A Great Place to Live,Work and Play - Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development is Strong - Glasgow-Barren County ...

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A Great Place to Live,Work and Play - Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development is Strong - Glasgow-Barren County ...
2020-2021                             glasgowbarrenchamber.com

A Great Place to
Live,Work and Play
Options Abound
Economic Development
is Strong

Solid infrastructure
for the future

A Great Place to Live,Work and Play - Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development is Strong - Glasgow-Barren County ...
 • Ranked 11th by US News and World Report                              PROGRAMS:
 • Ranked 22 for KY on the ACT
 • 3 Time National Quiz Bowl Champions
                                                                        • ACCOUNTING
 • Ranked 5th for Best Teachers                                         • ADVANCED MEDICINE
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        Culinary Arts                                                   • COMPUTER PROGRAMMING
        Business                                                        • CULINARY AND FOOD SERVICES
        Adobe Premiere
        Adobe Photoshop                                                 • ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
 Glasgow High School and Glasgow Middle are the only middle
 school and high school in Kentucky to be designated as “Model
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 Schools” by the International Center for Leadership in Education.      • MARKETING

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A Great Place to Live,Work and Play - Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development is Strong - Glasgow-Barren County ...
A Great Place to Live,Work and Play - Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development is Strong - Glasgow-Barren County ...
 A long and rich tradition has been built through the publication
 of the Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce annual
 magazine for over 20 years. Indeed, during those past decades, the
 Chamber magazine has taken many different titles and themes,
                                                                                                              2020-2021 EDITION

                                                                                                            6 Entertainment
 This year’s publication has taken a different journey from years
 past. The obvious challenge has been the Covid-19 pandemic which
 has changed our lives and set a new paradigm for society. Locally,

                                                                                                            10 Economic Development
 the citizens of Glasgow and Barren County have adapted and
 decided that life must go forward. The Chamber feels that once the
 pandemic is over, the community and its economy will rally to a

                                                                                                            12 Agriculture
 more robust condition than ever before.
 In anticipation of better times to come, the new title of our
 magazine is VISIONS. The new title fits our community with the

                                                                                                            16 Education
 vision of expectation and success that surely will come when things
 return to normal.

                                                                                                            19 Community Profile
 With the help of our new Publisher, Gerald Printing, the new
 Glasgow/Barren County Visions magazine showcases our
 community, ranging from stories about quality of life and civic

                                                                                                            26 Utilities
 information to the Barren County Community Profile which offers
 a snapshot of the statistics of the area. The magazine also serves as
 a business directory of all Chamber members.

                                                                                                            30 Shanti Niketan Hospice
 The Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce is, by and
 large, a Chamber of projects and events. In order to carry out these
 projects, we depend on a dedicated workforce which is composed
 of the Chamber Ambassadors, the Chamber Board of Directors,
 and help from the General Membership. Absent of this help, these
 events simply do not happen.
                                                                                                            32 Business Directory
 This community that we love needs your involvement. The
 Chamber has numerous committees that could use your talent.                                                Glasgow-Barren County Visions 2020-2021
 Aside from the Chamber’s activities, our community has an
 enormous amount of charitable organizations and associations                                               Publisher
                                                                                                            Gerald Printing
 which need a helping hand.
                                                                                                            404 Rogers Road, Glasgow, KY 42141
 Glasgow and Barren County has its share of challenges; but there is                                        (270) 651-3751, geraldprinting.com
 no problem that cannot be solved if we will roll up our sleeves, get                                       M N [ / GPGlasgow
 involved, and work cooperatively.                                                                          Chris Houchens, chrishouchens@geraldprinting.com

 Ernie Myers
 Executive Vice-President/COO
 Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                                            Chamber Magazine Committee
                                                                                                            Amy Allen, Maureen Carpenter, Tina Hiser, Chris
                                                                                                            Houchens, ReDonna Isenberg, MacLean Lessenberry,
                                                                                                            Ernie Myers, Caralyne Pennington, Karisa Peterson,
Glasgow-Barren County Visions is an annual publication of the Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of
Commerce with advertising, graphic design, and printing produced by Gerald Printing. The contents of this
                                                                                                            Nicole Randall, Sam Terry
publication have been printed in good faith based on information supplied by writers, photographers,        Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce
and other sources. While strong efforts have been made to ensure accuracy at the time of printing, the      118 East Public Square, Glasgow KY 42141
Glasgow/Barren County Chamber of Commerce and/or Gerald Printing cannot guarantee accuracy and              Phone: 270-651-3161, Fax: 270-651-3122
accept no responsibility for any errors, misinterpretations, or omissions.                                  glasgowbarrenchamber.com
On the cover
                                                                                                            Chamber Staff
A balloon is illuminated at the Glasgow Municipal Airport during the 2019 Groove
                                                                                                            Ernie Myers, Executive Vice-President/COO
and Glow event.
                                                                                                            Tina Wood, Finance
                                                                                                            ReDonna Isenberg, Programs

A Great Place to Live,Work and Play - Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development is Strong - Glasgow-Barren County ...
New look for
an old wall
One of the oldest brick walls in
Glasgow got a colorful upgrade
this year. The new mural at the
corner of Race and Main Streets
on the side of the building that
houses Fine Arts Bistro was
painted by an art collective
group called ‘Often Seen, Rarely
Spoken’, based out of Louisville.
The mural was a project of the
Glasgow-Barren County Tourism
Commission. MacLean Lessen-
berry, executive director of the
Tourism Commission, said the
project was inspired by recent
pushes from the Kentucky
League of Cities to beautify
Glasgow and Barren County.

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                                                                                                                                       VISIONS MAGAZINE |      5
A Great Place to Live,Work and Play - Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development is Strong - Glasgow-Barren County ...
                                       more fun!

A Great Place to Live,Work and Play - Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development is Strong - Glasgow-Barren County ...
By Melinda J. Overstreet
The cluster of people who began calling itself Entertain Glasgow a         While admission to this event was free, as it had been for the others
few years ago has taken its mission-reflecting moniker very seriously,     Entertain Glasgow coordinated, donations of nonperishable food items
resulting in the production of a lot of community fun.                     and money were accepted to support the “To the Brim” food pantry
                                                                           drive. Food and souvenirs were available for purchase. Pony rides were
In 2017, then Mayor Dick Doty asked Katie Hawks to gather some
                                                                           among the activities available.
volunteers to organize a major community event that focused on a
visit by the world-famous Budweiser Clydesdale horses, and what they       “There are many people who work very hard to make these events come
produced also featured a concert by Nashville recording duo Waterloo       to fruition, and it is all worth it seeing the happy faces at our events.
Revival and several other activities.                                      The fact we can offer them for free to the community is like icing on the
                                                                           cake,” said Katie Hawks, Entertain Glasgow coordinator, in the announce-
Once what became known as Hops & Horses, which drew about 5,000
                                                                           ment for the airport event. “When the hot air balloon event was talked
attendees, was successfully behind them, the crew with a penchant
                                                                           about and T.J. Regional Health showed interest in being the title sponsor
for alliteration in titles developed new ideas for gatherings that would
                                                                           to celebrate their 90th birthday, it all clicked into place and we started
bring people together in a way that encouraged more mixing and
mingling and hanging out for several hours rather than just seeing
something and leaving. That crew also grew over time as more people        That turned out to be Entertain Glasgow’s largest event yet, with an
became interested and further coordination was necessary with city of      estimated attendance of around 10,000 people.
Glasgow employees for the use of public spaces, equipment, law en-         Also in 2019, current Mayor Harold Armstrong agreed to keep Entertain
forcement and other resources. The Glasgow-Barren County Chamber           Glasgow as an organization and helped make the group an official city
of Commerce added its support as well.                                     committee, a decision approved by the full Glasgow Common Council in
Tubes, Tunes & BBQ came next, offering the opportunity at Beaver           the month prior to the Groove & Glow.
Creek Park to navigate a small portion of the eponymous stream on an       Its first event aimed at funding future projects, Boots & Bling, took
inner tube, to listen to performances by several local musical artists     place on Valentine’s Day at Yancey’s Gastropub, with a wine, bourbon
and, of course, to consume some great food. An array of other activi-      and craft beer tasting. Then, with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic
ties joined that main trio to accomplish the mission of keeping folks      in Kentucky in March 2020, Entertain Glasgow announced in May the
entertained – inflatables and chalk art for the kids plus a climbing       cancellation of all its events designed to draw large gatherings for the
wall, corn hole games and a donkey basketball game to challenge a          year, providing the dates well in advance to save for 2021: Tubes, Tunes &
wider variety of age groups. It all concluded with a fireworks show.       BBQ on June 26 at Beaver Creek Park and Grove & Glow on Sept. 18 at the
Hops & Horses returned for a second round, as did Tubes, Tunes &           Glasgow Municipal Airport.
BBQ, with some differences from the first iterations. Along the way,       The organization also organized a drive-through trick-or-treat event for
Entertain Glasgow added another event – Groove & Glow, which was to        Halloween in 2020 at Beaver Creek Park, meant to provide a safer alter-
replace Hops & Horses for 2019. The hot-air balloon festival, with teth-   native to the door-to-door version due to the pandemic.
ered rides and a “glowing” showing at dark, took place at the Glasgow
Municipal Airport and culminated with live music by country recording      Though COVID-19 created kinks for many of the community’s annual
artist Adam Doleac.                                                        events in 2020, Entertain Glasgow wasn’t the only group already begin-
                                                                           ning to plan for 2021 and/or beyond.

                                                                                                                             VISIONS MAGAZINE |     7
A Great Place to Live,Work and Play - Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development is Strong - Glasgow-Barren County ...
More fun to be found
                                                       The City of Glasgow has begun a multiyear process of updating and upgrading its park
                                                       facilities. The city started with the older parks, with new playground equipment, shelters
                                                       and bathrooms, among other enhancements, with an eye toward not only providing
                                                       more enjoyment of the outside spaces for residents and visitors on a day-to-day basis
                                                       but also allowing more of them to be host sites for fun and exciting special events in
                                                       different areas of the community. Beaver Creek Park is the newest of the city’s outdoor
                                                       spaces and has already become the home for a Touch a Truck event geared toward kids
                                                       that let them experience things like fire engines and ambulances up close and personal.
                                                       It’s also been the location for an annual Easter egg hunt, Movies in the Park and more.
                                                       For a weekend’s worth of relatively different musical offerings, plus Celtic culture, wares
                                                       and traditional athletic competitions, the Glasgow Highland Games at Barren River Lake
                                                       State Resort Park is the place to be. In 2021, the dates are June 4-6. The music ranges
                                                       from Celtic rock to folk to pipe-and-drum corps, and there’s plenty to do and see and
                                                       eat between performances and competitions.
                                                       One of the loveliest venues for events in Glasgow is its downtown square that wraps
                                                       around the Barren County Courthouse. For most of the past several years, this is the spot
                                                       where local residents have gathered during the week of July 4 to welcome the Louisville
                                                       Orchestra for a concert that is free to the public to celebrate Independence Day. Typi-
                                                       cally about two weeks beforehand, the Glasgow Community Band provides its own free,
                                                       patriotically themed free concert at the Public Square.
                                                       Other happenings that usually take place there include car shows in the spring and fall
                                                       and the Glasgow Business and Professional Women’s Club’s annual Arts, Crafts and Gifts
                                                       Fair in September. The square is also the focal point for Veterans Day and Christmas
                                                       The South Central Kentucky Cultural Center and its Museum of the Barrens, off the
                                                       northwest corner of the square, are repositories for local history documents and items
                                                       as well as many genealogical resources. One of its major fundraisers comes each
                                                       autumn in the form of the Harvest of History Cemetery Tour at the Glasgow Municipal
                                                       Cemetery. Visitors are greeted by live people portraying certain individuals who were
                                                       interred there.
                                                       Less than a block off from the square to the east is the Plaza Theatre, which started
                                                       as a downtown movie venue in 1934. It is home to myriad entertainment options, with
                                                       concert bookings ranging from Whiskey Myers and Blackberry Smoke to John Conlee and
                                                       Dailey & Vincent. Several local organizations, including the theater group, the Far Off
                                                       Broadway Players, as well as the Glasgow Community Band, dance studios and charita-
                                                       ble groups, also stage events at the historic Plaza.
                                                       A handful of relatively new bars and/or restaurants also offer live musical performances
                                                       routinely at their establishments.

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A Great Place to Live,Work and Play - Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development is Strong - Glasgow-Barren County ...
A Great Place to Live,Work and Play - Entertainment Options Abound Economic Development is Strong - Glasgow-Barren County ...

   EnVISION Your Business Here
   Nestled between two major cities, Louisville, KY to the north and Nashville, TN to the south and central among major
   highways and interstates, Barren County is the perfect central location within the Southeast. Barren County offers
   easy access to rail services, two international airports, a highly skilled and available workforce, top ranking educa-
   tion systems including a four-year university and a technical college campus, and all of this located within a day’s
   drive of most major markets.
   The Barren County Economic Authority is the leading economic development organization for Barren County, with a
   primary mission to promote economic development through the retention and expansion of existing business and
   industry, attraction of new business and industry and support infrastructure development that meets the needs of
   business and industry.
   With this mission in mind, the Authority has purchased 152-acres for industrial development. South Cooper Industri-
   al Park will house those industries that have the VISION to realize all Barren County has to offer.
   To encourage investment and job growth in the community, industries can receive local and state incentives. Re-
   sources include the Kentucky Business Investment Program (KBI), a wage tax incentive; the Kentucky Enterprise
   Initiative Act (KEIA), that provides a sales tax abatement on building and construction materials; and access to the
   Kentucky Skills Network, which offers companies no-cost recruitment and job placement services, reduced-cost
   customized training and job training incentives. In Barren County, we are the one-stop shop to help coordinate all of
   your economic development needs, from site selection to incentives and talent recruitment, training and retention.

Why Barren County?                                                                ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                  PROJECT SPOTLIGHT:
• Available & Skilled Workforce • 34-State Distribution Network
• Low Cost of Doing Business • Reliable & Affordable Utilities
• Business & Education Partnership
• Single Point of Contact for all your needs                                      Packaging
Thank you to our transformational                                                 Established in 2011, AtCorr has grown into
investors for supporting economic development:                                    a regional supplier for the design and
CHAMPION: T.J. Regional Health                                                    manufacturing of packing boxes, shipping
                                                                                  containers, consumer packaging and retail
VISIONARY: American Engineers, Inc.
                                                                                  ready displays. In February 2020, AtCorr
ADVOCATES: Edmonton State Bank and German American Bank                           announced an expansion project of nearly
SUPPORTERS: Alliance Corporation, The Murphy Construction Group,                  $800,000 in capital investment and the
            The Peoples Bank                                                      creation of over 30 new jobs in Barren
                                                                                  County. Our office worked with AtCorr
                                                                                  and the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic
                                                                                  Development. They were able to receive
                                                                                  $250,000 in KBI incentive.

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                                                                                                                REFLECTIONS MAGAZINE |         11
Agriculture                   Agriculture continues to be a major
                              part of Barren County’s economy.
By Melinda J. Overstreet
“For the most part, we raise livestock, along with the crops to feed            That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re farming for the first time ever,
those livestock,” said Chris Schalk, the agriculture and natural resources      though. They may have had it as a side operation.
extension agent for the county. “We lead the state of Kentucky in the           “They’ve been dribbling along maybe little bit. Maybe they’ve been
most total cattle. We have the most beef cattle and the most dairy cattle.      leasing their ground out, but now they’re taking back over, and they are
We also lead the state of Kentucky in the total number of farms (roughly        becoming the principal farm operators,” Schalk said.
1,100). We have about 253,000 acres in farm production in Barren
County.”                                                                        Barren is the second-leading county in the commonwealth in both
                                                                                tobacco and hay, he said, which is not surprising because tobacco has
Farm sizes average out to 138 acres, with most having 50 to 180 acres, he       historically been a big crop here, and when you’ve got the most cattle,
said, adding that 10 farms here are composed of around or in excess of          you’ve got to have a lot of hay to feed them.
2,000 acres. All of them are family owned and/or operated, he said. Even
with those that are “corporate,” family members are the officers in those       “The dairy industry is still very vital here in the community. We have
corporations.                                                                   seen dairies get larger, and that’s basically to help them be more
                                                                                efficient and spread out fixed costs,” he said.
“A Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner could be a shareholders meeting,”
he said, chuckling.                                                             Aside from those traditional Barren County farm endeavors, a variety of
                                                                                others done to lesser extents are scattered about as well.
The average age of farmers in Barren County is just a bit over 56 years.
                                                                                Small ruminants such as goats and sheep are gaining popularity.
“The bulk of our farmers are 65 or greater,” Schalk said. “I think that a lot   They are generally raised on smaller acreages and often by part-time
of folks choose farming in Barren County as their second career. There          producers, many of whom are new to agriculture. The goats are for
are a lot of folks that have retired. I can think of three different people     anything from meat to dairy, Schalk said.
that have been in here in the past week that farming is technically their
second career. They have retired from positions here in the community,          Poultry houses are in various locations, but somewhat concentrated in
and farming is their second career.”                                            the southern portion of the county.

Commercial horticulture seems to be growing each year, he said, with a range of
                                       products from vegetables and other produce to cut flowers and herbs. Some is
                                       sold wholesale to other markets, while others sell from stands on their farms or
                                       at farmers markets.
                                       Hemp is coming along as a young industry, but after decades of not being grown
                                       here, it has more of a learning curve. After an initial bit of surge in interest, the
                                       number of producers for that product has dropped back a bit, Schalk said, as
                                       demand wasn’t quite meeting the level of supply just yet. It shows that farmers
                                       here are very adaptable and can grow most things they make up their minds to
                                       produce, but the market has to be there for those products, whether it’s CBD oil
                                       or hemp fiber for clothing and other textile products.
                                       “They have to be adaptable. Agriculture changes every single day, every single
                                       day,” he said. “You have to change with the times, change with the technology,
                                       and continue to produce what we all need.
                                       “We have a lot of beekeepers,” Schalk said, “more than you think.”
                                       Some trade or sell the honey locally through word-of-mouth advertising or
                                       at farmers markets. “All of our vegetable producers and fruit producers, a lot
                                       of them either keep bees for pollination or they rent hives, so there’s a lot of
                                       interest in that,” he said. “It’s something that can be done on small acreage,
                                       maybe something that can be done by some folks that maybe don’t have that
                                       lifelong agriculture production background.”
                                       Though Barren County doesn’t have as much silviculture activity as some of its
                                       neighboring counties, “we’ve got a lot of timber processors in Barren County, so
                                       we’re on that end of the business, a lot of sawmills still.”
                                       Barren County doesn’t have a lot of hog production, and what there is generally
                                       stems around either value-added products like sausage or locally sold “freezer
                                       hogs,” Schalk said.
                                       “There’s just not that big commercial hog production that we think about,” he
                                       Several other value-added products, just as cheeses, jams, jellies, baked goods
                                       and more are also sold by local farmers.
                                       “At the end of the day, we all need to eat, and we all need clothing,” Schalk said
                                       of the importance of agriculture. “And we have proven that we do a very good
                                       job of producing food here in Barren County. … We’re just very fortunate that we
                                       live where we live, and we’ve got good agriculture and we’ve got good farmers.
                                       That’s the big thing about here, we’ve got so many good farmers that care
                                       about the land and appreciate it. I think most farmers really, really buy into the
                                       concept that you’re just using it for a period of time, and you’ve got to leave it for
                                       somebody else.”

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                                                 1363 SCOTTSVILLE ROAD, GLASGOW, KY                    270-678-4100
EDUCATION                              By Melinda J. Overstreet
                                       Whether local residents want to learn the skills necessary to create a computer application
                                       program or learn to work on a diesel engine or drive a big rig, those educational
                                       opportunities are here in Barren County, along with a host of others.
                                       Barren County is home to three K-12 school systems, an area technology center that serves
                                       all three of them plus others, and campus extensions for a community and technical
                                       college and a university. Combine those with businesses and industries and even public
                                       offices that are willing to collaborate with educators regarding the types of skill sets
                                       they need to see in a work force and providing some hands-on training opportunities
                                       themselves, and you’ve got some valuable partnerships.
                                       For example, as of early September, seven local entities were participating in the Kentucky
                                       Registered Apprenticeship Program through the Kentucky Education & Workforce
                                       Development Cabinet – Akebono, Barren County Board of Education, Barren County
                                       government, Federal Mogul, Glasgow Electric Plant Board, JNM and SpanTech.
                                       The Barren County ATC and adjacent Innovation Zone that are incorporated into the Barren
                                       County High School campus are home to numerous programs aimed getting students ready
                                       to launch careers and/or prepare them for more advanced levels of education.
                                       These are in addition to options that include advanced placement and dual credit courses
                                       offered at Barren County, Glasgow and Caverna high schools themselves.
                                       One concentrated program offered at the Innovation Zone is BC Skills, which is based on
                                       the Interapt Skills app development model. It’s not just for area high school students; it
                                       is also offered to adults in the community looking for a new career direction in computer
                                       programming. Each cohort takes a semester.
                                       Three previous BC Skills students -- D.J. Dillon and Olivia Crowe, both Barren County High
                                       School seniors, and Zach Shearer -- won recognition with the ThriveAB mobile telehealth
                                       app they created to support mothers struggling with postpartum depression. It is designed
                                       to provide on-demand medical, emotional and social supports to mothers in rural
                                       The trio’s work won the Second District Congressional App Challenge, and it was named a
                                       Kentucky State Winner in the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest.
                                       Another former BC Skills student, Tanner York, designed an app he called R.MEND for
                                       communities and local governments to report and track road repair issues, and he allowed
                                       Barren County Fiscal Court to have dibs on it at a reduced cost for the first year.
                                       Barren County High School was recognized as a Project Lead the Way Distinguished School
                                       in April 2020 “for providing broad access to transformative learning opportunities for
                                       students through PLTW Biomedical Science and Engineering.”
                                       Glasgow High School is also a PLTW school, with engineering and pre-med options. GHS
                                       study tracks include accounting, advanced medicine, computer programming, culinary and
                                       food services, marketing, and engineering – aerospace, electrical or industrial-mechanical.

GHS is part of an independent school district, as is Caverna High

             School. The Caverna district straddles Barren and Hart counties and is
             the smallest of the three.                                                                                                      Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical
             “We embrace the challenge of blending the many voices of our                                                    College has two of its six campuses located in Barren County to
             community who desire schools that deliver a world-class education                                               meet the area’s needs. The Glasgow Technology Campus provides
             to all students. It is the goal of Caverna Independent Schools to                                               programs in Industrial Maintenance, and Computer and Information
             provide a climate of academic excellence for all students … within an
                                                                                                                             Technologies. The Glasgow Health Campus houses Nursing
             environment that promotes and models the seven habits of highly
             successful people,” Caverna Independent Schools Superintendent                                                  programs and general education classes. Students who attend
             Cornelius Faulkner’s message to the community states. “Our school and                                           SKYCTC may be eligible for the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship,
             community share the vision of empowering students to make wise life                                             which pays 100% of the tuition for those training for careers in
             choices and become productive citizens and of helping them to realize
                                                                                                                             Advanced Manufacturing, Business and IT, Construction, Healthcare,
             their dreams by seeing an unfathomed world of possibilities.”
                                                                                                                             and Transportation and Logistics. Learn more at skyctc.edu.
             The local Southcentral Kentucky Community & Technical College
             campus offers programs that include industrial maintenance, welding,

                                                                                                                             WKU Glasgow
             diesel, computer information and technology, and just announced in
             September, a commercial driver’s license course. SKYCTC, focused on                                                                         brings the resources of Western
             workforce education and readiness, also offers customized training to                                           Kentucky University to the citizens of Barren and surrounding
             meet business needs either on campus or onsite through the Workforce                                            counties through academic programs and resources, student
             Solutions Program.                                                                                              support, and career development programs. WKU in Glasgow
             Western Kentucky University’s Glasgow campus brings programs and                                                served a total of 817 Regional Students in the Fall of 2020.
             degrees from the main campus in Bowling Green closer to home for                                                TOP PROGRAMS:
             Barren Countians and others from the region. A few of the top options                                           • Management        • Elementary Education
             include health sciences, management, paralegal studies, psychology,                                             • Sociology         • Criminology
             elementary education, criminology and sociology. “The WKU Student                                               • Psychology        • Agriculture
             Business Accelerator (SBA) in Glasgow is designed to help budding                                               • Health Science    • Paralegal
             entrepreneurs turn their business ideas into reality. The SBA supports                                          • Engineering Technology Management
             new ideas, offers helpful resources and promotes mentorship from
             business leaders,” according to the WKU-G website.                                                              Newest Programs:
                                                                                                                             Agriculture & Engineering Technology Management

           Dr. MoDy’s
             WKU, through its Division of Extended Learning & Outreach, provides
             continuing education opportunities such as supervisor and human                                                                                            136 n. raCe stree
                                                                                                                             Services: academic advising, financial aid counseling/FAFSA

                       MoDy’s Corner                                                                                                                                                  136
             resources certificate programs and other workforce development                                                  support, math tutoring & writing assistance, testing center,
             initiatives.                                                                                                    community meeting space
                                                                                                                                                                        GlasGoW, Ky 421
                   Dr. MoDy’s                 Corner                                                    136 n. raCe street

                   DR. Dr. MODY’S            CORNER
                              DR.                                   MODY’S CORNER                       GlasGoW,
                                                                                                         TO     to BRIM
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                                                                                         DR. MODY’S             CORNERraCe street to BR         th
                             136 N.MoDy’s         Corner                                                   136   n.
                                   Race St. Glasgow, KY 42141                                            FOOD
                                                                       204 n. race st. Glasgow, Ky 42141204 n. raceDRIVE
                                                                                                                    st. Glasgow, Ky 42141 FOOD DRI
                                                              GlasGoW, Ky 42141                                         136 N. Race St.
                                                                                                                                     toGlasgow, KY 42141
                               DR.  MODY’S     CORNER           Food
                                                                   helping low income seniorsTO   withTHEAugust  Foo                    the
                                                                                                             BRIM income seniors with August 29 t
                                                                                                           helping low29   to
                         Dr. MoDy’s
                          email:      DR.   Corner
                   136 N. RACE STREET • GLASGOW, KY 42141
                                                  low income seniors Corner
                                                                   n. race st.

                                                            can 136make
                                                 136 N. Race St. Glasgow, KY 42141
                                                                       with GlasGoW,
                                                 204 n. race st. Glasgow, Ky 42141 FOOD
                                                                       N.prescription   DRIVE
                                                                                          Glasgow, KY
                                                                                              42141 Ky 42141 Septdriv
                                                                                                           to BRIM
                                                                                                      TO THE
                                                                                                                 1, 201
                                                                                                                             raCe street
                                                                                                                    medication,hearing aids, etc.

                                                                                                                              etc.make a DIFFERENCE!
                                                      DR.      MODY’S
                                                                                          DR.     MODY’S
                                                                                          helping low income seniors with
                                                                                                                            to  Sept
                                                                                                                                   the  drive
                                                                                                                                       August Food
                                                                                                                                           1, We
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                                                                                                                                                                                                        labor fad
                   extreme                          YOU can make a DIFFERENCE!
                                                                                    prescription          Fitness TO
                                                                                                  medication,hearing      THE
                                                                                                                      SPONSOR aids,BRIM
                                                                                                                                              drive      DONATE
                                      ComingFitness        SPONSOR                 OR        DONATE                           Brim     Sept    1,   2018
                                                                                                                                                  FOOD     DRIVE                                         We can
                                                                                                              5K                 We    cannot     fall Food
                                                                                                                                                        asleep       when     others    sleepday hungry
                                                                                       136   N. RaceKySt.   204 n. race
                                                                                                             Glasgow,      st.KY
                                                                                                                                  42141  Ky 42141
                                                                                       communitymedicalcare.org   FOOD          DRIVE Wed.      through
                                                    136 N.
                                                  Soon...   ToRaceYOU    can
                                                                      St.204    make
                                                                             n. race
                                                                           Glasgow,    st.
                                                                                          KY  DIFFERENCE!
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                                                                                                                           helping low income seniors with      to                                      CHILDR
                                       peace to terminally SPONSOR          and OR
                                                              ill patients helping
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                                                                                                                etc. Community
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                                                                                                                                          We cannot
                                                                                                                       prescription medication,hearing aids, etc.
                                                                                                                                                        1, fall
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                                                                                                                                                                               when  DAY sleepday
                                                                                                                                                                                        others  hungry
                                                                                                                                                                                sleep hungry. Novemb
                                    5K                     Community                   at      its      best
                   Shanti-inner familiesextreme                 Fitness   and discord.YOU      can                Septdrive
                                                                                                     make a DIFFERENCE!
                                                                      prescription medication,hearing    aids,
                                                                  stressSPONSOR             OR    DONATE                                                                                        hungry YOU ca
..tients    and their
     To provide                                during a time of                                                              1, 2018CHILDRENS                   DAY
                                                                        communitymedicalcare.org                                               WeWecannot  sleepfall  asleep
                                                                                                                                                                     hungry.     when   others
                                             their Soon... 5K
                                                     YOU    Community
                                                            can    make    a       at
                                                                              DIFFERENCE! its   best                                               November
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                          To  provide Shanti-inner                                                                                            CHILDRENS             DAY       to  provide   shanti-
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                                                                                              at    its    best
                                                                                                           19,      2020 Wed.        November
                                                                                                                                    fall  asleep
                                                                                                                                              sat.when   16,
                                                                                                                                                        We     sleep
                                                                                                                                                             cannot     hungry.
                                                                                                                                                                      fall  hungry
                                                                             care 5K     inof    its     toown.
                                                                                                                                        YOU      can     Our
                                                                                                                                                       make         aChildren.
                                                                                                                                                                       DIFFERENCE!                          Sp
 ime  peace  to terminally
        of stress           ill patients
                    and discord.         and
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                                                            To provide Shanti-inner
                                                                                              in  Fall...         to    provide           inner
                                                                                                                                     shanti-     peace
                                                                                                                                            November     to  terminally
                                                                                                                                                       CHILDRENS     2018DAY ill patients   and  their
   families during a time of stress
REME               september
                FITNESS                         19,        SPONSOR
                                                         2020                OR
                                         peace to terminally ill patients and theirDONATE
                                                                                     of     its   own.
                                                                                   extremeky.com                 at
                                                                                                             provide   its  Webest
                                                                                                                        shanti-   cannot   OurYOU
                                                                                                                                            fall  Children.
                                                                                                                                                 asleep     make
                                                                                                                                                                      a DIFFERENCE!
  Soon...    To provide
                                  5K RUN/WALK
                                             5K    19, 2020      5K   RUN/WALK
                                       families during a time of stress and discord.
                                              september         19, 2020
                                                                          inner peace care
                                                                                    peace    to of in
                                                                                        to terminally
                                                                                               taking its    own.
                                                                                                        ill CominGto
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                                                                                                                              their and their
                                                                                                                                               Our Children.
                                                                                                                                             income  during
                                                                                                                                 and their sleep
                                                                                                                                                        Our Our
                                                                                                                                                                              stress  and
                                                                                                                                                                           Donate         or Donate
   terminally ill patients EXTREME
                                                                 at    its    best                                                                  SponSor            or     Donate
                                                                                                                                                   to provide shanti-
                                                                                     inner  peace to terminally      patients
                                                                                                                                             Our Future.
                           and their
       a 5K   RUN/WALK
         time of stress andextremeky.com
                           5K RUN/WALK
                                                         low       22,
                                                                        during  2020
                                                 5K RUN/WALK                income
                                                                                            of  inner
                                                                                             a time
                                                                                               stress     stress
                                                                                                       of stress
                                                                                                           during aYOU
                                                                                                                         of can
                                                                                                                            stress make
                                                                                                                     Our     Children.
                                                                                                                                        and 2018
                                                                                                                                   and discord.
                                                                                                                                                       Join us to aids,
                                                                                                                                                     Ourof Future.
                                                                                                                                             a DIFFERENCE!
                                                                                                                                                                  increase etc.
                                                                                                                                                                     or Donate
                                                                                                                                                           food insecurity and raise Childre
                                                taking    care      of   its   own.
                                                                                  Helping          income      seniors  with
    September           22,   2018 22, 2018                CominG     in Fall...     to  provide   shanti-
                                                                                                                       Childrens  glasgowchildrensday.org
 ember         22, 2018                                                                                                                 Childrens                          day
                                                                                                                                                         funds to eliminate hunger.
                                        prescription    medication,
                                                         medication,       hearing
                                                                                        to aids,     etc.
                                                                                                    aids,        etc.                              glasgowchildrensday.org
                             september   19,  2020                                                                              Childrens                   day                      november
                                                                              Join usJoin  increase   awareness
             EXTREME       FITNESS                   prescription
                                              September  22, 2018   medication,     ill hearing
                                                                            prescription     us toand aids,
                                                                                             medication,        etc.
                                                                                                                        aids, etc.
                                                                                                               Join us to increase awareness
                                                                                                                                                   Donate        day
                                                                                                                       Our      Future.
                                                                                                                                    Join us to increase awareness
                                                         inner peace to terminallyfood  patients
                                                                                         insecurity   andtheir
                                                                                                            raise                    of food               Event
                                                                                                                                             insecurity and raiseheld annually on
                                                                                      of   food   insecurity    of food insecurity and
                                                                                                                   and  raise             raise
               5K RUN/WALK    extremeky.com               families during a time
                                               Helping low income seniors with   of
                                                                               funds stress
                                                                                        to eliminate    hunger.
                                                                                                                funds to eliminate hunger.
                                                                                                                    hunger.      november     november
                                                                                                                                                          the square each Saturday
                                                                                                                                     funds to eliminate hunger.

                                                                                                                                       Event held annually on    2020
                                                                                                                                                            before Mother’s Day.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Our Children
                                                                                                                                         november                20,      2020
                                                                                 Event held annually on           Event held annually the on
                                                                                                                                          square each Saturday
            September 22, 2018            prescription medication, hearing the   aids,    Event
                                                                                                     Saturday           on
                                                                                                                 the square each Saturday
                                                                                                                                         day  Our Children. Our Future.
                                                                                         Join us to increase awareness                   before Mother’s Day.
                                                                                   before                   Fighting
                                                                                          of food insecurity and before
                                                                                         the square eachDay.
                                                                                          funds toFighting              Our
                                                                                                                         hunger Ourone
                                                                                                                    raise Mother’s Day.
                                                                                                              hunger one step at        Children.
                                                                                                                                Children. step atOurOur    Future.
                                                                                                                                                2020Children. Our Future. glasgowchild
                                                                                                                                           20, Our

                                     atCommunity      at  itsofbest     taking
                                                                         own. care
                                                                                                     eliminate  hunger.                           glasgowchildrensday.org

                                                                                 Community at itsOurbest   taking
                                                                                                              Our Future. care of its own.
                                                          Fighting        Fighting hunger one      aheld
                                                                                            Event     time...   before
                                                                                                       at annually
                                                                       hunger one step at the square each Saturday
                                                                                                                    on    Mother’snovember glasgowchildrensday.org
                                                                                                                                a time...Day.

                         Community      its best taking care   ofits
                                                                   its own.
                                                                          a time...                     glasgowchildrensday.org

                              at at
                                 itsits best  taking  care
                                                          a time...                                 Children.
                                                                                              before Mother’s Day.

                    Community        best...taking    care    of
                                                                   its  hunger one step at

                        Community atat
                                     its its
                                                    care of itscare
                                                                own. of its own.
                                                           time...hunger one step at
                                                          a time...

                                                                             17                                                                                             VISIONS MAGAZINE |
                                                                                ...know where to go!

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Community Profile
Population                  Cost of
                            Living 86.6%
                                                13.4% lower than national average
Barren County Population

5% increase since 2010     Income
                           $ 40,216
                           Median Household Income

Glasgow Population

3.1% increase over 2010
                           Gross Domestic Product
                           Up 26% over the last 10 years

Cave City Population

2,436                                                      Housing
                                                           Average Cost of a home
Median Age                                                 Barren $123,982
                                                           Kentucky $146,400
                                                           U.S. $200,000

                                     Average Rental Costs are 10.6% lower than KY average.

                                     Average monthly cost of owning a home are
                                     38% less than national average in Barren County.

                                     Average number of days on market 63

                                                                           VISIONS MAGAZINE |   19
Community Profile
Company                          Employees        Product
Akebono                              795          Brakes
Nemak USA                            294          Die Cast Aluminum Parts/Automotive
Chuhatsu North America               275          Automotive Control Cables
Driv                                 172          Truck brake friction blocks
Amneal Pharmacueticals               160          Pharmaceuticals
CVS Health/Vanguard Labs             154          Pharmaceuticals
Bluegrass Ingredients                140          Food
SpanTech                              92          Conveyer Systems
Felker Brothers                       91          Stainless steel pipe & tube
B R Treading                          90          Treading/Plugs/Tubes
3A Composites                        80           Composite Panels
Madison Smith Machine & Tool          75          Machine & Weld Shop for industry
Dickerson Lumber                      75          Wood/Forest Products
JNM                                   67          Automotive Stamping
Burkmann Feeds                        56          Animal Feed
Walbert Trucking                      50          Transportation
Brokering Solutions                   50          Transportation
Tekno                                 43          Conveyer Systems
Ply-Tech                             40           Wood/Forest Products

     Nashville International Airport - 90 Miles
        440 Daily Direct Flights 50-non-stop destinations
        Supports 13.5 million passengers per year
     Louisville International Airport - 95 Miles
        Direct Flights to 32 Cities in the US
        Home of UPS Worldport - moves 6.2 billion pounds of cargo annually
     Glasgow Municipal Airport
        Houses 35 aircraft • Runway length: 5,302
        Primarily used for recreation, industry and medical transport
        I-65 • Cumberland Parkway • Outer Loop
        Served by CSX Railroad
        Louisville River Port
        Owensboro River Port
                                                                                       REFLECTIONS MAGAZINE |   21
Community Profile

          LABOR FORCE 20,063
          TOTAL EMPLOYMENT Q1/2020 18,371
                  BARREN COUNTY 20 MIN
                  CITY OF GLASGOW 15 MIN
          AVERAGE ANNUAL WAGES $35,495 UP 1.4%

Education                                     Barren County has three School Districts,
                                              11 schools and 8,258 students K-12
                                              Average Student-teacher ratio 17:3
                                              Average Advanced Placement Rate 98%
                                              Average Graduation Rate 96%
                                              Average Attendance 94%
                                              Glasgow High School
                                              •   Ranked #11 in KY, Top 2% of High Schools
                                              •   Top 6% in the Nation
                                              •   SAT scores above State & National Average
                                              •   Model School designation from ICLE
                                              •   93% of teachers have Masters Degree or higher
                                              •   3X Quiz Bowl National Champs
                                              Barren County High School
                                              • PLTW Distinguished School (1 of 6 in KY/ 1 of 143
                                                in the nation)
                                              • AP Capstone School (1 of 23 in KY, with
TOP 5 HIGH DEMAND SECTOR                        14 Advanced Placement Course Offerings)
PROGRAMS & CERTIFICATIONS                     • Nationally Certified PLTW Biomedical Science Program
                                              • Over 34 Career & Technical Education Pathways (With
• Advanced Manufacturing • Healthcare           nationally recognized Student Leadership Organizations)
• Construction • Transportation & Logistics   • State of the art STEM Programs at the Barren County
• Business & Information Technology             Innovation Zone
                                              • Early College Magnet Program - Average ACT scores
                                                exceed state and national averages
Small Business Resources
                         Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development (KCED)
                         Small Business Tax Credit
                         Small Business Credit Initiative
                         Export Assistance - STEP Grant
                         SBIR/STTR Funding Assistance
                         Selling Farmer Tax Credit
                         Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
                         Consulting, Planning and training for small businesses and start-ups
                         Kentucky Procurement Technical Assistance Center (KYPTAC)
                         Coaching and counseling for government procurement opportunities
                         Revolving Loan Fund Programs
                         Barren River Area Development District (BRADD)
                         Barren County Economic Development Authority

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                                                                                                      VISIONS MAGAZINE |            23
The sun sets over the Cedar Grove community in southern Barren County. Photo courtesy of Wayne Garmon Photography

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                                                                        REFLECTIONS MAGAZINE |   25
                     Glasgow Water                                C O M P A N Y
By Melinda J. Overstreet
Glasgow Water Co. has invested in its facilities in a massive manner         treatment processes in terms of methodology and efficiency.
over the past several years, and the rewards for that financial and work     “We’ve lowered our operating costs with new technologies,” Young said
commitment are manifesting in multiple ways.                                 of what has essentially been a complete overhaul of the wastewater
The commonwealth’s 11th largest water utility – up from 14th in roughly      plant.
the past year – operates two water treatment plants and a wastewater         “The upgrades that were made to the plant will allow industrial
treatment plant that have both undergone significant transformations.        dischargers more leeway in the types and volumes of waste streams that
That ranking is based on the number of direct customer connections,          they can discharge to the plant,” he said.
and GWC is fast approaching the 20,000 mark. GWC also sells part of the
more than 3.1 billion gallons of water it processes per year to five other   From a water standpoint, the main plant’s additional treatment capacity,
area utilities, each of which only counts, for size-ranking purposes, as     which was doubled in 2007, and the construction of a redundant main
one connection.                                                              transmission line from the plant into Glasgow currently under way
                                                                             allows GWC to serve larger industrial customers that have a need for a
GWC also has 7,234 customer connections to its “sanitary sewer,” also        large daily demand, e.g. in excess of 1 million gallons per day, provided
known as wastewater, system; it treats 1.1 billion gallons of wastewater     they are close enough to the existing infrastructure for proper access.
                                                                             The upgrades at the plants and to their respective systems were
The utility, which has 55 employees, maintains 901 miles of water            designed not just to meet today’s needs but to anticipate future
distribution system and 151 miles of sewer collection system.                regulatory requirements and volume needs to help ensure solid service
“We’re just now really getting into extending sewer out into the             to the community for years to come. At the same time, GWC’s rates have
unincorporated parts of the county,” said Scott Young, general manager.      remained among the lowest in Kentucky.
More than $44.2 million in capital improvements have taken place since       The Glasgow Water and Sewer Commission, which oversees GWC, sought
2006, with nearly $27 million of that in the past five years, he said.       and received authorization from the city government to raise rates up to
The projects have immensely increased capacity and improved                  3 percent per year for five years.

“We’re actually in Year Four of that operation, and we’ve only raised         and those improvements were driven by looking at long-term needs of
rates one time,” Young said. “From a long-term perspective, we                our community, looking at water and wastewater quality in the service
have a 30-year capital improvement plan that projects out what our            that we provide to the community,” Young said. “Our accomplishments
infrastructure needs are, and we’re following that plan, and we have          validate our commitment by our staff, our administration and our board
roughly about $6 million worth of improvements scheduled for the              of directors to provide the means to produce quality drinking water
current fiscal year.” These efforts have not gone unnoticed by GWC’s          and wastewater services. Without the dedication and hard work of all
industry peers, either; the list of accolades and awards has grown            of our certified staff, lab analysts, microbiologists, engineers and other
steadily over the past few years.                                             operations personnel, these accomplishments wouldn’t be possible.
                                                                              Our people make us an industry leader in an organization of which our
“It’s recognition of the tangible results that we’ve made in our system,
                                                                              community can be proud.”

• 2006-2020 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Area Wide Optimization Program participant – Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
• 2020, 2018 and 2012 Kentucky Best Tasting Water Award – Kentucky Rural Water Association
• 2020 Operator Meritorious Service Award (to Tim Smiley, water plant superintendent)
  – Kentucky/Tennessee Section American Water Works Association
• 2019 Best of the Best Taste Test Award – Kentucky/Tennessee Section AWWA
• 2019 and 2018 Microbial AWOP Champion Award – Ky. Energy and Environment Cabinet
• 2018 Engineering Excellence Grand Award – American Council of Engineering Companies of Kentucky
• 2018 Environmental Project of the Year – American Public Works Association of Kentucky
• 2018 Kentucky Excellence in Energy Leadership Award – Ky. Energy and Environment Cabinet
• 2017 Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Year – Kentucky Water and Wastewater Operator’s Association
• 2016 Governor’s Safety and Health Award – Kentucky Labor Cabinet
• 2015 Water Treatment Plant of the Year – KWWOA
• July 2016 and February 2019 cover stories on GWC water treatment plant and wastewater treatment plant, respectively
  – Treatment Plant Operator, national magazine publication
• 2014 Wooden Bucket Award – KRWAhttps://www.atmosenergy.com/Caveland Environmental Authority https://ceawater.com/

                                                          502 Mammoth Cave Street
                 CAVE CITY                                Cave City, KY 42127
                                                          cavecity conventioncenter.com
                 CONVENTION CENTER                        270-773-3131 • Fax: 270-773-8834

      • 4,000 square feet of meeting space               • Alcohol service
      • Free Parking                                     • State of the art audio-visual capabilities
      • Flexible facilities, accomodating groups         • Meeting space internet bandwidth
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      • 6 individual meeting rooms for groups            • Professional Events Staff                       range of services to fit your specific needs.
        from 25-300                                      • 4000 square foot outdoor pavilion with          Whether you need a place for banquets,
                                                                                                           conferences, meetings, reunions, concerts,
      • Auditorium seating up to 600                       electric service and restroom facilities        receptions, trade shows, or more- our
      • Banquet seating from 25-450                                                                        experienced professional staff is available
                                                                                                           to make your event planning effortless.

                                                                                                                                VISIONS MAGAZINE |     27
Other Utilities
                                                           Glasgow Water Company though overseen by a separate
                                                           commission, is municipally owned. The same applies
                                                           to the Glasgow Electric Plant Board, which offers not
                                                           only electrical power within the city that is purchased
                                                           wholesale from the Tennessee Valley Authority, but also
                                                           high-speed Internet and cable television services in the
                                                           Glasgow vicinity.
                                                           The Glasgow EPB operates, according to its website, “the
                                                           first municipally-owned combination electric power
                                                           and broadband utility system in the United States. We
                                                           have come to call ourselves an Infotricity Utility as
                                                           a way to demonstrate our vision that electric power
                                                           and broadband form a new kind of product that will
                                                           completely transform the way communities work. Our
                                                           Infotricity Utility is working diligently to find ways to
                                                           make our energy usage, and our community life, totally
                                                           sustainable and self-reliant.”
                                                           High-speed Internet and cable television services
                                                           are also offered through South Central Rural
                                                           Telecommunications Cooperative, which additionally
                                                           provides landline telephone service.
                                                           Most of the rest of Barren County gets its electrical
                                                           power through Farmers Rural Electric Cooperative Corp.,
      LEARN MORE ABOUT                                     which is among the 16 member owners of East Kentucky

                                                           Power Cooperative, which produces the power that is
                                                           then acquired by Farmers RECC and others.
                                                           Kentucky Utilities’ electric-power service area includes
      Glasgow Water Co.
                                                           the vicinities of Cave City and its northern neighbor,
                                                           Horse Cave, in Hart County.
      Glasgow Electric Plant Board                         Atmos Energy’s natural gas service fuels the heating
      http://www.glasgowepb.net/                           sources, stoves and/or water heaters for many Barren
                                                           County homes and businesses as well.
      South Central Rural Telecommunications Cooperative
                                                           Circling back to water and wastewater, Caveland
                                                           Environmental Authority serves the northwestern portion
                                                           of Barren County, as well as parts of two adjoining
      Farmers Rural Electric Cooperative Corp.
      https://farmersrecc.com/                             counties, providing and maintaining water service for
                                                           Cave City, Park City and Mammoth Cave. It owns, operates
      Kentucky Utilities                                   and maintains wastewater treatment plants in Cave City
      https://lge-ku.com/                                  and Horse Cave and a pretreatment plant to provide
                                                           sanitary sewer services to those three communities plus
      Atmos Energy                                         two others.
      https://www.atmosenergy.com/                         CEA takes great pride in its efforts toward “preserving
                                                           the resources of today to allow for a cleaner and safer
      Caveland Environmental Authority
                                                           environment for the generations of tomorrow,” its
                                                           website states.

Here in Glasgow, Amneal
is making healthy possible

                                                                                            Ask for Amneal
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             A leading U.S. manufacturer of generic and branded pharmaceuticals,

              Amneal is proud to be part of the Glasgow community. It’s here that our
                                                                                            local pharmacy
              commercial operations and distribution teams ensure customers receive the

              medications they need to help patients lead healthier lives. And it’s where

              we give back to our community through volunteer and philanthropic work.

              Because at Amneal, our products don’t just make healthy possible for more

              people around the nation, they help keep our local economy healthy too.

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                                                                                                        VISIONS MAGAZINE |   29
Love Makes a House a Home
                        Any family that has faced the challenges of an end of life journey understands the sorrows and celebrations
                        which come with the passing of a loved one. There are thousands of unknowns which lie ahead. Their loved
                        ones may be undergoing treatments, trying new therapies, clinging to hope, and fighting for their lives.
                        Having identified a need for a residential hospice home in Glasgow, the T.J. Community Mission Foundation
                        board of directors invites the community and larger region to join together in supporting the Shanti
                        Niketan Hospice Home.
                        The Shanti Niketan Hospice Home is located at 1020 Glenview Drive in Glasgow, Kentucky, in close
                        proximity to T.J. Samson Community Hospital. Shanti Niketan means “peaceful place”, and the home was
                        designed to comfort both patients and family members. The facility includes eight inpatient rooms, each
                        with private patio access that can accommodate a hospital bed. There are gathering places for families
                        including two living rooms with a fireplace and bookshelves, as well as a kitchen and two dining spaces.

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