Borneo Convention Centre Kuching - The Isthmus, Kuching, Sarawak Monday, 29 October 2018 - Swinburne University of ...

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Borneo Convention Centre Kuching - The Isthmus, Kuching, Sarawak Monday, 29 October 2018 - Swinburne University of ...
Borneo Convention Centre Kuching
The Isthmus,
Kuching, Sarawak
Monday, 29 October 2018
Borneo Convention Centre Kuching - The Isthmus, Kuching, Sarawak Monday, 29 October 2018 - Swinburne University of ...
Borneo Convention Centre Kuching - The Isthmus, Kuching, Sarawak Monday, 29 October 2018 - Swinburne University of ...
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus


      Borneo Convention Centre Kuching

      The Isthmus,
      Kuching, Sarawak

      Monday 29 October 2018

              Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018   1
Borneo Convention Centre Kuching - The Isthmus, Kuching, Sarawak Monday, 29 October 2018 - Swinburne University of ...
    Message from the Pro Chancellor and Chief Minister of Sarawak   3
    Message from the Vice-Chancellor			                             4
    Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors and		       5
    University Council
    History of the university					6
    Establishment and history of the Sarawak Campus			              7
    The Mace and the Chairs					                                    8
    Academic regalia						9
    Ceremonial regalia						11
    University Council Swinburne Melbourne			                       11
    Principal officers of the university				                        12
    Members of the University Council and the			                    13
    Board of Directors Swinburne Sarawak
    Participating officers in the Ceremony 				                     14
    Order of proceedings					14
    Information for guests					15
    Award recipients						17
    Swinburne Research					                                         21
    Industry Awards 2018					23
    Swinburne Alumni						24

2   Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018
Message from the
Pro Chancellor and
Chief Minister of Sarawak
                                         For Sarawakians, it’s an exciting           their background. Let us continue to
                                         time to be entering the workforce           advocate these values in building a
                                         or starting your own business               progressive and developed state.
                                         as Sarawak is working in earnest
                                                                                     Today, you are able to stand tall and
                                         to transform itself into a digital
                                                                                     proud witnessed by your loved ones.
                                         economy and invests in Industry 4.0.
                                                                                     Your graduation is also a celebration
                                         I believe a tertiary education must
                                                                                     for your loved ones who have
                                         not be just about obtaining a degree
                                                                                     supported and encouraged you
                                         but also to enable you to contribute
                                                                                     throughout your pursuit of higher
                                         to our common efforts to transform
                                                                                     education. Let us also take this
                                         the state into an economic power by
                                                                                     opportunity to thank all of them as
                                         2030. Following your graduation, you
                                                                                     your success is their success.
                                         are now ready to work on industrial
                                         projects, solve day-to-day challenges       To our graduates from abroad who
                                         and enhance your professionalism            will return to their home countries, I
                                         in your chosen field. Welcome to            bid you ‘Selamat Jalan’ (farewell) and
                                         all of you as new members of the            wish you all the best in your future
Congratulations on your                  Sarawak’s professional workforce.           endeavour. I am certain that you
                                                                                     have made lifelong friendships and
graduation today and                     Throughout your university journey, I
                                                                                     that your experience in Sarawak has
well-deserved success.                   am confident that you have obtained
                                                                                     been a positive one. Stay in touch
                                         an enriching experience which must
                                                                                     with your alma mater and I hope that
                                         have shaped your views and built
Swinburne is a reputable Australian                                                  you will have fond memories of your
                                         your character. As a working adult,
university and is ranked number 45                                                   time in Sarawak.
                                         you must continue to uphold your
in the 2019 Top 50 Under 50 list of
                                         personal and professional integrity         Thank you.
the QS World University Rankings. As
                                         and take responsibility for your
graduates of Swinburne, I trust that
                                         actions. It is always a noble act to be
you have been well-imbued with the
                                         able to appreciate the opportunities
attributes of ‘Swinburne 2025 Vision’
                                         given to us and strive to give back
to enable you to become ‘Future-
                                         to the community by using the
Ready Learners’ that are genuinely
                                         knowledge and know-how we have
confident and enterprising to create
                                         obtained. In our pursuit of success,
an impact within the communities                                                     The Right Honourable
                                         we must also not forget to lend a
where you live or work.                                                              Datuk Patinggi (Dr) Abang Haji
                                         helping hand to the underprivileged
You must have been taught to                                                         Abdul Rahman Zohari
                                         among us in order to make life more
be well-versed in the values of                                                      Bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg
‘Research with Impact’ in order to                                                   DP, DA, PNBS, JBS
                                         I also encourage you to always care
be able to play a meaningful role                                                    Pro Chancellor and
                                         for the environment so that our
in the transformation of industries                                                  Chief Minister of Sarawak
                                         future generations are able to reap
and shape lives and communities,
                                         what we sow. No less important in a
and be involved in ‘Innovative
                                         multicultural Sarawak where peace
Enterprises’ where agility, resilience
                                         and harmony have long existed, I
and market responsiveness will give
                                         wish for all of you that you will always
one the edge over others in the
                                         work towards preserving this unique
constantly changing and increasingly
                                         bond among our diverse people. Do
challenging business and work
                                         extend our Sarawakian hospitality
                                         to everyone you meet regardless of

                           Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018   3
Message from the
                                           I am delighted to                           from a world-ranked university.
                                           welcome you here for this                   I strongly encourage all of you who
                                                                                       graduate today to address the new
                                           graduation ceremony.                        challenges that face your community
                                                                                       and make a positive contribution. I
                                           Well done to all who are graduating         urge you to seize these opportunities
                                           today for successfully completing           and help lead our society into a
                                           your course. At this time we must           promising future.
                                           also acknowledge the Swinburne
                                                                                       At Swinburne we encourage our
                                           academic and professional staff
                                                                                       students to embrace the notion
                                           who made your learning experience
                                                                                       that we are all learners for life. And
                                           possible, as well as parents, spouses,
                                                                                       so, I anticipate that your graduation
                                           siblings, partners and friends whose
                                                                                       will not represent an end-point to
                                           encouragement has played a crucial
                                                                                       your educational adventures. We
                                           role in your success.
                                                                                       look forward to welcoming you back
                                           Today your graduation allows us to          to Swinburne in the future, either
                                           celebrate your achievements. You            in-person or through one of many
                                           have fulfilled the requirements of          online learning opportunities, to help
                                           a demanding course of study with            you further your knowledge.
                                           focus and discipline and your reward
                                                                                       We are also delighted to welcome
                                           is an excellent education.
                                                                                       you as Swinburne alumni and
                                           Such an education is all the more           will take pride in hearing of your
                                           important today because of the need         achievements. I sincerely wish you
                                           to respond to a rapidly changing            the very best for the future and,
                                           world. Within our knowledge-based           wherever life adventures take you,
                                           society, many people are engaged            invite you to stay in touch with your
                                           in ‘knowledge-based’ work, across a         Swinburne community.
                                           range of fields and disciplines.
                                           The achievement of high quality
                                           education and training positions
                                           you to attain greater prosperity and
                                           participate more fully in a dynamic
                                           knowledge-based global economy.
                                           Swinburne is consistently named             Professor Linda Kristjanson AO
                                           as one of the top universities in the       Vice-Chancellor and President
                                           world according to the prestigious          AO, FAICD, FTSE, PhD
                                           Academic      Ranking    of    World        Swinburne University of Technology
                                           Universities. Therefore, I hope you
                                           take pride in knowing that you
                                           graduate from Swinburne with a
                                           high-quality education, obtained

4   Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018
Message from the Chairman
of the Board of Directors and
University Council
                      On behalf of the Board of                   Your family, friends and dedicated
                                                                  staff of the university have also
                      Directors and University                    played a big role in your success,
                      Council,        heartiest                   lest we forget. Therefore, I urge you
                      congratulations to all                      to continue making them proud by
                                                                  contributing your knowledge and
                      graduates.                                  skills to serve the community at
                                                                  large. Your career path might not
                                                                  be as clear and direct as you expect
                                                                  it to be but the key is to remain
                      Together with your family members,          curious and open to opportunities,
                      we are proud to witness this                as well as to consciously listen and
                      significant event today. Your               learn from your colleagues and your
                      hard work and dedication have               environment.
                      culminated in the awarding of your
                      Swinburne testamur that will take           Your graduation today should
                      you places. For many of you, this is        be recognised for its immense
                      where your career begins. You will          significance as it symbolises your
                      encounter many challenges ahead             personal commitment and sacrifices.
                      but be bold and confident in facing         It is definitely not an end goal in
                      them for your personalised, industry        itself but a launching point for
                      focussed education at Swinburne             further achievements. I hope your
                      has prepared you to strive through          experience at Swinburne would
                      life’s obstacles.                           open many doors of opportunity in
                                                                  the future.
                      Swinburne graduates from the
                      Sarawak campus have always done             As members of the Board of
                      the university proud. Our graduates         Directors and University Council
                      are employed by multinational               of Swinburne Sarawak, we will
                      organisations around the world in           continue to strive for excellence as
                      various industries such as financial        part of our commitment to produce
                      services, manufacturing, oil and            highly skilled, knowledgeable and
                      gas,    construction,    computing,         future-ready graduates who are
                      transportation, pharmaceutical and          able to contribute to the State’s
                      others. It is also worth noting that        development.
                      our graduates are hired by the Top          Once again, congratulations and all
                      100 global brands. This is because          the best.
                      our graduates are awarded the same
                      internationally recognised degree
                      from its main campus in Melbourne
                      that allows for wide recognition
                      across the globe.

                                                                  The Honourable
                                                                  Tan Sri Datuk Amar (Dr) Haji
                                                                  Mohamad Morshidi
                                                                  Bin Abdul Ghani
                                                                  PSM, DA, JSM, PGBK, PPC, PPB

        Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018   5
History of the university
                                           The Swinburnes lived for many               In recent years, Swinburne has
                                           generations in Northumberland, in the       progressed to become one of the
                                           north of England. In early times, the       world’s   leading    research-intensive
                                           family owned a castle on the banks of       teaching universities and a leader
                                           the Swin Burn, the brook of the boars.      in online education, expanding the
                                           By 1245 the Swinburne coat of arms          educational opportunities available to a
                                           was ‘Gules: three boars heads argent’.      new generation of learners.

                                           George Swinburne arrived in Melbourne       Swinburne’s emphasis is on high-
                                           in 1886, aged twenty-five. His early days   quality, engaged teaching and research
                                           in Melbourne were spent setting up          in science, technology and innovation
                                           gas plants and bringing gas-light to the    – teaching and research that makes a
                                           cities and towns. As his business stature   difference in the lives of individuals and
                                           increased, he entered State Parliament      contributes to national economic and
                                           and became a minister.                      social objectives.

                                           Swinburne was established as the            Swinburne holds a unique place among
                                           Eastern Suburbs Technical College by        educational institutions in Australia in
                                           George Swinburne and the first students     the link that persists between it and the
                                           were enrolled in 1909, when classes         founder and his family. The conferring
                                           began in carpentry, plumbing and            of a modification of the family’s coat of
                                           blacksmithing. In 1913 the institution      arms preserves and strengthens that
                                           changed its name to Swinburne               link.
                                           Technical College, to commemorate
                                           the Honourable George Swinburne.
                                           Soon afterwards, a boys’ junior technical   The arms
                                           school and the first girls’ technical       The basic colours of red and white,
                                           school were established.                    and the cinquefoils charged on the
                                                                                       shield, commemorate the arms of the
                                           Following an extensive reorganisation       Swinburne family.
                                           of advanced education in Victoria in
                                           the late 1970s, Swinburne was given
                                           the power to grant bachelor degrees.        The Crest
                                           The first of these was awarded at           The demi-Boar and the cinquefoil
                                           a conferring ceremony held on               perpetuate the Swinburne connection;
                                           21 May 1981 at the Camberwell Civic         the book is symbolic of learning.

                                           In     1992,    Swinburne     achieved      The motto
                                           university status with the passage          The College of Arms’ translation of the
                                           by the Parliament of Victoria of the        motto is: Achievement through learning.
                                           Swinburne University of Technology Act.
                                           This marked not only Swinburne’s
                                           distinguished history as a provider of      The Flag
                                           further education, but the beginning of     The basic colours of red and white with
                                           a new period of growth and innovation       cinquefoils.
                                           for Swinburne.

6   Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018
Establishment and History
of the Sarawak Campus
Swinburne University of Technology      The university is jointly owned by          The School of Foundation Studies
Sarawak Campus is the result of a       Swinburne University of Technology          offers a wide range of preparatory
successful combination of goals:        Australia   and     the    Sarawak          and English language enhancement
Malaysia’s goal of becoming an          Government      through     Yayasan         programs.
educational centre of excellence,       Sarawak (Sarawak Foundation)
Sarawak’s goal of increasing its        and Sarawak Higher Education                The 16.5-acre city campus is only
technical workforce and Swinburne       Foundation.                                 about 15 minutes from the central
University of Technology Australia’s                                                waterfront area of Kuching. Student
goal of globalising its operations to   Swinburne Sarawak was founded               numbers have grown from the
provide its students with additional    as part of the Government of                original intake of about 130 students
international opportunities while       Sarawak’s strategy to deliver               in August 2000 to about 4600
providing quality Australian degrees    skilled human capital to the                currently. International students
at affordable costs for students        engineering and technical fields            currently come from more than 60
from across Asia.                       for the industrialisation needs of          countries.
                                        the state. The Australian partner in
The     Sarawak       campus      was   this venture, Swinburne University          The Sarawak campus was expanded
established in Kuching, the capital     of Technology, is well-known in             in 2008. Completion of the RM110
city of the Malaysian state of          Australia for its business and              million project sees eight new
Sarawak, in 2000. Originally known      technical education and for close           custom designed buildings added
as Swinburne Sarawak Institute          links with industry. The university         to the campus, increasing the total
of Technology, it was awarded           wants to make the same high                 number of buildings to 12. These
university status as a foreign branch   standard of education available to          greatly improve teaching, research,
campus university by the                young people abroad.                        student accommodation and other
Malaysian Government in 2004                                                        facilities as well as permit further
and became Swinburne University         Undergraduate degrees offered at            expansion of courses and students,
of Technology Sarawak Campus.           Swinburne Sarawak include courses           particularly in engineering and
The university therefore has dual       in the areas of Engineering, Science,       science.
nationality, being both a branch        Business, Computing and Design
of the Australian university as well    including double degrees. The
as a Malaysian university. Degrees      university also offers postgraduate
awarded are Australian and              research programs at PhD and
testamurs are indistinguishable         Masters levels in these disciplines.
from those awarded in Australia.

                          Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018   7
The Mace and
the Chairs
In universities a mace is used as a
symbol of institutional authority and
it is carried in procession before the
Chancellor, and here in Kuching,
the Pro Chancellor, as a symbolic
weapon of protection and power.

Along with academic dress and
graduation ceremonies, the mace is
part of the ancient ceremonial that        A finial, a type of crown crafted in        Distinguished      artisans     and
marks the authority of the University      solid silver and gold is mounted at         craftspeople involved in the project
and its chief office bearers, the          the top of the mace. The Australian         with the designer were:
importance     of    learning    and       crown contains a miniature carving
                                                                                          Hendrik Forster, silversmith,
knowledge, and which welcomes              of the University crest. The carving
                                                                                          who crafted the silver and gold
the graduate into a special and            inside the Sarawakian crown has
                                                                                          crown and the silver mace stand
select group of learned men and            incorporated the hornbill, the State
women. The ceremony marks the              emblem, centered in a wreath
                                                                                          Ian Higgs, cabinetmaker, who
formal entrance of the graduate,           of Eucalyptus and Belian leaves,
                                                                                          created the timber components
who as a student, is considered            to symbolise the blending of two
                                                                                          of the mace, mace stand and
‘in training’, into the academic           cultures and two histories. In both
family of the university. The Mace         cases the carving incorporates a
                                                                                          Marion Marshall, silversmith,
accompanies the Chancellor, the            book with a heraldic cinquefoil, from
                                                                                          who crafted the stock tail and
Pro Chancellor and the academic            the French ‘cinque feuilles’ meaning
                                                                                          the stars of the Southern Cross,
procession into the hall and remains       ‘five leaves’, which dates from the
                                                                                          Sue Wraight, netsuke carver,
on view, mounted on a stand,               family crest of George Swinburne,
                                                                                          who created the hornbill
during the ceremony. At the end of         the University’s founder. The book is
                                                                                          miniature carving.
the ceremony it is carried out in the      a symbol of knowledge and learning
procession.                                incorporated into the Swinburne
                                                                                       Professor Roger Simpson and Ms
                                           crest by the Royal College of Heralds,
                                                                                       Monique Jedwab contributed to
The Swinburne Sarawak Mace                 London. The tail of the mace is
                                                                                       project management and detailing.
Suite is a sister suite to that used       finished in solid silver.
by Swinburne Melbourne. The
                                                                                       The ceremonial items of the office of
Melbourne suite is fabricated in           The two ceremonial chairs are for the
                                                                                       the Chancellor and Pro Chancellor of
Queensland Silk Oak, a beautiful           Chancellor and the Pro Chancellor.
                                                                                       Swinburne Sarawak were designed
Australian timber. The Sarawak suite       The university motto: ’Factum per
                                                                                       by Emeritus Professor Helmut
is fabricated in Belian, a beautiful       Literas’ which refers to achievement
                                                                                       Lueckenhausen, the former Pro
and revered Sarawakian timber. In          through learning, is part of a ribbon
                                                                                       Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive
fact, part of the timber in the mace       carved into the back of the chairs.
                                                                                       Officer Swinburne Sarawak.
comes from the family house of             Small silver stars of the Southern
YBhg Datu (Dr) Haji Abdul Rashid Bin       Cross constellation, also contained
                                                                                       Ian Higgs made the timber
Mohd Azis, a foundation member of          in heraldic form in the University
                                                                                       components     at    the    training
the University, creating a living link     crest, are mounted into the backs of
                                                                                       workshop of the Sarawak Timber
between Sarawak’s rich historical          the chairs. The chairs sit to the front
                                                                                       Industry Development Corporation
past and the future promise of             of the dais in the traditional attitude
                                                                                       at Kota Samarahan, supported by
education and development.                 of enthronement.
                                                                                       members of STIDC and particularly
                                                                                       through the kind offices of YBhg
                                                                                       Datu Haji Len Talif Bin Salleh, the
                                                                                       former General Manager.

8   Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018
Academic regalia
The academic dress worn at Swinburne           Double master honours degree                  Bachelor degree
today is a modification of everyday            A black master gown, hood and                 A black gown, hood and trencher.
dress worn by scholars and teachers in         trencher. The hood is black, fully lined      The hood is black, half lined with the
the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It        with the colours of both disciplines, and     discipline colour, and is worn with the
consists of a gown and a scarf-like stole      laced with a silver braid. It is worn with    colour showing on the left‑hand side.
or hood, which is a remnant of the cowl        the colours showing on both shoulders.
that was once worn to cover the head                                                         Dual award
and shoulders to keep off the rain and         Double master degree                          A black gown, hood and trencher. The
snow. Trencher caps or bonnets are
                                               A black master gown, hood and trencher.       hood is black, half lined with the colour
worn as indicated below, with the tassel
                                               The hood is black, and fully lined with       of the Higher Education discipline and
down over the left eye and in a vertical
                                               the colours of both disciplines. It is        the reverse (black) edge of the right-
                                               worn with the colours showing on both         hand side trimmed with the colour of
The style of academic dress adopted            shoulders.                                    the Vocational Education discipline. The
by Swinburne University of Technology                                                        hood is worn with the Higher Education
is based on that of the University of          Master honours degree                         colour showing on the left-hand side
Oxford.                                        A black master gown, hood and                 and the Vocational Education trim on
                                               trencher. The hood is black, fully lined      the right‑hand side.
Honorary doctorate
                                               with the discipline colour, and laced with
A cardinal red gown with silver grey front     a silver braid. It is worn with the colours   Associate degree
and sleeve facings. The hood is cardinal       showing on both shoulders.                    A black gown, stole and trencher. The
red, fully lined in silver grey and is worn                                                  stole is black, lined with the discipline
with grey showing on both shoulders.           Master degree                                 colour, and is worn with the colour
A tudor bonnet with a silver cord and          A black master gown, hood and trencher.       showing on the left‑hand side.
tassel is worn.                                The hood is black, fully lined with the
                                               discipline colour, and is worn with the       Advanced     diploma,         associate
Honorary master degree                                                                       diploma and diploma
                                               colour showing on both shoulders.
A cardinal red gown with silver-grey                                                         A black gown and stole. The stole is
front facings. The hood is cardinal red,       Graduate diploma                              black, lined with the discipline colour,
fully lined in silver grey and is worn with    A black gown, stole and trencher. The         the right-hand edge being trimmed with
silver grey showing on both shoulders.         stole is black, lined with the discipline     white cloth, and is worn with the colour
A black trencher with a silver cord and        colour, and is worn with the colour           and white trim showing on the right-
tassel is worn.                                showing on both sides.                        hand side.

Doctor of philosophy                           Graduate certificate                          Advanced certificate, certificate IV,
A black gown faced with chilli red and                                                       certificate III and apprenticeship
                                               A black gown, stole and trencher. The
silver grey. The hood is chilli red, fully     stole is black, lined with the discipline     A black gown is worn.
lined in silver grey and is worn with          colour, and is worn with the colour
silver grey showing on both shoulders.         showing on the left hand side.                Indigenous stoles
A tudor bonnet with a scarlet cord and                                                       A stole in the colours of the Aboriginal
tassel is worn.                                Honours degree                                Australian flag can be worn by indigenous
                                               A black gown, hood and trencher.              graduands and staff at graduation
Professional doctorate
                                               The hood is black, half lined with the        ceremonies. The stole is worn under
A black gown faced with chilli red and the     discipline colour and laced with a silver     any academic colours, or where there
discipline colour. The hood is chilli red,     braid, and is worn with the colour            are no academic colours (i.e. certificate
fully lined in the discipline colour, and is   showing on the left-hand side.                and apprenticeship recipients) the stole
worn with the discipline colour showing                                                      is worn under the gown.
on both shoulders. A tudor bonnet with         Double degree
a scarlet cord and tassel is worn.             A black gown, hood and trencher. The
                                               hood is black, half lined with the colours
                                               of both disciplines, and is worn with the
                                               colours showing on the left-hand side.

                               Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018       9
10 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018
Ceremonial regalia
Chancellor                                    Vice-Chancellor                            University Council
A black gown of English Queen’s Counsel       A black gown of English Queen’s            Swinburne Melbourne
style, with ten gold bands on the sleeves     Counsel style, with ten silver bands       Chancellor
and scarlet satin trimmings on the front,     on the sleeves and scarlet satin
                                                                                         Mr Graham Goldsmith, BBus(Acc)(SUT),
collar and bottom edge of the gown. A         trimmings on the front, collar and
                                                                                         GradDipAppFin(SecInst), FAICD, FCPA, FFin,
black velvet trencher with gold trim on       bottom edge of the gown. A black
the base and a gold braid and tassel is       velvet trencher with silver trim on the
worn.                                         base and a silver cord and tassel is       Deputy Chancellor
Pro Chancellor (Sarawak Campus)                                                          Mr Anthony Mackay AM, BEc, BEd(Mon),
                                              Members of council                         MA(EcEd)(Lon), FACE, FACEL, FIPAAV, FRSA
A black gown of English Queen’s
Counsel style, with ten gold bands on         Council members wear a university          Vice-Chancellor and President
the sleeves and scarlet satin trimmings       stole featuring the Swinburne Coat         Professor Linda Kristjanson AO, BN,
on the front, collar and bottom edge of       of Arms with the academic dress            MN(Research)(Manitoba), PhD(Arizona), FAICD
the gown. A black velvet trencher with        for their qualifications. The stole is
gold trim on the base and a gold braid        cherry red with an embroidered crest       Chair of the Academic Senate
and tassel is worn.                           at the base of each side of the stole,     Professor Bernadine Van Gramberg, PhD(Mon),
                                              and is worn with the colour and crest      MSC, BSc(Hons), GDipDispRes&JudAdmin,
Deputy Chancellor                             showing on both sides.                     GDipIndRel(Melb), LLB, GDipEd&Teach(VU)
A black gown, similar in style and colour
to the Chancellor’s, with five gold bands     Academic and administration staff          Councillor
on the sleeves. A black velvet trencher       Academic dress for their qualifications,   Junaid Azhar
with a gold cord and tassel is worn.          or the Swinburne equivalent.
                                                                                         Mr Andrew Dix, BCom(Melb), FCA, PMIIA,
                                                                                         GAICD, SrMgtPgrm(Columbia University NY)

Academic regalia discipline colours                                                      Ms Geraldine Farrell, BSc, LLB,
                                                                                         LLM(IP)(Mon), GAICD
 DISCIPLINE                                   COLOUR
 Agriculture and Horticulture                         Brunswick Green                    Ms Kirsten Mander, LLM(Melb), FAICD,
 Applied Science                                      Brick Red                          FGIA, FRMIA
 Arts Social Science                                  Cranberry                          Councillor
 Business                                             Buff                               Ms Vi Petersen, BCom(Ec)(Melb), GradDip
 Business Administration                              Buff/Malachite Green
 Circus Arts                                                                             Councillor
                                                      New Sapphire
                                                                                         Ms Renée Roberts, BBus(Eco/Mktg)(SUT),
 Design                                               Marina Green                       MAppFin(Macquarie), GAICD, SFFinsia, Fellow
 Education                                            Cream                              WCLP, AMP(Harvard)

 Engineering                                          Saxe Blue                          Councillor
 Entrepreneurship and Innovation                      Sky Blue
                                                                                         Ms Catherine Rojas, BMus/BTeach(Hons)(Melb)

 Health Science                                       Cerise                             Councillor
 Information Technology                               Tangerine
                                                                                         Mr Alan Schwartz, AM BEc LLB(Hons)(Mon)

 Laws                                                 Royal Purple                       Councillor
 Multimedia                                                                              Mr David Singleton AM, BSc(Hons) in Civil
                                                                                         Eng(Nottingham), MEngSc in Transportation
 Research                                             Silver Grey                        Eng(Melb), AMP(Harvard), FAICD, Hon FIEAust,
                                                                                         NER, FTSE, MPIA
 Sustainability                                       Heliotrope
 Technology                                           Royal Blue
 Doctor of Philosophy                                 Chili Red/Silver Grey

                                Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018 11
Principal Officers of the University

Vice-Chancellor and President           Pro Vice-Chancellor,                         Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research
Professor Linda Kristjanson AO, BN,     Academic Innovation and Change               Performance and Development
MN(Research)(Manitoba), PhD(Arizona), Professor Sarah Maddison Bsc(Hons),            Professor Alan Kin-Tak Lau, PhD, CPEng,
FAICD                                 PhD(Mon)                                       CEng, RPE, FIMechE, FIMMM, FRAeS,
                                                                                     FHKIE, FIED, FIEAust
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic        Pro Vice-Chancellor,
Professor Duncan Bentley, BA,           Academic Strategy Implementation             Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research
LLB(Cape Town), LLM(London), LLM        Professor Janet Gregory, MA(Melb),           Policy and Impact
(Corp&Comm), PhD(Bond), FAAL, FCA,      MSW(LaTrobe), PdD(SUT)                       Professor Beth Webster, BEc(Hons),
CTA, GAICD, Hon Fellow SAIT                                                          MEc, PhD
                                        Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education and
Deputy Vice-Chancellor,                 Quality and Academic Registrar               Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research Quality
Pathways and Vocational Education       Professor Chris Pilgrim, BScEd(MCAE),        Professor Qing-Long Han, PhD, BSc
Mr David Coltman, BA(Otago), MEd        GDipAppSci(CompSci), MAppSci(InfTech),       Meng
(Hons) (Massey), MPA(VU Wellington)     PhD(SUT), GAICD, FACS
                                                                                     Pro Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of
Deputy Vice-Chancellor,                 Pro Vice-Chancellor, International           Business and Law
Research and Development                Professor Monica Kennedy, BA(Comm),          Professor Michael Gilding, BA(Hons)
Professor Aleksandar Subic,             MEd(Leadership), PhD (UC)                    (ANU), PhD(Mac)
PhD(Belgrade), FIEAust, FSAE, FIEF,
CMech                                   Pro Vice-Chancellor,                         Pro Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Health,
                                        Student Engagement                           Arts and Design
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and CEO          Professor Glen Bates, BCom, BA(Hons),        Professor Scott Thompson-Whiteside,
Swinburne Sarawak                       MA(ClinPsych), PhD (Melb)                    BA(Hons), MA, PhD(Melb)
Professor John Wilson, BE(Hons)
(Monash), Msc(California), PhD(Melb)    Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate                Pro Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of
                                        Research and Research Training               Science, Engineering and Technology
Vice-President, Engagement              Professor Bernadine Van                 Professor Hung Nguyen AM, BE(Ncle
Ms Jane Ward, BA(Mon)                   Gramberg, PhD(Mon), MSC,                Honsl), PhD(Ncle)
                                        BSc(Hons), GDipDispRes&JudAdmin,
Vice-President, People and Culture      GDipIndRel(Melb), LLB, GDipEd&Teach(VU)
Marcia Gough, BA(SUT),
GradDipBus(LabourMgtRel),               Pro Vice-Chancellor, International
GradDipCounsPsych(Mon)                  Research Engagement
                                        Professor Ajay Kapoor, BTech&MTech
Vice-President, Students                (IIT BHU), PhD(CU)
Dr Andrew J Smith, BSc(Hons),
PhD(Melb)                               Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research
                                        Development, Innovation and
Chief Operating Officer                 Commercialisation
Mr Andrew Field, BBus(Acc)/             Professor Matthew Cuthbertson,
BBus(Comp) (RMIT), FCPA                 PhDChem, MIntPropLaw, FTSE, FRACI,
                                        FAICD, FAIM

12 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018
Members of the University Council and the
              Board of Directors Swinburne Sarawak

              The Right Honourable Datuk Patinggi          Professor John Wilson,
              (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari          BE(Hons)(Monash), MSc(California),
              Bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg,              PhD(Melb)
              MBusMgmt(Brunel), DP, DA, PNBS, JBS
                                                           Professor Duncan Bentley, BA,
              The Honourable Tan Sri Datuk Amar            LLB(Cape Town), LLM(London), LLM
              (Dr) Haji Mohamad Morshidi Bin Abdul         (Corp&Comm), PhD(Bond), FAAL, FCA,
              Ghani, BEcon (UKM), MSc(Scranton),           CTA, GAICD, Hon Fellow SAIT
              DUniv(honoris causa) (SUT), PSM, DA,
              JSM, PGBK, PPC, PPB                          Dr Andrew J Smith, BSc(Hons),
              YBhg Datu (Dr) Haji Abdul Rashid Bin
              Mohd Azis, DipMgmtSc(Intan),                 YBhg Datu Dr Haji Adi Badiozaman
              MBA(Brunel), DUniv(honoris causa)(SUT)       Tuah, B.A(Hons)(UM),
                                                           Dip.Ed.(Dist)(UM), M.Ed(UM), PhD(UK)
              Professor Linda Kristjanson AO, BN,
              MN(Research)(Manitoba), PhD(Arizona),        Tuan Haji Azmi Bin Haji Bujang,
              FAICD                                        MPolSci(Curtin)

              YB Dato’ Sri Haji Fadillah Bin Haji Yusof,   Tuan Haji Mohamad Bolhair Bin
              LLB(Hons)(UM), ABS, PGBK                     Reduan, CIMA

              YB Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee,                Mr Mersal Bin Abang Rosli,
              MBBS (Malaya), ADV.MCARD (UKM), AM           DipAcc(UiTM), BAcc(Hons)(UiTM),
              (M’SIA), FNHAM (M’SIA), FASCC, CCMR          MScMgt(Accounting &
              (Germany), FASPC, MRCP                       Planning)(UUM), C.A.(M), CFP
              (UK), FESC, FACC
                                                           Elected by Academic Staff
              YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Amar (Dr) Haji Abdul      Ms. Irine Runnie Henry Ginjom,
              Aziz Bin Dato Haji Husain, BEcon(UM),        BSc (Hons) (Notts, UK), MSc (UPM,
              MBA(Syracuse), DUniv(honoris causa)          Malaysia), PhD (UQ, Australia)
                                                           Elected by General Staff
              YBhg Datuk Wan Ali Tuanku Yubi,              Mr Shariman Hoklai Bin Sarudu,
              DipEd(UM), DipCom, BEcon (UM),               BBus(Acc)(SUT), CPA(Aust)
                                                           Elected by Students
              YBhg Datuk (Dr) Philip Ting Ding Ing,        Mr Wan Faris Ali Ibrahim Bin Wan
              AM(Aus), BBus(SUT), DUniv(honoris            Mohammad Abdullah
              causa)(SUT), CA(Aus), CA(M), CPA(M)

              Professor Scott Thompson-Whiteside,
              BA(Hons), MA, PhD(Melb)

              Professor Chris Pilgrim,
              BScEd(MCAE), GDipAppSci(CompSci),
              MAppSci(InfTech), PhD(SUT), GAICD,

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018 13
Participating officers in the Ceremony                           Order of proceedings

Pro Chancellor and Chief Minister of Sarawak                     The Academic Procession
The Right Honourable Datuk Patinggi                              The Official Party Procession
(Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari
Bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg,                                  The academic and official party procession will enter the
MBusMgmt(Brunel), DP, DA, PNBS, JBS                              Great Hall at 2.30pm.
                                                                 Music Processional
Chancellor, Presiding Officer
Mr Graham Goldsmith, BBus(Acc)(SUT),                             The audience is requested to stand as the procession enters
GradDipAppFin(SecInst), FAICD, FCPA, FFin, AMP(Harvard)          the Great Hall.

Vice-Chancellor and President                                    The National Anthems
Professor Linda Kristjanson AO, BN, MN(Research)                 The audience will sing the Malaysian National Anthem.
(Manitoba), PhD(Arizona), FAICD
                                                                 The audience will sing the Australian National Anthem.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer               Please refer to the last page for the lyrics.
Professor John Wilson, BE(Hons)(Monash), MSc(California),
                                                                 The audience will sit when the Presiding Officer is seated.
                                                                 Doa recital
Head of School of Business
Associate Professor Lim Weng Marc, BBusCom (Hons) First          The Opening
Class, PhD (Monash – Group of Eight, AU); CCL, CEL, CHPL,        The Chancellor, Presiding Officer, Mr Graham Goldsmith will
CME (Cornell – Ivy League, US); CAEL, CHEP (Harvard – Ivy        open the proceedings.
League, US); CLTHE GPA 4.0 (Swinburne, AU)
                                                                 The Presentation of Awards
Head of School of Design and Arts
                                                                 The Pro Chancellor, The Right Honourable Datuk Patinggi (Dr)
Associate Professor Ida Fatimawati bt Adi Badiozaman, PhD        Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji
(Education-TESOL) (Massey University, NZ), MA (TESOL) (Vic.      Openg will present the awards.
Uni., NZ), B.Ed. (TESL) (University of Malaya)
                                                                 The Student Response
Head of School of Engineering
                                                                 Miss Melissa Ann Liew will deliver the student response.
Associate Professor Ir. Sim Kwan Yong, PhD (SUT), P.Eng
(Malaysia), CEng (UK), MIET, MIEEE, CTFL                         The Charge to Graduates

Head of School of Chemical Engineering and Science               The Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Linda
                                                                 Kristjanson AO dwill deliver the charge to the graduates.
Associate Professor Peter Morin Nissom, BSc (Hons) UM,
DPhil Oxf., PTech                                                The Closure
Head of School of Information and Communication                  Master of Ceremonies will close the proceedings.
Technologies                                                     The Sarawak State Anthem will be played.
Associate Professor Patrick Then Hang Hui, PhD, MSc,             Please refer to the last page for the lyrics
                                                                 The audience is requested to remain standing as the
Master of Ceremonies                                             procession, joined by the new graduates, leaves the Great
Ms Norizan Tan, BEd(Hons)(TESL)(UiTM), PGradDip(TESOL)           Hall. The audience will leave the Great Hall via the exit doors.
(RELC), MA(TESOL)(SUT)                                           Music Recessional
Mace Bearer                                                      Refreshments will be served at the concourse and foyer.
Dr Choo Chung Siung, BEng (Hons), PhD, Grad. IEM, A.M.
MGS, Grad. IEAust
Doa Reciter
Dr Muhammad Rafiq Mirza bin Julaihi, BEng (Hons) (IIUM,
Malaysia), MEng, PhD (Hokkaido University, Japan)

14 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018
Information for guests
                                            • Please ensure all mobile phones are
                                              turned off during the ceremony.
                                            • In    the  event   an   emergency
                                              evacuation is announced, please
                                              follow instructions and exit the
                                              venue promptly under the directions

                                              Selamat    datang    ke   Swinburne
                                              University of Technology Sarawak
                                              Campus. Maklumat berikut disediakan
                                              bertujuan bagi memastikan keselesaan,
                                              keselamatan dan kesejahteraan semua
                                              tetamu ketika majlis graduasi. Para
                                              tetamu diminta untuk membacanya
                                              sebelum majlis bermula.
                                              Semua tetamu dinasihatkan untuk
                                              duduk di tempat yang telah disediakan
                                              15 minit sebelum majlis bermula. Majlis
                                              ini dijangka akan berlangsung selama
                                              lebih kurang 90 minit.
                                              Pengiring tetamu akan mengiringi
                                              anda ke tempat duduk tetamu dan
                                              akan membantu anda dengan sebarang
                                              maklumat, bantuan dan nasihat jika
Welcome to Swinburne University of
                                              Para tetamu adalah diminta untuk kekal
Technology Sarawak Campus. The
                                              berada di tempat duduk di sepanjang
following information is provided to
help ensure the comfort, safety and           majlis sedang berlangsung. Sewaktu
enjoyment of all guests during the            perarakan akademik dan juga pihak
graduation ceremony. Please take a            Majlis Tertinggi Universiti memasuki
moment to read it prior to the ceremony.      dewan, semua tetamu dan graduan
                                              diminta berdiri dan kekal berdiri
• All guests should be seated 15              sehingga selesai menyanyikan lagu
  minutes prior to the ceremony
  starting time. The ceremony will
  run for approximately 90 minutes.           Sepertimana kebiasaan di majlis
• Ushers will show you to the guest           graduasi, tepukan gemuruh adalah
  seating area and can provide you with       disyorkan apabila nama setiap graduan
  information, assistance and advice.         diumumkan. Kami amat menggalakkan
• Guests are asked to remain in their         agar semua tetamu dan graduan dapat
  seats for the entire ceremony. When         mengekalkan tradisi ini.
  the academic procession and the
  official party enter the venue, guests      Mohon ambil perhatian bahawa seluruh
  and graduates are asked to stand and        perjalanan majlis ini akan dirakam
  remain standing until after the singing     melalui video dan juga foto.
  of the National Anthems.                    Sila pastikan semua telefon mudah
• Our graduation custom is that each          alih dimatikan atau dalam mod senyap
  graduate is applauded as their name         semasa majlis berlangsung.
  is announced. We encourage all
  guests and graduates to join us in          Sekiranya    berlaku  pengumuman
  following this tradition.                   amaran kecemasan, sila keluar dari
• Please note that the ceremony will be       dewan dengan segera menurut arahan
  photographed and videotaped.                yang disediakan.

                             Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018 15
This program contains the names of all

Award recipients
                                                                                   graduates entitled to awards. For those
                                                                                   graduates unable to attend in person
                                                                                   (names in Italic), the awards will be made
                                                                                   in absentia.

Faculty of Business,                    Pauline Wong                               Shirley Taw Ting Ting
                                        Shannon Ling Shi Ting                      Sim Ching Fang
Design and Arts
                                        Sii Juan                                   Stella Wong Kee Yin
Graduates for awards in the
                                        Sii Yin                                    Suzy Lau Mee Yee
School of Business will be              Siti Aishah Binti Muhammad Juhin           Sylvia Poh Jia Shan
presented by Associate                  Siti Nur Mia Abdullah                      Tay Yen Ting
Professor Lim Weng Marc                 Sonya Lee Su Yin                           Teng Howe Chiew
                                        Stanley Wong Siew Jin                      Tiffany Ting Mei Lin
                                        Voong Chien Yii                            Wee Ting Ting
                                        Wong Cheng Tong                            Wong Yee Xuan
                                        Wong Chu Yeng                              Yhassini A/P R.L.Paniercelvan
Diploma of Business                     Wong Siaw Kiong
Sii Juan                                Yii Shi Chieng
Titus Ding Wee Tak                      Yong Mei Ying                              Bachelor of Business (Finance)
                                                                                   Chan Yen Fei
                                                                                   Edmund Ng Kuan Guan
Bachelor of Business                    Bachelor of Business                       Eric Wong Ing Kling
(Accounting)                            (Accounting and Finance)                   Ferdian Setyawan
Alissia Kueh Yian Rou                   Adeline Wong Kie Ing                       Gregory Jong Xiao Pern
Annabelle Lim Li Fang                   Alex Wong Sie Seng                         Jacqueline Chung Jie Lin
Audrey Chan Kim Lian                    Amanda Chang Jia Qian                      Jap Zong Sheng
Bao Hanwen                              Angelene Chin Swyn Yih                     Kelvin Tay Tat Yong
Belinda Yong Siik Haw                   Angie Chuo En Yi                           Leila Kaskulakova
Chai Phei Sien                          Brenda Kho                                 Mattheus Nasin Anak Mijun
Chloe Sia Mee Ing                       Chan Kar Wei
Chok Lee Ming                           Chang Jin Wei
Christina Lau Mee Ding                  Charlena Lee Hui Shien                     Bachelor of Business
Dayang Nur Atiqah Binti Awang           Christina Chai Yue Xing                    (Human Resource Management)
  Safri                                 Chua Poh Xuan                              Amanda Ngiam Pau Ye
Deborah Lee Fei En                      Cindy Ling Jia Ying                        Belinda Lau Lu Ee
Elizabeth Chong Chuang Sein             Clarissa Chia Yen Yen                      Cherry Tham Jia Yee
Fiona Chai Pei Fern                     Claudia Valentina Mairon                   Debby Yana Elbaar
Fiona Yii Siau Ning                     Daphne Wong Hieng San                      Edna David
Hazel Lim Ik Mei                        Edmund Thian Kah Kee                       Ho Choon Fa
Hii Kin Bo                              Ho Lee Yee                                 Ivy Kassami Namara
Hilda Luk Giek Ting                     Jasmine Chan Li Wen                        Khairunnisa Binti Haron
Hu Hung Hung                            Jaywin Goh Siaw Shien                      Soh Siew Ling
Joanne Lee Zhia Wein                    Jeannie Tan Yun Ru                         Yolina Mamora
Julian Tan Kian Ling                    Kho Ling Yung
Kevin Sia Kee Hin                       Kiun Siew Ying
Kimberley Yeo Hui Boi                   Lee Boeing
Lau Chui Thing                          Lee Ek Ching
Law Siew Li                             Liaw Wei Ni
Law Siew Ni                             Liew Sue Ying
Ling Ju Li                              Liew Yew Chun
Lydia Hii Yi Jun                        Mariana Goh Yieng Tieng
Maggie Kong                             Michelle Then Wan Jun
Melissa Ann Liew                        Michelle Wee Dhun Xue
Merissa Binti Hussaini                  Moh Wui Shie
Michelle Ling Yee Yaw                   Ng Yann Hou
Muhammad Waqas                          Sharifah Parvin Binti Kudpudeen
Ong Hui Chii                            Sharon Chan Suk Shieng
Ong Shien Sing                          Sheera Lim Yuxuan

                          Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018 17
Award recipients
Bachelor of Business                      Bachelor of Business                        Graduates from Swinburne
(International Business)                  (Marketing)                                 University of Technology,
Adriana Anak Benedict Poris               Abdulrahman Abdullah Abdo                   Melbourne
Bong Sze Yee                                Mohammed                                  Graduates for awards in the
Chai May Dane                             Alexandra Utun Alam                         Faculty of Business and Law will be
Darren Adrian Kong Kok How                Anna Pui Geok Sin
                                                                                      presented by Associate Professor
Darren Ho Kang Cherng                     Cynthia Anak Tumi
Evelyn Ngui Pik Hui                       Guan Zhi Yan                                Lim Weng Marc
Freeman Chang King Yip                    Hizikia Raymond Anak Segar
Leong Wei Lin                             Jonathan Ting Check Chien
Lye Shu Fen                               Jorina Tay Yi Zhen
Mohamad Zaid Bin Mohamad                  Lam Min Jia                                 Master of Business Administration
  Yusuf                                   Lee Yung Chiang                             Steven Churchill
Mohideen Thariq Abdul Jabbar              Marisa Tan Yi Ming
Nalisha Laila Binti Uslan                 Patrick Wong Kwok Ping
Ngu Zhen Xu                               Reuben Ma Chee Ming                         Master of Entrepreneurship and
Nixon Randy Sadikin                       Ting Boon Yew                               Innovation
Shanice Tay Vun Kia                       Voon Lee Wee                                Jhanette Claire Lorenzo Co
Tan Wen Xuan                              Wong Chai Yee                               Ross Ann Capalit
                                          Yoo Dae Hee

Bachelor of Business                                                                  Master of Social Investment and
(Management)                              Master of Business Administration           Philanthropy
Andrea Ong Siok Ee                        (International)                             Sherly Annavita Rahmi
Bradley Ting Hung Kee                     Anoj Prasath Selvarajah
Celine Chin Xuan Linn                     Maxbie Teo Tong Teng
Chai Pei Woon
Chan Yeng Hiong                                                                       Faculty of Business,
Chau Jong Chiang                          Master of Human Resource                    Design and Arts
Clinton Sim Siam Yong                     Management                                  Graduates for awards in the
Evonne Chieng                             Abas Bin Rosli                              School of Design and Arts will be
Hung Chi Ren                              Alice Anak Loni
                                                                                      presented by Associate Professor Ida
Jackie Chieng Yew Hou                     Andrea Lim Li Li
Jong Kang Chun                            Awang Mohammed Nizam Bin                    Fatimawati bt Adi Badiozaman
Justin Wong Howe Sheng                     Awang Ali Bolhan
Kuek Yien Ching                           Chong Mui Sia
Lai Chi Seng                              Diana Rafidah Binti Majani
Liu Lie Min                               Faiyzah Binti Kassim                        Bachelor of Design (Graphic Design)
Michael Casper Lau Chun Sean              Halizamina Binti Morshidi                   Joan Danielle Hong Wan-Jing
Mohammad Haziq Bin Hj.                    Muhammad Zakeria Bin Hattar
  Shahren                                 Ng Siang Wei
Nur Aida Binti Mohd Bujang                Norliza Eileen Ibrahim                      Bachelor of Design
Nur Shazreena Abu Talib                   Sati George                                 (Multimedia Design)
Rahila Yusuf Nkya                         Sharifah Zurina Binti Wan Noruddin          Alicia Chai Yee Ling
Sadiq Idris Kyari                         Siti Awa Suib                               Azizi Bin Zaidi
Sim Ker Ai                                Siti Rafeah Binti Abdul Rahman              Darya Batyreva
Stella Lau Yin Shing                      Zulkarnain Bin Ismail                       Gladys Lim Sze Yin
Thomas Sii Chung Kui                                                                  Lo Choon Ling
Ting Kwong Hiek                                                                       Mas-Aminah Awangi Binti Apandi
Wendy Ngu Yieng Ming                                                                  Sharon Chai Yee Kar
                                                                                      Teo Guan Ling
                                                                                      Ting Kai Jin

18 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018
Award recipients
Faculty of Engineering,                   with distinction                           with high distinction
Computing and Science                     Amelia Chai Pei Sze                        Abel Chai Yu Hao
Graduates for awards in the               Amjed Maher Saleem Abu Hamdah              Tan Weng Yeow
School of Engineering will be             Andy Teo Yu Wun
presented by Associate                    Chiew Wai Yun
                                          Dylan Chen Chun Yaw                        Bachelor of Engineering
Professor Ir. Sim Kwan Yong
                                          Faris Ezudin Bin Osman @ Othman            (Mechanical) (Honours)
                                          Harshanth Balacumaresan                    Don Kushan Himantha Wijemanne
                                          Hiu Chee Hong                              Kuek Pheck Ching
                                          Ho Chong Fu                                Lavanesh Kathirasen Sritharan
Diploma of Electronic                     Ivan Tan Rui Zhan
                                          Jackson Lau Lee Ping                       with credit
                                          Lam Wei Sen                                Abdul Rahman Mohamed Khalaf Al
Jong Su Hsien
                                          Seamus Shenton Lim Chiat                     Mawali
                                          Sim Yuh Shiun                              Ahmed Mohammed Subaa Mohammed
                                          Syed Faqih Muhammad B Wan                    Al Sawafi
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)
                                            Mohamad Yusop                            Bryan Lau Teck Hock
                                          Tifanny                                    Buddhi Siyath Gunatunga
Lee Tian Qi
                                          Wee Wai Dan                                Cantona Chhoa Hua Fung
                                                                                     David Tionge Ng’Ambi
with credit
                                          with high distinction                      Devaraj A/L Balsingam
Adilah Syahirah Binti Awang Suhaili
                                          Chester Bong Khi Yii                       Eric Ting Wei Xiang
Andy Chan Song Cong
                                          Eva Chen Pei Hu                            Haritz Suzario Bin Jaraiee
Bright Gladson Matolo
                                          Frendy Lim                                 Jehan Shanith Arnath Opatha
Clarence Anak Henry Tambi
                                          Huong Zwan Yu                              Mohammad Fazrin Bin Ong Ali
Claryne Yeo Lee Sing
                                          Loi Soon Dong                              Nur Zafirah Binti Samsudin
Dayangku Nur Amalina Binti Awang
                                          Nelson Loh Thuan Yuan                      Nurzahidah Binti Mohamad Rasidi
                                          Tang Jia An                                Perry Law Nyuk Khui
Ericson Anak Desik
                                          Tang Pei Pei                               Reza Rizaldi
Grace Yong Chia Chi
Hussein Johar Omar
                                          Bachelor of Engineering                    with distinction
Kelly Jong Ai Fun
                                          (Civil) (Honours) / Bachelor of            Cindy Ong Siaw Ki
Ken Chin Phin Rong
                                          Business                                   Fabian Liew Min Liang
Kristaine Melia Anak Alexander
                                          with credit                                Kenneth Udoekpo Ekpo
Lai Jia Jun
                                          Tinotenda Munyarari Mlambo                 Khu Zhiou Ru
Lau Nge Soon
                                                                                     Krellson Chin Hing Chieh
Lim Kai Heng
                                                                                     Muhammad Amirulhafiz Bin Bolhassan
Mashaal Ameen Mohammed Alkrait
                                          Bachelor of Engineering                    Samuel Pang Kang Xun
Mastika Binti Atai
                                          (Electrical and Electronic) (Honours)      Sim Zhi Sheng
Mohamad Norazwan Bin Azmi
                                          Abeer Ihsan                                Wong Hao Wen
Mohamud Bashir Mohamud
Nur Nadirah Binti Abdul Ghani             Daniel Chan Chee Yoong
                                                                                     with high distinction
Oliver Wong Jing Toong
                                          with credit                                Tan Leong Woon
Rocky Ting King Huat
Sachintha Vinosh Wijewickre               Chamath Kalanaka Vithanawasam
  Goonawardena                            Dyg Siti Nur Amirah Bt Abg Ahmad
                                           Zulkipli                                  Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)
Salim Lawan Muhammed
                                          Haritharan A/L M. Nanthakumaran            (Honours) / Bachelor of Business
Sunardi Bin Sutarman
                                          Lau Jik Hui                                with credit
Tiang Siew Siok
                                          Natalie Lim Chen Yi                        Nickly Ng Kok Kheng
Umar Riza
Vihanga Rashmika Hemaratne
                                          with distinction
                                          Dexter Lim Ban Khiong

                            Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018 19
Award recipients
Bachelor of Engineering (Robotics          with high distinction                      Leon Lee Chek Kai
and Mechatronics) (Honours)                Lau Ker Jun                                Madhawa Lakshan Udawatta
with credit                                Sim Shian Mei                              Muhammad Ibrahim
Arvindh A/L Sekharan                                                                  Muhammad Kashfil Aziz Bin Awang Basry
Yew Ze Bing                                                                           Samuel Hii Tuan Ong
                                           Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)        Terence Thian Chia Hung
with distinction                           Abdul Qadoos                               Victor Chin Yung Tze
Lee Zhi Jian                               Adrianne Vong Dien Yu                      Yong King Siong
Mashar Najath Mohamed Nijam                Amy Kuoh Li Wen
                                           Caroline Gregory Chegere
                                           Cassandra Chong Siaw Ting                  Bachelor of Information and
Master of Construction                     Della Ng Yu Jing                           Communication Technology
Management                                 Dinindu Sahitha Liyanapathirana            Aerisha Sabeen Liew Abdullah
Nahiyan Al Azad                            Florina Stephanie Anak Richard             Anand Mohan Puthuppully
                                           Foo Ying May                               Bernard Sim Ching Lung
                                           Jenifer Mayang Anak Jues                   Bryan Goh Hung Shen
                                           Tang Shie Lih                              Desmond Liew Yauhua
                                           Towseef Ahmed                              Eva Cheong Chiek Hua
Faculty of Engineering,                                                               George Lu Shun Fa
Computing and Science                                                                 Jackson Jong Zhi-Sen
Graduates for awards in the                                                           Jeremy Liew Lik Kwan
School of Chemical Engineering                                                        Kong Sien Jin
                                           Faculty of Engineering,                    Lee Yu Houng
and Science will be presented by
                                           Computing and Science                      Lim Lip Xuan
Associate Professor Peter Morin
                                           Graduates for awards in the School         Manase Michael Mhando
                                           of Information and Communication           Muhammad Abdullah Sultan
                                           Technologies will be presented by          Nada Hassan Ahmed Hassan
                                                                                      Ngu Heng Yow
                                           Associate Professor Patrick Then
                                                                                      Nikko Favian Asyakkur
Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical)         Hang Hui                                   Sim Shau Yih
(Honours)                                                                             Voon Yang Nen
with credit                                                                           Wilbert Yong Sheng Keong
Chng Chung Yew
Chung Wee Li                               Bachelor of Computer Science
Esther Joy Chung Mei Hui                   Abdulrahman Mostafa Abdulaziz Hasan
Idris Khalfan Abdallah Al-Brashdi            Ali
Lim Leong Chea                             Ambrose Lee Cherng Jinn
Melanie Wee Huey San                       Clement Chuo Chung Hui
Ting Yii Zhin                              Dulitha Thamarindu Mudannayake
                                             Mudannayake Mohottalalage
with distinction                           Eileen Kho Huei Jing
Jason Kueh Jun Yi                          Hwang Chaehyun
Joevinder Augustty Anak Joggery            Joshua Lo Jia Jing
Joseph Kee Guang Sing                      Kevin Pui Len Siang
Joyce Song Wee Wee
Lau Jia Poh
Liza Melia Anak Terry
Low Kien Pin
Mavis Ong Mian Mian

20 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018
Swinburne Research
Swinburne has consistently pursued a policy of ensuring quality and critical mass by investing resources in areas
of research concentration. Swinburne actively encourages and values its international and industry connections
which enrich and enhance the research efforts and careers of our academic staff and students alike.

Graduates listed below have each made a valuable contribution to Swinburne and their respective fields of

Graduates for the awards from Swinburne Research will be presented by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Chief
Executive Officer, Professor John Wilson.

Master of Engineering (Research)
Derrick Ling Kuo Xiong

Master of Science (Research)
Alan Chua Yee Quan
Aurelia Liu Mei Ying
Carmen Chai Wang Er
Hasina Mohammed Mkwata
Isuriy Amanthi Adasuriyya
Kong Ee Ling
Lau Shan Chang
Revadi Devi Thyartan
Stanley Ho Han Kiat

Doctor of Philosophy
Alexander Funk Yun Leong
Thesis Title: The relationship between achievement in second language acquisition and parental involvement: A case
study of multilingual primary school learners in Sabah studying Mandarin.

The project considers learning Mandarin Chinese as a second or additional language by non-Chinese children and
investigates parental involvement in relation to their academic achievement. The aim is to identify pedagogical
strategies non-Chinese speaking parents used to support their children through interactions in the home context.
This mixed method research collected data in five phases from 11 Chinese vernacular schools in Kota Kinabalu,
Sabah. The study identifies usable strategies parents and teachers can adopt to support children in their process
of learning Mandarin Chinese. Findings of this project add knowledge to the fields of multilingualism and applied

                          Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018 21
Swinburne Research
Steven Wong Tung Yew
Thesis Title: Behaviour of Piles Subject to Detrimental Tidal-induced Riverbank Soil Movements

Geotechnical centrifuge model tests have been carried out to investigate the effects of tidal fluctuation induced
detrimental soil movements on the free-headed single pile as well as capped-head pile groups. PIV, an image
processing technique has also been employed to measure the soil movement profiles during the tests. A new
analytical approach has been established so that the remedial costs for the potential damages to riverine
infrastructure can be minimised and public safety will be safeguarded.

Yeu Yee Lee
Thesis Title: An investigation and enhancement of thermal performance in a heat pipe and its thermal modeling application

The fundamentals of evaporation and condensation in porous media as they happen in heat pipes were studied.
Extensive experimental investigations and physical modelling of evaporation from porous media were carried out.
An analytical solution for film condensation was developed by taking into consideration the two-phase zone at
the border between the liquid and gaseous zones. Methods were presented for determinations of the effective
thermal conductivities and the film thickness during film condensation from experimental data. The findings can
be used in areas with the phase transition in porous media, such as geothermal energy, drying technology, and
nuclear energy.

22 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | Graduation Ceremony Program | October 2018 23
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