Capitalism in crisis? - Centre Write JESSE NORMAN MP - Bright Blue

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Capitalism in crisis? - Centre Write JESSE NORMAN MP - Bright Blue
                                    on responsible capitalism   has money on his mind


    in crisis?
                                                                                Summer 2016 | 1
paul goodman   |   the rt hon ed vaizey mp   |   flick drummond    |   the rt hon lord maude
Capitalism in crisis? - Centre Write JESSE NORMAN MP - Bright Blue

                                EDITORIAL                             Kamile Stankute                              14
                                Editor’s letter                      Unlocking potential 
                                Laura Round                        4 Pamela Dow                                   15
                                Director’s note                      Skype session with...
                                Ryan Shorthouse                    5 Martin Lewis                                 17

                                MARKETS THAT WORK                       THE RISE OF THE STATE?
                                FOR EVERYONE                            Should politicians nudge
                                Mending markets                         human behaviour?
                                Scott Corfe                        7   Professor Robert Metcalfe                  18
                                Can we make capitalism healthy?        Theresa May: free-marketeer?
                                Dolly Theis                        8   Mark Littlewood                            19
                                Back to work                           Fixing the broken energy
                                Flick Drummond                    10   market
                                Making the consumer king               John Penrose MP                            20
                                James Plunkett                    12   A property-owning Britain
                                Does business do enough?                Alex Morton                                22

Bright Blue is an independent
think tank and pressure group
for liberal conservatism.

Director: Ryan Shorthouse
                                 Page 28 The Centre Write
Chair: Matthew d’Ancona          interview: Jesse Norman MP
Board of Directors: Rachel                                                                           Evening Standard

Johnson, Alexandra Jezeph,
Diane Banks, Phil Clarke
& Richard Mabey

Editor: Laura Round

Printers: Aquatint,                                                                  Page 17 Martin Lewis
Cover and typesetting:                                                              discusses mental health
                                                                                    and money
Eleanor Hyland-Stanbrook
Capitalism in crisis? - Centre Write JESSE NORMAN MP - Bright Blue
Capitalism is core to conservatism        Energising the industrial strategy        Michelle Hubert                      40
The Rt Hon Lord Maude                23   Sam Hall                             34   Prosperity through productivity
The conservative state: small,                                                        Antoinette Sandbach MP               42
strong and strategic                       IS DEVOLUTION THE                          Be prepared
Paul Goodman                         26   SOLUTION?                                  Chris Green MP                       43
                                           Government for the people                  Apprenticeship nation 
THE INTERVIEW                              and for the regions                       The Rt Hon Robert Halfon MP          44
The Centre Write interview:          28   Stephen Clarke                       35   Creative prosperity
Jesse Norman MP                            Two decades of devolution                 The Rt Hon Ed Vaizey MP46
                                           Paul Masterton MP                    36
BRIGHT BLUE POLITICS                       Reviving the North                        BOOKS & ARTS
Why I’m a Bright Blue MP                  Jonathan Moore                       38   Exhibition: Giacometti
Neil Parish MP                       32                                              Eamonn Ives                          49
Bright Blue research update                INDUSTRIAL STRATEGY                        Film: Dunkirk
James Dobson                         33   Spades in the ground                       Fiona Smith                          50

 Page 26 Paul Goodman on                                                                                    Page 23 The Rt
 creating a smarter state                                                                                   Hon Lord Maude
                                                                                                            on pro-enterprise

                                            Page 46 The Rt Hon
                                            Ed Vaizey MP on the
                                            importance of the UK’s
                                            fastest growing sector

 Page 10 Flick Drummond
 outlines how to support
 women returners
Capitalism in crisis? - Centre Write JESSE NORMAN MP - Bright Blue

                                                                                                         laura round is the
Editor’s letter                                                                                          Editor of Centre Write
                                                                                                         and Communications
                                                                                                         Manager at Bright Blue

One of the most striking lessons from the last general            towards a more interventionist agenda, Mark Littlewood
election is the collapse in the proportion of those aged          from the Institute of Economic Affairs (p.19) argues
under 40 voting Conservative. As Ruth Davidson - the              that in order to win the next election and to ensure a
Scottish Conservative leader - has written, unstable              successful Brexit, the Conservatives needs to passionately
employment and wage stagnation - coupled with high rental         advocate for freer markets. Indeed, one of the original
and transport costs, as well as increasing barriers to home       Tory modernisers, the Rt Hon Lord Francis Maude
ownership - go some way to explaining why many young              (p.23) says that a Conservative Party that doesn’t appear
adults don’t think the current system is working for them.        to be passionately in favour of free enterprise and
Capitalism has delivered demonstrable economic successes,         wealth creation lacks credibility and authenticity. The
yet people seem to be losing faith in its ability to make         editor of ConservativeHome, Paul Goodman (p.26)
their lives better. This is a huge challenge and has triggered    argues for a streamlined state. And former Number
significant debate on the centre-right of British politics.       10 adviser, Alex Morton (p.22), outlines what the
  The Prime Minister spent her first year in office setting       Government should do to boost home-ownership.
out a narrative for a larger role for the state, centred around     Earlier this year, Theresa May launched the
“the good that government can do”. This narrative was             Government’s new modern industrial strategy. One aim
lost in the general election campaign. As was hard-won            of this to reduce inequalities between different regional
successes on the economy by Conservative Governments              economies in the UK. The second part of the magazine
since 2010. Nor did the party hammer home positive,               explores whether devolution really is the solution to
compassionate, liberal and pro-enterprise values – many           fixing this imbalance. Stephen Clarke (p.35) from the
of which, I suspect, are shared by younger generations.           Resolution Foundation looks at how the industrial
  With the advancement of the hard-left under Jeremy              strategy can ensure growth is spread evenly across the
Corbyn, the Conservative Party really must learn from             country. Newly elected Scottish Tory Paul Masterton
its mistakes to ensure it wins the next election. Part of this    MP (p.36) explains why Conservatives should continue
challenge lies in defending and reforming free markets. This      to champion Scottish devolution within the UK.
is a topic covered in my interview with brainy Transport            One of the main aims of the industrial strategy is to
Minister, Jesse Norman MP (p. 28), who says the challenge         boost productivity. Antoinette Sandbach MP (p.42)
for conservatives is to mend broken markets and not throw         points to the importance of innovative education and
its “hands up and run for a certain kind of crypto-Marxism”.      close ties with Europe to improve it. Former Minister
  The Government is clearly keen to ensure markets                for Culture and Digital, the Rt Hon Ed Vaizey MP
are fairer and that consumers get a better deal. Scott            (p.46), urges the encouragement of creativity to untap
Corfe, chief economist for the Social Market Foundation           talent and explains why the creative industries are an
(p.7), argues that better consumer engagement and                 integral part of the industrial strategy. The new chair of
bargaining power are necessary for markets to be fair. In         the Education Select Committee, the Rt Hon Robert
my Skype session with Money Saving Expert Martin                  Halfon MP (p.44), argues that Conservatives should be
Lewis (p.17), he explains the link between money and              loudly celebrating the apprenticeship revolution. I hope
mental health. And James Plunkett (p.12), Director of             this edition of Centre Write helps you navigate through
Policy at Citizens Advice, discusses why non-choices              the broad debate around responsible capitalism and,
are damaging the proper functioning of markets.                   specifically, demonstrate the role the state can and should
  With the latest Conservative Party manifesto shifting           play in achieving good economic and social outcomes.•

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Capitalism in crisis? - Centre Write JESSE NORMAN MP - Bright Blue

Director’s note                            eliminating the structural deficit.       on the ordoliberalism of post-war
                                             Anyway, this theory, among others,      Germany, which advocates that a
Ryan Shorthouse                            distracts from the unfortunate            market-based society needs strong
                                           and brutal truth: the public were         morals and rules – even government
                                           increasingly exposed to the poor          intervention - if is to work equitably
                                           leadership and communication              and efficiently. Hence the Prime
               ryan shorthouse is the      skills of Theresa May during the          Minister’s welcome targeting of
               Director of Bright Blue     campaign. The manifesto, though           vested interests and corporate
                                           rich on philosophy and principles,        greed, with calls for workers’ voices
                                           lacked clear and concrete policies, in    on company boards and greater
So, what went wrong? This                  contrast to Corbyn’s. The manifesto       transparency around the recruitment
summer, there has been much soul-          was emblematic, in fact, of May’s first   and pay of different social groups.
searching from Conservatives on            year in charge: rousing rhetoric in set
why they recently failed to win the        speeches, but a lack of any substantial   If conservatives are unable
decisive parliamentary majority            policies to truly tackle ‘burning         to argue that capitalism
almost everyone predicted.                 injustices’ and support those ‘just       benefits most people, then
  Two clear points stand out.              about managing’. Well, people are not     they might as well pack their
First, the substantial polling lead        daft: actions speak louder than words.    bags now and go home.
the Conservatives initially had              The flagship policy in the manifesto    Of course it has and does
over Labour narrowed during the            on social care – to lift the guaranteed
election campaign. Second, there           amount someone could pass on                If capitalism is to remain popular
was a considerable shift in voting         to their children to £100,000, but        and effective, then individuals and
intention to the Labour Party after        to include within the means-test          corporates do need to behave more
the launch of the manifestos.              calculation for domiciliary care          responsibly. Markets are motored by
                                           the value of the family home, as is       - and have consequences for – human
Cabinet Ministers have not                 currently the case for residential        beings, not just profit; that needs to
been allowed the freedom                   care – was sensible, but was received     be appreciated and acted upon by
and profile to develop                     particularly badly. The closed clique     more people. Conservatives should
distinctive policy agendas,                controlling government failed to build    not abandon May’s ‘responsible
in marked contrast to those                a significant network of individuals      capitalism’ agenda, therefore.
under Cameron’s premiership                and organisations who could shape         Equally, though, Conservatives
                                           and support this policy – and, in         need to be much more responsible
  Some Tories now claim that it            fact, May’s programme in general.         in how they talk about capitalism.
is because the public are tiring of        Cabinet Ministers, for example, have        Some on the Left, especially under
austerity. This is no doubt true           not been allowed the freedom and          Corbyn, have pushed a simple,
among a small proportion of voters,        profile to develop distinctive policy     spellbinding narrative about Britain’s
particularly among some public-            agendas, in marked contrast to those      economic model in recent years: that
sector workers who have experienced        under Cameron’s premiership.              free-market fundamentalism has been
pay constraint over a number of              What May and her coterie did do,        pursued by the Tory Government,
years. But it is, frankly, absurd to       right, however, was to emphasise          and only an elite – the so-called 1% -
think there was such a shift in public     that conservatism prioritises             have benefitted from this. Too many
opinion against fiscal discipline in the   responsibility not just freedom - of      on the Right are now swallowing
space of six weeks. And it is perfectly    both individuals and businesses.          and adopting this story. You can
possible to better support those on        This is a social market rather than       find it in the words of Theresa
modest incomes at the same time as         free market vision, based originally      May and her previous advisers.

                                                                                                              Autumn 2017 | 5
Capitalism in crisis? - Centre Write JESSE NORMAN MP - Bright Blue

>> It is simply untrue that Tory         pack their bags now and go home.         the Tory trump cards: economic
administrations before the current one   Of course it has and does. There is      competence and fiscal stewardship.
only offered the public free-market      unprecedented access to travel and         This is a call for a sense of
fundamentalism. Under Cameron,           technology. Rates of education,          perspective, not complacency. There
for example, the Conservatives           employment and entrepreneurship          are still too many people, as the
increased the minimum wage;              are at record levels. According to       Prime Minister has passionately
committed to real-terms increases        the Office for National Statistics       articulated, who are struggling in
in NHS spending; introduced a            survey of personal well-being,           our capitalist society. And all of us,
cap on the cost of payday loans;         most the British public – even in        to differing degrees, face day-to-
and announced a sugar tax on fizzy       less affluent areas – are generally      day challenges where a little more
drinks from 2018: these are not the      satisfied with their lives.              help from government would be
policies of a libertarian government.      Conservatives should reject, not       welcome. This is what the Tories
                                         indulge, the attacks on liberal and      should focus on now: not petty
The Party’s leadership                   democratic capitalism. The Party’s       philosophical debate, but on devising
needs to be confident and                leadership needs to be confident         and delivering sensible policies to
compelling champions of                  and compelling champions of liberal      improve lives. Practical help from
liberal values and economics,            values and economics, especially if      the Conservative Party - not a new
especially if they are to                they are to inspire younger people,      name, vision or philosophy – is what
inspire younger people,                  who just voted decisively against the    will win them the next election.
who just voted decisively                Tories. Indeed, the recent election        The Conservative Party needs to
against the Tories                       campaign and manifesto did not do        argue for - and build - a responsible
                                         enough to celebrate some of the real     capitalism. But it also need to
 And if conservatives are unable to      economic successes achieved under        be more responsible in how it
argue that capitalism benefits most      the Conservative Governments             describes the reality of living
people, then they might as well          since 2010. It was foolish not to play   in this capitalist country. •

                                                                                           LATEST REPORT

         Britain breaking barriers
         James Dobson and Ryan Shorthouse
         Britain is the home of human rights and a global force for                                        Britain
         good. After Brexit, Britain should not just be a global leader                                    barriers
         in free trade, but in human rights too. In this country, as a                                     Strengthening human rights
                                                                                                           and tackling discrimination
         result of discrimination, too many people are still held back
         — especially in education and employment — because of
         who they are rather than what they do.
         After a year-long inquiry led by a commission of high-profile
         decision makers and opinion formers, this report provides
         a comprehensive and compelling set of policies which can
         be used by the current Government for its social reform
         agenda to strengthen human rights and tackle all forms of                      James Dobson and
                                                                                        Ryan Shorthouse

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Capitalism in crisis? - Centre Write JESSE NORMAN MP - Bright Blue

Mending markets
Scott Corfe claims that to save free markets, we need fairer markets

               scott corfe is chief        value telecommunication, banking          The case for tackling this is
               economist at the Social     and energy companies. In some           compelling, not least because
               Market Foundation           markets such as the private rental      the existence of unfair markets
                                           sector, businesses also appear to       undermines broader faith in markets,
Many have interpreted the outcomes         be taking advantage of the weak         full stop. Unless we make markets
of the EU referendum and the 2017          bargaining position of households.      fairer, there is a risk of this paving
general election as a rejection of a         The consequences of this are          the way for a raft of anti-business
market-based economic settlement           clear to see. Customer satisfaction     measures or even the outright
that is not working for a significant      levels are relatively low in            abolition of markets – through
portion of the population – both           concentrated industries such as         nationalisation of industries such
in terms of providing good work            energy and telecommunications.          as transport and energy. This
and value for consumers.                      The most vulnerable, least           would almost certainly lead to
  At their best, free and functioning      engaged consumers often face            worse outcomes for households
markets are a driving force of job         the highest prices. Research by         and the economy more widely.
creation, innovation and prosperity.       Ofcom, for example, found that
They also increase value for money.        landline-only customers – who are       The most vulnerable, least
The recent retail price war, which         disproportionately likely to be poor    engaged consumers often
saw the ‘big four’ supermarkets            and old – had seen rental charges       face the highest prices
slashing prices in the face of increased   increase by up to 49% in real terms
competition from Aldi and Lidl,            over the past decade. At the same         The will within government to
highlights how competitive forces          time, wholesale costs of providing a    make markets fairer, with better
can lead to better outcomes for            landline service had fallen by 26%.     outcomes for consumers, is there.
consumers. Mortgage rates have               Despite low costs for credit checks     For example, the Conservative
also been pushed down in recent            and producing a standardised            manifesto for the 2017 general
years as lenders have had to compete       contract, tenants in the private        election emphasised a need to
hard to win over customers.                rental sector have seen a substantial   tackle inequality of outcomes
                                           increase in letting agent fees in       in the energy market – where
Free and functioning                       recent years. Tenants, who are          disengaged consumers find
markets are a driving force                often desperate for a roof over their   themselves on poor value deals.
of job creation, innovation                head lack the bargaining power            So what’s the best route to fairer
and prosperity. They also                  needed to rebuff excessive prices.      markets? Social Market Foundation
increase value for money                     Ultimately, when consumers are        research provides several insights.
                                           disengaged and lack bargaining            We think there’s a case for re-
 All too often, however, consumer          power, and when barriers to             examining the relationship between
markets are dominated by a lack            competition are high, households        buyers and sellers, particularly
of choice and barriers to switching        get a raw deal. In these cases, a       in markets where consumers are
supplier. Inertia among households         ‘free’ market can easily become         disengaged or have little bargaining
does not help either – with unengaged      what many people would                  power. The ban on charging letting
consumers often sticking with poor         consider an ‘unfair’ market.            agent fees is an example of this.

                                                                                                           Autumn 2017 | 7
Capitalism in crisis? - Centre Write JESSE NORMAN MP - Bright Blue

>>But we believe that reforms should          those on the best and worst deals        techniques to discourage cancellation.
be considered elsewhere. Reverse              offered by a company. One approach       In particular, this can trap vulnerable
auction schemes in energy, where              may be to curb use of rolling            consumers in poor deals.
suppliers bid for consumers’ business,        contracts, forcing companies to             Fairer markets lead to more
could lead to a much more active and          inform consumers about better            innovation, better customer service
price competitive energy market.              deals at the end of a contract term.     and lower prices for consumers.
                                                 There is also a case for regulators   But they do not always come about
It should be as easy to                       to do more to make markets more          naturally. In our view, consumer
cancel a subscription as                      symmetrical – it should be as easy       engagement and bargaining power
it is to sign up for one                      to cancel a subscription as it is to     are necessary for a market to be
                                              sign up for one. A service that can      fair – having choice of supplier
  It is also worth reconsidering the          be signed up for online, should          is not sufficient. Government
role and remit of regulators, with a          be cancellable online. Forcing           needs to recognise this with a new,
greater emphasis on tackling issues           individuals to phone to cancel creates   radical approach to regulation.
around price transparency and                 barriers to switching, especially        The costs of not doing so are
the inequality of outcomes between            if phone calls involve hard selling      potentially substantial. •

Can we make capitalism healthy?
The food and drink industry should do more to reduce the burden of obesity on society,
argues Dolly Theis

                   dolly theis is a           going bust, the Government               and most vulnerable children who
                   researcher at the Centre   published a plan in August 2016 to       are worst affected. By aged five, a
                   for Social Justice         “significantly reduce” childhood         child in poverty is twice as likely to
                                              obesity rates in England over            be obese than their least deprived
Capitalism is making the wealthy              the next ten years. Despite valid        peers, and by aged 11 this increases
healthy, but the majority of us fatter.       criticisms of its weakness in relying    to three times more likely. In
  Britain is now the most obese               on mainly voluntary actions by the       fact, according to National Child
country in Europe. Sixty-eight                food and drinks industry, medical        Measurement Programme (NCMP)
percent of men, 50% of women and              professions and schools, it did mark     figures, the obesity gap between
a third of children leaving primary           an important ideological shift for the   the least and most disadvantaged
school are obese or overweight.               Government, away from viewing            children in England is growing,
This is not only leading to around            childhood obesity as an issue of         meaning inequality in this health
70,000 premature deaths each year,            poor personal choice, towards            outcome is getting worse.
it is also estimated to cost our              understanding that our environment,
economy a staggering £27 billion              socioeconomic circumstances,             Capitalism is making the
annually, which in the absence                education, and influence put on us by    wealthy healthy, but the
of concerted effort, is expected              the food and drinks industry dictate     majority of us fatter
to rise to £50 billion by 2050.               the choices we are presented with.
  In a landmark attempt to address              Although obesity is evident in          To help the government, industry
the issue and save our NHS from               all communities, it is our poorest       and public sector address

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Capitalism in crisis? - Centre Write JESSE NORMAN MP - Bright Blue

>> this inexcusable inequality, the
Centre for Social Justice launched
a formal review into childhood
obesity, physical inactivity
and deprivation last year.
  A key part of the review will
look at how industry can be
challenged to take responsible
capitalism one bold step further,
by making capitalism healthy.
  For too long the food and drinks
industry has got away with its
role in the obesity crisis. Mainly
because the causes of obesity are so
complex and multifaceted. Unlike
the link between smoking and
cancer, there is no one thing that
leads to obesity. For years, scientists,
nutritionists and medical experts
have failed to reach a consensus.
One minute it’s about vilifying fat,
the next it’s all about sugar. This has
allowed the food and drink industry
to dodge their responsibilities
and continue cleverly marketing            a warning to industry that, should      industry and health professionals to
food and drink accordingly.                it fail to address the obesogenic       make informed and healthy choices
                                           environment it has helped create and    for their children. Government must
Only when capitalism                       take the necessary steps to remove      set a fair but firm framework for
becomes healthy and                        the advertising and availability        industry, putting reducing health
being healthy becomes                      of calorie-dense, addictive and         inequality and easing the burden of
the norm, will we witness                  unhealthy food and drink, it may        obesity on society first. Ultimately,
a significant reduction in                 face a future like the tobacco and      the food and drinks industry
childhood obesity rates                    alcohol industry, including: plain      must make capitalism healthy.
                                           packaging on unhealthy products,
  The Government’s Childhood               potent health warnings, duties          Although obesity is evident
Obesity Plan placed a spotlight            comparable to alcohol, and blanket      in all communities, it is
on the food and drinks industry            advertising bans severely restricting   our poorest and most
by announcing a sugar levy on              how junk food and drink is sold.        vulnerable children who
fizzy drinks and igniting the                If industry is to avoid this nanny    are worst affected
reformulation of numerous                  state, serious change must happen
unhealthy products, particularly soft      immediately. Choice in children’s         Only when capitalism becomes
drinks. This confirms the important        diets must be protected from the        healthy and being healthy becomes
role taxation, regulation and targets      undue influence of the food and         the norm, will we witness a
should play in creating a less             drinks industry. Parents must be        significant reduction in childhood
obesogenic environment. It was also        empowered and supported by              obesity rates by 2026. •

                                                                                                          Autumn 2017 | 9
Capitalism in crisis? - Centre Write JESSE NORMAN MP - Bright Blue

Back to work
Greater support should be provided to women returning to work after caring, argues
Flick Drummond

                    flick drummond was MP    most important tasks as a society          More important are the management
                    for Portsmouth South     and is not currently given enough          skills of negotiation that dealing
                    and chair of the Women   recognition. Jess Phillips, on the other   with children or elderly parents
                    and Work APPG            hand, went straight back to work           brings — skills I see again and again
                                             after six weeks, because she couldn’t      sorely lacking in some businesses.
During my short time in Parliament,          afford not to and had a husband who
one of the issues I am most proud            could take on the childcare. Many          For many women having
of raising is the recognition that           women are in the same position and         children is a defining
women (and increasingly men) who             many go back to work before they           moment in their lives, not
have been out of paid employment             want to because they are worried           a blank space on their CV
are a huge pot of talent which is            that they will not find a job again.
being wasted by our country.                   Surveys show there is a huge               However, after taking a break from
                                             reluctance for employers to hire           a career, something that is lost is
Many women need or                           someone with a gap in their CV. To         confidence, and research shows that
want to return to work,                      end this, we need to have a change         women are particularly prone to
but don’t know where to                      in values. What if, as a society, we       this. Looking at a job specification
start and face significant                   recognised that gaps in our CVs for        and seeing the criteria often leads
challenges trying to do so                   caring responsibilities are valuable       women to believe that they are only
                                             rather than dismissing them?               qualified to do half of them so there
  Many women need or want to                   Whilst job hunting, it’s                 is no point in applying. Men don’t
return to work, but don’t know               recommended that there are no gaps         appear to have the same attitude.
where to start and face significant          in employment history, and marital         Encouragingly, there are increasing
challenges trying to do so. This             status or children should not be           numbers of organisations and
dilemma became the first inquiry             included. Why not? Surely, they make       employers helping women through
and published report from the All            up part of you and for many women          the system. But how do we get
Party Parliamentary Group for                having children is a defining moment       around to telling people who want
Women and Work that I set up and             in their lives, not a blank space          to return that they are valued and
co-chaired with Jess Phillips MP.            on their CV. You don’t lose skills         can also pick up skills quickly?
  The inquiry came out of a comment          whilst at home caring for children           Most returners are keen to go that
during the Women and Equalities              or elderly parents: you gain skills.       extra mile to equip themselves with
Select Committee’s gender pay gap                                                       extra training when it is provided.
report, which found that women who           You don’t lose skills whilst               One of the ways many companies
had been out of the workplace for            at home caring for children or             can do this is by providing short
more than six months found it difficult      elderly parents: you gain skills           apprenticeships or by advertising
to find a job. This is a cause close to                                                 the job with additional training
my heart. I was lucky: I took five years       Any expertise lost in the workplace      provided. These ideas give the
off to have four children and loved          is most likely to be in either             confidence to people that they won’t
being at home with them. Bringing            technological or legal changes, but        fall down at the first hurdle but
up the next generation is one of our         both are easily picked up with training.   will be looked after. Mentors and

10 | Centre Write

>> peers should be provided by           given women the opportunity to do          for family responsibilities, they
employers to support the returner.       both. But there is a truth to the cliché   will not feel they are able to. There
Flexibility is another issue affecting   that when people reflect back on their     are examples of companies taking
parents and carers. Taking time off      life from their deathbed, they tend to     this on and far-sighted managers
to go to parents’ meetings at school     wish they had spent more time with         tackling the issue by example.
should be a right, as should taking      their family and less time at work.        The Government should publicly
elderly parents for hospital visits                                                 recognise these companies to share
without using holiday leave to do so.    After taking a break from a                good practice around the country.
Employers need to be more family-        career, something that is lost               I was very pleased the Chancellor
oriented and understand flexibility      is confidence, and research                recognised returners and the barriers
leads to a more loyal workforce. I       shows that women are                       they face in the budget this year.
guarantee productivity would increase.   particularly prone to this                 £5million has been put forward
  A happier society is a productive                                                 to help returners back to the
one, and there are green shoots that       So how do we change social               workplace. I hope it will recognise
show we are beginning to understand      attitudes? I believe it has to start       that companies can lead the way. It
this. I recently chaired an education    from the top. Some simply assume           does not need legislation to change
conference where a Professor stood       that the next generation will find a       the workplace. It needs leadership
up and apologised for her generation     more reasonable work-life balance,         to show how it can be done.
getting it wrong. She said the balance   but by the time that people get to           In the meantime, it will be
had swung too much towards               their 30s and 40s with mortgages and       interesting to see whether the so-
pushing parents back to work and not     commitments, it becomes harder.            called ‘gaps’ in my own CV are a
enough towards a work-life balance.        If they see their managers working       hindrance or a help, as I look for
I disagreed as her generation have       long hours and not taking time off         work after being an MP. •

                                                                                                            Autumn 2017 | 11

Making the consumer king
James Plunkett explains how non-choices are making markets unfair and inefficient

                    james plunkett is the   a letting agent, consumers are hit     to predict how they might use a
                    Director of Policy      with massive fees - £337 on average    service. They charge high prices
                    and Advocacy at         - when they rent a property. The       at the point where consumers
                    Citizens Advice         fees themselves vary wildly between    have little choice - you can’t get
                                            providers, with letting agents         an overdraft from another bank.
Well-functioning consumer                   charging anywhere from £6 to £300        Another way companies profit
markets run on choice. When                 to check a reference and from £15      from non-choices is by selling
people proactively choose                   to £300 to renew a tenancy. People     services with complex contractual
products and services they drive            don’t choose their letting agent on    terms: interest-free credit cards
fierce competition between firms            price, so the market is inefficient.   which become interest-bearing if
bringing innovation, efficiency, and          More common is where companies       someone goes over their limit, or car
lower prices - and they’re more             take advantage of consumer             finance deals with punitive charges
likely to get a good deal too.              behaviour when people are unlikely     for breaking certain terms and
  Too many essential service markets        to choose or choices are difficult.    conditions. Consumers do not break
take advantage of ‘non-choices’.              In the broadband market loyal        down that complexity when making
Non-choices are where a consumer            customers - those who stay with        their choice - the product many
pays, or pays more, for a product           their supplier after their initial     people end up with is fundamentally
or service without making an                contract has come to an end pay        different to the one they chose.
active, informed decision to do so,         £113 a year more than those who          Those non-choices make markets
or where they have no option but            choose a tariff. That is not unique.   less fair as vulnerable consumers
to take a service from a particular         In the energy, mortgage, and           are less likely to actively engage in
provider. Too often, non-choices            savings markets, where people          markets. Nearly 80% of Britain’s
aren’t just unfair, they’re inefficient.    don’t make an active choice they       elderly, disabled and low-income
                                            pay a high price. Intuitively we       households say they haven’t switched
Intuitively we expect loyalty               expect loyalty to be rewarded. But     their energy bill for three years.
 to be rewarded, but in                     in essential service markets too         But markets that are built on non-
essential service markets                   many companies exploit people’s        choices are not just unfair, they’re
too many companies exploit                  behaviour. Companies know people       inefficient too. If companies can
people’s behaviour. Companies               lead busy lives and are unlikely to    profit from a lack of choice they are
know people lead busy lives                 switch providers so up their prices.   less likely to be competitive. That
and are unlikely to switch                    Inertia is a clear example of non-   means higher costs and higher prices.
providers so up their prices                choice, but it isn’t the only one.       These challenges, because they’re so
                                            Essential service providers often      closely linked with inherent human
  At the extremes, the nature of            charge high prices when consumers      behaviour, often feel insurmountable
some essential service markets              use services in an unpredictable       - the solutions aren’t always
means consumers have little or no           way. In 2014 consumers paid £1.2       straightforward and intervention
opportunity to choose at all. In            billion in unarranged overdraft        will always involve trade-offs. But
the private rented sector, where            fees. Companies know consumers         there are ways policymakers can
tenants choose a house rather than          are optimistic and find it difficult   limit the impact of non-choices

12 | Centre Write

>> on consumers and markets.            banned and the upfront costs should     would cut energy bills for 2.6 million
  Policymakers and regulators should    be met by landlords who are more        people who are most likely to be
require information about contracts     able to choose their provider.          vulnerable and least likely to switch.
to be clear and comparable. In the        More generally, consumer
broadband and energy markets for        behaviour means better information      Markets that are built on
instance, even if a consumer wanted     is a blunt tool. Consumers,             non-choices are not just
to choose a contract based on the       particularly vulnerable consumers,      unfair, they’re inefficient too
best long-term deal, they’d find it     are still unlikely to take long-term
difficult. Information about out-of-    decisions which carefully factor in       Efficient and fair consumer markets
contact tariffs is rarely advertised.   future behaviour. Targeted price caps   are driven by choice. Where they
  Clearer information only goes         should be used to protect vulnerable    can policymakers should strive
so far. Where consumers have            consumers from expensive default        to encourage engagement and
little to no choice - such as over      tariffs or from high prices when they   active choices. Where they can’t,
their letting agent - the price         use a service more than they expect.    they should step in to limit the
mechanism should be shifted to          The Government should cap energy        negative impact of non-choice
where the choice is. Letting agent      prices for people eligible for the      both to protect consumers and
fees charged to renters should be       Warm Home Discount: a step that         make markets more efficient. •

                                                                                                       Autumn 2017 | 13

Does business do enough?
Kamile Stankute on the role of businesses in creating a fairer capitalism

                    kamile stankute is
                    the Parliamentary
                    Affairs Officer at the
                    Institute of Directors

“It is economic success which will
provide the surest guarantee of
help for those who need it most,”
wrote Margaret Thatcher in 1983.
Her view is, after all, shared by
most economists – that, simply put,
capitalism works better for lower
earners. Nevertheless, many feel that          There is of course no easy answer      except for all the others” – the same
the current system is not working            to how the challenges could              could be said about capitalism.
and that markets are failing people.         be overcome, but the business              It is fair to say businesses recognise
  Last month’s general election was          community has a role to play.            the problems with the current
a clear expression of this growing           Businesses should not wait for the       situation. Asked what they think
feeling in Britain. With Jeremy              government to regulate. They should      the biggest threats to public trust in
Corbyn as leader of the Labour               get out in front and show that they      business are, Institute of Directors’
Party, it was hardly surprising              play a responsible role in society.      members outlined “anger over
that their manifesto would offer                                                      levels of senior executive pay”,
an interventionist programme.                The fact that Tories have                “unsympathetic media portrayal of
However, the fact that Tories have           shifted towards an increasingly          business” and “mistrust of products”
shifted towards an increasingly              interventionist agenda                   as the top three. These views aren’t
interventionist agenda shows that the        shows that the ‘big state’ is            too dissimilar from the public at large.
‘big state’ is becoming popular again.       becoming popular again                     This perhaps explains why only 2%
  The benefits of capitalism should be                                                of Institute of Directors members say
self-evident – it empowers individuals         It is crucial to remember just how     executives should take bonuses in a
to progress, gives them freedom to           bad the situation got in the 1970s,      year in which a company’s financial
choose and much more. Yet, the               when industry strikes were the norm      performance is worse than the previous
current climate of stagnant real wages       and Leicester Square was piled with      years, regardless of the reasons for
makes it easy to forget the advantages.      stinking rubbish. The dangers of going   declining performance. The Institute of
On top of that, news stories about           the other way, to the system where       Directors, of course, mainly represents
business figures like Mike Ashley            there is no reason to invest in the      small and medium size firms. The views
vomiting in a pub fireplace and photos       economy, must be highlighted. The        of big corporates - that tend to be the
of Sir Philip Green holidaying on            solution is not allowing corporatism,    ones to dole out excessive bonuses
his £100million yacht after putting          but talking about the benefits of        - may differ. Nevertheless, the fact
the BHS pension fund into jeopardy           capitalism. Winston Churchill once       that the problem has been recognised
do not help capitalism’s image.              said democracy is “the worst system      by the business community on

14 | Centre Write

>> the whole is in itself promising.    why those firms for whom it works          industry, thereby benefiting both
                                        should not get ahead and begin the         their business and workers who
There is no reason why those            process of empowering workers’             are in danger of being left behind
firms for whom it works should          voices on boards. The appetite for         by transforming industries.
not get ahead and begin                 that is growing and the benefits for         Business groups like the Institute
the process of empowering               companies are becoming increasingly        of Directors also have a role to play
workers’ voices on boards               recognised, both in regards to             in restoring the public’s confidence
                                        reputation and productivity.               in capitalism and free markets. It
  There are nevertheless more things      Training is another area where the       is for this reason that the Institute
that the private sector can do to -     business community can show that           of Directors has been championing
by tackling excesses of capitalism,     it’s a force for good in the society. As   the need to improve corporate
business leaders can help to improve    we get reminded every other day, the       governance and calling for tax
its image. The Conservative manifesto   skills gap is a significant problem in     reforms for the self-employed.
featured pledges to introduce           the UK. The crisis is only likely to         Between 1990 and 2010 the number
legislation that would guarantee        grow, as the challenge of automation       of people living in extreme poverty
workers’ representation on company      will make Brexit negotiations look         in developing countries fell from
boards. Following the unexpected        like a walk in a park. Through             43% to 21%. Global poverty and
election outcome, the commitment        providing better training for their        inequality are at their lowest recorded
did not feature in the Queen’s          staff, private companies can help          levels. The benefits of capitalism
Speech. However, there is no reason     to build a pipeline of skills in their     are clearly worth extolling. •

Unlocking potential
After Brexit, we need more wealth creators. Pamela Dow urges us to look to ex-offenders

               pamela dow is            in prison don’t read or write to the       69% of prisoners reoffend on
               the Chief Reform         standard expected of 11-year-olds.         release, costing £7-10billion a year).
               Officer at Catch 22                                                 People are less likely to commit
                                        In these tribal times it is                further crimes if they have the
In these tribal times it is pleasing    pleasing to find a public                  dignity, responsibilities, stability
to find a public policy for which       policy for which a compelling              and wage that a good job provides.
a compelling case can be made           case can be made within                      You can also argue for it as a
within every political tradition.       every political tradition                  social justice warrior. Prisons are
Judging the success of prisons and                                                 disproportionality packed with
probation by how well they educate        You can make a capitalist argument       people from poor backgrounds, who
and train people into a decent job      for future employment as a core            have been in care (23% of total, rising
has universal appeal. Seventy-five      element of a prison sentence, based        to 50% of those under 25), and who
thousand people leave prison each       on efficiency and minimising the           are from a minority ethnic group
year, of which 75% are unemployed.      tax burden. The criminal justice           (26%). Education and a good job
No wonder: nearly half of those         system's failure is expensive (46-         helps break cycles of disadvantage.

                                                                                                           Autumn 2017 | 15

  >> You can even mount a libertarian    and mental health, and on the outside    using digital mentors from tech to
defence of a Ministry of Justice         whether they have a place to live        teach code, lining up jobs at Siemens
education and employment strategy:       and supportive family and friends.       on release. Bounceback, Switchback,
if every other institution has failed      The current prison reform agenda       Working Chance, Prosper 4, Offploy
to equip someone with the tools          is – slowly – trying to tackle these     and Tempus Novo all act as effective
for self-sufficiency, prisons and        problems, with the most important        brokers, within the walls and
probation must do this at least (and     change being a devolution of budgets,    outside. Longstanding champions
most). A Marxist argument is easily      decisions, expectations and ambition     like James Timpson, continuing
found in the prize of the withering      to frontline leaders and managers.       the wonderful legacy of his father,
state, by reducing the coerced                                                    recruits 10% of his Timpsons,
and incarcerated population.             You can make a capitalist                Snappy Snaps and Max Spielman
  Given this ideological convergence,    argument for future                      staff direct from prison. Halfords
why is the status quo so bleak? There    employment as a core                     have opened a training academy for
are both supply- and demand- side        element of a prison sentence,            the women in HMP Drake Hall.
problems. Every prison governor          based on efficiency and                  Restaurateur Iqbal Wahhab not only
wants to run a rehabilitative            minimising the tax burden                employs ex-offenders but makes
regime and offer a full timetable of                                              the case to others for doing so as
purposeful activity linked to job          On the demand-side, the                a rational business strategy, not a
prospects, supplying a job-ready         constraints are similarly huge. Even     cosmetic PR or CSR exercise. As he
pipeline to eager employers. The         when chief executives and boards         argues, while those who have served
barriers to doing so are huge. They      sign up to do more to support            time may need extra practical and
include the rigidity of national         rehabilitation, making changes in        pastoral support from their bosses
contracts which prevent local            their organisations can be like wading   at first, they become the most loyal,
partnerships with FE colleges and        through molasses. The perception         reliable and resilient team members,
small businesses who understand the      that ex-prisoners pose a reputation or   often rising quickly to senior posts.
market and can build the personal        safety threat to staff and customers     DHL, Virgin, Greggs, First Direct,
knowledge and relationships we           is enough for a risk-averse HR           Marks and Spencer and The Co-op
all know are necessary. ‘Release on      department to block progress. Large      also deserve recognition for their
Temporary Licence’ (ROTL), used          employers may sign up in principle       efforts to overcome barriers.
to be an essential and successful        but lose patience with the paperwork
part of preparing prisoners for          and inflexible regulation, for example   Longstanding champions like
release but since the notorious          blunt Disclosure and Barring Service     James Timpson, continuing
‘Skull Cracker’ case in 2014 it is       (DBS) checks or punitive insurance       the wonderful legacy of
barely in use. (A good example           premiums. Others would love to           his father, recruits 10%
of why political leadership and          talk to their local prison but don’t     of his Timpsons, Snappy
courage is so important in defending     know how to initiate contact. And        Snaps and Max Spielman
professional practice during             the centrally commanded hierarchy        staff directly from prison
sensational outlier incidents.)          and constantly rotating managers
  Staffing and violence levels also      of the prison service, and fractured       After Brexit it won’t be
constrain local flexibility. For many    probation system, don’t help.            possible for the UK to ignore
prisoners there are also more barriers     There are many trailblazers            75,000 potential wealth creators
than just opportunity between them       working to train prisoners in the        leaving prison every year. The
and a vocational qualification. Part     skills needed for their workforce        first, second and third sectors
of their progress towards a job offer    pipeline. Code 4000, about to launch     will all have to work together
needs to address substance addiction     in East Riding, is an exciting pilot     to unlock potential. •

16 | Centre Write

Skype session with... Martin Lewis                                                                                      martin lewis is the founder
Laura Round speaks to Martin Lewis about mental                                                                         and the charity Money
health, debt and student loans                                                                                          and Mental Health

LR       Do businesses have to behave more responsibly if market economies are going to work properly and fairly, and if so, how should they?

 In some ways I think the push towards corporate social responsibility and responsibility in general is a rather damaging move,
 because it blurs the line. A business’s job is primarily to make money for its owners or its shareholders. If we want them to look
 after people and try to push them into some warm fuzzy responsibility feeling, which isn’t their job, we need proper regulation
 and policies. It is nice if some companies behave responsibly and often they will give good service to the function of profitability.          ML
 But to try and have it as an innate part of business and to have that as your leverage to have them behave better is futile and I
 prefer to rely on decent regulations and policies.

LR       Do you think market-based economies make society more miserable?

 I don’t know because I’ve never lived in one that isn’t. But I would say, the innate problem with market-based economies is that
 billions of pounds are spent on advertising and marketing and we have systematically failed to provide any training. If you want
 a market to work, then you need decent behaviour on both sides of the equation. And we don’t have good consumer behaviour.
 Unfortunately, with the academisation of the education system not all schools have to provide financial education. The                         ML
 Government has not provided enough resources nor encouragement on this subject and it has been done incredibly poorly. I think
 that’s irresponsible and short-sighted. A market economy works well when you have consumers and businesses who understand
 the nature of it. It doesn’t when one side is blindsided, and unfortunately that is how we’ve set up our market economy.

LR       What do you think the impact of student debt is?

 I don’t believe it is debt, but we call it debt when they go to university and yet we have never educated them about it, which is
 a huge problem. Because no one has educated about the difference between what is in fact a graduate contribution system
 and getting a payday loan. I believe it is largely a disastrous social policy, partly due to misnaming it. Calling it a student loan
 is incredibly damaging. We’ve framed it wrong, and that framing has been worse than the underlying mechanics which aren’t                      ML
 particularly bad. The way it’s being portrayed politically, by both sides and the way it’s being misnamed and used as political
 football has been abominable and I think politicians, whether they wear red or blue or yellow, for the last twenty years should
 hang their heads in shame about it.

LR       Would you say students going to universities are consumers? Do they get a good deal?

 No, I think the whole thing is completely mucked up. I think the idea of making universities competitive hasn’t worked, full stop.
 All universities charge the same fee. There is no value for money equation. All we’ve done is set up a graduate tax that closes
 once you’ve paid it off. It should be called a graduate contribution system, it shouldn’t called a student loan. Whether it’s value            ML
 for money depends on the individual and what they put into it. I don’t like the consumerisation of universities. I think it risks
 some dangerous consequences.

LR       Do you think mental health problems are on the rise and why?

 It’s very difficult to say. I think that we’ve certainly got an increasing awareness of mental health issues. The diminishing of stigma
 means it is something that is talked about more, which is good. I think the fast pace and interconnectedness of modern life and the            ML
 increased stress that people tend to be under are a driver towards a potential increase in mental health conditions.

         People with mental health problems are three times as likely to be in problem debt. I imagine in many cases it’s the other way
LR       around - being in debt might lead to mental health problems?

 I call it a marriage made in hell. Mental health problems can certainly lead to severe financial stress and financial
 mismanagement. Debt problems could lead up to mental health breakdowns. The two feed off each other in an incredibly
 devastating way. The research we’ve done shows that it isn’t just the lack of income: this is about the ability to manage. A
 mental health condition is about impaired decision making. A perfect market is one where there’s perfect                                       ML
 information and perfect decisions being made on both sides. But when one in four in the community has a mental health issue
 every year and are therefore potentially making poor decisions, you don’t have a perfect market.

                                                                                                                                   Autumn 2017 | 17

Should politicians nudge human behaviour?
The opportunities and risks that ‘nudging’ presents to policymakers are assessed by
Professor Robert Metcalfe

                    professor robert metcalfe   that our team recently completed         worse, one that backfires. We need
                    specialises in Markets,     with Virgin Atlantic. We conducted       more experiments by governmental,
                    Public Policy & Law         an experiment to motivate airline        public and private organisations
                    at Boston University        captains to be more fuel efficient       in order to not only understand
                                                by randomising different nudges          whether and how nudges change
Politicians and governments often               that we suspected would change           behaviour, but importantly how they
try to build a better society by                captains’ in-flight behaviours. We       can be used to improve welfare.
introducing rules, regulations and              found that by simply informing the         Let’s look at a different type of
yes, even taxes. Examples include               captains about their exact behaviours    nudge: that of fear-inducing pictures
speed limits, auto exhaust emission             that were causing excess fuel waste,     on cigarette packets (a scary image
standards, and sin taxes. Within the            accompanied with a target for            of a deceased smoker’s lung, for
last decade, policymakers have also             reduction of those behaviours, we        instance). The fear induced by the
become interested in using ‘nudges’             consistently reduced the amount of       image is assumed to reduce cigarette
to change behaviour. A ‘nudge’ is a             fuel wasted per flight. The cost of      demand. Yet, information on the
relatively small change in the way              the intervention was close to zero.      health risks associated with smoking
that information or incentives are              The benefit of the intervention          have not changed, nor has the price
presented, ostensibly resulting in a            was reduced fuel use and cost,           of cigarettes. Smokers may not
notable change in citizen behaviours.           a reduction in carbon dioxide            want to be shown graphic images
  What’s really appealing about                 emissions, and higher captain job        of dead lungs, and therefore are
nudges is that they can sometimes               satisfaction. This nudge passes the      worse off from the images. Similarly,
change behaviour dramatically at very           cost-benefit test, and demonstrates      overweight people might not want
low cost. So, for example, many more            one way that nudges can be a force       to hear that they are obese. To refer
people save for retirement when they            for both private and social good.        to earlier examples, people using a
are defaulted into the programme                                                         lot of electricity at home might not
versus having to elect an actual                What’s really appealing                  want to be told that they consume
retirement plan. To offer another               about nudges is that they                more than the average household,
illustration, we know that people               can sometimes change                     or people might not want to be
reduce their home energy use by when            behaviour dramatically                   defaulted in a retirement savings plan
they view their energy consumption              at very low cost                         where there is presumed consent.
as compared to their neighbours.                                                           In many cases, these nudges are
  While the calculated application                Should policymakers be using           successful in changing behaviour, but
of nudges is relatively new, they               such nudges? In the case above, the      they are not always easy free lunches
can be evaluated on the same                    nudges buy us a lot. Few would           and they are not a substitute to the
terms as traditional policy tools.              argue against their use to improve       traditional ways for politicians to
For instance, we may appraise                   overall human welfare. But in other      govern countries. Politicians should
a nudge by conducting cost-                     cases, the cost-benefit test is not so   be aware of these two facts before
benefit tests. Do the benefits of               clear. We have a lot more to learn       trying to nudge a behaviour and
the nudge outweigh the costs?                   about what differentiates an effective   attempt to understand whether they
  Let’s take an example from work               nudge from one that is impotent – or     actually make people better off. •

18 | Centre Write

Theresa May: free-marketeer?
Mark Littlewood argues that passionate advocacy for free markets is the route to electoral
success for the Conservative Party

               mark littlewood is        to put workers on boards and             hours a week) to reading the entirety
               the Director General      further government intervention          of the UK tax code, it would take
               of the Institute of       in pay bargaining, not to mention        you two years to read the whole
               Economic Affairs          further retreat from sensible fiscal     thing. During the same amount of
                                         consolidation, made the manifesto one    time, you could alternatively read
From the beginning of her                of the most anti-market Conservative     the five longest novels ever written
premiership, Theresa May has been        policy offerings in decades.             – or War and Peace twenty times.
compared to Margaret Thatcher,             But worse than the actual policies
that last great female Prime Minister.   was the rhetoric of the document.        The UK tax code is one of the
Both came to power after a period        Quotes like “We do not believe in        longest and most confusing
of national turmoil – Thatcher           untrammelled free markets” and           in the world, clocking in at
following the Winter of Discontent       promises that the government would       ten million words in length
and May after the painful and            “act in specific markets” litter the
divisive Brexit referendum.              manifesto. While few – even at the         No government in the past
                                         IEA – would argue for “untrammelled      25 years has maintained much
The most recent Conservative             free markets” without any regulatory     of a hands-off approach to the
Party manifesto further                  check, the clear implication is that     economy or society. In that time
entrenched the move                      Prime Minister May (or perhaps           34,000 new Acts of Parliament or
away from free markets                   Nick Timothy) believe that the           statutory instruments have been
and classical liberalism                 current British economy is too free at   introduced, while the regulating of
                                         present, rather than too constrained.    industries such as financial services
  However, similarities can be             This is extraordinary. Despite the     has increased so rapidly that, on
deceptive. While Thatcher saw            Cameron Government having a              current trajectory, the number of
Friedrich Hayek as her ideological       number of liberally good points,         regulators will soon outnumber the
mentor (according to urban legend        it would be difficult to complain it     number of financiers. It is clear that
slamming down a copy of his              was too taken with free markets.         we live in no libertarian paradise.
Constitution of Liberty on the           The Government now presides                So, it is saddening as well as
Cabinet table to show what she           over an economy that pays more           concerning that when framing her
believed), Theresa May instead looked    as a proportion of GDP in tax than       vision of the future of Britain, Theresa
back to the work of interventionist      under any previous Conservative          May looked not to policies that
Joseph Chamberlain, even attacking       Government since World War Two.          would break down the entrenched
the ‘libertarian right’ in her first     Meanwhile, the UK tax code is one        elites and give individuals and
conference speech as party leader.       of the longest and most confusing in     local areas more control over their
  Unfortunately, the most recent         the world, clocking in at ten million    own lives and money. That rather
Conservative Party manifesto further     words in length with half this word      than defend the successes that free
entrenched the move away from free       count added during George Osborne’s      market liberalism have brought
markets and classical liberalism.        tenure as Chancellor. To give you a      to both Britain and the world, the
  Increased employment regulation,       sense of what this means, if you were    Conservatives effectively yielded
including plans to force companies       to dedicate yourself full-time (40       the intellectual and moral debate to

                                                                                                          Autumn 2017 | 19
You can also read