CARERS HANDBOOK - Norfolk County Council

Page created by Victor Davidson
CARERS HANDBOOK - Norfolk County Council

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CARERS HANDBOOK - Norfolk County Council
      Carers Matter Norfolk is here to help you while you care for a member                        WHO WE ARE                    YOUR HEALTH AND WELLBEING
         of your family or a friend. You may not consider yourself a ‘carer’;
    you are simply a husband, a wife, a son, a daughter, brother, sister, relation,            8 You and the Care Act                32 Looking after yourself
          friend or neighbour who is looking after someone you care for.                      8 The Carer’s Assessment                   36 Taking a break
      Recognising that you are a ‘carer’ and that you sometimes need help                            9 Your rights                        38 Seeking work
    and support is an important step. Getting information, advice and support                     11 Have your say                  40 Juggling caring and work
       at an early stage can enable you to continue caring with confidence
                              and help prevent crisis.                                     PRACTICAL HELP WITH CARING                   PLANNING AHEAD
      Being a carer can be both challenging and rewarding. For some it might                        14 Coming home                       42 Looking after
     be the difficulty of navigating the broad range of health and care services.                                                       someone’s affairs
                                                                                          14 Receiving help around the home
     For others it’s the chance to develop a rare bond with someone. Caring can                                                     44 Dealing with end-of-life
    make some people feel invisible and anonymous. This is why, no matter what,               16 Home safety and security
                                                                                                                                   46 Coping with bereavement
                 we want to make sure that you feel you have a voice.                      17 Using wheelchairs and medical
                                                                                                   and household aids
    The intention of this handbook is to assist you in many of the situations you                                                 YOUNG CARERS AND FAMILIES
                                                                                                19 Getting out and about
    might find yourself in as a carer. It was developed by carers, for carers, but it’s                                               50 How do you get help
        not meant to replace the immediate human support you may need.                         22 Handling emergencies
                                                                                                                                        54 Handy numbers
    Whether you have a question about funding or have something to say about                     MONEY MATTERS
    local policies and resources, whether you’d like to provide assistance to other                                                    USEFUL CONTACTS
    carers or if you just need to talk to someone about yourself, we want to make               24 Finding local grants
      sure you feel heard. That’s really what this booklet is for, a quick guide to                  and support                     and how to give feedback
                        finding someone who will listen and help.                            25 Funding for care services               on this handbook
                                                                                              26 Understanding benefits                   56 Emergencies
      Our handbook provides all the information you need, from information
       to help you in your caring role, from how to get help around the home,               29 Receiving housing benefits                56 Local Councils
     to understanding your rights and explaining benefits with handy numbers               30 Saving and managing money         56 National Carer Support Services
        to help you get in touch with organisations quickly in an emergency.                                                    57 Physical and Mental Disabilities/
        Remember our friendly team are here to support you, 7 days a week.                                                                   Difficulties
         Save our advice line number 0800 083 1148 in your phone contacts.                                                                57 Older People
                                                                                                                                             58 General

2                                                 Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm     3
CARERS HANDBOOK - Norfolk County Council
    Carers Matter Norfolk is the          the people you care for and your     Community Support                       Carers Self-Help Hub
    county-wide support service for       wider family.                        You can access free one-to-one          The Carers Self-Help Hub is a free
    unpaid carers, offering support                                            support in your home, the               online platform for carers which
    that is personalised to meet what     Advisors are trained to provide
                                                                               community or a place of your choice     brings you online learning all in one
    matters to you. Carers are involved   listening and emotional support,
                                                                               from local Carer Connectors who will    inclusive place. This has been
    in designing and shaping the          and many have personal experience
                                                                               personalise support around what         created so that you can best
    service. We put you firmly at the     of caring. Call free from landline
                                                                               matters to you. We can help you to      manage the practical and emotional
    heart of everything we do.            telephones or mobiles or chat to
                                                                               understand and navigate local           aspects of caring in addition to your
                                          an advisor online on the website
                                                                               services, support you to access         own health and wellbeing. There are
    Carers Matter Norfolk is funded
                                                                               entitlements, assessments or grants,    courses and learning on the Self-
    by Norfolk County Council and
                                                                               help you with benefits, housing and     Help Hub which will meet the needs
    Norfolk’s five NHS Clinical
                                              “Fantastic support from          adaptations or assist you to speak      of all carers, whether you are an
    Commissioning Groups and
                                                                               up for yourself in accessing services   adult or a young person and
    provides the following services:         the Advice Line, they were        and support.                            whoever you are caring for.
    Advice Line                                  so understanding.”
                                                                               Counselling                             There are many different topics
    Open 7 days a week, the Carers                                                                                     which the Carers Self-Help Hub
                                                                               You can access free telephone
    Matter Norfolk Advice Line provides                                                                                covers, and you will be able to
                                                                               counselling to support you with
    free, independent and confidential                                                                                 access these free and helpful
                                                                               emotional issues around caring; this
    information, advice and guidance                                                                                   resources with ease. A few of the
                                                                               can include managing stress or
    on a wide range of caring-related                                                                                  subjects which you can learn about
                                                                               coping with loneliness. Counselling
    topics and issues affecting you,                                                                                   through the Hub include Caring
                                                                               can be accessed via telephone, Skype,
                                                                               Facetime, Twitter and Facebook.         Basics, Mental Health, Dementia,
                                                                                                                       Emotional Wellbeing, Managing
                                                                                                                       Behaviour, First Aid, Nutrition & Diet,
                                                                                   “I was drained mentally             Carers Rights and much, much more.
                                                                                 and emotionally. Speaking             Once on the Self-Help Hub you will
                                                                                 to a counsellor has helped            be able to browse the site at your
                                                                                        me so much.”                   leisure and choose to learn about
                                                                                                                       whatever suits you. It is important to
                                                                                                                       remember that the Self-Help Hub is
                                                                               Education & Training                    as much about your own personal
                                                                               We can support you to care with         wellbeing as it is for learning about
                                                                               confidence through education &          your caring role. With this in mind,
                                                                               training. You could attend one of       you can find resources which fit with
                                                                               our day or half-day events or access    your own individual needs all in one
                                                                               resources online that can help you      online space at no cost.
                                                                               develop skills and knowledge  
                                                                               around caring.

4                                       Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm         5

    For a more personalised way to            The Pod has been created to             Young Carers & Families
    navigate the Self-Help Hub there is       give carers the space to chat,          Carers Matter Norfolk works to
    the option to register which will allow   communicate and ask questions           a whole family approach; young
    you to save your favourite resources      at any time of day throughout the       carers and their families can
    and receive email notifications of        week. This means that carers can get    access specific information, advice    Carers Voice
    new resources when they are added.        peer to peer support and receive help   & guidance online and in the
                                              from professionally trained Carer                                              Carers Voice Norfolk and Waveney
                                                                                      community through their local          is an independent charity
    The Self-Help Hub has been designed       Advisors and health practitioners       Carer Connector. See the website       representing carers in Norfolk and
    and developed by Carers Matters           at a time which suits them.             for further information.               Waveney. It works to ensure that
    Norfolk in order to bring online
                                                                                     the voice of carers is heard and
    learning to carers throughout Norfolk     With The Pod you can immediately
    in the most convenient way possible.      access professional advice (through     If there is a Young Carer in your      listened to in the design and
                                              private messenger), watch self-help     family, or you know a young person     delivery of support and services.
    The Pod                                   videos and publicly communicate         under the age of 19 who is regularly   Carers Voice is at the heart of
    The Pod is a supportive online            with other carers. In addition, you     looking after a parent, grandparent
    community which has been                  will be able to easily find events,                                            the Carers Matter Norfolk Service
                                                                                      or sibling who cannot manage           ensuring that the services carers
    developed as an app for carers            groups and activities.                  without their support, we’re here to
    to share advice and information                                                                                          receive reflect their needs and
                                                                                      help. We offer tailored support for    interests. carers are also able
    in a convenient way from their own        On the Pod you will be able to
                                                                                      the whole family, addressing the       to have their say in policies and
    home. This platform can enable            receive support without having
                                                                                      practical and emotional needs of       decisions that affect them and
    carers to build a large network of        to leave the person you are caring
                                                                                      the young carer, the person they are   the people they care for.
    friends and receive online support.       for or worry about the time of day.
                                                                                      caring for and other family members.
                                              In app format this social platform
                                              gives you complete ease of access                                              As an equal partner within Carers
                                              to instant help and support. As an                                             Matter Norfolk, Carers Voice ensures
                                              online community you will be able                                              that carers are able to be involved
                                              to connect with others who have                                                at every level of provision and that
                                              shared experiences and engage               "I could not have coped            the service is pro-active in providing
                                              with professional help.                         without my Carer               what carers need.
                                                                                        Connector. They have been            Within Carers Matter Norfolk, Carers
                                              Whether you’re a carer, family
                                              member, friend or professional,            wonderful and have been             Voice administers a small grants
                                              The Pod is for you at any time.                to meetings and the             fund for local support groups for
                                                                                                                             carers. The decision on allocating
                                                                                           hospital with me, and             funds lies with local carers who sit
                                                                                           helped me to come to              on the panel. This forms part of the
                                                                                          terms with him needing             wider support offer for groups which
                                                                                         24 hour permanent care.             includes a publicity pack and help
                                                                                                                             with ensuring the sustainability of
                                                                                        They have been such a help”          the groups across Norfolk.

6                                              Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm       7
    THE CARER’S ASSESSMENT                   Some people may be able to receive        After the assessment                    YOUR RIGHTS
    The Care Act helps to improve            a Carer’s Allowance from the              Once complete, NCC will decide          We understand the pressure of
    people’s independence and                Department for Work & Pensions for        whether you need their support.         caring for someone and want to
    wellbeing. A Carer’s Assessment          caring, but this is different and does    To be eligible, the impact of caring    make sure that you feel supported.
    is about you and your wellbeing.         require a means test. If you’re           has to have (or be likely to have) a    Besides the right to a Norfolk County
    Norfolk County Council (NCC) will        eligible to receive services to support   significant effect on your wellbeing.   Council Carer’s Assessment, you have
    discuss with you the different           your role as a carer, you’ll receive                                              access to services from voluntary
    ways caring affects your life and        these free of charge.                     If you are found to be eligible for     organisations and other
    explores ways in which you can                                                     support, NCC will agree a Support       independent providers. You also
                                             If you can’t attend                       Plan with you.
    carry on with what’s important                                                                                             have other rights covered by the law.
    for you and your family.                 Norfolk County Council (NCC) realise
                                             that some people can’t take part          This may include support in
                                                                                                                               The Care Act (2014)
    It should cover your caring role, your   directly in the assessment. If that’s     accessing the services in your
                                                                                       community, arranging for breaks         The Care Act came into effect in
    feelings about caring, your physical,    the case for you, NCC will make sure                                              April 2015 and made widespread
    mental and emotional health, and         you have a friend or family member        from caring on a regular or one-off
                                                                                       basis, equipment to make caring         changes to adult social care in
    the effect caring has on your work,      who can help and stand in for you.                                                England. Importantly for you, as
    leisure, education, wider family and     If you don’t have anyone who can          easier, or leisure activities to
                                                                                       reduce stress.                          a carer, it gives you the same rights
    relationships. It also gives you the     help, and you have no other way                                                   to assessment and support as the
    chance to find out more about            of attending, the Council may find        Even if you aren’t eligible, NCC will   person or people you’re caring for.
    support services, emergency help,        an independent advocate.                  provide you with information on         This means that your rights are
    breaks, and financial help to support                                              where you can find support within       recognised as equally important.
    your wellbeing and to help you                                                     your community.
    continue caring.                                                                                                           For more information on the Care
                                                 “I found the advice line              To request a carers assessment,         Act, visit our website, or head to the
    You can ask NCC to carry out a                very helpful. The lady               please contact NCC first, or head to    government’s webpage using the
    Carer’s Assessment at any time.                                                    the Norfolk County Council website.     links below.
    However, we recommend that you                    I spoke to really
    contact Carers Matter Norfolk first to      understood my situation                Norfolk County Council                  Carers Matter Norfolk
    find out more about the assessment           and was interested and                T: 0344 800 8020                        T: 0800 083 1148
    and to discuss your needs.                                                    
                                                   able to talk through                                                        information-advice/your-rights/

    The purpose of the assessment                  options and provide                                                         care-act
    is not to judge the care that you              helpful information.

                                                                                       KNOW YOUR
    provide. The council might ask you                                                                                         Government webpage
    about the impact the cost of caring
                                                 It was fantastic to have                                            
    is having on your finances but won’t        someone to listen to me.”                                                      publications/care-act-2014-part-1-

    carry out a financial means test.                                                                                          factsheets/care-act-factsheets

8                                               Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm        9
                                                                                                           HAVE YOUR SAY
     For a brief overview, some of the        Equality Act 2010                        Your right to complain                  After the County Council has
     principles covered in the Care Act       Some carers and/or the people            There may be times when you need        completed its investigations, your
     (2014) are:                              they care for may experience             or want to make a complaint about       Local Government Ombudsman
                                              discrimination or harassment             the services you’ve received. The NHS   can investigate complaints on the
     • Wellbeing
                                              because of their age, disability,        and local government organisations      way cases were handled.
     • Assessment for local authority         caring role, or for any other number     have complaints procedures if you’re
       support                                                                                                                 An advocate can also support
                                              of reasons, such as race, gender,        unable to resolve the problem
                                                                                                                               you in finding out about your rights
     • Eligibility for funded services        or sexual orientation. Because this      directly with the worker involved.
                                                                                                                               and help you to resolve issues.
                                              can affect your ability to work, get
     • Financial schemes and support                                                   POhWER works with Equal Lives and       For more details on your rights and
                                              involved in leisure activities, or use
                                                                                       Age UK Norfolk to provide the NHS       complaints services, call one of our
     • Information and advice from            services that should be available
                                                                                       Complaints Service in Norfolk.          advisors or head to our website.
       local authorities                      for everyone, the Equality Act aims
                                              to help you and the person under                                                 Local Government and
     • Preventing further needs, rather                                                POhWER
                                              your care:                                                                       Social Care Ombudsman
       than allowing situations to reach                                               T: 0300 456 2370
                                              • In the workplace                       TEXT: 81025 (text the word 'powher'    T: 0300 061 0614
       a crisis point
                                                                                              with your name and number)       T: 0800 083 1148
     • Diversity in the range of quality      • When shopping for goods                                              
       care you can choose from                 and services
                                                                                                                               Your right to be heard
     • Personalised care and support          • In education
       plan for you and the person under                                                                                       Patient Advice and Liaison Services
                                              • With housing                                                                   (PALS)
       your care
                                              • When using facilities like public                                              Each healthcare service has
     • Continuity in support if you or the      transport, taxis, cafes, cinemas,                                              advice and liaison officers that can
       person you care for chooses to           restaurants etc                                                                explain procedures to you, provide
       move home                                                                                                               confidential advice and support, as
                                              For more information on the                                                      well as act as your point of contact
     • Transition, meaning better
                                              Equality Act, you can contact us.                                                and help resolve problems.
       planning for young people
                                              Citizens Advice Bureau has also
       (including young carers) during                                                                                         To find your local PALS officer, either
                                              produced a brochure on the Equality
       their transition between Children’s                                                                                     visit the NHS website
                                              Act and how it affects you as a carer.
       and Adult’s services                                                                                                    (search for PALS) or contact our
                                              You can download the brochure on
     The Citizens Advice Bureau Equality      our website.                                                                     Advice Line 0800 083 1148.
     Act Brochure:

10                                              Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm         11
                                                                                            where carers share their experiences

     As a carer, you are an ‘expert’ through      Family Voice Norfolk is the parent
     your lived experience of caring and          carer forum for Norfolk. It represents
     you should be able to have a say in          the views of families with children
     services, policies and decisions that        and young people with special
     affect you and the people that you           educational needs and/or
     care for. We call this the ‘Carers Voice’.   disabilities (SEND) to decision-
     Carers Voice Norfolk & Waveney is a          makers and service providers in
     partner in Carers Matter Norfolk             education, health and social care.
     ensuring our services involve carers
     at every level. Carers Voice ensure all      It is funded by the Department for
     carers in Norfolk and Waveney can            Education, the local authority and the
     have a real say on the local services        NHS via Clinical Commissioning
     and support they receive.                    Groups (CCGs), but it operates
                                                  completely independently.
     E:                      Representatives of Family Voice are all                          parent carers of 0–25-year-olds with
                                                  SEND. They attend meetings at which
                                                  all of these bodies make decisions
                                                  that affect families, to ensure that
     There is a Healthwatch in every area         money is spent in the most useful and
     of England. Healthwatch supports             cost effective way to benefit parent
     local communities to find out what           carers and the children and young
     people like about services and what          people they care for.
     could be changed and improved.
                                                  Family Voice Norfolk
     Healthwatch then shares these
                                                  T: 07950 302937
     opinions with authorities in order to
     make change happen. In addition,
     Healthwatch can also help people
     find out useful information about
     the services available to them.
     Healthwatch Norfolk
     T: 0808 168 9669
     E: enquiries@healthwatchnorfolk.

12                                                   Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm   13
     COMING HOME                               ADDITIONAL SUPPORT                   RECEIVING HELP AROUND                  Continence clinic
     The Norfolk First Support Service         Provides help with practical tasks   THE HOME                               If one of your household tasks
     provides support and reablement in        and to regain independence.          Keeping on top of household tasks      involves help with continence issues
     a person’s own home. This service is                                           can be a pressure when you’re          for a person who is 18 or older, you
     provided by Norfolk County Council        The British Red Cross                caring for someone. If you think       might find a continence clinic at a
     (NCC) and it it helps people (aged 18     T: 01603 426361                      you might need help, please call       hospital or community health centre
     and over) stay in hospital or after a                  our Advice Line so we can try to put   near you. If you wish to contact
     stay in hospital.                                                              you in touch with the right support.   them, you can do so directly,
                                               Offers support for older people                                             without a referral from your GP.
     Norfolk First Support will discuss        going into hospital and coming       Meal delivery services
     with you and the person needing           home.                                                                       To find your nearest health centre,
                                                                                    Norfolk County Council operates the
     support about how much care is                                                 Trusted Trader website, where you      head to the community health and
                                               The Royal Voluntary Service                                                 care website.
     needed and whether they are                                                    can find information on private
                                               T: 0330 555 0310
     eligible for support from Norfolk                                              companies in Norfolk, as well as
                                                                                 Norfolk Community Health and Care
     First Support.                                                                 voluntary organisations and even       www.norfolkcommunityhealth
                                                                                    pubs and cafes that provide meal
     Providing up to 6 weeks of free
                                                                                    delivery services. These can include
     support, the service helps individuals
                                                                                    freshly cooked hot or cold meals, or
     regain the skills and confidence
                                                                                    frozen meals that you can reheat as
     they need to remain independent
                                                                                    and when you want them.
     in their home.
                                                                                    Trusted Trader
     If the team feels someone needs
     longer-term support, Norfolk First
     Support will assist with onward                                                Norfolk County Council
     referrals, advice, and information.                                            T: 0344 800 8020
     To find out more, you can contact                                              E:
     us, or you can talk to the staff on the
     hospital ward or contact NCC.                                                  The Norfolk Community Directory
                                                                                    can provide details of lunch clubs
     Norfolk County Council                                                         and day centres in your area.
     T: 0344 800 8020
     E:                                                  Lunch clubs and day centres                                                  T: 0344 800 8020

14                                           Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm     15

     HOME SAFETY AND SECURITY                  ADDITIONAL RESOURCES                   USING WHEELCHAIRS AND                  Key safe
     When you’re caring for someone,           Offers a wide range of information     MEDICAL AND HOUSEHOLD                  If you or the person under your
     it’s important to make sure your          material and guidance.                 AIDS                                   care has multiple visitors but have
     home environment is safe. We can                                                 Equipment to help with caring          difficulty in getting to the door
     help you find the right people to         Age UK Norfolk                                                                to let them in, a simple means
                                                                                      When it comes to support for
     assist with essential repairs, or         T: 0300 500 1217                                                              of support is a key safe, which is
                                                                                      mobility and independence, your GP
     assess your home for fall risks.                                                       a combination-code protected
                                                                                      or any other healthcare professional
                                                                                      can have the person under your care    secure box, used for keeping a
     Help if someone suffers from falls        Offers free fire safety checks.                                               spare key outside the main door.
                                                                                      assessed for what walking or medical
     If the person under your care has         Fire Safety:                           aids they might need. If they have a
     had two falls in the last six months                                                                                    The Supra C500 key safe is police
                                               Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service        permanent or long-term physical        approved, and there are a number
     or a single fall that has led to injury   T: 0300 123 1669                       disability, you can also ask Norfolk
     or being admitted to hospital, the                                                                                      of organisations in Norfolk that
                                          County Council for an assessment,      provide key safes. Costs and
     Norfolk Community Health and Care         fire-and-rescue-service                to include occupational therapy.
     (NCH&C) Falls Service provides a                                                                                        conditions may apply, and we
     Falls Workbook as well as a home-         Handy person services and care         As part of that assessment, you can    recommend that you contact
                                                                                      discuss any equipment you think you    your home insurance provider
     based assessment to identify the          and repair agencies
     factors and risks, which may                                                     might need to help you as a carer.     for further advice.
                                               For help and advice on repairing and
     contribute to this person’s falls.        adapting homes. You can find these                                            To find a local key safe supplier,
     The purpose of the assessment                                                    Norfolk County Council
                                               through your local district council,   T: 0344 800 8020                       you can call Norfolk County Council,
     is to develop a personalised action       and you can find your local district                                          or email them for more information.
     plan to help the person improve                                        
                                               council number in the Useful           Alternatively, you can head to the
     their confidence, balance, strength       Contacts section of this handbook,                                            Norfolk county council Keysafes
     and stamina.                              page 56.                                                                      web page.
     While this service is provided for                                                                                      Norfolk County Council
     people who are 65 years or over,                                                                                        T: 0344 800 8020
     you, your GP, or any other health                                                                                       E:
     professional can refer under 65s to                                                                           
     therapy or nursing for assessment.
     NCHC Falls Service
     T: 01553 668 673

16                                             Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm     17

     Assistive Technology                    Able to lend mobility aids, including    GETTING OUT AND ABOUT                   ADDITIONAL RESOURCES
     If the person under your care is an     wheelchairs, on a short-term basis,      Whether it’s attending important        Driving Miss Daisy
     adult over the age of 18, and lives     and provide details on where to find     hospital appointments, getting the      T: 0333 014 6211
     in their own home, Norfolk County       their local centres.                     shopping in or enjoying some
     Council has an Assistive Technology                                              much-needed leisure time, find out      Travel passes for bus travel
                                             The British Red Cross
     team that can carry out a free                                                   how you can get help with travel        The Disabled Travel Pass entitles
                                             T: 01603 426361
     assessment to see whether the                                                    and transport.                          permanently disabled people, or those
     person under your care would benefit                                                                                     with a disability lasting at least 12
     from such assistance.                   Able to lend mobility aids, including    The Community Transport Scheme          months and who meet the eligibility
                                             wheelchairs, on a short-term basis.      Some carers don’t have access           criteria, to travel for free on all off peak
     Assistive Technology refers to a                                                 to a car or any other means of          bus services, as well as at any time on
     range of equipment and electronic       Norfolk Coastal Centre for               transportation. If that’s the case      weekends and bank holidays. There
     gadgets that can help people feel       Independent Life                         with you, and you can’t use or access   are no travel period restrictions,
     safer and more secure, and to live      T: 01493 663 626                         normal public transport, you may        however, on anyone who is registered
     more independently at home.             E:                be eligible for a Community             as blind or partially-sighted.
     You may be provided with                                                         Transport scheme. Depending on
     equipment free of charge,               Offers free, impartial advice and                                                If the person under your care can’t
                                                                                      the scheme’s criteria, you could use
     although this is not guaranteed.        information on the use of daily living                                           travel alone, they can apply for a
                                                                                      it to go shopping, enjoy leisure
                                             equipment for the public.                                                        companion enhancement, so that
     Norfolk County Council                                                           activities or to attend hospital or
                                                                                      GP appointments. In addition to the     you or whoever travels with them
     T: 0344 800 8020                        DLF (Disabled Living Foundation)
                                                                                      Community Transport schemes             can do so for free, as long as the
     E:           T: 0300 999 0004
                                                                                      (Transport Plus), there are 4Flexibus   journey starts in Norfolk. To be           
                                                                                      services that run a Ring and Ride       eligible for a companion pass, the
     assistivetechnology                                                                                                      person under your care must be
                                             A free website where you can post        service in rural areas.
                                             adverts to buy or sell equipment.                                                unable to walk to a bus stop or get
     ADDITIONAL RESOURCES                                                             You can view your options or contact    on or off a bus without assistance.
     If you’re not eligible for support      Disabled Gear                            Norfolk County Council at:
                                                                                                Norfolk County Council
     from Norfolk County Council,
                                                                                      Norfolk County Council                  T: 0344 800 8020
     you can contact the following
                                                                                      T: 0344 800 8020                        E:
     services directly.
     Mobility aids. Contact for advice                                       your transport      concessionarytravel
     and to purchase equipment.                  “There are some really     
                                               useful resources in Norfolk,
     T: 01603 894 120                          a quick phonecall can help
     E:                        you find out more.”

18                                             Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm              19

     ERS Hospital Transport service.           Vehicle Tax                              ADDITIONAL RESOURCES                  Toilet keys allow access to toilets
     Free transport to and from hospital       The person you’re looking after          Information on public transport       adapted for people with disabilities.
     for patients living in Norfolk, can       may be entitled to free, or half-price   journeys throughout Norfolk.          Contact The R.A.D.A.R Key Company
     be for regular visits or one off          vehicle tax if their mobility is                                               directly for more information.
     appointments. Subject to eligibility      affected and they are claiming           National Express Assisted Travel
                                                                                        Helpline                              RADAR NKS National Key Scheme
     (not available to patients in             certain payments and allowances.
                                                                                        T: 0371 781 8181                      T: 01395 222588
     Gt Yarmouth & Waveney).
                                               Vehicle Tax Information                  E: 
     T: 0333 240 499                           T: 0300 790 6802                              This website includes a range of
     Parking                                                                            Traveline                             information about accessible places
                                               Railcards and travel discounts                     in the city.
     The Blue Badge Scheme is a disabled
     parking permit that allows people         If the person under your care is                                               The Norwich Access Group
     who are registered blind, or those        eligible, the Disabled Persons           Loans manual and powered
                                                                                        wheelchairs and scooters.   
     with severe mobility issues, who          Railcard gives both them and their
     would otherwise be unable to access       adult companion 1/3 off most rail        There is a charge for the service.    Provides information on accessible
     the shops or facilities that a Blue       fares throughout Great Britain.          The Shopmobility Scheme               walks and places to visit in Norfolk
     Badge would allow them to visit.                                                   Norwich Shopmobility                  and in the East of England.
     New eligibility criteria for those with   Disabled Persons Railcard Office
                                               T: 0345 605 0525                         T: 01603 753 350                      Accessible Countryside for Everyone
     hidden disabilities was implemented                                                E:
     on the 30th of August 2019.               E:                                  
                                            West Norfolk Community Transport      norfolk
     For further details and to check if                                                T: 01553 770 310
     this could apply to you or the person     Greater Anglia can provide
                                               information on assisted travel.          E:
     you care for, please visit the website
     below. You can apply using the web                                                 Great Yarmouth Broadland Mobility
                                               Greater Anglia
     link below or by contacting Norfolk                                                T: 0800 1510 255
                                               T: 0800 028 2878
     County Council.                                                                    T: 01493 330 455
     If you would like support to complete
     your application, you can contact the                                              Beactive
     Carers Matter Advice Line on                                                       Norwich – T: 01603 666 803
     0800 083 1148 who can assist.                                                      Great Yarmouth – T: 01493 444 348
                                                                                        Diss – T: 01379 643 962
     Norfolk County Council                                                   
     T: 0344 800 8020

20                                               Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm     21

     HANDLING EMERGENCIES                     Once complete, you’ll be sent your      Non-emergency support                     in the fridge, and with a special
     Being prepared for an emergency          carer’s emergency card, which you       Norfolk Swift Response                    sticker to tell emergency services
     means that, should something             should then always carry with you.      (Swifts/Night Owls) provide a             where to find it, you can help them
     unexpected happen to you, or the         The card will clearly state that        24-hour, 365 day a year service           respond properly if you are taken ill
     person you care for, you know            you’re a carer and that you have        which provides help, support, and         or have an accident. For more
     exactly what to do.                      someone relying on you to keep          reassurance if you or the person          information, ask your GP or
                                              them well and safe.                     under your care have an urgent,           pharmacy, or call Lions Club
     The carer’s emergency card                                                       unplanned need at home. This could        International.
                                              In the case of an emergency
     Norfolk County Council provides                                                  be because they had a fall, or if their
                                              The card will also show your                                                      Message in a bottle
     a free carer’s emergency card to all                                             carer is suddenly taken into hospital
                                              emergency plan number. In the case                                                T: 0845 833 9502
     carers in the county. The card clearly                                           and they need help with personal
                                              of an emergency, you, or someone                                                  E:
     states that the person carrying it is                                            care, meal preparation etc.
                                              on your behalf, should ring NCC’s                                       
     a carer and that someone is relying
     on them to keep them safe and well       telephone number and give them          There are four teams of two people
                                                                                                                                Community Alarm
     and provides the NCC’s 24-hour           your emergency card number. This        working in the Swifts/Night Owls
                                                                                                                                There is also a new Buddy Button
     emergency helpline number,               will allow the Council to quickly       across Norfolk at any point in time.
                                                                                                                                becoming available you can wear.
     0344 800 8020.                           reach your named emergency                                                        In an emergency, the alarm activates
                                              contacts. Carers Matter Norfolk can     Swifts/Night Owls will attend a
                                                                                      person who has fallen, if requested,      your home phone line to call for help.
     If someone carrying a carer’s            support you to develop your own                                                   There is a charge for this service.
     emergency card is taken ill or           emergency plan; contact our Advice      if the person has not suffered an
     involved in an accident, they or the     Line 0800 083 1148 or speak to your     injury or has any medical symptoms
                                                                                                                                Breckland and Norwich -
     emergency services can ring the          local Carer Connector.                  that have been exacerbated by the
                                                                                                                                Wellbeing Lifeline
     helpline and the council will use the                                            fall. The team work in pairs and
                                                                                                                                T: 01323 644 422
     information in the carer’s emergency     Finally, if after the emergency there   carry special lifting equipment to
     plan, such as details about the          is no one to look after the person in   help make moving people as safe           Broadland – Centra Pulse
     support they provide and emergency       your care, NCC will make sure that      as possible.                              T: 0300 333 6511
     contact details, to ensure the person    they remain safe until alternative
                                              arrangements can be made. This          Norfolk County Council                    Great Yarmouth – Yare Care
     they care for isn’t put at risk.                                                 Swift Response
                                              service is available to young carers                                              T: 01493 330 369
                                              and young adult carers alike.           T: 0344 800 8020 – Select option 1
     Getting your carer’s emergency card
                                                                                      West Norfolk – Care Line
     To get a card you’ll first need to       To contact the emergency helpline,      and-health/care-and-support/              T: 01553 616 200 – Select option 6
     complete the online form on the          receive your carer's emergency card,    urgent-help/
     NCC website. If you’re unable to fill    or to find out more, contact Norfolk                                              North Norfolk – Care Line
     in the online form, you can call them    County Council.                                                                   T: 01553 616 200 – Select option 6
     on their helpline or ask the Carers                                              ADDITIONAL SUPPORT
     Matter Advice Line to help you           Norfolk County Council                  Message in a bottle                       South Norfolk – Contact Care
     complete the form.                       T: 0344 800 8020                        By putting your (and the person           Lifeline Alarms
                                              TEXT: 0344 800 8011                     under your care’s) important              T: 0800 917 4680
                                                   information in an empty bottle

22                                             Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm          23
     FINDING LOCAL GRANTS                     The Norfolk Millennium Trust            Disabled Facilities Grant                 FUNDING FOR CARE SERVICES
     AND SUPPORT                              for Carers                              This is a maximum grant of £30,000        Norfolk County Council can provide
     Our advisors are always on hand          The Norfolk Millennium Trust for        that may be available to you from         funded services to support you and
     to help you access grants and other      Carers is administered by the Norfolk   your local council if you need to         the person you care for if you’re
     support. We may be able to award         Community Foundation and gives          adapt your home to the needs              found to be eligible for support
     you a small grant if you’re part of      out grants to unpaid carers to          of a disabled person.                     under the Care Act.
     a carers’ group or are thinking          provide them and their loved ones
     of starting one up.                      a better quality of life.               You may want to improve access            If you are eligible the Council will
                                                                                      to rooms and facilities by installing     agree a Support Plan with you.
     Funded by Norfolk County Council,        The Millennium Trust grant is           ramps, put in a stairlift, a downstairs   This may include support to access
     this grant aims to improve the           for practical items like washing        bathroom, or adapt heating or             the services in your community,
     support services available to carers     machines and wheelchairs, as            lighting. The amount awarded              arranging for breaks from caring
     across Norfolk. The carers’ group        well as for short breaks and leisure    depends on your household income          on a regular or one-off basis,
     must be for carers over the age of 16,   activities which relieve the 24/7       and savings, and your local council       equipment to make caring easier,
     caring for people over the age of 18,    pressures of caring.                    will normally want to assess the          or leisure activities to reduce stress.
     and more than half the group have                                                disabled person’s needs.
     to be current carers. The group also     Norfolk Millennium Trust for Carers                                               To find out whether you, or they,
     has to offer spaces for new carers       T: 01603 623 958                        For more details, you can find your       are eligible, you can find more
     and provide them a break.                E:         local council’s contact details in the    details in the Carer’s Assessment
                                                      Useful Contacts section, page 56.         section of this booklet, page 8, or
     To find out more, call us on our                                                                                           you can call Norfolk County Council.
     Advice Line 0800 083 1148 or visit       The Rank Group and Carers Trust
     our website www.carersmatter             This is another great source of                                                   Norfolk County Council                           support for adult carers offering                                                 T: 0344 800 8020
                                              a range of grants for equipment or                                      
                                                                                          “With help from Carers
                                              care-taking skills, and to help take
                                              care of the carers’ wellbeing.              Matter Norfolk to access              You can pick up or download a
                                              To find out more, or to apply,                a grant, I could take               copy of Norfolk County Council’s
                                              contact the Carers Trust.                                                         ‘Your Guide to Care and Support
                                                                                           a weekend away with                  for Adults’, which has the contact
                                              Carers Trust                                 my husband. It wasn’t                details to a range of care services
                                              T: 0300 772 9600                            much but it helped me                 from which you can choose.
                                                        feel less worn out.”
                                              availablecarers-trust                                                             Norfolk County Council
                                                                                                                                T: 0344 800 8020
                                                                                            Gloria from Kings Lynn,             TEXT: 0344 800 8011
                                                                                           caring for her mother who  
                                                                                                 has dementia

24                                             Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm           25

     UNDERSTANDING BENEFITS                     • You earn no more than £123 a week       You may also be able to claim other      Carer's Credit
     As a carer, you and the person you           after deductions (i.e. tax, cost of     benefits, such as an income-related      If you don’t qualify for Carer’s
     care for can access financial                replacement care, and 50% of what       benefit or Pension Credit. If you’re     Allowance, but you’re caring for
     support. Claiming these benefits             you pay into your pension)              pension age and on a low income,         someone for at least 20 hours a
     can be confusing though and                                                          you might also be able to claim the      week, you may still qualify for Carer’s
                                                Carer’s Allowance is not based on         Carers Premium of Pension Credit.
     some benefits can affect others.                                                                                              Credit, as your income, savings, or
                                                you or your partner’s income and
     Our advisors can inform you on                                                                                                investments won’t affect eligibility
                                                capital. However, there’s a cap on        If you’re claiming benefits such as
     which benefits are available to you,                                                                                          for this benefit. Carer’s Credit helps
                                                how much you can earn from work           Maternity Allowance, Contributory
     how to claim, and can guide you                                                                                               with gaps in your National Insurance
                                                and still be entitled to Carer’s          ESA or a state pension you might
     through the application process.                                                                                              record. Your State Pension is based
                                                Allowance, and this is currently set at   not be eligible for Carer's Allowance,
                                                                                                                                   on your National Insurance record,
     If you’re interested in this assistance,   £123 per week after deductions. If you    but you should still apply. This is
                                                                                                                                   and if you’re eligible for Carer’s
     call us on our advice line, or head to     need to pay for care to allow you to      because these other benefits may
                                                                                                                                   Credit, you can get credits to help
     our website to find out more.              continue working, you can include         be paid at a higher rate than Carer's
                                                                                                                                   fill these gaps. This means that you
                                                these costs in your deductions.           Allowance and you will be paid
                                                                                                                                   can take on caring responsibilities
     Carer’s Allowance                                                                    whichever is the highest.
                                                The person you are caring for must                                                 without affecting your State Pension.
     This is one of the main benefits           receive one of the following benefits:    You should also be aware that
     available to you as a carer. If you’re                                                                                        To get Carer’s Credit you must be:
                                                                                          claiming Carer’s Allowance may
     caring for someone at least 35 hours       • Personal Independence Payment
                                                                                          affect the benefits that the person      • Aged 16 or over, and under State
     a week, you may be eligible for a            (PIP) daily living component
                                                                                          you’re caring for might be receiving,      Pension age
     £66.15 a week Carers Allowance,            • The middle or highest care rate         so you should always check with
     provided all of the following apply:                                                                                          • Looking after one or more people
                                                  of Disability Living Allowance (DLA)    an advisor before applying.
                                                                                                                                     for at least 20 hours a week
     • You’re 16 or over                                                                  Our advisors can help you apply.
                                                • Attendance Allowance
                                                                                          Contact by phone or visit our            The person you’re looking after must
     • You spend at least 35 hours a week       • Constant Attendance Allowance           website for more details.
       caring for someone                                                                                                          get one of the following:
                                                  at or above the normal maximum
     • You have been in England, Scotland         rate with an Industrial Injuries        To apply for Carer's Allowance, go       • The middle or highest care rate
       or Wales for at least 2 of the last        Disablement Benefit, or basic           to or call 0800 731 0297        of Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
       3 years                                    (full day) rate with a War              to request a claim pack.
                                                                                                                                   • Attendance Allowance
                                                  Disablement Pension
     • You normally live in England,                                                                                               • Constant Attendance Allowance
       Scotland or Wales, or you live           • Armed Forces Independence
                                                  Payment (AFIP)                                                                   • The standard or enhanced
       abroad as a member of the
                                                                                                                                     Personal Independence Payment
       armed forces
                                                                                                                                     (PIP) daily living component
     • You’re not in full-time education
                                                                                                                                   • Armed Forces Independence
       or studying for 21 hours a week
                                                                                                                                     Payment (AFIP)
       or more

26                                                 Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm          27

     If the person you’re caring for               To be eligible, this child will need     Getting the PIP doesn’t reduce other     The State Retirement Pension
     doesn’t get one of these benefits,            to meet all of these requirements.       benefits, and may even increase          The amount of state pension you
     you may still be able to get Carer’s          To find out more, call the Disability    them. The rate will depend on how        receive depends on your National
     Credit. Just fill in the ‘Care Certificate’   Living Allowance helpline or head        the person’s condition affects them,     Insurance contributions and how
     part of the application form and get          to the government website.               rather than on the condition itself,     many years you have paid.
     a health or social care professional                                                   and so the person you care for will
     to sign it.                                   Disability Living Allowance helpline     need to have an assessment to work       To find out more, call the Pension
                                                   T: 0800 121 4600                         out the proper level of help for them.   Service at 0800 731 7898 or go to
     You don’t need to apply for Carer’s                                The award will then be regularly
     Credit if you get Carer’s Allowance                                                    reassessed to make sure the person
     – you’ll automatically get the credits.       Attendance Allowance
                                                                                            you’re caring for is getting the right   RECEIVING HOUSING
     You can also still get Carer’s Credit         This is a benefit for people of          amount of support.
     even if you have breaks from caring           pension age or over who need help                                                 BENEFITS
     (up to 12 weeks in a row). A break is         looking after themselves because         To find out more, or to apply,           If you receive a low income, there are
     any time you spend less than 35               of a long-term illness or disability,    call 0800 917 2222 or go to              a number of schemes in place to help
     hours a week caring for the other             which can be either physical and/or                           with paying your rent or mortgage.
     person. An example of a break is              mental. The Attendance Allowance
     if you take a short holiday, or the           helps with the extra costs of this       Universal Credit                         Housing Benefit
     person you look after goes into               care, and the disability has to be       A monthly payment that has started       It’s best to contact your district
     hospital. Just make sure to keep              severe enough for the person to be       to replace income and work-related       council. You can find their contact
     the Carer’s Allowance Unit updated            unable to care for themselves, or for    benefits. If you or the person you’re    details in the Useful Contacts
     if you have a break in caring of more         someone to need to supervise them        caring for are already receiving tax     section of this handbook, page 56.
     than 12 weeks in a row.                       for their safety in their daily tasks.   credits, you won’t need to do
                                                                                            anything. Just make sure that you        New claims for help to pay your
     Disability Living Allowance (DLA)             To find out more, or to apply, call      continue to claim any benefits you’re    rent must be made through
     Disability Living Allowance (DLA)             0800 731 0122 or go to        entitled to and report any changes       Universal Credit unless you are
     is a benefit paid to a disabled child                                                  in circumstances.                        in supported accommodation
                                                   Personal Independence Payment                                                     such as supported living.
     or a child with a long term health
     condition or illness, ranging                 (PIP)                                    To apply, go to
                                                   This is paid to a person aged 16 up      universal-credit. For help and           Discretionary Housing Payment
     between £23.20 and £148.85 a week
     depending on the level of help the            to pension age who is disabled or        support call 0800 328 5644               You can also talk to your local district
     child needs. The aim of the benefit           has a long-term health condition                                                  council if you need help paying any
     is to help with the extra costs of            (physical or mental), and can be                                                  rent that is not covered by Housing
     looking after a child who:                    spent however this person chooses.                                                Benefit or Universal Credit.
                                                   Persons of pension age or over will
     • Is under the age of 16                      need to claim Attendance Allowance,
     • Has difficulties walking or needs           and it’s worth noting that the PIP
       much more looking after than a              is slowly replacing the Disability
       child of the same age who doesn’t           Living Allowance.
       have a disability

28                                                   Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm           29

     Council Tax Disability Reducation          SAVING AND MANAGING                      Winter Fuel Payment                     ADDITIONAL RESOURCES
     Scheme                                     MONEY                                    You could also get between £100         The Government’s Money
     You can apply for this if you have         There are now a number of trusts         and £300 tax-free to help pay your      Advice Service
     to accommodate or adapt your               that can assist you if you’re            heating bills if you were born on or    T: 0800 138 7777
     property for a person with a disability.   struggling with your utility bills       before 5 November 1954. To find
                                                (gas, electricity and water).            out more, contact the Winter Fuel
     Discount Scheme                                                                     Payment Centre on 0800 731 0160.        Gives credit and access to
     Where there is only one person living      For more information, contact your                                               a range of financial services.
     in the property you can apply for a        utility provider or contact Norfolk’s
     25% discount. There may be other           Citizens Advice Bureau.                                                          Eastern Savings and Loans
     conditions when the 25% reduction                                                                                           Credit Union
                                                Norfolk’s Citizens Advice Bureau                                                 T: 0333 600 0690
     may apply please contact your local
                                                T: 03444 111 444                                                                 E:
     district council for more information.
                                                E:                    Cold Weather Payment          
     Council Tax Reduction Scheme                                                        If you’re already receiving certain
                                                Warm Homes Discount Scheme                                                       Advice on personal budgets and
     This has replaced Council Tax Benefit                                               benefits, you may be entitled to a      welfare benefits.
                                                You may be able to get £140 off
     and each local council operates its                                                 cold weather payment. You don’t
                                                your electricity bill if you’re either
     own scheme to reduce your council                                                   need to apply for this, as you’ll get   Equal lives
                                                receiving Pension Credit (Guarantee
     tax liability based on low income.                                                  it automatically if you are eligible.   T: 01508 491 210
                                                Credit element) or on a low income.
     Please contact your local district                                                                                          E:
                                                To qualify, the bill has to be in your
     council for more information.                                                                                     
                                                name and your electricity supplier
     Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI)        has to be part of the scheme.                                                    Free, confidential, and
                                                Visit                                                  impartial advice.
     Receive help towards interest
                                                discount-scheme or contact your
     payments on your mortgage or                                                                                                Norfolk’s Citizens’ Advice Bureau
                                                electricity supplier directly.
     on loans if you have had to make                                                                                            T: 03444 111 444
     certain repairs or improvements                                                                                   
     to your home. It’s paid to you as
     a loan, which you’ll need to repay                                                                                          Anyone living in Norfolk can apply.
     (with interest) when you sell or
                                                          WARM MOVE                      UP TO
     transfer ownership of your home.                                                                                            Norwich Credit Union
     For eligibility details, visit the website.
                                                          DISCOUNT                                                               T: 01603 764904

30                                                Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm     31
     LOOKING AFTER YOURSELF                       It’s important you let your GP know        Flu Jabs                                Medicine Disposal
     Like you, many of our advisors have          that you’re a carer and to find out        This service is free of charge and      If you have medicines in your home
     personal experience in caring for            how they may be able to support            usually runs from October. Flu          that are no longer needed return
     other people, so we understand the           you with such things as more               vaccination is funded by the NHS        them to the pharmacy so that they
     mental, emotional, and sometimes             suitable appointment times, the flu        to help carers stay well over the       can be safely disposed of. Check
     even physical toll that caring for           jab, health checks, carers’ groups,        winter season. You may be asked         your medicine cabinet regularly for
     someone can take on you. By calling          or a referral to other sources of          to sign a declaration to say that       medicines which are out-of-date or
     our Advice Line on 0800 083 1148,            information and support.                   you are a carer.                        no longer needed and never put
     we can guide you through the                                                                                                    them in the bin or down the toilet.
     whole range of solutions and                 PHARMACIES                                 Healthy Living
     support available to you, whether                                                       Many local pharmacies now offer         The Norfolk Medicines Support
                                                  Pharmacies in Norfolk offer much                                                   Service
     you’re looking for social groups to          more than just medicines. They can         a range of healthy living services;
     make friends, are thinking of taking         also help you to look after yourself,      from one-to-one support for quitting    For helping people over 18 years
     up an activity, or anything else.            make a lifestyle change, or advise         smoking to emergency contraception      old with a GP and who are confused
                                                  you on other services available both       or NHS Health Checks. Ask a member      or finding it otherwise difficult
     All of our advisors are trained to                                                      of your pharmacy team or visit          to manage their medication
     provide emotional support, so they           within the pharmacy and from other
                                                  local providers.                            particularly when it is important to
     know how to listen, and may help                                                                                                comply with the dosage. Ask your
     you feel less isolated. If you’re an         Medication                                 Self-Care                               pharmacist for a referral.
     adult and do have emotional issues                                                      If you, or someone you look after, is
     around caring, we can offer you free         Your pharmacist will always be able                                                Safeguarding
                                                  to give expert advice on how to use        feeling under the weather ask your
     counselling by phone, Skype,                                                            pharmacist first. They can give you     We all have the right to a life free
     Facetime, Twitter, or Facebook.              medication and discuss any issues
                                                  and solutions if you or the person         advice about many common minor          from abuse and harm. Everyone
                                                  you care for is having any difficulties.   illnesses, such as diarrhoea, coughs,   should feel they are safe, able to
     If this is a service you’re interested                                                  headache, travel health advice or
                                                  They also offer a review of any new                                                make their own decisions and be
     in, you can discuss it with one of                                                      sore throats. They can also advise
                                                  medication that may be prescribed.                                                 respected and listened to.
     our advisors on the Norfolk Carers                                                      which medicines can be taken
     Matter Advice Line, and they’ll be                                                      together or when you may need           When these rights are abused, some
     able to make a referral.                     Medicines Usage Reviews
                                                                                             to see your GP.                         of us are less able to stand up for
                                                  This is an opportunity to sit down in                                              our rights and protect ourselves.
     If you’re in training or at college, or if   private with the pharmacist and            Your pharmacy may also offer home
     you’re thinking of taking up training        discuss what you or the person you         delivery, prescription management,      Abuse can be physical, sexual or
     or returning to college, you can also        care for are taking and ensure that        Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)   psychological (such as threats of
     talk to your Student Services for            they or you are getting the                and more. If you have any questions     harm or abandonment). It also
     information on their student support         maximum benefit from the                   about medications, staying well,        includes modern slavery, self-
     or wellbeing team. This team can give        medicines. The person you care for         or services available from your         neglect and financial scamming
     you advice or support in combining           must be present if you are discussing      pharmacy ask your local                 (theft and fraud).
     your caring role with your studies.          their medication and you can               pharmacy team.
                                                  accompany them.

32                                                    Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm      33

     If you or someone you know might be    SANE                                                           An online, Facebook-based, peer
     suffering abuse, contact us straight   T: 0300 304 7000                                               support group for family carers                                               Following this call I was
     away. You can remain anonymous if                                                across the UK.                                                                able to take a step back
     you wish, but please give us as much                                                                                                                                             and take care of me!!! Then
     information as you can. If it's an     24 hour emotional support to                                   Chill4us
     emergency, call the Police on 999.     anybody experiencing distress,                                   Carers/groups/chill4uscarers                                               I was able to re-evaluate
     You are not alone. We can help.        despair, or suicidal feelings.                                                                                                               the situation and place
                                            You can also talk to someone                                   A listening service and chat room.
     Norfolk County Council                 face to face if needed.                                        The helpline is available on Monday                                             boundaries in place. I
     T: 0344 800 8020                                                                                      and Tuesday, 10am - 4pm while the                                          arranged some reflexology     The Samaritans                                                 webchat forum is available 24-hours                                          for myself and took a six
                                            T: 116 123                                                     a day.
     Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board      E:
                                                                                                                                                                                      day break. I think, from this
     www.norfolksafeguardingadults                                             Carers UK                                                                        experience, and the                                                                                            T: 0808 808 7777                                                                situation remains the
                                            A free, 24-hour, confidential national               
     Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board    helpline for people over the age of
                                                                                                                                                                                               same, I realise                    55, offering information, friendship,                          Details of hundreds of services                                             the complexity of caring...
                                            and advice.                                                    that can help you to make positive                                            Thanks so much for the
     National Domestic Violence Helpline                                                                   changes to your lifestyle, from
                                                                                                                                                                                      Fresupport   I received, very
     T: 0808 2000 247 (24 hours)            The Silver Line         Who are we?                            quitting smoking to losing weight.
                                                                                                                                                                                        andal grateful indeed.”
     www.nationaldomesticviolence           T: 0800 470 8090                                                                                                                            Loc              ’s Living Well is provided byNorfolk’s Living Well Service
                                                                    Norfolk County Council.             
                                            A range of support for Health
                                                                     people                                       and-health/health-and-wellbeing
     ADDITIONAL RESOURCES                   with common mental injuries,
                                                                            services don’t just treat illness and
                                                                              they can also help you to make healthy
     The Counselling Directory can          emotional issues. It’s free          that you can avoid preventable A partnership aimed at improving
     help you find a local counsellor       aged 16 and over, and illnesses
                                                                     you can   and diseases in the future.
                                                                                    refer                         and increasing opportunities for the
                                                                                                                               To findto
                                                                                                                  people of Norfolk     out
                                                                                                                                          bemore about
     or therapist.                          yourself or be referredIfby
                                                                                     to make positive changes to your
                                                                                                                              Norfolk’s Living Well, visit
                                            or any other health or lifestyle,
                                                                     socialthere are hundreds of venues all over  active. They have activities to suit
                                                                    Norfolk ready to support you.
     The Counselling Directory              care professional.                                                    every
                                                                                                                              in order to encourage                                  Local services for a healthier,
     T: 0333 325 2500                                               Norfolk’s Living Well gives you all the       everyone toor participate
                                                                                                                                call 0344 in    sport
                                                                                                                                              800 8029* and                                   happier you
     E:    Wellbeing Norfolk andinformation
                                                                      Waveneyyou need to find the one             physical activity, and to support       T: 0300 123 1503        that’s right for you.                         people of all ages to lead healthy                                Provides details on self-help
                                   healthy                            and active lifestyles.                                            and support groups for diseases
     A national out-of-hours mental                                                                                             Scan here to visit our website
                                                                        communities                                                                                                 and conditions.
     health helpline, a non-emergency                                                                      Active Norfolk
                                                                        As well as helping                 
     email and text service, and an                                                                        T: 01603 732 333
                                                                        individuals, we also                                                                                        Heron
     online forum.                                                      support professionals    
                                                                        and community groups to
                                                                        improve the health of the
                                                                        people they work with. This                  If you require this information                           ®

                                                                        might be signposting, training,              in an alternative format, please
                                                                        promotional materials or                     telephone 0344 800 8029 and
                                                                        advice and guidance.                         we will do our best to provide it.

34                                                                   Advice Line: 0800 083 1148. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm / Sat 4pm-8pm / Sun 8am-12pm                                  35
                                                                                                                     *Calls to 03 numbers should cost no more than geographic
                                                                                                                     01 or 02 calls, and may be part of inclusive minutes subject
                                                                                                                     to your provider and your call package. We’re open from 9am
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