Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 2 March 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland

Page created by Clarence Hubbard
Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 2 March 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Vol.2   Issue 2   March 2018

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine
Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 2 March 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 2 March 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Welcome once again.

                                      For some time now I have eager to include reviews
                                      of X-Plane products but as we are a small team, not
                                      everyone uses X-Plane. My thanks to Angelique van
                                      Campen of who has very kindly
                                      agreed to supply X-Plane product reviews. The first
                                      review is of the SSG Embraer Evolution E-195. If you
                                      are interested in X-Plane, you should pay a visit to X-
                             for news, articles and reviews dedicated
                                      to X-Plane.

                                      The annual Aerosoft German FlightSimulation
                                      Conference the first time will take place at the AERO
      Published by                    Friedrichshafen from April 18th to 21st 2018. There will be a dedicated Flight
  The PC Pilots Ireland               Simulator Area that focuses purely on flight simulation, housing an                exposition, specialist lectures on a dedicated stage, and the awarding of the
                                      Flight Sim Awards by German magazine FliegerRevue. The FlightSimulation
                                      Conference is the highlight for flight simulation in Europe. Experts and those
                                      interested in flight simulation alike will have a chance to exchange views on
        Terry McGee
                                      the latest news in the world of simulation. Exhibitors will present brand new
                                      products, projects, their company and communities at numerous booths.
                                      Spend an exciting day with lots of developers and exhibitors from all over the
          Ian Broni
                                      world. We are looking forward to see you there! For more information, visit
                                      the AERO website or
        Brian Church
                                      We welcome contributions of reviews, articles etc. for the magazine. You can
                                      contact us at
        John Melville
                                      The next issue is due in June.
                                      Terry McGee
      John McNeely

        Philip Wafer

        Andy Clarke

       Barry Corcoran





Contents:                                     Page
Chillblast advert                             2            Newcastle X                                46
Editorial                                     3            Flightsim Apps                             49
Front Cover                                   4            Plane Talking                              50
Arrivals (New Products)                       5            Freeware Focus FSX & P3D                   54
Flying Forward                                24           Freeware Focus FS2004                      62
Cockpit Hardware                              26           Freeware Focus X-Plane                     66
GA GPS and Flight Planning                    28           South Africa 2017                          56
SSG Embraer Evolution E-195                   32           Aviation Gallery                           70
Seattle City and Seattle Airports X           37           NOTAMs                                     71
Mega Airport Lisbon V2                        43           Aerosoft Advert                            72

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 2 March 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland

EINN Shannon Airport 2018 by Ciano35 and Robert Byrne for XP11. Any donations, no matter how small, via Pay-
Pal to would be greatly appreciated. Literally 100’s of hours of work went into this project
and we are really happy with how it turned out. We were considering making this payware but want everyone to
be able to enjoy it. Shannon Airport (EINN) is an international airport situated on the west coast of Ireland in
County Clare. It is the third busiest airport in Ireland, with 1.75 million passengers passing through in 2016, and
is used as the first stop for many flights originating in America. You don’t need any scenery libraries as this is a
fully custom airport. However, you do need opensceneryx as some airport vehicles are used from that library.
Features: 100% custom buildings on the airport grounds designed to be as close as possible to real life (Details
below). Buildings have realistic night textures. Realistic orange glow night lighting. Removed excess aircraft park-
ing. Custom placed ground polygons. Cars added to car parks matched to Ortho’s. 1000’s of trees added to air-
port, surrounding grounds and golf course. Exclusions to remove autogen facades and objects. Custom Buildings:
Main Terminal. East Terminals. Aer Lingus Cargo. Servisair Cargo. Lufthansa Technik. ASL Aviation. Westair. IAC.
Atlantic Aviation Group. Fire Station. Car rental buildings. Golf Club house. Enterasys. Control Tower and sur-
rounding sheds/cabins. Park Inn hotel and Shannon College of Hotel Management. And many more Known Bug:
The alpha channel in the railing on the roof of Lufthansa Technik causes objects behind it to disappear. Currently
working out a solution for this. Please note that this scenery is compatible with X-plane 11 only. There are 2 dif-
ferent version of this scenery, one for people who have Ortho’s installed and one for people using default scen-
ery. The version for people using default scenery has loads of extra polygons for the car parks, grass etc. but ob-
viously won’t look as realistic as Ortho’s. Download the version suitable for you, unzip the file and place the ‘EINN
Ciano35 + Robert Byrne’ folder into your Custom Scenery folder. Start X-plane 11 and enjoy!

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 2 March 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Albuquerque Airport X-Plane             long hours of darkness in the win-        tailed  SDK     animated    jetways
From ShortFinal Design                  ter and you end up with an airport        (SODE jetways can be downloaded                       that is in every way remarkable           and installed as an option). Manual
                                        and well worth a superb rendering         in English and German. All code
                                        for Flight Simulator. Lake Hood:          (BGLs) compiled with P3D V4 SDK,
                                        Right next to PANC, via a taxiway         using new material options.
                                        connection crossing several streets,
                                        you can find Lake Hood – the larg-        Approaching Dortmund P3D4
                                        est seaplane base in the world.           From Peter Hiermeier
                                        During summer, up to 800 sea-   
                                        planes arrive and depart here per
Albuquerque International Sunport
                                        day, bringing anglers, backpackers,
is the largest commercial airport in
                                        and other visitors into all regions of
New Mexico, serving Albuquerque
                                        Alaska. Quite a lot of guided tours
and Santa Fe. Features: Highly ac-
                                        also begin here. Z41: Next to Lake
curate scenery for KABQ - Albu-
                                        Hood there is a dirt strip “Z41”
querque International Sunport and
                                        used by aircraft that have tundra
Kirtland Air Force Base. Accurate
                                        equipment attached (special wheels
models for all terminals, hangars,
                                        to enable landing on unpaved strips
and other buildings, with baked                                                   Approaching Dortmund is a com-
                                        in the wilderness). Features: Scen-
Ambient Occlusion. Dynamic reflec-                                                plete implementation of the city of
                                        ery of Anchorage Ted Stevens Air-
tions on buildings (X-Plane 11                                                    Dortmund in the flight simulator. In
                                        port with all buildings and facilities
only). Custom high resolution                                                     addition to the common urban
                                        (international terminal, national
ground textures. HDR night light-                                                 area, the German airports 2 airport
                                        terminal, cargo area, maintenance
ing. Animated airport vehicles us-                                                EDLW, and the airfield Hengsen-
                                        area, Kulis Air National Guard Base,
ing the GroundTraffic plugin by                                                   Opherdicke (EO08) as well as the
                                        South Airpark, etc.). Photo realistic
Jonathan Harris (marginal). Cus-                                                  surrounding area were created and
                                        ground textures based on aerial
tom animated jetways and Docking                                                  integrated as part of the scenery
                                        imagery (15cm/pixel). Ground lay-
Guidance System (DGS) (when us-                                                   package. The scenery is rounded
                                        out including detailed aerial image
ing the AutoGate plugin). Ran-                                                    off by the heliport at the Clinic
                                        according to P3D V4 SDK. Detailed
domly placed static aircraft, can be                                              Centre North. So you can now head
                                        recreation of Lake Hood (LHD), the
easily toggled off in the X-Plane                                                 for the airport's destination by Air-
                                        world’s busiest seaplane base, incl.
settings. High resolution orthoi-                                                 bus or Boeing. You can also plan
                                        lots of static aircraft. Configuration
magery for the airport (15cm/px).                                                 and carry out your VFR flights from
                                        tool to enable or disable features
Stunning photoscenery covering                                                    the nearby Hengsen-Opherdicken
                                        like vehicle traffic and dynamic
the Albuquerque area with NAIP                                                    airfield as well. For helicopter fans
                                        lighting. Compatible with FTX
imagery and 1/3 arc-second mesh.                                                  the add-on offers rescue missions
                                        South        Alaska      (compatibility
Overlays based on HD Mesh V3 by                                                   at the accident clinic instead. Even
                                        switchable via the config tool,
alpilotx. Requires X-Plane 10/11.                                                 virtual walks with the avatar of the
                                        changes include an adaptation to
                                        the custom FTX season times and a         channel are possible. New in the
Anchorage Professional P3D4             recoloured aerial image. Landing          version P3D V4: Modified AFCAD
From Sim-Wings                          Strip Z41. Animated ground vehicle        based on AIPS from March 2017                        traffic airside and towards the city      and AIRAC 1710. Animated jetways
                                        with specific US vehicles (pickups,       using CTRL+J. 3D PAPIs. All code
                                        etc.). Note: The ARR train is not         (BGLs) compiled with P3D V4 SDK,
                                        animated in this version for techni-      using new material options and be-
                                        cal reasons. Autogen adapted to           ing performance optimised to the
                                        the aerial image. Seamless integra-       new engine. All objects optimised
                                        tion into the environment due to          for    new    shadow      technology.
                                        custom coastlines and a custom            Ground layout including detailed
                                        mesh covering the airport area.           aerial image following P3D V4 SDK.
                                        Custom new elevation for continu-         Automatic seasonal changes of
                                        ous transition from the airport to        relevant 3D objects based on V4
There probably is no place on the                                                 scripting variables, also for snowfall
                                        its surroundings. Complete taxiway
globe where aviation is as impor-                                                 outside winter season. New individ-
                                        and runway signage. Night lighting
tant as in Alaska. In this great                                                  ual ground adaptations to prevent
                                        with dynamic lights (can be deacti-
state, roads are scarce and limited                                               steps at airport borders when using
                                        vated via config tool). Detailed,
to the major cities. The vast wilder-                                             different meshes (e.g. default/FTX
                                        functional AFCAD files for all in-
ness can only be reached by air-                                                  Global). New optimised 3D runway
                                        cluded airports, for Anchorage in-
craft, often only by floatplane or                                                lighting with activation/deactivation
                                        cluding approaches based on re-
small aircraft equipped for off-                                                  based on time of day and weather
                                        cent nav data (1713). True-to-
airport landings. Anchorage Inter-                                                conditions. Animated windsocks re-
                                        original 3D runway and taxiway
national Airport ‘Ted Stevens’ is at                                              acting to wind. Apron lamps with
                                        lighting, based on weather condi-
the centre of much of this aviation.                                              new effects and dynamic light.
                                        tions. Animated windsocks. De-
Add the violent weather and the

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 2 March 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Beijing Capital Intl. Airport           It's the second most important          over in 2000. The airfield is
From WF Scenery Studio                  general and business aviation air-      equipped with a licensed 987-                       port in France (with over 70,000        metre asphalt runway (10/28) with
                                        movements in 2016). Its main run-       a 100m overshoot and an unli-
                                        way, 1610m long, can receive jet        censed 800-metre concrete run-
                                        up to 35t (Like Legacy 650, Falcon      way. JET A-1 and AVGAS fuel, a
                                        900 ...). This scenery was designed     hard apron area and grass area for
                                        with attention to detail and the        helicopter operations provide an
                                        best optimization. Each building        excellent base for your GA fleet.
                                        and      each     ground      surface   Features: Developed following ex-
                                        (Runways, taxiways, parking) were       tensive on-site research. 3D grass.
Beijing Capital International Air-
                                        modelled to maximum realism.            Custom trees. Custom airport
port (IATA: PEK, ICAO: ZBAA) is
                                        Features: Highly detailed and accu-     markings/signs. Scenery manager.
the main international airport serv-
                                        rate buildings, parking, taxiways.      Accurate runway and taxiway
ing Beijing. It is located 32 km (20
                                        New lights and markings on taxi-        placement. High-resolution photo-
mi) northeast of Beijing's city cen-
                                        ways and runways. New lighting          realistic ground textures, adjusted
tre, in an enclave of Chaoyang Dis-
                                        effects. Day/Night and seasonal         for seasonality. Custom ground
trict and the surroundings of that
                                        textures. Large area around the         polygon and AFCAD. Custom scen-
enclave in suburban Shunyi Dis-
                                        airport (City centre, residential ar-   ery around airfield boundary. Real-
trict. The airport is owned and op-
                                        eas and commercial areas). Im-          istic    shadowing    on   objects/
erated by the Beijing Capital Inter-
                                        provement of the original landclass.    buildings. Orbx FTX compatibility.
national Airport Company Limited,
                                        Static and animated objects: vehi-      Night lighting effects. Frame rate
a state-controlled company. Beijing
                                        cles,     characters,     helicopter.   and VAS friendly. PDF manual.
Capital International Airport is the
                                        Volumétric grass. FranceVFR PACA
main hub for Air China, the flag
                                        VFR Vol.1 compatible. With SODE         Dresdon Airport XPlane 11
carrier of the People's Republic of
                                        (SimObjects Display Engine): Ani-       From JustSim
China, which flies to around 120
                                        mated windsocks. Animated doors
destinations (excluding cargo) from
                                        on hangar 1. Airport clock on time.
Beijing. China Eastern Airlines,
                                        Requires FSX/P3D v3/v4. Upgrade
Hainan Airlines, and China South-
                                        price offer available.
ern Airlines also use the airport as
their hub. Beijing Capital added
Terminal 3 in 2008 in time for the      Conington Airfield
2008 Summer Olympics, the sec-          From Just Flight
ond largest airport terminal in the
world after Dubai International Air-
port's Terminal 3, and the sixth
largest building in the world by
                                                                                Dresden Airport (IATA: DRS, ICAO:
area. Features: For use on P3D.
                                                                                EDDC) is the international airport
Custom ground poly for the apron
                                                                                in Dresden, the capital of the Ger-
and taxiway including realistic de-
                                                                                man Free State of Saxony. It is
tail textures. Dynamic Lighting.
                                                                                located in Klotzsche, a district of
Realistic Ground Markings. Manu-
                                                                                Dresden 9 km (5.6 mi) north of the
ally placed plants. Night illumina-
                                                                                city centre. It was known in Ger-
tion. Manually planed of animated
                                        Conington is home to Flying Club        man     as     Flughafen     Dresden-
trains and vehicles in the airport.
                                        Conington, to which G-BOZI (PA-         Klotzsche. Destinations from the
Animated Jetways (SODE Jetways).
                                        28-161 Warrior II), G-BGKU (PA-         airport include a few European cit-
Volumetric Grass. Terminal Inte-
                                        28R Arrow III), G-BGAE (C152)           ies and several holiday destina-
rior. Buildings and air terminals are
                                        and G-GCCL (Duchess) belong.            tions. Features: Detailed airport
absolutely accurate and represent
                                        These aircraft have all featured in     objects and vehicles. Custom tex-
the current real-world airport
                                        our in-house developments so we         tured    taxiways,     runways    and
                                        thought it was high time we             apron. Custom surroundings. Cus-
                                        brought a high-quality rendition of     tom airport lights. Compatible with
Cannes Mandelieu LFMD 2                 the airfield to Flight Simulator X      X-Plane 11 features. Animated
From LMT Simulation                     and Prepar3D. Conington, other-         ground vehicles (X-Plane 11 only).                       wise known as Peterborough Busi-        Shading and occlusion (texture
                                        ness Airport (ICAO: EGSF) is a pri-     baking) effects on terminal and
                                        vately owned airfield located in the    other airport buildings. High resolu-
                                        UK county of Cambridgeshire, six        tion ground textures / Custom run-
                                        miles south of Peterborough and         way textures. High resolution build-
                                        twenty miles north-west of Cam-         ing textures. Excellent night ef-
                                        bridge. The airfield started life as    fects. Realistic reflections on glass.
                                        RAF Glatton, built in 1942 and used     World Traffic compatible. X-Life
                                        by the USAF B-17 Flying Fortress        traffic compatible. Optimized for
                                        bombers throughout WWII. The            excellent performance. Animated
                                        airfield was mothballed by the RAF      Jetways will come in next update.
Cannes Mandelieu, LFMD, is located
                                        after the USAF left at the end of
in Provence, Between Saint Tropez
                                        WWII, but it saw activity again with
and Monaco, 5 kms (3 miles) from
                                        GA flying from the 1970s onwards
Cannes, on the "French Riviera".
                                        until Flying Club Conington took
Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 2 March 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Cochin Intl. Airport VOCI                 Extremely detailed and realistic         ger cabin, MAP! will display the
From Stinn Creations                      recreation the real Airport. Over        track of your flight: elapsed and                         100 Hangars, Highly detailed. Mod-       remaining time, distance, altitude,
                                          elling of the Control Tower interior.    wind information, temperature,
                                          Custom runways and Taxiways              more. Detailed interiors (economy/
                                          (Reflex normal map). Custom taxi         business class) feature superb de-
                                          lines, borderlines and many custom       tails. Realistic flight dynamics
                                          signs. Custom Textures based in-         based on manufacturer specifica-
                                          photographic and Ambient occlu-          tions. Realistic sound experience
                                          sion. HDR lighting with custom           with the real plane digitized
                                          night textures. Animated helicop-        sounds: engine, APU, batteries, air
                                          ters (Chilean police). Walking peo-      conditioning,    passenger     signs,
                                          ple. Customized forest and vegeta-       clicks, more. Numerous anima-
Cochin International Airport is one       tion 3D (Grass, Palms, plants).          tions: hydraulic suspension, flaps,
of the busiest airport in South In-       Custom surrounding areas. Cus-           slats, spoilerons, speed brakes,
dian state of Kerala. It’s the first      tomized models for traffic vehicles      thrust reversers, landing gear, pas-
airport in the world powered by           to region. Static objects, vehicles      sengers door, cargo hatches, open-
solar energy. It’s also the hub of        and aircraft. Night texture and HDR      ing cockpit windows. Nose wheel
Air India Express airline. In default     lighting. Santiago City Over 50 sur-     steering limited over 40kts. Load
FSX and P3D, VOCI has 2 boxes of          rounding landmarks. For example:         Manager. Photorealistic 2D panels
buildings and misplaced Afcad.            Costanera Center (Highest building       with multiple subpanels. Fully inter-
Here I have modelled all buildings        in South America). More than 20          active 3D virtual cockpit. Aircraft
in detailed like close to real life and   heliports (tower, hospital, clinic and   flyable from the Captain or First
placed at the right place. It in-         more). Located in the same city of       Officer's seat (FSX, under virtual
cludes the following features: West       SCEL (our other scenery). Ani-           cockpit mode). Colour Weather Ra-
end solar panels. Custom apron            mated cable car (San Cristobal).         dar with Turbulence Detection
and parking. Uses ADE taxiway             Animated Cableway (San Cristo-           Mode. All systems simulated: elec-
(ground texture coming up next).          bal). Requires XPlane 11 / X-Plane       trical, pneumatic, hydraulic, pres-
New international terminal 3. Golf        10.45 or higher.                         surization system, bleed air, air
course. Uses original jetways. Many                                                conditioning,    two     generators/
hand places objects. 3D Grass             Embraer E-Jets V2 —                      engines, FADEC with ATTCS func-
cards. 3D light rays on light poles.                                               tion, test system. Computerized
                                          Embraer 175 and 195 P3D4
Base ground photoreal. All textures                                                Management System called Full
                                          From feelThere
are handmade in Photoshop and                                                      Authority Digital Engine Control
modelled in Sketchup Pro.                                                          (FADEC) (optimizes engine opera-
                                                                                   tion during all phases of the flight
Eulogio Sanchez Airport                                                            and, in turn, reduces fuel consump-
From VirtualDesign3d                                                               tion and maintenance costs). Ultra                                                                  realistic and very complete FMS
                                                                                   with Vertical Glide Path Mode and
                                                                                   Coupled LNAV / VNAV. Learn func-
                                                                                   tion: the FMS learns your flying
                                          The Embraer 175/195 range of air-        habits for more accurate flight pre-
                                          liners are an entirely new family of     dictions. Five different patterns
                                          aircraft, with state-of-the-art avi-     simulated. Updated airway support,
                                          onics, fly-by-wire technology, su-       waypoint sequencing, discontinuity,
                                          perior cabin comfort and extraordi-      missed approach, hold at present
                                          nary and uncompromising perform-         position, wind settings for way-
                                          ance. Note: This product does not        points, including reading current
Eulogio Sánchez Airport (SCTB),           include any improvement over the         METAR for better planning, inter-
also known as Tobalaba Airport, is        previous Embraer E-Jets v.2 prod-        cept, vertical direct to, direct
an airport at eastern of Santiago,        uct only adds P3D4 compatibility.        mode, editable RTE page with way-
Chile. It is the main aerodrome for       This product is NOT compatible           point input, custom waypoint sup-
public use in the Metropolitan Re-        with Flight Simulator 9 or X or          port, advisory VNAV and more.
gion, intended for civil aviation.        Flight Simulator: SE (Steam ver-
This scenery contains over 45             sion). For the FS9 and FSX version
                                                                                   G500/600 Complete Edition
buildings, the highests in the city of    please click here. Highlights:
                                                                                   From Flight1
Santiago with their respective heli-      Highly detailed Embraer 175/195. 2
ports. About the buildings we can         BONUS: Call! and Map! Simula-
highlight the highest tower in            tions. New generation flight deck.
South America; the Great Tower of         Detailed interiors with superb de-
Santiago, also known as Costanera         tails. Ultra realistic FMS. Full Au-
Center, Goverment palace La               thority    Digital   Engine Control
Moneda, CTC Tower, Titanium               (FADEC). Some of the many in-
Tower, Entel Towwer, National             cluded features: CALL! for Emb
Estadium and more. The incorpora-         175/195 included ($17.99 value) -
tion of these buildings on the scen-      First Officer simulation with check-
ery makes them ideal for VFR flight       lists callouts and hostesses voices.
types, as they are used as visual         MAP! included: just like the cabin       Flight One Software is proud to
reference points. Main Features:          screens in a real airliner's passen-     announce the release of G500/600
Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 2 March 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Complete Edition for Lockheed Mar-       lator X / Prepar3D library, if the     and the iFly 737NG together in a
tin Prepar3d v3, v4, and Microsoft       aircraft does not have VC integra-     P3D 64 bit environment! This prod-
Flight Simulator X and Steam Edi-        tion.                                  uct includes Voice and Button Con-
tions. Following the successful and                                             trol. Product Requirements: 1. iFly
highly acclaimed Flight1 GTN series      Frankfurt Real City X 3D               737NG aircraft P3D 4 Version or
gauges, Flight1 has faithfully repli-    From SamScene                          greater    (Aircraft  available   at
cated the G500/G600 to pixel by             2. Prepar3D Version
pixel accuracy of its real-world                                                4 and Above (Latest version). Fea-
counterpart. And for the first time                                             tures: Real-World B737NG SOPs
in the history of Flight Simulator                                              tested and designed by an active
and Prepar3D virtual pilots can ex-                                             B737 Captain. Voice and Button
perience first-hand Synthetic Vision                                            Control options. Direct and seam-
Technology. No matter if you fly                                                less integration owing to the iFly's
around New York on a sunny day                                                  very powerful SDK (no keypresses
or land in Innsbruck under IFR con-                                             or simulated mouse clicks used for
ditions, with Synthetic Vision you                                              FO interaction). 737 Normal Check-
always get a clear picture of moun-      Frankfurt is a metropolis and the      lists. B737 specific Crew flows
tains and other obstacles. The           largest city in the German state of    (Captain and FO, PF and PM). FA
G500/G600 is the perfect compan-         Hesse and the fifth-largest city in    interaction. Start Crew/Pushback
ion for your Flight1 GTN 650 and         Germany. This scenery is the sec-      interaction. Cabin announcements.
GTN 750. The real-world G500/            ond German city SamScene cre-          Captain Pas. External ground/air
G600 replaces the old steam              ated, the first was Munich. Impor-     starts (cross bleed engine starts).
gauges that can be found in many         tant: You need to install the photo    Bleeds off takeoffs and landings.
general aviation aircrafts with a        scenery pack from         Departure profiles (NADP 1 and
state of the art glass cockpit. It can   in order to use this scenery. Scen-    NADP 2). Various approach profiles
be retrofitted in a wide array of        ery Features: For use on FSX, FSX      and Missed Approaches. Turn-
aircrafts, from single engine piston     Steam,      and    P3Dv3/v4.    Over   arounds/Thru-Flights. De-Icing at
up to twin turbine aircraft. As all      10,000 autogen buildings and           the gate or pad. Circuits/Touch and
primary flight and navigation infor-     houses with German style designs.      Go's. High Altitude airport proce-
mation are clearly displayed on two      Many famous museums, churches,         dures. External Air/GPU handling
LCD displays, it greatly enhances        buildings, apartments, landmarks       (Engine Start and Pushback/ Gate
situational awareness, safety and        in Frankfurt city centre area. Many    Arrival).
pilot workload reduction. It is also     hotels, shopping malls, school, etc.
very customizable and features           3d models of main Frankfurt train      FSX Booster Live 2018
revolutionary     Synthetic     Vision   station. 3d models of industrial       From FSPS
Technology. Synthetic Vision recre-      buildings. 3d models of apartment
ates a visual topographic landscape      buildings. Compatible with other
from the G500/G600 system's ter-         Frankfurt airport sceneries. Very
rain database. Thereby, offering         good frame rate because 80% is
pilots a supplemental 3D depiction       the autogen houses. Compatibility:
of ground and water, airports, ob-       This scenery enhances the Frank-
stacles and traffic. The Flight1         furt city and it is compatible to be
G500/600 offers smooth framerate         used with other Frankfurt airport
performance       with    its    high-   scenery addons such as the Aero-
resolution PFD/MFD backlit display       soft ones or some other freeware       FSX Booster Live 2018 arrives as a
simulation. The product also in-         airports. Please make sure this        brand new product focusing on new
cludes SafeTaxi and FliteCharts          Frankfurt RealCIty X scenery is the    users of Flight Simulator. Improv-
support, which gives you detailed        topmost layer over other scenery       ing P3D performance was never
airport information and terminal         layers, otherwise you will not get     easier. FSX Booster Live 2018 uses
procedure charts (US Only). High         the full function of it.               just a bar you can move from 0 to
resolution terrain maps with TAWS-                                              100 % and that's it. No options to
B audible alerts and Full WAAS ap-       iFly 737NG (Voice and Button           confuse you - no tick boxes, no
proach support is also included.                                                extra details. At 0% (Decrease
The G500/600 Series Gauge Con-           Control—P3D 64 bit)
                                                                                frames) all P3D graphics power is
figuration Utility allows users to       From FS2Crew
                                                                                diverted to faster tile loading, bet-
install and configure the G500/600
                                                                                ter graphics quality, smoother tex-
unit in their selected aircraft using                                           ture and autogen loading. If at
our easy-to-use gauge configura-                                                100%      (Increase    frames)      all
tion utility software. Both gauges                                              P3D power is diverted to frames
are highly customizable, with many                                              per second. So just fire-up your
features that can be turned on or                                               FSX and then start FSX Booster
off or adjusted to suit the user's                                              Live 2018. Watch that while you
preference. The avionics suite fea-                                             move the bar to 100% you gain
tures a growing list of native sup-                                             frames, watch as you move the bar
port, including Alabeo aircraft, and                                            to 0 how graphics become more
from additional third-party aircraft                                            stable and better. You can control
creators and The G500/600 can            The iFly 737NG is one of the most
                                                                                the all-time FSX quality-to-frames
integrate, as a pop-up, with all         popular addons available for Flight
                                                                                ratio - as you want. It will only take
add-on aircraft in your Flight Simu-     Simulator. Now you can enjoy your
                                                                                a few flights to find the desired
                                         FS2Crew airline crew simulation

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 2 March 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
value. Either boost frames all the     Helgoland FSX V2.0                       Hurghada X V2 P3D4
way up, or all the way down so you     From LimeSim                             From Simbreeze
can gain graphics stability and               
smoothness or anything in be-
tween. The main advantage is that
you can do it LIVE. For example if
at a very congested airport where
frames naturally drop, you can use
the 100% setting, but while flying
you may use a less aggressive set-
ting of 50%. Features: Direct con-
nection to FSX. Instant results. No
editing the fsx.cfg and user's op-     “Helgoland X” has grown older but
tions. Up to 200% FPS (frames per      is still a popular destination, so we
second) improvement.                   decided to create a worthy up-to-        Hurghada International Airport is
                                       date successor – this is “Helgoland      located near the tourist resort of
GCXO Tenerife North Airport            FSX V2.0”. This new add-on prom-         Hurghada on the Red SeaThe for-
From RFscenerybuilding                 ises an even higher level of detail      mer military base was connected to                      and countless new and exciting           the airport for passenger traffic.
                                       options. Large parts of the scenery      The long wide 4000m runways is
                                       were created from scratch. Fea-          suitable for larger aircraft like B747
                                       tures: Extremely detailed scenery.       and A380. Features: Detailed rep-
                                       1 meter resolution mesh (so you          resentation of the airport incl. 2
                                       see the smallest dunes near the          runways. Detailed representation of
                                       airport). Very good performance.         the resort Hurghada incl sights,
                                       Animated sea gulls (better not hit       hotels and Hurghada Marina. Ad-
                                       those!). Sounds linked to scenery        vanced representation of the reefs,
Tenerife North Airport formerly Los    objects (waves, bird, ships and          Giftun Island and all adjacent is-
Rodeos Airport, is one of the two      even the sounds of the church bells      lands. Advanced representation of
international airports on the island   at noon). Extensive shipping traffic     the following hotels: Aladin Beach,
of Tenerife, Spain Combined with       (on shipping routes, ferries, and        Conrad Beach, Sunrise Mamlouk
Tenerife South Airport, the island     traffic to the wind parks). Helgo-       Palace Resort, Sunrise Garden
has the highest passenger move-        land-Düne airfield (with extremely       Beach, Dana Beach, Desert Rose,
ment of all the Canary Islands, with   short runway). SAR helicopter base       Golden 5, Iberotel Aquamarine,
12,248,673 passengers, surpassing      of the German Navy (start of your        Titanic Beach, Melia Pharaoh, Hil-
Gran Canaria Airport. Today TFN is     rescue mission). Mittelplatte oil rig.   ton Long Beach, Coral Beach. El
an inter-island hub connecting all     German Navy frigate (moving and          Gouna incl. Airport (HEGO) in-
seven Canary Islands with connec-      landable). Detailed aerial images.       cluded. 10.000 sq km created area.
tions to the Iberian Peninsula,        Missions. New features of this ver-      Contain all airport buildings. Con-
Europe, and North America. In          sion: Entirely updated Duene island      tain new terminal. IK Jetways.
1977, the airport was the site of      layout: New image material, im-          SODE Jetways. Safegate Docking
the worst accident in aviation his-    proved resolution. Runways and           signs at all gates. Excellent night
tory when 583 passengers and           apron with high-resolution textures      effects. Dynamic Lights. Realistic
crew were killed after two Boeing      (~5cm/pix). Improved rain effects.       runway and taxiway lighting. Nu-
747s collided on the runway in         Updated airport buildings with res-      merous scenery effects. Animated
heavy fog. Features: Custom air-       taurant terrace and transparent          ground traffic. Animated 3D people
port building. Custom platform and     tower windows. OLT hangar on its         (FSX/P3D). 2 Heliports, one at the
custom vehicles. Custom lighting       correct position plus some smaller       airport and one of the Giftun-
runway. 3D light mast lighting and     corrections. Thousands of vegeta-        Island. Configurator. Manual with
lights on taxiing. Glass effect win-   tion objects and vegetation on           charts.
dows of buildings. Pseudo shadows.     dunes added. Hundreds of beach
Optional: Dynamic lighting for         chair added. New bungalow settle-        Iran Mega Scenery V3 Vol.1
P3Dv4. Large size landclass. Colour    ment added. Seals at the beaches         Tehran and Countryside P3D
landclass made for the colour          added. ATC functionality added.
                                                                                From Parscene
gamut FTX ORBX GLOBAL World            Updated island cliffs with more re-
textures. Files adaptation for "FREE   alistic textures. Updated aerial im-
PHOTOGRAPHIC         SCENERY      OF   agery to match 2018 status. Off-
SPAIN". Files adaptation scenery       shore "Südhafen" energy company
for "FSSIMVFR-SPAIN VFR MESH-          buildings with clutter. 4 offshore
CANARY ISLANDS FSX". Change of         wind parks with 4 platforms and
season – automatic. Road traffic.      their helipads. Detailed offshore
Correct work of the scenery with       maintenance heliport connected to
the "TABURET-SPAIN 10M MESH".          the SAR heliport: Very high ground
Ground textures in scenery – 2048.     resolution for both helipads. SAR
Version for FSX/P3Dv4. (Note: Jet-     heliport details added (improved
ways are static in scenery).           fences, signs, etc). Upgrade offer
(Screenshots made: FSX + FTX           available.
                                                                                Iran Mega Scenery v3.0, volume 1
                                                                                is a fully edited and colour cor-
Europe + Orbx FTX Trees HD).
                                                                                rected high resolution (1.19 meter

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 2 March 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
per pixel) photoreal scenery, cover-   linn Airport in Tallinn, Estonia. The   the aircraft. Special features: Cur-
ing the city of Tehran and its coun-   product also includes the city of       rent version 1.6 (last updated 2
tryside. The scenery covers an area    Tallinn with its landmarks. This        Feb 2018). Major update for X-
about 5000 sq. kilometers (65x72       product is compatible with FSX-         Plane 11.10+; G1000 GPS by LR -
km.) from "Parchin" at the east of     based platforms including Microsoft     Completely upgraded sound to
Tehran to "Karaj" at the west, and     Flight Simulator X (FSX) and Lock-      FMOD, for more immersion and
from the southern slopes of the        heed Martin Prepar3D (P3D). Scen-       more      realism -    Replaced    all
"Alborz mountains" at the North to     ery Features: High quality EETN         Thranda native scroll manipulators
southern border of "Kahrizak" at       Tallinn airport with up-to-date ter-    with X-Plane native ones, in antici-
the    south     of   Tehran.    Re-   minals, aprons and taxiways.            pation of VR support - Made many
quires Prepar3D V3.X or Prepar3D       Newly constructed buildings added       menu items auto-save (to the ex-
V4.X.                                  (terminal extension, car parking,       tent that it makes sense to save
                                       MRO hangar, tram station). Large        those settings for the next flight) -
KATL Atlanta P3D4                      area around the airport including       Upgraded plugin to SASL 2.51,
From Imaginesim                        Tallinn city with autogen and land-     which improves stability and fea-                     mark buildings. Static aircraft, 3D     ture set. (e.g. now a plane crash
                                       people, terminal interiors, ground      bypasses an automatic SASL re-
                                       service vehicles, detailed horizontal   load, so you can get back to flying
                                       and vertical signs. Advanced air-       faster) - Added function to be able
                                       port lighting (user controlled at       to start the plane from cold and
                                       wish). Advanced optimization and        dark vs. engines running, at the
                                       texture management. SODE jet-           flick of a switch (in the pop-up win-
                                       ways and animated hangar doors.         dow). Auto updater for the duration
                                       Changes in V2: Updated ground           of X-Plane 11! Superb reflections
                                       poly - extended runway, new taxi-       inside and outside, using full PBR
KATL Atlanta for Prepar3D V4. It       ways and aprons. New lighting for       features. Dynamic Livery Editor -
has vastly improved performance,       the whole airport (same standards       create your new livery while in the
the result of a complete model op-     as in our newest products). New         sim! Comprehensive menu with
timization and recompile. Among a      MRO hangar, extended terminal           per-passenger Weight and Balance
host of improvements you will find:    building and some interior added.       Manager, audio controls, custom
Gigantic improvement in perform-       New tramway station and several         slew controls, livery selection, air-
ance using procedures optimized        new high buildings North of the         craft configuration etc.
for Prepar3D V4. Framerate speeds      airport. New vertical taxiway signs,
up by over double compared with        new fences and trees. Updated all       Helgoland professional P3Dv4
previous Prepar3D version. Tripled     SODE content. Autogen enhance-          From LimeSim
and more when compared to FSX          ments. Updated ground imagery.
version. High definition building      Estonian Air signs and aircraft re-
texturing and improved new V4          moved. New car parking. New
ground polygons. Fluid usage, even     static aircraft. Highly upgraded tex-
with complex airliner cockpits and     ture management for better per-
high density AI coverage. Low visi-    formance. Full range of FSX-based
bility nav lighting. Switchable dy-    platforms compatibility.
namic lighting option. New and be-
spoke Operations Center configura-     Kodiak Quest G1000
tion GUI. Comprehensive ground         From Thandra Design
and building optimization. Interac-                      After growing older but not losing
tive SODE jetways. Instantaneous                                               popularity we decided it's time for
scenery cache loading. Seasonal                                                a new version of good and old Hel-
texture options. 10.2 mile square                                              goland X. Its successor “Helgoland
coverage of the KATL area. Low                                                 Professional” brings it to a com-
simulator     impact.     Graduated                                            pletely new level of detail and will
ground extremities to seamlessly                                               offer you thrilling new options.
blend with any vector driven add-                                              Much of the scenery has been en-
on. Improved autogen coverage.                                                 tirely redesigned. Forces or nature
                                                                               have reshaped the East coast of
EETN Tallinn X V2                      Thranda's Quest Kodiak includes an      “Duene”. Rwy 21 was formerly
From Drzewiecki Design                 accurate G1000 simulation with          blocked by a high sand dune that is                      moving map, an exceptional array        now entirely gone. While ap-
                                       of advanced FMOD sounds, superb         proaches got a bit easier here the
                                       interior and exterior reflections us-   southern end of the airport is now
                                       ing full PBR features, dynamic Liv-     a place where waves break around
                                       ery Editor and a fly-out pop-up         the southern tip of the runway. 10
                                       menu featuring five menus. Among        years ago this was surrounded by a
                                       the many features are a functional      large beach and construction teams
                                       GPU, custom lighting throughout,        are hard at work to prevent further
                                       accurate flight dynamics, extremely     loss of sediments. Features: Ex-
                                       detailed panel with dynamic reflec-     tremely detailed scenery (most
EETN Tallinn X is a highly detailed    tions, hideable cargo pod, engine       buildings). 1 meter resolution mesh
scenery of EETN Lennart Meri Tal-      failures and an electric tug to tow     (so you see the smallest dunes

near the airport). Very good per-       settings. Detailed Airport: Ultra        Propeller Textures. High Fidelity
formance. Animated sea gulls            High Definition Textures. Detailed       Sound Files. Precision Flight Dy-
(better not hit those!). Sounds         3D modelling. PBR Materials for          namics. Fully Animated Pilot Fig-
linked to scenery objects (waves,       shiny reflections. Ground reflec-        ures. Paint Kit. Custom installer for
bird, ships and even the sounds of      tions and decals. Custom “soft”          FSX, FSX SE and P3D V1 – 4.
the church bells at noon). Exten-       animated 3D Grass blends with
sive shipping traffic (on nearby        orthophotos. Custom HDR Lights           Mega Sao Paulo XPlane 11
shipping lane and most regular          billboard and spill in Terminal and      From Paulo Ricardo
scheduled ship traffic to and from      Taxi Signs. High resolution ortho-
the islands and oil rig). Helgoland-    imagery for the airport. Animated
Düne airfield (with extremely short     radar. Accurate ATC/TAXI flows.
runways). SAR helicopter base of
the German Navy (start of your          Luscombe Phantom
rescue mission). Mittleplatte oilrig.   From Golden Age Simulations
German Navy frigate (moving and
landable). Detailed aerial images.
Extensive manual (German and
English available). New in version
P3D V4: Entirely updated Duene                                                   São Paulo is a Brazilian city, capital
island layout: Major changes to the                                              of the State of São Paulo and main
island's shape to match 2017                                                     financial centre, corporate and
status. Updated imagery, improved                                                mercantile in South America. It is
resolution. Runways and aprons                                                   the most populous city of Brazil, of
now have very high resolution tex-      The Phantom was formally intro-          the     American    continent    and
tures (~5cm/pix) and improved           duced to the public at the 1934          throughout the southern hemi-
rain effects. Updated airport build-    National Air Races where it caused       sphere, and the most influential
ings with covered restaurant ter-       a near panic with race goers with        Brazilian city on the global stage,
race and now transparent tower          its style and innovations. It re-        being considered the 14th city
windows. Shifted new OLT hangar         ceived its type certificate number       more globalized planet. São Paulo
to its correct location and other       552 on 8-18-34. The all metal            is the capital of the most populous
minor updates to textures and           framework was unusually tough            state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, standing
models. Added thousands of vege-        enough to withstand the stress of        next to the parallel 23° 32 ‘ 52‘
tation objects. Added hundreds of       amateur aerobatics, but its intent       South and the Meridian 46° 38 ‘ 09
beech chairs on the beaches.            was not for that purpose but to be       West. The total area of the munici-
Added fascines to the beaches. Up-      a "let's-go-somewhere-fast" air-         pality is 1522.986 km2, according
dated main island cliffs, replaced      plane powered by the 7 cylinder          to the Brazilian Institute of geogra-
with more realistic textures. Added     Warner "Super Scarab" series 50          phy and statistics (IBGE), being the
detailed offshore maintenance heli-     engine producing 145 h.p. which          ninth largest in territorial exten-
port connected to the SAR heliport:     provided for sea level maximum           sion. Of the whole area of the mu-
Very high resolution ground tex-        speeds of 168 m.p.h, cruising at         nicipality, 968.3248 km2 are urban
tures for both heliports. Added de-     143 m.p.h. This was an all metal         areas, being the largest urban area
tails to SAR heliport (improved         high-winged cabin monoplane with         in the country. Sao Paulo’s Con-
fences, signs...).                      side to side seating for two. The all    gonhas airport 3 (SBSP), Campo de
                                        metal "stressed-skin" fuselage of-       Marte (SBMT) and Guarulhos Cum-
KSNA John Wayne XPlane 11               fered strength, reliability and prac-    bica (SBGR). Included in Scenery
From Skyline Simulations                tically no maintenance. The rest of      Package: City 3Dbuilding of São                       the aircraft was all metal as well.      Paulo.     Autogen houses, trees.
                                        "No wood, no nails, no glue!" The        Night Light Santos, São Paulo and
                                        Phantom represented a milestone          area.       Stadiums,      Palmerias,
                                        in light aircraft manufacturing and      Pacaembu, São Paulo, Corinthians,
                                        brought the name Luscombe to             Portugesa othes 3D improve. Gua-
                                        prominence and high regard among         rulhos and Congonhas Airports
                                        private-owner market, which re-          Light version. Requires XPlane 11.
                                        mains to this day. Our representa-
KSNA John Wayne International           tion of this iconic aircraft is fully    Miami Intl. Airport KMIA V4
Airport is here for X-Plane 10 & 11.    animated with tool tips active in        From LatinVFR
This product has full compatibility     the VC cockpit for all animated
and features that take advantage        parts. It is fully compatible with all
of the available technology in X-       versions of FSX and P3D. Our pack-
Plane 11. Accurately designed John      age includes: High quality, fully
Wayne International Airport with        animated 3D models represent-
underlying ortho imagery and            ing Land, and Float Plane options.
highly detailed objects, including      Fully Modelled Detailed Warner
the surrounding area. Animated          "Super Scarab" engine. High Reso-
Airport: Animated Jetways. Ground       lution (4096 x 4096) Textures.
Traffic in whole airport for G. Avia-   Fully Animated VC cockpit with VC
tion and Commercial services. Ran-      Cockpit Shadowing and smooth 3D          One of the world's busiest airport
domly placed static aircraft, can be    modelled gauges. VC cockpit Cus-         and main gateway for one of the
easily toggled off in the X-Plane       tom Sound Package. Volumetric            most popular destinations in the

world features the following: P3Dv4      Weapon system panel. Clickable           Nantes Atlantique P3Dv3/4
version made completely with the         checklist in cockpit, including 4        From JetStream Designs
P3D4 SDK code making it 100% 64          pages for user content. Beautiful
bit. Extremely realistic airport and     exterior model: Many animations
surrounding      buildings.   Native     and detailed mechanics - Control
ground polygons, with bump and           surfaces, flaps, slats, air brake.
specular maps. (P3D4). Surround-         Complex landing gear with doors.
ings extremely detailed with doz-        Correct canopy animation with
ens of customized buildings. Photo       three positions. Engine fans, noz-
scenery and autogen, covering            zles. Intake protection doors, sec-
80square Miles. City of Miami build-     ondary air intakes. Refined flight
ings (downtown) and major area           model with correct landing speeds,
landmarks. Animated CTRL+J jet-          max. speed, max. turn rates, fuse-       Nantes Atlantique (LFRS/NTE) is an
ways. AFX file representing actual       lage lift simulation etc... Plain and    important French international air-
airline parking positions. Excellent     armed versions included. Detailed        port serving the city of Nantes, in
night techniques, realistic runway       manual, plus video tutorials. 15         the “Pays de la Loire” region. The
lighting according to official docu-     Liveries with normal maps.               airport handled more than 5 million
ments of the airport. Dynamic                                                     passengers in 2017. Scenery fea-
lights (P3D4). Scenery configurator      Ningbo Lishe Intl. ZSNB P3D4             tures: Scenery configurator for se-
tool. Much more. Special upgrade         From Asian Airports                      lecting any level of detail. Highly
price available.                                       detailed buildings with HD textures
                                                                                  and interior terminal modelling. 3D
MIG-29 XPlane 10/11                                                               people inside terminal (optional).
From Colimata                                                                     Animated SODE jetways. Dynamic                                                                 lights (P3D V4 only). Native P3D
                                                                                  ground with HD textures and sun
                                                                                  glow/wet effects. Volumetric grass.
                                                                                  Detailed airport objects and vehi-
                                                                                  cles. Animated airport and landside
                                                                                  vehicles. 3D taxiway lights with
                                                                                  halos / Ramp lights with halos. Ex-
                                         Ningbo Lishe opened in 1984. In          tended custom autogen. Night en-
                                         1990 it became the first entirely        vironment. Seasonal textures. Cus-
                                         civilian used airport of Zhejiang        tom taxiway signs with realistic
                                         Province. Nowadays it has links to       night textures Custom runway and
                                         Taiwan, Macau, Seoul, Hong Kong,         taxiway lights. Optional Static air-
The MiG-29 is a jet fighter aircraft     Bangkok, Singapore, Osaka and            craft. GSX compatible. FTX Global
designed by Mikojan-Gurewitsch           other major destinations in Asia. All    and Vector photoreal area blend-
aircraft (Russia) for an air superior-   major airlines are represented at        ing. All objects and models are na-
ity role. The MiG-29 entered ser-        the airport, including: Air China, Air   tive P3D, compiled using the
vice with the Soviet Air Force in        Macau, Beijing Capital Airlines,         proper SDK for each version of
1983, and remains in use by many         Chengdu Airlines, China Eastern,         P3D. A version is also available for
other nations around the world           China Southern, Chongqing Air-           FSX.
(1600 are still in operation). The       lines, China United, Donghai Air-
MiG-29 was developed to counter          lines, Dragonair, EVA Air, Hainan        PA-28-161 Warrior II for
American fighters such as the F-15       Airlines, HK Express, Lucky Air,         XPlane 11
Eagle and the F-16 Fighting Falcon.      Mandarin Airlines, Okay Airways,
                                                                                  From Just Flight
Features: Ultra realistic, projected,    Shandong Airlines, Shenzhen Air-
collimated, focused to infinity 3D       lines, Sichuan Airlines, Sky Angkor
Head Up Display. More than 40            Airlines, Spring Airlines, Thai AirA-
custom made dynamic 3D sounds            sia, Tianjin Airlines, Tigerair, Uni
(XP11 only) have been added,             Air, Vietnam Airlines, West Air
many of them recorded on the real        China, Xiamen Airlines. Runway
aircraft: Complex engine sounds,         13/31 is 3200 m long and 45 m
dynamic atmosphere in the cockpit,       wide. In reality, gates 1 to 7 are
high AoA vortex sounds, computer         fitted with a Visual Docking Guid-
voice, supersonic bang, canopy           ance System. In P3D they and
effects, ejection…. Highly detailed      windsocks are not functional. Fea-
3D virtual cockpit: Cockpit and          tures: Moving Jetways at Gate 1 to
                                                                                  Following on from their critically
gauges accurately placed based on        7 (Ctrl. J). Rabbit lights. Animated
                                                                                  acclaimed Arrow III and Turbo Ar-
the original layout, completely in       Runway-Guarding-Lights. 3D Taxi
                                                                                  row III/IV add-ons for X-Plane 11,
English. Multiple HUD modes. RA-         Lights. Approach Lights. A special
                                                                                  this highly detailed simulation of
DAR display shows aircraft, NAV          upgrade price offer available if you
                                                                                  the PA-28-161 Warrior II has been
points, meteorological info. Radar       have a previous version from Sim-
                                                                                  developed by Just Flight's in-house
control panel. Engine systems, NAV       market.
                                                                                  team and Thranda Design following
system, plus fms and gps. Telelight
                                                                                  comprehensive, hands-on research
warning panel. Animated secondary
                                                                                  with a real-life Warrior II, G-BOZI,
systems (air cond., ventilation).
                                                                                  based at Conington Airfield. The
RWR      radar   warning     receiver,
                                                                                  PA-28-161 Warrior II is a four-

seater,     piston-engine     aircraft   creased power draw. The PMDG             Please note: The airport does not
equipped with a fixed tricycle land-     737NGX is a living, breathing ma-        include the aircraft seen at the ter-
ing gear, 160hp four-cylinder en-        chine. Features: FMC/AFDS – An           minal in the product images;
gine and fixed-pitch propeller – an      extensive flight management com-         please use a traffic addon program.
ideal aircraft for touring and flight    puter (FMC) and autopilot simula-        This airport required user activa-
training. The Warrior II is flown all    tion. Flight Model – Engine and          tion.
around the world and our add-on          flight modelling that is within 5% of
reflects that global popularity. In      the actual Boeing aircraft perform-      777-200LR/F for P3DV4
addition to our UK research air-         ance charts, including single-           From PMDG
craft, G-BOZI, the package fea-          engine operations. 3D Models – 
tures liveries from the USA, Can-        Exterior and virtual cockpit models
ada, UK, France, Australia and Ger-      textures created from the actual
many. The PA-28-161 Warrior II           Boeing      engineering     diagrams.
for X-Plane 11 features PBR materi-      Sounds – An uncompromisingly
als with real-time environment re-       realistic soundest. User Interface –
flections for superb quality and re-     Absolutely easy to use user inter-
alism, 4096 x 4096 textures for the      face. Fuel, payload and more than
highest possible texture clarity and     75 airframe and cockpit options are
numerous animations including a          adjustable on the fly without ever
multi-animation passenger door           touching the FSX menus or pausing
that, when open, responds to G-          the sim. HUGS – A realistic opti-
forces and air resistance. Among         cally collimated Head-up Guidance        PMDG’s acclaimed 777-200LR/F is
the features are a fully functional      System (HGS). Exterior Lighting –        now available natively for Prepar3D
and comprehensive IFR-capable            3D volumetric exterior lighting that     V4! The “Triple Seven” as it is af-
avionics fit in the 3D virtual cock-     lights up the FS scenery. Liveries –     fectionately known is one of the
pit, custom-coded fuel and electri-      Numerous liveries to choose from         world’s most popular long-range
cal systems, flight computer panel,      and many more available for free         airliners and is the world’s largest
simulated vapour lock and plug           download. Documentation - Full           twin-engine jet. Developed with
fouling, pop-up autopilot window,        documentation that includes an           technical input from Boeing and a
custom external light logic, func-       introductory manual and the real         team of real-life 777 crew and
tional throttle quadrant tensioning      life 737NG manuals as PDF.               maintenance advisors, the PMDG
system and an authentic sound set.                                                777-200LR/F is an extremely so-
                                         Rick Husband Amarillo Intl.              phisticated simulation with nearly
737 NGX for P3DV4                        From SXAirportDesign                     every function of its real-life sys-
From PMDG                                              tems modelled in high fidelity. Both                                                          the ultra-long range 777-200LR                                                                  and the 777F freighter variants                                                                      powered by massive GE90-110B1
                                                                                  engines are included. Numerous
                                                                                  airline liveries and options are
                                                                                  available for free download includ-
                                                                                  ing all current operators of both
                                                                                  types. Features: PMDG Operations
                                                                                  Centre – Includes the PMDG Opera-
                                         Welcome to Texas! Amarillo is the        tion Centre, a stand-alone applica-
                                         largest city in the Texas panhandle,     tion     which    manages       livery
                                         its main airport was renamed Rick        downloads and installations, livery
PMDG is proud to offer the PMDG          Husband Amarillo International Air-      options settings, documentation,
737NGX for the next generation of        port after Rick Husband, the astro-      support and much more. FMC –
flight simulation – the popular me-      naut, who was born in Amarillo and       The flight management computer
dium-haul airliner is now available      died in the Columbia Space Shuttle       (FMC) contains real life 777 FMC
for Prepar3D V4. This PMDG               crash STS 07, in 2003. KAMA oper-        features including Required Naviga-
737NGX features the acclaimed            ates with around 300,000+ pas-           tion Performance (RNP), LNAV, ex-
high level of systems fidelity. De-      sengers a year, and had a $50 mil-       tremely accurate VNAV speed and
veloped over three years with tech-      lion terminal renovation in 2011.        altitude predictions and the full
nical input from Boeing and a team       This superbly detailed recreation of     complement of scratchpad warning
of real-life 737NG crew and main-        KAMA includes: 1ft/pix photoscen-        messages that a real crew could
tenance advisors, we have pains-         ery of the airport and surrounding       see. Flight Model – Engine and
takingly modelled nearly every sys-      area. Corrected landclasses of the       flight modelling that is within 5% of
tem on the real aircraft in a fully      area around the airport. The whole       the actual Boeing aircraft perform-
dynamic and realistic manner.            airport recreated in fantastic detail.   ance charts, including single-
Raise the wing spoilers and watch        100s of custom buildings. Custom         engine operations. Autopilot –
as the virtual hydraulic fluid moves     static vehicles and objects. Baked       PMDG autopilot created for the 777
through the system and causes the        Ambient occlusion on many build-         that replicates the precise yet
pressure and quantity to change in       ings and ground textures. Baked          smooth feeling you get from the
real time. Turn on something as          night lighting. SODE jetways. Per-       real thing. Created with hours of
small as a single exterior light and     formance optimised with LODS and         video taken in the real airplane and
watch as the electrical load indica-     combined textures. Requirements:         actual 777 full flight simulator fly-
tion changes to reflect the in-          FSX, FSX SE, Prepar3D v2/v3/v4.          ing experience. Sounds – A meticu-

lously created soundset that cap-        Precise flight model and fine tuned      Shrike-Commander 500S
tures the raw power of the GE90-         engine performance. Virtually all        HQ Soundset
110B1 engines and cockpit envi-          the instruments and controls are
                                                                                  From PKSIMArezOne-Aviation
ronment. All sounds were recorded        interactive. Developed with the
on the real airplane. RAAS – Fully       advice and counselling from MD-80
functional Runway Awareness and          licensed pilots. Compatible with X-
Advisory System which calls out          Plane 11 and 10.51 versions. Cus-
runway names and other informa-          tom Flight Management System
tion. User Interface – The aircraft’s    (FMS) and Automatic Flight. De-
fuel, payload and a large number of      tailed simulation of systems. Pop-
airframe and cockpit options are         up Menu: Ground operations page.
adjustable on the fly without ever       Fuel & Load page. Hyper-realistic
touching the FSX menus or pausing        visuals.
the sim. Exterior Lighting – 3D
volumetric exterior lighting that        San Andreas & Providencia
lights up the FS scenery. You can        From PKSIM                               This is a high-quality Soundset for
even see the flash from the strobe                        the Shrike-Commander 500s rec-
lights when looking out the cockpit
                                                                                  ommended for the Carenado Aero-
side windows. Liveries – Free
                                                                                  Commander 500s. The sound re-
downloadable liveries for numerous
                                                                                  corded from a real airplane and
world airlines, easily installable us-
                                                                                  processed digitally for the real-feel
ing the Livery Manager in our
                                                                                  environment. Designed for Micro-
PMDG Operations Centre. Docu-
                                                                                  soft Flight simulator X, SP2,
mentation – Full documentation
                                                                                  STEAM, Prepar3D all Versions. De-
that includes the real-life 777
                                                                                  scription: Original Flap Sound.
manuals, consisting of the Flight        Archipelago of San Andrés, Provi-        Original        Alternator/Generator
Crew Operating Manuals Vol. 1 & 2,       dencia and Santa Catalina, or collo-     Sounds. New Landing gear sound
the Flight Crew Training Manual          quially San Andrés y Providencia, is     with Gear doors time shifted. Land-
and the Quick Reference Hand-            one of the departments of Colom-         ing Gear failure effect with air-flow
book. We’ve also included a 163          bia. It consists of two island groups    wind stream (FSX-system failures).
page introduction manual specific        about 775 km (482 mi) northwest          Lost or broken Engine on each side
to the simulation and a 126 page         of mainland Colombia and eight           (FSX-system failures). Engine Fire.
tutorial flight that includes real       outlying banks and reefs. The larg-      Structure Overload. Gear Down
Jeppesen charts.                         est island of the archipelago is         warning when takeoff IAS speed
                                         called San Andrés and its capital is     controlled. Gear UP warning in low
MD-80 Pro XPlane 10/11                   San Andrés. San Andrés is the larg-      RPM position. Rough Engine run
From Rotate                              est island full of resorts and a fa-     when Engines are leaning. Shake                         mous tourist destination arriving by     cockpit, window and glasses in
                                         plane into the Gustavo Rojas Pinilla     lower RPM range. New ultra realis-
                                         (SKSP) airport located to the north      tic Ground Roll, Bolds, brakes, in-
                                         of the island where airlines like Avi-   cluding speed and volume control.
                                         anca, Latam, Wingo, Viva Colom-          Authentic Stall warning. Speed
                                         bia, Satena and Copa Airlines have       controlled Wind-effects in cockpit/
                                         regular flights and seasonal flights     cabin. Ultra real Engine sounds of
                                         from numerous international air-         the Lycoming-Engines in all phases
                                         lines. Providencia Island, also          of flight. Authentic fuel Pump. Au-
                                         known as New Providence, located         thentic Open & Close Doors with
The Rotate MD-80 is a most accu-         to the north of San Andrés, is a         lock and cabin pressure effects.
rate simulation of this popular air-     small mountain island which con-         Authentic Autopilot/Flight director
craft, specifically the MD-88 varia-     tains 90% of Colombian reefs. It         on/off (Gong). Full crash and Gear
tion. It offers a complex and im-        has a small island next to it called     Up landing sounds, with scratch
mersing simulation experience. The       Santa Catalina. Green Tourists ar-       and Metal including ELT-signal. Full
realism of the 3D model and tex-         rive from San Andrés via ferry of        water landing optimized in case of
ture work is pure and delightful eye     by small planes to the “El Embrujo”      landing on Water with Gear Up +
candy. The advanced systems              airport located to the east of the       ELT-signal. Full new Asymmetric
simulation makes a solid experi-         island between hills. Features: 2        Engine-run when move each Throt-
ence for the demanding flight sim-       airports included SKSP and SKPV.         tle and RPM (Propeller). Complete
mer. The Rotate MD-80 is also sup-       Full photo-real islands of San           Startup & Shutdown Cockpit & out-
ported by our NavDataPro service         Andres, Providencia and Santa            side. Full compatible with (build-in
for up-to-date navigational data         Catalina. Custom 19m mesh for the        sounds by factory) sound files. Full
(requires a separate NavDataPro          3 islands. Far away Albuquerque          prop feathering on both engines.
subscription). Features: A set of        and Bolivar reefs included. Custom       Full wide panned Stereo sound
ten ultra-high resolution liveries,      autogen. Custom ground textures          44500 coded. Fully compatible with
including    a     paintkit. Custom      with reflections. Ctrl+J gates for       A2A Accu-feel Global FSX enhance-
sounds. 3D sound engine with ste-        SKSP. Custom high resolution tex-        ment. Authentic hot-Engine cooling
reo and doppler effects. High qual-      tures. Dynamic Lighting (P3Dv4)          down sounds outside only when
ity multi-layered engine sounds.         Airport configurator. Both versions      shutdown. Works great in Prepar3d
Wind and control surfaces sounds.        included P3D v3 & v4.                    - all versions. Tested and Flown by
Cockpit ambient and custom alerts.                                                Real Shrike-Commander Pilots.

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