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JUNE 2022

                                                                               CABIN INTERIORS
                                                                               F–35B IN UK SERVICE

June 2022
Volume 49 Number 6

                                                   BRIGHTER FUTURE
                                      CAN SOLAR POWER FROM SPACE MEET THE NET ZERO CHALLENGE?
Royal Aeronautical Society
Volume 49 Number 6
          June 2022

             EDITORIAL                                                                                                                                 Contents
             The truth is out there                                                                                                                    Regulars
                                                                                                                                                       4 Radome                                          12 Transmission
             As AEROSPACE goes to press, the US Congress is set to hold the first                                                                      The latest aviation and                           Your letters, emails, tweets
             open hearing about UFOs in half a century – indicating a shift in official                                                                aeronautical intelligence,                        and social media feedback.
                                                                                                                                                       analysis and comment.
             thinking from the giggle factor of ‘alien conspiracy’ to an aerospace subject                                                                                                               58 The Last Word
             worthy of serious investigation – as well as a potential risk to flight safety.                                                           11 Pushing the Envelope                           This month Keith Hayward
             The spur for this was the declassification of US Navy Super Hornet FLIR                                                                   Rob Coppinger looks at the                        wonders if the air transport
                                                                                                                                                       aeronautical applications of                      industry recovery is here
             footage, credible aircrew eyewitness accounts and radar tracks on both                                                                    colour-changing liveries.                         to stay.
             coasts of the US – with the Pentagon releasing the FLIR video in 2020.
                  Some, for instance, believe the US Navy encounters to be adversary spy
             UAVs to get an insight into the electronic order of battle of a US carrier group.                                                              Features
             However, if the objects seen were UAVs, then a mothership (or submarine)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Airbus Helicopters
             must have been nearby to launch them, and transmissions of their ELINT                                                        14                                                           28
             collection downlinked or otherwise returned to its owners. Conversely, if these

                                                                                                                                           Urban Air Port
             are visitors from another planet, who are keeping tabs on a superpower’s latest
             military technology, one might ask why fighter pilots have not seen similar
             phenomena in the Nevada ranges, around the Area 51 test area, and at Red                                                                  Hailing the future
             Flag, where the US also tests its latest exotic classified military technology.                                                           Advanced urban air mobility                       Blues and crews
                  Some might argue that even the mere mention of UFO/UAPs has no                                                                       should not be seen as niche                       A look at various human factors
                                                                                                                                                       VIP air taxis, but potentially a                  issues on police helicopter
             place in a publication of the RAeS but this cultural shift in high-level official                                                         social good for all.                              operations.
             US policy, particularly in whether these represent adversary threats or are a                                                            18 View from the interior                          32 Friedrichshafen’s future
             danger to flight safety, means that politicians, decision-makers, the media and                                                          A look ahead to the Hamburg                        flying machines
             general public will be looking towards those with knowledge and experience                                                               Aircraft Interiors Exhibition,                     The latest from the GA world
                                                                                                                                                      which takes place in person for                    on show at the Aero 2022
             of weather, aerodynamics, propulsion, materials, engineering, aviation medicine                                                          the first time post-pandemic.                      exhibition..
             and human factors for learned, independent and critical analysis. While their                                                                                                               36 Gone in 90 seconds

             true nature is still a mystery, this topic is now shifting away from fringe alien
             conspiracy theorists and towards the aerospace mainstream.
                                                                                                                                           23                                                            Is it time to review the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         EASA/FAA emergency exit


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Crown Copyright
             Tim Robinson FRAeS, Editor-in-Chief
                Correspondence on all aerospace matters is welcome at:                                                   Tackling net zero from
          Editor-in-Chief                                 Editorial Office                           2022 AEROSPACE subscription                      Report from the RAeS
          Tim Robinson FRAeS                              Royal Aeronautical Society                 rates: Non-members, £195                         Towards a Space-enabled Net                       UK Lightnings: a
          +44 (0)20 7670 4353                             No.4 Hamilton Place                        To place your order, contact:                    Zero Earth conference.
                    London W1J 7BQ, UK                                                                                                                            decade on
                                                                                                     Wayne J Davis
          Deputy Editor
                                                          +44 (0)20 7670 4300                        +44 (0)20 7670 4354                              25 Protolabs – Sponsored                          A look back at the first
          Stephen Bridgewater
                                                                              content                                           decade of Lockheed Martin
          +44 (0)20 7670 4351                   
                                                                                                     Any member not requiring a print                 Accelerating change to meet                       F-35B Lightning operations
             AEROSPACE is published by the Royal        version of this magazine should                  challenges on the horizon                         by the UK.
                                                          Aeronautical Society (RAeS).               contact:
          Production Manager
                                                          Chief Executive
          Wayne J Davis FRAeS                                                                        USA: Periodical postage paid at
          +44 (0)20 7670 4354                             David Edwards FRAeS                        Champlain New York and additional
                     Advertising                                offices.
                                                          +44 (0)20 7670 4346                        Postmaster: Send address changes                  44 Message from our President
          Publications Executive
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          Chris Male FRAeS                                                                                                                             45 Message from the Chief Executive
          +44 (0)20 7670 4352                                                                        Champlain NY 12919-1518, USA.
                                                          Unless specifically attributed, no                                                           46 Book reviews
                      material in AEROSPACE shall be taken       ISSN 2052-451X
          Production Executive                            to represent the opinion of the RAeS.                                                        50 Profile of the New RAeS President
          Annabel Hallam                                  Reproduction of material used in this                                                        51 RAeS Council 2022-2023
          +44 (0)20 7670 4361                             publication is not permitted without the
                  written consent of the Editor-in-Chief.                                                      52 Branch Lecture Report - 1957 Defence White Paper
          Book Review Editors                             Printed by Buxton Press Limited,                                                             54 New Member Spotlight
          Tony Pilmer and Katrina Sudell                  Palace Road, Buxton, Derbyshire
                    SK17 6AE, UK                                                                                 55 RAeS Diary
                                                          Distributed by Royal Mail                                                                    56 Elections
          Cover: Detail of a solar panel from the International Space Station. (NASA).                                                                 57 Obituary - Dick Collinson
                             Additional content is available to view online at:
                               Including: Gone in 90 seconds? Ukraine - time to fast-track front-line fighter pilot training? New
                                                                                                                                                                       Read AEROSPACE and the Insight blog on your
                              Member spotlight, Inspiration nation, Downfall: The case against Boeing - Reviewed, Friedrichshafen’s                                    smartphone or tablet with the AEROSPACE app.
                                                      future flying machines. Tackling net zero from space.                                                 APP           Available from iTunes and Google Play.

                  @aerosociety           i    Find us on LinkedIn          f    Find us on Facebook                                                                                            JUNE 2022                           13
Contents June 2022 FINAL.indd 1                                                                                                                                                                                                     19/05/2022 13:17
                          INTELLIGENCE / ANALYSIS / COMMENT

                                      ‘Call the ball’
                                      The MQ-9B’s existing automatic take-off
                                      and landing systems can be integrated with
                                      existing auto recovery systems, such as
                                      the Joint Precision Approach and Landing
                                      System (JPALS). In flight, control can be
                                      passed via satellite to other controllers or
                                      even other crewed aircraft.

                                      Folding wings
                                      The new wings would feature an
                                      asymmetric folding mechanism to reduce
                                      deck footprint and overall height.
    General Atomics-ASI

4                         AEROSPACE
Quick change                                                   Specifications
Swapping between the STOL wings/tail                           Endurance        Approx 30hr
and conventional wing-tail would allow                         Payload          3,600lb
maximum flexibility for commanders,                            Cruising speed   175kt
allowing the MQ-9B to use its regular
long-span wings for maximum endurance
from land bases or keeping adversaries
guessing by island-hopping beyond the
range of the STOL variant.

                                                               Full length flaperons
                                                               Full span high-lift flaperons on the
                                                               MQ-9B would give STOL performance,
                                                               allowing the MQ-9B to land and take off
                                                               on small carriers without the need for
                                                               catapults or arrestor gear.
Weapon fits
Renderings of the MQ-9B STOL show
sonobuoy pods and short-range AIM-9X
air-to-air missiles for self defence. Land-based
MQ-9s already fly with Hellfire and LGBs while,
in April 2022, General Atomics revealed it had
integrated the Leonardo Seaspray 7500E V2
multimode maritime radar on to the MQ-9.


 MQ-9B gets sea legs
 US UAV manufacturer General Atomics-ASI has unveiled a new quick-change variant of its MQ-9B MALE
 drone, a ship-based STOL kit. The naval MQ-9B STOL uses the common fuselage of the Sky Guardian/
 Sea Guardian but adds new folding wings and larger V-tail which the company says can be swapped
 between the standard wings and empennage in just a few hours. With the STOL kit installed, the
 MQ-9B’s take-off distance is reduced from 3,500ft for land runways to under 1,000ft, allowing it to
 operate from aircraft carriers or amphibious assault ships. Renders released by GA-ASI also show the
 MQ-9B armed with sonobuoy pods and AIM-9X air-to-air missiles.
                                                                                                JUNE 2022   5

          West steps up arms’                                               TB2s, Su-27s strike Snake Island

                                                                                                                                                                     Ukrainian MoD
           More Western-supplied            Ukraine but features
           arms and equipment is            a six-hour operational
           now flowing to Ukraine,          endurance. In mid-May the
           including artilllery,            first footage of ground-
           precision missiles,              launched UK-supplied
           Gepard self-propelled            anti-armour Brimstone
           anti-aircraft guns and           missiles being used by
           loitering kamikaze               Ukraine also emerged.
           drones. The VTOL                  Meanwhile, on 3 May,
           Phoenix Ghost UAV,               UK PM Boris Johnson              Video footage from an armed TB2 UAV released by the Ukrainian MoD has shown a
           developed by the                 announced that the               Russian Mi8 helicopter being destroyed as it unloaded troops on the contested Snake
           USAF under an urgent             country would supply             Island in the Black Sea. Other TB2 footage (above) also showed a pair of Ukrainian
           requirement, is similar to       Malloy T150 heavy-lift           Su-27 Flankers conducting a low-level strike on the island. The TB2 drones have also
           Switchblade ‘kamikaze’           quadcopter UAVs as part          destroyed a Tor mobile SAM system, as well as two Raptor patrol boats and Russian
           drones supplied to               of a £300m aid package.          landing craft as Russia continues to attempt to reinforce its foothold there.

             Supply warplanes to Ukraine, says                                                             Aircraft losses to date
             UK Foreign Secretary                                                                          As AEROSPACE goes to            Meanwhile, an AP
                                                                          The UK’s Foreign Secretary,      press in mid-May, current      investigation has found
                                                                          Liz Truss MP, has said that      verified losses through        evidence suggesting that
                                                                          the West should step up its      social media photos            600 civilians were killed
                                                                          supply of heavy weapons          or video of wreckage,          in a Russian airstrike
                                                                          to assist Ukraine in its fight   collated by the Oryx           on a theatre in Mariupol
                                                                          against Russia, including
                                                                                                           OSINT tracker are:             in March. It is thought
                                                                          providing warplanes. She
                                                                          said the West needed             Russia:                        that 1,000 people were
    Ukrainian MoD

                                                                          to ‘double down’ on its          26 aircraft                    sheltering in the theatre at
                                                                          support, including giving        41 helicopters,                the time which served as
                                                                          “heavy weapons, tanks,           61 UAVs                        the city’s main air shelter
                                                                          aeroplanes – digging deep        Ukraine:                       and was marked with a
               into our inventories.” Previous plans to transfer surplus MiG-29s have remained             20 aircraft                    large sign on the ground
               in limbo due to fears of escalation, although the US has confirmed that Western
                                                                                                           7 helicopters                  outside saying ‘children’
               countries have supplied spare parts to enable the Ukrainian air force to get some of
               its grounded combat aircraft back in the air.                                               22 UAVs                        visible from the air.

                                            Both carriers will retain                                      demonstrator CubeSats          as powered-lift aircraft
    Airbus has announced it                 their independent brands        The UK MoD has                 equipped with radio            – an existing category
    is to expand its single-                but will operate under a        announced that its             transmission sensors and       within FAR 21.17(b) –
    aisle US production line in             holding company structure       Prometheus-2 mission           imagers.                       and eventually develop
    Mobile, Alabama, adding                 named Abra Group.               will be the first British                                     additional regulations.
    a third assembly line and                                               satellite launched from        In a surprise
    1,000 jobs. The move                    After 45 years, on              British soil this summer.      announcement the FAA           Stratolaunch’s Roc
    is aimed at raising the                 27 April, the last              The Prometheus-2 mission       has decided to ‘modify         carrier aircraft carried
    monthly production rate of              USAF F-15C Eagles               will be launched by Virgin     its regulatory approach’       out its fifth test flight
    A320-family airliners to 75             departed from Europe            Orbit’s 747/Launcher One       towards the certification of   on 5 May. The five-hour
    by 2025.                                to be replaced by F-35A         system which will take off     eVTOL aircraft. Previously,    sortie was the first time
                                            Lightning II fighters. The      from Spaceport Cornwall        developers had been            the aircraft had carried
    Colombian airline Avianca               48th Fighter Wing Eagles        airport in Newquay. The        aiming to certify eVTOLs       the large pylon, created
    and Brazil’s GOL have                   were based at RAF               mission, which involves        under Part 23 regulations      to release the company’s
    agreed to a merger                      Lakenheath for almost 30        international partners,        for light aircraft. Now        Talon-A hypersonic
    to create a pan-Latin                   years in the air superiority    including the US NRO,          the FAA says it plans to       vehicles. The aluminium
    American airline network.               role.                           features two technology        certify these new craft        and carbon-fibre pylon

AIR TRANSPORT                                                                                            GENERAL AVIATION

                                                                                                         Stunt pilots’ licences
                                                                                                         revoked by FAA
                                                                                                         The US Federal Aviation        the second instance, on
                                                                                                         Administration has             12 May, the FAA revoked
                                                                                                         revoked the licences of        the licences of both pilots
                                                                                                         pilots involved in two         who were involved in
                                                                                                         separate aerial stunts.        a failed Red Bull Plane
                                                                                                         In the first instance, it      Swap livestream aerial
  Qantas confirms future fleet plan                                                                      revoked the licence of
                                                                                                         a pilot and YouTuber
                                                                                                                                        stunt, where they both
                                                                                                                                        attempted to skydive
Qantas Group has confirmed that it will order 12 Airbus A350-1000s, 20 A220s and                         Trevor Jacob who               between separate Cessna
20 A321XLRs as part of its fleet regeneration. The A350-1000 was selected following                      allegedly staged an            182s. Chief pilot Luke
an evaluation, known as Project Sunrise, and will enable the carrier to operate the                      in-flight emergency and        Aikins admitted that he
world’s longest commercial flights. These will include linking Sydney and Melbourne with                 parachuted from a 1940’s       had continued with the
destinations, such as London and New York non-stop for the first time ever. Featuring a                  Taylorcraft aircraft over      aerial stunt, despite the
premium layout, the A350 fleet will also be used by Qantas on other international services.              California in order to         FAA refusing to grant him
The A350-1000 is powered by the latest-generation Trent XWB engines from Rolls-Royce.                    make a YouTube video. In       an exemption.

AEROSPACE                                                        SPACEFLIGHT

Boeing to move company                                                                                                       Orbex reveals
HQ to Arlington, VA                                                                                                        Prime prototype
Boeing announced on 5           quantum sciences and
May that it was moving its      software and systems
global HQ from Chicago,         engineering.
Illinois, to Arlington,          Meanwhile, it has
Virginia. The company also      emerged that the US
plans to develop an R&D         FAA has asked Boeing to
hub in Northern Virginia        send revised certification
to “harness and attract         documents for resuming
engineering and technical       787 deliveries after
capabilities.” Boeing           the original ones were           UK vertical space launch company Orbex has unveiled the first full-scale prototype
says that development           incomplete. Deliveries of        of its Prime rocket, on a test stand in Scotland. The 62ft long Prime launcher, which
at the new hub will             787s have been paused            is intended to be reusable and features 3D printed engines with renewable biofuel,
focus on cyber-security,        for a year due to extra          is undergoing ground testing at Kinloss, with launches to take place at Space Hub
autonomous operations,          inspections and repairs.         Sutherland.

takes up 14ft of the            aircraft manufacturer            The ruling, by a UK court                                              government services’
Roc’s 95ft wing-centre          Airbus to keep producing         in London, means that                   On 6 May, four astronauts      portfolio. BIH currently
section and includes a          A321neos for it, after           Airbus is now free to                   from the International         operates SAR services for
winch system that will be       the airframer unilaterally       market these aircraft to                Space Station (ISS) safely     the UK MoD, FOST (Fleet
used to load the Talon          cancelled the order for          other customers.                        splashed down in the           Operational Sea Training)
vehicles from the ground.       50 airliners over a dispute                                              Gulf of Mexico aboard          for the Royal Navy and
The company plans               with the airline. The            China has tested a new                  the SpaceX Crew Dragon         support services in the
to begin flight testing         unprecedented action             naval vertically-launched               Endurance. The mission         Falkland Islands.
the rocket-powered,             by a manufacturer of             anti-ship ballistic missile.            was the first flight for the
autonomous, reusable            cancelling a customer’s          The YJ-21 or Eagle Strike               Endurance Crew Dragon          Australian company
Talon-A vehicles in 2023.       orders was the result            21, which has a range of                capsule, one of four used      Aviation H2 is to convert
They are designed to carry      of an escalating spat            over 600nm, was fired                   to support the ISS.            a Dassault Falcon 50 to
customisable payloads at        between Airbus and               from a Type 055 missile                                                fly partially on ammonia.
speeds above Mach 5.            Qatar over defects on            destroyer and is a ship-                Bristow Group is               The test aircraft will have
                                the surface paint of its         launched variant of the                 to acquire British             one of its three engines
Qatar Airways has lost          A350 which the carrier           land-based DF-21 ‘carrier               International Helicopters      converted to run on the
a legal battle to force         claims has safety issues.        killer’ ballistic missile.              (BIH) to strengthen its        fuel.

                                                                                                                                                          JUNE 2022           7
    GENERAL AVIATION                                                                                                    DEFENCE

    All-electric Sherwood eKub flies                                                                                    NGAD fighter to cost
                                                                                                                        twice that of F-35

                                                                                                    EnabEl consortium
                                                                                                                        Speaking to Congress on         uncrewed variant, saying:
                                                                                                                        27 April, Air Force Secretary   “that’s one of the reasons
                                                                                                                        Frank Kendall confirmed that    I’m introducing the idea of
                                                                                                                        the USAF’s Next Generation      uncrewed combat aircraft
                                                                                                                        Air Dominance future fighter    that are much less expensive
                                                                                                                        programme will cost twice       and can be attritable.” At
                                                                                                                        as much as the F-35A            the same hearing before
                                                                                                                        on a per airframe basis         the House Armed Services
                                                                                                                        – making it the service’s       Committee, Kendall also
    On 21 April, EnabEl programme manager Dr Guy Gratton FRAeS flew an all-electric                                     most expensive fighter          indicated that the number of
    version of the single-seat Sherwood Kub kitplane on its first flight from Little Snoring,                           ever by quite some margin.      F-15EX Eagle II airframes
    Norfolk. The EnabEl: (Enabling Electrification of Aircraft) project is a partnership between                        According to Kendall, the       on order could be cut from
    the Light Aircraft Company (TLAC), Cranfield University, Flylight and CDO2 and funded                               NGAD programme will also        144 to 80 as a cost-saving
    by Innovate UK through the Future Flight Challenge.                                                                 include a less expensive,       measure.

    AIR TRANSPORT                                                    AEROSPACE

                                                                                                                                                                                       ATR Aircraft
    Airlines in EU and US
    remove mask mandates
    Following a ruling on 18         Covid-19 masks in airports
    April, the majority of US        and on flights in Europe.
    airlines have lifted mandatory   The guidance, from aviation
    rules for the wearing of         regulator EASA and European
    Covid-19 masks on flights.       Centre for Disease Prevention
    Airline employees no
    longer are required by law
                                     and Control (ECDC) also
                                     says that airports can drop
                                                                     ATR flies STOL variant
    to wear masks, along with        distancing measures if          The ATR42-600S STOL variant performed its maiden flight from Francazal Airport
    passengers, although airlines    these cause bottlenecks         near Toulouse on 11 May. Prior to conversion, the airframe served as the prototype
    are still recommending that      themselves. However,            ATR 42-600 but it has been adapted to be able to operate from runways as short as
    passengers wear masks.           regulators also said that       800m (2,625ft). Modifications have included the reinforcement of the rear fuselage,
    Meanwhile, from 16 May it        airlines should continue to     installation of autobraking and ground spoiler systems, as well as associated multi-
    will no longer be mandatory      promote the use of facemasks    functional computer systems. The installation of the new, larger rudder is planned later
    for passengers to wear           and safe hygiene.               this year after initial flight tests.

                                                                     add two more converted                             transition to unleaded fuel     certification scrutiny in
    In early May, Etihad             Hungary is to procure           Boeing 747s to its fleet to                        can be accomplished.            the wake of the 737
    conducted 42 ‘EcoFlights’        12 Aero Vodochody               act as launch aircraft for                                                         MAX crashes.
    over five days, including        advanced jet trainers with      its LauncherOne rocket.                            Boeing has confirmed
    22 contrail prevention           deliveries to commence          L3Harris will undertake                            that the first delivery         Textron Aviation delivered
    flights. Using an                from 2024. The air force        the conversions which                              of its new widebody             the first Cessna
    Airbus A350, the trial           will use them for lead-in       will bring Virgin’s small                          airliner, the 777X, has         SkyCourier twin utility
    evaluated operational            pilot training for its Gripen   sat launch aircraft fleet to                       been delayed to early           turboprop to launch
    efficiencies, technology         C fighters, as well as          three.                                             2025. Production of             customer, FedEx Express
    and procedures that will         reconnaissance. The                                                                the 777-9 will now be           on 9 May. The airframe
    reduce carbon emissions.         L-39NG is an updated            The 110 members of                                 paused in 2023 to avoid         is the first of 50 freighter
    Tests included optimising        version of the L-39 trainer     the US-based Avgas                                 a build-up of excess            versions that the global
    flight paths and working         with a new Williams             Coalition have written                             inventory. The aircraft         logistics firm has ordered
    with UK-based SATAVIA            engine, modern cockpit          to the Department of                               was originally meant            with options for a further
    to avoid flying in areas         and five hardpoints.            Transportation and FAA to                          to have been handed             50. The clean-sheet
    where water vapour from                                          ensure the availability of                         over in 2020 but has            aircraft achieved FAA
    engines forms contrails          Horizontal space launch         low-lead 100LL aviation                            been hampered by the            type certification in March
    and ice crystals.                provider Virgin Orbit is to     fuel until an orderly                              pandemic and tougher            2022.

SPACEFLIGHT                                                   AEROSPACE

Catch a falling rocket                                       Royal Mail plans 500-strong drone
On 3 May, US-New               parachute and at 6,500ft
                                                             delivery fleet

                                                                                                                                                                            Royal Mail
Zealand launch company         Rocket Lab’s Sikorsky
Rocket Lab achieved a          S-92 helicopter used a
major reusable milestone       hook on a long line to
with the mid-air capture       snag the parachute line.
of its Electron first stage    However, the pilots then
by a helicopter for the        jettisoned the booster
first time. Following lift-    after concerns about the
off from the company’s         weight distribution of
Launch Complex 1 on            the payload. It was then
New Zealand’s Mãhia            recovered by ship. Rocket     The UK’s postal service, the Royal Mail, has announced ambitious plans to expand its drone
Peninsula, the first           Lab has already launched      delivery services for remote regions, adding 50+ new routes over the next three years and a fleet
stage of the ‘There And        146 satellites into orbit     of 500 drones. The service has already been trialling Windracer drones, which carry up to 100kg
Back Again’ mission            from 26 flights using its     of letters and parcels, on four routes in the UK over the past 18 months, including the Isle of Mull,
returned to Earth under a      Electron launcher.            Isles of Scilly, the Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands.

DEFENCE                                                                                                         AIR TRANSPORT

                                                                                              Crown copyright
 UK New                                                                                                         Republic pushes for
 Medium                                                                                                         1,500 hour exemption
 Helicopter                                                                                                     In a bid to stave off a        rationale is that former

 procurement                                                                                                    looming pilot shortage
                                                                                                                crisis, US regional carrier
                                                                                                                                               military pilots wanting to
                                                                                                                                               transition to a commercial
 lifts-off                                                                                                      Republic Airways has
                                                                                                                requested an exemption
                                                                                                                                               pilot career in commercial
                                                                                                                                               aviation are already
                                                                                                                to allow pilots to begin       given an exemption to
                                                                                                                their careers in the           start flying commercially
                                                                                                                cockpit after completing       under a restricted ATPL.
The UK MoD has officially launched the New Medium Helicopter procurement phase                                  750 hours. Since 2009,         Republic is asking that
which seeks to replace the RAF’s Airbus Puma HC2 fleet along with three other types                             the US FAA has required        pilots who graduate from
(Bell 212/412 and the Airbus AS365) in a deal for up to 44 rotorcraft that could be                             would-be commercial            its rigorous closed-loop
worth £1.2bn. Likely bidders include Airbus Helicopters (H175M), Bell (525 Relentless),                         pilots to complete 1,500       training programme
Leonardo (AW149), Lockheed Martin (Black Hawk) and AceHawk Aerospace (pre-owned                                 flight hours before they       are granted the same
Black Hawks.)                                                                                                   can start with airlines. The   exemption.

The USAF has announced         The US Vice-President                                                            ON THE MOVE
that its next AEW&C            Kamala Harris has               In the May 2022 issue of
platform, taking over from     announced that the              AEROSPACE on p49 it                                                             Senior Vice President of
                                                               was stated in a picture
its legacy E-3A AWACS          country will cease testing      caption that the simulator
                                                                                                                Rachel Gardner-Poole is        Fuels at airport services
fleet, will be the Boeing      of kinetic anti-satellite       was at the University of                         the new head of the UK’s       specialist Menzies
E-7 Wedgetail. The E-7         missiles in a move              Sheffield. This particular                       Zero Emission Flight (ZEF)     Aviation.
is already in service with     designed to encourage           Merlin MP521 simulator is                        Delivery Group.
                                                               actually at Sheffield Hallam
Australian, Turkish and        other countries to follow                                                                                       Tyler Painter has joined
South Korean air forces,       suit. The US, India, China      On the BLUEPRINT page                            Campbell Wilson, currently     advanced air mobility
as well as being procured      and Russia have all carried     in the same issue, on p5, it                     CEO of SIA low-cost            company Wisk Aero as its
by the Royal Air Force.        out direct-ascent ASAT          was stated that the crusing                      subsidiary Scoot, has          new CFO.
A contract award will be       tests in the past which         altitude was ‘30,000lb’.                         been named the new
                                                               It should have, of course,
announced in 2023, a           have caused potentially         have been ‘30,000ft’.
                                                                                                                Chief Executive Officer &      Aircraft painting and
production decision in         dangerous space debris                                                           Managing Director of Air       coatings company MAAS
2025 and the first rapid       – with a Russian missile        We apologise for any                             India.                         Aviation Group has
prototype to be delivered      test in November 2021           confusion caused.                                                               appointed Andrew Hoad to
in 2027.                       creating 1,632 fragments.                                                        Marco di Mario is the new      Non-Executive Director.

                                                                                                                                                                JUNE 2022                9
By the Numbers
     Understanding the world of Aerospace through data

     Solar power from orbit – no longer science-fiction?
                       The Sun never sets in space
                                  Solar Power Satellites (SPSs) will collect the Sun’s energy and beam it
                                   securely to a fixed point on Earth. Each SPS can generate more than
                                                     three gigawatts (GW*) of electricity
                                SPS-ALPHA (Solar Power Satellite via Arbitrarily
                                Large Phased Array)                                                       Sunlight †
                                 1  Space launch: Requires low-cost,
                                reusable transportation. Modular
                                construction will allow robotic
                                assembly once in orbit
                                2 Geostationary Earth Orbit:
                                GEO is 35,786km from Earth
                                 3  Heliostat array: Up to 6km wide.
                                Thousands of solar reflectors control
                                orientation of SPS with respect to Sun.
                                Sunlight continuously reflected onto
                                layers of solar panels in array
                                 4   Truss structure: 13km long                              7   Rectifying antenna:
                                 5  Wireless power transmission:                             “Rectenna” converts
                                Solid state WPT unit converts                                microwave beam into
                                energy from solar panels into                                electricity to feed into
                                high-frequency microwave                                     local grid
                                 6   Microwave beam:
                                Two GW of power –
                                equivalent to
                                nuclear power
                                station –
                                to Earth                                Rectenna:

                                                                *Gigawatt: Equal to one billion watts.
                                                                †Sunlight: 1.4 kilowatts/m 2 in GEO – compared
                 Graphic News

                                                                with average of 340 watts/m 2 on Earth
                                Sources: Frazer-Nash, Mankins Space Technology, Inc., NASA              © GRAPHIC NEWS

Pushing the Envelope
Exploring advances on the leading edge of aerospace
                                                                                                                 Robert Coppinger

Colour-changing liveries

                irliner colour schemes or liveries can   –40°C and both automobiles and aircraft are
                vary greatly with designs ranging        expected to operate in hot equatorial, desert-like
                from animals to characters from          conditions. Temperature is a major obstacle for the
                films, but what if they could be         technology. The company that made the film, the
                designed to change at the flick of       E-Ink Corporation, said it is ‘not rated for aircraft
a switch? At the technology show, CES, held in           or automotive use yet. Because it’s a concept
the US earlier this year, BMW demonstrated its           and is not a commercial product, it will not go
iX Flow car, a technology demonstrator whose             into production any time soon for the automotive
exterior changes colour in seconds.                      industry. Additionally, E-Ink is not focused on the
     The iX Flow is a BMW all-electric sports model      aviation industry at this time.’
with a laminated electrophoretic film tailored to             However, there are aviation applications that
its body contours. When electricity is applied, the      call for low altitudes, along with a much more
electrophoretic film produces different colour           benign temperature range. Advertising blimps is
pigments across the surface. The colour change           one of the possibilities where a simple logo could
is not sophisticated enough to show animations           change colour to catch people’s attention. The blimp
– the car’s skin simply changes from one colour          concept is a feasible one for E-Ink co-inventor
to another but in a fluid manner across the entire       Jonathan D Albert. Now working at the University of
vehicle’s body. The iX Flow’s range of colours is        Pennsylvania, Albert invented electronic ink with his
also quite limited, to black and white and shades        colleague Barrett Comiskey.
                                                         Airliner issues
Colour on film
                                                         Albert sees two additional challenges for airliners.
The electrophoretic film consists of millions of         The first is the compound curvature of the
microcapsules, the diameter of a human hair,             typical airline’s tube shape and the second is rain
that contain differently charged white, black or         potentially at any altitude. However, he likes the
coloured particles. Applying a current causes            blimp idea and agreed that electric vertical take-
white, black or coloured pigments to collect at the      off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft were another
surface of the microcapsule, giving the car body         potential application. A medical evacuation eVTOL
the desired colour.                                      could use electronic ink for a flashing red plus
     This is the technology that makes e-reading         sign. Electronic ink can produce a wide range of
devices possible but the words of Shakespeare            colours, Albert explained, but it requires different    THIS IS THE
are not going to be read across the exterior of an       approaches to the technology.
airliner or top-of-the-range automobile.                      For a reliable near-term application, the colour
     While the application of electrophoretic            scheme needs to be simple. Electric air taxis have      THAT MAKES
film to cars may appear clear, the operational           the advantages of being small two-person aircraft       E-READING
environments in which cars and aircraft are tested       with a ready source of electrical power and a           DEVICES
are not so far apart, opening up other possibilities.    small surface area without compound curves. In          POSSIBLE BUT
                                                         a crowded airspace, an eVTOL could darken its           THE WORDS OF
Temperature                                              livery to be clearer against a bright sky or brighten   SHAKESPEARE
                                                         its appearance at dusk or night, in addition to its
While airliners fly at 36,000ft where it can be          on-board lights. Colour-changing technology also
                                                                                                                 ARE NOT GOING
about –55°C, the aerodynamic friction travelling         has potential military applications as the ability to   TO BE READ
at a typical cruise speed raises the aircraft’s          blend with the background scenery for the military      ACROSS THE
surface temperature to approximately –25°C.              is a clear advantage. For now, however, the paint       EXTERIOR OF AN
Cars are tested in environments as low as                shops have nothing to worry about.                      AIRLINER

                                                                                                                            JUNE 2022   11
          LETTERS AND ONLINE                                              @aerosociety       i   Find us on LinkedIn     f   Find us on Facebook

                                             @Autopilotuser                     Campaign for National Spitfire Monument
                                             Nevertheless, I think it

                                                                                                                                                                                                     National Spitfire Project
                                             is now the time to start
                                             training for Western types.
                                             The war will not be gone in
                                             the next 12 months.

                                             @Atamansikka Support
           Downfall: the case                is the issue. It’s not just the
           against Boeing –                  airplane. It’s a whole system
           reviewed                          that needs to be in place.
                                             But the process should
                                             be started and Ukrainians
           @JRicardoBraz [On the
                                             trained to take top-notch
           Insight Blog – Downfall,
                                             Western aircraft.
           the Case Against Boeing
           – Reviewed (2)] The
           documentary did not aim
           to analyse the accidents
           themselves. The idea was to       Why can’t Britain                  The National Spitfire Project          At the heart of the plinth,         Spitfire was instrumental
           start from the accidents to       produce a successful               (1)
                                                                                    has been launched                  visitors will see a Merlin          in defending our country
           go back in time and analyse       light aircraft?                    to build a new, national               engine under reinforced             during the war. We are
                                                                                monument, commemorating                glass, surrounded by                proud to call Southampton
           Boeing’s conduct. Even if
                                                                                the iconic aircraft.                   roundels depicting the 30           the home of the Spitfire
           there was no accident with        @GuyG_Boffin [On
                                                                                The stainless steel Spitfire,          allied air forces that flew the     and I am grateful to the
           the MAX, all of Boeing’s          ‘Inspiration Nation’ in the May    one and a half times the size          Spitfire during its service         government for trusting us
           omissions and negligence          2022 issue of AEROSPACE            of the original aircraft, will         career and emblems to               to deliver this project and
           could not be ignored.             (3)
                                                ] Hmm, best of luck to          appear to be rising up from            represent cities and towns          for supporting it by match
                                             them, but the Europa, Beagle       its birthplace, taking flight          involved in construction,           funding donations with £3m
                                             Pup, Bulldog, Escapade/            over Southampton Water                 delivery and maintenance.           from Treasury.” Construction
                                             Scout, Condor, Auster,             atop of 131ft tall swooping            Royston Smith GM MP,                of the monument is set
           @Riaz_Sc Commercial               adoption of the Skyranger,         plinth, designed to resemble           one of the Trustees of the          to be completed by June
           interests will always             T600, and a few others don’t       a vapour trail.                        project, said: “The iconic          2024.
           overshadow regulatory             suggest to me a complete
            oversight somehow or other.      national failure since WW2 to
                                             build decent light aeroplanes.
                                             Fault more with business            EASA’s Executive Director attends RAeS Banquet
            @InnerMetronome                  models?

                                                                                                                                                                                   via Patrick Ky/EASA
            Lessons? Don’t assign
            only one AOA sensor to a
            computer! And don’t leave        @arrowfoil Perhaps
            the controls to just the         marketing isn’t helped by
            computer!                        ‘traditional British reserve’?
                                             Your list doesn’t include Swift,
                                             who designed the newest
           Western fighters for              Europa product (originally as
           Ukraine?                          a fully-built aircraft), maybe
                                             because of a reluctance to
                                             fully promote their ‘Chubby
                                             Little Spitfire’?

                                             @dtieic Inspired seems
            @holy_sick On the Insight        to have some good ideas,
            Blog ‘Ukraine – time to          however. There needs to
            fast-track front-line fighter    be a push towards ease of
            pilot training?(4)] Western      operation, such as highway-
            made aircraft are a long-        in-the-sky displays and
            term solution. Now they          Garmin-like auto-recovery,          Patrick Ky, Executive Director of the European Aviation Safety Association (EASA) was
            need MiGs or Sukhois, as         and I believe that net zero         guest of honour at the 2022 Royal Aeronautical Society Gala Dinner on 5 May. Ky gave an
            their whole air force is built   will be increasingly important.     entertaining and enlightening speech and later posted the above image with new RAeS
            around them. Maintenance,        Also, down with rudder              President Peter Round FRAeS on Twitter, saying: “Very pleased and proud to be the guest of
                                             pedals.                             honour at the @AeroSociety annual banquet in London yesterday evening – PKY.”

  12      AEROSPACE

Transmission June 2022 FINAL.indd 14                                                                                                                                                    19/05/2022 13:22
Some future liquid hydrogen                                           From the RAeS photo archives
          airliner design considerations

          We refer to recently well          on the passenger floor
          publicised and ‘polished’          and around the forward
          reports from FlyZero/ATI.          emergency exits. It should
          There is a fair deal of useful     be remembered that the
          information. However, the          only way to extinguish a
          detail provided on the future      hydrogen fire is to starve it
          LH2 configurations shows           of fuel or oxygen.
          lack of appreciation of                  To reduce this risk,
          fundamentals. This invites         the fuel tanks should
          some technical comment.            be separated from the
                It appears that these        passenger cabin.
          configurations have                      Refuelling is a
          not been through any               hazardous procedure
          certification scrutiny,            when using a hose from a
          even at a basic level.             bowser or fuel main. Safety
          Crashworthiness and                exclusion/evacuation zones
          passengers/service                 have been proposed. This
          access standards are well          inconvenience could be
          established and mandatory          minimised if the fuel tanks
          for all civil aircraft. We all     could be detached from the
                                                                                 Z A Arapova, left, a senior laboratory assistant in a Russian astronautical laboratory, fastens
          appreciate that Cryogenic          airframe and exchanged for
                                                                                 registration contacts on cosmonaut A Grachev before he goes into a test chamber for a
          LH2 fuel is a dangerous            ‘refilled tanks.’
          medium and it cannot be                                                simulated test flight, c.1959. Gracev was one of a number of so-called ‘phantom’ astronauts
                                                   Several other specific
          stored close to passengers                                             who died on unreported space missions. In this case, in 1962 the Italian news bureau
                                             issues are apparent, eg the
          or crew – ground or in air.        ‘narrow body’ layout is tail        Continentale announced that two Soviet cosmonauts had disappeared aboard ‘Vostok III’
          Yet this is not respected. A       heavy and does not even             which should have carried out one round trip around the Moon. In reality, the Soviets did not
          crash landing could result         balance on the ground               possess a rocket powerful enough to launch a crewed payload to the Moon until 1968.
          in spillage of LH2 from a          without passengers aboard.
          ruptured tank which could          I have done some basic             speeds certainly sounds                 The longer-range

          cause splash injuries from         modelling to check that.           worthwhile in theory.              version has passenger
          cryogenic fuel, asphyxiation       Canard surface moves the                In practice it may be         seating above the forward
          and/or rapid boil-off,             neutral point further forward.     difficult to achieve that          fuel tank, in addition to the
          leading to a potentially           Achieving static stability         beyond the nose radome             rear ones. The concept
          explosive fuel-air mixture.        margins is difficult.              region of the fuselage.            has no ameliorative
                Ignition of spilt LH2              Assuming laminar             Reynolds numbers are               features in the event
          will result in buoyant and         (natural or otherwise) flow        very much larger on the            of crashworthiness
          invisible flames playing           over fuselages at transonic        fuselage.                          precautions being breached.
                                                                                                                        We draw attention to         Wind tunnel
                                                                                                                   our concept, Gondola. (see        tariffs

                                                                                                                   AEROSPACE, January
                                                                                                                   2022, ‘Powering a net-            Reference the monstrous
                                                                                                                   zero future’) Employing           tariff charge for the Aircraft
                                                                                                                   a twin fuselage layout            Research Association wind
                                                                                                                   enables separation of LH2         tunnel mentioned by Paul
                                                                                                                   containment and propulsion        Hutchinson, CEO of Aircraft
                                                                                                                   from the crew/passenger           Research Association Ltd
                                                                                                                   cabin.                            [AEROSPACE, May 2022,
                                                                                                                        Furthermore, the             Transmission], this surely
                                                                                                                   concept fits in with airport      indicates the need to
                                                                                                                   procedures. Further details       engineer a battery capable
                                                                                                                   on this concept will appear       of delivering the same peak
                                                                                                                   in a forthcoming paper to be      demand while being trickle
                                                                                                                   published.                        charged to merit a lower
                                                                                                                   Dr R K Nangia Hon
                                                                                                                   FRAeS and                         Denis W Oglesby
                                                                                                                   Mr L Hyde, MRAeS                  AMRAeS

             1. https://
             3. AEROSPACE, May 2022, p 30, ‘Inspiration Nation’

               @aerosociety     i   f                                                                   JUNE 2022           13
Transmission June 2022 FINAL.indd 15                                                                                                                                               19/05/2022 13:22
Hailing the future
     Advanced urban air mobility should not be seen as niche VIP air taxis, but
     potentially a social good for all. GARY CUTTS, Director of the Future Flight
     Challenge at UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and RAeS President-Elect
     KERISSA KHAN, MRAeS, Innovation Lead at the UKRI Future Flight Challenge
     provide insight into the opportunities.

                                  he concept of a new future aviation         A number of significant stakeholders from across
                                  system continues to see growing support     the sector are already playing a key role, with many
                                  and engagement as it develops. While        most recently coming together earlier this year
                                  there are many elements to consider         at the Global Urban and Advanced Air Summit at
                                  along this journey, the core focus should   Farnborough, and also for the publication of the Eve
                     always remain on the benefits of better connecting       Urban Air Mobility Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
                     people. As society changes, so new innovative            for the London Environment alongside the UK Civil
                     concepts can be used to create a sustainable,            Aviation Authority (CAA).
                     convenient and technology-led service that goes               Of course, with any new and changing industry
                     further to meet evolving transport demands.              there are hurdles to overcome and a need to help
                         It is something to take seriously too. This is not   bring opposing views on board. This piece aims
                     simply a pipe dream of the future, but a credible,       to focus on what is possible when it comes to an
                     forward-thinking research and planning strategy          effective introduction of new electric vertical take-off
                     that is backed by government and industry alike.         and landing (eVTOL) vehicles in the UK, and the

Archer, Falko, Helipass, Autoflight, Joby Aviation, Lilium, Eve, Vertical
                                                                            benefits that could be seen by embracing these          future aviation concept – the social benefits that a
                                                                            vehicles for particular use cases and opportunities in  revolutionised airspace could bring.
                                                                            the future.                                                 The new passenger experience that could be
                                                                                                                                    achieved will not just be about saving time but will
                                                                            What are the hurdles and                                bring a service to people that is far more convenient,
                                                                            perceptions?                                            connected, comfortable and sustainable. Again, this
                                                                                                                                    is not a pie-in-the-sky plan for personal vertiports in
                                                                            Before we come on to opportunities, it is useful to     gardens but a research-led vision for a collaborative
                                                                            first see what needs to be overcome. It is perhaps      transport ecosystem that incorporates different
                                                                            important at this point to stress that those involved   modes of transport to complete the overall journey. A
                                                                            in the concepts for the future aviation                                 point-to-point electric vehicle service,
                                                                            system are not trying to run before                                     that offers connections from home to
                                                                            they can walk. This is not about                                        a destination through a combination
                                                                            far-fetched drawing board ideas you                                     of electric taxis and eVTOL aircraft,
                                                                            would see in sci-fi or novel private                                    can provide a seamless and accessible
                                                                            executive flight solutions for the                                      solution for many across society.
                                                                            rich – it is about developing effective       THESE EVTOL                    Having this new solution could
                                                                            connectivity solutions for people and         VEHICLES OFFER mean so much in different ways to
                                                                            communities who need them.                                              different groups of people. For some, it
                                                                                                                          A TRANSPORT
                                                                                 In wider commentary on the                                         could mean faster and safer journeys
                                                                            subject, there is a lot of initial focus      SERVICE                   for important medical care from their
                                                                            on eVTOL vehicles making short hops           THAT IS NOT               remote location, while for others it
                                                                            and inner-city trips. However, such           RELIANT ON THE could mean the difference between
                                                                            use cases, while potentially important,
                                                                                  will have to be proven to make
                                                                                                                          CONSTRUCTION being               able to access better jobs and
                                                                                                                                                    education from their rural setting. We
                                                                                            financial, time and           OF A LARGER               also cannot dismiss the importance of
                                                                                                 logistical sense, and    ROAD NETWORK, simply connecting people with other
                                                                                                    will be dependent     AND THE INFRA- people too, as well as giving them
                                                                                                      on public                                     better transport access to a range
                                                                                                      demand. Instead, STRUCTURE                    of amenities that could improve their
                                                                                                      the focus has       THAT COMES                quality of life.
                                                                                                     started to shift     WITH IT, IN                    The uptake of this way to travel
                                                                                                   towards providing                                by some would also bring knock-
                                                                                                                          ORDER TO
                                                                                                an alternative                                      on benefits for others. Reduced
                                                                                          transport solution for longer ACHIEVE ITS                 congestion would save time and cost
                                                                            journeys and mid-range commutes, as           GOALS OF                  for the many people and businesses
                                                                            well as improving travel and transport        CONNECTIVITY              who require continued use of the road
                                                                            options for those in rural and isolated                                 network, while eVTOL emergency
                                                                            areas across the UK.                                                    services could also provide life-
                                                                                 Another hurdle is regulation. This will always     changing improvements in response times.
                                                                            be a challenge but that’s no bad thing if the end           It is the environmental benefits that could be the
                                                                            result is improved industry and public confidence       backbone for support of the new aviation system.
                                                                            in the new concepts and a more effective and            These eVTOL vehicles offer a transport service that
                                                                            professional industry developing as a result. That      is not reliant on the construction of a larger road
                                                                            is because there is so much to focus on regulatory      network, and the infrastructure that comes with it, in
                                                                            terms. Passenger safety will rightly take ultimate      order to achieve its goals of connectivity. Avoiding
                                                                            priority but there are a number of elements, such       the need to remove natural habitats, green belt
                                                                            as certification, licensing, telecommunications,        land and tree populations in order to connect rural
                                                                            information security, airspace regulation and vehicle   communities and improve commuter routes should
                                                                            testing that will also need to be right before the      not be seen as a ‘nice-to-have’, but as a foundation
                                                                            vehicles take to the skies – and this can take time.    for solving transport issues in a forward-thinking way.
                                                                                 Real progress, though, has already been made
                                                                            in this regard and, as outlined later, more is on the   Complementing, not displacing,
                                                                            horizon.                                                existing transport and technology

                                                                            The social benefits                                      Within all of the plans being undertaken, it is
                                                                                                                                     also important to recognise that there is a clear
                                                                            Focusing heavily on flight costs and tricky industry     distinction between traditional aerospace and
                                                                            logistics also does not take into account one of         these new technologies. The eVTOL vehicle market
                                                                            the key elements to the potential success of the         will never challenge large long-haul airlines, but

                                                                                                                                                                                  JUNE 2022    15
          Advanced aerial mobility

     their support in the development of technology,              and academic liaison. There is no harm in saying
     infrastructure, procedures and data is essential to          that some parts of the future aviation system are at
     the success of the future flight industry.                   the start of their development, and that there are
          Instead, it is small aircraft that will be the          challenges ahead to overcome. However, through
     focus of the plans to integrate into the airspace            collaboration and support for innovative new
     and provide point-to-point air transport services            concepts, these are being addressed.
     to smaller towns that cannot today justify airport                Plus, it is important to also consider that much
     infrastructure. Smaller eVTOL vehicles that are              of the work being undertaken now will form the
     reliable and inexpensive to operate can serve a              building blocks for other forms of new aviation in
     useful purpose in the domestic flight sector and             the future too. The eVTOL segment can prototype
     as an alternative to other modes of medium-                  all aspects of electric flight and the required
     distance transport. It is evident that these vehicles        transformation in air traffic management can be
     will inevitably become part of an expanded but               applied to commercial air transport to optimise
     green aviation industry and this is surely evidenced         flights and reduce emissions.
     by the array of talent and experienced industry                   It is here that the UK can play a significant role.
     professionals who have moved across to the                   Currently, the UK is recognised as a leading nation,
     eVTOL vehicle space in the UK and beyond.                    in terms of the supply chain for the development
          It is also important to clarify that the introduction   and deployment of these technologies. Through the
     of eVTOL vehicles will not create a rush on natural          support of UKRI and other funding bodies, the UK
     resources for battery creation – and in turn,                is also providing substantial investment into areas,
     competition with electric car manufacturers. The             like energy, battery power, digitalisation, robotics
     scale of demand for batteries for eVTOL vehicles             and manufacturing, as well as efforts to connect
     will be substantially smaller than that from the             remote regions.
     automotive sector and it would be hard to imagine                 We must remember it is not only the UK making
     the two becoming an ‘either/or’ issue.                       progress. The European Union Aviation Safety
                                                                  Agency (EASA) has just recently published the
     The importance of backing innovation                         first guidance for vertiport design across Europe.
                                                                  The aim is to improve standards of design and
     The sector is still evolving. UK Research and                infrastructure by providing a framework for the
     Innovation’s (UKRI) Future Flight Roadmap and                construction of vertiports to serve eVTOL vehicles.        In April, Urban Air Port
     Vision outlines the progress required from across            This was another landmark moment, giving                   opened its first trial
                                                                                                                             vertiport in Coventry to the
     a number of elements of the industry right up to             credibility not only to the concept itself, but also       public to gauge interest in
     2030 – and most likely beyond, to position the               confirming that the eVTOL sector plans to work             the concept. The company
     UK as a world leader in future flight services,              with lawmakers from the outset to create a high-           plans to open over 200
     consultancy, technology, international partnerships          quality and properly regulated industry.                   vertiports worldwide.

                                                                                                                                                            Urban Air Port

Plenty to be positive
                about then
                Inevitably, there will be bumps along the way
                and not every concept will be a success. All
THE PLANS AND   previous revolutions in aviation have started with
                no certainty of technical or commercial success but

ROADMAPS        the industry has been bold, learnt by experience
IN PLACE,       and flourished. The industry will continue to adapt           the partners, including Supernal and Coventry
BACKED BY       and survive as it moves from ideas to adoption in             City Council. This is one example of how working
                the coming years and experienced professionals will           alongside a progressive local authority demonstrates
                move with it.                                                 the appetite to explore how local areas can benefit
FUNDING AND          So, while pessimism exists, those involved in            from these new concepts.
INDUSTRY        the development of the future aviation system are                 More widely, the CONOPS undertaken by Eve is
SUPPORT, ARE    countering this with realistic and effective strategies       another welcome demonstration of how collaboration
                for research, testing, production and adoption. The           is making things happen. To have representatives
NOT SIMPLY      plans and roadmaps in place, backed by government             from Heathrow and London City airports, a number
AN AMBITION     funding and industry support, are not simply an               of technology firms – including Skyports, Atech,
BUT A BELIEF    ambition but a belief in a better aviation future.            Volocopter and Vertical Aerospace – as well as
IN A BETTER                                                                   NATS and the CAA itself, is a landmark step towards
                Examples of progress                                          the success of the eVTOL strategy. The consortium
AVIATION                                                                      has identified key regulatory priorities, as well as
FUTURE          It is important to realise that this is not all just at       securing direct stakeholder engagement feedback
                the ideas stage too. In some cases, prototypes of             and computer simulation modelling. These will be
                these eVTOL aircraft have already been built, flight          important components for ensuring the CAA can
                tests have been conducted and moves towards                   effectively support the development of these vehicles,
                certification have gathered pace – not least between          and that the sector remains on track as it grows.
                the CAA and US Federal Aviation Administration, who
                have committed to bilateral discussions to facilitate         What does the future hold?
                certification, licensing and operational progress.
                      As part of the Future Flight Challenge, a number        The projects above form part of a portfolio of 48
                of projects are already under way that are helping to         projects funded by Phase 2 of the UKRI Future
                develop vehicle systems capabilities and supporting           Flight Challenge, which has been tasked with
                physical, digital, energy and airspace infrastructure         creating the future aviation system for eVTOLs and
                to move the needle forwards on the sector. For                other future flight technologies. Phase 3 projects are
                example, Retroflight-Alpha is focused on the                  set to begin later this year, with successful projects
                development of the electric charging infrastructure           receiving £70m in total to develop and demonstrate
                that eVTOL vehicles require for their operation, while        integrated aviation systems and new vehicle
                another project, Fly2Plan, is looking to progress             technologies.
                the digital infrastructure needed to support the                   Beyond the funding itself, work across the sector
                integration of eVTOL operations into the airspace.            is starting to move from the current development
                Led by Heathrow Airport, alongside Altitude Angel,            and simulation stage into real-world demonstrations.
                the National Air Traffic Services (NATS) and other            As these demonstrations progress over the next
                technology companies, the digital platform will               two years, an industrial focus for more commercial
                provide important elements, including flight data,            production will then take shape, before the concepts
                aeronautical information and weather information              themselves are taken to new locations and
                for eVTOL operators, air traffic controllers, UTM             integrated into communities to prove their viability as
                platform providers, ANSPs, airlines and airports.             part of a new mobility service.
                      As well as these, the Hydrogen Electric and                  To achieve what it sets out to, collaboration will
                Automated Regional Transportation (HEART) project             be key among a wide range of stakeholders who
                is working on new technological solutions for an              can help make this change to the aviation sector
                improved regional transport network, integrating              happen. It is not just about vehicle designers, a
                hydrogen-powered light aircraft, eVTOLs and other             whole ecosystem needs to build upon the early
                forms of transport to provide mobility-as-a-service.          success and work together to move these carefully
                In addition, the Urban Air Port concept is focused on         constructed plans forwards to ensure the eVTOL
                the development and demonstration of a vertiport,             concept gains the engagement, support and,
                the physical infrastructure that will be required to          ultimately, adoption it needs.
                support eVTOL operation.                                           If successful, the benefits to many people and
                      This will be the world’s first pop-up airport and its   businesses across urban, rural and remote areas can
                progress is testament to the collaboration between            be substantial.

                                                                                                                           JUNE 2022       17
                   Aircraft Interiors Expo preview


                                                                                                                                                                     John WAlton
               from the
               interior                                                               The Aircraft Interiors Expo, commonly
                                                                                      referred to as AIX – including the associated
                                                                                      World Travel Catering & Onboard Services
                                                                                      Expo (WTCE) – is the biggest annual
                                                                                      event in the airline passenger experience
                                                                                      calendar, with exhibitors displaying
                                                                                      everything from seats to satellite internet,
                                                                                      amenity kits to plastic mouldings, in-flight
 AIX Hamburg

                                                                                      food to reading lights, and much more.
                                                                                      JOHN WALTON previews this year’s AIX.

                              IX 2022 this June will be the first             So, what will the 2022 show look like, and what       Above: The Aircraft
                              global-scale trade show to return          will the industry be discussing? We sat down with          Interiors Expo hall’s exterior
                              after the Covid-19 pandemic, beating       a dozen industry insiders to learn what they – and         and interior.
                              the Farnborough Airshow by a month,        their companies, which span the entire range of the
                              after missing both the 2020 and            passenger experience – are expecting.
               2021 expos.
                   Event director Polly Magraw sums up the               Back to the ‘New Normal’
               expo in terms of its “pivotal role in helping the
               world’s airlines source the latest cabin products,        The context in which AIX 2022 is taking place is
               innovations, technologies, in-flight entertainment        unprecedented, as aviation looks to accelerate out
               and connectivity solutions.”                              of the downturn caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
                   “The aviation industry has emerged from               Striking a positive note, early signs from the industry
               survival mode and is on an upward trajectory of           are promising.
               recovery,” she continues. “This will no doubt be a            Inmarsat’s senior vice president for in-flight
               key focus for attendees at the show as they come          connectivity Niels Steenstrup highlights that “our
               back together to discuss the emerging challenges          2021 Passenger Confidence Tracker found that
               and how now reunited, they can ensure that the            60% of passengers would be happy to fly again by
               industry is best prepared to tackle ongoing and           the end of the year, with the passenger experience
               future challenges. The aviation sector has long           offered by airlines a key factor in bolstering the
               established its resilience, but we anticipate key         confidence in returning to the skies.”
               themes such as how to revitalise passenger                    That still leaves 40% of passengers who have
               experience strategies while building sustainable          concerns, of course, and the industry will need to
               businesses will be big areas for discussion at AIX        continue working to bring them back.
               this June.”                                                   “Travel Agencies estimate that more than 70% of
                   Spanning eleven halls of the massive Hamburg          their customers are considering that travelling is now a
               Messe expo centre, and with more than 400                 much more stressful experience,” says Alain Bordeau,
               suppliers exhibiting, the show is so enormous that        senior vice president for global sales and marketing at
               newcomers often discover late in the week that            Stelia Aerospace, the cabin brand of Airbus Atlantic.
               there are entire halls of exhibitors that they have not       The general expectation is that this perception
               yet visited.                                              of stressfulness should decrease as the various

18             AEROSPACE
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