Building System Legislative Reform - Submission Form - Hamilton City Council

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Building System Legislative Reform - Submission Form - Hamilton City Council
Building System Legislative
Submission Form
 The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) invites feedback on proposals to
 reform the building regulatory system.
 MBIE appreciates your time and effort in responding to this public consultation.

 How long it will take to complete the submission form
 The full submission form will take about 50 minutes to complete. The actual time will depend on the
 number of section(s) you choose to complete and how much detail you want to provide. You can
 choose to skip individual questions or entire sections that aren’t relevant to you.
 This consultation will close at 5:00pm on Friday 16 June 2019.

 Use of information
 We will use the information in submissions to refine the proposals. We may contact people or
 organisations that submit feedback to clarify points they’ve made.
 MBIE may publish your feedback unless you ask us not to; your feedback is subject to the Official
 Information Act (OIA)
 MBIE will publish a consultation report summarising the results of the consultation. If you don't want
 your name or any personal information to be included in anything we publish, please indicate this on
 the next page of this survey.
 People will be able to obtain copies of your submission by making a request under the Official
 Information Act 1982. If you want us to keep some sections confidential, mark these sections clearly
 in the comment box for the relevant question and tell us why you’d like it withheld (i.e. commercial
 sensitivity, etc). MBIE will take your reasons into account and will consult with you when responding
 to requests under the Official Information Act.

                                                                                    Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                 Submission template
A little bit about you
 Your contact details
 Name:                              Phil Saunders

 Company:                           Hamilton City Council

 Email address:           

 •     I would like to be anonymous in MBIE's published consultation results.

 ☐ Yes                                                 ☒ No

 •     Are you representing others?

 ☐ No, just my self

 ☒ Yes, I represent a company or an organisation
      Company/Organisation title: Hamilton City Council

 •     The best way to describe your role is:

 ☐ Architect                                    ☐ Builder               ☒ Building Control Officer

 ☐ Building owner                               ☐ Designer              ☐ Developer

 ☐ Electrician                                  ☐ Engineer – Fire       ☐ Engineer – Geotechnical

 ☐ Engineer – Structural                        ☐ Engineer – other      ☐ Homeowner

 ☐ Manufacturer/supplier/off-site manufacturer

 ☐ Plumber/gasfitter/drainlayer

 ☐ Other (please specify) __________________________________

      It should be noted that the following feedback is from staff at Hamilton City Council
      and does not necessarily represent the views of the Council itself.

      Yours faithfully

      Richard Briggs

                                                                                       Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                    Submission template
Part 2: Building Products and Methods
 MBIE wants stakeholders' feedback on seven proposed changes:
   1.       Widen the purpose of the Building Act to include the regulation of building products and

   2.       Provide clear definitions for ‘building product’ and ‘building method’.

   3.       Require product manufacturers and suppliers to supply information about their building
            products. Set minimum standards for that information. This would not apply to building

    4       Clarify responsibilities of manufacturers, suppliers, designers and builders for building
            products and building methods.

   5.       Give MBIE the power to compile information to support an investigation into a building
            product or method.

   6.       Strengthen the framework for product certification for building products and methods.

   7.       Enable a regulatory framework for modern methods of construction, including off-site

 Proposal 1 -Widen the purpose of the Building Act to include the regulation of building
 products and building methods.
   2.1      Do you agree with expanding the purpose of the Building Act to include the regulation of
            building products and methods and their use?

             ☒ Yes                                       ☐ No

            Please tell us why or why not.
            This will tighten the requirements for product manufacturers to provide technical data
            around their product which will assist the industry (designers, builders and owners) to select
            products that are fit for purpose.

 Proposal 2 - Clearly define ‘building product’ and ‘building method’.
 Include the following definitions in the Building Act:

        •   A ‘building product’ is any component or system that could be reasonably expected to be
            incorporated into building work. A system is a set of at least two components supplied and
            intended to be used together to be incorporated into building work.
        •   A ‘building method’ is a specific way of using a product or system in building work.

   2.2      Do you agree with the proposed definition of ‘building product’?

             ☒ Yes                                       ☐ No

                                                                                       Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                    Submission template
Please tell us why or provide your suggested definition.

   2.3      Do you agree with the proposed definition of ‘building method’?

             ☒ Yes                                       ☐ No

            Please tell us why or provide your suggested definition.

   2.4      Do these definitions provide sufficient scope to account for new and emerging technologies?

             ☐ Yes                                       ☒ No

            Please tell us why or what is not covered.
            There is likely to be some confusion as to the definitions. For example, people may consider
            MMC to be both a building product and a building method. From our thinking, a building
            product should be defined as a product or component making up parts of a building. A
            building method of construction is just a construction methodology.

 Proposal 3 - Set minimum standards for information about building products and require
 manufacturers and suppliers to supply that information.
 Product manufacturers and suppliers (including importers) would need to provide publicly accessible
 information about building products.
 Set minimum information requirements for building products (through regulations).

   2.5      Do you support the proposal to require manufacturers and suppliers to supply information
            about building products?

             ☒ Yes                                       ☐ No

            Please tell us why.
            We have problems now with products imported into New Zealand that are not fit for
            purpose. Making sure that manufacturers have to supply information about their products
            means we will eliminate products that are not fit for purpose.

   2.6      (For designers, builders and building consent authorities) Would the proposed minimum
            information requirements for building products help you make good decisions about

             ☒ Yes                                       ☐ No

            Please tell us why or what’s missing.
            Same reasoning applies that if we have information about the product then we are able to

                                                                                    Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                 Submission template
assess it as being fit for purpose.

   2.7      (For designers, builders and building consent authorities) Do you need any other
            information to help you decide whether a building product will result in building work that
            complies with the building code?

             ☒ Yes                                                     ☐ No

            Please tell us why or what other information can help you decide.
            As above.

   2.8      (For manufacturers and suppliers) How closely do the proposed minimum information
            requirements reflect what you already provide?

                Much less than                                                                                    Much more than
                                                                  Similar to what is
                what is already                                                                                   what is already
                                                                  already provided
                  provided                                                                                           provided

                       ☐                         ☐                         ☐                       ☐                        ☐

            ☐ I don’t know

   2.9      (For manufacturers and suppliers) Would there be a financial impact on your business to
            provide the proposed minimum product information for your products?

               Strong negative impact           Negative impact     No impact          Positive impact   Strong positive impact

                          ☐                         ☐                   ☐                     ☐                      ☐

  2.10      (For manufacturers and suppliers) Please tell us your estimated cost increase in NZD and
            include any relevant information on how it was calculated (e.g. the number of products you
            produce or supply).

            (please leave your comments here)

 Proposal 4 - Clarify the responsibilities of manufacturers, suppliers, designers and builders
 for building products and building methods.
       •    Create an explicit responsibility on manufacturers and suppliers to ensure that a building
            product is fit for its intended purpose.
       •    Clarify that builders cannot use a different building product or building method to the
            product or method specified in the building consent without an appropriate variation to the
       •    Clarify the responsibilities of builders and designers to ensure that the building products and
            methods specified or used will result in building work that complies with the code.

  2.11      Do you support the proposals to clarify roles and responsibilities for manufacturers,
            suppliers, designers and builders?

             ☒ Yes                                                     ☐ No

                                                                                                             Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                                          Submission template
Please tell us why.
            The product specified will be checked as fit for purpose by the designer and the
            builder/designer will need to notify the BCA of any changes, which will be documented
            through a variation to the approved building consent. This provides for a clear package that
            assures compliance and fit for purpose products are used. The responsibility is put where it
            should be with i.e. the people that are involved in the design and construction of the

  2.12      Is the current threshold and process for variations to consent appropriate for all

             ☒ Yes                                      ☐ No

            Please tell us why.
            It works well if you include the above proposals and make the appropriate people take
            responsibility for variations to the building consent.

 Proposal 5 - Give MBIE the power to compel information to support an investigation.
  2.13      Do you support the proposal to give MBIE the power to compel information to support

             ☒ Yes                                      ☐ No

            Please tell us why.

  2.14      Would MBIE’s ability to compel information about building products or methods and share
            this with other regulators have unintended consequences? If so, what might these
            unintended consequences be?

             ☐ Yes                                      ☒ No

            Please tell us why.

                                                                                      Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                   Submission template
Potential impacts of the proposed changes
  2.15      Do you think the impact of the proposed changes to the regulation of building products and
            building methods (proposals 1-5) would be positive or negative? What do you think the
            impact might be?

               Strong negative impact           Negative impact   No impact   Positive impact   Strong positive impact

                          ☐                         ☐               ☐                ☒                      ☐

            Please tell us what the impact might be.
            Regulating building products and building methods is long overdue. This puts responsibility
            on the parties to do their own due diligence and research that building products and
            methods they specify in the construction of a building are fit for purpose. The issue right now
            is that the designers, manufacturers and other parties to the preparation of an application
            for building consent don’t really have to prepare as they know the BCA will check their
            application and advise them of the shortfalls. In that process, the BCAs get blamed for being
            tardy and holding up progress. A designer submits a statement that his/her design complies
            with the Building Code. In fact, it seldom does, so this proposal may address that to some
            extent and place the responsibility on the designer and builder to get it right.

  2.16      How do you think the proposed changes to the regulation of building products and building
            methods would change how you and your business/organisation operates?

               Strong negative impact           Negative impact   No impact   Positive impact   Strong positive impact

                          ☐                         ☐               ☐                ☒                      ☐

            Please tell us why.
            As above - it should improve the speed of consenting.

 MBIE proposes a two-year transition period for product information, six months for other
 proposed changes (proposal 1, 2, 4 and 5).
  2.17      How long do you think the transition period for product information needs to be to ensure
            manufacturers and suppliers are prepared for the changes?

             ☐ Less than two years                   ☒ Two years                   ☐ More than two years

            Please tell us why.
            We need to set a realistic and achievable target and get on with it, otherwise manufacturers
            and suppliers will not exercise urgency in getting there.

  2.18      How long do you think the transition period for the changes to responsibilities needs to be so
            that people are prepared for the changes?

             ☒ Six months                                           ☐ More than six months

                                                                                                    Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                                 Submission template
Please tell us why.
            As above - set a realistic and achievable target and get on with it.

  2.19      If the clarified roles and responsibilities came into force before the minimum requirements
            for product information, what would be the impact?

            The impact would be positive, allowing a further 18 months before the transition to product

 Proposal 6 - Strengthen MBIE’s role as the product certification owner and regulator.
 Allow for regulations to set requirements on product certification bodies and for the accreditation
 and registration of product certification bodies.
 Allow for regulations to set out the process and requirements for registering a product certificate.
 Allow MBIE to set rules for the interactions between participants in the product certification
 Provide MBIE with the powers needed to administer the registers of product certification bodies and
 product certificates.

  2.20      (For product manufacturers and suppliers) Would the changes proposed to the framework
            for product certification make product certification a more attractive compliance pathway
            for your products?

             ☐ Yes                                                  ☐ No

            Please tell us why or what changes to product certification you think are necessary.

  2.21      (For designers) How would the proposed settings to the framework for product certification
            impact your product specification in building designs?

             ☐ No change              ☐ I’d specify fewer certified products   ☐ I’d specify more certified products

            Please tell us why.

  2.22      (For building consent authorities) Would the changes to the product certification scheme’s
            settings increase your confidence that a product or method with a product certificate will
            perform as intended?

             ☒ Yes                                                  ☐ No

            Please tell us why.
            Product certification needs to be carefully controlled by the governing body (MBIE), as has
            been shown through the recent debacle around the certification scheme. Reliance on third-

                                                                                                   Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                                Submission template
party approvals and the way products are assessed and for what purpose needs to be
            carefully and fully scoped from the outset. Define the scope of the product or method to
            ensure it is a complete product or method.

 Proposal 7 - Enable a regulatory framework for modern methods of construction (MMC),
 including off-site manufacture.
 Amend the Building Act to enable a regulatory framework that would future-proof the building
 regulatory system for MMC. Features of this framework include:
       •    enabling a manufacturer certification scheme for repeatable manufacture processes used to
            produce building work
       •    clarifying what roles and responsibilities for MMC will be when the new framework is in
       •    minimising duplication of effort by: not requiring two consents for the same building work
            and considering whether to require BCAs to accept each other’s consents and Code
            Compliance Certificates.

  2.23      Are these the correct features for a future-proofed regulatory framework for MMC?

             ☒ Yes                                                  ☐ No

            Please tell us why.
            There is no duplication of effort in terms of the current two consents required for a
            relocatable building. The first consent would be for the manufacture of the purpose-built
            relocatable building. The second consent would be for the site works, services etc required
            when the building is put on a site. A building that has already been constructed should have
            been issued with a CCC and there will be a further CCC for the relocation siteworks only. Any
            BCA that is requiring another consent for the already constructed building when relocated is
            not applying the Building Act correctly and should be investigated as they have it wrong.

  2.24      What would be the impact of such a regulatory framework for MMC?

               Strong negative impact           Negative impact   No impact   Positive impact   Strong positive impact

                          ☐                         ☐               ☐                ☒                      ☐

            Please tell us what the impact might be.
            Buildings constructed off-site are generally to a high standard and most factory setups have
            excellent processes in place.

  2.25      (For manufacturers of MMC, including off-site manufacture) How would the proposed
            framework impact your business?

               Strong negative impact           Negative impact   No impact   Positive impact   Strong positive impact

                          ☐                         ☐               ☐                ☐                      ☐

            Please tell us what the impact might be.

                                                                                                    Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                                 Submission template

  2.26      (For manufacturers of MMC, including off-site manufacture) Would you use the
            manufacturer certification scheme?

             ☐ Yes                                                  ☐ No

            How would it need to be designed to work for you?

  2.27      (For building consent authorities) What would be the impact of a requirement for BCAs to
            accept one another’s consents and code compliance certificates?

               Strong negative impact           Negative impact   No impact   Positive impact   Strong positive impact

                          ☐                         ☐               ☐                ☒                      ☐

            Please tell us what the impact might be.
            There should be no impact as explained in 2.23 above - it seems some BCAs don’t understand
            that you cannot demand another consent for something that already has one. Such BCAs are
            obviously not aware of their parameters in terms of the Building Act and would benefit from
            MBIEs guidance in this area.

 Final thoughts
  2.28      If you have any other comments on the proposals for building products and methods, please
            tell us.

            The unnecessary duplication of consents by only a small number of BCAs could be easily
            tidied up through some good communications from MBIE.

                                                                                                    Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                                 Submission template
Part 3.1: Occupational Regulation of the Licensed Building Practioner
 (LBP) Scheme
 MBIE wants stakeholders' feedback on two proposals:
     1.       Broaden the definition of restricted building work (RBW) to include more complex non-
              residential building work.

     2.       Raise the competence standard for LBPs to enter and remain in the LBP scheme. This
              includes proposals to:

                   •     Introduce a tiered licensing system for LBPs to establish a progression pathway,
                         including a specific licence for supervision.
                   •     Simplify the licence class categories.
                   •     Introduce behavioural competence requirements for LBPs.

 Proposal 1 - Broaden the definition of restricted building work (RBW) to include more
 complex non-residential building work.
  3.1.1       How effective do you think expanding the scope of RBW would be in managing risks to
              public safety in the building sector?

                   Not effective                             Somewhat effective                              Very effective

                         ☐                       ☐                     ☐                    ☐                       ☒

  3.1.2       Do you agree with the proposed threshold for the definition of RBW?

                ☒ Yes                                                  ☐ No

              Please tell us why.
              There needs to be some care taken where there may be a very limited number of
              individuals with the competency to meet the higher thresholds. So, the thresholds need to
              be set at a level that allows for a number of current competent people to be able to move
              into the higher-level competencies. The bar also needs to be attainable through
              development and experience for other less competent people to be able to attain the
              higher levels - there needs to be a training programme introduced that less competent
              individuals can utilise to assist them in attaining the higher-level licenses. MBIE should lead
              that. The new scope has to clearly identify the risks.

  3.1.3       (For builders) What impacts do you think the proposals for RBW would have on you and
              your business (including type of work, recruitment, training and costs)?

                  Strong negative impact        Negative impact   No impact       Positive impact   Strong positive impact

                             ☐                       ☐                 ☐                 ☐                       ☐

              Please tell us what the impact might be.

                                                                                                      Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                                   Submission template
3.1.4       What impacts do you think the proposals for RBW would have on homeowners, building
              owners and building occupants?

                  Strong negative impact        Negative impact   No impact    Positive impact   Strong positive impact

                            ☐                       ☐                  ☐              ☒                       ☐

              Please tell us what the impact might be.
              It must have a positive impact given that it lifts the competency bar. However, it will likely
              raise the costs of construction to some extent but give greater security of investment.

  3.1.5       How do you think the proposed changes to the LBP scheme would affect the behaviour of

              With any luck it should make them more risk-averse and take more care in their decision-

  3.1.6       What impact do you think expanding the scope of RBW would have on the construction
              sector skill shortage?

                  Strong negative impact        Negative impact   No impact    Positive impact   Strong positive impact

                            ☐                       ☐                  ☐              ☒                       ☐

              Please tell us what the impact might be.
              It will have a positive impact in lifting the skill level ultimately - lack of skilled people
              should, through time, reduce as more tradespeople gain the higher-level competencies.

 Proposal 2 - Higher competence requirements to increase confidence in the LBP scheme.
   3.1.7       How effective do you think raising the competence standards for the LBP scheme would
               be in increasing confidence in the LBP scheme?

                    Not effective                             Somewhat effective                           Very effective

                          ☐                       ☐                    ☐                  ☐                       ☒

               Please tell us why.
               Consumer confidence will increase with improved competence standards that focus on fit
               and proper persons, the right skillset and supervisory roles.

   3.1.8       What impact would changing the competence standards for the LBP scheme have on
               builders, building companies, building sector associations and training organisations?

               Again, there will be a positive spin-off for builders and building companies in raising the
               profile of the industry and competency level of individuals over time. That said, this all
               needs to be supported by a suite of training that, in our view, needs to be led by MBIE.

   3.1.9       (For builders) Would introducing tiered licence classes make you more likely to apply to
               become an LBP?

                                                                                                   Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                                Submission template
☐ Yes                                        ☐ No

               Please tell us why.

  3.1.10       (For builders) If you’re already an LBP, would you be likely to apply to become licensed
               under a new supervision licence class?

                 ☐ Yes                                        ☐ No

               Please tell us why.

  3.1.11       (For builders) Do you still see potential value in having a site licence for residential and
               commercial building projects?

                 ☐ Yes                                        ☐ No

               Please tell us why.

 3.1.11a How can a site license contribute to the coordination of building work?

               There is already someone on the building site coordinating the trades and supervising to
               some extent, so really this is formalising what happens in reality. The site licensee may or
               may not have a lot of take-up, depending on how the industry and individuals view their
               exposure to recourse in the event they are held responsible - potentially the site license
               may be held responsible for any issues attributed to the construction of the building.
               MBIE needs to consider the downstream effect on the individual site license holder and
               ensure there are measures in place, so they understand their risk and also understand
               how they can protect themselves from risk.

  3.1.12       (For builders) Who do you think should be responsible for coordinating building work on a
               site and what skills are required for this type of role?

  3.1.13       Do you think that the introduction of a fit and proper person test and a code of ethics for
               LBPs would help to ensure that building professionals are held accountable and improve
               the public’s confidence in the LBP scheme?

                                                                              Yes                      No

                 Fit and proper person test                                   ☒                        ☐

                 Code of the ethics for LBPs                                  ☒                        ☐

               Please tell us why.

                                                                                         Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                      Submission template
This provides confidence for everyone (including consumers/building owners) that LBPs
               have been screened and are recognised as fit and proper people who are competent
               professionals in their industry.

 MBIE proposes a transition period to implement the changes.
       •    reassess every existing LBP under the new competency standards after two years
            (November 2022); reassessment would be done when each licence comes up for renewal.
       •    assess new LBP applicants under the new competency standards; assessment would start in
            November 2022.

  3.1.14       Do you agree the proposed timeframe for the changes to the LBP scheme is sufficient?

                 ☒ Yes                          ☐ No, it’s too long       ☐ No, it’s too short

               Please tell us why.
               We understand the transition period will take a number of years to put in place.

  3.1.15       What should we consider in setting the transition timeframe?

               We agree with the proposed actions set out in Table 3.1.3 of the discussion document.

 Final thoughts
  3.1.16       If you have any other comments on the proposals for LBPs, please tell us?

               Reiterate that the bar needs to be set at an attainable level and there needs to be a suite
               of training that allows for current and new LBPs to aspire to and achieve the higher-level
               licenses. Care should be taken around the site LBP proposal, particularly understanding
               how many individuals are likely to apply for a site license, that other less competent
               individuals can aspire to a site license, and that there are a number of steps that site
               license LBPs can take to protect their risk of liability.

                                                                                      Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                   Submission template
Part 3.2 Occupational Regulation of Engineers
 MBIE wants stakeholders’ feedback on the three proposals:
      1        Establish a new voluntary certification scheme that provides assurance of an engineer’s
               professionalism and general competency and phase out Chartered Professional Engineer

      2        Restrict who can carry out or supervise safety-critical structural, geotechnical and fire-
               safety engineering work within the building sector. This would cover all medium to high
               complexity work and be triggered by factors such as building size, use and location.

      3        Establish a new licensing scheme to regulate who can carry out or supervise engineering
               work that has been restricted.

 Proposal 1 - Establish a new voluntary certification scheme that provides assurance of an
 engineer’s professionalism and general competence and phase out CPEng.
   3.2.1       Do you agree that there is a need for a statutory mark for engineers of professionalism
               and general competence to solve complex engineering problems?

                 ☒ Yes                                              ☐ No

               Please tell us why.
               As a BCA we have always struggled to obtain information about the general competence
               of an engineer, down to the point where a former IPENZ registrar has told us that an
               engineer, regardless of experience, can design anything (we did not agree with him).
               Setting a mark where an engineer will be judged on a level of competency matches with
               other expectations across the construction industry - LBP, Building Control Officer etc.

   3.2.2       How well do you think CPEng currently provides this assurance? What do you think needs
               to change?

               There is no assurance and it comes down to BCA reliance on an individual engineer’s
               experience and what we know about that individual. This is simply not good enough.
               There is sometimes a level of arrogance and an attitude of “we know best” at the highest
               level in the engineering profession. This needs to change and unless MBIE forces that
               change as proposed, we do not believe it will ever happen. We consider the proposed
               changes do not go far enough and allowing engineers a voluntary certification scheme is
               unlikely to succeed. In our view, from a BCA perspective, we would expect if MBIE is
               intent on providing assurance of an engineer’s professionalism and general competence,
               then make the proposed changes mandatory as you have done for the others such as
               Building Control Officers and LBPs.

   3.2.3       Do you agree that a new title is needed for engineers that have been certified? If so, do
               you have a view on what that title should be?

                 ☒ Certified engineer           ☐ Chartered engineer       ☐ Other (leave your suggestion below)

               Please tell us what the title should be if you chose ‘other’.

                                                                                                Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                             Submission template
Certified depicts competency in our view, but other titles may be equally appropriate.

   3.2.4       For engineering work on buildings that does not require specialised skills, do you think
               certification would provide sufficient assurance of general competence and reduce the
               risks of substandard work?

                 ☐ Yes                                            ☒ No

               Please tell us why.
               We consider this depends on the scope of the work - scope of work that doesn’t require
               specialised skills is very unclear and there needs to be some scope of that level of work
               and why it is justified as not needing specialised skills - needing specialised skills is why
               people engage an engineer in the first instance.

 Proposal 2 - Restrict who can carry out or supervise safety-critical structural, geotechnical
 and fire safety engineering work within the building sector. This would cover all medium-
 to-high complexity work and be triggered by factors such as building size, use and
   3.2.5      Do you agree that life safety should be the priority focus determining what engineering
              work is restricted?

                ☒ Yes                                             ☐ No

              Please tell us why.
              Life safety is the key measure.

   3.2.6      What combination of the following factors should be used to determine what engineering
              work is restricted: building size, building use, ground conditions, other?

                ☒ Building size            ☒ Building use   ☒ Ground conditions   ☒ Other (please specify below)

              Please specify what might be included and why.
              This is too complex in our view to provide a simple answer as there are any number of
              factors requiring consideration as well as those stated. For example, earthquake risk
              likelihood, topography, exposure to hazards, type of construction and so on. We suggest
              that there needs to be further discussion on this issue, as it is not a simple matter of
              defining a few key factors that will determine if it is restricted work or otherwise. Modern
              buildings, regardless of size or use, can be very complex structures that require careful
              attention to structural design and the risk in merely identifying a combination of obvious
              factors is that we don’t account for the not so obvious.

                                                                                              Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                           Submission template
Proposal 3 - Establish a new licensing scheme to regulate who can carry out or supervise
 engineering work that has been restricted.
   3.2.7       In your opinion, does geotechnical, structural and fire safety engineering work pose the
               greatest life safety risk in the building sector?

                                                                              Yes                     No

                 Geotechnical work                                            ☒                       ☐

                 Structural work                                              ☒                       ☐

                 Fire safety engineering work                                 ☒                       ☐

  3.2.7a       Do you think there are any other engineering specialities that pose greater life-safety risks
               in the building sector that are not included here?

                 ☒ Yes                                                 ☐ No

               Please tell us more.
               Electrical, HVAC, Mechanical, and Hydraulic.

   3.2.8       3.2.8 Do you agree that engineers should satisfy the requirements for certification before
               they could be assessed for licensing?

                 ☒ Yes                                                 ☐ No

               Please tell us why.

   3.2.9       What impact do you think the restrictions and licensing would have on the number of
               engineers who can carry out or supervise engineering work on buildings that require
               technical competence in a specialised field?

                   Strong negative impact       Negative impact   No impact    Positive impact   Strong positive impact

                             ☐                      ☐                  ☐              ☒                       ☐

               Please tell us what the impact might be.
               Our view is there should only be technically competent engineers with experience in the
               relevant discipline carrying out the specialised work. We think that amounts to safe

  3.2.9a       Do you feel that there are enough engineers with the necessary technical competence to
               meet any new demand?

                 ☐ Yes                                                 ☒ No

               Please tell us why.

                                                                                                  Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                               Submission template
From our experience the whole construction industry lacks the number of skilled
               professionals required to meet demand. The engineering fraternity is no different and
               there is a heavy reliance on a few experienced and skilled practitioners. That demand is
               too great in our view. This can lead to engineers without the appropriate experience
               designing structures that are beyond their competency level. The risk is getting it wrong,
               resulting in a failure.

  3.2.10       3.2.10 What impact do you think the restrictions and licensing would have on the cost of
               engaging an engineer?

                   Strong negative impact       Negative impact   No impact       Positive impact   Strong positive impact

                              ☐                      ☐                 ☐                 ☒                       ☐

               Please tell us what the impact might be.
               We consider any costs will be inevitably passed onto the building owner. However, given
               we believe the changes provide for a safer environment, then in our view any increased
               charges to cover an engineer’s costs will have a positive outcome.

  3.2.11       How effective do you think the proposed restrictions and licensing would be in reducing
               the risks to public safety from substandard engineering work?

                    Not effective                            Somewhat effective                              Very effective

                          ☐                      ☐                     ☐                    ☒                       ☐

               Please tell us why.
               In our view the transition is planned to take a number of years and we accept that will
               require time to ensure we get this right as it is a major change for professional engineers.
               If we get this right and we have engineers with the right experience and competency
               working on buildings within their area of expertise, then we submit there will be a
               reduction in substandard work.

  3.2.12       If you engage a licensed engineer, would you feel confident that the engineer has the
               necessary technical competence to do the work?

                 ☒ Yes                                                 ☐ No

               Please tell us why.
               The proposed changes provide for engineers to work within their competency levels and
               once established, we would feel more confidence, given that the engineer has been
               assessed on the basis of his/her competency.

  3.2.13       Do you agree with the proposed grounds for discipline of licensed and certified

                 ☒ Yes                                                 ☐ No

               Please tell us why.
               There are a good range of penalties to account for a number of disciplinary situations

                                                                                                     Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                                  Submission template
which compare favourably with other regimes such as the LBP register.

  3.2.14       Is there anything else that you think should be grounds for discipline? Are there any
               proposed grounds for discipline that you think should be modified or removed?

 It will take time to establish a new regime and transition to it.
  3.2.15       What things should we consider when we develop transitional arrangements? What
               supports would you need to help you during this transition?

               We would welcome the opportunity to provide feedback to the regulator and MBIE as the
               new regime establishes and transitions. This would be from a BCA perspective.

  3.2.16       (For engineers who currently do not have CPEng or higher) Would you be likely to apply
               for a licence (fire safety, geotechnical, structural)?

                 ☐ Yes                                       ☐ No

               Please tell us why.

 Final thoughts
  3.2.17       If you have any other comments on the proposals for engineers, please tell us.

                                                                                      Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                   Submission template
Part 3.3 Occupational Regulation of Plumbers, Gasfitters and
 MBIE wants stakeholders’ feedback on the three proposals:
      1        Repeal specific sanitary plumbing exemptions for householders in specified areas and for
               rural districts.

      2        Repeal exemptions for restricted sanitary plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying work under

 Proposal 1 - Repeal the current sanitary plumbing exemptions for householders in
 specified areas and for rural districts, including the current Gazette notices for districts
 made under the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Act 1976.
   3.3.1       Have you encountered instances of hazards or health issues from sanitary plumbing work
               completed by unlicensed people?

                 ☒ Yes                                              ☐ No

               Please tell us more or provide an example.
               Example: A residential dwelling where the building owner had installed a new toilet in a
               household but had failed to connect the waste in a proper manner. Effluent was escaping
               and forming under and outside the dwelling and we were alerted by a neighbour who
               complained about a bad smell coming from the neighbouring property. This is an example
               where the building owner was not skilled and failed to connect the waste properly, and
               the owner did not even notice or really care about the problem.
               We submit that exemptions, in our view, are subject to abuse and a certified tradesperson
               should carry out all sanitary plumbing or drainage work.

   3.3.2       How often do you find work undertaken under a householders or a rural areas exemption
               that does not comply with the requirements of relevant codes and standards?

                        Never                   Occasionally   Regularly   Often                 Always

                          ☒                         ☐               ☐       ☐                      ☐

               Please tell us why.
               Our BCA covers a city and not a rural area.

   3.3.3       Do you think that a person should be qualified to do sanitary plumbing work on your

                 ☒ Yes                                              ☐ No

               Please tell us why.
               Because of the risk outlined above as an example where unskilled people carry out work

                                                                                    Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                 Submission template
that if not completed properly, can create potential health risks for people.

 Proposal 2 - Repeal the exemptions for restricted sanitary plumbing, gasfitting and
 drainlaying work under supervision.
   3.3.4       How often do you find substandard work carried out under a supervision exemption?

                        Never                   Occasionally   Regularly      Often                 Always

                          ☐                         ☒               ☐          ☐                      ☐

               Please tell us more.
               We found a case recently where a hot water cylinder had been installed incorrectly under
               the supervision of a certifying plumber. In reality, this was because the certified plumber
               did not provide adequate supervision.

   3.3.5       What benefits (if any) do you see from regulating people who are currently exempted if
               they work under supervision?

               We suggest there should be fewer failures based on lack of supervision as outlined above.

   3.3.6       What potential issues (if any) do you see from removing the exemptions for doing
               restricted work under supervision?


   3.3.7       What impacts (such as business impacts) would removing the supervision exemptions
               have on how your business is managed?

               As a BCA we would not be finding less poorly installed work.

   3.3.8       Do you support allowing people currently working under supervision exemptions to
               continue working as a regulated person under a new registration and licence?

                 ☒ Yes                                              ☐ No

               Please tell us why.
               Because they will be licensed and assessed for competency.

   3.3.9       Is anything else required to support the transition of exempted tradespeople to a new
               registration and licence?

                 ☐ Yes                                              ☒ No

               Please tell us more.

                                                                                       Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                    Submission template
Final thoughts
  3.3.10       If you have any other comments on the proposals for plumbers, drainlayers and gasfitters,
               please tell us.

               We support the proposals as it will make for healthier and safer buildings.

                                                                                      Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                   Submission template
Part 4 Risk and Liability
 MBIE wants stakeholders’ feedback on the three proposals:
      1        Require guarantee and insurance products for residential new builds and significant
               alterations, and allow homeowners to actively opt out.

      2        Leave the liability settings for building consent authorities unchanged.

 Proposal 1 - Require a guarantee and insurance product to be in place for all residential
 new builds and significant alterations. Homeowners would have the choice to actively opt
 out of having a guarantee and insurance product.
    4.1        Do you support the proposal to require guarantee and insurance products for residential
               new builds and significant alterations?

                 ☒ Yes                                       ☐ No

               Please tell us why.
               We submit that to meet your brief of supporting homeowners to protect their investment
               then there is only one option - and that is to support a guarantee and insurance cover for
               when things go wrong.

    4.2        Do you think homeowners should be able to actively opt out of having a guarantee and
               insurance product?

                 ☐ Yes                                       ☒ No

               Please tell us why.
               We submit that if there is to be an effective scheme for homeowners there should only be
               one course of action and no ability to opt out. In opting out the homeowners that opt in
               are in fact subsidising those who opt out and if every homeowner opts in the price of
               insurance is accordingly reduced because of the demand and numbers in the scheme.

    4.3        Should there be conditions on when homeowners are able to opt out? What should these
               conditions be?

                 ☐ Yes                                       ☒ No

               Please tell us why and what the conditions should be.
               However, if the decision is to continue to allow homeowners to opt out, there should be a
               proviso that they have adequate funds or other means to cover any issues should things
               go wrong. We contend that is unlikely for most homeowners to have adequate funds or
               other insurances in place and that is why it is important that opt in is the only option.

    4.4        What types of buildings do you think should be required to have a guarantee and
               insurance product? (Please tick all that should apply.)

                                                                                          Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                       Submission template
☒ Standalone residential dwellings

               ☒ Medium density housing (up to six storeys)

               ☒ High density housing (over six storeys)

               ☒ Mixed-used developments (i.e. where a part of the building is used as commercial
                premises, for example shops or offices.)
               Please tell us why.
               We submit that in reality all of the buildings listed can have things go wrong, so cover
               should be in place for owners of any one of these buildings.

    4.5        What threshold do you think the requirement for a guarantee and insurance product
               should be set at?

               ☐ Residential building work over $30,000

               ☒ Residential building work over $100,000

               ☒ Residential building work that would impact the structure or weathertightness of the
               ☐ Other (please tell us more in the comment box below)
               Please tell us why or any other comments.

    4.6        Do you have any views on the minimum standards that should be set for a guarantee and
               insurance product?
               For example: the type of product, the types of events that are covered, the minimum level
               of cover, the period of cover, the nature of redress, the maximum claim value, dispute
               resolution processes, the ability to transfer to new owners.

    4.7        What financial and prudential requirements do you think should be placed on providers,
               to ensure there is a continuing supply of guarantee and insurance products?
               For example: reinsurance or other insurance backing, solvency, auditing requirements,
               security and prudential requirements.

    4.8        If residential new builds and significant alterations are required to have a guarantee and
               insurance product, what do you think the impacts will be?

    4.9        (For builders) How difficult will it be for you to gain eligibility to offer a guarantee and
               insurance product?

                     Impossible             Very difficult   Somewhat difficult   Not very difficult    I already offer one

                                                                                                   Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                                Submission template
☐                     ☐                ☐              ☐                      ☐

               Please tell us why.

 MBIE proposes a two-year transition period.
   4.10        How long do you think the transition period for guarantee and insurance products needs
               to be to ensure providers, builders and BCAs are prepared for the changes?

                 ☐ Less than two years              ☒ Two years              ☐ More than two years

               Please tell us why.
               The industry should be able to produce product within that period of time.

   4.11        Is anything else needed to support the implementation of guarantee and insurance

                 ☐ Yes                                           ☒ No

               Please tell us why.

 Proposal 2 – Leave the liability settings for BCAs unchanged.
   4.12        If the government decides to make all the other changes in this discussion paper, do you
               agree that that the liability settings for BCAs will not need to be changed?

                 ☐ Yes                                           ☒ No

               Please tell us why.
               Joint and several liability does not apportion the level of liability to the party responsible
               for causing the problem. For example, in weathertight claims a number of parties to the
               build process do not contribute, or their contribution to a settlement is minimal and it is
               left to the BCA to make the major contribution towards settlement. In our view that is
               unfair on the basis of contribution to the build process - the BCA spend the least amount
               of time onsite and has the least input into the process - but because they are seen as
               having ‘deep pockets’ then they are targeted by claimants. We are one of the few
               countries in the world where joint and several liability is in place as other countries
               understand that the process is fraught. Government officials and Ministers have even
               been quoted that they agree the system is unfair but refuse to change it. We submit that
               a change is long overdue and central government cannot continue to allow the ratepayers
               in our country to pay for something they should not be paying for. The responsibility
               needs to sit with those who design and construct the buildings and it needs to be
               proportionate to the level of input into the build.

                                                                                        Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                     Submission template
4.12a       What area of work do you think will have the biggest impact on BCA consenting

               ☒ Products

               ☒ Occupational regulation

               ☒ Risk and liability

               ☐ Building levy

               ☐ Offences and penalties
               Please tell us why.
               They all result in time spent on consenting and if we are able to address these areas as
               proposed then consenting time should be reduced.

   4.13        If the government decides to limit BCA liability, do you support the proposal to place a cap
               on BCA liability?

                 ☒ Yes                                        ☐ No

               Please tell us why.
               Refer to Section 4.12. We also submit that the risk in capping BCA liability has the effect of
               the capped level becoming the norm in terms of claims. So, we suggest in many ways this
               supports the BCA ability to manage claims with an expectation of costs, but it does not
               address the underlying unfair joint and several liability issue, which really is overdue to be

   4.14        If there is a cap on BCA liability, do you agree that the cap should be set at 20 per cent?

                 ☐ Yes                                        ☒ No

               Please tell us why.
               As above. We submit that you should deal with the underlying issue of joint and several
               liability - liability should be apportioned to what you do in the build process and not your
               ability to pay.

   4.15        If there is a cap on BCA liability, do you think BCAs should have to pay more than 20 per
               cent if they have contributed to more than 20 per cent of the losses?

                 ☐ Yes                                        ☒ No

               Please tell us why.
               If you are going to put a 20% cap on BCA liability it makes little sense that we would ever
               willingly want to pay more.

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4.16        What do you think would be the impacts of placing a cap on BCA liability?

               As above. We submit that capping liability will effectively set the benchmark for claims
               and the unfortunate downside for ratepayers is that on most occasions associated with a
               claim the full 20% will be the benchmark - that is probably much more than a fair
               proportionate contribution based on a BCA input into the build process.

 Final thoughts
   4.17        If you have any other comments on the proposals for risk and liability, please tell us.

               We submit that the Minister should reconsider the decision not to address the
               fundamental underlying problem with joint and several liability and show leadership by
               moving to a proportionate liability regime.

                                                                                       Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                    Submission template
Part 5 Building Levy
 MBIE wants stakeholders’ feedback on the three proposals:
      1        Reduce the rate of the levy from $2.01 to $1.50 including GST (per $1,000).

      2        Standardise the threshold at $20,444 including GST.

      3        Amend the Building Act to enable MBIE’s chief executive to spend the levy for purposes
               related to broader stewardship responsibilities in the building sector.

 Proposal 1 - Reduce the rate of the building levy from $2.01 to $1.50.
    5.1        Do you agree that the levy rate should be reduced from $2.01 to $1.50?

                 ☐ Yes                                                 ☒ No

               Please tell us why.
               We agree with widening the use of the levy, but we don’t support a reduction.

    5.2        (For building consent authorities) What impact, if any, would a reduced levy rate have on
               building consent authorities?

                   Strong negative impact       Negative impact   No impact   Positive impact   Strong positive impact

                             ☐                      ☐                  ☒             ☐                       ☐

               Please tell us what the impact might be.
               Fifty cents reduction is inconsequential in the bigger picture.

    5.3        Other than reduced building consent costs, what are the other impacts from reducing the
               current levy rate?

               There are really no impacts for our BCA - we collect the levy for MBIE regardless of what it

    5.4        (For building consent authorities) How long would you need to implement the proposed
               changes to the building levy rate and threshold?

               ☐ 0-3 months

               ☐ 3-6 months

               ☐ 6-12 months

               ☒ 12 months or longer

               ☐ other (please tell us more)

                                                                                                 Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                              Submission template
Proposal 2 - Standardise the threshold for the building levy at $20,444 including GST (per
    5.5        Do you have any comments on standardising the threshold at $20,444?


 Proposal 3 - Amend the Building Act’s provisions to enable the chief executive to spend
 the levy on activities related to stewardship responsibilities in the building sector.
    5.6        Do you agree that the Building Act should be amended so MBIE’s chief executive may
               spend the levy for purposes relating to building sector stewardship?

                 ☒ Yes                                       ☐ No

               Please tell us why.

 We propose that the levy rate and threshold changes take effect on 1 July 2020.
    5.7        Do you agree with the proposed start date of 1 July 2020 for the changes to the building
               levy rate and threshold?

                 ☒ Yes                                       ☐ No

               Please tell us why.

 Final thoughts
    5.8        If you have any other comments on the proposals for building levy, please tell us.

               Why change the levy when all of the parties are paying it at the present time and it is used
               in the right areas to improve the industry.

                                                                                      Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                   Submission template
Part 6 Offences, Penalties and Public Notification
 MBIE wants stakeholders' feedback on four proposals:
      1        Increase the maximum financial penalties for all persons.

      2        Set the maximum penalty levels differently for individuals and organisations.

      3        Extend the time relevant enforcement agencies have to lay a charge under the Building
               Act, from six months to 12 months (section 378 of the Building Act).

      4        Modify the definition of ‘publicly notify’ in section 7 of the Building Act.

 Proposal 1 - Increase the maximum financial penalties.
    6.1        Are the current maximum penalty amounts in the Building Act appropriate?

                 ☒ Yes                                                 ☐ No

               Please tell us why.
               We agree that larger penalty amounts are a more effective deterrent.
               A better enforcement tool for BCAs to use in the event of an offence.

    6.2        Do you agree with the proposed increases to maximum penalties?

                 ☒ Yes                                                 ☐ No

               Please tell us why and what they should be if you disagree.

 Proposal 2 - Set the maximum penalties differently for individuals and organisations.
    6.3        Do you agree with introducing higher penalties for organisations?

                 ☒ Yes                                                 ☐ No

               Please tell us why.
               We submit it makes sense to have higher penalties for organisations and this is an
               effective deterrent. A better enforcement tool for BCAs to use in the event of an offence.

    6.4        What impacts on the building industry could arise from this proposal if it is implemented?

                   Strong negative impact       Negative impact   No impact   Positive impact   Strong positive impact

                             ☐                      ☐                  ☐             ☐                       ☒

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Please tell us what the impact might be.
               A better enforcement tool for BCAs to use in the event of an offence.

 Proposal 3 - Extend the time parties have to lay a charge under the Building Act, from six
 months to 12 months (section 378 of the Building Act).
    6.5        Do you think 12 months is an appropriate time period for relevant enforcement agencies
               to lay a charge?

                 ☒ Yes                                         ☐ No

               Please tell us why or what you think is an appropriate.

 Proposal 4 - Modify the definition of ‘publicly notify’ in section 7 of the Building Act to
 remove the requirement to publish in daily newspapers circulating in each of the cities of
 Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin. Public notification will still be
 required in a more modern form that is future proofed and publicly accessible.
    6.6        Do you agree that public notification under the Building Act should no longer be required
               in newspapers?

                 ☐ Yes                                         ☒ No

               Please tell us why.
               There are other effective means for public notification, but many people still rely on

    6.7        Do you agree that publication on the internet and in the New Zealand Gazette is

                 ☐ Yes                                         ☒ No

               Please tell us why.
               As above.

 Final thoughts

    6.8        If you have any other comments on the proposals for offences, penalties and public
               notification, please tell us.

                                                                                       Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                    Submission template
Overall Feedback

 Thinking about this consultation, do you have any comments or suggestions to help us
 improve future consultations?
      1        What worked for you?

               We are comfortable with the process and means to supply feedback.

      2        What would we do better?

               We appreciate the simplicity of the online feedback mechanism. However, with some
               consultation papers there has been a very limited timeframe for feedback. We consider it
               important to have adequate time to provide good constructive submissions.

      3        Any other comments or final thoughts?

               We would like to thank MBIE for the opportunity to provide feedback.

                                                                                      Building System Legislative Reform

                                                                                                   Submission template
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