Browick Road Primary and Nursery School - Information for Parents 2020- 2021 - Browick Road Primary and Nursery School

Page created by Michele Waters
Browick Road Primary and Nursery School - Information for Parents 2020- 2021 - Browick Road Primary and Nursery School
Browick Road Primary and Nursery
 Information for Parents 2020– 2021

     Browick Road Primary and Nursery School
                    Browick Road
                  Norfolk NR18 0QW
                  Tel: 01953 603061
Browick Road Primary and Nursery School - Information for Parents 2020- 2021 - Browick Road Primary and Nursery School
Welcome from the Headteacher
Dear Parents and Carers,

On behalf of the governors and
staff, I would like to welcome you
and your child to Browick Road
Primary and Nursery School.
I want to assure you that everyone
working here is committed to creating a secure, caring and
stimulating environment – one that offers each child the opportunity
to develop to their full potential. We pride ourselves in offering a
broad and balanced curriculum, designed to interest and stimulate all
We also believe that a child’s development should be the result of a
shared partnership, a partnership between you, the parent, and us,
the school. I invite you to join us in this partnership, to share in the
work of the school and to support and encourage your child at home.
I hope this booklet provides you with the essential information you
need about our school and its organisation. More information is
available on the school’s website
However, if you still have any questions, then please contact the
school office.

Pauline McMullan

                                     Vision Statement:
                                     Achieving Success
Browick Road Primary and Nursery School - Information for Parents 2020- 2021 - Browick Road Primary and Nursery School
The School Day

            The school day starts at 8:50am and
                     ends at 3:15pm

Unless attending Kaleidoscope
Breakfast Club, children
should arrive at school
between 8.40am and 8.50am,
where staff will meet them on
the playground.
At 8.50am a bell is sounded          Breakfast Club
and children will join their class   From 7.45am to 8.30am –
line and proceed into class for      including a healthy breakfast.
                                     After School Club
                                     From 3.15pm to 6pm – with an
Children should not arrive at        emphasis on fun and games,
school before 8.40am and we          including a hot snack.
cannot accept liability for those
who do.                              Please contact Kaleidoscope
                                     on 07884187967 for more
Browick Road Primary and Nursery School - Information for Parents 2020- 2021 - Browick Road Primary and Nursery School
School Uniform

School Uniform                       Not Acceptable
We are proud of our school           Fashion clothing, footwear and
uniform and we expect children       nail varnish, are not appropriate
to wear it. The core uniform,        at school.
summer variations and PE Kit
are shown opposite.
                                     Protective Clothing
School uniform and PE kit can be
purchased from Goodies:              Please provide an apron,
                                     overall or old shirt for messy
We suggest early purchases are
                                     In Nursery and Reception the
made as delivery can be up to 28
                                     children will take part in a
days. These can be delivered to
                                     variety of ‘messy’activities. A
school for collection free of
                                     pair of wellies is essential.
charge or alternatively to home
addresses for a delivery charge.     Please make sure that:
                                        All items of your child’s
                                         clothing is clearly named,
Footwear                                 not least because it is
We expect children to wear               almost impossible to
conventional black school shoes.         identify the owner of the
Children will also need wellington       lost clothes otherwise.
boots for outdoor education.
Browick Road Primary and Nursery School - Information for Parents 2020- 2021 - Browick Road Primary and Nursery School
Core Uniform                            PE Kit
   Burgundy school logo                PE Kits should be brought in to
    sweatshirt or cardigan              school on a Monday and taken
   Plain burgundy sweatshirt or        home on a Friday to be
    cardigan (not red)                  washed.
   Black school shoes                      School T-shirt, navy shorts,
   Grey or black trousers, shorts,          black plimsolls and
    pinafore or skirt                        appropriate outdoor sports
   White or light blue shirt or polo        shoes (trainers, football
    shirt, logo optional                     boots etc depending upon
   Plain grey, navy blue,                   activity).
    burgundy or white socks or          Dark coloured tracksuits, hats
    tights                              and gloves may be worn in cold
   A ‘gingham’ summer dress            weather.
    (preferably blue or red)
                                        Swimming Lessons
                                        All children in Key Stage 2 have
House Colours                           a course of swimming lessons.
                                        Children will need, a one-piece
Our house colours are below.            swimming costume or trunks,
Children will be encouraged to          (trunks should be fitted, not
wear this colour t-shirt for inter-     shorts) a towel and a swimming
house competitions.                     hat. Goggles are optional.

     Felbrigg           Blickling       Sandringham         Holkham
Browick Road Primary and Nursery School - Information for Parents 2020- 2021 - Browick Road Primary and Nursery School
Lunch and Break
School Lunch                         Lunch
                                     Lunch Times
We are very proud of our school      Lunch   time takes
                                     Reception:          place
lunches, our kitchen and the         between
                                     Years 3 &11.55am     and 1.00pm
                                                 4: 12.00-1.00pm
healthy, nutritionally-balanced      with
                                     Yearsthe5 children sitting down to
                                               & 6: 12.30pm-1.30pm
meals our staff produce. Almost      eat from the youngest to oldest.
everything we serve, is freshly      Packed Lunch
prepared every day. The menu         Packed   Lunch
follows a three- weekly cycle        Children may bring a healthy
with four choices of meal each       Children   may bring
                                      packed lunch          a healthy
                                                      to school.  This is
day.                                 packed   lunch to school.
                                      eaten communally      in theThis is
                                     eaten  communally
                                      hall and             in the school
                                                water is provided.   No
                                     hall andfizzy
                                      glass,   water  is provided.
                                                   drinks            No
                                                           or chocolate.
   Two cooked main meals,           glass, fizzy drinks, sweets or
    including a vegetarian option.   chocolate.
   Or a jacket potato with a         Mid-morning Break
    choice of toppings and salads.    According to the standards for
   Or a ‘snack pack’ lunch, which   Mid-morning Break
                                      school food, no snacks except
    also includes a drink.           According      to the standards
                                      fruit or vegetables     with no for
                                      added food,
                                               salt ornosugar
                                                          snacks    except
                                                                should  be
All meals are served with a
                                     fruit or vegetables
                                      brought    into school.should   be
choice of pudding, which always
includes fresh fruit. Milk and       brought
                                      sweets andinto school.   Crisps,
                                                       chocolate   bars are
water is also available.             sweets    and    chocolate   bars
                                      not to be brought in for snack.  are
                                             be brought     in forplease
                                                   information     snack.
School lunch costs £2.30 per         Children    in EYFS and KS1 all
day and each choice is the same
price. Children pay, in advance      receive   free fruit daily.
either on-line or by cheque or        standards-for-school-food-in-
cash to the school office.            england.
Browick Road Primary and Nursery School - Information for Parents 2020- 2021 - Browick Road Primary and Nursery School
Free School Meals
If you are eligible, or if you think        We’re a Healthy School!
you are eligible for Free School          We have Healthy School status
Meals, please ask for an                   and we want you to help us,
application form from the school            and your child, by making
office. The eligibility criteria are         healthy eating choices.
shown in the blue box below.
Universal Infant Free School
                                              Prohibited foodstuffs
Children in Reception and Year 1
                                            Children should not bring
& 2 are ALL entitled to a free
                                          sweets or chocolate to school.
school meal. We encourage all             Nor should they bring cans or
parents to take up this option.                  glass containers.
Water                                      No Nuts, peanuts or nut and
Children may bring to school a                  peanut products.
                                          Bubble gum and chewing gum
‘named’ water bottle to school for
                                           are not permitted under any
use during the school day.
    Free School Meals Eligibility          Water bottles MUST contain
    Children of families receiving                  water only.
   Universal Credit (income under
      £7,400), Income Support,
   Employment Support Allowance
 (Income Related) or Income-Based
Job Seekers Allowance are entitled to
          free school meals.
Families receiving Child Tax Credit but
who are not entitled to a Working Tax
 Credit and whose income does not
 exceed £16,190 are also entitled as
      are those who receive the
Guaranteed Element of State Pension
Browick Road Primary and Nursery School - Information for Parents 2020- 2021 - Browick Road Primary and Nursery School
Getting to and from School

Walking, cycles and scooters
We try to encourage children to walk, cycle or use scooters to get to
We have a covered cycle rack, where cycles and scooters may be
stored during the day. Please note that we cannot accept
responsibility for any loss of or damage to these whilst at school.
By car
We would prefer it if your child walked to school, at least part of the
way, but if you do drop off or collect your child by car: please park
away from the school. Wherever you do park, park legally and
considerately .

Going home
Children will be brought to the school playground by their class
teacher or teaching assistant. Please meet your child in the school
playground. From Year 5 children may walk home from school alone
providing that parental permission has been granted.
If you have made arrangements with another parent or responsible
adult to collect your child, please make the class teacher aware via
the contact book. If arrangements change during the school day,
please telephone the school office who will inform the class teacher.
Outside normal hours we expect you to collect your child from either
the After School Club or from the school reception area.
Browick Road Primary and Nursery School - Information for Parents 2020- 2021 - Browick Road Primary and Nursery School
Health, Safety and Welfare
Safeguarding the children
Every member of staff and all
governors undertake
safeguarding training.
Additionally, three of our staff
are trained and in place as
Designated Safeguarding
Leads (DSL). Our staff are able
to recognise the signs and
symptoms of significant harm
and are aware of the school’s
Safeguarding Policy and            ELSA
procedures.                        We have two members of staff
If we see signs or symptoms        who are ELSA (Emotional
                                   Literacy Support Assistant)
which suggest significant harm,
we will follow the Norfolk Local   trained.
Safeguarding Board
                                   These members of staff will
                                   work with children who are
Sunny Weather                      struggling due to anxiety, self-
We are all aware that too much     confidence issues,
exposure to UV radiation from      bereavement, friendship
the sun causes sunburn, skin       difficulties. Children can be
damage and increases the risk      referred by class teachers or
of cancer.                         at the request of parents.
We encourage children to wear
clothes that provide good sun
protection and ask that you
send your child into school with
a hat which can protect their
face, ears and back of their
Please also supply your child
with sunscreen (minimum SPF
40, 4 star UVA) to apply
themselves at school.
Browick Road Primary and Nursery School - Information for Parents 2020- 2021 - Browick Road Primary and Nursery School
Other Information
                                       Sickness Absence
                                       If your child is not well enough
                                       to attend school, please let us
                                       know before registration.
                                       Persistent or frequent
                                       unexplained absences will be
                                       investigated by the

Medicines                              Holidays
If it is essential for your child to   Parents are reminded that
have medication during the             regular attendance helps
school day we require a                improve your child’s success at
completed Administration of            school. Requests to take
                                       holidays during term-time will
Injury or illness
                                       not be authorised except in
If your child is hurt or becomes       exceptional circumstances; this
unwell at school, we will              must be with prior agreement.
administer first aid and, if           Absences of 10 consecutive
necessary, seek further medical        sessions (ie 5 days) or more
assistance.                            can lead to a penalty notice
We will always contact you if          and fine being issued by
such injury or illness is cause        Norfolk County Council to
for concern and, if we are             anybody with parental
unable to contact you, we will         responsibility.
act on the advice of the doctor
or other health professionals
attending your child. Clearly, it
is most important that we have
your up-to-date address and
telephone numbers at all times.
Valuables and Jewellery
                                  Valuables should not be brought
                                  to school and we can not accept
                                  liability for any loss of or
                                  damage to such valuables.
                                  The only jewellery pupils are
                                  permitted to wear are watches
Complaints                        (Year 3 onwards) and small stud
                                  earrings and, for everyone’s
We recognise that complaints
                                  safety, these must be removed
may sometimes occur and we
                                  for PE, Games and Swimming.
take them seriously if they do.
                                  The taping over of earrings will
If you have a complaint then
                                  only be permitted in the initial
please contact the school
                                  weeks following an ear piercing,
office and they will guide you
                                  except for swimming, where all
to the most appropriate
                                  earrings must be removed.
                                  Swimming is a statutory
If you wish to take the matter    requirement for KS2 children.
further, please ask for details
                                  We suggest ears are pierced at
of the school’s Complaints        the beginning of the summer
Procedure or download this        holiday.
from our website.
Teaching and Learning

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is delivered through a topic based approach. We
use a variety of texts to inspire learning and all lessons are
engaging and interactive. The curriculum is complimented by
many visits, visitors and enrichment activities. We offer a broad
and balanced curriculum to appeal to all. We are particularly
developing the Arts, Sports and Outdoor Learning to inspire our
children. For more information about our curriculum please visit
our school website.

Parents are invited to share the outcomes of their children’s
learning through Good Work Assemblies which take place every

We encourage children to challenge themselves to achieve their
best and we support them to be successful in their learning.
Children are taught in mixed ability classes where they may be
grouped by ability for some lessons. On occasion setting may be
used where appropriate.

Letters home
Our aim is to be a ‘paperless’,
school. All school
communication comes via
email, unless we require the
completion of a reply slip.
Therefore it is important the
school is informed of any
changes to e-mail addresses
so as not to miss out on any
essential information.

Data Collection
Each year we will ask you to
confirm that the information we
hold about you and your family     Our website is a really useful
is accurate and up to date.        source of information about
Please let us know if anything     our school, containing
changes. It is essential that we   essential information regarding
have up to date contact details    pupils, parents our curriculum
for you in case we need to         and a list of useful dates. It is
contact you during the school      regularly updated so please do
day.                               use it to check for any
                                   information you may be
Newsletters                        looking for.
Our regular monthly      
newsletters will keep you
informed about what has been
happening in school,
forthcoming events and dates
for your diaries. This is sent
out to parents via e-mail. A
copy of the newsletter will be
displayed on class
Parental Involvement
Parents’ Forum                 Volunteers

Our Governors hold a           We welcome volunteers in
Parents’ Forum every term      school to support the
to which all parents are       children with their learning
invited. The purpose of this   and with activities
is to share views of the       including school trips.
school, as well as to keep
parents informed of
developments within the        If you are interested in
school. The time of the        volunteering on a regular
forum is varied to allow for   basis, you will need to
working parents to attend.     undertake a DBS check.

Sit and See                    Friends

                              Our Parent Teacher
Parents and carers are        Association is called
regularly invited into school “Friends”. The PTA meet
to share their children’s     regularly to plan events
work with them. This either and activities to raise
takes place at the very start money for the school.
or very end of the day.
                              Please feel free to come
                              along to any meetings and
                              help where you can.

                               The PTA can be contacted
Coming in to School
Open Days
Prospective parents are invited
to look around the school in the
Autumn Term.
They are taken on guided tours
by members of Friends which
helps give them a parent’s

For Reception children, we
wait until the children are         Parents’ Evenings
settled before inviting you in to
school for class activities.
                                    Parents’ Evenings are held
                                    two times per year. During the
                                    Autumn and Spring term you
                                    can book an appointment to
Munch Bunch                         discuss your child’s progress
As part of our healthy schools      with the class teacher. We
status, along with parental         expect all parents to attend
engagement, Friends run             Parents’ Evenings.
regular whole class Healthy
Eating workshops. This allows
parents and children to work        In the summer term, parents
together to produce a healthy       receive their child’s report; if
snack.                              there is a need to discuss this
                                    parents can make an
Learning Cafes                      appointment with the class
Every term parents are invited      teacher.
to attend a Learning Café
(Maths, Reading, Science etc)
where they have the opportunity
to work alongside their child and
share the expertise of the class
Closures and Contacts
School Closure
The school rarely closes because of bad weather, but if particularly
bad weather is forecast, or on days of unplanned closure, please
check the school closures daily by way of:
   Local radio - BBC Radio Norfolk 95.1FM & 104.4FM
   Norfolk Council’s website -
   The School’s website -

Chair of Governors                   Mr Jeremy Wiggin
Headteacher                          Mrs Pauline McMullan
Deputy Headteacher                   Mrs Corrina Peachment
Finance Officer                      Miss Julie Clarke
School Secretary                     Miss Paula Bilverstone

School website:
School e-mail:
Chair of Governor’s e-mail:
Finance Officer’s e-mail:
Main Telephone: 01953 603061

                      Browick Road Primary School
                             Browick Road
                          Norfolk NR18 0QW
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