Sustainability report 2015 - Elkem

Page created by Virgil Baldwin
Sustainability report 2015 - Elkem
Sustainability report 2015
Sustainability report 2015 - Elkem
ABOUT ELKEM                                     26   Water management in silicone production
3    Key figures 2015                           27   Lower PAH emissions
3    Global Reporting Initiative                28   Capturing ultrafine dust
4    Interview with CEO Helge Aasen and         29   Combatting dust at Elkem Carbon’s plants
     Chairman of the board Robert Lu
6    Elkem – an overview                        ELKEM EMPLOYEES

7    People are the driving force               30   Mutual respect

8    Corporate management and                   32   From preventing injuries to
     board of directors                              improving health

9    Corporate governance
                                                PRODUCT STEWARDSHIP
10   Corporate social responsibility in Elkem
                                                35   Product stewardship in Elkem
12   Collaboration to achieve improvements

                                                BUSINESS ETHICS
                                                38   Responsible business conduct
16   Goal: Reduced environmental impact
18   Energy efficiency and scrubbing
     measures in Elkem                          SUPPLY CHAIN
19   The silicon and ferrosilicon process       40   Elkem’s supplier requirements
20   Innovation in Elkem
21   Carbon Neutral Metal Production            ELKEM’S BUSINESS AREAS

22   Research to develop next generation        42   Silicon Materials
     high capacity Li-ion batteries             44   Silicones
23   Energy leadership                          45   Foundry Products
24   Cooperation across European industries     46   Carbon
25   Local water monitoring in Norway
Sustainability report 2015 - Elkem
Key figures
FINANCIALS                         UNIT                     2015                2014*                2013*              2012*

Revenues                           NOK million             14 541               12 674               11 473             11 526
EBITDA                             NOK million             2 207                 1 252                  819             1 048
EBIT                               NOK million             1 465                   578                  345              (216)
Profit for the year                NOK million               953                  (22)               (268)                (82)
Total assets                       NOK million            14 477               15 453               13 086             12 548
Net interest-bearing
assets /(liabilities)              NOK million           (1 928)              (3 529)              (3 538)            (7 399)
Equity                             NOK million              6 319               5 675                4 022                (112)
Equity ratio                       Per cent                  43.6                 36.7                 30.7              (0,9)
No. of employees                   Numbers                 3 628                3 459                3 420              3 409

Health and safety
Sick leave rate                    Per cent                   3.7                   3.4                  3.7               3.9
No. of lost time injuries H1 1.3 2.1 0.8                                                                                    1.8
per million work hours

Energy and emissions
Energy recovered                   GWh                       483                  420                  450                340
CO2 emissions                      1000 tonnes             1 498                 1 478                1 352              1 389
NOx emissions                      Tonnes                  7 049                8 086                  7 119             7 341
SO2 emissions                      Tonnes                  7 392                7 536                7 525              7 328
* Elkem Solar is presented as discontinued operation for the two months ended February 2014 and for the year ended 2013 and
2012. As a consequence Elkem Solar is not included in revenues, EBITDA, EBIT and net interest-bearing asset/(liabilities). Please
refer to accounting principles under consolidated financial statement for Elkem AS group in the annual report 2015 for more

                                                                    Global Reporting Initiative
                                                                    For the year 2015, Elkem is reporting                   • Labour practices, human rights
                                                                    according to the Global Reporting                         and decent work
                                                                    Initiative-guidelines (G4/Core). When                      -- Occupational health and safety
                                                                    addressing sustainability issues, Elkem                    -- Non-discrimination
                                                                    puts great emphasis on input from                          -- Training and education
                                                                    stakeholders (see page 12). Based on                          (own indicator: EBS)
                                                                    this input, and a broad knowledge of                       -- Supplier assessment for labour
                                                                    Elkem’s sustainability challenges and                         practices
                                                                    possibilities, Elkem’s CSR committee
                                                                                                                            • Business ethics
                                                                    (see page 10) considers the following
                                                                                                                               -- Anti-corruption
                                                                    aspects the most material for Elkem:
                                                                                                                               -- Anti-competitive behaviour
                                                                    • Environment
                                                                                                                            • Local communities
                                                                       -- Energy
                                                                       -- Emissions                                         • Product responsibility
                                                                       -- Effluents and waste                                  -- Customer health and safety
                                                                       -- Supplier environment assessment                      -- Product and service labelling

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Sustainability report 2015 - Elkem

Interview with CEO Helge Aasen and Chairman of the board Robert Lu

Business as part of sustainable growth
Q: The Vision 2050 report, devel-        Aasen: An example of this is microsil-     from quartz, carbon (C) is added to the
oped by World Business Council for       ica. Today microsilica is a product with   process. Carbon connects eagerly with
Sustainable Development, calls for a     many applications, and an important        oxygen, forming CO2 that is emitted,
new agenda for business. The mes-        business area for Elkem. However, it       leaving silicon (Si). One possible way
sage is that business must change, if    used to be a big problem, both in terms    of reducing the total CO2 emissions is
the world is going to be habitable in    of cost and waste of resources, and as     to substitute fossil carbon (coal) with
2050. How do you find this relevant      an environmental problem, as dust was      charcoal in this process. In a long-term
for Elkem?                               covering the neighbourhoods of the         cycle, this will come close to being
                                         silicon plants.                            carbon neutral, as the trees grow back.
Lu: The key message is that business                                                This is not easily done, but we are
can contribute, and must contribute.                                                working on finding solutions.
Elkem’s strategy aligns well with this   Q: How do you see Elkem in a carbon
scenario: We want to improve our         neutral future?
production processes, and produce                                                   Q: Why is it so difficult to replace coal
more efficiently, with less energy       Aasen: CO2 is a by-product in the          with charcoal?
consumption and with utilisations of     silicon production process. Silicon is
all by-products. We want to bring to     made from quartz, which consists of        Aasen: First, we must be sure that the
market solutions that bring value to     silicon and oxygen. Quartz without         production process is not adversely
society.                                 oxygen is silicon. To release the oxygen   affected by substituting one major

4   Elkem sustainability report 2015
Sustainability report 2015 - Elkem
We do not accept
                       that injuries or illnesses are unavoidable
                               facts of life in our industry.

raw material with another, and that         do not accept that injuries or illnesses     in emerging economies are three
our product quality is maintained.          are unavoidable facts of life in our         important examples. Our quartz to
Secondly, we must be certain that the       industry. There is also a need to focus      ready-made solar panels value chain
trees that end up as charcoal in our        on individual choices and behaviour,         gives the word renewable energy. Our
processes are sustainably sourced,          not only on the systems. Our statistics      quartz-to-silicones value chain lays the
and that the charcoal itself is pro-        show us another fact: that the vast          foundation for a myriad of different sili-
duced in a safe and environmentally         majority of injuries can be traced back      cone products. Silicones have a smaller
responsible manner. If this does not        to unsafe behaviour.                         environmental footprint than plastics.
happen, we risk adding to existing                                                       The superior properties of silicones
problems with deforestation and             Aasen: The results for 2015 are good.        make them sought after in all walks of
natural habitat destruction. Thirdly,       However, these positive results were         life, from health care to fire prevention.
we must consider the impact a major         overshadowed by a fatal accident that        A rule of thumb: Consumption of sili-
charcoal project can have on people         happened to a contractor at our site         cones grows at twice the pace of
who live in or near the areas affected.     in Brazil. Contractors are overrepre-        the economy.
                                            sented when it comes to injuries. Our
Lu: We are conducting a major               statistics show that it is possible to
research project into a new, innovative     run operations with zero injuries; this      Q: What are the main challenges?
way of producing metal. The project is      must be the case for contractors in our
called CNMP – Carbon Neutral Metal          plants as well.                              Lu: There is no lack of good projects
Production. It aims at integrating the                                                   in the pipeline. However, implementa-
production of charcoal in our metal                                                      tion of Elkem’s ambitious plans cannot
production and ensuring that all mate-      Q: What about energy?                        move faster than our resources allow.
rials and energy are use as efficiently                                                  We have to stay competitive.
as possible. If we succeed, it will be a    Aasen: Elkem’s plant at Bjølvefossen
revolution: carbon neutral metal pro-       in Norway was the first plant in the         Aasen: Major innovative solutions have
duction with zero net electricity input.    world to use the hot off-gases from the      inherent financial risk and are expen-
                                            production process to produce elec-          sive to launch, even if they probably
Aasen: There are also other important       tricity in 1977. Now the facility has been   will be profitable in the long, or very
ways to reduce emissions of CO2 . We        upgraded with an additional 30 GWh           long run. We are therefore dependent
strive to maximise the yield, which is      to a capacity of 80 GWh a year. Many         on close cooperation with govern-
the ratio between the amount of raw         Elkem plants have energy recovery            ments and other funding sources, to
materials you put into the process          systems today, but there is still a large    be able to put some of our ideas into
and the amount of silicon you get out.      potential at all plants. The challenge       action.
Elkem’s plants have high yields and         is to make it financially viable. Energy
we constantly work to improve this to       recovery investments require very high       Lu: Businesses have an important role
the benefit of the environment and, of      capital expenditure and the pay-back         to play in solving many of the chal-
course, to improve our financial results.   time is much longer than most other          lenges the world faces today. We must
                                            investments in our industry. This makes      show how we can align high economic
                                            it difficult to finance large energy         growth with a drastic reduction in
Q: The number of medically treated          recovery investments. We do however,         greenhouse gases and other environ-
injuries fell to an all time low in 2015.   hope to realise further major energy         mental challenges. Without growth,
Only ten Elkem employees experienced        recovery projects in the years to come.      there is no way to lift large populations
injuries that needed medical treatment.                                                  out of poverty.
Have you now reached the safety level       Lu: We see sustainability-related
that you have been striving for?            megatrends driving the underlying
                                            demand for Elkem’s products. The
Lu: Elkem’s health and safety work is       need for renewable energy, population
based on a zero-harm-philosophy. We         growth and improved living c­ onditions

                                                                                                Elkem sustainability report 2015   5
Sustainability report 2015 - Elkem
Elkem - an overview
Elkem is one of the world’s leading companies in the environmentally responsible manufacture
of metals and materials. The main activities are related to production and sale of silicon materials,
silicones, ferrosilicon, specialty alloys for the foundry industry, carbon products and microsilica.
In 2015 the turnover was NOK 14.5 billion and the net profit NOK 953 million. Elkem had 3,628
employees in over 40 countries throughout the world. Elkem is owned by Bluestar Elkem
International Luxembourg, which is controlled by China National Bluestar.

    OUR BUSINESS AREAS                                                                        OUR MARKETS

    Silicon Materials is one of the world’s                                                   •   Silicones
    leading suppliers of silicon and microsilica.                                             •   Aluminium
    Silicon has a wide range of applications                                                  •   Chemicals
    and is used in the chemical, solar, electron-                                             •   Solar
                                                     3 plants in Norway.
    ics and aluminium industries worldwide.                                                   •   Electronics
    Microsilica is extremely finely grained                                                   •   Microsilica
    silicon that is used as additive to concrete,                                             •   Construction
    refractory materials, plastics, fertiliser and                                            •   Refractories
    sealants for oil wells.                                                                   •   Oil & gas

    Silicones (Bluestar Silicones) was merged                                                 • Paper & film release
    with Elkem in June 2015. Silicones pro-                                                   • Automotive
    duces siloxanes and a comprehensive                                                       • Chemical
    range of silicones, which are a family of                                                   formulators
    specialty, high performance products and                                                  • Personal care/
    materials, produced by reacting silicon                                                     Cosmetics
    with methyl chloride. The Silicones division     2 plants in France and one plant         • Safety cable
    trades under the Bluestar Silicones brand        in Spain, Italy, Germany, US, Brazil     • Textile
    name.                                            and China.                               • Oil field

    Foundry Products is the world’s leading                                                   •   Automotive
    producer of ferrosilicon and ferrosili-                                                   •   Engineering
    con-based speciality alloys. The division                                                 •   Piping
    provides metal treatment solutions to                                                     •   Specialty steel
    iron foundries and is a supplier of high
    quality specialty ferrosilicon to the steel
    industry. The automotive, engineering,           2 plants in Norway and one plant
    pipe and steel industries are important          in Iceland, Canada, China, (plant in
    markets for Foundry Products.                    Paraguay under construction).

    Carbon is a world-leading supplier                                                        •   Ferroalloys
    of electrically calcinated anthracite,                                                    •   Silicon
    which is used in electrode paste,                                                         •   Aluminium
    cathode ramming paste and furnace                                                         •   Iron foundries
    lining products that are necessary in
    the manufacturing process for steel,
    aluminium, silicon and other metals.             Plants in Norway, South Africa,
                                                     China and 2 plants in Brazil (plant in
                                                     Malaysia under construction).

    Elkem Technology works on research and development projects related to all
    parts of Elkem’s value chain. The research strategy is based on a close connection
    between the operational organisation and the researchers.

6    Elkem sustainability report 2015
Sustainability report 2015 - Elkem

People are the driving force
Elkem Business System (EBS) forms the foundation of Elkem’s corporate culture and operations.
EBS is a set of fundamental principles describing how employees at all levels and in all positions
shall work together to achieve common goals and continuous improvement.

Individual responsibility                      Leadership responsibility                       where everyone in the organisation is
One of the main EBS principles is that         Another key principle of EBS is that            interlinked as suppliers and customers in
people are the driving force. This means       leaders are coaches and must have               a value chain.
that each Elkem employee is encouraged         in-depth knowledge about critical
and expected to actively look for and          processes. Elkem’s leaders are expected         2. Empowered people
suggest improvements to the processes          to be regularly present at the production       Elkem ascribes 70 per cent of its success
he or she is involved in. In order to ensure   facilities to see for themselves what           to human input and 30 per cent to the
that everyone can take part in and             is happening, engage in discussions             underlying system and technical equip-
contribute to the continuous improve-          with employees about their tasks, the           ment. People who perform the tasks are
ment work, targeted training sessions          production flow and improvement                 the experts, and together they constitute
are arranged at operator, team leader,         ideas. In addition to good coaching and         Elkem’s resource base.
administration and management levels.          listening skills, the ability to give direct,
All Elkem’s plants have established arenas     specific feedback on how each employee          3. Eliminating waste
for active daily improvement work.             is performing his or her duties is an           Eliminating all forms of waste, including
A deep level of personal engagement            important leadership skill in Elkem.            waste of time and human resources, lies
from all employees is an important                                                             at the heart of Elkem’s goal of continuous
success factor for Elkem. Annual devel-        The four main principles of Elkem               improvement.
opment discussions provide basis for the       Business System are:
professional and personal development                                                          4. Processes in control
of Elkem’s employees.                          1. Make to use                                  All processes shall be stable and predict-
                                               The customer’s needs are always in focus.       able, and variations shall be avoided.
                                               This applies also internally in Elkem,

                                                                                                               IN CONTROL

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Sustainability report 2015 - Elkem

Corporate management                                                   Board of directors

Helge Aasen                 Morten Viga        Katja Lehland           Robert Lu
CEO                         CFO                CHRO                    CEO Bluestar

Inge Grubben-Strømnes       Håvard I. Moe      Trond Sæterstad         Olivier de             Sverre T. Tysland
SVP Business                SVP Technology     SVP Silicon Materials   Clermont-Tonnerre      Selmer DA
development                                                            Bluestar Silicones     Board member
                                                                       Board member

Frédéric Jacquin            Asbjørn Søvik      Jean Villeneuve         Helge Aasen            Yougen Ge
SVP Silicones               SVP Carbon         SVP Foundry Products    Elkem AS               Bluestar
                                                                       Board member           Board member

Louis Vovelle               Mark Breidenthal   Kristin Karlstad        Einar Støfringshaug    Espen Sortevik
SVP Innovation and          VP EHS & CSR       VP Public relations     Union representative   Union representative
R&D                                                                    Board member           Board member

8     Elkem sustainability report 2015
Sustainability report 2015 - Elkem

Corporate governance
Elkem considers good corporate governance to be a prerequisite for value creation and trustworthiness.
Elkem has governance documents setting out principles for how business should be conducted. These
apply to all Elkem entities. The board of directors approves the Elkem governance structure.

Elkem is governed by the board of direc-     directly to Elkem’s CEO.                     Detailed authority structure and
tors, which consists of seven individuals,                                                internal control
five of whom are elected by the owners       Elkem has dedicated governing docu-          Control and corporate governance
and two by the employees. Mr. Robert         ments and a number of tools in the areas     mechanisms shall contribute to achieving
Lu of Bluestar is chairman of the board.     of sustainability and social responsibil-    predictability and reducing the level of
Elkem’s CEO Helge Aasen is board mem-        ity in order to safeguard basic human        risks for owners and other stakeholders.
ber elected by the owners. Aasen also sits   rights, the employees’ rights as workers,
on Bluestar’s board of directors.            environmental concerns, a sustainable        Assessment of risks includes all aspects
                                             utilisation of natural resources and busi-   of the operation and is delegated as a line
Elkem has had employee representatives       ness integrity.                              responsibility. This includes health and
on its board since 1974 and promoted the                                                  environmental risk, financial risk, market
introduction of corporate democracy in       Elkem does not permit or tolerate            risk (price and volumes) and operational
Norway. The relationship between the cor-    engagement in any form of corruption         risk. There are policies and procedures in
porate management and the employees is       and has implemented an anti-corruption       place for all areas, and the risk assess-
characterised as good and constructive.      policy that defines different forms of       ment is updated regularly. The board and
                                             corruption and how it must be avoided.       management monitor Elkem’s perfor-
Elkem’s board meets regularly and            Elkem has also implemented supplier          mance on a regular basis and implement
conducts its activities in accordance        requirements regarding human rights and      necessary actions when needed.
with approved rules of procedure,            responsible environmental management.
which are based on the provisions of                                                      Elkem’s internal control function is
the Norwegian Public Limited Liability       In addition to these policies and tools,     exercised through monthly reviews of the
Companies Act.                               Elkem publishes an annual sustaina-          business activities at the group manage-
                                             bility report, documenting its activi-       ment level. The monthly reviews are con-
                                             ties and results (see page 10 for more       ducted according to a standard agenda.
Corporate social responsibility              information).
Elkem’s work on corporate social                                                          A detailed authority structure has
responsibility (CSR) is coordinated                                                       been developed to determine who can
through a steering committee lead by                                                      make decisions at various levels in the
CHRO. The steering committee reports                                                      organisation.

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Sustainability report 2015 - Elkem

Corporate social responsibility in Elkem
Elkem is a signatory to UN Global Compact, and Elkem’s definition of corporate social responsibility
(CSR) is based on the ten UN Global Compact principles. CSR forms an important part of Elkem’s
business culture.

Organisation and responsibilities             • Mandate for the CSR steering                 of ethics and social responsibility
Elkem’s CEO is the formal owner of              committee                                  • Auditing of own business, suppliers,
Elkem’s policy and program for corporate      • Code of conduct                              customers and partners
social responsibility, and governing doc-     • Whistle blowing
uments are subject to board approval. All     • Anti-corruption policy                     Corporate and divisional procurement
employees have responsibilities to follow     • Competition law compliance policy          functions
Elkem’s policies and principles, to report    • Annual sustainability report               • Mapping and basic monitoring
discrepancies to his or her immediate                                                        of suppliers in relation to Elkem’s
supervisor, or Elkem’s function for whistle                                                  requirements
blowing, and help investigate and correct     CSR steering committee                       • Collaboration with suppliers to improve
discrepancies.                                The CSR steering committee has the             identified discrepancies
                                              overall responsibility for defining and      • Termination of relationships with sup-
Each location and function is responsible     following up governing documents               pliers when the improvement rate is not
for establishing an understanding of how      for corporate social responsibility. The       satisfactory
Elkem’s CSR policy affects their specific     committee has responsibility for Elkem’s
working environment and develop nec-          annual sustainability reporting.             Corporate and divisional sales functions
essary procedures and routines to ensure                                                   • Mapping and basic monitoring of
full compliance.                              On a day to day basis, support for Elkem’s     the business functions (sales office,
                                              CSR activities is given by corporate and       ­distributor, agent and customer)
The formal CSR framework in Elkem             divisional functions. This includes:         • Collaboration with agents, distributors
includes the following policies and                                                           and customers to improve identified
documents:                                    Corporate help chain functions (HR,             discrepancies
• General policy of Elkem AS                  EHS, EBS, Legal department)                  • Termination of relationships with
• Elkem policy for corporate social           • Support for competence building and           agents and customers when the
  responsibility                                change management within the areas            improvement rate is not satisfactory

10 Elkem sustainability report 2015
UN Global Compact
                                            10 principles
Training and education                                                                               WE SUPPORT
All employees are given documented          1 Human Rights
training in Elkem’s Code of conduct.        Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of
Training includes details about all Elkem                internationally proclaimed human rights; and
policies related to social responsibility   Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
and focus on understanding how local
culture and customs can influence the       2 Labour
perception of what is acceptable in dif-    Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and
ferent situations. Selected target group                 the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
employees are also required to have         Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
documented training in Elkem’s Anti-        Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
corruption and Competition law compli-      Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment
ance policy. Each location is responsible                and occupation.
for its own implementation and docu-
mentation of training, with support from    3 Environment
                                            Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to
the corporate HR and Legal department.
                                                         environmental challenges;
Agents doing business with Elkem’s prod-
                                            Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental
ucts also have anti-corruption training.
                                                         responsibility; and
                                            Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of
Employees who conduct supplier audits
                                                         environmentally friendly technologies.
receive additional training in recognised
international standards and the use of      4 Anti-corruption
audit tools. The corporate EHS/CSR          Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms,
function is closely involved in this type                 including extortion and bribery.
of training.

                                                                                         Elkem sustainability report 2015   11

Collaboration to achieve improvements
Cooperation and dialogue with employees, politicians, local communities, regulatory authorities,
organisations, researchers and other interested parties forms an important part of Elkem’s continuous
improvement philosophy.

Employees                                     influence young people to choose educa-        Institute and Technische Universität
Elkem strives to create a working envi-       tions that are relevant to Elkem, typically    Bergakademie Freiburg (Germany), Texas
ronment employees find fulfilling, both       science subjects. School visits, trade fairs   A&M University System (USA), Okayama
on a personal and professional level. We      and other forums are used to meet stu-         University (Japan), KTH Royal Institure
want our employees to be able to be           dents near our production, at universities     of Technology (Sweden), the University
proud of working for Elkem. Employee          and sales locations around the world.          of Central Lancashire (UK) and NTNU
involvement at all levels of the organisa-                                                   (Norway).
tion is an important part of this and fully
integrated in the Elkem Business System.      Research institutions
This means that employees are involved        Elkem is dedicated to improving its exist-
                                                                                             Regulatory and supervisory
in systematic continuous improvement          ing business and developing innovative         authorities
activities throughout Elkem and included      solutions. To achieve this world-class         Dialogue with regulatory authorities takes
in dialogue about working conditions,         research is needed and Elkem works             place both as direct contact between
occupational health and safety, and           extensively with many research insti-          Elkem and the authorities, and indirectly,
Elkem’s economic results and strategic        tutions around the world. International        through business associations. Elkem’s
choices.                                      research partners include institutions         largest presence is in Norway and France,
                                              such as the Wuhan University of Science        where many of our largest plants, as well
Elkem needs to attract highly qualified       and Technology (China), L’Ecole des            as our corporate headquarters and major
and dedicated employees, and wants to         Mines d’Alès (France), Fraunhofer              research facilities are located. Elkem

12 Elkem sustainability report 2015
wants to contribute to, and influence, the      implementation in industry.                  and is carried out both formally and on
framework conditions for our industry.                                                       an informal day-to-day basis. Input from
An important aspect of Elkem’s dialogue         Non-governmental organisations               local communities is considered valua-
with public authorities involves informing      (NGOs)                                       ble information that helps us improve.
about the impact policies will have on                                                       Important topics for dialogue with local
our plants and facilities. Elkem is an active   Elkem maintains informal dialogue with       communities are community develop-
member of national and European indus-          numerous environmental organisations         ment projects, job security, safe opera-
try organisations such as Euroalliages,         and other NGOs in order to share knowl-      tions, emissions and other environmental
Eurometaux, the European chemical               edge about various environmental and         issues, and traffic generated by the plant.
industry council (CEFIC) and industry           social issues associated with the opera-     Complaints raised by local communi-
associations in Norway and France.              tion of Elkem’s plants. Elkem also cooper-   ties, and traffic incidents related to our
Important topics for the industry’s dia-        ates formally with certain NGOs, drawing     operations are registered and managed
logue with public authorities are emissions     on their competence in matters such as       in accordance with good practices for
and other environmental issues, energy          sustainable sourcing of raw materials.       incident and deviation management.
policies and EHS.

                                                Corporate sustainability initiatives         Traffic
R&D funding                                     Elkem is signatory to the UN Global          Elkem manages most if its’ own logistics
Support to implement major, capital             Compact, the world’s largest corporate       activities stretching from raw material
intensive research and development              sustainability initiative. Global Compact    transportation to production sites and to
(R&D) projects is important to promote          challenges us to align our strategies        finished product transportation to cus-
industrial innovation and growth.               and operations with universal principles     tomers. This general principle allows us
                                                on human rights, labour, environment         to better manage and influence environ-
Elkem is actively involved in several major     and anti-corruption. Elkem’s silicones       mental and safety factors throughout the
research projects together with research        division is a member of Responsible Care,    supply chain.
institutes and industry partners in             the chemical industry’s global initiative
Norway, France and on EU level. The EU is       to drive continuous improvement in           Elkem has introduced a ‘safe truck initi-
an important partner. For example, Elkem        environment, health, safety and security     ative’ in parts of Norway, which means
Technology R&D Center in Kristiansand,          performance.                                 that if there is reason to doubt whether a
Norway, will be an industry partner in a                                                     truck and/or driver satisfy national safety
EU project called REE4EU. The project                                                        requirements, loading will be refused. If
will develop, test and industrialise novel      Local communities                            the identified deviation is not remedied,
methods for recycling of Rare Earth             Elkem is focused on being a good             it is regarded as a breach of contract and
Elements (REE) from wastes and end-of-          neighbour everywhere our operations          the service provider may lose its contract.
life magnets and batteries.                     are located. As a long-term partner, we
                                                maintain a good dialogue with neigh-         Transportation of raw materials, interme-
In Norway, Enova, the Research Council          bours and local politicians. Many of         diates and some finished products in the
of Norway, Innovation Norway, Siva,             Elkem’s plants are cornerstone employers     silicones division includes a higher level
the Norwegian business sector’s NOx             and of great importance to local commu-      of risk than in the other Elkem divisions
Fund, the Environmental Fund, and               nities, in terms of tax incomes, jobs and    as many of these products are defined as
private actors such as the Competence           community development.                       hazardous goods. The division has strict
Development Fund of Southern Norway,                                                         policies for their logistics activities and
are important partners to promote R&D           Dialogue with local communities is the       follows mandated procedures for hazard-
break-through technologies and their            responsibility of each plant manager         ous goods transportation.

                                                                                                       Elkem sustainability report 2015 13

  Iceland: Dialogue on environmental performance
   Each year, companies located at            monitoring program is issued for 10         tion results from each of the plants are
   Grundartangi industrial area in Iceland    years at a time and is under supervision    presented in a public meeting, including
   are required by their operating permit     of the Environment Agency of Iceland.       an introduction on counter measures
   to perform research in order to evaluate   The environmental monitoring program        from Elkem Iceland and the other com-
   environmental impacts caused by their      covers the concentration of pollutants in   panies. The Environmental agency is in
   operations. The companies participat-      the atmosphere, river water, vegetation,    charge of the meetings and researchers
   ing in the environmental monitoring        ovine animals, the marine ecosystem         and company representatives are pres-
   programme are Elkem Iceland, Century       and ocean near seashore landfills in the    ent and available to answer questions
   ­Aluminium, GMR recycling and ­            vicinity of the industrial plants.          from stakeholders. In addition, Elkem
    Kratus ehf.                                                                           Iceland informs stakeholders (employ-
                                              The environmental performance of            ees, students, local community, custom-
   The purpose of the programme is to         the industrial area is important to the     ers and public authorities etc.) about
   research, ascertain and document any       Icelandic government, but also to the       how Elkem Iceland addresses important
   change in environmental effect that        local communities and farmers. The          environmental issues in an annual sus-
   the industrial area could have on the      results from the receptor monitoring,       tainability report.
   external environment (receptor). The       internal monitoring (source) and inspec-

                                                                                                               Plant manager
                                                                                                               Gestur Pétursson
                                                                                                               participates in
                                                                                                               meeting with

14 Elkem sustainability report 2015
Brazil: Colorir
                                    The Colorir project was started as a        ­ rovides teaching materials and training
                                    neighbourhood project initiated by          for school employees.
                                    employees at Elkem Carbon’s plants
                                    Carboindustrial and Carboderivados          The project has won the ‘Socio-
                                    in Brazil.                                  economic development’ category in
                                                                                a competition organised by Brazilian
                                    Colorir uses principles from the Elkem      authorities. Colorir also won second
                                    Business System (EBS) and focuses on        place in the ‘Education and develop-
                                    continuous improvement. Measuring           ment’ category.
                                    progress and results is an important part
                                    of the project. Activities and lectures     Colorir is registered as an independent
                                    focus on safety and maintenance, and        organisation in Brazil and several com-
                                    clear goals are set. Today the project      panies participate as sponsors when the
                                    also includes schools where Elkem           project is rolled out in other areas.

Broad Based Black                   In order to deliver excellent results on
                                    BBBEE, Elkem Carbon Ferroveld, South
                                                                                4 Socio economic development
                                                                                  through working with the community

Economic                            Africa, in conjunction with co-owner
                                    Samancor Chrome, has implemented
                                                                                  to improve the lives of community
                                                                                  members within the communities that

Empowerment                         policies in the following areas:              the company operates. The following
                                                                                  projects have been undertaken:
                                    1 Employment equity through appoint-
                                      ing people in line with a strategy of         • A school kitchen has been built
 The Broad-Based Black Economic       preferential employment of disadvan-            for the Jeremiah Ndaka Primary
 Empowerment Act (BBBEE)              taged racial groups                             School. The school is situated
 is implemented by the South                                                          within 5 kilometres of the plant
                                    2 Skills development through continu-             and offers schooling to 1450
 African government in order to
                                      ous training of employees and offering          pupils.
 redress inequalities of the past
                                      scholarships and learnerships for com-
 and improve the livelihood for                                                     • Contribution to the furnishing and
                                      munity members.
­dis­advantaged ethnic groups.                                                        medical equipment of a primary
                                    3 Preferential procurement through                health clinic that will allow all
                                      awarding contracts to black owned               members of the community
                                      companies as well as developing black           access to primary health care.
                                      owned businesses.

                                                                                           Elkem sustainability report 2015 15

Goal: Reduced environmental impact
Based on highly developed production technology, Elkem converts natural resources into products
that society cannot do without. This process involves resource and energy consumption and emissions.
Elkem is committed to continuously improve the company’s environmental performance.

Two of Elkem’s most important environ-        consumption. Current energy recovery        technology development to reduce and/
mental initiatives involve efficient use of   systems connected to furnace operations     or clean these emissions.
energy and energy recovery. In addition,      have a capacity of recovering a total
the environmental focus for 2015 has          of 200 GWh/year electricity and 400         Furnace 3 at Elkem Salten was rebuilt
been on activities to ensure compliance       GWh/year steam and hot water. A major       according to plan in 2015. One of the main
with the EU water directive and to further    upgrade of the existing energy recov-       goals was to reduce the furnace’s NOx
reduce the level of dust emissions. For       ery system at the Bjølvefossen plant in     emissions by 50 per cent, i.e more than
the EU water directive, information           Norway was completed in March 2016,         400 tonnes per year. Because of the NOx
collection through recipient surveillance     and existing energy recovery systems        reduction potential, financial support
and analysis is still the main focus. You     in both Thamshavn and Chicoutimi have       was available from the Norwegian NOx
can read more about this on page 29. For      shown good results. New investments for     fund. Elkem is also planning to convert
dust emissions, a number of successful        energy saving and energy recovery are       several other furnaces based on achieved
initiatives have been implemented at          in the pipeline. More information about     results and operating experiences related
different plants and measurements show        Elkem’s energy management is found on       to the new NOx-reduction technology.
improvement in many areas. Read about         page 18.                                    Converting furnace 1 at Salten and fur-
Elkem’s management of discharge to                                                        nace 5 in Bremanger will give an addi-
water on page 25.                                                                         tional reduction of more than 400 tonnes
                                              Emissions                                   per year in the coming years. Together,
                                              Main emissions to the air include CO2,      all of these projects will represent nearly
Energy                                        NOX , SO2 (sulphur) and dust. As these      1000 tonnes of reduced NOx emissions
By the end of 2015, all production plants     are inherent to our production process,     annually.
in Norway had implemented systems for         emission levels vary with production from
energy management according to ISO            year to year. There are however a number    As far as net CO2 emissions are con-
50001, and also reduced their energy          of projects focusing on process and         cerned, improvement is dependent on

16 Elkem sustainability report 2015
improving production yield and increas-          reducing their environmental footprint.            97 per cent of CO2 emissions stem from
ing the amount of reduction materials            Great importance is attached to the                process emission. You can see how silicon
from non-fossil sources that can be used         recovery and use of bi-products from the           production results in CO2 emissions on
in the process. The yield has been suc-          different production processes. Emissions          page 19.
cessfully increased over the years, while        and discharges are recorded and dealt
the future use of biocarbon will depend          with in compliance with public permits             Even though the EU emission trading
on the price and availability of sustainable     at each site. All identified challenges            ­system (ETS) price is currently relatively
charcoal.                                        are being managed in a timely manner                low, it does lead to a mark-up in energy
                                                 in cooperation with the authorities. All            prices as power producers pass on their
Elkem allocates significant resources to         environmental incidents are recorded,               CO2 costs to consumers of power. This
combat dust. However, extremely high             investigated and followed up.                      has a significant effect on companies that
temperatures and ultrafine particles that                                                           consume large amounts of power like
disperse very quickly make it especially                                                            Elkem does. To counter ‘carbon leak-
difficult to capture dust generated in           CO2 quotas                                          age’, i.e. that companies in the European
some of the production processes. Due            Since 2013, Elkem plants in Europe                  Economic Area (EEA) relocate outside
to high production volumes and start             have been subject to the EU system for              the EEA and thus move their emissions to
up challenges after rebuilding the dust          trading CO2 quotas. Energy recovery                 another region without a CO2 price, the
emissions have gone slightly up in 2015.         measures and high consumption of                   EU and Norway has introduced schemes
Read more about Elkem’s work to reduce           charcoal over many years have given                to compensate for the unintended effects
dust emissions on page 28.                       lower net emissions of fossil CO2 and              quota trading has on energy prices in
                                                 thus reduced Elkem’s need to purchase              Norway. Elkem received a compensa-
For SO2 the main focus has traditionally         quotas. Companies like Elkem get the free           tion of NOK 67 million in 2015 (for 2014:
been on sourcing raw materials with a            allocation of 75 per cent of their emis-            NOK 31 mill) for the impact CO2 quota
lower sulphur content. As this potential is      sions based on historical product data,             prices had on energy prices. Both the
limited, scrubbing systems are also being        but are also credited with quotas for heat          free allocation of free quotas and the
considered where this is feasible. Elkem         sales, energy recovery and/or using bio-            compensation for the impact of the prices
is currently evaluating two major projects       based means of reduction. In 2015, Elkem            for CO2 on energy prices are temporary
with support from the Norwegian SO2              purchased 333,151 CO2 quotas to cover              schemes that will be gradually phased
fund. Decisions are expected during 2016         the gap between its total CO2 emissions            out , meaning that Elkem’s allocations via
with possible effect from 2018.                  of 1,310,521 tonnes in Europe and the free         these schemes will shrink each year, while
                                                 allocation.                                        costs will vary according to CO2 prices as
Local responsibility                             Elkem’s silicon and ferrosilicon smelting
All plants have actions plans aiming at          plants are based on hydroelectric power.

                 SO2 (SULPHUR) EMISSIONS Tonnes                                                     NOX EMISSIONS Tonnes
  8000                                                                      9000
  7500                                                                      8000
  7000                                                                      7000
  6500                                                                      6000
  6000                                                                      5000
  5500                                                                      4000
  5000                                                                      3000
  4500                                                                      2000
  4000                                                                      1000
  3500                                                                         0
          2009    2010      2011   2012   2013    2014    2015                      2009     2010      2011      2012   2013    2014    2015

                         DUST EMISSIONS Tonnes                                                      CO2 EMISSIONS Tonnes
   2500                                                                     1600
   1500                                                                     1300
   1000                                                                      1100
      0                                                                      800
          2009    2010      2011   2012   2013    2014    2015                      2009     2010      2011      2012   2013    2014    2015

                                                                                                              Elkem sustainability report 2015 17

Energy efficiency and scrubbing measures in Elkem
  Problem                              Measures                               Where                     Solution provides

  Unused thermal energy from           Energy recovery plant                  Most plants               Hot water and steam for reuse
  production                                                                                            or sale

  Poor resource utilisation                                                                             Electricity for sale

  Unnecessary indirect CO2                                                                              Better resource utilisation
  emissions                                                                                             Lower CO2 emissions

  Unnecessary electricity con-         Ensuring stable furnace operation      All plants                Lower electricity consumption
  sumption for furnace operation       and continuous development of
                                       optimum furnace operation
  Poor resource and raw material                                                                        Better resource and raw
  utilisation                                                                                           material utilisation

  Unnecessary electricity con-         Energy efficiency measures             All plants                Lower electricity consumption
  sumption for plant operations,
  other than furnaces

  Poor resource utilisation and                                                                         Better resource utilisation and
  higher costs                                                                                          lower costs

  Inadequate control of silicon dust   Collection of dust in scrubbing        All silicon and           Valuable by-product
  from production                      system connected to silicon and        ferrosilicon plants       (Microsilica)
                                       ferrosilicon furnaces
                                                                                                        Less pollution and better qual-
  Local pollution and loss of          Processes under control                                          ity of life in local environment
  sellable by-product
                                                                                                        Better relationship with local

  Inadequate control of dust in the    Development of production meth-        All plants                Improved working environment
  workplace                            ods for avoiding dust generation                                 and health and safety results

  Deterioration of the working         New equipment                                                    Reduced time used and costs
  environment                                                                                           for cleaning and maintenance

  Wasting sellable by-products         Better extraction and cleaning                                   Sellable by-product

  Time and resources spent on
  cleaning and maintenance

  NOx emissions                        Introduction of new feed method,       Elkem Salten, Norway      Up to 40 per cent lower NOx
                                       new furnace design in line with                                  emissions
  Poorer air quality in the local      research results

  SO2 emissions                        Use of raw materials with less         Raw material use in all   Eliminates SO2 emissions
                                       sulphur where appropriate              plants

  Poorer air quality in the local      SO2 capture and scrubbing              Plans for SO2 capture     Better relationship with local
  environment, odour                                                          at Fiskaa Carbon and      community

  Runoff of pollutants to water-       Reduced water use                      Silicones plants in       Reduced chemical oxygen
  ways, sea and ground                                                        France                    demand (COD) emissions
                                       Projects reducing pollution of
                                       waste water                            Elkem Carbon,             Reduced supply of polluted
                                                                              Norway and Brazil.        dust into the surroundings that
                                       Better control of diffuse emissions    Bremanger Silgrain        can be dispersed further by
                                       Bio-purification of polluted rain
                                       water at plants in tropical climates                             Clean water

18 Elkem sustainability report 2015
The silicon and ferrosilicon process

         RAW MATERIAL                                                                                                        CO2
                                                           Consumable                                                 Cleaned process gas
   Carbon                 Quartz                            electrodes

                                                                            Electric energy
                                                                                                  Boiler                Filter


                                                           Liquid metal

                  Crushing            Solidification            Refining


                                                                               Electric or heat
                                                                               energy recovery


 Silicon is the most common element in            the furnaces and turns into CO2 . But some   • In Norway, the transport sector
 the Earth’s crust. In the Elkem process it       lonely oxygen atoms seeking a partner          accounts for 58 per cent of Norway’s
 is extracted from the mineral quartz. In its     will always manage to bind themselves          collective emissions, while industry
 natural state, silicon is ‘married’ to oxygen.   to nitrogen in the air instead and thus        accounts for 11 per cent.
 This is a marriage that only a very high         become nitrogen oxides (NOx).                • Elkem accounts for about 3 per cent of
 temperature can dissolve. Temperatures                                                          Norway’s total NOx emissions.
 must reach 1,500-2,000 degrees Celsius           Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are gases that lead    • The Norwegian business sector’s NOx
 before silicon is released from the oxygen       to higher concentrations of tropospheric       Fund is a team effort where affiliated
 bond; only then does the substance               ozone, acid precipitation and global           companies can apply for support for
 become a useful product.                         warming. These emissions can be harmful        emissions reducing measures. The
                                                  to ecosystems and vegetation, as well as       processing industry is not obliged to
 Much of the released oxygen remarries            health.                                        pay into the fund, but can still receive
 with the carbon in coal, coke or wood in                                                        support for cost-effective measures.

                                                                                                           Elkem sustainability report 2015 19

                                                                                          If you and your company have ideas
                                                                                          that may be of interest to Elkem,
                                                                                          please contact us. We are always inter-
                                                                                          ested in discussing new technology,
                                                                                          products or business opportunities or
                                                                                          even sharing best practices to enhance
                                                                                          our innovation performances.

Innovation in Elkem
Future oriented and ambitious innovation strategies have been the foundation for Elkem’s
development and success since Sam Eyde established the company in 1904. The integration of
Bluestar Silicones in 2015 reinforced this strategy, mainly in the field of new products and new markets.

Elkem’s development has always been             and product development.                  possibilities.
based on world-class in-house expertise       • Radical improvements: To keep our
within our core competencies: metal-            position as a world-leading materials     Identifying potential partners and
lurgical high temperature processes,            producer Elkem also seeks radical         developing relationships with customers,
furnace operations, material character-         improvements through research.            suppliers, research institutions, govern-
isation and chemical analysis. Research                                                   ment authorities and financial markets
& development (R&D) is at the core of                                                     is therefore an integral part of Elkem’s
                                              Innovation as part of the corporate
our businesses, and Elkem’s R&D centres                                                   innovation strategy. By working alongside
with near 400 researchers, are strategi-
                                              strategy                                    partners with complementary skills to our
cally located across Asia, Europe, Latin      In Elkem we set innovation targets to       own, we have enhanced the development
America and the USA. Our commitment           achieve our strategic goals and envi-       of new products, processes and services.
to R&D upholds our reputation as a leader     ronmental performance. Examples are
in our field and we continuously lead the     Carbon Neutral Metal Production, research   Elkem continues to move production
way in pioneering technologies that ask       on reuse of process water and projects on   towards ever more specialised solutions
more from metallurgy and chemistry.           energy recovery and energy efficiency.      and products. Ideas for new products
During the last few years, innovation in                                                  often emerge in meetings where our
Elkem has been focused on finding sus-        The four most important areas for step      technical specialists, researchers and pro-
tainable solutions. Elkem University is the   change innovation or radical improve-       duction managers cooperate with the cus-
main internal arena for technology trans-     ments are:                                  tomer to find solutions. By continuously
fer and dissemination of new knowledge.                                                   looking for ways to improve our products,
                                              • New or improved products and services     focusing on quality rather than just cost,
Elkem’s innovation strategy covers:           • Fundamentally new production meth-        we create lasting value for our customers.
                                                ods, equipment and processes that
• Incremental innovation: The core of           achieve improved quality, improved        The open innovation approach to R&D is
  Elkem Business System (EBS) is the            safety and a smaller environmental        also made possible by multiple collabo-
  organisation’s continuous work on             footprint of our products – energy        rative projects supported by European,
  improvements. Elkem employees are             ­efficiency, resource efficiency, or      Norwegian, Chinese and French gov-
  always looking for improvement poten-          reduced emissions                        ernments and through industry clusters
  tials, and use EBS tools to describe the    • Development of new sources of raw         such as Eyde in Norway and Axelera and
  potential, find solutions and measure          materials                                Techtera in France.
  results. This means that Elkem achieves     • Innovative ways of working, both in
  progress that keeps the company                sales, marketing and production          Many of our most successful research-
  equipped to stay competitive.                                                           based innovations come from research
• Step-change innovation: As we                                                           programmes in cooperation with universi-
  continue to evolve, we look for future      Open innovation                             ties, research institutes and industry part-
  growth opportunities by monitoring          Collaboration is increasingly important     ners, with support from the Norwegian
  market trends. Working groups consist-      for successful innovation. Open inno-       Research Council and French Ministry of
  ing of marketing, technology and R&D        vation means that we share ideas and        Research.
  resources support front-end innovation      create value, and open the mind to new

20 Elkem sustainability report 2015

Carbon Neutral Metal Production
Carbon Neutral Metal Production (CNMP) is the combination of ferrosilicon or silicon production,
charcoal production, and utilisation of the combined high energy off-gas flows from both
production lines for steam or electrical power generation.

At optimal levels, the power generated       Research on the CNMP process started in       Liquid or gas bio fuel for the transport
in this process will be greater than the     2013. In December 2014, the Norwegian         sector, whether for cars and trucks or air-
power consumed. Alternatively, the by        Research Council of Norway awarded            planes, can be an interesting alternative
products from the charcoal production,       NOK 7 million in funding to the research      to producing electricity. To make use of
including both biogas and bio oil, can be    project over a two-year period starting       low temperature heat, district heating can
refined into more high value chemical        in January 2015. Elkem’s own investment       be an interesting option if the charcoal
products.                                    will be just over NOK 8 million in the same   plant is located close to densely popu-
                                             period. Elkem’s technological partners in     lated areas.
Elkem is among the world’s cleanest          the project are SINTEF Energy Research
metal manufacturers but still releases       and Teknova, both located in Norway.          The common denominator for all con-
around 1.4 million tonnes of CO2 each        Elkem is considering teaming up with          cepts is to extract all energy and mate-
year. It has long been acknowledged that     partners from relevant industries.            rials from the timber that will be used as
it is possible to replace fossil coal with                                                 feedstock. The goal is zero waste and
charcoal, thus substantially reducing net    During 2015, the CNMP project has been        zero net greenhouse emissions. No waste
CO2 emissions depending on the amount        looking into different ways to optimise       means better economy.
of charcoal used. Quartz consists of         the concept. Technically, it is possible to
silicon and oxygen. In a chemical reaction   adjust the process to increase the amount     The research project is scheduled to
at high temperatures carbon releases the     of oil produced at the cost of lower          conclude by the end of 2016. Elkem will
oxygen from the quartz. Subject to strict    volumes of electricity and charcoal. The      then decide whether the project will be
quality requirements, charcoal could do      optimal mix of charcoal, electricity and      continued with large-scale tests in labora-
this job better than fossil coal, meaning    oil will depend of the market prices and      tories and industrial pilot plants.
that the use of charcoal may also increase   government taxes or subsidies.
the efficiency of the silicon furnaces.

                                                                                                   Elkem sustainability report 2015 21

Research to develop next generation
high capacity Li-ion batteries
Two new projects will help develop the promising Li-ion batteries further. The test cells that have
been tested contain twice the amount of energy compared to Li-ion batteries available today.

Next generation electric vehicles, the         lead to the pulverisation of the anode,      could do more than 1000 charge cycles.
development of smart grid solutions and        meaning that the battery looses capacity.    This is, however, still low for most electri-
the need for more efficient utilisation of                                                  cal vehicles.
renewable power, demands Li-ion batter-
ies with higher storage capacity. Current      Silicon and graphite                         To improve these results, the two new
Li-ion batteries are limited by the material   Elkem has its own divisions of specialists   research projects ‘Silicon anodes for
properties of graphite and cannot fulfill      in both carbon and silicon who, together     Li-ion batteries – optimised binder, elec-
the future capacity need. Replacing            with the Institute for Energy Technology     trolyte and cathode’ and ‘Industrial scale
graphite with silicon would solve this         (IFE) and SINTEF in Norway have tried        silicon - carbon composites adapted to
problem.                                       to find mix proportions with silicon that    battery grade anode material’ have been
                                               can withstand enough charging cycles         launched. The goal is full industrial use of
Until now, the problem with silicon based      to be used in, for example, a car. Binding   silicon as anode material.
Li-ion batteries has been restrictions         together microscopic particles of silicon
in how many times the batteries can            and graphite leaves enough room in           Elkem currently produces speciality
be charged. In 2015, Elkem made good           the structure for the silicon elements to    silicon, Silgrain® e-Si, at the plant in
progress in increasing the numbers of          expand and contract without the sub-         Bremanger, Norway. Elkem’s unique
charging cycles. The ground-breaking           stance being pulverised.                     production process gives Silgrain® e-Si
research is supported by the Research                                                       a considerably lower environmental
Council of Norway.                             In 2015, Elkem Technology concluded a        footprint than comparable silicon
                                               three-year research project and decided      mate­r­­ials, a pH that limits hydrogen
Elkem has carried out research on devel-       to transfer the battery development          gas development during processing of
oping the optimal silicon material for bat-    project to Elkem Silicon Materials. This     slurries and high consistency in size and
teries since 2010. In theory it is possible    indicates a possible commercialisation       chemical composition. Institutes and
to increase battery capacity tenfold by        in foreseeable future. During 2015 tests     Li-ion battery producers use Silgrain® e-Si
using silicon as the anode material. The       have been done with Si-batteries that        in battery Li-ion batteries. Silgrain® e-Si
problem with silicon, however, is that it      have double storage capacity compared        was developed in collaboration with AIST
expands 3-400 per cent when it reacts          with ordinary batteries. Results show that   Kansai, a Japanese research centre.
with lithium during discharge. This can        a battery with a silicon/graphite anode

22 Elkem sustainability report 2015

Energy leadership
Elkem is constantly seeking ways to reduce energy consumption per produced unit. There are three
ways to reach this goal: Increasing the production yield, recovering heat from the furnace off gases
and managing other energy consumption.

Silicon alloy production is energy inten-       lenges. The first method recovers energy       duction respectively. 70 per cent of the
sive. In 2015, the electrical smelting          by utilising surplus heat directly in the      electrical energy used at Elkem Chicoutimi
furnaces in Elkem consumed 4,314 GWh            form of steam or hot water. This is very       in 2015 was recovered as steam and
electricity, compared to 4,257 GWh in           efficient, but not very feasible as most       sold for use at a neighbouring plant. The
2014. In addition to electricity, the produc-   of Elkem’s plants are located in sparsely      main study for a new energy recovery
tion process requires adding carbon based       populated areas where there is little          facility at Elkem Salten, Norway, with a
reduction materials in vast quantities to       demand for heat from local communities         potential of recovering 300 GWh/year
the process. Historically most of these         or other industry.                             has been performed, but low electricity
have been fossil based sources (approxi-                                                       prices in Norway have made it difficult
mately 500 thousand tonnes coal in 2015)        In the second method for energy recov-         to finance the project, which still is under
while a substantial amount have also been       ery, surplus heat is used to produce           consideration.
renewable based sources (approximately          electricity. The advantage is that elec-
250 thousand tonnes charcoal/woodchips          tricity can be fed into the power grid. The
in 2015). Taking into account the different     problem is that two thirds of the energy is    Energy management
carbon content, reduction materials from        lost in the transformation.                    All Elkem plants in the Silicon Materials,
renewable sources comprises about 15 per                                                       Foundry and Carbon divisions now have
cent of the total. The carbon sources also      Both methods are currently used by Elkem.      energy management systems that comply
represent a vast amount of energy.              In Norway, Elkem Thamshavn currently           with ISO 50001. The process has showed
                                                generates around 160 GWh of electricity        us that even small measures, such as bet-
Elkem recovered 483 GWh of energy in            every year, and Elkem Bjølvefossen will        ter insulation, motor inspections, lighting
2015, compared with 421 GWh in 2014.            increase it generating capacity from 40 to     management, sealing leaks in compressed
As per cent of total electricity consump-       80 GWh per year, after the recovery facil-     air systems, and heating and cooling
tion, the amount of recovered energy was        ity upgrade was finished in March 2016.        control, can produce substantial savings,
11.1 per cent in 2015 (9.9 per cent in 2014).                                                  even though each individual measure is
                                                Maintaining an intense focus on energy         relatively small compared with the energy
While 180 GWh of new electricity was            efficiency has made Elkem Thamshavn,           consumption of a smelting furnace.
generated from hot off gasses at two of         Norway and Elkem Chicoutimi, Canada            Potential energy savings of 10 per cent of
the plants, most of the recovered energy        the world’s most energy efficient smelting     auxiliary energy have been identified.
was utilised as district heating, or in the     plants for silicon and ferrosilicon pro-
case of Elkem Chicoutimi, as 224 GWh of
steam sold to the nearby aluminium plant
of Rio Tinto.

Energy efficiency
The most effective method to reduce the
energy used per produced tonne of ferro-
silicon or silicon is to make the production
process more energy efficient. Elkem has
some of the most energy efficient smelt-
ing furnaces in the world, but we still see
there is potential for improvements and
have a dedicated research and develop-
ment project called Si2020 that focuses
on furnace design, process control, refin-
ing, and optimal use of raw materials.

Energy recovery
There are two main pathways to recov-
ering energy from the smelting process.
Both have their advantages and chal-            The upgraded energy recovery plant at Bjølvefossen.

                                                                                                       Elkem sustainability report 2015 23
You can also read