Candidate Information and Election Guide - 2020 Board Elections - New Zealand ...

Page created by Reginald Cook
Candidate Information and Election Guide - 2020 Board Elections - New Zealand ...
2020 Board Elections

Candidate Information and
Election Guide
Candidate Information and Election Guide - 2020 Board Elections - New Zealand ...
               Introduction                                                                       3

               Nomination Process                                                                 4

               Campaigning Guidelines                                                             6

               Voting Process                                                                     7

               New Zealand Winegrowers Rules                                                      9

               Directors: duties and expectations                                               10

               ANNEX 1: New Zealand Winegrowers Inc Charter                                     12

2   New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
                                                                                                  Photo: Carrick Wines.
Candidate Information and Election Guide - 2020 Board Elections - New Zealand ...
    This booklet outlines information for prospective candidates in the 2020 New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated
    (New Zealand Winegrowers) election of Board members. It explains how candidates can be nominated, how the
    election will be conducted, how the voting processes will work, and the expectations and responsibilities of Board
    If you have any questions about the election that are not answered by this booklet, please call the Election
    Helpline on 0800 666 042.

New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated Board Election 2020
New Zealand Winegrowers is now
seeking nominations for the election                                        Key Election Dates
of five of the ten elected Directors on
the New Zealand Winegrowers Board                                Nominations open      Monday 13 July 2020
– the Member Class Directors.
Once elected, all five Directors will                           Nominations close      Noon, Friday 14 August 2020
hold office for a term of four years,
and have equal standing on the Board                                  Voting opens     Monday 14 September 2020
with the existing five Levy Class
Directors and any additional Board                                    Voting closes    Noon, Friday 25 September 2020
Appointed Director (of which there
are currently two).
                                                                Results announced      Friday 25 September 2020
The election is being conducted by
online and postal voting with the                              First Board meeting     Thursday, 8 October 2020
election period being Monday 14
September – Friday 25 September

Nomination of Candidates for Election
Who may stand as a candidate?               above) to be a candidate. You may           Who counts as a “Member”?
                                            not nominate yourself – ie, the
To be nominated as a candidate, the                                                     For the purposes of this election,
                                            nominated candidate must not be
candidate must be:                                                                      to be considered as a “Member” of
                                            the nominating Member, or its own
                                                                                        New Zealand Winegrowers under the
•   a Member, or                            Member Representative.
                                                                                        New Zealand Winegrowers Rules, the
•   where the Member is not a natural       How to nominate a candidate:                Member must have been levied grape
    person (eg a company), the                                                          levy or wine levy due to New Zealand
                                            For the first time this year, candidates
    natural person who is appointed                                                     Winegrowers at some time since 1
                                            will be able to choose between
    by any Member to exercise                                                           May 2018 and must have paid that
                                            completing an on-line nomination
    its voting rights (a Member                                                         levy by 31 August 2020.
                                            form or printing, completing, and
                                            returning via email the PDF version of      The Returning Officer will verify that
In addition, a candidate must not be:       the nomination form.                        all nominators and candidates meet
                                                                                        the eligibility criteria above. If one
•   disqualified under the Companies        The nomination form must be signed
                                                                                        or both of the nominator/candidate
    Act 1993 from being a director of       by both the Member making the
                                                                                        pairing on a nomination form do
    a company established under that        nomination and the candidate. A
                                                                                        not meet the eligibility criteria, that
    Act; or                                 nomination is not valid unless both
                                                                                        candidate will be ineligible, and will
                                            have signed.
•   currently declared bankrupt.                                                        not be accepted as a candidate.
                                            Nominations not received by the
All potential candidates are advised                                                    How can I change my Member
                                            Returning Officer by noon on Friday
to read this booklet carefully,                                                         Representative?
                                            14 August 2020 will be invalid.
including the section headed                                                            Any member may change the
Directors: duties and expectations.         Full details of how to nominate a
                                                                                        person selected as their Member
                                            candidate, are set out below under
Who may nominate a candidate?                                                           Representative by contacting
                                            the heading Nomination Process.
                                                                                        New Zealand Winegrowers at
Any Member may nominate one                                                   
or more other natural persons
(who meet the eligibility criteria

                   New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
Candidate Information and Election Guide - 2020 Board Elections - New Zealand ...
Nomination Process
                                                                                 Key Dates
    Don’t wait until the
                                               Nominations open                        Monday 13 July 2020
    last minute!
    If your nomination                         Nominations close                       Noon, Friday 14 August 2020
    documents are lodged close
    to the time nominations
    close and they contain                 Nomination Papers
    errors or deficiencies, there
    may be insufficient time               To nominate a candidate you must use the official nomination form. If you do
    for the Returning Officer              not use the official form, the nomination will be rejected.
    to contact you, and for you
    to submit valid nomination             On-line and PDF versions of the official nomination form are available from
    documents before the          or can be requested from the
    nomination deadline.                   Retuning Officer, Warwick Lampp, or the Deputy Returning Officer, Michele
                                           Day, Ltd by:
    Don’t take that risk: get your
    nominations in well before             •     Phone: 0800 666 042
    the deadline of 12 noon on             •    Email:
    Friday 14 August 2020.
                                           Nomination guidelines
                                           Each nomination form must be:
                                           •    fully completed;
                                           •    signed by both the nominator and the candidate;
                                           •    accompanied by a candidate profile statement (see below); and
                                           •    accompanied by a recent (ie no older thatn 6 months) head and shoulders
                                                photograph of the candidate (and only the candidate), in jpeg format (at
                                                least 300 dpi resolution).
                                           Candidates may also submit a short video1 (maximum 1 minute). The video
                                           will be uploaded to YouTube, and made available for members to view on the
                                  election website together with the candidate’s profile statement
                                           and photograph.

                                           How to submit nominations
                                           The requirements for submitting nominations are:
                                           •    Completed nomination papers must be scanned and emailed,
                                                together with the required profile statement and photograph, to
                                       or submitted via the online nomination form.
                                           •    Nominations close at 12 noon on Friday 14 August 2020. Nomination
                                                documents received by the Returning Officer after that time will be invalid.
                                                It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that their nomination is received
                                                by the Returning Officer in time.
                                           Once lodged, the Returning Officer will check the nomination documents to
                                           ensure the nominator and candidate meet the eligibility requirements, and that
                                           all other requirements have been properly satisfied.
                                           The Returning Officer will send each candidate an email confirming acceptance,
                                           as soon as the candidate’s nomination documents are verified.
                                           Once nominations have closed, the Returning Officer will provide New Zealand
                                           Winegrowers with a full list of all candidates, and this will be published on the
                                           New Zealand Winegrowers website.

                                              See for accepted
                                           file formats.

4         New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
Candidate Information and Election Guide - 2020 Board Elections - New Zealand ...
Candidate profile statements
As noted above under How to submit nominations, each candidate must email a candidate profile statement along with
their photograph and nomination form, and optionally a video clip. All of this information will be collated and formatted
by the Returning Officer and made available online for Members to review before the election, and when voting for their
The candidate profile statement must provide information in the following format:

    Section heading:                            Requirement

    Name                                        Your usual name

    Professional Qualifications                 Qualifications you hold

    NZW Member                                  Your name, or the name of the Member you represent – eg:
                                                Jeffrey Clarke, or Deep Fjord Vines Ltd.

    Candidate Statement                         Maximum 350 words. Explain why Members should vote for you. For
                                                •   What are your relevant skills, experience and suitability for the position?
                                                •   What special qualities or attributes you would bring to the role?
                                                •   What issues do you think should be priorities for the Board?

    Contact details                             How can Members contact you to discuss your candidacy? For example:
                                                •   email address
                                                •   postal address
                                                •   mobile phone number

    For more information                        Optionally provide one or more website address, social media handle, or
                                                other link that Members can use to find out more about you and your views.
                                                No narrative text permitted.

To be accepted by the Returning Officer, the candidate profile statement:
•    Must adhere to the maximum word count and other requirements, which will be strictly enforced.
•    Must be provided in a Word document. Special formatting (bold, italics, underlining, quote marks) is permitted.
•    Must be confined to information concerning the candidate, and the candidate’s policies and intentions if elected. It
     must comply with the Campaigning Guidelines below.

Returning Officer review of candidate profile
If the Returning Officer is not satisfied that a candidate profile statement complies with the requirements as specified,
the Returning Officer will, as soon as practicable return the statement to the candidate and specify the concerns. The
candidate will then need to submit an amended candidate profile statement to the Returning Officer before nominations
The Returning Officer is not required to verify or investigate any information included in a candidate profile statement.
The Returning Officer will take no responsibility for the accuracy of the content, and a disclaimer concerning the
accuracy of the information contained in the statements will be published together with the collated profiles of

                      New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
Candidate Information and Election Guide - 2020 Board Elections - New Zealand ...
Campaigning Guidelines
                                     Election campaigning may commence when nominations have opened, or
                                     when candidates declare their intention to stand.
                                     No election material may contain an imitation voting paper which has the
                                     names of the candidates with any direction or indication as to who a person
                                     should vote for, or in any way contain such direction or indication likely to
                                     influence the voter.
                                     In campaigning for election, candidates and their supporters:
                                     •   must act in good faith and in the best interests of the New Zealand grape
                                         and wine industry;
                                     •   must be respectful of other candidates and not make any statement relating
                                         to other candidates that is defamatory or that undermines the integrity of
                                         the election process;
                                     •   must not use any property or resources of New Zealand Winegrowers for
                                         campaigning purposes, including logos, brands, photos, images or other
                                         intellectual property of New Zealand Winegrowers; and
                                     •   may use letters, fliers, emails, radio, television, internet, social media and
                                         print media for campaigning purposes.

6   New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
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Voting Process
The election will be carried out by internet voting, and all communications relating to the election will be sent by email
or SMS message. A postal ballot and postal communications will only be sent to members without a valid email

Voting in the election
Voting in the election will open on Monday 14 September 2020 and close at
noon on Friday 25 September 2020.                                                          Eight candidates have been
Members eligible to cast a vote in the election will receive an email from                 nominated to fill the five, on Monday 14 September 2020. This will contain their login              Member Class Director
details and a link to the secure online voting site.                         vacancies.
                                                                                           A Member reviews the
   If you are the person eligible to cast the vote in respect of your                      candidate list and decides she
   Membership and have not received an email from by                     would be happy to see any of
   noon on 25 September, please check your spam/junk/clutter folder. If the                the candidates elected, except
   email is not there, please contact the Election Helpline on 0800 666 042.               for Candidates No. 7 and 8. The
                                                                                           Member would cast one vote
                                                                                           in support of each of the six
To cast their votes, Members must go to the secure online voting site, and                 candidates she supports, as
follow the instructions presented there.                                                   follows:

Members without a valid email address will receive letter in the post shortly
after this date, with instructions on how to access the online voting site.                          Candidate No. 1

Voting method                                                                                        Candidate No. 2

Each Member may cast one vote for each of as many, or as few, of the Member                          Candidate No. 3
Class Director candidates as they choose. The Returning Officer will count the
number of valid votes cast in favour of each candidate and declare the five
highest polling candidates to be elected as the Member Class Directors.                              Candidate No. 4

Note that this voting system gives each Member an equal influence on the
                                                                                                     Candidate No. 5
election outcome.

Election results                                                                                     Candidate No. 6

The election results will be calculated and checked and then advised to New                          Candidate No. 7
Zealand Winegrowers on Friday 25 September 2020. The Returning Officer will
then personally advise all candidates by email on the same day.
                                                                                                     Candidate No. 8
The results will be published on the New Zealand Winegrowers website and
circulated to members on Friday 25 September 2020.                                         When all valid votes are
                                                                                           tallied, the five highest polling
                                                                                           candidates are declared
                                                                                           This system of voting is known
                                                                                           as “approval voting”.

New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
Returning Officer –
New Zealand Winegrowers has appointed Warwick Lampp from
as Returning Officer for these elections. This means that will be
handling all matters pertaining to the election.
The role of the Returning Officer is to conduct the election in accordance with
the Rules of New Zealand Winegrowers as well as in accordance with accepted
standard election management practices. Subject to those Rules, the Returning
Officer has complete and final control over how the election is run.
The Returning Officer is engaged by New Zealand Winegrowers and is
responsible to the New Zealand Winegrowers Chief Executive but does not
take direction from the Chief Executive Officer or the existing Board. The
Returning Officer is responsible for all staff, systems, resources, policies,
procedures and actions to ensure that the election process is carried out with
utmost integrity, security and fairness for all parties. The Returning Officer’s
decisions in respect to all matters pertaining to the elections are final.
The Returning Officer can be contacted via the Election Helpline on
0800 666 042. Queries regarding the actions or performance of the Returning
Officer should be directed to Jeffrey Clarke, General Counsel of New Zealand

8        New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
New Zealand Winegrowers Rules
The founding document of New Zealand Winegrowers is its Rules. The Rules define the rights and obligations
of Members and Directors, and how it is to be governed. A copy of the Rules can be downloaded from this section, text copied from the Rules is
shown in italics.

Objects of New Zealand Winegrowers
The following are defined as the             b   Raising money under appropriate         NZW is also:
objects of New Zealand Winegrowers               legislation (such as the
                                                                                         a   to account to Members in respect
in its Rules:                                    Commodity Levies Act and the
                                                                                             of NZW’s activities; and
                                                 Wine Act) to fund Industry Good
The objects of New Zealand
                                                 Activities;                             b   to do all such other things as may
Winegrowers are, on behalf of its
                                                                                             be incidental or conducive to the
Members, to promote, develop,                c   facilitating research and
                                                                                             attainment of all or any of the
research and serve the general                   development into, and other
                                                                                             above objects.
advancement of the New Zealand                   programmes or services for,
grape and grape wine industry as                 Industry Good Activities;               For the avoidance of doubt, NZW
a whole, and of New Zealand grape                                                        may facilitate, coordinate or conduct
                                             d   funding research and development
growers and grape wine producers in                                                      optional (user-pays) grape wine
                                                 and other programmes or services
particular members of New Zealand                                                        industry-related activities for the
                                                 for Industry Good Activities;
Winegrowers, by:                                                                         benefit of a number of, but not
                                             e   representing and advocating             necessarily all, Members, provided
a   Taking a strategic approach to
                                                 Members’ interests in relation to       that the Members participating
    maximise the best short-term
                                                 Industry Good Activities (including     in such activities cover any costs
    and long-term interests of New
                                                 to the Government of New                incurred by NZW in facilitating,
    Zealand grape growers and grape
                                                 Zealand, to foreign governments,        coordinating or conducting such
    wine producers, recognising:
                                                 to any of their respective              activities.
    i    The importance of the grape             departments or agencies, and
         wine industry’s contribution to         to New Zealand and overseas
         the New Zealand economy;                bodies); and
    ii   The special circumstances and       f   enhancing and protecting the
         need related to growing grapes          integrity and reputation of
         and producing grape wine in             New Zealand grape wines (as a
         New Zealand; and                        whole) in the manner considered
                                                 appropriate, such protection and
    iii New Zealand grape growers’
                                                 enhancement being both in New
        and grape wine producers’
                                                 Zealand and overseas.
        collective interests in the
        provision of Industry Good

                    New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
Directors: duties and expectations

    It is important that candidates appreciate the collective and individual duties that come with election and
    appointment as a Director on the New Zealand Winegrowers Board.
    Although New Zealand Winegrowers is not a company, the duties imposed by the Rules of New Zealand
    Winegrowers, and the expectations set out in the Board Charter, mean that the standard of conduct and
    commitment required of a Director is similar to that required of company directors.
    If you are appointed as a Director on the Board, you will be provided with induction training, and on-going
    governance training to help ensure that you know and understand your duties.
    The main sections of the Rules covering Directors’ duties are set out below. In addition, the Board Charter is a set
    of principles that guides the behaviour of the Board and its individual members in relation to carrying out their
    governance roles. The Board Charter is included in this booklet as Annex 1. Candidates are urged to read both the
    following information and the Board Charter.

Director duties                                                                        Declaration of interests
                                                                                       by Directors
A Director, when exercising powers or performing duties, is to act in good
faith in what the Director believes to be the best interests of New Zealand            It is a fundamental obligation
Winegrowers and of the New Zealand grape and wine industry as a whole,                 of all Directors of New Zealand
and in the manner which he or she believes will best attain the objects of New         Winegrowers to act in the
Zealand Winegrowers.                                                                   best interests of New Zealand
A Director is to exercise a power for a proper purpose.                                Winegrowers and of the New Zealand
                                                                                       grape and wine industry as a whole.
A Director may not act, or agree to New Zealand Winegrowers acting, in a               Under the Rules (rule 14), a Director
manner that contravenes any legislation or these Rules.                                must disclose to the Board, as soon
A Director may not:                                                                    as practicable after the Director
                                                                                       becomes aware of the interest, any
•   agree to the affairs of New Zealand Winegrowers being carried on in a              matter in which that Director has a
    manner likely to create a substantial risk of serious loss to New Zealand          material financial interest. A Director’s
    Winegrowers’s creditors; or                                                        interests generally in the grape or
•   cause or allow the affairs of New Zealand Winegrowers to be carried on             grape wine businesses which are
    recklessly or in a manner likely to create a substantial risk of serious loss to   the basis for his or her involvement
                                                                                       on the Board, or an interest that the
    New Zealand Winegrowers’s creditors.
                                                                                       Director has in common with all other
A Director may not agree to New Zealand Winegrowers incurring an obligation            Members, do not count as a “material
unless the Director believes at that time on reasonable grounds that New               financial interest”. The Rules give
Zealand Winegrowers will be able to perform the obligation when it is required         more guidance on what constitutes a
to do so.                                                                              “material financial interest”.
A Director, when exercising powers or performing duties as a Director, is to           After disclosure of a material financial
exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonable Director would exercise       interest, the Director will continue to
in the same circumstances taking into account, but without limitation:                 form part of the quorum and, unless
                                                                                       the Board, decides otherwise, may
•   the nature of New Zealand Winegrowers;
                                                                                       participate in any vote, discussion
•   the nature of the decision;                                                        and/or decision on that matter.
•   the circumstances applying at the time; and
•   the position of the Director and the nature of the responsibilities undertaken
    by him or her.

10        New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
Directors’ term on the                     Board Committees
                                           As well as Board meetings, Directors are expected to be on two New Zealand
Member Class Directors elected in          Winegrowers Board Committees.       Additional time is required to attend
this election will hold office for four    Committee meetings. Travel expenses to Committee meetings is covered by
years. The next election of Member         New Zealand Winegrowers.
Class Directors will take place in
2024, and every fourth calendar year       Directors’ honoraria
The five Levy Class Directors on           Subject to annual approval by members at the Annual Members Meeting, the
the Board were elected in 2018             Board has approved the payment of annual honoraria to Directors, Chair and
and will hold office until October         Committee Chairs of the Board. The amounts paid are:
In addition, after each election,           Role                      Honorarium        Comment
the Board may appoint up to two             Board Chair               $49,000
additional directors who hold office
until the next election.                    Deputy Chair              $26,000

Attendance at Board                         Director                  $8,000            To be paid to all Directors
meetings                                                                                (excluding Chair and Deputy)

                                            Committee Chair           $4,000            To be paid in addition to the
Board meetings are usually held 6                                                       above for Finance, Research,
times a year in various locations.                                                      Sustainability, Advocacy, and
Generally they run from 9:00 am until                                                   Marketing Committees
2:00 pm. Travel expenses to Board
meetings is covered by New Zealand
One week before each meeting,
agenda, Board papers and other
materials are circulated to Directors,
which Directors are expected to
have read and considered before the

                  New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
New Zealand Winegrowers Inc
Board Charter1
Purpose of this Charter                     6. The Board must ensure that                  d) The Annual Workplan.
                                               detailed and accurate minutes
                                                                                           e) The Terms of Reference for
The purpose of this Charter is to              of all its meetings are kept,
                                                                                              Board Committees including
set out the role of the Board and its          including the voting record on all
                                                                                              designation of the Chair
Directors and the conduct expected             resolutions.
                                                                                              and membership of each
of them. It supplements the                 7. Directors will use their best                  Committee.
binding legal obligations set out in           endeavours to attend Board
the Rules of NZW (“Rules”). To the                                                         f) CEO performance and
                                               meetings and if unable to attend,
extent that any Director holds a                                                              remuneration.
                                               shall advise the Chair or CEO as
role in a subsidiary or related entity         soon as possible.                           g) Risk assessment policies and
of NZW, this Charter also applies to                                                          controls including insurance
the Director’s conduct in that role.        8. The quorum for any Board
                                                                                              covers, foreign exchange
                                               meeting is 9 (nine) Directors
                                                                                              management and compliance
Definitions                                    present.
                                                                                              with legal and regulatory
                                            9. For a general resolution to be                 requirements.
Board means the Directors who                  passed by the Board, 7 (seven)
                                                                                           h) Recommend to the AGM total
number not less than the required              votes must be cast in support of
                                                                                              levels of honoraria for Directors
quorum, as set out in Rule 11.1, acting        the motion.
                                                                                              and Committee members
together as the Board of Directors of       10. For a special resolution to be
NZW.                                                                                       i) The Board Charter.
                                                passed 9 (nine) votes must be cast
Director means each Levy Class                  in support of the motion. Special       13. At each meeting the Board should
Director, Member Class Director and             resolutions are defined in Rule 11.2        normally receive, consider and/or
Board Appointed Director.                       and relate to:                              decide on:
                                               a) recommendations relating to              a) The Minutes of the previous
Role and Operation of                             any amendments to the Rules                 meeting.
the Board                                         or dissolution of NZW
                                                                                           b) Minutes of Board Committee
                                               b) any Levy Order or setting of                meetings and any relevant
1. The role of the Board is to
                                                  any Levy                                    reports.
   represent the interests of
   members in order to achieve the             c) the appointment of any Board             c) An operational report including
   mission and objects of NZW as set              Appointed Directors                         a financial report from the CEO.
   down in Rule 3 of the Rules.
                                               d) the selection of the Chair and           d) Major issues and opportunities
2. The powers of the Board are as set             Deputy Chair                                for NZW.
   down in Rule 10 and Schedule 2 of
                                               e) the adoption of any annual               e) Any items involving significant
   the Rules.
                                                  financial budget                            expenditure in excess of the
3. The Board may constitute                                                                   approved annual budget.
                                               f) granting of any honours for
   Committees and direct them to
                                                  service to the industry.              14. The Board has sole authority over
   perform certain tasks on behalf of
                                                                                            the Board agenda and delegates
   the Board.                               11. The Chair shall have a deliberative
                                                                                            responsibility for preparing
                                                vote as a Director, but no
4. Directors must declare any actual                                                        the agenda to the Chair in
                                                additional casting vote as Chair.
   or potential conflict of interest. A                                                     consultation with the CEO. Any
   Director’s interests in the grape        12. At least once every year at a               Director may request the addition
   or wine businesses which are the             meeting the Board shall review              of an item to the agenda.
   basis for his or her involvement on          and agree:
                                                                                        15. The CEO shall attend Board
   the Board will not be considered a
                                               a) NZW’s Vision, Mission, and                meetings but will have no vote
   conflict of interest.
                                                  Purpose and the strategy for              at such meetings, or on any
5. The Board will normally hold                   achieving these.                          Committee of the Board. The
   meetings every second month                                                              CEO may also arrange for other
                                               b) The annual budget.
   and additional meetings as                                                               senior staff to attend, but such
   needed. Meetings may be held by             c) The annual financial statement            attendance is at the discretion of
   electronic or other means.                     and report to members.                    the Board.

    As approved by the NZW Board 3 November 2016

12         New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
The Board’s Relationship                   The Conduct of Board                        6. Directors must observe all legal
                                                                                          and NZW policy provisions relating
with Industry Members                      Directors                                      to the use of properly designated
                                                                                          confidential NZW information.
1. Directors will use their best           1. Director duties are set out in Rule
                                                                                          Board papers are intended for
   endeavours to familiarise                  10.4. Each Director has a duty
                                                                                          the use by Board members only.
   themselves with views and                  to act in good faith in what the
                                                                                          However, distribution or discussion
   opinions of members by gathering           Director believes to be the best
                                                                                          of the material in Board papers to
   information directly from                  interests of NZW and of the New
                                                                                          other members of the industry is
   members.                                   Zealand grape and wine industry
                                                                                          permitted provided:
                                              as a whole, and in the manner
2. The Board will regularly evaluate
                                              which will best attain the objects            a) Directors use due discretion
   economic, technological, political,
                                              of NZW.                                          when distributing or discussing
   social and legal issues and any
                                                                                               such material;
   other relevant external matters         2. Directors will use their best
   that may impact the interests of           endeavours to attend Board                    b) Any confidential material
   members.                                   meetings and to prepare                          discussed or distributed is
                                              thoroughly. Directors are expected               to be treated as such by the
3. The Board will maintain an
                                              to participate fully, frankly and                receiving party, and
   “open door” policy on member
                                              constructively in Board discussions
   attendance at Board and                                                                  c) The information is not
                                              and other activities and to bring
   Committee meetings. Members                                                                 provided simply for the general
                                              the benefit of their particular
   are permitted to speak at the                                                               information of the party
                                              knowledge, skills and abilities to
   discretion of the chair but are                                                             concerned.
                                              the Board table. Directors unable
   required to advise the chair in
                                              to attend a meeting will advise the      7. Unless specifically authorised, a
   advance to enable the conduct
                                              Chair or CEO as soon as possible.           Director other than the Chair will
   of an orderly and time efficient
                                                                                          not make any statement on behalf
   meeting; such permission shall not      3. Board discussions will be open
                                                                                          of NZW.
   be unreasonably withheld. Where            and constructive, recognizing
   the privacy or confidentiality             that genuinely held differences of
   interests require, the meeting will        opinion can bring greater clarity
                                                                                       Board Appointed
   go into closed session.                    and lead to better decisions.            Directors
4. The Board, after each of its            4. Directors are entitled to have           1.    Board Appointed Directors are
   meetings, shall make available             access, at reasonable times, to               appointed to the Board, and hold
   a brief summary report of the              management and to all relevant                office, in the manner set down
   meeting for the benefit of the             NZW information subject to the                in the Rules. The Rules provide
   members, including the agenda              provision that confidential private           that a Board Appointed Director
   items discussed and any decisions          member information will not be                is not eligible to vote on Special
   taken. This summary is not a               disclosed except in aggregate                 Resolutions of the Board that
   substitute for the minutes or              form where the identity of                    relate to the appointment of Board
   any transcript of a meeting. The           individual members is protected.              Appointed Directors.
   minutes will be made available to
                                           5. Directors are required to make           2. A Board Appointed Director may
   members once they have been
                                              decisions based solely on their             not serve as Chair or Deputy of
   confirmed as a true and accurate
                                              judgment of the short and long              NZW, nor serve as a Committee
                                              term best interests of New                  Chair.
                                              Zealand wine industry and its
                                              members, as set out in paragraph
                                              1 above. Where a Director does
                                              not believe he/she can make a
                                              decision on this basis, this must
                                              be declared to the Board, and the
                                              Director concerned must abstain
                                              from voting in such instances.

                  New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
Chair and Deputy Chair                      Breach of this Charter                      6. Within 10 working days of a
                                                                                           decision being made by the Board
1. The Board shall appoint a Chair          1. This Charter aims to guide the              that the conduct of a Director is in
   and a Deputy Chair at its first             conduct of the Board of NZW                 breach of the Charter, the affected
   meeting after any Levy Class or             and its Directors in serving the            member may request in writing an
   Member Class election, or any time          interests the New Zealand wine              independent review of the Board’s
   should a vacancy occur.                     industry and its members.                   decision. The Review should follow
                                                                                           the procedure set out in point 5
2. The Chair is responsible for:            2. Where there is an allegation                of the New Zealand Winegrowers’
                                               of a breach of the Charter, the             Policy on Industry Reputation and
     a) representing the Board
                                               concerned Director making the               Integrity.
     b) ensuring the integrity of the          allegation, or any other person,
        Board’s decision making                should raise the matter with the         Consequences for Breach
        process.                               Chair. The Chair shall decide            of Charter
                                               whether or not to act on the
     c) maintaining regular dialogue
                                               concern raised.                          1.    The Board may take any one or
        with the CEO over all
        operational matters                 3. If the Chair considers the matter             more of the following actions
                                               worthy of investigation, the Chair            with regard to a Director whose
     d) consulting with the Board                                                            conduct has been upheld as
                                               shall in the first instance raise the
        promptly over any matter of                                                          breaching this Charter subsequent
                                               matter with the Director about
        major concern.                                                                       to the completion of any Review
                                               whom the issue has been raised.
     e) completing the annual                  If after consideration the Chair              as set out above:
        performance review of the CEO          is still sufficiently concerned               a) Issue an oral or written censure
        in conjunction with the Deputy         about the matter, the Chair shall                of that Director’s conduct to be
        Chair and any other Director           raise the matter with the Board                  noted in the minutes;
        appointed by the Board                 with a recommendation as to
                                               the manner with which it is to be             b) Publicise within either the
     f) facilitating discussion at                                                              industry and/or the media any
                                               determined. The Board may then
        Board meetings to ensure                                                                oral or written censure, subject
                                               decide on the matter and any
        that all Directors have equal                                                           to appropriate legal advice and
                                               response to it and/or conduct any
        opportunity to participate,                                                             mitigation of possible financial
                                               further investigation it believes
        that differing points-of-                                                               risk;
                                               is required, including engaging
        view are expressed, that
                                               any independent person for this               c) Disallow, disqualify or cancel
        thorough discussion takes
                                               purpose.                                         the appointment of the
        place and that outcomes are
        logical, understandable and         4. In following the above procedure                 Director to any committee of
        collaborative.                         the Board must have due regard                   NZW.
                                               to the principles of procedural
3. The Chair shall act as a media
                                               fairness and the rules of natural
   spokesperson for NZW on matters
                                               justice. In particular if a matter is
   of concern or significant interest
                                               to be considered by the Board
   to New Zealand Winegrowers
                                               the Director concerned shall
   unless otherwise agreed and shall
                                               be advised in advance (if this is
   only make statements that are
                                               possible) and shall be given the
   consistent with NZW’s strategy
                                               opportunity to be present during
   and agreed policies.
                                               the Board consideration of the
4. The Deputy Chair shall support              matter.
   the Chair in all the responsibilities
                                            5. Under this section of the Charter,
   of the Chair, and in absence of the
                                               the Deputy Chair shall in all
   Chair shall act as the Chair.
                                               respects act in the place of the
5. In accordance with Rule 15, subject         Chair if a breach of Charter
   to Member approval, NZW may                 allegation is raised concerning
   provide an honorarium to the                the Chair. Either the Chair and/or
   Chair, Deputy Chair and other               the Deputy Chair (in the context
   Directors.                                  of this clause) requires additional
                                               resource for these processes they
Indemnity and Insurance                        may engage any independent
                                               person for this purpose. If an
1.    To the fullest extent permitted by       allegation is raised against both
     law NZW will indemnify Directors,         the Chair and the Deputy Chair,
     and provide and pay the premiums          then that complaint will be lodged
     for insurance cover, in respect of        with the full Board.
     their acts and omissions in their
     capacities as Directors.

14         New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
Photo: Ceres Wines.                                                                                                  15
16   New Zealand Winegrowers Incorporated 2020 Board Elections Candidate Information and Election Guide
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