes. All new or renewed grants will be required to provide
information and data that address the three basic RBA questions: How much work was done?
How well was it done? And, who benefitted as a result of the work?

All applicants must include a paragraph in the Letter of Need addressing how they intend on
tracking the RBA metrics and reporting it back to the District 2 Office if awarded a grant.

Grantees shall not provide any Personally Identifiable Health Information or other confidential or
protected data to the County. Grantee shall submit a report utilizing the Sample in Appendix A
as a reporting template.

See Appendix A for sample reporting template/outline.

To apply for this grant, organizations must email the following items to, with the subject line: “Summer 2021 Covid Relief Grant Application”
no later than 5 p.m. Friday, May 21, 2020:
    • Submit a signed 1-2 page Letter of Need that must include:
           o Organization’s mission
           o Service area
           o Services provided
           o Population served and numbers served
           o Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on organization
           o How the funding will be utilized
           o How RBA measures will be monitored and reported to the District 2 Office
           o An attached copy of the organization W-9
           o An attached copy of the organizations FY 20-21 budget

Omission of any one of the above applicable requirements will be grounds for

The amount of each individual grant and the number of recipients will be limited to the amount
of funding available. Any questions about the Emergency Support Grant or application process
should be submitted to or call the Oakland Office at (510) 272-6692 or the
Hayward Office at (510) 670-6150.

District 2 will review each application in the order received and consider grant awards based on
adherence to application criteria and procedures, funding priority, urgency of direct service need,
and funding availability.

All awarded grant funds are subject to the approval of Board of Supervisors. All support grants
will be aggregated into one Board Letter submitted to the Board of Supervisors as one COVID-
19 relief project to District 2 CBOs at a Board meeting by early July 2021.

Notice of Award will be emailed to all selected organizations by late June 2021. Awardees can
anticipate receiving grant funds by Mid August 2021.

Thank you and be well,

Richard Valle
Appendix A

All new or renewed grants will be required to provide information and data that address the three
basic RBA questions: How much work was done? How well was it done? And, who benefitted
as a result of the work?

This report should make an attempt at evaluating the efficacy of District 2’s emergency support
grants in assisting organizations with emergency financial relief due to the impacts of COVID-
19, including, but not limited to: potential program closure, inability to see clients, difficulty
meeting capacity for increased service needs, purchase of food and food delivery for clients,
purchase of protective equipment and disinfectants. These emergency support grants are intended
to support the sustainability of District 2 CBOs and assist in mitigating the impacts of the
County’s shelter in place orders.

Please note, the Process Objectives, Quality Objectives, and Impact Objectives are self-
identified and reported. Applicants should consider these items when submitting their Letter of
Need for Round 2 of the Emergency Support Grant. For questions concerning RBA metrics and
reporting please email questions to and District 2 staff will follow-up in
writing or with a telephone call if a contact person and phone number is identified.

Thank you.

Sample report:


        Organization A
        ATTN: Principal
        1234 Street Name
        City, State Zip

        Alameda County Board of Supervisors District 2
        ATTN: COVID-19 Emergency Support Grant
        1221 Oak Street, Suite 536
        Oakland, CA 94612

Reporting Period: November 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020

A. Process Objectives and Performance Measures
                                         “How Much”
        Process Objective                                                  Data Source
                                    Performance Measure
  By December 31, 2020,           Number of                        Restaurant or commercial
  Contractor shall complete 100 individuals/families that          kitchen invoice(s) for
  healthy meal deliveries to food have received prepared           purchased meals showing
  insecure individuals/families.  healthy meals.                   meal ingredients, portion
sizes, calories, saturated fat,
                                                                 trans fat, and sodium target.
                                                                 Delivery slips or list of
                                                                 neighborhood and city for
                                                                 each delivered meal.
  Beginning in November           From 11/1/2020 to              Please see Attachment A for
  Organization A expanded our     11/29/2020 (4 week period)     the invoice from Vendor A
  meal delivery program to food   forty-eight (48) meals were    who has partnered with us to
  insecure South Hayward          delivered to six (6)           prepare the meals. Please see
  families impacted by COVID-     previously unserved            Attachment B for our driver’s
  19. For the families we serve   families. Each family          delivery route/list. Please note
  these impacts included          received 2 healthy meals for   that to protect individuals
  mandatory quarantining and      a family of 4, delivered on    privacy their names and street
  loss of employment due to       Monday and Friday.             address have been redacted,
  business closure.                                              leaving the city and zip code
                                  From 11/30/20 to 12/31/20      available for review.
                                  (5 week period) sixty-six
                                  (66) meals were delivered to
                                  the same 6 families as
                                  November. Each family
                                  received 2 healthy meals for
                                  a family of 4, delivered on
                                  Monday and Friday. For the
                                  week of 12/21/20 meals
                                  were delivered on Monday
                                  and Wednesday with
                                  Wednesday’s delivery
                                  consisting of 2 meals
                                  delivered for the holiday,
                                  total 3 meals to each family
                                  that week.

B. Quality Objectives and Performance Measures
                                         “How Well”
        Quality Objective                                                 Data Source
                                   Performance Measure
  100% of the delivered meals    Percent of meals that meet      Restaurant or commercial
  shall meet the State of        the State Meal Program          kitchen invoice(s) for
  California Department of       guidelines.                     purchased meals showing
  Education State Meal Program                                   meal ingredients, portion
  guidelines for a nutritionally                                 sizes, calories, saturated fat,
  adequate meal for K-12 Lunch                                   trans fat, and sodium target.
The attached meal plan with        Meals were prepared by         Please see Attachment A for
  specified portion sizes, dietary   Vendor A at the commercial     the invoice from Vendor A
  requirements (and restrictions     kitchen. 100% of the           who has partnered with us to
  per individual’s need) were        prepared meals conformed       prepare the meals. Please see
  modeled from the State of          to the state guidelines.       Attachment B for our
  California’s State Meal            Meals were picked up by        driver’s delivery route/list.
  Program for the Department of      our drivers on their           Please note that to protect
  Education K-12 Lunch               scheduled delivery day and     individuals privacy their
  Program. These individualized      kept refrigerated while in     names and street address
  meal plans were provided to        transport and delivered to     have been redacted, leaving
  the Vendor A operating out of      clients within 4 hours of      the city and zip code
  the commercial kitchen             pick-up from the               available for review. Please
  located at Location A.             commercial kitchen.            see Attachment C for the
                                                                    meal plan provided to
                                                                    Vendor A.

C. Impact Objectives and Performance Measures
                                         “Better Off”
        Impact Objective                                                     Data Source
                                    Performance Measure
  At least 20 food insecure       Number of                         Restaurant or commercial
  individuals receive access to   individuals/families that         kitchen invoice(s) for
  healthy prepared meals at least have received prepared            purchased meals showing
  twice a week over a 60 day      healthy meals.                    meal ingredients, portion
  period.                                                           sizes, calories, saturated fat,
                                                                    trans fat, and sodium target.
                                                                    Delivery slips or list of
                                                                    neighborhood and city for
                                                                    each delivered meal.
  Beginning in November              From 11/1/2020 to              Please see Attachment A for
  Organization A expanded our        11/29/2020 (4 week period)     the invoice from Vendor A
  meal delivery program to food      forty-eight (48) meals were    who has partnered with us to
  insecure South Hayward             delivered to six (6)           prepare the meals. Please see
  families impacted by COVID-        previously unserved            Attachment B for our
  19. Our organization focuses       families. Each family          driver’s delivery route/list.
  on families impacted by            received 2 healthy meals for   Please note that to protect
  COVID-19 with children in          a family of 4, delivered on    individuals privacy their
  the home. The 6 families           Monday and Friday.             names and street address
  served by this emergency                                          have been redacted, leaving
  support grant each had a           From 11/30/20 to 12/31/20      the city and zip code
  household of 4 individuals in      (5 week period) sixty-six      available for review.
  the home (2 adults, 2              (66) meals were delivered to
  children).                         the same 6 families as
                                     November. Each family
                                     received 2 healthy meals for
                                     a family of 4, delivered on
Monday and Friday. For the
week of 12/21/20 meals
were delivered on Monday
and Wednesday with
Wednesday’s delivery
consisting of 2 meals
delivered for the holiday,
total 3 meals to each family
that week.
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