AMA Gold Top 50 RepoRT - The 2017 - American Marketing Association

AMA Gold Top 50 RepoRT - The 2017 - American Marketing Association
The 2017
 AMA Gold
    Top 50 Report

           marketing news | June 2017

MN June_GOLD_2017__mm edits.indd 22     5/16/17 12:01 PM
AMA Gold Top 50 RepoRT - The 2017 - American Marketing Association
Photographer: Lisa Predko,
                                      Assistants: Jacqueline Ayala, Tom Michas
                                      Food Stylist & Catering: Andrea Donadio
                                      Model: Sarah Uchison
                                      Retouching: Tom Michas

MN June_GOLD_2017__mm edits.indd 23                                              5/16/17 12:01 PM
AMA Gold Top 50 RepoRT - The 2017 - American Marketing Association
                                                                                           The additional 152 Insights Association member
                                                                                        companies reported a total of $1.032 billion in U.S.
                                                                                        revenue in 2016. The median U.S. revenue of these
                                                                                        152 companies is $1.5 million while the average is $6.8
                                                                                        million. Thirty-seven percent of the 152 companies
                                                                                        conduct research outside of the U.S. These 56 companies
                                                                                        accounted for a total of $392 million in non-U.S. revenue
                          The revenue generated by the U.S. market research             in 2016. The median non-U.S. revenue of these 56
                          industry in 2016 was $11.584 billion, according to this       companies is $800,000, and the average is $7 million.
                          analysis—the 44th annual AMA Gold Top 50 Report.
                             This figure is based on the revenue of the top 50          A Detailed Look
                          companies along with 152 other member companies of            2016 U.S. revenue for the 202 companies in this report is
                          the Insights Association, the national association of the     $11.584 billion—a growth rate of 5.7%. After adjustment
                          marketing research and analytics industry, which was          for inflation using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of
                          formed through the 2017 merger of CASRO and MRA.              1.3%, the real-growth rate for 2016 is 4.4%. In 2015, the
                             All of these 202 companies are for-profit, full-           growth rate reported by the Top 50 Report was 4.8%, or
                          service research firms whose areas of expertise and           4.7% real growth when adjusted for a 0.1% CPI inflation
                          specialization reflect the breadth of our changing and        rate. Given that the U.S. economy in 2016 was “tepid” (as
                          expanding research industry.                                  some economists termed it) the U.S. research industry
                             In February, we invited about 75 companies to              in 2016 maintained a strong year-over-year growth rate,
                          participate in the annual top 50 ranking of U.S. research     even when adjusted by a higher inflation rate.
                          companies. These companies were asked to submit                  The chart of the Top 50 Reports for the past decade
                          2016 U.S. and non-U.S. research revenues, as well as          from 2006 to 2016 (Figure 1) shows the decline in
                          the comparable data for 2015, to determine the annual         growth through the recession, followed by several
                          rate of revenue growth or decline. If a firm made an          years of slow recovery, and, in 2015 and 2016, a
                          acquisition or divestiture during 2016 or 2015, we made       significant increase of more than 4% in the industry’s
                          adjustments to ensure an apples-to-apples comparison.         real growth rate.
                             The U.S. revenue of the Top 50 companies in 2016              We can also look to the U.S. gross domestic product
                          is $10.552 billion, or 91% of the total annual revenue        (GDP) as another benchmark. The annual U.S. GDP
                          reported by the 202 companies.                                shows the yearly growth of the estimated value of all
                             Non-U.S. revenue for the top 50 companies in 2016          the country’s goods produced and services provided.
                          totaled $12.195 billion, or 53.6% of the total revenue of     The U.S. research industry’s annual growth rate,
                          the worldwide top 50, which is $22.747 billion.               historically, has tracked ahead of the annual GDP real-
                             The top 50 chart lists the U.S. and non-U.S. annual        growth rate, except in 2009 and 2012. The U.S. research
                          revenue for 2016 and 2015, the year-over-year growth and      industry’s growth rate exceeded the GDP growth rate
                          the number of full-time U.S. employees. In addition, we       by 2% in 2015 and doubled that figure in 2016 to 4%.
                          have provided profiles of each of the top 50 companies that   In the past two years the U.S. research industry has
                          include the names of the chief executives and a description   been significantly healthier than the U.S. economy. The
                          of the company’s accomplishments, major services,             question before us is: Will this positive growth trend
                          acquisitions and divestitures in 2016 and plans for 2017.     continue in 2017 and beyond?

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AMA Gold Top 50 RepoRT - The 2017 - American Marketing Association
Figure 1 - growth of The Top 50 market
                                                                         research firms from 2006 to 2016

          The Employment Picture
          In 2016, the number of full-time U.S. employees in the
          research industry increased substantially, with the top                                                              Annual
                                                                                            Number of      Total U.S.         Revenue      Real Growth
          50 firms reporting a 6.8% increase in employment.
                                                                                             Research      Research            Growth       Rate (%) in
          The employment for the top 50 and the additional 152                Top 50
                                                                                            Companies       Revenue         Rate for the      the Top
          research company members of the Insights Association                Report
                                                                                            Included in     (billions)      Companies        50 Report
                                                                            In Year . . .
          reached the highest threshold ever of more than 40,000                             the Top 50   Included in       Included in      After CPI
          employees, an 8.4% increase over 2015. The previous                                  Report      the Top 50        the Top 50    Adjustment
          zenith occurred five years ago, when 204 companies                                                                  Report %
          (the top 50 plus 154 CASRO members) reported 38,305
          full-time employees.
                                                                              2006             207           $7.7               6.6            3.4
          Revenue Per Employee
          It is useful to look at the revenue per employee both               2007             200           $8.6               6.0            3.2
          among the top 50 companies and for the other Insights
          Association member research companies.
              For the top 50 companies the revenue per full-time              2008             196           $8.9               1.6            -2.2
          employee in 2016 was $287,000. Figure 3 shows how
          revenue per employee for the top 50 has trended over the            2009             203           $8.6               -3.7           -3.3
          past decade.
              The top 50 companies are weighted toward large
          database companies, audience measurement and other                  2010             199           $9.2               4.7            3.1
          syndicated services. It is interesting to note that the
          revenue per full-time employee among the smaller                    2011             204           $9.2               5.1            1.9
          custom research companies that comprise the 152 other
          Insights Association members was $272,000 in 2016.
                                                                              2012             207           $9.5               1.7             -.4
          Changes in Top 50 List
          New This Year                                                       2013             196          $10.7               3.6            2.1
          There are seven new top 50 companies.
             At No. 2 on the list is QuintilesIMS. In October
          2016, IMS Health, a global provider of information,                 2014             192          $10.6               3.2            1.6
          research and technology services for the health care
          industry, merged with Quintiles, a contract research                2015             185          $11.2               4.8            4.7
          organization for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology
          and medical device industries, to create a major
          company in the field of health care intelligence.                   2016             202          $11.6               5.7            4.4
          (Previously, IMS Health had been a top 10 company on
          the AMA Gold Top 50 list.)
             At No. 22 is Informa Financial Intelligence, a new
          company established by Informa plc that combines six
          business intelligence and research entities that serve the
          financial industry, including Informa Research Services,        At No. 35 is Simmons Research, which measures
          EPFR Global, Informa Global Markets, iMoneyNet,              consumers’ preferences, behaviors and attitudes through its
          Informa Investment Solutions and eBenchmarkers.              proprietary study, the National Consumer Survey (NCS).
          (Informa Research Services has previously been included         At No. 38 is Maru/Matchbox, a sector-focused
          in the top 50 list.)                                         consumer intelligence and consulting firm, featuring
             At No. 25 is Market Force, which specializes              online insight communities and market communities.
          in providing location-level customer experience                 At No. 49 is Hypothesis, a creative and consumer
          management services, including mystery shopping and          insights agency, specializing in innovation/ideation labs
          customer experience and employee engagement surveys.         and data visualization.
             At No. 29 is MACROMILL, a global online panel
          company that combines two major business units,              Not Here This Year
          Macromill—headquartered in Tokyo—and MetrixLab,              There are five previous top 50 companies that are not on
          headquartered in Rotterdam, Netherlands.                     the list this year:

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The 2017
                                                                                                                                  AMA Gold
                                                                                                                                   Top 50 Report

                                figure 2 - growth rates of market research
                                industry top 50 firms and u.s. gdp from 2006 to 2016

                                                                 Growth Rate of
                                7                                the Top 50 U.S.
                                                                 Research Firms
            Percentage Points








                                                                                       U.S. Research                     Real GDP
                                -2                                                     Industry Net                      Growth Rate*
                                -3                                                     Compared to Real
                                                                                       GDP Growth Rate
                                     2006         2007        2008        2009       2010       2011      2012        2013        2014          2015    2016
                                     *Bureau of Economic Analysis and World Bank

                                            • ComScore could not participate because the audit            Of the companies that experienced a double-digit
                                              committee is restating financial results for the         increase, there were three companies that achieved 50%
                                              past three years to correct previous reporting of        or more year-over-year growth in 2016:
                                              non-monetary income.                                     • LRA by Deloitte, a customer experience measurement
                                            • J.D. Power was acquired by XIO Group in                     company, recorded a 56.7% increase.
                                              2016 and does not choose to disclose                     • Fors Marsh Group, with a focus on applied cognition
                                              financial information.                                      and user experience, public policy and behavioral
                                            • Rentrak merged with comScore in February 2016.              research, had a 54% increase.
                                            • Market Probe and Public Opinion Strategies chose not     • Hypothesis, whose large global brand trackers
                                              to participate in the report this year.                     contributed to its revenue increase, grew by 50%.

                                            Top 50 Revenue Increases and Decreases                     In 2016 as compared to previous years, it is notable
                                            The Top 50 Report in 2016 includes 19 companies            that fewer companies reported flat or negative growth
                                            with double-digit increases in revenue, 16 companies       rates and that downturns were less severe than in
                                            with single-digit increases that exceed inflation and      past reports. The average rate of change for the 13
                                            13 companies that are flat (did not exceed the rate of     companies that reported flat or negative growth in
                                            inflation) or had a decrease in revenues. In addition,     2016 is zero.
                                            there are two newly formed companies (Informa                 Figure 4 compares U.S. revenue increases and
                                            Financial Intelligence and Maru/Matchbox) that did not     decreases for the top 50 companies in 2016 and 2015.
                                            have reportable revenue in 2015 and, consequently, no
                                            year-over-year growth rate to report.

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Figure 3 - Revenue Per Full-time Employee
                  at Top 50 Companies




                                      $257,000               $258,000              $259,000



               2006          2007      2008       2009         2010      2011       2012         2013        2014       2015          2016

          Moving Up                                                     • C Space (up four positions from No. 23 to No. 19),
          Companies moving up three or more positions are:                focuses on building ongoing relationships with
          • Fors Marsh Group (up seven positions from No.                 customers—online and in-person—to cultivate
            44 to No. 37), derives almost all of its revenue from         connections between businesses and their customers.
            government research.                                        • Convergys Analytics (up three positions from No.
          • Wood MacKenzie (up five positions from No. 16 to              24 to No. 21), focuses on customer experience
            No. 11), specializes in research for the energy, metals       outsourcing, improving the customer experience
            and mining industries.                                        through analytics and consulting solutions.
          • LRW (up five positions from No. 20 to No. 15),              • The Link Group (up three positions from No. 43 to
            emphasizes marketing science, integrated data                 No. 40), provides qualitative and quantitative research,
            and modeling and analytic techniques in its global            focusing on positioning and branding, ethnography,
            consulting and research services.                             emotional insights and segmentation.
          • LRA by Deloitte (up five positions from No. 37
            to No. 32) is a global provider of customer
            experience measurement services for                         The Top Ten
            multinational companies.                                    Three Moved Up
          • Burke (up four positions from No. 22 to No. 18),            There has been some upward movement into the top 10
            provides custom research services with a primary            companies with the absence of comScore and J.D. Power
            focus on brand strategy, innovation, product                from this year’s top 50.
            development, retailer and shopper insights, customer        • With its information assets, analytic and tracking
            engagement, health care and employee engagement.               services and consultative expertise in more than 20

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The 2017
                                                                                                                                                      AMA Gold
                                                                                                                                                       Top 50 Report

         Figure 4 - top 50 revenue increases and
         decreases from 2015 to 2016
                                                                                                                   in health care, social policy and international
                                                                                                                   development, moved up three places (from No. 13 in
                                                                                                                   2015) to join the top 10 companies on the report.
                              Year                     2015                    2016
                                                                                                                The Other Seven
                                                                                                                Maintaining the seventh position on the list for the
           Double-digit       Number of                                                                         past seven years is GfK, which in that time has
           Revenue                                     14                      19
                              Companies                                                                         strengthened its presence in the U.S. while sustaining
                                                                                                                more than 80% of its annual revenue from outside
                              Avg. Rate of                                                                      the U.S. in 100 other countries.
                                                       21.9%                   19.2%                               No. 6 on the top 10 list, Westat, continues its significant
                                                                                                                work for the U.S. government, providing statistical, survey
                              Total Revenue                                                                     and evaluation studies of programs and policies.
                                                       $1.379                  $2.455                              No. 5 Ipsos has five research specializations operating
                                                                                                                in 88 countries: Ipsos Marketing, Ipsos Connect, Ipsos
           Single-digit                                                                                         Loyalty, Ipsos Public Affairs and Ipsos Observer.
                              Number of
           Increases                                   19                      16                                  No. 4 IRI delivers market, consumer and media
           That Exceed                                                                                          exposure information; prescriptive analytics and
           Inflation                                                                                            technology platforms through offices in 15 other countries.
                              Avg. Rate of                                                                         No. 3 Kantar, the data investment management
           Rate                                        4.0%                    3.6%
                              Change                                                                            division of WPP plc, includes Added Value, Kantar
                                                                                                                Health, Kantar Media, Kantar Retail, Kantar Worldpanel,
                              Total Revenue                                                                     Lightspeed, Millward Brown, TNS, The Futures
                                                       $7.023                  $3.498
                              (Billions)                                                                        Company and Benenson Strategy Group.
                                                                                                                   No. 2 QuintlesIMS was mentioned earlier in this article.
           Flat               Number of                                                                            No. 1 is Nielsen, which alone accounts for more than
           (Increase                                   17                      13                               30% of the total U.S. 2016 annual revenue and more
           Does Not                                                                                             than 20% of the total non-U.S. 2016 research revenue
           Exceed                                                                                               generated by the top 50. Nielsen Holdings PLC is a global
                              Avg. Rate of
           Inflation                                   -8.3%                   0.0%                             media and consumer measurement and data company
           Rate) and                                                                                            with offices and presence in more than 100 countries.
           Revenue                                                                                                 These top 10 companies account for almost 73.8% of
           Decreases          Total Revenue                                                                     the total U.S. revenue represented by the 202 companies
                                                        $2.118                 $4.513
                              (Billions)                                                                        in this year’s Top 50 Report. The actual dollar figure is
                                                                                                                $8.553 billion out of the total of $11.584 billion. Add to
                                                                                                                this their formidable non-U.S. research revenues, which
                                                                                                                total $10.792 billion, and the top 10 represent a world
                                                                                                                powerhouse of research. The non-U.S. revenues of the top
                                                                                                                10 represent 85.7% of the total non-U.S. revenues in the
                               industries, The NPD Group moved up from No. 9 last                               Top 50 Report.
                               year to No. 8 in 2016.
                             • ICF International, which focuses its research and
                               consulting services on government, educational and
                               nonprofit agencies, moved up from No. 11 to No. 9 on                             Revenue by Industry Served and by Type
                               this year’s list.                                                                of Service
                             • Abt SRBI (now, Abt Associates), specializing in                                  We asked the top 50 companies to estimate the
                               research, evaluation and program implementation                                  percentage of their annual U.S. revenue by the client

           Invitations are sent in February of each year to market research firms with estimated revenue greater than $15 million requesting revenue information for the prior calendar
           year and for the year preceding that, in order to assess the growth rate. Other company data are also requested, including a description of the company’s management,
           services, specializations, etc. Top 50 rankings are based on U.S. revenue. The rate of growth from year to year has been adjusted to account for revenue gains or losses from
           acquisitions or divestitures. Verification of revenue is required of each private firm for ranking by a third party, generally an outside accounting firm.

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Figure 5 - top 50 revenue breakdown by
                                                                                       industry and service
          industry and to estimate the percentage of revenue by
          the type of service they provided to their clients.
             The first question is often included in our industry

          financial benchmarking studies, as well as in the annual                                          Media, Advertising, Entertainment
          ESOMAR Global Market Research Report, so the                                                      Health Care Products, Services, OTC Medicines
          data are useful for comparative purposes. The second
          question aligns with our efforts to assess and measure the                                        Government, Associations, Nonprofits, Public Service
          transformation of the industry, including new markets,                                            Consumer Durables, Non-Durables
          new methods and new tools. The data in this second
          question provide a touch point for us to gauge whether                                            Technology
          and to what extent the top 50 companies are exploring                                             Consulting
          and/or investing in new services and new approaches.
             The Insights Association and the AMA have been                                                 Telecommunications
          working cooperatively with Michigan State University’s                                            Financial Services and Insurance
          Research Transformed Collaborative, under the
          leadership of Michael Brereton, adjunct professor at                                              Retailers/Wholesalers
          MSU’s Broad School of Business.                                                                   Automotive
             In the AMA Global Top 25 Report that will be
          published this fall, we will provide a progress report                                            Education
          on research industry transformation—the growth                                                    Restaurants/Fast Food/Food and Beverage
          and impact on the research industry from advanced
          predictive analytics, social media integration                                                    Utilities
          and analytics, enterprise feedback management,                                                    Hospitality/Travel/Tourism
          neuroscience and mobile market intelligence, among
          other programs and services.                                                                      Agricultural/Grower Co-ops
             We will continue to collaborate with our national                                              Political/Legal
          and international association colleagues, in particular,
          the other national research business associations in the
                                                                                                            Audience Measurement
                                                                                      Type of Service

          Global Research Business Network (GRBN), as well as
          with ESOMAR.                                                                                      Custom Research
                                                                                                            Syndicated Research
                                                                                                            Advisory and Consulting

          About the Authors                                                                                 Data Collection
          Diane Bowers is a consultant to the Insights Association, the national                            Data Analytics
          association for the research and analytics industry and profession,
          established in 2017 through the merger of CASRO and MRA. Previously,                              Qualitative
          she served as the president of CASRO. Bowers is on the board of directors
          of The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at Cornell University,
                                                                                                            Ad Tracking/Copy Testing
          chair of the Executive Management Board of the Global Research                                    Financial Services and Insurance
          Business Network (GRBN) and a board member of the Americas Research
          Industry Alliance (ARIA). She is also a past president of the Market                              Online Panels/Communities/Sampling
          Research Council and the Research Industry Coalition and a long-time
          member of AAPOR, AMA and ESOMAR.
                                                                                                            Social Media Measurement
          Michael Brereton is currently with the marketing faculty at
          Michigan State University’s Eli Broad Graduate School of Management.                              Enterprise Feedback Management
          In 2014, Brereton retired from the role of president and CEO of Maritz
                                                                                                            Auditing (mystery shopping)
          Research, a position that he served in since 2003. Brereton’s industry
          leadership roles have included serving as a long-time board member as                             Biometrics and Sensory
          well as board chair of CASRO; founding chair for the CASRO Institute for
          Research Quality (CIRQ), an ISO certification body; advisory board chair                          Data Processing
          for Michigan State University’s master of science in marketing research
                                                                                                            Expert Witness (jury/legal)
          program; and advisory board member for Southern Illinois University’s
          master of marketing research program. Also contributing to this article                           Software Development
          was Rahul Sahgal, founder and CEO of Annik, a leading data analytics
          outsourcing company in India.
                                                                                                        0               5     10       15      20       25      30       35
                                                                                                        Percent of 2016 U.S. Revenue

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T h e 2 0 1 7 AMA Gold

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                                                                                                                                           T o p 5 0 R e p o rt

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2016 Research Revenue                              2016                 2015 Research Revenue
                                                                    U.S. Rank                                                                    Year                                                                                                            U.S. Full-time
                                                                                            Organization                U.S. Headquarters                            Website                  U.S.       U.S. Market       Non-U.S.   Worldwide         %                          U.S.          Non-U.S.    Worldwide
                                                                   2017 2016                                                                   Founded                                                                                                            Employees
                                                                                                                                                                                             Market˚    YOY % Change       Market˚     Total˚         Non-U.S.                    Market˚        Market˚      Total˚

                                                                    1      1                   Nielsen                    New York, NY          1923                    $3,626.0       0.0%           $2,683.0        $6,309.0    42.5%         9,646        $3,606.0       $2,566.0      $6,172.0

                                                                    2     --              QuintilesIMS***            Danbury, CT; Durham, NC    2016               $1,358.0      20.5%*          $1,943.0        $3,301.0    58.9%         5,261        $1,127.0       $1,794.0      $2,921.0

                                                                    3      3                 Kantar** ˚                   New York, NY          1993                     $994.0         2.2%           $2,853.0        $3,847.0    74.2%         3,300        $973.0         $2,737.0      $3,710.0

                                                                    4      4                     IRI                       Chicago, IL          1979               $631.4         4.4%            $395.3         $1,026.7    38.5%         1,665        $605.0          $376.0           $981.0

                                                                    5      5                    Ipsos                     New York, NY          1975                   $568.0        3.1%*           $1,394.0        $1,962.0    71.0%         2,192        $544.0         $1,423.0      $1,967.0

                                                                    6      6                   Westat                     Rockville, MD         1963                     $500.7         1.9%            $10.8          $511.5      2.1%          1,922        $491.4          $18.3            $509.7

                                                                    7      7                     GfK                      New York, NY          1934                        $310.2        -10.3%          $1,367.0        $1,677.2    81.5%          915         $345.9         $1,351.8      $1,697.7

                                                                    8      9               The NPD Group               Port Washington, NY      1966                        $259.0        12.1%            $82.0          $341.0      24.0%         1,035        $231.1          $76.6            $307.7

                                                                    9     11              ICF International                Fairfax, VA          1967                        $163.7         5.8%            $59.6          $223.3      26.7%         1,016        $154.7          $64.7            $219.4

                                                                   10     13                  Abt SRBI                    New York, NY          1965                    $142.2        19.2%             $5.0          $147.2      3.4%          1,198        $119.3           $5.1            $124.4

                                                                   11     16           Wood Mackenzie****                 New York, NY          1973                    $132.8        -5.5%*           $310.0         $442.8      70.0%          300         $109.5          $255.2           $364.7

                                                                   12     14                  MaritzCX                       Lehi, UT           1973                   $128.5        15.4%            $40.7          $169.2      24.1%          579         $111.4          $40.2            $151.6

                                                                   13     12     DRG (Decision Resources Group)**        Burlington, MA         1990         $128.0         6.2%            $50.0          $178.0      28.1%          560         $120.5          $47.1            $167.6

                                                                   14     15               dunnhumby**                    Cincinnati, OH        2001                  $109.0        -0.9%            $320.0         $429.0      74.6%          235         $110.0          $330.0           $440.0

                                                                   15     20    LRW (Lieberman Research Worldwide)       Los Angeles, CA        1973                  $103.3        11.5%*           $41.1          $144.4      28.5%          547          $82.8          $37.0            $119.8

                                                                   16     18                 NRC Health                    Lincoln, NE          1981                   $91.1         8.1%             $4.9           $96.0      5.1%           357          $84.3           $5.2            $89.5

                                                                   17     19              ORC International               Princeton, NJ         1938            $76.2        -8.6%            $42.3          $118.5      35.7%          307          $83.4          $38.9            $122.3

                                                                   18     22                   Burke                      Cincinnati, OH        1931                       $71.1         6.3%             $8.9           $80.0      11.1%          269          $66.9           $8.1            $75.0

                                                                   19     23                 C Space**                     Boston, MA           1999                      $66.6         2.6%            $16.8           $83.4      20.1%          321          $64.9          $15.7            $80.6

                                                                   20     21       Market Strategies International         Livonia, MI          1989            $64.3        -6.8%             $1.1           $65.4      1.7%           254          $69.0           $1.6            $70.6

                                                                   21     24           Convergys Analytics**              Cincinnati, OH        1998          $60.2         8.1%             $7.2           $67.4      10.7%          250          $55.7           $6.7            $62.4

                                                                   22     --        Informa Financial Intelligence       Calabasas, CA          2016    $54.0          --             $28.8           $82.8      34.8%          400            --             --               --

                                                                   23     25                  Morpace                  Farmington Hills, MI     1975                     $52.7        -5.0%             $7.4           $60.1      12.3%          187          $55.5           $7.2            $62.7

                                                                   24     26                PRS IN VIVO                   Teaneck, NJ           1972                 $51.0        10.9%            $46.0           $97.0      47.4%          150          $46.0          $41.0            $87.0

                                                                   25     --               Market Force**                 Louisville, CO        2005                 $48.0         4.4%             $7.0           $55.0      12.7%          300          $46.0           $6.0            $52.0

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2016 Research Revenue                                 2016                   2015 Research Revenue
                                                                    U.S. Rank                                                                              Year                                                                                                                   U.S. Full Time
                                                                                                Organization                    U.S. Headquarters                                Website                   U.S.         U.S. Market      Non-U.S.     Worldwide        %                            U.S.            Non-U.S.    Worldwide
                                                                   2017 2016                                                                             Founded                                                                                                                   Employees
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Market˚      YOY % Change      Market˚       Total˚        Non-U.S.                      Market˚          Market˚      Total˚

                                                                    26      27       Service Management Group (SMG)              Kansas City, MO           1991                            $47.9          5.0%             $5.4          $53.3        10.1%           282           $45.6            $4.3            $49.9

                                                                    27      28                    YouGov                        Redwood City, CA           2000                         $46.7          11.7%           $83.2          $129.9       64.0%           156           $41.8           $81.1            $122.9

                                                                    28      30              Directions Research                   Cincinnati, OH           1988             $45.0          10.8%            $0.0          $45.0        0.0%            143           $40.6            $0.0            $40.6

MN June_GOLD_2017__mm edits.indd 32
                                                                    29       --                MACROMILL**                        Cincinnati, OH           2000               $45.0          15.4%          $255.0          $300.0       85.0%           250           $39.0           $226.0           $265.0

                                      marketing news | June 2017
                                                                    30       32                 MarketCast                       Los Angeles, CA           1985                          $40.4          11.3%           $20.9          $61.3        34.1%           120           $36.3           $17.0            $53.3

                                                                    31       31              Hanover Research                      Arlington, VA           2003                $39.6          2.3%             $1.3          $40.9        3.2%            330           $38.7            $1.7            $40.4

                                                                    32       37                LRA by Deloitte                     Horsham, PA             1981                  $39.5          56.7%            $7.3          $46.8        15.6%           440           $25.2            $8.3            $33.5

                                                                    33       35            MarketVision Research                  Cincinnati, OH           1983                    $34.8          14.5%            $0.2          $35.0        0.6%            145           $30.4            $0.0            $30.4

                                                                    34       33       Phoenix Marketing International             Rhinebeck, NY            1999                      $34.2           2.1%            $2.0          $36.2        5.5%            135           $33.5            $3.0            $36.5

                                                                    35       --              Simmons Research                   Deerfield Beach, FL        1952                $33.3          -0.9%            $0.0          $33.3        0.0%             99           $33.6                            $33.6

                                                                    36       34        Radius Global Market Research              New York, NY             1960                  $32.6           1.9%            $1.0          $33.6        3.0%            104           $32.0            $0.8            $32.8

                                                                    37       44              Fors Marsh Group                      Arlington, VA           2002                 $31.1          54.0%            $0.0          $31.1        0.0%            136           $20.2            $0.0            $20.2

                                                                    38       --              MARU / Matchbox                        Chicago, IL            2016                   $30.4            -             $10.0          $40.4        24.8%            90             -                -               -

                                                                    39       29                    SSRS                             Media, PA              1983                           $27.6          -1.4%*           $1.0          $28.6        3.5%            158           $28.0            $0.9            $28.9

                                                                    40       43                The Link Group                      Atlanta, GA             1994                            $26.4          27.5%            $1.6          $28.0        5.7%             66           $20.7            $2.7            $23.4

                                                                    41       39                    Kelton                         Culver City, CA          2003                   $26.2          12.0%            $6.6          $32.8        20.1%            97           $23.4            $5.9            $29.3

                                                                    42       38                Cello Health**                     New York, NY             2004                    $24.7          -0.8%           $70.4          $95.1        74.0%           100           $24.9            $72.3           $97.2

                                                                    43       45                   Acturus                         Farmington, CT           1978                        $22.1          12.2%            $0.6          $22.7        2.6%             73           $19.7            $2.6            $22.3

                                                                    44       41                   NAXION                         Philadelphia, PA          1911                 $21.8           4.3%            $0.0          $21.8        0.0%             76           $20.9            $0.0            $20.9

                                                                    45       42                   Gongos                         Auburn Hills, MI          1991                         $21.1           1.0%            $2.1          $23.2        9.1%            133           $20.9            $1.6            $22.5

                                                                    46       46              Bellomy Research                   Winston-Salem, NC          1976                $19.8          11.2%            $0.0          $19.8        0.0%            135           $17.8            $0.0            $17.8

                                                                    47       40                    KS&R                            Syracuse, NY            1983                         $19.0          -13.6%           $1.5          $20.5        7.3%            152           $22.0            $2.8            $24.8

                                                                    48       49            Chadwick Martin Bailey                  Boston, MA              1984                        $18.8          25.3%            $0.0          $18.8        0.0%             66           $15.0            $0.0            $15.0

                                                                    49       --               Hypothesis, Inc.                   Los Angeles, CA           2000                $17.7          50.0%            $0.0          $17.7        0.0%             44           $11.8            $0.0            $11.8

                                                                    50       47                 RTi Research                       Norwalk, CT             1979                    $17.0          -2.3%            $0.0          $17.0        0.0%             55           $17.4            $0.0            $17.4

                                                                   Top 50 Total                                                                                                                           $10,552.7         5.9%         $12,195.0       $22,747.7     53.6%          36,751        $9,962.7        $11,683.4    $21,646.1

                                                                   All Other Insights Association Research Company Members (152 companies not included in the Top 50)                                     $1,032.2          3.4%           $392.0        $1,424.2      27.5%          3,800          $998.4          $365.5       $1,363.9

                                                                   Industry Total                                                                                                                         $11,584.9        5.7%          $12,587.0     $24,171.9       52.1%          40,551       $10,961.1        $12,048.9    $23,010.0

                                                                   *    Percent change calculation reflects adjustment of previously reported 2015 U.S. research revenue due to acquisition/divestiture activity or other business change during 2016.
                                                                   **   Some or all figures are not made available by this company so instead are based upon estimations by the report authors.
                                                                   ***  2016 market research revenue is for the combined company, assuming the merger of Quintiles and IMS Health was completed on Jan. 1, 2016. The merger closed on Oct. 3, 2016. Revenue growth rates are impacted by the merger and may not reflect true growth in the
                                                                        underlying operations.
                                                                   **** Percent change calculation reflects organic YOY growth only; 2016 annual revenue reflects acquisition activity during 2016. Some or all figures are not made available by this company so instead are based upon estimations by the report authors.
                                                                   --   This company did not participate in last year’s Top 50 Report.
                                                                   ˚ 2016 currency exchange rate from British pounds to U.S. dollars decreased the percent growth rate. All values reported in millions of dollars.

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The 2017
                                                                                                                               AMA Gold
                                                                                                                                Top 50 Report

                                                               understand behavior and better manage             fit-for-purpose technology, advanced

                Nielsen                                        supply and demand, media spend and
                                                               supply chain issues.
                                                                   Representing about 53% of consolidated
                                                                                                                 analytics and deep institutional knowledge
                                                                                                                 to help stakeholders drive new insights and
                                                                                                                 approaches as they work to improve
           Founded                            1923             revenues in 2016, the buy segment                 real-world patient outcomes. The company’s
                                                               provides retail transactional measurement         customers include biotech, medical device
           2016 U.S Revenue                   $3.626 Billion
                                                               data, consumer behavior information and           and pharmaceutical companies, medical
           Percent Change from 2015           0%               analytics primarily to businesses in the          researchers, government agencies, payers
           2016 Non-U.S. Revenue              $2.683 billion   consumer packaged goods industry.                 and other health care stakeholders.
                                                               Nielsen tracks billions of sales transactions         Following the merger, QuintilesIMS
           Percent from Outside U.S.          42.5%            per month in retail outlets globally, and the     maintains one of the world’s largest and
           U.S. Employees                     9,646            data is used to measure sales and market          most comprehensive collections of health
                                                               share, enabling clients to better manage          care information, including more than 530
                     Dwight M. Barns                           brands and supply chain issues, uncover           million longitudinal anonymous patient
                     CEO, B.S., Miami University               new sources of demand, launch and grow            records spanning sales, prescription and
                                                               new services, analyze their sales, improve        promotional data, medical claims,
                                                               their marketing mix and establish more            electronic medical records and social
           2016 Acquisitions:                                  effective consumer relationships.                 media. The company maintains 20-plus
           • Repucom, a sports measurement,                        The watch segment represents about            petabytes of proprietary data sourced from
             evaluation and intelligence firm.                 47% of 2016 consolidated revenue,                 more than 100,000 data suppliers and
           • Informate Mobile Intelligence, a leading          providing viewership and listening data and       covering more than 800,000 data feeds
             provider of mobile usage measurement.             analytics primarily to the media and              globally. Based on this data, QuintilesIMS
           • Qterics, a device management solution             advertising industries across the television,     delivers information and insights on more
             provider whose NetRead technology                 radio, online and mobile viewing and              than 85% of the world’s pharmaceuticals.
             enables consumer electronics                      listening platforms. The watch data is used           QuintilesIMS offers hundreds of distinct
             manufacturers to manage, maintain and             by media clients to understand their              services, applications and solutions to help
             support Internet of Things devices,               audiences, establish the value of their           its clients make critical decisions and
             including TVs, Blu-ray disc players,              advertising inventory and maximize the            perform better. Key capabilities include:
             set-top boxes, tablets, mobile phones,            value of their content. It’s used by              • A leading health care-specific global IT
             gaming consoles and more.                         advertising clients to plan and optimize              infrastructure that processes more than 65
           • VisualDNA, a consumer insights and                their spending. Nielsen measures eight                billion health care transactions annually.
             analytics company that profiles people            hours of dynamic media consumption per            • Data-enriched clinical development,
             with visual personality quizzes.                  day per person, including streaming audio,            which improves clinical trial design, site
           • Pointlogic, a provider of marketing               out-of-home measurements for television               identification and patient recruitment.
             decision support systems.                         consumption and deeper measurement of             • A robust real-world insights ecosystem
           • Gracenote, a provider of media and                multicultural audiences in the U.S.                   with sophisticated retrospective
             entertainment metadata across                                                                           database analytics, prospective
             platforms, including multi-channel video                                                                real-world data collection technology
             programming distributors (MVPDs),                                                                       platforms and scientific expertise.
             smart televisions, streaming music
             services, connected devices, media
             players and in-car infotainment systems.
                                                               2 QuintilesIMS***
                                                                                                                 • Proprietary commercial applications that
                                                                                                                     support clients’ sales operations, sales
                                                                                                                     management, multi-channel marketing
                                                               Founded                          2016                 and performance management.
           Nielsen provides a comprehensive
                                                               2016 U.S. Revenue                $1.358 Billion
           understanding of what consumers watch                                                                 Above all, QuintilesIMS is committed to
           and buy and how those choices intersect.            Percent Change from 2015         +20.5%*          helping clients drive health care forward
           Nielsen delivers critical media and                 2016 Non-U.S. Revenue            $1.943 billion   with breakthrough approaches to
           marketing information, analytics and                                                                  developing and commercializing treatments,
           manufacturer and retailer expertise, and            Percent from Outside U.S.        58.9%            improving care provision and aligning with
           its information, insights and solutions             U.S. Employees                   5,261            health care stakeholders globally.
           help clients maintain and strengthen their
           market positions and identify                                 Ari Bousbib                             *** 2016 market research revenue is for the
           opportunities for profitable growth.                          CEO; MBA, Columbia University               combined company, assuming the merger
              Nielsen’s two reporting segments, “buy”                                                                of Quintiles and IMS Health was completed
           (consumer purchasing measurement and                                                                      on Jan. 1, 2016. The merger closed on Oct.
           analytics) and “watch” (media audience              QuintilesIMS is working with clients to               3, 2016. Revenue growth rates are impacted
           measurement and analytics), are built on            dramatically improve their clinical,                  by the merger and may not reflect true
           proprietary data assets that yield insights         scientific and commercial results through             growth in the underlying operations.
           for clients to successfully measure, manage         a distinctive integrated information and
           and grow their businesses. The information          technology-enabled health care service.           * Percent change calculation reflects
           from the buy and watch segments together               Formed through the 2016 merger of                adjustment of previously reported 2015
           deliver insights into the effectiveness of          Quintiles and IMS Health, the company’s             U.S. research revenue due to acquisition/
           branding, advertising and consumer choice           55,000 employees operate in more than 100           divestiture activity or other business
           by linking media consumption trends with            countries. QuintilesIMS combines                    change during 2016.
           consumer purchasing data to better                  unparalleled health care information,

      34   marketing news | June 2017

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marketing knowledge and insights                integrated solution for linking media

                 Kantar**•                                      into consumers and markets on
                                                                 stakeholder management, brand and
                                                                 communications and product
                                                                                                                 consumption to purchasing.
                                                                                                                    In 2017, IRI will drive consumer
                                                                                                                 personalization by continuing to integrate
          Founded:                           1993                development and innovation.                     multiple disparate Big Data sources
                                                               • The Futures Company monitors what               to create sophisticated end-to-end
          2016 U.S. Revenue                  $994 million
                                                                 influences consumer values and                  capabilities enabling clients to more
          Percent Change from 2015           +2.2%               attitudes to identify current and future        effectively plan, target, activate, measure
          2016 Non-U.S. Revenue              $2.85 billion       trends and offers trends and futures            and optimize their businesses in real
                                                                 consulting and future-facing qualitative        time for growth.
          Percent from Outside U.S.          74.2%               and quantitative research.                         The IRI partner ecosystem includes
          U.S. Employees                     3,300             • Benenson Strategy Group is a strategic          such companies as Adobe, The Boston
                                                                 research, issue advocacy and consulting         Consulting Group, comScore, Experian,
                                                                 group helping leaders in politics,              Ipsos, Kantar Shopcom, MasterCard
                     Eric Salama                                 business and public affairs connect with        Advisors, MaxPoint, Millward Brown
                     Chairman & CEO; M.S., Birkbeck College,     their target audiences.                         Digital, Oracle, Research Now,
                                                                                                                 Simulmedia, Survey Sampling
                                                               The newly introduced Kantar First                 International and Univision.
          Kantar is the data investment management             program will support collaboration                   IRI’s retail footprint is a source
          division of WPP plc, a London-based                  among the operating brands of the                 of advantage for its CPG clients.
          public company. The group includes the               Kantar group companies to better serve            Examples include:
          following U.S.-based companies:                      client needs by eliminating internal profit       • Walmart, for which IRI provides POS
          • Added Value focuses on brand                       silos, encouraging the sharing of data               data and is a premier partner on its
             development and marketing insight                 across brands and facilitating better                targeted shopper activation program.
             through its “brand connections”                   cooperation at a local level.                     • CVS Caremark, for which IRI designed
             methodology, providing services in                                                                     the Collaborative Merchandising
             brand marketing, consumer insight,                ** Some or all figures are not made available        Gateway for improved collaboration.
             innovation and communications.                       by this company so instead are based           • Tesco, for which IRI is the exclusive
          • Kantar Health specializes in health                   upon estimation by the report authors.            global provider of inbound data services
             care research and consulting on                   • 2016 currency exchange rate from British           in the U.K.
             marketing insights; strategic planning;              pounds to U.S. dollars decreased the           • Albertsons, for which IRI is the preferred
             risk management, safety and                          percent growth rate.                              partner for POS data, consumer panel
             surveillance; stakeholder effectiveness                                                                insights and strategic growth initiatives
             and brand marketing; health                                                                            to support joint business collaboration.
             economics and patient outcomes;
             pricing and reimbursement and
             forecasting and epidemiology.
          • Kantar Media offers a range of media
                                                               4 IRI
                                                                                                                 IRI delivers growth to clients through five
                                                                                                                 key areas of expertise:
                                                                                                                 • Market performance and strategy (IRI
             insights and audience measurement                 Founded                          1979                answers critical market questions focused
             services for global advertisers, agencies                                                              on issues such as achieving growth in a
                                                               2016 U.S. Revenue                $631.4 million
             and media companies.                                                                                   mature market and what clients should
          • Kantar Retail is focused on digitally              Percent Change from 2015         +4.4%               consider when launching a product.)
             delivered intelligence on retailers and           2016 Non-U.S. Revenue            $395.3 million   • Consumer and shopper intelligence (IRI
             extending shopper insights and                                                                         solutions focus on deep shopper
             consulting capabilities.                          Percent from Outside U.S.        38.5%               insights, segment planning, opportunity
          • Kantar Worldpanel is a global provider             U.S. Employees                   1,665               sizing and activation strategies
             of consumer panels that offer                                                                          empowering companies to win the sale
             continuous measurement and                                  Andrew Appel                               and the shopper.)
             analysis of consumer purchasing                             President & CEO; MBA, University        • Media (IRI media solutions enable clients
             and usage behavior.                                         of Chicago                                 to measure the efficiency and
          • Lightspeed Research provides market                          Richard H. Lenny                           effectiveness of their media spending.)
             research services by building and                           Chairman of the Board; MBA, Kellogg     • Analytics and retail execution (IRI helps
             maintaining online and mobile panels                        School of management                       clients analyze data to pinpoint new
             and associated service.                                                                                opportunities to optimize pricing,
          • Millward Brown provides qualitative,               IRI delivers market, consumer and media              promotions and assortments.)
             quantitative and consulting services on           exposure information, prescriptive                • Data management/cloud/software (IRI
             brand strategy and experience; creative           analytics, technology platforms and the              data management, cloud and software
             development and campaign evaluation;              foresight that leads to action.                      solutions help clients better leverage
             consumer needs and values; media                     In September 2013 IRI acquired Aztec              data to gain faster insights and action.)
             planning and strategy; ROI, forecasting           to gain a presence in Australia, Canada,
             and investment management; brand                  Hong Kong, New Zealand, South Africa,
             valuation and analytics and demand                Sweden and the U.K.
             and activation.                                      In March 2014, IRI joined forces with
          • TNS offers market research and                     comScore and Rentrak to create a
             qualitative research to provide                   comprehensive data set and offer an

                                                                                                                                June 2017 | marketing news      35

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The 2017
                                                                                                                              AMA Gold
                                                                                                                               Top 50 Report

                                                                Ipsos Observer provides online and                 Westat relies on an extensive field

                  Ipsos                                      mobile surveys, manages online consumer
                                                             panels and provides quantitative research
                                                             data for in-house researchers.
                                                                                                                operation to support large-scale surveys,
                                                                                                                applying all modes of data collection to
                                                                                                                achieve maximum response rates.
                                                                Ipsos in the U.S. comprises centers of          Statistical and subject matter expertise
           Founded                          1975
                                                             expertise in data science, neurosciences           are combined with innovative methods
           2016 U.S. Revenue                $568 million     and behavioral sciences as well as leading         and technologies to forge new ground in
           Percent Change from 2015         +3.1%*           strategic partnerships in academia (Duke,          complex survey designs.
                                                             Yale, MIT and Stanford) dedicated to                  Our research professionals contribute
           2016 Non-U.S. Revenue            $1.394 billion   advancing our understanding and                    to their fields through professional
           Percent from Outside U.S.        71%              application of behavioral sciences with            publications and participation in the
                                                             two think tanks:                                   national and international research
           U.S. Employees                   2,192
                                                             • Yale/Ipsos Behavioral Sciences Think             community.
                                                                Tank, which develops and conducts                  The company’s key areas of expertise
                     Didier Truchot                             research and experiments on the                 include:
                     Chairman and CEO; B.S., Pantheon-          practical application of behavioral             • Statistical research and survey methods
                     Sorbonne University                        sciences principles in key areas of                support for clients, including complex
                     Pierre LeManh                              consumer marketing.                                survey design, address-based sampling,
                     CEO, North America; MBA, Ecole          • Duke/Ipsos Research Center, which is                small-area estimation, data analytics and
                     Superiere Sciences Economiques             progressing our understanding of the               statistical disclosure control.
                     et Commerciales                            science of decision-making based on             • Program evaluation using diverse
                                                                in-store shopper marketing, consisting             methodologies to observe, measure and
           2016 Divestiture:                                    of manufacturers, retailers, Duke and              analyze the mechanics of policies and
           • Ipsos’ Agriculture and Animal                      Ipsos experts.                                     programs to determine effectiveness.
             Health Sectors.                                                                                    • Health studies to support research in
                                                             * Percent change calculation reflects                 behavioral, veterans, public, international
           Ipsos comprises five research                       adjustment of previously reported 2015              and mental health; clinical trials;
           specializations. Operating across 88                U.S. research revenue due to acquisition/           epidemiology; health IT and health care
           markets, we deliver information and                 divestiture activity or other business              delivery.
           analysis that provide our clients with a            change during 2016.                              • Education programs to provide technical
           total understanding of people, markets                                                                  assistance and evaluation for federal,
           and societies.                                                                                          state and local governments and private
              Ipsos Marketing supports our clients’                                                                foundations.
           marketing strategies to optimize their
           brand portfolio, leverage consumers’
           path to purchase, innovate effectively,
                                                             6 Westat
                                                                                                                • Social policy research for a variety of
                                                                                                                   social services for children and families,
                                                                                                                   employment, criminal justice and
           improve products and services and                 Founded                           1963                marginalized populations.
           maximize commercial effectiveness
                                                             2016 U.S. Revenue                 $500.7 million
           through a range of capabilities, including                                                           Westat’s Center for Transportation,
           survey and passive data, deep                     Percent Change from 2015          +1.9%            Technology & Safety Research studies
           observation and listening, social                 2016 Non-U.S. Revenue             $10.8 million    vehicle technology, travel behavior and
           intelligence and digital communities,                                                                traffic operations systems.
           insights curation and knowledge                   Percent from Outside U.S.         2.1%                To support our research projects,
           platforms, Big Data analytics and                 U.S. Employees                    1,922            Westat invests in many general and
           advisory services.                                                                                   specialized IT technologies and products
              Ipsos Connect measures and weighs                                                                 and provides licensing, training and
           our clients’ brands, advertising and
                                                                       James E. Smith                           support for Blaise, a major survey software
                                                                       President & CEO; Ph.D., University
           media, optimizing communications and                                                                 system produced by Statistics Netherlands
                                                                       of Southern California
           content for a highly digitized world and                                                             and used internationally. The Individual
           fragmented audience. We are on the                                                                   Placement and Support (IPS) project and
           forefront of the madtech revolution,              Westat is a 100% employee-owned research           their research team joined Westat in 2016.
           delivering insights based on the facts            and professional services company known            The IPS team, with its special expertise in
           that empower content, platforms and               for its expertise in statistical research,         integrated mental health and employment
           brands to be chosen by more people,               survey methods and evaluation studies of           practices, along with other leading experts
           more easily and more often.                       programs and policies.                             in justice studies and methodologies, have
              Ipsos Loyalty specializes in all matters          Westat applies state-of-the-art,                further enhanced our research capabilities.
           relating to measuring, managing and               evidence-based research and
           improving customer relationships and              statistical methods to complex issues
           employee engagement.                              across a wide range of fields including
              Ipsos Public Affairs assists companies         health, education, environment,
           and institutions in understanding how the         transportation, justice, communications
           world is changing, the behavior and               and social marketing.
           opinions of citizens and consumers and               The firm’s clients include the U.S.
           the trends underway, enhancing their              government, state and local agencies,
           reputation and communications.                    businesses and foundations.

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The 2017
                                                                                                                              AMA Gold
                                                                                                                              Top 50 Report

                                                             digital market intelligence, distribution and      the world’s leading brands. NPD offers

                  GfK                                        supply chain management, geomarketing,
                                                             market opportunities and innovation,
                                                             media measurement, mystery shopping,
                                                                                                                uniquely combined information assets,
                                                                                                                analytic services and expertise in more
                                                                                                                than 20 industries to build long-standing
           Founded                          1934             online pricing intelligence, point-of-sale         partnerships that help clients uncover
                                                             tracking, product catalogs, promotion and          opportunities, solve problems and create
           2016 U.S. Revenue                $310.2 million
                                                             causal retail, public communications and           profitable growth.
           Percent Change from 2015         -10.3%           social science, retail analytics, social media        Information is available for the following
           2016 Non-U.S. Revenue            $1.367 billion   intelligence, trends and forecasting and           industries: apparel, automotive,
                                                             user experience.                                   appliances, beauty, consumer electronics,
           Percent from outside U.S.        81.5%                Our industry focus provides GfK market         diamonds, e-commerce, entertainment,
           U.S. Employees                   915              researchers with a thorough                        fashion accessories, food, food service,
                                                             understanding of business issues and               footwear, home, mobile, office supplies,
                                                             questions specific to their concerns.              retail, sports, technology, toys, video
                     Peter Feld                                  Industries we cover include                    games, watches and jewelry.
                     CEO; M.S., RWTH Aachen University       automotive, consumer goods, fashion and               NPD Tracking Services encompasses
                                                             lifestyle, health, media and entertainment,        retail tracking, distributor tracking and
                                                             public services, retail, technology and            consumer tracking, including Checkout
           2016 Divestiture:                                 travel and hospitality.                            Tracking, which utilizes receipt harvesting
           • Kynetec, a global agriculture and animal            Trusted for quality, GfK stands for the        to measure purchases across all industries
             health market research company.                 highest standards in terms of quality,             and channels, including bricks-and-mortar
                                                             privacy, integrity and compliance. We              and e-commerce.
           In a digitized world, GfK is the trusted          offer valuable and reliable insights for our          NPD Premium Services offers the most
           source of relevant market and consumer            clients; carefully protect the information of      granular market views including weekly
           information that empowers clients to              our research participants; take a fair,            tracking, store-level enabled data (for
           make smarter decisions. As a thought              honest and respectful approach with our            looking at geographies or custom store
           leader in the market research industry, GfK       employees; and manage our shareholders’            groupings) and account-level information
           has a deep understanding of consumer              investments responsibly.                           (for participating retailers). Information is
           experiences and choices. The company                                                                 collected from more than 1,250 retailers,
           includes more than 13,000 experts                                                                    representing more than 300,000 stores
           providing vital insights into local markets                                                          worldwide, 12 million consumer interviews
           in 100 countries.
              Earlier this year, the company
           appointed a new global GfK CEO, Peter
                                                             8 The
                                                                       NPD Group                                conducted annually, and more than 4
                                                                                                                million consumers who make physical and/
                                                                                                                or digital receipts available for Checkout
           Feld. Through innovative systems and              Founded                           1966             Tracking, some of which is done in
           partnerships, GfK integrates data, turning                                                           partnership with Slice Intelligence.
                                                             2016 U.S. Revenue                 $259 million
           research into business opportunities and                                                                NPD’s Analytic Solutions group covers
           supporting growth from knowledge. The             Percent Change from 2015          +12.1%           forecasting, new product development,
           company’s goal is to enable clients to            2016 Non-U.S. Revenue             $82 million      pricing and promotion.
           create winning strategies to enrich                                                                     The firm’s advisory services include
           consumers’ lives.                                 From Outside U.S.                 24%              Connected Intelligence, which offers
              Understanding client challenges with           U.S. Employees                    1,035            reports and analysis on wearable tech and
           expertise across a variety of industries,                                                            the connected world, including content,
           GfK helps clients take on some of their                     Karyn Schoenbart                         devices and services. In 2016, NPD marked
           most important challenges, including:                       CEO; B.A., University of Massachusetts   its 50th anniversary with IDEA 2016, a
           • Developing strategic opportunities                                                                 thought leadership summit for senior
              (discovering trends and interpreting                     Tod Johnson                              business executives. It made several
              data to make better business decisions                   Executive Chairman; M.S., Carnegie       acquisitions including Nielsen’s American
              and identifying and nurturing areas of                   Mellon University                        BookScan and related businesses (EEDAR,
              strategic potential).                                                                             a specialist market research and data
           • Creating experiences (designing and                                                                analysis firm for the video games industry,
              testing new experiences along the              2016 Acquisitions:                                 and the Brazil-based Sim2M point-of-sale
              customer journey and forecasting               • Nielsen Book Scan, a data provider and           toys panel). NPD also launched tracking
              potential prior to launch).                      market research company for the book             services for diamonds, juvenile products
           • Optimizing in-market experiences                  publishing industry.                             and digital games.
              (tracking current market development           • EEDAR, a video game data and research               NPD will continue to develop its diverse
              pre- or post-launch or even mid-flight to        company.                                         data assets and solutions, launching
              optimize marketing spend immediately).         • Sim2M, a Brazil-based point-of-sale toys         Checkout Tracking in additional industries
           • Growing relationships (increasing loyalty         panel and market research company for            and expanding its portfolio of analytic
              along experience points and building             the toys industry.                               services to help clients understand shifting
              strong, durable relationships with                                                                consumer preferences and behaviors and
              customers and stakeholders).                   The NPD Group is a privately held                  the evolving retail landscape.
                                                             corporation. NPD’s global information and
           GfK provides research on brand and                business solutions provide data-driven
           customer experience, consumer panels,             confidence and a winning advantage to

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educational degrees, bringing deep             The company celebrated 10 years of being

                  ICF International                        specialization to client engagements.
                                                              Clients work with ICF on issues that
                                                           matter profoundly to their success,
                                                                                                          publicly traded on NASDAQ and launched
                                                                                                          a new brand, visual identity and a website
                                                                                                          last year. In addition, the survey research
          Founded                         1967             whether it be a product or program that        practice will complete the certification
                                                           matters to the business or a social issue or   process for ISO 20252, providing
          2016 U.S. Revenue               $163.7 million
                                                           policy that matters to the world. We offer     independent third-party validation that
          Percent Change from 2015        +5.8%            comprehensive survey research services         our quality processes and procedures are
          2016 Non-U.S. Revenue           $59.6 million    that empower clients to gain valuable and      comprehensive, transparent and
                                                           actionable insights on issues that matter.     documented.
          Percent from Outside U.S.       26.7%               For more than 40 years, we have                Moving forward, we will complete
          U.S. Employees                  1,016            demonstrated design, methodological and        installation of our state-of-the-art, fully
                                                           statistical knowledge through the              integrated and security-enhanced data
                    Sudhakar Kesavan                       implementation of large and complex            collection system, allowing ICF to securely
                    Chairman & CEO; M.S., Massachusetts    survey research projects. Our clients          and most efficiently collect survey
                    Institute of Technology                consist of U.S. federal, state and local       research data across all modes. We
                                                           agencies; universities; nonprofits and         continue to be dedicated to solving the
          ICF is a global consulting services              commercial organizations. Our survey           world’s most complex challenges and
          provider with more than 5,000                    research services include:                     tackle problems with ingenuity on issues
          professionals focused on making big              • Analyzing, reporting and presenting          that matter profoundly to our clients.
          things possible for our commercial and              findings.
          government clients in the U.S., Europe           • Conducting surveys through a variety of
          and Asia. Employees are survey                      data collection methods.
          researchers, business analysts, policy           • Designing samples, data collection
          specialists, technologists, digital                 protocols and instruments.
          strategists, social scientists and creatives.    • Protecting all processes and data
          A significant percentage, who work in 65            through quality assurance and
          countries globally, have earned advanced            system security.

                                                                                                                         June 2017 | marketing news     39

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The 2017
                                                                                                                                    AMA Gold
                                                                                                                                       Top 50 Report

                                                                operations division. The data science and          **** Percent change calculation reflects

                       Abt SRBI                                 advanced analytics group provides
                                                                consulting support in complex sample
                                                                design, non-response bias, cell and
                                                                                                                      organic year-over-year growth only; 2016
                                                                                                                      annual revenue reflects acquisition activity
                                                                                                                      during 2016. Some or all figures are not
           Founded                            1965              dual-frame sample designs, weighting,                 made available by this company so
                                                                imputation and geographic information                 instead are based upon estimation by the
           2016 U.S. Revenue                  $142.2 million
                                                                systems. The operations division                      report authors.
           Percent Change from 2015           +19.2%            administers telephone, mail, internet, IVR,        * Percent change calculation reflects
           2016 Non-U.S. Revenue              $5 million        smartphone and in-person interviews with              adjustment of previously reported 2015
                                                                nearly 300 CATI stations across four call             U.S. research revenue due to acquisition/
           Percent from Outside U.S.          3.4%              centers, a large national in-person field             divestiture activity or other business
           U.S. Employees                     1,198             force and a centralized technologically               change during 2016.
                                                                advanced survey platform.
                     Kathleen L.
                     President & CEO of Abt Associates; M.S.,
           University of Rochester
                     Michael Link                               11
                                                                          Wood MacKenzie****                       12 MaritzCX
                     President & CEO of Abt SRBI; Ph.D.,                                                           Founded                             1973
                     University of Southern California          Founded                           1973             2016 U.S. Revenue                   $128.5 million
                                                                2016 U.S. Revenue                 $132.8 million   Percent Change from 2014            +15.4%
           Abt Associates is a mission-driven, global
           leader in research, evaluation and program           Percent Change from 2015          -5.5%*           2016 Non-U.S. Revenue               $40.7 million
           implementation in the fields of health, social       2016 Non-U.S. Revenue             $310 million
           and environmental policy and international
                                                                                                                   Percent from Outside U.S.           24.1%
           development. It is known for its rigorous
                                                                Percent Outside U.S.              70.0%            U.S. Employees                      579
           approach to solving complex challenges.              U.S. Employees                    300
           Abt SRBI is the firm’s survey research arm.                                                                       Mike Sinoway
              Abt SRBI is a full-service global                           Stephen Halliday                                   President & CEO; MBA, Arizona State
           research and consulting firm whose survey                      CEO; B.S., University of Edinburgh                 University
           research capabilities range from sample
           design and instrument development to                                                                    MaritzCX is a CX software and research
           data collection (telephone, in-person, IVR,          Edinburgh-based Wood Mackenzie                     company that provides organizations with
           web, mail) and data management to                    provides commercial intelligence for the           holistic and cost-efficient CX solutions. We
           advanced analysis and market strategy.               energy, metals and mining industries               believe companies should drive high-value
           The firm specializes in large-scale and              through objective analysis and advice on           customer experiences at every touch
           complex projects.                                    assets, companies and markets. For more            point, as it happens. MaritzCX helps
              Abt SRBI has four practice groups:                than 40 years, Wood Mackenzie has                  organizations increase customer retention,
           • The health group conducts health-                  assessed and valued thousands of                   conversion and lifetime value by
              related surveys and tracking studies for          individual assets and companies around             embedding customer experience
              many U.S. government agencies. These              the world, evaluating economic                     intelligence and action systems into the
              projects include epidemiological surveys,         indicators and analyzing market supply,            DNA of business operations. We are
              health care, military veterans,                   demand and price trends. The firm                  committed to being our clients’ customer
              immigration, domestic violence and                produces research and analysis across              experience outcomes partner.
              program evaluations.                              oil, gas, power, coal, chemicals, metals              MaritzCX specializes in solutions for key
           • The public affairs group conducts                  and mining, giving clients a forward-              industries, including automotive, financial
              large-scale public policy and public              looking view of the challenges,                    services, retail, technology and B-to-B.
              opinion surveys for university                    opportunities and risks facing their               Our mission is to provide businesses the
              researchers, foundations, research                business and sector.                               strategic guidance and software engine
              institutes and the media.                            Wood MacKenzie offers a combination             they need to turn customer feedback into
           • The transportation and infrastructure              of robust proprietary data; expert,                a competitive advantage.
              group provides passenger/customer                 knowledgeable and collaborative people;               MaritzCX’s global reach includes more
              research to leading public transit                and integrated analysis and advice.                than 880 full-time employees and more
              authorities; transportation planners                 Wood MacKenzie’s research, analytics            than 900 part-time/contract employees in
              and engineering firms; as well as                 and consulting services help clients               19 offices around the world. MaritzCX
              federal, state and local governments. It          to understand their markets, value assets,         provides solutions to more than 500
              also specializes in energy and                    reduce risk, identify and screen                   clients and 1.6 million users who speak 72
              environmental issues.                             opportunities, assess competitors,                 languages in 100 countries.
           • The family, workforce and nutrition                strengthen strategy and pitch for                     The MaritzCX platform realized 83%
              group supports large-scale program                new business.                                      growth year over year with a 119%
              evaluation projects with a focus on                  With 25 offices in 20 countries, our            increase in total software bookings from
              interviews with beneficiaries of federal          teams work across every sector of energy,          2015 to 2016.
              government programs.                              metals and mining, covering more than
           The practice groups are supported by a               150 countries to provide an integrated
           data science and advanced analytics and              perspective across entire industries.

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