CARL'S JR. 5900 SW 45th Avenue, Amarillo, TX 79105 - InvestCore Commercial

Page created by Harold Lynch
CARL'S JR. 5900 SW 45th Avenue, Amarillo, TX 79105 - InvestCore Commercial
5900 SW 45th Avenue, Amarillo, TX 79105

Exclusively Offered By:
Michael Campbell                   Ed Colson, Jr. CCIM
619.546.0122                       619.546.0121
CA Lic #01843521                   CA Lic #01382996 | TX Lic #635820

CARL'S JR. 5900 SW 45th Avenue, Amarillo, TX 79105 - InvestCore Commercial

InvestCore Commercial has been retained as the             contained in, or for omission from, this Investment            available to the public (such contents as so limited herein
exclusive advisor and broker regarding the sale of the     Offering or any other written or oral communication            are called the “Contents”), are of a confidential nature.
Carl’s Jr. located at 5900 SW 45th Avenue, Amarillo,       transmitted or made available to the recipient. This           By accepting the package, you agree (i) to hold and
Texas 79105                                                Offering does not constitute a representation that there       treat it in the strictest confidence, (ii) not to photocopy or
                                                           has been no change in the business or affairs of the           duplicate it, (iii) not to disclose the package or any of the
This Offering has been prepared by InvestCore              Property or the Owner since the date of preparation of         contents to any other entity (except to outside advisors
Commercial for use by a limited number of parties and      the package. Analysis and verification of the information      retained by you, if necessary, for your determination of
does not purport to provide a necessarily complete         contained in this package is solely the responsibility         whether or not to make a proposal and from whom you
summary of the Property or any of the documents            of the prospective purchaser. Additional information           have obtained an agreement of confidentiality) without
related thereto, nor does it purport to be all-inclusive   and an opportunity to inspect the Property will be             the prior written authorization of Owner or InvestCore
or to contain all of the information which prospective     made available upon written request to interested and          Commercial, (iv) not use the package or any of the
investors may need or desire. All projections have been    qualified prospective investors.                               contents in any fashion or manner detrimental to the
developed by InvestCore Commercial, the Owner, and                                                                        interest of Owner or InvestCore Commercial, and (v) to
designated sources and are based upon assumptions          Owner and InvestCore Commercial each expressly                 return it to InvestCore Commercial immediately upon
relating to the general economy, competition, and          reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to reject any     request of InvestCore Commercial or Owner.
other factors beyond the control of the Owner and,         and all expressions of interest or offers regarding the
therefore, are subject to variation. No representation     Property and/or terminate discussions with any entity          If you have no further interest in the Property, please
is made by InvestCore Commercial or Owner as to            at any time with or without notice. Owner shall have no        return this Investment Offering forthwith.
the accuracy or completeness of the information            legal commitment or obligation to any entity reviewing
contained herein, and nothing contained herein is, or      this Offering or making an offer to purchase the Property
shall be relied on as, a promise or representation as to   unless and until a written agreement for the purchase
the future performance of the Property. Although the       of the Property has been fully executed, delivered,
information contained herein is believed to be correct,    and approved by Owner and its legal counsel, and any
Owner and its employees disclaim any responsibility        conditions to Owner’s obligations thereunder have
for inaccuracies and expect prospective purchasers to      been satisfied or waived. InvestCore Commercial is not
exercise independent due diligence in verifying all such   authorized to make any representations or agreements                 InvestCore Commercial, Inc.
information. Further, InvestCore Commercial, Owner,        on behalf of Owner.
                                                                                                                                3910 W. Point Loma Blvd, Suite B
                                                                                                                                San Diego, CA 92110
and its employees disclaim any and all liability for       This Offering and the contents, except such information
representations and warranties, expressed and implied,     which is a matter of public record or is provided in sources

2 | Carl’s Jr. - Amarillo, TX
CARL'S JR. 5900 SW 45th Avenue, Amarillo, TX 79105 - InvestCore Commercial

            INVESTMENT SUMMARY                4

                  Executive Summary
                  Investment Highlights

            PROPERTY DESCRIPTION              6

                  Street Map
                  Site Plan

            AREA OVERVIEW                     10

                  Market Summary

3 | Carl’s Jr. - Amarillo, TX
CARL'S JR. 5900 SW 45th Avenue, Amarillo, TX 79105 - InvestCore Commercial


Carl’s Jr. Lease Summary                                                          Billboard Lease Summary
 Tenant:                           TXAMARILLO45TH, LLC                            Tenant:                      The Lamar Companies
 Guarantor:                        Personal Guaranty                              Rent Commencement:           ~February 2, 2015
 Address:                          5900 SW 45th Avenue, Amarillo, TX 79105        Lease Expiration:            ~February 1, 2025
 Building Size:                    ~2,712 SF                                      Lease Term:                  10 Years
 Land Size:                        ~30,037 SF                                     Billboard Rent Schedule:
 Year Built:                       2015                                           Term                     Years          Annual Rent   % Increase
 Lease Term:                       20 Years (19 Remaining)                        Primary                    1-4             $6,000
 Rent Commencement:                ~January 4, 2016                               Primary                    5-7             $6,200       3.33%
 Lease Expiration:                 ~January 31, 2036                              Primary                    8-10            $6,400       3.23%
 Options:                          Six (6) 5-year Options
 Lease Type:                       Absolute NNN
 Rent Increases:                   5% every 5 Years in Primary Term and Options
 Carl’s Jr. Rent Schedule:
 Term                           Years           Annual Rent       % Increase
 Primary                         1-5             $124,839
 Primary                        6-10             $131,081             5%
 Primary                        11-15            $137,635             5%
 Primary                        16-20            $144,517             5%
 Option 1                       21-25            $151,743             5%
 Option 2                       26-30            $159,330             5%             OFFERING TERMS
 Option 3                       31-35            $167,296             5%                 Purchase Price:                  $2,378,890
 Option 4                       36-40            $175,661             5%                 Cap Rate:                        5.50%
 Option 5                       41-45            $184,444             5%                 Total Net Operating Income:      $130,839
 Option 6                       46-50            $193,666             5%

4 | Carl’s Jr. - Amarillo, TX
CARL'S JR. 5900 SW 45th Avenue, Amarillo, TX 79105 - InvestCore Commercial


   NEW LONG TERM ABSOLUTE NET (NNN) LEASE:                                                          HIGHLY VISIBLE LOCATION IN MATURE TRADE AREA:

   •    New 20 Year Absolute NNN Lease provides an investor Stable Cash Flow with                   •   Well located, the store is on a major east-west thoroughfare, SW 45th Ave., with over
        zero Landlord responsibilities.                                                                 30,000 cars passing the site daily. At the intersection of SW 45th Ave. & Bell St., there
                                                                                                        are over 60,000 cars passing daily each with clear visibility of the Carl’s Jr. store.
   •    The Billboard lease provides additional income for 10 years helping to increase
        the overall return and cash flow.                                                           •   Amarillo High School, enrollment 2,248, is a short walk from the restaurant and
                                                                                                        frequented by students at lunch.
   •    This is a Fee Simple Interest - Land & Building sale, not a Ground Lease, allowing
        an investor to realize potential upside by using deprecation to increase the                •   Within 3-miles of the store there are approx. 94,000 residents earning a household
        overall return.                                                                                 income of $76,270. Population in the immediate trade area is projected to grow by 1%
                                                                                                        annually, while incomes are expected to rise by 1.83% annually over the next five years.
   •    Six (6) 5-Year Options to Renew at set rental increases.


   •    Limited competition - This is the only Carl’s Jr. in Amarillo. Carl’s Jr. is accelerating
        growth in the state hoping to have 125 locations by 2021.
   •    The CKE Restaurant Brands, Carl’s Jr. & Hardee’s, operate over 3,664 locations
        in 44 states and 38 foreign countries. In the past few years they have continually
        added new stores, boosted AUV (Average Unit Volume), and increased revenue
        at a manageable pace.


   •    The lease is personally guaranteed by the franchisee, an experienced restaurant
        operator. *Contact agent for more details.


   •    New construction (2015) featuring the latest Carl’s Jr. prototype exterior and
   •    The property is well located on the west side of town, where the majority of new
        commercial development and new luxury homes are being built.

5 | Carl’s Jr. - Amarillo, TX
CARL'S JR. 5900 SW 45th Avenue, Amarillo, TX 79105 - InvestCore Commercial


6 | Carl’s Jr. - Amarillo, TX
CARL'S JR. 5900 SW 45th Avenue, Amarillo, TX 79105 - InvestCore Commercial


                                                        High School

                                SW 45TH AVE. - 40,320 CPD

                                                                                              James Bonham
                                                                                               Middle School

                                                                      BELL ST. - 30,900 CPD

7 | Carl’s Jr. - Amarillo, TX
CARL'S JR. 5900 SW 45th Avenue, Amarillo, TX 79105 - InvestCore Commercial


                                                           SW 45TH AVE. - 40,320 CPD
                                   BELL ST. - 30,900 CPD

8 | Carl’s Jr. - Amarillo, TX


9 | Carl’s Jr. - Amarillo, TX

About Amarillo:

Amarillo, Texas is a unique and history-rich area             in Potter County, and 85,209 in Randall). The Amarillo    The Amarillo Economic Development Corporation
located where the southern plains meet the desert.            metropolitan area has an estimated population of          (AEDC) is funded by a city sales tax, and it provides
Amarillo and the surrounding Panhandle area are a             236,113 in four counties.                                 aggressive incentive packages to existing and
unique blend of two American eras; working western                                                                      prospective employers. In the mid-to-late 1990s, the
ranches and a vibrant twenty-first century economy-           Amarillo is considered the regional economic center       AEDC gained notoriety by sending mock checks to
making Amarillo the perfect mix of old and new Texas          for the Texas Panhandle as well as Eastern New            businesses across the country, placing full-page
traditions.                                                   Mexico and the Oklahoma Panhandle. The meat               advertisements in The Wall Street Journal, and paying
                                                              packing industry is a major employer in Amarillo;         an annual $1 million subsidy to American Airlines to
Amarillo is the 14th-most populous city in the state of       about one-quarter of the United States’ beef supply is    retain jet service. The AEDC is largely responsible
Texas, in the United States. It is also the largest city in   processed in the area. The city is also the location of   for bringing Bell Helicopter Textron’s development of
the Texas Panhandle, and the seat of Potter County.           headquarters for the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.    the V-22 Osprey hybrid aircraft and the future site of
A portion of the city extends into Randall County. The        Petroleum extraction is also a major industry.            Marine One assembly in Amarillo.
population was 190,695 at the 2010 census (105,486            The city’s largest employer in 2015 is the Amarillo
                                                              Independent School district, with 4,200 employees.
                                                              Tyson Foods, Inc. is next with 3,678 employees
                                                              followed by CNS Pantex, Baptist St. Anthony’s
                                                              Health Care System, City of Amarillo, Northwest
                                                              Texas Healthcare System, Amarillo College, Walmart,
                                                              and United Supermarkets. Other major employers
                                                              include Bell Helicopter Textron, Owens-Corning, and

                                                              Approximately 14 million acres of agricultural land
                                                              surrounds the city with corn, wheat and cotton as
                                                              the primary crops. The Texas Panhandle, particularly
                                                              in Hereford, Texas, serves as a fast-growing milk
                                                              producing area as several multimillion-dollar state of
                                                              the art dairies were built in early 2000s.

10 | Carl’s Jr. - Amarillo, TX
                                                                 Executive Summary
DEMOGRAPHICS                                                     5400 SW 45th Ave, Amarillo, Texas, 79109                                                    Prepared by Esri
                                                                 Rings: 1, 3, 5 mile radii                                                                Latitude: 35.16159
                                                                                                                                                       Longitude: -101.89860
                                                                                                                    1 mile                  3 miles                  5 miles
                                   2000 Population                                                               15,437                    81,807                   119,106
                                   2010 Population                                                               14,760                    88,442                   132,021
                                   2016 Population                                                               15,414                    93,993                   140,763
                                   2021 Population                                                               16,047                    98,763                   147,460
                                   2000-2010 Annual Rate                                                        -0.45%                     0.78%                     1.03%
                                   2010-2016 Annual Rate                                                         0.70%                     0.98%                     1.03%
                                   2016-2021 Annual Rate                                                         0.81%                     0.99%                     0.93%
                                   2016 Male Population                                                          47.8%                     47.9%                     48.3%
                                   2016 Female Population                                                        52.2%                     52.1%                     51.7%
                                   2016 Median Age                                                                 38.0                      37.4                      36.3

                                 In the identified area, the current year population is 140,763. In 2010, the Census count in the area was 132,021. The rate of change since
                                 2010 was 1.03% annually. The five-year projection for the population in the area is 147,460 representing a change of 0.93% annually from
                                 2016 to 2021. Currently, the population is 48.3% male and 51.7% female.
                                 Median Age
                                 The median age in this area is 38.0, compared to U.S. median age of 38.0.
                                 Race and Ethnicity
                                   2016 White Alone                                                              86.7%                     85.7%                      82.4%
                                   2016 Black Alone                                                               4.0%                       3.9%                      4.7%
                                   2016 American Indian/Alaska Native Alone                                       0.8%                       0.7%                      0.8%
                                   2016 Asian Alone                                                               0.9%                       2.0%                      2.4%
                                   2016 Pacific Islander Alone                                                    0.1%                       0.0%                      0.0%
                                   2016 Other Race                                                                4.3%                       4.7%                      6.5%
                                   2016 Two or More Races                                                         3.2%                       2.9%                      3.1%
                                   2016 Hispanic Origin (Any Race)                                               18.7%                     19.3%                      23.7%

                                 Persons of Hispanic origin represent 23.7% of the population in the identified area compared to 17.9% of the U.S. population. Persons of
                                 Hispanic Origin may be of any race. The Diversity Index, which measures the probability that two people from the same area will be from
                                 different race/ethnic groups, is 56.4 in the identified area, compared to 63.5 for the U.S. as a whole.
                                   2000 Households                                                                6,981                    34,454                     49,470
                                   2010 Households                                                                6,656                    37,749                     54,852
                                   2016 Total Households                                                          7,012                    40,096                     58,517
                                   2021 Total Households                                                          7,329                    42,136                     61,329
                                   2000-2010 Annual Rate                                                        -0.48%                     0.92%                      1.04%
                                   2010-2016 Annual Rate                                                         0.84%                     0.97%                      1.04%
                                   2016-2021 Annual Rate                                                         0.89%                     1.00%                      0.94%
                                   2016 Average Household Size                                                     2.19                       2.33                      2.38

                                 The household count in this area has changed from 54,852 in 2010 to 58,517 in the current year, a change of 1.04% annually. The five-year
                                 projection of households is 61,329, a change of 0.94% annually from the current year total. Average household size is currently 2.38,
                                 compared to 2.38 in the year 2010. The number of families in the current year is 36,902 in the specified area.

11 | Carl’s Jr. - Amarillo, TX
                                                              Executive Summary
DEMOGRAPHICS                                                  5400 SW 45th Ave, Amarillo, Texas, 79109                                                      Prepared by Esri
                                                              Rings: 1, 3, 5 mile radii                                                                  Latitude: 35.16159
                                                                                                                                                      Longitude: -101.89860
                                                                                                                   1 mile                  3 miles                  5 miles
                                 Median Household Income
                                   2016 Median Household Income                                               $51,036                    $56,583                   $51,611
                                   2021 Median Household Income                                               $53,760                    $61,955                   $55,062
                                   2016-2021 Annual Rate                                                       1.05%                      1.83%                     1.30%
                                 Average Household Income
                                   2016 Average Household Income                                              $66,786                    $76,270                   $71,202
                                   2021 Average Household Income                                              $71,187                    $82,353                   $76,958
                                   2016-2021 Annual Rate                                                       1.28%                      1.55%                     1.57%
                                 Per Capita Income
                                   2016 Per Capita Income                                                     $30,111                    $32,609                   $30,038
                                   2021 Per Capita Income                                                     $32,230                    $35,161                   $32,427
                                   2016-2021 Annual Rate                                                       1.37%                      1.52%                     1.54%
                                 Households by Income
                                 Current median household income is $51,611 in the area, compared to $54,149 for all U.S. households. Median household income is
                                 projected to be $55,062 in five years, compared to $59,476 for all U.S. households

                                 Current average household income is $71,202 in this area, compared to $77,008 for all U.S. households. Average household income is
                                 projected to be $76,958 in five years, compared to $84,021 for all U.S. households

                                 Current per capita income is $30,038 in the area, compared to the U.S. per capita income of $29,472. The per capita income is projected to
                                 be $32,427 in five years, compared to $32,025 for all U.S. households

                                   2000 Total Housing Units                                                     7,248                    36,062                     52,643
                                     2000 Owner Occupied Housing Units                                          3,835                    22,487                     30,929
                                     2000 Renter Occupied Housing Units                                         3,147                    11,967                     18,541
                                     2000 Vacant Housing Units                                                    266                     1,608                      3,173
                                   2010 Total Housing Units                                                     7,311                    40,507                     59,475
                                     2010 Owner Occupied Housing Units                                          3,763                    24,704                     34,310
                                     2010 Renter Occupied Housing Units                                         2,893                    13,045                     20,542
                                     2010 Vacant Housing Units                                                    655                     2,758                      4,623
                                   2016 Total Housing Units                                                     7,788                    43,275                     63,849
                                     2016 Owner Occupied Housing Units                                          3,608                    25,116                     35,005
                                     2016 Renter Occupied Housing Units                                         3,404                    14,980                     23,512
                                     2016 Vacant Housing Units                                                    776                     3,179                      5,332
                                   2021 Total Housing Units                                                     8,158                    45,537                     67,026
                                     2021 Owner Occupied Housing Units                                          3,671                    26,196                     36,559
                                     2021 Renter Occupied Housing Units                                         3,657                    15,941                     24,770
                                     2021 Vacant Housing Units                                                    829                     3,401                      5,697

                                 Currently, 54.8% of the 63,849 housing units in the area are owner occupied; 36.8%, renter occupied; and 8.4% are vacant. Currently, in
                                 the U.S., 55.4% of the housing units in the area are owner occupied; 32.9% are renter occupied; and 11.7% are vacant. In 2010, there
                                 were 59,475 housing units in the area - 57.7% owner occupied, 34.5% renter occupied, and 7.8% vacant. The annual rate of change in
                                 housing units since 2010 is 3.20%. Median home value in the area is $151,762, compared to a median home value of $198,891 for the U.S.
                                 In five years, median value is projected to change by 3.07% annually to $176,508.

12 | Carl’s Jr. - Amarillo, TX

Before working with a real estate broker, you should know that the duties of a        with The Texas Real Estate License Act.The broker must obtain the written consent
broker depend on whom the broker represents. If you are a prospective seller          of each party to the transaction to act as an intermediary. The written consent must
or landlord (owner) or a prospective buyer or tenant (buyer), you should know         state who will pay the broker and, inconspicuous bold or underlined print, set forth
that the broker who lists the property for sale or lease is the owner’s agent. A      the broker’s obligations as an intermediary. The broker is required totreat each party
broker who acts as a subagent represents the owner incooperation with the             honestly and fairly and to comply with The Texas Real Estate License Act. A broker
listing broker. A broker who acts as a buyer’s agent represents the buyer. A          who acts as an intermediary in a transaction:
broker may act as an intermediary between the parties if the parties consent in
writing. A broker can assist you in locating a property, preparing a contract or      (1) shall treat all parties honestly;
lease, or obtaining financing without representing you. A broker is obligatedby       (2) may not disclose that the owner will accept a price less than the asking price
law to treat you honestly.                                                            unless authorized inwriting to do so by the owner;
                                                                                      (3) may not disclose that the buyer will pay a price greater than the price
IF THE BROKER REPRESENTS THE OWNER                                                    submitted in a written offer unless authorized in writing to do so by the buyer; and
The broker becomes the owner’s agent by entering into an agreement with the           (4) may not disclose any confidential information or any information that a party
owner, usually through a written-listing agreement, or by agreeing to act as a        specifically instructs the broker in writing not to disclose unless authorized in writing
subagent by accepting an offer of subagency from the listing broker.A subagent        to disclose the information or required to do so by The Texas Real Estate License Act
may work in a different real estate office. A listing broker or subagent can assist   or a court order or if the information materially relates to the condition of the property.
the buyer but does not represent the buyer and must place the interests ofthe
owner first. The buyer should not tell the owner’s agent anything the buyer           With the parties’ consent, a broker acting as an intermediary between the parties
would not want the owner to know because an owner’s agent must disclose to            may appoint a person whois licensed under The Texas Real Estate License Act and
the owner any material information known to the agent.                                associated with the broker to communicate with and carry out instructions of one
                                                                                      party and another person whois licensed under that Act and associated with the
IF THE BROKER REPRESENTS THE BUYER                                                    broker to communicate with and carry out instructions of the other party.
The broker becomes the buyer’s agent by entering into an agreement to
represent the buyer, usually through a written buyer representation agreement.        If you choose to have a broker represent you, you should enter into a written
A buyer’s agent can assist the owner but does not represent the owner and             agreement with the broker that clearly establishes the broker’s obligations and your
must place the interests of the buyer first. The owner should not tell a buyer’s      obligations. The agreement should state how and by whom the broker will be paid.
agent anything the owner would not want the buyer to know because a buyer’s           You have the right to choose the type of representation, if any, you wish to receive.
agent must disclose to the buyer any material information known to the agent.         Your payment of a fee to a broker does not necessarily establish that the broker
                                                                                      represents you. If you have any questions regarding the duties and responsibilities of
IF THE BROKER ACTS AS AN INTERMEDIARY                                                 the broker, you should resolve those questions before proceeding.
A broker may act as an intermediary between the parties if the broker complies

13 | Carl’s Jr. - Amarillo, TX
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