Case study Amsterdam Airport Schiphol - Automated border control gates aim to reduce queues and maintain security at the Netherlands' busy ...

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Case study Amsterdam Airport Schiphol - Automated border control gates aim to reduce queues and maintain security at the Netherlands' busy ...
Case study
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
Automated border control gates aim to reduce queues and
maintain security at the Netherlands’ busy international terminal
Case study Amsterdam Airport Schiphol - Automated border control gates aim to reduce queues and maintain security at the Netherlands' busy ...
Preparing for Growth
Ranked as Europe’s fourth largest airport, Amsterdam
Airport Schiphol processes over 50 million passengers
a year and more than 130,000 tonnes of cargo
per month.1 With an annual expected growth in
passengers of approximately 5 percent, but no
anticipated increases to its more than 400 border
guards, airport executives were all too aware of the
need to achieve speed and mobility while enhancing
security and safety for travelers and trade.
Seeking a solution that provided self-service border
control, Amsterdam’s Ministry of the Interior and
Kingdom Relations, the Royal Military Police2 and
the Schiphol Group approached Accenture to launch
a trial automated border control system at Schiphol
airport. In March 2012, the Minister for Immigration,
Integration and Asylum Policy, Gerd Leers, announced
the trial of a new system which involves using
electronic gates equipped with facial recognition
to compare passengers’ identity with the digital
photographs in their passports. The system can also
identify forged passports and persons who may be on
an authority’s “wanted” list.

    Known as the Royal Maréchaussée

Case study Amsterdam Airport Schiphol - Automated border control gates aim to reduce queues and maintain security at the Netherlands' busy ...
Case study Amsterdam Airport Schiphol - Automated border control gates aim to reduce queues and maintain security at the Netherlands' busy ...
Business challenges
Increasing traffic volumes and concerns    300,000 flight slots at present, there      in the initial scope of the project. Since
about passenger protection are not the     is vast potential to expand. As a result,   around 80 percent of all travelers have a
only challenges for border management      Amsterdam Schiphol can enjoy growth         European Union e-passport, automated
agencies worldwide. As with many           until at least 2020, deferring the need     border gates were an obvious choice
international businesses, the economic     to build new airports to cope with          for easing border control at Schiphol.
downturn—with the potential for staff      traveler demands.                           To accommodate periods of peak
reductions—and growing technological                                                   demand, more automated border control
                                           Following a thorough assessment of
demands have had an impact on                                                          gates would be required, so balancing
                                           passenger traffic to better understand
airports’ operational efficiencies.                                                    wait times with throughput was an
                                           how many travelers use which
Indeed, difficulties with implementing                                                 important criteria. At present, the
                                           departure, arrival or Schengen hall at
a chip in the passport as part of the                                                  accepted waiting times as detailed in
                                           the airport, the Schiphol airport and
authentication process and the ever-                                                   the service level agreement between
                                           border teams examined 21 activities
growing requirement for both national                                                  the airport and border staff are: 10-6-6,
                                           to establish where automation of the
and European watch lists serve to make                                                 which translates as 10 minutes waiting
                                           border process could be most effective.
the border process more complex and                                                    time at the departure filter, six minutes
                                           Fundamental passenger processing
time consuming.                                                                        at the arrivals filter and six minutes
                                           elements such as swiftly authenticating
                                                                                       for passengers in transit. The advent of
For Amsterdam airport, recent changes      a passport photograph are an obvious
                                                                                       e-gates aims to reduce this waiting time
initiated by the Dutch government          target for automation and can quickly
                                                                                       to zero.
positively affect its opportunity for      bring value. Other activities, such as
growth. With government agreement          obtaining travel data on a boarding
to increase the number of planes           pass, or assimilating the behavior of
active at the airport to a maximum of      passengers, also known as profiling, are
500,000 per year, against its current      more complex and were not included

How Accenture helped
Following success with a response to       freeing up border agency resources to       Aside from overseeing the Self-Service
tender from the Ministry of Interior,      manage immigration exceptions, such as      Passport Control project, Accenture
Accenture initiated the first phase of a   overstays. A monitoring station is also     was also responsible for designing
Self-Service Passport Control project in   part of the e-gates configuration; here,    the animations to instruct travelers
August 2011. Accenture recommended         a supervisor can oversee the status         on how to use the gates. Within the
a staged implementation of border          of the e-gates, transactions times,         first six weeks of the trial, more than
e-gates to automate the passport           alerts and assess the time spent on the     210,000 passengers have been through
checking process. The first twelve         clearance process in real-time.             the e-gates. What is more, in the first
gates were installed in October 2011 in                                                weekend of their use, the gates were
                                           The physical gates were supplied by
departure hall 3, in succession arrivals                                               able to identify discrepancies in four
                                           Portugal-based Vision-Box, a company
hall 3 and the Schengen/non-Schengen                                                   travelers’ passports that resulted in
                                           specializing in automated border
border crossing area at the airport by                                                 exclusions from crossing the border.
                                           control systems, and the software
June 2012. Gates were delivered in
                                           was developed through collaboration
batches of six up until a formal launch
                                           between Accenture and Vision-Box.
of the trial in March 2012, by which
                                           Accenture was able to draw on our
time 24 gates were available. By the
                                           experiences of earlier projects using
summer of 2012, 36 gates are expected
                                           automated border control at two
to be up and running. Each batch of
                                           airports in the United Kingdom to
six gates requires two border guards,
                                           provide a solution that was both swift
replacing an allocation of two border
                                           to install and easy to manage.
guards for two manual desks and

Where are the benefits?
With increased globalization resulting      Benefits to the airport and
in a rapid growth of international
travel and trade, verifying identities at   border authorities
country borders is more complex than        • More effective border forces: The
ever. The proliferation of information        e-gates are taking over some of the
has increased the need for accurate           routine work of the Royal Military
identification of individuals and a more      Police, freeing them up for more
efficient, open movement of travelers         informed decision making about
and goods. Safe and fast border               entrants to the country. The system
passage has benefits for travelers and        uses a technical platform that enables
border authorities.                           consultation with the databases of
                                              other agencies to highlight passenger
Benefits to travelers                         anomalies and help prevent fraud and
• Greater speed and efficiency:               immigration discrepancies.
  Automated systems mean a “one-            • Enhancing cost efficiencies: Using
  step” process with travelers being          less physical space and processing
  processed through the automated             more travelers helps to introduce
  gates in less than 15 seconds. Taking       greater cost efficiencies and position
  up less physical space, a greater           the airport for future growth.
  number of automated gates than              Minimal time and cost for training
  manual desks also means minimal             meant border guards used a “train
  queuing for the traveler.                   the trainer” approach which was
• A more enjoyable “customer                  completed in a matter of days.
  experience”: Straightforward and          • Greater control and management:
  simple to use, the e-gates raise the        Automation helps increase the
  appeal of using the airport. Travelers      capacity for better control and
  are empowered to manage their               management of the total border
  progress through the border process.        process. Monitoring stations enable
• Meets global travel demands: The            the smooth running of the e-gates
  e-gates suit the demand for a greater       and highlight problems quickly and
  volume of country border transactions       easily. A unique, one-step, two-door
  and introduces a self-service               gate design gives the border guards
  approach, with minimal intervention         better control over the border process.
  from the authorities.                     As of this date, the Self-Service Passport
                                            Control project has delivered on its
                                            promise. A three-month trial has fine-
                                            tuned the system and aligned all the
                                            processes and information streams. As
                                            a result, the system is now operationally
                                            sound and successfully demonstrated.
                                            “With passenger increases at Schiphol
                                            airport in the region of 5 percent every
                                            year, even with an economic downturn,
                                            we knew queue waiting times would
                                            only get worse,” says Kier-co Gerritsen
                                            Project Manager, Self-Service Passport
                                            Control project, Dutch Ministry of
                                            the Interior, the Netherlands. “By
                                            introducing automated border control
                                            so that we can operate a self-service
                                            passport system, we can not only
                                            improve the traveler experience but also
                                            gain new efficiencies at the border.”

How the e-gates work
To be eligible for automated      and identity verification are
border control, passengers’       successful, the gates open
passports must meet the           and the traveler is free to
following requirements:           continue on his journey. If
clear evidence of correct         there are difficulties, the
authentication, biometric         matter can be escalated to
capabilities such as a            border staff. A lighted symbol
chip and photograph of            at the exit gate indicates the
reasonable quality, and           gate status for border agents
issuance from the European        monitoring the system.
Union member states or
the European Economic             If automated border control
Region (Norway, Iceland,          cannot be completed, a
Liechtenstein or Switzerland).    message is displayed to
                                  the traveler directing them
Instead of European Union         toward manual immigration
travelers having their            processing, without any
passports manually checked        further feedback on why
by a border agent, they can       they have been rejected.
enter a gate and place their      The border guard processing
passport on an automated          the manual control is aware
device. In a matter of            of the rejection causes
seconds, the device can           through an information
read and authenticate the         display at the exit door,
passport while a camera           while the supervisor at the
located on the automated          monitoring station has the
border control takes a            possibility of accessing a
picture of the traveler’s face.   very detailed overview of
The photograph is checked         the failed transaction.
in the system for a biometric
match with the picture
stored on the ePassport’s
chip. The passport data is
also used for background
checks to identify potential
fraud or authentication
issues. If all the ePassport
checks, background checks

High performance
Accenture has solid experience
of delivering coordinated border
management and identity services. Our
approach to border management is
intelligence-led, requiring a complete view
of risks and opportunities, a knowledge-
sharing culture and a strategy built
on proactive decision making. Having
already completed successful automated
border control projects in the United
Kingdom, the Ministry of Interior and
the Amsterdam airport were able to
benefit from the skills and experience
of the Accenture team and to achieve
an end-to-end border management
solution. “Accenture has successfully
demonstrated experience and insight, not
only in border management and control,
but also in the local Netherlands market,”
says Richard Camman, Border and
Identity Management Lead for Europe,
Africa and Latin America, Accenture.
“By combining our know-how with the
latest technologies, Accenture is helping
to not only innovate border management
processes but also prepare the airport for
high performance in the future.”
Richard Camman
Border and Identity Management Lead
Europe, Africa and Latin America
Tel +312 059 39 069

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Accenture is a global management
consulting, technology services and
outsourcing company, with more than
249,000 people serving clients in
more than 120 countries. Combining
unparalleled experience, comprehensive
capabilities across all industries and
business functions, and extensive
research on the world’s most successful
companies, Accenture collaborates
with clients to help them become
high-performance businesses and
governments. The company generated
net revenues of US$25.5 billion for
the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2011. Its
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