BookFair London 2020 asterisc - agents - Asterisc Agents

Page created by Tommy Hanson
BookFair London 2020 asterisc - agents - Asterisc Agents
BookFair London 2020 asterisc - agents - Asterisc Agents
                                                                                    Fiction Titles					03
                                                                                    Non Fiction Titles				 28
                                                                                    Backlist Titles					42
                                                                                    Authors & Publishers List		 43
                                                                                    On Translation Grants		 44
                                                                                    Asterisc Agents & Awards 45

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             Quaderns Crema, 2018 | 168p
             Booksellers Award 2019 (Premi Llibreter)
             2 ed                                                                                       Comparisons and echoes:
                                                                                                        Paul Auster, Pirandello,
                       #RealUnreal                                                                      David Lynch, Borges,
                     #MetaLiterature                                                                    Kafka, Saramago, Onetti,                                 Debut
                                                                       Shortlisted for the German       Pere Calders, Quim                                       Author
                   #BreakThroughAuthor                                  panel New Spanish Books         Monzó, Sergi Pàmies,

                                                                          translation program           Màrius Serra.
                 ­ he perfect subversion of the
                 T                                                                                                                         Pol Beckmann
                                                                                                        A sophisticated and intelli-
                 idea of the love triangle.
                                                                                                        gent story where reality and       (Barcelona, 1991). Writer.

                                                                                                        fiction form a labyrinth that      After few awards for short
                                                                                                        will catch the reader from         stories he decided to write
                                                                                                        the first page.                    his first novel. At the age of
                                                                                                                                           27 years, Beckmann pub-
                                                                                                                                           lishes Novel (Novel·la) a text
                                                                                                        Pol Beckmann tells in
                                                                                                                                           that will be a breakthrough
                                                                                                        Novel·la the story of Bekman,
                                                                                                                                           for many.
                                                                                                        a writer deeply in love with
                                                                        Booksellers Award 2019
                                                                                                        Sofia, the perfect woman           (Complete profile of the author
                                                                                                        with whom he maintains a           here)
                                                                                                        perfect relationship. Bekman
                                                                       “The jury awarded the prize      works on the novel that has
                                                      ish              unanimously for its quality
                                                 Span                                                   to make of him a lead name,
                                                    slati              and literary daring, for its     although his new perfect
                                                Tran       e                                                                                    “A first-class
                                                      ila l
                                                                       mastery of language” and
                                                  Ava                                                   relationship is a time-stealer.
                                                                       ability to synthesize argu-      One day he meets Laura,                 literary debut”
                                                                       ments, and for the originality   who is not as perfect as                Melcior Comes
                                                                       in the approach of the limits    Sofia... but it is more real.
                                                                       between fiction and reality,     And the complex love trian-
                                                                       which allows it to play with     gle is served. Novel·la ends
                                                                                                        up being, in the words of its
                                                                       the readers and surprise
                                                                                                        publisher, “a sick game be-
                                                                       them until the end.”
                                                                                                        tween fiction and reality”, if
                                                                                                        we agree to call reality what
                                                                                                        is written in a work of fiction.

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On Novel·la,
                       Pol Beckmann                                                                                               Praises

                                                                                                                                  EL PAÍS - «There will be, no doubt, who gets carried         confusion. A combination between solid and elegant
                                                                                                                                  away by the force of fiction that is reinvented sophisti-    experimentation. It contains high doses of maturity
                                                                                                                                  catedly in this novel.»                                      and well-oiled machinery.»
8c                        Llom: 00 mm. calculat per a 000 pàgines, en paper de 00 gm/m2, mà 1,22                                  EL MUNDO - «Novel·la is a short and perfect piece of         LA REPÚBLICA - «Pol Beckmann has a much appreci-
                                                                                                                                  narrative watchmaking that will disturb more than one        ated stylistic power.»
                                Pol Beckmann                                                       Text
           A U TO R

           T Í TO L

                                          quaderns crema

                                                                                                                                  LA VANGUARDIA - «Novel·la is a story of doors that
                                                                                                                                  open and close, which lead from reality in the novel                                         succeeds with making the
                                                                                                                                  that the protagonist is writing, from the novel to the       From the reading re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               reader believe in the cred-
                                                                                                          Fotografia de l’autor

                                                                                                                                  dream, and from the dream to reality».                       port (Kirsten Brandt),          ibility of what is told, to un-
                                                                                                                                  SERRA D’OR - «Beckmann’s undeniable talent and the           German pannel:                  dermine it only gradually.
                                                                                                                                  elegant intelligence of his debut are encuriosidors and                                      From then on, of course, one


                                                                                                                                  exciting.»                                                        In a sophisticated, very   constantly asks if this now
                                                                                                                                  DIARI DE MALLORCA - «A work in which all the ele-
                                                                                                                                   23/7/18 11:44
                                                                                                                                                                                               entertaining yet always         is “real” (and part of which
                      Quaderns Crema, 2018                                                                                        ments fit perfectly. Hilarious!»                             disturbing way, Novel·la        reality?) or just a product of
                      168p                                                                                                                                                                     toys with reality and fic-      the protagonist´s imagina-
                                                                                                                                  EL NACIONAL - «Novel·la escapes the parameters of
                      -2 ed                                                                                                                                                                    tion, and in a newspaper        tion.
                                                                                                                                  today’s literature. It is a work that surprises the reader
                      -Booksellers Award 2019                                                                                                                                                  article it has been com-
                                                                                                                                  and forces him to ask himself continuous questions,
                      (Premi Llibreter 2019)                                                                                                                                                   pared Pirandello’s. It is       Thus, Novel·la is an at least
                                                                                                                                  and that does not bore him even in a single moment.»
                                                                                                                                                                                               astonishing how long the        ambiguous game which is
                                                                                                                                  LA VANGUARDIA – «Highly recommended read to                  reader allows him/herself       somewhat nightmarish, due
                                                                                                                                  fight the obscure literalness. An effective game, not at     to be fooled, because the       to the growing darkness
                                                                                                                                  all pretentious, that allows us to question our point of     moment one starts reading       surrounding the relation
                                                                                                                                  view.»                                                       a novel one is ready to at      between Bekman and Sofia.
                                                                                                                                  EL PUNT AVUI - «Beckmann narrates in a careful and           first believe every word an     An extremely recommend-
                                                                                                                                  personal way, providing a system of images and descrip-      author writes. The author       able literary debut.
                                                                                                                                  tions that are appreciated in a literary market sometimes
                                                                                                                                  too flat, predictable, repetitive.»                                                                                     ”
                                                                                                                                  EL NÚVOL - «Novel·la is pure mischief. Game and

     Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                                                                                                                           5
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Secondary                                                                            “The novel’s style is
                                                                                                                            sharp as a knife, the
                                       Comanegra, 2018 | 152p                                                               point of view jumps from
                                                                                                                            one character to another
                                       #DirtyRealism                                                                        according to the moment
                                       #ANotSoCoolBarcelona                                                                 and the need, and some-
                                       #MarginalNeighbourhood                                                               times the narrative voice
                                                                                                                            rebukes the reader.”
                                                                                                                            Ara Llegim
                                                                                          A novel of the marginal                                         »
                                                                                                                                                          ­ Non fiction
                                                                                          Barcelona ‘92                     “A great portrait of sim-     titles on p 34
       The Author
                                                                                                                            ple people.”
                                                                                          #5 in 2018 Must Read List,
                                                                                          La Vanguardia                     Vilaweb

    Núria Cadenes                                                                        Sergi has killed an old man        the clichés of a bad movie.
                                                                                         and wanders strangely qui-
    (Barcelona, 1970) is one
                                                                                         etly with a suitcase full of       The portrait of a hid-
    of the most special story-
                                                                                         bills. Conxi has done noth-        den Barcelona: nothing
    tellers in the country and
    with a more unmistakable                                                             ing and is in prison trying to     about gold medals, lau-
    voice. Her previous novel,                                                           learn a new language so as         rel wreaths or glory, in
    Tota la veritat, won the                                                             not to collapse. Barcelona         Secundaris there are sy-
    Crims de Tinta Award to                                                              has just celebrated the            ringes, fight and hunger.
    noir novel in 2016. She                                                              glorious Olympics. The re-         In 92 the world looked at
    had already won many                                                                 verse of the beatiful city         us but only saw what the
    readers with works such                                                              and the medals is Turó de          elites of our country left
    as AZ and El banquer.                                                                la Peira neighbourhood, a          in the foreground.
                                                                                         nest of secondary inhabit-         A blow of reality that
                                                                                         ants that do what they can         brings us down to the hell
                                                                                         so as to not be reduced to         of those who had no voice.

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer | | Rights managed on behalf of Comanegra                                                  6
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Out of Your Wits
                                                   (Fóra de si)
                                                   Xerais, 2018 | 232p
                                                   Rights sold:
                                                   Spanish: Alianza

     Suso de Toro                             “    A memorable and unconcessional
                                                   narration about family identity
                                                   and feelings of loss and guilt.
                                                                                        After visiting his father at
                                                                                        the nursing home, the neu-
                                                                                        rosurgeon Ricardo Marzoa
                                                                                                                            Premio Nacional
                                                                                                                           de Narrativa de las
                                                                                                                            Letras Españolas

     (Santiago de Compostela,
                                                                                        feels overgrown, out of his
                                                                                        wits. He is dragging his life        Award author
     in 1956). Writer. PhD in
     Geography and History at                                                           as it was a heavy weight: too
     the University of Santiago                                                         many years on his shoulders,       Suso de Toro is a re-
     de Compostela and in                                                               too many lives that have           nowned Galician au-
     Modern and Contemporary                                                            gone away in his own hands         thor with more than
     Art. He has published a                                                            and, also, a recent death.         20 novels written,
     long list of narrative, theat-                                                     He is going through a humil-
     er and essay books. He                                                                                                many of them trans-
                                                                                        iating professional moment
     soon received the recogni-                                                                                            lated into Catalan,
                                                                                        and his personal situation is
     tion of the readers and the                                                                                           Spanish and other lan-
     critics receiving in 1986
                                                                                        confusing. The situation is
                                                                                        so critic that he has come to      guages.
     the Premio de la Crítica
     de narrativa gallega Award                                                         the conclusion that he needs
     for Polaroid. A prize that                                                         urgently a psychotherapist.
     will be revalidated in 1994                                                        The time has come to break
     for Tic-tac and in 2000 for                                                        all his ties that unite him with
     Non volvas. His full recog-                                                        family and work.
     nition as a writer will arrive
     in 2003 with the Premio                                                            Questions about person-
     Nacional de narrativa de las
                                                                                        al identity and the feelings
     Letras Españolas Award for
     Trece badaladas.
                                                                                        of guilt and loss hover on
                                                                                        the novel, which the author
     (Complete profile of the author                                                    writes in a lucid and precise
     here)                                                                              way.

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Emotions Series
      (Colección Emociones, Comanegra)              A Hidden Treasure                                    Cherry Tress in December                          The Key of Emotions
                                                    (Un tesoro escondido)       #Self_Esteem             (Los cerezos en diciembre)                        (La llave de las emociones)   #Toxic_Relationship
      A best seller                                 Gemma Lienas                #Inner_Look              Ariel Andrés Almada          #Perseverance        Silvia Congost                #Freedom_To_Love
                                                                                Ten steps to dis-                                     Only if we recog-                                  Free yourself
                                                                                cover our hidden                                      nize ourselves as                                  from emotional
                                                                                treasure.                                             part of the prob-                                  dependence and
                                                                                                                                      lem can we be part                                 enjoy a healthy
                                                                                                                                      of the solution.                                   relationship.

                                                                                3.000 cps.                                            16.500 cps | 3 ed                                  4.000 cps

                                                    The Lion and the Full Moon                           The Path of Love                                  The Principle of the Circle
                                                    (El león y la Luna llena)   #Fears_&_Complexes       (El camino del amor)         #Broken_Hearts       (El principio del círculo)    #Communication
        WHY THESE BOOKS ARE                         Nora Shen & Mireia Darder   #Vitality_Manifesto      Eva Mengual                  #Loss_&_Love         Michi Kobayashi               #Practical_Tips
          SUCH A SUCCESS?                                                       A map to conquer                                      Discover how to                                    An emotional
                                                                                the labyrinth of                                      grow thanks to                                     story full of
                                                                                life, this is the sto-                                the love we carry                                  tenderness to
        ✓Teachings transmit                                                     ry of a wonderful                                                                                        move on the path
       emotion to both young                                                    cycle.                                                                                                   to happiness on a
                                                                                                                                                                                         day to day basis.
         people and adults.
           ✓Small: 18x13 cm.                                                    3.000 cps.                                            4.000 cps                                          8.000 cps

         ✓Short: 100-130 pgs
                                                    The Time of the Lotus                                The Wings of the Butterfly
          ✓Lovely, Elegant,                         (El tiempo del loto)        #Magical_Energy          (Las alas de la mariposa)
                                                    Tew Bunnag                                           Ariel Andrés Almada #Hidden_Opportunities
          Meaningful covers                                                     #Loss
                                                                                A moving sto-                                A cry for us to
                                                                                ry about the                                 wake up in time
                #FeelGood                                                       magical energy                               and start living
                 #Fables                                                        that allows us to                            the life not lived,
                                                                                overcome any                                 when the darkest
               #OnEmotions                                                      loss in life.                                moment is just
                                                                                                                             before dawn.

                                                                                7.500 cps | 2 ed                                      4.000 cps

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer | | Rights managed on behalf of Comanegra                                                                                      8
BookFair London 2020 asterisc - agents - Asterisc Agents
Emotions Series (Colección Emociones, Comanegra)
     A best seller
        Rights sold:
        Spanish: Comanegra

       Open Water Swimmer                                   #InspirationalFable                         Linea Nigra                                            #InspirationalFable
       (El nedador d’aigües obertes)                          #ComfortZone                              (La línia alba)                                             #Kintsugi
       Adam Martín Skilton                                      #Challenge                              Mudit Grau                                   #OvercomingObstacles #SelfImprovement

       A modern fable where the sea
       and open water swimming is
       the metaphor for a challenge:
                                                   Nil is a mediocre actor who no longer gets
                                                                                                      “   To leave a life behind, to build a
                                                                                                          new one, to know how to make
                                                                                                          peace with oneself, removing                  Cala has a seemingly perfect family life, until
                                                                                                                                                        the day her beloved husband Max dies in a car
                                                   jobs. His wife has left him and he enters a            ghosts with a calm mind. This is the
       to leave the comfort zone.                                                                                                                       accident and she discovers he hid too many

                                                   spiral of self-destructive thoughts. Next              only way to reach happiness.
       The secret of happiness is in this          to Walrus, an expert swimmer who hides a                                                             things.
       stroke.                                     family trauma, Nil will learn to swim at for-                            Judit Mascó, top model      Cala must face the unpleasant secrets of the
                                                   ty-eight, and along the way he will also re-                               and business woman.       man she has just tragically lost. But follow-
                                                   ceive the most important lesson of his life:                                                         ing the art of Kintsugi she repairs her life as
                                                   sometimes it is necessary to simply focus,                                                           she respored a broken vase. She will learn new
                                                   float and let one flow.                                                                              shapes of love that had been denied to her: a
                                                                                                                                                        new way of living.

                                                            An inspiring song of                                                                                 The secret to grow
                                                            self-improvement.                                                                                    after every obstacle

                                                  Adam Martín Skilton is a journalist.
                                                                                       ”                                                               Mudit Grau is a dancer and writ-
                                                                                                                                                       er. Antonio Gades dancer and mul-
                                                                                                                                                       ti-award-winning        choreographer,
                                                  He has worked as a presenter, editor                                                                 professor at the Theater Institute in
                                                  and scriptwriter in many television                                                                  Barcelona and director of her own
                                                  and radio programs. He has special-                                                                  dance school. In writing, she has found
                                                  ized in healthy eating and habits and                                                                a new way to develop an overflowing
                                                  so he has published a good number                                                                    creativity based in delicacy and ele-
                                                  of books on nutrition.                                                                               gance.

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer | | Rights managed on behalf of Comanegra                                                                                 9
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Sara and the Silences
                                          (Sara i els silencis)
                                          Ara Llibres, 2018 | 288p

                                                                                                                                 “   Maria Escalas has written a novel
                                                                                                                                     of an incredible enduring emotion.
                                                                                                                                     An ode to those who, after so much
                                                                                                                                     silence, get up to take the floor.

                                                                                                                                     « [...] The author   of cancer, fem-
                                                                                                                                     builds a second      ininity, self-es-
                                                                                               Sara seeks to meet again              person singular,     teem, infidelity
       The Author                                                                              who she was: a young wom-             a conscience         and macho
                                                                                               an with talent to compose             that will address    abuse, asym-
                                                                                               who gave up her promising             to the protago-      metric human
                                                                                               career to make way for her
                                                                                                                                     nist throughout      condition, in-
     Maria Escalas                                                                             husband’s. She takes again
                                                                                                                                     the entire book.     finite doubts, the
                                                                                               the unfinished work that she
     (Mallorca, 1969) is a                                                                     wanted to dedicate to her                                  inevitable recre-
     professional musician                                                                     father and to fight the ab-           [...] A fluent       ation in suffer-
     and teacher of this                                                                       sence of self-inspiration she         reading with an      ing, the need to
     subject at a secondary                                                                    asks for the help of her old          oral language        affection, death
     school. With Abans que                                                                    teacher, the demanding and            without impos-       by fascicles and
     el teu record torni cendra                                                                grumpy Josep. He agrees,              tures. The au-       fear of fear.»
     she successfully started                                                                  but with one condition: that          thor says things
     her literary career. Sara i                                                               Sara would welcome Cristina,          as they are, and     Anna Carreras,
     els silencis is her second                                                                a twenty years younger gir,                                El Núvol
                                                                                                                                     reality moves.
     novel and it’s called to                                                                  as generously as he did when
     be a new bestseller.                                                                      Sara was young and eager to
                                                                                                                                     [...] Escalas
                                                                                               learn.                                                             ish &
                                                                                                                                     shares a hard                   ish
                                                                                               This friendship will overcome                                   Span
                                                                                                                                     and detailed                    p  les
                                                                                               all barriers and Sara will find                                  Sam
                                                                                                                                                                     ila ble
                                                                                               the right notes to color her          account of the             Ava
                                                                                               new life.                             before and after

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer | | Rights managed on behalf of Ara Llibres                                                        10
Into the Blood                                                                                                When the Going Gets Tough
   (En la sangre)                                                                                                (Vienen mal dadas)
   Roca Editorial (2019) | 336p                                                                                  Roca Editorial (2019) | 304p­

                                           “   A crossroads of murky and exciting
                                               stories set in the darkest Barcelon, a
                                               city where tourists, thieves and peo-
                                                                                                                 - 3 ed
                                                                                                                 - L’HConfidential Award finalist
                                                                                                                 - Nominated and shortlisted to a                                       #SocialCriticism
   #FemmeFatalePerspective                     ple of various social classes share                               handful of noir/thriller awards.
   #FastPacedThriller                                                                                                                                                       #PowerfulFemaleCharacter
                                               much more than it seems.
                                                                                                                 “A plot so naked, real and in-
                                                                                                                 tense that, before you realize,
    » After Vienen mal dadas (10.000            What was going to be a champagne and                             you’ve devoured the book.”                       An excellent first novel - pow-
    copies, 3 editions), a huge step of         rose path becomes blackmail, violence                            Susana Rodríguez Lezaun,                         erful, hard, original- from an
    the author towards consolidation.           and death.                                                       bestselling author                               author who will cause a stir.

                                                A thrilling noir novel told from the                                                                              The crime novel is in luck.
                                                cynical point of view of one who knows                                                                            Elia Barceló , bestselling author
                                                is going to die soon.                              Dark
                                                                                                 Barcelona                                     copies!
                                                                                                                                                               An action-packed noir novel that
                                                                                                   Two                                                         portrays the darkest Barcelona in
                                                Eva Valverde is a pickpocket, has two                                                                          times of crisis. Ruth Santana is an
                                                degrees and wears Prada. Further to                  Two                                                       evicted and multi-employed young
                                                stealing wallets in the subway and                 intense                                                     woman who lives on the poverty
                                                on the streets of Barcelona, she as-                urban                                                      line to pay off what she considers
                                                saults tourist flats in an increasingly             plots                                                      her debt to the banks.
                                                overcrowded Barcelona. None of                                                                                 One night, a stranger makes her
                                                this is done by necessity, but to keep                                                                         an offer. He wants her to help him
                                an              a standard of living she would not be                                                                          blow up ATMs. The man offers
                           Itali le
                               m   p            able to carry otherwise.                                                                                       quick money to pay her debt to the
                               aila ble         But the pickpocket race is not easy,                                                                           bank and get back to a normal life.
                                                and after years of building a perfect                                                                          He offers freedom. In return, Ruth
                                                world, she loses everything in a sin-                                                                          will have to give up her scruples.
                                                gle day.                                                                                                       And, perhaps, something else.

                       Laura Gomara | holds a degree in Classical Philology and works in the publishing industry and as a creative writing teacher. As a novelist, with her first book Vienen mal dadas
                       (Roca Editorial) she was a finalist for the 2016 L’H Confidential Award and was nominated to multiple awards. Her second novel, En la sangre (Roca Editorial), is one of the hot
                       crime new titles that literary Autumn will offer soon. One of the narrative voices with more projection of the national noir novel.
                       (Complete profile of the author here)

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                                                                          11
We Will Ride the Whole Night Through
          (Cavalcarem tota la nit)
          Proa, 2020 | 192 p
          Mercè Rodoreda 2019 Award
          #BreakthroughAuthor                               “Gurt knows how to link the everyday
          #ShortFiction                                     with the transcendent. High poetic
          #AcidHumor                                        tension.”
                                                            CULTURAS, LA VANGUARDIA
                                                            “Nobody would say Gurt is a debut                                                                       Author
                                                            author. Her stories show metaphorical                                            Carlota Gurt
                                                            readings related to the obstacles and                                            (Barcelona, 1976). Writer
                                                            fears that we all carry inside.”                                      Mercè
                                                                                                                                             and translator. Degree in
                                                            ARA.CAT                                                                          Translation and Interpreting,
                                                                                                                                             East Asian Studies,
                                                            Riding all night is crossing in the dark to-                                     Humanities, Business and
                                                            ward boundaries that seem unattainable                                           Audiovisual Communication.
                                                                                                               The jury said:                She worked at the theatre
                                                            but not always are. Riding all night is not
                                                                                                                                             company La Fura dels Baus
                                                            tearing down and chasing the moon, inde-                                         and at the Temporada Alta
                                                            fatigable. To ride all night is not to be afraid   Human relations are the       Festival, mainly as pro-
                                                            of fighting the darkness that is inside us or      thematic nexus of the         duction manager. Like the
                                                            that which comes from outside.                     storybook, a work that        characters in her first book,
                                                                                                               stands out for its psy-       she rides a life without
                                                            Characters that could be your neighbor,                                          saddle and also juggles with
                                                                                                               chological depth. The         her three kids, translation,
                                                            your daughter, your greengrocer or your-
                                                                                                               literary strengh of the       writing and reading, as well
                                                            self, are the protagonists of these short
                                                            stories juggling the love that dries up in         texts, the unfolding of the   as dreaming whenever she
                                                                                                               human relationships, and      can afford it, while living
                                                            their fingers, the life they carry on and the
                                                                                                               the visual references are     between Barcelona and La
                                                            duty that hangs on them. These short sto-                                        Pera (Girona).
                                                            ries have been written with invigorating           an invitation to enjoy        She has made her debut as
                                                            doses of humor and tetchiness, that arouse         the reading, not only for     literary writer by winning
                                                            smiles, but also restlessness.                     the stories told as for the   the 2019 Mercè Rodoreda
                                                            With this very first book Carlota Gurt shows       way they are written.         Prize with storytelling
                                                            an impetuous and talent literary debut.                                          Cavalcarem tota la nit.

                                                                                                                                             (Complete profile of the author

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                                              12
Passage To A New World
                                          (Passatge al nou món)
                                          Columna, 2018 | 368p

                                          Rights sold:
                                          Spanish: Maeva
                                                                                                                                  Culturas, LV :

                                                                                                                                  “A picture of the yesterday’s
                                           With a love of the past that returns         #Historical                               world described by Stefan Zweig
                                           and a welcoming country that waits           #Women_Fiction                Spanish
                                                                                                                                  and Federico Fellini. […] Well
                                           for the wrong person, the futures of         #Love&Friendship                          documented and written. [...] A
                                           a French-Catalan woman and her
     Tània Juste                                                                                                                  novel written with joy, Passatge
                                           Russian friend change in a surprising        Port of Barcelona, 1918. Berta
                                           way. Set at the end of 1918, an amaz-                                                  al nou món works! "
     (Barcelona, 1972).                                                                 Casals is a twenty-year-old girl

                                           ing story of love and friendship.            who embarks on the transatlantic
     In 2009 she published                                                                                                        Núvol:
     her first novel, an hom-                                                           Queen Victoria Eugenia on her
                                                                                        way to Argentina, where she goes          “[The author’s] stories reach a
     age to the hopeful times
     of the Second Spanish                                                              to marry Julio Mitchell, a wealthy        wider public who is not so inter-
     Republic, A flor de                                                                Patagonian rancher and friend of          ested in getting the main facts,
     pell, after which came                                                             the family to whom she barely             but rather learn more about them
     Els anys robats. With                                                              knows.                                    in a more agile and informal way.
     L’hospital dels pobres,                                                            During her journey, Berta gets            [...] An interesting game between
     Juste went a step further
                                                                                        bored with the formalities and            narrative stages.”
     and gained popularity
     and several editions.                                                              rigid rules of first class elitist pas-
     In 2015 receives the                                                               sengers. Her only confidant on the         La petita llibreria:
     Nèstor Luján Award for                                                             ship will be Irina Alexandrovna,
                                                                                                                                  “One of those works that does
     the intens story of a                                                              with whom she will share conver-
                                                                                                                                  not let you go to sleep, you want
     family among vineyards,                                                            sations, complicities and an un-
     Temps de família.                                                                  missable secret that seals their          to read more and more... Having
                                                                                        destiny forever.                          a work of this author at home
     (Complete profile of the
                                                                                        70 years later, Berta will tell her       is synonymous with a pleasant,
     author here)
                                                                                        granddaughter about the true              emotional, well-written reading,
                                                                                        story behind that unforgettable           set with delicate addition, careful
                                                                                        journey.                                  in detail”.

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                                       13
More on Tània Juste

    Family Time                                                                                      The Hospital of the Poor
    (Temps de família)                                                                               (L’hospital dels pobres)
    Columna, 2015 | 368p | 3 ed                                                                      Columna, 2014 | 333p­| 7 ed
    Nèstor Luján Award of Historical
    Fiction                                                                                          Rights sold:
                                                                                                     Spanish: Maeva
    Rights sold:                                                                                     German: Bastei Lübbe
    Spanish: Maeva

                                                                                                     “   A novel about the construction
                                                                                                         of the Hospital de Sant Pau, the
                                                                                                         largest modernist compound of
                                                                                                                                            »The novel that gives life to the Barcelona
                                                                                                                                            of the early XXth century.
                                                                                                         all times.
                                                                                                                                            » By awarded author for Historical Fiction.
           #FamilySaga #Historical
                                                 Through the lives of three generations                     #FamilySaga #Historical
                                                 of the Giner family, their clandestine                                                         Film rights under consideration
                                                 loves, fraternal hatred, and unsolved
                                                 murder mysteries, Temps de família                                                                    LA VANGUARDIA :
                                                 (Family Time) weaves a plot as attractive                                                     “A mythical space that becomes
                                                 and magnificent as the vineyards that
                                                 serve as the setting for this lineage.
                                                                                                                                               Barcelona, the beginning of the XXth

                                                 “    A novel about a Catalan                                                                  century. Santa Creu Hospital is heaving
                                                      family, the wine industy and                                                             inside the old medieval city walls that
                                                      the evolution towards an in-                                                             have sheltered it for five centuries. This
                                                      dustrialized modern world                                                                is a portrait of a society divided by so-
                                                      that wants to leave old rural                                                            cial classes where the lives of a handful

                                                      traditions behind.                                                                       of characters cross over indefectibly
                                                                                                                                               and together they make the new hos-
                                                                                                                                               pital for the poor people of the city a
                                                 A faithful portrayal of a time and a country, a
                                                 novel that talks about the men and women who
                              3 ed                                                                                   ish                       Through the construction of some of
                                                 fought to restore their lands, devastated by the          Long Engl
                            in trade                                                                         synopsis                          the greatest modernist gems in the
                                                 phylloxera plague at the end of the 19th century,           & sample
                             pocket!             and who began the 20th century in a rural world               pages                           world, men and women seek happiness
                                                 undergoing a complete transformation.                                                         at the rhythm that marks the new times.

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                                                           14
Magui’s Shadow Still Wanders the Backyard
                                           (L’ombra de la Magui encara és al jardí)
                                           Columna, 2020
                                           Rights sold:
                                           Spanish: Destino


                                                                                      “   SPOILER ALERT: What
                                                                                          would a mother be able to do
                                                                                          to prevent her daughter from

                                                                                          being abused?
   has a degree in                                                                                                                Destino publishes leading
   Communication as well                                                                                                           Spanish mistery authors
                                                                                          Magui is a 4-year-old girl who
   as a master in Audiovisual                                                                                                      like Dolores Redondo,
                                                                                          disappears without leaving a trace
   Communication. She is                                                                  on the magical night of Sant Joan,       Federico Axat, Félix J.
   currently a scriptwriter for                                                           during the fireworks festival that       Palma or Care Santos.
   documentaries and gives                                                                welcome the Summer solstice. We
   classes on cinema and tel-                                                             are in the bourgeois Barcelona of           THIS BOOK HAS...
   evision. Her heart is divid-                                                           the early XXth century, in the great
   ed between the Catalonia                                                               mansion of one of the wealthiest       ✓High skills of the author
   that she loves and the                                                                 families of the time. Total despair    to depict and bring to life
   Languedoc of her ances-                                                                for the parents, for the mother, the   old times, cities, people.
   tors, and so her narrations                                                            sisters and for everyone who loved
   are often set in both re-                                                              Magui because the few clues found      ✓Round main characters
   gions. Among her books,                                                                don’t show any hope.                   and deluxe second coral
   special mention should be                                                              Today, the family that suffered this   secondaries.
   made to Mazapanes amar-                                                                disappearance a century ago will
   gos finalist for the award                                                             begin an investigation to solve the    ✓Two well plot driven
   Sen Soví.                                                                              mystery surrounding the disappear-     lines of time.
                                                                                          ance of Magui, which had remained
   (Complete profile of the au-                                                           unresolved for decades. Until now.
   thor here)

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                              15
The Navigator                         English
                                                        (El navegant)
                                                        Proa, 2016 | 352p |3 ed              & German
                                                        Rights sold:                                       Shortlisted in the international
                                                        Spanish: Navona                                    programme New Spanish Books,
                                                        Crítica Serra d’Or Award                           UK pannel.
                                                        for the best novel in Catalan                      By Sant Jordi Award author
                                                        #Historical #Literary #ModernFable                 Compared to Patrick Süskind,

                                                                                                           Zola, Albert Sánchez Piñol,
                                                          A personal narrative style that sin-             Montaigne, Jules Verne or Calvino.
                                                          gles the author out from other writers
                                                                                                           La Vanguardia:

                                                          of his generation.
       Joan-Lluís Lluís                                                                                    «With a branch of Italo Calvino,
                                                                                                           another Montaigne’s essays and
       (Perpignan, 1963) is a
                                                                                                           one of Robinson Crusoe. [...]
       writer and a journalist.
                                                                                                           Compared to Sánchez Piñol.»
       He studied Art History
       at Montpelier University.
                                                                                                           Assiscle Xatot is born in Perpinyà in 1852 with a very spe-
       He has written some non
                                                                                                           cial ability: a gift that allows him to acquire any language
       fiction and mainly fiction.                                                                         as soon as he hears a single word. Xatot is involved in
       In recent years, he has                                                                             the riots of the Paris Commune and is deported to New
       published Aiguafang, Crítica                                                                        Caledonia, where he will be adopted by an indigenous
       Serra d’Or Award in 2009,                                                                           clan and named his particular storyteller.
       Xocolata desfeta (2009),
                                                                                                           Following the patterns of picaresque and adventure
       an experimental work of
       narrative, and the novel                                                                            novels, Joan-Lluís Lluís brings into question the survival
       Cròniques d’un déu coix, win-                                                                       of languages, what’s evil, ambition, servility, colonialism,
       ner of the Lletra d’Or 2014.
                                                                                                           ideals betrayed, fate, chance, what is ‘wild’ and what
                                                                                                           is ‘civilization’... all through a precise and beautiful lan-
       (Complete profile of the                                                                            guage and an absorbent and fast-paced rythm.
       author here)                                                                                        Among the most classic adventure and the literary gen-
                                                                                                           re, a particular trip of a young Catalan with a unique

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                                          16
On El Navegant


                                     El Periódico - « As in Perfume by Patrick Süskind,
                                     the superpower of Assiscle is useful to travel             From the reading report
                                     through history. [...] Joan-Lluís Lluís uses a beautiful   (Peter Bush), UK pannel
                                     and precise language»
                                                                                                «The Navigator is an          [...] extremely convinc-
                                     La Vanguardia - « A fast-paced and absorbing               original, well written nov-   ing.
                                     reading.»                                                  el with a style of its own
                                                                                                that hooks the reader.        [...] The author introduc-
                                     Diari Ara - « The novel is a tribute to the pica-
                                                                                                Although it is a historical   es the theme of linguis-
                                     resque novels. [...] El navegant highlights the vir-
      Proa, 2016 | 352p                                                                         adventure novel, its per-     tic diversity and reflects
      3 ed                           tues of the genre: narrative agility, surprises, sense
                                                                                                spective is contemporary      on the phenomenon of
      Crítica Serra d’Or             of humor and the self-learning of the main charac-
                                                                                                and thought-provoking.        world languages with-
      Award for the best             ter.»
      novel in Catalan in                                                                                                     out becoming pedantic.
      2016.                          Culturas LV - « A meditation on language, culture          [...] well-constructed
      Rights Sold:                   and knowledge, [...] El Navegant deals with the            and very readable.            [...] In terms of style,
      Spanish: Navona                philosophical narrative adventure with a branch of                                       the novel recalls Zola’s
                                     Italo Calvino, another Montaigne’s essays and one          [...] an original adven-      (especially in the pag-
                                     of Robinson Crusoe. [...] Compared to Sánchez              ture novel that also          es relating the agitated
                                     Piñol.»                                                    highlights the riches         months Assiscle spends
                                                                                                that all languages pos-       in Paris), and also Jules
                            - « Chapters describing the            sess.                         Verne. »
                                     living conditions of prisoners are worthy of Zola.
                                     [...] We are in front of a very good adventure story
                                     that is much more than that.»

                                     El Periódico « One of the three or four most valua-
                                     ble books in Catalan fiction this year.»

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                          17
Betrayed Friendships
                                               (Les amistats traïdes)
                                               Enciclopèdia, 2020 | 240 p
                                               Sant Jordi Award for Best Novel 2019
                                                                                         AVUI -“Nel·lo’s books are al-
                                               Rights sold                               ways enjoyable. It’s obvious            60th
                                               Spanish: Catedral                         […] that he dominates the            Sant Jordi
                                                                                         tools and narrative games.”          Best Novel
                                               #Faustus                                                                         Award
                                               #Friendship_Love_Ambition                 NÚVOL -“[the novel] main-
                                                                                         tains a demonic narrative         The Jury:

                                             “ Would you pay the highest price to
                                               get literary success?
                                                                                         tension throughout the

                                                                                         ARA.CAT -“Mad and absurd
                                                                                                                           A plot that not
                                                                                                                           only manages
                                                                                                                           the suspense
                                               A new take on the myth of Faustus.                                          masterfully but

                                                                                         issues with a great deal of
                                                                                         elegance. This novel is a
                                                                                                                           that also main-
                                                                                         deluxe prank.”                    tains the nar-
    David Nel·lo                                                                                                           rative tension
    (Barcelona, 1959) is a writer,                                                       INTERNATIONAL SCOUT               increasing until
    flute player and translator.                                                         -“It’s is simply fascinating.”    the very end.
    A very well-known Catalan
    writer especially among
    children and YA. He has won                                                         Salvador Togores, literary translator, goes to
    many different awards for                                                           Switzerland to make a stay at a translator’s residence
    his adult novels as Marian                                                          just a year after his father’s death. There, by sur-
    Vayreda Award for El meu
    cor cap a tu per sempre, Roc
                                                                                        prise, he finds Bachtel, the famous writer who had
    Boronat Award for Setembre                                                          disappeared from the public eye for many years and
    a Perugia, or the Prudenci                                                          author of worship. In the past, Markus Bachtel had
    Bertrana Award for Melissa                                                          been a close friend of the Togores family, especially
    & Nicole. Now, his talent has                                                       of the father, but the relationship broke up abruptly
    been recognized once more
    with the best considered
                                                                                        and painfully. During a series of nights, Bachtel, like
    award in Catalan for a literary                                                     a modern Sherezade, reveals the incredible story of
    novel, the Sant Jordi, given                                                        his life and the reason for his escape and disappear-
    for Betrayed Friendships.                                                           ance.
                                                                                        A novel on friendship, love and the limits of ambition.
    (Complete profile of the author

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                 18
Dangerous Living
                                                     (Viure perillosament)
                                                     Comanegra, 2019 | 180 p

                                                     2 ed
                                                     Rights sold
                                                     Spanish: Comanegra

                                                     #Tribute #SharpPens
                                                                                               “   14 moments in the life of
                                                                                                   14 women who feared
                                                                                                   no danger.
         This story collection is a great
         tribute to the free-spirited and            #Feminism #Stories                            Great sensitivity, deep
         gaze-free women, and especia-                                                             literary knowledge, rich           The Author

         lly the writers and artists, of all                                                       style.
         times and conditions.

         “There is no gate, no lock, no bolt
         that you can set upon the free-
                                                                                                  Storying small anecdotes         Gemma Pasqual i Escrivà
         dom of my mind.” This quote by                                                           of great women: Virginia
         Virginia Woolf, one of the four-                                                         Woolf, Mercè Rodoreda,           (Almoines, 1967) is,
                                                                                                                                   for years now, one of
         teen great women starring in the-                                                        Simone de Beauvoire, Rosa
                                                                                                                                   the most celebrated
         se tales, would surely have been                                                         Parks, Frida Kahlo, Mary         authors thanks, above
         shared by all the others.                                                                Shelley or Jane Austen,          all, to her children and
                                                                                                  among others. (*)                ypung adult works. This
         These stories that recreate di-                                                                                           book could be con-
         fferent anecdotes in the his-                                                                                             sidered her baptism in
         tory of women: the unforgetta-                                                            (*) New local strong femenine   adult literature, if these
         ble conversation between Rosa                                                             charcters’ stories on demand.   labels were needed. She
                                                                                                                                   writes regularly in the
         Parks and Recy Taylor, Simone
                                                                                                                                   media and is vice-pres-
         de Beauvoire’s bicycle accident,                                                                                          ident in the País
         Caterina Albert’s most beloved                                                                                            Valencià of the Writers’
         collection, Anaïs Nin’s eroticism...                                                                                      Association in Catalan.

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer | | Rights managed on behalf of Comanegra                                       19
The Biggest Risk
                                            (El risc més gran)
                                            Ara Llibres, 2018                                                                                lish
                                            354p                                                                                           Sam
                                            6 editions!                                                                                    Ava

                                            #NewPlaceNewLife                              Wild, disturbing and stabbing. An
                                            #WomanPower                                   outstanding debut.
                                            #DiverseFamilies                                                                      «A round story, with an
                                            #ContemporaryFiction                          A vitalist and moving novel of       electrifying style, very per-
                                            #Upmarket                                     powerful women, of very diverse       sonal, bright. The debut of
                                                                                          family universes, of explosive         an extraordinary talent.»
          Debut                                                                           loves and intense relationships,                 El Núvol
          Author!                                                                         and of such solid characters that
                                            With the serene and rebel gaze
                                            of Júlia, Laura Pinyol writes                 cannot but stay with you for long.                  *
                                                                                                                                «You are left with a heavy
                                            about what we are capable of
                                                                                                                                heart and eager to live (in
                                            doing when we lose our fear
                                                                                                                               equal parts)! What a debut.»
       Laura Pinyol                         and dare to live in freedom.
                                                                                                                                    Roc Casagran, author
       Laura Pinyol Puig
       (Terrassa, 1979) is a
       journalist and this is her
                                            Desire, loss, renunciations and
                                            love walk through the life of Julia,
                                                                                                                               «A novel of second chances
       debut novel. Strong in               a thirty-four-year-old woman
       communication skills,
                                                                                                                               and a tribute to people who
                                            who moves to live to the distant                                                    love with no compromise.»
       she also collaborates in
       various written media, as            Terra Alta with her two children                                                       Fe Fernàndez, bookseller
       well as she runs a com-              after an emotional breakdown.
       munication agency.                   Far from the city, Julia reinvents
                                            herself and is reborn. She learns
                                                                                                                               «It moves from the inside as
                                            to live with the gaps left by the                                                     only good books do.»
                                            people she loved -her charismat-                                                          @Mferres, reader
                                            ic mother, a missing husband, the
                                            elusive lover, her friend Tona-, to                                                               *
                                            puzzle over her memories and
                                            start from scratch.

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer | | Rights managed on behalf of Ara Llibres                                    20
Bad       Good Father
                                                    (Mal bon pare)
                                                    Ara Llibres, 2020 | 240p

                                                    #Hilarious #ModernFatherhood                       A cool, sharp and vital novel about
                                                    #UnderclassAntihero                                fatherhood and the crisis of the 40s
                                                                                                                                                  “Plot is focused on a misfit
                                                                                                       in a man who resists maturing. Because
           The Author                               #21stCenturyMan #Misfit                            there’s a third way between a good or      character who is happy to
                                                    #NewMasculinity #SharpPen                          a bad father: being a bad good one!        be, with a magnificent abili-
                                                                                                                                                  ty to photograph the street,
                                                                                                        At the crossroad of life, an anti-he-     neighborhood life. Pons
                                                                                                        ro of our time doomed to carry the        Codina’s sense of humor is
        Sergi Pons Codina
                                                                                                        weight of relentless parenting, with      not frivolous or gratuitous.”
        (Barcelona, 1979). Mars                                                                         endless patience, is forced to decide
        del Carib was the first                                                                         what he wants to be when he grows
        novel of Pons Codina, a                                                                         up. Bad dad? Good father?                 “Pons Codina writes about
        real joy for the readers                                                                        Carles Vila aspired to a calm maturity.   lumpen, marginal atmos-
        and a big surprise for the                                                                      He was about to turn forty. The girls     pheres and guys a bit out of
        critics, not used to read                                                                       were almost grown. He was becoming        their heads with no literary
        such a straightforward,                                                                         more and more convinced that life         etiquette. And in all chapters
        authentic and sharp                                                                             was a boomerang who had taken him
        prose in Catalan. This                                                                                                                    there are LOL situations.”
                                                                                                        away, but would end up leaving him
        was followed by Dies                                                                            gently at the bar door where he had       LA VANGUARDIA
        de ratafia where Pons                                                                           come from, the beloved Mars del
        Codina kept exploring the                                                                       Carib.                                    “Mal bon pare is explosive
        triangle formed by friend-
        ship, neighborhood, and
                                                                                                        He was wrong. An unexpected preg-         laughter, but it also has a
        alcohol. With Mal bon
                                                                                                        nancy blocks the path of freedom and      substrate, a thesis beyond
        pare he achieves recogni-                                                                       puts him in front of a large family, a    laughter. Humor, father-
        tion as a storyteller, and                                                                      tedious work, his ultra-conservative      hood, tenderness, family,
        opens his universe to the                                                                       parents and not less benevolent par-      work, illness, love.”
        world of couples, par-                                                                          ents-in-law, and an endless pain in the
                                                                                                        stomach unable to control.                MIQUEL ADAM, the publisher
        ents and children, adding
        depth and complexity to                                                                         A book about new masculinity (or fa-
        his work without losing a                                                                       therhood today) described not from
        single bit of his punch.                                                                        nonsense but from an ironic filter.

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer | | Rights managed on behalf of Ara Llibres                                                        21
Mr.      Folch
                                                   (Míster Folch)
                                                   Empúries, 2019 | 224p

                                                                                           An original, irreverent and
                                                                                           witty novel by one of the
                                                                                           most brilliant authors of the
                                                                                           current Catalan narrative.

       Adrià Pujol Cruells
                                               “    The first novel about the civil
                                                    postwar period in Catalonia that
                                                    does not talk about either the                A Barcelona tale

                                                    postwar period or Catalonia.             with God as the storyteller.
       (Begur, 1974).
       Anthropologist and writer.
                                                                                        This is a Barcelona story told by a God in
       He has published essay
       books, biographies and                                                           low hours that seeks the complicity of the
       fiction. Difficult to classify                                                   reader to present Mr. Folch, a man born in
       by genre, among his many                                                         1942 in highly peculiar conditions and who
       books published, stands                                                          is graceful with superhuman powers.
       out the autobiograph-
       ical novel Picadura de                                                           Bastard son of a despotic and unscrupu-
       Barcelona, La carpeta és                                                         lous bourgeois, Mr. Folch discovers that he
       blava or Guia sentimental                                                        has unusual powers. However, he does not
       de l'Empordanet. All books
                                                                                        take advantage of them the way his mentor
       are always full of irony
                                                                                        and father in the shade, God, would like. Mr.
       and humour. Recently, he
       has published a challeng-                                                        Folch comes into contact with spiritualist
       ing and experimental book                                                        circles and also with the clandestine strug-
       El fill del corrector / Arre,                                                    gle against dictator Franco. His life takes a
       arre, corrector, considered                                                      turn when, as if he was a superhero, he fe-
       by critics as a "magnifi-                                                        els called to save the city and the country.
       cient book”, "translinguis-
       tic experiment" or "uto-                                                         Military, prostitutes, Wagnerians, gypsies,
       pian, written, rewritten,                                                        workers and maids, Mr. Folch’s panorama
       translated, comented...
                                                                                        seems far from victory, but he will make
                                                                                        this corner of the world a little better.
       (Complete profile of the
       author here)

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                       22
                                                      (La gola)
                                                      Fragmenta | 80 p                                                        #CapitalSinsSeries
                                                      Rights sold                                                              #Fresh&Rigorous
                                                      Spanish: Comanegra                                                        #GlottonyInArts

                                                   “   Between scholarship and
                                                       creativeness, good literary
                                                       chemistry to the delight of
                                                                                                  Amazing Contents:
                                                                                                  1. Sin, disease or system?
                                                                                                  2. Origin of the sin of gluttony
                                                                                                  3. Gluttony and women
       Adrià Pujol Cruells

                                                       readers” – El Núvol                        4. Verborrhea and gluttony, to finish
       (Begur, 1974).
       Anthropologist and writer.                                                                  The glutton is victim and guilty. Gluttony
       He has published essay                                                         Capital      has gone from being an offense to God to
       books, biographies and                                                       Sins Series    being a social sin.
       fiction. Difficult to classify
       by genre, among his many
       books published, stands
                                                                                                   Except on that days when lack of control
       out the autobiograph-                                                                       is allowed, and apart from those who have
       ical novel Picadura de                                                                      a bull thanks to their position, boundless
       Barcelona, La carpeta és                                                                    gluttony is usually considered bad taste.
       blava or Guia sentimental                                                                   Gluttony has mutated in disease: it has
       de l'Empordanet. All books
       are always full of irony
                                                                                                   jumed from voluntary vice to hereditary
       and humour. Recently, he                                                                    misfortune, from the sin of the rich to the
       has published a challeng-                                                                   sin of all, from individual depravity to so-
       ing and experimental book                                                                   cial tendency. We have socialized the vir-
       El fill del corrector / Arre,                                                               tues, but also the tares.
       arre, corrector, considered
       by critics as a "magnifi-
       cient book”, "translinguis-                                                                 With highly expressive prose, Adrià
       tic experiment" or "uto-                                                                    Pujol makes a very unique journey
       pian, written, rewritten,                                                                   around gluttony through the West lite-
       translated, comented...                                                                     rary, cinematographic, artistic and ico-
                                                                                                   nographic tradition.
       (Complete profile of the
       author here)

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                  23
Beds of Others
                                                      (Els llits dels altres)
                                                      Ara Llibres, 2018 | 144p
                                                      Roc Boronat Award to Best Fiction
                                                      3 ed
                                                                                                           The most refined text written
                                                                                                           with Elizabeth Strout, Agota
                                                                                                                                                 “   Anna Punsoda illuminates the
                                                                                                                                                     most obscure corners of the soul
                                                                                                                                                     of the protagonist with a clear
                                                                                                           Kristof and Vivian Gornick as
                                                      #ContemporaryFiction                                                                           and forceful prose, devastating
                                                                                                                                                     and tender at the same time.

        The Author
                                                                                                           Claustre, main character of Els
                                                                                                                                                     · A novel aimed at shaking
                                                                                                           llits dels altres, stops the car at
                                                                                                                                                     Catalan literature.
                                                                                                           a roadside inn. The visit to her
                                                                                                           mother has left her with awful            · An author called to leave
                                                                                                           feelings and she needs to calm            her mark.
    Anna Punsoda
                                                                                                           down. The bartender woman                 · A true revelation.
    (Barcelona, 1985) has a                                                                                is an old acquaintance with a
    degree in journalism and                                                                               murky past. Outside it is already         «I had not read such a strong
    philosophy. For ten years                                                                              dark, and confidences of a life-          debut for a long time. As if
    she has been devoted to                                                                                time will ignite the night.               we had a Lucia Berlin born in
    cultural journalism in a                                                                                                                         Lleida.»
                                                                                                           The author dazzles with her gaze
    number of foundations,                                                                                                                           Albert Forns, author
    written and audiovisual
                                                                                                           the body and sex of Claustre,
    media, a task that has been                                                                            sculpted by the alcoholism of
    combined with teaching on                                                                              the father, the frustrating apathy        «Direct style and delicate nar-
    one side, and cultural man-                                                                            of the mother and a stolen in-            rative force»
    agement and promotion on                                                                               nocence that has led her to lose          Silvia Muntané, bookseller
    the other. Els llits dels altres                                              Eng e                    herself in the beds of others.
    is her first novel, with which                                                Sam le!                  With no fuss, bitterness nor des-
                                                                                                                                                     «A dazzling debut.»
    she deserved the Roc                                                          Ava                                                                El Núvol, literary magazine.
    Boronat Award.
                                                                                                           olation, Claustre stares at all the
                                                                                                           inheritances she’s carrying, how-
                                                                                                                                                     «You have to read holding your
                                                                                                           ever sordid, sad and shameful
                                                                                                                                                     breath. A powerfully well writ-
                                                                                                           they may be. With the good dose
                                                                                                                                                     ten book.»
                                                                                                           of black humor typical of those
                                                                                                                                                     David Guzmán, leadig book reviewer.
                                                                                                           who have gone to a bottomless
                                                                                                           pit and have survived.

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer | | Rights managed on behalf of Ara Llibres                                                                24
Flags of Others
                                                   (Banderes dels altres)
                                                   Proa, 2019 | 272p
                                                                                                    The son of a repressed republican
                                                   #PowerOfDreams                                     family pursues his dream in the
                                                   #LoveWins                                        classist and divided Catalonia of
                                                   #WoundedFamilies                                           the 50s and 60s.

     J.N. Santaeulàlia
                                              “    A handful of intertwined stories that
                                                   tell about defeat, sacrifice and the
                                                   power of love, with characters who
                                                                                                            Love and hate.
                                                                                                         Sacrifice and triumph.
                                                                                                      Revenge and reconciliation.
     (Banyoles, 1955) is a philol-

     ogist, writer, poet, essay-                   struggle to achieve their dreams.
                                                                                                          And above everything,
     ist, novelist and translator.                                                                        the power of dreams.
     His first publication was a
     book of poems, Memòria
     de la carn. He worked as                                                                  Banderes dels altres is a rich portrait of a so-
     a Catalan teacher and                                                                     ciety that fights to leave behind the wounds
     also as a tutor at Aula                                                                   of war. In a temporary arc that goes from
     d’Acollida, this is language                                                              1936 to 1975, several family strains braid
     lessons and resources for                                                                 their lives despite the old confrontation
     non-Catalan speaking stu-                                                                 during a war that, in fact, everyone lost.
     dents. In 2008-2009 ac-
     ademic year was Catalan
                                                                                               The main narrative thread follows Jepi
     reader at the University of
     Massachusetts (UMASS).
                                                                                               Gual, the youngest of three orphaned
     He has won several                                                                        brothers from a Republican family who
     awards, including the                                                                     leaves school to work in a workshop, rents
     prize of the Serra d’Or                                                                   a hut near the pond where he boils skins
     Critics Award for Bulbs or                                                                to create glue and builds a company that
     the Columna Award for                                                                     with the years becomes a thriving factory.
     Ulls d’aigua.                                                                             Jepi ends up marrying his childhood love,
                                                                                               the daughter of an owner who had been ‘on
     (Complete profile of the author
                                                                                               the other side’.

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                 25
The Memory of the Tree
                                        (La memòria de l’arbre)                                        English
                                        Anagrama, 2017 | 218p                                             available

                                        Catalan: 5 ed
                                        Spanish: 2 ed

                                        Rights sold:                                                #Contemporary                        Anagrama Llibres Prize
                                        French: Philippe Rey
                                        Galician: Kalandraka
                                                                                                    #Grandfather&Grandson              “A little upmarket gem”
                                        Italian: Solferino                                          #Longseller
                                                                                                                                      The Jury:
                                        Portuguese: Dom Quixote
                                        Spanish: Anagrama                                           • The Curious Incident            A magical and deeply
     Tina Vallès                        Turkish: Can Çocuk Yayinlari                                of the Dog In the Night-
                                                                                                                                      moving portrayal superbly
                                                                                                    Time meets The Boy in the         realised of the relation-
     (Barcelona, 1976).                                                                             Striped Pyjamas .
                                                                                                                                      ship between grandfa-
     Writer, translator and
                                                                                                    • Voice compared to
                                                                                                                                      ther, grandson and the
     proofreader. Co-editor
     of the digital magazine                                                                        Huckleberry Finn and The          loss and transmission of
     for short stories Paper de                                                                     Catcher In the Rye.               memory.
     Vidre. Founding member
     of APTIC, a professional
                                                                                                    From now on there will be        will discover how memories
     association of transla-
                                                                                                    five at home. Jan tries to       are made, how they are con-
     tors and interpreters
     in Catalunya. She is a
                                                                                                    discover why his parents did     served and how they are lost.
     powerful literary voice
                                                                                                    not smile when they gave him     Between the big city and
     who publishes books
                                                                                        French      the news: grandpas Joan and      a small town of barely five
     for adults and she also                                                                        Caterina go to live with them,   hundred inhabitants, Jan
     writes stories for chil-                                                                       in their flat in Barcelona.      pursues the story of a myste-
     dren.                                                                                          Now the house is filled with     rious weeping willow that the
                                                                                                    some silences that Jan will      grandfather treasures in his
     (Complete profile of the                                                                       try to decipher with the help    infancy since childhood.
     author here)
                                                                                      Galician      of his grandfather. And little   While the first one builds
                                                                                                    by little, between walks full    his memory, his identity, the
                                                                                                    of questions and answers, si-    second sees his own disap-
                                                                                                    lences and tress, Jan and we     pear.


Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                                    26
On La memòria de l’arbre
                                  Babelia, El País - «Tina Vallès shows her expertise and     the simple beauty without dark sides.»
                                  her delicate narrative insight.»                            L’Espolsada (bookshop) - «A beautiful book that every-
                                  @Librotea, Gabi Martínez - «Delicate miniaturist and        one should definitely read.»
                                  beauty searcher, Tina Vallès is able to offer the best of
                                  details. Her use of the language is passionate.»
                                                                                              Excerpt from UK Reading         is deceptively simple yet
                                  L’avenç - «If in La memòria de l’arbre we are not ex-       Report                          effective. Vallès realises
                                  actly in front of the adolescent skatz that applied Mark
                                                                                              (by Laura McGloughlin)          Jan’s voice brilliantly -he is
                                  Twain in Huckleberry Finn and J.D. Salinger in The
                                                                                                                              bright and sensitive to the
                                  Catcher In the Rye, little is lacking.»
                                                                                                                              moods of the adults around

                                  La Razón - «Impressive existential everyday life. […]           La memòria de l'arbre       him, and his narration never
                                  The return to simple and direct writing.»                   is a beautifully-written,       feels contrived.
                                  Màrius Serra - «Delicious ... A novel as sensitive as a     poignant novel about the        I loved this novel and it
                                  haiku. Contained and full of emotional content.»            relationship between a boy      stayed with me for days
                                  Núvol - «As slowly unwrapping a gift [...]. La memòria      and his grandfather, told in    after I finished reading it.
    Anagrama, 2017 |              de l’arbre is a book that can give very good surprises.»    a series of vignettes, which    Vallès manages to evoke
    218p                                                                                      leaves a lasting impression     genine feeling in the reader
                                  Ara – «A delicate delicious novel […]. A remarkable
    Catalan: 5 ed                                                                             on the reader.                  -the depiction of the rela-
    Spanish: 2 ed
                                  domain of dramatic irony. The prose is clean, airy and
                                                                                              The novel is artfully con-      tionship between Jan and
                                  carefully purged of kitsch.»
    Rights sold:                                                                              structed as a series of         his grandfather brought me
    French: Philippe Rey          Vilaweb - «Its sensitivity and tenderness are born of a     memories and glimpses           to tears more than once.
    Galician: Kalandraka          mind structured and precise.»                               into one small boy’s world      Its universal themes of love
    Italian: Solferino            Nació Digital - «An example of how overwhelming can         as it changes around him,       and memory, coupled with
    Portuguese: Dom               be delicacy. Take this book [...] and you’ll understand     often evocative and quiet-      the increasingly topical sub-
    Quixote                       what substance is memory made of.»                          ly devastating. The novel’s     ject matter of dementia,
    Spanish: Anagrama                                                                         true strength, however, lies    make this a very universal
    Turkish: Can Çocuk            Diari De Mallorca - «200 pages that read like a party.

                                  [...] A writer full of verbal freshness.»                   in the writing. Vallès’ style   novel.
                                  El País - «Vallès has expressed deep silence of the in-
                                  timate nature of everyday life. Commitment in favor of

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                              27

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |             28
Tradition Scrapped.
                                                 In the workshop of the XXth
                                                 century fiction                                             CLAUDIO MAGRIS - “Happy
                                                 (El desguace de la tradición. En el taller de la narrati-   to be in this book.”
                                                 va del siglo XX)                                                                                                  d
                                                                                                             THE NEW YORK REVIEW OF                           idge
                                                 Cátedra, 2011 | 1.021p | 4 ed                                                                            abr
                                                                                                             BOOKS - “A formidable, fas-                   vers      le
                                                                                                             cinating and seriously funny                       ilab
                                                 #Tradition #ContemporaryNarrative                                                                          ava
                                                                                                             amusing book.”
                                                                                                             EDUARDO MENDOZA - “An

    Javier Aparicio Maydeu
                                                   “   The only book that submerges the
                                                       reader in the creative process of the
                                                                                                             extraordinary and stimulating
                                                                                                             book. One of the few books to
                                                                                                                                                  A stimulating visit to the

                                                       great authors of the XX.                                                                   workshop of contempo-
    (Barcelona, 1964) is Full                                                                                EL PAÍS – “One of the few,           rary narrative, where the
    Professor of Spanish and                                                                                                                      reader will observe the de-
                                                                                                             lucid, incisors, stimulating,
    Comparative Literature at                                                                                                                     tails of the process of cre-
                                                                                                             protean texts that teach why.”
    Universitat Pompeu Fabra.                                                                                                                     ation of some of the most
    He worked with Carmen                                                                                    ABC CULTURAL – “Damned het-
                                                                                                             erodox, tremendously docu-
                                                                                                                                                  significant narrative arti-
    Balcells as literary agent
                                                                                                             mented, brilliantly written and      facts of the XXth century.
    for 15 years. He found-
                                                                                                             intelligently raised.”               A practical, interdisci-
    ed and still manages the
    Master in Publishing of
                                                                                                                                                  plinary and interactive
                                                                                                             LA VANGUARDIA – “An essay
    UPF, Barcelona School of                                                                                 that allows the reader to be
                                                                                                                                                  course where the reader
    Management. He has been                                                                                  part of the creative process         can surf as he was in inter-
    reviewing contemporary                                                                                   of the great authors of the          net.
    fiction at “Babelia”, El País                                                                            XX century.”
    for the last 20 years and is
    still one of the most re-                                                                                Why did Kafka’s page seem           Passos? Did LSD help Kerouac to
    nowned critics in Spanish                                                                                destined to be always blank?        solve the On the Road roll? Does
    language. He is the author                                                                               Listen to Satie helps to under-     Nabokov’s Pale Fire prove that
    of several essays and the                                                                                stand Proust’s style? Should we     the narrators lost their credibil-
    editor of critical editions                                                                              read aloud Ulysses? How much        ity? Joseph Roth wrote thinking
    of Nabokov, Calvino and                                                                                  is the first edition of The Great   about the advance, for Delibes
    Modiano, all published                                                                                   Gatsby worth? How did Faulkner      inspiration came when he slept
    Cátedra and Alianza.                                                                                     or Capote advise young narra-       well, editors changed the winning
                                                                                                             tors? What do Mondrian’s neo-       style of Carver and JFK’s death
    (Complete profile of the author                                                                          plasticism have in common with      on TV generated Libra by DeLillo
    here)                                                                                                    Manhattatan Transfer by Dos         as a episode of The Simpsons.

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                                                     29
More on Javier Aparicio Maydeu

    A Light Comedy                                                                  Continuity and
    (Una comedia ligera)
    Eduardo Mendoza (anotated edition
                                               1 The edition that contextu-
                                                                                    (Continuidad y ruptura. Una gramática   » A strategic study to see
    by Javier Aparicio Maydeu)                                                      de la tradición en la cultura contem-   how what’s been created
                                               alizes and enriches this ines-       poránea)
    Cátedra, 2019 | 648p                       capable work.                                                                determines the creation:
                                                                                    Alianza, 2013 | 216p                    Bach is in Bártok as Van
                                               2 Includes some pages of the
                                               notebooks that contributed                                                   der Weyden in Bill Viola or
                                               to the writing process                                                       Palladio in Le Corbusier.
                 #Barcelona                    3 New Epilogue by Eduardo                                                    » Tradition in Humanities. A
              #LiteraryHumor                   Mendoza.                                                                     very short introduction.
                  #Mistery                                                                #ContemporaryFiction
             #PlayWithinthePlay                                                                #Tradition
                                                In the late 1940s the Civil                                                   ENRIQUE VILA-MATAS:
                                                War is over, and Franco is                                                     “A small huge book.”
                                                still very much in charge.
                                                Prullas, a once-popu-                                                       An essay that faces the ir-
                                                lar playwright, pursues a                                                   revocable concept of tradi-
                                                crowded life in the stifling                                                tion, proposes and reasons
                                                city.                                                                       a definition, and examines
                                                Of a stylistic virtuosity                                                   its mechanisms and inter-
                                                                                                                            disciplinary    relationships
                                                as playful as uncommon,
                                                                                                                            with culture and the arts.
                                                this novel constitutes the
                                                                                                                            A laboratory in which the
                                                catalog of voices of an
                                                                                                                            relationship between tra-
                                                infamous time and an in-
                                                                                                                            dition and the entelechy of
                                                ventory of the forms that
                                                                                                                            originality is experienced:
                                                morality acquires when
                                                                                                                            the inevitable imitation, the
                                                the need squeezes in an
                                                                                                                            canon and parody, genius
                                                inefficient old country. The
                                                                                                                            and influence, protocols of
                                                bourgeois glare is opposed
                                                                                                                            innovation and the machin-
                                                to the obscureness of the
                                                                                                                            ery of trends.

Asterisc Agents | Foreign Rights - Natàlia Berenguer |                                                                           30
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