Suzanne Reimers, Principal

Page created by Debra White
Suzanne Reimers, Principal
Our mission is to maximize learning for all students

                                                     Suzanne Reimers, Principal

                                                 Tracey Peterson, Assistant Principal

       Maxey Elementary School * 5200 S. 75th Street * Lincoln, NE 68516
            (402) 436-1153* (Fax) 458-3253*

Volume 25                     January 15, 2020                Number 20

Upcoming     Important 2019-20 School Dates
January 16   – 4th Gr MAP Testing 9:30am
January 16   – 3rd Gr MAP Testing 1:10pm
January 17   – 5th Gr Art Club 8:15am
January 17   – 5th Gr MAP Testing 9:15am
January 20   – No Elementary School
January 22   – Student Council Sales/Recycling 8:30am
January 23   – PTO Don and Millies Dine Out Night 4:00pm
January 24   – 5th Gr Art Club 8:15am
January 27   – Advanced Orchestra 7:55am
January 27   – Student Council Meeting 8:30am
January 28   – PLC Early Release 2:18pm
January 28   – Chorus Rehearsal 8:15am
January 28   – Student Council selling suckers –Heart Assoc. 8:30am
January 28   – PTO Texas Roadhouse Dine Out Night 4:00pm
January 29   – Student Council Sales/Recycling 8:30am
January 30   – Beginning Orchestra 7:55am
January 31   – 5th Gr Art Club 8:15am
January 31   – Kdg PJ and Pancakes Day

February 13 & 18 – Parent Teacher Conference

PLC Days early dismissal—9:00am-2:18pm
January 28
February 25
March 31
April 28

Student Report Card Information
We want to make you aware of changes in the way Lincoln Public Schools will be
delivering your child's report card from now on.
In an effort to get families information about their student's grades sooner, Lincoln Public
Schools will post your child's report card in ParentVue. We will notify you when report
cards have been posted. If you have a ParentVue account, you will no longer receive a
paper copy of your child's report card unless you contact your child’s school office and
request a paper copy. The school will continue to print a report card for families without
Parents at your child’s school, along with all other Lincoln Public Schools, are increasingly
using ParentVUE to immediately access report cards. ParentVUE provides greater
immediacy to this information while reducing the environmental impact of printing. It is
for these reasons that we are implementing this change.
If you do not currently have a ParentVUE account and would like one, please contact your
school office for assistance. As indicated, if you obtain a ParentVUE account and would
still like a print version of the report card you simply need to call the school office to
request it.

MAP Fluency and Growth Scores (K-5):
Your child's MAP scores are now available through ParentVue! For instructions on how to
access the scores, please click this link.

Health Office
If there are any Physicians who would like to give the Health office their old PDR, (Physicians
Desk reference book), we would appreciate it. Just drop it off at the health office or at the front
desk entrance. Thank you!

Student Council
The Maxey Student Council is raising money for a school in Tanzania, Africa. In past
years, our funds have helped the school buy books, projectors, and school supplies. All of
the money we make from Wednesday sales in the month of January will go to this
cause. Students can also donate money directly to the cans in their classrooms, or the
jar in the front hallway. Stop by to see a display of pictures from Tanzania, too!

Library Book Damage prompts use of Zip Bags
Due to so many Maxey library books being returned damaged, especially from water
bottles, all students will be bringing home library books in ziplock bags. We have deleted
thousands of dollars worth of books with damage and are continuing to weed damaged
books. We are reviewing book care procedures with all students. Thank you for your help
and support!

Are You Ready for the Science Fair?
Get ready, Science Fair is coming Thursday, March 5. If your child is looking for great
resources for their project or for exciting project ideas, consider PowerKnowledge.
PowerKnowledge has three modules: Life Science, Earth and Space, and Physical
Science. Each module contains articles on a variety of topics. PowerKnowledge can read
articles to students, and students can have the information translated to another
language if needed. PowerKnowledge even provides citations for you! Check out
PowerKnowledge today and find great science resources for all students!
To access PowerKnowledge from home, students should use the portal. Go to and enter your student’s LPS ID number and password. You can also talk to
school librarian, Mrs. Christen about accessing these resources!

It’s Time to Register Your Kindergarten Student
Do you have a child that will start kindergarten next year? Lincoln Public Schools is now
accepting kindergarten registrations for the 2020-2021 school year. The first deadline for
families to register their child to guarantee they receive important school information is
March 31, 2020.
Parents of children turning five years of age before July 31, 2020 can go to and
click on the red “Enroll Your Student” button. Here you will also find all the information
necessary for registering, the required documents needed and answers to frequently
asked questions.
For children who turn five between August 1 and October 15, parents may request an
assessment for their child to receive a waiver to attend school early. That information is
also located on the kindergarten registration page.
Parents who do not have access to the online registration, or wish to register their child in
person, should contact their attendance area elementary school as soon as possible.
Questions about kindergarten registration should also be directed to the child's
attendance area school.
For more information about kindergarten registration and assessment testing for incoming
students, please go to

Maxey Multicultural Event 2020!
We are excited to inform you that on February 7th Maxey will host a Multicultural
night! We are looking for volunteers to make this event possible. If you are originally not
from the USA and would like to present your Country, please contact us. What you will
have to do is to gather your display items and share them with our school students and
families. This is a great opportunity for everyone to learn about different cultures through
interactive cultural displays, food samples and more. More details will be sent to you, if
you are interested in participating.
To participate with an exhibit, please contact Maxey parent, Dora Monica Adam
at Please respond by January 17th.

Gritty Kid of the Week
With our school-wide theme of GRIT, we are encouraging students to work hard and keep
trying even when things are challenging. The students are really taking hold of the
concept and showing great effort! Students are being recognized by their teachers for
showing GRIT and are earning mustangs that they deliver to the office and get hung up in
the lunchroom. Each week we are recognizing one student who is nominated by teachers
and administrators as "The Gritty Kid of the Week". The student is announced during the
morning announcements and has their picture hung in the main hallway for the
week. Our "Gritty Kid" recognized this week:

                               Anne Li 4th Grade Mrs. Meyers
PTO Mustang Matters

• Janet’s Jungle Volunteers NEEDED: Volunteers
  needed to help stuff packets which will be sent
  home with student’s after our sales kick off in
  March!! We also need people volunteers for our
  sales entry team—this job is done at home.
  Volunteers enter in the orders during the weeks
  when the plant sale is live. Please contact Mara
  Krivohlavek (

 This is our BIGGEST FUNDRAISER of the year.
 The PTO is unable to provide all we do without
 fundraisers. We did not have our silent auction
 this year, so this is the primary source of funding
 our budget. The PTO provides funding for field
 trips with team grants, supplies for classrooms
 with teacher grants, all the supplies and
 manpower to send home items published by our
 Monarch Press, among other items including
 maintaining the aquarium in the library!

•   PRIZES NEEDED!! Another big part of Janet’s
    Jungle is getting the students excited and
    motivated by providing fun prizes!! WE NEED
    interested in providing prizes or helping obtain
    prizes—contact Tracy Reichmuth (402-309-0399
    Tracy if interested.

• Box Tops: Maxey is still collecting box tops! You
  may also download the app (BTFE) and scan
  receipts to earn money for Maxey!

• Tagg App: Download now, Scan receipts, earn
  for maxey!!! See video on Facebook!! Visit for list of vendors!

•   Spirit Gear Sale
    Please check email sent or Facebook post for Maxey Spirit
    Gear that is available for sale!! Or text Tracy Reichmuth (402-
    309-0399) or email (

•   Save the Dates:
•   January 23: Don & Milie’s Dine Out 4:30-8
•   January 28th: Texas Roadhouse Dine Out 4 p.m.-close
•   February 6th: Don & Milie’s Dine Out 4:30-8
•   February 7th: Maxey Multicultural Night
•   February 14th: Winter Parties
•   February 20th: Don & Milie’s Dine Out 4:30-8
•   February 25th: Noodles & Company Dine Out 5-8 p.m. (27th &
    Pine Lake Rd. Location)
•   February 28th: Maxey Movie Night
•   March 2nd: PTO Meeting 7 p.m. (Free Childcare)
•   March 4th: Janet’s Jungle Kick Off Assembly
•   March 5th: Don & Milie’s Dine Out 4:30-8
•   March 19th: Don & Milie’s Dine Out 4:30-8
•   April 2nd: Don & Milie’s Dine Out 4:30-8
•   April 16th: Don & Milie’s Dine Out 4:30-8
•   April 18th: Janet’s Jungle Plant Pick Up
•   April 28th: Dairy Queen Dine Out 5-8 p.m. (84th St. & Hwy 2)
•   May 7th: Don & Milie’s Dine Out 4:30-8
•   May 18th: Runza Dine Out 5-8 p.m. (70th & Van Dorn)
•   May 21st: Don & Milie’s Dine Out 4:30-8


         Follow us on Facebook for up-to-date information!!

       Text @maxeypt to 81010 to receive PTO text reminders!!
           Enroll now at: LPS.ORG

     If your child will be 5 years old
       before July 31, you need to

Register your child by March 31st to receive
important school information this summer.
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