Canadian Engineering Competition 2019 - A Success on All Fronts - The Iron Warrior

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THE NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO ENGINEERING SOCIETY                                                         VOLUME 40 ISSUE 4 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019

           SpaceX Crew Dragon Launch                                      Upcoming EngSoc Events                                           Course Evaluations

                                              Page 3                                                        Page 9                                                      Page 8                                                                                  

                       Canadian Engineering Competition 2019
                                                                   A Success on All Fronts

                                                                                                                                                               CFES FCEG via flickr.
                                                    UWaterloo Organizing Committee Members After the Awards Gala

                                            of the judges and sponsors.                    ganizing committee got to cleaning and        rest for the wicked, and the OC team had
               GABRIELLE KLEMT                 The CEC has in total 8 different com-       prepping for Day 2, and the competitors       their work cut out handing out headsets
                  3B GEOLOGICAL             petitions. Some of them, like Debate and       headed to Bingeman’s for bowling. Ap-         for translation of the debate, sorting out
                                            Innovative Design, are presentation only.      parently even the judges and sponsors got     last minute seating changes, and final lo-
                                            These comps would take place Sunday.           into it!                                      gistics… as well as some rowdy guests!
                                            Other competitions, like Sr. & Jr. Team           Sunday dawned dark and far too early,        After dinner and a talk from the found-
  Four score and seven weeks ago (or        Design, Programming, or Consulting             as OC members came to campus ahead            ers of CEC (Waterloo grads!) it was time
something to that effect), Waterloo En-     have a design/preparation component as         of time to sort out potential issues (and     for the final debate. The topic: The House
gineering, with Steven Jia at the wheel,    well as a presentation aspect. While teams     you can bet there were plenty of last-        believes that West Coast is Best Coast.
won the bid for the 2019 Canadian En-       in the first group had Saturday off to ex-     minute fires). All too soon, competitors      The teams: University of Manitoba argu-
gineering Competitions. Shortly there-      plore our lovely campus, go rock climb-        in the group who would be doing a day of      ing for, and Université de Québec à Trois
after competition leads were hired and      ing, or rest up for their big day, teams in    presentations were on campus and ready        Rivières against. It was the ultimate east
the planning, over a full year before the   the latter group were given their problem      to go. Briefings done, the competitions       versus west debate and the whole audi-
event, began. Weekly meetings, group        statements early in the morning and had        started. Judges were blown away by the        ence got involved; the teams did an amaz-
meet-ups from across North America and      only 8 hours to come up with a solution.       caliber of the solutions, the inventive-      ing job of entertaining the audience and
sometimes further, a last couple of pan-       Volunteers and all the preparation on       ness of designs, the quality of commu-        seemed to be having a good time them-
icked months, all of it culminated in the   the parts of the comp leads are to thank       nications, and the ability of the debaters.   selves. While judges deliberated, the time
spectacular display at Waterloo the week-   entirely for the smooth way the day pro-       There were many hard decisions made by        came at long last for the announcement
end of March 1st.                           gressed, from food and snacks to getting       judges throughout the day, and all gave       of awards!A rousing school chant fol-
  Friday afternoon, teams began to arrive   every question answered and translated in      amazing feedback to the competitors, we       lowed many of the placements or a cho-
from all over our great country, every      a timely manner. Although many teams at        thank the judges immensely for dedicat-       rus of “East is beast” or “West is best”.
province was represented. Aside from a      the competition were anglophone, some          ing their weekend to CEC.                     Before we realized it, Steven was giving
few minor glitches with t-shirts and name   teams were francophone and all questions          At last, the 13th debate came to an end,   his closing remarks, and just like that
tags for the judges, check-ins went pret-   had to be translated into both French and      deciding who would be on the podium at        the year of planning came to an end and
ty smoothly. That evening, there was an     English to ensure nothing could be lost in     the evening’s gala for the final debate.      the torch was passed to the next school!
opening ceremony to welcome all com-        translation. If you went to the 7th floor of   And with the conclusion of the debate         Good luck Manitoba, I’m sure you’ll do
petitors and the Governor General herself   E7 on Saturday, you would have seen our        came the conclusion of the on-campus          great! I think many of the competitors
sent a few words by video! Teams got to     busy hive of translators working like cra-     competitions. A frantic hour was spent        went home with a good experience, many
mingle before their big competition day     zy to make sure everything was bilingual.      tidying up both rooms on campus and           memories, and (we hope) a pretty picture
Saturday, and had a chance to meet some        After their 8 hours were up, the or-        ourselves for the gala event. There’s no      of this school we call home.
2              Editorial                                                                                                                                   WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019

                                 Letter From the Editor
                                    Don’t Fear Failure; You Can Do This!                                                                           The Newspaper of the University
                                                                                                                                                   of Waterloo Engineering Society
                                                extra curriculars. But there are also other     Joining a club or a team of some kind
               SAMRIDHI SHARMA                  who “give some and get some.” This              allows us to be engulfed by people who                             Editor-in-Chief
                    EDITOR-IN-CHIEF             isn’t to say that any one of those groups       aren’t necessarily people we see in class.                         Samridhi Sharma
                                                is more valid than the others. I just want      This could be something you love to do
                                                you all to know that you can do whatever        (join The Iron Warrior if you love to                             Assistant Editor
                                                you want, and the fear of failure shouldn’t     write, or draw, or take pictures, or just                          Gabrielle Klemt
   Can you believe how fast the term is         be stopping you from living your life the       talk). This could also be something you
flying by? Wasn’t it New Year’s Day like        way you want to.                                want to build your skills in, like a design                         Layout Editors
a second ago? In this crazy fast paced             When I began this term, I had a specific     team. You will see yourself grow, and                                Kirsten Ehlers
environment, I want to talk to you all          goal in mind. I wanted to be a healthier        discover your potential once you begin to
about taking care of yourselves. Usually,       person. I wanted to wake up every               contribute in a team of people.                                       Copy Editors
I like to pick a topic and go with it, but      morning and grab a meal prepped lunch              Number four. Schedule fun! What I like                                Open
as the past few weeks have progressed, I        from the fridge and head to class with          to do is to go through the Engineering
really want to touch upon a few different       that everyday. Lo and behold, that lasted       Society’s Facebook page and browse                                    Photo Editor
things, and believe you me, it all comes        about a day into the new year. In fact, I       through events that I may be interested                               David Jimenez
from the bottom of my heart. We are at a        barely wake up in time for me to wear           in. I like to book my tickets in advance so
point in the term where everything seems        actual pants to class. To all those people      that I can actually be hyped for the event                   Circulation Manager
to have reached a lull. Midterms just went      who are always dressed up in perfect            for a couple of weeks before actually                                Open
by and honestly, staying in bed through         clothes, with your hair all neat and tidy, I    attending the event and they have always
the class seems like the most tempting          see you. I want to be you.                      lived up to my hype. This also gives my                                Web Editor
option. If you are like me and you love            Needless to say, new year’s resolutions      friends enough time to latch on to my                                    Open
sleep, those 8:30 lectures seem like a real     have a very low success rate. This isn’t        excitement and buy their own tickets as
pain in the behind. So, here is the deal,       just me talking, studies have shown             well. Really, you should try it.                           Social Media Manager
this editorial is as much for me to write       that less than 25% of people actually              Number five. Do you. No one really                            Mridu Walia
as it is for you to read. I am hoping for       stay committed to their resolutions after       knows what they are talking about. You
this to be a cathartic journey and we can       just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish            just have to take control of your own                       Advertising Manager
come out of this together! Let’s dive in,       them. Maybe pick a better time to begin         being and just roll with it. Want to wear                           Open
shall we?                                       something challenging for yourself. At          make up to class? Great! Want to wear
   First things first, we are spinning at       the beginning of the year, all the gyms         pajamas for pants? Also, great (maybe                                Staff Writers
a hundred and ten thousand kilometres           are crowded, all your friends are giving        not in the cold, though)! Be proud of                               Raeesa Ashique
per hour around the sun. Do you realize         up their resolutions, how will you              yourself in whatever you do. You have                                Kirsten Ehlers
how fast that is? Let’s put this into           accomplish yours in that demotivating           made it through so much and you will                                 David Jimenez
perspective. We walk at an average of 5         environment? Okay, maybe this is just a         face many more obstacles. Be excited by                             Akanksha Joshi
kilometres per hour. A cheetah, the fastest     jab at myself. I have seen the face of a        that!                                                               Gabrielle Klemt
mammal on land, runs at only a hundred          gym like five times since the new year. “I         I don’t mean for this to be a preachy                            Ratan Varghese
and twenty kilometres per hour. You do          have been busy!” I keep telling myself.         editorial. Like I said, this is me trying to                          Mridu Walia
not have to match the pace of the earth            Now that I have ranted about all             tell myself to take it easy and also hoping                          Saatvik Walia
everyday. My point is, the days will go         the high expectations we have from              that you guys would too. We have quite
by faster than you can catch up to them         ourselves, let me remind you all to take        a walk ahead of us. Do not let university                           Contributors
sometimes, but don’t let that stop you          care of yourselves. Remember, this is as        grades get you down. I have been here                              Benjamin Beelen
from aiming high. Do not fear failure. I        much of a learning experience for myself,       for almost four years, and I still haven’t                           Ashley Clark
know professors are already distributing        as it is for you. So, take a seat, sit back     recovered from the discrepancy between                              Grant Mitchell
midterms and discussing everything              and consume this class A media.                 my high school and university grades.
with the class and telling you the class           Number one. Consume good media               Just remember, that when failure does                     ADVISORY BOARD
average on tests. It is possible that the       (see what I did there?). This is not me         strike, and it will if you are on the right           Off-Stream Editor-in-Chief
class average is higher than your grade.        judging you for your taste in media.            path, there is no shame in just getting up,                   Janny Wang
But that is alright. The literal definition     This is me encouraging you to watch TV          dusting yourself off, and trying it all over
of a mean is the sum of all values divided      shows, or videos that you like. Listen to       again.                                                        Executive Members
by the number of values. Someone needs          any podcasts that interest you. Read any           As always, if you want to send me                              Katie Arnold
to be lower than the mean for the mean          kinds of books that you like. I am a softie     any recommendations, or would like                                Ashley Clark
to exist. Hello? Math! What about the           for romantic comedies. I love comedy            my recommendations from the limited
half of us who lie under mean? Yes, there       true crime podcasts. If you think that          amount of media I consume, or if                               Students-at-Large
are about half of us in every class and         this is something you would enjoy, write        you would just like to chat about the                               Cecile He
while class average is an estimate of how       back to me and I could give you some            happenings of life, reach out to me at                          Alyson Skidmore
well the class performed as a whole, do         recommendations. Maybe you could      
we really need to slap ourselves against        recommend something to me! We need to
this standard wall to gauge our own,            take care of each other.                          Correction
individual performance? I don’t think so.          Number two. Create things. I cannot            In the issue dated February 20, 2019,
   This is not to say that you shouldn’t        stress how accomplished you would feel          the article titled “The Anti-Vaxxer
chase high grades! If that is what your         if you complete a drawing, or one of            Movement and The Measles Outbreak”
goal is, then by all means, go out and kill     those paint by number things. It doesn’t        had an outdated piece of information. In
it. I believe in you! But if that is not your   have to be something artsy, you could           British Columbia, it is not mandatory to
goal, if you want to go out and take up         even just get yourself a colouring book or      be vaccinated to attend public schools. In
extra curriculars, and if you want to have      go attend Paint Night (EngSoc is hosting        Ontario and New Brunswick, the vaccine
a better social life, and if you want to do     one soon). You can even write a poem or         is mandatory unless an exemption is
anything more than just studying, then          a prose. Just create things that your mind      issued. Manitoba no longer has legislation
please, go out and do it as well. There are     tells you to. I promise, you will feel really   for school entry vaccination for measles.
so many students out there who manage           great about yourself afterwards.                Vaccination is voluntary in Manitoba.
everything perfectly, or seemingly                 Number three. Join a team. A lot of us         Any confusion caused due to this is
perfectly, with good grades and great           can feel really alone in this environment.      deeply regretted.

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                               Send your submissions for the next issue to                                                  Mail should be addressed to The Iron Warrior, Engineering Society,
                   Winter 2018 Publication Schedule: January 24, February 7, February 20, March 13, March 27                                   DWE 1532, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1. Our
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                                                                                                                                        Science and Technology                            3

        One Rocket Launch, One Giant Leap for Spaceflight
                                                 the Falcon 9 rocket, the Crew Dragon was       sule was able to guide itself into the dock-
                 AKANKSHA JOSHI                  meant to show the ability for SpaceX to        ing area of the ISS without the help of
                     1B BIOMEDICAL               safely and efficiently transport astronauts    the station’s robotic arm, which is a huge
                                                 to and from the International Space Sta-       accomplishment, and was also successful
                                                 tion. Although this flight was unmanned,       in transporting about 181 kg of crew sup-
                                                 it did have a passenger in the form of a       plies and equipment for future missions.
   At 2:49 am on Saturday, March 2, Space        mannequin called Ripley. To examine the        If the remainder of the mission and further
X launched their Crew Dragon rocket ca-          effects of the flight and simulate what it     tests are successful, NASA would finally
pable of seating up to seven astronauts          would actually feel like for an astronaut to   be able to launch astronauts to the space
towards the International Space Station in       fly in the Dragon spacecraft, Ripley was       station from US soil for the first time since
what marked a historic first step towards        covered with several sensors around its        2011. This is also a huge benefit when it
commercial human spaceflight. Ever since         head and spine to monitor how the flight       comes to reducing costs and offering al-
humans launched the first man beyond the         would feel for an astronaut. Along with        ternative means of transport for astro-
barrier separating our planet from the rest      Ripley, the spacecraft also transported an     nauts. Rather than having to rely on the
of the universe, we have always been cap-        anthropomorphic plushie toy in the shape       Soyuz spacecrafts, astronauts could have
tivated by the unknown expanse of space          of earth!                                      a backup Crew Dragon shuttle to safely
beyond this tiny blue orb we live on called         Normally when flying to the Interna-        get them into space and back home.
earth. This launch signals a huge break-         tional Space Station, astronauts launch off       In the end, this launch was only just the
through for the future of space travel, par-     of earth inside Soyuz rockets, so the fact     beginning of a series of tests before astro-
ticularly the future of travel to the Interna-   that the Crew Dragon was able to success-      nauts can safely be launched to the ISS
tional Space Station (ISS).                      fully dock with the ISS with the use of a      from Crew Dragon spacecrafts. However,
   Crew Dragon, also known as Dragon 2,          specialized docking adapter is a huge win      it does mark a significant milestone in the
is a spacecraft specifically designed for        for the future of transporting humans from     future of human space travel, and at this
cargo missions to the International Space        the US to the ISS. In fact, it was the first   rate, SpaceX is on track to be the very first
                                                                                                                                                   Official SpaceX Photos under Public Domain
Station, and is also able to carry up to seven   successful autonomous docking of a com-        private spaceflight company to send astro-
people in its capsule. Launched on top of        mercial crew capsule at the ISS! The cap-      nauts to the ISS.                                          Iridium-8 Mission

              Data Centers Consume Vast Amounts of Energy
           DAVID JIMENEZ                         of the electricity they pull off the grid”     in the mixing of hot and cold air”. As a        right-sizing provides. In other words, the
              1B CHEMICAL                        (Glanz, 2012, p.1). Therefore, data centers    result, data centers can achieve a low tier     energy consumed by data centers could
                                                 consume incredible amounts of energy           of energy consumption when individuals          be diminished considerably if the right-
  When people tend to navigate social            that has been managed inefficiently            consider the positioning of each piece of       sizing technique is applied to the servers.
media and websites, significant quantities       producing noteworthy economic waste            equipment so that the hot air expelled by          In conclusion, data centers tend to work
of user information needs to be uploaded         and environmental pollution effects. The       one server does not contact another server.     with inappropriate techniques. As a result,
and preserved. Data centers are divided          engineering measures that ensure the             Moreover, the other measure that              the consumption of energy is significantly
into several potential computers mostly          reduction of energy consumption in data        significantly reduces the energy utilized       affecting not only the environmental
known as servers which are dispersed along       centers are the consideration of air flows     in data centers through cooling systems         contamination but also the financial
the virtual media; their main function is        and the right-sizing technique.                is the “right-sizing” of servers, this          sources required by data centers to keep
to gather and administer the data received         The first measure comprises the              term refers to adapting the size of the         functioning. The measures are focused
from external users. The servers work with       efficiency of cooling systems that rely on     equipment according to the work load            on coding systems improvements such
a special cooling feature that prevents the      the types of air flows that are normally       periods required by servers. For instance,      as air flow positioning and right-sizing
system from collapse due to overheating.         used in data centers. According to Loper       the cooling systems may achieve a high-         which are demonstrated to be the most
Data centers workers are not usually aware       and Parr (2007), “Data centers should be       performance rate or switch to a power-          effective methods in order to reduce data
that “Online companies typically run their       wary of mixing servers that have different     saving mode depending on whether the            centers energy consumption. In fact, data
facilities at maximum capacity around the        air flows (for example, placing the vents      work load periods are high or low; the          centers could be able to achieve high-
clock, whatever the demand. As a result,         for exhaust air for one unit in front of       efficiency of cooling systems depends           performance standards without wasting
data centers can waste 90 percent or more        another server) since this may result          on the structure and organization that          significant energy sources.

                                      Possible Cure for HIV in the Works
                                                 blood transfusions, by sharing needles         nently from his body. Before receiving          out on patients with HIV who also need
                  SAATVIK WALIA                  or can be passed to a child from mother        the two stem cell transplants, the doctors      bone marrow transplant because they are
                     3B COMPUTER                 during pregnancy or delivery or through        had to use radiation and chemotherapy to        suffering from cancer, all these factors re-
                                                 breast-feeding.                                eradicate acute myeloid leukemia from           sult in a very low proportion of successful
                                                   HIV destroys CD4 T cells, the white          Timothy’s immune system. The stem               outcomes.
                                                 blood cells that help the human body fight     cells were donated by a patient who was            In the past, there have been cases that
   Human Immunodeficiency Virus, also            disease, and can turn into AIDS when the       immune to HIV and that made all the dif-        were proposed to have been successfully
known as HIV, is the virus that causes           cell count falls below 200. There is no        ference in the Berlin’s patient game.           cured of HIV/AIDS. The failed cases in-
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome               definitive cure for AIDS but currently the       More recently another case of an anon-        clude the two “Boston patients” and the
(AIDS). AIDS attacks a person’s immune           people with AIDS are treated with medi-        ymous “London patient” has come up,             “Mississippi baby”, in whom the infec-
system, interfering with its ability to fight    cations that dramatically slow down the        who might be the second individual to be        tion returned after disappearing for long
the virus and thereby establishing poten-        progression of the disease. With that be-      cured of HIV infection. This anonymous          periods. Meanwhile finding a potential
tially life-threatening condition. HIV is        ing established, I want to put some light      “London patient” has now been free of           cure for the infection, there have been
a sexually transmitted infection and can         on the case of “The Berlin patient”, Timo-     the HIV infection for 18 months after un-       commendable achievements in the field
spread by contact with virus infected flu-       thy Ray Brown, who was the only person         dergoing a bone marrow transplant from a        of treating the infection. The conven-
ids of an HIV positive person during sex,        known to have had HIV cleared perma-           donor with a genetic mutation that makes        tional ART – antiretroviral therapy drugs
                                                                                                him resistant to the virus. Now this might      that are taken by mouth once a day, have
                                                                                                bring a question to everyone that “Is this      been remarkably successful in suppress-
                                                                                                a possible cure for HIV?”                       ing HIV to levels that are undetectable by
                                                                                                  According to a scientific team from           normal clinical testing and have no effect
                                                                                                several UK universities, the potential cure     on the patient’s health.
                                                                                                might only be a “long-term remission”.             From the most recent available global
                                                                                                Furthermore, the team added that “it is         statistics, approximately 36.9 million
                                                                                                too early to say with certainty that he has     people worldwide were living with HIV/
                                                                                                been cured of HIV.” Although the news           AIDS in 2017 out of which, 1.8 million
                                                                                                about the London patient has raised hopes       were children (
4             Miscellaneous                                                                                                                       WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019

                                                   Waterloo Housing Woes
                                                            A Guide to Off-Campus Housing
                                              in Waterloo, and housing companies just      negotiations, especially when starting a       landlords willing to lease at this time,
                   ALINA PAVEL                keep building. This option is a mixed        new lease in the fall. They might offer        but you might have to do a bit of extra
               2T NANOTECHNOLOGY              bag, and sometimes you don’t even get        discounts for early birds though, if you’re    searching. You might find lease takeovers
                                              what you pay for, namely when it comes       ready to sign for fall accommodation at        for 8 months or longer from people who
                                              to management. One search on the UW          the beginning of the year (typically from      signed a new lease in September.
                                              subreddit will bring up a multitude of       Dec-Apr).                                        Summer (May-Aug): This is either the
   Put plainly, searching for off-campus      horror stories of cockroach infestations       Also, I shouldn’t have to repeat this        easiest term to find housing for, or the
student housing sucks. Finding a place        and landlords blackmailing students.         after the ICON incident, but DO NOT            most difficult, depending on what you’re
that suits all your needs, is clean, and      Good luck trying to get your $200 key        sign for a place that is not fully built       looking for. Apparently, everyone and
within your budget is possible, but           deposit back.                                yet. Delays are very common and almost         their mother is on co-op or off school
often times you have to lower your              If you want a house for that traditional   inevitable, and you don’t want to be left      during this period, so there’s no lack of
expectations or increase your budget to       frat experience, or for a ‘home-away-        with nowhere to call home as the school        cheap summer sublets! You might even
find good accommodation. Personally,          from-home’ feeling, get ready to do          term starts.                                   snag a luxury room at ICON or the like
student housing has caused me much            some searching. Kijiji and UW Off-             To give a better idea of what to look        for a reasonable price. This sucks if
frustration over the three years I’ve         Campus Housing (OCH) are your best           out for, here’s an outline of how the          you’re also looking to sublet your place,
been in Waterloo, so I’ve decided to          options. These are often cheaper than        yearly student housing market works in         there’s a ton of competition and you’ll
put together a list of stuff I wish I knew    typical apartments, depending on their       Waterloo:                                      probably end up losing money. Finding
earlier.                                      location and condition. Sometimes, you         Fall (Sept-Dec): This is when most new       a lease, however, is a bit of a hassle.
   Here are some tips so that you don’t get   can find places for as low as $300 a         leases begin. Housing companies and            Yes – some companies do offer leases
swindled by ‘big housing’:                    month. Be prepared to pay for utilities or   landlords mark up their prices to adjust       starting in May, but often for higher
   Looking for a sublet? The Student          furnishings though. The good thing about     to the growth of housing demand during         prices. If you’re looking for 8 month
Housing groups on Facebook are your           houses is that they’re often managed         this time, as fall is typically when the       accommodation starting in May, good
best bet – many students post here daily      a lot better than places owned by big        new school year begins for most students.      luck.
trying to find someone to take over their     companies. Landlords will treat you like     During this time, 4-month sublets are            I’ve barely scratched the surface here,
accommodations, often at discounted           an actual human being and reply to your      pretty non-existent, so be aware. 8-month      but you should get the gist by now. My
prices.                                       maintenance requests in a timely manner,     leases are uncommon but possible               most crucial piece of advice is this: be
   If you want a typical student apartment    rather than leaving you without hot water    starting in September, but be prepared to      informed on what you’re getting yourself
– 1 to 5 bedrooms with bathrooms and          or internet for a week                       pay extra for this convenience.                into. Make sure to see what the place
a living space, these are the easiest to        Negotiating can land you an even             Winter (Jan-Apr): You have pretty            looks like before signing, or get a good
find, just because of their abundance.        better deal, but be reasonable. It is way    good chances of finding a sublet for           idea from a video or picture tour if you
Seriously, just look at the report from       easier to try to negotiate housing with      this time as many students are on co-op        can’t see the place in person. Search for
the Canada Mortgage and Housing               a fellow student than with a landlord or     during the winter. Leases, however, are        reviews or stories on r/uwaterloo or on
Corp – there’s already an oversupply of       housing company. In fact, most of the big    rare, especially from the big housing          Facebook. If something seems too good
5000+ beds of student accommodation           housing companies don’t even allow for       companies. You might find independent          to be true, it probably is!

                          Actor Luke Perry Passes Away at Age 52
                                              Riverdale Star Dies Unexpectedly from a Stroke
                                              on Monday, to honour Luke’s untimely         offered their condolences to his family.       Instagram posts. Cole appeared on “The
                   MRIDU WALIA                demise. On the Wednesday following           Lili Reinhart, who plays Betty Cooper          Late Late Show with James Corden”
                     MECHANICAL               his death, March 6, 2019, Entertainment      on Riverdale, shared a beautiful poem in       and according to reports from The Hol-
                                              Tonight reported that the CW series in-      the wake of the news of Luke Perry pass-       lywood Reporter and Entertainment To-
                                              cluded an in-memoriam message before         ing. She later shared a tweet on Twitter       night, he said the cast of Riverdale is “re-
                                              airing the show’s final credits that read:   expressing her disbelief. “I’m finding it      covering” and “going through the paces”.
   Luke Perry, who played the part of         “In Memoriam Luke Perry 1966 - 2019.”        hard to grasp that he will no longer be        “Luke was one of those guys that would
Fred Andrews (Archie Andrews’ dad) on         The show will continue to air the epi-       around to give long hugs and share his         much rather have us laughing and telling
the popular teen drama TV series Riverd-      sodes he has already filmed but it is un-    wisdom and kindness with all of us. I’m        stories about his life than lamenting it,”
ale, has tragically passed away (at the age   certain how the Riverdale producers plan     thinking of his family. His children. I pray   Sprouse reportedly said. “He was a good
of 52) on Monday, March 4, 2019. Luke         on integrating his death in the following    for them to heal and find peace in this        man. He was one of the guys that you
became really famous in the ’90s after he     episodes and what they would do with his     devastating loss.” Her co-stars including      never heard a bad word said about him.”
played the role of Dylan McKay on the         character, Fred Andrews.                     Cole Sprouse (Jughead), Camila Mendes          Cole Sprouse said he wanted to keep his
iconic 1990’s TV show “Beverly Hills            The Riverdale cast took it to social       (Veronica), KJ Apa (Archie Andrews) all        comments brief “out of respect for the
90210”. He was hospitalized on Thurs-         media to express their love for Luke and     shared happy memories of Luke in their         privacy of [Perry’s] family.”
day, February 28, 2019, after
suffering a major stroke and
according to his representa-
tive “was under close obser-
vation at the hospital”.
   The news of Luke Perry
being hospitalized broke out
just one day after Fox News
announced a “90210” re-
boot, featuring the original
stars of the show with the
exception of Luke Perry and
Shannen Doherty. His pub-
licist Arnold Robinson in-
formed CNN, “He was sur-
rounded by his children Jack
and Sophie, his fiancé Wen-
dy Madison Bauer, ex-wife
Minnie Sharp, mother Ann
Bennett, step-father Steve
Bennett, brother Tom Perry,
sister Amy Coder, and other
close family and friends.
The family appreciates the
outpouring of support and
prayers that have been ex-
tended to Luke from around
the world and respectfully
request privacy in this time
of great mourning. No fur-
ther details will be released
                                                                                                                                           Gage Skidmore via Flickr under CC BY-SA 2.0
at this time,” The TV series
Riverdale halted production                                                          Luke Perry at the 2017 WonderCon
                                                                                                                                                               News                      5

                                                    SNC Lavalin in a Nutshell
                                                             The Latest Scandal to Hit Ottawa
                                                allegedly plotting to smuggle Gadhafi’s       position, she quit.                             There was no progress in changing the In-
                 KIRSTEN EHLERS                 son into hiding. Stéphane Roy and Cyndy          Why? It has everything to do with SNC        dian Act and limited progress in bringing
                    1B BIOMEDICAL               Vainier were SNC employees among the          Lavalin.                                        water to First Nations communities. That
                                                individuals that were detained and then          Trudeau allegedly used threats and in-       may have been fine, but the demotion of
                                                released. Roy had not been convicted in       terference to pressure Wilson-Raybould          Wilson-Raybould may have been too far.
                                                Canada due to unreasonable delays by the      into settling the SNC Lavalin case. The            Also, Trudeau’s gender-equality values
   The biggest scandal in Ottawa right now      prosecution.                                  goal was to make a prosecution agreement        have been perceived as less and less valid
is the SNC Lavalin controversy. In January,        A month after, there was an internal re-   and avoid a trial. In Wilson-Raybould’s         as the days go by. Countless female poli-
it was revealed that now-former Attorney        volt at the company after allegations that    testimony, she described meetings, con-         ticians have been backing out of support
General and Justice Minister Jody Wilson-       executives were paying bribes and laun-       versations, and e-mails which she called        for Trudeau’s governments. Jane Philpott,
Raybould, was allegedly pressured by the        dering money for the Gadhafi government       inappropriate but not illegal. He desires       Treasury Board President, and star law-
Prime Minister’s Office to intercede on the     using Swiss banks. The executive Riadh        to protect SNC Lavalin was based in the         maker quit the Cabinet last Monday due
prosecution of SNC Lavalin. SNC Lavalin         Ben Aïssa, was detained for 2 and a half      belief that the charges would result in job     to ethical concerns about the SNC Lava-
is a Quebec-based engineering and con-          years in Switzerland when he plead guilty     losses and SNC Lavalin leaving Montreal.        lin scandal and citing a loss in confidence
struction firm with several allegations of      to bribery and laundering money. He is the       Raybould also cited her First Nations        in the current government. Additionally,
corruption in multiple countries including      only SNC Lavalin executive to be con-         beliefs in her testimony. She concluded by      Celina Caesar-Chavannes had announced
Bangladesh, India, Canada, and Mexico.          victed. The company has maintained that       saying: “I come from a long line of ma-         that she would not run for re-election. The
More significantly, SNC Lavalin is a huge       Ben Aïssa was acting rogue against the        triarchs and I am a truth teller in accord-     sudden resignation of several high-profile
employer in Canada, particularly Quebec.        company.                                      ance with the laws and traditions of our        female legislators has severely damaged
The Quebec provincial government voiced            In 2014, Sami Bebawi, another con-         Big House. This is who I am and this is         Trudeau’s equal representation cabinet
its support for the engineering firm. The       struction executive was caught in a sting     who I will always be. Gila’kasla”. By say-      that he was acclaimed for in 2015.
economic effect of a large company leav-        operation revealing that he was covering      ing this, she highlights her belief in truth-      Now, with Trudeau’s own party losing
ing Canada due to any large charges could       up Ben Aïssa’s involvement in Libya. He       telling and integrity.                          confidence in him, it is curious to see that
be disastrous. Pierre Fitzgibbon, Que-          is still in court.                               Wilson-Raybould testimony has recent-        Canadians say that it will likely not affect
bec’s Economy Ministers has previously             In 2015, SNC Lavalin was charged with      ly inspired a strong code of ethics amongst     their vote in the upcoming election. In the
stressed the government’s wish to protect       corruption in Canada after SNC Lavalin        young Indigenous women.                         CTV commissioned Nanos poll, 17.4% of
strategic companies for the economy.            allegedly bribed Libyan officials to win         The fallout has been detrimental to the      Canadians said that scandals such as the
   However, SNC Lavalin hasn’t exactly          contracts, defrauding the Libyan govern-      Trudeau government. He has jeopardized          SNC Lavalin case would influence their
been the most ethical company in the na-        ment of 129.8 million Canadian dollars.       his relationship with First Nations com-        vote the most. In contrast, 72.5% of re-
tion either.                                       Later that year, Minster Wilson-Ray-       munities. Wilson-Raybould made history          spondents said that issues like the econo-
   In 2011, SNC Lavalin’s top construc-         bould inherited the case. Canadians           being appointed as Justice Minister. It was     my would influence their vote more.
tion executive, who had been bribing the        praised Trudeau’s appointment of Willson-     thought for a long time that Trudeau had           So perhaps, not all is lost for the Trudeau
Libyan government to win contracts, had         Raybould because she was a woman and          really proved that he valued First Nations      government in the fall elections. Maybe
to relocate after dictator Mohammed Gad-        Indigenous leader. In January, Trudeau        communities by appointing such an im-           there is hope for another term in Ottawa.
hafi was ousted. This later led to the arrest   reassigned Wilson-Raybould from Justice       portant position of power to an Indigenous      However, the SNC Lavalin scandal defi-
of several individuals in Mexico who were       Department to Veterans Affairs. This new      woman. However, progress was slow.              nitely isn’t helping.

                                                    It’s Not Easy Being Green
                                                  What’s Up With the Green Party These Days?
                                                was followed by Liberal leader Trudeau           Last January, May and her party were         place tie make Elizabeth May hopeful
                 KIRSTEN EHLERS                 with 16.9%, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh          clouded with controversy when three for-        for two seats for the Green Party in the
                    1B BIOMEDICAL               with 6.1% and Maxime Bernier with 3.0%.       mer Green party staffers accused the lead-      upcoming federal elections this fall.
                                                   The results were similar with parties.     er of workplace bullying. The workplace            Now, the environment has been a hot
                                                Green Party was declared the most ethi-       had been described as “toxic” due to May        topic issue. There’s been the carbon tax
                                                cal party by 23.1%. This was followed by      yelling and putting down her employees.         debate on how to reduce carbon emissions
  Jagmeet Singh recently won the Burn-          21.4% for the conservatives, 13.9% for the    The treatment had also been called emo-         in Canada. Conservatives have very vo-
aby-South byelection. The Conservatives         Liberals, 3% for Bloc Quebecois and 2.4%      tional and verbal abuse. The Green Party        cally opposed the Liberal initiative. The
and NDP are condemning the Liberal SNC          for People’s Party of Canada.                 backed May’s statements that she was and        Green party has a more complicated opin-
Lavalin scandal. In other political news:          Now, many Canadians may look at these      continues to be a kind leader of the politi-    ion about the tax. The Green Party is pro
the Green Party, is the most ethical.           results and think: “it doesn’t matter, the    cal party.                                      carbon tax but believes more need to be
  Last week, A Nanos Research survey            Green Party won’t win the election any-          In December, May and the Green Party         done about the issue. The party believes
concluded that Canadians feel that Green        way”. The Green Party has existed since       celebrated a huge victory in the Leeds-         that more needs to be done if the country is
Party Leader Elizabeth May was the most         1983 but Elizabeth May has been the only      Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau           going to reach the goal or a 45% reduction
ethical federal party leader. The CTV news      Green Party MP ever elected to parlia-        Lakes riding. They didn’t get the seat, the     in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. In
commissioned survey showed that 23.2%           ment.                                         conservative MP Michael Barrett had an          addition to the carbon tax, the Green Party
of Canadians felt May was most ethical.            However, the poll does beg the ques-       easy win. However, the Green Party fin-         wants to promote renewable sources of
In the second place, it was Conservative        tion: what’s the green party up to nowa-      ished fourth, 24 votes behind the NDP.          energy and individual actions like planting
leader Andrew Scheer with 21.4%. Scheer         days anyways?                                    The celebrations of this narrow third        trees.
                                                                                                                                                 The Green Party is the only federal po-
                                                                                                                                              litical party opposing the trans-mountain
                                                                                                                                              pipeline. The pipeline project has been un-
                                                                                                                                              der fire by First Nations communities and
                                                                                                                                              environmental organizations.
                                                                                                                                                 However, other than the Green Party’s
                                                                                                                                              usual environmental stance. It’s hard to
                                                                                                                                              see what the Party is all about. There’s
                                                                                                                                              not a whole lot of scandal surrounding
                                                                                                                                              the Green Party, especially if you com-
                                                                                                                                              pare them to the Liberal Party right now.
                                                                                                                                              That may mean that the Green Party is so
                                                                                                                                              ethical that they don’t have scandals. Or
                                                                                                                                              maybe they’re just not in the spotlight.
                                                                                                                                                 Additionally, the values of voters are
                                                                                                                                              changing. The environment is becoming
                                                                                                                                              a significant concern for young people.
                                                                                                                                              Ontario Green Party Mike Schreiner got a
                                                                                                                                              seat in the last Ontario provincial election.
                                                                                                                                              The trend could continually federally.
                                                                                                                                                 This poll, come the fall elections will
                                                                                                                                              probably be a blip on the political radar.
                                                                                                                                              However, it would be interesting to see if
                                                                                                                                              the Nanos poll will help the Green Party
                                                                                                                                              stay on the minds of the Canadians. It
                                                                                                                                              would be interesting to see the Green Party
                                                                                                                                              finally get official party status.
6              Arts and Entertainment                                                                                                                   WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019

                                                          The Momo Challenge
                                                              An Urban Legend or Fake News?
                                                threatened, unless they commit violent,          the media cannot help but comment.             didn’t really consider the sculpture his best
                RATAN VARGHESE                  dangerous acts. However, there is scant            YouTube initially could not find any vid-    work anyway.
                     3A COMPUTER                evidence that any such videos even               eos to remove, since the whole challenge          The work was originally titled “Mother
                                                existed prior to the media picking up the        was a hoax from the start. Of course, at       Bird”, and is inspired by a Japanese
                                                story.                                           this point, it is possible that Momo videos    ghost story. In the story, a woman dies
                                                  The hoax is not even particularly new:         were made in response to all the media         during childbirth and haunts the area
   The Momo Challenge was an urban              last year, there was a report of a 12-year old   hype. YouTube has opted to demonetize all      where she died. She appears in front of
legend. To use more contemporary slang,         girl in Argentina committing suicide due         discussion of Momo.                            strangers cradling a baby and tries to give
it was fake news. It seems quite unlikely       to a “WhatsApp terror” game. Eventually,                                                        the baby to the stranger. But then she
that any children actually watched a video      authorities in Columbia and Mexico joined          The Sculpture                                disappears and the baby turns to rocks and
featuring a wide-eyed, grinning sculpture       in. During the transition to Mexico, “El            Although the challenge was fake, the        stones.
and decided to harm themselves. Two             Momo” apparently decided to switch from          sculpture is real. Most images omit the           “Mother Bird” was hosted at the Vanilla
charities in the UK, the Samaritans and         WhatsApp to Facebook. Reports in the             sculpture’s strangest feature: below its       Gallery in Japan in 2016, as part of a
the National Society for the Prevention         United States followed in September.             shoulders, the sculpture lacks a human-        yearly exhibition about Japanese ghost
of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) have               This year’s wave of Momo panic began           like body and instead is supported by a        stories. Normally photography is not
dismissed the hoax, and according to            in the UK. A mother in the small town of         pair of chicken feet.                          allowed in the gallery, but “Mother Bird”
the Guardian, all the fuss about Momo           Westhoughton posted a warning on the                It was created by Japanese artist Keisuke   had the dubious honor of being placed at
was moral panic spread by adults. It has,       “Love Westhoughton” Facebook page,               Aiso. An avid fan of horror movies, he has     the entrance. People were even allowed to
at best, been an opportunity for parents        which later went viral. Eventually, various      spent the last 20 years creating horror-       pose with it.
to talk to their kids about the dangers of      media outlets, school boards, and even           themed models and prosthetic limbs.               After the recent Momo Challenge hoax,
social media.                                   local police forces sent out statements          In a statement to The Sun, he claims           artists in the gallery have been receiving
   The lore of the hoax goes as follows:        about the wholly nonexistent challenge.          the sculpture began to rot away and had        death threats written in both English and
children are sharing videos of a creepy         Even Kim Kardashian weighed in on                to be thrown in the trash, adding that “The    Japanese. Keisuke Aiso himself has gotten
sculpture on social media. In the videos,       the story, pressuring YouTube to remove          children can be reassured Momo is dead -       several. Other artists in Tokyo mistaken
the viewers and their loved ones are            videos of Momo: and when Kim K acts,             she doesn’t exist and the curse is gone.” He   for him have also been receiving threats.

                                                                   Ologies Podcast
                                                 A Salacious Look into Different Fields of Study
                                                by patrons. Usually, there are some cultural     This was used to pretty good effect all        conversation of “crystal energy” and even
                RATAN VARGHESE                  references interspersed, if not in the           the way back in the Primatology episode:       “bad juju”. It seems the only true constant
                     3A COMPUTER                conversation through the use of editing. The     Ward forgot to bring up an important           is Ward herself, along with the production
                                                editing is quite interesting actually: these     question, so she emailed the guest about it    crew operating silently in the background.
                                                are without a doubt some of the most             and read the email as an aside. If there is       The podcast has distinctive outro music:
              RA(TAN) LINES                     heavily edited conversations in all of           a niggling detail she missed, as opposed to    just one of those little features I appreciate.
                                                podcasting. Sometimes a culturally-relevant      an important question, she digs deep into      There is intro music as well, sometimes
   “[Sea turtles] actually have a groove that   single-second audio clip is inserted in          hyperlinks, video and scientific papers in a   after a spoken introduction.
the semen comes down through.” “It’s a          the middle of a sentence. Sometimes              search for answers, as well as for anything       The guest of the show also gets to pick a
groovy dick.”                                   there are longer asides, educational or          else of vague interest.                        charity of the week to receive a portion of
   That is a quote from the “Ologies”           otherwise. They appear without warning             So what fields of study are within           some of the advertising proceeds.
podcast with Alie Ward: a salacious and         and disappear nearly as fast.                    the scope of the podcast? Many                    “Ologies” updates every week or so,
informative look into various different           Such chaotic editing would not suit            are specific areas of biology: indeed both     and each episode is between 45 and 90
fields of study. The premise is simple:         the dry brand image of most interview            Testudinology and Cheloniology have            minutes long. Given the production value,
each episode, Ward interviews someone           podcasts. Alie Ward, however, is so              separate episodes. However, there is also      the fact that each episode is an interview
engaged in a different “ology” and gets         energetic in conversation that the asides        coverage of Volcanology (pronounced            with an actual academic, and the number
them to spill the beans.                        seem entirely in character. She is one           Vulcan-ology if I recall correctly),           of different fields being surveyed, this
   Which specific beans? Well, Alie Ward        of those people who is good at describing a      Gizmology, Museology and even Horology         is a triumph. Not just a triumph for
alternates between questions about the          mundane situation in the most entertaining       (probably not what you think it is).           Ward personally, but for the medium of
subjects being studied and the life of being    way possible. Additionally, she pulls            The conversations can veer very far away       podcasting as a whole.
one of the people studying it. Late in each     out so many of these asides that they            from academia at times: the Gemology              If you like learning, this is the podcast
episode are rapid-fire questions submitted      become a natural feature of the podcast.         episode, for instance, included some           for you.

          Have You Been keeping Up with the Kardashians?
                                 All You Need to Know About the Khloe-Jordyn-Tristan Scandal
                                                Sources for US Weekly reported that the          on February 17 and went to a bar party         the Red Table Talk, Khloé tweeted and
                   MRIDU WALIA                  two were spotted making out and were             after dinner. Following that, they were on     called her out for “lying” and said she is
                      MECHANICAL                “all over each other”. Jordyn Woods (21)         their way to a house party when Jordyn         the reason her family broke up. She re-
                                                who is best friends with Khloe’s half-           realized the afterparty was at Tristan’s       ceived a lot of black lash following that
                                                sister, Kylie Jenner, has been featured on       house. She said at the moment she felt         tweet from her fans as well as followers.
                                                the TV show “Life of Kylie”. Khloé Kar-          okay about it because she thought it           Many people believe the conspiracy the-
   In case you missed it, a lot of drama        dashian was influential in giving Jordyn’s       would be a “safe environment”, however,        ory that has been circling around that the
has gone down in the Kardashian-Jenner          career as a model a head start, when she         later she told Jada that she realizes now “I   whole cheating scandal is actually fake
household in the last few weeks, allow me       hired her to model for her denim-apparel         should have gone home after the party. I       and was orchestrated by the Kardashian
to bring you up to speed. Tristan Thomp-        brand Good American. She also collabo-           shouldn’t even have been there”.               family as a way to promote the new sea-
son (27), the famous Canadian profes-           rated with Kylie Jenner in launching their         Jordyn did not deny that she was party-      son of the popular TV series “Keeping
sional basketball player for the Cleveland      makeup line KYLIE X JORDYN under                 ing at his place till 6 in the morning and     up with the Kardashians” returning in
Cavaliers of the NBA, has been impli-           Kylie Cosmetics on September 21, 2018.           realized she needed to go home. In the         March. Kim Kardashian came to her sis-
cated in a rumour about cheating on his         Jordyn was also one of the models fea-           interview, she denied ever having slept        ter’s defense when a Twitter user alleged
girlfriend,Khloé Kardashian, who is also        tured in Kanye West’s Yeezy Season 6             with Tristan, but she said Tristan kissed      that the scandal was fake because Khloé
the mother of his daughter (True).              Campaign.                                        her when she was leaving the party. Dur-       attended a public event the very next day.
   What made this news even more scan-            The headlines started emerging on              ing the interview, Jada asked her if she       Kim tweeted “This was a professional
dalous is the fact that he is said to have      Tuesday, February 19, 2019 after the ru-         felt responsible for Khloé and Tristan         commitment planned far in advance and
cheated on Khloé with Jordyn Woods,             mour about Tristan cheating on Khloé             splitting up, to which Jordyn replied, “I      you better believe she is not waiting on
who is considered family to the Kardashi-       surfaced. Following the rumours, Jordyn          know I am not the reason that Tristan          anyone to pay her bills or provide for her
an clan. According to TMZ and E! News,          was cyber-bullied for weeks, she also            and Khloé are not together. This situation     daughter”. Khloé is taking her “time to
Tristan, Jordyn and a couple of mutual          “moved out” of Kylie Jenner’s Hidden             may have made it harder for her to want        heal” and is just focusing on her daughter
friends met up with Drake and his crew.         Hills estate in Los Angeles to go live           to be with him, and I understand that, but     True. Even though she has split up with
Sources have reported that they two were        with her mom. Jordyn finally appeared            I know I’m not the reason”. Jordyn said        Tristan and purged his pictures from her
“definitely hanging close to one another        on Jada Pinkett Smith’s Facebook Watch           she has been trying to make amends with        Instagram, she is reportedly trying to
and were being very flirty”. Later that         show, Red Table Talk on Friday, March 1,         Khloé and is willing to be put up to a lie-    work out a way to co-parent her daughter
evening, Tristan invited Jordyn and a few       2019 to share her side of the story and ad-      detector test to prove she is speaking the     with him because regardless of what hap-
other guests to an exclusive afterparty at      dress the infidelity scandal. According to       truth.                                         pened with her, she wants True to have a
his house where no phones were allowed.         Jordyn, she had dinner with some friends           After watching Jordyn’s interview on         loving relationship with both her parents.
                                                                                                                                                                         Opinion                      7

                                         Let’s Talk About Eating Disorders
                                                   to males, but another very important factor        then leads to behaviours to compensate for        ing etc. doctors also check your heart and
                     MRIDU WALIA                   to consider is because of such stigmas sur-        the overeating such as feeling disgusted,         breathing rate. Doctors also examine the pa-
                       MECHANICAL                  rounding this mental illness, people go years      excessive exercising or self-induced vomit-       tient’s teeth for signs of deterioration; brittle
                                                   without a proper diagnosis because they are        ing etc. They also try to compensate for the      nails etc. The laboratory tests include X-rays
                                                   either in denial or simply because of the          binge by not eating for a certain amount of       to check for broken bones or bone loss that
             HAKUNA MATATA                         myth that this is a “girl thing”. People don’t     days. Bulimic people often describe the de-       can be a result of AN and BN. Other tests
                                                   acknowledge it to be a real mental illness be-     sire to binge eat as an out-of-control expe-      include urine analysis, blood tests, thyroid
   Hi everyone! Hope you all have been do-         cause they are of the opinion that the people      rience i.e. something they cannot control or      tests, ECG exam to check for heart irregu-
ing well, taking care of your health, both         suffering are doing this for attention or as a     realize it is happening until it finally does.    larities. The other part of giving a diagnosis
mental and physical, and looking out for the       phase they need to snap out of and “just eat”.     They tend to not eat socially because they        is having a psychological exam done by a
people around you. On a side note, Happy           In fact, people suffering from depression,         are embarrassed by the binge eating. Even         mental health professional. This allows the
International Women’s day. Just wanted to          anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorders          though bulimia is not always as fatal a men-      doctor to get an idea of your eating habits
take a moment to tell you, you are beauti-         are more likely to develop eating disorders.       tal illness as anorexia, however, it can cause    and how you perceive yourself. Finally, the
ful, unique and strong and I hope you all          The National Eating Disorder Information           serious physical consequences such as gas-        doctor gives you a diagnosis based on the
celebrated yourself and the great women in         Centre (NEDIC) is a Canada-based non-              tric rupture, ulcers, bulimia teeth (deteriora-   criteria you meet for a specific type of eating
your life. Earlier, we talked about depression     profit that focus on spreading awareness           tion of the tooth enamel), dehydration, heart     disorder.
and how you can help the people around             about this particular mental illness through       problems and more.                                   If you made it to the end, pat yourself on
you. We also talked about how an anxiety at-       awareness campaigns, offering direct cli-             Lastly, I want to discuss Binge Eating         the shoulder because you did a great job.
tack is different from a panic attack in terms     ent support through their national helpline        Disorder (BED). This is by far the most           That was indeed a lot of information to pro-
of some observable physical and emotional          (1-866-633-4220) and providing local re-           “normalized” and common eating disorder.          cess, but in my defense, I tried to make it
symptoms, and some easy home remedies as           sources and referrals for people who are           Allow me to explain what I mean when I say        as concise and as informative as possible.
well as lifestyle changes you can implement        struggling with eating disorders. For more         this is a “normalized” eating disorder. Even      I’ll end my article by talking about a popu-
in your daily lives to help cope with them         information, I would highly recommend you          though it is just as harmful as any other eat-    lar and young celebrity artist who recently
better. For this week’s issue, I decided to talk   visit their website and if you are interested,     ing disorder, people commonly associate it        opened up about her struggle with Bulimia
about eating disorders, which is as serious a      check out the additional programs they have        with over eating, obesity, laziness etc. I came   throughout her high school and college life.
mental illness as any other but is very easily     to offer. So, with the hopes that you will         across an article on Medium, by Emily Kate,       Camila Mendes, who plays the part of Ve-
neglected and dismissed. It comes up very          keep an open mind about this, I will proceed       and she talks about how common BED actu-          ronica Lodge on the TV series Riverdale, re-
loosely in conversations and people can be         to talk about some common eating disorders         ally is. Here are some facts about BED that       cently talked to SHAPE and said, “I was so
dismissive of it. “That girl can’t even finish     and symptoms that characterize each.               Emily highlighted in her article titled “The      scared of carbs that I wouldn’t let myself eat
a waffle and she is so thin, she is anorexic.”        Anorexia Nervosa (AN), simply put, is           World’s Deadliest Psychiatric Disorder”.          bread or rice ever. I’d go a week without eat-
To give you an overview, I will talk about         a disorder that is caused by a desire to lose      BED is three times more common than AN            ing them, then I would binge on them, and
some common eating disorders, the pro-             weight, and this is generally characterized        and BN combined. It is also more common           that would make me want to purge.” Camila
cesses involved in diagnosing an eating dis-       by thin appearances. Anorexic people tend to       than breast cancer, HIV, and schizophre-          worked with a therapist as well as nutritionist
order, symptoms characteristic to each type        maintain a weight lower than the ideal weight      nia and roughly half the risk of developing       to address her eating disorder. She also dis-
of eating disorder and lastly, I will share with   because they have an extreme fear of weight        BED is genetic. BED is very similar to BN,        cussed how opening up about her struggles
you some stories of popular celebrities and        gain. The two ways an anorexic person              however, there is one significant difference      with bulimia on social media made her feel
public figures who have struggled with this        maintain a low weight are: restricting their       between the two. People with BED do not           very vulnerable but at the same time she re-
mental illness. So, sit back and grab a nice       diet or “binge and purge”. These terms are         exhibit compensating behaviours like people       alized that she had the platform and power to
warm cup of coffee because this is going to        pretty self-explanatory i.e. restrict their diet   with BN ex. purging, restricting their food       influence the younger generation and initiate
be a long article, and hopefully one you will      by not eating for hours or days; and “binge        etc. Instead, they are overwhelmed by dis-        a positive change by spreading awareness
enjoy reading and gain something from.             and purge” is when they eat large amounts          gust and guilt after over eating and have no      about eating disorders. Therefore, I hope you
   Generally speaking, eating disorders are a      of food within a short time-period and purge       way to cope. The physical symptoms can in-        found this article informative and helpful. To
serious mental health issue. They can lead to      it out by abusing laxatives, enemas, diuretics     clude constant weight fluctuations, stomach       those of you who are struggling with an eat-
complicated and life-threatening scenarios         etc. They have a distorted perception about        cramps, constipation to name a few.               ing disorder, I just want to say don’t dimin-
ranging from malnutrition, anemia, and in          themselves and no one can convince them               Now that I have discussed the common           ish your feelings or yourself, realize that you
extreme cases to multiple organ failure if         otherwise. Don’t confuse this with things          eating disorders and some symptoms that           might be struggling and remember you are
left unchecked. Some common myths I have           like having a bad hair day or taking notice of     characterize them, I am going to talk a little    not alone in this. This is not something your
come across surrounding eating disorders           the pimple on your cheek or forehead, that is      bit about how doctors use physical and psy-       brain might be concocting. People around
include: it is a “choice” or a “phase”, or it is   normal self-consciousness. What I mean by          chological exams to evaluate the criteria for     you may not understand what you’re going
a “girl thing”. These are completely untrue,       distorted is that is an anorexic person would      eating disorders and refer to the Diagnostic      through or know your circumstances. But if
and it upsets me that people fail to recognize     look into a mirror and see a morbidly obese        and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders        you realize that you may be struggling with
this as a real problem or stereotype the hell      person when in reality they could be severe-       (DSM-5), published by the American Psy-           an eating disorder, then you are already on
out of it. It is definitely not a choice and it    ly underweight. Anorexia can cause serious         chiatric Association (APA) to give a diag-        the road to recovery. Seek help from a doc-
is most certainly not a “girl thing”. To all       and fatal health problems like organ failure,      nosis to the patient. The physical evaluation     tor because it is as serious a mental illness as
of you, who are of the opinion that this is        brain damage, cardiovascular problems and          is comprising of two parts: physical exam         depression or anxiety, but with the combina-
a girl thing, I hate to burst your bubble, but     more, and needs proper medical attention.          and laboratory tests. During the physical         tion of correct form of help (from a doctor
it really is not. According to the American           Moving on, let’s talk about Bulimia Ner-        exam, the doctor checks the height, weight        or mental health professional), support sys-
Psychiatric Association, eating disorders          vosa (BN), which is a disorder that causes         etc. Since, eating disorders can result in low/   tem and patience, you can recover and come
are more prevalent in females as compared          the people suffering to binge eat food and         high blood pressure, difficulty in breath-        back to a healthy lifestyle!
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