HEALTH ABOVE ALL Rs 20,000 cr package to tide over the crisis induced by the second wave of COVID- 19 - Government of Kerala

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HEALTH ABOVE ALL Rs 20,000 cr package to tide over the crisis induced by the second wave of COVID- 19 - Government of Kerala
State Budget 2021-22         Dr. Gagandeep Kang                                        Kerala tops again in SDG index

`12                                                  2021 JUNE 01

          Rs 20,000 cr package to tide over the crisis
          induced by the second wave of COVID- 19

                                            KERALA CALLING
                               JUNE 2021/

HEALTH ABOVE ALL Rs 20,000 cr package to tide over the crisis induced by the second wave of COVID- 19 - Government of Kerala
Let their smiles brighten our hearts
The elderly need utmost care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Let their happiness brighten our lives

                                       KERALA CALLING
                          JUNE 2021/   Photo Credit: V.V. Biju
HEALTH ABOVE ALL Rs 20,000 cr package to tide over the crisis induced by the second wave of COVID- 19 - Government of Kerala

                          Health is
              he peak of the second wave of the                         The revised budget presented in the first
              pandemic is over, but the threat of a                     session of the 15th Assembly has given utmost
              third wave is around the corner. The                      importance to the restriction of COVID-19. Rs
      State has effectively restricted the mortality rates              20,000 cr has been earmarked for this purpose.
      to the minimum and the administration has                         At the same time, the developmental works that
      intervened to address the difficulties faced by the               have been going on since the previous years
      people during the lockdown. With the envious                      cannot be impeded. A 100 days programme is
      record of having ‘zero-wastage of’ vaccines, our                  announced and the works are in full swing.
      immediate aim is to get all our people vaccinated
      as early as possible. In the short run, the State                 Given the impending third wave, and to
      is planning to get all those above40 years of age                 dispense scientific information to the public,
      vaccinated by July 15, at least with a single dose.               we have given excellent articles on it, written by
      For this, the administration is in full swing to                  experts par excellence. Of these, the interview
      procure maximum doses of vaccine.                                 with world-renowned virologist Dr. Gagandeep
                                                                        Kang invites special attention.
      In a significant move, Chief Minister Pianarayi
      Vijayan took the initiative of writing to eleven                  COVID- 19 has claimed many famous
      chief ministers in India seeking a united effort                  personalities across the globe and Kerala is not
      to urge the Centre to procure vaccines and                        an exception. In May, we lost the renowned
      ensure a universal vaccination drive. The                         poet S. Rameshan Nair. The renowned Bengali
      15th Kerala assembly, in a rare camaraderie,                      director Buddhadeb Dasgupta also bade farewell.
      passed a resolution that was critical of the                      We have given fitting tributes to the two great
      Union Government’s vaccine policy of pushing                      souls by giving well-written obit articles.
      the states to procure vaccines directly from
      the open market. The resolution was passed                        We are going through one of the worst times in
      unanimously. Later, when the Prime Minister                       history. But it is beyond that we will overcome
      announced the Union Government’s decision                         it through unity. It is a proven fact and it will
      to centralise vaccine procurement and provide                     repeat.
      free vaccination to everyone, the Chief Minister
      wholeheartedly welcomed the move.
                                                                        S. Harikishore I.A.S

                                                      KERALA CALLING
                                         JUNE 2021/

HEALTH ABOVE ALL Rs 20,000 cr package to tide over the crisis induced by the second wave of COVID- 19 - Government of Kerala
JUNE 01, 2021_VOL 41_NO.8

                                                                                                        This Issue
                        KERALA CALLING                                                                           JUNE 2021                      6        Committed to development
Editor-In-Chief        :  S. Harikishore IAS                                                                                                             and growth
Co Ordinating Editor   : K. Santhosh Kumar
Deputy Editor In Chief
                                K. P. Saritha
                                    C. Rajesh                                                                                                   8        Development will not be hit
Assistant Editor
Circulation Officer
                                 A. Anchitha
                              A. C. Abhilash                                                                                                             by the pandemic
Cover Design & Layout
                             Anil D. Prakash
                             Orange Printers
                                                                                                                                                         Pinarayi Vjayan
		Thiruvananthapuram                                                                                                                                     Chief Minister
                                                                                                                   0471 251 8648
                                                                                                                   0471 251 7036
                                                                                                                                                11 News Scan
Views expressed in the articles published in Kerala Calling                                                                                     12 Healthier measures
are not, necessarily, those of the government. Kerala Calling
welcomes free expression of divergent views and exchange of                                                                                              Interview with
ideas through its pages.                                                                                                                                 Finance Minister K.N. Balagopal
TO SUBSCRIBE                                                                                                                                             N.V. Raveendranathan Nair
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Phone: 0471 251 8471 and at all District Information Offices                                                                                       general education
RESPONSES MAY BE SENT TO MAIL:                                                                                                                           V. Sivankutty / Calling                                                                                                     Minister, General Education
Articles/features appearing in this magazine are either                                                                                         18 A rare camaraderie
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                                                                                                                                                         Bimal Shivaji
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Floor, Secretariat Annexe, Thiruvananthapuram Pin 695001
                                                                                                                                                20 Exemplary performance
Photo Credits :                                                                                                                                          Kerala retains top position in SDGs India Index
I&PRD Photography Division, V.V. Biju, Thulasi, Face book,
Freepik                                                                                                                                                  Kavita Martin
                                                                                                                                                         Senior Journalist
 State Budget 2021-22         Dr. Gagandeep Kang                      Kerala tops again in SDG index

                                                                                                                                                22 Delta variant spreads faster:
 `12                                2021 JUNE 01
                                                                                                                                                   Dr. Gagandeep Kang
                                                                                                                                                         N. Bhadran Nair
                                                                                                                                                         Executive Editor, Indian Science Journal
       ABOVE ALL
           Rs 20,000 cr package to tide over the crisis
           induced by the second wave of COVID- 19

                                                                                                        Number of Pages: 48+Cover KERALA CALLING
                                                                                                                      JUNE 2021/

HEALTH ABOVE ALL Rs 20,000 cr package to tide over the crisis induced by the second wave of COVID- 19 - Government of Kerala
24 The third wave and prevention                                               34 The evergreen Kathakali artiste
    Dr. Indu. P.S.                                                                       Dr. N.P. Vijayakrishnan
    Professor and head, Community Medicine, Govt Medical                                 Art Critic
    College, Thrissur
    Dr. Prajitha K.C.
                                                                               37 News Scan
    Senior Resident, Govt Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram
                                                                               38 Ayurveda personified
27 News Scan                                                                             Sreekanth M. Girinath
                                                                                         Information Officer, I & PRD
28 To whom should I tell my grief?
    Dr. Arun B. Nair                                                           40 The lost and found gold nugget
    Associate Professor of Psychiatry                                                    The poetic genius named Rameshan Nair
    Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram                                                  Prabha Varma
30 Learning the e-way
    Jisha Surya                                                                42 When the ‘Athira’ star
    Freelance Journalist
                                                                                  closes its eyes...
32 UN launches “Decade on ecosystem                                                      A. Chandrasekhar
   restoration 2021-2030”                                                                Asst.Professor, Indian Institute of Mass
    Ignatius Pereira
    Senior Journalist                                                          44 A Kerala model for deepening
                                                                                         Dr. Biju Lekshmanan
                                                                                         Sathyan T.
                                                                                         Dileep P. Chandran

                                                                               46 Look! He is in the balcony
                                                                                         C.S. Venikiteswaran
                                                                                         Film Critic

                                                                               49 News Scan
                                                                               50 O dark, dark amid the blaze of
                                                                                  noon Irrecoverably dark, total
                                                                                  eclipse without all hope of day!’
                                                                                         Salabha Krishnan H.
                                                                                         Std X, Arya Central School, Thiruvananthapuram

                                                             KERALA CALLING
                                                JUNE 2021/

HEALTH ABOVE ALL Rs 20,000 cr package to tide over the crisis induced by the second wave of COVID- 19 - Government of Kerala
G o v er n or ’ s addre s s

  Committed to
  and growth

           tressing the Left
           Democratic Front
           Government’s resolve
  to continue with its welfare
  and development measures,
  Governor of Kerala, Arif
  Mohammad Khan’s first policy
  address to the 15th Legislative
  Assembly of Kerala cautioned
  that the second wave of the
  COVID -19 pandemic would
  cause major impediments to the
  state’s economic growth.
                                                                                                  Arif Mohammad Khan, Governor of Kerala

  “We expected a sharp recovery         all, the Governor said the differential                   Self Governments. “However,
  in the economic growth to 6.6%        pricing of vaccines would cause an                        Kerala’s development experience
  in 2021-22. But the second wave       additional burden of Rs.1,000 crore to                    faces two key challenges which
  of the pandemic can impede this       the state exchequer.                                      cannot be lost sight of. Kerala’s
  expectation,” the Governor said.                                                                capital expenditure in the areas of
  The downturn in growth of GSDP        The Governor said that Kerala ranks                       social and physical infrastructure
  would naturally have adverse          first in the Sustainable Development                      needs to be augmented and more
  consequences on the state’s revenue   Goals (SDG) India Index of the                            quality jobs need to be created for
  receipts as well, he said.            NITI Aayog for 2019. It also tops the                     our youth and those who faced
                                        Devolution Index across all the States                    career break. It is to meet these twin
  Reiterating the state’s policy to     with regard to devolution of Funds,                       challenges that the Government
  provide free COVID-19 vaccines to     Functions and Functionaries to Local                      created a dedicated and unique

                                                       KERALA CALLING
                                          JUNE 2021/

HEALTH ABOVE ALL Rs 20,000 cr package to tide over the crisis induced by the second wave of COVID- 19 - Government of Kerala
investment agency                                                                 industrial parks and cultural
              named Kerala                                                                      complexes etc. Out of these, 488
              Infrastructure                                                                    projects 40 worth Rs.21,309.68 crore
              Investment Fund          Reiterating the state’s policy to                        have been tendered and 27 projects
              Board (KIIFB), for       provide free COVID-19 vaccines to                        worth Rs.732 crore and 160 project
              ensuring adequate                                                                 components worth Rs.560.29 Crore
              investment in both       all, the Governor said the differential                  have been commissioned, he said.
              social and physical
                                       pricing of vaccines would cause an                       The key declarations in the
              sectors. This has also   additional burden of Rs.1,000 crore to                   Governor’s policy address include:
              been supplemented
              by attracting support
                                       the state exchequer.                                     further extension of K-Fon project
                                                                                                and its Implementation in a time-
              from multilateral                                                                 bound manner; setting up 25 new
              and bilateral donors                                                              cooperative societies for young
              for the Rebuild
              Kerala Initiative
              (RKI) to create
              climate-resilient 12
              infrastructures in the
              State. Our budget has
              manifold schemes for
              tackling the second
              major challenge,
              of providing
              employment,” the
              Governor said.

              The focus of Kerala
              State IT Mission
              (KSITM) in 2021-22
              will be to upgrade the
              Data Centres forming
              the backbone of the
              IT infrastructure,
              setting up of an
              Aadhaar Data Vault,                                                               entrepreneurs and service providers;
              Unified State Portal,                                                             converting all KrishiBhavans into
              Centre of Excellence                                                              ‘Smart’ KrishiBhavans; utilisation of
              for Data Analytics       Kerala Infrastructure Investment                         research from universities to enhance
              and Artificial
              Intelligence and
                                       Fund Board (KIIFB) has so far                            agricultural yield; increasing income
                                                                                                from agriculture by 50% over the next
              Implementation of        approved 903 projects with an                            five years; deploying ambulances in
                                                                                                152 block panchayats for veterinary
              Single Sign-On, the
              Governor said.
                                       outlay of Rs.63,224.42 crore. These                      services to farmers; setting up of
                                       projects comprise both physical                          paddy cooperative society and two
                                                                                                more modern rice mills; naming
Pointing to the infrastructure
development of Kerala, the             and social infrastructure across a                       cultural complexes named after the
Governor said Kerala Infrastructure    range of sectors including hospitals                     state’s Renaissance leaders in every
Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) has                                                               district; implementation of electronic
so far approved 903 projects with an   and health centres, schools and                          file disposal system in all offices;
outlay of Rs.63,224.42 crore. These    colleges, roads and bridges, water                       setting up of Vimukthi Jagratha
                                                                                                Samitis with ward member or
projects comprise both physical
and social infrastructure across a     supply and sanitation, electricity and                   councillor as head; anti-drug clubs in
range of sectors including hospitals   communication networks, industrial                       select schools will be extended across
                                                                                                the state; inland fish farming to be
and health centres, schools and
colleges, roads and bridges, water     parks and cultural complexes etc.                        promoted so as to double the yield;
supply and sanitation, electricity                                                              and mobile ration shops for tribals
and communication networks,                                                                     residing in remote areas.

                                                     KERALA CALLING
                                        JUNE 2021/

HEALTH ABOVE ALL Rs 20,000 cr package to tide over the crisis induced by the second wave of COVID- 19 - Government of Kerala
c h i e f m i n i s ter

  will not be
  hit by the
  Pinarayi Vjayan
  Chief Minister

               hile taking firm
               decisions to bridle
               the COVID-19
  pandemic,the Government has
  given assuarance to the people
  that the developmental works will
  continue despite the setbacks in
  terms of revenue. The 100 Days
  Programme is the first step in this
                                                                                                        Pinarayi Vjayan, Chief Minister

  We live in a time when the world is         Assembly in April 2021, the people of                     of the Government touched every
  gradually coming out of the hardships       Kerala gave a historic verdict by re-electing             aspect of life and even during times
  wreaked by COVID-19. People are             the Left Democratic Front back to power.                  of distress like the two floods, Nipah,
  increasingly getting vaccinated around      It is a record of sorts, as never in the history          Ockhi and the recent COVID-19,
  the globe and many countries have           of the State, has the same Government                     the Government stood firmly with
  returned to their normal ways of life. In   been returned to power consecutively.                     the people, assuring that their lives
  Kerala too, we have been battling the       The mandate was nothing short of                          and livelihoods would not be at stake.
  second wave of the pandemic in the          an acceptance of the people-oriented                      Now, with a new team and a cabinet
  recent weeks. The good news is that we      developmental and welfare policies of                     that has hit the ground running, the
  have successfully got ourselves out of      the LDF Government. During the last                       present LDF Government is taking
  the worst part of it.                       5 years, the State witnessed progress                     on the challenges ahead with renewed
  In the elections to the State Legislative   that is unparalleled in recent history.                   confidence.
                                              The social welfare schemes and policies
                                                             KERALA CALLING
                                                JUNE 2021/

HEALTH ABOVE ALL Rs 20,000 cr package to tide over the crisis induced by the second wave of COVID- 19 - Government of Kerala
Kerala saw a worrying                                                                   host of new and futuristic endeavours.
                surge in the daily                                                                      The 100 Days Programme is the first
                number of COVID-19                                                                      step in this direction. It is already
                patients in April and         I believe that Kerala has all the                         underway and will continue till 19
                May, 2021. As you are         potential to grow in to one of the                        September, 2021. Drafted with an
                well aware, the Kerala                                                                  intent to overcome the economic and
                model in curbing the          finest destinations in the world in                       social consequences of COVID-19, the
                pandemic during
                the first wave was
                                              terms of overall growth and social                        programme will see the execution of
                                                                                                        various measures including creation
                commended globally.           contentment.                                              of new jobs, development of new
                With strict testing,                                                                    possibilities in health, education and
                tracing and preventive                                                                  social security and strengthening
                measures in place, we                                                                   the base of our knowledge economy.
                stood out in the battle       infrastructural development of the State.                 Ventures worth Rs. 2464.92 Crores are
                against COVID-19.             The Government has used funds raised                      included in this programme under the
                However, with the             from KIIFB to build roads, bridges,                       PWD, Rebuild Kerala Initiative and the
                virus undergoing              schools, hospitals and various other                      KIIFB.
                several mutations and         initiatives that have directly touched the                The Government has set as its prime
                becoming even more            lives of the people. Similarly, social and                priority, the eradication of extreme
                aggressive in spread, we      economic welfare reforms were initiated                   poverty in Kerala. Various measures
                had to yet again resort       to guarantee the well-being of people at a                will be implemented in the coming
                to a complete state-          difficult time. Knowing well in advance                   months in order to achieve this within
                wide lockdown during          that people will not be able to go out for                the next 5 years. Efforts are being put
                the second wave.              work, the Government has been providing                   forward to convert our civil service in
                With strict measures          free food kits to all families in the State,              to a completely corruption-free and
                in place including            so that not even a single person would go                 people-friendly entity. As a part of
                social distancing and         hungry in Kerala. Over 85 lakh families                   this, all the services provided through
                other covid protocols,        have benefitted. Meals were distributed to                village offices will be made available
                we have managed               millions of people through community                      online by 2 October, 2021. Efforts
                to bring down the             kitchens across the State. Welfare measures               to create Smart Village Offices are
                cases significantly and       including free rice distribution were                     underway and will be completed
                return to our routines.       ensured. Social security pensions were                    within the coming 5 years. Another
                Our health system             hiked and distributed well on time. Much                  focus of the Government is to assure
                has been operating in         of these relief activities are still going on             that all the students in Kerala will have
                full capacity during          and have proved to be a big relief to the                 access to internet. As a part of this
                the previous months,          people of Kerala.                                         initiative, the internet reach of the State
                ensuring optimal                                                                        will be expanded to all possible regions
                availability of life-saving   The new LDF Government is not only
                                              committed to carry on the good work,                      in a time-bound manner. More laptops
                facilities including                                                                    and tabs will be distributed, especially
                oxygen and ventilators.       but also poised to ideate and implement a
                                                                                                        to students who can’t afford them. Also
                The most important                                                                      a special package has been declared
                task ahead of us now                                                                    for children who have lost both their
                is to make sure that
                all our people would          A special package has been declared                       parents to COVID-19. A sum of Rs.
                                                                                                        3 lakhs each will be distributed as
                get vaccinated as early       for children who have lost both their                     onetime payment. Rs. 2000/- will be
as possible. With this goal in mind,
the Government is working hard to             parents to COVID-19. A sum of Rs.                         distributed every month until the
                                                                                                        age of 18. Moreover, their education
procure sufficient doses of vaccine. By       3 lakhs each will be distributed as                       expenses up to graduation will be
July 15, we aim to vaccinate everyone
above 40 years of age at least with one       onetime payment. Rs. 2000/- will                          taken care of by the Government.
                                                                                                        Even as the Government is moving
dose.                                         be distributed every month until the                      forward with endeavours to transform
One of the crucial challenges of this
pandemic has been the continuation
                                              age of 18. Moreover, their education                      the face of Kerala, we need to realise
                                                                                                        that the most important need of
of developmental works despite the            expenses up to graduation will be                         the hour is to bring the pandemic
setbacks in terms of revenue. The
KIIFB has played a key role in this
                                              taken care of by the Government.                          completely under control. With a
                                                                                                        possible third wave looming over us,
regard, lending pace to the basic                                                                       the Government is determined to keep

                                                             KERALA CALLING
                                                JUNE 2021/

HEALTH ABOVE ALL Rs 20,000 cr package to tide over the crisis induced by the second wave of COVID- 19 - Government of Kerala
Pinarayi Vjayan, Chief Minister

the people of Kerala safe and avert the

                                            100 Days programme to
possibility of yet another lockdown.
Genetic sequencing of breakthrough
infections and infections among kids
are being executed. The result of the
same will be analysed on a weekly
basis. We will be keeping a close watch
                                            implement futuristic endeavours
on possible mutations that happen           The new LDF Government is not only committed to carry
to the virus. All COVID protocols           on the good work, but also poised to ideate and implement
including social distancing will be
enforced in public places. The relief       a host of new and futuristic endeavours. The 100 Days
measures too will be continued until        Programme is the first step in this direction. It is already
we can get our lives fully back on track.   underway and will continue till 19 September, 2021.
I believe that Kerala has all the
                                            Drafted with an intent to overcome the economic and social
potential to grow in to one of the finest   consequences of COVID-19, the programme will see the
destinations in the world in terms of       execution of various measures including creation of new
overall growth and social contentment.      jobs, development of new possibilities in health, education
The Government will stand by the side       and social security and strengthening the base of our
of our citizens in every step of the way;   knowledge economy. Ventures worth Rs. 2464.92 Crores
and lead from the front in all matters of   are included in this programme under the PWD, Rebuild
progress. Together, let’s work towards      Kerala Initiative and the KIIFB.
making our dreams come true.

                                                         KERALA CALLING
                                            JUNE 2021/


   Age cannot wither
                                                                                           When Janaki Amma, the 104-year-old centurion
                                                                                           was admitted to the Kannur Medical College
                                                                                           on May 31, her health had worsened. Much

   her fighting spirit
                                                                                           more to the anxiety of her relatives was her age.
                                                                                           Oxygen dipped to an alarming level.

                                                                                           But she triumphed over the deadly pandemic.
                                                                                           A big salute to her fighting spirit and the selfless,
                                                                                           committed service of the health professionals
                                                                                           in the hospital. From the day she got admitted
                                                                                           to the hospital, the medical staff, under
                                                                                           the leadership of COVID-19 nodal officer
                                                                                           Pramod, were determined to cure her. She
                                                                                           was included in the high-risk category and the
                                                                                           treatment was coordinated by doctors from the
                                                                                           specialities of general medicine, anaesthesia,
                                                                                           and pulmonology. She left the hospital after
                                                                                           spending eleven days.

                                                                                           “Janaki Amma’s confidence is an inspiration for
                                                                                           all”, said Health Minister Veena George. The
                                                                                           Minister congratulated the hospital staff for
                                                                                           nursing Janaki Amma back to health.

                                                           Kerala to start
   The Government of Kerala is all set
   to start a vaccine production centre
   at the Life Science Park, Thonnakal,

                                                      vaccine production
   Thiruvanathapuram. Dr Chithra IAS has
   been appointed director of the vaccine
   production project. A team of experts
   will be included in this project. The

   working group experts will conduct
   discussions with vaccine manufacturing
   companies for the production of
   vaccines. Dr K P Sudheer (Principal
   Secretary, Science and Technology) is
   the chairman of this group. Dr B Iqbal
   (State-level expert committee, Covid
   management), Dr. Vijayakumar(vaccine
   expert), Dr Rajan Khobragade (Principal
   Secretary Health And Family Welfare),
   Dr. Rajamanikyam IAS( Managing
   Director KSIDC) are the other members
   of this working group. As the need
   for vaccines is increasing day by day,
   the Government of Kerala has taken
   effective steps to start the vaccine
   production centre to ensure vaccine for
   every citizen in the State.

                                                          KERALA CALLING
                                             JUNE 2021/

i n ter v i ew

Interview with Finance
Minister K.N. Balagopal

N.V. Raveendranathan Nair
                                                                                                     K.N. Balagopal, Minister for Finance
Senior Journalist

         resenting his debut budget,       hanging like Damocles’ sword, the                         pediatric ICUs; setting up liquid
         Finance Minister K N              finance minister has rightly chosen                       medical oxygen plant of 150-tonne
         Balagopal has come up             to address the situation as a health                      capacity via PPP, and promoting
 with proposals instilling hopes and       emergency. The budget prioritised                         vaccine research and development
 confidence in the people who are          the health sector and put forth key                       by encouraging manufacturers to
 struggling to ward off the ill effects    initiatives to expand preventive                          set up units in Kerala are part of
 of the COVID-19 pandemic on the           healthcare facilities.                                    the highlights of Balagopal’s budget
 health and economic fronts.                                                                         speech.
                                           The budget’s focus is on strengthening
 Though he had sufficient reasons to       the core aspects of health infrastructure.                Once the COVID-19 pandemic
 introduce new taxes to cross over the     The budget proposes to start isolation                    is contained, financial reforms
 COVID-19 induced financial crisis         wards for contagious diseases at all                      would be introduced based on
 the Finance Minister opted not to         community health centres, taluk, district                 the recommendations of the State
 burden the people citing that it is not   and general hospitals. Setting up of                      Finance Commission, Balagopal
 the right time to do so.                  independent blocks in medical college                     says in an exclusive interview
                                           hospitals for combating contagious                        granted to N.V Raveendranathan
 A third wave of the pandemic              diseases; enhancing bed strength of                       Nair for Kerala Calling

                                                          KERALA CALLING
                                             JUNE 2021/

As the Finance                                                                    infectious diseases being spread
              Minister, you have                                                                through the air. Though there
              been left with the
              challenging task
                                       Only if God’s own country is healthy,                    have been no authentic studies to
                                                                                                confirm that the new variant of
              of crossing over a       people from far and wide would feel                      COVID -19 would affect children,
              hitherto unheard of
              crisis. Your debut
                                       secure and confident to visit here.                      we have to take that aspect also
                                                                                                into account.
              budget is seen as
              an earnest effort in                                                              We have over 150 community
              this direction. What                                                              centres at the block level. We
              was the philosophy       already paralysed life and the economy                   plan to develop and improve
              behind your making       to a large extend. With its second                       infrastructure facilities including
              of the budget?           coming, the pandemic has literally                       the construction of Paediatric
                                       pulverised every sector of life. The                     wards. Buying new equipment
              We are dealing           employment, education, production                        including oxygen beds in each such
              with a crisis, so far    and agriculture sectors have come to                     hospital spending up to Rs. 3 crore
              unheard of. For the      a standstill. To breathe life into these                 each is our priority. Rs.500 crores
              last 100 years, we       sectors we have to secure the health                     will be utilised to purchase medical
              have not confronted      of people by vaccinating them against                    equipment.
              a pandemic like          COVID-19 and instill confidence
              COVID-19.                                                                         Facility to deal with infectious
                                       in them by reviving the economy.
              Everyone is living                                                                diseases should be set up urgently
                                       So, naturally, the philosophy behind
              under the shadow of                                                               at least in two medical colleges.
                                       the Budget is to focus on these two
              fear. People‘s life is                                                            Setting up a 150 MT capacity
                                       aspects- firstly to vaccinate everyone as
              threatened, mobility                                                              Liquid Oxygen plant under the
                                       soon as possible and secondly to bring
              is restricted, even                                                               PPP model is a major project.
                                       the economy back on track.
              the rules for moving                                                              Behind all these, there is a
              from one place to        You said the Health sector would                         philosophy. If we could give the
              another has been         receive the priority. Do you think                       vaccine to all, we could open
              changed. In every        the allocations made in your budget                      up our economy soon. The
              sphere of life, we       proposals are enough to ensure that                      United States and Europe could
              are witnessing a sea     everyone gets vaccinated in a time-                      open up their economy as they
              change. Life is going    bound manner?                                            vaccinated 50 to 70 per cent of
              ahead through a                                                                   their population. The experience
              warlike situation.       The budget presented by Dr. Thomas                       suggests that if people get two
              During wars, people      Isaac in January, this year had the                      doses of vaccine, even if they
              in the bordering         character of a general budget in its                     get infected, the disease will
              states live under        approach and allocations. In case a                      not become severe. We plan to
prolonged restrictions given the       new government comes to power                            complete the vaccination for all
threat from the enemy. Here, we        after the elections, generally, it would                 above the age of 18 as soon as
live under the shadow of death,        either scrap or reshape the previous                     possible.
fearing the invisible enemy – a        government’s budget. As the LDF
                                       returned to power, we decided not                        Do you think the proposals to
                                       to make any change in Dr. Isaac’s                        strengthen the Health sector will
 The first wave of COVID-19 and        budget and to implement it without                       help to boost the economy?
the consequent lockdown have           any change. Along with it, broadly we                    Once the health is regained, we
                                       considered two aspects. We feel that                     have to set the economy ready in
                                       it’s the government’s responsibility                     three to four months to provide
                                       to provide COVID- 19 vaccine to all,                     employment to the people. We
                                       above the age group of 18 -44 years
The philosophy behind the Budget       free of cost. Because of the reports
                                                                                                need more investments. More
                                                                                                funding is required for the MSMEs.
is to focus on these two aspects-      that there could be a third wave of
                                       the pandemic, we have to prepare                         Our tourism sector being a
firstly to vaccinate everyone as       ourselves to deal with such a health                     fragile one, there are chances for
soon as possible and secondly to       emergency. For this, we have to
                                       improve the facilities in the hospitals
                                                                                                people to contract the illness from
                                                                                                the visitors. Only if God’s own
bring the economy back on track.       from CHCs to Medical Colleges.                           country is healthy, people from far
                                       Scientists and medical professionals                     and wide would feel secure and
                                       are pointing to the prospect of various                  confident to visit here.

                                                     KERALA CALLING
                                        JUNE 2021/

Taking all these into account that       industry or a factory. Agri sector loans                 convert 1000 buses into CNG.
we decided to provide loans with         worth Rs.2000 crore are on offer. Our
                                                                                                  Besides reducing the fuel cost it
the offer of interest subsidies          vision is to convert Agri products into
                                                                                                  will help check the contamination.
to various sectors. Besides, the         raw materials for investors. Priority
                                                                                                  Introduction of 5000 e -auto-
Tourism sector, entrepreneurs,           will be given for Agri production.
                                                                                                  rickshaws and 10,000 battery
expatriates and farmers will get         Pravasis will get Rs.1000 crore. If we
                                                                                                  driven e-bikes at subsidised rate
the funding to strengthen the            spend Rs.1000 crore, 10,000 new jobs
                                                                                                  are part of the efforts to control
economic activity.                       can be generated.
                                                                                                  environmental contamination.
You have referred to funding             An allocation of Rs.2,800 crore has
                                         been made for the health sector alone.                   The budget has mentioned the
infrastructural projects in
                                         Rs. 600 crore is exclusively earmarked                   importance of the knowledge
the health sector and on the
                                         for improving hospital infrastructure.                   economy. But has there any
economic front. More funding
                                         Rs 559 crore will be made available to                   serious effort on the part of our
means more expenditure. There
                                         the hospitals under the panchayaths                      universities to link their research
is a Rs.20,000 crore COVID-19
                                         and Municipalities from a Centrally                      departments with industries?
related package. But, you have
not made any proposals to                sponsored project. An amount from                        We have to bring out major projects
improve the income and decided           the MLA’s local area development                         for extracting the benefits of the
not to levy any new tax. How             fund also will be pooled for the                         Knowledge economy. But our
do you plan to manage the                benefit of the health sector. Rs. 1740                   universities should come forward
additional expenses?                     crore has been earmarked to provide                      to start productive projects and link
                                         food kits for the next four months.                      their Research and development
We have Rs.3000 to 4,000 crore           Rs.1100 crore has been allocated for                     wings with the industries. There are
additional expenditure. When the         the beneficiaries of the Welfare Boards                  scopes for major business houses to
total schemes are implemented            who are not receiving any pension.                       fund such projects. In the budget
including the Rs.20, 000 crore                                                                    presented by Dr.Isaac in January,
package, the expenditure will            We are advancing the arrears due to
                                         the contractors. Rs.3000 crore will be                   there were proposals to provide
further go up.                                                                                    Rs.150 crore with each to the major
                                         pushed forward for the MNREGS.
But it is not the right time to          Altogether, we push Rs.20,000 crore                      universities and Rs.50 crore each
levy tax. When the people have           to the people to make money circulate                    to other higher education centres.
no money to buy food and                 among them. We hope these steps                          Higher education and research
medicine, they won’t be able to          would help activate the economy.                         would be given priority.
pay tax. We are not providing the         There are some projects to clean up                     What did you have in mind when
entire amount directly from the          our backwaters. Global warming and                       you decided to be pragmatic on
government. We arrange Rs.9000           climate change are affecting us and                      the budget?
crore as a loan to the business          it has started impacting our tourism
community with offering interest         sector. There is a major allocation for                  All budgets are sincere efforts to
subsidy at the rate of three to four     the development of the coastal areas.                    better every sector of governance.
per cent. If they avail it from banks    KSRTC cannot be allowed to incur                         With earnest efforts from the
they will have to pay 8 to 9 per         such a huge loss forever. Rs.300 crore                   department officials, most of the
cent interest. Investing one crore       is required to convert the diesel                        proposals get implemented. But
in the agri- sector will fetch 20 jobs   engines of the KSRTC buses into CNG.                     sometimes, because of various
compared to two jobs in a modern         This year Rs.100 crore will be spent to                  reasons, certain proposals in

                                                       KERALA CALLING
                                          JUNE 2021/

the budget may have been left            additional expenditure. How will you                      the states, we can save Rs.1000 crore.
unimplemented. Without the               reduce the expense?                                       But, during a crisis, the Government
proactive efforts of the departments,    There will be strict measures to bring                    wants to help people even by
it will be difficult to achieve the      down expenses. Once the situations                        borrowing and once the Covid
targets.                                 become congenial we will have to                          situation is improved, we will explore
You said it was not the right time       introduce new taxation. As the centre                     ways to add to the state revenues and
to introduce new taxes. But the          has changed its vaccine policy and                        check the expenditure.
budget has proposals that incur          decided to provide vaccine free of cost to

                                        State Budget 2021-22:
                                        Major Highlights
     ■ The conservation measures worth Rs.5300 crore over the next five years is proposed for
       the facelift to the coastal sector.
     ■ 10 Hydrogen-powered buses on a pilot basis in collaboration with the Indian Oil
       Corporation (IOC) to be launched as an initial step to help reduce the operational cost
       of the KSRTC.
     ■ Rs.100 crore for converting KSRTC’s 1000 diesel-based buses into CNG.
     ■ Rs.2000 crore for additional working capital for Small and Medium Enterprises
     ■ Rs.50 crore worth interest subsidy and Rs.25 crore entrepreneur support scheme,
       and Rs.15 crore for margin money and interest assistance scheme for nano industrial
       housing units projects.
     ■ Rs.1000 crore for a free vaccination.
     ■ Rs.500 crore to purchase medical equipment.

                               Revised Budget Estimate for 2021-22
                                                      (amounts in crores )

     ■   Revenue Receipts: 1,30, 981.06                                             ■ Public Account (Net) 6250.00
     ■   Revenue Expenditure: 1,47,891.18                                           ■ Overall deficit: 27.68
     ■   Revenue Deficit:16,910.12                                                  ■ Additional expenditure
     ■   Capital expenditure (net) 12,546.17                                          announced 1715.10
     ■   Loans and advances (net) 1241.30                                           ■ The cumulative deficit at the
     ■   Public Debt (net) 24,419.91                                                  end of the year 1,866.7957

                                                        KERALA CALLING
                                           JUNE 2021/

ge n eral ed u c at i o n

  Determined to
  protect general
  V. Sivankutty
  Minister, General Education

            o one is familiar with
            this strange phase that
            the world is passing
  through. The pandemic called
  COVID-19 has declared war on
  mankind. As human beings are
  the carriers of the disease, we have
  been forced to take odd measures
  as part of survival. From March
  2020 onwards, safety measures
  such as lockdown have been
  implemented to prevent gatherings
  and thereby contain the spread of
  the virus. Unusual circumstances
  call for unusual modes of action.
  There is a predicament the world
  over as far as school education is
  concerned. Schools have remained
  closed. Like anywhere else, Kerala
  too could not commence the last
  academic year on June 1 as has
  been the norm otherwise. Due to
  the outbreak of the second wave
  of COVID-19, it was not possible
  to start the new academic year on
  June 1, 2021, either, in a way that
  students expected.                                                                               V. Sivankutty, Minister, General Education

  When the whole world was caught        concern. Studies conducted through                        provides digital classes on such a
  in a dilemma about the functioning     Samagra Shiksha showed that out of                        comprehensive scale.
  of children’s education, we looked     45 lakh students, 2.6 lakh face issues
  for innovative ways to go about        related to digital accessibility. At the                   The last five years saw sweeping
  it. Digital classes were launched      behest of Chief Minister Pinarayi                         changes as part of the General
  through KITE-VICTERS, an               Vijayan, Kerala came together, setting                    Education Protection Mission.
  edutainment channel under the          aside all their political differences.                    Infrastructure was upgraded on
  Department of Education as a part      Within a matter of days, digital                          a massive scale. Technological
  of this process on June 1, 2021.       accessibility was made possible for                       equipment was introduced in all
  When digital learning is discussed,    all students. This is perhaps a feature                   schools. Inequality is visible when
  the problems caused by the digital     that is unique to our state. We need to                   digital infrastructure is introduced
  void come up as a global cause for     understand that no other state in India                   in different parts of the world. The

                                                        KERALA CALLING
                                           JUNE 2021/

rich-poor divide                                                                    knowledge. Only those who can
             becomes evident. It                                                                 develop their skills by assessing
             is in such a scenario
             that we ensured
                                       Our public schools must transform                         their environment can survive in
                                                                                                 future societies. School children
             digital access to all     into public spaces that are secular and                   should be given opportunities to
             students without such
             discrimination. The
                                       democratic, where quality education                       participate in various activities
                                                                                                 through which they can build
             quality of academics      is assured for all. Everyone must unite                   knowledge. This is where the
             is as important as
             the improvement           to ensure that the General Education                      experimental study becomes highly
                                                                                                 relevant. Our classrooms need to
             of infrastructure.        Protection Mission is a success.                          be more process-oriented. For this,
             Without quality                                                                     we should make use of all available
             education, we cannot                                                                technologies. Teachers need to be
             make public schools                                                                 skilled and creative in leading such
             attractive places of      home, we held Pravesanotsavam - the                       matters. Their professionalism
             learning.                 start of the new academic year, on                        needs further enhancement. This
                                       June 1. Sitting apart, we came together                   requires fail-proof, organized
             Kerala’s community        with our minds. This academic year                        orientation programmes. It can be
             as a whole, especially    can be made meaningful by engaging                        made possible by making timely
             parents, trusted          in activities that can be best carried                    changes to the current teacher
             the efforts of the        out within the limitations created by                     training programs.
             government to             COVID-19. In a normal situation,
             improve the quality       learning takes place in teacher-led                       School campuses should be made
             of public schools         classrooms where students exchange                        more attractive for when they
             by ensuring the           their learning experience. Other                          open after the COVID phase.
             availability of           factors such as the confidence that                       Many schools in Kerala have been
             modern technology.        the environment of a school campus                        made attractive to students using
             The outbreak of           provides are as important. But in                         funds from KIIFB and other plans.
             COVID-19 forced           the time of COVID-19, students are                        Maintenance work should be
             children to stay at       hindered from partaking in such                           carried out on school buildings
             home for more than        experiences. So, we cannot consider                       and features like walls should be
             a year. This happened     digital learning as an alternative                        beautified to make the campus
             at a stage when varied    measure to classroom learning. At this                    more attractive to children. Local
             action plans were         stage, we must be able to give children                   self-governing bodies have a crucial
             being developed for       the confidence and reassurance needed                     role in this.
             quality education.        to keep productively engaged on the
             The condition still       path towards learning. Teachers have                      We need to continue on those
             persists so, this year,   a major role in this. During the last                     initiatives that were already in
             we should aim to          academic year, teachers carried out                       progress to make our schools
             tackle problems           follow-up activities to digital classes                   equipped for differently-abled
             raised by COVID-19        in an impressive manner. Utilizing                        students. We need everybody’s
             in our own ways.          technology in the best manner possible                    co-operation to carry the
                                       also revealed new experiences. We                         activities initiated by the previous
              Even if we were at       should conduct digital classes this                       government forward. Plans should
                                       year by taking advantage of the                           be made at the academic level
                                       learnings from last year. We will rely on                 to compensate for the gap in
                                       digital classes till conditions become                    the learning process suffered by
                                       favourable. Follow-up activities must                     students as a result of missing out
Kerala’s community as a whole,         be carried out after digital classes.
                                       Leadership should be provided at the
                                                                                                 on classroom learning.
especially parents, trusted the        school level for the same.                                Our public schools must transform
efforts of the government to           We live in times when knowledge-
                                                                                                 into public spaces that are secular
                                                                                                 and democratic, where quality
improve the quality of public          based education is being debated.                         education is assured for all.
                                       Knowledge is given a lot of importance
schools by ensuring the availability   in this world. For the same reason, it
                                                                                                 Everyone must unite to ensure that
                                                                                                 the General Education Protection
of modern technology.                  will be impossible to live in society                     Mission is a success.
                                       simply by depending on bookish

                                                      KERALA CALLING
                                         JUNE 2021/


 A rare
 camaraderie                                                                                                         Bimal Shivaji
                                                                                                                     Senior Journalist

        n a historical move, the 15th
        Kerala Legislative Assembly
        passed two resolutions in its
 first session, one to support the
 people of Lakshadweep and the other
 on the Centre’s vaccination policy
                                         requesting the Centre’s immediate                         vaccines to all states and ensure
                                         intervention to protect the lives and                     its easy availability. State Health
                                         livelihood of the islanders.                              Minister Veena George moved the
 The 15th Kerala Legislative Assembly                                                              resolution which was supported by
 made history when it passed two         With this, Kerala has become the first                    opposition members after certain
 significant resolutions unanimously     state in the country to come up with                      amendments.
 in its first session held from May 24   a resolution to support the people                        “To fight the pandemic we need to
 to June 9, 2021.                        of the union territory over recent                        provide free universal vaccination
                                         developments.                                             which will ensure that all sections
 On May 31, expressing solidarity
 with the people of Lakshadweep,         On June 2, the Assembly passed                            of society are protected from the
 the Kerala Legislative Assembly         another unanimous resolution urging                       virus. The Union government
 unanimously passed a resolution         the Centre to provide free COVID-19                       can’t shirk its responsibility and

                                                        KERALA CALLING
                                           JUNE 2021/

leave everything to states. It has to
ensure vaccination in a time-bound
manner,” said the resolution.

Resolution on
vaccination policy
On June, 2, Minister for Health,
Women and Child Welfare Veena
George moved the resolution in the
Legislative Assembly of Kerala as
the State faced an acute shortage of
COVID-19 vaccine. The resolution
was moved one day after the Chief
Minister reiterated in the House
that his government will make
available COVID-19 vaccine free
of cost to the citizens and that one
crore COVID-19 vaccine doses had
been ordered by the government.

The resolution moved by the Health                                                              Pinarayi Vjayan, Chief Minister
Minister was also critical of the
Union government’s vaccine policy

                                         CM TAKES THE INITIATIVE
which pushed the States to compete
in the open market for vaccine
purchase from the manufacturers.

The Health Minister also                 The Chief Minister of Kerala, on May 29, wrote a letter to all non-BJP chief
highlighted that the coronavirus         ministers seeking a united effort to press the Centre to procure vaccine and
crisis had weakened the country’s        ensure universal vaccination.
economy. “If we could take
necessary steps for speeding up          “Wrote to 11 CMs in the spirit of Cooperative Federalism. Quite unfortunate
the vaccination, it would help the       that the Centre absolves itself of its duty to procure vaccines, ensure free
economy also,” she had said.             universal vaccination. United effort to jointly pursue our genuine demand is
                                         the need of the hour so that Centre acts immediately,” CM tweeted.
The policy of free vaccines to
combat dangerous infectious              The letter urged the states to jointly demand that the vaccine be fully
diseases was adopted as a national       procured directly by the Center and distributed free of cost to the states.
policy earlier. The Centre is now        The letter was sent to the chief ministers of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh,
asking States to procure vaccines        Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Delhi, Punjab,
from the market and this is highly       Rajasthan and Maharashtra.
condemnable, the resolution said.
                                         Kerala had sent a letter to the Prime Minister requesting the Center to call
The resolution was approved by           for a global tender considering the vaccine demand of all the states.
the House after incorporating
the amendments moved by the              When Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on June 7, announced his decision
Opposition. This was the second          to centralise vaccine procurement and provide free inoculation to the
time in the ongoing first session        18-44 age group, a week after a 32-page Supreme Court order, the Kerala
of the 15th Kerala Legislative           Chief Minister welcomed the move. He said, “I wholeheartedly welcome
Assembly that the ruling CPI(M)-         the statement made by the Prime Minister that COVID-19 vaccine will be
led Left Democratic Front (LDF)          supplied to the States free of cost from June 21. This has been the consistent
and Opposition Congress-led              demand of Kerala. We are extremely happy to note that the new policy will
United Democratic Front (UDF)            go a long way in building herd immunity against the pandemic. This will
had joined hands to pass a               also alleviate the need for the States to spend substantial amount towards the
government resolution.                   purchase of vaccine,” the CM said.

                                                     KERALA CALLING
                                        JUNE 2021/

No.1 kerala

 Kerala retains top position
 in SDGs India Index                                                                                               Kavita Martin
                                                                                                                   Senior Journalist

          erala continued to progress
          in various social and
          economic spheres of society
 during the past year despite a never
                                        the globe, it is the State’s continued                   SDGs India Index, developed in
 before the encountered pandemic.
                                        growth that has baffled experts and                      collaboration with the United
                                        political leaders alike. On June 3, the                  Nations, measures the progress at
                                        Government of India released the SDGs                    the national and sub-national levels
 While the astounding success in        India Index 2020-21 and Kerala, which                    in our journey towards meeting the
 fighting COVID-19 has been widely      has been on the top of the list since it                 global goals and targets.
 recognised the world over with         was launched by NITI Aayog in 2018.
 accolades pouring in from across                                                                NITI Aayog came up with the SDG

                                                      KERALA CALLING
                                         JUNE 2021/

India Index spanning 13 out of 17                                                                  the development perspectives
SDGs (leaving out Goals 12, 13, 14                                                                 and commitment that we have
and 17) in 2018. The Index tracks                                                                  unwaveringly upheld over the
the progress of all the states and                                                                 past five years. The Niti Ayog’s
Union Territories (UTs) on a set of                                                                new Sustainable Development
62 National Indicators, measuring                                                                  Index gives us the confidence
their progress on the outcomes of                                                                  and motivation to excel. At the
the interventions and government                                                                   same time, this study will help
schemes. The SDG India Index                                                                       comprehensively study the
is intended to provide a holistic                                                                  development developments in the
view of the social, economic and                                                                   social, economic and environmental
environmental status of the country                                                                spheres and understand where
and its states and UTs.                                                                            Kerala stands with the international
                                                                                                   indicators.” He said.
It has been designed to provide
an aggregate assessment of the                                                                     Despite many challenges, the people
performance of all Indian States                                                                   of Kerala were able to overcome
and UTs and to help leaders and                                                                    them with determination and
change-makers evaluate their                                                                       stand united for the good of the
performance on social, economic                                                                    country. It is also a recognition of
and environmental parameters. It                                                                   that glorious example of dedication
aims to measure India and its states’     Pinarayi Vjayan, Chief Minister                          and brotherhood. Let’s fill in the
progress towards the SDGs for 2030,                                                                gaps and move forward together
as per NITI Aayog.                                                                                 with more enthusiasm,” the Chief
                                          The Niti Ayog’s new Sustainable                          Minister said in his Facebook post
This edition of the index covered17
goals, 70 targets, and 115 indicators,
                                          Development Index gives us the                           on June 3.

while the last covered 17 goals, 54       confidence and motivation to excel.                      “The report reflects on the
targets and 100 indicators.
                                          At the same time, this study will                        partnerships we have built and
                                                                                                   strengthened during our SDG
In a statement, Chief Minister            help comprehensively study the                           efforts. The narrative throws light
Pinarayi Vijayan said, “The Kerala                                                                 on how collaborative initiatives
model of people’s development             development developments in the                          can result in better outcomes and
and social progress is once again         social, economic and environmental                       greater impacts,” Niti Aayog CEO
number one in the country. Kerala                                                                  Amitabh Kant said during the
has been adjudged as the best-            spheres and understand where                             release of the index.
performing state in Niti Ayog’s
2020-21 Sustainable Development
                                          Kerala stands with the international                     Among front runners were
                                          indicators                                               Uttarakhand, Gujarat, Maharashtra,
                                                                                                   Mizoram, Punjab, Haryana,
                                                                                                   Tripura, Andaman and Nicobar
The SDG India Index is intended to                                                                 Islands, Jammu & Kashmir and
                                                                                                   Ladakh. According to the report,
provide a holistic view of the social,   Goals Index. The fact that we were able
                                         to do this despite the crises created by                  Tamil Nadu and Delhi improved the
economic and environmental status        the COVID-19 epidemic adds to the                         per capita income of citizens while
                                                                                                   Gujarat and Delhi topped the health
                                         change in achievement.”
of the country and its states and UTs.                                                             sector while Kerala and Chandigarh
                                         “These achievements are based on                          did well on education.

                                                        KERALA CALLING
                                           JUNE 2021/


  Delta variant
  spreads faster:
  Dr. Gagandeep Kang                                                                                               N. Bhadran Nair
                                                                                                                 Executive Editor, Indian
                                                                                                                         Science Journal

            r. Gagandeep Kang FRS,
            leading Microbiologist
            and Virologist – Dr. Kang
 was Professor in the Department
 of Gastrointestinal Sciences at the
 Christian Medical College, Vellore
 and Executive Director of the
 Translational Health Science and
 Technology Institute, Faridabad,
 an autonomous institute of the
 Department of Biotechnology,
 Ministry of Science and Technology.
 Her major research focus was on
 viral infections in children, and the
 testing of rotaviral vaccines. She
 was awarded the prestigious Infosys
                                                                                                    Dr. Gagandeep Kang
 Prize in Life Sciences in 2016 for her
 contributions to understanding the
                                          It has been an unprecedented period                       infected or vaccinated. We are dealing
 natural history of rotavirus and other
                                          for the global community and                              with a new virus that is increasing in
 infectious diseases. Dr Kang was
                                          equally challenging for the healthcare                    its ability to infect people, so we really
 the first Indian woman to be elected
                                          professionals with the outbreak of                        need to ensure that we can protect
 Fellow of the Royal Society in 2019.
                                          Coronavirus pandemic since early 2020.                    people and decrease transmission by
                                          Do you believe, the crisis is over, or still              increasing immunity.
 Dr Gagandeep Kang talked
                                          we have to be watchful, before normalcy
 exclusively to N.Bhadran Nair for                                                                  Just like last year, when we needed to
                                          is restored?
 Kerala Calling on various aspects of                                                               flatten the curve so that our healthcare
 the prevailing pandemic COVID-19         Dr. Gagandeep Kang: The crisis is not                     systems would not be overwhelmed,
 in India.                                over and will not be over as a public health              this year too we need to ensure that
                                          emergency until most of the world is                      the most vulnerable are protected

                                                         KERALA CALLING
                                            JUNE 2021/

from infection until they can be fully       and accelerated the speed.                                vaccination protocol have taken care
vaccinated. Therefore, we need to
                                             Some medical scientists opined, the                       of children as a priority group for
continue to be watchful and at this
                                             treatments given to COVID-19 patients                     vaccination?
time, we are some distance away from                                                                   Dr. Gagandeep Kang: In most
                                             were like the idiom “throwing darts in
any level of normalcy.                                                                                 situations, children are more likely
                                             the dark”. Do you believe indiscriminate
The second wave of COVID-19                  use of Remdesivir or steroids have                        to be in when infected and adults.
has been lethal in India, with more          accentuated the situation? Many medical                   However, in this pandemic although
than 50 percent of the casualties            professionals blamed it for WHO                           children are infected at the same
recorded in a short period of three          protocols.                                                rate, the levels of severe disease are
months, than during the first wave.          Dr. Gagandeep Kang: Irrational                            much lower. That is not to say that
Some experts warn a third wave is            treatment is unfortunately all too frequent               no children become severely ill, but
inevitable and it would be even more         in India, whether that is the overuse of                  the proportion of severe illness is low.
deadly. Do you subscribe to this             antibiotics for simple viral infections or                Ultimately children will need to be
view?                                        the unnecessary vitamin supplements.                      vaccinated, and this may be required
Dr. Gagandeep Kang: Essentially,             For COVID- 19, we had in appropriate                      more to stop the spread of infection
the third, or fourth or any subsequent       recommendations for both profile                          than to protect children directly. I do
waves are dependent on potentially           access and treatment that were widely                     not think we should prioritise children
infectious people coming in contact          adopted across the country. Other than                    over adults at this time.
with people who are not protected            one clinical trial on convalescent plasma                 At the end of the second wave, many
from infection. The more infectious          with about 500 subjects, we have had                      countries including India found the
the virus is, the more easily infections     minimal contributions to the evaluation of                spread of black fungus, white fungus
happen. Last year we said that you           appropriate therapies and the approval of                 and the latest is Delta variant. Do you
needed to have face-to-face contact          drugs based on very limited clinical data,                believe the ever increasing mutations
for at least 15 minutes to get infected,     despite the fact that we have had huge                    of Coronavirus would make efficacy
this time around with more infectious        numbers of cases in the country.                          of the currently available vaccines
virus that duration is shorter. There        The WHO Solidarity trial had many sites                   under stress?
is some indication that the Delta            in India but despite the large number of                  Dr. Gagandeep Kang: Among the
variant progresses to severe disease         science and cases, India contributed just                 variants, the one that has the greatest
faster than other viral variants. We do      about 10 percent of the overall numbers in                escape from the immune response is
not know whether this is because the         the trial. The solidarity trial confirmed the             the beta variant, possibly followed by
virus replicates better or because it        findings that steroids worked in patients                 the delta variant. As long as the virus
has become more virulent. I think the        who had showed that Remdesivir did not                    multiplies at a high level, variants are
former is more likely to be the case,        work.                                                     likely to continue to emerge. We will
but we will need more information for                                                                  have to wait and see the consequences
                                             The government has been tweaking the
confirmation of the severity.                                                                          of these mutations on the performance
                                             gap between the first dose of COVID
In the hindsight, do you see had             vaccine and the second booster dose. Do                   of vaccines.
India not lowered its guard after            you believe, it is based on any scientific
abating the viral spread in the first        evidence or forced by the gap in demand                   Why do you think the new variants
quarter of the current year, the             and supply situation?                                     of COVID like Black Fungus, White
situation wouldn’t have gone out of          Dr. Gagandeep Kang: The adjustment                        Fungus and Delta are fast spreading
control during the second wave?              to the doses is only being done for the                   in India? Is there any specific reason?
Dr. Gagandeep Kang: There were               Covishield vaccine and is based on data                   Dr. Gagandeep Kang: India’s rate of
three components to the speed and            from clinical trials and from the UK                      mucormycosis was the highest in the
scale of the second wave. These were         showing that the vaccine works well with                  world, even before COVID-19. The
letting down our guard and ignoring          a single dose against severe disease due to               fungal infections that we are seeing
precautions on the use of masks and          the Alpha and the Delta variants. For the                 have arisen for a number of reasons
avoidance of crowds, the permissions         Delta variant, there is lower protection                  which include uncontrolled sugars
granted for superspreader events, and        against infection (33 percent with one and                in diabetics, the inappropriate use of
finally, the emergence of the Delta          60 percent with two doses for infection, 71               steroids and an inability to manage
variants. Given the rapidity of the          percent and 92 percent for severe disease).               oxygenation as needed. It is also
spread in other parts of the world, it       Given the reasonable protection against                   possible that there is damage to the
is clear that the Delta variants is very     severe disease with a single dose, it makes               pancreas, which might result in poor
infectious and the precautions we had        sense to give one dose to more people than                glycaemic control. All of these factors
previously were likely to be insufficient,   to give two doses to half the people.                     contribute to fungal infections but it
but our behaviour and events that                                                                      is not clear whether any of them are
                                             Children are more vulnerable to
permitted crowding amplified the scale                                                                 related to the emergence of variants.
                                             infectious diseases. Shouldn’t the
                                                            KERALA CALLING
                                               JUNE 2021/

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