BREED FEATURE Black Russian Terrier p8 - 21 SYMPTOMS -

Page created by Lillian Glover
BREED FEATURE Black Russian Terrier p8 - 21 SYMPTOMS -

Black Russian Terrier p8
EYE SCHEME - ACES p16      You should never ignore p37
BREED FEATURE Black Russian Terrier p8 - 21 SYMPTOMS -

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              *Only available to Royal Canin Breeders Club members via the ProShop
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TEAM 8100 QldDogsWorld
BREED FEATURE Black Russian Terrier p8 - 21 SYMPTOMS -

 5 |	President’s Message
 6 |	Board Notes
 8 |	Breed Feature –
     The Black Russian Terrier
13 |	Common Skin Conditions In Dogs
14 |	Search Dogs To The Rescue!
16 |	What Is The Australian Canine Eye
     Scheme (ACES)?
17 |	Pet Portraits
18 |	Australian Army Welcomes Canine
     Mascot Private Ridgleigh Blue IV
19 |	Gazette – Conformation Show
     And Trial Schedules
31 |	Calcification Of The
     Supraspinatus Tendon
32 |	Why Is My Dog Losing Weight?

34 |	Dog Bite Injury
37 |	21 Symptoms You Should Never
41 |	Affiliated clubs and services
45 |	Durack vendors
46 |	Rates Guide

Front cover image by Left Hand Photography

  Office Address                              Website
  247 King Avenue, Durack, Queensland 4077

  Office Telephone                            Postal Address
  (07) 3252 2661                              PO Box 1136, Mt Ommaney, Queensland 4074

  Office Email                                ABN 45 160 285 192

                                                                    DOG WORLD January 2020   3
BREED FEATURE Black Russian Terrier p8 - 21 SYMPTOMS -
                  Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds
                     247 King Avenue, Durack
Thursday: 17th September - 1 Championship Show
Friday:   18th September - 2 Championship Shows
Saturday: 19th September - 1 Championship Show
                           and Various Specialties
Sunday: 20th September - 2 Championship Shows
                        ** Crufts 2021 Qualifier**

Proudly sponsored by:
BREED FEATURE Black Russian Terrier p8 - 21 SYMPTOMS -
President’s Message

Tara King DQ Planning Session on 8 December
I am just now reflecting on the excellent planning day
we had yesterday with the dynamic Tara King. Tara has
had a wealth of media and production experience and
for instance, was the producer of the Cesar Milan dog
training series in the States for many years.
Tara and her husband Scott recently acquired 2 Cairn
Terriers and is a new dog exhibitor and is also involved     Heat Policy
in agility in NSW. She has a passion about our dog           I cannot remember there ever having been such
world and is committed to helping us impact and lead         continued dry weather with no rain at this time of the
the conversation around dogs nationally and also on a        year in SEQ. And of course we are all living with the
State and Territory basis. And we are so lucky that Tara     continued threat of bush fires and trying to be vigilant.
is donating her professional services to our dog world.
                                                             As members would know, DQ does have a heat
As mentioned previously, I found my own way to               policy regarding the running of events with certain
the seminar conducted by Tara for Dogs NSW on 9              recommendations stated. It is left to individual
November. Our seminar yesterday was attended by              clubs to monitor the weather conditions and make
directors and also a good cross section of DQ members.       decisions about the timing and possible cancellation
I think Tara is on the same page as many of us in            or postponement of events. I believe clubs take this
wanting to raise our profile and to communicate our          responsibility very seriously.
knowledge and love of dogs to the wider community            Mrs Sharron Taylor is currently leading a review of this
and to key government and other agencies. I would like       policy and will be bringing recommendations to the
to see Dogs Qld as the “go to” agency on dog related         Board in due course. We are looking to late 2020 for any
issues. Our dog world is brim full of great dog stories      possible changes.
that just don’t see the light of day. We would like to see
                                                             My personal opinion relates to the fact that Qld is in
that change. We have 12 disciplines in our dog world
                                                             subtropical and tropical zones. I believe that events
and so many opportunities for people with pet dogs at
                                                             from November to the end of February should be held
home to get involved.
                                                             in the evening with a start time no earlier than 5pm.
The session yesterday was all about generating ideas         But I do understand that we have such a climate and
and it was very productive. Some key outcomes will be        humidity variation from Brisbane to Cairns when one
provided to members in due course to enable further          considers that it is a similar distance from Brisbane to
discussion and input. Some key issues discussed were         Melbourne.
as follows:-
                                                             There are real challenges in developing an effective
• Finding out why we are passionate about what we do
                                                             policy for our entire State and we seek input
• Getting people engaged                                     from members on this question. So please email
• What stands in our way                            with your input.
• How we communicate                                         I wish you and your families a very happy holiday
• Building our brand and key messages                        season and I look forward to sharing great times
                                                             with you in 2020. It should be a decade of great
Tara has kindly offered to conduct a DQ Strategic
                                                             opportunities for our dog world. Let’s get the word out
Planning day that would build on the outcomes of
                                                             more about our great love of dogs and how they enrich
yesterday’s seminar. I am hoping that this will take
                                                             our lives.
place in February or March and will look to updating
our 2015 - 2019 Strategic Plan with a particular focus       Ulla Greenwood
on our 2020 top priorities.                                  President

                                                                                         DOG WORLD January 2020     5
BREED FEATURE Black Russian Terrier p8 - 21 SYMPTOMS -
LITTER REGISTRATION PRICE INCREASES                               Approval of 2020 National Show & Restricted Herding, Rally
The Board recently discussed at length the increased use of       Obedience and Obedience Trials: White Swiss Shepherd Dog
the Limited Register and will continue to discuss this topic.     Association of Victoria Inc
Just in terms of numbers and to make Members aware,               ANKC are pleased to advise the approval of the application
these are the numbers of Registrations, Main/Limited for the      received from the White Swiss Shepherd Association of
last couple of years and the percentage registered to that        Victoria Inc via Dogs Victoria for their 2020 National Show &
particular Register, it can be easily seen that dogs registered   Restricted Herding, Rally Obedience and Obedience Trials
on the Limited Register, and therefore making them unable         to be held on 6 to 8 June 2020 at KCC Park, Skye, Victoria.
to bred from or shown, has steadily increased.                    We note the Restricted Herding Trial will be held in Nyora,
                            Numbers              Percentage       Approval of 2020 National Show: Queensland Bulldog Club
 2017                                                             ANKC are pleased to advise the approval of the application
 Main                           10716               66%           received from the Queensland Bulldog Club via Dogs
 Limited                         5431               34%           Queensland for their 2020 National Show to be held on 2 May
 2018                                                             2020 at the Dogs Queensland Grounds, Durack, Queensland.
 Main                           8639                60%           RAFT Amended Rules and Regulations – effective 1 January
 Limited                        5800                40%           2020
 2019 (to 18 November)                                            The following amended rules and regulations which are
 Main                           6186                48%           effective from 1 January 2020 are now available.
 Limited                        6709                52%           Rules for the conduct of Retrieving Trials for Gundogs –
As an overall review policy, the Board agreed to increase         Rules for the conduct of Field Trials for Spaniels and
the applications for Registration by 5% but applications for      Retrievers Trials –
Registration on the Limited Register would increase by a
further 10% over and above the 5%, all new fees would be          Regulations Part 3B – Regulations for the conduct of
rounded up to the nearest dollar. The new fees would take         Field Trial Judges Training Scheme –
effect for applications received after 1 January 2020;            AboutUs/?id=1229

The new fee structure is reproduced below, this is the cost       Triple Champion Titles
per pup;                                                          Members are asked to note that there are no retrospective Tri
                                                                  Champion titles using a Tracking Champion and a Track and
                         2019            2020         2020        Search Champion title gained prior to 1st January 2019.
                                        (Main)      (Limited)     The current ANKC Tracking and Track & Search rules effective
Under 3 months            45             48            52         1st January 2019 (now 2 separate disciplines) do not allow
                                                                  for retrospective Tri Champion titles.
Over 3 and under 6                                                If any Tri Champions have been awarded retrospectively then
                          73             77            85
months                                                            these have to be cancelled as they are ANKC titles and can
Over 6 and under                                                  only be awarded in accordance with the rules.
                          92             97           107
12 months                                                         Rules for the conduct of Lure Coursing Trials – effective 1
Over 12 and under                                                 January 2020
                          102            108          118
18 months                                                         The amended Rules for the conduct of Lure Coursing
                                                                  Trials which are effective from 1 January 2020 are now
ANKC NEWS                                                         available from the ANKC website at:
Please note that the relevant document on the Dogs                AboutUs/?id=1253
Queensland / ANKC Website has been amended or available           In addition to the amended rules the attached explanatory
where applicable;                                                 statement providing a guide to the rule changes has also be
ANKC Ltd Judges’ Listing                                          made available from our website.
In accordance with the decision at the October 2019 Board         Updated ANKC Documents
meeting the Australian Judges contact details on the ANKC         Regulations Part 5
website have been amended to only display the name,               Item 6.8 – Conformation Committee Report. 1.1.5; 1.2.7.
postcode, telephone number and email address for all              Regulations Part 6
Judges.                                                           Item 6.1 – State Administrators 2019 Meeting Minutes – items
Approval of 2021 National Show: The Poodle Society of WA          6.1, 6.2 and 6.3. Clauses 1.2.2; 6.6.2; 6.8.1.
ANKC are pleased to advise the approval of the application        Item 7.3.1 – Labrador Retriever Survey – Clause 8.12.2
received from The Poodle Society of WA for their 2021             National Code of Practice of Responsible Dog Ownership
National Show to be held on 21 to 23 October 2021 at Dogs         Item 6.1 – State Administrators 2019 Meeting Minutes – items
West Grounds, Southern River, Western Australia.                  6.5, 6.6 and 6.7. Opening Statement; Clauses 16 and 24.

   6   DOG WORLD January 2020
BREED FEATURE Black Russian Terrier p8 - 21 SYMPTOMS -
Prime100’s A/F200V™
Pea & Hemp Oil is an advanced
novel hypoallergenic non-meat roll
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Designed for elimination diets, an
A/F200V™ Pea & Hemp Oil roll contains
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ingredients that can assist dogs with
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    Designed for elimination diets
    Grain and gluten free
    Added taurine
    No added artificial colours,
    flavours, or preservatives
BREED FEATURE Black Russian Terrier p8 - 21 SYMPTOMS -
Breed Feature

            “Black Pearl of Russia”

                                                                       Image by Ingrid Matsche Photography

By Kim Dawson and Natasha Sadykova

The Russian Black Terrier…
Or Tchorny Terrier as they are known in Russia,   selected and imported a superior stock from
was the product of a very scientific and highly   among the working breeds, and the experiments
effective military breeding program headed by     began. Red Star Kennel set out to develop the
Colonel Medvedev of the Soviet Red Star Kennels   supreme military working dog – courageous,
in the early 1950s. The purpose of the breeding   reliable, highly trainable and versatile. They
program was to restore the Soviet Army working,   started with crossing the male Giant Schnauzer
protection and guard dogs that were decimated     ‘Roy’ with available bitches, mostly Rottweilers
during World War II. Red Star Kennel studied,     and Airedale Terriers. Later, Newfoundland,

  8   DOG WORLD January 2020
BREED FEATURE Black Russian Terrier p8 - 21 SYMPTOMS -
Eastern European Shepherd, Caucasian Ovcharka,            Health and Care
Great Dane, German Shepherd Dog, and other
                                                          Average Life Expectancy: 10-14 years
breeds were added to achieve the desirable
qualities. The new breed, which they originally           Russian Black Terriers are generally healthy and
called a Black Terrier, exceeded all expectations         robust, but like all breeds, they’re prone to certain
and quickly became famous and popular among               health conditions. The most commonly occurring
civil population for its unsurpassed devotion             conditions found in Russian Black Terriers are
to the owner, high intelligence, balanced                 Canine Hip Dysplasia (HD) and Elbow Dysplasia
temperament and versatility. As the Black Terrier         (ED). Protective factors are dysplasia-free parents
became more noble and uniform in type and                 and a correct upbringing. Feeding the young dogs
temperament, a new standard was proposed,                 with a balanced diet and providing them with
and the new breed was recognised by the FCI in            gentle low-risk exercises was shown to decrease
1984. The breed is now named the Russian Black            the risk of joints’ problems. Some dogs with more
Terrier, and in Russia it is called ‘a pearl of Russian   profuse growth of hair in the ears may be prone to
selection work’.                                          ear inflammations if not regularly cleaned. Also, the
                                                          beard can become affected by fungus, particularly,
Appearance – Not a True Terrier!                          if the dog lives in a wet and hot environment.
Do not be deceived by the name. The Russian               The most time consuming aspect of caring for
Black Terrier is a large, powerful, and robust            a Russian Black Terrier is coat (and beard!)
working dog. With large bones and well                    maintenance. While they are a very low shedding
developed muscles, they possess great strength            breed, they should be brushed well every 1-2
and endurance. In appearance, they should be              weeks. Some owners opt for the “summer cut” in
neither overly coarse, nor too refined or terrier-
like; balance is essential. The male dogs should
be larger and more masculine in appearance.
They should be proportionate, and only very
slightly longer than tall – this can be a little more
pronounced for females. Males stand at 70 to
78cm at the withers and weigh roughly 50 to 60kg
with females 66 to 74 cm and weighing 45 to 50kg.
Taller specimens are allowed provided they are
proportional and of excellent breed type.
The Russian Black Terrier has a solid black
weather-resistant double coat that is rough
and thick, with some scattering of grey hairs
acceptable. A long dense coat is present on the
legs. One of the hallmarks of the breed is the very
well developed head furnishings, moustache
and beard, accentuating the massive “brick-like”
rectangular head and large, black nose. For show
purposes, the Russian Black Terrier’s coat should
be trimmed and clipped in order to display its
shape and structure, although they are not to be
                                                           Image by Wendy Potter
overly groomed.

                                                                                   DOG WORLD January 2020   9
BREED FEATURE Black Russian Terrier p8 - 21 SYMPTOMS -
which the body is clipped and leg hair shortened,      Personality
in which case brushing and washing monthly
                                                       The “Blackie” has acquired the best qualities of
should suffice. An important advantage of the
                                                       its ancestors - the joyful disposition and energy
Russian Black Terrier is the absence of a “doggy”
                                                       of the Airedale terrier, the strength, courage and
smell and seasonal shedding; the coat is also
                                                       endurance of the Rottweiler and Giant Schnauzer,
hypoallergenic. However, they can be messy
                                                       the monolithic calm and reserve of Newfoundland.
drinkers/eaters. The beard requires regular
                                                       But what makes this breed unique and a standout
washing and brushing.
                                                       from others, is their obsession with the owner.
The Russian Black Terrier is at home wherever          Russian Black Terriers are extremely loyal and
you are. They thrive in both large and small living    closely bond with their owners and family
spaces, including apartments (that’s where the         members, more so than other breeds. They will
majority of these dogs live in Russia). Provided       want to be close to you and thrive on sharing your
they receive daily exercise and mental stimulation     life, following you from room to room. This is a dog
through training, play, sport or walking, they don’t   that prefers the company of their owner to that of
need much space.                                       other people or dogs.

                                                                             Image by Ingrid Matsche Photography

  10   DOG WORLD January 2020
• Transcervical insemination with fresh,
                                                          chilled and frozen semen.
                                                        • Semen collection and freezing.
                                                        • In-house progesterone testing - results
                                                          in 20 minutes.
                                                        • Dog and bitch fertility assessment and
                                                          much more.

                                                           Dr Scott Norman BVSc PhD DACT
 Image by Wendy Potter
                                                       Registered specialist - veterinary reproduction
                                                            Dr Jennifer Larsen BVBiol BVSc
Remember, they were designed and perfected
to guard and protect, and the protective instinct
will manifest itself to some degree. They are very
                                                       Ph (07) 3204 4332
territorial in the protection of their family and         1474 Anzac Ave Kallangur 4503
belongings and will not hesitate to defend those
they love. Russian Black Terriers can be very
intimidating when visitors come into their territory
regardless of how much socialization the dog
has, and you may need to be prepared to crate
them when unknown guests or repairmen arrive.
If you want a dog that happily greets everyone
who comes to the home, you might be better to
consider different breed.
Outside the home, the Russian Black Terrier
can be aloof with strangers and take their time
considering whether a person is a threat. Luckily,
one of the specific features of the breed is they
respond to a situation rapidly, and quick to settle
afterwards. Also, they are happy to be guided by
the owner. So, your friends will quickly become
their friends.
Mature Russian Black Terriers can be very gentle,
tolerant and respectful towards children whom
they are raised with. The same applies to other
family pets of all sizes. However, young Blackies
are large, active and often unaware of their size
and power. Little children or small pets may be
accidentally knocked over, stood on etc. Please
make sure that you supervise all play.

                                                                             DOG WORLD January 2020   11
Outside the house, Russian Black Terriers can
                                        be thought of as ‘introverts’ among the dogs.
                                        Although they not necessarily aggressive, they
                                        may not be willing to socialise with every canine.
                                        Remember their owner is the only company they
                                        crave. If an unwelcome dog disrespectfully invades
                                        their space, they will be quick to issue a verbal
        Dr Sara Pitts BVSc. (Hons I),   reprimand. For this reason, many species of this
         Dr Courtney Fuller BVSc.       breed are unsuited to dog parks, although, they
        and Marnie Scheiwe BAppsc       can differ in their character, just like humans.
       at Rosewood Vet Service are      Puppies exhibit the breed’s inherent intelligence
     now offering Canine Reproduction   and problem solving ability from a very young
            services including:         age. Early training and socialization is vital, so the
                                        protective instincts are channelled into proper
                                        and reliable behaviour. Raising and owning a
                                        Russian Black Terrier may require experience,
                                        although first-time owners will also succeed if
                                        they are committed and willing to invest time
                                        and resources into educating themselves. This
                                        highly trainable breed possesses extremely high
                                        intelligence, a strong desire to learn and please
                                        its owner. Good training requires that the owner
                                        is firm, fair and consistent. The Russian Black
                                        Terriers are slow to mature. Giving them too much
                                        choice and freedom before their brain is fully
                                        matured will be more detrimental than beneficial.
                                        Strict but easy to understand rules and routine will
                                        guarantee your success. At the age of about 2-3
                                        years they reach their true wisdom and reliability,
                                        and from then on they will be your most loyal
                                        friend, guard, sport companion and anything else
                                        you want them to be.
                                        “RUSSIAN BLACK TERRIER”
                                        by M.Gerasimova, President
                                        of Russian National Breed
                                        Club, FCI exp Moscow, 1996.
                                        Permission to translate and
     P (07) 5464 1607                   use for non-commercial
                                        purposes granted.
     E:              “Black Russian Terrier” by
A: 14 Walloon Rd, Rosewood 4340         Y.Antipova, Russian dog
                                        fanciers magazine “Drug”
                                        (“The Friend”) No.3-1994.

12    DOG WORLD January 2020
Dogs can suffer from a variety of skin conditions,            Particular breeds of dog have their own skin
causing pain, itching and inflammation. Learn about           conditions. Dogs such as Bulldogs or Pugs can suffer
some common symptoms as well as ways to support               irritation from bacteria and yeast becoming ‘stuck’
your dog.                                                     in their folds of skin. Medium-sized dogs who may
                                                              spend lots of time outside or working are exposed to
Depending on your dog’s breed, age, and a number
                                                              environmental pressures, which means their skin’s
of genetic factors, you may find they are prone to skin       natural defences need special support. German
conditions. You can support your dog’s recovery, as           Shepherds, Dalmatians, Miniature Schnauzers and Shih
well as prevent future problems, in a number of simple        Tzus all have similarly sensitive skin, so it’s important
ways.                                                         to ask your vet if there are any genetic predispositions
WHAT’S IMPORTANT ABOUT YOUR DOG’S SKIN?                       to skin conditions you should know about.
A dog’s skin acts as a barrier between their organs,          WHY DO DOGS GET SKIN CONDITIONS?
muscles and skeleton and their environment. It’s the          Some skin conditions in dogs are created or
largest organ in their body and, including their hair,        exacerbated by external factors. Dogs who spend a lot
makes up around 12% of their entire body weight.              of time outdoors are in contact with a greater variety of
It offers vital protection against parasites, stores          potential pests and parasites, which in turn can cause
fat, water and vitamins, and houses sensitive nerve           inflammation. Although hygiene is important, if you
endings.                                                      use a shampoo or cleaning product which strips their
                                                              skin of sebum this can similarly cause problems.
The skin is a barrier which prevents water loss,
reducing the chance of dehydration and helps                  A nutritionally-unbalanced diet may contribute to
regulate their body temperature. A dog’s skin also            the occurrence of skin conditions in dogs. There are
secretes sebum, an oil-like substance which creates a         several types of adverse reactions to food, and the
biofilm over the surface of the skin. This film protects      most common is allergic. As a result, symptoms such
against external threats by managing the balance of           as scratching, redness and inflammation may be
‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria, and helps prevent bacteria         triggered. Your dog’s sensitivity, combined with their
from multiplying. It also maintains the pH balance            diet, can then cause signs of skin irritation.
of your dog’s skin to help prevent irritation from
                                                              Keeping your dog’s skin healthy requires a complex
environmental changes.
                                                              mix of nutrients, including long chain fatty acids like
In these ways, your dog’s skin is an important filter         those from the omega 3 and omega 6 groups. Trace
between their environment and their body, and needs           minerals like zinc and copper are important for overall
to be looked after properly.                                  cell function and to help maintain a high-quality coat.
                                                              Most importantly, high quality proteins which are easy
                                                              to digest are essential. Your dog’s skin and coat uses a
                                                              good portion of their daily protein intake, so the right
Much like the symptoms of a skin condition in a
                                                              type and amount of protein is important.
human, your dog might suffer from dry, irritated, or
red skin in certain areas. Their coat may appear dry or       You can support your dog’s skin and hair health, and
greasy, there may be some hair loss, or you may notice        take preventative action against many common skin
they have dandruff. It’s likely that the first thing you’ll   conditions, by choosing an appropriate food and being
spot is your dog scratching itself more as it tries to        aware of any external factors they might encounter. If
relieve some of its discomfort.                               you’re unsure, ask your veterinarian.

                                                                                         DOG WORLD January 2020   13

Search Dogs to the Rescue!
One of the most terrifying incidents that can          and typically do not participate in searches for
occur in any dog owner’s life is for their pet to go   other dogs, Carmel and “Willow” have made the
missing. While using social media and canvassing       transition successfully. Search dogs can help by
the neighbourhood may often quickly reunite a          concentrating the efforts of searchers to a more
frantic owner with their missing pet, there are        accurately targeted area, resulting in the more
many cases where pets are missing for days or          rapid location of the missing dog. Labradors such
weeks with no sightings. In one such instance,         as Willow have a particular talent for tracking
Dogs Queensland member Carmel Vierow and her           and detection, although a diverse range of breeds
Labrador Retriever “Willow” (Dual Ch(T)(Neut) TS       participate in the sport of tracking.
Grand Ch Sarshai Wizards Magic) volunteered to
                                                       The search for Enya has not been the only
assist with the search after the owners requested
                                                       occasion where Carmel and Willow have assisted
help via social media. By this time, Enya the
                                                       in locating lost pets. In August 2018, Grace the
Bernese Mountain Dog had been missing over a
                                                       Cavalier King Charles Spaniel had been missing
week from her Oakey Flat Road home. Carmel and
                                                       in the Stafford area for almost four days when
Willow assisted in the search over several days
                                                       Carmel and Willow arrived to assist in the search.
and narrowed the search area to where Enya was
                                                       The team tracked Grace in the Kedron Brook Creek
eventually located, including tracking back from
                                                       area, where several sightings had been reported.
the last confirmed sighting to the owner’s house.
                                                       While working the area, the missing dog was
Although sport-trained tracking dogs have been         flushed out of hiding and Grace was captured in a
imprinted to search exclusively for human scent        nearby house yard and reunited with her owner.

  14   DOG WORLD January 2020
Previously, Carmel and Willow have also been           Tracking and its urban
involved in identifying the target search area for a   counterpart Track and
missing boxer in the Albany Creek area.                Search are vigorous
Other dogs who have recently assisted in searches
                                                       outdoor sports where
for missing dogs are Dogue De Bordeaux “Barrett”
                                                       dog and owner can
(T.Ch TS Grand Ch Holdingaces Barrett ) who
                                                       both enjoy the dog’s
performed a 2km length rural track at night,
                                                       natural love and skill
resulting in a confirmed sighting of a missing
                                                       for following a scent.
Chinese Crested immediately after the search
                                                       A dog’s ability to
was halted for safety reasons. The team returned
                                                       detect scent is up to
the next day and tracked an area bordering the
                                                       100,000 times greater
highway, with a member of the public sighting
                                                       than ours, often used
the dog shortly afterwards. The missing dog was
                                                       to locate humans,
reunited with their owner the following day.
                                                       other animals, illegal   TRACK & SEARCH GRAND
Caboolture Club member Therese Berry and               drugs, explosives,       CHAMPIONS “WILLOW”
                                                       contraband and           AND CARMEL.
Miniature Schnauzer “Rocket” (T.Ch Jabbawokki
Rocket CD RN TSDX) recently assisted in the search     even the presence of
for a missing Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in the     disease and physical conditions such as low blood
Bellmere area. They narrowed down the search           sugar levels.
area and identified the area in which the missing
                                                       All dog breeds are capable of learning to track
dog was located.
                                                       and competing in the sport. Past champions
                                                       include a wide variety of breeds: Pomeranians,
                                                       Papillions, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, King
                                                       Charles Spaniels, Staffordshire Bull Terriers,
                                                       Manchester Terriers, miniature Dachshunds,
                                                       Whippets, Basenji, Boxers, Dogue De Bordeaux,
                                                       Newfoundland, Dobermans, Schnauzers, Russian
                                                       Black Terriers, Siberian Huskies, Dalmations and
                                                       Poodles, alongside the more common German
                                                       Shepherd Dogs, Labradors, Golden Retrievers,
                                                       Belgian Shepherds, Cocker Spaniels and Springer
                                                       Anyone interested in learning to track with their
                                                       dogs are encouraged to contact a tracking club
                                                       or any local dog obedience club participating
                                                       in tracking training. Email Coral Pethers at
                                              or phone Dogs
                                                       Queensland on 3252 2661 for club details.
                                                        • Evergreen Tracking Dog Club Inc.
                                                        • All Breeds Tracking Club
                                                        • Cairns City Kennel Club Inc.
                                                        • Canine Obedience Club of Townsville Inc.
                                                        • Magpies Mackay & District Obedience Club
                                                        • Rockhampton Dog Obedience Club Inc.

                                                                                DOG WORLD January 2020   15
What is the Australian Canine Eye Scheme
 The Australian Canine Eye Scheme (ACES) is an Australia wide assessment programme
  that offers veterinary specialist certification for a range of congenital and adult onset
hereditary eye conditions for registered dog breeds. The Australian Veterinary Association
        and the Australian National Kennel Council both endorse the programme.

What is the purpose of ACES?                           including the iris, lens, vitreous, retina and optic
The purpose of ACES is to bring together registered    nerve. The Australian and New Zealand College
dog breeders and veterinary eye specialists            of Veterinary Scientists Ophthalmology Chapter
to work towards minimising the incidence of            defines the required examination procedures and
painful or vision threatening hereditary canine        ensures that they meet international standards.
eye conditions. Regular ACES examinations give         Eye diseases known to be inherited in each
breeders valuable information to help plan mating      different breed are recorded in an ACES
of their animals to reduce or sometimes eliminate      examination. Any additional abnormalities
such eye conditions from their stock. It also means    detected are also recorded. A certificate is
that breeders can reassure potential owners and        generated which is then given and/or emailed to
other breeders about the quality of their animals.     the breeder. The information collected for each
Litter examinations can be performed to screen         dog is recorded and collated, and is useful to
whole litters prior to sale, which can be of benefit   assess the incidence of each condition in each
in the case of future buyer disputes.                  breed, and also to help monitor for any new
                                                       emerging diseases.
What happens in an ACES
examination?                                           How can I arrange an ACES
ACES examinations are performed by registered          examination for my dog or litter of
specialist Veterinary Ophthalmologists (animal eye     puppies?
specialists). A full eye examination is performed      ACES examination appointments can be made
where the specialist examines the dog’s eyelids,       with a Veterinary Ophthalmologist registered
tear duct openings, eye surface and inside the eye     to issue ACES certificates in Queensland.

  16   DOG WORLD January 2020
Please see ACES registered panellists for
a list of registered specialist Veterinary
Ophthalmologists and their clinic details, or
visit the Australian National Kennel Council
Website ACES information page at http://
In dog breeds where early onset eye disease is
being assessed, examination is recommended
between 6 – 12 weeks for all puppies in the
An initial adult ACES examination is best
performed before the dog is 12 months old.
The success of the ACES program is thanks to
                                                       Pet Portraits
                                                    Sonya Erhart is a talented Brisbane artist specialising
diligent breeders, and the ACES panellists, in      in airbrushing dog portraits.
particular Dr Bruce Robertson who pioneered
and ran the scheme for many years. ACES             Her love for dogs began as a toddler when her Mum
is now transitioning from a paper to online         was the proud owner of Corgis and later Pekingese.
certificates with the expertise of Ron de Jong of   Fast forward fifteen years and Sonya purchased her
Wild Systems.                                       first dog, Beau – a beautiful kind soul of a Lhasa Apso.

Dr Jessica Nevile and Dr Kate Hindley               To broaden her art knowledge she undertook an
(Veterinary Ophthalmology Specialists and           Airbrushing course in 2010 and in the following year
ANZCVS Chapter secretaries).                        an Advanced course. Portraits were her focus and for
                                                    many years she was known as the ‘Marilyn Queen’ for
                                                    her stunning canvases of Marilyn Monroe.

                                                    When Beau was seven she purchased another Lhasa
                                                    Apso puppy named Bobby and became actively
                                                    involved in dog showing.

                                                    Early last year Sonya chose to retire from showing
                                                    and focus on her art. She feels painting a pet portrait
                                                    for someone, of their beloved dog to be so rewarding.
                                                    To arrange your pet portrait, simply email a digital
                                                    photo image to Sonya and she will be in touch.

                                                    Dogs are the Best Humans!

                                                    Sonya Rae Designs
                                                    Pet Portrait Facts

                                                    Size: Varies.
                                                           Average size 35cm x 25cm
                                                    Cost: $400.00
                                                    Framing: Extra
                                                    Location: North Brisbane
                                                    Contact number: 0411 271 633

                                                                               DOG WORLD January 2020   17
Changing of
                                                                              the guard
                                                                              Charlie, as he was originally
                                                                              called, was the success of the
                                                                              pairing of Zorro Gr Ch Kelprin
                                                                              Heez Just Grand and Willow
                                                                              Ch Morview A New Leaf. At 6
                                                                              weeks of age, a representative
                                                                              from the 6th Battalion, The
                                                                              Royal Australian Regiment

   AUSTRALIAN ARMY WELCOMES                                                   rang about the single masked
                                                                              boy I had for sale. He really

                                                                              liked the look of him as he
                                                                              resembled the Battalions
                                                                              official mascot – a Blue

PRIVATE RIDGLEIGH BLUE IV                                                     Australian Cattle dog with a
                                                                              single patch on the right side.
The Australian Army canine mascot,      “Once I’ve finished teaching          He passed a medical and
Sergeant Ridgleigh Blue III, has        him obedience and some tricks,        started his training. Charlie
retired after nine years of loyal       Private Blue IV will be due to take   is now known as Private
service with 6th Battalion, The Royal   over mascot duties and lead the       Ridgleigh Blue IV. He is one
Australian Regiment (6 RAR).            battalion for about six years.”       of the most responsive dogs
                                                                              they have trained and as his
Sergeant Blue will be succeeded         Private Blue IV is 6 RAR’s eighth     breeder I feel completely
by another Australian cattle dog        Australian Cattle Dog mascot with     proud and honoured to
as 6 RAR’s mascot, who has been         the Blue Heeler tradition beginning   have a pup take on the role
enlisted into the Army as Private       in 1975.                              as an official mascot for the
Ridgleigh Blue IV.                                                            Australian Army. I wish him all
                                                                              the best in his new role.
“Private Blue IV is a very energetic
puppy who has been eager to                                                   Melissa Powell
begin his duties as 6 RAR’s newest
mascot,” Major Varcoe from 6 RAR

“As with all new enlistees, Private
Blue IV requires formal recruit
training. This will be provided
by the dog handlers of the 2nd
Combat Engineer Regiment, a local
unit which has a close working
relationship with 6 RAR.”

His training is progressing quickly,
according to handler Private Jarred
Little, who said he already knew
how to sit, stay, lie down, roll over
and heel, among other things.

“He’s pretty good inside; he doesn’t
really chew anything at home –
except for the garden.

  18   DOG WORLD January 2020
Show Date: Saturday 7 March 2020
                                                                   Entries Close: Monday 17 February 2020
                                                                           PROSTON SHOW SOCIETY
                                                                 Venue: Proston Show Grounds, Proston QLD
                                                                             CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW
                                                            Classes:   1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a),
                                                                       11(11a), 18(18a)
                                                                       11(11a), 18(18a)
                                                            Entry Fees:
                                                                  Fees: $9.00 plus $2.00 Ground Levy,
                                                                          Catalogues $3.00
                                                                          Catalogues   $3.00
                                                            Entries to:
                                                                    to:     Proston Show
                                                                            Proston Show Society,
                                                                                         Society, 6
                                                                                                  6 Taylor
                                                                                                    Taylor Lane,
                                                                            Tingoora QLD
                                                                            Tingoora QLD 4608

      CONFORMATION                                          Online

                                                            Enquiries:    Valley Ph: 0427831205
                                                            Enquiries:    Valley Ph: 0427831205
                                                            Ring 1: Mr L Wright         Groups 1,2,3 and 5

         and TRIAL                                          Ring 1: Mr  L Wright
                                                                                          Groups 1,2,3 and 5
                                                            Ring 2: Mr N McGreevy Groups 4 and 7
        SCHEDULES                                           Ring 2: Mr  N McGreevy Groups 4 and 7
                                                            Ring 2: Mr D McGreevy Group 6 at the
                                                            Ring 2: Mr  D McGreevy completion
                                                                     (QLD)                Group 6 at the
                                                                                                      of Group 7
             March 2020                                              (QLD)
                                                            General Specials
                                                                                          completion of Group 7
                                                                                 Mr D McGreevy (QLD)
                                                                                   starts at
                                                                                           at 8.30AM
                                                                          Judging starts
                                                            No passes will be issued, a list of exhibitor names will
                                                                                be at
                                                                                be at the
                                                                                      the gate.

        Show Date: Saturday 7 March 2020                            Show Date: Saturday 7 March 2020
      Entries Close: Saturday 15 February 2020                     Entries Close: Monday 24 February 2020
      OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG CLUB OF QLD                                        Toy Dog Club of Qld
      Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds,                      Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds,
             247 King Ave, Durack QLD                                    247 King Ave, Durack QLD
                   2 OPEN SHOWS                                 CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW AND OPEN SHOW
Classes:      1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a),   Classes:          1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a),
              11(11a), 18(18a)                                                10(10a), 11(11a), 12(12a), 18(18a)
Entry Fees: $8.00, Catalogues $3.00                         Entry Fees:
                                                            Champ Show        $15.00 Baby Puppy $8.00
Entries to:   Old English Sheepdog Club of Qld,             Open Show:        $3.00
              49 Hanlon Street, Bundamba Qld 4304           Catalogues        $3.00 (Covers both shows)
Online Entries:                   Entries to:       Show Secretary, 9 Clifton Cres,
                                                                              Durack QLD 4077
Enquiries:          Maria Ph: 0424067143
                      Open Show 1                                   
               Judging starts at 2.00PM                     Enquiries:        Jennifer Ph: 0418153115
Mr D McAlister      Breed classes and General Specials                              OPEN SHOW
(QLD)                                                                     Sandy Abraham Memorial Show
                      Open Show 2                                         Judging commences 3.30PM
   Judging starts at the completion of Open Show 1          Mr A Harwood (QLD) Breeds A – Z and General Specials
                   not before 5.00PM
                                                                            CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW
Mr J Meyer
                    Breed classes and General Specials                     Eddie Croad Memorial Show
                                                                           Judging commences 4.00PM
   Special Event – Exhibition of Clipped Down Dogs
 Entries taken on the day. All welcome to participate.      Mrs J Croad (QLD)      Breeds A – Z and General Specials
               No experience necessary                       Championship show is a Toy Dog Club Point Score Show

                                                                                          DOG WORLD January 2020     19
Show Date: Saturday 7 March 2020
                                     Entries Close: Monday 24 February 2020
                                     COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF QLD INC
                       Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds, 247 King Ave, Durack QLD
                                 CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW AND OPEN SHOW
Classes:                            1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 12(12a), 18(18a)
Property Classes
                                    Best Head, Best Feet, Best Gait, Merriest
Championship Show only:
Entry Fees:                         $25.00 Non Club Members, $15.00 Club Members,
Championship Show                   $10.00 Baby Puppies (Members and Non Members)
                                    $5.00 Property Classes (Members and Non Members)
Open Show                           Automatic entry if entered in Championship show,
                                    otherwise $5.00 (Members and Non Members)
                                    Catalogue $3.00 (Includes both shows)
Entries to:                         Cocker Spaniel Club of Qld Inc, PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208
Online Entries:           
Show Day Contact:                   Terri Ph: 0431833699
                                    Tony Ph: 0417750544
                                                     OPEN SHOW
                                     Starts at 4.45PM (depending on the weather)
Ms S Guilfoyle (QLD)                Breed Classes and General Specials
                                                 JUNIOR HANDLERS
                                         Judged at completion of Open Show
      Ribbons and Prizes for each placegetter in all 3 age groups. Must handle a Cocker Spaniel – Enter on the day.
                                            Judge to be advised on the day
                                                CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW
                   Starts 45 minutes after the completion of Junior Handlers but not before 6.30PM
Mrs K Bennett (NSW)
                                    Breed Classes and General Specials
Royoni Cocker Spaniels
                             Written critiques for all placegetters at Championship Show
                 Exhibitors winning In Show awards will be required to be present for Official Photos
                    The Open Show will have sashes only unless trophies are donated to the club
                         Raffle Tickets available on Showmanager - $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00.
                               Raffle prize - Mars Thinning Scissors 46 teeth single sided

                                              Proudly Sponsored By

 20     DOG WORLD January 2020
Show Date: Sunday 8 March 2020                        Show Date: Sunday 8 March 2020
                                                         Entries Close: Sunday 16 February 2020
     Entries Close: Friday 21 February 2020
                                                        GREAT DANE SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND INC
                                                            Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds,
                                                                   247 King Ave, Durack QLD
    Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds,                                OPEN SHOW
              247 King Ave, Durack QLD                Classes:        1(1a), 2(2a), (3a), 4(4a), 5(5a),
                                                                      9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 12(12a),
                 2 OPEN SHOWS                                         18(18a), 14(14a), Brace
                                                      Property        Best Black, Best Blue, Best Brindle,
Classes:         1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a),   Classes:        Best Fawn, Best Harlequin,
                 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 12(12a),                    Best Mantle, Best Movement,
                                                                      Best Feet
Property         Best Head, Best Front, Best          Entry Fees:     $10.00, Catalogues $6.00
Classes:         Hindquarters, Best Gait                              Property Classes: $6.00
                                                      Entries to:     Great Dane Society of Qld Inc,
Entry Fees:      $6.00, Property Classes $4.00                        PO Box 1531, Oxenford Qld 4210
                 Catalogues $3.00
                                                      Online Entries:
Entries To:      Dachshund Club of Qld Inc,           Enquiries:         Alexandra Ph: 0405050550
                 PO Box 3, Acacia Ridge QLD 4110        Judging starts at 4.00PM with Breed Classes

Online                                                Mr J Mitchell (QLD)    Breed Classes and Property

Enquiries:       Gyll Ph: 0404050040                             Show Date: Sunday 8 March 2020
                                                             Entries Close: Sunday 16 February 2020
                   Open Show 1
                                                            Belgian Shepherd Dog Club of Qld Inc
              Judging starts at 9.00AM                       Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds,
    with Standard Long Haired followed by                           247 King Ave, Durack QLD
    Miniature Long Haired, Smooth Haired,                                  OPEN SHOW
   Miniature Smooth Haired, Wire Haired and           Classes:      1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a),
            Miniature Wire Haired.                                  10(10a), 11(11a), 12(12a), 18(18a)
                                                      Property      Best Coat, Best Footed, Best Gaited,
Miss M Attridge (QLD)      Breed classes,             Classes:      Best Head
                                                      Entry Fees: $7.50 Property Classes $2.00
                           General Specials and
                                                                    Catalogues $3.00
                           Property Classes
                                                      Entries to:   Belgian Shepherd Dog Club of Qld Inc,
                   Open Show 2                                      PO Box 185, Burpengary QLD 4505
Judging starts at the completion of Open Show 1           
             but not before 1.00PM
                                                      Enquiries:    Ph: 0409619327
    with Standard Long Haired followed by               Judging commences at 9.00AM with Groenendael
    Miniature Long Haired, Smooth Haired,                followed by Laekenois, Malinois and Tervueren
   Miniature Smooth Haired, Wire Haired and           Ms S Smith All Varieties and General Specials and
            Miniature Wire Haired.                    (QLD)         Property Classes
                                                      Property classes to be judged after General Specials
Mrs J Watt (QLD)           Breed classes,
                                                             Membership: Single $20.00 Dual $25.00
                           General Specials and                     Raffle Tickets 6 for $10.00
                           Property Classes                         Trophy Donations $50.00

                                                                               DOG WORLD January 2020   21
                           2020                                      Show
                                     2020                          EntriesClose:
                                                                  Entries  Close:Monday
                                                                                 Monday24 24February

                                  INC                              LABRADORRETRIEVER
                                                                  LABRADOR  RETRIEVERCLUB
 Classes:     1(1a),
                                               5(5a),       Classes:
                                                           Classes:        1(1a),2(2a),
                                                                          1(1a),  2(2a),3(3a),
                                                                          11(11a),  14(14a),18(18a)
         to: The
                    PoodleClubClubof ofQld
                                            Inc,            Property
                                                           Property        BestHead,
                                                                          Best  Head,Feet,
                                              4034          Classes:
 Online                                                     Sweepstakes:
                                                           Sweepstakes:      Veteran,
                                                            Entry       $6.00,
 Entry        Members:
               Members:$8.00 $8.00
                                                            Fees:       Sweepstakes
 Fees:        Non-Members
               Non-Members$10.00   $10.00
                                                                    to:      Mrs
                      Puppyand andNeuter
               Catalogues:$4.00$4.00                       Online
                                      $3.00                 Enquiries:
                                                           Enquiries:           CathPh:
                                                                               Cath  Ph:0412191005
 Enquiries: Lynda
                            0401485141                     Mr
                                                                 Heyden Breed BreedClasses,
       Day Lynda
                            0401485141                     (QLD)
                                                            (QLD)            Sweepstakes
                                                                              Sweepstakesand andProperty
 Contact:                                                     Judging
                     OpenShow Show11                        Junior
                                    9.30AM                                        the
                  (QLD) Poodles
                     OpenShow Show22                              Show
                                                                   Show  Date:Saturday
                                                                        Date:   Saturday14
                                                                               Saturday  14March
                                                                                        14  March2020
                                                                                           March 2020
                                    1.30PM                       Entries
                                                                  Entries   Close:Monday
                                                                           Close:  Monday17
                                                                                  Monday   17February
                                                                                          17   February2020
                                                                                              February  2020
 MrsM MBroughton
         Broughton           Poodles
                                              Varieties                   OAKEY
                                                                          OAKEY  AP&&&RRRSOCIETY
                                                                                AP        SOCIETY
 (QLD)                                                       Venue:
                                                             Venue:  OakeyShowgrounds,
                                                                    Oakey   Showgrounds,Showgrounds
                                                                           Showgrounds,   ShowgroundsRoad,
                                                                                         Showgrounds Road,
 Property Best BestHead,
                    Head,Best BestCoat,
                                                Gait,                         Oakey
                                                                               Oakey QLD
 Classes:     Best
                                       Eyes                               CHAMPIONSHIP
                                                                          CHAMPIONSHIP  SHOW
                                                General                  1(1a),
                                                           Classes:        1(1a),2(2a),
                                                                          1(1a),   2(2a),3(3a),
                                                                                  2(2a),   3(3a),4(4a),
                                                                                          3(3a),   4(4a),5(5a),
                                                                                                  4(4a),   5(5a),10(10a),
                                                                                                          5(5a),  10(10a),
                Specialsat ateach
                                      show                               11(11a)
                                                 Toys,    Entry
                                                           Entry   Fees: $11.00
                                                                  Fees:    $11.00Sweepstakes
                                                                          $11.00    Sweepstakes$8.00
                                                                                   Sweepstakes      $8.00
             Miniaturesthen thenStandards
                                   Standards                             Catalogues   $3.00
                        Paradewill willbe
                                                    the                  Oakey   AP
                                                           Entries to:
                                                                     to: Oakey
                                                            Entriesto:     OakeyAP AP&&RRSociety,
                                                                                     &  R    Society,PO
                                                                                            Society,   POBox
                                                                                                      PO    Box356,
                                                                                                           Box  356,
                               Break                                     Ormeau     Qld 4208
                                                                           OrmeauQld Qld4208
                                                            Enquiries: Silvana
                                                           Enquiries:      SilvanaPh:
                                                                          Silvana   Ph:0407033560
                                                                                   Ph:  0407033560
                                                                  Judgingstarts at 9.00AM
                                                                          startsatat9.00AM    withSweepstakes
                                                                                             with  Sweepstakes
                                                          Ring 1 Ms L Dorr (QLD) Baby, Puppy and Veteran
                                                            Ring11 Ms MsLLDorr   (QLD) Baby,
                                                                           Dorr(QLD)        Baby,Puppy
                                                                                          Sweepstakes followed by
                                                                                          Groups 2 and 6
                                                          Ring 2 Mr D McAllister Groups 1, 4 and 7
                                                           Ring      Mr
                                                            Ring22 (QLD)    McAllister Groups
                                                          Ring 3 Ms  (QLD)
                                                                        A Adamopoulos Groups 3 and 5
                                                           Ring      Ms
                                                            Ring33 (QLD)    Adamopoulos Groups Groups33andand55
                                                          General Specials         Ms L Dorr (QLD)
                                                                           SAE   for

  22    DOG WORLD January 2020
Show Dates: Friday 13 March 2020 and Sunday 15 March 2020
                                   Entries Close: Friday 21 February 2020
                                      BURNETT KENNEL CLUB INC
                         Venue: Wondai Showgrounds, Baynes Street, Wondai QLD
Classes:                  1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Entry Fees:               $12.00, Sweepstakes $7.00, Catalogues $3.00
Entries to:               Burnett KC, PO Box 5655, West Bundaberg QLD 4670
Online Entries: 
Enquiries:                Marilyn Ph: 07 41551443
Show Day Contact:         Ph: 0429431822
                         Friday 13 March 2020                            Sunday 15 March 2020
                       Judging starts at 8.30AM                         Judging starts at 8.30AM
                           with Sweepstakes                                with Sweepstakes
Ring 1        Mrs V Spence     Groups 1 and 3               Mr D Staines      Puppy Sweepstakes
              (QLD)                                         (QLD)             followed by Groups 1 and 3
Ring 2        Mr A Fry (VIC)   Puppy Sweepstakes            Mrs V Spence      Baby Puppy Sweepstakes
                               followed by Groups 2, 4      (QLD)             followed by Groups 2, 4 and 7
                               and 7
Ring 3        Mr D Staines     Baby Puppy Sweepstakes       Mr A Fry (VIC)    Groups 5 and 6
              (QLD)            followed by Groups 5
                               and 6
General                  Mrs V Spence (QLD)                                   Mr A Fry (VIC)
                                   Proudly Sponsored by Mrs Joyce Sefton
                    Camping $15.00 per night. No Camping or Gazebos next to the rings
                                Show Date: Saturday 14 March 2020
                                   Entries Close: Friday 21 February 2020
                                       MURGON SHOW SOCIETY
                                Venue: Murgon Showgrounds, Murgon QLD
Classes:                  1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Entry Fees:               $10.00 plus $2.00 Ground Levy, Baby Puppy $5.00 plus $2.00 Ground Levy,
                          Sweepstakes $5.00, Catalogues $3.00
Entries to:               Murgon Show Society, PO Box 5655, West Bundaberg QLD 4670
Online Entries: 
Enquiries:                Marilyn Ph: 07 41551443
Show Day Contact:         Ph: 0428563386
Ring 1        Mrs V Spence (QLD)     Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 5 and 6
Ring 2        Mr D Staines (QLD)     Groups 2, 4 and 7
Ring 3        Mr A Fry (VIC)         Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1 and 3
General Specials:         Mr D Staines (QLD)
                                Judging starts at 8.30AM with Sweepstakes

                                                                                   DOG WORLD January 2020   23
Show Date: Saturday 21 March 2020                          Show Date: Sunday 22 March 2020
       Entries Close: Friday 28 February 2020                    Entries Close: Sunday 1 March 2020
        BEAUDESERT KENNEL CLUB INC                                   CABOOLTURE KENNEL CLUB
      Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds,                  Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds,
             247 King Ave, Durack QLD                                247 King Ave, Durack QLD

Classes: Champ      1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a),    Classes:         1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a),
                    10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)                              10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
           Open     1(1a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 11(11a)   Entry Fees:      Championship Show $13.00
Entry Fees:       Championship Show $13.00                                 Baby Puppies $10.00,
                  Catalogues $3.00 (Covers both shows)                     Catalogues $3.00
                  Open Show $3.00                                          Open Show $4.00
                                                          Entries to:      Caboolture Kennel Club, PO Box 78,
Entries to:       Beaudesert Kennel Club, PO Box 78,
                                                                           Waterford West QLD 4133
                  Waterford West QLD 4133
Online                    Entries:
                                                          Enquiries:       Nadia Ph: 0407591165
Enquiries:        Vicki Ph: 0407115674                                     Between 5.00PM and 8.00PM only

                    Open Show                                                 Open Show
                                                                        Judging starts at 8.30AM
              Judging starts at 3.00PM
                                                          Group 1          TBA
Group 1            TBA
                                                          Group 2          Mr D Kill (QLD)
Group 2            TBA
                                                          Group 3          TBA
Group 3            TBA
                                                          Group 4          Mrs B Dickson (QLD)
Group 4            TBA                                    Group 5          Miss M Attridge (QLD)
Group 5            TBA                                    Group 6          Mr J Attridge (QLD)
Group 6            TBA                                    Group 7          TBA
Group 7            TBA                                    General          Mr J Attridge (QLD)
                Championship Show
                                                                          Championship Show
       Judging starts at the completion of the
                                                                        Judging starts at 9.00AM
           Open Show not before 5.00PM
                                                          Group 1          Mr B Thompson (QLD)
Group 1            Mrs L Nielsen (QLD)
                                                          Group 2          Mrs T McDonald (QLD)
Group 2            Ms M Lee (QLD)
                                                          Group 3          Mr A Weil (QLD)
Group 3            Mrs J McCann (QLD)                     Group 4          Miss C Pearen (QLD)
Group 4            Mrs S Hewinson (QLD)                   Group 5          Miss M Davis (QLD)
Group 5            Mrs S Bruno (QLD)                      Group 6          Mrs D Smith (QLD)
Group 6            Mrs T McDonald (QLD)                   Group 7          Mr W Smith (QLD)
Group 7            Ms C Horne (QLD)                       General          Mr A Weil (QLD)
                   Mrs S Bruno (QLD)
Specials                                                     Junior Handlers to be judged in the lunch break

 24    DOG WORLD January 2020
Show Dates: Saturday 21 March and Sunday 22 March 2020
                             Entries Close: Friday 6 March 2020
                             GLADSTONE KENNEL CLUB INC
         Venue: Gladstone Showgrounds, Cnr Tank and Scenery St’s, Gladstone QLD
Classes:           1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 9(9a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)
Entry Fees:       $10.00 plus $2.00 Ground Levy,
                  Baby Puppy and Puppy Sweepstakes $5.00, Catalogues $3.00
Entries to:       Gladstone Kennel Club, PO Box 5655, Bundaberg West QLD 4670
Online Entries:
Enquiries:          Bob Ph: 0438737436
                              Saturday 21 March 2020 Show 1
                        Judging starts at 8.30AM with Sweepstakes
Ring 1     Mrs C Cederman (NZ)        Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Group 5,6 and 3
Ring 2     Miss K Martin (NZ)         Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1 and 2
Ring 3     Mrs W Baker (SA)           Groups 7 and 4
General Specials      Miss K Martin (NZ)
                              Saturday 21 March 2020 Show 2
                    Judging starts 1 hour after the completion of show 1
                          but not before 2.00PM with Sweepstakes
Ring 1     Mrs W Baker (SA)           Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 5,6 and 3
Ring 2     Mrs C Cederman (NZ)        Baby Puppy Sweepstakes followed by Groups 1 and 2
Ring 3     Miss K Martin (NZ)         Groups 7 and 4
General Specials      Mrs W Baker (SA)
                                   Sunday 22 March 2020
                                  Judging starts at 8.00AM
Ring 1     Miss K Martin (NZ)         Groups 5,6 and 3
Ring 2     Mrs W Baker (SA)           Groups 1 and 2
Ring 3     Mrs C Cederman (NZ)        Groups 7 and 4
General Specials      Mrs C Cederman (NZ)
              Camping $25.00 per night, to be paid to the Caretaker on arrival

                                                                        DOG WORLD January 2020   25
Show Dates: Thursday 26 March to Saturday 28 March 2020
                                 Entries Close: Friday 13 March 2020

                               ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY QLD
                    Venue: RAS Showgrounds, Glenvale Rd, Toowoomba QLD

                                      CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW

Classes:                   1(1a), 2(2a), 3(3a), 4(4a), 5(5a), 10(10a), 11(11a), 18(18a)

Entry Fees:                $18.00, Baby Puppy $10.00, Catalogues $4.00

Entries to:                RASQ, PO Box 356, Ormeau QLD 4208

Online Entries:  

Enquiries:                 Joy Ph: 0409720882

Show Day Contact:          Andrew Ph: 0407372377

                                       Thursday 26 March 2020

Ring 1           Mrs Z Oleinikova (Ukraine)          Group 3

Ring 2           Mrs G Kalinichenko (Ukraine) Group 4

                                        Friday 27 March 2020

Ring 1           Mrs Z Oleinikova (Ukraine)        Group 6

Ring 2           Mrs G Kalinichenko (Ukraine) Groups 2 and 5

                                       Saturday 28 March 2020

Ring 1           Mrs Z Oleinikova (Ukraine)        Group 1

Ring 2           Mrs G Kalinichenko (Ukraine) Group 7

General Specials        Mrs Z Oleinikova (Ukraine)

                               Groups judging starts at 9.00AM each day
                  Junior Handlers to be judged in the lunch break on Saturday
                                 General Specials not before 2.30PM

 26   DOG WORLD January 2020
T         Trial Date: Friday 6 March 2020                           Trial Date: Saturday 7 March 2020
       Entries Close: Friday 21 February 2020                    Entries Close: Monday 24 February 2020
         Venue: Dogs Queensland Sports Grounds,                  Venue: 34 Devine Court, Morayfield QLD
                 247 King Ave Durack QLD                               2 RALLY O AND 1 OBEDIENCE TRIAL
        AGILITY, JUMPING AND GAMES TRIALS                   Entries to:        Trial Secretary, CSDOC, PO Box 491,
Entries to:       Trial Secretary, PO Box 563,                                 Morayfield Qld 4506
                  Jimboomba QLD 4280                        Online Entries:
Online Entries                       Entry Fees:        $7.00
                                                            Enquiries:         Tracy Ph: 0450902520
                                                                                   Rally O Trial 1
Entry Fees:       $7.50, Catalogues $2.00
                                                                         Judging commences at 10.00AM
Preferred         BSB 064002 Account 10444980                                 with vetting at 9.00AM
payment by        Please use Surname as reference           Mr C Pain (QLD)               Rally O - Masters
Direct Deposit                                              Mrs A Wohlhuter (QLD)         Rally O – Exc B, Exc A,
Enquiries:        Gaille Ph: 0429915871                                                   Adv B, Adv A and Novice
                                                                                   Rally O Trial 2
Mr M Sharman      Agility – Masters, Excellent and Novice
                                                                          Judging commences at 1.00PM
                                                                             with vetting at 12.00PM
Miss L Schimke    Jumping – Novice, Excellent and
                                                            Mrs A Wohlhuter (QLD)         Rally O - Masters
(QLD)             Masters
                                                            Mr C Pain (QLD)               Rally O – Exc B, Exc A,
Mrs M Anderson    Strategic Pairs – All Classes
                                                                                          Adv B, Adv A and Novice
                                                                                  Obedience Trial
    Judging starts at 7.00PM with vetting at 6.00PM                          Judging starts at 5.00PM
                 Proudly sponsored by                                         with vetting at 4.00PM
                                                            Mrs D Stutz (QLD)             UDX
                                                            Mr W Patterson (QLD)          UD
                                                            Mr W Doyle (QLD)              CDX
                                                            Mrs V Mannion (QLD)           CD and CCD

        Trial Date: Saturday 14 March 2020                   Trial Date: Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 March 2020
       Entries Close: Saturday 29 February 2020                     Entries Close: Friday 28 February 2020
                                                                 ROCKHAMPTON DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB INC
                                                                     Venue: Duthie Park, Frenchville QLD
 Venue: Tully Park, Beryl Parade, North Maclean QLD
                                                              DOUBLE OBEDIENCE/ SINGLE JUMPERS/ AGILITY
            AGILITY AND JUMPING TRIAL                                         AND GAMES TRIALS
                                                            Entries to:         Trial Secretary, PO Box 5064,
Entries to:       31 Henderson St, Logan Reserve,
                                                                                 North Rockhampton QLD 4701
                  QLD 4133                                  Online Entries:
Online                                                                          (No Late Entries)
Entries                     Entry Fees:         Obedience/Jumping and Agility $7.00
Preferred:                                                                      Games $3.00
                                                            Enquiries:          Naomi Ph: 0424825465
Payment by             BSB 124-190                                            Saturday 14 March 2020
Direct Deposit         Account 21410430                                           Obedience Trial 1
Preferred:                                                      Judging starts at 5.00PM with vetting at 4.30PM
                       Use full name as reference                               Trial 2 follows Trial 1
Enquiries:        Jean Ph: 0405261219                       Mrs T Young (QLD)            Obedience all classes
                                                                        Agility, Jumping and Snooker Trials
Entry Fees:       $7.00, Catalogue $2.00                        Judging starts at 5.00PM with vetting at 4.30PM
                                                            Mr M Vigor (SA)              Agility – all classes
             Judging starts at 5.00PM
                                                                                         Jumping and Snooker
           with vetting at 4.00 – 4.30PM                                       Sunday 15 March 2020
                                                                    Agility/ Jumping and Strategic Pairs Trials
Mr R Mills (QLD)          Agility – all classes
                                                                Judging starts at 7.30AM with vetting at 7.00AM
                                                            Mr M Vigor (SA)              Agility – all classes
Mrs K Deguet (QLD)        Jumping – all classes
                                                                                         Jumping and Strategic Pairs

                                                                                       DOG WORLD January 2020        27
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