Alternate Ierendi Gazeteer: The Pirate Kingdom of Ierendi (AM 2)

Page created by Fernando Holmes
Alternate Ierendi Gazeteer: The Pirate Kingdom of Ierendi (AM 2)
Alternate Ierendi Gazeteer: The Pirate Kingdom of
                  Ierendi (AM 2)
Editor: John Biles
Primary Author: John Biles
Creators of Vaults of Pandius and Wizard's Community Mystara Materials and Concepts Used in this
       Thorfinn Tait (Map of Ierendi as of 1000 AC)

Table of Contents
Welcome to the Alternate Ierendi Gazeteer -- 3
               Why an Alternate Ierendi Gazeteer? -- 3
               What Drives the Pirate Kingdom of Ierendi? -- 3
               Campaigning in Ierendi -- 3

History as the Immortals Know It -- 4
Old Mother Kana's Almanac - 8
                Climate – 8
                Agriculture – 9
                Geography – 9
                The Defense of Ierendi - 8
                Slavery – 9
                Disease and the Nithian Curse – 10
                Relations With Specific Nations and Peoples -- 11
Religion in Ierendi -- 12
                The Way of the Kahunas (Druidic and Necromantic Makai Practice) -- 12
                The People's Temple -- 13
                The Pirate's Temple / Church of Ierendi -- 14
                The Eternal Truth of Al-Kalim -- 15
                Banned Faiths – 16
Pirates, Plunderers, and Poltroons – 16
                The King and His Advisors – 16
                Ambassadors of Note – 17
                Pirates and Raiders of Renown – 18
                An Ierendi Miscellany -- 20
An Ierendi Atlas -- 22
                Alcove Island -- 22
                Aloysius Island -- 23
                Elegy Island -- 23
                Fletcher Island – 24
                Honor Island -- 25
                Ierendi Island -- 25
Roister Island -- 28
               Safari Island – 28
               Utter Island -- 29
               White Island -- 29
Adventures -- 29

Players' Guide to Ierendi – 37
                What Everyone Knows About the Pirate Kingdom of Ierendi – 37
                        Tavern Talk From Other Lands -- 37
                        From Conversations With a Veteran Adventurer -- 39
                        A Karameikan Merchant in the Shires -- 40
                History as the Ierendi Know It -- 41
                Life in Ierendi -- 43
                        On Being a Pirate -- 43
                        The Peoples of Ierendi –44
                               Naming -- 45
                               Clothing and Food -- 45
                               The Calendar and Holidays -- 46
                        Government -- 47
                        Private Investigators -- 47
                Mechanical and Fiddly Bits (for 3E) -- 48
Welcome to the Alternate Ierendi Gazeteer
Why an Alternate                    Kingdom of Ierendi is the           piles of money legitimately (if
                                    problems and opportunities of       you count slavery to be
Ierendi Gazeteer?                   freedom. Ierendi stands to          legitimate.) and want their
                                    Rogues and Fighters as              nation to become more
The original Ierendi Gazeteer       Alphatia does to Wizards; it is     respectable... and less free.
has a variety of problems with      a land where they have              The towns grow larger and
it, the biggest being that it       untrammeled opportunity to          demand more power. And as
leans too much on pop culture       rise to the top by their own        Thyatis has recovered its
references and on the               strength or perish by their         strength and Darokin and the
existence of a tourist trade that   weaknesses, where an orphan         Minrothad Guilds wax in
seems implausible given the         lad may rise to become King         power and the Shire Pirates
condition of the nations            of the Pirates and rule a           grow more numerous as their
around it; Mystara has plenty       nation...or end up as a corpse,     homeland grows overcrowded,
of room for humor, but it just      a slave, or a whore (and it's not   the pirates are under harsher
seems to go a little too far in     clear which fate is worse.) It      pressure than ever before to
that direction. Only Alphatia       is a land, in other words, for      give up their freedom and
could really sustain the level      the Chaotic, whether they be        restrain themselves and
of tourist visitation necessary     good or evil.                       become law-abiding and
to make it function as it does                                          respectable. And the slaves
and it's too far away, beyond       Ierendi's identity has long been    are restless; they know how
Thyatis, to get many                defined by piracy, a nation         Ierendi was founded. How
Alphatians.                         founded by prisoners                long before they try to imitate
                                    overthrowing their jailors and      their masters? It seems the
This is an effort to recast         setting out to rob blind those      glory days of the Ierendi
Ierendi more in lines of a cross    who sent them there. The            Pirates may soon end...
between Hawaii and the              towns existed to enable the
Caribbean in the Age of Piracy      pirates to sell their goods and     But they won't give up the ship
taken seriously, though             covert merchants of every           without a fight!
hopefully not stodgily. It is, in   nation came to buy stolen
the end, intended to be fun, not    goods and sell them back to
a Ph.D thesis (been there and       their original owners. The
done that).                         towns also grew food to feed
                                    themselves and the pirate
This is a rather darker vision      crews. But the real action was
of Ierendi than the standard,       on the ships. He who became
but hopefully a playable one.       King of the Pirates ruled the
                                    waves and the waves ruled the
What Drives the                     land.

Pirate Kingdom of                   But now there is dissension in
Ierendi?                            the ranks. Some pirates have
                                    settled down and used their
                                    loot to import valuable crops
What drives the Pirate
                                    to grow and now make huge
Campaigning in                       becoming King of the Pirates,          work. Can a nation founded
                                     can cover a very wide ambit.           by revolting slaves and
Ierendi                                                                     prisoners continue to hold
                                     A more political campaign can          down slaves forever? Should
Ierendi can be used for any of       be constructed by focusing             it? Is it time for a new model
several campaign approaches.         upon the growing conflict              or are the old ways good
It is an excellent base for any      between the interest of the            enough? How is freedom to
sort of naval adventures and         slaveowners, the towns, and            be defined—who deserves
could either figure into a naval     the pirates as the future of the       freedom? Everyone? Or only
campaign based elsewhere or          Isles is decided. Such a               those strong enough to seize
serve as the home base for a         campaign might also lead up            and to hold it?
piracy and exploration               to becoming King of the
campaign. The Ierendi                Pirates, but then poses the            The answer to these questions
Pirates, in addition to raiding      King with the problem of how           will define the future of
their neighbors, also enjoy a        to deal with these conflicts.          Ierendi, whether it sinks into
good hunt for buried treasure                                               chaos, is destroyed by
like anyone else and will often      At a philosophical level,              revolting slaves, becomes a
do very crazy things for             Ierendi can also be used by            free republic or a slave
wealth. The Ierendi raid all         those so inclined to examine           owner's oligarchy, or even
the way to the Northern              the problem of freedom built           something no one would
Reaches, Norwold, Ochelea,           on slavery—the freedom of              currently imagine possible.
the Pearl Islands, and Alphatia      the Ierendi towns,
in their crazier moments, so         slaveowners, and pirates is
such a campaign, possibly            built on a backbone of slavery
eventually leading to                which makes the whole system

                    History as the Immortals Know It
After the fall of Blackmoor, but    network and sending the Serpent       Ierendi Isles. And finally,
before 1750 BC, the Ierendi Isles   Peninsula on its gradual decline      unfortunate lizardmen from the
were part of a larger landmass      into the sea. The Azcans fought       Malpheggi swamp were swept
which stretched south into the      over whose fault the earthquakes      out to sea by the disaster; most
Sea of Dread. Far to the            were; the losers were driven out      perished, but some survived and
northwest, descendents of the       and ended up on the new coast,        ended up in Ierendi, floating
Azcans dwelt in a giant plateau     then forced to flee into the ocean    there on giant mats of plants from
where the Atruaghin Clans now       in crude boats; most died, but the    the swamp.
live, and far to the west,          survivors ended up at Ierendi.
Tanagoro and Elves competed for     Likewise, some Tanagoro tried to      Over the next 750 years, small
control of the Serpent Peninsula.   flee east across the ocean from       tribes of Azcans and Tanagoro
Earthquakes and devastation         the Serpent Peninsula. Most           formed on the Ierendi Isles,
struck in 1750 BC, collapsing       perished, but some were blown         living by a mix of slash and burn
caves within the Azcan cave         far east by storms, crashing in the   agriculture and fishing. They
encountered each other, traded        shipped back to the Nithian           life of periodic natural disaster,
ideas, and intermarried. And          empire. It was from the Nithians      hurricanes, warfare, peace, and
fought. A lot. Eventually, they       that the arts of necromancy           fishing. At times, Hin navigators
intermarried to the point where       passed into the lore of the           visited from the Five Shires to
they blended into a single,           Malpheggi and the Makai.              explore and trade with the
quarrelsome people, the Makai,                                              natives; the Traladarans, on the
cooperating to survive the often      And it was the arts of                other hand, were too poor of
harsh hurricane season of the         necromancy they would turn on         sailors to drop in. The Thyatians
Isles and to fight the local          their putative masters. Guided by     visited the isles for trade after the
lizardmen. The Lizardmen              their patron immortals, the Makai     rise of the Thyatian empire,
fought back as best they could;       and Malpheggi rose up against         though local diseases (descended
the warfare was inconclusive and      their Nithian overlords in 500        from the desperate magical and
marked by periods of cooperation      BC, right as the Immortals            necromantic plague revenge of
as well. They dominated               descended on Nithia to destroy it.    the now long extinct Nithians on
Aloysius, Safari, and Elegy           Nithian reprisals looked likely to    their revolting slaves) killed
Islands, along with having some       wipe out the Malpheggi, so the        many would be traders and
presence in the rest of the chain.    Immortals took the survivors to       discouraged Thyatian
                                      the Hollow World. The Makai           colonization.
                                      destroyed the surviving Nithians,
                                      only to then forget the Nithians      Looking for new lands for
The Makai had only crude              had ever existed. This threw the      farming, some Hin arrived on
weaponry; the more successful         Makai into chaos as they forgot       Fletcher and Ierendi Islands in
crafters of both origin cultures      most of what they had learned         the 6th century, avoiding Elegy
had not been the ones who had to      from the Nithians. Indeed, the        Island at the urging of the
flee for their lives, ending up       survivors concluded the world         natives. They built Northkeep
here. The result was that when        had been destroyed and reborn a       and Korsakov Tower and
the Nithians surfaced in 1000 BC,     second time. (The Makai dimly         lighthouses to guide ships and
the Nithians easily crushed and       remembered the 1750 BC quakes         began struggling to grow crops
conquered the Makai, aided by         as the first breaking of the world,   under hotter and wetter
the fact that entire Makai villages   the Death of Earth. The Nithian       conditions than they were used
simply vanished once the              necromantic plague which              to, and trying to find ways to
Nithians won their initial            destroyed the Malpheggi and           survive the hurricane season.
victories (spirited away to the       killed many Makai was
Hollow World by perhaps               remembered as part of the Death       For a long time, they struggled to
slightly overeager Immortals          of Air. The Death of Fire is          make a living, until the discovery
seeking to preserve Makai             generally expected to be coming,      that tobacco and coffee could be
culture...) The Malpheggi, who        and then the Death of Water,          grown here much more profitably
had never quite flourished here       which will end the cycle and start    than in the Shires led to a boom
also fell to the Nithians.            a new Aeon... More on this later.)    in their cultivation and in Hin
                                      Aid from Ka enabled them to           immigration. (Many Hin also
For five hundred years, the           recover their ancestral ways, now     died of the local diseases.) Hin
Makai and the Malpheggi were          modified by their new                 flocked to the islands and
enslaved by the Nithians, turned      necromantic and religious             relations with the natives turned
into producers of valuable cash       practices, and eventually recover.    ugly. Brutal Hin vs. Makai war
crops—coffee, rice, sugar, cotton,                                          ensued; the Hin largely took over
indigo, and tobacco—to be             For centuries, they lived a quiet     Fletcher and Alcove Island and
held substantial portions of Safari   but not easily practiced at sea       or the freedom he could know.
and Ierendi Islands when the          would live in villages on the land,
Thyatians showed up. They took        which would serve as the home         In 700 AC for reasons known
control of Utter and Aloysius         bases of pirate ships and fleets.     only to the Immortals, several
Islands, setting up prison camps      Every five years, there would be      villages of Human and/or Hin
and using prisoners to grow           a grand contest of pirate skills,     Pirates simply vanished without a
valuable crops for them. Three        the Tournament of Piracy; the         trace. This disaster led to a
way warfare now ensued, with          winner would become Pirate            period of religious frenzy and
the Hin forced into slavery and       King. Ships would govern              panic which culminated in the
the Makai driven back into deep       themselves, electing a Captain        rise of the Pirate's Temple.
forest and the less valuable for      whose word was law, but who           (Uknown to the locals, Korotiku
agriculture areas. More and more      any honest pirate could challenge     took several villages to plant
prisoners were imported to the        for the leadership. Any Captain       them among the Merry Pirates in
Isles to grow crops.                  could enter the Pirate Conclave       the Hollow World.) This
                                      every five years (or on the death     vanishing, however, was
In the late sixth century, Thyatis    of a King) and make a bid for the     relatively small in scale, and did
and the Hin went to war, and this     kingship. And the Pirate King         little to slow the growth of the
provided the many prisoners of        would rule with the 'advice' of the   population.
the prison colonies with an           Captains. Ex-Thyatians, Hin,
opening. They now revolted            Makai, anyone who dwelt in the        A clock was ticking and that
under the leadership of Mad           land and lived or had lived the       clock was named 'population
Creeg, a man who claimed he had       life of a Pirate could be a free      growth'. As the Pirates and their
been sent to the Isles for the        man in Ierendi, chosing who           towns flourished, the Makai and
crime of 'Killing an Immortal of      would lead him and bringing           the Pirate towns increasingly
Thyatis'. This seems rather           down the wrath of the former          competed for the same land to get
unlikely to be true, but whether      prisoners and slaves on the           food and the same waters for fish.
he believed it or not, he was a       'civilized' nations who had laid      The result, finally, was a brutal
man of great cunning and              them in chains.                       war in the 9th century AC. The
strength (and quirky humor), who                                            Makai were defeated, despite
swiftly led the Ierendians to         For several centuries, this schema    their necromantic skills, but the
victory. Forming an alliance          worked. Many Makai continued          war was long and harsh, and
with the mysterious Honor             to live in the traditional manner,    Pirate King Konal imposed what
Islanders, he drove out the           but some assimilated into Pirate      he felt was the worst possible
Thyatians and declared himself        society and even rose to be Pirate    punishment—slavery—on the
the Pirate King of Ierendi,           Kings and Queens. The Hin and         surviving Makai. They were
writing the Code of Honorable         the other humans of the Isles         turned into a labor force for the
Piracy, by which the land would       tended to dominate Pirate society,    towns, freeing up the elderly to
be governed.                          however. The towns flourished,        enjoy their old age and enabling
                                      growing crops and providing           more free men to become pirates
This code forbade the growing of      crafts and fencing stolen pirate      or craftsmen (or even traders).
cash crops for sale abroad and        loot to covert merchants. A
required all men who would be         dangerous land it was, where a        This strengthened the Ierendi
free to spend a period of their       man might have his throat slit for    military, which was essentially
youth on a pirate ship. Those         a few copper, but a land where a      the collection of town militias
who grew too old for the sea or       brave and cunning man faced few       and pirate ships, by enabling
who had crafts needed by pirates      limits on how high he could rise      more free men to enter those
areas. This proved crucial in the    seem to grow stronger faster than     eventually ending up in Ierendi.
late 9th and early 10th century,     it does. Conflict between             The Makai will remember this as
the Minrothad Guilds and Thyatis     conservative pirates who despise      the Death of Earth, which
turned up the heat on Ierendi.       slavery, wealthy townsmen, and        destroyed the First World.
Desperation led Pirate Queen         those pirate crews who revel in
Antonia to approve the growing       the wealth slavery brings them        1750-1000 BC: The Azcan and
of cash crops by Makai slaves in     continues to heat up and now the      Tanagoro survivors blend to form
order to raise funds to bribe        current King, a Hin named             the Makai, competing with the
Thyatian commanders and to hire      Captain Mungo Shipshearer, is         Malpheggi Lizardmen (who
assistance and purchase Glantrian    close to death and competition to     dominate Aloysius, Safari and
magical items in order to defeat a   see who will replace him is           Elegy Islands).
strong attempt by Thyatis to         starting to heat up. Further, the
conquer Ierendi in Belisarius'       slaves grow increasingly restless,    1000-500 BC: Nithians colonize
War (905-918 AC).                    and they study the secret Makai       the islands, enslaving everyone
                                     arts of necromancy and plot their     and growing semi-tropical cash
The precedent having been set,       revenge.                              crops. The Makai and Malpheggi
later Pirate Kings gradually                                               learn and adapt the necromantic
expanded slavery, raiding the        Whoever becomes King of the           arts.
Turtle Clans of the Atruaghin,       Pirates next will likely determine
and many distant lands to capture    the future of Ierendi for decades     500 BC: The Immortals guide a
slaves to grow crops whose sale      or maybe even centuries to come.      revolt which wipes out the
would fund military efforts          Things cannot go on like              Nithians but unleashes bitter
capable of fending off Ierendi's     this—there are many routes the        plagues which wipe out the
wealthier enemies and free up yet    nation could sail, but it must set    Lizardmen and kill most of the
more free men to become pirates      its course now, or likely fall into   Makai, who now suffer massive
and soldiers and traders.            discord and be destroyed by its       amnesia due to the Immortal
However, it also shoved              foes.                                 destruction / retconning of Nithia.
increasing money into the hands                                            They come to see this as the
of those who ran the plantations     And that, of course, is where the     Death of the Second World, the
from the towns, creating a class     PCs come in.                          Death of Air. (Beliving foul
of men not dependent on piracy                                             winds carried the Nithian
or craftsmanship for their wealth    Pre-1750 BC: The Ierendi Isles        plagues.) Aid from Ka enabled
and freedom, but on slavery.         are part of a larger mass of land     them to recover their ancestral
Conservative pirates opposed         extending south and east into the     ways, now modified by their new
this, but though some Pirate         Sea of Dread. Azcans live in the      necromantic and religious
Kings and Queens tried to reduce     large plateau where the               practices, and eventually recover.
dependence on slavery, none          Atruaghin Clans now live. Far
were able to afford to abolish it.   west, Tangoro and Elves compete       500 BC – 500 AC: A time of
                                     in the Serpent Peninsula. And         quiet recovery and tribal life with
Today, matters are moving            Lizardmen live in the Malpheggi       some trade contacts with the
towards a crisis. There's not        Swamp.                                outside, but the plagues which
much more room for the                                                     riddle the isles drive off most
expansion of slavery for             1750 BC: Earthquakes destroy          intruders.
production of cash crops, but the    this land and send groups of
number of free men continues to      Azcans, Malpheggi, and                6th century AC: Some Hin begin
grow and Ierendi's enemies still     Tanagoro fleeing their homes, all     colonizing Fletcher and Ierendi
Isles. Many get sick and die and     King Mad Creeg.                         henceforth in a difficult and
the colonies initially struggle.                                             uncomfortable position.
                                     618-20 AC: Pirate King Mad
518 AC: Colonists figure out         Creeg writes the Code of                9th – early 10th century AC: The
how to grow tobacco and coffee       Honorable Piracy.                       Minrothad Guilds and Thyatis
profitably and now the colonies                                              increasingly pressure Ierendi,
begin to flourish.                   625 AC: Pirate King Mad Creeg           pushing its defense to their limits.
                                     steps down and runs the first
541 AC: Pressed by population        Tournament of Piracy to choose          905-918 AC: Belisarius' War:
growth, the Makai descend on the     his successor; he is succeeded by       Desperation forces Pirate Queen
Hin colonies and wreak havoc;        Aarthas the Strong.                     Antonia to approve the growing
believing the Hin will leave, they                                           of cash crops by Makai slaves in
foolishly then withdraw home         700 AC: The Vanishing: Entire           order to raise funds to bribe
without killing everyone. That       Hin and Human Pirate villages           Thyatian commanders and to hire
winter, the Hin strike,              vanish from Ierendi; unknown to         assistance and purchase Glantrian
slaughtering any Makai they can      those left behind, Korotiku has         magical items in order to defeat
find, now reduced to feral status    taken them to the Hollow World.         Thyatian forces sent by
by hunger and desperation.           This provokes a wave of panic           Gabronius IV under Admiral
Brutal war ensues on and off.        which leads to the creation of the      Belisarius to conquer Ierendi.
                                     Pirate's Temple.
571 AC: The Thyatians show up,                                               Mid-late 10th century AC: Later
taking control of Utter and          812-18 AC: The War of the               Pirate Kings expand the scope of
Aloysius Islands, setting up         Dead: The Pirates and Makai             Ierendi slavery, acquiring slaves
prison camps and using prisoners     finally fall out in a brutal war; the   from many distant lands to work
to grow valuable crops for them.     Makai use their necromancy to           the fields, enabling most free
War with the Makai and Hin           use dead pirates against the living     men to take up the life of piracy
ensues.                              to make up for smaller numbers          if they choose, strengthening the
                                     after a vicious surprise attack.        lands' defenses. Conservative
586 AC: The Thyatians                                                        and Makai-descended Pirates
consolidate their power in the       817 AC: The Makai sack North            oppose this.
Ierendi Isles. Hin pirates heavily   Keep and turn all the local Hin
raid all trade with the              into an army of flesh-eating            982-1000 AC: Pirate King
motherland.                          zombies. This and other                 Captain Mungo Shipshearer, a
                                     atrocities work both sides up to a      Hin from Fletcher Island, is King
593-623 AC: Thirty Years' War        frenzy.                                 of Ierendi, winning 3
of the Hin vs. Thyatis. This                                                 Tournaments in a row.
provides the context in which        818 AC: Pirate King Konal
Ierendi revolts.                     finally defeats the Makai and           1000 AC: A life lived to the
                                     enslaves them, turning them into        fullest burns out faster; King
600-618 AC: Ierendi prisoners        a labor force for the towns and         Mungo Shipshearer is dying
rebel, ally with the Honor           farms. This passes without much         slowly of a previously unknown
Islanders, defeat Thyatis, and       protest despite its bending of the      disease and no one knows who
establish independence under         Code of Honorable Piracy as the         will follow him to the throne or
Pirate King Mad Creeg.               surviving Pirates are extremely         where they will lead the nation.
                                     angry with the Makai. The               Cue the PCs.
600-625 AC: Reign of Pirate          Makai Pirate families are
Old Mother Kana's Almanac

Climate                                Agriculture                           Geography
Ierendi tends to be hot and wet,       A huge variety of fruits,             As per the canonical Gazeteer (p.
especially wet. Winter begins as       vegetables, melons, and the like      6-8 cover the native wildlife and
the previous year's hurricane          flourish in Ierendi. Pineapples,      terrain well.)
season ends, wobbling between          bannanas and the all-present
the forties and sixties degrees        avocado are especially popular.       The Defense of
Farenheit with very brief freezing     Rice is the most common grain,
spells or unusually warm spells.       and huge amounts of fish are          Ierendi
Cold rain and fog is very              consumed as the primary form of
common, especially fog in the          meat. Beef, chicken, and pork are     Ierendi's only standing navy is the
morning. Spring is short and           all relatively rare and expensive.    forces supplied by Honor Island,
relatively dry, followed by a very     A lot of food is imported,            but in times of war, all active
long hot and humid summer              however, as the best agricultural     pirates must flock to the flag,
which often spikes up into the one     land goes to growing tobacco,         giving Ierendi a fairly substantial
hundreds and is commonly in the        coffee, indigo, sugar, and cotton.    and expert fleet. Where Thyatis
nineties. Starting in late summer                                            and Minrothad's navies fight with
through the fall, hurricanes begin     Both food and cash crops are          precision, the Ierendi are closer to
to periodically slam into the isles,   generally grown by slaves             a naval barbarian horde, relying
coming up from the southeast and       overseen by free men. Slaves are      on speed and the individual
rarely the east. Thyatis and the       organized into 'gangs' according      excellence of their crews,
Minrothad Guilds end up with           to age and experience, with the       combined with the substantial
most of the more easterly              hardest work done by those in the     magical enchantments of their
hurricanes, however.                   18-35 range. Plantations are          ships, to deal with better
                                       typically owned by a particular       disciplined foes. Fancy
                                       pirate ship or town, which            manuevering would require
                                       appoints an overseer to watch         giving up freedom, after all.
                                       over it and collect the revenues.
                                                                             Man for man, the Ierendi have the
                                       Ierendi is hitting its limits in      best sailors in the world; under a
                                       terms of useful agricultural land     skillful Pirate King, this skill can
                                       relative to its population size.      be used to best effect; under weak
                                       This is creating some amount of       kings, enmities between
                                       social stress, though right now,      commanders undercut the
                                       agriculture remains highly            effectiveness and cooperation of
                                       profitable. At the cost of creating   the military, leading to disaster.
                                       an evergrowing number of angry
                                       slaves waiting for a chance to        The continual piratical operations
                                       break free.                           of the Ierendi Pirates keep
everyone's skills up; most free      Slavery                                 them, a reign of terror can lead to
men spend at least a while as a                                              some slave poisoning your food
pirate, making it easy to replace                                            or you being beaten to death.)
                                     Ierendi slavery is hereditary. You
losses so long as they don't grow                                            Slaves cannot testify against non-
                                     can become a slave in one of two
too intense.                                                                 slaves, but can against each other.
                                     ways—judgement passed on you
                                                                             They have no property rights in
                                     by the Pirate Conclave (how
There is a very small group of                                               theory—in practice, masters
                                     some of the Makai were
professional soldiers who guard                                              generally allow them to
                                     enslaved) and being captured by
forts for defense. Organized into                                            accumulate wealth if they can
                                     Ierendi Pirates. Most Ierendi
one hundred man companies, the                                               find some way to do so, so long
                                     Pirates do not enslave everyone
Royal Pirate Army numbers only                                               as it isn't a threat to the masters.
                                     they capture, as this would
1000 men. They all train as
                                     provoke too harsh a counter-
archers and spearmen in both                                                 Most slaves work the fields, but
                                     response and encourage most
light and medium armor.                                                      some work as domestic labor,
                                     people to fight back harder.
                                                                             craftsmen or even clerks in
                                     Rather, slaves are usually taken
There is also a militia force,                                               businesses. Field slaves are
                                     from enemy pirate ships and from
organized by the towns and                                                   rarely emancipated, but the
                                     slave-raiding / trading. (Thyatian
villages. Lightly armored, it                                                domestic and business slaves
                                     and Minrothad prisoners are
focuses on missile fire and                                                  have a fair chance of it.
                                     usually enslaved regardless of
operating in dense forest and
                                     origin, though) A lot of slaves
jungle. In addition to fighting in                                           Makai face a lot of problems
                                     taken these days are either
wartime, it helps to hunt runaway                                            because many non-Makai Ierendi
                                     Karameikan or Sindhi because
slaves. Up to 5000 militia can be                                            tend to assume any Makai is a
                                     neither nation can fight back very
fielded in companies of irregular                                            slave or else that their ancestor
size when needed. Another five                                               was one. This leads to a lot of
thousand low quality militia of                                              conflict and duels.
                                     The child of a slave is always a
old men can be fielded in deep
                                     slave, but the owner of a slave
emergencies.                                                                 Slaves range greatly in their
                                     may emancipate a slave for any
                                                                             response to slavery. Some of
                                     reason. Some allow their slaves
                                                                             them are completely broken,
                                     to save up wealth and buy their
                                                                             obeying their masters out of fear
                                     freedom. A fair number of
                                                                             and/or devotion. Most are
                                     emancipated slaves are the sons
                                                                             somewhat resistant, but unwilling
                                     and daughters of their master.
                                                                             to take major risks. They'll sneak
                                     Freed slaves may become pirates,
                                                                             off a little tobacco, or every so
                                     townsfolk, or just leave Ierendi
                                                                             often let frogs cavort in the
                                     entirely if they have the
                                                                             master's ale when he's not
                                                                             looking, or even beat up one of
                                                                             the master's relatives in a moment
                                     Masters may freely sell, beat,
                                                                             of passion, but they fear
                                     rape, kill, etc their slaves at will.
                                                                             punishment too much to do major
                                     In practice, most masters hold
                                     back from total tyranny from a
                                     mixture of human feeling and
                                     self-preservation. (The People's
                                     Temple tends to target the most
                                     vicious masters, and even without
Disease and the                       gain a +5 bonus to start with and      Atruaghin Clans: Pathetic land-
                                      acclimate at triple-speed; the         dwellers and their equally
Nithian Curse                         curse is out to kill rebels, not       pathetic and vulnerable coastal
                                      obedient slaves.                       dwelling cousins. The Turtle and
One may measure the power of                                                 Tiger clansmen make good slaves
the Nithians by the fact that a       It is to be noted that a similar       and indeed the Tiger clans often
curse unleashed by the Nithians       Lizard-man curse affects any           seem eager to sell Turtle clan
back in 500 BC still has power        visiting Nithians. It's just that      members to the Ierendi for a tidy
over these isles. They are riddled    none ever come here to notice, as      profit. The rest of the clans are
with diseases which cannot long       they're all in the Hollow World        irrelevant. No embassy.
survive leaving the isles as a        now. Ylari are immune to the
result. (They were intended to        Nithian curse, but are vulnerable      Republic of Darokin: The
kill off the rebels, not to spread    to the Lizard-man curse.               Darokinians endlessly complain
back to the motherland.) Ierendi      However, Ylari gain +5 to save         about Ierendi pirates but lack the
diseases can only infect those        against the Lizardman curse, due       strength to defeat them and often
who have visited the Isles at least   to being only somewhat related to      work with them against other
once. This means invading fleets      the Nithians. The humidity tends       foes. DDC members are
are often wiped out by disease,       to make most Ylari miserable, but      considered in Ierendi to be
but can't carry it home to plague     it doesn't quite stop the              protected by the Honorable Code.
bomb Thyatis.                         missionaries.                          They maintain an embassy, even
                                                                             if the ambassador often isn't very
Over time, those most vulnerable      Relations with                         happy.
to the diseases who live in the
Islands have died off and only the    Specific Nations and                   Ethengar Khanates: The what?
disease resistant remain. Visitors    Peoples                                Who? Sea of Grass? How do
and invaders are not so lucky.                                               you sail in grass?
Once a week (or a month if you
                                      Kingdom of Alfheim: Both
want to play this down for foreign                                           The Five Shires: Sometimes
                                      countries are only vaguely aware
PCs visiting the isles), they must                                           good friends, sometimes enemies,
                                      of each other since Alfheim is
make a Fortitude save at                                                     often friendly rivals. Currently
                                      landlocked. There are no formal
difficulty 15 (Save vs. Poison for                                           allies as the result of strong
                                      relations, but some Elves admire
other editions) or else become                                               efforts by Pirate King Mungo, but
                                      the independence and freedom of
sick; the DM should adjust                                                   this may change once he dies.
                                      the Ierendi. Others see them as
disease virulence to suit the need                                           They have an embassy.
                                      little better than orcs. The Ierendi
and tone of his campaign.
                                      slightly admire the Elves, even if
Anyone who bears arms during                                                 The Republic of Glantri: A fine
                                      they are landlubbers.
the week finds the difficulty rises                                          customer for the cash crops and a
to 20 (as the disease-curse                                                  supplier of desperately needed
                                      Empire of Alphatia: The enemy
identifies them as a REBEL.)                                                 magical gizmos. You have to
                                      of my enemy is my friend. The
Each year in which at least half                                             hide them from the Shire-folk,
                                      Ierendi get much of their magical
your time is spent in the Isles                                              though. Some Ierendi of the
                                      gear from the Alphatians when
reduces the save difficulty by 1;                                            towns want to copy aspects of
                                      not imported from Glantri. Sure,
eventually, one becomes largely                                              Glantrian government. Most
                                      wizards aren't as good as Pirates,
immune to it, if one is a long-                                              Pirates prefer their own ways,
                                      but at least they appreciate
term settler. Ironically, the curse                                          though. They have an embassy.
                                      freedom. Alphatia maintains an
is less dangerous to slaves, who
                                      embassay in Ierendi City.
Heldaanic Knights: Many                potential rivals. No embassy;        sentence; fools are sent here to
Ierendi see the Heldaanic Knights      relations are sometimes friendly,    either get wise and healthy or die.
as a twisted fun-house reflection      sometimes hostile but always         Relations are usually terrible and
of themselves and it makes them        interesting.                         while there is an embassy,
uncomfortable. Most Ierendi                                                 turnover is high.
don't like them and there are little   Kingdom of Rockhome: Hard
formal relations. Or reasons to        to get in contact with due to        Kingdom of Vestland: Little
interact at all.                       geography, but Dwarves are           real reason for contact here; it's
                                       useful for their rock working        just too hard to get back and
Grand Duchy of Karameikos:             skills. A fair number of dwarves     forth.
Sheep to be shorn, especially the      work as engineering mercenaries
Black Eagle Baron. Stefan is           in Ierendi and some past Pirate      Emirates of Ylarum: Ierendi is
pathetic and the Traladarans have      Kings have offered to let the        so wet that it attracts endless tides
always been helpless. Perhaps          dwarves colonize the Ierendi         of Ylari seeking to study the
after the fiftieth time their homes    Uplands. Recent talks have           secrets of its wetness and
burn, they'll learn to be real men.    discussed this again; after a        greeness. They then preach and
But probably not. Possibly useful      century or so of negotiations, the   drive the locals crazy. There are
against Thyatis, though. But           Dwarves are starting to warm to      some converts in the town, people
likely more useful as slaves.          the idea. There is a Dwarven         who have grown used to
There is no embassy, as Stefan         embassy.                             disciplined, hard-working lives of
withdrew his after an initial                                               craftsmanship and business which
attempt at relations.                  Kingdom of Sindh: If the Sindhi      no longer really fit the chaotic
                                       navy wasn't weak, they'd have        mores of the Pirate's Temple.
Minrothad Guilds: They're like         killed everyone in Ierendi by        Many of the slaves, however,
your evil little brother who you       now. There is no embassy and         have been listening to the
caught dismembering your               little prospect of one.              missionaries and add ideas from it
friends. Thugs and murderers and                                            into their own syncretic faith, the
corrupted by their own wealth.         Soderfjiord Jarldoms: Contact        People's Temple, from it. This
They make the Ierendi                  between the two nations tends to     makes the missionaries a little
uncomfortable as it's not always       lead to violence when some           crazy.
easy to tell the difference between    Ierendi begins preaching the Code
the two nations' pirates.              of Honorable Piracy at them. No
Relations are usually hostile,         real reason to trade, hardly even
though uncomfortable embassies         worth the effort to reach to raid.
exist in each nation for the other.    No embassy.

Kingdom of Ostland: Kindred            Empire of Thyatis: In Thyatis,
spirits, but also far away and         this job is viewed as a death

                                       Religion in Ierendi
 Hangoon (Druidic                      Makai Practice)                      The oldest religion of the Isles is
                                                                            the Druidic faith of the Makai. It
 and Necromantic                                                            divides time into Aeons, Worlds,
Years, Months, and Days. Each         possible, even as the Kahuna of       them as zombies to kill said
Aeon is a great phase of              Life use their nature lore to prop    enemy. A few Kahunas of Death
existence divided into five           up Grandmother Life as long as        have sold out to the Pirates and
Worlds, each of which ends in an      possible.                             provide undead labor for the
apocalypse. At the beginning of                                             nastiest plantations.
an Aeon, the world is fresh and       Together, the two groups of
new. Gradually, however, the          Kahuna (clerics) conduct rites        Elegy Island remains under the
world decays over four worlds.        intended to stave off the death of    control of the Hangoon and
Each ends with a disaster—The         the Sun (Grandfather Sun) and to      seems likely to stay so.
Death of Stone, The Death of          prop up Grandmother Life to
Air, the Death of Fire and finally    survive another day and to            Druidic faith is declining, having
the Death of Water. The world         appease Grandfather Death.            been replaced for many Makai by
then crumbles away, only to be        Grandmother Ocean also has to         the People's Temple.
reborn after the Death of Death,      be appeased to keep her from
which ends the Fifth Age of each      devouring the land too fast with      This church serves five
Aeon, when Death finally turns        her mighty storms. Already she        Immortals, though it only names
in and devours itself in its          claims half the year for her          four; Ka is the silent benefactor
hunger.                               watery children and the storm         of the Church, while
                                      season will only grow longer in       Grandmother Life (Terra),
The Current World is the Third        the next World.                       Grandfather Sun (Ixion),
World of the Twenty-First Aeon;                                             Grandfather Death (Thanatos),
the Death of Stone eded the First     These rites have, over time,          and Grandmother Sea (Protius)
World in 1750 BC when the             become much softer, abandoning        are openly named. (Thanatos is
lands of the Sea of Dread sank        human sacrifice for the sacrifice     not so much worshipped as
beneath the waves, showing            of food and valuables. A few          appeased. In theory, anyway...)
Stone would now crumble over          angry Kahunas would be rather
time, until all the lands are gone.   happy to sacrifice some of the
The Second World ended in 500         'free men' if they could get away
BC with the Plague-Winds of           with it, though. Their rites
Amnesia which wiped out almost        revolve around the opening and
all knowledge of the past of the      closing of storm season and the
Makai (see history for the full       four equinoxes and solstices.
story). We now live in the Third
World and most Makai figure its       Kahunas of Life are normal
end comes soon, though the Sun        druids. The Kahunas of Death
does seem quite healthy for           are necromancers who use their
something doomed to die to end        powers to assist their fellow
the World soon.                       Makai. A fair number go crazy
                                      and end up turning very evil or
Still, Death grows stronger, but      very insane or both, but most,
the wise men are ready for him.       though sinister, act to help the
The Kahuna of Death have              now mostly enslaved Makai and
studied Death's lore and when the     turn their malice lose on the 'free
Fifth World comes, the World of       men' of Ierendi. They are
Death, they will be ready to stave    especially fond of killing an
off Grandfather Death as long as      enemy's relatives and sending
The People's Temple                   one born. The founder of the          result of this is that while some
                                      People's Temple was a man born        texts are very common in many
                                      in Minrothrad by the name of          communities, each community
The People's Temple is the
                                      Tomia, but he was taken as a          has its own version of the holy
response of the increasingly
                                      slave to Ierendi, where he            writings, hidden away by the
diverse slaves of the Ierendi Isles
                                      escaped and began circulating         priests to avoid being found by
to the mostly unsuccessful
                                      between plantations, aiding           the masters. And to avoid them
attempts of Ylari preachers to
                                      others and teaching the slaves to     being contradicted.
convert them (and of preaching
                                      stand together. He came to be
from the Pirate's Temple),
                                      known as 'The Hope' and               The People's Temple has several
combined with some aspects of
                                      eventually, he is said to have        esoteric sub-sects which compete
the old Druidic faith of the Isles.
                                      escaped this world and headed         to control the direction of the
The People's Temple operates at
                                      into the planes to find a source of   church, groups who have taken
two levels—an exoteric level of
                                      Immortality to create new             symbolic readings of some of the
what is believed by the average
                                      Immortals not beholden to the         holy writings and who often have
member and an esoteric level of
                                      current order, who would create       special writings only revealed to
hidden lore which guides the
                                      a better world. Those who are         the initiated. Each of these
inner leadership of the faith. The
                                      kindest to each other and             groups sees itself as the true,
exoteric level is a higgledy-
                                      humiliate the masters the most        rightful leadership of the church
piggledy jumble of holidays,
                                      will join him in his quest when       and the true heirs of the Hope.
worship rites, and other religious
                                      he dies, until finally, the Hope is   Many priests belong to none of
trappings taken from all the
                                      fulfilled. (This dream of new         these groups, but each has a fair
cultures which touch the Sea of
                                      Immortals is also known as the        amount of influence among those
Dread, from Hin harvest festivals
                                      Hope.)                                not initiated into them.
to Sindhi caste garb to mocking
recreations of the rites of the
                                      The People's Temple thus              The Daughters of Night believe it
Pirate's Temple. Indeed,
                                      teaches a dual ethic—anything         is necessary to snuff out the Sun
mocking other religions is an
                                      done to non-slaves is justified if    in order to bring about the Fourth
important part of the faith,
                                      they refuse to aid the slaves,        World. They are unaware they
though a dangerous one; those
                                      while towards your fellow slaves,     are under Nyx's influence and
brave enough to mock their
                                      you must be kind and generous         now get their spells from her, and
masters publically are regarded
                                      and forgiving, for if you do not      don't usually share her focus on
most highly. All the nations who
                                      stand together, freedom will          undead, though those highest in
have abandoned them to their
                                      never come. Those who best            the sect are more aware of what
fate, the old religions which
                                      embody this may one day               is going on, but believe Nyx one
could not save them, the heroes
                                      become the Immortals to Come,         of the new Immortals to Come,
who did not liberate them—all
                                      following the Hope to destroy the     who they must bring into
must be mocked and shamed for
                                      corrupt Immortals of this present     existence by snuffing the Sun,
their failure.
                                      day.                                  who imprisons her.
The People's Temple looks
                                      The Holy Writings of the              The Liberators are busy plotting
instead to a new age to come, of
                                      People's Temple are a mish-mash       a giant slave uprising against
new Immortals who will not
                                      of the writings of the Hope, the      their masters; unfortunately, the
abandon the helpless—by their
                                      holy writings of various              decentralized nature of the
private ceremonies, they seek to
                                      immortals and the additions of        church has made this rather
hasten that day when the corrupt
                                      every communit's priests. The         difficult. This sect has been born
old order is torn down and a new
several times, as it tends to get    magic user to fake divine             The Pirate's Temple
just far enough to get caught.       powers. To his shock, some of
They appeal to those too             his followers actually developed      / The Church of
impatient to wait for the coming     the ability to cast spells, leading   Ierendi
of the New Immortals.                him to suspect he himself was a
                                     pawn. He finally left to
                                                                           The official name of the Pirate's
The Dream of an Ocean Desert         investigate this, only to end up a
                                                                           Temple is the Church of Ierendi,
(sarcastically named, yes) are the   prisoner of (Immortal of the
                                                                           but in practice, it is usually
group most influenced by the         DM's choice). The actual power
                                                                           referred to as the Pirate's Temple.
Ylari preachers; they hope to        of most believers comes from
                                                                           It worships a collection of
redirect the yearly monsoons to      Korotiku and Diulanna, who both
                                                                           Immortals related to war and
Ylarum in hope of getting Ylari      disapprove of slavery and
                                                                           adventure on the high seas. It
help in overthrowing their           support self-improvement and
                                                                           gives its highest reverence to
masters. (Also, they hope that       change. (Though the Daughters
                                                                           Sinbad and to Protius (The Old
with less water here, the cash       of Night are empowered by
                                                                           Man of the Sea), the former
crops they're forced to grow will    Nyx.)
                                                                           ruling over ships and sailing, the
become unviable, reducing their
                                                                           later over the ocean upon which
masters to poverty.) They are        In a 3/3.5E game, clerics of the
                                                                           you sail. Valerias, Asterius, and
stricter about morality and less     People's Temple choose from the
                                                                           Calitha also are patrons of the
mocking of other faiths than         domains Community, Protection,
                                                                           church. While not an official
most People's Temple groups.         Trickery, and an alignment
                                                                           part of church theology, Brissard
                                     domain of their choice (different
                                                                           also draws power from the
The Inner Light believes itself to   congregations range greatly in
                                                                           church due to its endorsement of
have preserved the secret            alignment). Their holy weapon:
                                                                           slavery and empowers those who
teachings of Tomia on how to         the dagger (because slaves can
                                                                           most strongly defend the
join him on his quest without        carry a dagger without getting
                                                                           institution. Ahmanni, Crakkak,
having to wait for death. They       caught and punished...)
                                                                           Diulanna, Korotiku, Minroth,
practice secret rites, ascetic
                                                                           Djaea and Halav are all enemies
techniques, and holy exercises,
                                                                           of the Pirate's Temple for various
combined with studying and
                                                                           reasons. And the People's
mastering levels of exoteric lore
                                                                           Temple really hates it.
in order to become a being of
light fit to join Tomia.
                                                                           The worship ceremonies of the
                                                                           Pirate's Temple are intended to
A variety of more obscure groups
                                                                           bring fortune in exploration,
exist as well, at the DM's
                                                                           trading, and war and to appease
                                                                           the wrath of the elements.
                                                                           Ironically, the Temple does have
The deepest secret of the
                                                                           a year end ceremony where it
People's Temple is that Tomia is
                                                                           makes sacrifices to those
actually imprisoned in the outer
                                                                           Immortals most opposed to it, in
planes (The DM should choose
                                                                           an effort to buy off their wrath.
where as appropriate for his
                                                                           But each of the twelve monthly
game.) He began the church as a
                                                                           ceremonies (first day of the
giant con game for his own
                                                                           month) are intended to please the
benefit, using his skills as a
                                                                           patrons of the Church.
The Pirate's Temple teaches its      general, they only discourse on      The Eternal Truth
followers that fortune favors the    this topic if they have to, though
bold and that it is better to act    repeated confrontation with          of al-Kalim
than to lose an opportunity by       People's Temple preachers have
too much caution or debate. It       caused a large number of priests     Many Ylari come to Ierendi to
also strongly emphasizes             to further harden their hearts.      study this land to try to
freedom. The free man submits        This is a major place of conflict    understand why it is so bountiful
to no hereditary authority, but      in Ierendi society; positions on     and how to change Ylarum to
only to those he chooses, who        this are likely to change,           make it more like Ierendi. Minus
must prove their worthiness.         depending on the future road         the diseases, mind you. Ierendi
Cooperation is important, but        which Ierendi ultimately follows.    City has a major temple and
only if you have a voice in                                               Kodos on Safari Island has a fair-
determining what the group does.     The Pirate's Temple has no           sized temple. Some other towns
Those of higher skill have more      particular eschatology; they         have small temples as well. The
voice, so you may need to work       worry more about the here and        discipline of the Ylari faith
your way up. But you can; any        now and what cool things you         appeals to some city-dwelling
group that doesn't allow a man to    may get to do soon. There may        Ierendi who are increasingly
rise in rank isn't worth belonging   be cosmic cycles or whatever,        skeptical of the value of the
to. Be bold, smart, and strong,      but it's unlikely the world will     chaotic pirate life. This is
and you will prosper. Be kind to     end in this lifetime. Those who      causing conflict within the
your friends and relatives; those    best exercise their freedom may      temples however; the Eternal
from outside Ierendi, on the other   be chosen by the Immortals to        Truth condemns slavery, whereas
hand, don't necessarily deserve      join them, and those who at least    many of the local converts have
consideration, ESPECIALLY not        tried will go to dwell with them.    come to accept it as natural or
Thyatians.                           Those who allowed their              even necessary. This may well
                                     freedom to be taken away will        lead to a schism.
The introduction of slavery          fall into the hands of the Fiends.
created a theological crisis for     But they had it coming, so don't     The last head of the Ierendi
the Pirate's Temple. Some of its     cry for them.                        sanctuary was a man named
members continue to oppose any                                            Yavi, a very ambitious cleric
form of slavery as immoral, but      In 3.0/3.5 terms, the Pirate's       who hoped to eventually emulate
most have been too tempted by        Temple has these domains:            Al-Kalim and gain immortality.
easy wealth to fight it. Those       Chaos, Travel, Water, War.           He also acted as an agent for the
who preach against slavery are a     Their holy weapon is the cutlass     Kin faction of the Ylari church.
repressed minority; the bulk of      (use Scimitar stats.) (The hard-     His outspoken preaching against
Pirate's Temple theologians have     core defenders of Slavery are        the Church of Ierendi and the
come to argue that the least         now empowered by Brissard.           People's Temple went on for
useful must be slaves so that        Their domains are Evil, Travel,      many months before he tried to
those of higher skill and talent     Trickery, Water)                     sail to Kodos, only to vanish en-
can be truly free, that slaves                                            route. Most people assume some
cannot take care of themselves,                                           group of pirates killed him,
and so the men of skill and talent                                        though a few believers think the
must take care of them and make                                           Immortals took him up to the
them work for their own good.                                             heavens.
Many are still somewhat
squeamish about slavery, and in                                           The new head of the Church is
determined to avoid ending up        though the Pirates tend to mock     The Heldannic Knights are not
dead, but isn't willing to simply    it (in part because many pirates    actually banned, but Vanya
roll over in the face of violence.   can't even read the Nahmeh).        worshippers in general make the
Halla is quietly seeking                                                 Ierendi nervous. However, the
adventurers to conclusively          Banned Faiths                       Heldannic knights rarely show
prove what happened to Yavi,                                             up here and generally do not
and plans to make sure those                                             cause trouble, so it has yet to be a
                                     The Ierendi are tolerant of most
who did this vanish as well,                                             significant issue. Hattian Storm
                                     religions, even some entropic
while keeping his public rhetoric                                        Soldiers, on the other hand, are
                                     ones, so long as they don't cause
toned down. He's a member of                                             asking for trouble. Any group
                                     trouble. However, all religions
the Preceptor faction, so he                                             which is too much of a formal
                                     associated primarily with Thyatis
would rather avoid violence, but                                         militaristic / religious group
                                     (in the eyes of the Ierendi) are
he knows that in Ierendi, that's                                         generally makes the Ierendi
                                     banned. This includes, to its
not always an option.                                                    unhappy at best.
                                     displeasure, the Church of
                                     Karameikos (but not the Church
As the urban areas of Ierendi
                                     of Traladara or the Cult of
gradually drift more towards
                                     Halav.) Religions connected to
legitimate trade and away from
                                     Minrothad are also banned.
reliance on piracy, this faith is
slowly growing more popular,

                    Pirates, Plunderers and Poltroons
The King and his Advisors             Ship's Treasurer to the Pirate         Ambassadors of Note
                                      King of Ierendi, is a very
Mungo Ship-Shearer (Halfling          nervous, jumpy halfling. This is       Postalcan Pur (Wizard 18),
Fighter 17), Pirate King of           because he knows that his great        ambassador from Alphatia, is
Ierendi, is an old man, getting       strength is accounting, which          quite aware he's the most
sick and worn out. He may not         tends to get short shrift in pirate    powerful wizard in Ierendi and
last to the next Tournament of        society, and once Mungo retires        will never let you forget it.
Piracy and intends to step down if    or dies, he will be a lot more         (Other than perhaps some of the
he does. He's had enough of           vulnerable to revenge by Captains      Honor Islanders, but he and they
trying to herd cats to last him a     he's had problems with in the          pretend each other don't exist.)
lifetime. And he's uncertain of       past. He's been building up            He views this posting as a chance
what to do about the building         support among the townsfolk of         to make a big pile of cash and
problems and has decided to just      the isles in anticipation of this,     spends most of his time selling
pass the buck. Almost everything      hoping to find a merchant house        his services to those who can
he does now is intended to defer      to take refuge with once Mungo is      afford it. The rest is largely spent
the nation's problems to be           out of power. He and Antonia get       hooking up pirates with too much
resolved by his successor. The        along poorly as he tends to            money with Alphatian wizards
one exception is his project to       deliver reality checks to her wild     who will enchant things for them
build underwater ships for piracy     dreams.                                or sell them things. What little
and exploration of the sea floor;                                            time he has left is used finding
this project occupies a fair          Antonia Wave-Chaser (Halfling          ways to embarrass the Thyatian
amount of his energies now and is     Rogue 7/Fighter 8, Str 16),            ambassador.
his favorite thing to work on.        Vice-Admiral to the Pirate King
                                      of Ierendi, is Mungo's second in       Gerard Mauntea (Expert
Hannah Ship-Shearer (Halfling         command, in charge of his fleet        6/Merchant-Prince 6, Int 15),
Wizard 13), Pirate Queen              of personal followers. She has         ambassador from Darokin,
(Honorary) of Ierendi, has been       grandiose dreams of conquering         spends most of his time in a state
married to Mungo for sixty years      Minrothad and making them work         of perpetual frustration. While
and has borne him many children,      for the pirates of Ierendi, enabling   Darokin makes good money
of whom about half are alive.         Ierendi to field the mightiest         importing and reselling the cash
She has thus not had as much          pirate fleet ever, one that could      crops produced by Ierendi,
time to build up her skills as him,   wipe Thyatis' fleets off the map,      Ierendi pirates continue to prey
though she is one of the stronger     finally completing Ierendi's           on Darokinian shipping and
wizards of Ierendi. She               revenge. Her grandiose dreams          trying to protest this is largely
effectively acts as court mage and    usually get shot down by Peleke's      futile. So he spends a lot of time
spends much of her time now           reminders of fiscal reality and the    being aggravated and the rest of
working on the underwater ships       two of them get along poorly.          the time trying to hire people to
project. In times past, Hannah        She reminds Mungo of his youth,        steal back pirated goods. He is a
was usually the voice of reason to    however, so he indulges her when       distant relative of the current
her husband's over-optimism.          he can. She is a very skillful         Chancellor of Darokin and is not
Now she's trying to shake him out     naval commander.                       aware he was given this posting
of his general exhaustion, but                                               because he wasn't considered
without much luck.                                                           good enough at diplomacy for a
                                                                             post where diplomatic skills
Peleke Ship-Shearer (Halfling                                                would actually do much good.
Rogue 5/Expert 7, Int 16),
Ira Knackwell (Bard 10, Cha           quite aware everyone hates her.       two to three nights a week to
16), ambassador from The Five         But she knows how to use that to      throwing huge open parties.
Shires, is from the biggest ship-     manipulate people. Let it slip that   Ironically, this has made her the
building family in the Five Shires,   Minrothad wants X and everyone        most popular if most useless
from the town of Tothmeer. He         rushes to do the opposite...which     Thyatian ambassador in ages.
rather enjoys being in Ierendi, and   is what she really wanted. She        She goes adventuring every few
spends a lot of time at Ierendi       conducts elaborate espionage and      months to bring in enough money
shipyards, studying their             spends a certain amount of time       to continue her wild ways.
methods. He is enjoying the           trying to turn up the heat of the
current good relations and            feuds between some ambassadors        Maelobus Negrus (Cleric 11,
working to foster trade. He is on     just as a hobby. Ann has a great      Wis 15), ambassador from
good terms with both pirates and      interest in Nithia and buys           Ylarum, is actually of Thyatian
city folk, in part due to his great   Nithian artifacts at good prices.     descent, but his ancestors
skill at handling people. He is on                                          converted to Al-Kalim's church
extremely good terms with the         Stahlsmag of Clan Syrklist            during the Ylari uprising. He got
current Pirate King. He and the       (Bard 12, Cha 17), ambassador         this job because of his piety and
Glantri Ambassador get along          from Rockhome, is quiet and           his desire to help advance the
very poorly, as one might expect.     hard to get to know, which by         dream of the Desert Garden by
                                      dwarven standards, is outgoing.       the study of Ierendi. He is very
Jacob Stuart (Wizard 14, Dex          She only fully comes to life when     friendly and kind, but prone to
16), ambassador from Glantri, is      discussing trade. She largely         preach at the drop of a hat. He
of Klantyre stock, chosen to be       ignores the other ambassadors,        hires lots of adventurers to go
ambassador because he is one of       except for the Darokinian one,        study aspects of the climate for
very few expert boatmen in            who she feels sorry for, and          him, often camping in dangerous
Glantri. In a country which           periodically invites over for         places for weeks with special
offered other roads to power, he      discussions which go clumsily as      instrumentation which records
would have more likely ended up       she's not good at social small-talk   natural and magical fluxes. He is
a rogue or a bard, but he took up     and he doesn't know dwarven           on good terms with the current
wizardry because otherwise he         entertainments well. (She's           head of the church in the Isles,
would be a pawn and patsy all his     determined to find some game he       but goes his own way.
life. He can be very hard working     won't lose 8 times out of 10,
if he has to and studies magic        though.) She is enthusiastic (by
every day, but would rather relax.    Dwarf standards) about setting up
He does a pretty good job of          colonies here, though aware that a
drumming up business for Glantri      fair number of dwarves may be
because of his obvious love of the    reluctant to go places with so
sea. However, the Alphatians get      much ocean in it.
more work and he rather resents
the Alphatian Ambassador, who         Antonia Magrinnus (Noble 12,
always treats him like an idiot       Str 17), ambassador from
younger brother. He and the           Thyatis, is quite aware she was
Shire Ambassador get along very       sent to Ierendi in the hopes she
poorly, as one might expect.          would either grow up or die. Her
                                      plan is to do neither and to simply
Ann Boleyn (Bard 12, Cha 17),         do whatever the hell she wants,
ambassador from Minrothad, is         from getting in drunken brawls
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