CalRecycle's Education and Outreach Campaign - Presented to the Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling | October 13 ...

Page created by Mary Barnett
CalRecycle's Education and Outreach Campaign - Presented to the Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling | October 13 ...
CalRecycle's Education and Outreach
Presented to the Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and
Curbside Recycling | October 13, 2020
CalRecycle's Office of Public Affairs
Communications Director Maria West
Information Officer Christina Files
CalRecycle's Education and Outreach Campaign - Presented to the Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling | October 13 ...
(c) The commission shall provide
          regular feedback to the department
          on public messaging designed to
AB 1583   encourage proper recycling and to
          minimize contamination in curbside
          recycling programs.
CalRecycle's Education and Outreach Campaign - Presented to the Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling | October 13 ...
u   Including the MRFs in the research is a
                          helpful insight
                      u   Your feedback is the first step in our
OPA Thanks the            process
Committee for Your    u   We will next take it back to CalRecycle
Research                  to be addressed by our subject matter
and Recommendations
                      u   It will also inform the initial research
                          portion of advertising campaign.
CalRecycle's Education and Outreach Campaign - Presented to the Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling | October 13 ...
u   CalRecycle's Public Affairs Office is the mouthpiece of
                     the organization. We amplify policies that reflect
                     legislation and administration direction.

                 u   Our messaging must
                      u   Forward the mission of the department
                      u   Be approved by:
How CalRecycle             o   1. CalRecycle subject matter experts
Determines General         o   2. Leadership of:

Messaging                        •   CalRecycle and
                                 •   The California Environmental Protection
CalRecycle's Education and Outreach Campaign - Presented to the Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling | October 13 ...
Ø   CalRecycle's Office of Public Affairs will give
                    this committee updates on the contractor's
                    research and recommendations as
What Will       Ø   CalRecycle will also consider all feedback
                    from the Committee along with our analysis
CalRecycle Do       of feedback from other stakeholders in
                    internal discussions with our subject matter
with the            experts and leadership that determine our
                    input to the statewide messaging campaign
Committee's         contractor.

Feedback?       Ø   As a result of the Committee's feedback on
                    the MRF survey of what recyclable materials
                    they can sell, CalRecycle plans to expand
                    the stakeholder portion of our research to
                    include not just jurisdictions, but also:
                     Ø   Waste haulers
                     Ø   MRFs
                     Ø   Manufacturers that use recycled materials in
                         their packaging
CalRecycle's Packaging and Organics Recycling
Education and Outreach Campaign
 To develop a cohesive, comprehensive, focused, and innovative
 California Packaging and Organics Recycling Campaign (Campaign) to:

 Ø Educate and inform Californians about the importance of waste reduction,
   recycling, and composting.

 Ø Promote positive behavior change among Californians to increase
   their waste reduction, recycling, and composting efforts.

 Ø Achieve measurable improvements in waste reduction,
   recycling, composting and the participation rate in the state’s
   sustainability efforts.
 Ø - From the Request for Proposals and the Contract
Information and Awareness Campaigns
Alone Do Not Change Behavior
                    u   Raising awareness about recycling isn't enough.
                        u   It takes informed, targeted messaging to get
                            behavior to change.
                        u   We don't want people to just know about what to
                            recycle. We want them to take specific actions.
                        u   Previous, more traditional information and
                            awareness campaigns did not change the waste
                    u   Many other information-only campaigns have failed
                        u   5 a Day Campaign
                        u   Energy Efficiency
                        u   Anti-Drug Campaign - $1 billion campaign -
                            awareness of the campaign correlated with increased
                            drug use
Campaign Task Schedule
Prepare for Research and Work Plan

Conduct Research and Findings                     October 12 to April 12, 2021
  --Survey Experts-Jurisdictions, Haulers, Mrfs   October 12 to January 2021
  --Focus Groups                                  January 2021 to February 2021
  --Statewide Surveys                             February 2021 to April 2021
Develop and Revise Work Plan                      April 12, 2021 to June 6, 2021
Develop Creative/ Campaign Strategy/ Media Plan   June 6, 2021 to July 17, 2021
Revise Creative/ Campaign Strategy/ Media Plan    July 12, 2021 to August 21, 2021
Production                                        August 21, 2021 to September 28, 2021
Implement Campaign Strategy                       September 28, 2021 to April 24, 2022
Provide Marketing, Media Placement Support        September 28 to January 31, 2023
and Training
Mid-Campaign Research and Review                  April 6, 2022 to June 20
                                                  June 20, 2022 to July 30
Adjust Campaign as Needed
Implement Revised Campaign                        August 20 to January 15
Ongoing Reporting and Final Report                October 1, 2021 to February 2023
6 Months of Research –        Methodically Identifying
Specific Behaviors for Maximum Impact
Step 1. Identify Specific Behaviors to Target
        • Analyze data on contamination, recycling behaviors, attitudes and beliefs
        • 15 industry expert interviews on top contaminants: jurisdictions, haulers,
          MRFs, and recycling manufacturers
        • What specific behaviors are we asking for? How hard are they to do? What
          barriers exist? How do they vary?

Step 2. Prioritize Behaviors to Address
        • Identify which behaviors will have the biggest impact on our goals of reducing
          contamination and increasing traditional and organics recycling

Step 3.    Focus Groups
          • Identify barriers to behavior change by segments of population
              • Different Curbside Collection programs
              • Single-Family vs. Multi-Family
              • Cultures and Languages

Step 4. Statewide Surveys
        • Address-based surveys are more accurate than phone-number based surveys
        • Examine attitudes around recycling
Identifying Barriers to
                          u   Different behaviors and barriers exist for different materials.
Adopting Specific         u   CalRecycle's list of high-level behaviors to target:
Recycling Behaviors            1. Reduce contamination including cleaning and drying recyclables.
                               2. Only putting truly recyclable materials in the bin:
                                    •   Explore options to communicate what is recyclable locally.
                                    •   Make it easier for people to find out what they can recycle.
                                          •   An app, customizable stickers for outside bins, magnets

                               3. Reduce food waste and recycle all organic waste.
                                    •   Separate lawn and garden trimmings and food
                                        scraps into organics curbside bins.
A Statewide Strategy with Local
u   We will first address universal barriers in statewide
    messages, then identify demographic or geographic barriers
    for targeted messages.
u   The Campaign will use community-based social
    marketing research to identify behaviors to target, then
     u   1. A few very universal statewide messages
     u   2. Customizable toolkits for jurisdictions
u   Messaging Mediums will likely include:
     u   Educational materials
     u   Earned media
     u   Radio spots
     u   Social media messaging
     u   Banner and bill stuffer ads
     u   Customizable stickers for bins
     u   An app for looking up what is recyclable by address
u   Share research, observations, and survey questions with us.
Ways to      u   Provide feedback as we update you on research.

Contribute   u   We request that the commission submit their collective
                 feedback in writing to the CalRecycle staff supporting the
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