BUDGET - Parliament of South Africa

BUDGET - Parliament of South Africa
                       SPEECH BULLETIN


  Relief for citizens as
  Government proposes no VAT
  or tax increases
   The South African economy   Mr Mboweni said achieving            change to the electricity
   is predicted to grow by     economic growth and higher           regulatory framework”.
   a disappointing 0.9%        employment levels requires a         According Mr Mboweni “new tax
                               plan, and that over the next 18      increases at this time could harm
   this year, with inflation
                               months, the economy should get       the economy’s ability to recover”.
   averaging 4.5%, Finance     a number of jump-starts. He said     To this end, and to stimulate
   Minister Tito Mboweni       these jump-starts will include,      economic activity he announced
   told Members of the         among other things, “the reform      that government had decided
   National Assembly when he   agenda led by the President,         against increasing value added
                               lower inflation, the interest rate   tax (VAT), pay-as-you-earn (PAYE)
   delivered his 2020 Budget
                               reduction earlier this year, the     or other personal income taxes.
   Speech, writes              recent gains in platinum group       In some instances, taxpayers
   Sakhile Mokoena.            metals’ prices and the impending     will now pay even less tax.
BUDGET - Parliament of South Africa

    Mr Mboweni added, “our income              “With growth of 3.5%, sub-Saharan         we expect growth to average just
    tax system is progressive, and the        Africa is forecast to be the second-       over 1%. Therefore, a stable supply
    adjustments reflect this. Someone         fastest growing region in the world.       of electricity will be our number one
    earning R10 000 a month will pay          Against this backdrop we forecast that     task,” added Mr Mboweni.
    10% less in tax. Someone earning          the South African economy will grow        Mr Mboweni presented the budget
                                                                                         and also tabled the Division of
    R100 000 a month will pay about           by 0.9% and inflation will average
                                                                                         Revenue Bill, the Appropriation Bill,
    1.5% less. We are also proposing          4.5% in 2020. Persistent electricity
                                                                                         2020 budget review, 2020 estimates
    broadening the corporate income tax       problems will, however, hold back
                                                                                         of national expenditure, as well as tax
    base,” he said.                           growth. Over the next three years,
                                                                                         proposals for the year 2020.

    Government to propose law to
    stop excessive salaries in public
    entities – Mboweni
    Mr Tito Mboweni, the Minister of Finance, has told Parliament that the
    government will propose a law to stop excessive salaries in public entities and
    accelerate plans to merge and consolidate some of these entities,
    writes Abel Mputing.
                                          “Cabinet approved the publication of a       the result of lowering programme
                                          new Public Procurement Bill. We will         baselines and the wage bill by R261
                                          accelerate merging and consolidating         billion. “These are partially offset by
                                          public entities. We will propose a new       additions and reallocations of R111
                                          law to stop excessive salaries in these      billion. Of this, more than half, or R60
                                          public entities, and we will also deal       billion, is for Eskom and South African
                                          decisively with the excessive high cost of   Airways.”
                                          leasing government buildings,” said Mr
                                          Mboweni.                                     Mr MBoweni said while some of these
                                                                                       savings were good for the fiscus, “in
                                          He said the total consolidated               many cases we are also making difficult
                                          government spending is expected to           and painful sacrifices”.
                                          grow at an average annual rate of 5.1%,
    He also reiterated his concern
                                          from R1.95 trillion in 2020/21 to R2.14      “We shall undertake spending reviews
    about the bloated public sector
                                          trillion in 2022/23. This, he said, was      to ensure that we achieve this objective.
    wage bill, which he said would
                                          mainly due to mounting debt-service          The second part is adjustments on
    have to be adjusted by about R160
                                          costs. Non-interest spending declines on     the wage bill by about R160 billion
    billion over the medium term.
                                          average over the MTEF (Medium Term           over the medium term. Once we get
    Mr Mboweni also announced,
                                          Expenditure Framework) in real terms.        wage growth, corruption and wasteful
    during his 2020 Budget Speech,
                                          “Today we announce a net downward            expenditure under control, we will focus
    that the government was moving
                                          adjustment to the main budget non-           our attention on hiring in important
    forward with reforms to the
                                          interest expenditure of R156.1billion        areas such as education, police, and
    procurement system, with a
                                          over the next three years, relative to the   healthcare. We can hire strategically, and
    focus on value for money and
                                          2019 budget projections.                     better match skills with opportunities,”
    maximising the quality and
                                          He said the total reduction was mainly       Mr Mboweni explained.
    quantity of services.
BUDGET - Parliament of South Africa

More spending on health
and education
Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, said the government will be allocating more
money on learning and culture and health areas. Learning and culture currently
receives R396 billion followed by health that receives R230 billion, and social
development with R310 billion, writes Mava Lukani.
In his State of the Nation Address,       Health Patient Registration System,        materials, “and providing them with
President Cyril Ramaphosa said his        and is now implementing this system        water, electricity and sanitation”.
government has noted the enthusiastic     in hospitals. It is also in that context   He said: “In 2020/21 the maths,
support from South Africans during the    that health is identified as an area for   science and technology grant will
public hearings on the National Health    more spending.                             introduce coding and robotics to
                                                                                     learners from Grade R to Grade 3 as
Insurance (NHI), and based on that,
                                                                                     announced by the President. Transfers
the government is putting in place        President Ramaphosa said: “A
                                                                                     to provinces support schooling for 13
mechanisms for its implementation         fundamental condition for growth
                                                                                     million children and healthcare for
following the conclusion of the           and development is a healthy and
                                                                                     49.1 million South Africans,” he added.
parliamentary process.                    productive population, with access to      The Department of Higher Education
                                          quality, affordable healthcare.”           and Training will reallocate existing
In preparation for the NHI, he said the   In the education sector, Minister          funds to undertake a feasibility
government has already registered         Mboweni said investment will go to         study for the establishment of a new
more than 44 million people at more       new schools, to replace schools that       university of science and innovation in
than 3 000 clinics in the electronic      are constructed with inappropriate         Ekurhuleni.

    Modernisation of network industries
    and the restructuring of SOEs
                                           One proposal is the modernisation                   Continental Free Trade Agreement,
    Finance Minister Mr
                                           of network industries and the                       which South Africa is a signatory to.
    Tito Mboweni’s budget                  restructuring of state-owned                        This is linked to an industrial strategy,
    speech sounded a                       enterprises (SOEs). “Government will                which will include “an innovation
    sombre note in South                   do whatever it takes to ensure a stable             fund, which will be capitalised with
                                           electricity supply … it is our number               R1.2 billion over the next three years,
    Africa’s faltering
                                           one task,” the Minister said. “To this              an industrial business incentive
    economy, writes Abel                   effect, government has allocated R230               worth R18.5 billion, which will create
    Mputing. The Minister                  billion over 10 years to achieve the                and retain approximately 56 500
    began by pointing out                  restructuring of the electricity sector.”           jobs. An additional R107 million is
                                                                                               reprioritised for the refurbishment of
    how the economy has
                                           A lasting solution to energy challenges             27 industrial parks in townships and
    contracted over the past               hinges on “determinations to                        rural economies. And R6.5 billion is
    decade. Nonetheless,                   implement the Integrated Resource                   allocated for small business incentive
    despite poor growth, Mr                Plan of 2019”. This will be finalised               programmes of which R2.2 billion will
                                           shortly, once the National Energy                   be transferred to the Small Enterprise
    Mboweni said, South                    Regulator has agreed to the plan. In                Development Agency.”
    Africa remains the most                addition, government has announced
    diversified economy on                 that municipalities will be allowed                 To streamline all these strategies, the
                                           t to buy energy from independent                    minister advocated that the cost of
    the continent and he
                                           suppliers.                                          doing business in South Africa should
    presented a strong plan                                                                    be lowered. To this end, “the BIZPortal
    for future growth.                     As for South African Airways, Mr                    will provide a streamlined way to
                                           Mboweni mentioned that business                     register a new business with the CIPC,
                                           rescue will “lead to a radically                    SARS, the UIF and the Compensation
                                           restructured airline”. In the budget,               Fund in one day.”
                                           government has allocated R16.4
                                           billion to settle SAA’s guaranteed debt             The agricultural sector will also play
                                           and interest.                                       a critical role in boosting economy
                                                                                               and “Government has allocated
                                           Government is also committed to open                R495.1 million to the Department of
                                           up new markets, promote regional                    Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural
                                           integration and contribute to economic              Development to improve compliance
                                           growth in terms of the African                      with biosecurity and support exports.”

                 Published by the Parliamentary Communications Services of the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa
                                          Tel: (27) 21 403 2911 l Email: info@parliament.gov.za
                                                   Address: P O Box 15, Cape Town 8000
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