CATALOGUE Together as one community - Bryanston School

Page created by Helen Palmer

Together as one community
SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                        2020

            elcome to the catalogue for Bryanston’s Summer Term at Home ECAs. We hope you will welcome what is
            on offer and join in the spirit of learning at home to beat the lockdown blues. This will be something fun
            to get involved in, separate from your academic studies. Many of the activities on offer come under the
   heading of LEARNING A NEW SKILL so maybe it’s time for you to try something that you wouldn’t normally do —
   try something less obvious.

INSTRUCTIONS                Most ECAs will be taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4.45–5.45pm, starting in week one.
                            Some will last for the whole term; others for half a term (and you will change to another).
                            Please discuss your choices with your tutor. If you have any problems or worries,
                            email Mr Elliot at

D, C, & B                    1.
                                  Look carefully through the whole catalogue. There is some good stuff at the end.
                                  You are all required to do a minimum of one New Skill or ECA.
                             3.   Fill in the form on Teams (in “Posts”) with your name and the titles of your activities.
                             4.   You will need to give three choices.
                             5.   Take your time and make sure you are interested in all three, because you cannot all get your first choice.
                             6.   If you are doing Streetdance or Teechers (Tuesdays) we would love you to choose a Thursday ECA too.
                             7.   Please check the time so you are not clashing with your music lessons.
                             8.   You will then be allocated to your ECA and the member of staff will contact you.
                             9.   If you want to do two ECAs, which is a good idea, then make it clear on the form.

A2 & A3                     1.
                                  You are strongly encouraged to join in the spirit of this programme.
                                  There are many aspects of school life you are used to that aren’t happening, so please choose at least one ECA to try
                            2.    to keep a balance.
                            3.    You will have a form to fill in on Teams in “Posts”.
                            4.    If you see an activity you would like to try, just fill in the form and submit it. If you want to do more, please email
                            4.    Mr Elliot at
                            5.    Please check the time so you are not clashing with your music lessons.
SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                            2020           NEW SKILL

                         Create a piece of window art which                                                        Explore the night sky and share

                         will be illuminated by natural light. All        ALL YEAR GROUPS                          viewing experiences from your own            ALL YEAR GROUPS


                         you need is paper, cooking oil, paint                                                     home. Learn how to use the remote
                                                                          THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                                       THURSDAY 4.45 pm
                         brushes, food colouring/coloured inks                                                     control telescopes in Hawaii and
                         and a marker pen/black pencil.You have           STAFF                                    Australia to take photographs of             STAFF


                                                                          MLSS                                     distant cosmological objects                 MTK
                         five sessions to create one large,
                         ambitious piece or a series of pieces

                                                                                                WATCHING COOKING
                                                                                                                   Want to become a BBQ MasterChef and not
                        Own up, you are a secret fan of                   ALL YEAR GROUPS                                                                                     ALL YEAR GROUPS

                                                                                                                   poison your friends and family? During this course

                        Bake-Off. Now’s your chance to have               TUESDAY 4.45pm                           you will learn how to make and cook a range of             THURSDAY 4.45pm
                        a go. Bake something really easy and
     AND MR B

                                                                                                                   delightful foods, from burgers and BBQ chicken to
                        impress your family. Two great                    STAFF                                                                                               STAFF
                                                                                                                   garlic courgettes and cheesy mushrooms… and

                                                                          Connor W & ABB                                                                                      ETM
                        instructors are waiting for you.                                                           you will of course learn how to make and cook
                                                                                                                   the classic BBQ pizza.

                       Beatboxing is the musical            ALL YEAR GROUPS                                                                           ALL YEAR GROUPS

                       style or technique of making                                                                Join the online world of bird
                                                            THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                                           TUESDAY 4.45pm
                       sounds with one’s mouth or                                                                  identification, surveying and


                       voice to make a beat to              STAFF                                                  conservation. What can you         STAFF
                       simulate a drum machine or           XCI & Chris R-P                                        see from your window?              AJP

                       percussion instrument.

                       Nobody is too old to paint! Be creative and

                       use your painting skills to paint by numbers,                                                        Learn how to do your own gothic and italic
                                                                              ALL YEAR GROUPS                 HANDWRITING                                                        ALL YEAR GROUPS
                       using acrylic paint on canvas. It’s a wonderful,

                                                                                                                            script by hand. Don’t worry if you don’t have
                       calming, therapeutic activity. Experience the          TUESDAY 4.45pm                                                                                     DAY TBC
                                                                                                                            the right pens; you can start with any type of
                       variety of detailed topics, e.g. animals, street       STAFF                                         pen. I will be doing demonstrations. If you are      STAFF

                       scenes, landscapes, flowers, and make the              JLG                                                                                                HED
                                                                                                                            interested, then get in touch and we can
                       perfect wall painting for your living room or                                                        arrange a good time to suit everyone.
SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                            2020          NEW SKILL

                                                                                                                     Ten week code-breaking course

                                                                                             EUROPEAN CODES &
                                                               ALL YEAR GROUPS                                                                             ALL YEAR GROUPS

                                                                                                      CRYP TO
                      Learn how to play the classic                                                                  which begins by tackling the
                      game of logic and skill. No chess        THURSDAY 4.45pm                                       National Cipher Challenge as

                                                                                                                                                           TUESDAY 4.45pm
                      board required, just the ability to                                                            run by the University of

                                                               STAFF                                                                                       STAFF
                      download a free app. Learn to            KLL                                                   Southampton, a weekly series of       PAG
                      play against different levels of AI                                                            increasingly challenging codes to
                      and against your friends!                                                                      crack.

                                                                                                                We may have left the EU but we can still enjoy       ALL YEAR GROUPS

                                                                   ALL YEAR GROUPS

                           Who do you find funny? Key and                                                       our neighbours’ food! Come and join us on a
                           Peele? SNL? Foil Arms and Hog?                                                                                                            THURSDAY
                                                                   THURSDAY 4.45pm                              culinary tour of Europe, a different country every   5.30-6.30pm
                           Have a crack at understanding                                                        week. Spain, Italy, Greece, France – you name it,    SUPPER TIME!

                           how they make it work, and have         STAFF
                                                                   SNW                                          we’ll cook it – and then we can share it with our
                           a go at filming your own at home.                                                                                                         STAFF
                                                                                                                families afterwards!                                 HLF & DFW
                           First five weeks of term.

                           What better way to beat those               ALL YEAR GROUPS                          Come and join us online to chat and create

                                                                                             CRAFT &
                                                                                                                                                                      ALL YEAR GROUPS
                           mid-afternoon lockdown blues                                                         together, with whatever you are currently
                                                                       TUESDAY 3.45-4.30pm

                           than baking (and, of course,                                                         working on. Being creative improves wellbeing         THURSDAY 5-6 pm

                                                                       TEA TIME!
                           eating) some delicious cookies

                                                                                                                by increasing positive emotions and reducing          STAFF
                           and completing some simple, fun             STAFF
                                                                       HLF & DFW                                negative ones, such as stress and anxiety. If         JOHD
                           crosswords? A feast for both                                                         you don’t have anything, let JOHD know, and
                           mind and stomach!                                                                    she can send you out a craft to try.


                           Learn how to         ALL YEAR GROUPS                                                  Useful experience        B | A3 | A2
                           solve cryptic                                                                         of writing a cv for

                                                THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                                           THURSDAY 4.45pm

                           crosswords –                                                                          job applications.
                           it’s easier than     STAFF                                                                                     STAFF
                                                MSC & LCJ                                                                                 ANRB
                           you think!

DEBATING                                                                SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                                        2020           NEW SKILL
           Have you been sitting at home, pent up with your family and itching for a good debate? We’ll be

                                                                                                                                                  DESIGN A
           meeting weekly to explore a wide range of questions, from the political to the absurd, and give you        B | A3 | A2                              Can you design a           ALL YEAR GROUPS
           the chance to flex your on-the-spot idea formation. We will encourage you to think critically and

                                                                                                                                                               recipe with just
           nimbly, to engage with the world around us and face up to some of the most pressing and complex            THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                     THURSDAY 4.45pm
                                                                                                                                                               three ingredients?
           discussions happening today. We’ll look at how people debate and then try and put it into action           STAFF                                    Dr Bachra is setting       STAFF
           ourselves. What is the role of rhetoric? How do politicians say so much and absolutely nothing at          BWBS & FRTZ                              you the challenge…         PSB
           the same time? How can we have a debate without getting into a personal argument? How can we
           persuade people to agree with our way of thinking?

                      Drawing has been and remains a popular and important method of public expression and is one of the easiest and               ALL YEAR GROUPS

                      most effective methods of communicating visual ideas. We will probably focus on the drawing instruments, including           TUESDAY 4.45pm
                      graphite pencils, pen and ink, and digital drawing, the act of using a computer to draw. Common methods of digital
                      drawing include a stylus or finger on a touchscreen device, stylus- or finger-to-touchpad, or a mouse. There are many        STAFF

                      digital art programs and devices. We do not have to be limited to artistic uses, since drawing is commonly used in
                      commercial illustration, animation, architecture, engineering and technical drawing.

                                                                                                       MAKING &
                        Are you stuck at home with your dog?

                                                                        ALL YEAR GROUPS                                             This ECA gives you the opportunity to                 ALL YEAR GROUPS
                        Is he/she bored with being stuck with

                                                                                                                   CLOTHE S
                                                                                                                                    learn some basic dressmaking techniques.
                        you? Why not try teaching him/her a

                                                                        THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                                                                   TUESDAY 4.45pm
                                                                                                                                    Learn how to alter clothes or upcycle old
                        simple trick to amaze your family? Willa
                                                                        STAFF                                                       clothes into something new. Raid your                 STAFF
                        will give you some fun ideas. Once

                                                                        Willa M                                                     wardrobe for things you no longer wear,               LCK
                        perfected, you could film it and send it
                                                                                                                                    and we’ll see if we can transform them!
                        in to win a challenge.


                                                                                                                           An introduction to film making and editing techniques.

                                                                                                            MAKING FOR C
                     An introduction to film making and editing techniques. From
                                                                                          D                                From stop-frame animation to short films, explore and                  C
                     stop-frame animation to short films, explore and experiment
                                                                                                                           experiment with film. The Film Making ECA gives Bryanston
                                                                                                       FILM &

                     with film. The Film Making ECA gives Bryanston pupils the            TUESDAY                                                                                                 THURSDAY
                                                                                          4.45pm                           pupils the opportunity to produce their own film. Pupils are           4.45pm
                     opportunity to produce their own film. Pupils are given basic
                                                                                                                           given basic training in key areas – camera operation and
                     training in key areas – camera operation and video editing –         STAFF                            video editing – and supported throughout the process:                  STAFF
                     and supported throughout the process: development of                 GM                                                                                                      GM
                                                                                                                           development of project concept, planning, filming and video
                     project concept, planning, filming and video editing.
                                                                                                                           editing. No prior experience required.
FLEXIBILITY                                                                SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                                                2020           NEW SKILL

BEGINNERS            Are you a little inflexible?                                                       If you like gardening and want to try to grow your own vegetables, then join

                                                                                   OWN VEG
                                                       ALL YEAR GROUPS                                                                                                                               ALL YEAR GROUPS
                     This is a relaxed                                                                  this ECA.You do not need a garden as you can create a productive veg patch
                     five-week ECA teaching            TUESDAY 4.45pm                                   in old containers, e.g. welly boots, plant pots, buckets – anything that will                THURSDAY 4.45pm

                     you to stretch properly

                                                                                                        hold soil.You will need access to some vegetable seeds and some soil or
                                                       STAFF                                                                                                                                         STAFF
                     and improve your                  BEL                                              compost. We will go through all aspects of growing veg, from making sure

                     flexibility.                                                                       you have the right soil to feeding/maintaining the plants, and hopefully you’ll
                                                                                                        get a bumper harvest by the end of the Summer term or beyond.

                     Always wanted to learn how to cartwheel, hone your
                                                                                            ALL YEAR GROUPS                                Italian is a beautiful, musical language and even     C
                     handstands or master the splits? Build core strength,


                                                                                                                                           though Italy is a small country, the culture is
           AT HOME

                     flexibility and confidence whilst learning some cool skills in         TUESDAY 4.45pm                                                                                       TUESDAY 4.45pm
                                                                                                                                           rich, and it has more world heritage sites than
                     your home/garden. Gymnastics is for everyone so get your
                                                                                            STAFF                                          any other country in the world. In this ECA, we       STAFF


                     siblings, parents or dog involved! Videos, step-by-step guides,        KAJK                                           will learn the basics of Italian and explore          MOJS & AJS
                     challenges and tutorials available every week. Aimed at
                                                                                                                                           Italian culture.

                                                                                                                         NESS WITH JEWELLERY
                Transform old jam jars into something special by
                                                                                    ALL YEAR GROUPS                                                         With a simple kit                ALL YEAR GROUPS
                painting and decorating them. Great outdoors with tea

                                                                                                                                                            purchased from Amazon,

                lights in them for barbecues or use them for pen pots               THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                                                          TUESDAY 4.45pm
                                                                                                                                                            Mr Davies will guide you
                or storage.You will need to get some acrylic paint pens
                                                                                    STAFF                                                                   through making some              STAFF
                for this ECA, which can be purchased from Amazon. If

                                                                                    LKT                                                                     simple jewellery.                NJD
                we have time, we may move on to decorate pebbles and
                terracotta pots for the garden!

                     Juggling has been around for thousands of years, but anyone can

                     learn how to do it in a few hours. And according to an Oxford                  ALL YEAR GROUPS                                         A mixture of yoga, meditation            ALL YEAR GROUPS

                                                                                                                         MINI AND
                     University study, learning to juggle enhances the connections in                                                                       and more to help soothe the
                                                                                                    THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                                                  THURSDAY 4.45pm

                     your brain! If you have, or can get, a set of proper juggling balls that                                                               stress of isolation and look
                     would be perfect, but any three hand-sized spherical objects will
                                                                                                    STAFF                                                   after our wellbeing. We’re not           STAFF
                                                                                                    MJD                                                                                              Mini M & Teagan G

                     do. Or handkerchiefs, which move slower and are easier to catch.                                                                       professionals but just here to
                                                                                                                                                            have fun.

SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                                    2020          NEW SKILL

                                                                                                                                   Planning on doing some trekking
                                             With mobile phone cameras, you don’t need to           ALL YEAR GROUPS                                                              ALL YEAR GROUPS
                                 WITH LOLA
                                                                                                                                   when lockdown ends? Do you miss

                                             be a professional to get a good image. Work with

                                                                                                                        A TREK
                                                                                                    TUESDAY 4.45pm                 the mountains? Do you want to go              TUESDAY 4.45pm
                    WORKSHOP RAPHY

                                             Lola and Bea to see what you can do. They will
                                                                                                                                   on an adventure? Find out how to
                                             think of different themes as we go along. Show         STAFF                                                                        STAFF
                                                                                                                                   plan a long-distance trek, from five
                                 & BEA

                                             us what’s going on in your lockdown world. The         Lola P & Bea B                                                               JDP
                                                                                                                                   days to a couple of months.
                                             best images will be shared.

                                      A chance to be inspired by             ALL YEAR GROUPS                                  If you like settling down with a              ALL YEAR GROUPS

                                                                                                                  SUDOKUS &

                                      contemporary poetry and to                                                              good wordsearch, challenging
                                                                             THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                                                TUESDAY 4.45pm
                                      start writing some of your own                                                          yourself to a Sudoku puzzle or
                                      through a series of fun games          STAFF                                            creating some beautiful colouring             STAFF

                                                                             SHD                                              to soothe and focus your mind,                LMJ, CGB & SEP
                                      and challenges.
                                                                                                                              this is the ECA for you!

                           All you budding Quentin Quarantinos out there, do this one:
                                                                                                                                                 Reading and reflecting on some great writing as

                                                                                                                               READING &
                                                                                                    B | A3 | A2                                                                                       ALL YEAR GROUPS
                           collaborative short documentary/mockumentary life exploring
                                                                                                                                                 well as having a go at writing your own, starting


                           film making – personal lives in quarantine. Work with other              TUESDAY 4.45pm
                                                                                                                                                 small. A great way to get into reading and writing
                           pupils to find the meaning and the fun in quarantining. I mean,
                                                                                                    STAFF                                        more. No previous knowledge or experience            STAFF
                           really... what else are you doing? Work with an A3 student and           SNW & Suzie N                                required. Authors like George Saunders, Annie        CRB
                           Mr Wheeler to produce a film to lift the spirits.
                                                                                                                                                 Proulx, Roald Dahl and Jennifer Egan.

                                                                                                                                                 Ever wanted to brush up on your performance
                                             Learn the basics of British Sign Language          ALL YEAR GROUPS                                                                                          ALL YEAR
                                                                                                                                                 skills? Choose a song and get feedback on ways to       GROUPS
                                             using an online course and getting support

                                                                                                THURSDAY 4.45pm                                  improve and what to do more of when performing
                                             from your fellow students. It will provide a                                                                                                                DAY TO BE
                                                                                                                                                 a song. This is for anyone who enjoys singing but
                                             comprehensive introduction to the                  STAFF                                                                                                    ARRANGED

                                                                                                MFB & GSE                                        wants to gain confidence in their performance of a
                                             language and can be studied very flexibly.
                                                                                                                                                 song.You will get individual and specific feedback      STAFF
                                                                                                                                                 with a one-on-one masterclass each week!
SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                                             2020             NEW SKILL

                                                           ALL YEAR GROUPS                               Communication is so important. At times of              ALL YEAR GROUPS

                      Finally, the opportunity and                                                       crisis we look to our leaders for guidance

                      the time to learn some               TUESDAY 4.45pm                                and answers and we get that through                     TUESDAY 4.45pm
                      Spanish. Introduce yourself,         STAFF                                         speeches. Here we’ll look at famous speeches            STAFF

                      your family and talk about           LRH                                           from the past, look at what makes good                  WJB
                      your interests.                                                                    speeches, and have a go at writing our own.


                       What is the stock market? What are good stocks                  A2 | A3 | B | C                      Sewing colourful cushions and good conversation!          ALL YEAR GROUPS
                       to pick? How can I make millions?! Just some of                                                      Great for relaxation, and the finished article makes
                                                                                       THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                                                TUESDAY 4.45pm
                       the questions we will explore in this introduction                                                   a lovely handmade present. No special skills
                       to the financial markets. Get ahead before the                  STAFF                                required, just the ability to thread a needle.You         STAFF
                                                                                       NLP                                  will need to buy yourself a tapestry kit – try John       HEJW
                       national competition starts in September.
                                                                                                                            Lewis or Etsy.

                                                                                                             GARDENING BURGERS
               Voice recognition is improving but there is no sign of                  ALL YEAR GROUPS                           Join Mrs Perkins on a journey learning to cook        ALL YEAR GROUPS
               keyboards going away any time soon. Touch typing is                                                               a few of the huge variety of vegan burgers in


                                                                                       TUESDAY 4.45pm                                                                                  THURSDAY 4.45pm
               much faster than handwriting or two-finger typing; it can                                                         this book.You can even experiment on your
               even help with your spelling... no more relying on                      STAFF                                     family with these environmentally friendly and        STAFF
               autocorrect. It’s easy to learn and, with a bit of practice,            EAP                                       healthy treats for dinner.                            CAP
               you’ll be saving hours of your time.
                 IN MRS DIAZ’S

                                                                                                                                 Ever wanted to attract more wildlife to your garden?

                                 In my Dorset country kitchen, I will         A3 | B                                                                                                           ALL YEAR GROUPS
                                                                                                                                 Here you will learn how to create a wildlife-friendly
                                 show you how to prepare and cook
                                                                              TUESDAY 4.45pm                                     garden. This will include making bird boxes, bat boxes,       TUESDAY 4.45pm

                                 easy and delicious Spanish tapas
                                                                                                                                 wildlife zones and insect habitats, and planting wildlife
                                 (snacks). If you are very lucky, you may     STAFF                                                                                                            STAFF
                                                                              MLDP                                               friendly plants in the garden. There will be some work to     ETM
                                 even see Luna, my mad dog, waiting to
                                                                                                                                 do outside in the garden and other work to be done
                                 scrounge some tasty treats!
                                                                                                                                 inside preparing and making.
SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                                       2020           NEW SKILL
                                                                                     Have you ever been told off? Have you ever just wanted a nap in the middle of the

   BEGINNERS   The ideal way to reduce
                                             ALL YEAR GROUPS                         day? Do you want an excuse for some alone time? Now you have the perfect                 ALL YEAR GROUPS
               stress and learn an ancient
                                                                                     excuse! Yoga Nidra (or Yogic Sleep) is a meditation and conscious relaxation
               method of relaxation,         THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                                                                                  THURSDAY 4.45pm

                                                                                     practice which makes you relax completely – physically, mentally and emotionally.

               enhancing flexibility and


                                             STAFF                                   As it is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping (basically the going to    STAFF
               mindfulness.You will need     Hayley Gumery                                                                                                                    Lingling B S
                                                                                     sleep stage), it is one of the best stress relievers and sleep-restorers – perfect for

               to wear loose, comfortable
                                                                                     helping you get through quarantine and having to do school at home! If you have
                                                                                     ever related to any of these,Yoga Nidra is perfect for you!

AFTERNOON                                                                                  SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                                        2020           ECA

                                                                                                                                    WITH LILY &
                                     This is a wonderful opportunity to socially relax
             TEA CHAL

                                                                                                  D                                                Explore how accurate Roman and Greek myths                C | B| A3 | A2
                                     while lining up a few challenges! The challenges will
                                                                                                                                                   are; what do they really mean and how are they
                                     be varied and mainly decided by yourselves; one              TUESDAY or                                                                                                 TUESDAY 4.45pm

                                                                                                  THURSDAY 4.45pm                                  relevant to our lives today? Love, lust, monsters,
                                     example would be baking the scones. Wherever you
                                                                                                                                                   murder, betrayal… what was really going on?               STAFF
                                     are in the world, this will not disappoint and will be       STAFF                                                                                                      Lily G, Jemima B-B
                                                                                                                                                   Let’s find out.
                                     great fun!                                                   CWR                                                                                                        & AJS


                                     For pupils applying for art college. Personal        A3                                                                                           C | B | A3 | A2
                                     statement preparation, portfolios, open days,                                                                     Get some guided help with
                                                                                          TUESDAY 4.45pm                                                                               THURSDAY 4.45pm
                                     application processes, mock interviews etc.                                                                       your art A level or GCSE.
                                     Ensure you are in the best position to apply.        STAFF                                                                                        STAFF


                                                                                          DGK                                                                                          GJC

                                       This short course will look at the                                                                  Existing, charged ballet lessons will

                                                                                  B | A3 | A2                                                                                                    ALL YEAR GROUPS

                                                                                                                    CHALLENGES GRADES
                                       Romantic poets focussing on Byron,                                                                  continue from Grades 5 through to
                                                                                  THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                                                                SEE DANCE
                OF 18TH–

                                       Shelley, Coleridge, Wordsworth,                                                                     Advanced 1 and Pointe work. If anyone                 BROCHURE FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                 SUMMER TERM TIMES
                                       Blake, Keats and, if we have time,         STAFF                                                    would like to do a short, free introduction
                                       Poe, Goethe and Schiller.                  EAF                                                      to ballet as a beginner, email JFQ. Open to           STAFF
                                                                                                                                           extended family and young siblings!                   Janet Knight but
                                                                                                                                                                                                 enquiries to JFQ

                                     BHS stage one for riders wishing to take the first of        ALL YEAR GROUPS                            For those wishing to gain a recognised                  ALL YEAR GROUPS
                                     the professionally recognised exams in horse care.                                                      qualification in horse care at an amateur level.
                                                                                                  TUESDAY 4.45pm                                                                                     THURSDAY 4.45pm
                                     You will learn about anatomy, systems, feeding,                                                         A fun way to learn about caring for your

                                     grassland management and grooming.                           STAFF                                      horse and looking after all his needs.You must          STAFF

                                                                                                  SOS                                        be a member of the BHS to do this course.               SOS
                                     You must be a member of the BHS to do this course.

BOOK CLUB                                                                              SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                                      2020          ECA

                                                           ALL YEAR GROUPS                                           The Brogue is the School’s student magazine, written by students         ALL YEAR GROUPS

                                                                                                                     for students... and now we are going online for the first time! We

                     A chance to share opinions            TUESDAY 4.45pm                                                                                                                     DAY TO BE ARRANGED
                     on your favourite books.                                                                        are looking for anyone (from D through to A2) who would like to

                                                           STAFF                                                     be involved in any way – writing articles, doing interviews, drawing     STAFF

                                                           KML & JMIV                                                                                                                         DFW
                                                                                                                     cartoons, devising fun games, taking photographs – or just sharing
                                                                                                                     creative ideas with the team. Come and join us!

                                                                                                                                   Is your brain addled by 15 second Tik Toks? This is your

                                        Participate in research of all kinds, from
                                        classifying galaxies to counting penguins         ALL YEAR GROUPS                          chance to slow down and take the time to appreciate some           ALL YEAR GROUPS



                                        to transcribing manuscripts. Whatever                                                      music in long player form. Each week members of the club,

                                                                                          THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                                                             TUESDAY 4.45pm
                                        your interest, there's a Zooniverse                                                        and special guests, will nominate albums that they consider

                                        project for you. This is an exciting global       STAFF                                    a classic and present it to the group for our appreciation         STAFF
                                                                                          ANMH                                     and criticism. Any and all genres and eras welcome – an            RSI & GESD
                                        project. Have a look at the website
                                                                                                      opportunity to broaden your musical palette and develop
                                                                                                                                   some critical skills.


                              Join us to explore the background to climbing and                   ALL YEAR GROUPS                                         Who do you find funny? Key and          ALL YEAR GROUPS
                              bouldering, develop your technical skills and knowledge,                                                                    Peele? SNL? Foil Arms and Hog?
                                                                                                  TUESDAY 4.45pm                                                                                  THURSDAY 4.45pm
                              find out some home workouts and discover how climbers                                                                       Have a crack at understanding

                              are coping with the lockdown. Ultimately our goal is to             STAFF                                                   how they make it work, and have         STAFF
                              keep the passion alive until we can get back onto our               DPTC                                                    a go at filming your own at home.       SNW
                              bouldering wall. The end of session plank will still happen!                                                                First five weeks of term.

              DANCE &

                                           This new course will be run by Jenni Turrill       ALL YEAR GROUPS                                                                                     D
                                                                                                                                     Miss So runs a Rock Band ECA for aspiring musicians
                                                                                                                     D ROCK

                                           and Jane Quan and will draw on the the

                                                                                              THURSDAY 4.45pm                        in D. This ECA is open to drummers, bass players,            TUESDAY 4.45pm
                                           AQA GCSE Dance course, exploring the

                                                                                                                                     guitarists, keyboard players and vocalists who already
                                           influence of contemporary choreographers           STAFF                                                                                               STAFF
                                                                                              JFQ                                    have a solid grounding in their instrument and want to       YNES
                                           and the creation of your own work. Please
                                                                                                                                     aim towards playing gigs within the School.
                                           register with JFQ.

SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                                                 2020           ECA

                                                                     ALL YEAR GROUPS                                                                 For all pupils interested in reading and discussing         A3 | A2
                        Boggle,Yahtzee and Liar’s Dice:
                                                                                                                                                     a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction texts.


                        learn how to play these                      THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                                                                                             TUESDAY 4.45pm
                                                                                                                                                     Challenge perspectives, question ideas, be provoc-
                        wonderful games of chance,
                                                                     STAFF                                                                           ative and take yourself out of your comfort zone.

                        before crowning the ultimate                 CBC                                                                                                                                         NMK
                                                                                                                                                     This is not a book club!
                        Dice Champion.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    A3 CAST
                        We all know an Emma – pretty, confident, rich, mostly very pleasant but occasionally           untrustworthy womanising charmer, social climber, gossip, nerd and hero – with
                        bitchy, and “so far”, having enjoyed her social success to the full “with very little to vex   moral fibre – certainly set a sophisticated mark that American high school rom-coms          Auditions during
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Week 1
                        her”. The end to the sentence conveys everything that most intrigues us and introduc-          would keep emulating two centuries later. With comic character parts from Emma’s
         A3 PLAY

                        es what is to come! Emma forms the likeable yet frustrating protagonist of Jane                hypochondriac father, the nasty Eltons, earthy farmers and a number of intently              Rehearsals to be

                        Austen’s comic, romantic classic.You need to hang in there to see her pulled down a            observing neighbours, Emma offers some fabulous male and female parts and a                  arranged around
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    cast commitments
                        peg or two in the course of 55 beautifully written chapters in the original; our task is       chance to cavort around in period costume – once we return to normal school time!
                        to put that on the stage in 1.5–2 hours.                                                       In the meantime, we shall audition and rehearse the play online, with a great deal of        STAFF
                        It may be the early 19th century, but the caricatures of social princess, airheaded friend,    fun and an open attitude to when the curtain will rise.                                      JFQ

                                                                                                                           DARK, NO

                                                                                                                                              STEPHEN KING
                                    Two A3 students are on hand to help you learn                                                                            'Full dark, no stars': an appreciation of the

                                                                                                   ALL YEAR GROUPS                                                                                                   ALL YEAR GROUPS
                                    to speak some basic French, or if you are at a                                                                           works of Stephen King. Short stories, novels,


                                                                                                   TUESDAY 4.45pm                                                                                                    DAY TO BE
                  VASCO AND

                                    higher level, they can help you with your current                                                                        the writer and his craft, discussion of his film        ARRANGED

                                    work to improve your spoken French, vocab and                  STAFF                                                     adaptations and all other Stephen King based
                                    grammar. You could sign up for a five-week ECA                 Augusta H &                                               nerdery. Open to all, but this will be dark,            STAFF
                                                                                                   Vasco de C                                                                                                        LRB
                                    or just drop in by contacting them on the day.                                                                           people, so not for the squeamish.

                         Mr Ralphs will support you in                  A3 | A2                                                      QUIZZES       Weekly quiz on general knowledge with                   B | A3 | A2

                         developing plans for a year spent                                                                                         specialist rounds – somewhat like a pub quiz.
                                                                        TUESDAY 4.45pm                                                                                                                     TUESDAY 4.45pm
                         between school and university –                                                                                           Teams of two (find a buddy!) are welcome to
                         whether it be travelling, voluntary            STAFF                                                                      take part every week and results will score             STAFF
                                                                        JEGR                                                                                                                               JPH
                         work, teaching, etc.                                                                                                      points in a league table with a team winning at
                                                                                                                                                   the end of the term. (Four teams maximum.)

SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                                                            2020         ECA

                                 Over five weeks, look into the most successful teams across all
                                                                                                                        ALL YEAR GROUPS                              The Greenpower Challenge is a nationwide           ALL YEAR GROUPS
                                 sports, culminating in a decision as to which one you think is the
                                                                                                                                                                     competition in which schools and clubs meet

                                 greatest ever.You will get the chance to reflect and research across                   TUESDAY 4.45pm                                                                                  TUESDAY 4.45pm
                                                                                                                                                                     to race their electric cars. Every year we make

                                 a variety of sports and having chosen one, research (online, with
                                                                                                                        STAFF                                        a new car (or develop the one from the             STAFF
                                 parents, with friends) and select your nomination for the Greatest                     SJT                                          previous season) then go to the Greenpower         TIM & MTK
                                 Ever Team. Collect evidence of what made that team great and
                                                                                                                                                                     Challenge meets at major circuits such as
                                 finally produce a Powerpoint to support your selection.
                                                                                                                                                                     Goodwood, Brands Hatch and Silverstone.

                           Every week we will

                                                                                                                          The HPQ is an independent project that lets you explore a big question or idea
                           decide on a different              ALL YEAR GROUPS                                             whilst gaining valuable experience and earning a very well-regarded qualification             ALL YEAR GROUPS
                           historical film to watch
                                                              THURSDAY 4.45pm                                             (equivalent to half a GCSE). Having been taught the academic skills that you

                           and we will aim to cover                                                                                                                                                                     TUESDAY 4.45pm
                                                                                                                          require – including how to conduct research and plan your project – you will be

                           a vast array of topics.            STAFF                                                       guided through your project by Miss Smith and Mrs Willis-Clarke. This activity is             STAFF

                           Every Thursday we will             TS                                                                                                                                                        ALS & CRW
                           discuss merits, accuracy                                                                       well-suited to pupils who are self-starters and willing to give some of their own
                           and legacy of each film.                                                                       time, and would likely continue for around two to three terms

                                                                                                                                                                                  ALL YEAR GROUPS
                            An opportunity to take your racing paddling to the next level. Amongst other areas, we will be looking at the tactical

                            aspects of both head-to-head and time trial racing; nutrition before, during and after racing; mid-race boat repairs;                                 THURSDAY 4.45pm
                            paddling technique – including consideration and application of Kemecsey’s power circles; and practical circuit training
                            sessions. Previous experience of kayaking at Bryanston is desirable, although any current B pupils who have not
                            paddled before, but intend to compete at DW in 2021 should email SHJ in the first instance.

                   SPEARE AWARDS

                                             This is a great time to work towards a LAMDA exam, through weekly
                   INCLUDING THE

                                                                                                                                               ALL YEAR GROUPS                                   Learn about all the           ALL YEAR
                                             sessions with a mentor online.You are strongly encouraged to work with a                                                                                                          GROUPS
                   NEW SHAKE-

                                                                                                                                                                                                 different types of music in

                                                                                                                                               A2 | A3
                   FOR A2 & A3

                                             partner, on duologues, rather than working alone. More time to read or


                                                                                                                                                                                                 Latin America, from Salsa     TUESDAY
                                             watch the plays, and a chance to really focus on vocal technique and body                         DAY TO BE
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and Merengue to Reggae-       4.30pm
                                             language in performance! Email JFQ if you want to start work this term. The                       ARRANGED

                                                                                                                                                                                                 ton and Mambo, plus some
                                             expectation is that you will take your exam in the autumn term, during                                                                                                            STAFF
                                                                                                                                               STAFF                                             lesser known rhythms.         LCB
                                             either an early or late exam session to make up for lost time.                                    JFQ
MAGAZINE                                                                            SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                                                2020         ECA


                                                                          ALL YEAR GROUPS                                                                                   ALL YEAR GROUPS
                               The plan is to create a fun digital                                                  Explore the great military campaigns of
                                                                          TUESDAY 4.45pm                            the past. Assess how logistics, strategy                TUESDAY 4.45pm
                               magazine, using your contributions
                               and input from other creative ECAs.        STAFF                                     and tactics changed the course of wars,                 STAFF
                                                                          LKJM                                      and therefore history.                                  SMV

                                 An opportunity to explore one of the most important global organisations as it aims to

                                 maintain international peace, uphold human rights and improve people's lives around the              B | A3 | A2                             This is a time for            ALL YEAR GROUPS

                                 world – increasingly important in these uncertain times. Each week we will consider                  THURSDAY
                                                                                                                                                                              music scholars and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            TUESDAY 4.45pm

                                 some of the challenges faced by the UN in the 21st century, discover how it makes                                                            other busy musicians

                                 decisions and decide in real time what action it should and could take to achieve its aims.                                                  to practise, supported        STAFF
                                 This ECA particularly compliments studies in history, politics, economics, business and              STAFF                                                                 GMS
                                                                                                                                                                              by Mr Scott.
                                 geography, although all pupils will benefit from increased confidence in debating and
                                 evaluating arguments about global issues.


                               Available to existing members only; new members can

                                                                                                  EXISTING                                                                                    B | A3
                               start in Autumn term 2020. We take about a term to                 MEMBERS                                     An informal chance to delve into the


                                                                                                                                              dynamic world of science; a must for            TUESDAY 4.45pm
                               prepare for an English Speaking Board assessment in                DAY TBC
                                                                                                                                              prospective medical or veterinary               (if that works for participants,
                               Public Speaking.You have to learn a poem and recite it,
                                                                                                                                                                                              otherwise Monday rest)
                               read an extract from a chosen novel, and give a talk or            STAFF                                       students. Discuss the latest scientific
                                                                                                  PQ &OHN                                     developments, and hone your
                               presentation about a person of significance.                                                                                                                   STAFF
                                                                                                                                              presentation skills.                            ELP

                                Have you tried the strategy board game, ‘Settlers of Catan’?
               STRATEGY GAME

                                Using an online web browser version, in groups of three pit          ALL YEAR GROUPS                                  Current dancers will continue to work on                 D
                                your wits against each other in establishing your settlement
                                                                                                                                                      warm-ups and routines as usual, through films
                                and developing its resources, trading and competing with your        THURSDAY 4.45pm           DANCE                  and Teams sessions, but for free this term.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               TUESDAY 4.45pm

                                neighbours. An absorbing and popular game worldwide,                 STAFF                     FOR D                  See the dance brochure for more informa-                 STAFF
                                uncannily relevant to that former world of Brexit negotia-           CTH                                                                                                       JFQ, Sam
                                                                                                                                                      tion and watch out for emails from JFQ or
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Frampton &
                                tions…! You are welcome to come in a group of three or if                                                             your Dance Deputies.                                     Dance Deputies
                                not, you can make up a new group.
SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                                                         2020            ECA

                                                                                                       STYLE A WEEK
                               Current dancers will continue to                                                       (You must register for this with JFQ.) Jenni Turrrill will introduce
                                                                           C                                                                                                                          B | A3 | A2
                               work on warm-ups and routines as                                                       you to five styles in as many weeks through Teams, looking at the


                               usual, through films and Teams              TUESDAY 4.45pm                             dance vocabulary and disciplines of Commercial, Musical Theatre,                THURSDAY 4.45pm

                                                                                                       ONE NEW
                               sessions, but for free this term. See

                                                                                                                      Street and varying kinds of Contemporary Dance. A recent
                                                                           STAFF                                                                                                                      STAFF
                               the dance brochure for more                 JFQ, Sam Frampton                          graduate and long-time dance practitioner, this will be refreshing,             Jenni Turrill, but
                               information and watch out for emails        & Dance Deputies                           practical exploration of the different types of dance currently used            contact JFQ with
                                                                                                                                                                                                      any questions.
                               from JFQ or your Dance Deputies.                                                       by contemporary choreographers.

                                                                                                                              STUCK AT
                           Open to all violinists, violists, cellists and double bassists. In        ALL YEAR GROUPS                                  We’ll have 12 challenges to complete            ALL YEAR GROUPS

                           these sessions, we will cover a wide range of string activities.                                                           each week. “Piece of cake!” we hear
                                                                                                     THURSDAY 4.45pm                                                                                  TUESDAY 4.45pm
                           You will have the option to opt into being part of a virtual

                                                                                                                                                      you cry. Not so fast. This ain’t no

                           performance of ‘Eleanor Rigby’ by recording your part at home.            STAFF

                                                                                                                                                      bakery, this is a true test of creativity.      STAFF
                           There will be chances to improve your technique through                   CSS                                                                                              OET
                                                                                                                                                      Great one to get everyone in your
                           video-led exercises, and times to sit back and relax to favourite
                                                                                                                                                      family involved too.
                           string music chosen and introduced by pupils.

                           We will work on the sections of script that          D ONLY                            This is a club where we will watch a screening of a theatre                  ALL YEAR GROUPS
                           you have already rehearsed, and see how              CAST                              performance during the week and then come together once a

                                                                                                                                                                                               Evening time to be arranged
                           we can put together a performance online.                                              week to discuss the show and share ideas about it. This is open to           around participants

                           Learn the lines, get ready to find some              TUESDAY
                                                                                4.45pm                            everyone, especially your families, and is a great way to watch
                           costumes and let’s do some video acting!                                               some incredible theatre from your front room. Please contact                 HALS and JFQ
                                                                                STAFF                             HALS and JFQ by the end of Week 1.

                             Experience a selection of the best TV comedy                                                 Help to create a virtual museum by uploading

                                                                                    ALL YEAR                                                                                       ALL YEAR GROUPS
                             that the UK has to offer. Discover the genius of       GROUPS                                photos of interesting objects you can find at
                                                                                                                                                                                   TUESDAY 4.45pm
                             Atkinson, Mayall, Elton (Ben, not John), Cleese,       TUESDAY 4.45pm                        home. The group will choose to research a

                             Barker, Enfield et al. and their influence on                                                small number of objects in more depth. Also              STAFF
                             modern entertainment.                                  STAFF                                 explore and investigate the wide range of                JGS
                                                                                                                          museums online.

WARHAMMER                                                                     SUMMER TERM AT HOME ECAs                               2020          ECA

             In the first week we are looking at the Warhammer hobby in general terms. Then we focus       ALL YEAR GROUPS                                        ALL YEAR GROUPS
             on a series of games to help gauge interest, as well as looking at the modelling/collecting

                                                                                                           THURSDAY 4.45pm           From language to             THURSDAY 4.45pm
             side of the hobby. Run as a series of talks with Q&As, but we will also be looking at
                                                                                                                                     culture; all things Welsh.

             ‘online’ ways of playing these games, and it may be possible that we can also organise        STAFF                                                  STAFF
             some of these at different times, possibly weekends.                                          TIM & AKT                                              AJG
            WITH SOME

                                                                                ALL YEAR GROUPS

                            In this difficult period, yoga offers the ideal
                                                                                DAY TO BE ARRANGED,
                            way to reduce stress and learn an ancient           USUALLY EARLY MORNINGS

                            method of relaxation, enhancing flexibility and
                            mindfulness. You will need to wear loose,           STAFF
                            comfortable clothing                                RAPW


You can also read