CAMPUS ACCESS PLAN - Long Beach City College

Page created by Carl Rogers
CAMPUS ACCESS PLAN - Long Beach City College
CAMPUS ACCESS PLAN - Long Beach City College
Board of Trustees
                                                                                                    TABLE OF
Uduak-Joe Ntuk, Board President
Herlinda Chico, Board Vice President
Dr. Virginia Baxter, Trustee
Vivian Malauulu, Trustee
Sunny Zia, Trustee
Richard Blackmon, Student Trustee

Executive Leadership
Dr. Mike Muñoz, Interim Superintendent-President
Dr. Kathleen Scott, Executive Vice President
                                                                                                    5                                14
                                                                                                     •LBCCD Mission & Values          •COVID-19
Marlene Drinkwine, Vice President, Business Services
Gene Durand, Vice President, Human Resources                                                                                            Manager FAQ
Dr. Nohel Corral, Interim Vice President, Student Services

Participatory Governance Leaders
                                                                                                    6                                18
Jeri Florence, Academic Senate
                                                                                                                                      •E ssential Labs

Diana Ogimachi, LBCC Faculty Association                                                                                                      -Cleaning Protocols
Robert Remeta, Long Beach Council of Classified Employees (LBCC/AFT/AFL-CIO)
C. C. Sadler, Classified Senate
Curtis Williams, Certificated Hourly Instructors (CHI)
Cesar Fierro, Associated Student Body (ASB) President
                                                                                                     •Overview of
                                                                                                       Health Orders
                                                                                                                                      •COVID-19 Exposure


                                                                                                     •LBCC Communications
                                                                                                       Prevention Measures              Remote Learning

ACKNOWLEGEMENT                                                                                      10                               25
The Long Beach Community College District         students. Student Services staff in Counseling,       •Essential Employees          •Child Development Center
is deeply grateful to the faculty, staff,         Financial Aid, Admissions & Records,                  •Memoranda of
students, and community who have exhibited        Student Affairs, and Student Health Services                                        •Athletics
an extraordinary level of collaboration and       implemented new solutions to ensure students
                                                                                                          Understanding with

commitment to ensuring that District activities   had the resources to be successful. Facilities          Bargaining Units
are conducted in the safest manner possible       staff sanitized all areas on both campuses            •Working Remotely
during the COVID-19 pandemic.                     and continue to provide a high level of service

                                                  to support essential labs. Public Affairs &                                         •Appendix A:
Throughout this challenging time, LBCC            Marketing sent countless text messages and                                            Student Acknowledgment
Vikings have been focused on doing what is        e-mails to keep us all informed in the midst
best for students and employees above all.        of changing circumstances. Participatory               •COVID-19
Instructional and Information Technology          governance leaders met frequently to share               Screening–Employees
Services (IITS) provided training and support     information and discuss next steps.
when LBCC made the rapid transition to                                                                   •COVID-19 Exposure
working and teaching remotely. Faculty            It is not an exaggeration to say that every              Protocol–Employees
members adapted to online teaching by             LBCC employee has contributed in some way
completing training so they could use             to student success and achievement in these
technology tools more effectively even as they    unprecedented times.
were called upon to provide extra support to

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CAMPUS ACCESS PLAN - Long Beach City College
    Long Beach City College is committed to providing
    equitable student learning and achievement, academic
    excellence, and workforce development by delivering
    high-quality educational programs and support services to
    our diverse communities.

    Purposeful, Nurturing, Respectful, Focused, Connected

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CAMPUS ACCESS PLAN - Long Beach City College
                                                                                                     HEALTH ORDERS
                                                                                                      The Liberal Arts Campus and the Pacific Coast     Faculty and other staff may come to campus
                                                                                                      Campus of Long Beach Community College            for the purpose of providing distance learning,
                                                                                                      District are both located in the City of Long     and other activities related to the purposes
                                                                                                      Beach, which has its own Department of            above, as well as maintaining minimum basic
                                                                                                      Public Health. The City of Long Beach has         operations. The institution must comply
                                                                                                      issued health orders restricting activities       with all relevant portions of this protocol to
                                                                                                      of the community as a means of slowing the        maximize safety for all employees.
                                                                                                      spread of COVID-19. The City of Long Beach
                                                                                                      “Safer at Home” orders are updated frequently     The orders carry the force of law and are in
                                                                                                      and the most current versions are posted          alignment with efforts in the region, including
                                                                                                      online at the following City of                   Los Angeles County Public Health, the City of
                                                                                                      Long Beach website:                               Los Angeles, and Pasadena Public Health, as
                                                                                                                                                        well as statewide orders.
                                                                                                      condition/information-on/coronavirus/covid-       Following are some of the additional agencies
                                                                                                      19-orders/.                                       that have informed LBCC’s plans and protocols:

                                                                                                      Over the past several months, the District              • Los Angeles County Public Health’s
                                                                                                      has developed, implemented, and updated                   orders, guidance on re-opening safely,
                                                                                                      COVID-19 protocols in accordance with City                and protocols for institutes of
                                                                                                      of Long Beach health orders, which were                   higher education:
                                                                                                      first issued in March 2020 and continue to be   

                                                                                                      updated. A repository of prior health orders is           media/Coronavirus/index.htm
                                                                                                      available for reference and may be accessed
                                                                                                                                                              • Chancellor’s Office of the California
                                                                                                      online at
                                                                                                                                                                Community Colleges:
                                                                                                      According to the most recent “Safer at Home”    
 In order to fulfill our mission and embody our    On May 11, 2020, in accordance with local          order Appendix Y1 – Protocols for Institutes of           Us/Chancellors-Office/Divisions/
 values, we must provide a safe learning and       health orders, LBCC began allowing a limited       Higher Education dated November 20, 2020:                 Communications-and-Marketing/
 working environment for our students              number of students on campus to complete                                                                     Novel-Coronavirus
 and employees.                                    spring essential labs requiring hands-on           The City of Long Beach Department of Health
                                                                                                      and Human Services is adhering to guidance              • State of California:
                                                   experience, starting with Diagnostic Medical
 On March 14, 2020, in response to the outbreak                                                       from the California Department of Public        
                                                   Imaging (DMI). Additional essential labs
 and spread of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19),     in Health Sciences and Career Technical            Health, which recommends that counties with
                                                                                                                                                              • The Centers for Disease Control and
 the Long Beach Community College District         Education were completed over the summer.          high levels of community transmission of
 approved a resolution declaring an emergency                                                         COVID-19 limit the reopening of colleges
 and authorizing the Superintendent-President      With the exception of essential labs, LBCC has     and universities.
 and/or their designee(s) to take any and all      provided—and will continue to provide—remote
 actions necessary to ensure continuation of       instruction through the spring 2021 semester,      Colleges and universities in Los Angeles
 public education and the health and safety        pending updated directives from local health       County and in the City of Long Beach will not
 of the students and staff at District sites, in   agencies. As directed by local health orders,      be able to resume all in-person academic
 accordance with local, state, and federal law.    all but essential employees will continue          instruction, at this time. Institutions may
                                                   working remotely.                                  continue to offer in-person training and
 On March 17, 2020, LBCC campuses were                                                                instruction only for essential workforce whose
 closed to the public, and on March 23, 2020,      The plans and protocols in this document have      required activities cannot be accomplished
 LBCC campuses were closed to all but essential    been developed to protect employees’ and           through virtual learning. All other academic
 personnel. Instruction was delivered remotely     students’ safety to the fullest extent possible    instruction must continue to be done via
 for the remainder of the spring 2020 semester,    in this environment. We will continue to be        distance-learning.
 as well as student services and the majority of   responsive to health orders as they are updated
 business operations.                              and will revise this document as needed.

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CAMPUS ACCESS PLAN - Long Beach City College
 LBCC has also provided timely and frequent        issues and later expanded to include sharing          • If soap and water are not readily                • Throw used tissues in the trash.
 communications via multiple methods               updates with participatory governance                   available, use a hand sanitizer that
                                                                                                           contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all         • Immediately wash your hands with soap
 throughout the duration of the campus closure.    representatives. The operational group began
                                                                                                           surfaces of your hands and rub them                and water for at least 20 seconds. If
 The primary source of updated information is      by meeting daily in March 2020, and the group
                                                                                                           together until they feel dry.                      soap and water are not readily available, The Public Affairs      including participatory governance leaders had
                                                                                                                                                              clean your hands with a hand sanitizer
 & Marketing office also regularly distributes     frequent virtual meetings over Summer 2020            • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and                that contains at least 60% alcohol.
 information via texts, calls, e-mails, social     to share information and gather input from              mouth with unwashed hands.
 media, press releases to the local media,         campus constituents. In Fall 2020, COVID-19                                                        Clean and disinfect
 posters, and flyers to ensure that LBCC Vikings   updates and discussions occurred primarily       Avoid close contact
 and the community at large remain updated.        in regularly scheduled meetings, such as the                                                             • Clean AND disinfect frequently touched
                                                   President’s Leadership Council. Additional            • Maintain 6 feet of distance between                surfaces daily. This includes tables,
 Additionally, LBCC convened a COVID-19            meetings of the COVID-19 Response Team are              yourself and anyone who is sick and                doorknobs, light switches, countertops,
 Response Team that initially included senior      scheduled on an as-needed basis.                        people who don’t live in your household.           handles, desks, phones, keyboards,
 leadership to focus on immediate operational                                                                                                                 toilets, faucets, and sinks.
                                                                                                              » Remember that some people
                                                                                                                without symptoms may be able to             • If surfaces are dirty, clean them. Use
                                                                                                                spread virus.                                 detergent or soap and water prior
                                                                                                                                                              to disinfection.

                                                                                                              » Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’
                                                                                                                length) from other people.                  • Then, use a household disinfectant.
                                                                                                              » Keeping distance from others is               Most common EPA-registered

                                                                                                                especially important for people               household disinfectants will work.
                                                                                                                who are at higher risk of getting
                                                                                                                very sick.                            Monitor Your Health Daily
                                                                                                    Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when              • Be alert for symptoms. Watch for fever,
 The following information was compiled by         Everyone Should:                                 around others                                             cough, shortness of breath, or other
 Student Health Services in the COVID-19                                                                                                                      symptoms of COVID-19.
 Resource Guide for Students.                      Wash your hands often                                      » Masks should not be placed on
                                                                                                                young children under age 2,                      » Especially important if you are
 Per the Center for                                    • Wash your hands often with soap                        anyone who has trouble breathing,                  running essential errands, going
 Disease Control and Prevention:                         and water for at least 20 seconds                      or is unconscious, incapacitated                   into the office or workplace, and in
                                                         especially after you have been in a                    or otherwise unable to remove the                  settings where it may be difficult to
      • The best way to prevent illness is to            public place, or after blowing your                    mask without assistance.                           keep a physical distance of 6 feet.
        avoid being exposed to this virus.               nose, coughing, or sneezing.
                                                                                                         • Do NOT use a mask meant for a                    • Take your temperature if
      • The virus is thought to spread mainly          • It’s especially important to wash:                healthcare worker. Currently,                      symptoms develop.
        from person-to-person.                                                                             surgical masks and N95 respirators
                                                            » Before eating or preparing food              are critical supplies that should be                  » Don’t take your temperature
           » Between people who are in close                » Before touching your face                    reserved for healthcare workers and                     within 30 minutes of exercising
             contact with one another (within                                                              other first responders.                                 or after taking medications that
             about 6 feet).                                 » After using the restroom                                                                             could lower your temperature, like
                                                            » After leaving a public place               • The mask is not a substitute for                        acetaminophen.
           » Through respiratory droplets
                                                                                                           social distancing.
             produced when an infected person               » After blowing your nose, coughing,                                                            • Create a schedule and routine.
             coughs, sneezes or talks.                        or sneezing                           Cover coughs and sneezes
                                                                                                                                                            • Exercise regularly.
           » These droplets can land in the                 » After handling your mask
                                                                                                         • Always cover your mouth and nose
             mouths or noses of people who are              » After changing a diaper                                                                       • Reduce stress.
                                                                                                           with a tissue when you cough or
             nearby or possibly be inhaled into
                                                            » After caring for someone sick                sneeze or use the inside of your elbow           • Get plenty of sleep.
             the lungs.
                                                                                                           and do not spit.
           » Some recent studies have                       » After touching animals or pets
                                                                                                                                                            • Maintain a healthy diet.
             suggested that COVID-19 may
             be spread by people who are not
             showing symptoms.

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CAMPUS ACCESS PLAN - Long Beach City College
ESSENTIAL                                                                                           MEMORANDA OF
EMPLOYEES                                                                                           UNDERSTANDING
 Essential employees are defined as those
 employees who must perform job functions
 on campus in order to sustain LBCC’s basic
                                                 throughout the week to the Vice President
                                                 of Business Services, Facilities, Parking
                                                 Services, LBCC campus safety officers, and
                                                                                                    WITH BARGAINING UNITS
 operations, in alignment with the City of       Risk Services. This document also serves as a       The District also collaborated with bargaining    These documents can be found on the Human
 Long Beach health order’s definition of         record that may be used in the event contact        units to establish memoranda of understanding     Resources web page at
 essential businesses and in compliance          tracing is necessary.                               in response to COVID-19.                
 with protocols for essential businesses.
 Each area has identified a select number of     In the event that someone has an urgent need
                                                 to access campus and has not been authorized

 essential personnel who must continue to
 report to campus to support critical ongoing    via the weekly Essential Personnel List, they
 operations. These employees are scheduled       must clearly explain the emergency in an
                                                 e-mail to their immediate supervisor, who

 to be on campus for the least amount of
 time as possible, and they must comply with     will coordinate with the area vice president’s
 safety measures including wearing a face        office to request access. If the request is
 covering and maintaining physical distancing.   approved, the area vice president’s office will
 The District provides PPE to all employees      e-mail the Director, Special Projects, who will
 working on campus, and essential employees      update the essential personnel list and inform      To support working remotely, employees            Resources for Instructors are available online at
 are scheduled in groups to minimize exposure.   the Vice President of Business Services,            may order office supplies for home delivery
                                                 Facilities, Parking Services, LBCC campus           and schedule a time to pick up their office
 LBCC maintains a comprehensive list of          safety officers, and Risk Services.                 chairs or computers. More information about       All faculty teaching remotely in fall 2020
 essential employees, including dates, times,     The approval process may take 48 hours or          modifications to Administrative and Business      completed LBCC’s Online Teaching Certification
 and areas accessed on campus. This list is      more, especially if coordination with Facilities    Services processes while working remotely is in   or submitted a waiver if they completed
 shared weekly with the operational COVID-19     to grant access to the location is required.        the ABS FAQ, which is posted online at            Online Teaching Certification and/or Canvas
 Response Team, and updates are provided                                                              LMS Certification at another institution. More
                                                                                                     faculty-staff (Administrative & Business          information about LBCC’s Online Teaching
                                                                                                     Services tab).                                    Certification is online at

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CAMPUS ACCESS PLAN - Long Beach City College
 As of October 2020, all employees who are authorized to access campus must complete the online
 health screening before coming to campus. Employees who pass the symptom survey will receive
 a date-stamped certification. Those who do not pass the symptom survey will be directed to
 support and resources, coordinated by Human Resources.

 Following is a District communication to all      This notification applies to all employees,         If you are approved to access campus and are       The District is also hosting the City of Long
 employees about COVID-19 exposure protocol:       and includes essential personnel and those          included on the weekly Essential Personnel         Beach Rapid Assessment Clinics at both
                                                   employees who are working remotely.                 list, below are the directives to follow:          campuses. If you need to be tested, please visit
 Long Beach City College remains closed in         The City of Long Beach defines close contact as a                                            
 response to the COVID-19 global pandemic.         person who meets any of the following conditions:       • Stay home if you are sick, have              and-condition/information-on/coronavirus/
 However, the City of Long Beach and Los                                                                     symptoms consistent with COVID-19,           covid-19-testing/ to make an appointment.
 Angeles County Departments of Public Health            • Lives with or frequents the household              or have been in close contact with           LBCC employees may use the “Employee” line.
 permit certain on-campus activities, as long as          where someone with or likely to have               someone who has or is likely to have         They will be asked to show an LBCC ID, or other
 the District complies with health orders.                COVID-19 resides                                   COVID-19. Symptoms include a fever of        evidence of LBCC employment (i.e. a pay stub
                                                                                                             100.4 or higher, coughing, shortness of      with a photo ID).
 We are taking many precautions to support the          • Is an intimate partner of someone with             breath, and fatigue.
 health and safety of our employees, students,            or likely to have COVID-19                                                                      We know that this is a very difficult time.
 and community, and we ask you to do your part.                                                            • Wear a face covering over your nose          In addition to employee health insurance,
                                                        • Is a caregiver for someone with or likely          and mouth.                                   employees can access confidential
 If you test positive for COVID-19, have                  to have COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                          assistance through the MHN Employee
 symptoms consistent with COVID-19, have                                                                   • Maintain at least a six-foot distance
                                                        • Has had any contact with someone with                                                           Assistance Program, which offers a wide
 been in close contact with someone who has or                                                               from others.
                                                          or likely to have COVID-19 while they                                                           variety of services to help balance work
 is likely to have COVID-19, or suspect you may
                                                          were symptomatic, including anyone               • Avoid touching your eyes, nose,              with life and address other life challenges,
 have been exposed to COVID-19, stay home
                                                          who:                                               and mouth.                                   such as marriage, relationship, and family
 and do not come onto campus. If you need
                                                                                                                                                          issues; domestic violence; traumatic
 assistance with appropriate leave related
                                                             » Was within 6 feet of someone with           • Cover your mouth when coughing or            events; workplace issues; alcohol and drug
 to COVID-19 exposure, contact Mei Shih in
                                                               or likely to have COVID-19 for more           sneezing. Wash your hands                    dependency; stress and anxiety; depression;
 Human Resources:
                                                               than 10 minutes OR                            immediately afterward.                       grief and loss.
      • (562) 938-5250                                       » Had unprotected direct contact to           • Park with one space between                  For the latest LBCC information on COVID-19,
                                                               secretions or excretions (sneeze or           each vehicle.                                please visit
      •                                  cough) of someone with or likely to                                              
                                                               have COVID-19                               • Do not access any area that is blocked
                                                                                                             off or any area that has not been

                                                                                                           • Do not linger or loiter once your business
                                                                                                             on campus has been completed.

                                    12                                                                                                                     13
 The following FAQ was provided to LBCC’s          • Risk Services will work with HR and           How is “close contact” defined?                     What health agency is directing the
 Management Team.                                    Director of Special Projects for contact                                                          District’s protocols?
                                                     tracing by contacting the employee            The City of Long Beach defines close contact as a
 What should I do if an employee reports             identified by supervisor to gather the        person who meets any of the following conditions:   LBCC’s Liberal Arts and Pacific Coast campuses
 testing positive for COVID-19, having               date and time of access to all areas                                                              are both located in the City of Long Beach.
 symptoms consistent with COVID-19, or                                                                  • Lives with or frequents the household        LBCC therefore must comply with the City of
                                                     within the District and a list of all areas
 having been in close contact with someone                                                                where someone with or likely to have         Long Beach Health Department directives. The
                                                     accessed by the employee including:
 who has or is likely to have COVID-19?                                                                   COVID-19 resides                             District also confers with Los Angeles County,
                                                        » Area where she/he/they parked                                                                the state of California, the Centers for Disease
 The employee’s supervisor should immediately                                                           • Is an intimate partner of someone with
                                                        » All buildings and rooms accessed                                                             Control and Prevention, and other agencies for
 do the following:                                                                                        or likely to have COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                       guidance on best practices.
                                                        » All restrooms and shared
     • Explain to employee that they                                                                    • Is a caregiver for someone with or likely
                                                          areas accessed
       cannot be on campus due to L A                                                                     to have COVID-19
       County Health Guidance                           » All known individuals whom the                                                               What if an employee lives outside of
                                                          employee in question contacted or             • Has had any contact with someone with or
                                                                                                                                                       Long Beach?
     • For academic employees—notify                      interacted with while at the District           likely to have COVID-19 while they were
       A ssociate Vice President of                                                                       symptomatic, including anyone who:           Employees must comply with the District’s
                                                   • If an employee reports testing
       Human Resources                               positive or a healthcare provider felt                                                            directives, which are in alignment with the City
                                                                                                             » Was within 6 feet of someone with
                                                     the employee could have COVID-19                                                                  of Long Beach. Those employees who do not
     • For classified employees—notify                                                                         or likely to have COVID-19 for more
                                                     based on their symptoms, HR notifies                                                              reside in Long Beach also should be familiar
       Interim Executive Director,                                                                             than 15 minutes OR
                                                     the employee about self-isolation                                                                 with their local health agency directives.
       Classified Human Resources                                                                            » Had unprotected direct contact to
                                                                                                               secretions or excretions (sneeze or
     • For all employees, also notify                                                                          cough) of someone with or likely to
                                                        » Self-isolation directives: Do not
       Director of Business Support                                                                            have COVID-19                           How can employees get tested?
                                                          report to work at LBCCD property.
       Ser vices and the Risk Coordinator
                                                          Required to self-isolate for at least                                                        The City of Long Beach offers free tests.
                                                          10 days after your first symptoms                                                            Please visit
                                                          appeared and at least three days         What kinds of leave are available to employees      health/diseases-and-condition/information-
 What happens next?                                       (72 hours) after your fever is gone      who must self-quarantine or self-isolate?           on/coronavirus/covid-19-testing/ to make an
                                                          without the use of fever-reducing                                                            appointment. LBCC employees may use the
     • The Director of Business Support                   medications, and your other              Employees should work with HR to determine
                                                                                                                                                       “Employee” line. They will be asked to show an
       Services or designee, notifies the                 symptoms have improved.                  the most appropriate leave, such as sick leave
                                                                                                                                                       LBCC ID, parking permit, or other evidence of
       Director of Special Projects or designee,                                                   or vacation.
                                                   • For employees who report being in                                                                 LBCC employment.
       who will review the Essential Personnel
       list to confirm areas accessed and            close contact with someone who
       individuals contacted, as reported by         has or is likely to have COVID-19,
                                                     HR notifies employees about self-             How is the District handling contact tracing?
       employee’s supervisor.                                                                                                                          Does an employee need a negative COVID-19
                                                     quarantine directives.                                                                            test to return to work?
                                                                                                   The District will notify individuals who have
                                                        » Self-quarantine directives: Do not       come into close contact with someone who
                                                                                                                                                       No. They need only to follow the self-isolation
                                                          report to work at LBCCD property.        has or is likely to have COVID-19 while on
                                                                                                                                                       or self-quarantine protocols described above.
                                                          Required to self-quarantine for          District property. The health agency where
                                                          14 days from exposure and have           an employee lives may conduct additional
                                                          remained symptom free for 14 days        personal contact tracing in accordance with the
                                                                                                   local health agency directives in that area.
                                                   • Director, Business Support Services
                                                     or designee, notifies Sr. Director,
                                                     Facilities Planning, Construction, and
                                                     Operations or designee, to initiate
                                                     sanitizing protocols for all areas that
                                                     the employee accessed.

                                   14                                                                                                                   15
What other resources are available                What if an employee violates the COVID-19            What if an employee working remotely reports
for employees?                                    prevention protocol?                                 testing positive for COVID-19?

In addition to employee health insurance,         Managers are tasked with ensuring that                    • Demonstrate compassion and kindness
employees can access confidential assistance      employees comply with all protocols.
through the Employee Assistance Program,          Managers should consult with HR regarding                 • Do not schedule that employee to
which offers a wide variety of services to help   appropriate responses if employees violate                  access campus until self-isolation or
balance work with life and address other life     these protocols.                                            self-quarantine is complete
challenges, such as marriage, relationship, and
                                                                                                            • Recommend that the employee contact
family issues; domestic violence; traumatic
                                                                                                              HR regarding available leave options
events; workplace issues; alcohol and drug
                                                  How is the District notifying vendors who
dependency; stress and anxiety; depression;                                                                 • Share additional resources to support
                                                  access campus during the closure?
grief and loss.                                                                                               the employee, such as the MHN
                                                  Vendors must also follow all of the City of Long            Employee Assistance Program
                                                  Beach COVID-19 prevention protocols and
                                                  District directives. The District has sent letters        • Preserve the employee’s privacy by not
What if there are three or more laboratory-
                                                  to all current vendors, and Purchasing will                 sharing their medical information with
confirmed COVID-19 cases identified at
                                                  include this letter when issuing new Purchase               other employees
a workplace?
                                                  Orders to vendors.
If there are three or more laboratory confirmed
COVID-19 cases identified at a workplace,                                                              What should I do to prepare for the possibility
the Director, Business Support Services or                                                             that members of my team are unable to work
                                                  What other measures is the District taking to
designee, must report the cluster to the Los                                                           due to COVID-19?
                                                  help keep employees and the public safe?
Angeles County Department of Public Health.
                                                       • Cleaning and sanitizing of District           Following are some recommendations:
                                                         property frequently
                                                                                                            • Develop contingency plans to work
How is the District informing employees about                                                                 remotely should the campus become
                                                       • Tracking campus access through the
COVID-19 prevention?                                                                                          completely inaccessible
                                                         weekly Essential Personnel list
     • website updates                                                                             • Identify critical functions and processes
                                                       • Maintaining HVAC systems
                                                                                                              (e.g., issuing payroll checks)
     • E-mail communications
                                                       • Limiting access to all break rooms
                                                                                                            • Establish a succession plan to continue
     • Signage posted on site in accordance
                                                       • Limiting outside seating in break areas              working if employees must self-isolate
       with City of Long Beach directives for
                                                         to one person per table                              or self-quarantine
       essential businesses
                                                       • Limiting employee parking to every                 • Cross-train employees on various job
     • Additional flyers posted in work areas
                                                         other space                                          functions
     • Periodic meetings with managers to
                                                       • Scheduling employees in regular work               • Familiarize yourself with HR protocols
       inform them of current health orders
                                                         groups to minimize interaction with                  regarding hiring LTEs to backfill critical
       and answer questions
                                                         other employees                                      functions
     • Periodic meetings with essential
                                                       • Allowing employees to work remotely as             • Recommend that employees do not
       workers to inform them of current
                                                         much as possible                                     come into close contact with each other
       health orders and answer questions
                                                                                                              outside of work
                                                       • Creating detailed plans for essential
     • Periodic meetings with collective
                                                         labs that are permitted under City of
       bargaining representatives to inform
                                                         Long Beach health orders to provide in-
       them of current health orders and
                                                         person instruction
       answer questions
                                                       • Exploring additional screening for
                                                         employees and students

                                   16                                                                                                                      17
 The City of Long Beach Safer-at-Home Health          Administrative Campus Coverage                      Contingency Plan                                     Daily Health Screening
 Order allows LBCC to hold on-campus classes
 only to provide training in fields designated as     LBCC will provide an administrator on duty          Should students be unable to complete the                  • Online Health Screening: Each morning
 “Essential Businesses.” Essential labs are in        (AOD) at PCC and LAC during hours of                class in the due to COVID-19, either if LBCC                 before coming to campus, students
 the Career Technical Education (CTE), Trades,        scheduled classes to assist with support. To        closes or due to personal circumstances,                     in essential labs will complete a daily
 and Health Science areas only. The program           contact the AOD, dial 562-938-4141 at LAC or        additional time could possibly be scheduled in               symptom check online. Students
 areas that have essential labs are:                  562-938-3902 at PCC.                                at a later time to allow completion. Students                who pass the symptom survey will
                                                                                                          are encouraged to consult with their faculty                 receive a date-stamped certification.
      • Automotive                                    It is critical that the AODs, regardless of         member about completion options.                             Students who do not pass the symptom
                                                      campus, walk around and do spot checks in                                                                        survey will be directed to support and
      • Construction                                  classes to be sure that students are wearing                                                                     resources, coordinated by the Student
                                                      masks and physical distancing appropriately.                                                                     Health Center.
      • Computer and Office Studies                   There have been some reports of issues within       General Physical Distancing Protocols
                                                      some classes, and it is essential that this not                                                                • Health Screening Stations
      • Culinary Arts                                                                                          • Ventilation: All doors and windows
                                                      happen. Any violations should be addressed at
                                                      that time by the AOD and also reported to the              will be opened prior to class start to                   » Students will be asked to arrive
      • Diagnostic Medical Imaging
                                                      appropriate dean.                                          ensure ventilation.                                        at least 15 minutes before class
      • Electrical                                                                                                                                                          start time.
                                                      At both locations, there is a phone that should          • Timed entry: Each student will be
                                                                                                                 given a specific/staggered time to                       » Six-foot markers will be placed
      • EMT                                           be forwarded to the AOD so that they receive
                                                                                                                 enter the lab/classroom (as much as                        on the sidewalk to ensure
                                                      any calls. Safety escorts are also available by                                                                       distancing in line.
      • Horticulture                                  calling the Campus Police at 562-938-4910. Dial            possible, students will enter and exit
                                                      911 for any emergencies, crimes in progress,               different doors).                                        » Copies of the COVID-19 Student
      • Medical Assist and Integration of                                                                                                                                   Resource Guide will be available.
                                                      medical aid, or to request police response.
        Patient Care                                                                                           • Limit the sharing of tools and maintain
                                                                                                                 physical distancing of six feet. All                     » A staff member will maintain six-
      • Metal Fab/Welding                                                                                        individuals will wear a face covering at                   foot distancing from students and
                                                                                                                 all times. Students will wash hands in                     be provided with appropriate PPE.
      • Nutrition                                     Badges
                                                                                                                 designated sink with soap and hot water.                   The staff member will:
      • Vocational Nursing                            Faculty will distribute student badges on the                                                                       » Confirm that students have
                                                      first day. Faculty, staff, and students must wear        • Prior to leaving the lab/classroom, all                    successfully completed the daily
      • Registered Nursing                            a badge when they are on campus to identify                areas the student had contact with will                    symptom check.
                                                      who is authorized to be on site. Faculty/staff             be wiped down with a disinfectant by
                                                                                                                 the instructional assistant.                             » Take each student’s temperature
                                                      will be responsible for collecting student
 Detailed plans for each program area have been                                                                                                                             using an infrared thermometer and
                                                      badges at the conclusion of the semester.
 developed. All of the plans include the following:                                                            • Signs and messages: put signs in highly                    confirm a temperature under
                                                                                                                 visible locations such as entrance, exit,                  100.4 degrees.
 All District employees must follow City                                                                         restroom, hallway (creating one-way                      » Have hand sanitizer available,
 of Long Beach health orders and LBCC                 Illness During Class                                       routes in hallway)                                         provided by Facilities and placed
 rules for accessing campus at all times. In                                                                                                                                on the table.
 addition to the health risk, not following           If a student becomes ill during class, ask               • Exit: Students will exit the building using
                                                      the student to return home immediately and                 the designated main entrance door                        » Ensure students are wearing
 these rules could jeopardize LBCC’s                                                                                                                                        proper face covering.
                                                      contact the Student Health Center. If the                  which will be marked. Hand sanitizer
 ability to offer on-site instruction.                student is unable to return home, isolate the              will be available to students as they exit               » Ensure students do not have
                                                      student and contact the Student Health Center.             the building.                                              unnecessary items and are not
 Student Acknowledgment and                           Thoroughly sanitize the work area and any                                                                             accompanied by additional people.
                                                      tools or equipment handled by the student once           • Facilities and IITS will not be able to
 Communications                                                                                                  enter class while in session to respond                  » Ensure students access only
                                                      he/she/they have left.
 Students who are registered for classes meeting                                                                 to service calls.                                          the designated classroom and
 on campus will receive an e-mail notification                                                                                                                              restroom when inside the building.
                                                                                                          Additional protocols specific to each area and
 to agree to the Student Acknowledgment in
                                                                                                          their facilities are included in each plan, which
 Peoplesoft, which includes directives about
                                                                                                          are available online at
 accessing campus during the closure.
 (See Appendix A: Student Acknowledgment.)

                                      18                                                                                                                        19
Instructional Assistants:                          Facilities Staff:                                  Each plan also includes the following, specific            • Detailed plan for each class, including
                                                                                                      to each program area:                                        the maximum number of students,
Instructional Assistants will be responsible for        • Classrooms: At the end of the day and                                                                    location, physical distancing protocol,
cleaning the classroom while class is in session          between classes, 4 employees per                 • Maps indicating parking areas,                        days/times, and justification in
and sanitizing specialized equipment during               classroom cleaning team                            designated routes of travel from parking              reference to the specific section of the
and after class.                                          (35 min. clean time)                               area to the classroom, restrooms, and                 City of Long Beach “Safer at Home”
                                                                                                             ingress/egress.                                       health order.
Facilities will deliver cleaning kits for the                » Team 1—1 employee will cover
classrooms with instructions not to remove                     cleaning the door handles,                  • Diagram of each classroom, indicating               • Student Acknowledgment
them. The disinfectant wipe buckets are                        teaching stations, other flat                 the maximum capacity when allowing a
reusable, and Facilities asks that those not be                surfaces. 2nd employee will cover             six-foot distance between each desk or              • COVID-19 Protocols for Employees
thrown away. Please call ext. 4040 (after 5:00                 cleaning tables and chairs.                   work station (example below).
p.m. PCC Contact (562) 331-7739) when they                                                                                                                       • COVID-19 Resource Guide for Students
                                                             » Team 2—1 employee will cover                • Schedule of each class
need to be refilled. Each kit includes                         removing trash and spraying
the following:                                                 sanitizer on cleaned areas allowing
     • 1 bucket of 800 disinfect wipes                         a 5 min. dwell time, 2nd employee
                                                               will mop floors with disinfectant.
     • 1 box of gloves                                  • Restrooms: At the end of the day, 4
                                                          employees to cover Men’s and Women’s
     • 1 box of mask
                                                          restrooms (20 min clean time each
     • 1 lg hand sanitizer                                including dwell time)

     • 10 personal sanitizing pens                           » Team 1—clean fixtures, disinfect
                                                               sink and toilets
                                                             » Team 2—remove trash, spray
Each wipe has a 99.9% kill claim. The usage                    sanitizer, clean floors
should be as follows:                                          with disinfectant
                                                   *After each class ends, Facilities will start
     • Use Gloves                                    COVID - 19 Cleaning. This is in addition to
                                                     nightly classroom cleaning. We ask that there
     • Remove pretreated wipes
                                                     are no food items allowed into classes. This
       from container
                                                     will allow us to spend more time disinfecting
     • Wipe down dirty surfaces                      and working more efficiently to cover more
                                                     square footage.
     • Allow to air dry (Leave wet, do not use
       a towel to dry)                             *Restroom cleaning will be increased to
                                                     hourly instead of every two hours. The same
     • Discard used wipes in trash cans located      COVID – 19 Cleaning Protocols will be in place
       in classrooms                                 (Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sanitizing).
                                                     Restrooms being serviced will be closed for
                                                     30 minutes for drying and dwell times.

                                                   *Cleaning for Lab areas will be extended
                                                     by 15 mins.                                                                                        Example of Classroom Maximum Capacity &
                                                                                                                                                                      Physical Distancing Diagram

                                     20                                                                                                                     21
 Before the First Day of Class                      First Day of Class                                 During the Semester                                 contact with anyone else while on campus.
                                                                                                                                                           The Student Health Center may confer with
 Notification: to all students of the rules         Health Screening: Each morning before              Pre-campus Health Screening: Students               District staff to access class schedules and
 for accessing campus (e.g., wearing a              coming to campus, students in essential labs       receive an e-mail or text with a link to a health   other information that may assist with on-
 face covering and not coming to campus if          will complete a daily symptom check online.        screening questionnaire. Students who               campus contact tracing.
 experiencing COVID-19 symptoms). Also              Students who pass the symptom survey will          complete the questionnaire successfully will
 includes information about “close contact,”        receive a date-stamped certification. Students     receive a time-specific certification to display    The Student Health Center will send a letter
 how to access testing, what to do if they test     who do not pass the symptom survey will be         on their cell phone upon arrival. Students          to students to inform them of self-isolation
 positive, and other resources.                     directed to support and resources, coordinated     without smart phones will be able to complete       or self-quarantine protocols, in accordance
                                                    by the Student Health Center. Students line        the questionnaire using a home computer and         with the City of Long Beach health order. The
      • Posted on, e-mailed,               up at six-foot intervals outside the building at   print the certification. Students who do not        letters will include the date that the student
        texted to all students.                     LAC or in the PCC quad for a health screening.     pass the daily health screening are referred to     may return to campus.
                                                    There will be a table, a canopy, a chair, hand     Student Health Services.
      • Instructors teaching on-site classes                                                                                                               The Student Health Center will notify Risk
                                                    sanitizer, an infrared thermometer, and other
        will also post it in Canvas                                                                    Health Screening: Health screenings occur           Services of any cases reported by students.
                                                    supplies. Staff working at the health screening
                                                    will be supplied with appropriate PPE and          outside each building where a class will            The District has a responsibility to report
 Student Acknowledgment: Students who are
                                                    training. They will confirm that students          be in session at LAC or at the quad at PCC.         outbreaks to the Los Angeles County
 registered for classes meeting on-site will
                                                    have completed the online screening, check         Upon arrival, students display their date-          Department of Public Health. An outbreak is
 receive an e-mail notifying them to log into
                                                    students’ temperatures with an infrared            stamped certification. All students have their      defined as three cases within one area. Risk
 Peoplesoft to accept and agree to a Student
                                                    thermometer, and verify that the student is        temperature checked before entering the             Services will be responsible for notifying the
 Acknowledgment form (Appendix A). This form
                                                    wearing a face covering. Students who pass         building, and only those with temperatures          Los Angeles County Department of Health and
 will provide notice of the rules for accessing
                                                    the health screening will proceed into the         below 100.4 degrees are allowed to enter.           the City of Long Beach.
 campus, such as wearing a face covering
 and not coming to campus if experiencing           designated classroom on the designated route.
                                                                                                                                                           Risk Services will notify Facilities to
 COVID-19 symptoms. IITS will e-mail a daily                                                                                                               sanitize any locations that the student
                                                    Review of Rules: Instructors review the rules
 report to deans of programs with essential labs
                                                    with students, which may also include showing      Positive Test or Close Contact                      reports accessing. Risk Services also will
 indicating which students have completed                                                              with COVID-19                                       be responsible for complying with the City
                                                    a video produced by the CDC about proper
 the acknowledgment.                                                                                                                                       of Long Beach Department of Public Health
                                                    safety and prevention measures. They also
                                                                                                       The Student Health Center is the central            Protocol for COVID-19 Exposure Management
 Procedure to access campus: Instructors will       review the City of Long Beach definition of
                                                                                                       resource for students who do not pass               in Institutes of Higher Education, which was
 e-mail students with specific instructions about   “close contact” and how to contact the Student
                                                                                                       the daily health screening, test positive           last updated on 12/29/20 and is online at
 accessing campus for their class. This e-mail      Health Center if they have close contact with
                                                                                                       for COVID-19, or have close contact with  
 will include the rules for accessing campus,       someone who tests positive.
                                                                                                       someone who tests positive or likely has            media-library/documents/diseases-and-
 where to park, route of travel to the building,                                                       COVID-19. If a student contacts their               condition/information-on/novel-coronavirus/
 and to expect to complete a health screening                                                          instructor about testing positive or having         health-orders/appendix-y2---covid-19-
 before entering the building.                                                                         close contact with someone who tests positive       exposure-management-plan-in-institutes-
                                                                                                       for or likely has COVID-19, the instructor will     of-higher-education.
                                                                                                       direct the student not to come to campus and
                                                                                                       inform the Student Health Center at                 Faculty may wish to discontinue on-campus
                                                                                                       (562) 938-4210.                                     class(es) for a period of time, out of an
                                                                                                                                                           abundance of caution, which will depend
                                                                                                       The Student Health Center will ask the student      on the student’s particular situation and be
                                                                                                       about their activities on campus to determine       decided on a case-by-case basis.
                                                                                                       if the student may have come into close

                                      22                                                                                                                    23
SUPPORTING                                                                                       CHILD DEVELOPMENT
REMOTE LEARNING                                                                                  CENTERS
 In accordance with the City of Long Beach          • Distributions of supplies, including        The City of Long Beach health order has         The plan is available online at
 health order, institutes of higher education may     calculators, sewing machines,               designated childcare businesses as essential.
 continue to provide limited services to support      and art supplies                            The LBCC Child Development Centers at the
 learning remotely. LBCC has determined that                                                      Liberal Arts Campus and Pacific Coast Campus
 providing Basic Needs services and distributing    • Library curbside lending                    re-opened in a limited capacity on October 5,
 supplies for students learning remotely are          (Library plan available at                  2020, to support student parents/guardians.
 necessary to student success. All activities
 are conducted in accordance with safety
                                                    • Quest for Success free and ungraded
 protocols, such as wearing face coverings,
                                                      self-paced modules to help students be
 maintaining physical distance, sanitizing areas
                                                      successful in online courses

 and surfaces, and eliminating opportunities
 for gatherings.                                    • Free, live online tutoring for currently
                                                      enrolled students from the LBCC
 The preferred method of distribution is drive-
                                                      Success Centers
 thru events, although there is an option for
 students without vehicles to walk up. Each         • No-cost after-hours tutoring through        Athletics programs are not currently allowed    LBCC’s plan will be available online at
 event is planned with input from Facilities and      NetTutor                                    on campus for conditioning or competition.
 Parking Services. Following are examples of                                                      The California Community College Athletic       when it is finalized.
 activities to support remote learning:             • Online student services such as             Association (CCCAA) announced in July 2020
                                                      Admissions & Records, Counseling, and       that all sports would be deferred to spring
      • Viking Vault food distributions               Financial Aid, Student Health Services      2021 on a modified schedule, depending on
                                                                                                  current local health orders. District staff
      • Chromebook and hot spot loans                                                             are developing a detailed and phased plan
      • Textbook distributions by the                                                             to implement when Athletics activities are
        bookstore and special programs such                                                       permitted on campus again.
        as EOPS and Athletics

                                     24                                                                                                            25
The Long Beach City College Liberal Arts and Pacific Coast campuses are closed in response to COVID-19. As a Long
Beach City College student registered for one or more classes that is permitted to meet on campus during the closure,
I agree to the following:

     • I will comply with all of the rules established by the City of Long Beach Department of Public Health, including:

          » I will stay home if I am sick. Symptoms include a fever of 100.4 or higher, coughing,
            shortness of breath, and fatigue.
          » I will wear a face covering over my nose and mouth at all times while on campus
          » I will maintain at least a six-foot distance from others.
          » I will avoid touching my eyes, nose, and mouth.
          » I will cover my mouth when coughing or sneezing and wash my hands immediately afterward.

     • I will also comply with all of the rules established by Long Beach City College, including:

          » I will not access any area that is blocked off or any area that has not been pre-approved.
          » I will park in the designated parking lot for my class and leave one space between each vehicle.
          » I will not bring any unnecessary personal items (books, purse, food, drinks, etc.) onto campus.
          » I will complete a daily health screening before entering the classroom.
          » I will wear the LBCC Student Badge that will be issued to me at all times when I am on campus.
          » I will not linger or loiter on campus once my class is over.
          » I will not bring any additional people with me when I come to class, such as friends or family members.

     • I will notify the Student Health Center at (562) 938-4210 if I test positive for COVID-19, have symptoms consistent
       with COVID-19, or have been in close contact with someone who has or is likely to have COVID-19. Per the City
       of Long Beach, close contact is defined as, “Close Contact to someone who has or is likely to have COVID-19 is
       defined as a person who meets any of the following conditions:

          » Lives with or frequents the household where someone with or likely to have COVID-19 resides
          » Is an intimate partner of someone with or likely to have COVID-19
          » Is a caregiver for someone with or likely to have COVID-19
          » Has had any contact with someone with or likely to have COVID-19 while they were symptomatic, including
            anyone who:
		              -Was within 6 feet of someone with or likely to have COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes OR

		-Had unprotected direct contact to secretions or excretions (sneeze or cough) of someone with or
      likely to have COVID-19”

     • I understand that the Student Health Center strongly recommends that all students get the annual immunization
       against influenza.

 I have read, acknowledge, understand, and agree to the terms stated above regarding coming onto the Long Beach City
    College campus during the closure due to COVID-19.

                                                              26                                                             27
Published: March 2021 | V1.0
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