Canberra Excursion Stage 3: 2nd-4th June - Edgeworth Heights Public School

Page created by Angela Stewart
Canberra Excursion Stage 3: 2nd-4th June - Edgeworth Heights Public School
Canberra Excursion Stage 3: 2nd-4th June
Dear Parents/Carers

A reminder that final payments for Canberra-Stage 3 are due over the next few weeks with
final payments to be made by Monday, Week 5, 17 May 2021. Attached permission slips need
to also be returned by this date.
The attached medical/co-vid sheets need to be returned by Thursday 29 April 2021 as this
information needs to be collated and forwarded on.

Things you need to know
* You need to be in full school uniform Days 1 and 2.
* Be at school on Wednesday morning at 5.30 am so the bags can be packed in the bus for a
6.00 am departure. The bus will not wait for you if you are running late, as we have venues
booked for set times in Canberra later in the day.
* You are responsible for your souvenir money and games, as well as the responsible use of
them. (The school will take no responsibility for these things).
* No phones!
* Only 1 suitcase per child, plus a day pack.
* Pack your textas or coloured pencils in your large bag.

In your day pack you need-
   • individual hand sanitisers
   • extra jumper/coat, beanie/gloves
   • recess and lunch for just the first day (including a bottle of water)
   • souvenir money in a wallet or purse
   • camera (optional)
   • a pillow so you can sleep comfortably on the bus if you wish
   • book to read on the bus, notebook and pencils for drawing, card game (optional)

* You won't have access to your large bag until the evening, after dinner. So make sure the
things you need for the first day, (especially your spending money), are in your Day Pack.
* Remember, it will be very cold at rest stops on the way down and when we arrive in
Canberra Excursion Stage 3: 2nd-4th June - Edgeworth Heights Public School
ONE LARGER SUITCASE PER CHILD: Labelled clearly on the outside with your child’s
   name. (All black suitcases look similar).

   In your large suitcase:
   • Spare uniform for Day 2
   • Warm clothing for evenings and for Day 3- (warm shirts, skivvies, jumpers, tops, long
      pants, underwear, socks, spare shoes, warm pyjamas, slippers or ugg boots.
   • Toiletries- toothpaste, tooth brush, soap, shampoo and conditioner, hair brush, roll on
   • Garbage bag for dirty clothes


   (Towels and linen are provided)

Remember to pack warm appropriate clothes for Day 3 in Canberra and for the evenings as
you will change out of your uniforms once we are at the lodge for the evening.

Co-vid 19 reminder
No person is to board the coach if any of the following applies:
   • They are required to be in isolation because they have been diagnosed with
   • They have been directed to quarantine
   • They have been in contact with someone with coronavirus who is in quarantine
   • Have recently returned from overseas
   • They are displaying any flu-like symptoms
   • Temperature above 37.5 degrees, chills, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose,
      loss of sense of smell.

Pupils are estimated to arrive back at school at 3 pm on Friday (4.6.2021). Updates will be
posted during this day if times change due to traffic delays.
Pupil Itinery:

 5.30 am Coaches arrive and load luggage at Edgeworth Heights Public School – Ridley
                Street, Edgeworth NSW 2285

 6.00 am Depart Edgeworth Heights Public School, travel to Canberra

                  Morning tea (brought from home) and comfort stops en-route at suitable
                  times and locations

 1.00 pm Lunch (brought from home) at Regatta Point

1.30 pm Depart Regatta Point

                                   GROUP 1                              GROUP 2

      2.00 pm                Mount Ainslie Lookout                  Parliament House
                           views of the Parliamentary                 Parliamentary
                                    Triangle                        Education Office
      2.30 pm               Depart Mount Ainslie Lookout
                          GROUP 1A           GROUP 1B
      3.00 pm            National
                        Electoral                                  Parliament House
                        Education                                Tour of the Senate and
                      Centre "House                             House of Representatives
      3.30 pm                               Electoral
                                         Centre "House
                                                                    Parliament House
      4.00 pm                                                   Hospitality with your Local
                                                                Member of Parliament (if
      4.30 pm
                            Depart Old Parliament House             Proceed to coach
      4.45 pm
                                                                Depart Parliament House

5.15 pm Canberra Student Lodge - room allocations

 6.00 pm Dinner at Canberra Student Lodge

Teacher guided activities in the Dining Hall following dinner
MEALS Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided by Canberra Student Lodge

7.00 am Breakfast at Canberra Student Lodge

8.15 am Depart Canberra Student Lodge

8.30 am Australian Institute of Sport - 1 hour "Sportex" program

9.30 am Depart Australian Institute of Sport
                                     GROUP 1                             GROUP 2

        10.00 am              Australian War Memorial                   Questacon
                              “Wartime Stories” program               facilitated visit
                             Depart Australian War
        11.00 am                   Memorial

        11.30 am                 Telstra Tower
                                self-guided visit
                                                                    Depart Questacon
        11.45 am
                                                                    Lunch in the grounds
        12.00 pm                                                    of Old Parliament
                             Depart Telstra Tower
        12.15 pm

        12.30 pm            Lunch at Black Mountain         National Electoral Education
                                   Peninsula                Centre
                                                             "House of Representatives"
        1.00 pm         Depart Black Mountain Peninsula
                               Parliament House                    Depart Old Parliament
        1.30 pm           Hospitality with your Local                     House
                           Member of Parliament (if
                               Parliament House                    Australian War Memorial
        2.00 pm          Tour of the Senate and House              “Wartime Stories”
                              of Representatives
        3.00 pm                Parliament House               Depart the Australian War
                         free time for a group photo on
                                  the rooftop                         Memorial
        3.30 pm                 Proceed to coach                Mount Ainslie Lookout
                                                          views of the Parliamentary
        3.45 pm             Depart Parliament House

        4.00 pm                   Questacon                     Depart Mount Ainslie
                                facilitated visit
        4.30 pm                                                      Telstra Tower
                                                                     self-guided visit
        5.30 pm                                           Depart Telstra Tower
        6.00 pm                Depart Questacon

7.00 pm Dinner at Canberra Student Lodge

MEALS         Breakfast and lunch provided by Canberra Student Lodge

7.00 am        Breakfast at Canberra Student Lodge and pack up
8.15 am        Load luggage onto coaches

8.30 am        Depart Canberra Student Lodge, travel to Edgeworth

3.00 pm        Comfort stops and lunch en-route at suitable times and locations

              Estimated time of arrival at Edgeworth Heights Public School

 Medication: Please ensure medication is in its original packaging and is handed to teachers
 before children board the bus- clearly marked with student’s name, required dosage.

 No phones are to be taken by children on the excursion. If you need to contact your
 child please do so through the school office or contact Canberra Student Lodge
 after hours. You can also contact through the school mobile in case of an
 emergency- 0455 060 238 - Please only ring if necessary.

 Updates on what the children are doing will be posted on our school facebook site while
 they are away.
 Photos will be taken by teachers and children will be able to access these using a thumb
 drive once they return to school the following week.

 Yours sincerely
 Stage 3 Teachers
Edgeworth Heights Public School
                                                                                                              Ridley Street
                                                                                                      Edgeworth, NSW 2285

                                                                                                        Ph: 02 49581180
                                                                                                       Fax: 02 49584386

26 Apr 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,

The following activity has been arranged for students.

ACTIVITY: Stage 3 Canberra Excursion

START DATE: Wednesday, 2 June 2021

END DATE: Friday, 4 June 2021

COST: $400.00 including $40 deposit. Balance is due by Monday 17 May 2021.

If any parents are experiencing difficulties re: payment, please see The Office Staff as soon as possible.

NOTE: Please return permission note and balance of money by Monday 17 May 2021.

Yours sincerely,
Stage 3 Teachers.

Edgeworth Heights Public School Permission Note for Stage 3 Canberra Excursion
• I give permission for ____________________________________________ in ___________________ to attend the
Stage 3 Canberra Excursion on Wednesday, 2 June 2021 to Friday, 4 June 2021 at a cost of $400.00.
• I give permission for my child to receive medical treatment in the case of emergency.
• I give permission for my child to travel to and from the venue by bus.

_____ Amount of $_____________________ enclosed
_____ Amount of $_____________________ paid by POP

List existing medical conditions or illnesses (include asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies etc). Outline
medication/treatment for each:

When a medical practitioner has prescribed medication (including emergency medication) that will need to be
administered during the excursion, parents are responsible for:
 • Bringing this need to the attention of the school
 • Ensuring that the information is updated if it changes
 • Supplying the medication and any 'consumables' necessary for its administration in a timely way. The medication
should be well within its expiry date.
 • Collaborating with the school in working out arrangements for the supply and administration of the prescribed
medication for the duration of the excursion/incursion. For some excursion/incursion the school will ask you to supply the
medication in a different way to what has been already been agreed to by school. You may be asked to supply an
additional adrenaline auto-injector (i.e. EpiPen® /Anapen ®) for example.

Signed (parent/carer):______________________________________ Date:______________

Medical and Consent Form – Child

Name of School: Edgeworth Heights Public School                           Stage 3

Student Details:

Surname:                                     Given Names:

Address: __________________________________________________________________


Postcode:                              Date of Birth:       /         /       Male   Female

Parent/Guardian Details:

Please Tick:       Mother / Guardian     Father / Guardian          Other Contact

Full name of Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________

Home Phone: ________________Work Phone ______________Mobile Phone:

Medicare Number: _________________ Expiry Date:                 /         /

Student Name on Card: _________________________________

Student Number on card: _____________________________Ambulance Cover:                   Yes   No

Private Health Fund Name:                                   Health Fund member number: ________
Is your child in good health?                                                      Yes    No

   Does your child require regular medication?                                        Yes    No

   Does your child suffer from any Chronic Illness / Injury / Allergies? If           Yes    No
   yes, please specify?

Current Medication / Dietary Requirements

Edgeworth Heights Public School            Student Name: __________________________

Time and Dosage – Please specify exact time of medication

                     Breakfast          Lunch            Dinner               Other
Medication Name      Time      Dose    Time      Dose    Time      Dose       Time    Dose

Regulations require that all medication must be provided in the original
container / packaging. Teachers will collect and administer all medication.

Has your child suffered from any Acute Illness in the past four months?        Yes     No
If yes, details. __________________________________________

Has your child been treated by a doctor in the past four weeks?                Yes     No
If yes, please attach a medical certificate outlining treatment,
and stating that the child is fit to attend camp.

Has your child had any major surgery? If yes, please specify.                  Yes     No

Is your child’s Immunisation up to date, including tetanus?                    Yes     No

If yes, what year was the last booster given?

Does your child wet the bed?                                                   Yes     No
Does your child sleep walk?                                                 Yes     No

  Do you give permission for
  Panadol                                                                     Yes     No
  Paracetamol                                                                 Yes     No
  Nurofen                                                                     Yes     No
  Ibuprofen                                                                   Yes     No
  be administered if required?

  Does your Child have any Dietary Requirements?                              Yes     No

  Strict Vegetarian  Vegetarian  No Read Meat  Coeliac 

  Glute Free  Dairy or Lactose Intolerant 

  Nut Allergy  (Please specify type of nut/s &/or seeds) _______________

  ANAPHYLAXIS (Please specify which food allergens trigger reaction)

  Vegan  Diabetic  Halal 


  Please Note: If you state that your child is Vegan (for example) – they
  will only receive that food, they won’t have a choice of standard meals.

Parent or Guardian Consent

In the event of an emergency, and I am unable to be contacted, I authorise obtaining medical
assistance for my child. I also agree to cover any costs that may be incurred with any medical
treatment received, and or any medication required while my child is on the Canberra Excursion.

Full Name of Parent / Guardian:                                              Date:     /      /

Parent/Guardian Signature:
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