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Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 1 - Paynesville Press
Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 1
Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 1 - Paynesville Press
2 | Celebrate Weddings 2018

                                                       Table of Contents
   David & Betty Lipinski ......................................Page 2       David & Jayna Ruprecht .................... Page 8

   Duane & Irene Burg ..........................................Page 4       Taylor & Allie Kollman ...................... Page 10

   Tom & Mary Hendrickson ...............................Page 6              Wedding Checklist ...............................Page 11

   Philip & Amy Carlson ........................................Page 7

            David & Betty
How did you meet?     What was the most tion and dinner unin-
We knew each other memorable           mo- vited and entertained
most of our lives, as ment at your wed- everyone. We didn’t
we went to the same ding?                   mind.
church. We started When the priest made Where did you go
dating in high school a mistake and asked for a honeymoon?
and were high school me, the bride, to take To Topeka, Kansas,
sweethearts.          David as my wife.     where David was
Who proposed and What          was    your stationed in the Air
how?                  most     memorable Force.
David did – just the         moment at        your What do you do to
usual proposal of            wedding?               keep romance alive
asking me to marry           A white milk glass in your marriage?
him. He was home             pitcher,    fruitbowl, We love to do things
on leave from the Air        and candle holders.    together. We have
Force.                       What wedding gift a Friday night date
How long were you            do you use the most where we usually al-
engaged?                     today?                 ways go out for din-
                                                    ner. We like to travel
One year.                    I think they were all                                          October 15, 1960
                                                    and we enjoy spend-
Date of marriage:            so needed and useful
                                                    ing a lot of time with
                             we have worn them
October, 15 1960                                    our family.
                             all out.
Place of Marriage:                                  If you could trav-
                             Who caught the
                                                    el back in time to
St. Peters Church,           bouquet and did
                                                    your wedding day,
Eden Valley                  they have to shove
                                                    what advice for
How large was your           to get it?
                                                    maintaining a hap-
wedding?                     We didn’t throw the py marriage would
275 people.                  bouquet.               you     give     your-
What    food         was     Whose       relatives, selves?
served?                      or friends, had the Don’t worry about
                             most fun at the re- the little things. En-
Chicken and ham –
                             ception? (To protect joy each and every
the regular old fash-
                             the guilty, no names, day together– it goes
ion dinner.
                             please.)               by so fast.
                             I think it was one of
                             the local town char-
                             acters. He came to                                                        Now
                             the wedding recep-
Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 1 - Paynesville Press
Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 3

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Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 1 - Paynesville Press
4 | Celebrate Weddings 2018

           Duane & I rene
How did you meet?           wieners, other foods, and loons we had for decora-
Spring Hill Dance Hall.     wedding cake was served tion and put them in the
He took me home from the    then.                      back seat of our 1965 Mus-
dance.                      What was the most tang. Those years you did
Who proposed and how? memorable moment at not lock car doors.
I was living in Paynes- your wedding?                   Where did you go for a
ville. Duane came to pick Walking down the church honeymoon?
me up for midnight mass aisle with my dad giving One week in the Dakotas.
on Christmas Eve. He pro- me away.                     What do you do to keep
posed when he came to What was your most               romance alive in your
pick me up. After that, we memorable wedding           marriage?
went to my parents to let gift?                        On our anniversary day,
them know about our en- Wedding gifts we received we either go out for a spe-
gagement. Later we went from our parents.              cial dinner, or weekend
to midnight mass. It was a                             away. We always work,
beautiful evening. Snow- What wedding gift do pray, and play hard to-
flakes were coming down you use the most today? gether. There are hard
in big flakes.              Corningware set, table                                             August
                                                                                                 g 5, 1967
                            cloth, terry table cloth, times and good times in a
How long were you and food chopper.                    marriage, but work them
engaged?                                               out together. Give each
 8 months.                  Who caught the bou- other time away on your
                            quet and did they own.
Date of marriage:           have to shove to get it?
August 5, 1967              Did not throw a bouquet. If you could travel back
Place of marriage:                                     in time to your wedding
                            Whose relatives, or day, what advice for
St.    Martin     Catholic friends, had the most
Church (at 10:30 mass).                                maintaining a happy
                            fun at the reception? marriage would you
How large was your (To protect the guilty, no give yourselves?
wedding?                    names, please.)
350 guests.                 My two nieces, they were We promised to honor and
                                                       love eachother until death
What food was served? quite young, but they do us part. Hopefully we
Noon dinner - chicken wanted to dance all the can grow old together, if
dinner and pie for dessert. time. At the end of the that is in God’s plan.
Lunch served at 5 o’clock - day, they put all the bal-


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Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 5

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Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 1 - Paynesville Press
6 | Celebrate Weddings 2018

                    Tom & Mary
How did you meet?           toes, and garden salad.Whose relatives, or
We met at Eddie Webster’s   What was the most friends, had the most
on 494 in 1980. In the 80’s,memorable moment at fun at the reception?
many restaurants had        your wedding?          (To protect the guilty, no
bars called “peanut bars”   Toms dad, Chester, had names, please.)
where you’d eat peanuts been diagnosed with can-     Everyone had a great
and throw the shells on cer years earlier and had    time. The band was not
the floor. Messy but fun!    been undergoing chemo-  the best, but everyone
Who       proposed     and therapy prior to our wed- danced into the night. Of
how?                                                 course,
                             ding. We were so grateful         “Proud Mary”
Tom proposed over a din- that he was able to attend! was played like it was at
ner he made for Mary at What was your most every wedding of that era!
his town house in Eden memorable         wedding Where did you go for a
Prairie. The table had gift?                         honeymoon?
a large bouquet of red Mary’s sister, Carol, gave Grand Cayman Islands.
roses, so Mary suspected us a great wedding gift! It We went snorkeling, shop-                                September 14, 1984
something was up!        was transportation from ping, rented mopeds, and
How long were you en- the church to the recep-                   travelled the island.
gaged?                   tion. A ride in a 1952 Rolls            What do you do to keep
Seven months.            Royce complete with a                   romance alive in your
                         driver. We remember it                  marriage?
Date of marriage:        went very slow to the re-
Sept. 14, 1984           ception and the guests                  We frequently have “date
                         would pass us waving and                night” and still go out as
Place of marriage:                                               often as possible, whether
                         honking. We think the top
St. Patrick’s Catholic speed was 40!                             it’s a movie, dinner, or to
Church in Edina, Minn.                                           meet up with friends.
                         What wedding gift do
Reception was at Minne- you use the most today?                  If you could travel back
sota Valley Country Club                                         in time to your wedding
                         We would have to say our                day, what advice for
in Bloomington.
                         fine China, flatware, and               maintaining a happy
How large was your glassware, that we use on
                                                                 marriage would you
wedding?                 holidays and dinner gath-               give yourselves?
155 guests.              erings.
                                                                 No advice worth printing!
What food was served? Who caught the bou-
                         quet and did they have
We had a buffet with to shove to get it?
prime rib, chicken, rice
pilaf, parsley new pota- Sorry, can’t remember!


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Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 1 - Paynesville Press
Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 7

                  Philip & Amy
How did you meet?           How large was the wed-         Whose     relatives,    or
We had several different ding?                             friends, had the most
sources pulling for us. We each had three atten-           fun at the reception?
One of Philip’s players dants. Since it was the            (To protect the guilty, no
on his varsity basketball fourth of July, our color        names, please.)
team was dating Amy’s scheme was red, white and            Philip’s. He was the first
younger sister. He encour- blue. Philip and Amy both       of the kids in his family
aged (actually “hounded”) donned ivory formal wear.        to get married, so it was
Philip to “make the move.” For the bridal party, one       a big deal. Also, his fam-
Amy’s best friend and bridesmaid wore a solid              ily drove a great distance,
neighbor, who was on staff red gown, the next white,       whereas most of Amy’s
at the high school where and Amy’s sister, the maid        family lived locally.
Philip taught, often made of honor, wore royal blue.       Where did you go for a
complimentary comments The guys vests and ties             honeymoon?
about him to her, dropped corresponded with the girl
hints about this “well- that they escorted. There
                                                           Cragun’s Resort on Gull                     July 4, 1997
dressed, nice-looking, up- were 325 guests in atten-
standing bachelor” that dance.                             What do you do to keep
she knew. Finally, Philip What food was served?            romance alive in your
made the phone call, invit-                                marriage?
ing Amy (and her young Baked chicken, mashed               Get away alone together
son, Mitchell) to the DQ. potatoes/gravy, corn, cole-      whenever possible. We are
Amy remembers Philip slaw, dinner rolls, and of            very practical, so on rare
making more conversa- course, wedding cake, and            occasions it’s a night away,
tion with Mitchell, talking homemade mints.                but for the most part just
sports, than with her. But What was the                    a few hours, or even min-
was actually impressed by most memorable                   utes, taking a walk or go-
that. Their first real date moment at your                 ing to work out together.
alone was to a Twins game wedding?                         In celebration of our 20
the next week, July 1996.                                  year anniversary this past
                            In general, we remember it     spring, we took our first
Who proposed and how? being beautiful weather. It          big trip together, without
3 ½ months later, Philip was a hot summer and the          the kids, to Ft. Myers and
proposed on a Sunday night before, at rehearsal,           Sanibel Island, Florida. It
afternoon while he and it down poured! So with             was an extra special treat
Amy sat in his living room an outdoor ceremony,            that we enjoyed so much.
watching TV.        As soon there were concerns. But       It was six days and five
as he began to stammer, the sky was clear and tem-         nights away together!
which wasn’t like him (he peratures were perfect           If you could travel back
normally got straight to on our wedding day. The           in time to your wed-
the point), Amy guessed temp was in the low 70’s           ding day, what advice
(and hoped) what he was that afternoon. Our recep-
trying to say. As soon as tion was held in a most
                                                           for maintaining a hap-                              Now
                                                           py marriage would you
Philip popped the ques- fitting location for the           give yourselves?
tion, he quickly added town‘s coach, the school            Put each other first! Don’t
“You don’t have to answer gymnasium. The head ta-          listen to society urging
right away. You can think ble situated directly under      you to develop interests,
about it.” But Amy, with- the basketball hoop!             friendships, hobbies and
out hesitation, agreed. He What was your most              activities     aside/apart
then countered “well, with memorable wedding               from each other.      Also,
my teaching/coaching it gift?                              don’t succumb to the pres-
would have to wait until                                   sure to put your children
                            A barbeque grill with bar-
summer vacation.”                                          before your spouse.
                            beque tools included. It
How long were you was given by Philip’s co-                These, we have found, are
engaged?                    workers and other school       both BIG mistakes, and
Eight and a half months. staff. We used it often and       have much to do with the
From our first date to our just a year or so ago it died   high divorce rates in our                “An Inn For All Seasons”
wedding, it was one year.   and needed replacing.          country. To have a strong,
Date of marriage:           What wedding gift do           healthy relationship, your
                            you use the most today?        marriage needs a firm
Friday, July 4, 1997 (Amy’s                                foundation. To build this
sister voiced the irony of A handmade wooden clock         takes time, commitment,
being married on Indepen- from Kermit Olson, owner         hard work, forgiveness,
dence Day!)                 of the local lumberyard.
                                                           and communication. Your
                            Philip recently replaced
Place of marriage:                                         main responsibility is to
                            the mechanism, and it
                                                           each other. Then, and only
Chapel Gardens, rural stills hangs on our kitchen                                           Jacuzzi Suites | Continental Breakfast
                                                           then, can you build a last-
Eagle Bend. It was an wall.                                                               Pool, Hot Tub & Sauna | Conference Room
                                                           ing, intact, happy family
outdoor ceremony in the Who caught the bou-
                                                           unit.                            320.243.4146 | Reservations 877.243.4146
midst of beautiful flower quet and did they                                                      700 Diekmann Dr, Paynesville, MN 56362
gardens and pathways, have to shove to get it?                                                            paynesvilleinn.com
next to a miniature cha- I don’t remember throw-
pel, in front of a gazebo.  ing it.
Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 1 - Paynesville Press
8 | Celebrate Weddings 2018

               David & Jayna
How did you meet?          What was the most Whose relatives, or
We met in middle school memorable moment at friends, had the most
in Paynesville, but start- your wedding?           fun at the reception?
ed dating after getting During our wedding re- (To protect the guilty, no
to know each other bet- ception, Jeff, David’s fa- names, please.)
ter through choir, band,   ther, organized and per-     Jayna’s relatives, as they
speech, one act, and other formed a flash mob to the    are known to, had the
fine arts at Paynesville   music of Sunrise Sunset      most fun at the reception.
High School.               from A Fiddler on the        Some might even venture
Who      proposed      and Roof.                        to say they had too much
how?                       What was your most           fun, but is there really
                                                        such a thing?
David proposed to Jayna memorable          wedding
                                                                                                                 June 8, 2013
on Michael and Susie       gift?                        Where did you go for a
Putzke’s candle lined dock I would say crystal glass-   honeymoon?
to a late summer sunset es given to us by Jayna’s       We traveled to the Mayan
with music, roses, and a aunts purchased from Ire-      Riviera in Mexico for our
scrapbook with a progres- land.                         honeymoon.
sion of photos from our What wedding gift do             What do you do to keep
relationship.              you use the most today?       romance alive in your
How long were you en-        An amazing paper towel marriage?
gaged?                       holder purchased by Mau- With two small children,
We were engaged about        reen Ohm.                   romance isn’t usually a
two years.                   Also all of the typical day priority, though it is im-
Date of marriage:            to day domestic use items; portant. We try to ensure
June 8, 2013                 utensils, knifes, plates, to spend time with one
                             etc.                        another beyond the task
Place of marriage:                                       based nature of maintain-
                             Who caught the bou- ing a house and family.
Church of Our Lady in        quet and did they have Take time focusing on the
Mannanah                     to shove to get it?         other person rather than
How large was your           Is it terrible we don’t re- just completing tasks to-
wedding?                     member?? It must not gether.
We had 220 guests who        have been too serious of If you could travel back
were served dinner and       a brawl. Jayna did how- in time to your wedding
about another 50 who         ever catch the bouquet at day, what advice for
joined us later to cele-     her cousins Maureen and maintaining a happy
brate.                       Alex Ohm’s wedding just marriage would you
                             months before David pro- give yourselves?
What food was served?
                             posed, so perhaps the leg-
Pasta!                       end is true!                Communicate and spend                                             Now
                                                         time with one another.
                                                         Time is the most valuable
                                                         asset.                                  Shoppe
                                                                                                  h pp 14

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Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 1 - Paynesville Press
Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 9

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Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 1 - Paynesville Press
10 | Celebrate Weddings 2018

                 Taylor & Allie
How did you meet?            What food was served?         Whose relatives, or
A couple friends were try-   We had pulled pork sand-      friends, had the most
ing to set us up for a few   wiches,   potato   salad,     fun at the reception?
months and we kept ig-       baked beans, chips, fruit,    (To protect the guilty, no
noring them. We finally      and cookies. No cake!         names, please.)
ended up meeting at the      What was the most             That is hard to say. Our
same party and hit it off.   memorable moment at           bartenders made sure
Who proposed and how?        your wedding?                 that no one went thirsty.
Taylor proposed at Re-        We rented a bus to get the   The dance floor was
gional Park on Thanks-       wedding party from Glen-      packed all night. Every-
giving day. We were then     wood back to Paynesville      one had a great time!
able to go and tell our      after the ceremony. We        Where did you go for a
families the great news!     had so much fun dancing       honeymoon?
How long were         you    on the bus and stopping at    We went to Yellowstone
engaged?                     a few bars along the way      National Park and Gla-
Eight months.                back. We continued the        cier National Park.                           July 9, 2016
                             fun at the reception!         What do you do to keep
Date of marriage:
July 9, 2016               What was your most              romance alive in your
                           memorable wedding               marriage?
Place of marriage:         gift?                           We spend time together
The ceremony was at We received some yard                  everyday, whether it’s go-
Sacred Heart Catholic games from Taylor’s par-             ing for a walk, cooking,
Church in Glenwood. The ents.                              etc.
reception was back in
Paynesville at the Wen- What wedding gift do               If you could travel back
droth farm.                you use the most today?         in time to your wedding
                           We love our Brita water         day, what advice for
How large was your pitcher! It is used every-              maintaining a happy
wedding?                   day- multiple times a day.      marriage would you
The ceremony was family                                    give yourselves?
only. There were about 270 Who caught the bou-
people at the reception.   quet and did they               Enjoy the little things and
                           have to shove to get it?        don’t live for just the big
                           We did not throw a bou-         stuff. Our wedding was
                           quet.                           amazing but our mar-
                                                           riage is even better!


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Celebrate Weddings 2018 | 11

   12        months
T Draw up a budget
                                8-10              months
                                T Bride: Start shopping for
                                                                   6-8           months
                                                                 T Schedule to have your
                                                                                                   4-6          months
                                                                                                 T Attend pre-wedding
                                                                                                                                2-3           months
                                                                                                                                                                     1    month
                                                                                                                                                              T Apply for marriage license
T Assemble your planning          your gown                        engagement photos taken         counseling if required       formal wear                   T@Yn]ÚfYd_gofÚllaf_
  team, consider hiring a       T Think about what food          T Book ceremony musicians       T Shop for and order         T Hire wedding day              T Talk to bridesmaids: make
  wedding consultant              you would like for the         T Shop for and order              invitations                  transportation                  sure they have their
T Pick a wedding date             reception                        bridesmaid dresses            T Shop for wedding rings     T Mail invitations                dresses ready
  and time                      TL`afcYZgmlÛgjYd\][gj        T Start planning honeymoon      T Shop for formal wear       T Write your vows               T Make last minute
T Research and book             T Research and book your         T Send save-the-dates           T Renew or buy passports,    T Purchase gifts for parents,     adjustments with vendors
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  sites                           photographer, videographer,      accommodations for            T Begin cake testing and     T Book your hair and make
T Ask friends and relatives      ZYf\gj
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