Buckhorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata) resistant to 2,4-D in Pennsylvania and alternative control options

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Buckhorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata) resistant to 2,4-D in Pennsylvania and alternative control options
Weed Technology                                       Buckhorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
                                                              resistant to 2,4-D in Pennsylvania and
                                                              alternative control options
                                                              Travis R. Russell1 , Tim T. Lulis2, Brian A. Aynardi3, Kaiyuan T. Tang1 and
        Research Article
                                                              John E. Kaminski4
        Cite this article: Russell TR, Lulis TT,
        Aynardi BA, Tang KT, Kaminski JE (2021)               1
                                                               Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Plant Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
        Buckhorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
        resistant to 2,4-D in Pennsylvania and                PA, USA; 2Research Technician, Department of Plant Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University
        alternative control options. Weed Technol. 35:        Park, PA, USA; 3Northeast Research Scientist, PBI-Gordon Corp., Shawnee, KS, USA and 4Professor, Department
        297–303. doi: 10.1017/wet.2020.116                    of Plant Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA

        Received: 30 April 2020
        Revised: 29 September 2020
        Accepted: 19 October 2020                               Buckhorn plantain populations purportedly resistant to 2,4-D were identified in Pennsylvania
        First published online: 4 November 2020                 following long-term, continual applications of the active ingredient to turfgrass. The research
        Associate Editor:
                                                                objectives of this study were to 1) confirm 2,4-D resistance with dose-response experiments, 2)
        Patrick E. McCullough, University of Georgia            confirm field resistance of buckhorn plantain to 2,4-D in Pennsylvania, and 3) evaluate
                                                                alternative herbicides for 2,4-D-resistant buckhorn plantain. Greenhouse dose-response experi-
        Nomenclature:                                           ments evaluated the sensitivity of buckhorn plantain biotypes that were resistant or susceptible
        2, 4-D; halauxifen-methyl; buckhorn plantain,
                                                                to 2,4-D, and to halauxifen-methyl, two synthetic auxin herbicides from different chemical
        Plantago lanceolata L. PLALA
                                                                families. The resistant biotype was ≥11.3 times less sensitive to 2,4-D than the susceptible
        Keywords:                                               biotype and required a 2,4-D dosage ≥4.2 times greater than the standard application rate
        halauxifen-methyl; herbicide resistance;                to reach 50% necrosis. No cross-resistance was observed to halauxifen-methyl because both
        2, 4-D-resistance; synthetic auxin resistance;          resistant and susceptible populations demonstrated similar herbicide sensitivity. Field experi-
        turfgrass weed control
                                                                ments confirmed previous reports of ineffectiveness (≤30% reduction) with 2,4-D and other
        Author for correspondence:                              phenoxycarboxylic herbicides in potentially resistant buckhorn plantain biotypes. Treatments
        Travis R. Russell, Graduate Research Assistant,         containing halauxifen-methyl resulted in a ≥70% reduction in resistant biotypes. This is the first
        Department of Plant Science, The Pennsylvania           known report of synthetic auxin herbicide resistance in any weed species in Pennsylvania and
        State University, 21 Tyson Building,
        University Park, PA 16802
                                                                highlights emerging herbicide resistance challenges in turfgrass systems.
        Email: trr33@psu.edu

                                                              2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), a synthetic auxin herbicide discovered and commer-
                                                              cially introduced in the 1940s, has been widely used for broadleaf weed control in crop and
                                                              non-crop lands since becoming available on the herbicide market (Peterson 1967, Peterson
                                                              et al. 2016). Within the home and garden sector that encompasses residential landscapes,
                                                              2,4-D is the most commonly used pesticide active ingredient (Grube et al. 2011). Across all
                                                              agricultural sectors, a total of 11,611,964 kg of 2,4-D was applied in 2011 and the rising adoption
                                                              of 2,4-D-resistant genetically engineered crops is expected to significantly increase annual
                                                              2,4-D use (USDA 2014).
                                                                  Turfgrass covers more than 16 million hectares in the United States across residential lawns,
                                                              parks and school playgrounds, golf courses and sports fields, commercial and institutional land-
                                                              scapes, and cemeteries (Milesi et al. 2005). In these turf areas, weedy plants such as buckhorn
                                                              plantain, can emerge due to improper maintenance, environmental changes, and herbicide
                                                              resistance (McCarty et al. 2008). Practices such as proper mowing, fertilizing, irrigating, and
                                                              hand pulling combined with prudent herbicide applications are important components of
                                                              an integrated weed management strategy. If herbicide use is necessary, 2,4-D applied post-
                                                              emergence is a commonly used and efficacious treatment for broadleaf weed control in grassy
                                                              areas (Elmore 1996).
                                                                  Plants can be tolerant or sensitive to 2,4-D, and such selectivity is influenced by translocation
                                                              of 2,4-D in plants (Pillmoor and Gaunt 1981). In a general sense, broadleaf dicots are sensitive to
                                                              2,4-D, whereas monocots such as grasses, are tolerant (Peterson et al. 2016). Sensitive species
        © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Cambridge         metabolize 2,4-D through direct conjugation resulting in phytotoxic metabolites. By contrast,
        University Press on behalf of the Weed Science        tolerant species metabolize 2,4-D through ring hydroxylation resulting in nonphytotoxic
        Society of America.                                   metabolites (Peterson et al. 2016). Additionally, more recent research suggests that synthetic
                                                              auxin herbicides applied to sensitive plants triggers an up-regulation of an abscisic acid
                                                              (ABA) biosynthesis gene in the plant that increases ABA synthesis and a down-regulation of
                                                              photosynthetic machinery to incite plant death (McCauley et al. 2020).
                                                                  Weed species have developed resistance to synthetic auxin herbicides, but the risk of
                                                              resistance development is low, with most instances occurring in situations of repeated use over

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Buckhorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata) resistant to 2,4-D in Pennsylvania and alternative control options
298                                                                                                                Russell et al.: 2,4-D-resistant Buckhorn Plantain

        long periods of time (>20 yr; Beckie and Tardif 2012; Peterson et al.                      binding affinity at the site of action for the herbicide (Bell et al.
        2016). Therefore, development of resistance to these herbicides                            2014; Schmitzer et al. 2015). Further evaluation of halauxifen-
        could be troublesome and would limit the options of selective her-                         methyl is needed in turfgrass systems to understand the role it
        bicides for weed control in managed turfgrass systems (Beckie and                          may play in buckhorn plantain and other broadleaf weed control.
        Tardif 2012; Patton et al. 2018). The resistance mechanism in                                  Two populations of buckhorn plantain in Pennsylvania, one
        plants to synthetic auxin herbicides is not completely understood,                         at a college campus and the other on a golf course, were suspected
        but substantial progress has been made in unravelling the phe-                             as being resistant to 2,4-D-containing herbicide applications after
        nomenon. Interaction of specific auxin-binding proteins and auxin                          long-term, repeated use. Thus, the objectives of this study were to
        receptors have been found to be involved with auxin transport                              1) confirm 2,4-D resistance in greenhouse dose-response experi-
        processes and these mechanisms are thought to play a role in                               ments, 2) confirm field resistance of buckhorn plantain to 2,4-D
         synthetic auxin herbicide resistance development (Christoffoleti                          in Pennsylvania, and 3) evaluate alternative commercially available
        et al. 2015; Dharmasiri et al. 2005; Jugulam et al. 2011; Peterson                         herbicides to control buckhorn plantain in turfgrass that has
        et al. 2016).                                                                              become resistant to 2,4-D.
            Forty weed species have been confirmed to have resistance to
        synthetic auxin herbicides, with 14 of those confirming resistance
                                                                                                   Materials and Methods
        only to 2,4-D (Heap 2020). Seven of the 40 species resistant to
        synthetic auxin herbicides are confirmed to have cross-resistance                          Site History
        to multiple chemical families of herbicides in the synthetic auxin
                                                                                                   Two sites of buckhorn plantain populations, one in Harrisburg, PA
        grouping (Heap 2020). Most weed species resistant to synthetic
                                                                                                   (40.20°N, 76.74°W) and one in Carlisle, PA (40.17°N, 77.28°W),
        auxin herbicides have an annual life cycle except for spotted
                                                                                                   were reported to not be controlled after repeated, long-term
        knapweed (Centaurea stoebe L.), Canada thistle [Cirsium arvense
                                                                                                   (>20 yr) 2,4-D applications. The soil type for the Harrisburg site
        (L.) Scop.], tall buttercup (Ranunculus acris L.), and buckhorn
                                                                                                   was a Chavies fine sandy loam (coarse-loamy, mixed, active, mesic
        plantain. To our knowledge, there have been no previous reports
                                                                                                   Ultic Hapludalfs) and the Carlsle site was a Duffield silt loam (fine-
        of synthetic auxin resistance for any weed species in Pennsylvania.
                                                                                                   loamy, mixed, active, mesic Ultic Hapludalfs). Both locations were
            Buckhorn plantain is a perennial broadleaf plant that is
                                                                                                   maintained as cool-season turfgrass landscapes mowed at 5.1 to
        common in home lawns, landscapes, orchards, nursery crops
                                                                                                   7.6 cm. At trial initiation, buckhorn plantain constituted less
        and other perennial crops, and roadsides (Cavers et al. 1980;
                                                                                                   than 10% of green plant coverage at the Harrisburg site and
        Uva et al. 1997). Buckhorn plantain tolerates close mowing and
                                                                                                   66% coverage at the Carlisle site. Greenhouse and field experiments
        is commonly found on drier sites and in soils with a neutral or basic
                                                                                                   were initiated to assess potential resistance to 2,4-D for each of
        pH (Uva et al. 1997). The weed may crowd out desirable plant spe-
                                                                                                   these buckhorn plantain populations.
        cies and compete for soil nutrients, water, and light that could
        impact functionality and aesthetics of the landscape. Several pre-
                                                                                                   Greenhouse Dose-Response Experiments
        vious studies have evaluated herbicide efficacy on controlling
        buckhorn plantain in grassy areas (Branham 1990; McCullough                                Mature buckhorn plantain plants from the Harrisburg site were
        et al. 2015; Patton et al. 2018; Watschke 1983). Among the                                 collected with a hand trowel to preserve root system and trans-
        synthetic auxin herbicides, active ingredients from the phen-                              planted into 11.4-cm-diameter and 10.2-cm-tall, round, plastic
        oxycarboxylic acid chemical family including 2,4-D and others                              pots with potting soil growing media (Sunshine Mix #4, Sun
        (dichlorprop, MCPA, and mecoprop) are generally effective in                               Gro Horticulture, Agawam, MA 01001) and allowed to establish
        controlling buckhorn plantain, whereas the efficacy of pyridinecar-                        at the Pennsylvania State University (University Park, PA) green-
        boxylic acids (clopyralid, fluroxypyr, triclopyr) and benzoic acids                        house complex. Additionally, a second buckhorn plantain collec-
        (dicamba) are variable or do not effectively control the weed                              tion was obtained from a susceptible population in University
        (Patton et al. 2019).                                                                      Park, PA (40.81°N, 77.86°W). Individual potted plants were irri-
            The first confirmed population of buckhorn plantain with                               gated and fertilized as needed to facilitate plant establishment.
        resistance to 2,4-D and other phenoxycarboxylic acid herbicides                            Fertilization included two applications of a water-soluble fertilizer
        was found in Indiana on cemetery grounds following 30 yr of                                (N-24 P-8 K-16; Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food, Scotts
        2,4-D applications to control broadleaf weeds (Patton et al. 2018).                        Miracle-Gro, Marysville, OH 43040) to provide 24.4 kg N ha−1.
        In greenhouse dose-response experiments, the resistant buckhorn                            Buckhorn plantain were established in the greenhouse for 8 wk
        plantain biotype was more than 6-fold less sensitive to 2,4-D com-                         before dose-response experiments were initiated. Greenhouse con-
        pared to a susceptible biotype (Patton et al. 2018). In comparison,                        ditions maintained a 16/8 hr day/night cycle. Greenhouse air tem-
        responses to triclopyr, a pyridinecarboxylic acid, were similar in                         perature was maintained above 18 C with cooling systems
        both biotypes, indicating a lack of cross-resistance to other chemi-                       initiating when temperatures exceeded 25 C. Experiments were
        cal families in the synthetic auxins. Field experiments provided                           conducted in October 2018 and repeated in June 2019.
        more evidence that resistance was confined to the phenoxycarbox-                               This experiment was arranged as a randomized complete block
        ylic acid chemical family because other herbicides from the pyri-                          design in a 2 by 8 factorial treatment arrangement within each her-
        dinecarboxylic acid (clopyralid, triclopyr) and arylpicolinate                             bicide with four replications serving as blocks. Treatment factors
        (halauxifen-methyl) chemical families were efficacious against                             included two buckhorn plantain biotypes (resistant or susceptible)
        the resistant biotypes (Patton et al. 2018). Halauxifen-methyl is                          and eight doses of each herbicide. Each biotype was treated with
        a new synthetic auxin herbicide that has been demonstrated to                              doses 0, 0.84, 1.68, 3.36, 6.72, 13.4, 26.9, and 53.8 kg ae ha−1
        be an efficacious alternative to 2,4-D and dicamba for controlling                         of 2,4-D dimethylamine (Gordon’s Amine® 400, PBI-Gordon
        horseweed [Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq.] and redroot pigweed                              Corp., Shawnee, KS 66226), with 1.68 kg ae ha−1 serving as the
        (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) in cropping systems (Mccauley and                              standard application rate. Similarly, each biotype was treated with
        Young 2019; Zimmer et al. 2018). This efficacy is due to differing                         technical grade halauxifen-methyl (GF-2685, Corteva Agriscience,

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Buckhorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata) resistant to 2,4-D in Pennsylvania and alternative control options
Weed Technology                                                                                                                                               299

        Wilmington, DE 19805) at doses of 0, 0.003, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04,                        Corp.), dicamba (Banvel®, Micro Flo Company, Memphis, TN
        0.08, and 0.16 kg ae ha−1, with 0.01 kg ae ha−1 being the standard                          38117), 2,4-D þ MCPP þ dicamba (Triplet®, Nufarm Americas
        application rate. Treatments were applied using a CO2-pressurized                           Inc.; Trimec Classic®, PBI-Gordon Corp.), fluroxypyr þ
        backpack sprayer equipped with a single TeeJet AI9508 EVS nozzle                            dicamba þ halauxifen-methyl (Switchblade®, PBI-Gordon Corp.)
        (TeeJet Spraying Systems Co., Wheaton, IL 60139) calibrated to                              at a low and high rate, and a nontreated control (Table 1). All treat-
        deliver 408 L ha−1.                                                                         ments are listed by their trade name in figures and tables.
            Visual weed epinasty was evaluated 3 d after treatment (DAT)                                Buckhorn plantain coverage of herbicide treatments was
        and visual necrosis was assessed 14 and 28 DAT. Epinasty was                                evaluated 28 DAT. Buckhorn plantain coverage in plot areas
        rated on a 0% to 100% scale, with 0% equivalent to no epinasty                              was visually estimated on a 0% to 100% scale, with 0% equivalent
        and 100% epinasty being complete twisting, bending, and curling                             to no buckhorn plantain and 100% representing an entire plot area
        of stems and leaf tissue. Necrosis was also rated on the same 0% to                         consisting of buckhorn plantain. Data were transformed to percent
        100% scale, except a 100% evaluation was equivalent to completely                           buckhorn plantain reduction by dividing buckhorn plantain cover-
        dead plant tissue. Leaf chlorophyll content index (CCI) was evalu-                          age at 28 DAT by initial coverage prior to treatment application.
        ated 28 DAT with an MC-100 Chlorophyll Concentration Meter                                      ANOVA was conducted using the PROC MIXED procedure
        (Apogee Instruments, Logan, UT 84321) by taking two measure-                                in SAS. Treatment means were separated using Fisher’s protected
        ments of a single, representative leaf for each plant. Plants were                          LSD test. A value of α = 0.05 was used to determine statistical
        harvested 2 cm above the soil surface 28 DAT to measure fresh                               significance.
        and dry plant tissue weight. Harvested plant tissue was placed in
        a drying oven for 7 d at 60 C. Plants were allowed to regrow for
        an additional 2 wk and harvested again at 42 DAT for fresh and                              Results and Discussion
        dry weight measurements.
                                                                                                    Greenhouse Dose-Response Experiments
            Analysis of variance was conducted with the PROC MIXED
        procedure in SAS (version 9.3; SAS Institute, Cary, NC 27513).                              The effect of experimental run was not significant for any
        Experimental run was not a significant source of variation                                  evaluation. Therefore, data from both experiments were pooled.
        (P < 0.05), therefore data were pooled across experimental runs.                            ANOVA revealed a significant two-way interaction of biotype
        The GR50 (the herbicide dose eliciting a 50% growth reduction by                            and 2,4-D dosage for all evaluations except fresh and dry weight
        the plant) for each herbicide and biotype was estimated using a                             measurements at 28 DAT, indicating differential responses of
        three-parameter log-logistic dose-response curve (Seefeldt et al. 1995):                    buckhorn plantain to doses of 2,4-D in susceptible (S) and resistant
                                                                                                    (R) populations (Table 2). In contrast, the two-way interaction of
                                                   DC                                              biotype and halauxifen-methyl dosage was only significant on one
                                     y¼Cþ            b                                   [1]      of 11 evaluations, suggesting similar responses to halauxifen-
                                                 1 þ GRx 50
                                                                                                    methyl across S and R populations.
                                                                                                        Epinasty differed between R and S populations in response
        where y is the response variable (epinasty, necrosis, etc.), GR50 is                        to 2,4-D and halauxifen-methyl at 3 DAT (Table 2). Across all
        the herbicide dose eliciting a 50% reduction, b is the relative slope,                      dosages of 2,4-D, epinasty averaged 35% in the R biotypes and
        D is the upper limit, C is the lower limit, and x is the rate of the                        53% in S biotypes (data not shown). For halauxifen-methyl,
        herbicide being used. Log-logistic regression was analyzed using                            epinasty averaged 25% and 36% in R and S biotypes, respectively,
        Prism 8 software (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA 92037). The                               across all dosages.
        GR50 of a biotype was deemed significantly different if the 95%                                 For necrosis evaluations at 14 and 28 DAT, a significant
        confidence intervals of the GR50 estimates did not overlap.                                 two-way interaction of biotype and 2,4-D dose was observed
        Resistance factors were calculated as the ratio of resistant biotype                        in buckhorn plantain populations (Table 2; Figure 1). The
        GR50 to susceptible biotype GR50 and were used to quantify level of                         two-way interaction for 2,4-D-treated plants indicates that
        resistance in each population with the scale employed by Becki and                          S and R populations had significant response differences at
        Tardif (2012).                                                                              specified dosages. Conversely, only the main effects of biotype
                                                                                                    and dosage were significant in halauxifen-methyl-treated popu-
                                                                                                    lations (Table 2). For 2,4-D, the estimated GR50 for necrosis in
        Field Herbicide Efficacy Experiments
                                                                                                    the R population 28 DAT was 7.13 kg ae ha−1, more than 4 times
        Field experiments were initiated at suspected 2,4-D-resistant sites                         greater than the labeled application rate of 1.68 kg ae ha−1
        in Harrisburg and Carlisle and also at a susceptible site in                                (Figure 1). In comparison, the S population had a GR50 for
        University Park (40.78°N, 77.87°W) to evaluate potential alterna-                           necrosis of 0.63 kg ae ha−1, a dosage lower than half of the label
        tive herbicides to 2,4-D for controlling resistant populations. The                         rate. These results are similar to those reported by Patton et al.
        University Park site averaged 30% buckhorn plantain coverage and                            (2018) in which a resistant buckhorn plantain biotype in Indiana
        the soil type was a Hagerstown silt loam (fine, mixed, semiactive,                          required a 2,4-D dosage at least 6.2 times greater than the sus-
        mesic Typic Hapludalf). For the Harrisburg and University Park                              ceptible biotype.
        sites, experiments were initiated in September 2018 and repeated                                For halauxifen-methyl treatments, necrosis at 14 and 28
        in May 2019. For the Carlisle site, two experiments were initiated in                       DAT was significantly affected by dose and biotype main effects
        May 2019 in different, but adjacent experimental areas.                                     (Table 2). Except when compared to the nontreated control,
            Field experiments were arranged in a randomized complete                                necrosis at 14 DAT did not differ among doses of halauxifen-
        block design with four replications serving as blocks. Herbicide treat-                     methyl across both populations, averaging 43% necrosis (data
        ments included 2,4-D dimethylamine (Gordon’s Amine® 400) at a                               not shown). At 28 DAT, dosages of halauxifen-methyl at or below
        low (label) and high rate, MCPA (MCPA-4 Amine®, Nufarm                                      the standard application dose of 0.010 kg ae ha−1 resulted in
        Americas Inc, Alsip, IL 60803), MCPP (Mecomec 4®, PBI-Gordon                                necrosis greater than the nontreated control (67% compared to

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Buckhorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata) resistant to 2,4-D in Pennsylvania and alternative control options
300                                                                                                                     Russell et al.: 2,4-D-resistant Buckhorn Plantain

        Table 1. Commercially available herbicides used in field efficacy experiments for control of buckhorn plantain in 2,4-D-resistant and susceptible populations.

        Active ingredient                             Trade name                     Efficacya          Chemical family                                                Application rateb
                                                                                                                                                                   ———kg ae ha−1———
        2,4-D dimethylamine                           Gordon’s Amine 400®            Good               Phenoxycarboxylic acid                                           1.68 (low)
        2,4-D dimethylamine                           Gordon’s Amine 400®            Good               Phenoxycarboxylic acid                                           2.52 (high)
        MCPA                                          MCPA-4 Amine®                  Fair               Phenoxycarboxylic acid                                              1.96
        MCPP                                          Mecomec 4®                     Fair               Phenoxycarboxylic acid                                              0.30
        Dicamba                                       Banvel®                        Poor               Benzoic acid                                                        0.12
        2,4-D dimethylamine þ MCPP þ                  Triplet®                       Excellent          Phenoxycarboxylic acid þ phenoxycarboxylic                   1.35 þ 0.35 þ 0.12
           dicamba                                                                                        acid þ benzoic acid
        2,4-D dimethylamine þ MCPP þ                  Trimec Classic®                Excellent          Phenoxycarboxylic acid þ phenoxycarboxylic                     1.11 þ 0.29 þ 0.12
           dicamba                                                                                        acid þ benzoic acid
        Fluroxypyr þ dicamba þ                        Switchblade®                   Unknown            Pyridinecarboxylic acid þ benzoic acid þ                  0.139 þ 0.087 þ 0.006 (low)
           halauxifen-methyl                                                                              arylpicolinate
        Fluroxypyr þ dicamba þ                        Switchblade®                   Unknown            Pyridinecarboxylic acid þ benzoic acid þ                 0.185 þ 0.116 þ 0.008 (high)
           halauxifen-methyl                                                                              arylpicolinate
        Nontreated                                               —                        —                                   —                                                  —
            Efficacy based on key published by Patton et al. (2019) where excellent = ≥90% control, good = 75% to 90% control, fair = 50% to 75% control, poor =  F——————————————————————————
Buckhorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata) resistant to 2,4-D in Pennsylvania and alternative control options
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        Figure 2. Nonlinear regression of buckhorn plantain chlorophyll content index 28 d after treatment with 2,4-D (A) or halauxifen-methyl (B) in suspected-2,4-D-resistant (R)
        and suspected-2,4-D-susceptible (S) biotypes in greenhouse dose-response experiments. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. Intersection of trendline with
        horizontal line at 50% chlorophyll content index is representative of the estimated GR50. Dashed vertical line indicates the labeled rate of each herbicide active ingredient.

        biotypes at 28 DAT were 0.001 and 0.007 kg ae ha−1 halauxifen-
        methyl, respectively, and were lower than the standard application
        rate of 0.010 kg ae ha−1 (Figure 1).
            CCI measurements resulted in similar trends as necrosis eval-
        uations. At 28 DAT, there was a significant two-way biotype-by-
        dose interaction for buckhorn plantain populations treated with
        2,4-D (Table 2). Conversely, dose was the lone significant treat-
        ment factor for plants treated with halauxifen-methyl, suggesting
        that there were no differences among R and S biotypes in terms of
        CCI when treated with this active ingredient (Table 2). Although
        R2 values were lower in regression analysis and more variability
        was present in CCI data than necrosis evaluations, the CCI
        GR50 for the R biotype in response to 2,4-D application was
        still greater (11.21 kg ae ha−1) than that of the S biotype
        (0.73 kg ae ha−1) and greater than the label application 2,4-D
        application rate of 1.68 kg ae ha−1 (Figure 2). The CCI GR50 values
        for R and S biotypes treated with halauxifen-methyl were not dif-
        ferent from each other and were less than or equivalent to the stan-
        dard halauxifen-methyl application rate.
            The main effect of dosage influenced fresh and dry weight
        28 DAT in 2,4-D treatments, but it affected only fresh weight in
        halauxifen-methyl treatments (Table 2). The loss of plant moisture
        after drying could potentially explain why dosage did not affect                            Figure 3. Nonlinear regression of buckhorn plantain fresh (A) and dry (B) regrowth
        dry weight in halauxifen-methyl treatments 28 DAT. However,                                 weight from suspected 2,4-D-resistant (R) and suspected-2,4-D-susceptible (S)
        a significant biotype-by-dose interaction was observed for 2,4-D                            biotypes 42 d after 2,4-D treatment following initial plant tissue harvest 28 d after
                                                                                                    treatment in greenhouse dose-response experiments. Whole plant biomass was
        treated plants regarding fresh and dry regrowth weight measure-
                                                                                                    harvested and oven-dried at 60 C for 7 d. Error bars represent the standard error
        ments taken 42 DAT after the initial harvest (Table 2). For both                            of the mean.
        fresh and dry regrowth, the GR50 for the S biotype was less than
        the label rate of 2,4-D, indicating that 2,4-D treatments are effec-
        tive at controlling this biotype (Figure 3). However, R biotypes                            and quantify the level of 2,4-D resistance present in the resistant
        needed 2,4-D dosages greater than four times the labeled rate to                            biotype. Although R and S biotypes had different resistance factors
        exhibit a 50% reduction in fresh or dry regrowth. In both S and                             to halauxifen-methyl, the GR50 for each biotype was still below the
        R biotypes, all rates of halauxifen-methyl resulted in complete                             standard application rate. These resistance factors are in the same
        death of buckhorn plantain, whereas the nontreated plants grew                              range as those observed by Patton et al. (2018) on 2,4-D-resistant
        new leaves following the initial harvest 28 DAT (data not shown).                           buckhorn plantain in Indiana and are consistent with studies on
        This finding suggests that there is no perceived resistance to this                         several annual broadleaf weeds and their resistance to 2,4-D
        active ingredient in the 2,4-D-resistant biotype.                                           (Burke et al. 2009; Preston et al. 2013; Rey-Caballero et al. 2016).
            Resistance factors of 11.3 for necrosis and 15.4 for CCI evalu-
        ations after R and S biotypes were treated with 2,4-D indicate the
                                                                                                    Field Herbicide Efficacy Experiments
        differential responses in each population to the same herbicide.
        Resistance factors greater than 10 are often considered as being                            Commercially available synthetic auxin herbicides were evaluated
        high for synthetic auxin herbicides (Beckie and Tardif 2012)                                to determine buckhorn plantain control efficacy in field

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302                                                                                                                Russell et al.: 2,4-D-resistant Buckhorn Plantain

        Figure 4. Buckhorn plantain cover reduction in a 2,4-D-susceptible population              Figure 5. Buckhorn plantain cover reduction within 2,4-D-resistant populations in
        at University Park, PA in 2018 (A) and 2019 (B) 28 d after synthetic auxin herbicide       Carlisle, PA (A) and Harrisburg, PA (B) 28 d after treatment with synthetic auxin herbi-
        treatment in field efficacy experiments. Within each year, means followed by the           cides in field efficacy experiments. Treatment bars that do not share the same letter
        same letter are not significantly different according to Fisher’s protected LSD test       are significantly different according to Fisher’s protected LSD test (α = 0.05).
        (α = 0.05).

                                                                                                   treatments from the phenoxycarboxylic acid and benzoic acid
                                                                                                   chemical families were not able to provide reduction greater than
        experiments at one location with a S buckhorn plantain biotype in                          the nontreated, indicating resistance mechanisms to the phenox-
        University Park and two locations with suspected-R biotypes in                             ycarboxylic acid chemical family as initially reported by Patton
        Carlisle and Harrisburg. There was a significant effect of experi-                         et al. (2018). Alternatively, Switchblade treatments resulted in good
        mental run (P = 0.0445) at the University Park site. Therefore,                            (70% to 90% reduction) to excellent reduction (≥90%) at both
        data are presented separately by experiment. At the Harrisburg                             locations (Figure 5). This treatment contained active ingredients
        and Carlisle sites, experimental run was not a significant effect                          from the pyridinecarboxylic acid (fluroxypyr) and arylpicolinate
        (P = 0.5899 and 0.4300, respectively) and data were pooled across                          (halauxifen-methyl) chemical families in addition to a benzoic
        experiments for each location.                                                             acid (dicamba) that do not have any reported cases of resistance
           Initial buckhorn plantain coverage at the S biotype site averaged                       in buckhorn plantain. Because dicamba is not considered an
        16.1% and 45.7% of plot area in 2018 and 2019, respectively                                effective active ingredient in controlling buckhorn plantain
        (data not shown). Except for Mecomec 4 in 2018 and Banvel, all                             (Patton et al. 2019) and fluroxypyr has been reported to be inef-
        other synthetic auxin treatments reduced buckhorn plantain                                 fective on other 2,4-D-resistant buckhorn plantain populations
        ≥90% across all experiments conducted on S biotypes (Figure 4).                            (Patton et al. 2018), these results suggest that the effectiveness of
        Banvel provided poor reduction (90%.                                               synthetic auxins (Bell et al. 2014; Schmitzer et al. 2015) could
           Across both runs of the experiment in R biotypes, initial buck-                         indicate why this treatment was successful in resistant popula-
        horn plantain coverage averaged 10.3% at the Harrisburg location                           tions, as has been suggested in other studies (McCauley et al.
        and 66.2% at the Carlisle location (data not shown). Gordon’s                              2018). In addition to halauxifen-methyl, Patton et al. (2018) also
        400 2,4-D applied at low and high rates were essentially equivalent                        found that other pyridinecarboxylic acid herbicides such as
        to the nontreated at both resistant locations, reducing buckhorn                           clopyralid and triclopyr are effective in 2,4-D-resistant buckhorn
        plantain cover by less than 20% (Figure 5). Additionally, all other                        plantain populations.

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Weed Technology                                                                                                                                                         303

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        ments including halauxifen-methyl could be used to effectively                                 of resistance to auxinic herbicides: Historical perspectives, mechanisms of
        control these resistant populations. These results confirm                                     resistance, and implications for broadleaf weed management in agronomic
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        Regardless, this is the first report of synthetic auxin resistance of                       Milesi C, Running SW, Elvidge CD, Dietz JB, Tuttle BT, Nemani RR (2005)
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        conferring 2,4-D resistance in buckhorn plantain. Further research                             Kreuser W, Gaussoin R, Gardner D, Raudenbush Z, Li D, Landschoot P,
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