Page created by Felix Hines

The Campus Communiqué gives a snapshot of
CNA-Q by highlighting our latest news, events
and activities. If you want your news item
included, or for additional information, please

contact us on:

                                                   April, 2021


  01. Message from the President

  02. Campus News

  06. Interview:
      Dr. Suhaim Al-Jasaiman

  09. Under the Spotlight:
      Fahad Al-Hedfa

  11. Safety First:
      Ramadan traditions during
      the COVID-19 pandemic

  12. Helpful Tips:
         Be Healthy Inside Out this
                                                                                 Dr. Suhaim Al-Jasaiman
                                                                                         An Achiever...
  15. Fun Corner:
      Our Monthly Competition

                                                                                          A Risk-Taker

                                                       Students at School of Health
                                                       Sciences Volunteer in the FIFA
                                                       Club World Cup Qatar 2020™
                                                       Continue reading                           Page 02
                                                  CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021


       Message from the President

Dear students, faculty and staff,                               month traditions, in addition to advice on how to stay
                                                                healthy and energized despite all the temptations.
I am proud to welcome you to the seventh issue of our
campus communiqué.                                              Furthermore, the College has initiated many actions,
                                                                such as partnering with Bradfield to deliver CIPD
This month represents a special time for all of us, as we       accredited Human Resources trainings and celebrating
welcome the Holy Month of Ramadan. Even though we               World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2021. CNA-Q
celebrate this month during the pandemic, and for the           also organised a student recruitment day at National
second consecutive year, we still have so much to be            Service Academy to present to the cadets the different
thankful for.                                                   services it offers. We also shed light on the training
                                                                and volunteering opportunity offered to our students
Ramadan is the time where we pause and reflect on               from the Occupational Health, Safety and Environment
every single aspect of our lives. It is the time where          program by FIFA Club World Cup Qatar 2022™.
we cherish relationships with family and loved ones,
even if we do it virtually. Ramadan is also the time to         Finally, I would like to thank Faculty, Staff and Students
be selfless and understand there is no way we can               for all their efforts aimed at keeping our campus life
overcome difficulties without showing grace to others.          safe, vibrant and inspiring. Wishing every one of you, a
                                                                Blessed Ramadan!
One of our main challenges today is the second
wave of COVID-19 that is affecting the country. In
such situations, even though we might confront                  Dr. Salem Al-Naemi
uncertainty, we need to remain focused on our goals.            President,
For this purpose, CNA-Q is working relentlessly to              College of the North Atlantic – Qatar
curb coronavirus transmission among its community
members and ensure a healthy and safe campus.
Within this framework, you will find in this issue tips to
keep you safe this Ramadan, while preserving the holy

                                              CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021


            Students at School of Health Sciences
      Volunteer in the FIFA Club World Cup Qatar 2020™
                    Health and Safety Team
Students from the Occupational Health, Safety and                       suppression systems, accessibility features and
Environment program at CNA-Q followed a thorough                        considerations in addition to medical facilities. It is
training at FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™. This step lead                  anticipated that such trainings will serve to create a pool
to their participation as volunteers in the Health and                  of knowledgeable and skilled local volunteers ready to
Safety Team of the FIFA Club World Cup Qatar 2020™,                     support at any potential event.
which took place in February 2021.
                                                                        Qatar is planning to hold the FIFA Arab Cup 2021 in
The volunteers’ main role involved assuring a healthy                   the lead up to the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™.
and safe environment by identifying, reporting or                       Such a tournament presents a unique opportunity for
recording health and safety hazards and incidents                       volunteers to support delivery and use their acquired
through approved reporting channels. All safety                         skills. The Health and Safety Team at FIFA World Cup
volunteers participated in a virtual mandatory general                  Qatar 2022™ is planning to engage with School of
training, which consisted of numerous modules such                      Health Sciences at CNA-Q, and help in developing
as: volunteers’ roles, behaviors and skills, in addition to             more Occupational Health and Safety volunteers, who
sustainability, health and safety, COVID-19 awareness                   can join them during this tournament and continue to
and event-specific logistics.                                           contribute as ambassadors for event health and safety
                                                                        in Qatar post 2022.
The second phase included a virtual safety training,
which provided volunteers with an overview of common
event safety hazards, risks, mitigation measures,
reporting and response protocols. In light of the
current pandemic, added emphasis was placed on the
importance of COVID-19 protocols and precautions.

The final stage of the training consisted of an onsite
familiarization during which, key safety arrangements
were covered including muster point locations,
evacuation plans, areas of refuge, fire safety and

                                               CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021


CNA-Q celebrates World
Day for Safety and Health
at Work 2021
28th of April marks the World Day for Safety and Health
at Work. This year’s theme is: “Anticipate, prepare and          Drive Through Garangao
respond to crises and invest in resilient occupational            College of the North Atlantic – Qatar celebrated
safety and health management (OSH) systems”.                      Garangao this year in a creative manner. The College
The theme acknowledges the impact that the global                 wanted to preserve the Ramadan traditions, while
COVID-19 pandemic has had on our working lives and                staying committed to all precautionary measures
the importance of building an effective, resilient, and           against COVID-19 spread. Therefore, a drive through
adaptable Work Health and Safety (WHS) platform. The              event was organized, where a limited number of
current COVID-19 crisis demonstrates the importance of            employees and their children wearing traditional attires,
strengthening OSH systems, planning and anticipating              visited the Campus to collect their sweets box from our
trends for future crises.                                         famous Mascot.

Within this framework, CNA-Q is committed to providing
a safe, secure and healthy workplace for its employees
and contractors. To celebrate this day, the College took
the decision to invest in equipment, work systems
and specific trainings to ensure safety across all of its
facilities. CNA-Q also recognises the contribution of all
its employees and contractors in creating safe work
sites and delivering safe, effective and trouble-free
operations. Employees with good wellbeing are happier,
healthier and more productive.

                                              CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021


CNA-Q initiates a student                                        FITClub is Now Virtual
recruitment day at National                                       Building on the success of our very popular Ramadan

Service Academy                                                   Fast & FIT program, which reached participant capacity
                                                                  in 1 day, Sport and Wellness - a section of Student Affairs-
College of the North Atlantic - Qatar has organized               is excited to offer the College community personal and
a recruitment event at the Meqdam Camp-National                   small group training at an incredibly discounted price.
Service Academy. This initiative falls under the MoU
signed by the College and NSA. The agreement puts                 This offering is part of a piloted virtual training research
forward action points that explore joint initiatives              project, exploring the best way to optimize interaction,
and experience exchange in the fields of education,               engagement and retention of our valued clients.
research, training and development.                               Personal training is one-on-one and small groups will
                                                                  range from 2-4 participants max.
On this occasion, CNA-Q’s team presented to the
cadets the different services offered by the College.             This program will be run by our experienced senior and
They guided them to identify their fields of interest and         contract trainers and provide access to our “Trainerize”
discover areas in which they excel.                               App. Participants will be expected to comply with our
                                                                  minimal feedback and data collection needs. For more
Furthermore, CNA-Q’s team members explained the                   information on pricing and how you can sign up, please
College’s admission process, and cadets had the                   contact us at
opportunity to apply for admission for fall 2021. During
the event, students also had the chance to explore the
wide range of specialties they can choose from, once
their service ends.

                                              CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021


CNA-Q partners with
Bradfield to deliver CIPD                                          CPE and School of ETIT
accredited Human Resources                                         offer OHS Training to
trainings                                                          school teachers
                                                                    Continuing and Professional Education Department
The department of Continuing and Professional
                                                                    (CPE) at College of the North Atlantic – Qatar, in
Education (CPE) at CNA-Q, signed a partnership
                                                                    collaboration with the School of Engineering Technology
agreement with Bradfield Learning and Development,
                                                                    and Industrial Trades offered Occupational Health &
the UK expert Institute in people development. This
                                                                    Safety training to more than 80 high school teachers
collaboration is set to offer CPE clients in Qatar levels 3,
                                                                    from Qatar’s Banking Schools and Qatar’s Technical
5 and 7 of Chartered Institute of Personnel Development
                                                                    Schools. The courses were offered at the request of
(CIPD) certifications for HR professionals, as blended
                                                                    Qatar Ministry of Education and Higher Education, and
sessions or online.
                                                                    included introductory modules on health and safety in
                                                                    the schooling workplace.
Bradfield has been delivering CIPD accredited courses
since 1992, and in the Middle East since 2004, training
                                                                    The training investigated scenarios of possible health
over 6000 HR professionals, thus making them trusted
                                                                    and safety risks within classrooms and workshops, using
market experts.
                                                                    case studies and video examples. Discussions ensued
                                                                    about possible short-term and long-term methods of
This three-year partnership is one of several steps
                                                                    improving health and safety within the schools, from an
that CPE plans to take in order to expand its offerings
                                                                    organizational and individual point of view. A brief look
and provide advanced and internationally accredited
                                                                    at the global and local contemporary health and safety
training programs to its clients in Qatar.
                                                                    issues concluded the course.

      For more information about these
      programs, please contact CPE
      department at:

      Telephone: 4495 2111

                                                CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021


            Dr. Suhaim Al-Jasaiman
            An Achiever...A Risk-Taker
   1. You hold an MBA from University of Liverpool
   and a PHD in Strategic Management/ Sustainability
   from Qatar University. What can sustainability add
   to any business?
   Sustainability is an important factor of business
   continuity. It has an influence on the company’s
   operations and affects the economical, the social and
   the environmental areas. Approaching business in a
   sustainable manner creates a long-term value for any

   2. When and How did you join CNA-Q?
   I joined CNA-Q in August 2019 as a Manager
   of Continuing and Professional Education (CPE)
   Department. I was interviewed by Dr. Salem Al-Naemi
   and the former President Dr. Khalifa Al-Khalifa, as part
   of my selection process. After I joined, and based on
   my Academic qualifications, I was also assigned the
   role of business and marketing faculty at the School of
   Business Management and Information Technology.

   3. What do you like most about your role in CPE?
   I always say that CPE is my baby, and I am lucky to
   be supported by an amazing leader like Dr. Salem
   and surrounded by a supportive team with whom I
   worked hard on building the department’s strategy
   and innovative offerings. My Academic background in
   addition to my solid commercial experience in the Oil
   and Gas field, serve as the backbone of my role

                                           CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021


                                                                       in CPE. I like it, because it is not a routine job, it needs
                                                                       experience to face challenges, promote new trainings
                                                                       and accommodate different market needs.

                                                                       4. You have a vast experience in the marketing and
                                                                       sales field specifically in the oil and gas sector.
                                                                       What did you learn from this journey?

                                                                       Oil and Gas firms are the best place to start your
                                                                       career. They are systematic in their approach to work,
                                                                       so you learn to be disciplined and organized. They also
                                                                       present a multicultural environment that encourages
             Dr. Al-Josaiman during his graduatio
                                                 n.                    interaction. My first job was at QAPCO, a company
                                                                       chaired by Dr. Al-Mulla, Vice Chairman of CNA-Q’s
                                                                       board of trustees. I learned a lot from him and he was
                                                                       and still is an amazing person, very kind and supportive.
                                                                       The challenging environment of the oil and gas industry
                                                                       shapes you, makes you stronger, more knowledgeable
                                                                       and well equipped to face any obstacle.

                                                                       5. You have been teaching management and
                                                                       marketing to students since 2014. Tell us about a
                                                                       funny moment you experienced at the University/
Dr. Suhaim honored by the Father Emir

                                         Sheikh Hamad
Bin Khalifa Al-Thani for acheiving the                                 Actually, I faced a funny situation when I first joined
                                       6th place in the
State’s Secondary School Certificate
                                                                       Qatar University as a faculty. It was my first day there
                                                                       and I had a class to teach at the female campus. The
                                                                       security woman refused to let me in, thinking I was a

      Our strong                                                       student who is trying to sneak in. She started lecturing
                                                                       me on how wrong my behavior was and that I should

      background in                                                    not repeat it. She did not believe me until I showed her
                                                                       a proof document, then she apologized and let me in.

      TVET and skills                                                  6. CPE is recently collaborating with many
      development                                                      international bodies to offer new accredited

      makes our
                                                                       training programs. Can you tell us more about that?

                                                                       Collaborations with international entities give more

      offerings                                                        credibility and better positioning in the market to our
                                                                       offerings, and are in fact an important key differentiator.

      unbeatable”                                                      Dr. Salem has been very supportive of this strategy

                                                      CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021


and he strongly believes in the CPE potential, and has          I make in my life as an opportunity to learn and grow.
empowered me and the CPE department in our quest
for implementing new partnerships that will add great           10. You’re a very fashionable person. How do you
value to our offerings.                                         keep up with the trends?
                                                                Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said “God
7. The department has many partners from the
                                                                is beautiful and He loves Beauty”. Everyone should
private and public sector. Which partner has been
                                                                recognize that God intended for his creation to contain
collaborating with you for so long?
                                                                beauty. Nevertheless, I never go with the trends, I
Qatar Petroleum has been a strategic partner not only           choose what I like and what looks good on me. I am a
for CPE but also for the College as a whole, since its          picky person so actually finding something I like is hard.
inception. In fact, CPE offers an annual program to             I don’t keep up with the trends using social media, I
QP leadership and senior employees titled “Tawasul”             have direct connections with the brands I love, whether
aka “Communicate”. The training has been designed               they’re in Qatar or abroad.
and customised to help QP staff communicate in a
professional manner and acquire stage presence. A
competition is also held among the participants with
prizes awaiting the winner.

8. What makes CPE unique?
                                                                         11. Define the below concepts in
The hands-on approach to the professional trainings                          no more than 3 words:
and the strong partnerships with the oil and gas industry
players and international bodies make CPE unique. Our
                                                                             Education: My passion
strong background in TVET and skills development
                                                                             Innovation: Sustainability
makes our offerings unbeatable.
                                                                             Travelling: Vacation
                                                                             Health: Life
9. If you have the opportunity to go back in time,
                                                                             Wealth: Strength
what will you change?
I will not change a thing and I do not believe in regret. I
am very happy with what I have achieved so far. I never
shy away from challenges, and I consider every mistake

         Dr. Suhaim Al-Jasaiman signing
         an MoU with Bradfield.

                                               CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021


                                                 Interview with
                                       Fahad Al-Hedfa

      Major:        Business Management - Marketing

      CNA-Q is:     My life compass

      Hobbies:      Diving, Photography, Triathlon

                                                                              Fahad Al-Hedfa
                                                                              The Adventurer

   Tell us more about your role at CNA-Q?
   My journey started in 2016 when I first enrolled in
                                                                  prove to myself, and others, that I can do it. I practiced
   CNA-Q. From day one, I wanted to be involved in the
                                                                  a lot before taking the race and I feel very proud that I
   College life beyond academic commitments. I started
                                                                  reached the finish line.
   participating in competitions and volunteered in events
   and activities. This helped shape my character and
                                                                  Describe your journey…did you doubt your ability
   find out what I really want in life. The journey led me
                                                                  to succeed?
   to where I am now, a Sponsorship Specialist at the
                                                                  Samla journey does not start on the race day, it’s about
   College, overseeing communication with our current
                                                                  the hard work you put in before that time. It’s about the
   students’ sponsors.
                                                                  relationships you build with the people you train with.
                                                                  Self-doubt is part of the human experience, but I kept
   Where does your passion for sports come from?
                                                                  my mind focused on my goal, I stayed optimistic and
   I was surrounded by role models; there are such in my
                                                                  enjoyed the adventure till the end.
   family and my friends who inspired me and encouraged
   me to follow my passion for sports. They were the best
   support system I could ever ask for. While the trip may
   not always be easy, crossing the finish line is always

   How did you decide to participate in Samla Race?
   I like hard challenges and getting out of my comfort
   zone. I believe that nothing is impossible in this world if
   you just put your mind to it. Samla is one of the world’s
   most grueling and challenging races, hence I wanted to

                                              CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021


   How did it feel when you reached the finish line?             What are your future plans?
   At every stage of the race I felt I was one step closer to    I believe that the determination of a person comes from
   achieving my dream, a dream I envisioned 2 years back.        the heart. When your body says I can’t, simply keep
   Giving up was out of the question. I went through a lot       going and listen only to your heart. What keeps me
   to get to the finish line, and when I was few meters away     going every day is competing against myself and striving
   from it, I got so emotional. I was so proud of myself, and    to break my personal records. My next stop is the
   the greatest feeling ever was making my mom proud of          Ironman Triathlon races. I want to finish these series of
   the achievement I have accomplished.                          long-distance races and achieve the title of “Ironman”,
                                                                 how cool would that be?

                                             CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021


            Ramadan traditions during
            the COVID-19 pandemic
   For the second year in a row, we celebrate Ramadan            Social Gatherings
   during pandemic time. COVID-19 has altered many               - Consider hosting virtual gatherings and limit physical
   traditions we cherish during the holy month. Although         attendance to people you already live with
   the spirit of Ramadan remains in our hearts, it is            - Ensure good ventilation indoors, or use outdoor venues
   important to follow some precautions this month to            - Large gatherings are not permitted as per MOPH
   protect ourselves and the ones we love.                       - Consider measures to facilitate contact tracing in
                                                                 case an ill person is identified among attendees.
   Stay safe this Ramadan
   - Wash your hands often and well                              Healthy practices at mosques and places of worship
   - Wear your mask                                              - Perform wudu at home when feasible and use
   - Maintain physical distance                                  personal prayer rugs
   - Practice proper sneezing and coughing etiquette             - Use washing facilities provided - soap, water
   - Healthy people should be able to fast                       and sanitizer.
   - COVID-19 patients or those showing symptoms post
   infection may consider religious licenses to break their      COVID-19 vaccine during Ramadan
   fast in consultation with their doctor.
                                                                 Prominent fatwa bodies have declared that COVID-19
                                                                 vaccines are permissible under Shariah law. Taking the
   New ways to engage
                                                                 vaccine will not invalidate the fast because it is delivered
   - Reflect, improve, pray, share, and care – all from a        through injection and not from a natural opening such
   healthy distance                                              as the mouth or nose. Even if you have already been
   - Ensure that family, friends and elders are still engaged    vaccinated, continue taking public health and social
   despite physical distancing                                   measures to protect others from possible transmission.
   - Virtually check on loved ones by phone or video calls
   - Avoid crowded “mercy tables” and consider distributing      Brought to you by: Healthy Campus Committee
   individual pre-packaged boxes/servings of food
                                                                 Source of information: World Health Organization
   - Use digital technology for sadaqat or zakah.

                                             CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021

                                                                                           L TIPS

  Be Healthy Inside Out this Ramadan
     The holy month of Ramadan is here and as many of us unite (virtually) to celebrate and
       give gratitude, this time of self-reflection and betterment can pose as a struggle for
    some who may not know where to begin. The good news is, that our Team in Sport and
   Wellness, a Section of Student Affairs, is here to share some simple tips that will help you
   this month and beyond. You do not need to choose between physical and spiritual health;
         take care of both by applying these small mindful changes to your routine today.

  Fitness and exercise do not need to be a 2 hour long intense HIIT workout
  that leaves you gasping for breath and crawling out of your workout space.
  Rather, we recommend the following:

  1. Take a 30-minute walk – especially after meals to help your body digest
  your food. This can be a very self-reflective time also, as you wind down your
  day if done before bed.

  2. Move and stretch every hour – whether working from home or in the
  office, a quick stand-up and stretch habit will aid in blood flow and alertness
  to the brain helping you move past the mid-day slump.

  3. 20 / 40-minute workout – Choose a timed goal over the traditional set/
  rep sequence to get the most out of your workout. Body weight workouts
  are enough to see significant changes depending on your goals. If you wish
  to set up a home workout space that will take up little room and investment,
  choose a pair of dumbbells you can lift overhead, a heavy kettlebell for
  lower body movement and a set of fabric loop bands, that’s all you need.

      Round 1 - Warm up

        Side Lunge Stretch                              Arm Circle                     Butt Kick
           15 Seconds                                  15 Seconds                     15 Seconds
                                                    Rest 30 Seconds
                                             CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021

                                                                                                 L TIPS

                                                    Round 2
             Repeat 2x with 1-3 Minutes Rest In-Between Each Round

                                                                                    Kneeling Pushups
                                                                                      60 Seconds

                                                  Rest 45 Seconds

                                                                                    Bent Leg Kickback
                                                                                     ( Right and Left )
                                                                                    30 Seconds Each
                                                  Rest 45 Seconds

  After fasting all day, it is normal to be tempted by the special food and treat
  options often being served at Iftar. Follow these simple tips to navigate your

  1. Add at least 1 baked/steamed or raw vegetable option (think the size
  of your clenched fist) and a baked or grilled protein option (think the size
  of your open palm) – both are filled with micro-nutrients to aid in recovery,
  weight-loss and other health benefits!

  2. Plan ahead – Make sure water is readily available when you break your
  fast. Most often our thirst cues are mistaken by hunger! Water also aids in
  digestion, so after you finish your plate make sure you drink a glass.

  3. Enjoy your sweets – Being mindful when selecting your treat options and
  eating them slowly will allow you to enjoy every bite and reduce the feelings
  of guilt that can sometimes come after.

                                             CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021



                                             CHIMICHURRI BEEF KEBABS
                                             TOTA L TIM E: 1 HR
                                             SERV ES: 4

                                             IN GREDIEN TS                                                                     N U TRITION AL VALU E
                                             800g Beef, cut into 1.5 inch cubes         Chimichurri Sauce:                     Calories               585
                                             2 Tbsp each of olive oil and lime juice    1 bunch coriander                      Total fat              19g
                                                                                        ½ cup olive oil
                                                                                                                               Saturated fat           3g
                                             2 cloves garlic, finely minced
                                                                                                                               Cholesterol           13mg
                                             1 tsp each of cumin, onion powder,         2 Tbsp grape or apple cider vinegar    Sodium               283mg
                                             thyme                                      1 jalapeno (or according to spice      Total carbohydrate     38g
                                             2 /1 tsp each of salt and black pepper     preference)                            Dietary fiber           4g
                                                                                                                               Sugar                  10g
                                             Skewer additions: cherry tomatoes,         ½ cup onion, chopped
                                                                                                                               Protein                45g
                                             zucchini, red onions, or bell peppers      1 garlic clove
                                                                                        1 tsp coriander
                                                                                        ½ tsp paprika

                                             IN STRU C TION S
                                             1.Cut the beef into cubes and place in a zip lock bag or        4. Make the skewers alternating beef with
                                             in a medium bowl.                                               vegetables (about 4 -3 pieces of beef on each).
                                             2.Mix lime juice and zest, garlic, spices, salt and pepper      5. Grill the skewers over medium high heat,
                                             in a small bowl. Pour over the beef and seal the bag,           rotating until meat is nicely charred and cooked to
                                             shaking and mixing so all the beef is coated. Set aside.        desired done-ness.
                                             3.Make the chimichurri sauce by placing all ingredients         6. Serve the beef skewers with the chimichurri and
                                             into a food processor and pulse repeatedly (10 to 15
                                             times) until coriander and onion are minced well. If
                                             doing by hand, make the consistency similar to pesto.

  Overeating can cause a disrupted sleep as our body produces insulin that
  spikes blood sugar levels. The latter gives us energy to digest the food we
  just ate. This coupled with stress from work, school or COVID-19 can result
  in poor sleeping patterns that will have negative impacts during our waking
  hours. All of our Ramadan tips will help you in getting a better night’s rest,
  but here are a few other suggestions:

  1. Reduce screen-time 1 hour before bed – Our smart phones make us more
  productive and provide a constant source of information. Unfortunately for
  night-scrollers though, this also stimulates our brain to remain active and
  can disrupt melatonin, the hormone responsible for the sleep-wake cycle.

  2. Go to sleep before midnight – Due to the body’s circadian timer, the
  hours of sleep we get before midnight are the most powerful. This sleep
  phase is tied to the changing light levels that occur in the evening. Therefore
  these 90 minutes before midnight play an essential role in regulating blood
  pressure, body temperature and hormone production.

  3. Start a gratitude journal – there are two approaches to this: 1) write down
  what you are grateful for this Ramadan and 2) write down what stressors are
  keeping you up. This allows you to document what needs to be done the
  next day and gives the recognition that you are in control. You can also write
  down a stressor and something you are grateful for: I am worried about the
  health of my family; I am grateful to live in Qatar with quality, accessible

                                             CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021


                                                                        How well do
                                                                        you know the

                                                    In which building is our “Deen” Club located? Mention as well
                                                    the date and time of the weekly sessions that take place there.

                                                    Send your answer to:
                                                    Our Instagram Page cnaqatar, mention it in a comment under
                                                    the Campus Communiqué Competition Post, and Tag 3 of your
                                                    friends to win a Skullcandy wireless headset courtesy of our
                                                    Student Affairs department.

                                                    Good Luck!

    Terms & Conditions:

    • Winner will be chosen randomly from the comments
    • You are only allowed to participate once
    • Once tagged the winner should send us his contact
      details in a private message
    • This competition is exclusive to CNA-Q students
    • Winner should present their student ID before
      collecting the prize
    • Prize collection photo will be posted on all our social
      media platforms and the next campus communiqué.

                            CONGRATULATIONS TO
                         ABDALLAH AZIZ
                       The answer to March’s competition is:
                                1-The Art Club.
                   2- Coal and pencil drawing, color painting.

                                                   CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021


293 Jelaiah Street
68 Al Tarfa, Duhail North
Duhail North
P. O. Box 24449
Doha, Qatar

Phone: +974 4495 2222

                               CNA-Q Campus Communiqué | April 2021
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