Page created by Glen Mcgee
JULY 2020
      E C I AL

      D E  M IC           THE INTERVIEW
PA  N                     Roberto Sánchez, Ministry of Economy, Spain. p.4-5

        D I T I O
                                             A Call to Arms for SDOs. P.10-11

                      NEW GROUP E4P
                      Europe for Privacy-Preserving Pandemic Protection. p.13

                    CHALLENGES AND
                               MEMBERS’ VIEWS
                            AROUND THE WORLD.
Editorial                                                                                                    The     Interview
                                                                                                                     Roberto Sánchez,
                                                                                                     Secretary of State for Telecommunications.

                                                                                                                 Public       Safety

                                                                                                       New group for COVID-19
                                                During this crisis,                                 tracing apps interoperability.
                                                ETSI has proved to
                                                                                                  Interview         e-Estonia
                                                be resilient, flexible                                                      Anna Piperal,
                                                                                               Managing Director of the e-Estonia Briefing Centre.

                                                and innovative.                                                                       P14/15

                                                                                               Interview         one2many
                                                                                                                           Maarten Mes,
                                                                                                                              Managing Director.

                                                                                                                    Interview         TIM
The world is facing an unprecedented            and video solutions in the sport industry,                                  Gabriele Elia,
situation with the coronavirus pandemic.        were involved in the development and                     Head of Open Innovation and Research.
Without advanced notice, people and             the industrialization of EasyCov, a saliva-                                           P18/19
companies had to cope with this crisis          based diagnostic test. And discover other
each in their own way. Through a variety        interviews on cybersecurity and public             Interview         Advenica
of interviews and articles, this special        warning solutions.                                                   Marie Bengtsson,
edition of Enjoy! tells us why and how                                                                                                      CEO.
ICT is vital in such a difficult environment,   Our eHealth group released a new white
                                                paper, a call to arms to SDOs, giving                                                 P20/21
navigating through and out of it. We
have asked some of our international
members, from large companies, SMEs
                                                practical examples of why ICT standards
                                                should be designed taking into account                       Interview         VOGO
                                                the health requirements.                                          Christophe Carniel,
or government representatives, to share                                                                                     co-founder and CEO.
with us the challenges they have faced          During this crisis, ETSI has proved to                                                P22/23
to overcome this critical period and the        be resilient, flexible and innovative. We
perspectives ahead.                             have successfully switched all physical
                                                meetings to e-Meetings and turned key
                                                                                                 New      2020Fellows
In Spain, the Secretary of State for                                                                                                  P24/25
Telecommunications          and      Digital    workshops such as the Security Week
Infrastructures, outlines how innovation        into virtual, which has attracted a record
                                                audience of more than 4000 participants.
                                                                                                                         What’s        on?
can help a nation move forward and                                                                                  Upcoming events.
why 5G must be an engine for economic           The creation of new groups, including
                                                E4P, set up in a record time and in charge                                      P31
reconstruction. TIM (Telecom Italia) tells
us how they supported citizens and              of making sure COVID-19 tracing apps
businesses with the “Torino City Lab”           are interoperable, is another example of
for work, school and eHealth. The China         ETSI’s versatility. We hope this versatility
Academy of ICT gives us an overview of          will help us continue to be strong despite     Enjoy! The ETSI Mag
useful 5G use cases which could prevent         these hard times.                              Edited and published by ETSI
and control the epidemic. The e-Estonia         Last but not least, I invite you to discover
                                                                                               Quarterly edition
Briefing Centre highlights why being                                                           Copyright ETSI 2020
                                                more about our 2020 Fellows.                   Director of Publications: Nadja Rachow
one of the world’s most advanced digital                                                       Editor-in-Chief: Claire Boyer
societies helped in the outbreak. Advenica,     Enjoy reading!                                 Design: Le Principe de Stappler
with expertise in cybersecurity, gives us                                                      Editorial office: ETSI,
some advice on best practices to protect                                                       650 route des Lucioles,
our networks in a global crisis. Find out       Luis Jorge Romero,                             06560 Valbonne France
why VOGO SPORT, specialized in audio            Director-General ETSI.                         Tel.: +33 (0)4 92 94 43 35

2            ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
News roundup

New group for                                                      The future of Internet:
COVID-19 tracing apps                                              new ETSI group on non-IP
interoperability                                                   networking
ETSI launched the ISG E4P, “Europe for Privacy-                    The kick-off-meeting of ISG NIN (non-IP networking) took place
Preserving Pandemic Protection”, in May. It was established        on 25 March. John Grant, BSI, was elected as the ISG Chair, and
to provide a standardization framework that will enable            Kevin Smith, Vodafone, as Vice Chair. Following on from the work
developers to build interoperable mobile apps for proximity        in ISG NGP (Next-Generation Protocols) on problems identified
detection and anonymous identification.                            by mobile operators with the TCP/IP-based technology used
                                                                   in 4G, including inefficient use of spectrum, high latency, and
The group has already met twice and elected Edgar Guillot          complexity of support for mobility and security, ISG NIN intends
(Orange) as the Chair while Miguel Garcia-Menendez (Alastria)      to develop standards that define technologies more suited to
and Stéphane Dalmas (INRIA) were elected as Vice Chairs of the     21st-century requirements while remaining compatible with the
group. More on ISG E4P on page 15.                                 current Internet and with newer technologies such as SDN and

                                                                   Initial work items include three Reports covering a statement
                                                                   of the problem, network model, and guidelines for non-IP
                                                                   networking on 3GPP cellular access networks.

                                                                   To follow are Specifications of the new protocols (based on
                                                                   technology and KPIs identified by ISG NGP) and demonstration of
                                                                   their use in private mobile networks such as factory automation.

                                                                   ETSI’s new
                                                                   Encrypted Traffic
                                                                   Integration group
                                                                   The underlying rationale for ISG ETI (Encrypted Traffic
                                                                   Integration) is that a paradigm of “encrypted by default” has
‘A call to arms!’:                                                 been adopted by many network and service providers without

new white paper                                                    taking due account of any threats to network resilience and

on eHealth                                                         Therefore the purpose of the ISG ETI is to quickly develop
                                                                   insights on the likely evolution path of the “encrypted by default”
Entitled “The Role of SDOs in Developing Standards for ICT         paradigm and its impact on both network resilience and on
to Mitigate the Impact of the Pandemic Virus Covid-19”, the        security where attackers may be able to take advantage of
White Paper examines the role of ICT in eHealth. The               encryption to spread malicious code or exfiltrate protected
challenge is to design ICT standards to be ‘eHealth-ready’ to      customer or sensitive data through networks.
cope with a future outbreak which we all expect but is difficult
to predict.                                                        The network management oversight that is accepted for non-
                                                                   encrypted traffic may be lost when an all-encrypted paradigm is
Global digitalization is essential to the provision of             adopted.
eHealth services at a time of crisis. Dislocation and distress
drive the need for rapid, safe and secure data transfer, when      Thus the aim of ISG ETI is to be able to better describe the
governments and epidemiologists have to take far-reaching and      issues and to establish essential requirements to allow for
difficult decisions.                                               retention of network controls to give guarantees of security and
                                                                   resilience in spite of the growth of such a paradigm. In early
The ETSI group EP eHEALTH is inviting you to join us in            June 2020 at its kick-off meeting, the work plan started in
planning what could be done this time or next time to keep         earnest, beginning with a detailed development of the problem
our families safe and well, our economies secure and our           and its impact to identify where to apply mitigations.
ethical    values   uncompromised!    To    join,   contact                                         ENJOY THE ETSI MAG              3
The interview

                                                                                              In this exclusive interview,
                                                                                                 Roberto Sánchez, from
                                                                                              the Spanish government,
                                                                                            shares with us his vision on
                                                                                               how innovation can help
                                                                                              in the global crisis we are
                                                                                                              going through.

                                                                                          Let us first remind our readers
                                                                                          what the Ministry of Economy
                                                                                          responsibilities include.
                                                                                           The full name of our ministry is “Ministry
                                                                                             of Economic Affairs and Digital
                                                                                              Transformation” and its head is
                                                                                               also Vice President of the central

Roberto Sánchez
Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures

Roberto Sánchez is a telecommunications    He has also held positions of responsibility
engineer and a senior career officer       in organizations such as the Madrid
responsible for Information Systems and    City Council, the General Secretariat
Technologies in the central Government.    for Science and the General Secretariat
He has extensive experience in both the    for Innovation. In 1999 he was elected
private and public sectors and until his   “Engineer of the Year” by the national
appointment as Secretary of State he was   Association    of    Telecommunications
Director General of Telecommunications     Engineers. In 2012 he was awarded the
and Information Technologies.              “Telecommunications Merit Plaque”.

4           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
How do you see the role of Spain                 The 5G National Plan covers all the
                                                  and Europe for the evolution of                  activities, from pilot trials to the availability
   “The name of our                                                                                of frequency bands. In addition, Spain
                                                  the digital world? What are the
   Ministry outlines the                          key challenges you believe Europe                has reached agreements to establish two
   importance of the                              will face? What are the values we                cross-border corridors with Portugal to
   digital transformation                                                                          carry out tests relating to autonomous
                                                  can leverage on?
                                                                                                   driving, connected cars and traffic control.
   of society.”                                   The world will face a new scenario after the     Europe and Spain are committed not only
                                                  COVID-19 pandemic. Everything indicates          to the urban development of 5G, but also
                                                  that the health crisis will accelerate the       to extending its deployment throughout the
It is significant that “Digital Transformation”
                                                  digital transformation. We have witnessed        country. Deployment of 5G in different areas
appears in the name because it indicates
                                                  the massive, worldwide and unprecedented         is also one of the focuses of the “Connect
the importance central Government
                                                                                                   Europe” programme, which the European
attaches to the challenge of the
                                                                                                   Commission has proposed for the period
digital transformation of society. The
                                                     “The world will face a                        2021-27, in which more than 3 billion euros
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital
                                                                                                   will be allocated to digital connectivity
Transformation is responsible for the                new scenario after the                        projects. The central Government will
proposal, coordination and implementation            COVID-19 pandemic.”                           encourage 5G deployment which is
of the Government’s economic policy and
                                                                                                   inclusive for regions, people and economic
in particular for telecommunications policy,
deployment of infrastructures guaranteeing
the connectivity of citizens and companies,       use of teleworking, online training and
                                                  video-conferencing and leisure tools. The        Getting out of a global crisis
audiovisual        communication       services
                                                                                                   in a connected world, if you
and digital transformation, including the         challenge for Europe is to emerge stronger
                                                                                                   had 3 messages to convey to
digitization of the public Administration.        from this crisis, reinforcing the values
                                                                                                   the international stakeholders
                                                  that characterise us, more economically          enabling this connectivity, what
How would you say the Digital                     competitive, more socially cohesive, and         would you say?
Agenda will help the country grow                 more environmentally sustainable. In this
its economy and innovation?                       crisis, electronic communications have           Although the networks have responded
                                                  proved to be an essential element in             well to the ravages of coronavirus, we
Having a well-defined Digital Agenda                                                               cannot become complacent. We must
is a vital necessity. You have to know            achieving these three goals. In Spain, we
                                                                                                   continue to strengthen and expand
the starting point and where you want             are working for that kind of Europe.
                                                                                                   our telecommunications infrastructure.
to go. Spain is endowed with excellent                                                             5G must be an engine for economic
connectivity infrastructures, a very              You already have many pilot                      reconstruction. As we evolve towards 5G
extensive fibre optic network connecting          projects of use cases for 5G                     networks, we must be able to abandon
                                                  in Spain, how is the Ministry                    “straight line” vision in favour of 360º
                                                  supporting them and 5G in                        vision. In other words, we must be able to
   “Spain is endowed with                         general?                                         generate an ecosystem.
   excellent connectivity                         Spain is the country with the highest            Finally, I believe that Digital Transformation
   infrastructures and a                          number of 5G pilot projects in Europe, 24        must include social commitment in its DNA.
                                                  out of a total of 165. They are initiatives to   In Spain, the vast extension of networks is
   very extensive fibre optic                                                                      a lever for territorial, economic and social
   network.”                                                                                       cohesion, to which this Government is
                                                                                                   strongly committed. Technology and digital
                                                     “Spain is the country                         capabilities must be available to everyone
homes, and an optimal regulatory                     with the highest                              to avoid creating a new gap.
environment to facilitate the deployment             number of 5G pilot
of networks and the development of                   projects in Europe, 24
the electronic communications services
                                                     out of a total of 165.”                           “I believe that
market. However, we must continue our
efforts to make networks an instrument                                                                 digitization must
of social and territorial cohesion to foster
                                                  develop applications in a very wide field:           include social
inclusive growth and make us more
resilient to future crises. The challenges lie    an ‘affective avatar’ to help older people,          commitment
in improving the digital capabilities of the      biometric access checks for train stations,          in its DNA.”
population and advancing the digitization         digital testers for the textile trade…
of the business environment.                      Our assessment is very positive.

                                                                                                             ENJOY THE ETSI MAG                  5
Meet the new standards people

Welcome to our                                           NEW

    BAPCO, United Kingdom                                                  Havelsan, Turkey
BAPCO is acknowledged as the leading UK-based Association
                                                                       HAVELSAN is a Turkish software and systems company with a
for all professionals using or developing Public Safety technology.
                                                                       business presence in the defence and IT sectors. It is headquartered
They have extensive knowledge in Public Safety technology and
                                                                       in Ankara, Turkey, with subsidiary companies and offices around
are an independent, user-led, not for profit association working to
                                                                       Turkey and abroad. It specializes in software and systems, C4IRS,
improve emergency services and public safety communications
                                                                       simulation and training systems, naval combat systems, air defence
and information technology for everybody’s benefit.
                                                                       systems and management information systems.

    Commsignia Kft., Hungary                                               IN GROUPE, France
Commsignia Ltd is specialized in the research, development,
                                                                       IN Groupe offers states and corporations cutting-edge identity
manufacturing and distribution of Co-operative Intelligent
                                                                       solutions and secure digital services integrating electronics and
Transportation Systems (C-ITS). Founders include respected
                                                                       biometrics. The Group makes life easier for everyone by protecting
scientists who have been key contributors to the development of
                                                                       borders, identity documents, personal data, banknotes and
V2X technologies, allowing Commsignia to become the fastest
                                                                       transactions and guaranteeing the traceability and authenticity of
growing V2X solution provider on the market.

    CUJO AI, USA                                                           Intesi Group S.p.A, Italy
CUJO AI is a global leader in the development and application of
                                                                       The Intesi Group provides technological solutions in the IT field
artificial intelligence to improve the security, control and privacy
                                                                       using technological expertise and an innovative approach to design.
of connected devices in homes and businesses. CUJO brings a
                                                                       Experience in the field of cards, payment and security enables
complete portfolio of products to fixed network, mobile and public
                                                                       specialization in Applied Logistical Security.

    DiaLOGIKa, Germany                                                     JRC Dublin, Ireland
                                                                       JRC Dublin is being formed for maritime Marine Equipment Directive
DIaLOGIKa GmbH implements customized software solutions for
                                                                       & Radio Equipment Directive testing and certification, working
national and international customers. The focus of their work is on
                                                                       on a consultancy basis with maritime SOLAS and non-SOLAS
the innovation fields of telecommunications, information processes,
                                                                       communications/navigation equipment for various manufacturers
document life cycle, digital security, embedded systems, green
                                                                       of these types of equipment for certification.
mobility and safeguards.

                                                                           Jacobs University - JUB, Germany
    Elbit Systems, Israel                                              Jacobs is a private, English-language university with the highest
Elbit Systems develop and supply a broad portfolio of airborne, land   standards in research and teaching following an interdisciplinary
and naval systems and products for defence, homeland security          concept, with the aim of strengthening people and markets with
and commercial applications. Their activities include military         innovative solutions and advanced training programmes. They host
aircraft and helicopter systems, commercial aviation systems and       an international community from more than 120 nations.
aerostructures, unmanned aircraft systems and unmanned surface
vessels and cyber and intelligence systems.
                                                                           NEMERGENT, Spain
                                                                       NEMERGENT designs and prototypes novel public safety solutions
    GUnet, Greece                                                      over mobile broadband technologies. Their portfolio includes a
GUnet is a non-profit civil society company with members from 25       complete and fully standard MCPTT ecosystem made up of early
Universities. Its goals are determined by the broadband network        implementations concerning MCPTT Application Servers (AS) and
needs and objectives of the Greek academic community within the        MCPTT management servers. The server-side components are
Information Society, in order to serve research and education.         designed as NFV components.

6            ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
OQTEC, Luxembourg
OQ Technology is building a global satellite constellation dedicated
for “Internet-of-Things” communication that can provide connectivity
anywhere. They provide an innovative low cost connectivity solution          TRANS SPED S.R.L., Romania
and high value data analytics. Their wireless technology (developed      Trans Sped provides solutions based on qualified digital certificates.
with Luxembourg government and the European Space Agency) is             Their qualified certificates guarantee interoperability with various
compatible with existing wireless technologies.                          types of systems and applications. They offer solutions for integrating
                                                                         digital certificates into local networks and web applications as
                                                                         well as applications to generate electronic signatures and their, Israel                                                      verification.
Due to their high value, Standard Essential Patents (SEP) are
highly litigated. Patent owners need a tool to assess the validity
and essentiality of patents. PatX develops and markets solutions   , Germany
to evaluate validity and essentiality of Standard Essential Patents is a research network of institutes for computer science,
(SEP) using Natural Language Processing and AI algorithms.               electrical engineering, information technology and economics.
                                                                         They promote cooperation with other scientific institutions
                                                                         performing research in the field of digitalization, computer science,
    QipWorks, United Kingdom                                             ICT technology and also establish a close exchange on relevant
The aim of the company is to change the way organizations view           professional practices.
and manage the full life cycle of their intellectual property assets,
helping them to transition IP to a central place in their business
growth models and realize its full value. They possess experience            Turk Telekomunikasyon A.S., Turkey
in all stages of the process and provide an approach to support          Türk Telekom provides mobile, internet, telephone and TV products
companies with integrity and transparency.                               and services. As of March 2020, Turk Telecom served 14.8 million
                                                                         fixed access lines, 11.6 million broadband, 3.4 million TV and 23.2
                                                                         million mobile subscribers. They have 32,499 employees in 81
    Sateliot, Spain                                                      provinces.
Sateliot is the first satellite telecom operator for global continuous
IoT connectivity merging satellite and terrestrial networks under 5G
protocol. They are based on a constellation of satellites working as         University of Murcia, Spain
cell towers from space. They offer telecom operators a full coverage     The University of Murcia is the main university in Murcia, Spain. With
extension of their 5G IoT network.                                       38,000 students, it is the largest university in the Región de Murcia. It
                                                                         is the third oldest university in Spain and the thirteenth in the world.
    Sectra Communications AB, Sweden
Sectra provides secure communication solutions for European                  Valimail, USA
government authorities, EU and NATO institutions and agencies,           Valimail delivers the only complete, cloud-native platform for
defence departments and other critical social functions. They            validating and authenticating sender identity to stop phishing,
also provide services in cybersecurity/critical infrastructure such      protect and amplify brands, and ensure compliance. Valimail
as security assessments, threat analysis, incident reporting and         authenticates billions of messages a month for some of the world’s
monitoring.                                                              biggest companies and organizations.

    Tantra Analyst - TA, India                                               VIVO TECH GmbH, United Kingdom
TA is a high-tech research and analysis firm with a deep domain          VIVO creates smart mobile products and services and operates an
knowledge in building and marketing products. They provide               extensive network of research operations. These centres focus on
customized research, business and marketing strategy analysis, and       the development of cutting-edge consumer technologies including
advocacy services across IPR, 5G, IoT, WiFi, Artificial Intelligence,    5G, AI, mobile photography and next-generation smartphone
and Cloud/Edge Computing, among others.                                  design. VIVO has over two hundred million users around the world.

                                                                                                             ENJOY THE ETSI MAG                7
Public Safety

Public Safety                                                                                   BRITISH
All in it together
At the time of writing, countries around the world are
considering how they may return to normality after
                                                                                    Working in Partnership to Improve
dealing with the initial outbreak of the COVID-19                                      Public Safety Technology
pandemic and its effects in their country.

Debates are already starting on what,         to deal with a reoccurrence of the disease   they represent. Hence BAPCO welcomes
when, where and how this can be done.         or, as lessons are often interchangeable,    everybody with an interest in Public
Questions are being asked about what is       whatever comes next to challenge us.         Safety, paid or volunteer, creator or user.
‘normal’? Can we ever go back to how          Members of British APCO (BAPCO)
things were? Should we? The positive
impacts of less travel and less emissions
                                              are at the forefront of the challenges in    BAPCO’s Mission:
are clear to see but at what cost? If going
                                              dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in
                                              the UK. They come from all parts of the      ‘To work together
back to ‘normal’ means doing what we
used to do, then no we shouldn’t. It’s
                                              Public Safety community; developers,
                                              manufacturers and suppliers, through to      to improve Public
important we learn from what has been
done so we are more prepared in future
                                              end users with varying skills, experience
                                              and expertise.
                                                                                           Safety through
                                              As an association, BAPCO realised some       technology’.
                                              time ago that Public Safety doesn’t          Our    strategic    objectives   include
    “If going back to                         belong solely to certain organizations,      enhancing our members’ experience and
    ‘normal’ means doing                      usually those described as emergency or      pioneering professional standards.
    what we used to do,                       blue light services. Experience has taught
                                              us that dealing with a situation requires    We at BAPCO would argue that learning
    then no we shouldn’t.”                    the right skills and right people at the     and subsequently sharing, are two of
                                              right time, no matter the organization       the most important things we can do

8            ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
following an outbreak, a disaster, an                                                      members last year. The aim of CC:IPS
attack or any sort of major incident. It                                                   is to inspire global interoperability and
is these lessons learned that should be                                                    enhance public safety. Together with
followed and built into future plans and                                                   NENA (also an ETSI member), APCO
standards so we all do better next time.                                                   Canada and EENA we agreed to share
                                                                                           our associations learning and outputs
                                                                                           for the benefit of all our members and
   “Lessons learned                                                                        the communities they serve. During the
   should be followed and                                                                  COVID-19 pandemic CC:IPS members
   built into future plans                                                                 have communicated regularly to share
                                                                                           information and experiences and have
   and standards.”                                                                         produced a document entitled ‘Global
                                                                                           Recommendations         for   Emergency
                                                                                           Services during the outbreak’.
As well as learning from what has been
                                                                                           Although we have British in the name,
done, we believe in looking forward at
                                                                                           BAPCO is a part of the global community.
the technology and solutions that are
                                                                                           Our user members are almost entirely
on the horizon and ensuring they are
                                              After the event, along with BAPCO            UK based but many of our corporate
properly considered and implemented. In
                                              member Andrew Richardson of Realsafe         members are multi-national companies
this fast paced, often consumer driven,
                                              Technologies, I attended the EMTEL SC        supplying products and solutions to
world of technology, there is a danger we
                                              to give a presentation on the use of Apps    many regions. It is a fact that public
are presented with a product or solution
                                              as a method of calling the Emergency         safety knows no boundaries and borders
looking for an issue. This is fine if it
                                              Services and to highlight an issue that      and we believe solutions and equipment
solves a problem you didn’t know you
                                              had been found during their use in the UK.   should not either. Public expectations
had, or saves a life when the unexpected
                                              BAPCO is responsible for approving any       are set by the products and services
happens but the desire to have the latest     app that wishes to automatically connect     they consume from global suppliers.
thing can lead to ’want’ rather than ‘need’   directly to the UK’s emergency number        Consumers expect it to work no matter
driving adoption.                             system without human intervention. I         where they go or where they use it.
                                              am now a member of the EMTEL SC
Round Table                                   and attend regularly to assist with the

for emerging                                  work and to provide a user focus on the
                                                                                              “The aim of CC:IPS
                                                                                              is to inspire global
technology                                    Collaborative                                   interoperability and
Sometimes the next stage of a technology                                                      enhance public safety.”
is inevitable and the challenges are          Coalition for
different but just as important. In June
2019 BAPCO held a Round Table event           International                                If it’s something they use in an emergency,
in London to discuss one of these
emerging technologies, Next Generation
                                              Public Safety to                             they won’t worry where they are when
Emergency        Calling      (NG999/112).
Amongst a field of sector leaders we were
                                              share and learn                              they need help, they won’t have time to
                                                                                           alter settings or chose options and nor
                                                                                           should they. We believe the solutions used
delighted that Chantal Bonardi, ETSI
                                                                                           by Public Safety professionals should
EMTEL Technical Officer, was one of the
                                                                                           perform in the same way. We shouldn’t
speakers and able to inform delegates
                                                                                           build in unnecessary differences and
about the European Standardization
                                                                                           must work together to produce the best
Perspective of this vital service.
                                                                                           options. The only way to achieve this is
                                                                                           through the development and adoption
                                                                                           of international standards. This is why it’s
   “Sometimes the next                                                                     one of our strategic objectives and why
                                              The desire to share and to learn were        we are proud members and supporters
   stage of a technology is                   two of the prime drivers behind the          of ETSI.
   inevitable.”                               creation of the Collaborative Coalition
                                              for International Public Safety (CC:IPS)
                                                                                           n Ian Thompson, CEO BAPCO.
                                              of which BAPCO were founder

                                                                                                    ENJOY THE ETSI MAG               9

A Call to Arms for
Standards Development Organizations!
It is vital that we learn lessons from the terrible experiences of today so that we can better
tackle the pandemic of tomorrow.

Pandemics are rare but even rarer is a            changed daily. These decisions and how    being used. Particularly shocking has
health crisis that affects every citizen of our   they are communicated to citizens are     been the conclusion that mortality could
modern, inter-connected world leading             supported by massive amounts of data      be as high as two thirds among patients
to global, economic crisis. Far-reaching          supplied by communications systems        with COVID-19 who require ventilation,
political decisions are being made and            and advanced medical technology. But      as shown by new data from the United
                                                  this has not been enough. Confidence      Kingdom’s Intensive Care National Audit
                                                  in leaders has been impacted and there    and Research Centre (ICNARC)1. Even
    “Pandemics are rare but                       is no denying the economic and societal   more shocking is the revelation that
    even rarer is a health                        cost.                                     COVID-19 is disproportionally more
    crisis that affects every                                                               common and more severe in people living
    citizen of our modern,                        A flow of data.                           in urban areas2 and regions of higher
                                                                                            poverty, according to the latest app data
    inter-connected world                         A great range of figures has been
                                                                                            from King’s College London.
    leading to global,                            provided, revised and countered during
                                                  the pandemic, but very few are ratified   The collection, flow and analysis of
    economic crisis.”                             and the result has been a mixture of      massive amounts of medical data has
                                                  confusion and doubt in the statistics     been key to public health decisions and

10            ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
to the development of solutions. In turn,
    “The collection, flow                                  we must encourage conformance as the                            “ICT standards should
                                                           regulatory environment develops.
    and analysis of massive                                                                                                be designed with the
    amounts of medical                                     Regional                                                        assumption that they
                                                                                                                           will be applied in a
    data has been key to
    public health decisions.”                              protection,                                                     health environment.”
                                                           a barrier?
generally, countries and health providers                  A pandemic is no respecter of human-                        on ICT. If eHealth is to be ubiquitous,
have acted transparently in its provision.                 defined borders. Regional protection may                    all technical specifications for the ICT
But the lack of standardization in this                    act as a barrier to the flow of data and                    infrastructure have to be eHealth ready.
data formatting and flow has made                          core technology that might mitigate the                     In short, ICT standards should be
comparisons and matching difficult,                        worst effects of a viral spread. Similarly,                 designed with the assumption that they
although the use of ICT has enabled                        complex regulation that surrounds the                       will be applied in a health environment.
detection of clusters of infection, the                    use of medical devices may also act as an                   There are steps which are worth taking
creation of effective treatment schedules                  unseen barrier that only becomes evident                    immediately: the adoption of an ethical
and the maintenance of ‘lockdown’                                                                                      code, for example, would ensure that the
measures.                                                                                                              standards that ETSI and other standards
                                                                                                                       bodies produce would comply with
Why                                                             “We need to work
                                                                together as an
                                                                                                                       the traditional principles of “doing no

standardization?                                                international community
                                                                                                                       harm.” This suggestion is supported by
                                                                                                                       the current EU White Paper on AI3 which
The role of standardization in the fight                        to build our data health                               promotes the idea that “systems” must
against Covid-19 was clearly illustrated                        models, our connectivity                               be held “to the same level of protection
by the global panic ordering in March of                                                                               as persons having suffered harm caused
thousands of ventilators and medical gas
                                                                services and our ability
                                                                                                                       by other technologies.”
equipment. There were many offers of                            to serve our health
help from industry. One company spent                           professionals.”                                        We have come to rely upon our suite
27 million pounds in developing a new                                                                                  of ICT technologies and it is clear that
design for an improved ventilator only                                                                                 in the future they will be expanded to
to have its first sample of equipment                                                                                  encompass more and more ‘critical
                                                           at the moment of crisis. However 5G will
rejected   ‘pending     assessment      of                                                                             services’. However, we need to look
                                                           provide opportunities to expand eHealth
regulatory compliance.’ New standards                                                                                  carefully at the way ICT is being used
                                                           services, enabling the patient to make a
must be freely and widely available to                                                                                 today in the fight against Covid-19, as we
                                                           more direct contribution to the general
ensure they are not perceived as a barrier                                                                             seek not only to boost interoperability but
                                                           knowledge bank for treatment of global
                                                           infectious disease. We need to work                         to protect our common European values
                                                           together as an international community                      of privacy and confidentiality. This is our
    “The role of                                                                                                       ‘Call to Arms’ and our challenge to all
                                                           to build our data health models, our
    standardization in the                                 connectivity services and our ability to                    ETSI members, Standards Development
    fight against Covid-19                                 serve our health professionals.                             Organizations and all concerned parties.
    was clearly illustrated                                                                                            Join us in ETSI EP eHealth and apply
    by the global panic                                    Moving forward                                              your knowledge and experience to the
                                                                                                                       fight against Covid-19! Through sharing
    ordering in March                                      We cannot solve the problems of a                           our experience today, we will be better
    of thousands of                                        pandemic at the flick of a switch. But we                   prepared for the future.
    ventilators and medical                                should be readying our ICT response for
                                                           the next event. Today’s pandemic has
    gas equipment.”                                        shown us that while very little of ICT is                   n Scott Cadzow, Cadzow Communications Ltd
                                                           eHealth specific, all of eHealth depends                      Suno Wood, eG4U, Chair, ETSI EP EHEALTH.


                                                                                                                                 ENJOY THE ETSI MAG                 11
ETSI is pleased to offer you this mask
      to protect you and your loved ones.


New group for COVID-19
tracing apps interoperability
The work of ISG E4P will facilitate the development of backward-compatible and
interoperable proximity tracing applications to be used to combat pandemics by helping to
break viral transmission chains.

                                                                        a warning system that                       A comparison of existing pandemic
                                                                        directly alerts individuals                 contact tracing systems is underway
                                                                        when they have been at                      and will examine the similarities and
                                                                        risk of exposure to others                  differences of the various available or
                                                                        who have already tested                     upcoming approaches, in terms of degree
                                                                        positively for the virus.                   of interoperability, security aspects,
                                                                        At the time of writing,                     use of a centralized or decentralized
                                                                        European countries are                      approach, use of particular methods and
                                                                        starting to open up and                     technologies, support of different device
                                                                        travelling in the Schengen                  platforms, epidemiological value and
                                                                        area should resume soon.                    privacy aspects.
                                                                        Public transport is being
                                                                        massively used again in                     Another work undertaken deals with
                                                                        most cities and restaurants                 the requirements for pandemic contact
                                                                        and bars have gradually                     tracing systems using mobile devices.
                                                                        reopened. In parallel, the                  The use cases will address the key
The ETSI Specifications should enable                                                                               aspects of the system (reliability,
                                                          European Centre for Disease Prevention
cross-border interoperability between                                                                               accuracy, timeliness, privacy, security,
                                                          and Control (ECDC) has asserted that the
different proximity tracing and alert
                                                          EU border closures are not that effective                 etc.). Systems should be practical to
systems for current and future health
                                                          against the spread of the Coronavirus1.                   deploy, used by the majority of users
crises. This must also be achieved
                                                          In addition to national crowded areas,                    voluntarily, compliant with the applicable
without compromising users’ anonymity
                                                          European member states must consider                      laws and regulations, and provide
and privacy, and while safeguarding them
                                                          cross-border commuters. Working on                        seamless continuity for people travelling
against exposure to potential cyber-
attacks. ETSI is considering GDPR and                     applications’ interoperability is therefore               between countries.
the EC Communication on Guidance                          even more important.
                                                                                                                    As for the interoperability framework,
on Apps supporting the fight against
COVID-19 pandemic in relation to data                     E4P: a strong                                             it will allow the centralized and
                                                                                                                    decentralized modes of operation to fully
protection in the development of the
specifications.                                           commitment                                                interoperate. It will cover interoperability
                                                                                                                    between ROBERT, NHSX, DP3T, DESIRE,
                                                          The kick-off meeting of the ISG took
How does it                                               place on 26 May with a record audience
                                                                                                                    ProntoC2 and other applications/
                                                                                                                    protocols as well as the different device
work?                                                     of 50 people online while the group
                                                          itself already comprises 36 global
                                                                                                                    platforms, some of which may emerge
                                                                                                                    also during ISG E4P work.
With over 70% of Europeans owning                         organizations ranging from government
a smartphone, this ubiquitous digital                     and EC representatives, vendors,                          The first Bluetooth-based European
technology provides a valuable platform                   operators and research bodies to ethics,                  application was launched in France on 2
for tracing infection chains. The proximity               legal and cybersecurity players. The                      June (StopCovid) and was downloaded
of two phones can be determined via                       second meeting laid the groundwork for                    more than 600,000 times on that day
Bluetooth or other ultra-low-power                        priorities and confirmed the tight deadline               both from Apple Store and Google
communication technologies. These                         of the end of the summer to deliver the                   Play (Android), according to the French
measurements can be mapped into                           first report.                                             government. So, time is of the essence…

                                                                                                                              ENJOY THE ETSI MAG            13
Interview e-Estonia

                                                                                                  In an exclusive interview,
                                                                                                              Ms. Anna Piperal,
                                                                                                        Managing Director of
                                                                                                  e-Estonia Briefing Centre
                                                                                               ( tells us the
                                                                                                 story of one of the world’s
                                                                                                     most advanced digital
                                                                                                 society and how it helped
                                                                                              the country go through this
                                                                                                        unprecedented crisis.

                                                                                              Estonia went through the
                                                                                              transformation of the state role,
                                                                                                how was that possible?
                                                                                                   Our digital society started 30 years
                                                                                                    ago when we were facing the need
                                                                                                      to rebuild everything from scratch
                                                                                                        as an independent country
                                                                                                          – having no legislation, no
                                                                                                             administration, no decent

Ms. Anna Piperal
Managing Director of the e-Estonia Briefing Centre

Anna (34) is an e-Governance expert,          Living in a digital society of Estonia with     field helping Estonian exports as well as
e-Estonia Briefing Centre managing            education in TalTech in public administration   later on taking care of government relations
director, and TED speaker, who is inspiring   and technology governance, forged               in the infamous inventors of Estonian KSI
the digital transformation of governments     Annas’ mission, beliefs, and passion            blockchain - company Guardtime. For the
worldwide by sharing insights into building   to help others understand the benefits          last 7 years, Anna has never been to the
the most digital society in the world -       of e-governance and e-services and              state office as all needed activities with
e-Estonia. She has hosted hundreds of         connecting the stakeholders and Estonian        the state, were conducted from home,
delegations and spoke on numerous             IT companies to make the magic happen.          including naming Annas’ daughter – fully
international events about an e-Estonia       In the private sector she has been working      online.
success story.                                majorly in marketing, sales, and advertising

14           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
Estonia wanted to be free from the            I see your point, fully digital
Soviet past, therefore our leaders made       society but what about privacy and
                                                                                                  “Because Estonia has
some daring choices, experimenting and
working in public-private partnerships
                                                                                                  provided 99% of the
                                              Confidentiality and privacy are very
– at the moment when technology, the          important and ensured by an e-ID that
                                                                                                  public services over
Internet, computers were just coming          98% of people have. Yet today, reliability          the internet for years,
up. We never had the resources neither        and integrity of information are just critical      COVID19 had not really
financial nor human to copy or digitalize a   for operations. For instance, if someone
                                              changes your medical health record, let’s
                                                                                                  changed the way we
typical bureaucracy We did it by agreeing
on a few strong, common principles,           say allergies, without you or your doctor           operate.”
                                              knowing, treatment could be deadly.
redesigning rules and procedures, getting
                                              That’s why the integrity of data, data
rid of unnecessary data collection and
                                              exchange rules, software, and log files is       to withstand almost any crisis, may its
task duplication, and becoming open and       paramount. We use a form of blockchain           nature be military, cyber, natural disaster,
transparent.                                  that we invented back in 2007 to check           or pandemic. Yes, our economy will take
                                              and guarantee the integrity of data in           the hit, as international business and travel
                                              real-time. Critical data is copied to Data       restrictions have a big impact on us, but at
   “We became a digital                       Embassies around the world, to guarantee         least our e-state proved to be resilient to
   society getting rid                        operations and safeguard the data.               such events.
   of unnecessary data
                                                                                               The Estonian Ministry of Economic
   collection and task                           “Critical data is copied                      Affairs and Communications
   duplication.”                                 to Data Embassies                             launched a hackathons programme?
                                                                                               What was the outcome of it?
                                                 around the world, to
                                                 guarantee operations                          The biggest impact of this event was to
Can you introduce the role of the                                                              have quick fixes to the situation in Estonia
                                                 and safeguard the data.”                      like online tutoring service, platform
e-Estonia briefing center?
                                                                                               connecting volunteers and at-risk people,
e-Estonia Briefing Centre, hosting around                                                      add-ons to smartwatches to check for
11 000 international high-level decision-                                                      corona symptoms, online food stores
makers yearly, is a place to learn how the    And do you think technology                      stock displays, coronavirus spread map
e-solutions work and answer all questions
                                              helped you manage the current                    and so on.
about digitalization. Our key added                                                            The    Global     Hack     initiative  that
value offering lies in arranging a tailored   When you think about it, the crisis today        followed, allowed us to show Estonian
matchmaking program for the public            just revealed everyone’s weaknesses,             experimentation and do-it approach to
sector and international companies who        some countries in addition to crisis             other countries, where we could share
                                              management, were unable to provide               our lessons. After applying quick fixes it is
face challenges building digital solutions
                                              public services, hold cabinet meetings,          important to take a long-term approach,
in their country. We can imagine, that
                                              open sick leaves, reorganize education,          and commit to creating user-friendly,
after the crisis, e-services will become a    organize secure data exchange or
hygiene factor, and countries committed                                                        user-centric, and secure e-services that
                                              identification while accessing private
                                                                                               have proven as essential nowadays as
to e-governance, will be looking for long-    data, or provide support to the businesses
                                                                                               having running water.
term cooperation from both Estonian state     in trouble. Because Estonia has provided
experts and Estonian IT companies, who        99% of the public services over the internet
built our resilient system.                   for years, COVID19 had not changed the
                                              way we operate. We used to name the                 “After applying
                                              only three services that you could not do           quick fixes, long
                                              online – marriage, divorce, and selling
   “We can imagine,                           real-estate. Now, due to a Covid19 effect,          term approach and
   that after the crisis,                     this number has dropped to two, as real             commitment to
   e-services will be                         estate deals today are also possible to do          creating user-friendly,
                                              online. From e-tax, state services portal,
   seen as a hygiene                          e-school, e-health, and e-prescription, to          user-centric and
   factor and every                           a multitude of business solutions, there is         secure e-services is as
   country will commit to                     no need to visit any state office, as any           important as having a
                                              service is available 24/7 upon secure
   e-governance.”                             login with an e-ID, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID
                                                                                                  running water.”
                                              options. The e-state is organized in a way

                                                                                                        ENJOY THE ETSI MAG              15
Interview one2many

                                                                                                 The founder of the
                                                                                     Cell Broadcast Dutch specialist
                                                                                               discusses how public
                                                                                              warning technologies
                                                                                           can be harnessed to help
                                                                                                mitigate the current
                                                                                                       health crisis.

Maarten Mes
Managing Director, one2many

Maarten Mes is Managing Director         acquiring intellectual property rights of
of one2many, a world leader in Cell      the Cell Broadcast system from Acision.
Broadcast that was acquired by           Maarten previously worked at CMG/
Everbridge in March 2020. He began his   LogicaCMG/Acision in various senior
career at KPN Telecom after gaining an   management roles, including Head
MSc in electrical engineering in 1993.   of Operations EMEA and establishing
In 2007 Maarten founded one2many,        CMG’s entity in Japan.

Public warning systems are                                                                       We can help to alert people within specific
essential for governments.                                                                       areas once an infection case has been
                                                    “Going forward
What for you are the most                                                                        identified. The ability to ‘turn back the
relevant technologies?                              we’re convinced that                         clock’ and communicate with residents
                                                    dedicated public                             and roamers who were in a particular area
The mobile phone is the most effective                                                           hour or days ago will be crucial in helping
means of reaching people, with European             warning is an absolutely
                                                                                                 contain a second or third wave.
ownership standing at over 85%. Cell                essential part of
Broadcast (CB) and Location Based SMS               mitigating the crisis and                    If an outbreak occurs on foreign soil,
(LB-SMS) are the only two technologies                                                           governments must be able to reach their
that fully meet the EU Directive (EECC -
                                                    returning to normal.”                        citizens and provide guidance on how to
2018/1972) on public warning.                                                                    repatriate or seek assistance in country.
                                                                                                 LB-SMS allows identification of the
Cell Broadcast is ideal when there’s an          and other disasters. This virus could be        number and location of citizens overseas,
urgent need to warn the public of the            around for some time. Going forward we’re       and to send them targeted SMS.
imminent threat of, say, a pandemic,             convinced that dedicated public warning
                                                 is an absolutely essential part of mitigating   How do you foresee the future
                                                 the crisis and returning to normal.             after COVID-19? How will your
   “Cell Broadcast is ideal                                                                      industry adapt to this new
                                                 Public warning will be increasingly
   when there’s an urgent                        important as governments put in place
   need to warn the public                       plans to return to normal. Being able to        This pandemic underlines the need for
   of the imminent threat.”                      communicate with all stakeholders – based       effective communication with citizens. We
                                                 on where they live, where they work, where      see organizations moving towards digital
                                                 they are and where they may be going – will     solutions, perhaps more quickly than
industrial or forest fire, severe weather,       be crucial.                                     they had planned. Governments across
tsunami or earthquake. Then as the                                                               the world will need to learn lessons by
incident evolves, LB-SMS can offer a more        When travel resumes, it will be vital for       looking at countries that have had effective
tailored approach for coordinating rescue        countries to communicate with arriving          systems in place.
efforts. Ideally these would complement          visitors and stay in touch throughout their
                                                 visit. Cell Broadcast could inform people       Public warning is an essential part of the
each other within a unified public
                                                 that they are entering a COVID-19 zone          communication structure, but we’ve also
warning system. Best practice would see
                                                 and should take special measurements,           seen more technology being used to fight
governments communicating with citizens
throughout the lifecycle of a major incident     while LB-SMS enables further targeted
using the most appropriate channels. As          communication during their time in the
well as CB and LB-SMS this could include
                                                                                                    “Public warning is
                                                 country. Even if travel restrictions are
sirens, social media, voice calls to landlines   slowly eased, it is expected that local or         an essential part of
or digital signage.                                                                                 the communication
At one2many we’re excited about our                                                                 structure but we’ve also
recent merger with Everbridge. We can               “When travel resumes, it                        seen more technology
now enable both mobile technologies to be           will be vital for countries                     being used to fight the
used through a single platform that’s also
capable of providing data and analytics             to communicate with                             COVID-19 outbreak.”
on how many citizens are reached by CB              arriving visitors and stay
and LB-SMS, while protecting individuals’           in touch throughout
privacy.                                                                                         the COVID-19 outbreak. We are glad to
                                                    their visit.”
                                                                                                 have become part of Everbridge as their
How can these technologies help                                                                  Critical Event Management (CEM) platform
mitigate coronavirus?                                                                            helps organizations prepare for and
                                                 regional COVID-19 outbreaks could still         respond to major incidents of all types.
Look at New Zealand, Taiwan, Greece, the         occur. CB could inform people that they
Netherlands and Norway – they’re seen            are entering a COVID-19 zone and should         I also believe governments should not wait
as countries best handling the crisis. All       take special measurements or avoid the          to implement public warning systems until
these countries have recently used their         area. With LB-SMS we can enable further         after the current crisis, but to investigate
national CB and/or LB-SMS alert systems          targeted communication during their time        now how they can achieve quick wins in
to inform citizens about the changing            in the country.                                 their communication infrastructure. Going
situation and give clear instructions. Such                                                      forward they can also be used – for example
a system enhances peoples’ trust in their        Contact tracing is central to many              – in the exit from a lockdown situation or
government’s ability to address COVID-19         countries’ plans to get back to normal.         managing further waves of COVID-19.

                                                                                                          ENJOY THE ETSI MAG             17
Interview TIM

                                                                                               Gabriele tells us how TIM,
                                                                                            Italy, handled the crisis and
                                                                                              outlines the lessons learnt.

                                                                                           As a telco operator, what were the
                                                                                           greatest challenges you had to
                                                                                           face in this special crisis?
                                                                                           Telcos have been one of the “backbones”
                                                                                           in this crisis. All around the world fixed
                                                                                           and mobile traffic somehow exploded
                                                                                           in a few days, growing at an impressive
                                                                                           pace because people, students, remote
                                                                                           workers and families started to use the
                                                                                           network even more than before to stay
                                                                                           in touch, to communicate by video, or for
                                                                                           media consumption.

                                                                                              “Telcos have been one
                                                                                              of the ‘backbones’ in
                                                                                              this crisis.”

Gabriele Elia
Head of Open Innovation and Research, TIM

Gabriele Elia is in TIM Technology           After graduating in Electronic Engineering    services on broadband and broadcast
innovation department - Standard,            from the Polytechnic University of Turin      networks, including IPTV and digital
Technical Communication and IPR,             and with a PhD in Automation and              terrestrial; more recently he followed the
where he is involved with innovation         Software Engineering, he joined CSELT         development of Open Innovation projects
and the development of European and          in 1994, then TILAB, where he began his       including the creation and development
national research collaborations and         activities with the first Internet services   of the “Joint Open Labs” with some of
with universities, the coordination of       of Telecom Italia such as Interbusiness,      the best Italian universities.
activities related to standardization, the   Telecom Online, TIN.IT and others
development of intellectual property, and    services on ADSL. He has been involved in
technical communication.                     the development of “content-to-person”

18          ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
Even in the lockdown situation, many         level, we have identified and strengthened
businesses could keep on teleworking         the connections demanding the highest
                                             traffic volume, and also international
                                                                                               “We have supported
and most students and teachers kept in
touch via remote learning.                   peering point.                                    companies such as
                                             Commercially, on mobile networks we
                                                                                               those delivering mobile
In Italy for example we measured a growth
                                             suspended traffic quotas so that workers          apps for children at
of fixed and mobile traffic of almost
100% at the beginning of March, when all
                                             and students who did not have fixed-line          home.”
                                             internet access could keep studying and
schools, universities and most businesses    working.
                                                                                            collaboration solutions, connectivity, tools
                                             In the meantime, in April and May              and devices to allow remote work and
                                             we      accelerated     fibre-to-the-cabinet
   “In Italy we measured                     deployment in more than 3000 locations,
                                                                                            study. For the health sector, they worked
                                                                                            on solutions for remote monitoring and
   a growth of fixed and                     in collaboration with the Italian broadband
                                                                                            communication. TIM supported them with
   mobile traffic of almost                  agency Infratel, to reduce the digital
                                                                                            a set of resources in the following areas:
   100% at the beginning                     divide.
                                                                                            connectivity at home; healthcare and
   of March.”                                We focused on communities who were in          the elderly; school and entertainment for
                                             need of communication with, for instance,      children and teenagers; work and training.
                                             thousands of smartphones and tablets
                                             delivered to schools. In another sector,       How do you foresee the future
had to close to limit contacts and prevent
                                             we helped inmates in prisons get in touch      after COVID-19; how will your
the spread of the virus. The resilience of   with their family members.                     company adapt to this new
the network we designed and delivered                                                       environment?
and what we managed to do in a few           For schools, we strongly reinforced the
days to cope with this is really amazing.    current smart school platform called           We think that this pandemic, very strong
                                             WeSchool that we had developed with            especially in the north of Italy, has taught
Spare capacity has been used, new links
                                             one of the startups in our portfolio a few     us many things about the importance of
and routers have been delivered and
                                             years ago.                                     telecommunications in our new society.
teleworking has been extensively used:                                                      E-commerce, teleworking, remote learning
in TIM for example we have more than         We also initiated trial periods of smart
                                                                                            and video streaming have all become part
32,000 teleworkers even for call centres     working support tools with major vendors
                                                                                            of everybody’s life, even in Italy, where
and network operating centres. We looked     to companies who needed it or wanted to
                                                                                            only 60 or 70% of the population was
                                             try it.
at something similar in the past, and the                                                   familiar with the Internet.
story was much different, for example        Internally, for employees, a steep
during the so-called Spanish flu in 1918:    increase in teleworking was immediately
the telephone network in many big cities     introduced: more than 30,000 staff
                                             members in all the Lines – commercial,
simply collapsed because operators
                                             customer care, technical, etc. – have been        teleworking, remote
(mostly young women) who manually
made each connection between caller and
                                             working from home.                                learning and video
recipient got sick, and automatic dialling                                                     streaming have all
                                             Have you been involved in specific
was not really commonplace at the time!      projects related to the crisis?
                                                                                               become part of
                                                                                               everybody’s life.”
How did you support your various             The Innovation team has been especially
stakeholders?                                involved in the support of startups that
                                             are helping in this period: companies that
We decided on a number of measures           are delivering mobile apps for children at     We have a 99% LTE coverage and a 99%
to support various sectors, professionals    home, for example.                             ADSL coverage and more than 80% of
and individuals. At the technical network                                                   the population in Next Generation Fixed
                                             We also supported the city of Turin in the     Access Network but we will make sure to
                                             Torino City Love campaign. Torino City
                                                                                            grow even further. 5G is just starting and
   “We decided on a                          Love is an initiative of solidarity and open
                                                                                            will help a lot.
                                             innovation aimed at mobilizing “Torino City
   number of measures to                     Lab” partners and other businesses from        The other strong lesson is teleworking.
   support various sectors,                  Italy and beyond to offer free resources,      We were prepared to support employees
   professionals and                         actions and skills to support citizens         working remotely a few days a month, but
                                             and businesses based in Turin-Piedmont         with the extent of teleworking we have
   individuals.”                             during the COVID-19 emergency. For             learnt a lot and improved it, both for TIM
                                             work and school, they developed                employees and our customers.

                                                                                                     ENJOY THE ETSI MAG             19
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