Marin County Adult Education Consortium Adult Education Block Grant Governance Committee

Page created by Thomas Bennett
Marin County Adult Education Consortium
          Adult Education Block Grant Governance Committee
                         June 6, 2018

Meeting Time: 1:30-3:30 PM
Meeting Place: Marin County Office of Education, Board Room
AEBG Members: Ensure voting member or designee attends monthly governance meetings
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
2. Action Items
       Approve Minutes from May 2, 2018 Marin AEBG Consortium Meeting
       Acknowledgment of AEBG calendar items
       June 2018
           June 19 – 21, 2018 – CASAS Summer Institute, San Diego
           June 30, 2018 – 16/17 and 17/18 member expense report certified by consortia in NOVA for
              Q1, Q2, Q3
           June 30, 2018 – End of Q4
           August 1: Final program year report due and student data report due (Q4)
           Aug 15: Annual plans due for 18/19
           Aug (TBA): AEBG 18/19 funding is disbursed from the State

3. Public Comment

4. Action and Discussion Items
       a. Set 2018 – 19 budget
               i. Does consortium want to set aside funds for partner mini-grants ((OFI, $40,000; Marin
                  County Jail, $7,000 for Triple P Parenting curriculum; Career Point Marin, $30,000 to
                  maintain computer lab for job seekers)?
       b. Review/discuss member sub-contracting proposals
               i. Tam Adult School – funding for Summer Pearson Vue Hours, $5,000, page 7
              ii. SRCS – Summer/fall GED prep in Spanish, $10,868, page 9
       c. NOVA review for budget reporting
       d. Discussion of regional planning and needs for K-12 members
               i. Increase efficiency of program delivery
              ii. Discussion to consider forming one K12 member to support regional program needs and use
                  limited funding more efficiently
       e. Formation of a sub-committee to develop recommendation of COLA distribution ($57,290)

4. Information Reports
      a. AEBG Outreach Coordinator monthly update, page 5
      b. Member and program updates, recognition of accomplishments
      c. Data & Accountability funds – does the consortium need any revisions? Does each member have
         a plan?

5. Legislative updates
6. Adjourn
Attachments:   Program Outreach & Support Coordinator Monthly Report

7Abbreviations: COM – College of Marin; MCOE - Marin County Office of Education; NUSD – Novato Unified School District;
        SRCS – San Rafael City Schools; SUSD - Shoreline Unified School District; TAS – Tamalpais Adult School
Marin County Adult Education Consortium
          Adult Education Block Grant Governance Committee
                             May 2, 2018
                                           Draft Minutes

Meeting Time: 1:30-3:30 PM
Meeting Place: Marin County Office of Education, Cabinet Room
AEBG Members: Ensure voting member or designee attends monthly governance meetings

2. Call to Order/Roll Call
   Ken Lippi, MCOE                          Excused: Bob Raines, SUSD
   Katheryn Horton, COM
   Beth Pratt, COM
   Karen Valentine, NUSD
   Corbett Elsen, TAS
   Kevin Kerr, SRCS

   Anna McGee, NUSD                            Gloria Estavillo, Canal Alliance
   Kathy Takemoto, SRCS                        Joan Prigian, Tam Adult School
   Jasmine Peters, Tam Adult School            Wendy Miller, CCSF, San Francisco AE Consortium
   Susana Tolchard, SRCS
2. Action Items
       Approve Minutes from March 7, 2018 and April 4, 2018 Marin AEBG Consortium Meeting
        VOTED M/S/P
       Upcoming calendar items:
       May 2018
               May 2, 2018 – CFAD due for 2018 – 19
       June 2018
               June 1, 2018 – 16/17 and 17/18 member expense report certified by consortia in NOVA for
               Q1, Q2, Q3.
               June 19 – 21, 2018 – CASAS Summer Institute, San Diego
               June 30, 2018 – 16/17 and 17/18 member expense report certified by consortia in NOVA for
               Q1, Q2, Q3
               June 30, 2018 – End ofQ4
3. Public Comment
       a. Guest: Luis Luciano from Youth Working for Change
           Luis gave an overview of the county program of internships for 16 – 22 year olds who are
           interested in learning about working as a county employee. He is taking applications for the
           program which is a paid internship Monday – Thursday at a County of Marin Department with
           Fridays spent on career exploration with Luis. Career exploration workshops include lessons on
           cultural competency, workplace diversity, women in leadership, resume preparation and
           interview skills. Luis reviews the applications to create a 25 person candidate pool for the
           departments to identify individuals for interviews. The county departments select candidates for
their positions and interview candidates in a panel format. The goal of the program is to create a
                   path to County of Marin employment.

       4. Action and Discussion Items
              a. COLA ($57,290) allocated to members OR COLA held in a fund for be used for members and/or
                 community partners.
              b. Members discussed options for the COLA. Motion was made and seconded to put the COLA,
                 $57,290, into a fund for future distribution to members. This fund will be held by the College of
                 Marin, fiscal agent. VOTED M/S/P, unanimous agreement on the motion.
              c. All members signed on to NOVA at the meeting, Bob Raines by email, to approve the CFAD on-
              d. Open discussion was held on developing a process for requesting funds for 2018 – 19
                 programming. It was agreed that a proposal rubric be developed for each member to present at
                 a future allocation determination meeting. Requests should be based on need, filling gaps, and
                 serving the seven program areas. Discussion was held on considering program proposals from
                 community partners who are working in the seven AEBG areas. Each member briefly described
                 program goals for 2018 – 19 with accompanying total budget needs. Details will be outlined by
                 each member in the proposal rubric.
              e. It was noted that the NOVA systems will track expenditures in 18 – 19 to ensure members are
                 spending funds in a timely manner. Target spending of 15% in Q1, 30% in Q2, 45% in Q3, and
                 60% in Q4 will be applied per recent AEBG webinar. If a member is not meeting these targets, a
                 corrective action narrative will be required in NOVA.
              f. Tam Adult and SRCS presented summer programming which require funding through sub-
                 contracting from members. Tam Adult would like $5,000 for summer Pearson Vue testing hours
                 and SRCS would like $8,000 for summer GED prep in Spanish for the social studies exam. Both
                 members will present a proposal rubric for consideration by consortium members.
       4. Information Reports
                 a. Jaemi Naish distributed flyers about summer session at Tam Adult School, certification as a
                     Google educator, Pearson Vue testing at Tam Adult School, and the Community Job Fair on
                     June 7, 2018.

       7. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM

Meeting notes by Kathy Takemoto

Abbreviations: COM – College of Marin; MCOE - Marin County Office of Education; MCSD – Marin County Sheriff’s
Department, SRCS – San Rafael City Schools; SUSD: Shoreline Unified School District; TAS – Tamalpais Adult School
Marin County AEBG Program Outreach & Support Coordinator Report – May 2018

       Meeting/Activity                             Purpose                              Potential                          Needed Follow Up

Planning with SRCS teachers and Adult Transitions                              Need AEBG budget finalized to
Case Manager to develop goals                                                  plan fund use accordingly.
for aging out newcomers.

NB TIP Cohort 6 started in            Pre-apprenticeship                                                       Vallejo Adult School will be the location of the
Sonoma county with the Boot                                                                                    next cohort.
Camp week 4/30 – 5/4/2018.
                                                                                                               Solano WDB may also support an additional
Class is now meeting Tues and
Thurs evenings at SRJC,
Petaluma Campus with 20

Attend Prop 39 Community of           Grant check in and sharing of best
Practice at LA Trade Tech             practices
Community College on May 9th

Planned classroom visits by           Adult transitions – social services to
CalFresh representative for           support student success
adult ESL and GED students in

Met with new program manager
at YWCA, Bette Gundershein.
Will keep in touch regarding
interest of clients in enrolling in
COM classes. They do have one
client graduating from COM

Marin County AEBG Program Outreach & Support Coordinator Report – May 2018

       Meeting/Activity                      Purpose                      Potential                     Needed Follow Up

medical assisting program this

Reviewed TE data for SRCS,
SUSD and MCOE. Submitted
Data Integrity reports for all
three organizations.

Planning phase of Prop 39 mini   Career education development for
grant for trades based math      adults and inmate students.
classes to be completed by
November 2018.

SRCS ESL and GED classes ended
the week of May 20th.


May 2, 2018

  To:                        Beth Pratt, Dean of Career and Technical Education, College of Marin

From: Corbett Elsen, Principal and Jaemi Naish, Assistant Director

CC:                          Marin AEBG Members

Re:                             Expanding Pearson Vue Test Center Hours in 2018-2019

Due to increased enrollment and programming at Tamalpais Adult School, there is an increased need to expand Pearson Vue
testing hours at Tamalpais Adult School’s Larkspur location. Exams are offered Fridays between 9-5pm. Most Fridays,
between 15-21 examinees are in attendance. The test center is completely filled three weeks in advance. The closest
Pearson Vue test centers offering scheduled examinations are Berkeley Adult School, Santa Rosa Junior College and Fairfield
Suisan Adult School. There have been many requests by examinees to extend testing hours in Larkspur.


Tamalpais Adult School enrollment, programming and test center foot traffic has steadily increased since implementing the
test center in January 2014. Students without transportation (a car) are unable to bus between Marin County and either
Santa Rosa or Fairfield seamlessly. Expanding testing hours and days will allow a greater number of Marin County residents t
access industry examinations needed for post-secondary education and employment.
  TAS Pearson Vue Test Center Examinations by Year:
                                                            Year                                                                                      Examinees
                January 2014 – December 2014                                                                                                                     300
                  January 2015-December 2015                                                                                                                     400
                January 2016 – December 2016                                                                                                                     400
                January 2017 – December 2017                                                                                                                     400
              January 2018 to December 2018                                                                                                      500
 To increase test center hours at Tamalpais Adult School in July and August of 2018-19, $5000 in additional funding is
required to employ two certified Pearson Vue proctors. To further expand Pearson Vue hours beyond July/August and
outside of normally scheduled Friday testing, Tam Adult School estimates an additional $5000 in funding is required. Tam

Adult School does not have this additional funding available in its 2018-19 operating budget.

    Net Annual Cost of Proposal for 2018-19: $10,000.00
Current cost of 2 Pearson Vue employees for July and August 2018: $5000.00

Current cost of 2 Pearson Vue employees for continued expansion in 2018: $5000.00

                                                                                                                       Carlisle Building                                                        375 Doherty Drive, Larkspur, CA 94939

                                                                                                                                                                     Phone (415)945-3780 Fax (415)945-3767

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