C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments - Amazon AWS

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C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments - Amazon AWS
C40 Clean
Air Cities
Planned Actions to
Deliver Commitments

                      C40   1
C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments - Amazon AWS
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Create a zero emission zone in cen-      • Use educational materials, cam-
                                                                                                                                                                                         tral London in 2025 in line with the       paigns and the LLAQM to raise
                                                                                                                                                                                         C40 Green and Healthy Streets Dec-         awareness about and help improve
                                                                                                                                                                                         laration                                   indoor air quality, as well as use the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    planning system to reduce exposure
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Operate a London-wide Non-Road           through design measures to prevent
                                                                                                                                                                                         Mobile Machinery Low Emission              poor outdoor air quality entering a

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                                                                                                                                                                                         Zone which uses planning conditions        building.
                                                                                                                                                                                         or local codes of practice to ensure
                                                                                                                                                                                         that machinery used on construction
                                                                                                                                                                                         sites has more modern low-emission

    DECLARATION COMMITMENT                 INTENDED ACTION/APPROACH TO MEET COMMITMENT                                                             Publicly report annually on our       • Commit to work with C40 to com-
                                                                                                                                                   progress in reducing pollution lev-   plete requested information as part
                                                                                                                                                   els relative to targets and achiev-   of declaration reporting process, as
                                                                                                                                                   ing the commitments in this decla-    outlined in the C40 Clean Air Cities
    Within two years, establish base-      London has committed to an ambi-        The city maintains a fixed-site “con-                           ration.                               Technical Note.
    line levels and set ambitious reduc-   tious target of meeting the World       tinuous” monitoring network of over
    tion targets for air pollutants that   Health Organization guidelines by       100 locations as part of the Local
    meet or exceed national commit-        2030, which would exceed, for some      London Air Quality Management
    ments.                                 pollutants, both European Union and     Framework (LLAQM). Real-time and                                SUPPORTIVE ACTIONS                    EXAMPLES OF INTENDED ACTIONS AND APPROACHES
                                           United Kingdom air quality stan-        historical data is available for partic-                                                              TO DELIVER THESE ACTIONS
    These targets will put us on a path    dards.                                  ulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, ozone,
    towards meeting World Health Or-                                               and sulphur dioxide. We have also re-
    ganisation Air Quality Guidelines                                              cently delivered the Breathe London                             Implement new policies, enforce       The amount of money committed to           • Making sure we no longer license
    for particulate matter, nitrogen di-                                           project to augment the fixed-site                               strong regulations, prioritise re-    tackling the capital’s air quality cri-    new diesel taxis from 2018 and sup-
    oxide, ozone, and sulphur dioxide.                                             network with 100 new hyperlocal                                 sources, and build necessary ca-      sis has significantly increased over       porting the trade to upgrade to
                                                                                   sensors and new monitoring data                                 pacity and skills to achieve am-      five years. Transport for London’s         much cleaner ‘zero emission capa-
                                                                                   from Google Street View cars.                                   bitious reductions in air pollution   Business Plan in 2018, for example,        ble’ vehicles;
                                                                                                                                                   source sectors that are within our    included roughly £800 million to
                                                                                                                                                   control.                              deliver far-reaching programmes to         • Introducing 15 Low Emission
    Before 2025, implement new sub-        Around half of London’s air pollu-      • Procure only hybrid or zero emis-                                                                   address the threat to health from          Neighbourhoods (LENs), involving
    stantive policies and programmes       tion is caused by road transport and    sion buses (currently over 200 elec-                                                                  poor air. Examples of intended ac-         boroughs and a range of local busi-
    to address the top causes of air       there is no way to make a massive       tric buses in the fleet) with the ob-                                                                 tions include:                             nesses. The LENs and the other proj-
    pollution emissions within our city    improvement to London’s air quality     jective to create a zero emission bus                                                                                                            ects supported by the Mayor’s £22
    and under our control.                 without taking the most polluting ve-   fleet by 2037 at the very latest;                                                                     • Introduced the world’s first ULEZ        million Air Quality Fund are helping
                                           hicles off the road. new substantive                                                                                                          in April 2019 to help remove older         tackle some of the worst pollution
                                           policies and programmes include:        • No longer license new diesel tax-                                                                   polluting vehicles from central Lon-       hotspots across London;
                                                                                   is and ensure all new taxis being li-                                                                 don. The ULEZ boundaries will be
                                           •        Implement the Ultra Low        censed are zero emission capable                                                                      extended in 2021 to the North and          • A £48 million fund to support
                                           Emission Zone (ULEZ) – the world’s      (over 2,000 electric taxis now li-                                                                    South Circulars for all vehicles, and in   scrappage schemes that will help
                                           strictest standards for vehicular air   censed in London);                                                                                    2020 tougher emissions standards           smaller business owners, sole trad-
                                           pollution – in central London, cov-                                                                                                           will be introduced London-wide for         ers, charities and low income Lon-
                                           ering an area of 21km2, 24 hours, 7     • Ensure all cars in GLA group sup-                                                                   lorries, coaches and buses;                doners make the switch to cleaner
                                           days a week, (launched April 2019)      port fleets (eg the police service) are                                                                                                          vehicles and greener forms of trans-
                                           and expand the zone to cover an         zero emission capable by 2025;                                                                        • Transforming London’s bus fleet          port.
                                           area of 381km2 in October 2021;                                                                                                               by phasing out of pure diesel bus-
                                                                                   • Implement a new Electric Vehi-                                                                      es and a commitment to purchase            The Mayor is also taking forward a
                                           • Strengthen the emission standards     cle Charging Infrastructure Delivery                                                                  only hybrid or zero-emission double        number of initiatives to reduce pol-
                                           for the London Low Emission Zone        Plan, setting out how London will ex-                                                                 decker buses from 2018, with the           lutants from other sources, such as
                                           in October 2020 to match the ULEZ,      pand charging points, including the                                                                   entire fleet becoming ‘zero emis-          construction machinery and gas
                                           covering the entire city (1,580km2);    delivery of 300 rapid charge points                                                                   sion’ by 2037 at the latest;               boilers.
                                                                                   by the end of 2020 and new rapid
                                           • Upgrade 5,000 older buses and         charging hubs by 2025;                                                                                • Introduced twelve Low Emission
                                           deliver 12 Low Emission Bus Zones                                                                                                             Bus Zones in areas where London-
                                           outside central London (completed       • Implement a vehicle scrappage                                                                       ers are exposed to some of the high-
                                           September 2019) to reduce bus NOx       scheme to help low-income Lon-                                                                        est levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
                                           emissions by an average of 90 per       doners and small businesses shift to                                                                  pollution and working to ensure the
                                           cent;                                   cleaner vehicles (launched in Febru-                                                                  entuire city is a Low Emission Bus
                                                                                   ary 2019);                                                                                            Zone by october 2020;

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C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments - Amazon AWS
                                            TO DELIVER THESE ACTIONS                                                                       Conduct, expand, or collaborate         • The Air Pollution Research in            • APRIL identifies priority areas
                                                                                                                                           with relevant institutions to in-       London (APRIL) network was es-             for research to improve air quality
                                                                                                                                           crease research on the health im-       tablished 20 years ago. It brings          in London and other major cities,
                                                                                                                                           pacts of air pollution, the benefits    together scientists, policy makers         supports the development of new
    Integrate the relevant top pol-         • The Mayor has set some of the                       • The Environment Strategy is also       of air quality improvements, and        and the wider air quality commu-           scientific research and communi-
    lution-reducing actions -- that         most ambitious plans to tackle cli-                   integrated with an ambitious Trans-      associated economic implications,       nity for regular meetings to discuss       cates the latest research findings.
    are within our city and under our       mate change in the world. Our aim                     port Strategy that aims to ensure        and publish the results.                research happening in London and           APRIL is comprised of a number of
    control -- into our Climate Action      is for a zero-emission London by                      80% of all trips in London are made                                              the implications of new research on        specialist groups focusing on vari-
    Plans, such as: rapidly expanding       2050. This is integral to London’s                    by either walking, cycling or public                                             London’s air quality and air quality       ous policy areas which are directly
    zero emission public transport, cre-    first integrated Environment Strate-                  transport by 2041. The Transport                                                 policies. Meetings are held approx-        affected by air pollution, including;
    ating low or zero emission areas,       gy, which was published in 2018 to                    Strategy can be found at https://                                                imately every two~ three months at         emissions, monitoring and model-
    supporting walking/cycling, im-         bring together air quality, climate                   www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/                                                    City Hall, hosted by the Greater Lon-      ling, transport, health impacts, ur-
    plementing vehicle restrictions or      mitigation and adaptation, waste,                     transport/our-vision-transport/                                                  don Authority.                             ban development, and synergies
    financial incentives/disincentives      green infrastructure, noise and the                   mayors-transport-strategy-2018.                                                                                             with climate policies. Meetings are
    (e.g. road or parking charging), re-    circular economy.                                                                                                                                                                 open to the public and coordinated
    ducing truck, non-road machinery                                                              • The new London Plan – our spatial                                                                                         and arranged through the Chairs of
    and city owned vehicle emissions,       • The London Environment Strat-                       strategy for the city – includes pol-                                                                                       the different groups.
    cleaning up construction sites and      egy was one of the first city plans                   icies that reduce exposure to exist-
    equipment, reducing industrial          published to be compliant with the                    ing poor air quality through design
    emissions, reducing emissions from      highest ambition of the Paris Agree-                  and mitigation strategies as well as     Raise awareness of air quality to       • The Mayor and Transport for Lon-         • Polling reveals more than
    wood burning, expanding afford-         ment and can be found at https://                     requiring all new major develop-         help vulnerable citizens reduce their   don have delivered a coordinated           three-quarters of Londoners (80
    able access to clean energy for         www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/                         ments (including non-residential) to     exposure, and to reduce the causes      awareness campaign to ensure as            per cent) and 90 per cent of driv-
    cooking and heating, restricting        e n v i ro n m e n t / l o n d o n - e n v i ro n -   be zero carbon, including an energy      of air pollution, such as traffic.      many Londoners as possible are             ers know something about poor air
    pollution from solid waste burning      ment-strategy.                                        hierarchy and new energy efficiency                                              aware of poor air quality and the          quality and the ULEZ.
    and expanding greening.                                                                       target. The draft London Plan can                                                ULEZ.
                                            • The 1.5C Compatible Plan looks at                   be found at
                                            the scenarios London can take, in-                    https://www.london.gov.uk/what-                                                  • Together the Mayor and TfL have:
                                            cluding the relevant top pollution                    we-do/planning/london-plan                                                        Sent 3.3 million emails to registered
                                            reducing actions, to reach the ze-                                                                                                     users
                                            ro-carbon target. The plan can be                                                                                                         - Sent 600,000 letters to drivers
                                            found at https://www.london.gov.                                                                                                          - Spoken with 6,000 fleet oper-
                                            uk/sites/default/files/1.5_action_                                                                                                        ators and more than 1,000 small
                                            plan_amended.pdf                                                                                                                          businesses, charities and health
                                                                                                                                                                                      ­- Installed 300 road signs on the
    Establish, maintain, increase, or       • As part of the Breathe London                       • Kings College London delivered                                                     boundary of the zone and on key
    contribute to reliable city-wide air    network, London has begun rolling                     the wearable monitoring and citizen                                                  approach roads, as well as us-
    quality monitoring, making data         out a network of 100 fixed monitor-                   engagement portion of the proj-                                                      ing 140 variable message signs
    publicly available in a timely man-     ing sites, street by street mobile air                ect and is currently evaluating the                                                  across London
    ner or as close to real-time as pos-    monitoring, and personal monitor-                     data. This pilot study will help Lon-                                                ­- Developed an extensive ULEZ
    sible and in an accessible format, in   ing campaigns with school children.                   don assess the benefits of strate-                                                    website, which has been visited
    coordination with relevant depart-      Google’s Street View mobile moni-                     gies underway, identify new policies                                                  more than 1.8 million times
    ments and institutions.                 tors started collecting baseline data                 and targeted intervention, generate                                                   ­- Issued posters and digital dis-
                                            ahead of the ULEZ implementation,                     awareness and increase understand-                                                     plays, alongside print, radio, on-
                                            and field co-locations of fixed sen-                  ing of how new monitoring methods                                                      line adverts and email newslet-
                                            sors with reference grade equip-                      can lower the costs of air quality as-                                                 ters
                                            ment – accessible real-time and his-                  sessments.                                                                             ­- Created social media content
                                            torical data was made available to
                                            the public via the project website in
                                            July 2019.                                                                                     Create, update, or work with rel-       • The GLA and TfL work in partner-         • The LAEI (London Atmospheric
                                                                                                                                           evant institutions to ensure high       ship to produce a comprehensive            Emissions Inventory) is the key tool
                                                                                                                                           quality emissions inventories, mod-     set of air quality datasets in order       for air quality analysis and policy
                                                                                                                                           els, and analysis are available to      to formulate evidence-based poli-          development in London, including
                                                                                                                                           describe where and how outdoor          cy and guide boroughs as they im-          geographically referenced data and
                                                                                                                                           air pollution is formed in our city,    prove air quality locally.                 maps.
                                                                                                                                           both today and in the future.

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                                            TO DELIVER THESE ACTIONS

    Work with and advocate for region-      • Working with national govern-        • Collaborating with UK govern-
    al, state, supranational, and nation-   ment, local boroughs, and the Euro-    ment to achieve EU compliance
    al government to take action on         pean Union.                            and meet AQ standards, and influ-
    sources outside our boundaries or                                              ence air quality policy and measures
    our control.                                                                   e.g. providing fiscal incentives such
                                                                                   as vehicle excise duty and tackling
                                                                                   non-transport emission sources.


    • The Mayoral and London transport agency’s budgets include funding that is allocated the delivery of the pro-
      posals set out in his Environment and Transport Strategies. Currently around £800 million is available over a five
      year period. Furthermore, he will work with partners to increase the flow of finance to support the delivery of
      large-scale projects that address the environmental challenges that London is facing. For example, the Mayor
      will use the Mayor’s £500 million Energy Efficiency Fund, supported by the European Commission, to support
      energy efficiency and low carbon energy supply projects, and the Good Growth Fund of £20 million to provide
      finance to those businesses seeking to scale-up and achieve their growth ambitions, as well as those aiming for
      long-term sustainability.

       The Mayor will also explore the role and use of low-cost financing and bulk purchasing, as well as innovative
       products, such as green bonds and climate change ISAs, to help attract large scale institutional investment into
       environmental projects.

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6   C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration                                                                                       C40                                 7
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                                                                                                                                                                                            standards and upgrading transfer
                                                                                                                                                                                            stations with closed systems to elim-
                                                                                                                                                                                            inate odors and reduce emissions.

                                                                                                                                                                                            - Implementing new measures to re-
                                                                                                                                                                                            duce methane emissions from meat
                                                                                                                                                                                            production and cemeteries.

                                                                                                                              © futurewalk / Istock
                                                                                                                                                      Publicly report annually on our       • Amman reports annually to C40         • Work with C40 to complete re-
                                                                                                                                                      progress in reducing pollution lev-   on climate data and aims to build       quested information as part of decla-
                                                                                                                                                      els relative to targets and achiev-   on this to compare climate and pol-     ration reporting process, as outlined
                                                                                                                                                      ing the commitments in this decla-    lution data against targets based on    in the C40 Clean Air Cities Technical
                                                                                                                                                      ration.                               Amman Climate Action Plan.              Note.

                                                                                                                                                      SUPPORTIVE ACTIONS                    EXAMPLES OF INTENDED ACTIONS AND APPROACHES
    Within two years, establish baseline   • Amman is committing to increase        the 22 districts, complementing the                                                                     TO DELIVER THESE ACTIONS
    levels and set ambitious reduction     air quality monitoring beyond that       monitoring stations operated by
    targets for air pollutants that meet   conducted by the Royal Scientif-         the Ministry of Environment. GAM
    or exceed national commitments.        ic Society and the Ministry of Envi-     intends to create a comprehensive                                 Implement new policies, enforce       • Through the Amman Climate Ac-         • Implementing Capacity Building
    These targets will put us on a path    ronment (6 stations currently within     data centre which will include this air                           strong regulations, prioritise re-    tion Plan, GAM has made great           Programs that targets Urban Plan-
    towards meeting World Health Or-       Greater Amman Municipality (GAM)         quality data.                                                     sources, and build necessary ca-      steps in the collection and analysis    ners and Transport Engineers about
    ganisation Air Quality Guidelines      borders) and in cooperation with the                                                                       pacity and skills to achieve am-      of climate data, setting Amman on       the importance of emissions and its
    for particulate matter, nitrogen di-   Royal Scientific Society and the Min-    • Amman is committing to using the                                bitious reductions in air pollution   a good path to achieve its carbon       relation to air quality and pollution
    oxide, ozone, and sulphur dioxide.     istry of Environment. To supplement      next two years to set a new target                                source sectors that are within our    reduction aims and building a more      every 6 months.
                                           monitoring, the Greater Amman Mu-        that puts them on the path towards                                control.                              sustainable and resilient city. Am-
                                           nicipality is committing to installing   meeting the WHO guidelines.                                                                             man aims to build on this to pro-       • Adding a new strategic goal in the
                                           and operating real-time, wireless,                                                                                                               mote new projects with a solid un-      strategic plan of GAM (2018-2020)
                                           “low cost” air quality systems across                                                                                                            derstanding of their benefits to the    that ensures our commitment to re-
                                                                                                                                                                                            city.                                   duce air pollution, achieved by dif-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ferent projects, processes, and ini-
    Before 2025, implement new sub-        • Amman will use emissions invento-      - Reducing sprawl and private ve-                                                                                                               tiatives at the sector of Districts and
    stantive policies and programmes       ries, monitoring data, and relation-     hicle use through an intensification                                                                                                            Environment of GAM.
    to address the top causes of air       ships with the research community,       strategy for urban corridors along
    pollution emissions within our city    like the Royal Scientific Society, to    BRT lines, to be completed by 2021.
    and under our control.                 identify the top causes of air pol-
                                           lution and target new policies and       - Implementing policies that increase
                                           initiatives. While some will be de-      green space in exchange for devel-
                                           veloped over the next several years,     opment rights, implemented by 2022
                                           examples include:
                                                                                    - By 2021, creating an incentive pro-
                                           - Expansion of public transit through    gram for industrial projects that im-
                                           launching a Bus Rapid Transit Net-       plement environmentally friendly
                                           work by 2021. Amman aims to pur-         systems.
                                           chase the cleanest possible fuels,
                                           including introducing electric buses     - By 2022, Identification of Grey and
                                           into the fleet as vehicles need to be    Brown fields in Amman and devel-
                                           replaced.                                oping a database to attract rehabil-
                                                                                    itation programs. Brown Fields are
                                           - Expanding walkability, particularly    a major contributor to air pollution,
                                           in areas near stations to increase ac-   they are contaminated sites, and
                                           cessibility and reduce private vehicle   GAM considers rehabilitating them
                                           usage.                                   as a priority.

                                           - Improving transportation mo-           - Improving the efficiency and re-
                                           bility planning to account for air       ducing emissions from with waste
                                           quality and sustainable devel-           management. This includes ensur-
                                           opment,     through   development        ing landfills are in compliance with
                                           of its transport mobility plan.          relevant national and international

8   C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  C40     9
C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments - Amazon AWS
                                             TO DELIVER THESE ACTIONS                                                          Conduct, expand, or collaborate          • GAM intends to participate in re-     • Proposed study in cooperation
                                                                                                                               with relevant institutions to in-        search carried out by the Royal Sci-    with Ministry of Health to identi-
                                                                                                                               crease research on the health im-        entific Society (unplanned).            fy sites with the highest number
     Integrate the relevant top pol-         • GAM is on the path increasing sus-      • Increasing the urban green areas      pacts of air pollution, the benefits                                             cases of respiratory diseases and
     lution-reducing actions -- that         tainable transport through its new        within the city of Amman by about       of air quality improvements, and         • GAM intends to spread the mes-        asthma in order to specify main pol-
     are within our city and under our       BRT network. The aim is to use elec-      500 donums yearly.                      associated economic implications,        sage of the importance of improved      lution problems and remedies (un-
     control -- into our Climate Action      tric vehicles when vehicles need to                                               and publish the results.                 air quality and how this can be         planned).
     Plans, such as: rapidly expanding       be replaced, approximately 10 years.      • Completion of strategic projects                                               achieved (unplanned).
     zero emission public transport, cre-                                              through 2018-2020 and expanding
     ating low or zero emission areas,       • Amman aims to improve the walk-         or establishing major parks serving                                              • Establish a research platform in
     supporting walking/cycling, im-         ability of areas around the BRT cor-      multiple districts.                                                              collaboration with the medical in-
     plementing vehicle restrictions or      ridors, at strategic areas in the city.                                                                                    stitutions and professionals to con-
     financial incentives/disincentives                                                • Improving waste management:                                                    duct studies on the correlation be-
     (e.g. road or parking charging), re-    • Extra Development Rights in ex-         Operation of the fifth cell in the                                               tween location of patients and the
     ducing truck, non-road machinery        change of environmentally sound           Ghbawi landfill to absorb 5 million                                              prevalence/incidents of ailments di-
     and city owned vehicle emissions,       solutions, by incentivizing and en-       tons of waste, considered one of                                                 agnoses caused by air quality.
     cleaning up construction sites and      couraging best practice in passive        the leading environmental projects
     equipment, reducing industrial          design and green construction for         in the Kingdom and the Arab world,
     emissions, reducing emissions from      commercial buildings.                     matching international standards        Raise awareness of air quality to        • A smart awareness campaign tar-       • Implementing a number of aware-
     wood burning, expanding afford-                                                   for waste treatment                     help vulnerable citizens reduce their    geting all social media outlets and     ness campaigns about the sources
     able access to clean energy for         • Controlling Urban Sprawl by im-                                                 exposure, and to reduce the causes       popular public locations to inform      of pollution, their health impacts,
     cooking and heating, restricting        proving integrated planning for           • Expanding public transport allevi-    of air pollution, such as traffic.       the public about pollution and how      and how to minimize or eliminate
     pollution from solid waste burning      denser, transit-oriented develop-         ate traffic congestion. This includes                                            can they contribute directly to im-     them.
     and expanding greening.                 ment and green infrastructure and         the introduction of 286 buses by                                                 proving air quality.
                                             behavior change towards increased         2020 operating with eco-friend-
                                             public transport use.                     ly engines and connected tracking                                                • Coordinating with official media
                                                                                       systems. A fast-frequency bus proj-                                              partners to prepare awareness let-
                                             • Implementing E-Government to            ect and the joint link with the Am-                                              ters to local communities, schools,
                                             reduce traffic, through minimizing        man-Zarqa express bus will be ready                                              and universities. In addition to com-
                                             daily commutes.                           before the end of the 2019. The uni-                                             municating with private companies
                                                                                       fied operation of the fast-paced bus                                             to send awareness messages to the
                                             • Developing regulations to Nat-          project will be completed the end of                                             public through cell phones.
                                             ural Heritage Systems (NHS) that          2020, supported by infrastructure
                                             increase and preserve green space         investments of 136 million dinars.
                                             across the city.                                                                  Raise awareness of air quality to        • A smart awareness campaign tar-       • Implementing a number of aware-
                                                                                                                               help vulnerable citizens reduce          geting all social media outlets and     ness campaigns about the sources
                                             • Establish an Archival Data Center                                               their exposure, and to reduce the        popular public locations to inform      of pollution, their health impacts,
                                             to host all the outcomes of munic-                                                causes of air pollution, such as traf-   the public about pollution and how      and how to minimize or eliminate
                                             ipal works and academia that are                                                  fic.                                     can they contribute directly to im-     them.
                                             directly related to Amman. (It will                                                                                        proving air quality.
                                             include air quality datasets)
                                                                                                                                                                        • Coordinating with official media
                                                                                                                                                                        partners to prepare awareness let-
     Establish, maintain, increase, or       • Data is available from Ministry of      • By 2022, GAM will begin using re-                                              ters to local communities, schools,
     contribute to reliable city-wide air    Environment on a daily basis. GAM         al-time observations with Artificial                                             and universities. In addition to com-
     quality monitoring, making data         intends to extract and present it, in     Intelligence (AI) predictions. The                                               municating with private companies
     publicly available in a timely man-     collaboration with Ministry of En-        comprehensive planning depart-                                                   to send awareness messages to the
     ner or as close to real-time as pos-    vironment, in a more visual way to        ment at GAM is working closely with                                              public through cell phones.
     sible and in an accessible format, in   reach and engage a wider audience.        researchers on developing a tool to
     coordination with relevant depart-                                                aid with predictions from a planning
     ments and institutions.                 • Amman is committing to expand           perspective.                            Create, update, or work with rel-        • GAM intends to update the GHG         • Establish a Smart Data Center that
                                             monitoring of air quality to include                                              evant institutions to ensure high        inventory to include air pollutants     deals air quality in real-time for Am-
                                             PM2.5, which is not currently mea-        • The Amman urban observatory           quality emissions inventories, mod-      (unplanned).                            man in all 22 districts, and create al-
                                             sured within the city.                    (AUO) will establish a website in       els, and analysis are available to                                               gorithms to predict the trajectories
                                                                                       order to publish the relevant and       describe where and how outdoor           • Establish an Archival Data Center     of air quality over time through ma-
                                             • The establishment of an advanced        useful data to planners, decision       air pollution is formed in our city,     to host all the outcomes of munic-      chine learning and AI.
                                             – state of the art – data center is       makers, and those interested in de-     both today and in the future.            ipal works that are directly related
                                             aimed to be implemented in the Ur-        veloping the city of Amman.                                                      to emissions and the impacts of air
                                             ban Observatory at (GAM).                                                                                                  quality in the 22 districts.

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                                             TO DELIVER THESE ACTIONS

     Work with and advocate for region-      • Department of the Environment is       • Amman healthy city initiative to
     al, state, supranational, and nation-   coordinating with the Royal Scien-       prevent non- communicable diseas-
     al government to take action on         tific Society and GAM may extend         es (NCDs) and injuries, sponsored
     sources outside our boundaries or       collaboration when inventories are       by Bloomberg Philanthropies.
     our control.                            available.

                                             • Enhance the support of both the
                                             Ministry of Environment (MoE) and
                                             the Ministry of Planning (MoP) to
                                             Greater Amman Municipality (GAM)
                                             in areas that affect Amman Dis-
                                             tricts but fall under the jurisdiction
                                             of The Ministry of Municipal Affairs
                                             (MoMA). A good example for this is
                                             Russeifa Lagoon Remediation Proj-


     • Many projects are self-financed by GAM, some are sponsored by loans or funds from international organisations
       such as Afd, the World Bank, EBRD, Bloomberg Philanthropies, the GIZ on behalf of the German Government,
       and the Swiss Fund.

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C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments - Amazon AWS

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     Within two years, establish baseline   Air quality standards for the City of    current value is averaged at 68 ppb.                              Before 2025, implement new sub-       In order to maintain and improve          The City of Austin joined this plan
     levels and set ambitious reduction     Austin are determined by the Na-         These values have led ground-level                                stantive policies and programmes      outdoor air quality, reduce the im-       effective December 21, 2018. As part
     targets for air pollutants that meet   tional Ambient Air Quality Stan-         ozone (O3) values in the Austin area                              to address the top causes of air      pacts of emissions and mitigate           of this plan, the city made over thir-
     or exceed national commitments.        dard (NAAQS) developed by the            to be considered “near nonattain-                                 pollution emissions within our city   health, environmental, economic and       ty commitments to emission reduc-
     These targets will put us on a path    Environmental Protection Agency          ment” for air quality planning pur-                               and under our control.                social impacts of pollution, the 2019-    tion measures, including strategies
     towards meeting World Health Or-       (EPA). As of 2017, the Austin-Round      poses, and therefore the highest area                                                                   2023 Austin-Round-Rock-George-            involving reducing single-occupancy
     ganisation Air Quality Guidelines      Rock-Georgetown Metropolitan Sta-        for concern.                                                                                            town Metropolitan Statistical Area        vehicle use, engaging in outreach
     for particulate matter, nitrogen di-   tistical Area (MSA) air quality level                                                                                                            (MSA) Regional Air Quality Plan was       to educate city employees and the
     oxide, ozone, and sulphur dioxide.     for each pollutant monitored by the      While recent data indicates levels of                                                                   developed. http://www.capcog.org/         public, and additional energy con-
                                            Federal Reference Method (FRM)           the most common pollutants meet                                                                         documents/airquality/2019-2023_           servation, efficiency and clean en-
                                            regulatory monitors as a percentage      NAAQS guidelines, the highest an-                                                                       Regional_Air_Quality_Plan.pdf             ergy measures. These commitments
                                            of NAAQS were as follows: 25% for        nual mean for Particulate Matter                                                                                                                  and the city’s participation in the
                                            annual NO2, 48% for 1-hr NO2, 99%        and Ground-Level Ozone in the Aus-                                                                                                                plan were approved by council reso-
                                            for 8-hr O3, 80% of annual PM2.5,        tin-Round Rock-Georgetown MSA                                                                                                                     lution on November 29, 2018.
                                            57% of daily PM2.5, 43% of daily         exceed World Health Organization
                                            PM10 and 5% of 1-hr SO2. These val-      guidelines. This data includes mea-
                                            ues will serve as the baseline values    surements from additional monitors                                Publicly report annually on our       An annual air quality monitoring re-      The City of Austin will work with C40
                                            for pollutants from a regulatory per-    that are not used for federal regula-                             progress in reducing pollution lev-   port is drafted by the Capital Area       to complete requested information
                                            spective, as they represent the values   tory purposes but are monitored by                                els relative to targets and achiev-   Council of Governments, with whom         as part of declaration reporting pro-
                                            before the 2019-2023 Austin-Round-       CAPCOG to provide enhanced data                                   ing the commitments in this decla-    the City of Austin has an Interlocal      cess, as outlined in the C40 Clean Air
                                            Rock-Georgetown MSA Regional Air         of our local air quality. Because of                              ration.                               Agreement for monitoring, reporting       Cities Technical Note.
                                            Quality Plan was developed in late       the additional available data, the val-                                                                 and outreach. Further, as part of the
                                            2018.                                    ues provided below from 2018 pro-                                                                       commitments outlined in the Austin
                                                                                     vide a more comprehensive overall                                                                       MSA Regional Air Quality Plan, the
                                            The 8-Hour O3 design value, calcu-       baseline for improvements. Through                                                                      City of Austin provides CAPCOG with
                                            lated as the highest 3-year average      the city’s commitments in the Re-                                                                       an annual report on its Ozone Action
                                            of the 4th highest daily maximum         gional Air Quality Plan, Austin has                                                                     Plan activities. Annual air quality up-
                                            8-hour average O3 at a federal ref-      a goal of continuing to improve air                                                                     dates on ground-level ozone are also
                                            erence method (FRM), that deter-         quality and ensuring that we are not                                                                    provided as a section in Austin Wa-
                                            mines the standard for attainment        just meeting, but exceeding NAAQS                                                                       tershed Protection’s Annual State of
                                            is currently set at 70 ppb. Based on     and WHO guidelines.                                                                                     the Environment Report.
                                            air quality monitoring for 2019, the

14   C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   C40     15
C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments - Amazon AWS
                                            TO DELIVER THESE ACTIONS                                                           Establish, maintain, increase, or       There are various air pollution mon-     the more webpages as needed and
                                                                                                                               contribute to reliable city-wide air    itors across the city and are either     engaging in outreach efforts so that
                                                                                                                               quality monitoring, making data         maintained by the Texas Com-             residents are aware of the publicly
     Implement new policies, enforce        As part of the Austin-Round-Rock-        The Office of Sustainability released     publicly available in a timely man-     mission on Environmental Quality         available information and are in-
     strong regulations, prioritise re-     Georgetown Metropolitan Statisti-        the Austin Community Climate Plan         ner or as close to real-time as pos-    (TCEQ) or the Capital Area Coun-         formed of days with air quality fore-
     sources, and build necessary ca-       cal Area (MSA) Regional Air Qual-        in 2015, which stated the city’s com-     sible and in an accessible format, in   cil of Governments (CAPCOG). The         casts of concern.
     pacity and skills to achieve am-       ity Plan, the city made over thirty      mitment to reach net-zero emissions       coordination with relevant depart-      TCEQ monitors are used for regula-
     bitious reductions in air pollution    commitments to emission reduction        by 2050 and developed intermittent        ments and institutions.                 tory purposes, while the CAPCOG          As part of the city’s ongoing resil-
     source sectors that are within our     measures, including strategies in-       targets for the pathway to reach                                                  monitors are used for monitoring,        ience efforts and a grant received
     control.                               volving reducing single-occupancy        this target. This document is due                                                 information and outreach purposes.       from USDN, the sustainability de-
                                            vehicle use, engaging in outreach        for a five-year revision, in which the                                            The city will continue to work with      partment has partnered with Austin
                                            to educate city employees and the        plan will focus on detailing various                                              CAPCOG to maintain monitoring            Fire Dept and the Office of Design
                                            public, and additional energy con-       targets for transportation electrifi-                                             throughout the city and surround-        and Delivery to create a prototype
                                            servation, efficiency and clean ener-    cation, net-zero new construction                                                 ing counties as needed. Addition-        for a real-time smoke map, and out-
                                            gy measures.                             buildings and additional measures.                                                ally, alerts are set up to receive air   reach associated in communities
                                                                                     As part of its Fuel Conservation                                                  quality monitoring updates daily. As     more vulnerable to grassfires, which
                                            As of April 2019, the City of Austin     Policy, the City of Austin calls for                                              part of their websites, both TCEQ        occur frequently on the eastern
                                            adopted the Austin Strategic Mo-         employees to eliminate or reduce                                                  and CAPCOG provide daily air qual-       crescent of the city.
                                            bility Plan. Among outlining various     idling in City vehicles and has sev-                                              ity forecasts for anyone who visits
                                            strategies to increase multi-modal-      eral policies in place that include no                                            their website. The city will aim to
                                            ity in the city, the plan adopted a      unnecessarily idling while parked                                                 expand the availability of this infor-
                                            goal of 50/50 mode share by 2039,        and anti-idling decal signage in the                                              mation by exploring adding this into
                                            where 50% of people walk, bike,          passenger cabin of all City vehicles.
                                            take transit or any other non-drive-     The City of Austin has also imple-
                                            alone mode to get to work. The cur-      mented vehicle idling restrictions        Conduct, expand, or collaborate         The City of Austin works with local      there is an institutional connection
                                            rent percentage is 24%, so this is an    through a series of city ordinances       with relevant institutions to in-       government under the Clean Air Co-       across sectors that work to improve
                                            ambitious increase that will help re-    that prohibits heavy duty vehicles        crease research on the health im-       alition and attends regular meetings     air quality across the city. Because
                                            duce air pollution by targeting a re-    from idling for longer than five min-     pacts of air pollution, the benefits    to both this organization and the        of the connection with universities
                                            duction in tail-pipe emissions.          utes. The ordinance follows state         of air quality improvements, and        local non-profit, Clean Air Force of     in the area, such as the University of
                                                                                     policy and has various exceptions         associated economic implications,       Central Texas (CAF). CAF is a coali-     Texas in Austin, there is opportuni-
                                                                                     regarding the characteristics of the      and publish the results.                tion of local professionals, non-prof-   ty to continue a collaboration with
                                                                                     vehicles impacted.                                                                its, private companies and univer-       their research teams on air pollution,
                                                                                                                                                                       sities in the area. Together, this       health and equity.
                                                                                                                                                                       organizations works to ensure that
     Integrate the relevant top pol-        As previously stated, the 2020 re-       Additionally, Austin municipal utility,
     lution-reducing actions -- that        vision of the Austin Community Cli-      Austin Energy, will be updating its
     are within our city and under our      mate Plan will incorporate measures      Resource, Generation and Climate          Raise awareness of air quality to       As part of the 2019-2023 Aus-            Further, the Community Climate
     control -- into our Climate Action     that are pivotal in improving air        Protection Plan, which will outline       help vulnerable citizens reduce their   tin-Round Rock-Georgetown MSA            Plan revision will focus on ensuring
     Plans, such as: rapidly expanding      quality. The five sections of the cli-   the utility’s plans to move towards       exposure, and to reduce the causes      Regional Air Quality Plan, the city      equity is a key piece of the process
     zero emission public transport, cre-   mate plan are as follows: transpor-      an increased renewable energy mix         of air pollution, such as traffic.      will collaborate with CAPCOG to          by recruiting representative com-
     ating low or zero emission areas,      tation electrification (electric vehi-   and continue its work in increasing                                               engage in outreach to enhance NOx        munity organizers into the planning
     supporting walking/cycling, im-        cles, micro-mobility), transportation    access to solar and energy efficien-                                              reductions through programs like         process. This will be part of an on-
     plementing vehicle restrictions or     and land use (focused on reducing        cy measures.                                                                      Commute Solutions, reduce expo-          going effort to ensure the city is
     financial incentives/disincentives     single-occupancy vehicle use), new                                                                                         sure to O3, PM and NO2 by provid-        working to engage with vulnerable
     (e.g. road or parking charging), re-   buildings (new construction net-ze-                                                                                        ing air quality forecasting, real-time   populations.
     ducing truck, non-road machinery       ro carbon buildings, thermal elec-                                                                                         data and Ozone Action Day alerts.
     and city owned vehicle emissions,      trification.), natural systems (green
     cleaning up construction sites and     infrastructure, carbon sequestration
     equipment, reducing industrial         etc.) and consumption of goods (in-
     emissions, reducing emissions from     cluding food, construction materials
     wood burning, expanding afford-        and other goods/products).
     able access to clean energy for
     cooking and heating, restricting
     pollution from solid waste burning
     and expanding greening.

16   C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration                                                                                                                                                                                                            C40     17
C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments - Amazon AWS
                                              TO DELIVER THESE ACTIONS

     Create, update, or work with rel-        The city will continue working with       Protection Plan. Through the OOS’s
     evant institutions to ensure high        CAPCOG to ensure that it main-            work on climate resilience planning,
     quality emissions inventories, mod-      tains monitoring of air pollution, and    climate projections models were
     els, and analysis are available to de-   tracks changes across time regard-        completed to determine the biggest
     scribe where and how outdoor air         ing where the biggest sources are         impacts of climate change, which
     pollution is formed in our city, both    coming from, and how these may            include heat, drought and wildfire,
     today and in the future.                 shift or change. Additionally, the Of-    which have potential implications
                                              fice of Sustainability (OOS) will con-    on air quality. The city will continue
                                              tinue to engage in GHG emissions          to work on monitoring changes and
                                              monitoring and reporting and will         planning to ensure that residents
                                              continue to model potential future        are aware of hazards and have the
                                              scenarios based on policies imple-        resources to protect their health
                                              mented by departments like Austin         and environment.
                                              Energy through its updates on its
                                              Resource, Generation and Climate

     Work with and advocate for region-       Through its Interlocal Agreement
     al, state, supranational, and nation-    with the Capital Area Council of
     al government to take action on          Governments, the City of Austin col-
     sources outside our boundaries or        laborates on a regional level as part
     our control.                             of the Clean Air Coalition and its Ad-
                                              visory Committee to be an advocate
                                              for air quality measures along with
                                              nearby cities and counties. Addi-
                                              tionally, through our city council, the
                                              city has passed resolutions in sup-
                                              port of state funding for air quality
                                              monitoring, reporting and outreach


     • The City of Austin will be dedicating an estimated $370,283 in the Austin Transportation Department’s 2020
       budget towards air quality initiatives. As needed, there are also potential grant opportunities to address commu-
       nity health, climate mitigation and resilience work.

                                                                                                                                  © Grexsys / Getty Imgages
18   C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration                                                                                            C40                          19
                                                                                                                                Before 2025, implement new sub-       According to Barcelona’s latest emis-    The Programme includes 58 actions,
                                                                                                                                stantive policies and programmes      sion inventory (2013), up to 60% of      such as a Low Emission Zone, prior-
                                                                                                                                to address the top causes of air      the city’s NO2 came from road traf-      itising walking or cycling transit ar-
                                                                                                                                pollution emissions within our city   fic. Others important contributors to    eas. Our city is developing actions to
     DECLARATION COMMITMENT                 INTENDED ACTION/APPROACH TO MEET COMMITMENT                                         and under our control.                NO2 levels are the port, the airport,    raise awareness of air quality across
                                                                                                                                                                      and the industrial sector. As a con-     the entire population, especially in
                                                                                                                                                                      sequence, the City Council is imple-     vulnerable groups (pregnant parents,
                                                                                                                                                                      menting active actions to reduce the     babies and children (Escola Respira
     Within two years, establish baseline   Baseline levels are set through the      Barcelona has set the goal of reduc-                                             fraction of public space dedicated       (School Breathes) Programme), el-
     levels and set ambitious reduction     Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring         ing road traffic emissions by 30%                                                to vehicles. Fewer vehicles, less pol-   ders, etc.).
     targets for air pollutants that meet   and Forecasting Network, which           (from 2017 levels) in 15 years, to grad-                                         lution and more quality of life and
     or exceed national commitments.        has 11 air quality monitoring stations   ually comply with WHO air quality                                                health. That’s the objective.            A Low Emission Zone (LEZ) will be
     These targets will put us on a path    and is co-managed by the Govern-         guidelines. In March 2019, the admin-                                                                                     established by Jan 1 2020, which
     towards meeting World Health Or-       ment of Catalonia and the Barcelona      istration renewed its commitment to                                              In November 2016, Barcelona pre-         will cover almost the entire munici-
     ganisation Air Quality Guidelines      Public Health Agency. It measures        reaching this goal, which was origi-                                             sented the government measure,           pality (95 km2) with the objective of
     for particulate matter, nitrogen di-   concentrations of more than 10 pol-      nally set in 2017 as part of Barcelona                                           “Programme of measures to combat         banning the most polluting vehicles
     oxide, ozone, and sulphur dioxide.     lutants that are harmful to people’s     Summit on Air Quality framework.                                                 atmospheric pollution,” gradually        (Monday to Friday, working days,
                                            health, including carbon monoxide,                                                                                        meeting WHO air quality guidelines       from 7am to 8pm).
                                            benzo[a]pyrene and heavy metals.                                                                                          and also the commitment with the
                                            The monitors are located in places                                                                                        European Union (EU) to reduce pol-       Barcelona’s LEZ also includes areas
                                            that represent diverse street types.                                                                                      lution indices that exceed the Euro-     of the surrounding municipalities of
                                            Thus, the results can be extrapolat-                                                                                      pean regulatory thresholds, thus pro-    Sant Adrià del Besòs, L’Hospitalet de
                                            ed to other areas with similar urban                                                                                      tecting people’s health.                 Llobregat, Esplugues de Llobregat
                                            conditions.                                                                                                                                                        and Cornellà de Llobregat:

20   C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration                                                                                                                                                                                                           C40     21
                                              TO DELIVER THESE ACTIONS

     Implement new policies, enforce          The City Council will quantify, for
     strong regulations, prioritise re-       example, the economic and health                                                    Raise awareness of air quality to        The City Council is making such a         A great example of that is the Es-
     sources, and build necessary capac-      benefits and impacts associated                                                     help vulnerable citizens reduce their    big effort in order to raise aware-       cola Respira (School Breathes)
     ity and skills to achieve ambitious      with introducing the actions de-                                                    exposure, and to reduce the causes       ness of health impacts caused by air      Programme, tailored to children
     reductions in air pollution source       scribed above. The more we can                                                      of air pollution, such as traffic.       pollution.                                and babies: https://ajuntament.
     sectors that are within our control.     quantify the benefits from imple-                                                                                            According to that, important com-         barcelona.cat/qualitataire/en/qual-
                                              mentation of pollution-reducing ac-                                                                                          munication campaigns have been            itat-de-laire/com-es-lluita-con-
                                              tions, the more effective implemen-                                                                                          launched, addressed especially to         tra-la-contaminacio/escola-respira
                                              tation of future actions will be.                                                                                            vulnerable citizens.

     Integrate the relevant top pollu-        Our Climate Plan 2018-2030 gives           It includes both short term (2018-       Create, update, or work with rel-        The City Council has its own emis-
     tion-reducing actions -- that are        an integrated overview of the mea-         2020) and medium-long term               evant institutions to ensure high        sion inventory (last version: 2013).
     within our city and under our con-       sures to tackle climate change, in-        (2021-2030) objectives and strate-       quality emissions inventories, mod-      However, we are currently working
     trol -- into our Climate Action Plans,   cluding strategies for achieving the       gic measures. It has 4 strategic axes:   els, and analysis are available to de-   on a new one (for 2017), which will
     such as: rapidly expanding zero          objectives of the new Covenant of          mitigation,    adaptation/resilience,    scribe where and how outdoor air         include data from the municipalities
     emission public transport, creating      Mayors for Climate & Energy, which         climate justice and the promotion        pollution is formed in our city, both    adjacent to Barcelona, in collabora-
     low or zero emission areas, support-     Barcelona City Council has signed.         of citizen action. In all those axes     today and in the future.                 tion with AMB (Metropolitan Area of
     ing walking/cycling, implementing                                                   the top pollution-reducing actions                                                Barcelona). Collaboration with other
     vehicle restrictions or financial in-                                               (such as the introduction of Barce-                                               institutions is essential, to get city-
     centives/disincentives (e.g. road or                                                lona LEZ) are integrated.                                                         wide relevant data and also data
     parking charging), reducing truck,                                                                                                                                    from the city’s boundaries.
     non-road machinery and city owned
     vehicle emissions, cleaning up
     construction sites and equipment,                                                                                            Work with and advocate for region-       Barcelona City Council is currently
     reducing industrial emissions, re-                                                                                           al, state, supranational, and nation-    working with the regional govern-
     ducing emissions from wood burn-                                                                                             al government to take action on          ment (Government of Catalonia),
     ing, expanding affordable access                                                                                             sources outside our boundaries or        AMB (Barcelona Metropolitan Area)
     to clean energy for cooking and                                                                                              our control.                             and the Spanish Government in or-
     heating, restricting pollution from                                                                                                                                   der to implement successful actions
     solid waste burning and expanding                                                                                                                                     to reduce air pollution in urban ar-
     greening.                                                                                                                                                             eas.

     Establish, maintain, increase, or        The Atmospheric Pollution Moni-            https://analisi.transparenciacatalu-
     contribute to reliable city-wide air     toring and Forecasting Network is          nya.cat/en/Medi-Ambient/Dades-           EXAMPLE OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO DELIVER THE COMMITMENTS
     quality monitoring, making data          co-managed by the Government of            d-immissi-dels-punts-de-mesura-
     publicly available in a timely man-      Catalonia and the Barcelona Public         ment-de-la-Xar/uy6k-2s8r                 • For example, the financial resources available to implement the Low Emission Zone are about 2M€.
     ner or as close to real-time as pos-     Health Agency.
     sible and in an accessible format, in
     coordination with relevant depart-       All the reliable resulting data is pub-
     ments and institutions.                  licly available (almost in real-time) in
                                              the following link, managed by the
                                              Government of Catalonia:

     Conduct, expand, or collaborate          Barcelona City Council regularly
     with relevant institutions to increase   collaborates with both relevant sci-
     research on the health impacts of air    entific institutions and specialists in
     pollution, the benefits of air quality   management of air quality, such as
     improvements, and associated eco-        CSIC or ISGlobal. Resulting studies
     nomic implications, and publish the      and reports are published on our
     results.                                 website:       https://ajuntament.bar-

22   C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration                                                                                                                                                                                                               C40    23
Berlin                                                                                                                                               Before 2025, implement new sub-
                                                                                                                                                          stantive policies and programmes
                                                                                                                                                          to address the top causes of air
                                                                                                                                                          pollution emissions within our city
                                                                                                                                                          and under our control.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Berlin will implement bold measures
                                                                                                                                                                                                focusing on road traffic to meet NO2
                                                                                                                                                                                                WHO guideline levels by 2020/21.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Detailed in other sections, some of
                                                                                                                                                                                                these measures include:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Based on the baseline scenarios and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the target setting for 2030, we will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        develop in 2022/23 an integrated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        strategy on how to close the residual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        gap between the baseline scenario

                                                                                                                                © bluejayphoto / Istock
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and WHO guideline levels for PM10/
                                                                                                                                                                                                • Clean Vehicles, including electric    PM2.5 by 2030. The main pillar of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                bus purchases, expansion of electric    strategy will consist of Berlin-based
                                                                                                                                                                                                vehicle charging infrastructure, and    measures, closely linked with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                heavy-duty diesel retrofits.            planned revision of our Energy &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Climate Protection Programme and
                                                                                                                                                                                                • Changing public procurement to        Berlin’s currently revised Mobility
                                                                                                                                                                                                require clean construction and vehi-    Strategy.
     DECLARATION COMMITMENT                 INTENDED ACTION/APPROACH TO MEET COMMITMENT                                                                                                         cle technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        However, Berlin will also evaluate
                                                                                                                                                                                                • Ban of diesel vehicles below Euro     the contribution from the nation-
                                                                                                                                                                                                VI in heavily polluted roads            al/EU level to simultaneously curb
     Within two years, establish baseline   Berlin already meets the WHO              Climate Protection Programme and                                                                                                                  the elevated regional background
     levels and set ambitious reduction     guideline level for sulphur dioxide       its revised Strategic Urban Mobility                                                                      • Promotion of sustainable trans-       concentrations of PM2.5. Berlin will
     targets for air pollutants that meet   (SO2), since 2011.                        Plan 2030. In doing that, Berlin will                                                                     portation, including non-motorized      (hopefully coordinated with other
     or exceed national commitments.                                                  also quantify its share of excess pol-                                                                    transportation infrastructure invest-   European C40 cities) lobby our na-
     These targets will put us on a path    Additional measures are needed to         lution above WHO guidelines. Based                                                                        ments.                                  tional government(s) and the EU to
     towards meeting World Health Or-       meet WHO guidelines for particulate       on these projections, Berlin will de-                                                                                                             strengthen their own efforts and to
     ganisation Air Quality Guidelines      matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and NO2           fine by the end of 2021 feasible, but                                                                                                             deliver the needed regulatory and
     for particulate matter, nitrogen di-   (equal to the EU air quality standard).   ambitious reduction targets with                                                                                                                  financial boundary conditions for
     oxide, ozone, and sulphur dioxide.     NO2: Berlin’s new Air Quality Plan        the aim of meeting WHO guideline                                                                                                                  Berlin (and other cities) to start im-
                                            (AQP 2019) defines a comprehensive        levels for PM10 and PM2.5 by 2030.                                                                                                                plementing after 2023 the additional
                                            suite of measures to ensure compli-       Achieving this will require also action                                                                                                           local measures identified in the inte-
                                            ance with the EU AQ standard and          beyond Berlin, given that more than                                                                                                               grated urban AQ strategy.
                                            WHO levels by 2020 (details given         two-third of the particle pollution
                                            below).                                   stems from outside the city. Berlin
                                                                                      will work with the national govern-                                 Publicly report annually on our       Berlin will work with C40 to com-
                                            Particulate Matter:, the AQP 2019         ment, EU institutions and city net-                                 progress in reducing pollution lev-   plete requested information as part
                                            foresees some control measures            works to ensure that the large-scale                                els relative to targets and achiev-   of the declaration reporting process,
                                            to secure the current attainment of       background pollution is minimised                                   ing the commitments in this decla-    as outlined in the C40 Clean Air Cit-
                                            the EU AQ standards. In addition,         accordingly.                                                        ration.                               ies Technical Note.
                                            Berlin will also develop a long-term
                                            strategy to approach WHO guide-           WHO ozone levels are still exceeded
                                            line levels of PM10/PM2.5 by 2030.        but cannot be effectively reduced by
                                            In preparation for this strategy, Ber-    local measures alone due to trans-                                  SUPPORTIVE ACTIONS                    EXAMPLES OF INTENDED ACTIONS AND APPROACHES
                                            lin will update its emission invento-     boundary/large-scale transport of                                                                         TO DELIVER THESE ACTIONS
                                            ry by summer 2021 as an input for         ozone and its precursor substances
                                            subsequent model calculations to          (VOC and NOx).
                                            estimate PM10/PM2.5 levels in 2030                                                                            Implement new policies, enforce       The new AQP 2019, adopted in            Beyond this short-term focus on
                                            under baseline assumptions, i.e. tak-                                                                         strong regulations, prioritise re-    July 2019, sets tangible measures       mobility, we will start implementing,
                                            ing into account Berlin’s Energy and                                                                          sources, and build necessary ca-      to swiftly curb NOx emissions from      beginning in 2024, new integrated
                                                                                                                                                          pacity and skills to achieve am-      diesel vehicles with the aim of re-     measures within the future AQ strat-
                                                                                                                                                          bitious reductions in air pollution   ducing city-wide NO2 pollution lev-     egy in order to meet Berlin’s ambi-
                                                                                                                                                          source sectors that are within our    els below the EU AQ standard/WHO        tious self-commitments towards a
                                                                                                                                                          control.                              Guideline of 40 µg/m³ NO2 in the        clean, healthy and climate-friendly
                                                                                                                                                                                                next 2 years.                           city.

24   C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    C40     25
                                             TO DELIVER THESE ACTIONS                                                           Conduct, expand, or collaborate          While in the past Berlin’s efforts to    phisticated assessment of the costs
                                                                                                                                with relevant institutions to in-        improve the air quality have been        and health benefits of potential
                                                                                                                                crease research on the health im-        largely driven by non-compliance         measures. Here, Berlin expects to
     Integrate the relevant top pol-         Berlin’s new AQP 2019 schedules           (e.g. start building 5 new tram lines    pacts of air pollution, the benefits     with AQ standards, health impact         take advantage of the work being
     lution-reducing actions -- that         about 40 measures, mostly set to          by 2021, another 5 lines by 2026, ex-    of air quality improvements, and         assessment will become much more         done in other C40 cities.
     are within our city and under our       drastically reduce NOx emissions          tend the subway, light and regional      associated economic implications,        relevant in the future within Berlin’s
     control -- into our Climate Action      from road traffic within the next 2       train services, more attractive PT       and publish the results.                 air quality strategy, with a more so-
     Plans, such as: rapidly expanding       years. Examples include:                  fares in combination with shared
     zero emission public transport, cre-                                              mobility services)
     ating low or zero emission areas,       - cleaner vehicle technology, for ex-                                              Raise awareness of air quality to        With the air quality modelling and       air towards the WHO guidelines and
     supporting walking/cycling, im-         ample, the rapid purchase of 100          - massive expansion of the parking       help vulnerable citizens reduce          monitoring infrastructure in place,      ensure a healthy living even in Ber-
     plementing vehicle restrictions or      electric buses by 2020, large invest-     management zones with parking            their exposure, and to reduce the        Berlin has all the data and informa-     lin’s buzzling central areas. This will
     financial incentives/disincentives      ments in city-wide charging infra-        fees to 75% by 2021 and 100% by          causes of air pollution, such as traf-   tion available to enhance the aware-     be an inherent part of the AQ strat-
     (e.g. road or parking charging), re-    structure, funding of the electrifi-      2025 of the central city area, plus      fic.                                     ness of the public, that further ac-     egy.
     ducing truck, non-road machinery        cation of light commercial vehicles,      increase of parking fees                                                          tion is justified to improve Berlin’s
     and city owned vehicle emissions,       the operation of 2/3 of the garbage
     cleaning up construction sites and      collection vehicle fleet with self-pro-   - traffic management measures, like
     equipment, reducing industrial          duced renewable gas and retrofit of       30 km/h speed limits in additional       Create, update, or work with rel-        As indicated above, Berlin will con-     strategy and to monitor the expect-
     emissions, reducing emissions from      400 Diesel-buses and more than            33 main roads to mitigate air pol-       evant institutions to ensure high        tinue to update its comprehensive        ed success of the measures stipulat-
     wood burning, expanding afford-         100 heavy municipal vehicles with         lution, noise and to enhance road        quality emissions inventories, mod-      database on emissions, source in-        ed in the new AQP 2019 and other
     able access to clean energy for         effective NOx-catalysts                   safety; better traffic light synchro-    els, and analysis are available to       formation, air quality measurements      initiatives.
     cooking and heating, restricting                                                  nization combined with priority of       describe where and how outdoor           and model results, in order to under-
     pollution from solid waste burning      - clean public procurement by e.g.        buses and trams and ultimately           air pollution is formed in our city,     pin the development of the future
     and expanding greening.                 requiring construction machines                                                    both today and in the future.
                                             working on public sites to have an        - bans of Diesel vehicles up through
                                             efficient Diesel-soot filter (reducing    Euro 5/V emission standard in heav-
                                             PM2.5 and climate forcing black car-      ily polluted roads. For more details     Work with and advocate for region-       Berlin will continue to exert its con-   level, where Berlin has been and will
                                             bon) and by setting ambitious re-         please consult https://www.berlin.       al, state, supranational, and nation-    stitutional powers as a Federal State    continue to work actively in stake-
                                             quirements for purchasing new ve-         de/hauptstadtluft/en/                    al government to take action on          in the German Federal Council, the       holder working groups set up by
                                             hicles with hybrid-, battery-electric                                              sources outside our boundaries or        assembly of the German Federal           the EU Commission, especially on
                                             or fuel cell technology                   The future strategy will put more        our control.                             States, which is a powerful platform     the revision of the European AQ Di-
                                                                                       emphasis on reducing PM emis-                                                     to influence national policy making      rective, together with the European
                                             - the promotion of green trans-           sions by continuing Berlin’s focus                                                in particular on the environment.        City networks EuroCities and Polis.
                                             port modes stipulated by Berlin’s         on “no Diesel without filter” and                                                 The same is true for the European
                                             unique and brand-new Mobility Act,        the control of climate-warming and
                                             through e.g. 30-40 Mio € invest-          health-threatening black soot emis-
                                             ments per year earmarked for im-          sions. In order to further curb parti-   EXAMPLE OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO DELIVER THE COMMITMENTS
                                             proving the bicycle infrastructure        cle emissions from fossil fuel com-
                                             (e.g. 100 km cycle highways, 50.000       bustion, we will exploit in the AQ       • Around 400.000€/year is earmarked in Berlin’s budget to support air quality planning, including the strategy
                                             new bike racks/year up to 2025,           strategy to the extent possible the        development. This covers for example updating emission inventories, funding of studies on the air pollution
                                             dedicated cycle lanes in all main         measures in Berlin’s Energy and Cli-       sources, the impact of measures on the air quality, emission projections, scenario calculations and – in the future
                                             roads), heavy investments in better       mate Protection Programme 2030.            – also on health impact assessment. An extra budget line exists to finance all the air quality-monitoring activities.
                                             and more frequent public transport                                                   About 50 Mio € are dedicated to the implementation of measures of the new AQP 2019, except infrastructure
                                                                                                                                  investments in green transport modes, which are underpinned by separate budget lines (like the 30-40 Mio/a
                                                                                                                                  for cycling). Almost 100 Mio € is reserved until 2021 for funding the implementation of the Energy and Climate
     Establish, maintain, increase, or       Berlin has the densest network of         tentially deploy them in pollution         Protection Programme and additional climate adaptation measures.
     contribute to reliable city-wide air    NO2 and black carbon monitors in          hotspots and locations representa-
     quality monitoring, making data         Germany, exceeding the legal re-          tive of population exposure to as-
     publicly available in a timely man-     quirements by a factor of seven.          sess pollution trends.
     ner or as close to real-time as pos-    For the past 20 years, Berlin has
     sible and in an accessible format, in   conducted extra passive sampling          The results of the automatic con-
     coordination with relevant depart-      of NO2 and active sampling for ele-       tinuous network is being published
     ments and institutions.                 mental and organic carbon at more         in real-time every hour and in the
                                             than 20 traffic hot spots. Together       form of air quality index values to
                                             with regular, city-wide air quality       help sensitive population groups to
                                             modelling, down to the street can-        reduce their personal exposure. An
                                             yon level in all main roads, we have      app for mobile phones will be devel-     •
                                             a full and reliable picture of the air    oped to better reach out to younger
                                             quality situation in the city. Berlin     people and the growing users of so-
                                             is currently testing small combined       cial media.
                                             PM10 and NO2 sensors and will po-

26   C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration                                                                                                                                                                                                               C40     27
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