Page created by Erin Perkins
             WHITE PAPER

Coastal Crescent Energy Hong Kong Limited (“CCE”)
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                       1

INTRODUCTION                                                                            3

CRYPTOCURRENCIES                                                                        4

   BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY                                                                5

      Ethereum Platform                                                                 5

CCE COIN - LEADING IN SOUTHEAST ASIA                                                    6

   KEY ADVANTAGES OF THE CCE ICO                                                        7

   HOW ARE THE ICO FUNDS APPLIED?                                                       8

SUMMARY OF CCE COIN OFFER                                                               9

CCE COIN ICO TIMETABLE                                                              10

THE CCE ECOSYSTEM                                                                   11

   CCE ECOSYSTEM - THE DETAILS                                                      11

   THE ECOSYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP                                                13

      Target Asia                                                                   13

      Target Eastern Europe 2019                                                    14

      Target Latin America & the Caribbean 2020                                     14

      General Development Timetable                                                 15

   CCE ECOSYSTEM & INCOME SOURCES                                                   16

      Energy Security Will Increase Trades in Oil, Petroleum & Commodities          16

      Food Farming & Production Based in Laos for the Chinese Market Using OBOR
      Transportation                                                                17

      Quick Transportation & Flow of Investment into Neighbouring Countries Spurs
      Development & Creates Opportunities for New Business & Services               17

      Southeast Asia Fruit Durian Farming                                           17

      Durian Farming and Investments in Durian Pulp Processing to Grow Durian
      Consumption Worldwide                                                         18

                                   CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                       1
Durian Farming Business Analysis and Prices - CCE to directly engage in $700 million
      USD Durian Market Project                                                            18

      Bird Nest Farming and Harvesting                                                    19

THE DURIAN LOVER’S CLUB                                                                   21

   THE CLUB - THE DETAILS                                                                 22

   MEMBERSHIP STRUCTURE                                                                   22

      Plan A - Eat all you want!                                                          22

      Plan B - Eat all you want for two!                                                  22

      Plan C - Eat all you want for three!                                                22

      Plan D - Family package                                                             22

      Other notes                                                                         22

   THE DURIAN TREE OWNERSHIP PROGRAM                                                      23

   TREE OWNERSHIP - AN INVESTMENT ANALYSIS                                                23

      Durian Tree Ownership FAQs                                                          25

   DURIAN TOURS                                                                           26

   CLUB TIMETABLE & ACTIVITIES                                                            28

      Creation of Durian Lovers Club March 2018                                           28

      Quality and Grading System for Durian - 2018                                        28

      Durian Planting - 2019                                                              28

APPENDIX                                                                                  29

   1. LEGAL                                                                               29

   2. TITLE DOCUMENTS                                                                     31

   3. DURIAN - ABUNDANT HARVESTS (image library)                                          33

   4. CCE LAND APPLICATIONS IN PAHANG, MALAYSIA                                           35

      Planting plan layout                                                                35

                                   CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                             2
There are now thousands of tokens listed on numerous worldwide exchanges, however, after
initial ICOs (initial coin offers), very few tokens are supported by an underlying ecosystem, or
related trading platform - specifically facilitating and promoting the use of such tokens as a
medium of exchange. Our goal, right from the commencement of the CCE COIN project, has
been to create a trading platform using blockchain technology, whereby the CCE coin is actively
promoted and used for trading purposes within our own ecosystem.

Coastal Crescent Energy Hong Kong Limited (“CCE”), the company that has developed the CCE
COIN, has a divergent range of investments and business interests, largely situated throughout
the Southeast Asia region, and has worked at both the government level, and with assorted
business associations throughout the region. A key area of the development of the CCE
business network is to encourage and foster continued business growth throughout the
Southeast Asia region by implementing a trading network between local vendors and assorted

CCE COINS facilitate trades between vendors and buyers, reducing the cost of trade and
ensuring efficient handling of payments. But, more than just providing general support for
business growth throughout the region and facilitating trades with CCE COIN, CCE is actively
developing an extensive community of buyers and sellers by implementing a direct sales model
in specific luxury food markets - further reducing the cost of the supply chain. Buyers and
sellers can buy and sell on the blockchain in a transparent and open manner within the CCE
ecosystem - a trading system utilizing the CCE COIN - soon to be promoted within the region.

Two lucrative business sectors in the Southeast Asia region, that have an unmet demand, are
those businesses operating both within the exotic durian fruit growers market, and the area of
the supply of bird nests - a luxury edible product, highly sought after by the wealthy situated
throughout China, and associated regions. These products are sold on the luxury markets
throughout Asia and provide significant opportunities for CCE. CCE is actively building a
community of buyers and sellers within the area of these closed-market high-value items using
the CCE token to assist buyers to directly trade with durian farmers and bird nest harvesters;
bringing enhanced value to local markets, promoting growth, and solidifying the CCE COIN as
the preferred medium of exchange.

CCE has established the CCE International Durian Lover’s Club, and has interests in vertical food
farming, which provides a healthy source of income for CCE. This income is also complimented
by CCE’s further streams of revenue earned through interests in energy derivatives and
interests in oil and petroleum products. CCE invests 10% of annual profits into a reserve to
enhance the value of the CCE COIN. A further 10% of CCE profit is allocated to charity activities
which involve the growth of decentralized dialysis centres; based in the local countries where
club members and member merchants reside. We value and support local communities and
intend for CCE to evolve into a strong trading medium with a high public acceptance rating. The
number of CCE coins issued is finite.

                                    CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                 3
Since the advent of Bitcoin, a new and fast moving revolution in how business can be
conducted has been born. Cryptocurrencies are fast becoming mainstream mediums of
exchange. Although it is unlikely that cryptocurrencies, any time soon, will replace fiat
currencies, it certainly imprints upon all business leaders the need to understand that
cryptocurrencies are likely to be an ongoing part of the trading environment; already making a
major impact on global trading strategies. Since the commencement of the cryptocurrency
revolution, many other altcoins have been released to the market; appearing in different forms
and serving different functions. Some examples are Ether, Ripple, Zcash, Dogecoin, Dash,
Monero, and Litecoin. Each token has its own unique characteristics and advantages.

Through use of Ethereum’s blockchain platform, it is now possible for many token developers to
implement business strategies that are transparent, decentralised, and secured. Ethereum
provides the engine for the CCE platform and permits the use of smart contracts that are
automatically executed as soon as contract conditions are fulfilled. Smart contracts provide
trading efficiencies and reduce transactions costs. By adopting the rapidly evolving internet 2.0
technologies to drive and simplify the process of transaction tracking, sorting and execution,
new opportunities for business cooperation have been created.

In 2017, the cryptocurrency market has seen explosive growth in terms of market capitalization
with many coins increasing substantially in value. It is now the fastest area of market growth;
having provided outstanding returns for those taking holding positions, and continues to attract
the attention of a wide sector of investors and public groups.

At CCE, we are committed to constructing a system where the CCE COIN can grow to become a
sustainable medium - particularly by developing and sustaining an ecosystem with CCE COIN as
the preferred medium of trade.

                                    CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                4
CCE COIN is a new offering in the market of altcoins; which can be exchanged into all accepted
cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies within our own ecosystem platform. We offer our member
merchants services, such as group purchases, an ecommerce platform, intercompany
transactions, and purchase opportunities of everyday items such as groceries, household items,
and even gasoline. Our ecosystem will create demand for our CCE COIN for both individuals
and institutions. Within the ecosystem, the CCE COIN can be exchanged to fiat currency and fiat
currency can be exchanged for CCE COIN. It’s a flexible platform.

Ethereum Platform
CCE COIN is built upon the Ethereum blockchain. Currently, it is the most adopted blockchain in
use, and with upcoming platform upgrades, blockchain continues to become more simple to
use, with faster access, and increased security. The Ethereum Foundation has recently signed
with the Russian Central Bank for adoption of Ethereum as the preferred platform for
cryptocurrencies in Russia.

Although there are many other blockchain technologies such as NEO and WAVE, CCE intends to
use Ethereum as our base platform due to its growth, and wide acceptance throughout so many
countries. Further, Ethereum provides outstanding blockchain technology applications that run
exactly as programmed, have no downtime, fraud or third-party interference, and further,
allows execution of peer to peer contracts on a decentralised ledger system producing
complete accuracy in the recording of transactions. Blockchain, with its strong security, is now
widely accepted by global businesses.

                                    CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                               5
CCE RESERVES – Intrinsic Value
Ten percent of all funds raised from the ICO will be held in reserve by CCE, thereby augmenting
the value of the CCE COIN. By having this intrinsic value in the coin, together with our
ecosystem in operation, value is added and the sustainability of the coin is strengthened.
Income generated from the diverse business interests of CCE also enhance the intrinsic value of
the CCE COIN. Ten percent of CCE income is retained to provide a strong foundation for the CCE
COIN. As the CCE COIN is limited to only 1,000,000,000 coins, the value of the CCE COIN will
continue to be supported through the long term. The circular flow of the CCE COIN within our
ecosystem will enhance both the value chain and the underlying CCE COIN.

There are several compelling reasons why CCE COIN is situated to become a major financial
medium throughout Southeast Asia region and beyond; thus, providing a compelling reason for
the early purchase of CCE COIN:

    ●   CCE COIN is set to become a major force in the Southeast Asia geopolitical area, and
        with the launch of peer to peer trades, and the effecting of payments with CCE COIN
        within the CCE ecosystem, the token is primed not only to become the default payment
        instrument within the ecosystem, but also play a major role in trades external to the
    ●   CCE invests trading reserves - CCE commits to allocating 10% of revenue earned to a
        special reserve that, as it builds, adds further intrinsic value to the coin.
    ●   Cost efficiencies - use of CCE COIN results in cost efficiencies, secure trades and the
        opportunity to enjoy unparalleled opportunities offered within the ecosystem.
    ●   We are driven to give back to our communities in which we operate our club, by
        actively establishing, operating and financially supporting community dialysis centres.
        Supporting CCE COIN supports ​your c​ ommunity.

                                    CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                              6
Transform your old world business by utilizing a new world platform specializing in smart
contracts, executed in a secured environment, that both generates great returns for the
participating company and potential profits for coin investors. CCE seeks to bring value to users
of the coin and ensures the coin is easily exchangeable to fiat currencies and vice versa.

View key advantages for purchasing and holding CCE COIN:

 DETAILS                                         CCE COIN

 Available worldwide                             Yes

 Tradable in crypto-exchanges                    Yes

 Tradable peer to peer                           Yes

 Group purchases                                 Yes

 Used as payment in everyday purchases           Yes

 Fractional transaction                          Yes

 Currency exchange                               Yes

 Merchant building                               Yes

 Charity emphasis                                Yes

 Secure and safety                               Yes

 Exchangeable to fiat currency                   Yes

 Limited total coins issued                      Yes

                                    CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                 7
View the chart for a quick overview as to how the ICO funds are to be allocated within CCE:

        ​Primary development - SMART             30%
 CONTRACTS & CCE COIN ecosystem platform

        ​Reserves                                10%

        ​Management & admin costs                15%

        ​Ecosystem marketing & development       20%

        ​Charity                                 10%

        ​Durian farming & planting               15%

                                     CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                               8
The chart below displays key CCE COIN financial and ICO data:

 Total CCE COIN                                  1,000,000,000 (one billion)

 Initial offering                                100,000,000 (10% of total CCE COIN)

 Price                                           $0.10 USD per coin

 Usable coin                                     BTC & ETH (rate based on

 Total funding for this issuance                 $10,000,000 USD

 Private placement & reserve held for future     50%

 Allotment for founders (to be vested within 3   15%

 Management Team (to be vested within 3          10%

 Allotment for developers and ecosystem          10%
 builders (to be vested within 3 years)

 Allotment for legal team advisors (to be        5%
 vested within 3 years)

                               COIN RELEASE SCHEMATIC

                                    CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                         9
The following chart represents key data in relation to CCE COIN ICO dates and relevant metrics:


 Pre-ICO dates (2018) & benefit                 Pre-ICO: October 1 (00:01 EST) - offer
                                                expiring October 31 (23:59). Bonus 30%

 ICO dates (2018)                               ICO: November 1 (00:01 EST) - offer expiring
                                                November 30 (23:59)

 Type of offer                                  Initial coin offer

 Unit of purchase                               1 CCE coin

 Coins available                                One hundred million (100,000,000)

 Token price                                    $0.10 (USD) per coin

 Minimum purchase per person                    1 coin

 Maximum purchase per person                    10 million coins

 Bonus CCE COIN available*                      25% Oct. 1 (12.00am EST) - Oct. 7 (23:59)

                                                20% Oct. 8 (12.00am EST) - Oct. 15 (23:59)

                                                15% Oct. 16 (12.00pm EST) - Oct. 22 (23:59)

                                                10% Oct. 23 (12.00pm EST) - Oct. 31 (23:59)

 Accepted cryptocurrencies                      BTC & ETH

 Group structure                                CCE HONG KONG LIMITED
                                                CCE DURIAN LOVERS CLUB
                                                CCE DIALYSIS LIMITED

 Soft cap                                       300,000 CCE COINS

 Hard cap                                       No limit

*Bonus option ends on the last day of the ICO or when CCE COINS are fully issued

                                    CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                 10
CCE is building a powerful cross-border ecosystem, initially for implementation throughout the
region of Southeast Asia, but ultimately with a global reach. The members of the ecosystem,
which is effectively a platform for trade, consist of diverse merchants and both individual and
commercial buyers. Product and service offerings will be determined by individual members,
and the preferred medium for transacting deals is the CCE COIN.

The ecosystem will be launched at the time of the CCE COIN ICO, and bring buyers and sellers
together to perform direct trade using the CCE COIN as a means of payment. As the ecosystem
gains momentum throughout the markets of Southeast Asia, this will bring increased intrinsic
value to the CCE COIN.

In order to provide immediate traction for the ecosystem, and provide rapid substance and
intrinsic value to CCE COIN, CCE is actively working within two specific areas of the local market.
The first is the establishment of a $700 million USD direct market program within the exotic
durian sector, and secondly, expand quickly into a $13.31 million USD program within the
luxury bird nest consumption market.

The first step, involves the establishment of the International Durian Lover’s Club; being a
subset of the ecosystem. CCE will reach out to and engage with the community of durian lovers,
inviting those interested to register with the club via the club website. Basic membership will be
free, however, the club will provide a number of premium memberships. All durian lovers are
welcome to join the club annual durian festivals - to be held at various locations in China, and in
and throughout various locations in Southeast Asia. The wider trading platform will also cater to
the durian farmers based in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Malaysia. Currently, China is the
largest importer of durian, and CCE will provide a marketing presence in the area to promote
the club. The club blog, social media releases and regular newsletters, in English and Chinese,
will keep members informed of events and related news.

The CCE ecosystem takes advantage of blockchain technology, and provides a platform for
diverse merchants to sell products and services to buyers - buying and selling with CCE COIN,
with coin able to be easily converted to fiat currencies through open exchange markets. The
platform is based on Ethereum transaction technology, allowing businesses and farmers to
reach out to hitherto untapped markets. The ecosystem will be populated with an increasing
range of items, and, over time, have a growing geographic reach.

CCE already has several groups that have come aboard with the CCE ecosystem. Doctors from
the Federation of Chinese Physicians and Acupuncturist Association Malaysia (FCPAAM) have
agreed to become part of our ecosystem and will accept CCE COIN as a medium of payment.

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The CCE Early Stage Ecosystem

Schematic of the early stage CCE ecosystem

The following are some of the features being developed on the platform:

●      A smart wallet named CCE WALLET. This wallet allows trading, buying, and selling of the
       CCE COIN. The wallet can also accept payments using alternative cryptocurrencies. Each
       merchant will have their own unique ID. This ID is linked to their wallet. CCE reserve
       holdings will have its own wallet linked to these accounts.
●      An identification (ID) system which ensures the quality of each merchant.
●      An incentive system; where members are rewarded for introducing new members to
       the platform.
●      A premium membership on the ecosystem will be offered, with members receiving
       additional, but as yet unspecified, advantages.

                                   CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                              12
The technical build of the CCE ecosystem, or trading platform, is well underway - with launch of
the platform planned to coincide with the CCE COIN ICO. CCE has an active IT team who
manage the software architecture for the platform. The team will release details before the
ICO, in regards to the multisig wallet - required in the trading, buying and selling of CCE COINS.
Further, CCE has a strong marketing team, which is tasked with recruiting merchant members
to become part of the CCE ecosystem. The CCE International Durian Lover’s Club forms a subset
of the ecosystem, and will be actively promoted before the launch of the CCE COIN ICO.

Initially CCE will operate within the broader Asian area, however, will expand into Eastern
Europe by 2019, and Latin America by 2020, thereby, providing a global footprint to enhance
the value of the CCE COIN.

Target Asia
Commencing in 2018, CCE will recruit merchants and members for the ecosystem throughout
China, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia and other proximate countries:

                                     CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                13
Target Eastern Europe 2019
Commencing in 2019, CCE will focus on the regions of the Russian Federation, Baltic states,
Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary and other proximate countries:

Target Latin America & the Caribbean 2020
Commencing in 2019, CCE will focus on the regions of México, Cuba, Haití, Venezuela,
Colombia, Perú, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile and other proximate countries:

                                   CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                 14
General Development Timetable
The ecosystem technical structure is being developed within the following time frame:

   ●   Free Vendor Registration

       The ecosystem now offers merchant registrations on the platform via website
       technologies, and merchants will be able to accept payment with the CCE COIN within
       the CCE Ecosystem.

   ●   Development of Multisig Wallet - Pre-ICO

       This wallet is an integral part of the ecosystem, and is used to store and transact CCE

   ●   Price Protection for Smart Contracts - 2019

       Smart contract price protection will be provided for a limited time to merchants who
       conduct trades using CCE COIN. The guarantee applies for a 15 minute period from the
       time of sale. This price guarantee is restricted and automated to pre-approved
       merchants only. The price guarantee will be available to merchants within the CCE
       blockchain platform.

   ●   Ecosystem Team Hiring - 2018

       CCE is expanding its marketing team. This team is tasked with recruiting merchant
       members to become part of the CCE ecosystem. CCE provides active marketing to both
       the wider pool of coin owners, and vendors and buyers in general to become part of
       the ecosystem - targeting the international community.

                                   CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                    15
CCE is a business involved in oil trades, commodities trading, and has significant farming
interests. CCE is well connected in the Southeast Asia and the Asia Pacific region - hosting a
significant proportion of the Earth’s population and boasting healthy average GDP levels.
Within these regions, CCE is investing within four major business trends providing significant
returns on investment.


Schematic depicting the various key sectors of the CCE commercial activities and interests

    ● Energy Security Will Increase Trades in Oil, Petroleum &
        CCE views trading in oil and downstream products as a solid direction for income
        generation, which translates to profit and increased reserves. China, India, Vietnam,
        Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Malaysia continue, at governmental
        levels, to maintain energy security. Since 2015, crude oil prices have fallen from more
        than $100.00 to levels in the vicinity of $50.00 - $80.00 per barrel. Lower crude prices
        reduce costs and increase consumption, and thereby increase opportunities for CCE.
        These countries of Southeast Asia, are also fast growing economies, and forecasts
        indicate a growing demand for electricity supply and oil. Although coal fired electricity
        generation is cheaper, oil or gas is the preferred primary go-forward energy class due to
        environmental issues. Since almost all countries within the CCE sphere of operation
        have signed on to the Paris Climate Change Agreement by the end of 2017, we expect
        to see more green initiatives that will drive CCE revenues in this sector.

                                    CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                   16
● Food Farming & Production Based in Laos for the Chinese Market
  Using OBOR Transportation
  The second CCE driver for growth is centred on food security. As economies of the
  Southeast Asian countries advance, urbanisation continues to push outwards, thereby,
  reducing the footprint of arable land. This process is evident in the two most populous
  nations of the planet - China and India. Food security, therefore, continues to be a high
  priority for these nations, and resources are continuing to be applied to ensure
  consistency of supply. Throughout the Asia Pacific regions, there are still opportunities
  for increased large scale food farming. An example of one country where food
  production can be dramatically increased is Laos. This landlocked country has a small
  population and is irrigated by the Mekong River. The nearby countries of China and
  India have an insatiable demand for crops and related ranges of fresh goods. CCE will
  invest within this sector; capturing the growing opportunities of food supply in the

● Quick Transportation & Flow of Investment into Neighbouring
  Countries Spurs Development & Creates Opportunities for New
  Business & Services
  The third CCE driver for growth is the ‘One Belt One Road’ (OBOR) initiative launched by
  China. The OBOR initiative spans more than 68 countries and encompasses 4.4 billion
  people and up to 40% of the global GDP. It will connect China with Southeast Asia,
  Pakistan, India, Burma, and beyond. The OROB initiative will generate increased
  regional trade. CCE is poised to extend its influence in the region, extending the reach
  of its ecosystem alongside the growing markets situated proximate to the five trillion
  dollar mega infrastructure project.

● Southeast Asia Fruit Durian Farming
  CCE’s fourth tenet for growth is the popular Southeast Asian durian fruit markets.
  Currently, a 10 acre farm can generate about $3.5 m USD in annual revenue. This ‘king
  of all fruits,’ popular in Asia, is now also gaining market growth in markets outside Asia.
  Growers are dedicating increasing amounts of land to growing durian. Demand
  continues to increase, and currently supply is not sufficient to meet demand. Currently
  the biggest consumer is the market of China, however, Malaysian durian varieties are of
  superior quality to other regional sources. Although, Malaysian durian has reached tier
  one cities in China, market penetration as a whole is still low due to constraints of
  supply. Ample opportunities exist to grow this market - especially with the higher
  quality Malaysian varieties.

                               CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                 17
● Durian Farming and Investments in Durian Pulp Processing to Grow
  Durian Consumption Worldwide
   Not only is market demand continuing to grow for fresh durian fruit, but durian is also
   increasingly being used as an ingredient in the manufacturing of foods and snacks.
   Demand for durian pulp or frozen durian continues to increase. Durian may now be
   found in pizza, cakes, cookies, bread, mooncakes and a variety of other products.
   Durian is now becoming to be an accepted flavor in drinks, foods, and supplements,
   along with standard flavors, such as orange or strawberry.

● Durian Farming Business Analysis and Prices - CCE to directly engage
  in $700 million USD Durian Market Project
   Durian farming has become a very lucrative business in Malaysia. Not only have
   wholesale prices been strong, the market is growing in that durian is now in demand as
   a flavoring additive for many products. CCE also notes the continuing growing demands
   for consumption of fresh durian. The most well known flavour from Malaysia is the
   Musang King. The demand for durian is substantial. Total durian production can only
   meet about 50% of actual demand.

   CCE is contracting, apart from other lease options, with the Government in Malaysia to
   lease about 1000 acres of land for durian farming. Much of the durian originating from
   this farm will be dedicated to the supply of the Durian Lover’s Club, with excess sold on
   the domestic and international markets. The club also provides options to investors to
   enter into a contract to enjoy the fruits from a tree for 25 years - with transferable
   rights, such as to children, relatives or friends. There will be a 10% processing fee based
   on the latest durian market price.

   Along with this project, CCE plans to quickly develop and control a total of 2,000 acres
   of durian farms which produce substantial revenue.


   ●       2000 acres
   ●       35 trees per acre
   ●       Each tree producing 100 fruit per harvest, with two harvest per annum
   ●       Each fruit averaging 2 Kg in weight
   ●       Current wholesale pricing is US$25 per kg

   Therefore, total gross revenue is anticipated to be a substantial $700 million USD.

                                CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                 18
● Bird Nest Farming and Harvesting
  CCE has an emerging involvement in the edible bird nest industry. Development plans
  are now underway to construct 100 units of swallow bird nest farms. Each bird house
  will be 19.5 metres x 12.2 metres, (64 ft x 40 ft), and be three stories in height, or some
  9 metres (30 ft).

  Each unit (house) can produce a harvest of some 10 Kg of bird nest every week.
  Currently, each kilogram can fetch a wholesale price of about $1280 USD.


  ●       15 Kg per week output of birds nest, or 780 Kg on an annual basis per house
  ●       Investment of 100 bird houses
  ●       $1300 USD per Kg

  The total revenue generated by CCE’s involvement in the bird nest industry is estimated
  to be $101.4 million USD. The product will be offered through the ecosystem, which will
  further solidify the strength of the CCE COIN and contribute to the further growth of
  the intrinsic value of the CCE COIN, along with the building of the wider of the

                               CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                  19
Bird nest business - a huge luxury food market

                   New bird house under construction in Sarawak, Malaysia

                                   CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER               20
CCE has close connections with the exotic durian fruit market, particularly the Malaysian
Musang king durian growers. Based on insights from industry players, CCE, in June 2017,
undertook an in depth study of the supply and demand of the Malaysian durian market. It is
widely known that China is the biggest consumer market of the fruit and is actively looking to
expand the durian supply as a downstream product. However, it has been difficult for China to
acquire sufficient quantity of the fruit. CCE will actively promote the blockchain trading method
to bring about efficiencies in the trade of durian fruit and promote direct trade between
merchants and consumers.

CCE is actively promoting a number of initiatives to ensure CCE COIN gains both wide
acceptance, and to ensure robust commercial results are delivered to CCE, along with assisting
to ensure the construct of a solid CCE ecosystem, and a robust platform for the use of the CCE
COIN in conducting commercial trades. The club is a prime example of such initiatives.

Exotic Durian

A huge market throughout Asia exists for this exotic durian fruit delicacy

                                     CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                               21
The club is open to all members of the public, with a number of premium memberships
available - each with unique advantages - including an invitation to attend an all expense paid
annual durian feast, held at major cities annually - bringing the durian direct to club members.
CCE is seeking Malaysian government support to assist in the promotion of durian through
international government sanctioned festivals.

A durian grading system will be visible to buyers, ensuring quality standards for the fruit is
known to buyers.

CCE is seeking to extend the network of smaller farmers by implementing annual contract
purchase guarantees for their total production capacity of durian fruits. Farmers will further
benefit by becoming part of the CCE platform as well as having the advantage of CCE’s
processing and marketing capabilities.

The membership is free for buyers, however, a premium membership will be offered with the
following benefits:

Plan A - Eat all you want!
$100.00 per year - the club will give the member an opportunity to come to Malaysia once per
year for a durian feast (terms and conditions apply). They can eat all they want.

Plan B - Eat all you want for two!
$180.00 per year - all you can eat at a durian feast for two persons one time per year, or one
person for two years. Unlimited eating during the harvest season (terms and conditions apply).

Plan C - Eat all you want for three!
$240.00 per year - all you can eat at the durian feast for three persons one time per year, or
one person for three years (terms and conditions apply).

Plan D - Family package
$300 per year - all you can eat for one family of up to four persons one time per year, or one
person for four years. This is especially designed for durian loving families (terms and
conditions apply).

Other notes
If the member cannot attend the durian feast for the first year, a six month extension can be
applied upon the payment of a $50 administration fee. The fee must be received 60 days before
expiration of the membership. Memberships are not transferable. Extensions are available one
time only. All prices quoted in USD or Euro only.

                                     CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                  22
As part of the club, members can become the proud owner of one or more Malaysian Musang
King durian trees for a period of 25 years.

The benefits:

   ●    Own your own durian tree
   ●    Travel to the farm and enjoy your own durians for the next 25 years
   ●    Transferable ownership
   ●    Enjoy free durian at any time of the year
   ●    No more price surprises for durian prices
   ●    Earn revenue from your investment
   ●    Fresh durian always available
   ●    Get yourself to the farm and eat durian for free
   ●    Stay at the farm and get the maximum benefit
   ●    Every owner gets a free life time membership in our own Durian Lover’s Club
   ●    Free durian for 25 years for you and your family
   ●    No separate maintenance fees payable
   ●    Multiple trees may be purchased
   ●    Number of trees limited by acreage
   ●    After the deduction of maintenance costs, and management costs, investors share in the
        revenue from sales of the durian from purchased trees
   ●    Assume you buy a tree at $10,000, so your yearly cost over 25 years is just $400 per year
        for you and your family to enjoy free durians for the next 25 years. That’s a bargain - but
        with revenue also derived from the investment - the tree ownership program represents
        amazing value.

We are currently offering new planting options, as well as established fruit bearing trees. The
prices are the same, as older plants may not be of the higher quality Musang King variety.

Current Malaysian projects, which will be offered to investors over time, are under
development in various parts of the country:

    ●    2,000 acres in Sarawak of durian being planned with eco-tourism infrastructures
    ●    90 acres in Bentong consisting of fruit bearing durian trees
    ●    100 acres in Raub being planned for new planting
    ●    1,000 acres in Gua Musang now in the process of planting
    ●    Gua Musang has about 700 acres already planted, with the earliest trees about one
         year old

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Each tree can produce roughly 100 fruits of Musang King per harvest, with two harvests per
year. Each fruit weighs about 2 Kg. Musang King is selling at around $25 per Kg.


    ●   100 durian fruit per harvest
    ●   Two harvests per year per tree
    ●   Each fruit averaging 2 Kg in weight
    ●   Current pricing is US$25 per kg

This translates to some $10,000 revenue per tree, per year. Revenue is expected to commence
in year six, after the tree reaches maturity. After deducting maintenance and management
costs, there would be a gross return to the investor of about $3,333 per year. Therefore, over
the final 20 years of the ownership of the tree, a total return on investment would equate to 20
x $3,333, or a total of $66,660 over the lifetime of your investment, or a 566% return on capital
invested (after deducting the initial cost of your investment).

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Durian Tree Ownership FAQs

Q​ Can I sell my tree in the future?
A​ Yes

Q​ Are there any fees for transfer?
A​ Yes, a ten percent fee is payable

Q​ Can I transfer my tree (s) to my own children or relatives?
A​ Yes, 10% fees still apply

Q​ Are there any maintenance fees?
A​ No

Q​ After 25 years, do we still have any benefits?
A​ No. Your benefits will expire

Q​ How many times can I come to eat durian?
A​ No limit as long as the durian is in season - which is twice per year

Q​ How many people can I bring in my family?
A​ Depends on your purchase. Owning one tree is limited to four persons per family. Family
members must join our durian club to enjoy free durian. Membership can be purchased at the

Q​ What if the tree dies before 25 years?
A​ We will replant for free

Q​ Do I need to book before visiting?
A​ Yes, best to do so because durian fruits are seasonal

Q​ How will I know when is the best time to visit
A​ We will publish the time of the fruit availability

Q​ How will I get the best value from the club and trips to the farm?
A​ Plan ahead for your best enjoyment

Q​ Is transport to the farm included?
A​ A fee of $20.00 per person is charged and pickup locations will be published

Q​ Can we visit the trees at any time?
A​ Yes, you can visit at any time

Q ​Can we stay at the farm?
A​ Yes, but reservations are required and advanced room bookings are not refundable

                                       CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                        25
The club will promote tours to the various durian farms. We will work in collaboration with
travel agencies, tour promoters, and local hotel operators.

After the tourist flies in, buses will transport guests to the farm for a one night stay in a local
chalet. Every morning fresh durians may be picked up from beneath the trees - after falling
during the night and early morning. The morning presents the fruit as its freshest, and this is
the best time to enjoy its exotic flavors. The durian is filled with amazing flavors - especially
within the first two hours after falling from the tree. Taking a tour of the durian farm will be an
experience that will be remembered for life.

Tour companies will be encouraged to purchase trees and provide free durians as an incentive
to clients to purchase travel packages. Naturally, the CCE ecosystem will be the preferred
platform for marketing such tours, and the CCE COIN will be promoted as the means of

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The unbelievable taste of durian!

The taste of durian is unique - and commands a premium price on the international market

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View the following club timetable and activities in active planning:

    ● Creation of Durian Lovers Club March 2018

        This club is open for free registration for all durian lovers worldwide. This will make up
        a subset of the CCE COIN Ecosystem platform. The club will also offer premium services
        and members will be actively engaged in the club via the club blog and participation at
        annual festivals.

    ● Quality and Grading System for Durian - 2018
        An integral part of the club’s quality program is to ensure quality durian products are
        sold to consumers. The durian fruit will be graded; based on the type of fruit, the
        location of the farm, the age of the tree, the size of the farm, the size of the fruit, and
        finally, feedback from buyers and consumers.

    ● Durian Planting - 2019
        CCE continues to be engaged in land acquisition and consolidation. Land will be cleared,
        ready for planting in 2019. The income generated from this operation is significant, and
        will directly enhance the intrinsic value of CCE COIN.

                                      CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                  28
In the development of the CCE ecosystem, CCE coins are sold to the public. This allows the
buyer to become a member of our Durian Lover’s Club or as a member vendor within our CCE
Ecosystem platform (“CEP”).

The CCE COIN does not have the legal qualification of a security, as no rights to dividends or
interests are ascribed to it. The sale of CCE COIN tokens is final and non-refundable. CCE COINs
are not shares and do not give any right to participate to the general meeting of Coastal
Crescent Energy Hong Kong Limited, or any of its companies within its structure. CCE COIN
tokens shall therefore not be used or purchased for speculative or investment purposes.
Neither this whitepaper nor any other material relating to the offer will be, or has been, filed
with regard to legal disclosures. Therefore, laws and acts that ensure that investors are sold
investments that include all the proper disclosures, and subject to regulatory scrutiny for the
investors' protection are not applicable in this case. Every purchaser of the CCE COIN should
receive proper advice in order to understand whether the purchase of the CCE COIN is
appropriate for the purchaser’s purposes or not. Any purchaser of CCE COIN acknowledges and
represents that they have carefully reviewed this white paper and fully understand the risks,
costs and benefits associated with the purchase of CCE COIN tokens.

The purchaser of CCE COIN tokens undertakes that they have the requisite knowledge and
understanding of cryptocurrencies, blockchain systems and services, and that they fully
understand the risks associated with the crowdsale as well as the mechanism related to the use
of cryptocurrencies.

Acquiring CCE COIN tokens and storing them involves various risks, therefore, and prior to
acquiring CCE COIN tokens, the purchaser should carefully consider the risks, costs and benefits
of acquiring CCE COIN tokens in the context of the crowdsale as indicated in the terms and

This whitepaper is not an invitation to enter into an investment. It should not be considered as
a security offering. CCE COIN tokens are utility tokens which can be used only on the CCE
platform and network, and are not intended to be used as an investment.

The offering of CCE COIN tokens on a trading platform is provided in order to allow the use of
the CCE COIN on the CEP, and not for speculative purposes.

The offering of CCE COIN tokens on a trading platform does not change the legal qualification of
the tokens, which remain a simple means for use on CEP, and are not a security. Acquiring CCE
COIN tokens shall not grant any right or influence over the CCE COIN Group organization or
provide the right to provide governance to purchasers.

                                    CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                   29
Any person undertaking to acquire CCE COIN tokens must be aware of the CCE Group business
model, the white paper, and the CCE terms and conditions, along with emerging regulatory and
the various compliance issues as required by law. In such case, purchasers and anyone
undertaking to acquire CCE COIN tokens acknowledges and understands that neither CCE or the
wider CCE Group, nor any of its affiliates shall be held liable for any direct or indirect loss or
damage caused by such changes.

Anyone undertaking to acquire CCE COIN tokens, acknowledges and understands that CCE
Group does not provide any guarantees, and they acknowledge and understand that CCE COIN
Group assumes no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage that would result from or
relate to the incapacity to use CCE COIN tokens.

By participating in the Token Sale, the purchaser agrees to the CCE terms and conditions, and in
particular, they represent and warrant that they:

    ●   are authorized and have full power to purchase CCE COIN tokens according to the laws
        that apply in their jurisdiction of domicile;
    ●   are not a U.S. citizen, resident or U.S. entity (a “U.S. Person”), nor are they purchasing
        CCE COIN tokens by signing on behalf of a U.S. Person;
    ●   are familiar with all related regulations where in their legal jurisdiction, and confirm
        that purchasing cryptographic tokens in that jurisdiction is not prohibited, restricted or
        subject to additional conditions of any kind;
    ●   are not acting for the purpose of speculative investment;
    ●   will not use the token for any illegal activity; including, but not limited to, money
        laundering and the financing of terrorism;
    ●   are solely responsible for determining whether the acquisition of CCE COIN tokens is
        appropriate for them;
    ●   are acquiring CCE COIN tokens exclusively for use on the CCE platform and network;
    ●   understand the risks associated with the token sale (including the risks related to the
        non-development of CCE COIN network and operations), and understand the use of

                                     CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                 30
Find ‘raw’ copies of the land title and plot map showing a total of 90 acres of matured durian
plantation situated in Raub, Malaysia; marked for future development:

Title Image A - Land title and plot map showing a total of 90 acres of matured durian plantation
                                        in Raub, Malaysia

                                    CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                   31
Title Image B - Land title and plot map showing a total of 90 acres of matured durian plantation
                                        in Raub, Malaysia

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3. DURIAN - ABUNDANT HARVESTS (image library)

Durian fruits

Durian saplings

                   CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER   33
Tools of the trade on a very old tree

Durian in the morning after dropping

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The CCE Pahang planting project is to commence in 2018, and CCE is currently moving ahead
with land acquisition and planning. ​Plot number 7580, located at Raub, Malaysia, consists of
135 acres​. The farm will contain a club house, 50 chalets, have an access road and parking, and
a small hotel to cater to members who would enjoy the opportunity to stay at the farm. Each
acre will support the planting of 35 to 40 trees.

Planting plan layout

Field and planting layout:

          MUSANG KING is the most popular durian type and has the highest demand

                                    CCE COIN ICO - WHITE PAPER                                35
A view from the hilltop at Gua Musang, Malaysia, with a view of part of 1000 acres that has 700
acres already planted in durian trees

N​ew 1000 acres of durian farm Gua Musang, Malaysia, with easy access via a major road,
situated some 40 minutes from Cameron Heights Resort

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New planting in Gua Musang, Malaysia, consisting of 1000 acres with 70% Musang King durian,
10% Black thorn, 15% 101 and D24 durian, with the balance in mixed varieties

Durian farm situated at Raub, Malaysia, consisting of 90 acres with 1200 trees - 50% Musang
King durian, 40% D24 durian, and the balance made up of mixed varieties

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